Is it possible to use larch in the steam room. For a bath, lining made of larch is better

reservoirs 25.06.2019

Larch floor - perfect option floor covering for a room with high humidity. This type of wood differs from the rest in its minimal hygroscopicity, high strength and wear resistance. For this reason, experts recommend using larch coatings in the bath. We will look at the benefits technical features and installation methods wooden planks in bath rooms.

A few words about the material

Larch is one of the most practical and durable species of coniferous trees, which is used mainly for finishing “damp” rooms. A board made of this material has the best technical parameters compared to other hardwood flooring made from softwood. Distinctive feature such a coating - low water absorption. Despite the excellent qualities of the tree, it costs little, due to its prevalence.

Why is larch most often used for flooring in a bath? The popularity of the material is associated with its excellent physical and mechanical characteristics. They almost 100% meet the requirements for coatings used in the bath:

  • high strength;
  • resistance to temperature changes;
  • resistance to decay;
  • increased moisture resistance.

It is known that a resinous and elastic board made of coniferous tree in terms of hardness it is second only to oak and only a couple of points. That is, the hardness of larch, according to the Brinell scale, is 3.2 units. In other words, the end hardness of wood ranges from 38 to 82 MPa. For comparison: spruce and pine have a hardness of up to 38 MPa.

Surprising is the fact that as the material dries out, its density increases greatly, to the point that it is simply impossible to drive a nail into the bar. However, it was this feature of the coating that determined its service life. Even in very high humidity larch floors can last at least 30 years.

Material Advantages

The bath has a very specific microclimate, so repair work in such a room is always associated with the search for materials that could stoically endure large temperature fluctuations and humidity. One of these materials is larch. Its popularity is due to the unique physical and mechanical properties, which include:

  • High strength. As already mentioned, coniferous wood is second only to oak in terms of strength, but it costs much less;
  • Resistance to pathogenic flora. The composition of the coating includes gum, which, in fact, is a natural antiseptic. That is why the floor board of coniferous wood is not at all afraid of fungi and mold;
  • Moisture resistance. Wood fibers are completely impregnated with resinous substances that prevent the penetration of moisture. That is why the coating is not subject to warping and any kind of deformation;
  • Sound and heat insulation. The tree has a minimum thermal conductivity, due to which in the bath a long period the temperature remains high. In turn, the high density of the material provides it with good soundproofing qualities;
  • Effect on the body. The composition of the resinous substances that are in the structure of larch floors includes phytoncides. In the process of heating the coating, volatile "helpers" kill pathogenic microbes and viruses in the air;
  • Decorative. The coating has a unique texture, which is well set off by the honey color of the board. Such floors are able to decorate with themselves almost any interiors;
  • Price. The prevalence of larch provided her with a low cost. For m 2 floors, you will have to pay only 10-15 USD.

What do consumers think?

For the most part, consumer reviews of larch wood flooring are positive, which once again confirms the practicality of the material. The ratio of 90% of consumers to wood flooring can be literally summed up in three testimonials from individuals that have been collected online:

  • About a year ago I did repairs in the bathhouse and decided to take larch as a cover. Before that, oak boards lay in the steam room, but literally three years later they were eaten by a fungus. I have been using the sauna for a year now and so far the floor has not even darkened;
  • I never thought that inexpensive larch in its own way technical qualities will surpass the beech, but this is a fact. In the bath on the screed, I laid a tongue-and-groove board more than 5 years ago, so far I have not replaced a single plank, everything is whole;
  • Finishing floors with wood is always a risky event, especially in a room where water literally flows to the floor in a stream. But the larch exceeded my expectations, in the washing room I revetted the floor with a coniferous board, but even under the constant influence of water it did not warp.

Of course, softwood has a lot of advantages in comparison with other types of materials. But in order for the coating to last for a really long time, the laying of the boards must be carried out taking into account many nuances, which we will discuss a little later.

Grade of wood

What kind of wood is best to choose for flooring in a "damp" room? The grade of raw materials determines not only aesthetic, but also many technical characteristics of materials. In this case, the following types of wood are distinguished:

  • "Extra" or "Elite"– the board of the first grade contains minimal color transitions. There are no sapwood and the slightest scratches on the surface;
  • "Natur" - a coating of medium selection, which may have several pronounced color contrasts and a small number of knots with resin pockets;
  • "Rustic" - a budget option coatings that may show knot marks, visible scratches and color contrasts.

What coating will be optimal for the floor in the bath? In many ways this indicator depends on functional purpose premises. For example, in the washroom it is always quite humid and the water has direct contact with the base. To minimise Negative influence moisture on wood, it is better to make flooring from boards with a minimum number of flaws, i.e. varieties "Extra". For a waiting room and a steam room, where the humidity is moderate, a board of the Natur variety is suitable.

Types of larch boards by type of processing

There are several types of larch boards that are used in the construction of floors:

  • Unedged - boards, the edges of which remain raw. As a rule, they are used to create draft floors;
  • Edged - smooth wood slabs correct geometric shape. Unplaned planks are used to finish the rough base, planed - for finishing gender;
  • Grooved - slabs with lock connection, which form a monolithic coating of high strength.

Each of the above types of larch materials has its own characteristics. To appreciate the benefits of using each of them, let's look at each type in more detail.

Unedged boards

An uncut board is made by cutting logs without additional processing. It may have an irregular geometric shape and therefore is more often used as rough coating, on which waterproofing is subsequently laid during the installation of wooden floors in the bath. This type materials are inexpensive, which helps save a decent amount at the stage of preparing the base for laying the final coating.

In what areas of bath construction are they used?

  • installation of wooden crates;
  • sheathing of the frame structure;
  • arrangement of the black base.

In rare cases, untreated wood is used as a finishing coating for pouring floors. However, an untreated board has a greater hygroscopicity, therefore, after each water procedure, it needs high-quality drying.

Edged boards

This material differs from the previous type of material in a rectangular section. In the process of cutting the larch trunk, the boards are given the correct geometric shape, which greatly expands the scope of their application. Such a coating can be used for mounting both a rough and a finished floor.

There are two types of trim strips:

  • Unplaned. After sawing, they are not subjected to any type of processing, therefore they have a rough surface. Used as draft material for assembly wooden frames, draft floors, etc.;
  • Planed. They are subjected to mechanical cleaning, due to which the coating becomes smooth and, accordingly, less susceptible to moisture.

tongue-and-groove boards

Grooved board is a practical and wear-resistant material that is suitable for installing non-spill floors in a bath. This type The coating is equipped with a locking system, in which one of the slats has a “comb” and the other has a “groove”. This allows you to achieve a high-quality connection of the strips to each other.

Often, tongue-and-groove coatings are used to assemble a finished floor. In this case, installation can occur in two ways:

  1. In the form of a prostyl cover. Long planks are laid along the entire room, forming a monolithic wooden floor;
  2. In the form of a set cover. Sufficiently short slabs are placed in checkerboard pattern, due to which the outer surface resembles a parquet board.

Installation nuances

Finishing the rough base with a larch board has a number of technological nuances that you should be aware of.

Since ancient times, the log cabin of the bath was built only from the trunks of those trees that grew in Russia. Ancient architects knew a lot about choosing wood for a bath: it is necessary that the wood be easily processed, serve for a long time and not lose its properties. In the regions of the Russian North, Siberia and Far East coniferous trees were especially distinguished, as they were widespread. Yes and in Central Russia take a steam bath in a bath from a bar cut down by them conifers, was considered very beneficial for the body and soul.

The question of whether larch can be used in a steam room still worries many beginner builders of baths or saunas to this day. Experienced builders know that there is nothing better for the interior lining of a Russian bathhouse than larch lining.

The advantages of this particular type of wood are obvious:

  • Larch does not emit resin.
  • Has low thermal conductivity.
  • Very pleasant appearance.

However, larch lining in the steam room eventually acquires dark color, which no longer looks as beautiful as the natural, original shade. To avoid this, immediately after interior decoration it is necessary to process the tree with special-purpose means.

External characteristics of larch wood

According to scientists, there are more than 10 species of larch in the world. Since this tree belongs to the sound breeds, it is quite natural that it has shades. General characteristics larches that a person can identify by eye are given below:

  • core color - red or brown;
  • thick bark with many small cracks;
  • the rays of the core are very weakly visible;
  • there are a lot of knots along the trunk;
  • small resin passages are visible.

Main varieties

Larch lining for the construction of a bath will cost more than the same volume of wood of other species. However, larch will serve much longer in the steam room, so it makes sense to choose it. Like any other breed, larch lining has differences in grades.

  • Extra lining is considered the highest quality material: there are no visible defects, chips or gouges.
  • The second class is class A: traces of light knots can be seen on the surface (from the ratio of 1 running meter: 1 knot with a diameter of not more than 15 mm). Roughness, small cracks are allowed.
  • The third class - class B: per 1 linear meter - 1 light knot, the diameter of which does not exceed 20 mm. Minor dents and cuts are possible.
  • The last class is class C: products have the most low price However, their quality is much lower than that of other varieties. There are knots, cuts, wormholes, resin passages and other defects on the surface.

What are the advantages of larch over other tree species

The bath can be built and finished from linden, oak, pine, cedar and other proven and reliable tree species. The choice of wood for modern market huge, and each breed has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Just the same lining made of larch boasts a really large set of advantages:

  • simplicity and ease of installation;
  • unpretentiousness in care;
  • reduced level of thermal conductivity, strength and durability;
  • attractive soothing shade;
  • resistance to moisture, fungi and harmful microorganisms;
  • wood does not rot for a very long time.

It is for these reasons that most sauna builders opt for larch wood.

How larch behaves in the bath

As noted above, it is the lining of larch in the steam room that is one of the most widely used materials in the decoration of the bath. The internal appearance of the steam room acquires not only an aesthetic noble appearance, but also has a number of other functional indicators.

Among them professional craftsmen allocate:

  • A steam room made of larch keeps high temperatures for a long time.
  • Due to the increased wear resistance of the lining for many years there will be no need to carry out redecorating steam rooms.
  • Larch wood has a calming effect on the human body, besides it creates a special atmosphere of warmth and comfort in the bath.
  • No need to carry out constant treatment with special means from pests and fungi.

Occasionally, a problem such as resin leakage from larch wood is possible. If larch flows in the steam room, what can be done to remove this drawback once and for all? It is worth knowing that the appearance of a resin leak is possible in cases where the lining was initially poorly dried, and then poorly processed. To remove the leak will help special means of leaking resin. The people also use stain or beeswax. Treatment with these products helps eliminate leaks and gives a natural shine to larch panels.

Construction of a steam room from larch

Before you directly deal with the interior decoration of the steam room, it is necessary to process the lining by special means to protect the wood from darkening and retain its useful properties.

The first stage of work includes the creation of a steam room frame from boards or bars. It is very important to first fix the extreme supporting elements, and then set the middle ones according to the level. At the second stage - the installation of larch panels, which will be attached to the frame. After that, you can carry out the construction of benches, shelves and other components necessary for the steam room.

The interior decoration of the bath can be made of different breeds trees. However, the masters advise to make all the interior decoration of the steam room from the same tree. So the steam room will acquire a noble and attractive look.

The floor in the bath usually does not tolerate such extreme temperatures as walls or, for example, benches. Usually the temperature at the floor level is kept in the region of 30-35 degrees. Therefore, there is no need to make a larch floor. But if you want to create a truly unique place to relax that will please the eye, then of all wood species, larch is the best choice for the bath floor. Firstly, it practically does not undergo the process of decay, and secondly, the floor and walls from the same lining will form a single composition of the bath interior.

Bath from larch to glory

In view of high density wood, a larch steam room can last for many decades without losing its characteristics.

The secret of the durability of this material is in a substance called "gum", which makes larch lining resistant to all types of influences.

Russian old baths were made only from natural wood of a certain breed, these baths are very healthy and there a person can forget about the worries of civilization and problems in life. Bath from new wood this is very useful and quite pleasant, since the tree contains essential oils, wooden buildings can last a very long time, besides, it is 100% eco-friendly material for construction.

Baths made of wood

Traditional Russian old baths have always been associated with healing and relaxation, as they are the most effective, healing and comfortable. Such old baths were built only from wood and only with their own hands, this building will have an original beautiful view and has a wonderful woody scent.

The wood is distinguished by the content of unique essential oils, which are especially beneficial for health and will have an interesting smell. The beautiful and stylish appearance of the bath is created precisely by wood, which also contains antiseptic substances to disinfect the material.

Foundations for a wooden bath:

  1. Tape
  2. pile
  3. Columnar
  4. Special slab foundation

To build a high-quality durable structure, it is necessary to take into account all the technological construction stages. This building can be separate or combined with the house, it can be built from rounded or chopped logs. Construction is carried out from pouring the foundation, then comes the assembly of the house itself, the installation of the roof and the finishing of the building.

It is required to take into account literally all the technologies of wooden housing construction, thanks to which the house will stand for a long time and with high quality. Building a wooden bath is a complex and time-consuming task that requires a lot of knowledge and great experience in working with wood.

Advantages of a larch bath

  • The most common tree species used in the construction of baths is larch, as well as cedar and pine. Larch is the most expensive here, but its density is quite large, and it contains unique resins. A bathhouse made of this wood will be the most durable, that is, a log house made of larch can literally stand for hundreds of years due to the durability of the material. Larch has ideal aesthetic and operational properties and this makes the wood the best for building a log house. This wood is not even afraid of moisture and water, it is quite durable and can withstand heavy loads coming from the log cabin itself.
  • Another unique advantage of larch is protection from biological general destruction and decay. Larch is a really high-quality and unique wood, so a log house made of this material will be the most best solution, if you strive for the durability of the bath. There are also such advantages as wear resistance and low sensitivity to humidity and temperature changes. These are exactly the qualities that are so important for the construction of a bath. In addition, larch also has a beautiful range of colors and a stylish texture, it is one of the most best types wood for the device felling.
  • For the construction of a Russian bath, you should also be able to choose wood, you can choose the most expensive options, that is, linden or larch. These two types of wood are quite dense, in addition, they can keep a fresh look for a long time and will have a beautiful texture. The most elite and durable option for construction is the Siberian larch. It is larch that can give odds in terms of durability and beauty to maple, pine and beech, and in terms of strength it is not inferior even to oak. The content of various essential oils is very high here, so the bath becomes very fragrant. It is an ideal antiseptic and is not even afraid of woodworms and rot, moreover, it has healing qualities.

Cons of a larch bath

  • Larch is a fairly resistant and durable excellent wood, which more expensive than cedar and pine. A bath from this wood will cost twice as much as from pine, this material heats up quite strongly and additional protective finishing is required. This wood is quite heavy and difficult to process, so it is quite difficult to make a log house from larch and you can ruin a lot of tools during processing. It quickly changes its color with changes in temperature and general humidity, although all types of wood have this minus. It is better not to use larch for finishing the steam room itself, since it is not suitable for this, the ideal option is aspen or linden.
  • Only Siberian larch has unique building qualities, so you should only buy it, and not others. If you use larch from the European part of the Russian Federation, then it will not better than pine, which is cheaper and more common. Difficulties with larch will begin from the moment of drying, besides, due to high humidity, the log very often cracks. The material has numerous advantages, but you should buy this material only in prepared excellent in perfect shape. Larch is quite capricious, so it is not recommended to build a bathhouse on your own, since it already requires a lot of experience in the work.
  • because of heavy weight and density, additional payment is required for transportation and great effort to build. It is better to take a beam from 32 cm thick, otherwise it will have to be very much insulated with walls in a log house. Installing larch logs, due to their hardness and density, will be quite difficult. If a small larch board is used for flooring, then it will be difficult to hammer nails there, that is, drilling is required. A log without a clear radial cut will quickly crack, which also complicates the process of building a bath.

Larch baths should be built according to modern science, it is imperative to choose the right place and distance to other houses, you should take into account for the black bath a distance of 12 meters from other houses. It is required to clearly make the layout of the washing room, steam room and dressing room, which should only be adjacent. The logs should be hewn under the bracket, and if the logs are thin, then additional wall treatments should definitely be done. If the bath is made of larch, then it is better to use it as a foundation and for the manufacture of all floors where this wood will be ideal.

The device of floors for a bath is no less important component than the construction of walls and roofs. It is the floor that determines the functionality of the room, the convenience of acceptance water procedures, the cost of construction. What floors are there and which ones are better? What should be the focus?

Which floor and for which bath is best suited?

Before making a final decision regarding the choice of the most suitable material for the floor, you should find out what they are.

For capital brick baths with several rooms (a rest room, a steam room, a washing room and a dressing room), and a focus on year-round use, it is better to build concrete base with a high-quality waterproofing layer and a reliable drainage system.
Are you planning to build a practical small log house, consisting of a steam room and a dressing room? For such a design, it is quite enough to build a reliable wooden floor. Please note that wood under the influence of high humidity and elevated temperature sooner or later it will start to rot, so you still have to re-lay it.

Wooden floor

For the construction of a wooden floor, it is better to use boards made of larch, fir or pine - coniferous species.
This choice is due to the fact that the structure of their wood is impregnated with resin, due to which it is possible to increase the life of the structure, leveling the risk of its decay.

For many years you will not have to re-lay the boards. Under the influence of temperature, essential oils are released from larch fibers. They have a beneficial effect on the human body.

As for the design features, such floors can be leaking or non-leaking. The latter type is typical for baths with a concrete screed, where the floors have a slight slope for water to drain. The main disadvantages of such structures include the difficulty of drying upon completion of bath procedures. As a result, already after 2-3 years they begin to rot intensively, and no impregnation treatment is able to make up for the design flaws.

More attractive and reliable in this regard is a leaking wooden floor, which is much less prone to decay.

Features of a leaking larch floor

The leaky floor is formed with wooden lag, which rest on the surface of the foundation. Then the floor is laid on top of the structure using floorboard while leaving a small gap. Through it, water penetrates between the boards. Experts recommend organizing everything in such a way that the clearance is about 60 cm. This will allow air to freely penetrate under the base of the floor and quickly dry the boards.

This design is simple and durable. If you supplement it with a stove-heater, then you can count on a first-class bath.

Larch is one of the highest quality, durable and expensive building materials. And, of course, larch makes the most charming wooden structures. The indescribable natural color of larch wood consists of a dozen natural warm shades. Such beauty costs accordingly, despite the fact that larch is one of the most common trees in Russian forests.

Larch bath: only the facts

  1. Siberian larch, which is most appreciated by connoisseurs, gives a hundred points ahead in terms of aesthetics and durability of pine, maple, ash, and beech, and surpasses even oak in strength.
  2. A bathhouse made entirely of larch can cost you almost twice as much as a bathhouse made of ordinary pine.
  3. Density essential oils from larch resin, if you do not sheathe a log house inside the steam room, it is higher than that of any other tree, so you will always bathe “more fragrant” than in baths from other species.
  4. Larch will heat up just like pine, like any other material - if you want to avoid this, then additional interior decoration is required.
  5. Houses on the water in Venice for centuries are located on piles, which are made of alpine larch, which in itself speaks of its moisture resistance.

"Pros and cons"

Larch is an ideal wood for building a sauna, but its main drawback is its high price. There are other features that should be considered before approving the project and purchasing building materials.

The main natural quality - high moisture resistance - makes larch baths the most popular among developers. Often, if the budget is limited, only the foundation and the lower part of the log house are made of larch.

  • If you are building a log house, then it is better to use large diameter trees. This is due to the fact that larch itself is a cold tree. Thick logs will improve the thermal insulation properties of the future bath.
  • Be sure to choose wood that has been harvested in winter period. Larch - solid material, is difficult to work with and breaks easily. "Winter" wood contains less moisture and slowly dries out until summer. It is slow shrinkage that is the guarantee that the tree will not crack. Trees that have been harvested in the summer contain a lot of moisture and crack in almost 100% of cases. Best time for harvesting - November-March.
  • Larch wood for the construction of a bath should be dry and free of flaws - insects, knots, wormholes.

How to build a bath from larch

Location selection

Build a bath "according to science" - then in the future it will give you only pleasure, not a headache. Be careful when choosing a place to build. Ideally, if the bath is located at a certain distance from other structures on the site. If you chose the old Russian version of the bath "in black", then its distance from the house should be at least 12 meters. It is enough to place non-smoky baths no closer than 5 meters from the nearest building. Sometimes a bath is built as an extension to residential building. In this case, it is necessary that the bathhouse meets increased safety standards, especially regarding fire regulations.

Any bath will require water drainage, so it is better to put it on a hill.


The classic bath device involves three interior spaces: dressing room, washing and steam room. You can combine a dressing room and a washing room, but in fact it is very inconvenient. All three rooms are adjacent - from the dressing room you go to the washing room, and from there - to the steam room. The size of the dressing room and the washing room are usually the same, and the quadrature of the steam room is determined based on how many people it should accommodate when fully loaded. The dressing room often serves as a rest room.

Preparation of logs for a log house

All logs should be hewn "under the bracket" so that the difference between versimeters. If you took thin logs to build a bath, then you will need to additionally insulate the walls.

Saw logs along the length of the wall, leaving allowances for protruding corners that extend beyond the wall. If the length is not enough for the allowance, then you can cut the ends of the logs at 90 degrees and dock them without removing the rest.

The hardest part is marking the diameters. Proper marking will allow you to organize the edges and crests of logs with the correct slope.

Construction of a log cabin

If you decide to use larch for the construction of a bath, then there is no point in looking for other materials for the foundation. Larch is an ideal wood for floor joists and foundations.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. The foundation should be laid waterproofing material. An inexpensive roofing material is perfect for this purpose.
  2. The first crown is laid on the foundation - the salary. It should be slightly wider than the rest of the logs. The voids between the foundation and the salary can be filled with a but and sealed mortar or mounting foam.
  3. The most aesthetic method of laying crowns is the classic the old fashioned way"top butt". This method will give you the ability to keep the horizontal level, and it looks supremely beautiful.
  4. In the old days, a layer of moss was laid between the crowns. Nowadays, you can use jute, tow, insulating material or the so-called. "construction" moss. This natural material does not rot and does not dry out.
  5. You can give the end connecting cuts any shape, for example, “in the paw”, “in the oblo”, “in the bowl”. Between themselves, the logs are fastened with dowels. After laying 3-4 crowns, the wood can be treated with waterproof mastic and tinted.
  6. The two upper crowns should not be fixed - after shrinkage of the log house, they are removed and the ceiling beams are fixed.
  7. Before the arrangement of the roof, the log house needs to be settled. This process takes from several months or more - depending on the climate and the time of construction of the log house.
  8. After shrinking the logs, you can install to equip the roof with any material to your taste - slate, bituminous or ceramic tiles, etc.
  9. It would be logical to use the same larch for interior decoration - both from an aesthetic and practical point of view.

Your bath will last forever

A bathhouse built of larch can stand for more than a hundred years and serve your great-grandchildren. Such incredible endurance makes larch the most best material for sustainable construction. By choosing larch for your future sauna, you are investing not only in guaranteed reliability and aesthetics, but also in your health and the health of your entire family.

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