Unusual beet blanks for the winter. Beet blanks for the winter: recipes

Landscaping and layout 17.10.2019
Landscaping and layout

Beets for the winter in banks- This is a great option for winter harvesting. Even in ancient times, beets were considered a product that helps fight ailments. Russian beauties used it to brown their cheeks, and the peasants cooked in the oven, and then served for tea. In beets, everything is edible: both tops and roots. From this ruddy beauty, which has an incomparable, sweet and juicy taste, you can cook a large number of dishes. Let's look at the options for their preparation.

How to cook beets for the winter in jars

You will need:

Clove buds - 5 pieces
- sugar - 1 cup
- beets - 1.5 kg
- plums - 1 kilogram
- apple juice - 1.2 liters
- salt - a tablespoon


Boil the beets, peel, cut into thick slices. Wash the plums, remove the seeds. Pack the plums with vegetables in jars, layering them together. Place a carnation between these layers. Make a marinade: dissolve granulated sugar and salt in apple juice, boil. Pour boiled marinade into jars, close with lids, sterilize for twenty minutes, seal.

Recipe "Garna maiden".

You will need:

Salt - two tablespoons
- beets - 1 kg
- cloves - 3 pcs.
- allspice peas - 8 pieces
- bay leaf - 3 things
- onion - 155 g
- coriander - half a teaspoon
- black peppercorns - 4 pcs.

How to cook:

Boil the vegetables, then immediately dip it in cold water, peel it, chop it into cubes. Chop the onion in circles. Put the vegetables in jars, shift with spices and onions, pour boiling brine made from salt and water. Sterilize the container, roll it up.

"Autumn Harvest".

You will need:

- table vinegar - 320 ml
- salt - a tablespoon
- granulated sugar - 2 glasses
- beets - 5 kilograms

Cooking steps:

Boil the beetroot fruits until tender (boil them without salt to maintain a beautiful, fiery color). Cut large fruits into quarters. Pour the beetroot broth, leave a couple of glasses, cool the vegetables, peel. Fill each of the prepared sterilized jars with beets, add cloves, pour in the marinade made from beet broth, salt and vinegar. Cover with lids, sterilize for ten minutes, roll up.

Pickled beets for the winter in jars


Lemon to-that - 20 g
- sugar - 120 g
- horseradish root - 25 g
- beets - 2 kg
- water - 255 g
- salt


Rinse the beets, boil for forty-five minutes, let cool, peel, grate with large holes. Horseradish peel, "pass" through a meat grinder. Dissolve citric acid, salt, granulated sugar in a glass of water. Pour horseradish and beets with the resulting solution, stir. Put the finished mass in containers, sterilize, roll up.

Recipe with honey and onions.

You will need:

Salt - 15 g
- apple cider vinegar - 120 ml
- honey - 120 g
- black peppercorns - 10 grams
- cloves - 3 g
- onion
- beet fruits

Cooking steps:

Cut the beetroot fruits in half, cut each half into slices. Put all this in a saucepan, cover with marinade, combine all the ingredients, stir. Put the saucepan on the stove, boil for three minutes. Put the hot vegetables in a container, transfer with chopped onion rings, pour in the marinade where the beets were cooked, sterilize the jars, roll up.

You will like and.

Delicious beets in jars for the winter

Soak the beetroot in high temperature water, leave for several hours, wipe it thoroughly with a brush, peel it, chop it into thin circles or strips. Put in three-liter jars, filling them in 2/3 containers, pour in warm boiled water, put in a warm room. To speed up the process, put rye crusts in the container. Remove the mold after a week. Pack the beet kvass in jars or clean bottles, leave enough liquid so that it can cover the vegetables. Store this workpiece in a cool place.

Canned borscht "Peerless".

Required products:

Carrots - 320 g
- beet fruits - 520 g
- Bulgarian pepper - 320 g
- cabbage - 1 kg
- onion - 320 g
- water - one liter
- tomato juice - 525 ml
- vinegar - two tablespoons
- sugar - a tablespoon
- granulated sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
- salt - 2 tbsp. l.

How to cook:

Free the pepper from the seed box, chop into thin strips, grate the rest of the vegetables on a grater with large holes. Chop the cabbage, combine with the rest of the vegetables. Put all prepared foods in an enamel pan, pour in tomato juice. In another vessel, combine water, sugar and salt, boil. Pour the resulting brine to vegetables, heat for half an hour on low heat. Pour the borscht hot into a sterilized container, add two tablespoons of vinegar to each of them, seal, cool upside down.

It turns out very tasty and.

"Vegetable mix".


Vegetable oil - 220 ml
- salt - 100 g
- ground black pepper
- a pod of hot pepper
- onions - 1 kg
- sweet peppers, tomatoes, beet fruits - 1 kg each


Grate the carrots and beets, chop the onions. Remove seeds from peppercorns, cut them into rings. Chop the tomatoes into slices. Fry all the vegetables a little, put them in a pan with vegetable oil, put them in a saucepan, salt and pepper, put hot pepper, boil for 5 minutes. While hot, put the mass in sterilized jars, roll up, seal.

Prepare and.

"Vegetable potpourri" snack.

You will need:

Carrots, onions - 3 pcs.
- young beetroot with tops - 4 pcs.

For brine:

Salt - a tablespoon
- chopped greens - 4 tablespoons
- water - 1 liter

Cooking steps:

Cut the beetroot fruits and carrots into slices, chop the tops of small pieces, chop the onion. Lay the tops, vegetables in layers in an enamel bowl, sprinkle with onions. Pour the whole mass with brine prepared from greenfinch, salt and water. Lay a circle on top, set oppression, leave it in the room for 3 days. After the specified time, transfer the mass to a sterilized container. Cover the containers with nylon lids, transfer to a cool room.

How do you like it?

Beetroot and vegetable snack.

Required products:

Salt - 60 g
- vegetable oil - 520 g
- sugar - 220 g
- grated garlic - 220 g
- onion - 520 g
- sweet pepper - 525 g
- tomatoes - 1.5 kg
- beets - 4 kg
- vinegar - 155 ml

Cooking steps:

Cut the onion and tomatoes into half rings, dip them in boiling vegetable oil. After three to five minutes, put the bell pepper, peeled from the seed pods, cut into half rings. Boil, pour in vinegar, stir, put grated beetroot fruits, salt, granulated sugar, boil for half an hour. At the end, put the garlic, stir, put in sterilized jars, roll up.

Beetroot and eggplant caviar.

Required products:

Salt - a tablespoon
- peeled eggplants -? Kg
- peeled beet fruits - 520 g
- sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons
- apples without the middle
- vegetable oil - ? glasses

Cooking steps:

Grate the beets with large holes. Finely chop the blue ones with apples, add sugar and salt, stir, leave for one hour. Pour in vegetable oil, put on a light, boil for half an hour after boiling with the lid closed for ten minutes without the lid. Pack the caviar still hot in jars, roll up and wrap it up.

Czech beet salad.

You will need:

Onions - 220 g
- vinegar - 3 tbsp. spoons
- granulated sugar - two tablespoons
- water - 1 liter
- cabbage - 1 kg
- beets - 1 kg

How to cook:

Boil the fruits, peel, chop into strips. Chop the onion into rings, and chop the cabbage. Put sugar and salt in boiling water, pour vegetables, boil for ten minutes. Finally, pour in the vinegar. Prepare a hot salad with half-liter jars, sterilize them, seal them.

Ruby salad.

You will need:

Vinegar - 220 ml
- vegetable oil - 520 g
- garlic - 320 g
- tomatoes - 1.5 kilograms
- beets - 4 kg
- Bulgarian pepper - 1 kg
- a bunch of dill - 3 pcs.
- parsley - 3 bunches
- salt, sugar - a tablespoon


Grate the beetroot fruits, "drive" the remaining components through a meat grinder. Combine everything together, stir, boil for forty minutes on low heat with the lid closed, boil for twenty minutes without the lid. Spread the hot mass in jars, seal.

Beets in banks for the winter quickly


Boiled beetroot fruits - 2 kg
- black pepper
- vegetable oil - 320
- beans - 400 g
- carrots, onions - 420 g each
- tomato paste - 365 g

Cooking steps:

Boil carrots and beetroot fruits, grate with large holes. Boil the beans until tender, fry the carrots and onions in vegetable oil, add salt, tomato paste, pepper. Stir all this, simmer for forty minutes. Put the hot mass in jars, cork.

Beetroot recipe for the winter in banks.

Korean version.


Beetroot - 1 kg
- vegetable oil - 0.5 tbsp.
- vinegar - four tablespoons
- salt - a teaspoon
- sugar - 3 tbsp. l.
- ground black pepper - a teaspoon
- walnut kernels - 10 pieces
- ground red pepper
- large head of garlic
- cilantro seeds - 2 tsp


Chop the garlic, crush the nuts with a knife, chop finely. Pound the cilantro. Combine all components for the marinade together, stir thoroughly. Pour the marinade over the beets, stir again, put under oppression in a cool place, leave for a day. Put the mass in jars, cover with a nylon lid, store in the refrigerator.

Beet jam.


- granulated sugar - 2 kg
- beets - 1.2 kg


Bake vegetables and boil, cool, "drive" through a meat grinder. Grate the lemon, mix with the vegetable mass with sugar, boil for one hour, put in a sterile container, roll up.

As you can see, beet blanks can be very diverse! Pickled preparation, salad, jam, borsch, etc. We hope you enjoy each recipe to your liking.


The end of summer is a good time to pick vegetables from the garden. And all housewives want to keep them as long as possible. This also applies to beets - one of the favorite root crops. We will tell you about beet blanks, the recipes for which are simple and straightforward.

Beetroot is a special vegetable, the consumption of which has a great effect on the intestines. Other benefits of beets include the fact that they contain a large amount of fiber, making this root vegetable considered a dietary product that is useful for diets or overweight. It should also be borne in mind that beets contain vitamin B and iron, which have a positive effect on brain function and improve blood composition. That is why doctors advise including this vegetable in your diet.

And then the question arises - how best to preserve the beets. The best option is the preparation of preparations for the winter with beets, the recipes for which are simple and do not take much time, although it is possible too. Thanks to this, absolutely every housewife can cook canned vegetables, regardless of her culinary talent. At the same time, canned beets retain almost all the properties of a vegetable. We will tell you how to roll up beets for the winter so that the cooked root vegetable retains the maximum amount of vitamins and beneficial microelements.

There are many recipes for winter beetroot preparations, but we will tell you about the quickest and easiest to prepare, so that you do not need to spend a lot of time in the kitchen. They will especially appeal to those who are tired of the familiar, albeit tasty. So, if you want to roll up vegetables for the subsequent preparation of salads or borscht, then the following recipe will suit you.


  • beet;
  • sugar;
  • salt;
  • Carnation;
  • lemon acid.

The first thing to do is wash and peel the vegetables, and try to work so as not to damage or peel the skin. After that, boil the root vegetables until tender. By the way, today vegetables are often boiled in the microwave, but this option will not work for us, since a decoction of juice is also useful in making seals.

We put the boiled beets in cold water and leave there for 20-30 minutes. Now we begin to prepare the marinade, for which you need to use gauze. We filter the broth through the fabric and add 3 tablespoons of sugar and a spoonful of salt for each liter of marinade to the mixture. To add acidity to the broth, add a little citric acid, but this is at your discretion.

Now you can start with the beets: carefully remove the skin (after the roots have been in cold water, this can be done much easier) and put them in pre-sterilized jars. Beets can be cut into pieces or placed in jars whole. We roll up the cans and put them in a container of water, bring to a boil and wait for half an hour - this is necessary for sterilization. All is ready! As you can see, a similar recipe for canned beets for the winter is simple and fast! Now you can move on to other recipes, no less tasty and healthy.

Now we will tell you about a recipe for preparing one of the most delicious salads from beets for the winter, which in the winter season will fill your body with the vitamins it needs so much at this time. For cooking, we take the following ingredients:

  • beets - 4 kg;
  • onions - 2 kg;
  • peppers and tomatoes - several pieces each;
  • bitter pepper - 50 g;
  • butter;
  • salt.

All vegetables for harvesting red beets for the winter must be thoroughly washed, peeled, chopped peppers and onions and fried for 10 minutes. After that, rub the beets, and twist the tomatoes, or, if there is a blender, grind in it. Do not forget to put hot pepper along with root vegetables. Simmer the prepared mixture of beets and hot peppers for 60 minutes, stirring several times. After an hour, add onion, pepper, salt and keep in a saucepan for about 10 minutes. Everything, canned beets for the winter, the recipe for which is also not difficult, is ready! All that remains is to roll the vegetables into the jars!

Borsch is the most popular dish in Russian cuisine. The main difficulty in preparing the first course is that fresh root vegetables have to be cooked for a very long time - it can take up to several hours. It is much easier and faster to cook from already made beet blanks for borscht. To prepare a mixture for borscht we need:

  • raw beets - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 50 g;
  • coarse salt - 20 g;
  • water - 450 ml;
  • 9% vinegar - 75 ml;
  • pepper, cloves.

The cooking process is quite simple: we boil the root vegetables until tender, cool in water and clean without taking them out of the liquid. After that, cut the beets into small slices and put them in sterilized jars. It is best to take a container with a volume of 0.5 liters. Also, do not forget about the preparation of the marinade - boil water (450 ml) along with spices, add salt, sugar and vinegar and bring to a boil again.

It should be noted here that beets are not just a tasty root vegetable, but also healthy. By the amount of vitamins it contains, and, consequently, by the benefits for the human body, this vegetable is the leader among its fellows. Beetroot dishes help fight cancer cells, constipation, affect brain activity and significantly increase endurance.

Simply put, this is a whole complex of vitamins that pharmacies offer us to buy for a lot of money. But why, when nature is already giving us free help? And beet preparations for the winter are the best confirmation of this.

And now let's get acquainted with very tasty beetroot recipes, for sure there are those in the kitchen arsenal of any housewife.

Caviar "Tenderness"

Required Ingredients:

  • beets - 1.5 kg;
  • eggplant - 1.5 kg;
  • apples - 1.5 kg;
  • sugar - 5 tbsp. l .;
  • salt - 1.5 tbsp. l .;
  • vegetable oil - 80 g.

Grind beets, apples, eggplants into equal ribbons of any thickness. Mix the crushed ingredients, salt and spread in the specified quantities. Keep on fire for 55 minutes. Put the resulting mass in a pan and put it on the minimum heating level for 30 minutes. The lid must be closed all this time. Then remove the lid and keep it on the stove for another 20 minutes. After cooking, distribute the caviar into the container.

Beetroot borsch

The easiest and most favorite way of storing beets for the winter with housewives is to prepare borscht. They are done very simply and quickly. Beets should be thoroughly washed, peeled and cut into thin strips. Put the peeled vegetable in plastic bags and put in the freezer.

The method is very popular, since there is hardly a person who, in the winter cold, will refuse fresh vegetables in rich borscht. Note that other components of borscht are added to such winter dressings from beets: carrots, lettuce, cherry tomatoes, peppers (can be stored in the freezer in the same way as beets). In addition to fresh frozen vegetables, pickled or pickled beets can be used.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with an interesting recipe for borscht from beets harvested for the winter.

Beetroot borscht "Koketka"

Borscht with pickled beets "Koketka" will appeal to representatives of absolutely any cuisine, and you will definitely be asked for a recipe. True, its preparation will require certain material costs, since there are more ingredients here than in traditional borscht.

Required Ingredients:

So, we set the chicken to boil in cold water so that the water slightly covers the bird. Here we immediately add onions, peeled carrots and herbs. Bring the water to a boil and remove the resulting foam, then put it on a small fire and close the lid. We are waiting for the chicken to be fully cooked (about an hour).

To avoid any foam left in the pot, remove the chicken, strain the broth, wash the pot, and then refill it with strained broth. At this time, peel the poultry from the skin and divide it into thin fibers, periodically sprinkle with broth so that the chicken does not dry out.

Next, cut the potatoes into small cubes. Cut the cabbage into thin ribbons. Following the advice of nutritionists, you can first pour this vegetable with boiling water, let it boil and cook for about 10 minutes. This is done in order to get rid of the cabbage trace elements that cause the unpleasant feeling of heaviness in the abdomen. After this procedure, add it to the broth.

Then we cut the peppers in half, remove the seeds and send the vegetables to the microwave for 7 minutes. Then we take them out and easily remove the skin.

Canned tomatoes are a great substitute for fresh ones in winter. Grind them with a blender. Grate the carrots and put them in a pan with a piece of butter (this will allow the vegetable to retain nutrients). After a few minutes of frying, add the chopped tomatoes and simmer over the fire for 5 minutes.

Finally, we got to the beets. Pickled beets can be purchased or made with your own hands. We extract the beets from the jar and three of them on a coarse grater. My beans.

When all the ingredients are ready, add potatoes, frying, peppers and beans to the broth. Then add the prepared chicken pieces, finely chopped hot red pepper, chopped garlic, salt, bay leaf and seasonings of your choice. Pour in the marinade in which the beets were canned, mix and put a tablespoon of honey. We keep on fire until boiling. After that, simmer on low heat for 10 minutes. Add olives.

Beetroot salads and dressings

You can add beets to almost any salad. When it comes to diet and nutritious low-calorie salads, a winter beet and carrot salad recipe is the best choice. Also, this tandem goes well in the preparation of dressings.

Dressing with beets and carrots for the winter is prepared according to the following recipe.

Required Ingredients:

We wash and clean all the vegetables. We clean the beets, carrots, peppers from the skins, from the latter it is necessary to remove the stalk with seeds. Then the carrots and beets must be grated on a coarse grater. Cut the onion into half rings, pepper into thin cubes. Whisk the tomatoes in a blender. Cut the greens on the board.

After cutting vegetables, they must be placed in a pan and pour 50 g of oil (i.e. half), mix and add tomatoes and herbs. After 20 minutes, add the other half of the butter and simmer over the fire for about half an hour. When the cooking time comes to an end, add the garlic. We turn on the fire at full power for 3 minutes. Remove the pan from heat, dilute with vinegar and stir.

Next, we evenly distribute the mass over the cans and roll them up. When they have cooled down, we place them in the cellar or in the refrigerator until winter. Such a dressing with beets and carrots in winter will be an excellent reason to please your family.

Beet and carrot salad "Prague"

The beauty of this delicious beetroot recipe is that it can be eaten all winter as a salad or a side dish, or as a separate dish as a dressing. It's quick and tasty anyway. So, we need:

Beetroot began to be eaten as early as the fourth century BC by the ancient Greeks. Later, the vegetable spread throughout Europe.

There are many useful minerals and vitamins in beets. Beets are used in cooking boiled, baked and raw. Pickled beets for the winter have long been harvested by our housewives. It can be used as a standalone snack or used to prepare vinaigrette, borscht and other dishes.

You will have to spend about an hour, but in winter you just need to open a jar of homemade preparations and enjoy the taste of pickled beets.


  • beets - 1 kg.;
  • water - 500 ml.;
  • vinegar - 100 gr.;
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon;
  • bay leaf - 1-2 pcs.;
  • salt - 1/2 tablespoon;
  • pepper, cloves.


  1. For this recipe, it is better to take small young root vegetables. Peel the beets and boil over low heat until soft. This will take about 30-0 minutes.
  2. Let it cool and cut into halves or quarters. Can be cut into thin slices or strips.
  3. Place the slices in sterilized jars, add bay leaves and prepare the marinade.
  4. Boil water in a saucepan, add salt, granulated sugar and spices. Several black peppercorns and 2-4 clove inflorescences. You can add half a cinnamon stick if you like.
  5. Add vinegar to the boiling brine and pour into the jar.
  6. If you are going to store the workpiece for a long time, it is better to sterilize the cans for 10 minutes, and then roll them up with a metal lid using a special machine.
  7. Turn the closed jars over and let cool completely.

Pickled beets in cans can be stored until the next season. You can eat such beets as a side dish for meat dishes, add to salads and soups.


  • beets - 5 kg.;
  • water - 4 l.;
  • cumin seeds - 1 tsp;
  • rye flour -1 tbsp.


  1. Ripe root vegetables need to be peeled and cut into pieces.
  2. Next, they need to be folded into a suitable container, sprinkling the layers of beet with caraway seeds.
  3. Dissolve the rye flour in warm water and pour this composition over the beets.
  4. Cover with a clean cloth and apply pressure.
  5. Leave in a warm place to ferment for about two weeks.
  6. Then the finished beets must be stored in a cool place.

The beets are tasty, have a rich color and a spicy caraway flavor. They can serve as a basis for various salads or be an independent dish.

These beets can be served as a stand-alone snack, or as a garnish on a hot meat dish.


  • beets - 1 kg.;
  • water - 1 l.;
  • plums - 400 gr.;
  • apples - 400 gr.;
  • sugar - 4 tablespoons;
  • salt - 1/2 tablespoon;
  • pepper, cloves, cinnamon.


  1. Peel and boil small beets.
  2. Blanch the plums for about 2-3 minutes. Cut the apples into slices and put them in boiling water for a couple of minutes.
  3. Cut the beets into slices or slices and place in prepared jars, alternating layers with apples and plums.
  4. Whole beets look beautiful in jars, if they are small enough.
  5. Prepare the brine, you can add other spices.
  6. Fill your workpieces with hot brine and seal tightly with lids.
  7. If you store these pickled foods in the refrigerator, then sterilization can be dispensed with.
  8. The acidity found in berries and fruits will give this dish the necessary sourness. But, if you're worried, you can add one spoonful of vinegar.

Pickled beets with cabbage for the winter

With this method of preparation, you will get an interesting snack. Crispy cabbage and spicy beets - two pickled vegetables at once to your table.

One of the healthiest vegetables is beets, which also have decent taste. Many housewives prepare canned beetroot salads due to the fact that this vegetable goes well not only with sweet and sour additional ingredients, but also spicy ones. Therefore, before cooking, you need to decide which recipe for beetroot salad will be to the taste of each family member. To do this, you should pay attention to the required ingredients.

Beetroot is one of the healthiest vegetables.

This salad is perfect for spicy lovers. One of its advantages is that such a blank has a longer shelf life due to the presence of hot chili peppers in it.

For cooking you need:

  • 4 kilograms of beets;
  • 2 kilograms of bell pepper;
  • 2 kilograms of onions;
  • 2 kilograms of tomatoes;
  • 2 chili pods;
  • 15 grams of salt;
  • 80 grams of olive oil.

Spicy beetroot salad is prepared according to the following principle:

  1. Root crops and tomatoes are washed, peeled.
  2. The bell pepper is washed, freed from seeds and stalks.
  3. Oil is poured into the pan.
  4. The pulp of the pepper is cut into slices, the tomatoes are turned into a paste using a meat grinder, the beets are boiled for 35 minutes, and then grinded.
  5. The onions are peeled, finely chopped, fried until golden brown.
  6. Beets are transferred to a skillet along with tomato paste. The mass is fried for 7 minutes.
  7. Onion, pieces of peeled chili are poured into the pan. Everything is mixed, salted, stewed for 1 hour.
  8. The finished salad is laid out in pre-sterilized glass containers, rolled up and cooled upside down, wrapped in a warm cloth.

Store this snack in a cool, dark place. Due to the fact that it contains hot chili peppers, it is not necessary to store winter salad in the refrigerator.

Classic beetroot salad for the winter (video)

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