How to cure cough at home. How to cure a cough at home: the best recipes

Decor elements 30.06.2020
Decor elements

Cough is a reflex aimed at eliminating dust, foreign bodies and mucus from the respiratory tract. This is a special protective reaction of the body to irritation of the bronchial mucosa. The cause of a cough may be an acute respiratory infection, causing, for example, tracheitis,. Cough is divided into two types:

    Loose cough with expectoration.

    dry cough or non-productive.

Wet cough, accompanied by sputum. Its useful function is that the microbes contained in the secretions are removed from the respiratory tract, thereby accelerating the healing process and eliminating the development of complications. Dry unproductive cough usually does not bring relief, it can be very debilitating in the form of seizures. Such a cough contributes to significant irritation of the respiratory tract, causing vomiting and damage to mucosal tissues. How can children and adults be treated for coughing at home? There are many ways to eliminate this unpleasant symptom. For many centuries, people have accumulated experience and shared effective recipes with each other.

Cough milk recipes

In the treatment of cough, milk is used as one of the most effective remedies. This product reduces irritation of the larynx, it is used to thin sputum and facilitate its excretion due to the fact that it contains substances that have a softening property, mucolytic and expectorant action. It is useful to drink not only cow's milk, but also goat's milk.

Figs with milk. In addition to being a natural medicine, milk and figs are a delicious treat for children. This recipe has been used for a long time for colds and. Milk decoction with fig fruits has diaphoretic and antipyretic properties, eliminates inflammation of the larynx, treats bronchitis and tracheitis. The resulting remedy, due to the combination of these two ingredients in folk medicine, is called "cough medicine".

Recipe. For decoction, black and dark purple varieties are used. You will need to wash the figs well, pour 2-4 fruits with a glass of milk and boil for just one minute.

Suitable not only fresh fruits, but also dried ones. The preparation of the decoction will be slightly different. Before boiling, dried figs should be poured with cold milk and allowed to soak for half an hour. Then boil for two minutes and leave for 20 minutes. The potion is consumed in half a glass 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals, always warming up before taking.

Milk with honey. The most popular cough medicine is a glass of warm milk with honey. You can drink this drink throughout the day, and it is especially advisable to drink it before bedtime. This will allow you to sleep peacefully and soundly without coughing fits. Honey is also effective in suppressing coughs, just like regular cough medicines.

In milk, along with honey, you can add some more useful ingredients, such as soda, various spices.

Recipe number 1. Dissolve 1-2 tablespoons of honey in 1 glass of warm milk and add a pinch of soda. The drink causes sputum and sweat, which is important for recovery, as it helps to cleanse the body of toxic substances.

Recipe number 2. This recipe is suitable for children over 10 years old. In 1 liter of raw milk put 4-5 tbsp. l. honey, 1/2 tsp. vanilla, cinnamon and nutmeg, two peas of allspice and two small bay leaves. Boil the mixture, leave for five minutes and take in small sips, two such doses per day are enough.

Milk with butter. A wonderful cough remedy is milk with the addition of butter. The components used envelop the throat and soften dry cough, eliminate perspiration and pain. When treating, proportions must be observed.

Recipe number 1. Add 50 grams of butter to a glass of warm milk. Take before bed.

Recipe number 2. This recipe uses cocoa butter, which is obtained from the seeds of the chocolate tree. Balanced natural product, has a healing effect due to the content of substances that can soften dry cough. Cocoa butter restores the protective functions of the body, prevents the development of pneumonia and asthma, and is an antiviral agent. Put 0.5 teaspoon of cocoa butter in a glass of hot milk, stir well so that the butter melts completely, then cool a little and let the sick child drink.

Mineral milk. If the cough is caused by a dry throat, mineral water is great for moisturizing. Milk with mineral water is a good alternative to drug treatment of cough, the drink has a calming and softening effect on the throat and bronchi. When using these two products together, it must be taken into account that this treatment is suitable for older children, the mineral water must be alkaline, and the milk must be heated. When drinking a drink, the components are mixed in equal proportions. Milk warms the throat and bronchi, and mineral water enriches the body weakened by the disease with useful substances. All this contributes to a better discharge of sputum, provides a thorough cleansing of the bronchi, lungs, throat.

Milk with garlic. You should consult your doctor before using this prescription to treat a cough, as some babies may experience side effects.

Recipe number 1. Cut the cloves of one head of garlic into small pieces and put in 1 liter of milk, simmer over low heat until the garlic becomes soft. You can add a little honey and give the child 1 tbsp. spoon every hour throughout the day.

Recipe number 2. 1 liter of milk, 1 head of garlic and an incomplete teaspoon of butter. Boil peeled and chopped garlic for 2-3 minutes in milk, drink warm, 1 tablespoon each.

Ginger with milk Ginger in its beneficial properties is close to garlic or ginseng. Ginger contains vitamin C, it is recommended to drink it during exacerbation of viral diseases. Ginger with milk for children during colds and coughs can be useful, they reduce inflammation and help get rid of pathogenic microbes, have a warming effect, so it is recommended to drink the drink before bedtime. After that, it is desirable to wrap the child for sweating. There are two ways to prepare ginger with milk.

Recipe #1 . The composition of the medicinal potion includes 1/5 cup of milk, 2 teaspoons of green tea and one crushed small piece of root. The broth is prepared in three stages over low heat, 2 minutes each, after each stage, the drink is set aside for 5 minutes to infuse. After that, they filter. To improve the taste, you can put sugar or honey.

Recipe number 2. Pour 1.5 liters of milk into an enameled bowl, place grated fresh ginger root about 3-4 cm in size, two tablespoons of green tea, bring to a boil and remove from heat. Leave covered for 20-25 minutes. Drink several times a day in small sips.

Propolis with milk The bee product propolis is considered a real panacea for many diseases. Due to the content of wax, various volatile substances, compounds that are the basis of essential oils, it has antibacterial, antimicrobial, immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory effects. Propolis is indispensable for a debilitating cough. But children under one year old should be treated with propolis with great care.

In the treatment of cough in children, a positive effect occurs after the first drops of taking an aqueous propolis tincture. At night, 1-2 drops of propolis are enough for 1/3 cup of hot milk. Water tincture is easy to prepare, for this, put 30-35 grams of propolis in a bowl with 100 milliliters of purified, distilled water and put in a container with water on fire. It takes about forty-five minutes to prepare the tincture in a water bath.

Then the liquid is filtered through three layers of gauze, tightly sealed and used for its intended purpose. Keep refrigerated.

Milk with banana. Banana with milk is an excellent remedy that children are happy to use when coughing. It helps to quickly get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of a cold, coughing fits. The ripe fruit of the banana tree is washed and peeled. Grind in a blender until gruel, add three tablespoons of cocoa powder and mix thoroughly. Then not too hot boiled milk is poured into the banana mixture, a little honey is added and the child is given a drink before bedtime. In the morning, the condition of the baby will noticeably improve.

Black radish for cough, recipes

The beneficial properties of black radish have been known for a long time. Surely many people know about it. To cure and save the baby from coughing, you should resort to the help of this wonderful vegetable.

Black radish contains essential oil, so it has bactericidal properties. It contains lysozyme, an antibacterial substance with an anti-inflammatory effect. This is an effective expectorant that helps to quickly thin the sputum. In folk medicine, there are several ways to prepare radish remedies for coughing.

Black radish juice for cough. Squeeze out the juice from the radish, you can add a little sugar to improve the taste. The resulting juice, children take one teaspoon, 4-6 times a day. Despite the beneficial properties, and its effective antitussive effect, treatment should be started after the permission of the attending physician. If once you trust this wonderful traditional medicine and feel its effect on the child's condition, you will understand that this is the right choice, and you will always use it.

Radish with honey. Radish with honey must be introduced into the complex of therapeutic measures for coughing. There are two ways to obtain an indispensable remedy.

1. In a large black radish with a tail, cut off the lower part (bottom) and take out 1/3 of the pulp. In the resulting recess, you need to put a little honey so that there is free space for the secreted juice. The radish is dipped tail down in a bowl of water. After 3-4 hours, you can collect juice in a tablespoon and give it to a sick child to drink. You can put honey inside the radish again to continue the treatment.

2. 6-8 medium radishes cut into very thin slices and generously sprinkled with sugar. Usually the juice is released after a few hours. At one time, 1 tablespoon is enough, they give the drug every hour.

White and green radish for cough. White and green radishes are a milder remedy than black radishes. Green and white root vegetables are less bitter, more tender and sweet in taste. The juice of white and green radish is also useful for coughing, the remedy is prepared in the same way as from black radish.

Cough compress, recipes

Cough compresses in the acute period of respiratory diseases, when there is a high body temperature and a violation of the general condition, are contraindicated, since thermal and irritating procedures activate the inflammatory process. Warm compresses are also contraindicated for children under one year old. When a fracture occurs during the course of the disease and the child feels much better or it is an uncomplicated ARVI, compresses can speed up recovery.

The effectiveness of compresses is achieved due to thermal effects, leads to vasodilation, to activation of blood circulation. Warming compresses are referred to as thermal procedures. When coughing, warming compresses are a fairly common, useful procedure that affects the bronchi. Whether or not to do compresses to a child is a question that is decided by the parents themselves, and most of them are sure that the remedy is very effective.

How to make a cough compress? Any compress consists of three layers:

    the wet inner layer (bandage, gauze) is moistened with a therapeutic agent.

    middle layer - isolates the flow of liquid (oilcloth, polyethylene, wax paper).

    the outer layer is needed for warming (cotton wool and bandage, woolen scarf, terry towel).

All these layers are superimposed on each other and then placed on the back or chest of the child. The heart area is always left open. A cough compress warms the surface of the skin, then the heat spreads to adjacent tissues. This increases blood circulation and dilates blood vessels. One of the main actions of the compress is to increase the release of antiviral agents, and these are antibodies and interferon, which causes the activity of the immune system in the fight against viruses. Based on this, compresses are contraindicated during the period, but are useful during the recovery period.

Potato compress. Compresses can be made from any improvised means and products that can give off heat and warm up for a long time. Potato cough compress is the simplest, but very effective. You will need boiled potatoes in their uniforms. When hot, the vegetable should be put in a plastic bag, add 2 teaspoons of any vegetable oil (corn, sunflower or olive). Tie and crush the potatoes with light movements so that they can be placed on the chest of a sick child.

Attention: the bag is very hot, it must be put on a towel, then on the chest, avoiding the heart area, cover with a warm scarf on top and cover the child with a blanket. After a while, check the compress, if the potato has cooled down significantly, it is advisable to remove the bandage, since the plastic bag with cold potatoes is a source of moisture. The potato retains heat for a long time, contributing to deep heating and increased blood circulation, this allows the airways to be actively cleansed.

Compress with honey. Honey is considered first aid for coughs. A honey compress helps well with exacerbation of respiratory diseases. Liquid honey is applied to the skin and the chest is rubbed with light movements, parchment is applied on top. After that, it is recommended to cover the child with a blanket and ask him to lie down quietly for half an hour.

After applying the compress, remove the honey with a warm damp cloth, wipe it dry, and lightly rub a mixture of vegetable and eucalyptus or rapeseed oil into the skin, in a ratio of 2: 1. Usually, a cold cough manifests itself in the winter, when the honey crystallizes. It can be heated in a water bath or in the microwave, but it is undesirable to overheat more than 50 ° C, otherwise the healing properties will be lost.

Compress with dimexide. Dimexide is a powerful antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent that can produce local anesthesia. One of the features of dimexide is its ability to penetrate to the focus of inflammation through the skin and mucous membranes into deep tissues. Only external use of dimexide is allowed; when taken internally, it is a poison to the human body.

Even a few drops that accidentally get inside cause disruption of the intestines, nausea and vomiting. In addition, dimexide enhances the toxic properties of other drugs. The use of this drug must be carried out carefully, to exclude contact with the mucous membrane of the eyes, mouth. When Dimexide is used undiluted, chemical burns of the skin and mucous membranes can occur.

Many people think that using dimexide compresses is dangerous, especially for children. When used properly, this is an excellent remedy for heat compresses to help get rid of a cold cough. You need to put such a compress correctly in order to achieve a quick antitussive effect. For use, a liquid concentrated preparation diluted with water is suitable.

It is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3 or 1:4. The resulting solution is heated in the microwave for ten seconds. Then a gauze napkin or bandage folded in five layers is impregnated with liquid. Apply to the chest of a sick child. The area of ​​the heart should be open. A plastic wrap and a warm scarf are applied on top. The compress can be removed after 40 minutes. The skin is wiped from moisture, and the baby is wrapped. The procedure is best done if there is no high temperature and before going to bed.

Three to five procedures are enough to get rid of the most annoying cough. Contraindications for compresses using dimexide for children are - age up to 12 years, cardiovascular diseases, kidney and liver failure, individual intolerance, reduced immune protective properties and weakening of the body. You should consult your doctor before using this remedy.

Vodka compress. Before proceeding with the application of a vodka compress, the skin of the chest should be lubricated with petroleum jelly or baby cream. A gauze napkin, folded four times, is moistened in a solution. They are applied to the chest, while the heart area is left open. Top with compress paper. Then cover with a thick layer of cotton wool or a woolen scarf. It is recommended to perform the procedure before going to bed, given that such a compress can cause redness of the child's skin, it is kept for no more than an hour. Instead of vodka, alcohol can be used, but it must be diluted in a ratio of 1: 2.

Salt compress. With complications after a cold, a salt compress helps. The solution is prepared at the rate of 90 g of ordinary table salt per 1 liter of warm water. For a salt compress, old cotton towels are suitable. They are folded in 2 layers, moistened in a warm saline solution, squeezed lightly and applied to the body. A terry towel or woolen scarf is placed on top of the compress. It is advisable to put such a compress at night, and keep it for 10-11 hours. Salt is an excellent absorbent, therefore, as the fluid is absorbed from the subcutaneous layer, pathogenic microbes and viruses are removed from the deep tissues. Thus, the inflammatory process is eliminated.

Mustard compress.

Recipe number 1. Dilute 1 teaspoon of mustard in 180 ml of hot water (50-65 °), mix thoroughly. Pre-put a paper napkin on the bronchial area. Soak a towel in the mustard mixture, wring it out and, folding it in half, put it on top of the napkin. Cover with a sheet of wax paper and a scarf. Hold this bandage for 3-4 minutes, then remove it and put a hot waffle towel in its place. Constantly change the cooled towel for a hot one for half an hour.

Recipe number 2. Take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dry mustard, honey, flour, unrefined sunflower oil, dry mustard, combine, knead the dough and roll out 2 thin cakes. One is for the back, the other for the chest. Both areas are covered with a warm scarf. It is necessary to keep it until the child complains of a strong burning sensation.

Recipe number 3. Mix 50 g of mustard seed powder, 2.5 cups of water, 1 tablespoon of honey, 50 ml of radish juice and soak a towel in the mixture, wring it out and put it on your back and chest. Top cover with plastic wrap, and woolen cloth. Keep such a compress for no more than 25 minutes, after removing it, you need to wipe the skin dry and cover the patient with a warm blanket.

Cough fat recipes

At home, you can prepare various ointments based on any animal fat. The recipes are very effective for children, but at high temperatures, rubbing the chest with fat-based warming agents is not recommended by doctors.

Badger fat. Badger fat contains linoleic and linolenic acids. Its use helps to strengthen and improve tissue nutrition. When coughing, it is advisable to apply it three times a day. It is better to use it an hour before meals.

Badger fat can be used only after consulting a doctor. Fat has a specific smell and taste, so it is mixed with honey before use, but usually children are not given inside, because it can cause. The required amount of fat is heated to room temperature and applied to the skin, rubbing with light massage movements, then put on warm clothes and put to bed. For children over the age of 12, fat intake is recommended up to one teaspoon per day. You can add fat to warm milk or tea.

Bear fat. Successfully treats cough in children bear fat. It has properties that increase immunity, relieves allergic cough, normalizes the body's resistance, and prevents the development of complications after suffering colds. For children over three years old, bear fat is prescribed 1 teaspoon once a day with meals. Dilute 0.5 teaspoon of bear fat in 1 glass of hot milk, add honey or jam. You need to take the drug twice a day. Outwardly, the fat is applied to the skin, rubbing with fairly intense movements, covered with a napkin, gauze bandage and a warm scarf.

Lamb fat. Lamb fat is a special effective remedy for coughing in children. For treatment, the fat of a young lamb, with a white color and a slight odor, is suitable. It is effective for warm compresses that can be applied to children from one year old. The fat should be melted and soaked with a gauze napkin folded in 4-5 layers. Lay it on the back of a sick baby and cover with a towel on top. With a prolonged dry cough, it is good to rub the back and chest with melted fat at night. Put a film on top and wrap. So that fat can be consumed inside, 1 teaspoon is added to warmed milk or tea.

Goat fat. Goat fat can significantly relieve coughing.

Recipe number 1. It is recommended three times a day to drink a drink made from 1 glass of warm milk, one teaspoon of goat fat, 1 egg yolk, a pinch of sugar or half a teaspoon of honey. With a cough caused by pneumonia, they drink this remedy for a week.

Recipe number 2. With the initial symptoms of a cold, melt 1 tablespoon of fat and give the child a drink at night, you can melt in milk.

Recipe number 3. From a prolonged cough, for example, with bronchitis, an ointment based on goat fat is used. To do this, mix 1: 1 fat and honey. This composition is abundantly lubricated with compress paper, applied to the chest and wrapped with a warm cloth.

Recipe number 4. If coughing becomes a frequent occurrence for a child, propolis is added to goat fat. The fat is melted in a water bath, 20 ml of propolis tincture is added and the baby's chest, back and feet are rubbed before going to bed.

Goose fat. Goose fat is an excellent expectorant, has a rich yellow color, is “soft”, it is easy to melt it at home in a “water bath” for 3-4 hours. With a strong cough, they rub the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe chest and neck, and in the morning on an empty stomach they give the child to eat one tablespoon of fat. The procedure for eating goose fat is not a pleasant measure, so traditional healers recommend using a decoction. Lemon is boiled in a small amount of water for 10 minutes, cooled, peeled, squeezed juice into a decoction and mixed with two tablespoons of goose fat. reception is carried out strictly before meals, 1 tablespoon until the child recovers.

If the cough is too strong and does not allow the child to fall asleep, it is necessary to mix 50 grams of goose fat with two tablespoons of vodka and rub the chest and neck with this composition, wrap it up.

Pork fat. Recipe number 1. 200 grams of internal pork fat and 100 grams of butter, melt, add 200 g of liquid honey, 2 tablespoons of cocoa. Mix everything thoroughly. Give children 3-4 times a day, 1 teaspoon, melting in a glass of hot milk.

Recipe number 2. Mix 5 parts of unsalted pork fat with 1 part of propolis, hold in a water bath. After the mixture becomes homogeneous, remove from heat and rub the baby's chest.

From a prolonged chest cough, rubbing the chest, back and legs of the child dry with pork internal fat helps.

Interior fat. Intestinal fat is often used as a remedy for coughs in children. This name is common for the fat of any animal, not nutria. It is named interior due to the fact that it is extracted from the inside of birds or animals, it attaches to the internal organs. Usually it is with a crumbly consistency and with a bright white color, a folded mesh in animals and a soft formation of yellow in birds.

Only visceral fat has a healing property, any other fat does not have such qualities. Usually the fat is melted in a warm oven or in a water bath until the mass becomes homogeneous. Store the resulting medicine in a tightly closed glass jar in the refrigerator.

Effective cough remedy

An effective cough remedy that has been used for centuries is distinguished by excellent properties. To prepare it, take one lemon, boil for 10 minutes. Then it must be cut in half, squeeze the juice and combine with 2 tbsp. tablespoons of glycerin After thorough stirring, you need to add such an amount of honey that the glass is filled almost to the top.

It's incredibly tasty and healthy. Ready-made cough syrup for rare attacks, give children 1 teaspoon several times a day. If the cough bothers you at night, you can give 1 teaspoon at bedtime and one at night. A strong cough is treated according to the scheme: 1 teaspoon in the morning on an empty stomach, in the afternoon before meals and after dinner before going to bed. With a decrease in the number of coughing attacks, the number of doses of the treatment mixture should be reduced.

Herbal cough treatment

The 2 most effective recipes for herbal medicine against cough in adults and children. What herbal formula is best for you? The dosage is indicated for adults.

Recipe 1. Take 2 parts of marshmallow, 1 part of oregano herb, 2 parts of coltsfoot leaves. As a result, you should get exactly 2 tablespoons of chopped herbs. Pour it into a thermos and pour half a liter of boiling water. Should insist 4 hours. It is recommended to drink half a glass 2 times a day. The course of cough treatment with this collection of herbs is a month. After a break of 2 weeks, the course can be resumed if necessary, only using another folk recipe.

Recipe 2. Take 2 parts of mullein flowers, 3 parts of licorice root, 4 parts of coltsfoot leaves, 2 parts of anise fruits, 8 parts of marshmallow root. As a result, you should get exactly 2 tablespoons of chopped herbs. Pour it into a thermos and pour half a liter of boiling water. It is necessary to insist the composition for 4 hours. You should drink half a glass 2 times a day. The course of cough treatment with this collection of herbs is a month. After a break of 2 weeks, the course can be resumed if necessary, only using another folk recipe.

Education: A diploma in the specialty "Medicine" and "Therapy" received at the University named after N. I. Pirogov (2005 and 2006). Advanced training at the Department of Phytotherapy at the Moscow University of Peoples' Friendship (2008).

Cough treatment with folk remedies is very effective. Quickly get rid of a cough and runny nose at home will help proven recipes that are easy to cook on your own. Study the recipes and reviews of the readers of the newspaper "Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle". Be sure to read the comments of site visitors after the article.

The most effective home remedies for cough are:

  • Taking folk remedies prepared according to home recipes;
  • Compresses;
  • Inhalations;
  • Gargling.

Against cough, you can use decoctions, tinctures, mixtures ... Let's consider in detail the best methods of treatment.

The fastest folk remedies for coughing.

Is it possible to cure a cough in 1 day? Consider home methods to cope with this disease as quickly as possible.

  1. Fir oil for cough. Put interior pork fat on the palm, pour the same amount of fir oil on top. Rub the chest, cover with a woolen scarf on top and go to bed. This folk remedy helps with exacerbation of chronic bronchitis, when a strong cough begins. Cough ceases to pester the first night. (Bulletin of healthy lifestyle 2008, No. 21, p. 33).
  2. Ginger + honey + lemon. In a mug put 1 tbsp. l. finely chopped or grated ginger root, a tea bag, preferably green, for taste, you can add lemon and pour boiling water. Add honey, sugar or jam. Drink this tea slowly every 1-1.5 hours. A runny nose goes away after the first two glasses, and a cough after five to six glasses. Use this folk remedy at the first sign of a cough or a cold. (Bulletin of healthy lifestyle 2002, No. 24, p. 15).
  3. Rub with garlic. Melt fat, better fat-tailed mutton, add grated garlic. Rub the chest and back of the patient before going to bed. The next morning the cough goes away. (Bulletin of healthy lifestyle 2007, No. 8, p. 33).

The simplest folk recipes for coughing at home.

Cough onion.

  1. Onions with honey and sugar. 1 cup of grated onion should be mixed with 1 cup of sugar, boil for five minutes. In warm onion jam, add 2 tbsp. l. honey. Give your child 1 tsp every hour. (Bulletin of healthy lifestyle 2010, No. 18, p. 40).
    This is a very simple and good folk remedy for cough. With the help of this method, a child's cough can be cured at home quickly - in 1-2 days.
  2. Onion with sugar for cough. Mix 100 g of water and 100 g of sugar, prepare syrup, add finely chopped onion, cook like jam. This is a softer folk way, suitable for both children and adults. Give children 1 tsp, adults - 1 tbsp. l. This homemade cough remedy helps very quickly, sometimes from the first spoon. (Bulletin of healthy lifestyle 2010, No. 2, p. 29).

Cough honey.

  1. Egg + honey + milk + butter. 1 raw egg, 1 tbsp. l. vodka, 1 tbsp. l. honey, 1 tbsp. l. melted butter, 1 tbsp. l. milk, 1 tsp. soda thoroughly stir and drink on an empty stomach. Often this folk remedy helps to remove the cough for 1 time. If it doesn't work the first time, repeat the procedure again. (Bulletin of healthy lifestyle 2011, No. 6, p. 41).
  2. Honey and mustard. Mix 50 g plums. oil, 50 g honey and 1 tsp. dry mustard. Mix, take 1 tsp. before eating. mustard with honey will help cure a cough at home very quickly - the disease goes away in 1-2 days. (Bulletin of healthy lifestyle 2011, No. 10, p. 33).

What else can you do to relieve a bad cough? What to take?

Milk for cough

Milk is a simple and effective home remedy.
The most popular recipes with milk. Recommended for dry hard cough.

  • Milk (1 cup) + honey (1 teaspoon) + baking soda (at the tip of a spoon) + butter (1 teaspoon)
  • Milk + mineral water (alkaline) - in equal proportions. Heat up the mixture.
  • Milk (300 ml) + banana + cocoa (2 tsp) + honey (1 teaspoon). Grind the banana in a blender and mix with the rest of the ingredients.

In all recipes, milk is consumed hot. Take several sips throughout the day.

The best folk remedies for dry cough:

  1. Honey and cough oil. Thoroughly grind 100 g of butter and 100 g of honey until smooth. Take 1 tbsp. l. three times a day before meals. Child - 1 tsp. (2000, No. 14, p. 12).
  2. Cough tablets. Pharmacies sell cheap medicine called "cough pills" based on thermopsis herb and soda. Dissolve 2-3 tablets in hot sweet tea and drink. For a day, an adult needs to drink 3-4 such servings. After this treatment, the next morning dry hard cough becomes soft, productive, after 2-3 days it stops completely. (2000, No. 14, p. 12).

Folk remedies for cough in a child:

Consider the most effective folk remedies for coughing for children:

  • Badger cough fat. For a cold in a child under three years old, badger fat is used only externally - they rub the chest, back and feet of the baby with it, then cover it warmly. Colds and coughs subside quickly. This method can be used to treat cough in infants. At an older age, badger fat can also be given to children inside 1/2 - 1 tsp. (depending on age) 3 times a day before meals. This will be especially useful if the child is constantly sick with bronchitis.
    After taking badger fat, the child's bronchi and lungs will strengthen, immunity will increase, and he will get rid of chronic diseases. To facilitate the intake of badger fat, it is dissolved in warm milk and honey is added. All these three remedies (honey, milk and badger fat) perfectly complement each other in the treatment of a child's cough. In addition, pharmacies sell badger fat in ampoules.
    In the absence of badger fat, goose fat can be used, but only for massage.
    The treatment of cough in children with this folk remedy is very effective.
  • Syrup - radish with cough honey. This is the most popular and well-known folk remedy for treating cough in children and adults. Children drink this syrup with pleasure. The main thing in this remedy is to drink radish syrup more than once a day, but every 1-2 hours. Child 1 tsp, adult 1 tbsp. l.
    1st recipe, the most interesting for children, when a recess is made in a radish and filled with honey, soon a healing cough syrup appears instead of honey. The syrup is given to the child, and the cavity is refilled with honey.
    2nd cough recipe offered by traditional medicine- cut the radish into thin slices and mix with honey. After 4-6 hours, syrup will appear.
    3rd recipe- squeeze the juice from the radish with a juicer and mix with honey in a pleasant proportion. If you add carrot juice (1: 1) to this mixture, then this will allow you to quickly restore the mucous membranes damaged by coughing, but then the dose should also be increased by 2 times.
    If there is an allergy, then honey can be replaced with sugar.

The treatment of children's cough is discussed in more detail in the article:
How to cure a cough in a child

Alternative treatment of cough compresses.

In the treatment of hard dry cough in children and adults, compresses at night help well. The next morning, the disease recedes and sputum begins to depart.
Attention: at high temperatures, do not do warm compresses.

  1. Compress from a prolonged cough in children and adults. Mix 1 tbsp. l. dry mustard, honey, flour, vodka, aloe juice, any interior fat (preferably badger, but you can also pork, and even vegetable oil), heat in a water bath. Put gauze on the back of a child or an adult, lubricate the bronchial area with this mixture, on top of another gauze, polyethylene and a warm scarf. Bandage everything so that the compress does not move, keep it all night. You can apply a compress on the upper chest. This procedure helps to relieve a very strong cough, cure protracted bronchitis very quickly - just make a couple of compresses. (Healthy lifestyle recipes 2004, No. 15, p. 25).
  2. The composition of the compress mixture can be simplified: mix honey, alcohol and vegetable oil in equal proportions, apply a thick layer on the back, cloth on top, and mustard plasters on the cloth, then again a damp cloth, polyethylene and a warm scarf. Keep this compress for 3-4 hours, it is better to do it at night. The most severe bronchitis and pneumonia go through two procedures. With an old disease, a compress should be done every other day for 10-15 days. (2004, No. 2, p. 25).
  3. Honey compress for dry cough. Lubricate the chest with honey, put a cloth soaked in vodka on top, then cellophane and wrap it with a warm scarf. If you treat a child with such a compress, then dilute the vodka three times.
  4. Treatment of dry cough with oil. Take a cotton cloth, moisten with sunflower oil. Cover the entire chest with this cloth, then a plastic film on top, then a cotton or linen cloth, a warm scarf. Sleep like this all night. In the morning, the cough is already getting weaker and softer. This folk remedy is especially good for treating dry cough in children, including newborns. (HLS 2010, No. 18, p. 9).
  5. Compresses from potato peels or potatoes help well, for greater effectiveness, alcohol, honey or mustard can be added to them.
  6. Small children are also given a compress using a cake made of flour, honey, mustard and vegetable oil. (healthy lifestyle recipe 2003, No. 23, p. 25)

Inhalation with a strong cough:

Potato inhalations. Boil 5-6 potatoes in their skins, without draining the water, add a pinch of chamomile, sage, linden, eucalyptus, calendula. Stir, slightly mash the potatoes. Sit near the saucepan and cover yourself with a blanket. Open the lid and pour in 1 tsp. soda. Breathe over the steam for 10 minutes. This folk remedy will help cure a strong cough in three days. (Bulletin of healthy lifestyle 2002, No. 11, p. 19).

How to treat dry cough with inhalation at home:

  1. Inhalation with dry cough with oils of lavender, mint, eucalyptus, cedar. Add 2-3 drops of any oil to 500 g of boiling water and breathe over the steam. The expectoration of sputum will begin immediately. Inhalations with incense are especially helpful. This is one of the most affordable folk remedies for dry cough. (HLS 2008, No. 5, article 30).
  2. Inhalations with soda and garlic will help cure dry cough in adults. Boil 2 cups of water in a saucepan, throw in chopped garlic, remove from heat and put on the table. Add 1 tsp. soda, and immediately cover yourself with a sheet and breathe over a saucepan.
    The woman had a dry, hard cough for a long time, which she could not cure. She felt like she was coughing non-stop. Violent coughing fits constantly twisted her. The woman could not sleep. She was advised a prescription for soda inhalation, and a terrible dry cough was gone in three days. (2011, No. 11, p. 25).

Gargle when coughing.

This folk method is best used to relieve dry cough.
The best rinse recipes:

  • Water + soda (1/2 teaspoon) + iodine (a few drops);
  • Water + salt (1/2 teaspoon) + iodine;
  • Decoctions of chamomile, calendula, coltsfoot, oak bark.

What herbs to treat cough.

  1. Treatment of chronic cough with hyssop herb. For 2 st. l. hyssop herbs add 500 g of boiling water, cook for 10 minutes, leave for 20 minutes, wrapped. This is the daily portion. Take 3 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals in small sips for 15 days in a row. If you have advanced bronchitis, then repeat the course of treatment in a month. (Healthy lifestyle recipes 2010, No. 19, p. 31).
  2. Licorice in the treatment of cough at home. The woman had the flu and for two months after that she did not have a strong cough, she was even ashamed to go to work. The herbalist advised her to treat herself with a decoction of licorice root. The woman drank the decoction for only two days, and the cough went away. (Healthy lifestyle recipe 2006, No. 2, pp. 31-32).
  3. Wormwood treatment. The young man coughed for several years, plus he had chronic sinusitis. To treat his illnesses, he drank a decoction of wormwood, the same decoction dripped into his nose. He blew his nose and coughed up old "deposits". All diseases are gone (2001, No. 11, p. 17)
  4. Folk remedy for chronic bronchitis and lingering cough. Take 25 g of wormwood, yarrow, wild rose, pine buds, pour 1.5 liters. water, boil for 10 minutes, leave for a day. Strain, add 100 g of aloe juice and befungin, 125 g of cognac and 250 g of honey. Take 1 tsp. 3 times a day for 30 min. before meals. (2011, No. 10, p. 33)

Recipes for the treatment of cough with folk remedies from the newspaper Bulletin of healthy lifestyle:

  1. We treat cough with folk remedies. A woman in childhood often suffered from tonsillitis with a cough. Grandmother treated her like this: she took water from the well, moistened the cloth with cold water, put the wet cloth on the child's chest and throat, dry cloth and a warm scarf on top, then put her to bed. The disease passed quickly - in the morning there was no cough, no sore throat. (Bulletin of healthy lifestyle 2009, No. 4, p. 31).
  2. How to quickly cure a cough with turpentine. At the age of 4, the child began to have a severe cough, so much so that no one in the apartment could sleep at night. Doctors prescribed various procedures, medicines, but nothing helped. One woman remembered her grandmother's cough recipes: give the child milk with turpentine to drink at night: 5 drops of turpentine for 1 glass of warm milk. In the morning, there was no trace of the incessant cough (HLS Bulletin 2009, No. 12, p. 8).
  3. Treatment of cough with onions at home. The woman caught a bad cold, cured her cold, but the lingering cough remained. He was so strong that it was impossible to speak. She worked as an accountant and brought the documents to be sent to the secretary of the head, but she can’t say anything - she coughs. The boss heard the cough, left the office and offered a remedy for a prolonged cough.
    Peel the onion, bite it 3-4 times and, holding it in your mouth, inhale through your mouth, exhale through your nose. Breathe as much as possible, but longer is better.
    The woman came home, and the first time she could only take 4-5 breaths. After 1 hour, she repeated the treatment - she was already breathing longer. I did this again before going to bed. In the morning the cough was gone! (Healthy lifestyle 2013 No. 4, p. 40).
  4. Home treatment for a lingering cough in adults with onions.
    The woman fell ill with acute bronchitis, the injections took off the temperature, but a protracted uninterrupted cough did not go away for a very long time, the stomach ached from the pills. Then she decided to be treated with onions: three times a day with meals, she began to eat one large onion. Soon, mucus began to drain from the bronchi, and the constant coughing disappeared. Onions are very good at thinning mucus (2007, No. 18, p. 9).

There are many very strong ways to treat cough. Its initial stage is amenable to rapid treatment. But it is difficult to completely cure an acute, lingering cough at home, and even within one day, but you can try to stop, reduce it. The methods below are effective and efficient, they will help you get rid of the disease, restore strength overnight and allow you not to lose important time these days.

How to quickly cure a cough

Cough rarely occurs separately from some other, sometimes very serious, causes. It is important to pay attention to them and provide symptomatic treatment in parallel with the cough. If you have a fever, take antipyretic and antiviral drugs. With a runny nose, it is necessary to drain the nasal passage, with sore throat - treat the nasopharynx. Eliminating all symptoms at the same time will help to cope with a cough much faster.

How to treat cough in children

Children are more susceptible to infections than adults. Any disease in their fragile organisms develops very quickly, the main thing is not to miss it. When dealing with a cough in children, it is important to remember one rule - moisturizing the lower respiratory tract is 70% of the cure. You can moisturize in several ways:

  • humidify the air;
  • warm drink;
  • fine inhalation.

Attention! In a house where there are children, there must be humidifiers, especially where the climate is dry or frosty. If there is no humidifier, you need to put a basin of water in the room and hang wet diapers.

With any cough during the day, give the child water: teas, fruit drinks, compotes, water. Arrange cold inhalations for the respiratory tract every two hours with mineral water for dry cough. With a wet cough, add sputum thinners three times a day: "Lazolvan", "Ambrobene"(calculation: 5 drops per 05-0.7 ml of distilled/mineral water).

If by morning the cough is wet, then you can connect expectorants:

  • "Stoptusin" / "Pectusin";
  • "Fluditec";
  • Ambroxol.

An excellent tool will be preparations based on marshmallow root. With a wet cough, expectorant medicines are connected immediately.

It's important to know! If you decide to quickly get rid of a dry cough, then the use of expectorants is not the right course of treatment. Expectorants will only provoke a dry cough, the child will actually start to go into them, but there will be no results. Dry cough must be drowned out, for this they use "Sinekod".

An excellent remedy for coughing is dry heat on the chest and back. It will help to cope with the disease, but is applicable only if the children do not have a temperature. Also, under this condition, you can soar the legs, put mustard in socks, rub the child with the palm of your hand, and do vibromassage of the back. An integrated approach will speed up the healing process.

The nose and throat of the child are processed without fail, otherwise the whole infection will again “slip” to the lungs. The above drops "Isofra" (contain an antibiotic) and "Polydex" (contain an antibiotic and a vasoconstrictor) are also well suited for children. The throat is irrigated with saline solution: Ingalipt, Miramistin or Hexoral.

Fresh air will be no less useful: airing, walking. If a child comes in with a dry cough in winter, do not be afraid to open the windows.

Adult cough treatment

The algorithm for treating cough in an adult is actually the same as in a child, but in an enhanced mode. Dry cough should be actively moistened: do inhalations (cold) on mineral water, moisten the room. An adult should drink at least 2.5-3 liters of fluid per day.

The most effective prescription for treating a cough in one day would be warmth. It is necessary to dress as warmly as possible, be sure to wrap your head with a scarf, make a steam inhalation (the recipes are given below). Then drink two cups of hot tea with honey or raspberry jam, go to bed for a couple of hours under a warm blanket. It is advisable to sleep, sleep heals. After a person sweats well, it is necessary to restore the water-salt balance in the body, ordinary drinking water, mineral water is suitable for this, but not cold. Do steam inhalation three times a day: in the morning, in the evening and in the afternoon. Drink tea during the day, soak your feet. At night, take a pill "Suprastin" (relieves swelling) or "No-shpy" (relieves spasm). These drugs will allow you to sleep peacefully and relax.

Attention! Cough is treated according to its nature. If a person understands that he is suffering from a dry cough, then he needs to take antitussives. If a person expectorates wet, on the contrary, it is necessary to provoke the process with expectorant drugs. But, in both cases, drink as much liquid as possible.

Treatment of cough in pregnant women

For pregnant women, unfortunately, very few remedies have been invented. With traditional medicine, one must also be extremely careful. There is only one phyto-collection in which there are no contraindications for expectant mothers - this is "Breast Collection No. 1". But even in this case, it is advisable to consult a doctor and take 20 mg of no-shpa to relieve the tone of the uterus. Chamomile is well suited for pregnant women, it soothes irritated receptors.

Attention! Remember that herbs and components of phyto-collections can have a detrimental effect on the uterus, bringing it into tone, oregano is especially contraindicated. Expectorants can also tone the uterus, as well as the cough itself. And if a pregnant woman is diagnosed with gestosis, then she is contraindicated in a large intake of liquid, which is so important when coughing. It is forbidden to apply heat to the chest for pregnant women, but on the back you can.

The most optimal way to treat pregnant women for coughing is, again, active humidification of the room, as well as:

  • steam inhalation (you can add: soda and olive oil, marshmallow, chamomile, oregano, eucalyptus);
  • warm drink: tea with honey, cranberry juice (tea with raspberries is contraindicated, affects blood flow, increases heart rate, tones);
  • constant airing, walk;
  • light back massage.

With a dry cough, you can take Sinekod syrup at night. But with expectorants it is better not to abuse.

Be sure to treat the nose and throat - these are the first foci of infection, so it is necessary to prevent its spread.

The algorithm for fighting infections in the nasopharynx:

  • rinse with soda and salt;
  • irrigation with Miramistin;
  • rinsing the nose with saline.

Folk remedies for cough

The simplest treatment of bronchopulmonary diseases with folk remedies is herbal medicine. Pharmaceutical herbs are brewed in a water bath.

Steaming algorithm:

to obtain a medicinal product, take one tablespoon of herb per 250 ml, pour it into a glass jar with 250 ml of warm water. Put a pot of warm water on the stove, keep on medium heat for 10 minutes, then evaporate over low heat, with the lid closed, for exactly an hour. Insist, without removing from the pan, for another couple of hours. Then the infusion is filtered and you can drink the child according to the scheme: 1 s / spoon three times a day.

Brew herbs such as:

  • chamomile;
  • thyme;
  • oregano;
  • elecampane;
  • liquorice root;
  • plantain;
  • dandelion;
  • wild rosemary;
  • spruce buds;
  • rose hip.

Attention! Be careful in herbal treatment, many of them have contraindications for those who have chronic diseases of the genitourinary system.

Radish as a natural mustard plaster

A wonderful, proven home remedy for coughs was and still is black radish, but it is contraindicated for people with stomach problems.

Peel the vegetable, grate it and, wrapping it in a cloth, attach it to the back or chest of a child / adult. Cover with a plastic bag on top, then wrap with a warm diaper. Keep 7-10 minutes for a child, 10-15 minutes for an adult.

radish cough syrup

1 option

Peel the vegetable, grind, mix to taste with honey. Infuse the resulting, overly fragrant slurry for three hours, then drink the resulting liquid at the rate of 1 tsp / spoon every three hours on the first day, every 4-5 hours on the next days.

Option 2

Wash the radish, cut off the "nose" and scrape out the cavity in the vegetable with a spoon. Pour the cavity with honey, insist for six hours, mix. Take the same as in the first case.

Dandelion syrup

Rinse dandelion caps (500 grams), cover with sugar (100 grams) and cook over low heat until a honey consistency. You can drink tea with dandelion syrup or just give it 1 teaspoon every 2 hours.

Milk with ginger

Ginger root (15 gr.) Rinse, peel and rub. Pour a glass of milk, heat over low heat. You can add honey to milk for flavor.


Propolis is a wonderful immunomodulatory agent. Few people know that it can also be used to treat coughs. Propolis is added to hot milk / tea and given to children several times a day.

Attention! When taking hot tea, the child is dressed as warmly as possible so that he sweats well. In order to avoid dehydration, it is necessary to give the child water: after each glass of tea / milk, after 15 minutes, give a third of a glass of warm water.

oatmeal broth

Pour three tablespoons of oats with two glasses of water and boil for 30 minutes over low heat. Insist for six hours, strain. Before drinking yourself or giving water to a child, the broth must be warmed up. You can drink it two or three times a day, one glass.

onion syrup

Peel the onion and grate on a fine grater. After adding a spoonful of honey, leave for at least three hours. Eat one spoonful every two to three hours. Contraindicated in people with problems of the gastrointestinal tract.

onion compress

Grated onions are also used as a compress / mustard plasters: put it on paper, cover with gauze on top, keep it wrapped around a small patient for 7-10 minutes, adults can take 15-18 minutes.

Berries and berry leaves

A wonderful remedy for coughs are berries and foliage from berry bushes. Warm fruit drinks are made from the fruits, and the leaves are steamed as tea leaves or in a water bath at the rate of 100 grams of berries per 300 ml of water (the algorithm is described above).

Suitable for cough treatment:

  • viburnum (fruit);
  • strawberries, lingonberries, currants, raspberries (leaves and fruits).

Recipe for cough with viburnum

Rinse 100 grams of berries, crush, add honey, grated ginger root (15 gr.), Chopped lemon slice, mix everything. Add to tea instead of jam.

Steam inhalation

Inhalations are good in any form, but steam should be done only in the absence of temperature. As therapeutic supplements, you can use the above herbs, potatoes, oil and soda (1 teaspoon per liter of water). Also an excellent folk remedy will be inhalations with:

  • spruce / fir branches (4-5 small branches per 1.5 liters of water);
  • propolis (15 drops per 1 liter of water);
  • turmeric, clover (2-3 tablespoons per 1.5 liters of water).

wine treatment

If we are talking about an adult, then warmed wine with pepper or propolis will be the most reliable cough remedy. For one glass of wine (use only fortified wine, for example, Cahors), add pepper / propolis on the tip of a knife, heat, stir.


In the bath, you can use herbs, rubbing, oils, a broom. During the visit, as well as after it, they always drink a few cups of herbal tea, and when they get home, they go to bed, wrapped in blankets.

Attention! At any, even subfebrile temperature, it is impossible to carry out thermal procedures!


Treatment can be anything, it is important that it be comprehensive and systemic. A single dose of the drug or herbal tea will not bring proper results. As well as the treatment of one cough will not bring results. To remove, by the above methods, all the symptoms present must be.

Cough can not only bring a lot of inconvenience to a person, but even threaten life. It is often much easier to get rid of the symptoms associated with the disease, such as fever and runny nose, but a cough can haunt a person for a long time. How to get rid of a cough, how to quickly cure a cough?

In the human nasopharynx small glands are located, which produce about 2.2-2.6 ml of mucus daily, which is required for normal breathing. Elevated body temperature or allergic reactions cause this mucus to thicken, turning into sputum. Viscous and sticky, sputum cannot freely exit the respiratory tract, clogging them, preventing normal breathing. Therefore, the cough reflex is activated, the body tries to rid the bronchi of excess mucus.

Alas, the causes of coughing are not limited to respiratory diseases. In addition, pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, nervous system, and heart can cause coughing. It can also be caused by allergies and colds.

How to treat a cough?

First you need to determine the nature of your cough, and only then use some means. Conditionally cough medicines are divided into three groups:

  • soothing cough medicines - reduce its activity;
  • expectorants - increase the activity of coughing;
  • mucolytic drugs - thin the sputum.

How to quickly cure a dry cough?

Dry cough can help cure infusions of licorice, wild rose, wild rosemary, marshmallow and coltsfoot, as well as alkaline warm inhalations. All these remedies help to cope with the disease, having a softening effect on the throat. Decoctions and infusions must be used several times daily for half a glass. Libexin can help treat bronchitis with a dry cough.

When a person painful and violent cough, feels “scratching” in the chest and throat, then it is best to treat this disease with special drugs that normalize sputum production and reduce the cough symptom. You can use Bronholitin, lozenges and lozenges with sage.

A hot and plentiful drink will help to quickly cure a dry cough, as it enhances the effect of absolutely all expectorant drugs.

How to cure a wet cough?

Dissolve sea salt in water - one tablespoon in a glass of warm water. This composition must be instilled into the nose 4-5 times daily.

How to quickly cure a cough with phlegm? In this case, the most important thing is to make the sputum not so sticky and viscous, that is, to thin it so that it comes out of the respiratory tract faster and easier. Removal of the maximum amount of sputum is required, since at the same time various products of tissue decay and inflammation come out of the bronchi and lungs.

Well, of course, you need to deal with the causes of sputum formation, otherwise it will begin to appear again. In the case of acute respiratory infections prescribe antitussives without the use of antibiotics. If pneumonia or bronchitis is diagnosed, then antibiotic treatment is performed first of all, since the main task is to suppress the reproduction of microbes and their activity.

It is necessary to treat sputum that is difficult to come off with drugs that thin it, these include: Abroxol, Lazolvan, Tussamagom, Bromhexine, Acetylcysteine.

How to quickly treat a cough in children?

In this case, a lot depends on how old the child is. Very carefully you need to approach the treatment if the children are newborns. Do not forget: at this age, without consulting a doctor, it is strictly forbidden to use something.

Mustard plasters and inhalations will help to quickly cure the disease for older children. As for whooping cough in children, it can be cured only by means that calm the nervous system, for example, "Tussamagom", "Sinekod". With tracheitis and bronchitis, the main task is to cause sputum with the help of mucolytics, and then treat the disease in children with expectorants and by all means give the child hot solutions (warm milk, fruit drinks, teas).

home remedies for cough

Universal treatment has marshmallow. This plant creates an enveloping and softening effect on the bronchial mucosa, improves sputum output, and reduces irritation. It can be used to treat dry and wet coughs.

Oregano and thyme can help to quickly cure the disease at home, as they have an antimicrobial and expectorant effect.

By and large, cough treatment at home is quite diverse, in folk medicine there are huge arsenal of tools. Here are the most popular:

When are inhalations required?

The fastest and most effective way at home, which can be used during a dry cough, is inhalation. Can be bought at the pharmacy compressor inhaler or a nebulizer, in which the drug becomes a cloud of microparticles during use, and not steam, as during home procedures. But you need to know that these devices are usually used to treat the lower respiratory tract.

When you need to act on the upper paths, you do not have a temperature, then you can safely breathe over the pan, covering yourself with a towel. It is during problems with the upper respiratory tract and acute respiratory infections that steam inhalations are most effective.

During contact with warm and humid air, coughing becomes most productive, increases rheological properties of sputum and she starts to loosen up. But we must understand that during the moistening of dried mucus, its volume will increase in quantity. And this means that steam inhalation causes airway obstruction. Do not forget that if there is no mucus in the airways, then there is no need for steam inhalation either.

How to perform inhalations?

The temperature of the water for inhalation should be approximately 35-45 degrees, hotter steam provokes even more swelling of the mucosa. It is necessary to bend over the container with steam by 25-40 cm, and inhale it with your mouth. The duration of this procedure is 7-15 minutes. During the day, this inhalation can be performed up to 5 times. Then for at least an hour you can not go out, just as you can not drink and eat, and even talk.

With the condition that there is no allergy to the components, inhalations can be performed according to the following recipes:


Compress is almost universal remedy. To make it, you can use many different ingredients. Compresses can be alcohol and oil, water and dry, hot and cold.

  • The simplest compress can be made from water and apple cider vinegar, in a ratio of 3: 1, and put 1 tsp. honey. Wet a napkin in this composition and apply to the throat and chest. Wrap a blanket or scarf over the top. Keep the compress for half an hour.
  • When your skin is sensitive and alcohol or vinegar lotions do not suit you, you can prepare a compress with beer. Heat 250 ml of beer to 30 degrees, add a teaspoon of honey, wet, wring out and apply a napkin to the chest and throat, warming with a scarf.
  • Honey compress is an excellent remedy for bronchitis. Liquid honey (preferably lime) is carefully rubbed on the chest and covered with paper or parchment. The patient needs to lie down and cover with a blanket. You need to lie down until you feel that the chest has warmed up. After the honey is washed off, and the breast is treated with vegetable oil.
  • When a child gets sick, and you are afraid to put some kind of wet compress on him, you can apply a dry one. This will require mashed potatoes, but instead of butter and milk, add a little vodka. The warm composition must be transferred to a plastic bag, wrap it with a napkin, and apply one compress to the chest, and the second to the back, wrap it with a scarf. Remove the compress when it cools down. You can perform this procedure several times daily. Just do not forget, any warm-up procedures can only be done when there is no temperature.

Folk compresses

Can help with a persistent cough vegetable oil compress. The oil is heated in a steam bath, then a napkin is dipped in it and the chest is wrapped around, excluding the region of the heart. Paper or parchment (not polyethylene!) Is applied on top of the compress, then wrapped with a scarf. This compress can be safely left overnight.

An oil compress during bronchitis is done like this. Vegetable oil is heated in a steam bath, a towel is wetted in it, squeezed out and dipped in black radish juice. After, as usual, wrap up. You need to keep it up to an hour. If the patient sweats severely or feels severe burning, remove the compress, wipe with a towel, removing the product from the skin. After carefully rubbing the body, if redness appears, we treat it with petroleum jelly.

Cottage cheese is an effective ancient remedy. At first, it is slightly heated by placing it on a hot battery or in a cooling oven (not on the stove!). When the cottage cheese is hot, add a tablespoon of honey and mix. Cottage cheese is carefully laid out in a small layer on a towel and the patient is wrapped with it, excluding the region of the heart. Cover with paper on top, fix and insulate with a scarf. The compress is left overnight.

Cough compresses are an effective remedy, but one must not forget to carry out the general treatment of the disease. Simultaneously with compresses, take medications prescribed by a doctor, drink more hot, prepare infusions to quickly cure the disease.

That is, as you can see, there are a large number of different ways to treat cough. As a rule, methods of treatment at home are used, which are less expensive. But some of them may be contraindicated. Therefore, it is advisable to consult a doctor about the advisability of using any method of alternative treatment.

Attention, only TODAY!

Occurs against the background of an acutely developing inflammatory process and contributes to the rapid removal of microorganisms from the upper respiratory tract. The protective function of cough in this case is a more productive and faster recovery process.

A dry cough, on the other hand, does not bring relief and does not help speed up the healing process. It only increases the irritation of the upper respiratory tract, gradually turning into debilitating attacks, accompanied by spasms of the larynx and suffocation, and often end in vomiting.

Dry cough classification

  • spicy- when the illness lasts no more than 2 weeks;
  • lingering course- with a cough duration of more than a month;
  • chronic dry cough will become when its duration passes the 2-month milestone.

Causes of dry cough

The appearance of a dry cough is usually associated with the fact of an acute respiratory illness suffered the day before. It can be a banal acute respiratory disease, as well as tracheitis, or influenza. The mechanism of occurrence of dry cough is associated with a reflex-protective mechanism aimed at eliminating any factors that irritate the respiratory tract. Scientists have reliably established more than 50 such causes.

There are also reasons that provoke a dry cough, namely, the disease can be a consequence of the presence of pleurisy, bronchial asthma, the presence of foreign bodies in the airways, the presence of bad habits, as well as excessive dryness of the air in the room.

The main symptoms of dry cough

  • spasmodic cough accompanied by periodic urge to vomit, and with a prolonged and unproductive cough, vomiting is possible in the outcome;
  • the disease is accompanied nasal congestion, nasality and hoarse voice;
  • if the disease is a complication of an acute inflammatory process, then local enlargement and soreness of the lymph nodes;
  • with acute development of the disease can be subfebrile temperature, sweating, fatigue and lethargy.

Dry cough treatment options

There are traditional medicinal methods for the treatment of dry cough and traditional medicine. All of them are aimed at reducing the intensity of coughing attacks, and if the cough accompanies an acute inflammatory disease, then the treatment is aimed at the appearance of sputum, i.e. dry cough is converted into productive wet.

The success of treatment is 100% in the accurate diagnosis, this allows you to eliminate the cause of the disease. The doctor selects medications for symptomatic treatment, this is necessary to suppress the cough reflex. Such drugs are not curative, but help to avoid pneumothorax and other unpleasant complications.

In order to alleviate the patient's condition as much as possible at home, it is necessary:

  • hold regularly wet cleaning without the use of aggressive detergents;
  • make sure that the temperature in the room did not rise above 25C;
  • provide for the patient plenty of warm drink;
  • hold regularly steam inhalation, ideally buy a nebulizer.

Drug therapy for dry cough

Medicines can be divided into two big groups, the first will include chemicals of central action, and the second - drugs that have an effective effect on the periphery.

For liquefaction and active excretion of sputum mucolytics, the most common are: acetylcysteine, bromhexine, ambroxol, mukaltin, marshmallow syrup.

Effectively suppress the activity of the cough center located in the central nervous system. It will help to use drugs based on drugs. For example, oxeladin, codeine, glycine and others.

Never take cough medicines with expectorants.. They suppress the action of each other, which leads to blockage of the small bronchi with phlegm and can lead to death.

Folk remedies to help fight dry cough

  • Any will do warming agents if the period is not acute. For example, you can take mustard plasters, put honey. jars or rub the chest with warming ointments.
  • An effective way to quickly get rid of dry cough is considered decoction of onion, garlic and milk. To prepare it, you need a medium-sized onion and a small head of garlic. They should be boiled in milk, it is enough to take a quarter liter of milk. Then add a spoonful of honey and a few drops of mint juice to the finished broth. Drink the finished composition in a tablespoon every hour during the day. The next morning, prepare a fresh decoction.
  • Simple and highly effective recipes will help to cure a dry cough quickly in an adult at home, the main thing is not to wait for an instant result and not use them as a panacea. Ideally combine methods of traditional medicine with doctor's prescriptions, then the treatment will be as productive as possible.
  • The easiest way is as follows. Take a small towel and soak it liberally in warm water. Then cover with polyethylene and a linen cloth from above, you can additionally cover it with a warm scarf. In the morning you will feel relief, the cough will become softer.
  • You can draw on the chest at night mesh from This will warm up your airways.
  • Recipes that include ethyl alcohol, also have an excellent result in the fight against dry cough. You can make a mixture of vodka or alcohol diluted to 40 degrees and mix them with honey. It is fashionable to add the yolk of one chicken egg to the composition. Ready homogeneous composition to use a teaspoon three to four times a day.
  • Warm milk with honey- an old and time-tested way to turn a dry cough into a wet one.
  • Suitable for softening mucus application for the night. To do this, take a little fat (ideally use badger) mixed with mustard and alcohol, you can add a little flower honey. The mixture must be evenly distributed over the top. Then wash off as soon as the composition dries.
  • Help with dry cough inhalation. The most effective are garlic and eucalyptus. To prepare garlic you need a glass of water, a couple of cloves of garlic and a teaspoon of soda. Grind the garlic, pour a glass of water and boil. After adding soda and you can breathe, covering yourself with a sheet for 15-20 minutes. Instead of garlic, you can take the leaves of eucalyptus, thyme or coltsfoot.
  • Inhalations can be done with aromatherapy oils, for this purpose, mint, eucalyptus or cedar oil is ideal. A few drops of oil must be placed in 0.5 liters of hot water and breathe in pairs for 10-15 minutes.

Treatment of dry cough from Elena Malysheva (video)

A dry cough can significantly impair the quality of life, so timely treatment will quickly get you back on track. Strictly following the recommendations of the attending physician, you can fast cure dry cough at home how in an adult as well as the child.

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