Polish intervention briefly. Fighting Russia with Polish-Swedish intervention

Reservoirs 22.09.2019

In the spring of 1607, Lhadmitriy II appeared in Russia. His personality is not installed. According to one version, he is the son of the priest, on the other - the home teacher, according to the third - son of A. M. Kurbsky, in the fourth - the son of the Starodubsk nobleman, in the fifth - Jew. On June 12, 1607, he swelled the residents of Starodub. The army of the impostor commanded the Polish commander Mehowetsky. She took Kozelsk, Karachev, Eagle and besieged Bryansk. When government troops delivered food to Bryansk, Lhadmitry II removed the siege.

In April 1608, 4 thousand Poles arrived at the Safety Camp under the command of Rozhinsky. They shifted Mehowetsky and elected Hetman Rozhinsky. In June 1608, the army of Falsmitri II approached Moscow and stopped in Tushino, so it was called "Tushinsky Thief". On July 25, 1608, Russia and Poland concluded a truce for three years. On September 23, 1608, the army of the impostor under the command of Ya. Sapega was askedid by Trinity Sergiev Monastery. See Solovyov S. M. History of Russia from ancient times. T. 8. Skrynnikov R. G. Minin and Pozharsky. C. 94 - 119.

In 1609, Vasily Shuisky appealed to swedish korol Karl IX asking for help in the fight against Falsemedrija II. Swedes captured all Russian fortresses on the Baltic coast, except nutlets. Attraction to the Russian army of Swedish mercenaries to combat Lhadmitry II Polish king Sigismund III used as a reason for declaring the war of Russia. The causes of the war were the aggressive policy of Poland in relation to Russia and the desire of Russia to unite all Eastern Slavic land. The aggressiveness of Poland was explained by the fact that the government's support was a small -coming nobility. It sought to preserve their possessions in Ukraine and in Belarus and hoped to get new lands in Russia. On September 19, 1609, the Poles asked Smolensk. The defenses of the city was led by Boyar M. B. Shein. In the spring and summer of 1609, M. V. Skopin-Shuisky freed the North of Russia from Tushinsev.

On January 12, 1610, Ya. Sapega was forced to remove the siege of the Trinity Sergius Monastery. The beginning of an open war led to the breakdown of Tushinsky camp. Most Poles moved to the side of their government. Only Rozhinsky remained with the impostor. He addressed Lhadmitry II as a prisoner, so in December 1609 the self-director ran to Kaluga and on December 11, 1610 was killed. The noblemen held in the Tushinsky camp nominated a candidate for the throne of the Polish Kingdom of Vladislav. On February 4, 1610, they concluded with Sigismund III on the election of Vladislav Russian King.

According to the Treaty, Vladislav was obliged to adopt Orthodoxy and had no right to publish new laws without the consent of the Boyar Duma and the Zemsky Cathedral. The contract banned the transition of peasants from one landowner to another. D. I. Shuisky tried to free Smolensk from the siege, but on June 24, 1610, defeated under Klutino. The defeat of the Russian army under Klushino opened the Poles to Moscow. On July 17, 1610, the conspirators led by P. P. Lyapunov overthrew Vasily Shui. Power switched to the Boyar government, who went down in history under the name of Semiboyarschin.

  • On August 17, Moscow residents brought oath Vladislav. Nobles seen in it less evil compared to Faldmitry II. On September 20, the government let the Polish squad under the command of S. Zolkevsky in Moscow. On his initiative, Moscow boyars and nobles were sent to the Polish king Embassy headed by V. V. Golitsyn and F. N. Romanov. Sigismund III refused to let the Son in Moscow, because he wanted to take the Russian throne himself and completely subjugate Russia to Poland. Thus, the threat of independence of Russia arose. In January 1611 P. P. Lyapunov organized civil uprising. Its foundation was noblemen and the Cossacks. The closest associates of P. P. Lyapunov were Prince D. T. Trubetskaya and Cossack Ataman I. M. Zarutsky. Prince D. M. Pozharsky was elected commander in chief. In March 1611, the militia approached Moscow.
  • On March 19, the city broke out in the city. The reason for him was the insult to the Patriarch of the Patriarch of Hermogene. Avangard of the militia under the command of D. M. Pozharskoy entered Moscow. The Poles set fire to the city, the rebels were poorly armed, therefore defeated. D. M. Pozharsky was seriously injured. The militia retreated to the outskirts of Moscow. According to N. I. Kostomarov, the Poles killed about 8 thousand civilians. See Kostomarov N. I. The story of the liberation of Moscow from Poles in 1612 and the election of Tsar Mikhail. // Kostomarov N. I. Historical monographs and research. M., 1989. P. 75. On July 22, 1611, the Cossacks accused P. P. Lyapunov in the intention to destroy the Cossacks and returning fugitive peasants and the hills to the former owners and killed him. According to N. M. Karamzin, P. P. Lyapunova Oklevtal I. M. Zarutsky. According to R. G. Skrynnikov, a fake letter on behalf of P. P. Lyapunov with a call to destroy the Cossacks, Polish Colonel A. Gonsievsky wrote. See Skrynnikov R. G. Minin and Pozharsky. P. 197.

After the death of P. P. Lyapunov, nobles left the militia and led the partisan war against Poles in the vicinity of Moscow. On June 3, 1611, the Poles took SMOLENSK storm. The remaining defenders of the city led by M. B. Shein were captured. In the same year, the Swedes occupied Novgorod. Novgorod Voevoda I. N. Odoyevsky concluded with the commander of the Swedish army Ya. Delechadi, a peace treaty, confirming the conditions of the Tankian world. I. N. Odoyevsky recognized the Russian king of the son of Charles IX, and I. Duchadi - his governor and pledged to obey him. See Kostomarov N. I. The story of the liberation of Moscow from Poles in 1612 and the election of Tsar Mikhail. Pp. 75. Karamzin N. M. History of the state of the Russian. T. 12 // Moscow. 1989. No. 12. P. 142 - 144.

Only the troubled, who reigned in our country at the time, saved the Novgorod voivod from responsibility for treason - a crime, which at all times and all nations was considered one of the greatest. In September 1611, K. M. Minin turned to Nizhny Novgorod with a call to the creation of a new militia. K. M. Minin was born in the Balakhne in the family of a small saltyman, in his youth came to Nizhny Novgorod and engaged in trade. In 1611 he was Zemsky older. Letters K. M. Minina, Patriarch of Hermogene and Monks Trinity-Sergiyev Monastery spread throughout the country. The formation of the second folk militia began in Nizhny Novgorod. The commander-in-chief was once again elected by D. M. Pozharsky. In March 1612, the militia came out of Nizhny Novgorod and arrived in Yaroslavl. It continued its formation and training. K. M. Minin and D. M. Pozharsky created the advice of the whole land - the temporary government.

At the same time, the second Council of the entire Earth under the leadership of D. T. Trubetsky and I. M. Zarutsky. A conflict arose between the leaders of two militias, since I. M. Zarutsky and D. T. Trubetskoy recognized the Pskov's impostor. In July 1612, K. M. Minin and D. M. Pozharsky found out that a strong and numerous Polish army under the command of Hetman J. Khodkevich goes to Moscow. D. M. Pozharsky was ahead of J. Khodkevich and, thus, mastered the strategic initiative. This largely ensured the victory of the Russian army.

  • On August 22 - 24, 1612, a decisive battle between Russian and Polish armies occurred. The militia K. M. Minin and D. M. Pozharsky met 10 thousand people, the army Ya. Khodkevich - 12 thousand, Polish garrison in the Kremlin - 3 thousand. Consequently, the Polish army exceeded Russian in numbers 1.5 times. D. M. Pozharsky placed his army on the western outskirts of Moscow, and not on the eastern, as D. T. Trubetskaya proposed. D. M. Pozharsky conveyed D. T. Trubetsky five equestrian hundreds.
  • August 22, Ya. Khodkevich began an offensive. Russian army beat him off and moved several times into a counterattack. Ya. Khodkevich introduced infantry into battle. The noble cavalry could not stand the onset and retreated. Then D. M. Pozharsky ordered the nobles to hurry and fight the ranks in walking. After noon, Ya. Khodkhevich threw all his strength into battle to break through the defense of the Russian militia on Arbat and in the region of the Tver Gate. Sagittarius opened the mirroring fire on the enemy and forced him to stop attacks. At the same time, the Polish garrison made a glamor from the Kremlin. She was repulsed. Hand-to-hand combat battle. The troops transmitted to D. T. Trubetsky, and the Cossacks from the first militia counterattacked the enemy and forced him to retreat. On August 24, the Poles began an offensive from Zamoskvorechye. D. M. Pozharsky sent a Connection against them. D. T. Trubetskova led the offensive on the part of Kolomna Sloboda. However, he acted indecisiously, which allowed Y. Khodkevich to quit its main forces against D. M. Pozharskoye. D. M. Pozharsky introduced all his shelves into battle and, thus, stopped the enemy. Then the Poles strengthened the offensive on the army of D. M. Trubetsky and captured the Cossack Ostrog.

The Cossacks had resistance to the enemy, but when the militia of K. M. Minin and D. M. Pozharsky did not come to the rescue immediately, left the battle. Polish garrison in the Kremlin took the second college. She was repulsed. Keler Trinity-Sergius Monastery A. C. Palitsyn convinced Kazakov to return to construction. The outcome of the battle again decided the rapid attack of the Cossacks. They were supported by the cavalry under the command of K. M. Minin, then the infantry was switched to the offensive under the command of D. M. Pozharskoye. Poles turned to flight. See Kostomarov N.I. The story of the liberation of Moscow from Poles in 1612 and the election of Tsar Mikhail. P. 81 - 82. Skrynnikov R. G. Minin and Pozharsky. Pp. 256 - 263.

The storming of the Kremlin was not crowned with success, so the Russian army asked him. On October 22, China City was liberated. On October 26, the Polish garrison in the Kremlin capitulated. Moscow's liberation has become a fundamental fracture during the war. On February 21, 1613, the Zemsky Cathedral elected the king of the 16-year-old Mikhail Romanova. Patriarch Hermogen in 1610 put forward his candidacy for the throne. Boyar attracted youth and inexperienced Mikhail, his unpreparedness to government management, therefore, the ability to manage on his behalf. Since the father of the new king, Fedor Nikitich Romanov, was a Patriarch in Tushin and, together with Prince V. V. Golitsyn, headed the embassy to the Polish king, boyars, who collaborated with the Poles, that is, who had committed to state treason, saw in Michael guarantor of their impunity in Mikhail. He was the cousin's nephew of Fedor Ivanovich, the last king from the Rurikovsky dynasty, which created the visibility of the continuity of power.

First, Mikhail refused the throne and explained it with a disorder in the management and lack of money in the treasury, then agreed to come to Moscow and accept the throne. Poles tried to kill the young king, but the Kostroma peasant Ivan Susanin took them into an impassable forest. On July 11, 1613, Mikhail was married to the kingdom. See Solovyov S. M. History of Russia from ancient times. T. 9. M., 1990. P. 7 - 28.

He was elected under the same conditions as Vasily Shui. Real power belonged to the relatives of the king. They removed D. M. Pozharsky from the command, since he, in their opinion, was not impressed enough, and replaced him by Prince D. M. Cherkassk.

In 1613, the Russian army led battles with Poles near Kaluga and Vyazma. The attempt to release Smolensk was not crowned with success due to the impipline of the nobles. The new government increased taxes and decided to return to runaway peasants to previous owners. It caused an uprising under the leadership of Mikhail Balovna. Driving forces The uprisings were Cossacks and peasants. In 1615 it was suppressed. In the same year, the Polish army was invaded to Russia under the command of A. Lisovsky. The king again appointed D. M. Pozharskoye Commander-in-chief.

June 29, 1615 russian army It came out of Moscow. On August 30th there was a battle under an eagle. Detachment I. Pushkin attacked the Polish camp, then followed three attacks of the main forces. Regiment S. Islandeva and Tatars left the battlefield. 600 people remained with D. M. Pozharsk. The confrontation continued for three days. The mercenaries in the Polish troops moved to the Russian army. It solved the outcome of the battle. A. Lisovsky fled. In July 1616, the Russian government sent to Smolensk army under the command of M. K. Tinbaeva and N. Likharov. At the same time, the Lithuanians attacked Starodub, ruined the surroundings of Karachev and Chrom, burned Oskol and approached Belgorod. On October 22, 1616, the governors, standing near Smolensky, reported on the preparing campaign to Moscow of Polish troops under the command of A. Gonsevsky. The Russian command sent to Dorogobuzov army under the command of N. Boryatinsky.

In March 1617, the Russian army won over the Poles under the roads, but the Doroborovsky Voivode passed the city of Poles. In the same year, Vladislav made a campaign to Moscow to take the Russian throne. On October 18, the Russian Army under the command of D. M. Pozharskoy went to Kaluga. The Poles were siege to the city and on December 23rd, tried to take his storm, but were greeted with fire and turned to flight. In October 1618, the Poles approached Moscow and tried to take it, but their attack on the White City was repulsed.

On December 1, 1618, Russia and Poland concluded a delaine truce, which Smolensk departed to Poland. The contract also envisaged the exchange of prisoners. According to the Stolban Peace Treaty, concluded on February 27, 1617, Sweden returned to Russia, but Russia fully lost the way to the Baltic Sea. See Tarla E. V. Northern War and the Swedish invasion of Russia. // Tarla E. V. Selected works. T. 3. Rostov-on-Don, 1994. Since that time, the main foreign policy objectives of Russia were the return of their original possessions in the Baltic, the return of Smolensk and the reunification of Ukraine and Belarus with Russia.

Polish and Swedish intervention of the 17th century

the actions of the expansionist ruling circles of the Commonwealth and Sweden, aimed at dismembering Russia and the elimination of its state independence. The design of aggression plans refers to the end of the Livonian war 1558-83 (see Livonian War 1558-83). After 1583 Stephen Batorius put forward the plan of submission to the Russian state Poland. The conquest plans of the Swedish feudal plans were developed by 1580 by the King of Yuhan III and included the seizure of Izhora Land, Korela with county, as well as North Karelia, Karelian Pomoria, Kola Peninsula, coast White Sea To the mouth of the Northern Dvina. But internal political, I. international Causes prevented at the end of the 16th century. Start the implementation of these plans. The rise of the antipodeal struggle (see the peasant war of the beginning of 17 V (see the peasant war of the beginning of the 17th century).) And the aggravation of the contradictions within the dominant class in Russia at the beginning of the 17th century. Significantly weakened its foreign policy position. This took advantage of the ruling tip of the Commonwealth (Sigismund III, Catholic Circles, a significant part of Polish-Lithuanian magnates), which, due to the complexity of the internal and external position, resorted to the disguised intervention, maintaining FLGMITRIY I (see Lhadmitry I). In return, Lhadmitriy I promised to convey the speech by compulculation (and partly to his test of Yu. Mniesc) Western regions of the Russian state, support it in the fight against Sweden, to introduce Catholicism in Russia and take part in the antiturch coalition. However, after the top of the Lhadmitry I, for various reasons, refused to do the territorial concessions to Poland and enter into a military union against Sweden. The murder of the impostor in May 1606 during the Antipolsky uprising in Moscow meant the collapse of the first attempt to aggression of Polish feudal against Russia.

The second stage of the disguised intervention is associated with the name of Falgestmitria II (see Lhadmitry II) . Aggravation of the class struggle and contradictions in the speech of the Rokosh compulculated M. Zebzhidovsky (1606-07) did not allow the Government of the Commonwealth to turn to open military actions. The basis of the Military Forces of Falsmitri II was the detachments of Polish-Lithuanian magnates. As a result of the spring campaign of 1608 and victory under the Volkhov (May 1608), the troops of Falsmitria II approached Moscow and, settling in Tushinsky camp (see Tushinsky Camp) , Started its siege. In July 1608, the Government of V. I. Shuisky concluded a truce with the Government of Poland, under the terms of which the Russian side was obliged to release all Poles captured in Moscow in May 1606, and the Government of Sigismund III was to bring Polish detachments from the territory of Russia. The Polish side did not fulfill the conditions of the truce, and in August 1608 also arrived in Tushino and the detachment of Ya. P. Sapgy (about 7.5 thousand people). The new approach of the class struggle in the Western, Central and Volga Regions of Russia, directed against the serfdom of the Shuisky, allowed Tushinsky detachments in the fall of 1608 to seize the significant territory of the European part of the Russian state. Then the Government of the Shuisky concluded a Vyborg Treaty with the Swedish King Karl IX (February 1609), according to which Sweden gave Russia hired detachments of troops (mainly from the Germans and Swedes), paid by Russia, and the Government of Shuisky was obliged to give the Swedes of Korelu with county (however local Karelian The population prevented this). Huge cash and natural details, as well as violence and robbery, which was accompanied by the collection of their Polish detachments, caused a natural and rapid growth of the national liberation struggle of the population of the Belomorsk Pomerania and the Volga region. This led to the crisis of the Tushinsky camp, in which power from December 1608 moved to Polish leaders (Hetman Prince Ruzhinsky, from winter 1608 actually headed by Tushinsky troops) and 10 elected from various detachments. Based on the national liberation movement, M. V. Skopin-Shuisky in May 1609 began a campaign from Novgorod and the exodus of the summer liberated the territory of the Volga region and the Upper Volga region, including Yaroslavl. Earlier as a result of actions local population And the troops F. I. Sheremetyev (see Sheremeteva) was purified by the lower and middle voltage.

Failure of Falsmitria II, the internal political weakness of the government V. I. Shui and some stabilization of the internal situation in the Commonwealth speech led to the beginning of the open aggression of the Polish government against Russia; This action was approved by Pap Pavel V. Using the Vyborg Russia Agreement as a preposition with Sweden, Polish troops began the siege of Smolensk (September 1609), which accelerated the collapse of the Tushinsky camp. On December 27, Lhadmitry II ran from Tushina to Kaluga, and in March 1610 a significant part of Tushinsky Polish troops moved to Sigismund III. 4 (14) February 1610 Embassy of Russian feudalists, who were previously supporters of Falseedmitria II, headed by M. G. Saltykov, a contract with Sigismund III was concluded, according to which his son Vladislav was recognized by the Russian king. The contract contained a number of restrictive articles (the transition of Vladislav in Orthodoxy, the preservation of official, courtiers and land privileges and the rights of Russian feudalists, etc.), which the Poles formally accepted, but nevertheless continued aggression. The campaign against the Polish army ended with the defeat of Russian government troops under Klushino m June 24 (July 4) 1610, one of whose reasons was the treason of Swedish mercenaries. This led to the fall of the Government of Shuisky. In Moscow, a new government was created ("Semiboyarskaya"), which concluded 17 (27) August 1610 New Treaty with the commander of the Polish army Hetman Zolkevsky. Russian king was recognized by Vladislav. Sigismund III was obliged to stop the siege of Smolensk. But the Polish government was not going to fulfill the contract, because Sigismund III himself intended to become a Russian king. Based on the contract, Polish troops entered Moscow (on the night of September 20-21) and the real government focused in the hands of the Polish command (Hetman Grysyevsky) and his direct accomplices (M. G. Saltykova, F. Andronova, etc.). The horseship of Polish feudalists in Moscow caused a new rise in national liberation struggle. However, the first militia of 1611 due to exacerbation in it class contradictions actually broke up. June 3, 1611 Pal Smolensk, the heroic defense of which for almost 2 years the main forces of Polish troops were shot. But in September 1611 in N. Novgorod, the formation of the second militia began (see). As a result of his actions, October 26, 1612 Moscow was released. In the autumn, 1612 Sigismund III again, unsuccessfully tried to capture Moscow. The unsuccessful outcome of the Moscow War strengthened the opposition to the king. Having achieved from the Sejam in 1616 new allocations, the Polish government in 1617 took the last attempt to conquer the Russian state. Polish troops besieged to Moscow. Waste the defeat during her assault, they were forced to retreat in October 1618. Military failure and change in the foreign policy position of Poland as a result of the beginning of the thirty-year war 1618-48 (see the thirty-year war of 1618-48) forced the Polish government to sign a deulinist trucy 1618 (see Deulin Deulinity 1618). Russia lost Smolensk, Chernigov, Dorogobuzh, and others. The cities of the southwestern and western outskirts, but received a long response.

Open Swedish aggression against Russia began in the summer of 1610, but also from 1604 the Government of Charles IX followed the course of Polish aggression, offering far from disinterested military assistance to the replacing Russian governments. The conclusion of the Vyborg Treaty 1609 gave Karl IX reason for interference in the affairs of the Russian state. After the fall of the Government of the Shuisky Swedish troops, headed by Ya. Duchadi moved to open aggression. In August 1610, the Swedes were sieged by Ivangorod, and in September - Korela (fell on March 2, 1611). At the end of 1610 - early 1611, the Swedish troops undertook unsuccessful hiking on Coke, Sumy Ostrog and Solovetsky Monastery. Summer 1611 Swedes began martialctions against Novgorod. Trying to use the Polish-Swedish contradictions, the leadership of the first militia tied the intercourse with Dugadi, inviting to the Russian throne of one of the Swedish Korolev, in exchange for providing military assistance. However, the governors of Novgorod passed the city of the Swedam (July 16). Between Duchadi and Novgorod secular and spiritual feudalities, trying to represent the Russian state as a whole, the contract was concluded, according to the terms of which the patronage of Charles IX was recognized, the union against Poland was proclaimed and the election of one of his sons was elected to the Russian throne (Gustava Adolf or Karl Philip). Before the ratification of the contract, Dugadi remained in Novgorod as the main governor. Using the contract, the Swedish troops for the spring of 1612 captured Koporye, pit, Ivangorod, nut, gdov, porch, old Russu, Ladogu and Tikhvin; The attempt of the Swedes to master Pskov was unsuccessful. After the arrival of the second militia in Yaroslavl (April 1612), his leadership has established intercourse with Novgorod; With regard to the Swedes, expectant policy was held. After the restoration of Central state power In Moscow, the Swedish troops tried to capture new areas, but their actions came across the resistance of the masses. In the summer of 1613, Tikhvin and Porchov were liberated as a result of joint actions of the urban population and Russian troops, a 3-thousand Polish-Lithuanian detachment was defeated on the side of Sweden. In the course of unsuccessful negotiations with the delegates of Novgorod (August 1613 - January 1614) the Swedish government sought or inclusion in Sweden Novgorod land, or the annexation of the Izhora Land, the Kola Peninsula, Northern Karelia, the Western and South-West Coast of the White Sea. In 1614 and 1615, the Swedish command with the aim of inclusion of the North-Western regions of Russia, in Sweden, was trying to force Novgorod to swear to the new Swedish king Gustav at II. In response, the partisan war of the population of Novgorod land against the Swedish troops unfolded. After the new unsuccessful siege of Pskov in the summer of 1615, the Swedish government agreed to start peace negotiations with the Government of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich (see Mikhail Fedorovich) , which ended with the signing of the Status World 1617 (see the Stolbov World 1617). Under the terms of the contract, Karl Philip refused complaints about the Russian throne, Russia returned most of Novgorod land, but Sweden was inferior to the city of Korela with county and Izhora Earth with Ivangorod, a hole, kopory and a nut. The conclusion of the Stolban Treaty and the Deulin truce marked the collapse of aggressive plans and interventions of Polish-Lithuanian and Swedish feudal.

LIT: Platonov S. F., essays on the history of the Troubles in the Moscow State of the XVI-XVII centuries., M., 1937; Lubomirov P. G., Essay on the history of the Nizhny Novgorod militia 1611-1613, M., 1939; Zamyatin G. A., to the question of the election of Karl-Philippe into Russian throne (1611-1616), Yuriev, 1913; His, "Pskov Seat" (the heroic defense of Pskov from the Swedes in 1615), in the collection: historical notes, vol. 40, M., 1952; Figarovsky V. A., Rejusting with Swedish Interventory in Novgorod, in the book: Novgorod historical Sat., C. 3-4, Novgorod, 1938; Shepelev I. S., Liberation and class struggle in the Russian state in 1608-1610, Pyatigorsk, 1957; Shashlysky I. P., Swedish intervention in Karelin at the beginning of the XVII century, Petrozavodsk, 1950; Flao B. N., Russian-Polish relations and the Baltic issue at the end of the XVI - early XVII centuries., M., 1973; AlmGuist H. K. H., Sverge Och Ryssland. 1595-1611, Uppsala, 1907; Sobieski W., Zółkiewski Na Kremlu, Warsz. - 1920; Maciszewski J., Polska A Moskwa. 1603-1618, Warsz., 1968; See also lit. Under articles of the deulinist trucy, 1618, Lhadmitriy I, Lhadmitry II, the national militia under the leadership of Minin and Pozharsky, the first militia of 1611, "Semiboyarschina", the Stolbovsky world of 1617.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .

- (POLSKA) Polish People's Republic (Polska Rzeczpospolita Ludowa), Poland. I. General P. Socialist State in Central Europe, in the pool PP. Vistula and Odra, between Baltic Sea On S., Karpatami and ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Large localitywhose residents are occupied mainly in industry and trade, as well as in the areas of service, management, science, culture. Usually the administrative and cultural center of the surrounding area. The main ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

- (De La Gardie) Jacob (20.6.1583, Tallinn, 12.8.1652, Stockholm), Count, Swedish Military and statesman, Marshal (1620). The leaving from the Swedish military family of French origin, a major feudal magnate. He headed the Swedish ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

- (Gustaf) in Sweden: I VAZ (VASA) (1496 29.9.1560, Stockholm), King with 1523. Aristocrat Gustokson (Gustaf Eriksson) from the genus Vaza, young men participated in the war against dates. King Christian II, striving to restore ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

- (Zygmunt) in the Kingdom of Polish and Grand Durability Lithuanian: S. I Old (1.1.1467 1.4.1548), Polish king and grand Duke Lithuanian with 1506. Eastern expansion (1507 37, with interruptions) at C. 1 led to the weakening of Poland's position on ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

- (before the adoption of monasses Averky Palecin) (died 13.9.1626), the Russian political figure and writer. Right from an old servant of the noble family. In 1588, at Queen, Fedor Ivanovich was subjected to opal and kneaded into the monks of the Solovetsky Monastery ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

- (Władysław) in Poland: V. I. Poolek (łokietek) (between 3.3.1260 and 19.1.1261 2.3.1333, Krakow), the king of the dynasty of Pisels, Rules from 1320. From 1275 Prince Brest Kujansky. Based on the Polish knighthood and partly on the townspeople, managed ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

1. Time of Troubles - denotation of the period of the history of Russia from 1598 to 1613 marked natural disasters, Polish-Swedish intervention, the hardest political, economic, state and social crisis.

After the death of Ivan the Terrible (1584), his heir Fedor John was not able to affect the affairs of the board, and the younger son, Tsarevich Dmitry, was in infancy. With the death of Dmitry (1591) and Fedor (1598) ruling dynasty He stopped, secondary boyars gods were nominated on the scene - Yuryev, Godunov. In 1598, Boris Godunov was erected on the throne. Three years, from 1601 to 1603, were lack of town, even in the summer months did not cease freezing, and snow fell out in September. According to some assumptions, the cause of this was the eruption of the Waivenaputin volcano in Peru on February 19, 1600 and, which followed the volcanic winter. A terrible hunger broke out, the victims of which it became up to half a million people. The masses of the people flocked to Moscow, where the government distributed money and bread in need. However, these measures only strengthened economic disorganization. The landowners could not feed their horses and servants and kicked them out of the estates. People who remained without livelihood people turned to robbery and wake up, reinforcing total chaos. Separate gangs have grown to several hundred people. Cotton Atoman Detachment has up to 600 people. The beginning of the Troubles refers to the strengthening of rumors, as if legal Tsarevich Dmitry is alive, from which it followed that the Board of Boris Godunov was illegal and unlikely to God. At the beginning of 1604, the impostor received an audience from the Polish king, and on April 17, he accepted Catholicism. King Sigismund recognized the rights of Falsmitria into Russian throne and allowed everyone to help "Tsarevich". For this, Lhadmitry promised to convey to Poland Smolensk and Seversk land. In 1604, the army of the impostor crossed the border of Russia, many cities (Moravsk, Chernigov, Putivl) surrendered to Lhadmitry, the army of Moscow Voevpery F.I. Mstislavsky was broken by Novgorod-Seversky.

On June 20, 1605, the impostor solemnly joined Moscow for universal education. On July 18, the Queen Marfa was delivered to the capital to the capital, and soon, on July 30, the wedding of Falgestrimi I was held on the kingdom. The reign of Falsenedmitria was marked by the orientation on Poland and some attempts by reforms. Not all Moscow Boyars recognized Falsitria by the lawful ruler. Almost immediately upon arrival of him to Moscow, the prince of Vasily Shuysky, through intermediaries, began to spread rumors about impostor. Voivod Peter Basmanov revealed a plot, and on June 23, 1605, Shuisky grabbed and convicted of death, poring only directly from the fees. On the night of May 16, May 16, 1606, the boyars opposition, taking advantage of Muscovites against the False Aventurists who were in Moscow, raised the uprising, during which the impostor was cruelly killed. "Presentation of the prisoners of King Vasily Shui Senate and Sigizmund III in Warsaw 1611"

The coming to power of the representative of the Suzdal branch of Rurikovich Boyari Vasily Shuisky did not bring calmness. In the south, the rebellion of Ivan Bolotnikov (1606-1608), which threatened the beginning of the movement of the "thieves".

  • 2. Rumors about the wonderful deliverance of Tsarevich Dmitry did not subside. An new impostor appeared, which was in history as a lzhedmitry II or "Tushinsky Thief" (by the name of Tushino, where the impostor was located on the camp, when he approached Moscow) (1607--1610). Cities who voluntarily recognized the authorities of the impostor, mercilessly plundered by the detachments of the interventionists. Poles charged taxes from Earth and Trade, received "feeding" in Russian cities. All this caused a wide national liberation movement by the end of 1608. By the end of Spring, most of the North-Western Russian cities were postponed from the impostor. By the summer, the number of Russian troops reached 20 thousand people. On June 17, in a severe battle at the trading, Russian-Swedish forced forced the Polish-Lithuanian army of Zborovsky to retreat. On July 11-13, the Russian-Swedish forces, under the command of Skopina-Shuisky and Duchadi, broke the Poles under Tvers. IN further actions Skopin-Shui Swedish troops did not take part.
  • 3. Semiboyarschina. In the summer of 1610, a coup in Moscow took place. The nobles led by P. Lyapunov overthrew Vasily Shuisky from the throne and forcibly tonsured him into monks. (Shuisky died in 1612 in Polish captivity, where he was sent as hostage with the brothers.) The government seized the Boyar group led by F.I. Mstislavsky. This government, which consisted of seven boyars, was called "Semiboyar." In August 1610, Semiboyarschina, despite the protests of the Patriarch of Hermogene, entered into an agreement on the call on the Russian throne of Vladislav, the son of King Sigismund, and let the arms troops in the Kremlin. August 27, 1610 Moscow swore Vladislav. It was a direct betrayal of national interests. The country faced the threat of independence loss
  • 4. In 1611, the 1st militia of Lyapunov, Prince Dmitry Trubetskoy and Ataman Zarutsky approached the walls of Moscow. Was liberated by white and China-cities. The government was chosen on the "advisup of all lands", headed by Lyapunov, Trubetskaya and Zarutsky. The Council was collected taxes, disassembled between nobles. However, as a result, the Military Council of the rebels of the Cossacks Lyapunov was killed, and the remaining troops under the leadership of Dmitry Trubetskoy and Zarutsky held the siege of the Kremlin before the arrival of the second militia. In the same year, the Crimean Tatars, without meeting unsaluing, ruin the Ryazan region. Smolensk after a long siege was captured by the Poles, and the Swedes, coming out of the role of "allies", ruined the northern Russian cities.

K.E. Makovsky "Calling Minina" Prince Dmitry Trubetskaya without stopping sending letters to the Trinity Monastery to Archimandrite Dioniosius with a request to send letters over the cities and rushing the collection of second militia. Finally, letters from the Trinity (so called the Trinity-Sergiev Lavra then) reached Nizhny Novgorod. The second militia of 1612 was headed by the Nizhny Novgorod Zemsky Street Kuzma Minin, who invited Prince Pozharsky military operations for leadership. In February 1612, the militia moved to Yaroslavl to take this important point where many roads crossed. Yaroslavl was busy; The militia stood here for four months, because it was necessary to "build" not only the army, but also "the Earth". That is, taxes who were going to be the first militia began to collect the second militia, which served as a break between the prince of Trubetsky and Prince Pozharski. The latter wanted to assemble the "General Zemsky Council" to discuss plans to combat the Polish-Lithuanian intervention and Togo, "as we are in the current evil time, not to be and choose the sovereign to us all the earth." A candidate of the Swedish Karla-Filipp was also offered for discussion, which "wants to be baptized into our Orthodox faith of Greek law." However, the Zemsky Council did not take place. The Archimandrite of Dionysius and Coler of the Trinity Monastery of Abrahami Palitsyn for reconciliation and compounds of the two princes of Dmitriev. The historian of Kasomarov writes "Finally20 (30) August 1612, the militia of mining and fire profits to Moscow. Trubetskoy went to meet them and offered to get up in the same Tabor with the Cossacks. But the Pozhahsky and Minin answered that they would not stand in the same Tabor with the Cossacks. Zemstvo militia became The Belogorko Wall to the Alekseevskaya Tower on the Moscow River. He had the main core of the Arbat gate: there were minin and a fire. Located the mill, the root people began to explode with the moat. "September 22 - the day of the junction of Trubetskoy and Pozharsky. The archimandrite of the Trinity Monastery of Dionysius played a decisive role in this reconciliation. Between the two princes of Dmitriyi, "Agreement on Connection and Love" was signed. So the general new government was created from orders and discharges created near Moscow in 1611. (first militia) and in Yaroslavl in 1612 (second militia). The united second militia defeated the troops of Hetman Khodkevich, who was trying to connect with the Polish garrison, which controlled the Moscow Kremlin.

5. Open intervention. The Government of Vasily Shuisky, realizing that not in the state to cope with Lhadmitry II, in Vyborg (1609) concluded a contract with Sweden. Russia refused his claims to the Baltic coast, and the Swedes gave troops to combat Lhadmitriy II. Under the command of a talented 28-year-old commander M.V. Skopina-Shuisky, Tsar's nephew, began successful actions against the Polish invaders. In response, the Commonwealth, held in the war with Sweden, declared the war of Russia. The troops of the king Sigismund III in the fall of 1609, the city of Smolensk was awaited, the Coyar defended over 20 months. The king ordered the gentry to leave tushino and go under Smolensk. Tushinsky camp crpaired, the impostor was no longer needed by the Polish gentles that switched to an open intervention. Lhadmitry II ran to Kaluga, where he was soon killed. The Embassy of Tushinsky Boyar went to Smolensk at the beginning of 1610 and invited the son of King's son to the Moscow throne - Vladislav.

In April 1610, M.V. died in mysterious circumstances. Skopin-Shuisky. According to Molve, it was poisoned. In the summer of 1610, leaving in the rear fighting Smolensk, the Polish army moved to Moscow. In June 1610, Russian troops under the command of Brother Tsar, a cowardly and mediocre Dmitry Shuisky, suffered from

polish troops. The path to Moscow was opened. Swedes have more thought about the seizure of Novgorod and other Russian lands than about their protection: they left the Army of Shuisky and began to rob the Northwestern Russian cities.

6. Ending intervention. The Government of Mikhail Fedorovich stood the most difficult task - the elimination of the consequences of intervention. The troops of the Cossacks, who wandered around the country, who did not recognize the new king were presented to Him. Among them, the most Grozny was Ivan Zarutsky, who moved Marina Mnishek with her son. Yaitsky Cossacks issued I. Zarutsky in 1614 by the Moscow Government. I. Zarutsky and "Torn" were hanged, and Marina Mnishek is sharpened in Kolomna, where she probably died soon. Swedes represented another danger. After several military clashes, and then the negotiations in 1617 were concluded by the Stolbov world (in the village of Pilovo, not far from Tikhvin). Sweden returned to Russia Novgorod land, but held the Baltic coast and received monetary compensation. Polish Korolevisov Vladislav, who was striving to receive a Russian throne, organized in 1617--1618. Hike to Moscow. He reached the Arbat gate of Moscow, but was repulsed. In the village of Deulino near the Trinity-SSRGYEVA of the monastery in 1618, a deuly armistice was concluded with a responding speech, followed by Smolensk and Chernihiv lands. There was a prison. Vladislav did not refuse complaints about the Russian throne. Thus, mainly the territorial unity of Russia was restored, although some of the Russian land remained for the speech of the compulciety and Sweden. These are the consequences of the events of the Troubles in foreign Policy Russia. In the domestic political life of the state significantly increased the role of the nobility and the tops of the Posad. During the turmoil, in which all layers and estates of Russian society took part, the question of the existence was resolved Russian state, On the choice of the country's development path. It was necessary to find ways to survive the people. Unzhau settled primarily in the minds and souls of people. In concrete conditions early XVII in. The exit from University was found in the awareness of the regions and the center of the need for strong statehood. In the consciousness of people won the idea to give everything for the sake of the common good, and not to look for personal gain. After the troubled time, a choice was made in favor of preserving the largest power in the east of Europe. In the specific geopolitical conditions of that time, the way was elected further development Russia: autocracy as a form of political board, serfdom As the basis of the economy, Orthodoxy as an ideology, a class line as a social structure.

International University of Nature, Society and Man

Dubna "

Department of Sociology and Humanities

Abstract on the topic:Polish-Swedish Intervention


on the contest dedicated to the 1150th anniversary of the Russian statehood


1st year student

Groups 1131.

Abalyaeva Anna Olegovna


Professor of the Department

Sociology and Humanities

Shimon I.Ya.

Dubna, 2012

I. Introduction 3.

II. Main part: Polish-Swedish Intervention 1609-1612 GG 5

§ 1. The beginning of the open intervention and the first national militia 5

§ 2. The second national militia and the liberation of Moscow 10

Conclusion 13.

Bibliography 15.

I. Introduction

In the history of our state, there were such periods in which his independence and the originality of the people were posed, if you want. One such example is the end of the 17th of the XVI - early XVII centuries. This period B. Russian history (Since the death of Ivan Grozny (1584) before the top of Mikhail Fedorovich Romanova (1613) historians call the vague time. The troubled times became the product of the hardest internal and external crisis, which was structural, i.e. covered all spheres of life.

Thus, the economic crisis, which is associated with the consequences of the Livonian War, Officials, the growth of feudal exploitation, served as the basis for the crisis of social. Social tension was observed in the Nizakhs of the Company because of the difficult economic situation, but the nobility was also tested by social dissatisfaction. His increased role has little to fit his position. The dominant class claimed more and in terms of material remuneration for the sovereign service, and in service promotion.

The political crisis manifested itself in that the monarchical tyranny model of the relationship of power and society imposed, as is known, Ivan Grozny, showed its inconsistency, because Social structure has undergone major changes. Thus, on the agenda, the main political question turned out to be: who and how, with what rights and obligations will belong to the ruling layer in the state, which has already ceased to be a collection of scattered lands and principalities, but not yet turned completely into a single organic integer.

The political crisis gave rise to a crisis of a dynastic, which did not end at all from the top of B. Godunov, but, on the contrary, only flared up with a new force.

Since the Polish-Swedish intervention of 1609-1612 is the object of my abstract, then for a start, I decided with one of the central concepts of the abstract - "Intervention". Intervention is understood as the violent intervention of one or several states into the internal affairs of other countries and peoples. This intervention can be military (aggression), economic, diplomatic, ideological. In our case, Polish-Swedish intervention can be identified as military aggression of Poland and Sweden against Russia, which has been pursuing political, and economic goals. The author of the abstract believes that two clearly traceable periods can be distinguished in the Polish intervention. The first I would characterize as a hidden, "anonymous" and its beginning took to the top of the Falsemitria of the first, i.e. By 1605. The second is the nature of the open intervention and begins with the siege by Poles Smolensk in 1609.

I believe that Polish-Swedish intervention 1609-1612. Almost leading to the loss of Russia independence, herself itself was a catalyst that accelerated the release process Russian society From the deepest political crisis. I also believe that Cossacks, as a special social interlayer of the Russian society, speaking under the banners of Falsitriya I and False Dutyman II, strengthened the struggle between representatives of the highest class for a more privileged position in society, thereby accelerated the beginning of the open intervention of Poland and Sweden.

In connection with the above, the author sets the following aims of the abstract: show the Polish-Swedish intervention as a primary acquisition for the manifestation of the vertical solidarity of the Russian people during the fight against the interventionists, as well as the role of K. Minin and D. Forenskiy in the liberation of the country from the intervention.

II. Main part: Polish-Swedish Intervention 1609-1612

§ 1. The beginning of the open intervention and the first national militia

At the beginning of the paragraph, I consider it possible to submit my own opinion that in the Polish intervention of the troubled time I trace two periods: the period of hidden, anonymous intervention and intervention open. The first, in my opinion, began with the arrival of Falsenedmitria I arrival in Moscow, that is, in 1605. As an argument, I will give the point of view of historians A.N. Sakharov and V.I. Buganov, in which I doubt not dare. Behind the name of the Falseedmitria of the first "... As many people thought, a small nobleman was hidden from Galich, who became a monk after the wardings, the novice of Patriarch I was in Moscow - Grigory Overev. Filing to Poland, he accepted the name of the late Tsarevich and declared the rights to the throne of the sovereigns of Moscow. He was supported by the Polish king of Sigismund, magnates, a gentleman and a Catholic clergy, who dreamed of Russian lands and other wealth. The Papal Ambassador of Rangby blessed "Tsarevich", secretly adopted Catholicism. Papal Rome hoped to spend in Russia the Ulya of Catholicism and Orthodoxy, subordinate it to its influence. "

Thus, the motive of increased interest in Russia from Poland and the Catholic Church is clearly visible at the very beginning of the dynastic crisis. These are territorial claims of Polish shoes and the spiritual power of the Catholic Church. There is a hidden economic and ideological intervention.

Considering the above, I consider the argument in favor of the point of view that the intervention from Poland began long before 1609, only wore a hidden, "anonymous" character. Although historians do not call the rule of Falsmitria I intervention, but consume the term "adventure" to this period.

It can be considered that the open intervention began in the fall of 1609, when the army of Sigismund III appeared near Smolensky, although the Polish king was still faithful to Vasily Shui. The question arises: what was the reason for the Poles openly oppose Russia?

Probably need to start with the defeat of I. Bolotnikov in civil War 1606-1607 (Until 1608, the performance continued in the Urals). Because the defeat did not become for the Shuisian celebration, because a new center for the attraction of opposition forces in the face of Falgestrimiy II appeared. It should be noted that Faldmitry II appeared in the city of Starodube, which was on the border of the speech by compulpist and Russia. This is an important fact. Extremely diverse forces were united around the new impostor, among which the so-called "Rokoshan" played a special role - participants of the speech against the Polish king. For them, it was a new adventure, during which they hoped for a remuneration rich from Falgestmitria. The Polish detachments of Lisovsky, Hetman Ruzhinsky and Later - Hetman Sappa, also joined it. The Russian forces were also reached here: Broken Furnaces of Bolotnikov, "Free Cossacks", led by Ivan Zarutsky, all displeasted Vasily Shui. Soon there was a camp of them in the village of Tushino. Power of Falsmitria II spread shortly to a significant territory. In fact, in the country a peculiar duality was established: two capitals - Moscow and Tushino, two sovereigns - Vasily Ivanovich and Dmitry Ivanovich, two Patriarch - Hermogen and Philaret, whom by force was brought in Tushino and "ordered" by Patriarch. In my opinion, during this period there is a moral empowerment of society, when the nobles moved several times from one camp to another for the sake of obtaining awards and preserve the case for themselves.

The initial hostilities led to ruin and losses. In 1609, Hetman Sapega besieged the Trinity Sergiev Monastery. His defense contributed to the strengthening of the national feeling and badly damaged the impostor, the patron of the Poles, Orthodox shrines.

In this situation, Tsar Vasily Shuisky was more relied on patriotic feelings, but for real power. So, in 1609, he concludes a contract with Sweden, according to which the Swedes provided military assistance to the Moscow Sovereign in exchange for the defendant Korean parish parish.

In my opinion, this practice brought Vasily Shui more minuses than pluses. First, this agreement violated the previous agreement with the Poles and gave Sigizmund III a reason for open intervention in Moscow affairs and overcoming the inner opposition, which prevents the war in the East. By the way, Sigismund and took advantage of the situation of "universal accuracy", stating that SMOLENSK came "for the cessation of interdiscomobus and turmoys." Secondly, in these conditions, the Poles no longer needed Lhadmitry II, with whom they stopped reckoned, and the ranks of the rebels began to move on the side of the Polish king. What also improved the position of the Moscow king. Despite the heroic defense of Smolensk from the Polyakov, headed by the voivod of the boyar M. B. Shein and the Poles did not abandon their plans for 21 months. So the Polish open intervention began.

And in February 1610, Russian Tushinsey, headed by M.G. Saltykov, concluded an agreement on the call of his son, Koriiccha Vladislav under Smolensk with Sigismund to the Moscow throne. The authors of the contract sought to preserve the foundations of the Russian system of life: Vladislav had to obey Orthodoxy, the former administrative order and the estate device. The Power of Kingaica was limited to the Boyar Duma and even the Zemsky Cathedral. A number of articles had to protect the interests of the Russian nobility and a boyars from the penetration of Panov. It is noteworthy that Tushinsev stated the right to leave for science in Christian lands. The contract was a step in the constitution of the rights of dominant classes in the Polish model. I am sure that the main issue for Russian tushinsev was a religious question. They insisted on adoption by Vladislav Orthodoxy, and Sigismund was categorically opposed, because Dreamed of the dynastic Speech of the Commonwealth and Russia.

In April 1610, Prince M.Skopin-Shuisky died suddenly. There were rumors that he was poisoned by the brother of a childless king - D.Suysky. This death was destructively affected by Shuisky in general, because They lost the only person close to them, which could rally all the layers of Russian society.

In June 1610, Hetman Zholkevsky struck the royal troops under the command, as N.I. Pavlenko and I.L. Lyreyev, "Studyard D.Suysky ..." from the village of Klushino near Mozhaisk. The battle was not distinguished by persistence: Inoments changed, the Russians were not going to stand to death for Vasily Shui. In this situation, Zholkevsky moved to Moscow. At the same time, Lhadmitry II was moving to Moscow from Kaluga. He, as you know, addressed the residents with a call to open the gate "Natural Summer".

On July 17, 1610, the boyars and nobles led by Zharya Lyapunov overthrew Vasily Shuisky with the throne. And on July 19, to avoid the restoration of the power of the Shuisky, he was forcibly tonsured to the monks. Noteworthy the fact that the conspirators were explained so that Shuisky's overthrow: "... at the Moscow state station, they do not like ... and they do not want to serve him, and the blood is interferent, there is a lot of time ..." They, the conspirators, promised to choose the sovereign "All Earth, composed with all cities ...". I dare to note that the conspirators were removed from the period of the Board of the Shuisky a good lesson. After all, as you know, the king did not have the support of many cities and lands, so they promised to elect a new king, which would satisfy everyone. And before the elections, the government passed to the government from seven boyars, the so-called "Semiboyarschina".

Attention should be paid to the fact that the conspirators, speaking against Shuisky, hoped that the surroundings of Falsitriya II would go with him in the same way. Russians and Poles agreed that removing these two odious figures, it would be possible to overcome the retail. However, supporters of the impostor did not fulfill their promise. Lhadmitry II continued to threaten the seizure of Moscow, anarchy and changes in the composition of the ruling individuals and social groups. Under these conditions, without real strength, "Semiboyarschina" was looking for stability. And found it, concluding an agreement on the calling of the Koriicha Vladislav into Russian throne. The agreement was largely repeated agreement concluded by Russian Tushinsev. But if there is a religious question remained open, then Moscow now swore a new state with a prerequisite that "... to him, sovereign, to be in our orthodox faith Greek law ... ". The agreement allowed the Boyars to introduce Polish troops to Moscow, and Lhadmitry II, together with the "free Cossacks" Zarutsky retreated to Kaluga.

The position of the Government of Shuisky was still very unstable due to the continued struggle between the various layers of the feudal class, in which foreign forces were actively invaded. Polish-Lithuanian magnates and the gentry, as well as the Catholic Church, did not leave hopes to take advantage of the aggravation of contradictions in Russia. The failure of the adventure of the impostor "Dimitri" did not stop them. In the summer of 1607, another "Dimitri" appeared in the city of Starodab, "wonderfully saved" in 1606 in Moscow. A part of the Polish gentry that rebels against his own king and the participation in the campaign of Falgestmitria II was gathered (as they are called in the literature) to change the blame to the king. Dissatisfaction with the Government of Shuisky pushed to Lhadmitria II (the identity of which remained unspecified) Cossacks led by Ivan Zarutsky, the remains of the villages of Bolotnikov. In Seversk Ukraine, in the Ryazan county, in Pskov, Astrakhan and other places there were massive unrest.
In the spring of 1608, a number of cities of Seversk Ukraine jumped into loyalty to Lhadmitry. In early June, he found himself near Moscow, but in the battles of Khimki and on Presnya was stopped and founded his camp in Tushina, receiving a nickname soon " Tushinsky thief" Almost at the same time, the troops of the Sapeery, the Sapeery, the Sapeery Troice, the Sapeery, began to be a non-successful siege of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery, who were courageous from the surrounding villages and villages peasants.
In an effort to free up for the fight against Lhadmitria, the Government of Shuisky concluded a truce with Poland in July 1608, according to which both parties released prisoners captured during the adventures of the first impostor. According to this agreement, Marina Mnishek with his father was released from Moscow, but they fell into Tushino. Having promised 300 thousand gold rubles and the entire Seversk land with 14 cities after the topics in Moscow, Lhadmitry II was "recognized" by Marina as her spouse and "Tsarevich Dimitri". Falgestrium received an order from the Catholic Church - to introduce the Catholic Church in Russia to the Catholic Church with Orthodox, like that, as it was done in Ukraine and in Belarus, as well as transfer the capital of the Russian state from Moscow to one of the cities closer to Poland. While Lhadmitry stood in Tushina, detachments of the intervention
scattered across the country, robbery, raping, sought residents. In response, more and more often broke out folk uprisings. Militias were created, which soon knocked out the intervents from Kostroma and Galic. Successfully endured the siege and hit the attack Yaroslavl, rose uprisings in Murom and Vladimir. During 1609, the liberation movement covered a significant part of the country to the north and northeast of Moscow.
While the masses deployed the struggle against the intervders, a lot of seruners and even representatives of the nobility displeased by the Government of Shuisky were switched to Tushino. Lhadmitryy willingly accepted them, distributed to them in the award of the land and peasants, improved in the ranks. Some then returned back to Shui and received even higher ranks and new defenders. "Tushin flights" called these faders in the people.
In Tushina, created his state apparatus. Metropolitan Filaret was brought from the captured Tushiny Rostov, who was affected by Godunov, and "naschen" by Patriarch. So the father of the future king Mikhail Romanova received the highest church san in the village of adventurers and traitors.

The beginning of the Swedish intervention

The Government of Shuisky also rushed into a conspiracy with foreign forces. It applied for help to the Swedish king Karl IX, who had long kept rejection plans from Russia of Novgorod land and Karelia and had previously offered assistance in the protection of these lands from the Commonwealth. To rely on the mass folk movement against the interventory, which developed in the country, the Government of Shuisky was not solved. The agreement with Sweden was achieved by a difficult price - Shuisky refused the conditions of the Tankian world and generally complaints about the Baltic coast, gave the city of Korela with county and allowed the free appeal of the Swedish coin in Russia. Thus, the Swedish intervention was actually unleashed.
This caused a lot of excitement among the population of the North-Western Russian lands, in Novgorod and Karelia, and Pskovichi in this setting chose to swear to the impostor, but not to obey the Government of Shuisky, which produce Swedish interventionists into the country.
In the spring of 1609, the young commander Prince Mikhail Vasilyevich Skopin-Shuisky, using the Help of the Swedish detachment under the superiors of Duchadi, struck by the Polish-Lithuanian interventory and, relying on the militia, northern cities, freed the north of the country. However, the Swedes soon refused to continue participation in hostilities, demanding that they were paid by the promised salary, and also immediately transferred to their ownership of Korela. There was no money from Shuisky, and he posted the people with severe taxes. In turn, it led to new unrest and uprisings against the feudalists. In the Ryazan district, the Volga region, in Moscow and other places there were new detachments of the rebels.

Open intervention of Polish-Lithuanian feudal

The appearance of the Swedish troops on the territory of Russia gave the opportunity to the Polish-Lithuanian rulers to start an open invasion of Russia, because the Commonwealth and Sweden speech were in a state of war. In the summer of 1609, the Polish king of Sigismund III at the head of the Big Forces moved directly to Smolensk. The troops in it was very small, because Shuisky took them to fight the tushy.
The Government of the Shuisky, afraid of. Movement and emitting to its liquidation, opened the road and the Swedish and open Polish intervention. But again with all the force, the high patriotism of the masses was revealed. This showed the heroic defense of Smolensk, who did not surrender to the enemy and held almost exclusively by the forces - possessing people and gathered in the city of the peasant population. The defense of Smolensk, led by Voevod Mikhail Borisovich Shein, was long detained the offensive of Polish troops. Tushinsky camp soon crumbled, Lhadmitry II with a bunch of adherents fled to Kaluga.
The remaining satisfaction after the flight of False Dutyria II "Russian Tushinai" sent the embassy to King Sigismund III led by the boyarian M. G. Saltykov. The contract concluded on behalf of the Boyarskaya Duma with the king in February 1610, provided for the welling of Vladislav, the Union with the Commonwealth speech, the preservation of the privileges of the boyars in Russia and the strengthening of serfdom.
M. V. Skopin-Shuisky at the head of the troops in March 1610 solemnly joined Moscow. The increased authority of M. V. Skopina-Shuisky tried to use nobles for the overthrow of Vasily Shui. But the young commander died unexpectedly - perhaps he was poisoned by Shui. At the head of government troops was delivered by the meditarian and cowardly brother of Tsar Dmitry Shuisky. With the 40,000th Army, D. Shuisky moved towards the Polish troops of the hetman Stanislav Zholkevsky moving from Smolensk. In June 1610, the troops of Shuisky in the battle under the club suffered a complete defeat. In this battle, the hired detachments were changed, one part of which had passed on the side of the enemy, and the other led by Duchagi went north to consolidate the Russian lands of the Sweden. Using universal discontent with the Government of Shuisky, again activated its actions of Lhadmitry II. He captured Serpukhov, for a time she mastered Kolomna, went to Moscow and stood in Kolomensky. From the West to Moscow, Zolkevsky troops were approached. The fate of the government of Vasily Shuisky was solved. On July 17, 1610, Vasily Shuisky was relegated by the nobles, led by Zakhar Lyapunov, with the support of the Poskiy population of Moscow, and forcibly tonsured monks.
But the results of the coup took advantage of the boyars, headed by F. I. Mstislavsky. In an effort to preserve the privileged position of the Moscow boyars and prevent the rise of anti-refortion movement in the country, F. I. Mstislavsky called on Hetman Zholkevsky to speak from Mozhaisk to protect Moscow from Falgestrimitria 11 and then began negotiations with Zholkevsky regarding the recognition of the King Vladislav in the Russian throne.
On August 17, 1610, in the Polish mill near Moscow, Moscow Boyars signed an agreement on the recognition of the Kingdom of Vladislav by the Russian king, and on the night of September 21, 1610, Polish detachments in Moscow were allowed at the night of September 1610. The hardest time has come foreign intervention. As a result of the treacherous policy of Boyars, a significant part of the country, including the capital, was captured by foreign interventions, the power in Moscow actually belonged to the Polish governor of Gonsevsky, the Boyar government, the so-called "Semiboyarschina", headed by F. I. Mstislavsky, no role in management played. Calculations of some of the policemanship representatives that the vocation of Vladislav will help get rid of Falgestmitri II, and from Sigismund, turned out to be untenable. The king refused to let go of Vladislav and demanded the cessation of resistance in Smolensk. Attempts by some members of the embassy to persuade the defenders of Smolensk to fold the weapons before the Polish king were unsuccessful.

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