Brick bunk periodic action. Brick stove of periodic action

Reservoirs 29.08.2019

This article is devoted to the consideration of the main features of the brick bath Furnace permanent action "RUSSAUN" Development of Igor Viktorovich Kuznetsova, distinguishing it from other bath furnaces of the constant action of this author .

Therefore, here only briefly list these features.

Most brick stoves I.V. Kuznetsova have the following distinctive features:

  • furnaces I.V. Kuznetsov - These are the furnaces of a hood type, working on the principle of free movement of gases (SDH);
  • topial In the furnaces I.V. Kuznetsov it is part of the lower coat of the furnace and combined with it in a single integer through a solid air slot.located in one of the walls of the fuel and the named "Dry seam";
  • inner space lower cap oven with a fuel, usually, futter and refractory chamoten brick. Purpose of the lining - to protect the outer walls of the oven, made of clay full-scale brick, from the effects of high flame temperatures;
  • internal lining is separated from an external masonry in the oven temperature air gaps. The purpose of temperature gaps is to prevent the destruction of the outer brick masonry of the Futher's furnace, which is expanding during the heating process with the flame of burning firewood;
  • topial Many of the stoves I.V. Kuznetsova in the upper part contains a grille made of chamotte brick. This grille (received the name on the author's terminology "Catalyst") It is designed to increase the completeness of the combustion of volatile, allocated by burning firewood, and achieve higher temperatures in the fifthly.

All brick bath furnaces I.V. Kuznetsova, both periodic and permanent action, are designed to place the heater inside the furnace.

Recall that the bathing furnaces of periodic actions suggest their initial protood, and only then the beginning of receiving bath procedures. In the bathing furnaces of the periodic action, the stone laying for vapor formation can be only inside the furnace, and its heating occurs directly by the flame of burning fuel.

The baths of permanent action involve the opportunity to pour the furnace during the reception of bath procedures. In the bathing furnaces of permanent action, the stone laying for vapor formation may be either in a closed metal container, or in an open metal capacity. In the first case, the containers with stones is inside the furnace entirely, in the second case, the capacity is only partially in the furnace, and the stones laid in the container are outside. In the furnaces of constant action, the heating of the stones occurs mediated through the metal wall of the container into which they are laid.

Model of a brick bath furnace came to replace the previously developed I.V. Kuznetsova similar furnaces of permanent action.

The main differencesthis furnace model was:

  • application of metallic tankfor stones Specific design;
  • place and method of installing a tank in brick oven;
  • the absence of a "catalyst" - chamotte lattice at the top of the fuel;
  • developed secondary air supply systeminside the furnacefrom the ash space in top Topial and specially formed smoke chamber for the survivation of combustible gases allocated by burning firewood;
  • actual replacing the 2nd Cap Furnace with a small smoke chamber(Borov).

In order to be easier understood by I.V. Kuznetsov, changes to the design of their existing brick bath furnaces of permanent action, I propose first to consider in general features The design of the available printing of 2 models of such furnaces in open printing:Beach p1 3.5 × 4 metand Beach 41.

On the fig.1 and fig.2 Cuts are depicted by two models of permanent action Igor KuznetsovaBeach p1 3.5 × 4 met and Beach 41. With metal tanks for a stone bookmark placed inside these furnaces.

Fig.1. Bath furnace of periodic action I.V. KuznetsovaBeach p1 3.5 × 4 met

Fig. 2. Bath furnace of periodic action I.V. KuznetsovaBeach 41.

From the drawings it can be seen that as a furnaceBeach p1 3.5 × 4 metand oven Beach 41.are 2-H. cap. Metal ovens for stones are inside furnaces and differ only with sizes. Oven for stones in the furnaceBeach 41. More in size oven for stonesBeach p1 3.5 × 4 metdue to the fact that in the furnaceBeach 41. The top cap is made smaller in size, is behind the tank for stones and shifted to the right wall of the oven.

First ( lower) Cap FurnaceBeach p1 3.5 × 4 met(Fig.1) ends 21mnear the red ceramic brick, and the second ( upper) The cap from the blocked occupies from the 23rd to the 30th row and is located directly above the bottom cap. A number 22 is a blockage of the bottom cap.

In the oven Beach 41 (Fig.2) The bottom cap takes the space with2nd to the 17th row, 18th and 19th rows This is a blockage of a part of the lower cap, 20-25 rows - the upper cap, 26-30 rows - a blocking of the 2nd part of the bottom cap and the entire top cap(Fig.2). Those who want to make sure they say, can contact the site I.V. Kuznetsov ( Beach p1 3.5 × 4 met; Beach 41.).

Under metal tanks for stones in the 11th (Beach 41)and 12th (bik p1 3.5 × 4 met) Rows are located chamotte brick grille ("Catalyst"according to the terminology of the author's ovens). The appointment of the "catalyst" is mixing the furnace gas with air supplied to the fifylenest. Mixing Ovens with air needed to increase complete combustion Allocated by burning wood products of thermal decomposition of wood. In addition to this, heated to high temperatures " catalyst "becomes a powerful source of radiation (radiation) radiationin the direction of the burning firewood, which contributes to their heating and more intensive release of volatile combustible gases.

Air supply to the fueling of firewood is made of a subdivinal compartment through a grate grid and a slot located in the 5th row of the fuel in front of the oven door. This gap takes its beginning in the 4th row of the fuel.

In the oven Beach p1 3.5 × 4 MET gap Before the furnace door it has a width of 2.5 cm, and in the oven bike 41 - 1 cm width.

Metal tanks for stones are of the form of parallelepiped, set up vertically with a support for a smaller side. On one of the lateral surfaces of these tanks there is a rectangular boot hole for stones having a form of a rectangular tunnel and connecting the inner cavity of the tank for stones by one end, and the other side of the doorway of the heaters.

Stones are stacked into the tank through this hole. Through the same hole, the water drops on the stones during the sacrifice and the outlet of the steam into the pair.

Furnaces Beach P1 3.5 × 4 Met and Beach 41 belong to the brick baths of permanent action. Such seams are called furnaces, the design of which allows you to use them while receiving bath procedures and at the same time not to stop (or if necessary, or if desired), the process of burning firewood (for heating cooled during a sacrificent laying). In such furnaces, the possibility of getting into the pair chimney during a guy is excluded.

The positive parties of the furnaces of permanent action can be attributed to the lack of sedimentation on the stones of Kamenka Say and the ash under the oven protest and, as a result, the lack of opportunity to get into the pair of these combustion products during sacrifice of water to the heater.

There is nothing terrible in this, since in brick baths of periodic action, this factor is eliminated by one or two sacrifice of boiling water on the heater before the start of a walker with an open pipe flap and with simultaneously covering the door of the heater immediately after sacrifice of water to the heater. All ashes and other solid unlawful sediments of the process of burning firewood with stones are carried out by steam through the chimney into the atmosphere.

In addition, it is eliminated by the possibility of falling into a pair of sacrifice and chammed dust from the walls of the fuel. In brick baths of the periodic development of the development of I. Kuznetsov, this probability is preserved. Good is it, or bad - I find it difficult to answer. Research on the impact on the human body of such emissions was not carried out. Therefore, it is necessary to solve about the benefits or dangers of this factor to be solely to the user of such a bath furnace.

For some baths weak Party The brick bath furnaces of the periodic action is not considered enough high heating temperature of the stone laying in a metal box. Stone temperature in furnaces Beach p1 3.5 × 4 metand Beach 41.rarely exceed 400ºС.It is determined by the fact that the heating of the stones occurs in the same indirectly, through the metal walls of the tank-oven for stones. In this case, almost completely convective component of heat transfer is excluded from the stones heating process. The radiation component of the heat of the flame of burning firewood reaches the stones a significantly weakened by the walls of the tank.

In the metal tank, the heating of the heating occurs, mainly due to the conductive heat transfer between the stones in contact between themselves, and at least due to radiant energy, but not from the open flame, and from re-energizing the radiant energy themselves the heating stones and the walls of the tank-oven themselves.

Let me remind you that condeta method of heat transfer (by using the heat conduction mechanism) It assumes the transfer of heat between the bodies when they directly contact them. The heat is transferred from the hot to a colder body due to the greater size and intensity of the oscillatory movements of its atoms (molecules) of the heated solid.

Convective method of heat transfer implies the transmission of heat energy from the heated air environment is colder solid body Due to the collisions of the molecules of heated air with such a body. Since in a closed oven for the movement of air, there is practically no, then the transfer of these air with its thermal energy to the heating stones is minimized.

Radiation component of heat transfer It is caused by radiant energy emitted by a heated medium. In the oven such a medium are hot gases allocated by burning firewood.

However, in the baths of permanent action, the radiant energy of burning firewood is first absorbed by the walls of the tank-oven for stones, and then it is already reserved by them both inside the tank and out.

A part of the thermal energy of the burning firewood flame, absorbed by the metal walls of the tank-oven, is transmitted by the stone tab due to the conductive heat transfer.

And some of this energy reserves in the form of radiant heat inside the tank on the stones as the walls of the metal tank itself, and the stones themselves on each other.

Thus, in the furnaces of permanent action, the stones get less thermal energy secreted by burning firewood than a similar heater, but directly heated by the flame of burning firewood.

As a result, the heating temperature of the stones inside the metal tank, as a rule, is usually below the temperature of the heater, located inside the furnace of periodic effect directly in the stream of burning gases.

In the interference of the periodic action, the Kamenka is located in the upper part of the fuel and heated by the flame of burning firewood itself. Wherein main role In the heating of the stone laying plays a radiant component of burning firewood. The second and third places in the value of the portable heat divide the convective and conductive components of heat transfer. The ratio of these values \u200b\u200bdepends on the type of materials laidden in the stitch (stone, cast iron), their geometric shape (parallelepiped, ball, ellipsoid, etc.), sizes.

However, the indisputable advantage of the charmings of the brick furnaces of permanent action is the fact that the stones inside the tank-oven installed in such a furnace always remain clean, they do not have sediments of soot, ashes and chammed dust, which is inherent in the chambers of the periodic stoves!

With subject tolocated inside the tank Kamenkaportions of boiling water for vaporization present in the steam room do not threaten to get along with a portion of the steam and portion of the cargo departing from the oven, ashes and chamotte crumbs!

In addition, the heating of stones in the tank occurs in a more gentle thermal mode, which directly affects their service life. Stone layout service life in continuous furnaces at least 2 times higher than Similar indicator for periodic furnaces.

Even scatteredover time under the action of high temperatures during operation stones Kamenka in permanent furnaces in any way cannot influence the quality of the fuel combustion process.

Convection Channels The bath furnace of permanent action for passing the furnace gases formed at the stove stage stage, remain in the process of operation of the furnace unchanged. They are not clogged with scattered stones of Kamenka. The furnace continues to operate in the unchanging thermal and gas-dynamic modes provided by its original design.

To increase the heat-intensified thermal energy in order to extend the regimens of the guar in the Baku-Oven lace up to 60% cast iron in the form of bars, brake wagon pads, balls, etc.

I want to note that the heating temperatures of stones up to 350-400ºС is quite sufficient to obtain superheated water vapor from which you can get excellent condition of steam bath with availability .

The question is how many people and how long is going to steam and receive the appropriate condition required for the guy. For a family consisting of 4-6 peopleSuch a furnace is able to provide the required modes during 5-6 hours of guar. At the worst end, what prevents to feed the oven and heat the stones fit from sacramen? After all, the oven of permanent action does to do it. 🙂

Another "narrow" place Kamenoki enclosed in metal wardrobes in bathing furnaces of permanent action was their ejection property outward after sacrifice on the already fitted stone bookmark other than water vapor also unfortunately small droplets of water.

The reasons for this phenomenon were several:

1) reducing the pair formation power fell from the sacrifice of the heater (the inability for a few seconds to convert a portion of water into the gaseous state to the gaseous state);

2) a limited area of \u200b\u200bthe surface of the Kamenka, participating in the vaporization (the surface of the stones on which the portions of the plated water fell), and which was determined by the features of the design of the cabinet-oven for stones (in particular the shape and sizes of its boot hole);

3) Limited in size (practically closed on all sides) The volume of the cabinet oven for stones with a fitted heater contributed to the emission of the outside, except for steam, drip-liquid fraction of water portions thrown onto the heater.

Presence in the air A steam room, in addition to the water vapor in the form of gas, also suspension of drip-liquid water did not contribute to the creation of conditions favorable to obtain an atmosphere of a "light pair".

Now briefly reflect the issue of heating with steam room most brick stove.

Let me remind you that the main task of the bath furnace in the steam Russian bath is heating to the required high temperature laying temperature . The second task of the bath furnace is the heating of the steam room. It must be respected important condition: in the process of heating the stones in the furnace to the required temperature, we, in no case, should not overheat steam room. By the time of the heating of stones to the maximum possible in these temperature conditions (in our case, not lower 35 0-400ºС) Temperature in the steam room and all enclosing it elements (ceiling, walls, shelves, floor) should not exceed 45-50ºС.

Steam room heating with a brick furnace is mainly carried out by creating the walls of the furnace of radiant heat transfer and heated convection flows of air.

Why did the oven got a name"RUSSAUNES"?

The answer to this question is simple. The furnace of this design allows you to get in pair modes, characteristic not only for the Russian bath, but also modes inherent in the sucho-hearted sauna!

So for the Russian bath, this furnace allows you to get steam modes In the temperature range T \u003d 45-65 0 s and with relative air humidity φ \u003d 60-90%. If you wish, with this model, the furnace in the pair you can get modes close to the modes of a sucho-hearted sauna - air temperature T \u003d 90-100 0 s with low relative humidity φ \u003d 5-9%.

As you know, in pairs with a metal furnace (saunas) there is a convection of air. Ascending air flows in a metal furnace sauna are formed in convection channels formed by the walls of the fuel and a protective metal casing of the furnace. Due to air convection, heating is accelerated by steam room. Air convection is present in the adoption of bath procedures.

In the pair of Russian steam bath, the convective flow streams are reduced almost to a minimum. The thermal-containing air in the steam room is raised by sacrifice water to hot stones, and even then only during the adoption of bath procedures, and not during the cooking bath.

In a pair of steam Russian bath, the air temperature rarely raise up to values \u200b\u200bexceeding 60ºС. To withstand such a temperature with the values \u200b\u200bof the absolute humidity of air constituting d.\u003d 80-100 g / m 3 For each cubic meter of pair space, not everyone may be. The relative humidity of the air in these conditions is φ \u003d 60-75%.

But there are lovers to steam and at temperatures 70-80ºС And at the same time wishing to get the same absolute humidity d.\u003d 80-100 g / m 3(relative humidity φ \u003d 30-40%).

Here we will not give a characteristic of these conditions: it's good or bad. In the end, everyone himself chooses for himself what he likes. We only note the fact that the bath furnace makes it possible to get in a steam room as modes inherent in the classic steam Russian bath (T \u003d 50-60ºС,d.\u003d 80-100g / m3, φ \u003d 60-75%)So and temperature-humid modes that occupy an intermediate position between the modes of the classic steam Russian bath and the high-temperature sucho-hearted sauna modes (T \u003d 90-100ºС, d.\u003d 40-60 g / m3, φ \u003d 5-9%).

In other words, who loves the jogging, he can easily get the conditions T \u003d 70-80ºС, d.\u003d 80-100 g / m3, φ \u003d 30-40%.

This is achieved through the fact that the tank for stones new design Allows you to organize an additional convection air flow for the heating of the steam room coming from the inside of the tank through one of the output nozzles outside the superheated steam.

This phenomenon becomes possible due to the phenomenon of some uneven heating of different side Tank inside the oven.

If you bring the palm to the outlet of the holes in the tank to exit steam, you can feel that through one of these holes the heated air leaves, and the air from the pair of steam is suused.

If there is no desire to overheat the steam room due to additional air convection through the tank with stones To do this, it is enough to cover one or both of these holes, for example, one or two stones. In case of sacrificing water on the stones through a metal oven-heater funnel, the neck of the steam pipes is freed from stones, thereby freeing the passages to enter the paired superheated steam.

As a rule, the upper surface of the tank is hidden by a layer of stones. These stones do not only give the furnaces a more aesthetic appearance, but at the same time perform such an important function as the shielding of steam room from rigid radiation radiation emitted by the heated surface of the tank (Fig. 5).

Another one the indisputable advantage of the new bath furnace "RUSSAUN" It became the factor of it increased (compared to other permanent furnaces) maintainability and convenience in use.

If necessary, the tank oven for stones can be easily removed from the furnace and, thus, access to its internal part for regulatory work is obtained.

Since the stones are inside the metal tank, they do not have any mechanical impact on the chamotte walls of the fuel. The pressure from the spacer forces heated stones test only the walls of the tank. But with this misfortune you can easily cope.

To protect the lower and side walls of the tank from the action of the spacer forces generated by the heated stones, inside the tank can be laid horizontally and install Vertically along the walls cast iron grate. If a pair of grate Set vertical in the middle of the tank between stonesthen in this case we can achieve more uniform warming up stone layout in height . It happens because the cast iron has a higher thermal conductivity compared to the stone, and therefore it delivers heat from the bottom of the tank to upper layers Kamenka.

Installation / Removal of grinding in / out of tank / and is carried out through the loading hole located in the top surface of the tank, which is further closed with a metal lid with a watering can of water portions to the heater.

In brick furnaces of permanent action I. Kuznetsov, earlier designs, the conduct of such an operation (installation / removal of grate) was not as convenient due to the designer design of metal tank-oven.

In addition, in the author's brick furnaces early years Producing Repair / Replacement The oven for stones required partial disassembly of the outer brick and internal chamotte masonry furnace. What, you see, it was not convenient and demanded much more labor costs.

Fig.5. Bath furnace "RUSSAUN" performed by A.M.Shalagin

Let's summarize the results.

From the above, it is clear that the new model of a brick bath furnace development of Igor Viktorovich Kuznetsova "RUSSAUN" has a number of strongest moments. The features of this furnace not only eliminated the weaknesses of previous baths of permanent steps, but also allowed a wide range of temperature-humble modes in a steam room, characteristic not only for steam Russian bath, but also blisms to the modes of high-temperature suchu-aggravated sauna.

In its characteristics, this furnace approached the characteristics of brick bathing furnaces of periodic action, and in their capabilities even surpassed many of them!

This furnace model has become almost universal!

Well, so far and everything!

In the future on the blog pages, we will look at the design features of this furnace model.

I must say that even I am, a big fan of the sauna, the baths in which the furnaces are built, which is described below me very much like. Many people love them more, and carry it easier than the sauna (yes to take at least my wife). The method described in the article built a furnace in the bath and my grandfather - and honestly, rest after the steaming in such a bath turns out better and feel it easier after it. All the same, probably case in tradition.

Types of Kamenok.

Brick bath stoves (otherwise called Kamenka) there are 2 types: periodic and continuous action. Traditional, real Russian baths were treated exclusively with furnaces periodic action. Previously, in antiquity, they did not have pipes, and they were treated in black - that is, smoke went on the ceiling of the bath. With the chimns of the oven began to do only from the beginning of the 18th century and the baths were already drowned on white, that is, as we do now.

Kamenka stoves Periodic action can not be trample while you are soared or wash in the bath, because then together with a ferry from the stove in the bath will penetrate and smoke. These stoves before going to the bath weave three, five or even more hours. Stones, heated by open fire, can be punished to 900 ° C, and couples from such a stove-Kamenka are given to what lovers lovers lovers - light, not burning, dry and easily portable.

Logging of continuous action in which cobblestones are placed in insulated metal containers, appeared relatively recently. The advantage of such stoves is that they can be stirred and during bath procedures, and the disadvantage - that stones separated by the walls of the containers from open fire, do not warm up 600 ° C. Couples in such chambers are "raw", burning the human body.

Fire events. When the device of the periodic periodic action, it is necessary to remember that this design is the most fire-hazardous of all household furnaces. A cobblestone ton, hot to 900 Gardus, and brickwork in three or four tons, heated to high temperature, are greater potential danger. So that it does not happen to trouble, when building the Kamenka, it is necessary to follow the rules fire safety. True, there are no special rules for the heater.

Moreover, recently some prohibitions and restrictions were removed and the baths began to build as whom would do - immense sizes, in two floors, with stone backfilling cameras for two tons, etc. And this, in my opinion, is unacceptable.

Features of the design and masonry of the heater.

Kamenka stoves have constructive differences from other domestic furnaces. Thus, they do not provide downward chimneys and, if the furnace has large sizes, the "unoccupied" space appears on the left and right from pissed. It is advisable to use it for the device through niche channels to store the noche, nippers and other utensils. In addition, they increase the heat dissipation surface of the furnace.

So that in the top-screen large sizes, It was enough air for burning firewood, pondered and a confusion door should also be sufficient.

For more free air intake in the campaign top, it is better to lay down along pissed. But it is difficult to find in full length on sale for the whole length (depth) confused, so often you have to lay short lattices across pissed.

The alpoxy fuel and a chamotted brick chamotted brick, which is better to put on the measureer (a solution from chamotte clay and a chamot with special additives) with an indentation from the outer walls of the furnace 8-10 mm. From high temperature, the lining will expand, but the gap will protect the outer walls of the furnace from cracking. Instead of chamot (chamotte "cereals"), the sand should not be used. From high temperature it is destroyed.

The fuel is suitable so that its height from the grinding to the cobblestone laying was 8-9 rows of masonry (56-63 cm). It is impossible to reduce this distance, approaching a cobblestone closer to the fire for more intense heating of stones. In this case, the result will be reverse.

The fact is that when burning firewood, the highest temperature is on top of the flame. With a slight distance, the flame vertex persists into cobblestones, there will be a decrease in the flame temperature, and the unburned soot will fall on the surfaces of the stones and in the creams between them.

Masonry arches with their own hands.

One of the problems with the device of large chambers is a device of grate, on which stones are located. From the high temperature and gravity of the cobblestone, the trees are constantly deformed and failed. Even railway rails laid instead of grate can be deformed.

In Kamenka, instead of grate, it is better to make brick arches (or arch with holes), which can be put into segments of the rail. This will create a reliable base for a stone backfill.

Before laying arches or arch on the prepared formwork on the beds of bricks for better clutch make notches. Then the brick is wiping or washed, immersing it briefly into the water. It must be remembered that chamoten brick should not be wetted.

First, the brick is placed without a solution - for the "shooting". When laying on a solution, bricks are heightented, slightly embarrassing with rubber Cyans, and the castle is coazed more carefully. The solution should be medium density.

After an hour and a half, the formwork must be disassembled, and on the arch put 3-4 bricks. The Arch as a result will receive a preliminary voltage in order to further withstand loads from the stone backfill. The solution in the seams between the bricks of such an arc will be dense and durable, and she herself will last long.

If the folding arch is left on a formwork for a week or longer, due to the large shrinkage of the masonry solution, the masonry monolith will be disturbed (the clay solution has a volume shrinkage to 5%.) There are invisible gaps between the bricks the arches. The longer the arch will stay on the formwork, the weaker it will be.

Camera coat.

The sizes of the window to exit steam from the stone frustration chamber should be envisaged so that it can if necessary, turn through it into the heater to replace cobblestones or grate, as well as for other repairs.

The distance from the rails to the window does not more than 50 cm (seven rows of masonry). This is due to the fact that the top of the cobblestone laying should always be at the level or below the shelf in the steam room. The lower the steam source, the more efficient it will be used. In addition to the door in the window, you must install the inner damper. Thanks to her, the wall of the steam, the opposite window, will heat up less, and the heat will be preserved in the chamber. For more intensive heating of the hollowing of the chamber wall, it is possible to bore fire-resistant steel sheets. It is expensive, inefficient.

The overall height of the chamber is made with the calculation so that there are no less than four rows between the top of the backfills and the arch (overlapping). At a smaller height, it will be difficult to spill water to distant stones. The stone backfill is always satisfied with one or two rows above the chamber window jumper. This part of the chamber is a smoke collector - during the cessary of the Kamenka, it will not allow the smoke to penetrate the steam room.

Between the arch and rows of the main overlap of the furnace, it is necessary to leave a sedimentary clearance into one row of masonry. The clearance is also used as chimney to the chimney, allowing it to install it at any corner of the furnace.

Furnaces and cross sections:

1 - smoke catch; 2 - strips and corners; 3 - R-70 railway rails for laying cobblestone on them; 4 is a steel tube 050 mm to obtain an additional steam or water heating; 5 - flue door; 6 - imaging door; 7 - furnaces of firebox; 8 - cobblestone of volcanic origin; 9 - temperature gaps; 10 - end-to-end niches - channels for storing kocherg, forceps and other small items; 11 - Couple exit window damper; 12 - Couple outlet window door; 13 - Ceiling cutting.

Ceiling cutting.

The most dangerous fire facing place in the steam room - the ceiling around chimney. So that this place is unnecessarily heated, the pipe at the point of pass through the ceiling is placed with thicker walls - with the ceiling cutting. For heating, the thickness of the pipe walls here is 38 cm or 25 cm-with additional thermal insulation.

The external dimensions of the cutting of the pipe are 76 × 76 cm. But at the point of passage of the pipe in the ceiling, it is arranged by the opening of large sizes - 86 × 86 cm. The gaps of 5 cm on each side between the brick and the ceiling material are filled with basalt cotton wool or other non-heat material.

An ordinary brick begins to be destroyed at a temperature of 700 ° C, so the ceiling cutting is better to put out chamotte bricks. For greater decorativeness, some details of the furnace (extension at the bottom, skirt, cutting elements) can be made of bricks that differ from the remaining color.

Required for construction furnaces-Kamenka Materials

Brick red


1000 pcs.

Chamotone brick


450 pcs.

Brick chammed wedge-shaped


80 pcs.

Small catch

260 × 260 mm

1 PC.

Steel corner

65x65x5 mm

14 M.

Steel strip

50 × 5 mm

2.5 M.

Tube steel heat-resistant

050 mm


Rail rail


2.5 M.

Opening door

280x 250 mm

1 PC.

Door pensive

210 × 250 mm

1 PC.

Grills grate

200 × 300 mm

6 pcs.


Make in place

1 PC.

Door to exit steam

Make in place

1 PC.

Chamotone clay

170 kg


170 kg

Clay, mountain sand

By need

Cobblestone of volcanic origin


Bath stoves do it yourself - options from readers

Make a stove for a bath from the bourgeities do it yourself

Bath for the dacket is not a luxury, but the first to do. And if so, it needs a simple, economical and efficient firebox.

Such " barchka stove"For a bath, I made from two metal barrels. As the stove, you need to take a barrel with a capacity of 200 liters, and the second barrel, smaller, can be welded to the first and use to heat the water. Such a barrel with a capacity of 90-100 liters I welded to the stove. But at the same time, he fucked one of its walls so that the future water tank was well adjusted to the stove wall.

And in front of the furnace cut the hole under the pipe, which was filled with stones to accumulate heat. Cropped pipe over the width of the furnace. From one end drowned it and inserted into the opening of the furnace, and then the edge of the end. So that the stones did not fall out of the furnace, I made a special lattice (see Fig.).

Then I cut the square hole for the furnace, made the door and pissed. Each dacket must install the stove in such a way that it is convenient to serve it and "report the park."

I believe that my stove complies with such requirements as simplicity, low cost and reliability. Especially pleased that you can go into such a bathhouse literally after half an hour after the extras.


Considering the dimensions old oven and the premises prepared a drawing of a new design (see Fig.). Partially disassembled the old oven, leaving only a firebox with a pipe-shoe. Cracks on the laying smeared clay.

From a sheet steel with a thickness of 10 mm according to the drawing, the rectangular box for the heater and the water tank was welded. In Kamenka, carved the necessary openings for the door of the pair (photo 1) and washing (photo 2). And also holes for the pipe-shoe. In the latter, the pair cut out the rectangular opening and closed its door (see photo 1 p. 1).

I installed the finished chamber onto the furnace, having drives it onto the pipe, the joints on top and bottom brewed. On Kamenka mounted chimney.

On the furnace secured the water tank (photo 3). The walls adjacent to the stove was sewn with a tin for fire safety.

For the best heat supply to the steam room under the door of the Kamenka drilled nine holes D 20 mm (photo 4) The challenge of the heater and the tank painted the heat-resistant silver, and the stove twisted.


When the oven was flooded, the bath with a size of 2.3 × 3.3 × 2 M warmed up to readiness for 1.5-2 hours. The tank with water 100 liters is heated during the same time to a temperature of 95-100 degrees. To extend the bunny procedures, thanks to the pipe with the proverb, you can throw firewood 3 in the hour per hour.

Advantages of the furnace

Three positions of heating premises:

A - Kamenka's doors in a steam room and in washing are open - simultaneous heating of two rooms.

B-door Kamenka in steam room closed, and in the sink is open - more heat in washing department. On the contrary, accelerated heating steam.

In - all the doors are closed - heat accumulation mode in Kamenka.

Two firebox modes:

And - with a fully open subdivo door - the most fast warming of the bath.

B-when the door was covered - support for heat in the bath, for example, in the summer.

The wider window of the chamber in the steam office allows you to safely pour water on hot stones.

What bake is better?

The main thing in the bath is a stove-Kamenka. Previously, it was built from bricks. Now you can just buy finished metal design. The main thing is among the many options to choose what you need.

All stoves in the type of energy used are divided into three types: wood, electrical and gas.


The minimum formation of smoke and the absence of Gary, and therefore the adoption procedure will be not only useful, but also safe for health.

All models use special elements that exclude the risk of burning burns.

Variety of shapes and colors.

Cheaper electric and gas-changer.

On the stones are going to soot and it needs to be cleaned regularly.


No need for a chimney device.

Environmental. Any contamination is excluded.

Have a temperature control and temperature control system.

- High power consumption of 1 kW / 1 square. m.

Very quickly heating both rooms.

Capable to heat the water well. The diagram of the chimney through a special tank is used.

- The need for a gas pipeline on the site.

Brick stove Periodic action

Consider Read more Technology for the construction of a periodic championship (Fig. 22). The fueling of such a furnace is performed from refractory brick and has a slit arch, intended for a stone backfill. The width of the gap can vary from 5 to 8 cm.

Fig. 22. Brick furnace-heater of periodic action: but - without water-heating tank; b. - with water boiler

The furnace should be equipped with chimneys in the form of lowered wells. To give greater strength, it is recommended to separate steel corners. The camera for stones is usually equipped with two doors.

Often, the chimney device occurs in such a way that they skip flue gases from the area around the channel to the bottom of the chamber for stones.

The construction of a massive brick stove Kamenka should begin with the bookmark of its foundation. To prevent furnace sedimentation and its inclination due to moisturizing or engine freezing, the foundation must be buried at least 0.5 m. Its transverse dimensions should be more chicks to the Polkirpich in each direction, i.e., in general, on a brick. The distance from the foundation of the furnace to the foundation of the wall should be at least 5 cm, and the gap between them must be filled with sand. The bottom of the pit should be tamped and aligned using a special level. The most suitable foundation is concrete or boot concrete. In a dry ground, it can be prepared from bricks using a limestone, cement or lime-cement mortar.

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To prepare a lime solution used slaked lime and sidewged sand in the ratio from 1: 2 to 1: 3. Cement mortar, in which the ratio of cement and sand is 1: 3, it is recommended to prepare in small portions in order to have time to apply it before setting.

To knead a lime-cement solution, it will take cement, lime and sand in a ratio of 1: 2: 10.

The surface of the foundation should be pouring cement mortar, align using a rail and coat on top of a waterproofing tone or rubberoid in two layers.

The main material for laying such furnaces is ordinary funny brick first grade. It is strictly forbidden to use holey and silicate bricks, as they quickly destroy. For masonry and lining of the fifth furnace, refractory and refractory bricks are most suitable. Refractory bricks are used to burn firewood, and refractory (chammed) bricks - for burning coal, liquid fuel, Gas.

The basis of high-quality masonry is to ensure the density of the seams. This is necessary in order to fit the bathroom to the bathrooms, combustion products that may cause carbon monoxide poisoning. Masonry seams should be filled with a solution for the entire depth. Their thickness must be minimal. If an ordinary brick is used, the seam thickness should not exceed 5 mm, and for refractory and refractory brick, it should be no more than 3 mm for the entire depth. The solution can be arranged by hand, it is allowed to be allowed to spread it only to the floor of the fuel and the bottom of the smoke channels.

It is necessary to ensure the smoothness of the internal surfaces of the furnaces. For this, the brushing and dashest bricks are hand-cutted outwards. After every 4-5 rows of masonry, the inner surfaces are wiping with a damp urinary brush or cloth.

To masonry next row You can move only after all the bricks of the previous row are laid. It is recommended that the laying on the solution began to produce a label layout of bricks without a solution.

After the first row laying is made, it is necessary to check the correctness of the angles using a special square or cord. After laying a second row in the corners of the furnace, you must arrange the guide cords with cutoffs. They should be suspended with nails to the ceiling, and shutters are wound from the bottom, depressed in the seams between the two lower rows.

When laying bricks, it is important to comply with the rules of their dressing: each vertical seam should be overlapped with a brick located nearby. It is strictly forbidden to dress the masonry dressing of a conventional brick with a masonry from a refractory or refractory brick, since with increasing temperature they have different expansion.

Chimel dashboard, valves, grate grids, plates and water-type boxes must be installed during brick masonry. The door frame should be mounted in the masonry with the help of special paws (curmmer) of a soft steel strip (hoist iron). To the foot frame should be mounted using rivets. Before fixing in place, the frame should be wrapped with asbestos cord or cloth. If between the fuel frame and brick masonry There is no asbestos, then all over the perimeter need to leave a gap of 3-4 mm wide. This is necessary in order for the frame when heated is not able to push the masonry. In order to ensure the strength of the jumper of the fuel door, should be blocked by the "in the lock" method, i.e. when the average brick is mounted on the bevelous ends of the adjacent bricks. Other doors and frames of dampers must be fixed in the laying with wire.

The grate grille is mounted by slots along the fuel. To expand the lattice between its edges and masonry bricks, it is necessary to leave the gap of at least 5 mm. It must be filled with sand. The same clearance should be made between the stove above the fuel and masonry.

One of the most important parts of the furnace is a fuel. For firebox firewood, the smallest width should be in one brick, i.e. form 25 cm, and minimum height - 35 cm. The greater the height of the fuel, the better condition Fuel combustion. It is desirable that it make up 40-60 cm. At the bottom of the wall, the fuel should be made with a slope in the direction of the grate grid, so that the coals are frozen on the grille.

The design of smoke-rotations affects the uniformity of warming up and the economy of the furnace. Their inner surface should be smooth.

It should not be covered with a clay solution that quickly falls off and can clog the chimney.

The top wall of the furnace (overlapping) consists of three rows of bricks that are plashed with dressing. With the coincidence of the vertical seams of the upper walls, they should be blocked by pieces of steel sheet.

The pipe for the heater should be an atmosphere, i.e., located on the furnace array. In this case, the thickness of the walls of the furnace and the pipes, as well as the passage cross-section of the flue channels and the pipes, should be at least half of the brick. The pipe should be removed at a height of not lower than 0.5 m from the roof surface. To do this, it is recommended to use cement or mortarBut not clay, as it is easily washed with rain and condensate, generated inside the pipe.

In order to comply with fire safety, it is necessary to withstand the distance between the brick surface of the furnace and the combustible structure, i.e. wooden pieces Bath. It should be at least 40 cm if the design is not protected from fire, and more than 25 cm when protected. If the furnace and the pipe consist of metal, then these distances should be increased to 100 and 70 cm, respectively. Between brick tube and wooden elements The roofs must leave the free distance of at least 10 cm. When using a metal or asbestos-cement pipe, the nearest wooden parts of the ceiling and roofs should be closed with felt, pre-impregnated with clay solution, and are additionally trimmed roofing Steel.. The gap between the pipe and the roof should not be, so it should be closed by an apron of galvanized steel. On the wooden floor Before the heat door, it is recommended to install a metal sheet The size of at least 70 x 50 cm.

Council Masters

For plastering the furnace, solutions of the following compositions are suitable: Lime: Sand (2: 2: 1); Clay: Lime: Sand (1: 1: 3); Clay: Cement: Sand (1: 1: 3); Clay: Sand (1: 2). Regardless of the choice of solution, it is recommended to add 0.1-0.2 parts of asbestos.

From the book Tips for the construction of a bath by Hatskevich y g

From the book how to build country house Author Shepelev Alexander Mikhailovich

From the book Building Baths and Saunas Author Shukhman Yuri Ilyich

From the book oven for baths and saunas do it yourself Author Kalyuzhny Sergey Ivanovich

From the book of the author

From the book of the author

From the book of the author

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Brickwork is used mainly for laying foundations and walls. It may be thick in 1/2, 1, 1 1/2, 2, 2 1/2, 3 and more bricks or, respectively, 120, 250, 380, 510, 640, 770 mm. The thickness of the masonry depends on the design destination and local climatic conditions. Performed on various

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6.2. The classic brick actually classical brick stove is considered in the section on the design of the bath, because there is proposed to design, i.e. "dance from the stove." Similar structures a lot and in the appropriate literature. Masonry

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Compact furnace-heater Compact furnace-heater (Fig. 12) of continuous action can be arranged based on the so-called stove brace. To do this, in the tank instead of water, it is necessary to load stones, and water heating can be produced in a bucket installed on the stones. Oven-Kamenka

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Metal furnace-heater combined with a kitchen oven sizes of a metal stove combined with a kitchen oven make up 40 x 50 cm. When it operates, the temperature in the steam room can be maintained up to 100 ° C. For the device such furnaces does not require a lot of space, they

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A small-sized furnace-heater with the upper placement of the tank is quite common is a small-sized furnace-heater with a water tank (Fig. 15, 16). The volume of the chamber for stones and the tank capacity is 40 liters. The tank is located on the stove next to the stones. Regulation

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A small-sized stove-heater with the lower placement of the tank The design of a small-sized stove-stove with the lower placement of the tank (Fig. 17, 18) is different from others small-sized options ovens of greater length of the furnace and a roomy capacity of the chamber for stones (50 l). In addition, she has

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Furnace-heater for small family baths in small bath buildings enough device of one furnace, which should be located in the center of the bath so that it most of with Kamenka was in washing room (Fig. 19, 20). For the construction of the stove

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The furnace-heater without a water heater with a stove device without a water heater (Fig. 21) as an impermeable partition can be used a metal box or a cast iron boiler. Cunes will be warm very quickly, since its surface is washed with hot

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Universal furnace-heater design A. Suzdaltsev Universal furnace-heater design A. Suzdaltseva (Fig. 24) has an internal fuel and an attached camera with a frighting of stones, fenced with a cast-iron stove. Water heater is

Before dealing with the issue of the device for a bath for a bath, we ourselves spent a lot of time by studying this topic. Therefore, we know that people who have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe designs of bath furnaces is usually not bonded before explaining everything with Azov, and most texts on the Internet are written at all those who are not at all in the subject.

Bath furnace designs: Common moments and differences for different types

So what is the stove? This is a bonfire, divorced inside capacity. But burning is the reaction of fuel oxidation, therefore, it cannot occur without oxygen. Therefore, we call the furnace, through which, at least temporarily, with open dampers, moves the flow air.


This movement is called "Tract", and it happens if there is input and outlet.

Of course, such a definition suffers in incomplete, because it does not apply to electrocamers. IN they are heating due to the passage of current through high resistance material. This highlights the heat.

But back to the furnaces, where the heat release occurs due to chemical reaction. The art of the cook and is to skillfully vary the amount of incoming air, the amount of firewood in the bookmark to achieve them uniform burning and maximum full combustion.

What will happen if the burning is still going on, and the air is blocked? Instead of carbon dioxide, dangerous monooxide will begin to form - carbon monoxide . But why overlapping the pipe if it is so dangerous? - Thrust overlap not to take a stoveWhen the firewood was burned, because with the air in the pipe and warmth and warmth.

So, we know about the role of air. Let's look at the simplest furnace scheme with a burden. What should be inhabited in it? Three things:

  • supply hole (pondered or flick door);
  • the fuel (it is the firebox);
  • outlet (chimney).

The first division of the stoves can be held presence or absence pissed: Without it, they are called "sorrow with a deaf bottom." In this case, the air is fed through the open furnace door. Here is what looks in the context of the same:


And now we ask me: what is all bath stovesBut is absent in the furnaces hanging at home? Of course, that's kamenka. The container in which stones lie, there are all stoves in the bath, even y. The stones themselves are used as batteries - They accumulate warmly. It is necessary in order to keep the high temperature in the steam room longer. Another function - creating a light paraBut in this capacity they are needed only in the Russian bath.

There are two classifications of Kamenok by different signs: one takes into account contact with fire in the furnace, the second is a contact with air.

If there is cracks between the furnace and the heaters, through which the flame languages \u200b\u200blick the stones, then this flowing Kamenka.

If the barrier is deaf, then the heater is called deaf.

When the container with stones is inside.

Furnaces are either brickeither metal. There is no other. The first are considered very inertial - for their heating, watches are needed, as well as for cooling them.. The second is able to grow out for half an hour and during the same time have time to overheat steam room. Excellent property!

Choosing a design, you determine for yourself how inertial should be its case. At your disposal, not only "clean" options: purely brick, purely, but also combined. For example, an increase in the inertia of the metal stove can be either using internal lining of the fuel and challenge, or with external Casheu-sarcophagus. Moreover, the option with a casing and lining at the same time is not excluded.

Important! Answer the question of what time on the extrovers of the furnace for you is optimal - it is precisely it determines the degree of inertia of the case.


What happens when combustion of fuel? It is highlighted, combustion products are formed - pairs, gases and solids. We call the latter soot, smokyu, and all together - smoke. At the time of exiting the firebox, this mixture is also riveted to several hundred degrees. And if you do not put any heat obstacle, All this warmly tritely flies into the pipe to strengthen greenhouse effect on our planet.

However, once for a long time not only obstacles, but also there were no pipes. Because not from the tree was to do them! Therefore, the first on the way of removing smoke - smoothless, "black".

In the simplest version it breast of stones laid by a vault over the fire. IN modern version This is a brick focus, which keeps all the same pile of stones from the plenty. But the principle is the same: spread the fire under the stones, waited for the root of firewood, released smoke to the street through or - and you can steam, watering the heated stones with water.

Then appears smoke collector - akin kitchen hood - The same separated from the furnace. Similar option and today can be found in the bath.

Then appears trumpet smoke. And if she is inserted into the stove (in the fifth or heater - it does not matter), then such a stove will be called straightforward. Heat here in stove gases is not selected, so she has the lowest efficiency.

But the heat is a pity, so the thought of inventors went this way: and if you increase the path that goes through the smoke inside the furnace? So the system appeared smoke-turnwhere the smoke gets running with obstacles inside the channels that lead it up and down, or horizontally to the right and left. The system is excellent for the selection of heat, but with its shortcomings - channels, especially horizontal, you need to clean regularly, otherwise the thrust will not.

Alternative to the smoke-turning system has become cap stove. There are no channels in it, it practically does not depend on the thrust. Hot chicken gases, leaving the fifth, turn out to be under the cap, where they are actively divided by heat with an array of the furnace. New portions of hot chimneys rise, displacing cooled down and in the pipe.

but all said about the chimney primarily refers to brick stoves. Rarely meet the metal stove with smoke. Usually they are primitive - straight-flow, except that they have flame dividers. Yes, and the size of them is much smaller than that of bricks, there are not walking with the moves, and there is no heatmate material - where to choose heat?

Chimney stove ends. Optional - tank or heat exchangerwhich can also be indicated on the Bath furnace scheme. But it is better to tell about it when dismissed concrete structuresTo which, in fact, we go.

Scheme of a brick bath

From the above already emerged that schemes Brick furnace several:

  • direct-flow;
  • with smoke turnover;
  • cap.

However, each admits many implementation options. In other words, the schemes shown clearly demonstrate the characteristic, but do not exhaust possible.

Bath furnace device: River

Metal oven with a lined fuel core

The lining is a layout of chamoten or simply refractory brick of the stoves. At the same time, inertia increases sharply, and with it - and the time of the protood. So, if you need to overload the steam room in half an hour, the lining will be superfluous.

BUT! She has one important plus: it increases the deadlines of the furnace, because its body is subjected to less temperature loads. And this is beyond the fact that such a furnace holds the heat longer.

We show the most simple scheme with lining firebox and closed Kamenka:

Water tank location options on a metal stove

Above you have already seen that the tank can be simply put on top of the furnace and everything heats up. But you can do and otherwise.

Below - schemes of alignment of heater and tank, from the most simple, where the bucket is buried in the stones or the Kamenka is displayed in a separate container, where the chimnery falls, and the tank is going right above the fire (water will boil earlier than the stones are heated) to variations on the topic rational use The top of the furnace, where you can separate the space for the tank horizontally or vertical, and you can get drunk on both sides of the heater, leaving one of opposing side Air pocket, which, as they say, contributes to heat exchange. Full information Presented.

Tank and Kamenka location options:

Yes, and of course, always when there is a need for hot water, you can replace the tank to the heat exchanger of one or another type. If you are interested in learn more about this - read.

Metal heaters from the pipe

On our site you can find in which it tells how to make a similar heater. Here we only give the schemes themselves with some comments.

So, the choice of owner has two options for the stove from the pipe:

  • vertical;
  • horizontal.

Typically take the pipe of the half-meter diameter. Figure shows that pipe can be from the inside a stumber (And you can leave as it is, then it will proceed faster). Yellow Showing shamot along the walls.

Also, the owner of the waven choose a stove with a deaf subdom or confusion. The difference between them was mentioned above. But pay attention to the furnace door with a deaf bottom - In order not to keep it open in it drilled holes, which provide air flow, if the pipe is not overlapped at the top. If a little lengthened at the expense of pissed, then the thrust will be regulated by opening paddy doors. Then the holes become unnecessary.

The water tank is shown in both drawings, but in fact it is optional. Some are lowered, welding on the side of the furnace metal box with a lid - it is for convenience of pouring in the absence of cold water supply in the bath.

Horizontal stove has a completely different structure - she has a heaway open. This is a welded basket for stones - with such a stove already a good couple not get.

Yes, and in the figure, we depicted a grate (under the flame) recognizable, but in reality its grille perpendicular to the direction you see here.

The water tank is welded to the rear wall of the stove.

Useful video

Not just a scheme, but also a description of the advantages and disadvantages of the vertical and horizontal design (not necessarily from the pipe). Plus interesting lifehaki.

More schemes, even more explanations about their occasion. However, the main care of the author of the movie is that you have turned out. So you can not watch saunas lovers).

We hope that some kind of holistic understanding of what a bath oven is, you still got. Other can be found only from practice and experiment. Good luck to you!

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