How to organize lunches with delivery. How to start a food delivery business

reservoirs 16.10.2019

Alexander Kaptsov

Reading time: 10 minutes


Supplying Russian citizens with ready-made meals is a fairly popular and profitable type of business in our country. Although there are a fair number of competitors, this does not prevent newcomers from finding their niche in this area. How to open a business for the delivery of ready-made food to your home or office? Where to begin? How to bypass competitors and not lose customers? What do experts advise? How to develop a business plan? Questions answered in the order in which they were received.

What types of home delivery business are there?

The business activity in question has various forms:

  • . In this option, the entrepreneur acts as an intermediary delivering the restaurant product to the customer's home or office. Many restaurants do not want to lose customers, and at the same time, they consider it inappropriate to spend on organizing delivery. The benefit is mutual: the food manufacturer expands its customer base, the intermediary earns on the margin.
  • with delivery service to your home or office.
  • Cooking at home with the subsequent delivery of ready meals to customers . It's a variation family business where all relatives are involved. In addition to ready-made food, you can specialize in the delivery of semi-finished products (dumplings, dumplings, and so on).

How to formalize a home delivery business?

The so-called legalization of business is mainly started after the promotion of the business, when there was a profit and the prospect of its growth. This is a risky path. Penalties have not yet been lifted.

It is better to immediately take care of the necessary package of documents:

  1. Register the status of an individual entrepreneur and obtain the relevant papers.
  2. visit tax office to choose the form of taxation.
  3. Obtain permits from the SES and the fire department to ensure that the premises comply with all standards, taking into account the planned activities. Of course, this is not an easy question. Therefore, its decision is usually taken by specialists of law firms.
  4. Permits must be signed by Rospotrebnadzor.
  5. Non-cash payment for services requires a bank account.
  6. Each employee must issue a sanitary book.

In total, up to 3,000 rubles are spent on the documentary part. The duration of the procedure is a month or more.

What do you need to purchase to start a food delivery business?

Working with a full production cycle, i.e. cooking and delivering the finished product, involves a hefty cost.

The amount of expenses is directly dependent on some features this business:

  • Food specifics . For example, only pies are baked or full three-course dinners are prepared. Other options are possible.
  • Cooking method.
  • Planned profit - sales volumes.

In any case, the entrepreneur should purchase:

  1. Diverse kitchen utensils, ranging from frying pans, pots, knives, forks, graters and ending with cutting boards.
  2. Combine with a lot of functions. This will immediately eliminate the need for other appliances - a meat grinder, blender, mixer and others.
  3. Stove (gas or electric).
  4. Microwave and steamer. This will greatly speed up the cooking process.
  5. Freezer and refrigerator - equipment that ensures the safety of products.
  6. High-quality delivery will not do without special containers, thermal bags and plastic utensils. By the way, they can be with the company logo.

Transportation is also on the list of necessary acquisitions. Delivery can be carried out by car, scooter, motorcycle and even by bicycle. By the way, the car is not always appropriate in big cities- huge traffic jams make it difficult to deliver the order on time.

Note . By hiring a courier with personal transport, you can save on the purchase of a delivery vehicle.

Where and how can you organize production for food delivery to your home or office?

The organization of such a business requires a systematic study of all aspects of future activities.

The business owner will need to answer the following questions:

  • Where to cook? This question is related to the availability of the premises. Perhaps it already exists. Then there will be no costs for its purchase or rent.
  • With what to cook and where to store purchased products?
  • How to deliver? This is the transport solution.

1. Production room

Many start a business in the home kitchen, where most of inventory is available. Otherwise, you need to find a room that is rented. The main condition is its compliance SES requirements and firefighters.

2. Equipment

As noted above, the set of equipment depends entirely on the direction of activity. Semi-finished products, homemade food, cakes or pizza require different cooking specifics. This means that appropriate equipment is purchased.

3. Consumables

Not all products can be purchased for future use. Therefore, only those with a sufficiently long shelf life are initially purchased - vegetable oil, cereals, flour, spices, vegetables, meat (if kept frozen) and so on.

The rest is purchased as the customer base is formed. How it looks in practice. For example, a businessman negotiates with the management of an office for the delivery of lunches, sample menu for a week and the date of the start of deliveries. Then you can proceed to the main purchase of consumables.

Note . Funds for these costs must be available before work begins.

4. Food supply

Needless to say about the quality of the products used, confirmed by the relevant documentation. It does not matter here who is the food supplier - a grandmother in the market or a reputable company - the main thing is to use first-class goods. The reputation of the food delivery company depends on this. And one more nuance is the timeliness of delivery of initial products. This is agreed in advance - before the opening of the company.

5. Staff

Professional qualities are the only criterion in the selection of personnel. On the initial stage two people are enough: one is preparing food, the other is delivering. The main concern of a businessman is to promote the business. And as the scale of activity expands, increase the staff.

Features of promoting a food delivery business: where and how to look for customers?

Starting a food delivery business is easy. It is much more difficult to attract customers who will later become regular customers. Business people invest a lot of money in the promotion of their company.

What methods are used to promote the business in question - how customers are attracted:

  • by the most in a simple way is going around the offices in the afternoon with the offer of their products . In this option, it is appropriate not only to offer lunch delivery and leave business cards, but also to arrange a tasting of dishes. If it is successful, you can count on a large audience of customers and even on serving corporate parties.
  • The distribution of promotional products (leaflets, business cards, booklets) in crowded urban areas or distribution of advertising to offices is distinguished by efficiency.. Do not forget about posting ads in hostels or apartment buildings. Each method is good as drawing attention to the company. In this case, a small percentage of people who order products with delivery is enough.
  • Most people use the Internet resource to find the right contacts . That is why it is important not only to create a website, but also to promote it by increasing the rankings in search engine. This will significantly increase the client base. Of course, special skills and knowledge are required. However, you can always use the services of specialists in this field.

Here, the main arguments that attract customers are:

  1. Quality service.
  2. Availability of prices.

This method begins to work after a certain time, when the first satisfied customers appear. They will recommend the delivery service they like to their loved ones.

The profitability of the case depends on the number of applications. To increase their number, high-quality diverse advertising is needed. Therefore, spare money for it should be. To use the services of a new company, you need to at least know about it. This is what advertising does - informs people.

Attention . The first months the company earns a reputation. It is important that it be positive.

What contributes to the success of a business - expert advice:

  • Compliance with delivery times - punctuality. The lunch meal is very time-limited. No one will waste precious minutes of a lunch break on a long wait for lunch.
  • Receiving orders through the site significantly increases the number of customers.
  • Regular customers are always pleased to participate in various drawings and promotions. This is a great tool for retaining regular users of the service.
  • Customers should not be forced to heat up food. If provided by the recipe, food is best delivered hot. Needless to say about the quality and taste of the dishes. High level of these criteria is required by default.

How to Write a Food Delivery Business Plan: Calculating Costs and Profitability

Amount of expenses at the start:

Margin from 15-50%. The full sale of products brings income in the amount of 120,000-170,000 rubles per month. Considering the monthly costs:

The profit will be equal to 80,000 rubles. Business pays off in 8-9 months. These are the most modest estimates. There are high rates of return in this area. They practically do not depend on the chosen direction.

Home and office food delivery franchise: do you really need independent production?

In big cities, there are a lot of respectable catering establishments that do not have their own delivery service. There is also an abundance of customers who want to taste quality food, but for one reason or another do not have time to visit their favorite restaurant or cafe.

What franchisors offer:

  1. A unique business for large cities where the demand for food delivery services is unusually high. Accordingly, the profit is considerable.
  2. Low level of competition. As a rule, such services cover 10-20 cuisines with a variety of dishes (up to 1000 dishes).
  3. Minimum risk. People order prepared food even in times of crisis.
  4. Well-established business - the work process is registered and repeatedly tested in practice. This activity is easy to do.

business magazine IQR got another one for readers interesting story from the first person about building your business from scratch. Our heroine is engaged in the delivery of ready-made food to events and offices. This business case is noteworthy for two reasons: the starting capital is $150, the heroine's starting knowledge in the field of cooking is zero.

How and why I decided to start my own banquet food delivery business

Rice with vegetables

I am Vika, I am 28 years old, I live in Kursk. In 2011, I was forced to take up an activity that I had a very vague idea about before - this is the organization of the delivery of banquet dishes.

The reason for the need to cook food to order was my pregnancy, and I didn’t really want to remain without my own income. Due to its “interesting” position, it was not possible to work outside the home, and the “culinary masterpieces production workshop” was safely located in a rented apartment of 30 square meters in which I lived at that time, with a tiny kitchen and two-burner gas stove with oven.

Food delivery organization, business plan on the knee

Of course, initially I was not particularly enthusiastic about this idea, as I was sure that the service would not be in great demand, given great amount all kinds of cafes, restaurants - from the most expensive to budget. It should be noted that in Kursk there were already several organizations providing ready-made food delivery services, in our area it was called "Kitchen or a restaurant at home." But still I decided to try, because the losses are minimal.

Considering that by the age of 23 I didn’t even know how to fry an egg, the process of preparing dishes to order was the most difficult for me.

So I brought in my friend Olga, who worked as a cook in one of the local eateries. Olya had to cook and at the same time introduce me to the secrets of the culinary arts, I, in turn, did the “rough” work in the kitchen and generated ideas for organizing delivery, compiled a menu, placed ads in the newspaper My Advertisement and on Avito in service section. It was planned to buy products and disposable containers in the nearest supermarket and wholesale base.

Calculation of income and expenses, first profit

The first order was received in March 2011, they asked for a "funeral" set of dishes, which cost 180 rubles per person, the number of people was 20, respectively, our first sale was in the amount of 3600 rubles. We spent a total of 4,350 rubles (food - 1,900 rubles, disposable containers - 300 rubles, advertising in a newspaper - 2,000 rubles / month, taxi services), as a result, from the first order we lost 750 rubles.

We received income from the next order, since we no longer spent money on advertising. For the first month of work, we had 7 orders for total amount about 22,000 rubles, the total income was about 10,000 rubles. Mostly they ordered home or to the country (taking into account the spring-summer period), once they ordered to the recreation center, which provides an area for a banquet.

Entry of the enterprise to a stable profit

During the first three months, our "enterprise" got its own pizzacon website, where the client could get acquainted with the menu and delivery conditions. We also acquired glassware for decorating dishes, edited the menu, which still works today. The number of orders increased to 7-8 per week. People order ready meals for anniversaries, funerals, birthdays, weddings. All this increased our income to 40,000 rubles a month for two.

New Year's Eve corporate parties and New Year's Eve gave us a two-month income, although we ourselves were destined to completely forget about the holidays - such is the work.

Is it possible to manage such a business alone?

After about a year of working together, Olga and I stopped cooperating, I began to work alone, the duties of a dispatcher, courier, cook fell on my shoulders, fortunately, I learned to cook by that time not badly. I took a separate one-room apartment for work, since preparing and storing all the attributes of my business in the cramped apartment where I lived with the baby was, to put it mildly, not very comfortable.

I bought a car, and now I independently delivered finished products to the client. Over the next two years, the work was stable, there was no shortage of orders, but there wasn’t much progress either, I “put together” a client base and didn’t really promote my service, until at some point the number of sales dropped significantly.

It even happened that in a month there were 4-5 small orders, this is very little. Most likely, this was due to the fact that such activities have become quite popular among mothers like me who are on maternity leave, the benefit of superpowers and great start-up capital not required.

I specifically panicked as this job was my only source of income. There were debts, and something had to be done urgently.

Business development - food delivery to the office

This is what the menu looks like

Service promotion. It's all about the price!

In 2014 I launched new service- delivery of complex meals to enterprises and offices, which provided me with a daily stable income. I had to drive around construction sites, markets, branches of various banks in Kursk in search of those who wanted to eat "hot dinners at home." The cost of one complex lunch was only 80 rubles, so, of course, there were plenty of people who wanted it - 12 people at the bank branch and 25 at the construction site. I bought a large thermal bag and have successfully "fed" 37 people from Monday to Friday weekly.

Plus, my orders for banquets have not gone anywhere, even if there were not as many of them as I would like, but I had enough, in total, my weekly income, minus the cost of food, was about 15,000 rubles.

Transition from home cooking to professional equipment

In the same year, I rented a room in mall. In the Evrasik family cafe, the kitchen was not fully used, so I was allowed to work in an empty part for a small rent - 10,000 rubles plus 5,000 (electricity payments) monthly, providing me not only with an area, but also with some items kitchen furniture(tables, sink, racks for dishes) and some crockery.

I bought a professional stove with an oven from my own landlords, so my production could be called full-fledged and complete. I didn’t have to formalize my activities, because now I began to work closely with the owners of the very cafe where my workplace. On the website of my services, I posted certain items from the Evrasika menu that I didn’t have - pastries, desserts, services of visiting chefs Catering, which strengthened our partnerships and allowed me to act on behalf of landlords.

How much does a successful food delivery business bring

How to organize a business

When the number of orders for set meals approached fifty a day, I hired a professional chef to salary in the amount of 10% of the total turnover - this is approximately 17-20 thousand rubles a month - a normal salary for our city. And now my duties include only taking orders, delivering raw materials to the enterprise and finished products client.

AT holidays, when there are a lot of orders and my employee can’t cope alone, another person comes to the rescue for the purpose of a part-time job - this is a young student guy who, despite his very young age, loves his job very much and treats the cooking process with trepidation and zeal . Of course, I like it, because, although I learned how to cook, I never got to love this process. Therefore, I will gladly accept this guy in my team on a permanent basis immediately after his training. In the near future, I have - to acquire a courier, and devote myself to a deeper promotion of my services, as I see great prospects for this business, and finally formalize my activities in the form of an independent small business entity.

What are the prospects for this business, is it worth starting from scratch?

My own sister, who lives in a village 25 km from Kursk, has also begun to engage in this activity, and in that area her services are even more popular than mine in Kursk. She cooks at home, takes orders on my website, she has a three-room apartment and a huge kitchen with an area of ​​22 square meters, so her activities are not particularly embarrassing for households. So my company has a kind of branch.

Summing up, I can say with confidence that it was not in vain that I once decided to organize the delivery of banquet dishes and set meals. My initial capital was only about 4,000 rubles, after 4 years my monthly net income is 60-70 thousand rubles - this is not much, I know that you can earn much more, and I am ready to work on this project to squeeze the maximum.

In this material:

Delivery of meals to the office, the business plan of which depends on the initial capabilities of the entrepreneur, is characterized by high profitability. You can start with 15 thousand or several million rubles. It depends on the scale of the project, but both options are possible.

Where to start and who are the potential clients?

The business of delivering lunch to the office should not be started in small towns. The exception is those places where new enterprises have appeared or old ones exist, and there is no canteen for the staff, they have difficulty eating during the lunch break. But keep in mind that in small settlements level wages low and few people want to pay for meals. The rest, out of old habit, will carry homemade food with them to work.

The main clients for such projects are in large cities with a population of 1 million or more. This is the staff of medium and large enterprises. Let it not bother you that there is a canteen on the territory of the plant, factory, combine. Not all staff visit it, not everyone likes the dishes offered, so such employees will be happy with the alternative in the form of lunch delivery to the office.

But before investing in the development of the project, buying expensive equipment, you can offer trial options. In military affairs, this method is called reconnaissance in combat. Create a lunch menu and offer it to potential customers. If a series of orders follows, which will significantly exceed the number of test batches of meals, it makes sense to invest in the project. But even if the trial batch is sold out with difficulty, in this case it makes sense to dwell on the volume of the trial batch and focus on promoting the project.

Financial calculations

Profit from one lunch is 50% of the check amount. Half is enough to cover the cost of buying food for serving, plastic utensils and shipping. average cost one lunch is 180 rubles. It turns out that from one portion the income of the enterprise is 90 rubles. When ordering 20 meals a day for 22 working days a month, the company's profit will be 39,600 rubles.

This mark-up leaves the entrepreneur room for maneuver. It can reduce the cost of one meal if 5 or more people order at the same time. In addition, you can enter a monthly subscription, according to which the client will receive meals every day for a month not at 180, but at 150 rubles.

For a client, this is a savings of 660 rubles, and for a project, this is a regular client, on which they earn 1,320 rubles. Already with fifty such regular customers allow you to extract a monthly profit of 66 thousand rubles. At the same time, earnings have already been planned for a month in advance, it can be increased. But you can also reduce it if you start providing customers with low-quality or tasteless meals. They can refuse and demand their money back, so there is no need to save on a cook and food.

If the business has started to bring a stable profit, having 40-60 regular customers, it makes sense to expand, attract new customers and expand production.

Then comes the time to invest in space and equipment.

How to start a project?

After it became clear that orders for dinners will be your 20-30 customers, and maybe you will gain more in the first weeks, start organizing production. Even if the entrepreneur is a good cook, he is not recommended to stand at the stove. Find another professional.

There is an option when wives or mothers are involved in cooking dinners. For the first time, this can be done, but for permanent work it is not recommended to involve relatives and friends. This is a business and the client will not wait until they are in the mood or the headache stops, and getting them to work in this case is very difficult. With an employee it is easier and easier.

No special equipment is needed. It includes:

  • stove with oven;
  • a set of frying pans;
  • a set of pots;
  • electric meat grinder;
  • kitchen knives (2-3 pieces);
  • grater;
  • cutting board;
  • blender;
  • baking molds;
  • thermal bag.

If you buy everything separately, you need to spend up to 25 thousand rubles. It is not necessary to buy imported equipment, a domestic manufacturer is quite suitable. But if you start in your own kitchen, then most of what you need is already there, and several thousand rubles will be enough to buy the missing pans, knives or pots.

Be sure to buy high-quality and fresh products for cooking dinners. You can save if the purchase is carried out not in supermarkets, but in the markets. But in this case, be sure to require the relevant documents from the sellers, which confirm the proper quality of the products.

In addition to food, you need to buy napkins, plastic dishes and special containers for food. The purchase of food and dishes for 50 daily portions per month will take 60 thousand rubles. The salary of the cook who will cook the first half of the day is 20 thousand rubles. Another 15-20 thousand rubles. need to spend on delivery by courier. You can hire a special service that will take up to 1 thousand rubles per hour of work per day, you can do it yourself or hire your own courier for this money.

It turns out that the monthly cost of preparing meals and delivering them to 50 regular customers is 95-100 thousand rubles. The income from the sale is 180 × 50 × 22 = 198 thousand rubles. Net income before taxes will amount to 98 thousand rubles. But if the cost for regular customers is lower, then 150 × 50 × 22 = 165 thousand rubles, the net profit will be 65 thousand rubles.

It is recommended that one chef cooks for every 20-25 servings. Accordingly, the project will need one more cook, which will reduce profits by 10-15 thousand rubles. taking into account the redistribution of payroll. One cook with such a load can be paid no more than 15 thousand rubles.

And try to pleasantly surprise customers by providing them with some kind of dessert from homemade recipes. Its cost will not exceed 10 rubles, but it will bind regular customers forever.

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Delivery of hot meals in organizations is promising direction entrepreneurial activity. By delivering tasty and satisfying food to your customers, you will ensure a stable income and get many loyal customers who are satisfied with your work.

To run a successful business, it is necessary to draw up a competent business plan, reflecting in it all the nuances of this activity.

Benefits of opening this business

The advantages of food delivery in an organization are obvious: the number of small and large offices is increasing every day, which means that your business will bring good profit.

Organizing such a business is not so difficult, since it does not require serious investments, besides, the payback of the business will take a short time.

How to open such a business?

In order to bring this idea to life, it is necessary to comply with the mandatory conditions, without which successful business is impossible:

  1. You must have vehicle to be used throughout the working day.
  2. The courier must have a medical book.
  3. Competent menu development is another prerequisite for running such a business.
  4. Since the price will be determined solely by customer demand, it is necessary to initially establish the optimal cost of dishes and successful work raise it.
  5. In order to provide catering services, you must be registered as individual entrepreneur. Read about how it happens.
  6. The history of each new partner must be carefully checked. It can be done different ways, including through the Internet. By checking , you can learn a lot about the organization.

Target market analysis and competition

The main target audience are small organizations, the number of employees in which does not exceed 60 people. Such offices do not have their own canteens, and therefore are in dire need of the delivery of ready-made meals.

The business of delivering ready meals is profitable, no matter what you do - delivering pizza, ready-made salads or business lunches. Subject to all conditions, such a business pays off in six months ( maximum term- two years).

Before launching a business project, you need to develop ideas that will make your business competitive. Currently, there are a sufficient number of ready-made lunch delivery companies on the market. You are required to offer consumers a special service that is not available in similar companies.

When starting a business, it is important to take into account the population in the region, the number of small organizations that need lunch delivery, and so on.

What does it take to start a lunch delivery company?

Below are the main steps to start such a business:

  1. Registration of an enterprise (this procedure will allow you to obtain a work permit);
  2. Arrangement of the kitchen and the purchase of the necessary equipment;
  3. Purchase disposable tableware;
  4. Supplier search food products;
  5. Smart advertising campaign.

Lunch Delivery Business Overview:

Estimated costs

This type of activity does not require enormous costs, but it will not work to open a business without investments. Cash will need the following:

  1. Room rental. If you are not going to cook meals in your own kitchen, you will have to pay the landlord about 20 thousand rubles every month.
  2. Buying cooking equipment will cost you about 70 thousand rubles (you can save some money if you use home appliances).
  3. The purchase of disposable tableware is about 20 thousand rubles.
  4. The salary for couriers is about 12 thousand rubles, depending on the region.
  5. The cost of registering a business is about 2.5 thousand rubles.

The average price of one lunch can be 100 rubles. At first, you might have about 10 organization clients.

In the first months you will earn about 30 thousand rubles, with successful business, this figure will grow.

Where to start a business?

The first step is paperwork to open a legal business. In order to register as an individual entrepreneur, you need to appear at the tax authorities, pay a fee and fill out a standard form. Also, the entrepreneur is required to write an application for entering it into the state register.

After that you permission must be obtained from the health authority. To do this, you need to submit a certificate of registration, a lease agreement for the premises, as well as conclusions on the goods on compliance with hygiene requirements. It will take you about a month to complete all the necessary paperwork.

An important step is the purchase of equipment. Your business does not require the purchase of expensive devices. You will need to purchase several pans, a mixer, cutting boards, baking dishes. Also, you can't do without microwave oven and pressure cookers for customers to receive hot meals.

Your requirements for personnel should be quite high. The quality of ready-made dishes, and hence the success of customers, depends on the chefs. As for couriers, they must be impeccably polite, responsible and punctual.

All your employees should have medical books on hand. You should not take the first people you come across "from the street."

In order to have many clients, Lunches should be as tasty and fresh as possible.. And this means that products must be purchased from reliable suppliers. In order to save money, you can buy food not in stores, but in markets.

You can also find a large organization that sells food products. AT without fail ask suppliers for documentation of food quality.

What to pay attention to?

Please note that you must consider not only the cost of buying groceries, but also the cost of additional items (disposable wipes, liquid food containers and plastic plates). The courier must have a special thermal bag, which makes it possible to serve food hot even in the cold season.

No marketing activity is complete successful business. Mandatory you need to print bright and eye-catching Business Cards . They can be distributed in various offices, as well as in shops in car parks.

Free trial meals are a great way to attract customers. If people like your food, they will definitely come back to you. After a while, you can take care of creating your own website, as well as distributing advertising through the media.

The presence of an Internet resource will enable your target audience to place orders online and study the menu in more detail thanks to photos of dishes and an indication of their detailed composition.

Thus, the delivery of lunches to offices is a very profitable business, which does not require large initial costs and differs quick payback. Please note that such entrepreneurial activity has its drawbacks.

These can be attributed possible problems with sanitary control. If desired, inspectors of the sanitary and epidemiological station can always find a reason to close your business. That is why you must constantly monitor the staff and the quality of the food.

Before delving into all the secrets and deciding to open your own business, you need to understand how food delivery services work.

Food delivery is a service that provides users with the ability to order food from restaurants and receive food at short time, and also gives information about catering establishments in the city:

  • prices;
  • stock;
  • menu.

What do companies in this business earn? The partner restaurant deducts a percentage of each delivered order to the delivery service. This service is convenient not only for customers, but also for restaurateurs, because with its help it becomes possible to attract large quantity clients.

Food Delivery Business: How to Start

If you have decided to open a business in this area, then you should start by creating your own website. It should be simple and understandable for users. The site should present a colorful menu of various restaurants with prices and descriptions of dishes.

Another important point when organizing a business - geolocation service - automatic determination of the customer's location, based on which a choice of restaurants located within a radius of 2-5 kilometers is offered. This will reduce the waiting time for the order.

When organizing such a business, it is important to take into account the fact that more than 50% of the world's Internet traffic comes from mobile devices. That's why Special attention It is worth paying attention to creating an application for platforms such as:

  • android;
  • Windows.

The owners of Delivery Club, the largest food delivery service in Russia, note that more than 70% of orders come from mobile devices. In addition, the Delivery Club smartphone application provides the ability to select a geolocation. Users can pay as plastic cards, as well as in cash.

Owners of food delivery service Foodfox after launch mobile application for iOS, we decided not to stop there and created a courier application. It allows you to track the location of couriers and update the status of the order online. For now, this feature is available only to administrators, but in the future, the owners plan to provide such an opportunity to their customers.

Restaurant partnerships

If you want to open a food delivery business, one of the main tasks will be finding partner restaurants. How to establish mutually beneficial conditions for cooperation with public catering?

Your task is to choose a number of restaurants with which you wish to start cooperation. Next, send an email offer or talk to the owners of the establishments in person. In most cases, the organization of a delivery service for restaurateurs is a complex, time-consuming process, so they willingly agree to a partnership.

There are two options for cooperation:

  • fixed payment for delivery: the client makes an order for any amount, but at the same time he needs to pay separately for the delivery of food (this amount will be the organization's income);
  • fixed minimum check amount: the client can place an order for a minimum set amount. In this case, your company receives profit in the form of interest paid by the partner restaurant.

These conditions must be negotiated in advance with the owners of catering establishments.

At this stage, it is important to remember one rule: "The client will only re-order if he is satisfied with the food ordered." If a restaurant loses a customer, then your business loses revenue.

It is important to follow trends and take into account the taste preferences of the audience. The head of the center for expert business support "KLEN" Vladimir Mikhailov believes that today.

Restaurant rating

If you decide to organize your business in this area, then special attention should be paid to the distribution of restaurants on your list. It is not necessary to include in your list all the catering establishments of the city. Establishments whose dishes leave much to be desired can be crossed off the list altogether. Establishments with the best service and delicious food.

  • the number of failures, for example, per month;
  • reviews;
  • number of repeat orders.

Accordingly, if the restaurant does not have repeated orders, and the customer reviews are not the most flattering, then the institution drops in the rating from the first lines to lower positions.

Transferring orders to restaurants

Another problem that many food delivery services face is the transfer of the order to restaurants. Typically, in this situation, Email. However, this process creates many inconveniences, for example, the establishment needs to hire a separate person who will check mail and transfer orders to the kitchen. The service itself also wastes precious minutes, and the waiting time for the client increases.

Delivery Club owners found perfect solution this problem. An application is installed on the tablet, which displays information about the receipt of the order, as well as the address and form of payment. Next, the tablet is handed over to the waiter, who will work with the device in the same way that he serves the guests of the restaurant. That is, the waiter takes the order through the tablet and passes it to the kitchen, where the chefs start preparing the ordered food.

"Lucky for those who are lucky"

Another very important point when starting a business is the organization and delivery time. Typically, food ordering customers want their lunch hot and as soon as possible.

Aleksey Ovchinnikov, a 32-year-old startup, paid special attention to solving this problem in his Hunger project.

The Hunger business project promises to deliver food to its customers within 8 minutes. Such a figure was determined for a reason. Ovchinnikov analyzed the process of ordering food and determined that more than 60% of the time is spent on cooking and only 40% is spent on delivery. In addition, about half an hour is spent on the choice of dishes. The businessman suggested reducing the choice to a minimum:

  • fish;
  • meat;
  • chicken.

In this case, the dishes must be prepared in advance. Ovchinnikov also conducted an experiment and calculated that the average delivery time for meals in Moscow is 8 minutes. In addition, it was calculated that the courier spends quite a lot of time looking for a parking space and an office.

When ordering food through “Hunger”, the client must comply with two conditions: pay with a card and independently go outside for an order. As practice has shown, for the sake of fast delivery, people do not mind going out and picking up their lunch. However, in an interview with RBC, the entrepreneur said that on this moment the service does not fit into 8 minutes, and the delivery time takes 2 times longer.

Service Foodfox, found another solution to this business problem. The client is invited to choose food only from those restaurants that are located within a radius of 2-2.5 kilometers from him. Thus, the delivery time of the dish is about 15-18 minutes, plus 20-25 minutes for cooking. As a result, the client receives hot food in 40-45 minutes.

But most original solution used by the owners of the Pizza Empire restaurant. Their courier is an ordinary dog. In order for the animal to correctly find customers, a special device was developed with a GPS navigator and two vibrators (left and right), it is these vibrations that guide the dog along a given route. The administrator of the institution can also track the position of the "courier" on the map. In addition, special packaging has been developed to ensure that the pizza retains its original quality.

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