Bomb for soda and acid bath. Coconut hooking bobbing bath

Reservoirs 12.06.2019

Bath bombs are great way Make a bathing more enjoyable. Bombs are different colors, forms and sizes and can have a different smell. Often they contain moisturizing oils, useful skin. But how to apply these dust and hard lumps? From this article, you will learn not only how to use bombs, but also how to choose them and how to use them as efficiently as possible.


How to use bombs for the bath

    Select a bomb. Bath bombs are of a variety of colors, shapes and sizes, and may also have different odors. Some inside have floral petals or sparkles, others contain oils that are well moisturized skin (for example, almond oil or cocoa oil). Pick over the bomb, the smell and the color of which you like the most. If you have dry skin, look for bombing with oils - this will allow moistening the skin. In bombing, there may be the following substances:

    • Essential oils (lavender, chamomile, rose). They not only give the bombing a pleasant smell, but also contribute to relaxation either beware.
    • Mitigating and nutrient oils and butters: almond, coconut oil, butter shi or cocoa. Such oils are suitable dry skin.
    • Other additives: glitter or flower petals that float on the surface of the water. They are needed only for beauty and can raise the mood.
    • Salt, clay in the form of powder or grass. They soften, moisturize and nourish the skin.
  1. Try to wrap a bomb to the cloth. In some bombing there are petals that can be stuck in stock bath. So that this does not happen, put a bomb in a small rag bag or nylon stocking. Detergents, flavors and oils penetrate into water through the tissue, and the petals will remain inside. When you finish taking a bath, you will need to just clean the bag or throw it away.

    Try divided bombs into two parts. Babies for the bath are quite expensive, but you can split bombs in half with the help of a knife with teeth - so you will be enough for more long term. Use one half now, and last postpone the next time.

    Plug the plum in the bathroom and type water. If you make a bath for yourself, you should be comfortable there. Dial so much water as you like, and adjust the temperature. When score the right amount Water, close the crane.

    Put a bomb to the water. When the bomb will be in the water, it will start bubble and foam. Then it will fall apart and dissolve, and all useful oils And the salts will be in the water.

    Undress and stand up in the bath. You can do this after the bombing is completely dissolved, and you can not wait for this moment.

    Sit in the bath. Take a convenient posture. Close your eyes, relax, remember or read the book. The bomb can be dissolved, and essential oils, nutritious and moisturizing oils and all other substances: petals, sequins, dyes will be in water.

    When the water cools out, exit the bath and wipe out. Gradually, water will become colder. You can get out of the bath and pull the water. Do not stay in water for a long timeSince the skin will shrink from moisture.

    Take a shower. Take a shower after a bath with a bomb not necessarily, but if you used a bomb with dyes or sparkles, it will be useful. Swing the water, rinse under the shower and wash the oil from the skin. You can also wash with washcloth and gel for the shower.

    Wash the bath. In some bombing contains substances that can paint the bath. The paint is easiest to wash off moist. Take a sponge for washing surfaces and pull the painted areas. If petals or sparkles remain in the bath, get them with your hands or wash them with water.

    Other Bath bomb applications

    1. Remember that bombs can not be stored for a long time. Bombs retain the form only in a dry room, however, the fresh bombing, the greater the foam in its dissolution. If the bombing is stored for too long, foam and bubbles will be much smaller.

      Get rid of the nasal congestion. With a cold, you can clean the nose with a bombing with eucalyptus oil. Fill the bath with warm water, throw this bombing there and climb into the water.

    2. Spend an aromatherapy session. Many bombing includes essential oils that have a positive effect on the mood and help to relax, get rid of stress or vice versa - feel cheerful. Choosing a bomb, pay attention to the composition and find out which essential oils there are. Essential oils also smell, so choose such a smell that you will be pleasant. Below we give a list of the most common oils in the composition of bombs and their possible application:

      • Lavender essential oil has a classic smell with fresh floral notes. It helps to cope with anxiety, depression and stress.
      • Rose essential oil also has a classic fragrance with sweet floral notes. Like Lavender, it struggles with depression.
      • The essential oil of lemon is fresh and pure smell. It raises the mood, refreshes and charges energy.
      • Mint and other similar essential oils are fresh invigorating odor. They help to loosen the headache and cope with nausea. They also charge energy and refresh.

For those people who like to take a bathroom with comfort, bobbers for the bathroom were specially invented. They are so nice to hiss in the water, cutting out a restless life of a minute of joy and tranquility. After instant dissolution, water becomes softer (due to the content of soda), aromatic oils soothe the skin or vice versa leads to the tone. About how to make a bug for the bath with your own hands, and some interesting and verified recipes are given in this article.

What types of bombs can be made

For the preparation of miraculous calming balls there are two simple ways:

  • dry;
  • water.

For each skin type, there are sets of certain ingredients that contribute not only to the relaxation of the soul, but also to normalize the operation of the epidermis. Also for simplicity and amenities you can make a bobbery for every day of the week. How to make bombing everyone decides for himself, so, someone like cooking with water, and someone will appreciate the dry way.

Required ingredients for the preparation of fragrant balls

For a dry cooking method, you can choose for yourself optimal and simple.

First method, ingredients:

  • 2 tbsp. l. citric acid;
  • 4 tbsp. l. soda;
  • 8 tbsp. l. Food salts;
  • Special cosmetic oil, which will be the basis (sea buckthorn, olive, confused, in general, which is sold in a pharmacy);
  • About 10-12 droplets of essential oil;
  • Optionally, various herbs, flowers or their petals.

In the cooking process, it is necessary to observe precautions, use gloves and, if possible, use a medical mask, since small particles can cause irritation of the mucous membrane.

In the electrical coffee grinder, it is necessary to float all the dry ingredients and for 10 minutes with breaks to nourish everything to the consistency of powder. Then to pour oil-based oil connected in a separate dish and essential oil. The main oil must be added a little. It is necessary so that the bombing turned out dry, they should not be pulled out like plasticine. If there is a need to decorate such a ball with flowers or herbs, the ingredients are desirable to add to the mixture of oils. The balls or other molds must be dry, but they should not disintegrate. All this mass is tightly tumped into any mold, which will be tightly closed.

After the process is over ready product It is necessary to put it in a warm place where there are no drafts. Mostly until complete readiness will need about a day.

Little trick in the manufacture of a bombing: if the "dough" is very dry and crumble, it can be sprinkled from the sprayer with water or alcohol (which is available, of course, it is desirable to alcohol, since it will quickly disappear and does not give the effect of soda cleaning, while a large number of Water can bring bombing). Sometimes for beauty, food dyes are added to them can be purchased at any store, in which everything is necessary for soaping at home. Making beautiful bombs own hands Much more pleasant and more profitable than buying in the store, only hands must be protected.

The second method of cooking, ingredients:

  • 1 tbsp. l. any dry filler (salt ordinary or sea, sometimes use starch, very rarely dry milk or cream, they make matte water);
  • 1 tbsp. l. citric acid;
  • 2 tbsp. l. soda food;
  • 1 tbsp. l. main oil (coconut, palm or that, which is preferable, it is sold in pharmacies);
  • Flower petals, flowers or grass. For this dosage, it is enough to use only half a tablespoon;
  • Essential oil Any option for about 10-15 drops.

All dry ingredients are good to nourish on an electrochercher, then add oil-foundation, thoroughly mix, gently adding dyes or petals. To blind the ball, it is important that it does not hide. Then add essential oil and put all the "dough" into the prepared molds.

Sometimes if there is no possibility to find a suitable form you can dry the products and without a form, but for this it is desirable to completely pack it in the food film, it will not give the ingredients to saturate.

For the preparation with a water, the following ingredients are needed:

  • 1 tbsp. l. citric acid;
  • 1 tbsp. l. dry filler (salt or sea salt);
  • 2 tbsp. l. food soda;
  • 0.5 Art. l. base oils;
  • 8-10 droplets of essential oil.

Everything is prepared in the same way as during a dry way, only after all the ingredients are mixed needed a little (2-3 times) to spray with a spray with very small water drops and quickly mix so that the reaction does not go. Mix all the resulting mixture in the mold and put to stick.

Of course, the recipes for the bathroom for many owners may have some discrepancies and it is excellent, because in the life of every person the main thing is the experience and what is done with your own hands.

The feasibility of making bombing with your own hands

Of course, it is easier to buy ready-made balls in specialized departments, but in this case there is no guarantee that all ingredients will be natural. Also, most likely in the manufacture of no one took into account the features of your skin and your favorite flavor, so it will be quite difficult to make the optimal choice for yourself. The manufacturer in order to save on natural essential oils uses basically their synthetic analogue, as a result, the aroma and the effect of such a product really differs from the one that is prepared by the recipe and do it yourself at home.

At home you are 100% sure in all components and in the cooking method.

Every person different type Skin, someone suffers from dryness, or vice versa to someone quite difficult to get rid of oily shine. Therefore, given all the subtleties and nuances of your skin at home, you can make unique balls that will not only raise the mood, but also make it possible to saturate the protective cover cells with the necessary substances.

For dry skin, not only olive, but also sesame, as well as jojoba oil is perfectly suitable as the base oil. The cosmetologists have proven that jojoba oil has similar lubricants with skin fat. All these three types of oils are perfectly held by moisture in skin cells, helping it to actively restore water balancethat for a long time prevents it over. For aromatic effect perfectly suitable oil Chamomile, patchouli or roses.

For oily skin As the basis is perfect for the oil of almonds and coconut. Moreover, in a number of many experiments, it is proved that coconut oil does not only eliminate the epidermis from excessive selection of subcutaneous salts, but also lines its structure, which is perfect for extending the skin youth for a long time. For fragrant filling of these balls, citrus, cedar or thyme oil is best suitable.

To calm down and get the maximum enjoyment of the bath, you can add lavender or geranium essential oil. From a long time, recipes for the preparation of soothing tinctures with the addition of data ingredients are known.

In order to lead yourself to the tone after illness or sleep best at home in the manufacture of bombing to use oil citrus plants or cedar. Nothing tones as a cheerful aroma of lemon, lime or orange.

If, after the adoption of the aromatic bath, you are planning a romantic dinner. Previously, it is necessary to prepare an aromatized aphrodisiac barrel, which can act with Patchouli oils, Ilang Ilanga or Thysta. The recipes of some lovely potions manufactured in Asia include these ingredients, while recipes with thyme and souls were used in Russia.

Little tricks

If during the cooking process, the bombing begins to explode, it is necessary to wrap it in the food film and put in the freezer. Use such a bomb need immediately as soon as it freezes. In order for the bomber to work after freezing, it must be taken with dry hands.

If you have prepared fragrant balls for the bathroom as a gift, they must be placed in the food film, pre-in different places drip essential oil. You can decorate any ribbon or bow all depends on the possibilities.

Preparing aromatic mixtures, it is necessary to take into account the body's reaction to various odors and the same as when choosing spirits, you need to have coffee beans at hand, which will turn the smell of oil at hand.

For more pleasant sensations, you can make various molds with different impacts and alternate, for example, a soothing bathroom on Monday and an invigorating bathroom on Tuesday and so on.

To turn swimming in cheerful entertainment, offer a child something interesting. Connect the view, show special effects, such as throw off the flavored bomb. Learn how to make a bath bum at home.

How to make a bug for a bath

What are the bath bombs make? From harmless to children substances. The principle of operation of the bombing is based on the reaction of acid and soda. For these purposes, exclusively dietary soda and citric acid are taken, which in reasonable proportions will not harm health.

So that the bombing caused joy, aromatic oils and food dyes add to its composition. As coloring inclusions, use color cosmetic clay, crushed algae, spices, coffee or cocoa. You can make bobber for bath two color.

Use various devices as forms. Plastic spherical packaging from children's toys, ice or baking molds.

So, how to make a bug for a bath:

  • In the plastic bowl, mix well the main ingredients, rubbing them with a spoon on the walls.

  • Drip to a lot of 5-10 drops of aromatic oil and put dyes. Allone to mix thoroughly.
  • Pour into the water sprayer, sprinkle a little on the mixture, slow down, then sprinkle again. Repeat several times until the mass becomes plastic. Do not break the water, otherwise the reaction will start.

  • Failure to might in the form. If you use a reusable mold, then lay out the food film to the bottom so that you can easily remove the bombing.

Babies for baths can both give bliss after a difficult day, and give cheerfulness to an important event. Today we will understand how hissing geasers are influenced by the mood of a person, and find out how to make a beautiful, hip and fragrant bath boss.

What is the effect of bombing

Home bombing is a means that consists of specially selected components: mud, oils, herbs and other means. For beauty and special charm inside, petals of flowers, sequins or dried herbs.

These bunny pops have long been loved by users due to their healing properties. The main ingredient food soda, which saves skin irritations perfectly and itch, but it is impressive to hiss the ball in water forces citric acid. All additional ingredients help recreate the fragrance, soften the skin and give a wonderful mood.

Classic Bath Herbber Recipe

All herbal bobbers are preparing for the bathroom with their own hands on the following technology. Take:

  • soda - 10 table. l;
  • lemon acid, 5 table. l;
  • salt (sea) - 2 table. l;
  • any food pigment;
  • favorite essential maslice - approx. 20 cap;
  • olive oil is not more than 1 h;
  • dry cream - 1 table. l;
  • chinful dried or fresh herbs;
  • glass mud and gloves;
  • molds for bombs (you can apply ice forms).

The preparation instruction looks like this:

  1. Be sure to put on the hands of gloves.
  2. In the glass bowl mix up to uniformity of soda and lemon.
  3. There are seaside salt and dye.
  4. In the mixture, enter the cream, olive and essential oil, clarify the ground grasses. All ingredients are mixed to homogeneity.
  5. If the composition is noticed correctly, it will be good to face.
  6. If the weight lifts, then some water should be pouring there. It is only important not to overdo it, otherwise there is a risk that the reaction of the hiss will begin. In this case, the rapidly loin is a little more soda and lemon.
  7. Flow from plastic mass ball. There is nothing complicated in this. Look, as the usual snowball.
  8. Tightly confuse the mixture in the mold. They can become cut-off tennis balls, and also cells for eggs and form from kinders.
  9. Leave the blanks to dry by 15-20 minutes. After getting the balls from the forms. If you did not violate the manufacturing technology, they will not break and roll out.

All is ready! Simple and odorless geasers are ready. Such products along with the author's soap, about the technology of which we wrote, can easily become budget and original gift On March 8 or for the New Year.

Relaxing lavender pops

Gentle and soft effervescent bombing will help relax after tense everyday life. Components contribute to bodies relaxing, so it is better to take such a bath before bedtime. The recipe looks like this:

  • lemonic acid - 2 tbsp. l;
  • sodium carbonate- 4 tbsp. l;
  • salt (preferably sea) - 1 tbsp. l;
  • milk in powder- 3 tbsp. l;
  • embiros of wheat - 2 tbsp. l;
  • lavender oil - 20 cap;
  • lavender (crushed) - 1 tbsp. l.

The manufacture of a bathroom bombing at home consists of such steps:

  1. Take a comfortable sudden deeper.
  2. Mix the lemon and soda, thoroughly stirring the connection with a spoon.
  3. Enter dry milk, continuing to interfere.
  4. In a tiny droplet, pour oil wheat sprouts.
  5. Continue to interfere, cautiously pouring the lavender oil into a bowl, its shredded flowers and seaside salt.
  6. Take a sprayer, and spray water on dry components, continuing stirring. Stop pixwolts only when the mixture begins to foam.
  7. Take any interesting mold, groaning it before vegetable oil.
  8. Inside, place the mixture, slightly compact, and lay the filled shape on the paper sheet.

Seeing the "oak" 6-7 hours, and she will be ready to give you relaxes and pleasure of aromotherapy.

Romantic effervescent bombing

If you want to arrange yourself and your second half a chic romantic evening, then you must "take a pencil" next, a little playful, recipe. Ingredients:

  • soda- 60 g;
  • limonka- 60 g;
  • cocoa oil - 60 g;
  • oatmeal (crushed) - 3 tbsp. l;
  • rose essential oil - 5 cap;
  • dye - 10 cap;
  • bergamot (liquid) - 10 cap;
  • ilang-ylang oil - 10 cap.

Alone element romantic evening Preparing like this:

  1. Cocoa Oil, as long ago, has been proven, has healing properties for human skin. It will feed, moisturize and give smooth skin. Take a piece of oil, and melt it on a steam bath or in a microwave oven.
  2. Slightly cool, and slowly enter into the oil and dye. Cashitz make a pretty mix.
  3. Pass the remaining ingredients: bergamot, oat powder, lemon and food soda.
  4. Put the gloves, and mix the mixture with your hands until uniformity. Under the consistency, the workpiece will resemble a shortbread dough.
  5. Transfer everything into molds, and send them to the refrigerator or the freezer for hardening. Often enough 30 minutes.
  6. Remove the hardened bomb from the cold, and envelop the polyethylene film.

It remains only at the right moment to put an aromatic geyser in the water.

Pink Skin Care

A rose aroma bomb not only turns swimming in a special ritual, but also will have a beneficial effect on the softness and smoothness of the skin. Structure:

  • 200 g-soda;
  • 100 g-lemon;
  • 10 g-curry;
  • 100 g-english salt;
  • 1 tbsp. L-glycerol;
  • 1 tbsp. loss oil and almond;
  • pink petals;
  • 1/5 tbsp. L- drum.

Step-by-step manufacture of manufacture:

  1. Mix 3 ingredients: salt + acid + salt. Mix thoroughly so that no lumps are left.
  2. Enter, stirring, glycerin and both essential oils.
  3. Color the resulting cleaner using curry in a yellowish tint.
  4. Gently mix the water, until the hiss starts.
  5. Squeeze the mass in the fist, and if it does not crumble, it means that everything is ready for molding.
  6. Make a rose petal form on the bottom, for which already impose a mass, tightly the trambra. But dried petals before use you need to twist.

Leave the workpiece for drying for two days.

"Chocolate Delight" for children

This recipe is perfect for children, it is preparing without oil, only from natural components. Thin and tasty chocolate flavor will not leave anyone indifferent. Components:

  • 100 g-soda;
  • 50 g - dry. milk, lemon, salt;
  • 30 cocoa powder;
  • 12 drop-chocolate flavoring.

Process of creation:

  1. Mix all the components in a convenient container.
  2. Press your hands the desired shape, and send to dry in the refrigerator.
  3. After drying, pops is ready.

As you can see in the photo, the bomber can be given the most incredible form and decorative design.

  • To create multi-colored pops, prepare a mixture of different tones, and alternately thromble them into the form.
  • Use only food pigments, as they are completely safe for humans.
  • If accidentally overwhelmed the workpiece, dry it on the battery, or, observing the proportion, add bulk ingredients.
  • If you have a lot of material, and there are few forms, not trouble. Failure the mixture is more densely, and immediately get out, leaving to be dried without a mold.
  • If Zhiy does not want to blind or crushes after drying, it means that you have little moistened it.
  • Use the pulverizer to not overdo the amount of water.
  • If you have only solid oil, it is necessary to melt it on the bath.
  • It is not necessary to use apricot and peach bone oils, as the mass where they are added, poorly retains the form.
  • Keep ready-made bombs only in a dry place, and it is better hermetically packed.

Do not miss the opportunity to please yourself and close-up bunnye pops capable, if necessary, saturate the body with life forces, or to give the desired relaxation. Below is a video instruction that will help to understand the intricacies of cooking other types of bombs.

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Video: Bath bombs do it yourself

Hot bath - a procedure created by adept beauty and health. Medical, relaxing and toning - they were popular in ancient states: Rome, Greece and Egypt. Already then they added various herbs, essences and oils. Love this procedure today. Women all over the world are definitely trying to find the time to soak in hot water With all sorts of drugs: marine Solu, herbs, aromatic or essential oils or foam. All this can be purchased in the store. However, truly efficient and natural will be sold, if you make a bath bomber with your own hands.

Have you ever taken a bath with bombings? In vain. This awesome and raging ball will turn the usual boring bath in the royal jacuzzi. Soap shells are able to fill the space around the stunning aroma, make your skin gently and soft and raise the mood.

Adorable bobbers for the bath and children. Swiming balls lead to the delight of kids of any age, forcing the soap procedures of even the most avid soul haters. They are indispensable for romantic baths. Pop will make you happily laughing and enjoy a gentle moment next to your loved one.

Of course, shops household chemicals And perfumes offer a huge selection of bombing. But what are they made from? Did natural ingredients used in their manufacture? Those who doubt the positive response to this question can make pleasant soaps themselves. In addition, it will help save. Required substances are quite inexpensive.

Set of a young chemist: collect the necessary ingredients

To begin with, we will need a couple of free minutes to learn recipes. Later you will have to find molds. You can take, for example, silicone baking molds are also suitable for ice boxes and other pastry stuffs.

You can use containers from Kinder surprise or jars left from cosmetics.

There are special molds in the shape of a ball.

Fantasize! Let your bombs be unique.

Mandatory ingredients that are responsible for the hissing and drilling of soap balls are citric acid and food soda.

Stunning flavors take away from essential oils or dried colors. The skin will be grateful to us for using basic oils. For example, olive, grape bone, sunflower or almond. Especially passionate can use dyes, just try to choose hypoallergenic.

The remaining ingredients depend on which bombing you want to get in the end.

Recipes against stress

The perfect hot tub is a synonym for a relaxing procedure. It will help to get rid of unnecessary thoughts and stressful state. Especially if the magic bombs will be present in it. Here are some recipes that will turn ordinary water from the crane into a magical relaxing fluid.

Lavender with milk

Foresting a cup, spray, tablespoon and the following substances: soda, citric acid, sea salt, grape bone oil, crushed with dry lavender and essential essence of the same flower.

This bomb is based on lavender oil and milk. The gentle smell of composition has a soothing effect. Oil helps to cope with headache, fatigue and painful insomnia.

Almond bath

Flattering as always a cup, dining room and tea spoons and spray, food soda, citric acid, a bottle of glycerin and almond oil. If you want to add a gentle lemon hue bombs, then prepare the curry spice.

  1. First mix the soda (4 tablespoons) and citric acid (3 tablespoons).
  2. Then add glycerin (1 teaspoon), sweet almond oil (1 tablespoon) and some water from the sprayer.
  3. If you wish, add one quarter of a teaspoon of curry, we send in the molds, tightly fit.
  4. Keep such a bath boss made with your own hands will be much longer - about 72 hours.

However, it is worth it. Almond pop a great way to relax after heavy labor day. Take such a bath after a sports workout or any other physical activity. She will help to relax muscles, and prevent pain in them the next day.

Mint Baths for Bath

Flattering as always a cup, tablespoon, food soda, citric acid, sunflower oil and dry crushed mint and its ether.

  1. In the thermos, fall asleep crushed mint (about 5 tablespoons).
  2. There, send boiling oil (3 tablespoons). Leave the mixture for an hour.
  3. After 60 minutes, press the oil. For example, with gauze or a thin towel.
  4. Mix soda and citric acid (3 tablespoons of each substance), add a few drops of mall oil.
  5. Mix both composition and pour the mixture in the mold.
  6. We are waiting for at least 20 days.

Mint bombs are able to save you from bad thoughts and mental overvoltage. Therefore, do not regret the time, prepare several of these unique instances.

For breeding body and soul

Hot bath is capable of not only relaxing effect. By adding ingredients special energy charging in it, after 15 minutes you will feel the tide of the strength and an unprecedented tone.

Coffee Ylang - Ylang

We are equipped with a cup, sprayer, tablespoon and the following substances: food soda, citric acid, ground coffee, starch, wheat sprout oil and sea salt.

  1. We take a cup. It is referred to as 4 tablespoons of food soda and 2 - citric acid. Try to connect the powders into a single mixture. For this, carefully scroll through them with a spoon.
  2. Lock 3 tablespoons of another dry matter - starch.
  3. Now there are 2 tablespoons of oil from wheat sprouts. Mix well the composition.
  4. Practice on one tablespoon of ground coffee and salt.
  5. Then turn 15 drops of Ether Ylang-Ylang. Carefully stir the resulting mixture.
  6. Snaw the composition in a cup with water from the sprayer.
  7. At the end, take the substance in the palm and firmly squeeze it. If the product crumbles and falls apart, then it is still some more of wheat sprouts.
  8. Lubricate the forms with any vegetable oil. After that, lay out future bombs and leave for 2-3 hours.
  9. Remove the forms on paper, leave to dry for 5-6 days. After this time - bombs are ready!

Bubbles for a bath, made with their own handles, with the help of ground coffee and butter, ylang-ylang will give you an unprecedented tide of energy. Oil will have a special softening effect on the skin. One of his abilities is to heal the wounds. Also, this liquid affects the blood pressure. She can normalize it. And about the invigorating function of coffee can not speak. This fact has long been proven by scientists and confirmed by ordinary people.

Invigorating citrus power. The fastest lemon bombs

I am flattering as always a cup, soda, tablespoon, dry citric acid and take a fresh lemon.

  1. Sutitate one fresh citrus fruit.
  2. Connect the resulting cleaner and soda (4 tablespoons).
  3. Add acid (a quarter of a teaspoon).
  4. Then we act at the speed of light: quickly put on the molds and necessarily weaken the film.
  5. Forget five or even six hours.
  6. Get out of the form, lay out on paper sheets.
  7. We leave for 7 days.

Lemon bomb - perfect solution For "Sov". The morning bath with a lemon shell is a real energy SPA. You will forget about drowsiness, and meet a new day in a combat mood.

Soaps sweets or bath for sweet

Sweet fragrances chocolate, cinnamon or almonds will drive almost any woman. After all, we are inborn sweet tooths. In addition, the smell of appetizing desserts will turn you into a fluttering butterfly. Therefore, in minutes of depression and sadness, we eat chocolate or buy a fragrant shampoo with cinnamon. Large effect in such a situation, dessert water treatments. How to make a bath boss equivalent chocolate cake? Foreign ingredients and prepare an explosive projectile.

Coffee with cream

Foresting a cup, sprayer, tablespoon and the following substances: soda, citric acid, dry cream, cinnamon powder, ground coffee and glycerin or grape bone oil to your choice. You can add to this list and favorite aromatic ether.

  1. Mix in a plate of citric acid (2 tablespoons), soda (4 tablespoons) and dry cream (1 spoon).
  2. Add one tablespoon ground cinnamon.
  3. Then the turn of glycerol or grape bone oil (2 tablespoons of one of these two databases).
  4. We thoroughly mix all the ingredients.
  5. Add 15-20 drops of beloved essential oil and coffee.
  6. Sprinkle the water with the help of a sprayer and send to the form for 10 to 15 minutes.
  7. Remove the pop and leave on paper for 5 to 6 hours.

Due to the naturalness of the ingredients, these bombs need to be spent during the week. However, such a dessert is unlikely to alright. Who will refuse to get rid of depression and chand sweets with zero calorie?


Which of you does not like chocolate? All the hands raised, please remove from the monitor. This precious recipe chocolate bombs Create only true connoisseurs of this delicacy.

We take: 3 tbsp. l. Food soda, 1.5 tbsp. l. citric acid, 3 tbsp. l. Chocolate: Milk, Dark or Gorky. The main thing is without additives.

The composition of these sweet pops is simple. No more complex and recipe:

  1. Finely soda tile favorite chocolate.
  2. Connect the food soda and citric acid.
  3. Send to dry mixture with grated chocolate. Tightly lay the mixture in the form.
  4. After 3-4 hours, we take out bombing, lay out on paper.
  5. Forget about them for a day. It is so much time they will dry.

Now you can use homemade bombs while receiving a hot bath. We send pop in water and enjoy the process first, then the effect. Soap shells made by their own from natural essences will raise your spirits and become perfect allies in the struggle for beauty. Gently like silk leather, gorgeous thick hair and positive attitude - all this will make you irresistible not only in the eyes of foreign people, but also in their own.

  1. The water temperature in the bath must be no higher than 36.6 degrees.
  2. Do not bull in hot bath longer than half an hour.
  3. Do not use dubious components or those that you have a negative reaction.
  4. Do not eat more than 20 drops of essential oils.

Beginning to the manufacture of bombs on these recipes, boldly begin to invent your own. Add your favorite ingredients by filling the bath with the most gentle flavors of nature.

Try creating explosive masterpieces with a child or friends. Or arrange a surprise to your loved ones, friends and colleagues - give them homemade presents for the nearest holiday!


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