Which timber is better made of spruce or pine? Pine house: pros and cons

Decor elements 17.06.2019
Decor elements

Log house - traditional look construction of a Russian bath, and often during its construction preference is given to wood coniferous species. But they all have their own characteristic features Therefore, the durability and comfort of use of the building in the future depends on the correct choice of material.

Qualities of pine logs

This species has a wide growing area, second only to larch, which, combined with the properties of its wood, makes it the most popular material for log bathhouses. Pine has a high yield of industrial wood, and burs predominantly produce smooth, even trunks. The core of the tree is red-brown in color, and the outer layers are light yellow.

Advantages of pine:

  • High strength with low weight;
  • Ease of processing;
  • Minor shrinkage without cracking;
  • Not a very high concentration of resins;
  • The property of releasing beneficial essential oils with a pleasant aroma when heated;
  • Reasonable price.

The disadvantages of pine include some difficulty in impregnation protective compounds due to the resin content in wood.

Properties of spruce logs

Practical and economical for construction, this breed is quite widespread. To the east of the Urals grows Siberian spruce, to the west - European spruce, which practically do not differ in quality. The cut wood has a pinkish or yellowish tint and exhibits annual rings of varying thickness.

Advantages of spruce:

  • Quite durable, soft wood with low weight;
  • Good properties heat saving;
  • Durability of structures;
  • Releases a pleasant and distinctive resinous odor when heated.

Disadvantages of spruce logs:

  • Quite significant shrinkage, which over time can provoke the appearance of deep cracks;
  • The trunks are not as straight as those of pine;
  • Many branches and twigs;
  • Abundant resin content, long time released to the surface.

Comparative analysis

The thermal conductivity of the materials is approximately the same. In spruce, due to the higher air content in the wood, this figure is slightly higher. But pine walls can be much thicker, since the diameter of the tree trunks of this species is larger.

The durability indicators of spruce are lower due to high moisture absorption, which can provoke the occurrence of fungi, mold, and rotting. The resin content in its wood is lower, and, accordingly, their release into the atmosphere is also lower.

On a note! The evenness and smoothness of the trunks greatly simplifies the processing of pine. The difficulty of working with spruce is due to the knotty nature of the species, but this is compensated by the high decorative qualities of the log house.

Both types of wood darken in approximately the same time, but pine untreated with special compounds gradually acquires a more intense brownish-red hue. This problem can be solved by installing decorative cladding or using special impregnations.

Important! Wood treatment compositions must be safe for health, not melt when heated, not emit odors and toxic substances!

The ability of spruce to absorb and remove moisture outside causes greater “dryness” of bath structures than those made of pine, which is at the same time subject to “blueing.”

The price of both types of wood is approximately the same, and they can be easily combined provided that healthy raw materials are chosen and the logs are prepared correctly. For example, pine - optimal material for the construction of lower crowns exposed to strong humidity, and spruce is ideal for constructing the upper part of the walls, since it has high heat-saving and decorative qualities.

Selection of lumber for construction

The recommended period for purchasing wood is winter, since the logs must be aged for at least a month before construction. If possible, it is advisable to purchase material prepared in northern regions- it is characterized by maximum density, minimal susceptibility to cracking and rotting.

Signs of quality logs:

  • No rot or wormholes;
  • Minimum number knots;
  • Evenness of shade;
  • Constant diameter along the entire length;
  • Clarity of the pattern on the cut;
  • Minimum trunk curvature;
  • The shade of the core is darker than the color of the outer layers.

Advice! To determine the quality of the log, you need to lightly hit the cut with the butt of an ax - the tool should bounce back, making a ringing sound.

The correct choice of material, along with proper assembly, guarantees that the result will be a long-lasting and attractive-looking log bathhouse with an ideal microclimate for healing the body.

In all countries, spruce is considered the most suitable type of wood for walls. wooden house, and there are many reasons for this.

Features of log houses

If a spruce log house has been treated with special compounds, its service life will greatly increase. Spruce is also the most affordable building material, and wins the competition due to its low cost. This material can be used not only for construction and exterior finishing, and for designer finishing interior spaces, including furniture manufacturing. This type of wood is also distinguished by bactericidal properties that protect those living in the house from many diseases. In addition, spruce does not cause allergic reactions.

Characteristics of spruce houses

Spruce log houses are of better quality than buildings made from other types of wood for 3 reasons:

1. Increased thermal insulation.

Houses made of spruce retain heat better, since this material is naturally low in density. For example, larch, oak, cedar and other types of wood of high hardness have such little thermal insulation that when building houses they have to make much thicker walls.

2. Natural ventilation.

Spruce houses do not overheat in hot weather. Due to the specific structure of wood, there is continuous air exchange inside it, due to which the building will “breathe,” that is, air will freely pass through the wood fibers back and forth. This effect does not allow the rooms to heat up, therefore, air conditioners and split systems are not installed in such log houses, due to their own uselessness.

3. Aesthetic wood texture.

Compared to other types of wood, the shade and surface texture of spruce building materials has an aesthetic and attractive appearance. For example, buildings made of larch materials are often sheathed with spruce boards, since a few years after the start of operation their walls begin to look unpresentable.

Why is spruce better than pine?

There is an alternative to spruce log houses - pine houses, but this material has too many disadvantages. And although the difficulty of processing spruce is much higher, for a log house it is the most best option. Spruce houses are of high quality and durability, which is why the vast majority of customers choose them.

Let us list the comparative advantages of spruce:

1. Greater moisture resistance compared to pine, due to the specific cellular structure and pores. For example, the core and surface of spruce absorb liquid at the same level. Pine has the opposite: the surface absorbs moisture easily, but the core does not.

Increased resistance to moisture makes spruce houses more reliable:

  • When it rains, only the surface of the walls gets wet, while pine materials get wet at depth.
  • Due to regular wetting and drying over the years, cracks form in pine walls.
  • Since pine has less resistance to moisture, buildings cannot resist the appearance of mold and turn blue over time.
  • If you treat both materials with a glazing agent, the result will be different: spruce building materials will acquire an even shade, while pine materials will have an uneven shade.

2. Uniform color.

Spruce materials have a uniform light shade, since both the core and the surface of the tree are the same color. At the same time, pine has a thick, resinous, and therefore yellow, core and narrow, light sapwood (the surface layer under the tree bark). The diversity of pine makes the structure look like a rural hut, and the uniformity and whiteness of spruce makes log houses made from it elegant and elite.

3. Invisibility of seams in gluing areas.

Since nowadays people prefer to build houses from high-quality laminated logs, the uniform color of spruce building materials provides them with an indisputable advantage: the invisibility of seams in the gluing areas!

4. No darkening effect.

The resin of pine materials only turns yellow over time, and sometimes even acquires a brown tint. At the same time, a spruce frame will never turn yellow, retaining its white color.

5. Lightness.

Since spruce wood is not as dense as pine, 1 cubic meter of this material weighs on average 1 quintal less.

6. Spruce knots are smaller and lighter in color, whereas in pine they are large and dark. Therefore, houses made of spruce look more attractive.

7. No resin drips.

Pine wood has a high resin content, making it difficult to process and damaging it appearance. For these reasons, pine cannot be used in the construction and finishing of baths, since the resin flows more strongly when heated.

8. No cracks.

The bending strength of spruce is higher, so under a similar load, pine logs break, while spruce logs simply bend. That is why there are almost no cracks in spruce buildings, while there are many of them in pine buildings.

9. During construction luxury houses Only spruce building materials are used.

10. According to research results, buildings made of spruce turned out to be much more durable.


A minor but unpleasant drawback of spruce is the presence of hard and small knots in it, which complicates the pre-treatment process. But, in essence, this is the concern of the manufacturer, not the customer, so you can simply forget about it.

Spruce or pine?

In this article we would like to talk about the most popular types of wood growing in our region, consider their pros and cons in construction wooden houses.

We will talk about conifers such as pine and spruce.

Having decided to build a wooden house, in addition to choosing a contractor company, many people face the difficulty of choosing building material and the type of wood from which their future home will be built. The most popular materials now are round timber, gun carriage, laminated veneer lumber or rounded logs. Despite the fact that all these materials can be classified as wooden, they differ very much from each other, both in cost and quality. If you have chosen laminated veneer lumber or rounded logs, then the manufacturer will build you a house from “pine needles” and a choice of wood species, in most cases you will not have and it does not matter whether your house was ordered in

Whether it’s a large and expensive company or a small start-up company, it’s just the way things are on the market. Basically, laminated veneer lumber and rounded logs are made from pine and spruce; manufacturers quietly mix these two types of wood, which have different quality and physical characteristics.

When choosing to build a house self made You always have the opportunity to choose one or another type of wood and be sure that your house will consist 100% exclusively of the type of wood you have chosen.

The most common material in our area is pine. Pine really is the leader over all types of wood in the construction of wooden houses, but spruce, which has a number of significant advantages over other coniferous tree species, is undeservedly deprived of attention.

Pine is a soundwood species, its core is usually brown-red in color, and the sapwood is yellow. Pine wood is soft (density 470-540 kg/m3) and durable, easy to process. Large tobacco and rotten knots are quite common.

Spruce wood is light, soft, white, very elastic, withstands high loads, has a high tensile strength, but is not significantly inferior to pine in density (density 440-500 kg/m3). The structure of spruce is looser than that of pine, so spruce is more susceptible to external weather influences, but is much warmer than pine. Modern protective equipment successfully solve the problem of protecting wood, so there is no need to be afraid of this. Moreover, after drying, the wood becomes identical in resistance to weathering. Due to large quantity Hard knots are more difficult to process. The chemical compositions of spruce and pine also differ little from each other. For example, pine contains 41.9% cellulose, and spruce - 44.1%. Pine contains 25.5% lignin, and spruce contains 28.9%. As you can see, the differences are insignificant.

The wood of spruce is white, has more small branches, which, with a transparent finish, well emphasize the “tree”; the trunks are mostly smooth and long, which significantly improves the appearance of a wooden house. Spruce trees do not tend to change their color when exposed to external factors for a long time, like a pine tree. It should be noted that pine acquires a dirty yellow tint over time, and under the influence of precipitation it quickly turns gray. So, if you want to see white walls, you need to use spruce, wooden house made from spruce it looks more elegant and even, one might say, aristocratic.

The next advantage of spruce, which follows from the above, is a fungus that appears on the pine tree after felling the forest; the pine wood turns blue, while the spruce remains white. Blue stains and discoloration in pine are removed with appropriate antiseptics, but in spruce this treatment can be minimized, which will undoubtedly increase natural character your home and will have a positive impact on the environment.

Also, the advantage of spruce over pine is that it contains significantly less resin, which means that a wooden house made of spruce on the south side will not show resin stains.

In addition, spruce wood is more uniform than pine and is less susceptible to cracking when drying and shrinking. This is especially true when building houses from gun carriages. Due to the fact that the outer, hardest layer of wood is removed in the carriage and the softer wood is exposed to the atmosphere, which means the degree of cracking increases. When building a house from spruce, cracking is minimized.

Another advantage of spruce in our latitudes is the possibility of building houses with a diameter significantly larger than that of pine; spruce from 40 cm and above is much larger than pine.

Unlike pine, which gives off moisture, spruce takes it and releases it to the street. That's why houses and bathhouses are made from spruce sushi.

But, perhaps, the most important advantage of spruce over other coniferous trees is that it is the warmest, due to its looser structure, which means that even the most severe cold is not terrible for such a house.

Well, remember, the Russian proverb says: “A spruce hut is a healthy heart,” and proverbs were certainly not written out of nowhere.

In this article we would like to talk about the most popular types of wood growing in our region, consider their pros and cons in the construction of wooden houses.

We will talk about conifers such as pine and spruce.

The most common material in our area is spruce. Spruce really is the leader over all types of wood in the construction of wooden houses, but pine, which has a number of significant advantages over other coniferous tree species, is undeservedly deprived of attention.

Spruce wood is light, soft, white, very elastic, can withstand high loads, has a high tensile strength, but is inferior to pine in density (density 440-500 kg/m3). The structure of spruce is looser than that of pine, so spruce is more susceptible to external weather influences.

Pine is a soundwood species, its core is usually brown-red in color, and the sapwood is yellow. Pine wood is soft (density 470-540 kg/m3) and durable, easy to process. Due to the large number of hard knots, spruce is more difficult to process.

Although chemical compositions Spruce and pine differ little from each other. For example, pine contains 41.9% cellulose, and spruce - 44.1%. Pine contains 25.5% lignin, and spruce contains 28.9%.

If we consider wood species in terms of resistance to decay, then pine has a higher resistance class compared to spruce.

According to the results of eight years of testing at the Senezh laboratory of TsNIIMOD, wood from 14 species was divided into 4 groups. Resistance to decay was expressed in conventional values ​​- indices (in relation to the resistance of linden sapwood):

Table 1. Resistance to rotting of various types of wood.

Resistance class


Barrel area

Durability index

Resistant wood







Medium resistant wood

Mature wood

Mature wood


Mature wood




Low-resistant wood






Unstable wood

Central zone

Central zone

Mature wood




The results of the scientists' research were enshrined in law normative document which is called: GOST 20022.2-80 State standard USSR. Wood protection. Classification. Indicators from the textbook, “Wood Science” L.M. Perelygin:

For an approximate assessment of the service life of the log walls, the second column of the table (In moving air) is used.

Table 2. Resistance of wood of various species depending on service conditions.


Duration of existence, years

In the moving air

In still air and indoors

For constant dryness

With constant humidity



Elm (Ilm)

We read again the textbook by L.M. Perelygina: “The durability of wood is largely determined by the content of resinous (coniferous) tannin (hardwood) and toxic substances. Thus, the durability of pine wood under the same service conditions is higher than that of spruce and fir wood, which is explained by the different resin content.”

In addition to durability, conifers have one remarkable quality: throughout their entire service life, they release phytoncides and essential oils, which are part of the tree resin.

Phytoncides are substances that kill pathogenic bacteria. Therefore, the air in a bathhouse made from coniferous trees is always clean and easy to breathe. Couples essential oils stimulate cardiovascular and brain activity. And after such a bath always good mood and a surge of strength.

Pine houses - revival of traditions

Pine has long been used in the construction of wooden houses in Rus'. The choice of the architects was not accidental, because this tree is quite common in the vastness of our country, moreover, it has a lot of advantages, thanks to which the wooden house turned out to be warm, strong and durable.

These advantages include:

    high breathability and moisture resistance,

    high strength and density of materials,

    resistance to biological effects,

    rot resistance.

Today, the popularity of pine houses is growing again, thanks to the combination natural properties wood and modern methods its processing, which significantly improves performance.

About the benefits of wooden houses made of pine

Since ancient times, pine has been known for its healing properties. People believed that this tree helps good health, gives longevity and youth, restores strength and vitality. There is currently a logical explanation for this.

    The high breathability and moisture resistance of pine helps maintain a unique microclimate in the house, since natural air exchange occurs and an optimal level of humidity in the room is achieved. Therefore, it is easy to breathe in such houses.

    Pine wood has antifungal properties, so if you decide to buy such a house, you can be sure that unwanted vegetation (mold fungi) will not threaten you.

    Coniferous wood releases phytoncides into the air, which kill pathogens, bacteria and viruses, and the emitted aromas of essential oils provide a healing and calming effect. evergreen tree adds strength and vitality; endows a person good health, longevity, and also delays the onset of old age.

Pine houses are an excellent choice for those who care about their health and dream of living in a beautiful, cozy, reliable and environmentally friendly home!

Some Customers, having seen “pine-spruce” wood in the felling contract, ask only for pine without spruce. Although it does not reduce the actual service life of a wooden house. But it seems to be cracking and turning bluer. Has weak energy. In fact cracking and torsion of wood in a log house does not depend on the species, but on the growth conditions and operation of the log structure. Spruce, on the contrary, turns blue less. Energy is a subjective thing. There are many reasons to choose spruce. They are objective.

Spruce is at least as good as pine. At unfavorable conditions(prolonged heat + humidity + lack of antiseptic) spruce, unlike pine, is less susceptible to discoloration. Wood-staining fungi penetrate the wood superficially (pine is more affected) and are then removed with wood bleach or lighter sanding from spruce. It is important to understand that any blue discoloration is not rot, it only changes the appearance. Strictly speaking, the tree rather turns black (sometimes even turns green). It is easier to restore the original color. It is more interesting, uniform, noticeably lighter in color than the pine.

Due to the light shade of the wood and the absence of a distinctly colored core, spruce is loved not only by those who prefer light interior decoration, but also by manufacturers of laminated veneer lumber. There's beauty and smooth surfaces initially included in the price, the joints of spruce timber lamellas are less noticeable. If the timber is glued together from pine, it turns out to be luridly variegated. Pine due to more high content resins are darker. In any hand-cut log house made from combined species coniferous trees After a month under the sun, the difference in color is almost noticeable. Over time, a log without tinting when dyed in a spruce frame acquires a uniform, beautiful golden hue.

In composition and structure, pine and spruce are very similar: cellulose 41.9 / 44.1%, lignin 25.5 / 28.9%. The main external difference is when standing or stacked along the bark of the tree. Pine has layered bark with large scales, spruce has darker (blacker) bark and smaller scales. The difference from the end of the log is visually noticeable: pine, due to the higher resin content in the core (which is of little use), is darker. Light colored mostly late wood with growth rings. The heartwood of spruce is white, as is the outer latewood. If there are stains, it is impossible to trim cleanly - the tree is defective (rotten), not suitable for felling. Spruce itself is not a bad wood. It’s not for nothing that there is a proverb: “A spruce hut means a healthy heart.” In terms of durability, it is not inferior to pine.

Another seemingly insignificant difference between these two similar breeds is the cell structure. Which affects the shrinkage of wood, reaction to changes in humidity environment. When the log frame shrinks/shrinks, the entire structure of the spruce cells remains closed. In pine, this only happens to the core; the sapwood cells do not change their open structure. Hence the more noticeable fungal damage to pine and the absorption of moderate amounts of moisture by the spruce. This is reflected in a less significant change in the volume of wall logs during rain, and a more effective selection of excess moisture from the air in the interior. But, the overall actual biological resistance is higher in pine than in spruce.

The open cell structure of pine sapwood provides it with better breathability through walls in log house. However, spruce is also interesting. Has a more loose structure, respectively large quantity air in solid wood. The more air inside (the lower the density of wood), the warmer the walls of the house. By analogy with a fluffy fur hat in winter, in contrast to a thick fur headdress.

Pine, taking moisture from the air, gives back a lot if necessary. interior spaces. It's good in the house. The Christmas tree, on the contrary, prefers to give up moisture to the street, which is good for the Russian bath, where there is excess humid air It's big inside by definition. In the house for drying walls this ability is also useful.

Spruce boards bend strongly, but will never burst under heavy weight like pine boards. The Christmas tree is lighter. That's why they prefer to make it bearing structures: ridges, floor beams, matits, rafter purlins (legs). The bend holds better - hard fibers.

On floorboard Spruce is poorly suited and splinters when it dries. But its knots are small, round (in pine they are oval), and unusually strong. In old spruce huts, sometimes the crown is half rotten from time to time, but the knots are intact. The knots are also white - they do not spoil the interior. If it is necessary for him to be elite and not simple - in my heart rustic style. In pine, unlike spruce, the knots are predominantly brown, large and noticeable; tobacco knots are more common.

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