Where in winter you can go rest after. Where in the winter to go to the sea: budget options and countries are more expensive

Garden technique 15.10.2019
Garden technique

Where in winter warm and you can bother with many tourists, and most of them have already satisfied their curiosity and practice beach holidays in winter.

And on vacation, be sure to capture the swimsuits of several species for steep photos on the sea.

So, where to go in winter to the sea or where we will tell the warmth in January in January, and we will contribute to truly to love the top 10 countries offered by us.

Hot beaches, or where to fly in winter at sea

Where to relax in winter to the sea to avoid winter frost and depression because of the constant cold around?

  1. Egypt

    Country number 1 for recreation in January at sea. That's just not at sea, but rather on the beach. The sea is minimally cooled in January, although the most bold tourists are still risking in it to dive into the dignity of the day, and there are right. Unfortunately, in January, the winds are also periodically overtaken here, but if you select the resort surrounded by mountains, for example, Charm El Sheikh or Taba, then it is quite possible to sunbathe under the bright sun. Also this month, Egypt is ready to offer the most rich excursion programs. The air temperature in January here is from 19 to 24 degrees, water - from 22 to 23.

  2. Thailand

    Many warmer Egypt, the season reaches the peak itself and here you can see crowds of tourists. In January, the wind in Thailand calmed down, the humidity decreases and the temperature becomes favorable not only for sunbathing, but also for swimming. The air temperature in January here is from 28 to 32 degrees, water - from 26 to 29.

  3. UAE

    In winter, this country on tourism is very similar to Egypt, but the tours here are a bit more expensive. The fact is that besides bars and excursions, as in Egypt, there is a wider program. You can get acquainted with multiple cultural traditions, visit the marocan baths and see camel run. Here the surfers begins a high season, so if you are interested in this, then welcome to the UAE. The air temperature in January here is from 20 to 24 degrees, water - from 20 to 22.

  4. Spain (Tenerife)

    If you correctly choose a specific place of rest in this country, then you can spend it amazingly. The Canary Islands can only offer the Cold Sea, but south of Spain - separate warm pools and walks under the sun by the sea. Here you will have an excellent tan, and even visit many interesting excursions. The air temperature in January here is from 19 to 26 degrees, water - from 20 to 21.

  5. Sri Lanka

    Principle Spanish, the guarantee of the right choice of place speaks of perfect vacation. In winter, you need to choose the southeastern coast, at which at this time of the year the minimum of precipitation. But the northwest and central regions are better to choose in the summer. The air temperature in January in the south is from 30 to 33 degrees, water from 25 to 27.

  6. India (Goa)

    Hot tropics are waiting for all tourists who are accustomed to resting equatorial latitudes of this type. The sun in January here is grooming, and the water is warm, the night is cool - the ideal weather for rest. Only one should not be in the sun for more than two hours otherwise you can burn. The air temperature in January here is from 32 to 34 degrees, water - from 28 to 23.

  7. Maldives

    Never leave the top 10, because the eternal summer reigns here. In January, the humidity decreases, the dry season occurs, attend this country is better in the second half of the month. The air temperature in January here is from 29 to 31 degrees, water - from 27 to 28.

  8. Vietnam

    The air temperature in January here is from 23 to 26 degrees, water - from 21 to 23. Attending the best south, there are less precipitation two or three times.

  9. Dominican Republic

    A hot country, the humidity is higher in the north, but the coolness is rare. The air temperature in January here is from 28 to 30 degrees, water - from 26 to 27.

  10. Cyprus and Turkey

    No warm sea in January, but wellness treatments and excursions are guaranteed.

With the onset of the colds of many tourists, as if birds, pulls to fly there, where heat is to the sea, the sun, palm trees along the sandy coast. And the choice of such places is undoubtedly large: tour operators offer rest for every taste and wallet - from budget Egypt to the luxurious Maldives. Not to be lost in the world of "burning rounds" and "current proposals" you will help you a selection of the most popular tourist destinations in winter.

Egypt: Economical "All Inclusive"

The first thought arising in response to the question of where to relax in the winter abroad is to fly Egypt. Of course, it sounds, but a worthy level of service is guaranteed with minimal cost. It seems that Egypt is located in the northeastern part of Africa - the country of the year-round soaring sun. In fact, this is not the case: in the summer in the summer in the fall no longer felt. The most comfortable conditions for tourists from moderate latitudes here are in winter. Temperature Day on the Sinai Peninsula reaches 23 degrees, on the Red Sea coast - 22.

Important! At night, in the winter Egypt, cool (about 13 degrees), so you should grab some warm things on the road yet.

What resort is better to go? Lovers will suit Hurghada more. Near the resort there are excellent seats for diving with aqualung. Windsurfers rushed here in winter. More expensive and fashionable rest offers Sharm el-Sheikh. There are many parks, attractions, discos. Mohammad is located nearby - a reserve known to the rich marine fauna and Flora. Other entertainment in Egypt: Safari on jeeps, excursions to Cairo and Luxor, cruise on the Nile.

Arab Emirates: amazing and expensive

Thanks to the huge reserves of oil, the Bedouins of the northeastern part of the Arabian Peninsula managed to in the midst of the desert to create high-tech islands of civilization. The United Emirates Today is the Arab fairy tale on a new way, attracting, like a magnet, tourists with an average and high level of income. Winter in the UAE reigns solar and warm weather. In the afternoon, the air temperature reaches 24-26 degrees and can be sunbathing, at night - 13-15.

Important! The sea at the local coast is cool enough (16-18 degrees), so they will have to swim in the pools.

Where can I relax in the emirations? The country is washed by the Omansky and Persian bays. On the shores of the Arabian Sea is only one resort - Fujairah. It is distinguished by an unusual greenery for these edges, suitable for a measured, solitary rest. The remaining six Emirates are located on the Persian Gulf Coast. The most popular resorts here are Abu Dhabi and Dubai. Resting on the sea with children is best in the capital of the Emirates. But in Dubai with his mad rhythm of life and a mass of tourist proposals, we prefer to come visited tourists.

Kingdom of Jordan: calm and comfortable

Another place is much better to go to the sea in winter, not the summer, - Aqaba. The resort is located in the north of the Aqaba Bay of the Red Sea. Unlike the rest of Jordan, where the change of cool weather reigns in the winter, here, thanks to the mountains, a stable warm microclimate has been established. In addition, beaches and reefs in Aqaba cleaner than in Egypt, all hotels are located on the first line. Beach holiday in the winter here will be complete, since the water temperature of the coast does not fall below 22 degrees.

Important! The north beaches of the resort are famous for small clean sand. In the south, the coast is pebble, there are coral reefs nearby.

Where can I go to Jordan? Once in Aqaba, visit:

  • urban scientific station;
  • House-Museum Hussein Ben-Ali;
  • fortress in the city center;
  • Museum of Starina;
  • excavations on the Tel Al-Khalifsky Hill.

If you are planning to spend a few weeks in Jordan, be sure to visit the capital of Amman, thermal sources of Ma'in Hot Springs, destroyed by the Roman city of Gerash, as well as a mysterious Peter.

Israel: changeable and varied

Solving, many sophisticated tourists rush to the small, but advanced Israel. The country has access to the three seas: red, mediterranean and dead. Increased interest at visitors causes the Israeli capital to Jerusalem. The flow of pilgrims in the Holy City never dried. So, at the end of December, Catholics are ridiculed to places associated with Jesus Christ, in early January - Orthodox.

Important! Israeli winter is more like a Russian spring or autumn. In January and February, the rains often come here.

If you are planning to go to the sea in December or February, go to Eilat - the southern resort on the banks of the Akab Bay. The air temperature in this region reaches 21-24 degrees. In Eilat in winter, you can not only sunbathe, but also to buy, as water warms up to 22-26 degrees. Vacationers here are available to all sorts of water entertainment, including immersion to coral reefs. Gidden abroad in January, it is better to go on the coast of the Dead Sea, because in the middle of winter there is the least precipitation.

Goa: exotic and accessible

Where to go in winter to the sea to make time to spend time for modest money? The answer is obvious - to India. This mysterious eastern country is full of paints and contrasts. A bright confirmation is the Indian state of Goa, consisting of the "part of the sector" of the north and measured south. The air temperature on the south-west coast of India is 32 degrees, water - 28 degrees.

Important! The cost of tours in Goa to the New Year holidays is traditionally overestimated. If you fly to India in the second half of winter, the journey will cost 25-40% cheaper.

Where is it better to winter - in the Northern or South Goa? The choice of the resort depends on what kind of recreation you prefer. If you expect from India, first of all, impressions and spectacles, choose North Goa. The south of the state is more suitable for those who intend to go to rest in winter with children to calmly sunbathe and buy. However, there is another important difference between the resorts, which is better to know in advance: in Northern Goa, the entire entertainment infrastructure is located next to hotels. Tourists who settled in the south, shops and restaurants will have to get a taxi.

Sri Lanka: hot and color

Another tropical country in which it is interesting to spend a winter vacation, -strov Ceylon. And if the North Goa is famous for the cycling nightlife, the highlight of Sri Lanka is the proximity of nature. Here in honor of the barbecue on the beach, inspection of tea plantations, diving into the ocean depths, walking to the cliff "End of Light". The temperature on the island is rounded year-round at 28-30 degrees. The water of the Indian Ocean in the coastal zone is heated to 26 degrees.

Important! In winter, it is better to rest on the southern and western side of Sri Lanka, as in the eastern regions during this period there are monsoon rains.

You can stay in the Galle area or the surrounding area Colombo. Good resorts located near the Lanka Capital are Negombo and Mount Lavinia. There is everything you need for kaitsorfing, windsurfing and diving. Optionally, active beach holidays can be combined with excursion, visiting Colombo.

The main attractions of the capital:

  • Art gallery;
  • jami-Ul-Alfar mosque;
  • Mosque Yami-Ul-Affa;
  • National Museum;
  • New and old Catiesan;
  • galle Face Green Square;
  • Presidential palace;
  • chinamon Gardens;
  • saint Lucia Cathedral;
  • old lighthouse;
  • ganeshan Temple;
  • church of St. Anthony and Peter;
  • central Park "Victoria"
  • clock tower.

Holy and sinful thailand

Popular winter destinations include Siam, which has access to the two seas - South China and Andaman. Weather conditions in Thailand from December to February are different: in the central part, the air is still heated to 18-32 degrees, and in the north is cool. Most travelers seeking to plunge into the atmosphere of Thai culture are sent to Pattaya, since there you can combine beach holidays with excursions.

Where to go to the resort? Here are seven places that must be visited in Pattaya:

  • Museum of bottles.
  • Miniature Mini Siam Park.
  • Floating market.
  • Tropical garden "Nong Nuch".
  • Hill Big Buddha.
  • Church of Wat Sattahip.
  • Temple of Truth.

Once, perhaps, in Phuket, raise the Mount Mountain, go to the Temple of the Big Buddha and try wonderful sweets at the fair in Tauna.

Dominican: romantic and just

Dominican Republic is a country where to relax in the winter at sea can be extremely careless, running away from civilization. Travelers appreciate this paradise for the purest Water of the Caribbean Sea, snow-white beaches with coconut palm trees and a rich underwater world. The neighbor Dominican Republic is the Republic of Haiti. The frontier between the two states runs from the north to south, sharing the island to unequal parts. Dominican Republic occupies a large territory and is in the east.

Important! In December, a short-term livne is on the island. In January and February in Dominican, warm and dry, the average temperature of the day is 25 degrees.

Lovers of carefree beach holiday should settle in Punta Cana, Playa Dorada, Sosua or Kabarete. The cozy place, fenced coral reefs from the outside world, is the Lagoon of Boca-Chik. Tourists planning to visit Santo Domingo, best to stay in Juan-Dolio. The capital of Dominicans is famous above all, the historical center introduced into the UNESCO Heritage List. About the Columbian Epoch here reminds Alcazar Castle, Palacea Casa del Almiante, Rosario Chapel, St. Mary's Cathedral.

Rest in the winter is not limited to the New Year, there are useful three months for travel. We know where to go in the winter in Russia, and tell you right now. And we will offer many accommodation options.


In winter, Moscow adds the entertainment of pure winter: open skating rinks, Christmas fairs, a beautiful New Year's illumination that works for two months, because we have a new year to meet with a scope. Therefore, in addition to walks around the Red Square, Arbat and Sparrow Mountains, you can have fun at the rinks in the Gorky Park, at the VDNH, in Sokolniki. And right at the walls of the Kremlin opened a "gum-rink".

How to have fun in Moscow in winter:

Go to the Museon Park, so as not only to touch the art, but also ride from the slide on the cheese (this is a soft pillow such);

Ride on the snowy slopes of the Sport Complex "Vorobyev Mountains";

To do a reasonable shopping in the capital's boutiques and drains, and then go to the coffee shop and mark the purchase of hot chocolate.

Ski resorts

If you are thinking where to relax in the winter of 2018-2019 and ride skiing, you do not need to rush abroad. In Russia, a lot appeared with excellent tracks that are suitable for both beginners, and skiing connoisseurs. All amenities are provided: high-quality lifts, well-trained snow, rental inventory, friendly instructors, cafes near the slopes for a comfortable stay.

Where to go to rest in winter:

Sheregesh (Kemerovo region) has an excellent infrastructure, offers 15 trails, both steep and gentle;

Belokurich (Altai Territory) - the total length of the tracks is about 7 km, and all this on the background of mountains covered with beautiful coniferous trees;

Kirovsk (Murmansk region) - there are tracks for silent skiers and a short slope for beginners.

St. Petersburg

Winter Peter is beautiful as well as summer, just a little different. If in summer these are fountains, green parks and white nights, then in winter it is an exquisite coldness, a romance under the gloomy sky and the usual sights in the New Year night illumination. In winter, here, as at no other time, go on museums: And they touch the eternal, and warming up before going out and re-lay the face to the cool wind with the Neva.

What to do in St. Petersburg in winter:

Go to the theater - for example, Alexandria or Marinka;

Entertainment in Piterland and Rodeo Drive water parks;

To tear off in St. Petersburg in one of the bars, ordering a liter of the very drink, which recommended the cords in the recent clip.


In the capital of Belarus is not too cold - both at the expense of climate, and thanks to the welcoming mood of local residents. You can walk for a long time, and in the evening the streets are filled with bright lights, and the city begins to literally shine. Typically, guests start a route with independence avenue, where there is a lot of interesting and typical of Minsk builds. And on the square with the same name is one of the symbols of the city - a red church.

How to relax in Minsk in winter:

Going on an excursion to the ethnocomplex "Dudutka", as well as in the worldly and Nesvizhsky castles;

Go to hockey in Minsk-Arena, which at one time took the World Championships;

Ride skiing in Minsk suburbs - Silicha and Logoisk.


This is one of the most beautiful cities in Russia, and in winter, when the Kazan streets are covered with snow and decorated with a variety of backlights, beauty is only enhanced. The white-stone Kremlin looks like brightly and the Kul Sharif mosque located on its territory. If you freeze, it is possible to warm up on - due to the friendly atmosphere and a numerous cafe with amazing Tatar cuisine.

What to do in Kazan in winter:

Visit the Ermitage Kazan Exhibition Center and the National Museum of Tatarstan;

Go to the ski complex "Kazan" near the city;

Go to the Water Park "Riviera", which will remind you of summer, even when the snow window.

Golden ring

Ancient Russian cities are good at any time of the year, and when they are sitting in the snowball, they become as if drawn. Someone prefers to go to the tours throughout the Golden Ring, but such a trip can be tired. So that you do not have a desire to quickly close the ring and go home, it is better to choose one or more cities for an inexpensive winter holiday in Russia. The most popular is Yaroslavl, Vladimir and Suzdal.

What you need to do in the cities of the Golden Ring:

Visit the Savior Transfiguration Monastery in Yaroslavl, where the very "word about Igor's regiment was once found;

To pass through the Golden Gate in Vladimir, proving to Russian footballers, that in the gate to fall easily;

Bypassing all 32 temples in Suzdal and try branded honeycomb.


Sochi winter is rather reminiscent of the usual spring. Snow on the coast almost never happens, and on certain days the temperature can reach +20 ° C. There are even skiers at the Olympics ran in short sleeves t-shirts. In winter, in Sochi, you can walk among green palm trees, magnolia and cypresses. If you like to relax actively and with noise, then you can choose from a variety of bars, clubs and entertainment centers. The one who is not friendly with alcohol can go to the ski resort to the Red Polyana.

What to do in Sochi in the winter:

Walk through the Olympic Park and feel the spirit of the Olympics, let it go and went to Korea;

Go to Sochi Park, children entertain and childhood themselves remember;

Rise to the viewing platform of Mount Akhun, one of the best on the entire Black Sea coast.


The peninsula does not happen in winter weather in the usual understanding. The temperature of the day is held in the range of 0 ° C ... +10 ° C. This makes it possible to calmly inspect. And in winter there are fewer tourists in the Crimea. You can leisurely walk through the palaces and museums, climbing in the mountains (one Ai-Petri is worth it) and pull the Crimean wine. It is best to go to Yalta or Sevastopol: this is the south of the peninsula, here is more comfortable.

What to do in Crimea in winter:

Go to the Ai-Petri Plateau and skiing, snowboarding or sleigh;

Visit Malakhov Kurgan, Chersonesos, Wind Tower, Submarine Museum and other historical places in Sevastopol;

Inspect Nikitsky Botanical Garden, Massandrovsky and Livadia Palaces, as well as other places of Yalta and its surroundings.

Despite the fact that most travelers consider winter inappropriate time for a beach holiday, there are plenty of trends that are ready to please tourists with sun weather and warm sea. Among them, it is possible to distinguish a number of the most attractive countries for entry into which, the visa will not need, which will save quite a lot of time and strength.

Fans of traditional winter holidays will also be able to enjoy skiing, snowboarding and other active views, as a number of tourist destinations provide travelers such an opportunity.

For a beach holiday on the sea, the following visa-free countries are ideal:

  • (You can be 60 days left without a visa),
  • Cuba (located on the island without a visa you can 90 days),
  • (Bali Island),
  • Philippines,
  • (The visa stamp for Russians is placed right at the airport for 30 days - the price of $ 25),
  • (visa is not needed, but expensive),
  • (Electronic visa is drawn up within 24 hours)
  • (You can make an electronic visa for 60 days in 24 hours - the price of 75 dollars),
  • (rapid design of the electronic visa per day),
  • (visa is not needed within 30 days)
  • (visa for 30 days is issued by arrival),
  • (The visa is placed on arrival at the airport, in the country you can be 30 days).

When it is better to go to India on Goa - traveler advice with experience in the next video.

Table: countries that are suitable for rest in winter

CountryPermitted period of stayVisa applicationThe average cost of the tour is 10 days per person (expressed in US dollars)Average air temperature in winter
Thailand30 On arrival500 +27…+35
Vietnam15 On arrival800 +26…+28
Philippines30 On arrival900 +25…+30
Cambodia30 Upon arrival at the airports of Siem Ripa and Phnom Penh. For opening a visa, a collection of 30 dollars is paid.700 +21…+30
Laos30 On arrival1 200 +17…+27
Myanmar28 On arrival1 100 +25…+28
South Africa90 On arrival2 300 +23 …+ 28
Cuba30 By arrival

When departing, the contribution of 25 Cuban peso is paid

400 +26…+28
Indonesia (Bali Island)30 By arrival1 000 + 20…+ 33
UAE30 By arrival1 200 +14 …+24
30 By arrival1 200 +24…+27
Maldives30 By arrival900 +27…+30
Jordan30 By arrival800 +11…+13
Malaysia30 By arrival1 500 +28…+29
India60 Electronic visa. The application for receiving is given to at least 4 days before the trip.700 +28…+32
Sri Lanka30 Electronic visa850 +23…+30
180 Electronic visa1 500 +27… +28
Egypt30 Visa is drawn up by arrival. The cost of permission is 25 US dollars for 30 days.280 +25…+28
FijiElectronic visa design880 +30…+35
30 On arrival550 +23…+25
60 By arrival300 +25…+27
Georgia90 On arrival1 000 +24…+26

Some other rest involves solar indonesia. This route will be interesting to those who like to feel the discoverer, as it enjoys relatively small popularity among tourists from the CIS countries.

The most famous place of rest here is the island of Bali, which will allow tourists to enjoy all its advantages:

  • Surprisingly beautiful nature.
  • Abundance of entertainment events and parties.
  • Well-groomed beaches.

Main Attractions Bali:

  1. Monkey forest in Ubud.
  2. Water Palace of Tirta Gangga.
  3. Rice terraces Jatilowi.
  4. Temple Pura Tanah Lot.
  5. Lake Bratan.

Holidays on Bali island great also because citizens of Russia do not require a preliminary registration of a visa. Upon arrival at Bali, the visa opens for 30 days. Russians also have the opportunity to extend it for another 30 days if desired. The cost of opening a visa for a month - 35 US dollars.

Bali can not be called an expensive resort. On average, the tour of the island for 10 days costs from $ 780.

In winter, Bali is better sent to those tourists who are not afraid of rains, because January and February is a rain season. But frequent rains do not affect the temperature of water or air. Water in the ocean all winter remains warm, on average temperatures are 28.8 ° C.

Misss and rains prevail in the south of the island (despassar, Kuta). Less precipitation during this period there is away from the coast (UBUD).

If you go to Bali in the winter months of the year, it is better to give preference to rest at such resorts as:

Bali is a unique island that offers not only bathing in the sea and rest on the beach, but also:

  • Yachting.
  • Kitesurfing.
  • Walking on elephants.
  • Rafting.
  • Surfing.

Table: Weather on Bali in the winter months


Another win-win version, a visit to the mysterious and charming Asian direction is Vietnam. Despite the very long flight, this state is popular thanks to the very budget cost of rest, an exotic atmosphere and truly summer weather.

In this country, each tourist will be able to choose the most interesting occupation. Lovers of excursions and history will prefer to go to Hanoi, which is rich in this kind of attractions and boasts the abundance of parks. For the traditional beach holiday, it is better to prefer Nha Trang Island, as it is characterized by the most suitable weather conditions for this purpose.

Main Attractions Vietnam:

  1. Halong Bay.
  2. Pile tunnels (Kuti).
  3. Temple complex Mishon.
  4. Mausoleum Ho Chi Mina.
  5. True Towers on Nagar.

Visa for visiting this country is drawn up directly upon arrival at the airport. There is no fee for registration. On the territory of Vietnam, you can only be 15 days later, provided that the last trip took place at least 30 years ago.

For a beach holiday in Vietnam in the winter period of the year, it is better to give preference to such resorts as: Muin, Phantheet, Kondao.

Nadachng is most popular among tourists, but in winter in the city of raw and very windy.

Table: Weather in Vietnam in winter season

Vietnam is great not only for calm, but also for outdoor activities. The resorts have the opportunity to enjoy the surfing, diving or to go fishing. Also in the country there are rides on elephants.


Russians visited Thailand in 2019 are not needed. Without it, 30 days can arrive in the country, which is enough for a full-fledged rest.

The water and air temperature in winter here is the most optimal for beach holidays on the sea. At this time, all rains end in early December. The average air temperature is about 30 degrees. The sea is also very warm, you can relax with children.

Main Attractions Thailand:

  1. The historic city of Ayutaya.
  2. Royal Palace in Bangkok.
  3. Palace of Vantamek.
  4. Temple of the Emerald Buddha.
  5. Floating market in Pattaya.

Tours prices are the lowest in December before NG and in mid-January after the holidays.

Temperature comfort at Thailand resorts

Dominican Republic

This direction still does not take carelessly from tourists from the CIS countries, which is explained by relatively small awareness.

After all, it is winter that the high season begins here, which allows you to enjoy hot and windless weather without any precipitation.

In addition to amazing local cuisine, the tourist is waiting:

  • An interesting cultural program, including trips and inspection of natural and historical objects.
  • Impecable quality beaches.
  • The opportunity to swim in the Caribbean and the Atlantic Ocean, being in one country.

All these advantages make this island state rather attractive option for winter holidays. The rainy season here is in the summer, in the winter it ends and the sun is constantly shining.

The main sights of the Dominican Republic:

The Dominican Republic has become a very popular resort due to not only snow-white beaches, but also to entertainment. Many are sent in winter to this country in order to visit the "marriage season" of humpback whales, as well as attend sports competitions in Kabaret.

Table: Weather in the winter months

Temperature in Dominican Republic in the winter months

The best resorts of Dominican Republic:

  • Bavaro.
  • Punta Cana.
  • Santo Domingo.
  • Juan Dolio.
  • Boca Chika.


The island of freedom is famous for its cigars and rum, which just need to taste first when visiting the country. But, besides them, the cube boasts a huge number of attractions, as well as an indescribable atmosphere, which has a low-rise revolutionary tint.

Lovers of architecture will appreciate the capital of the country to Havana, where most of the buildings in the central part of the city are elevated in colonial style. Here tourists are waiting for snow-white beaches, palm trees and all other attributes of the present summer holiday, which lasts in the country all year round.

Main attractions in Cuba:

  1. Capitol.
  2. Cathedral Havana.
  3. Boulevard Prado.
  4. Revolution square.
  5. Memorial José Marty.

To visit less than 30 days, the visa for Russians is not needed in this country. This is the main advantage of the trip to Cuba, because it will be possible to save time on the design of a visa and other documents required for stay.

Table: Weather at the most famous resorts of Cuba in the winter season

ResortTemperature DayTemperature at nightCloudNumber of rainy days
Varadero.25.2 ° C.19.5 ° C.45.5% 2 25.5 ° C.
Havana25.4 ° C.19.0 ° C.44.4% 2 26.0 ° C.
Kayo-Guillermo25.4 ° C.21.4 ° C.44.3% 2 25.3 ° C.
Cayo-Coco25.4 ° C.21.9 ° C.46.3% 3 25.3 ° C.
Olgin27.7 ° C.20.2 ° C.45.6% 2 26.0 ° C.
Playa Blanca26.7 ° C.22.5 ° C.45.3% 3 26.0 ° C.
Santa Maria24.9 ° C.21.9 ° C.46.3% 3 25.3 ° C.
Santiago de Cuba28.1 ° C.20.3 ° C.32.1% 2 27.2 ° C.


Visa to Egypt for Russians is pure formality. It puts all tourists right at the airport. Price 25 dollars, validity of 30 days.

In winter, you can swim in Sharm el-Sheikh. January is the coldest month, air temperature during the day 20-25 degrees, you can swim, but the sea is cool. In Hurghada, which is located north, swimming in the sea is cold, at this time the beach holidays do not go there.

Main attractions in Egypt:

A 10-day vacation in Mexico will cost about $ 1,500, so the resort cannot be called budget for vacation. But it is worth remembering that we can significantly save on vacation, if you fly to Mexico not in the tourist group, but on your own. For example, renting an apartment in Cancun per day costs from $ 60.

However, not only Vietnam is able to please tourists with exotic nature and atmosphere. Fiji Islands are presented non-standard and interesting option for recreation. They are located in the Pacific Ocean and have crystal clear water, amazing beauty by nature and an abundance of interesting attractions.

There are many institutions of both traditional European and local cuisine. The last category of establishments is particularly popular, because Fijian cuisine has its own unique color, which will be pleased to evaluate everyone. It includes many exotic ingredients, vegetables, fruits and fish, and local rules do not provide for tips.

The main sights of Fiji:

United Arab Emirates

You can get a visa upon arrival at the airport completely free. Enjoy the beauty of one of the richest Russians in the world in the world will be a month. If necessary, the extension of visa permissions is allowed for another 30 days.

What to see in the UAE:

  1. Burj Khalifa - skyscraper with a height of more than 800 meters.
  2. Palm islands - artificial archipelago, consisting of three islands.
  3. District of Bastakia in Dubai for lovers of antiquity.
  4. Music fountain in Dubai.
  5. Ferrari World Theme Park.
  6. You can do this shopping in Dubai Mole.
  7. Ski Dubai Ski Complex.

Table: Weather in the UAE in winter

Spa nameTemperature day (expressed in ° C)Temperature at night (expressed in ° C)Water temperature (expressed in ° C)
Abu Dhabi+23 +11 +19
Ajman+24 +14 +19
Dubai.+23 +20 +22
Fujaira+24 +17 +18
Sharjah+23 +12 +19

The United Arab Emirates fascinate with their luxury and chic. For a beach holiday and shopping, Dubai is best suited, and it is better to go to Abu Dhabi to inspect the national attractions. This is a financial center of the UAE. It is in this region that there is 6 largest Mosque "Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan Mosque". In Abu Dhabi, resting mainly married couples with children are sent, because this resort is filled with an abundance of amusement parks and a multitude of rides for any age.

South Korea

Similar direction more than others will suit lovers of winter sports, especially the ski ski. The local resort of Eongphan allows everyone to evaluate the quality of the tracks, as well as related services that are quite a lot here. In addition to the standard service for ski resorts, the traveler is waiting for truly pleasant surprises.

First of all, it is the possibility of high-quality and advantageous shopping, as South Korea boasts an incredible variety of boutiques and shops in Seoul.

In addition, if you plan to go here for the new year, it is worth preparation for an abundant entertainment program, as it is customary to celebrate this event for fifteen days.

Celebrations are accompanied by festivals and other public events, which will allow fun to spend time and plunge into a local atmosphere.

Main attractions in South Korea:

  1. Bridge Fountain Rainbow.
  2. Military Memorial of the Republic of Korea.
  3. Palace Chhanokkun.
  4. Half's fortress.
  5. Sanctuary of Chonmey.

If you plan to go on a trip over the New Year holidays, Serbia will become an interesting opportunity to visit the country that is part of the European Union without the need for a visa. The most attractive city is the capital of the country Belgrade.

This direction will not provide tourists opportunities for a beach holiday, but its strength is the advanced cultural and excursion program, as well as an abundance of entertainment institutions. An interesting option can be visiting a restaurant or nightclub, depending on the interests of the traveler.

Main attractions in Serbia:

  1. Belgrade fortress.
  2. Jerdap Gorge.
  3. Sederev fortress.
  4. Sharp Planina National Park.
  5. Church of Saint Sava.

For most travelers, Turkey is associated with a comfortable relaxation by the sea, in the hotel running all inclusive and other familiar features. However, this sunny country boasts the presence of not only the warm sea, but also the ski resort of excellent quality.

The resort is called Uludag and is suitable for relaxing in the company of friends or family. Available cost allows you to consider this interesting direction as an alternative to the less available by the cost of European ski resorts.

You can not swim in the sea in the winter in Turkey, as it is cold. Therefore, this country is not suitable for a beach holiday.

Main attractions in Turkey:

  1. Istanbul.
  2. Bosporus strait.
  3. Pamukkale (thermal resort).
  4. Blue mosque in Istanbul.
  5. Palace Topkapi.

In winter, when cold winds blew around the snow, so I want to go to the sea, to the sun and warmth. ... and it is quite real, because there are many places on Earth, where affectionate rays are warm at that time, and the sea is warm-warm.

The first country is EgyptEven in winter you can swim here. For a beach holiday, it is better to choose Hurghada and Sharm El Sheikh, where the beaches are sandy, gentle, it is comfortable to swim here and adults and children. For fans of surfing, the resorts of the Red Sea will be suitable, where strong winds blow.

Famous for its warmth in the winter months and Turkey, Prices for beach holidays at this time are amazing here with their low level. For winter time it is better to choose the most southernmost points of the country, for example, the resort of Alanya. Winter holidays in Turkey SPA fans are especially appreciated, because in almost all hotels that work at this time, there are spa salons. Evaluate beach holidays here golf and tennis fans.

Winter can be visited Thailandlocated in the zone of wet tropics, which allows you to enjoy warmth at any time of the year. The average temperature of the water here is +25 degrees, hotter here in spring, but the winter is considered to be the best period when it is worth visiting this country and enjoy the beach holiday. There are many sandy beaches for tourists, and the best resorts - Phuket, Samui and Pattaya.

One of the most popular places where you can go in winter to the sea is bali IslandAnd more precisely - the beach of Kuta, especially like this place of the kites and windsurfers. Calm holidays you will find in the resort of Sanur, where picturesque lagoons and sandy beaches spread. Fans of the cliffs will like the resort of Jimbaran.

Bali is the center of elite tourism, here you can spend a gorgeous time, and there is something to see. Bali is the "island of thousands of temples," although they are much more here.

From November to March there is a wet season, there are almost daily tropical rains, bringing coolness. This place is for those who do not love the crowd of tourists and those who do not tolerate a strong heat. It should be noted that the tropical rain is not small precipitation, which indicate that the weather is spoiled for the whole day. Usually it is a shower, read here by exotic, it lasts not more than 10 minutes, and almost immediately become also hot, as before the rain, so these precipitations are unlikely to darken your vacation.

Visit the Indian state Goa, there are many beaches with tourists, the most famous of them:

  • Don Paula
  • Flavor
  • Akrambol
  • Miramar
  • Kalangut
Rest in this paradise place is relaxing, rest, dancing to fall and discharge in everything.

Goa is a place where the air temperature in winter is about 30 degrees, and the water in the ocean of frequent up to 25 degrees of heat. This is the place where elite hotels are located, but there are more budget options for the placement of mid-level tourists.

Resting on Goa, do not forget that you are in India, learn the local culture. You can visit restaurants and enjoy national cuisine, which is pleased with exotic.

Do not miss the opportunity and see the Taj Mahal - one of the wonders of the modern world.

Attracts the attention of tourists in winter and island Sri Lankawhich is located in the Indian Ocean, not far from India. There is simply the royal conditions for swimming, because the average annual water temperature near the coast is +26 degrees. Rains are rare here, they can be causing them only in November and December, so nothing overshadows your vacation.

If you like the European Continent, go to Spain, More precisely, the Canary Islands, such as the island of Tenerife, or the "Eternal Spring Island". It is not so called in vain, because the air temperature here is always almost the same, about + 22 degrees. The sun is rare here, almost always cloudy. But this does not mean that it is impossible to tan and even burn out, so do not forget about the precautionary measures and certainly use sunscreen.

Don't forget and UAERest in the winter months will bring you only a pleasure, because the Emirates are exclusive, clean sea and beaches, drowning in greenery, luxury hotels, restaurants and picturesque mountains. Yes, rest here will not be cheap, but he will be remembered for a long time.

In addition to the beach holiday, do not forget about local dicks, among which it is especially worth noting the world's largest water park and artificial jungle.

Islands enjoy big popularity in winter Seychelles and Mauritius, de everything is provided for excellent rest, virgin nature and warm climate at any time of the year is just a paradise on Earth.

Excellent conditions for resting the sea in the winter months offered resorts China and Vietnam, and archipelago Maldives Deserves special attention. It is located at the same Equator, you will appear in front of you for thousands of small islands with picturesque nature, which you will not find anywhere. Chic beach vacation in winter provides a tropical climate. The bottom of the ocean is visible here even at the coast. There are not only beach entertainment, but also many water sports, such as surfing and water skiing, windsurfing and parachute jumps in water, you can do diving and other sports. Spa treatments are particularly popular here, they are known to the whole world.

Want to go to countries CaribbeanIf you want exotic, choose something from these places.

It may be Cuba, the height of the tourist season here falls in January-April. This country has all hearing, it is distinguished by a special temperament. And the prices will pleasantly surprise you: everything is very cheap in Cuba with the exception, perhaps, the price of the flight.

It sells the world's best rum and Cuban cigars. These products are the best souvenirs for your friends if you decide to go here. They are, by the way, not as expensive.

It is pleasant to please not only the price of services, but also an excellent air temperature, on average it is here + 25-26 degrees, the temperature of the water is almost the same. Tourists attract snow-white beaches and warm sea, Cuba does not have many times, so this place will go to those who prefer a relaxing rest away from noise.

Cuba is not only a beach holiday in winter, at this time you can enjoy local attractions. It is possible to study the history of the country, to learn more about the events of the Cuban Revolution, the activities of Fidel Castro and Che Gewarra.

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