What can be produced in the garage for sale. Production of decorative plates

reservoirs 12.10.2019

If earlier only cars and motorcycles were stored in garages, now entrepreneurship is flourishing in garages. Various workshops, mini-productions, confectioneries, furniture production and even hotels. Let's see if the garage business is so profitable?

legality garage business

Garages are different. But, most garages are located in the so-called garage cooperatives. Let's take a look at them. According to Russian law, the cadastral status of the land on which such a garage stands does not imply the use of the area for any other purposes other than the storage and maintenance of vehicles and equipment. That is, from the point of view of the law - commercial activity in the garage is prohibited. However, if commercial activity is not prohibited by the Criminal Code, it is allowed. In fact, complex mechanism checks and evidence commercial activities in the garage often makes such checks impossible. Accordingly, regulatory and inspection bodies “turn a blind eye” to doing business in a garage, the main thing is that such a business is legal and legal.

Legalization of business in the garage - registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC.

What can you do to make money in the garage

About 15% of the working-age population in each region of Russia earn money various activities in the garage.

However, the garage business belongs to the industry; it cannot be considered a full-fledged and highly profitable business.

Fishing is a kind of occupation conducted with the aim of making a profit in the amount necessary to ensure the livelihoods of the entrepreneur and his family.

The garage business is limited by many factors - area, household and operational characteristics. Which are irresistible, even if the business is super-profitable. Therefore, as soon as the entrepreneur manages to collect the necessary amount to expand the business, he changes the garage for a full-fledged production facility.

There will be a very large article if the editors of the site start listing everything known species businesses that you can start in your garage. However, do you need it? If there is a whole site dedicated to the implementation of many, just enough garage space, which means that this business can be called a garage business.

We will describe the directions of the garage business.

1. Cars and motorcycles

The first and most obvious thing to do in a garage is car and motorcycle maintenance. Repair, washing, installation additional equipment and interior remodeling. And much more. All this is the most obvious and affordable way to make money in the garage. Even the space itself does not require major alterations.

Also, in the garage you can open any other business production of various things and goods - plastic windows, framing workshops, the production of self-tapping screws and much, much more.

Is there a garage? So, you can safely open your own mini-production. The ten ideas below do not require capital investments and large business loans.


To begin own business in the garage - great idea for those who decide to go on an independent "swimming". Moreover, there are wonderful examples for inspiration (including the creators of Harley Davidson, Google, Hewlett-Packard, Apple and other world famous brands). It is too early to dream about the scale of the enterprise. To reach the scale of production, a competent concept of work is needed.

Features of planning a garage business

A mini-business with localization in a garage area includes:

  • business planning (first you need to choose a product or service, taking into account market analysis, personal skills, financial resources and demand)
  • organizational and legal registration of entrepreneurship (business registration);
  • purchase of possible equipment;
  • possible hiring of employees and their training;
  • monitoring of suppliers and procurement of raw materials for work;
  • development of technological aspects of production;
  • provision of services (or sale already finished products).

Top 10 Garage Business Ideas 2018

Below are ideas with minimal capital investment:

Tab. 1. Rating 10 best ideas for the garage business for 2018

Idea name

The amount of the minimum investment, in rubles

Implementation complexity

Repair of bicycles and small vehicles

Buying tools

Making felt boots

Purchase of equipment, search for suppliers of quality raw materials

Growing oyster mushrooms

20,000 materials + 65,000 utilities = 85,000

Constant maintenance of the required humidity parameters

Production decorative stone and tiles

Purchase of equipment, raw materials and molds. Electrification

Production metal products

Equipment, raw materials, carrying out a special line at 380 Volts, work skills

Making small stoves

Similar to paragraph 5

Styrofoam processing

Buying equipment, conducting electricity, workmanship

Frameless furniture

Selection of materials, purchase of sewing equipment, tools, development of technologies

Netting production

Purchasing a machine, installing an electric line, hiring an assistant

Preparation of elements for stairs

Carpentry equipment. Might need an assistant

1. Small vehicle repair services

The garage is an ideal place to open a small workshop, where customers can bring bicycles of various models, trolleys and wheeled suitcases for repair. Cyclists especially feel the need for skilled craftsmen.

No special investments are expected - it is enough to purchase a set of tools (the largest amount will be 20,000 rubles). But you will have to think about promoting your business - and at first very actively. Perhaps leave your business cards in sporting goods stores, post ads on the appropriate forums. Business is seasonal - in winter time demand is falling.

2. Handmade boots

This product will never lose its relevance, and being handmade with high quality, it will always find worthy demand. The advantages of such shoes are obvious - they are environmentally friendly, warm and durable (a separate tribute must be paid to national traditions). Additional incentives should be the still minimal competition in the market and the easy process of learning to manufacture.

Initial costs will be about 50,000 rubles. It:

  • purchase of special carding machines and a set of tools;
  • search for raw materials (it is better that it be a permanent supplier of high quality wool);
  • purchase auxiliary materials or ready-made pads for boots.

An additional emphasis is on communication (which is important in a full-time environment). And immediately you need to prepare for the fact that the work has a certain seasonality.

Experts say that daily the production cycle comes to 5-6 pairs of boots, which can be sold at a wholesale price of 600 rubles. Experiments with decorative trim will only increase the selling price of the product.

3. Mushroom plantations of oyster mushrooms

The garage space is "famous" for special climatic conditions More precisely, dampness. You can use this to your advantage by growing mushrooms. An unpretentious oyster mushroom is perfect for this, in relation to which only one condition must be observed - a moisture index of at least 80%.

The cultivation technology is also simple - it is enough to fill plastic bags with straw or seed husks (which you can take for free at woodworking factories). The seeds of the future mushroom are placed in them (the starting material is inexpensive - about 50 cents per bag). If the conditions are met, the first mushrooms will begin to appear in three weeks. Now it is enough to maintain the desired humidity with a sprinkler tube (or a constantly working special equipment) - and in a week the product will reach the required size.

To organize the process you will need:

  • purchase special machine and a set of locksmith tools - up to 300,000 rubles of investments;
  • hire an assistant (required at some stages of work).

Now about profitability: it will fluctuate within 15-25% of the selling price. How quickly the project will pay off, sales volumes will show, which means that it is necessary to focus on advertising the product and finding customers.

10. Production of elements for wooden stairs

It is quite possible to start a carpentry career as a stair builder in a garage. A sufficient quadrature of the room will allow you to place machines (for a start, there will be enough turning, milling and grinding). Work will be carried out both with wood and plywood). All this can be "packed" in about 315,000 rubles. Plus there are certain costs for an assistant.

Certain items will be made. Future installation is carried out directly at the facility (preliminary dimensions are also taken there).

The demand for such products is active, and prices go from 40,000 to 250,000 rubles. The cost depends on the type of wood you choose. With a creative approach, the performer will quickly leave the garage to the workshop and receive a large number of orders.

Summarizing what has been said

Own garage opens great opportunities for organization small production. Big incomes will not appear immediately, but with a certain persistence, the client base will grow very quickly.

What to do in the garage to earn money. A few garage business ideas that will allow you to find money in the empty space of the garage.

The average garage has dimensions of 4x6 meters and minimum height ceiling 2.2 meters. And, if your car is not in it, then this empty area can bring you a small income - from passive to active. And the larger your garage area, the more you earn.

Doesn't have of great importance how your garage is organized, it can be freestanding, or it can be a box in a garage complex. The main thing is that it has electricity or the ability to connect it, as well as the relative dryness of the room. This will expand the scope of the business organized in the garage.

1. Responsible seasonal storage of tires and wheels

There are more and more cars in the city, and our severe climate requires that these cars run on certain types of tires in different seasons - summer and winter. Therefore, there is an acute question among car owners about the storage of these tires and wheels.

Offer him responsible seasonal storage of his tires or wheels in your garage. Of course, the driver can store them at home - on the balcony, where they take up a lot of space or in the common corridor, disturbing the neighbors not only in size, but also in the smell. And it can be stored in your garage for a nominal fee, for example, the cost of storing a tire per month starts from 50 rubles, a complete wheel assembly starts from 200 rubles and this is for R15. The season is usually 6 months. From one tire per season you will receive 300 rubles, from the complete wheel - 1200 rubles.

Why does tire and wheel storage differ in price? Because the tire without rims is stored vertically and the wheel assembly is stored horizontally, thus occupying more space. How more tire or a wheel, the more expensive the storage space. With proper space organization, you can easily fit up to 600 tires or wheels (R15) in a typical garage.

All you need for such a business is to open an individual entrepreneur (to sign an agreement or receipt for the storage of tires) and put up racks in your garage. Put up ads in your area about tire storage. Suggest additional paid service pickup and delivery. When filling the garage with only R15 tires per season, you will receive about 180,000 rubles, or 30 thousand rubles a month.

If metal welding is not your thing, then try to organize a carpentry workshop for the production of stairs, cabinet furniture and other products. The demand for this type of product is stable, which means you can earn.

Among other things, you can do tin products - weirs, slopes, crowns, platbands can all be made of metal. Finished metal sheets in RAL color are sold in any size and volume.

The simplest sheet bending equipment - mechanical bending machines do not require electricity and cost from 70 thousand rubles.

Also, on similar equipment, you can make tanks, barrels, metal lining, metal picket fence and much more.

In any case, having your own garage opens up space for you to do business and make money. They cannot fit in one article or even a cycle. Therefore, we do not limit your imagination, we only indicate the direction of doing business. Because from a garage you can make - a recording studio, a quest room, open a fastener production, make spray booth and much more.

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How to minimize the cost of maintaining the premises for your business? What production can be opened at home? How to organize a source of additional income for your family? The answer to all these and dozens of other similar questions that arise in front of a beginner individual entrepreneur, may serve as an opportunity to open a business in the garage.

Advantages and disadvantages of a garage business

As a rule, opening a small business in a garage is associated with production. It is hardly possible to take seriously an office equipped in a garage. Although, Apple company"Born" in the garage of the father of Steve Jobs. Another nuance associated with a mini-business in a garage is the need for financial investments. You can’t do without them at all, if only because you have to equip the premises for the needs of a particular business, purchase the right equipment, consumables, raw materials for production, etc.

But in any case, such costs are incomparable with how much businessmen spend on organizing a full-fledged business. One of the controversial points of the business in the garage is the legality of such an undertaking in terms of formalizing your business. The garage, first of all, is intended for keeping a car in it, and opening it, for example, commercial premises, or a specific production without a major reorganization of the premises, "fitting" it to the requirements of Rospotrebnadzor and the fire inspectorate. It will be very problematic.

That is why the percentage of "garage" entrepreneurs who register their business as an individual entrepreneur or LLC is extremely small. However, this fact does not stop the existing garage production, many of which operate without any documentary support.

Among the problems associated with opening your own business in the garage, you can also include:

  • disagreement of neighbors in the garage with your actions. Any production is noise, a lot of strangers, production waste, etc., which of course will not delight the “garage” neighbors, who have every right to complain where they should. By the way, one of the options for "pacifying" neighbors is to involve them in business, either as partners or as employees.
  • garages are usually located away from houses, major roads, areas with high client traffic - this is, of course, good for production, but not very good for other types of business. In addition, you will agree that it will be quite difficult for a client to find the right one in which production is concentrated among tens or even hundreds of “twin” garages.
  • the risk of garage demolition, especially in a large city, is too great, and even compensation for the premises is unlikely to cover the losses that will be inflicted on the business. An example is the scandal associated with the demolition of garages in Moscow's Yasenevo, when hundreds of garage owners were not only not compensated, but simply "grabbed" the land on which they stood.

And, nevertheless, there are much more pluses than minuses, and the main one is four walls and a roof over your head - something from which a person with an enterprising "vein" will definitely benefit.

Is it necessary to register a "garage" business?

Do I need to register my small business opened in the garage? Russian legislation gives a very unambiguous answer to this question - any entrepreneurial activity without proper registration is illegal.

Another issue that directly affects entrepreneurs, which bureaucrats of all stripes absolutely do not care about, is how to arrange a garage in the form of a production area. In part, it is this factor that makes many "garage businessmen" work at their own peril and risk. Maybe in the near future the issue of helping small businesses will be considered in reality, and not only on paper and in the words of “those in power”, but so far in 2017 there is no clear solution to this problem.

Well, now let's go directly to what business ideas you can implement in your garage.

Intended use of the garage

The garage is primarily associated with cars, it is this factor that opens up almost limitless opportunities for the implementation of various business ideas.


The most common way to make money is to use the garage for its intended purpose, that is, to store the car. In big cities, renting a garage is not a problem, for residents settlements with a population of less than 30,000, this task will be more problematic.

It is most profitable to rent a garage in Moscow, where the monthly rent of a capital building, depending on the area of ​​the city, can reach 200-300 thousand rubles. Metal garages rent much cheaper - from 7 to 25 thousand per month.

By the way, there can be many variations of renting a garage. For example, you can:

  • rent a garage for storage space. Many small online and physical stores keep their small batches of goods in garages.
  • you can rent a garage to small businessmen if you do not want to open your own business.

Some people even rent out garages for migrant housing, although this is illegal and even a little dangerous with potential riots, complaints from nearby garage owners, fires, and so on.

Tire shop

You need to make a reservation right away that this idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba mini-business in a garage is suitable mainly for owners of those buildings that are located in yards, next to busy roads, or in densely populated areas. Agree, it is unlikely that someone will go “to hell in the middle of nowhere” to change winter tires for summer tires, or seal up a side cut of a tire, when it is more likely that you can find the right service somewhere nearby.

A special conversion of the garage under the tire workshop is not required. It will only be necessary to purchase a tire fitting machine, some tools, and a sofa to relax for a moment of “calm”. Such workshops are now found, probably, in every tenth garage, and each has its own regular customers.

small auto repair shop

Now many car owners are able to independently fix minor breakdowns in the car. Some - understand the device of a car a little better, enough to provide services for the repair of automotive equipment. And where else to repair cars, if not in the garage? Such a business in a garage can be opened almost from scratch - without investments - almost every car owner has tools.

Such mini-auto repair shops are quite popular with motorists. Prices for repairs in them are an order of magnitude lower than in official services, the level of repair is no lower. Of course, it is impossible to create a full-fledged car repair shop with numerous types of equipment in a garage, so you should pay attention to one narrow niche, for example:

  • engine repair;
  • running gear repair;
  • car electrical repair;
  • diagnostics and removal of errors;
  • painting cars, applying airbrushing, selling and applying car stickers;
  • installation, adjustment, repair of car alarms.

The purchase of equipment for any of the selected areas of activity will cost no more than 100 thousand rubles, or even less. Often the tool necessary for repair is already available from car owners. At proper management business costs will pay off in a month or two. The only condition for successful business promotion is to know the chosen area of ​​auto repair well. A competent master will quickly develop a large client base.

It would seem that opening a car wash in the garage is the most best option. Equipment - washing high pressure, like "Karcher" will cost about 15-20 thousand; rags, sponges, detergents cost mere pennies. But it was not there.

  1. The garage should be large enough to fit the car, equipment, the washer himself. That is, standard garages up to 20 square meters. meters are unlikely to fit. Need a room of at least 30 sq. meters.
  2. There should be an area in front of the garage. On which cars waiting in line can be located (this problem can be solved by introducing a preliminary appointment for service).
  3. Electricity (for powering equipment) and water supply must be connected to the garage, which, in principle, is quite rare.
  4. It is necessary to equip the sewerage where the waste water will flow.
  5. And, finally, the garage will need to be overhauled - pour cement floors, make a drain, clad the walls, attach a waiting room (for this purpose, you can buy out the neighboring garage in the future), etc.

As you can see, opening a car wash in a garage is a rather troublesome task, but also very profitable. A business plan for opening a car wash can be found at this link.


A well-equipped garage may well be a small office, service center, or point of provision of various services.

Recycling point

It's no longer a secret to anyone that the mountains of garbage in city dumps are a real "Klondike" of recycled materials. Paper, cardboard, metal, plastic, glass - everything that people consider waste and throw away can bring very good profit.

Garage is almost perfect place to receive this rubbish. Of course, there are some nuances in such a business. Get ready for the fact that your main customers will be homeless people, and other personalities like them. However, it is they who provide recycling points with a stable stream of profits, bringing the necessary “garbage” every day.

It is not worth accumulating large batches of raw materials in the garage. Firstly, the same distributors can rob it in order to resell the “goods” to your competitors, and secondly, there simply won’t be enough space in the garage to store raw materials. Therefore, once every 3-4 days, the accepted products must be taken away to wholesalers.

Shoe repair shop

Shoe repair is another working business idea that does not require significant investments for its implementation. The only thing that is required is a little work experience and attracting customers. And if the first can be made up for by practicing on the shoes of the household, or on old boots, shoes and boots, then the second point is somewhat more difficult.

The problem with attracting client traffic is the remoteness of many garages from residential buildings. The only solution to this problem is seen in the quality of services - it will not be a pity to drive several kilometers for a good repair.

Service center for the repair of household appliances

Are you good with electronics? We fixed everything Appliances friends and neighbors? It's time to start thinking about how to "monetize" your skills. However, opening a home appliance repair shop at home means disturbing your family with constant visits from customers, the smell of rosin, warehousing broken kettles, toasters, multicookers, TVs, etc. in every corner. Agree, there is little pleasant in the profit from such income.

The way out will be the organization of a workshop in the garage. After giving the room inside the appearance of a small office, you can open a case. The purchase of tools will cost a small amount, the missing knowledge can be replenished on the Internet, customers - residents of nearby houses - can be attracted quality repair.

A great idea for a business, which, oddly enough, is neglected by many entrepreneurs. Apparently, the fact is that the work belongs to the category of “non-dusty”, and even a good income does not attract those who want to earn money to open a sandblasting workshop.

Sanding of car body parts, wheel rims, artistic engraving and glass matting, cleaning metal structures- this is only a small part of what can be done with a sandblaster. The owner of such small business in the garage will definitely not be left without profit. A small sandblasting machine now costs between 15-30 thousand rubles. The purchase of equipment and the purchase of consumables - calibrated sand, will pay off in the first month of work.

Number of bikes in last years almost equaled the number of cars, so their repair and maintenance are also in demand. The implementation of this project will not require serious investments, and almost every man has been able to repair bicycles since childhood. Most bike owners also store their vehicles in garages, so locating a repair shop in a garage room would be most appropriate.

Open production in the garage

Garage - perfect place for the organization of production that does not require the presence large areas for installation of equipment, machine tools and storage of products.

Manufacturing of monuments

Funeral services are sometimes called "eternal" business. Stable demand for products ensures high profits even with the most modest scale of production. The manufacture of monuments from granite and marble will require quite large financial costs. If a set for stone cutting (in the manufacture of marble monuments and commemorative plaques) will cost about 3-5 thousand rubles, then the cost of a special printer for granite, grinding machine, a set of matrices, and some other tools "rolls over" for 600 thousand.

The positive point is that the entire amount will be completely “beaten off” in half the season. At average cost one granite monument is 25-30 thousand rubles, you will need to make 20-25 products in order to get a "plus". A medium-sized workshop receives about 130 orders per season. The profitability of the business is obvious.

Manufacture of paving slabs and other concrete products

Contrary to popular belief that the production of paving slabs can only be organized with large production areas, many small enterprises successfully work in this direction in the garage.

Purchase of vibrating table, concrete mixer, plastic molds for tiles will cost about 25-30 thousand rubles. Costs can be reduced by purchasing used equipment. The entire production process can be carried out by one person, so no additional labor is required. In addition to tiles, concrete ritual flower beds, road curbs, gutters, and various decorative elements can also be made.

The organization of a small business in a garage can also include the production of nails. All that is required for the production of nails is a machine (which you can make yourself) and wire as a consumable. The cost of implementing this idea, subject to the purchase of used equipment, is no more than 15 thousand rubles for the release of the first batch of products.

Machine operator, packer - one person. Sales finished products can be adjusted through hardware stores, directly from the place of production, or through orders through an online store.

Manufacturing business plastic windows, despite the annual opening of new production facilities, still lacks finished products. The thing is that many customers have to wait from 2 to 4 weeks to receive their order. Meanwhile, during this time, manufacturers produce about 10 windows on one machine. That is why we can say about this business that there will always be a place for another entrepreneur in it.

The only thing that can confuse a novice entrepreneur who wants to open a plastic window production in a garage is the price of equipment. A set of necessary machines will cost from 500 to 700 thousand rubles. When buying used equipment, you can save up to 200 thousand.

Sales of products can be organized through the Internet site, hardware stores, or your own point of acceptance of orders.

What you need to know when organizing your business in the garage

Drawing conclusions about the feasibility and profitability of organizing a small garage business for beginners based on the presented review of business ideas is quite difficult - too many various factors affecting the success of the enterprise. Among them:

  • garage location;
  • availability of communications (light, water);

skillful man's hands need an exciting and profitable occupation, are you looking for a business in which you can invest your energy, talent and knowledge? It’s easier, it’s easier to use an empty one or filled with all sorts of unnecessary things garage. The area seems to be small, but quite acceptable for starting activities. Clear the garage of everything that gets in the way and get ready for work!

The first and most attractive option

Since you have a garage, it means that you are happy to work with equipment. It is not difficult to adapt your garage for the repair of any household appliances - there is electricity, there are plenty of shelves on the walls, open the wide doors of the garage and take the bikes that have been in an "accident" in the first place. The glory of the master with "golden hands" is spreading faster than you imagine. It is worth fixing an iron for a lonely grandmother, as her neighbors and acquaintances will come to you in a crowd. It is clear that you will not earn big money on this, but we all start small, and word of mouth works better than any advertising.

After the grandmother, other users will also reach out to you. No one is going to repair expensive foreign cars in your garage - the owners of such cars have enough money to drive their “iron horse” to an expensive service. But all the neighbors will become not only your first customers, but also advisers.

So the most important thing has been achieved - you have found a real business "to your liking" and what could be more important for a man is a good friendly company of like-minded people, the opportunity to communicate and show your skills. The left-hander also did not live in a mansion, but he was able to shoe a flea.

The area even in the smallest "shell" can be planned rationally - you will have enough space for any repair work, the main thing is to start and not be scattered, not to take too unreasonable and expensive orders.

Option two - for artwork

The more that is built around private mansions, the more in demand decorations for the landscape, for gardens and porches become. No one is in a hurry to buy cheap gypsum Polish figurines for the garden - they will stand for exactly a year, and then they lose their bright attractive appearance, the paint is washed off by rain, it is impossible to leave the figurines under the snow - they crumble into dust. They also cannot be repainted, so the demand for these inexpensive garden decorations drops sharply.

Create such products from concrete with your own hands or cook them from metal - here you decide for yourself. Forged Products you can make it in a "shell" - you need a small electric smelter, so why not start at least the production of children's toys - soldiers and animals? They sell out quickly, but you can make exclusive doorknobs, sinkers for fishermen - here you will definitely be provided with a huge demand. It is important to start, if you are fishing yourself, then we will not even talk about the interest of avid fishermen in such accessories.

The only condition for installing even a small electric melter is three phases. Everything else you will do yourself - desktop, shelves and boxes for metal and finished products

The third idea is original gift magnets

Stopping on the idea of ​​gifts is best. Each person buys a hundred souvenirs a year - relatives, colleagues, friends. There are many holidays, thank God, in a year, so trinkets are bought, so let's try to force them out and offer our products, beautiful and unique.

Magnets are in constant demand among buyers - they are used both at home and at work. Beautiful magnets are bought as a gift, with an original personal inscription - as souvenirs, for big companies you can make a lot of trinkets with logos. Take on this business, you will enjoy the process of creation itself, and the magnets will diverge like hot cakes.

We cut out decorations from polystyrene foam - the fourth idea

Very light and pliable material - foam. It is pleasant to work with him, he does not freeze his hands and does not require fire, only a jigsaw and a sheet of foam. What you will cut out - to taste and interest. Cover up after work ready product gold or silver can be in a couple of minutes. For example, the most beautiful and such demanded architraves for private houses! Everyone will take them, and orders will fall like a cornucopia - as soon as you make only one sample, as soon as the owner of the house installs it on the house (here you can also offer your help), the neighbors will want to have more beautiful architraves. Of the larger and more interesting decorations for the interior, columns and bas-reliefs can be called.

Put your business at work with foam - the material is inexpensive, affordable, lightweight. Lots of waste? But they are perfectly recyclable, suggest a neighbor to create three-dimensional decorations for the same landscape with stuffed foam chips - such toys for children have not yet received their recognition, but you should just start. Soft "cheesecakes", on which children ride with such pleasure. Yes, they are inflatable, but if you offer an analogue? Fill the same "cheesecakes" with waste from your production? Cheap and cheerful - a light product will not be lost, it will never “run into” a nail or glass. Yes, it takes up a lot of space, but it is reliable like no other device for snow fun - and warm for the baby's bottom, and soft.

Working with glass is the fifth idea

How many around broken glass you don't even have to buy it. You can always learn how to work with a glass cutter, you can cut glass to the size you need. For small stained glass works, you will only need paints and baguettes - but this is already the sixth idea. In the meantime, just about stained-glass windows and glass processing with sandblasting tools.

You can draw anything on glass: landscapes, portraits, original compositions. As soon as you start, you will begin to look for sources of inspiration in everything that surrounds you.

So are stained-glass windows - it all starts with a little work, the first small decoration you will make as a gift, and the second is already brewing in your imagination. So stained glass work in the garage can be done as much as you like.

Idea six - framing workshop

How many talented people live around us! Someone draws, someone knits, some make tapestries, others make stained-glass windows. But each work, so that it looks complete and beautiful, needs to be designed accordingly.

The master himself simply does not have time to mess with wood; for such work, special tools and devices are needed. Even make the right angle baguette frame without special devices is not possible. So take up such a profitable business - the manufacture of baguette frames.

You will need good equipment: a guillotine for cutting a baguette, woodworking devices, various encryption machines. Work is not regulated by time, you need to place an order - you work, so this is a very profitable business in own garage.

The seventh idea is the production of building materials

We have already talked about the fact that in the garage you can make decorations for the garden. But there is also an unfilled niche - the production of paving slabs. And not only private traders can buy and order such beautiful products from you! Paving slabs and curbs for roads are a very popular product. What industrial manufacturers offer us does not differ in a variety of patterns. Remember the chic parks of Versailles and offer something similar.

There are so many building materials that you can create unique paving slabs and curb decorations. Conclude a mutually beneficial agreement with a neighboring manufacturer of granite monuments, and you will not have problems with the source material. Granite and marble chips you will have plenty, and it is very interesting to pour paving slabs according to unique orders.

You only need shelves and containers in which you will “knead” the material, and the finished tile will dry on horizontal shelves, it will not be difficult to install them. Create your own exclusive drawings for such tracks, and you will not end up with customers.

Pavement paths made of pebbles - the eighth idea

You didn’t pay attention to the fact that you can’t find a stronger and more reliable material for paths than pebbles. But what a shame when, after a downpour, puddles and smudges appear on the path, pebbles get together, and small pieces of pebbles sometimes fly out from under the feet of users. Beautiful expensive pebble stones spread throughout the garden. There is a way out - to make ready-made coatings from pebbles, which are then laid on a sand cushion.

Pebbles need to be sorted by size and color, and then into ready-made flat forms filled with concrete mortar pebbles are laid according to the pattern. Imagine that it is the pebble pattern that will decorate the paths - it is much stronger and more reliable. concrete pavement, pebbles practically do not wear out, will last for centuries, and you can always install a new one in place of a fallen pebble. So start making these patterns - pebble paving slabs may have the most different forms, any configurations, any colors.

There are a lot of options and business ideas in your own garage - you don’t have to pay for renting a room, there are no problems with access to garbage fresh air. It remains only to make a choice and work, given minimum investment you get the best results with the least investment.

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