Grass immortelle from what helps. Immortelle - medicinal properties and contraindications

Landscaping and planning 13.06.2019
Landscaping and planning

In nature, you can find many plants with useful and medicinal properties. One of these plants, which will be discussed in this article, is immortelle. The Latin name of this herb is translated as "golden sun". This plant with beautiful yellow flowers was brought to Europe from Australia in the 18th century. And literally immediately opened medicinal properties immortelle.

Immortelle grows in small bushes, which during the flowering period become dotted with many yellow flowers. In their form, they resemble very small, but numerous asters, collected in inflorescences-baskets. The bush itself has only one stem. Its height rarely exceeds 50 cm.

Immortelle has pubescent and leafy stems. The leaves have pointed ends.

After the immortelle was brought from the New World, it began to spread quite quickly throughout Europe. Today it can be found in many countries of our mainland. Including in Russia (mainly in the Caucasus), Belarus and Ukraine. This plant prefers dry, stony and loose soils. Immortelle feels good on forest edges and foothill areas.

The Legend of the Immortelle

This extremely useful plant has a lot of "nicknames". It is called sandy cumin, sandy cudweed, yellow cat's paws, dried flowers, etc. But, it was the name "immortelle" that was assigned to the plant among the people. And it came from one very famous legend about Odysseus.

As is known from the Great Epic of Homer, in his wanderings Odysseus visited the island of Psyche. His ship was wrecked and the daughter of the king of the island saved the king of Ithaca. She made Odysseus drunk with a healing potion based on immortelle oil. Then great traveler of antiquity was able to restore his strength and return to his beloved Penelope.

Medicinal properties of the immortelle plant and contraindications

Doctors believe that this plant can cure many ailments. But, like many useful plants, immortelle has contraindications.

Useful properties of immortelle

The composition of this plant includes several types of essential oils. It is thanks to them that the immortelle owes its characteristic smell. The essential oils of this plant not only affect its smell, but also endow sandy cumin with healing qualities.

In addition to oils, this plant also contains other useful phytocompounds: stearins, flavonoids, tannins, natural antibiotics, bitterness and various resins. Also, immortelle contains a lot of ascorbic acid, carotene and various salts.

IMPORTANT: Immortelle is rich in such a natural antibiotic as arenarim. Thanks to him, this plant can be used to treat inflammation. Bladder and kidneys. And thanks to the compounds that make up the oil of this plant, it can be used as an immunomodulator.

Immortelle contraindications

It is also important to know that immortelle can provoke hypertension. The components of this plant accumulate in the body and over time can begin to act to the detriment. Therefore, immediately after you have achieved the desired effect, you must stop taking drugs based on this plant. The maximum course of use of preparations based on immortelle is 3 months.

If you feel uncomfortable after taking tea or decoction of this plant, then it is better to refuse it. There are more smoky ways to get rid of excess weight. For example, taking medications based on me, etc. You also need to understand that the effectiveness of immortelle can only be achieved with proper nutrition and healthy way life.

In addition, some people may experience individual intolerance when using drugs based on this plant.

Immortelle for sinusitis

With inflammation of the nasal mucosa, a decoction of tansy, centaury and immortelle helps very well.

  1. All components are taken in equal proportions, crushed and poured with boiling water.
  2. To prepare a decoction, you need to mix 30 grams of the mixture with 400 ml of water.
    The decoction is used as a nasal lotion.

Immortelle with gastritis

Most often, preparations based on immortelle are used in gastroenterology. This plant has diuretic and choleretic properties. Due to which it can be used in the treatment of:

  • gastritis and liver diseases
  • disorders in the pancreas
  • atherosclerosis
  • cirrhosis and diabetes
  • hypotension and jaundice
  • kidney disease and rheumatism
  • atherosclerosis and cholecystitis;
  • cirrhosis and diabetes;
  • jaundice and hypotension;
  • cystitis and other "female" problems
  • gout

Immortelle for weight loss

Overweight people can also use immortelle to solve their problem. In combination with St. John's wort, chamomile and birch buds, tea based on this plant can help you lose weight in a fairly short time.

Immortelle effectively acts on the peristalsis of the intestines. Its laxative and diuretic properties help the body cleanse itself not only of excess fat, but also of various toxins and waste products. But, you need to know a few nuances. During the use of preparations based on immortelle, it is important to give up alcohol. The thing is that the phytocomponents of this plant are able to retain alcohol. This not only reduces the effectiveness of such funds, but can also lead to the opposite effect.

Immortelle against cancer

On the basis of cumin sand, several drugs are produced for the treatment of oncological diseases of the ovaries and liver. These drugs are able to regenerate the tissues of internal organs after chemotherapy. In addition, at different stages of cancer, a fee-based treatment using helichrysum can be used. Infusions based on these collections have shown themselves well in the fight against metastases in the gallbladder, liver and gastrointestinal tract.


  1. Pour cumin flowers into an enameled pan (2 tablespoons)
  2. Pour water (1 liter) into a container and bring to a boil
  3. Cover the pot with a lid and let it boil for 15 minutes.

You need to take this remedy in half a glass 4 times a day. The course of treatment is 120 days.

Immortelle for men

Immortelle can also help with some types of male impotence. For this purpose, an infusion of cumin flowers is used. To do this, it is consumed 3-4 times a day for half a glass. The course of treatment is 2 months.

Immortelle-based preparations: tincture, extract in tablets, essential oil: dosages, how to take

Thanks to medicinal properties Immortelle on the basis of this plant, various medicines are made:


  1. Pour the inflorescences of the plant (20 g) into a thermos and pour boiling water (200 ml)
  2. We insist for an hour

You need to drink this tincture three times a day 30 minutes before meals in an amount of 30 ml. This tincture is used to treat low blood pressure.


  1. AT glass jar we fall asleep inflorescences of this plant (20 g) and pour warm vodka (200 ml)
  2. We tightly close the container and insist for two weeks in a dark place.
  3. Then the tincture must be filtered and poured into a bottle.

Take this tincture for the treatment of skin diseases 3 times a day, 25 ml. For convenience, it can be diluted with 50 ml of water.


The tablet form of immortelle is taken for diseases of the liver and biliary tract. Drink this medicine courses. 1 tablet for 30 days.

Immortelle sandy extract - (VIS) capsules 0.4 g x 40 pcs.


Essential oil prepared from cumin flowers. Using steam distillation, 1 liter of oil is prepared from 100 kg of raw materials. It can be taken orally against edema by mixing with water in equal amounts.

Helichrysum oil is also used for massage, rubbing, compresses and bathing. This essential oil can be mixed with beauty products to enhance their effectiveness.

Immortelle decoction: recipe

Its flowers are used to make a decoction of this plant. You can prepare them yourself or buy them ready-made in a dry form at a pharmacy. A decoction is usually prepared in a water bath. Thanks to this method of preparation of this remedy, the largest amount of useful substances is released from immortelle flowers.

The decoction is prepared at the rate of 10 grams of dried flowers of the plant (about 3 tablespoons) per glass of water.

  1. They are placed in a small saucepan and poured with boiling water.
  2. Then the future broth must be kept in a water bath for half an hour and cool
  3. Filter the broth, pour into a glass and add boiling water to full volume

Immortelle in folk medicine: application, recipes

In addition to the above recipes, other preparations based on immortelle are also used in folk medicine.

For the treatment of the liver and gallbladder, you can use:

tincture. Dry flowers of the plant (1 teaspoon) are poured with boiling water (9150 ml) and infused for 10 minutes. You need to drink this infusion three cups a day.

POWDER TINCTURE. The inflorescences of the plant are crushed to a powder state. Two grams of this remedy is diluted in a glass of water and drunk throughout the day.

ALCOHOLIC TINCTURE. Forty drops of alcohol tincture are diluted in a glass of water and drunk three times a day.


  1. Immortelle flowers (four parts), coriander seeds (2 parts), peppermint leaves (2 parts) and shamrock leaves (three parts) mix together
  2. Pour one teaspoon of the collection with two glasses of boiling water and insist for half an hour

Take this remedy in a warm form, half a glass three times a day.


  1. Four tablespoons of immortelle should be poured with vodka (100 g)
  2. The container with this tool needs to be heated for two hours in a water bath
  3. Then remove and pour 100 ml of warm water

To take such an infusion in the treatment of hepatitis, you need 20 drops diluted in 30 ml of water every hour. The course of treatment is one day. This tincture is an analogue of a pharmacy drug Flamina.

Tibetan collection of longevity - St. John's wort birch buds immortelle flowers: recipe

People at all times have sought to find a recipe for a remedy that allows you to maintain excellent health throughout your life. Tibetan monks were especially successful in this field. In their scriptures the collection recipe has been preserved, which will not only help improve the health of our contemporaries, but also prolong their life.

The recipe for a decoction of "Eternal Youth" consists of four components. Along with the hero of this article (immortal), it includes:

  • St. John's wort
  • Chamomile
  • birch buds

These natural ingredients can be harvested on their own or bought at any pharmacy. It is enough to mix these dried ingredients together (100 grams each) and brew one teaspoon in two cups of boiling water. Infuse this remedy for 25 minutes.

You need to drink half of the infusion cleared of plant residues with a teaspoon of honey 30 minutes before bedtime and immediately after waking up. The course of treatment is 1.5 months.

Tibetan collection is capable of:

  • Improve metabolism
  • Remove toxins from the body
  • Clear blood vessels from cholesterol and make them more elastic
  • improve eyesight
  • Reduce the occurrence of headaches
  • Clear skin from inflammation

IMPORTANT: In the first days of treatment based on the Tibetan collection, negative symptoms may appear: weakness, headache and a general deterioration in well-being. After 2-3 days, these symptoms, indicating the beginning of the work of the collection, will go away and the state of health will be restored.

Tibetan collection provides comprehensive treatment. In addition to immortelle, it contains St. John's wort, which relieves inflammation in the body. Chamomile helps fight viruses and is a natural adsorbent. And birch buds activate metabolic processes in the body and help fight chronic fatigue and atherosclerosis.

How to drink immortelle for the liver?

Immortelle can be used in the treatment of almost all liver diseases. For this purpose, use a decoction of this plant:

  1. Immortelle flowers (2 teaspoons) pour boiling water (1 cup)
  2. Then the product must be boiled in a water bath for 1 hour

The decoction is drunk chilled. The daily norm (1 glass) should be divided into three parts and drunk during the day.

Also, in the treatment of the liver, you can use the liquid extract of this medicinal herb. To do this, the remedy (35 drops) is diluted in water and drunk three times a day 20 minutes before meals.

Immortelle with pancreatitis and cholecystitis

For the treatment of chronic cholecystitis, the following drug collection is used:

  1. Goldflower (6 parts), ivy-shaped bud, centaury (4 parts each), St. John's wort, nettle, mint, kidney tea (3 parts each), flaxseeds (2 parts) and fennel fruits (1 part) are mixed together
  2. The mixture (2 tablespoons) is poured with boiling water (500 ml) and infused in a thermos for 10 hours
  3. After that, the agent must be passed through gauze and drunk ¼ cup 4 times a day before meals

Can immortelle be taken during pregnancy?

Very often during pregnancy, with health problems, women use various herbs. But, not all herbs are beneficial and some of them can even lead to miscarriage. Therefore, it is possible or not to decide whether or not to take funds based on immortelle or any other plant should be a doctor who is registered with the future woman in labor.

Immortelle is an extremely useful plant for the liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract. However, it can lead to an increase blood pressure. It is also important to remember that it is necessary to use immortelle-based preparations for no longer than a month.

Immortelle in cosmetology for face skin and hair: recipes

Immortelle is rich in essential oils that can be successfully used in cosmetology. With the help of products based on such oils, you can relieve skin irritation, speed up the healing time of cuts and abrasions. Apply the essential oil of cumin as a remedy for sunburn.

As a preparation for the skin, you can use the following tool:

  1. Use olive oil or coconut oil as a base.
  2. Two to three drops of immortelle oil are mixed with 1 teaspoon of the base

Such a remedy should be rubbed into the skin in places of irritation or hives. To eliminate the effects of a mosquito bite, you can use a mixture of equal parts of essential oils of lavender and immortelle.

Helichrysum oil is very good for acne. To treat acne, you need to apply oil to the affected areas of the skin and rub into the skin. Also, this oil can be used for candidiasis. The effect of this tool has been proven by numerous applications.

Based on immortelle oil, you can cook effective remedy for washing. It will be especially especially useful for people with dry skin. With its help, you can get rid of acne and improve complexion.

  1. Mix coconut oil (1 tbsp) with honey (3 tbsp) and apple cider vinegar (1 tbsp)
  2. Add immortelle oil (20 drops) and live probiotic capsules (2 pcs. sold at the pharmacy)
  3. The ingredients can be mixed with a blender and applied to the skin with massage movements.

You need to store such a cosmetic in a cool place in a container with a tight-fitting lid.

When to collect immortelle for drying?

Immortelle flowers are used for medicinal purposes. To do this, they are carefully plucked or cut from the bush. They do it in June. It is important to collect the flowers before they bloom. It is at this stage that the largest number of useful compounds accumulate in the buds.

Collected flowers can be dried in well-ventilated areas (under a canopy) or in special drying chambers. Drying temperature should not exceed 35-50 degrees. Exceeding this temperature can lead to the loss of useful qualities of raw materials.

Dried immortelle flowers should be stored in dry, closed containers for no more than three years.

Immortelle reviews

Hope. She suffered from jaundice as a child. Therefore, problems with the liver lie in wait for me all my life. Most often they appear in spring and autumn. Previously used for the treatment of this organ various medical preparations. But they have a lot side effects. My grandmother advised me immortelle. I read about this herb on the Internet. I tried. Helps no worse than pharmacy drugs. Now, in moments of exacerbation, I always get a collection of immortelle. I advise everyone.

Olesya. Somehow in mailbox threw a brochure with a miracle remedy for hair. I read its ingredients. Most of this remedy was immortelle oil. I found out at the pharmacy that this oil costs an order of magnitude cheaper than the product that was advertised in the brochure. I decided to buy immortelle oil in a pharmacy and try it. Several times a week, applied to the hair and rubbed into the roots. I was very surprised by the result. Not only did my hair become less brittle, they regained their natural shine, which I even forgot about.

Video. Immortelle. Medicinal properties and use in traditional medicine

You might think that the immortelle got its name because of its healing properties, but this is not so. Apparently, it was named so for the ability, even without water, to maintain the color and shape of inflorescences for a long time. The perennial plant has many other names:

  • dried flower;
  • Tsmin sandy;
  • Goldenflower sandy;
  • cat paws;
  • Solar gold.

In wildlife, there are about 500 species. They can be found in every corner of Europe and Asia. Habitats in Russia are localized in the European part, in certain regions of the Caucasus and in Siberia.

Prefers sandy, sandy, rocky soils. You can meet sandy immortelle in the steppe, in unshaded areas of the forest, on mountain slopes. The plant is erect, the height of the stem is from 30 to 40 cm (rarely 60 cm). The stems are often solitary, in the presence of secondary shoots the inflorescence is formed only on the central shoot.

The color of the leaves and stems is silvery due to felt pubescence. The thickness of the rhizome is 5-7 mm, the color is black-brown, the length is short. The arrangement of the leaves is alternate, the shape is lily, lily-lanceolate, obovate. The edges of the sheet plate can be wrapped down.

The diameter of spherical flower baskets is from 4 to 6 mm. They consist of a large number orange or yellow tubular flowers (from 10 to 100 pieces). The combination of baskets forms corymbose panicles. At the beginning of flowering, the inflorescences are dense, at the end - loose.

Flowering begins in June, continues all summer until August. After flowering, fruits are formed that look like a small achene of an oblong brown, brown- Brown color. On achenes there are hairs resembling a crest. Seed weight 0.05 g.

In favorable years, immortelle blooms again from August to September. One flower basket can bloom up to 2 weeks. Harvested by cutting flower baskets with a segment of the peduncle 20-30 mm long. You should not be late with the workpiece, as the flowers can crumble and lose their healing power.

The healing power of the plant is concentrated in only flowering baskets-inflorescences, they are cut not at the base, but retreating from it by a couple of three centimeters. Dry raw materials in the shade fresh air stored in boxes, paper bags. The medicinal properties of the harvested raw materials are preserved for 5 years.

Useful composition of immortelle sandy:

  • essential oils;
  • vitamins (C, K);
  • tannins;
  • pigments (dyes);
  • trace elements (manganese, chromium, copper, iron).

Thanks to stearic compounds, cumin has choleretic properties and can regulate the functions of the stomach. For treatment, extracts, decoctions, and infusions are made from immortelle.

First of all, immortelle is indispensable in the treatment of diseases of the biliary system. This plant, unique in its healing properties, can affect everything that leads to stagnation of bile:

Thanks to these properties, diseases of the biliary organs are treated: cholangitis, cholecystitis, dyskinesia of the bile ducts. With the help of dried flowers, doctors cleanse the body of toxic products that are formed due to hepatitis. Immortelle can be called a natural cleaner of the body.

The plant helps with stomach problems. The substances that make up the grass and flowers improve the production of gastric juice and enzymes. Spasms are removed from the stomach, this helps to eliminate pain. Immortelle drugs are prescribed for the following problems with the gastrointestinal tract:

  • poor appetite;
  • poor digestion;
  • weak production of gastric juice.

Antibacterial qualities are another important quality of the plant to influence human health. With endocrine disorders (diabetes, obesity), its ability to remove bad cholesterol from the body is used, the same property serves as the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis of the vessels.

The benefits don't end there. In addition to all of the above, immortelle helps against coronary heart disease. There are recipes for inflammation of the bladder, edema, sciatica, lumbago, arthritis, numbness of the legs. Some traditional medicine recipes with sand immortelle can be useful in home treatment of diseases.

With a weakening of sexual desire, a decrease in erectile function, men can take advantage of the healing properties of immortelle. Recovery male power you need to prepare the infusion:

  • pour 20 g of cumin flowers into a thermos;
  • pour 200 ml of boiling water into a thermos;
  • insist for at least an hour.

Drink a drink from male impotence 3-4 times a day. The duration of the course is 2 months. The size of a single dose is 0.5 cups.

Immortelle can give women beauty. It contains essential oils in its composition, and they always find application in cosmetology. To prepare an external remedy for inflammation, abrasions and cuts on the skin, you will need:

  • olive oil 1 tsp;
  • essential oil of immortelle 2-3 drops.

The resulting product can be applied to the problem area of ​​the skin. Helichrysum oil can be used to treat acne, it is rubbed into acne.

Women with dry skin can use the recipe for making a cleanser. It not only moisturizes the skin, the oil improves complexion and removes redness, inflammation:

  • mix a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and coconut oil, add 3 tbsp. l honey;
  • drip 20 drops of immortelle oil, add probiotic capsules purchased at the pharmacy (2 pcs.);
  • We mix everything with a blender and apply to the skin.

Dried flower essential oil women can use to correct emotional state during menopause. Aromatherapy will help relieve stress, relieve nervous tension. Well helps inhalation of essential oils of immortelle from chronic fatigue.

With whites in women, douching with immortelle infusion helps. It is prepared cold. Take 3 tsp of crushed dried flowers and pour 0.5 l of cooled boiled water. The container is placed in dark place at 10 o'clock. The infusion is filtered several times and used as a douche.

The same infusion can be drunk. Drink 0.5 liters of medicine a little bit throughout the day, the drink helps women with the following problems:

  • gynecological inflammations;
  • postpartum bleeding.

The therapeutic effect in the treatment of inflammation is achieved due to the antibacterial properties of dried flowers.

Like any remedy, immortelle has contraindications. Many people should not use decoctions and infusions prepared with its use. List of people who can be harmed by immortelle:

  • people with high acidity;
  • women during pregnancy;
  • mothers during breastfeeding;
  • hypertension.

For those who are not included in this list, it is important to remember the rules for using infusions (decoctions) containing immortelle. First, do not exceed the recommended maximum course length. It is 3 months. Reception beyond this time will result in backfire: accumulation of toxins, congestion in the liver.

Properly harvested and dried immortelle grass and flowers can be a real help with health problems. good effect gives it a combination with other herbs. Recipes of traditional medicine will help restore health from the following problems:

  • obesity;
  • from gastritis and cholecystitis;
  • with jaundice.

From obesity

Now many models, actresses, and just women and men who watch their weight prefer herbal teas, which, along with chamomile, St. John's wort, birch buds, also include immortelle. Preparing a phytomix for weight loss is not difficult. You need to take 100 g of each herb (chamomile, immortelle, buds, St. John's wort) and mix well. For a glass of boiling water, you need 1 tablespoon of this mixture.

To lose weight in short time you need to follow the recommendations:

  1. Drink herbal tea every day.
  2. In the morning 40 minutes before breakfast.
  3. In the evening right after dinner.
  4. Do not take anything edible into your mouth until morning.

Those who tried this recipe on themselves were satisfied with the result, they lost weight by several sizes.

There is another option for using the same collection. Tea in this case must be brewed in a thermos. Pour 2 tablespoons of the collection per liter of boiling water. Drink a glass every evening immediately after dinner. The properties of herbs explain the effect of losing weight:

  • immortelle is responsible for cleansing the body, its diuretic and laxative properties are used;
  • activates metabolic processes, cleanses the blood of chamomile with its analgesic properties;
  • tones the body, strengthens it, cleanses the gallbladder St. John's wort;
  • birch buds remove excess water.

To really lose weight, you need to follow some rules. For example, you will have to give up alcoholic beverages. Immortelle and alcohol cannot be combined. The grass will retain alcohol in the body, which will lead to sad consequences: stagnation of bile, liver poisoning.

At the end of the weight loss course, you need to take a break from taking this herbal tea. The reason is immortelle, it has the ability to accumulate in the body and can, with prolonged use, provoke hypertension.

To prepare an infusion for gastritis, in addition to immortelle, take:

  • nettle,
  • corn silk,
  • camomile,
  • yarrow.

Each herb is taken in equal quantities. Before eating, brew a glass of herbal infusion, adding 1 tbsp to boiling water. a spoonful of the mixture. Drink 3 glasses per day, tying the intake of the remedy to breakfast, lunch and dinner. Drink an infusion of gastritis on an empty stomach.

If cholecystitis is diagnosed, then the infusion of dead wood, which is insisted for 8 hours, will alleviate the symptoms. When cooking, adhere to the proportions: 0.5 liters of boiling water for 2 tbsp. l immortelle. This volume should be drunk per day, drink a little bit.

With jaundice

Let's prepare a decoction for jaundice. To do this, take immortelle 40 g and other herbs:

  • corn stigmas 20 g;
  • mint 20 g;
  • coriander 20 g;
  • flaxseed 10 g;
  • three-leaf watch 20 g.

Mix the mixture of herbs well, take 1.5 tbsp. l of raw materials, pour 1.5 glasses of water, boil for 10 minutes. The decoction must be well filtered before drinking. Drink everything in a day. Drink 3 times before meals.


Herbal therapy occupies an important place in folk medicine, which from time immemorial allows mankind to get rid of many diseases and ailments. Plants have tremendous power, treatment with their use is part of alternative medicine. It cannot be said that the use of herbs can completely replace synthetic drugs, but they have a milder effect, are not toxic, and rarely cause allergic reactions.

Despite the advances in modern medicine and pharmacology, many people prefer to turn to folk methods treatment with plants that have healing properties. Many of them have been studied and successfully used as a medicinal or prophylactic agent for a number of diseases.

One of the few, but actively used herbs, is sandy immortelle, which has several names: sand cudweed, cumin, dried flowers, yellow cat's paws.

Immortelle is one of the ancient medicinal plants with a wide range of useful properties. Only its inflorescences are endowed with pronounced healing qualities, which are collected and dried for further use.

It got its name from the fact that even after collecting and drying, it retains its beauty, does not crumble and does not lose its colors. sandy view often confused with an annual, but the latter has weak medicinal properties and is distinguished by bluish-purple flowers.

Collection time and habitat

Immortelle - perennial, which grows in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, and the Baltic countries. The sandy species is located in pine forests, glades and edges, stony and sandy soils. Its height reaches 30 cm and above. It blooms from June to September with medium-sized yellow or bright orange flowers.

The grass is fragrant throughout the summer, and its fruits ripen closer to autumn. For medicinal purposes, only flower baskets are used, which must be harvested at the very beginning of blooming. In the process of harvesting raw materials, only opened buds are used, which are cut with scissors, leaving 1-2 cm of the stem.

The drying process should take place in a well-ventilated area. Raw materials can be laid out on paper in a thin layer and left in a darkened but dry room. The finished preparation retains its medicinal properties for 3 years.

Chemical composition

Flowers have a characteristic scent. Essential oils are obtained from them. The plant also contains stearins, flavonoids, coloring and tannins, resins and bitterness, vitamins and minerals. It contains carotene, ascorbic acid, vitamin K, as well as trace elements and mineral salts of sodium, potassium and magnesium.

The advantage is that the herb contains arenarins (a natural antibiotic) in its composition, which helps to cope with many diseases of an infectious origin.

Beneficial features

Due to the rich composition of immortelle, it has pronounced and useful properties in the fight against many ailments.

The flowers of the plant have: choleretic, antibacterial, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, immunostimulating, antimicrobial, regenerating effect.

In addition to herbal medicine, cudweed is often used in cosmetology for the preparation of creams, hair masks, acne, weight loss and other body defects.

In folk medicine, a decoction, infusions, immortelle oil and extract are prepared.. Given medicinal plant is part of some drugs used in the treatment of the liver and gallbladder.

Buds are successfully used in the following diseases:

  • diseases of the liver and gallbladder: cholecystitis, nephrolithiasis, hepatitis, cholelithiasis and others;
  • pathologies of the musculoskeletal system: rheumatism, dropsy, gout;
  • lung disease and respiratory tract: cough, bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis;
  • skin diseases: dermatitis;
  • gastrointestinal diseases: colitis, enterocolitis, gastritis, duodenal ulcer, duodenitis and other disorders in indigestion.

In addition to the above diseases, the herb soothes nervous system, effective for insomnia, helps to cope with depression, nervous tension relieve chronic fatigue syndrome. In such cases, it is recommended to use essential oil, which is also used in cosmetology.

Immortelle allows you to improve metabolic processes, cleanse the intestines of toxins, normalize digestion, therefore it is often used by women for weight loss. The decoction helps to cope with inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx. It is used to treat bronchial asthma, whooping cough, allergies.

In cosmetology for skin and hair care, an extract or essential oil is more often used. These funds can improve microcirculation, stimulate the production of collagen, improve cell regeneration.

Application in medicine

At home, immortelle flowers can be used as infusions, decoctions for steam inhalation, or taken with you to the bath. A concentrated decoction is diluted in a bath or taken orally to prevent any disease.

Consider several recipes widely used in traditional medicine and cosmetology:

  • Infusion. For cooking, you need 3 tsp. dry raw materials, pour 300 ml of boiling water. Wrap well and leave overnight. Then strain, divide into 3 parts and drink 100 grams. 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals. The remedy is taken for chronic cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, digestive disorders and for weight loss. The course of treatment is 40-45 days.
  • Herbal ointment. Mix 900 g pork fat and 300 g immortelle. Mix well and put on water bath for 2 - 3 hours. Then remove from heat and leave overnight. On the second day, heat the mixture well again, strain and pour into a container. The finished product is used for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, cuts, wounds, boils.
  • Decoction. You will need 1 tablespoon of herbs, 2 cups of water. Boil the composition for 10 minutes and take 1/2 cup 3 times a day.
  • Collection of herbs. For cooking, you will need 4 parts immortelle, 3 parts clover, 2 parts mint, 1 part coriander fruit. Mix everything, pour 0.5 liters of water, boil and take 50 grams 3 times a day.
  • Essential oil. This product can be purchased at a pharmacy or specialized stores. It is added to the bath, used for aromatherapy, enriched with creams.

In addition to the above recipes, there are others that also have high and lasting effectiveness. It should be noted that immortelle should not be taken for more than 3 months.

Contraindications for use

Despite the safety of treatment, the herb has contraindications for use:

  1. hypertension;
  2. individual intolerance;
  3. long-term use;
  4. hyperacid gastritis, hyperacidity;
  5. iterative jaundice;
  6. pregnancy, lactation;
  7. children's age up to 10 years.

Immortelle is effective in the fight against many ailments, but you do not need to self-medicate without consulting a doctor. This plant can only act as adjuvant therapy in combination with traditional methods.

Immortelle as a medicinal herb is a favorite and quite popular plant. Evidence of this is its different name, which gives it the people from the various territorial zones where it grows. They call it differently, but the most sonorous names are golden, frost-grass, cudweed sand or cumin.

Plant characteristic

In the botanical world, resonant characteristics are defined for the plant. Scientists describe it as a perennial herbaceous felt woolly. But, above all, immortelle is visible among other wild-flowering herbs thanks to small flowers collected in a single panicle, only up to 6 mm. Flowers resemble a spherical basket. Usually it is multi-row, orange or pale lemon with a yellow tint. Mine bright color during flowering, the plant does not lose, therefore they called it immortelle.

When flowering begins in June, the inflorescences are quite dense to the touch, and then become softened. The property of this plant is interesting: the extreme flowers are always female, they have a thread-like shape. Those in the middle are considered bisexual and have tufts. And the fruit is obtained with a tuft, but it is small and brown, it ripens in August. But it happens that if the weather favors, then the second flowering of the immortelle begins, then the baskets can be found in the sinuses top leaves. The flowering period of each basket averages 15 days.

The immortelle rhizome is short and brown, the stem is straight, about 35 cm long. It can be said about the leaves that they have an order, oblong, narrowed into petioles.

Plant collection and harvesting

Immortelle is most comfortable on dry and sandy soils, in steppe zones and sparse pine forests. First of all, inflorescences are used for medicinal purposes. They need to be plucked before the side baskets are opened, otherwise there will be no effective therapeutic effect later. Is there some more important conditions when preparing:

  • you need to collect this plant only in dry weather, not very early so that there is no more dew;
  • cut using scissors or a sharp knife;
  • in one place, the collection can be carried out no more than 4 times, while the plant blooms in turn;
  • re-collection is carried out not less than 5 days later;
  • if you uproot a plant completely, it is very easy to deplete its reserves.

The following preparations can be made in this place only after a few years, and in order for large immortelle settlements to reappear, it is necessary to save at least 10 plants, but always with inflorescences.

You can not store the collected flowers for more than four hours, especially if the inflorescences are 1 cm long. They deteriorate very quickly, and therefore require quick processing. It will be necessary to lay out the harvested crop on cloth or clean paper in one layer. The place must be found away from the sun.

Healing properties the plant keeps for three years.

Yellow Treasury of Nutrients

It is the inflorescences that are important for people, while the herbalists themselves harvest the grass. But it is in the inflorescences that the most useful active substances are contained, namely:
  • flavonoid glycosides;
  • organic acids;
  • essential oil;
  • various trace elements;
  • mucus, resins and wax;
  • some vitamins;
  • carotenoids;
  • substances, which include tannins, coloring and bitter.

Beneficial features

The plant is used in medicine to help people with diseases of the liver and biliary tract - acute or chronic if the pathology has affected the gastrointestinal tract.

Many preparations made on the basis of goldenseal are able to stimulate the secretion of bile. They also have many medicinal properties with a predominance of effect:

  • diuretic;
  • soothing;
  • antispasmodic, especially affecting smooth muscles;
  • stopping bleeding.

Processed for medical use, the florets are able to improve metabolism, help the metabolic function of the liver.

Due to the fact that with the help of immortelle it is possible to enhance the secretion of bile, it is included in medicines, which, in addition, have antispasmodic properties. In this case, they are taken by patients who have been diagnosed with chronic calculous cholecystitis, sand or small, up to 2 mm, stones are found.

Helping to increase bile secretion, bile cannot stagnate, its viscosity and density decrease. Is changing her chemical composition in better side, the content of bathrobes increases. Their presence is required in order to keep cholesterol, which cannot dissolve in water, in a dissolved state, in the form of a colloid. In fact, bathrobes are bile salts.

During the examination, it turns out that thanks to immortelle, the level of "bad" cholesterol is significantly reduced and the level of bilirubin is restored to normal. If the amount of cholesterol is too high, it will precipitate and cause stones.

Hemostatic properties are used if a woman has uterine bleeding caused by a pathology such as ovarian dysfunction or uterine fibroids, characterized by hemorrhagic syndrome.


Does not lag behind ethnoscience from the official one, also using immortelle in medicinal purposes. By using various recipes herbalists exorcise such ailments as diseases of the liver and gallbladder along with the bile ducts. Successfully treat colitis, gastritis and urolithiasis, acute diseases associated with the work of the bladder, especially if there are big problems with urination, remove swelling, if they are provoked by renal failure.

At home, you can prepare decoctions and infusions of immortelle. Various dosage forms of the plant:

  1. The simplest, self-made infusion as a choleretic agent is prepared as follows: about 6 to 16 grams of flowers are taken and 360 ml of boiling water is poured. The resulting remedy is drunk in 100 ml from 2 to 3 times a day.
  2. The decoction can be prepared a little differently. 10 gr, which is 3 tablespoons, crushed flowers are placed in a container. Pour 200 ml of water there, it should be warm. The container is closed and placed in a water bath. So the broth should languish for 30 minutes, you will have to stir occasionally. Then it should cool down in a warm room. After a while, it is filtered and brought to the desired volume to make 200 ml, adding boiled water. The received medicine should be taken before meals, preferably 15 minutes before, 0.5 cups, 2 to 3 times a day. In order not to deteriorate, the broth is stored in a cold place, but not more than two days.
  3. If liver treatment is needed, there is such a way to get rid of the disease. 1 tablespoon of grass, this is 2.5 - 3 grams, pour boiling water - 250 ml. Immortelle should be insisted in a thermos. You need to drink as a medicine 50 minutes before the start of the meal, the drink must be warm. The resulting infusion should be used 3 times a day.
  4. There is such a remedy for cholecystitis and hepatitis. Inflorescences, together with grass, will need from 14 to 16 stems, which is 15 - 20 grams, first cut and then boiled in a liter of water for 10 minutes. The tool is ready. You need to drink like this: add the same amount of milk to 0.5 cups of broth, it should be hot, and a few tablespoons of honey. The medicine is taken half an hour before meals. You need to take it in a certain way: drink the medicine for 4 days, then the body rests for 2 days. This should go on for two months. In order not to stray, it is advisable to make a schedule for convenience.
  5. You can save yourself from uterine bleeding or hyperpolymenorrhea like this: take three tablespoons of inflorescences and pour 200 ml of boiling water. You need to insist for an hour in a tightly closed container. It will be necessary to take every hour, but only a tablespoon. The limit is 10 tablespoons.
  6. As a general tonic, cold infusion is used. To do this, take 15 grams of inflorescences and pour boiled lukewarm water in an amount of 200 ml. The mixture is infused for 8 hours. After it has been filtered, drink half a glass 20 minutes before meals. Taken 4 times a day.
  7. To get rid of whiter, women use immortelle for douching. You can make both a decoction and an infusion, but apply only when warm. This recipe is especially effective: 2 tablespoons of inflorescences are poured into containers with warm water - 500 ml. Set on fire. As soon as the mixture boils, the fire must be made very weak. Remove after 5 minutes and strain after cooling. The procedure is carried out no more than 2-3 times a day.

There are also extracts. They are powder in granules. You need to take this type of medicine 1 gram three times a day. Usually therapy is 2 - 3 weeks. If treatment is required to resume, then only after five days. In this way, diseases such as biliary dyskinesia, cholecystitis are treated.

There is a special powder "flamin", which contains only flavonoids that have undergone special processing. With its help, cholecystitis is treated in a chronic form, pathology of the biliary tract.

Application restrictions

Before starting treatment at home, you must inform your doctor. Immortelle cannot be used without a break for more than three months, as it has toxic properties and may have an effect on congestion in the liver. It should not be used by pregnant women and people with high blood pressure.

Video: medicinal properties and use of immortelle


Good afternoon, dear readers! In this article, you will learn about the medicinal properties and contraindications for the use of immortelle. Among the medicinal plants used by man to improve his health is immortelle.

It is also called sandy immortelle. The plant is native to Australia. This low bush during flowering is covered with numerous yellow flowers, similar to the sun.

Immortelle: collection, harvesting and storage

Immortelle grows in the southern strip of Russia, in the steppe meadows and in the forest belt. Immortelle blooms from June to late summer. But it is recommended to harvest it in the first two weeks of flowering. Then the plant stores the most useful substances.

The plant is dried in a dark, ventilated room at a temperature not exceeding 50 *. At higher temperatures, the plant loses its useful qualities. It is recommended to store immortelle no longer three years. Then the plant manifests its negative qualities more strongly.

Immortelle: chemical composition

The composition of the plant includes essential oils, so the immortelle smells so characteristic. In addition, the plant contains stearins, flavonoids, tannins, natural antibiotics, resins. Immortelle contains ascorbic acid, carotene and various salts.

Doctors have recognized the healing properties of immortelle, which should be used in the treatment of many diseases.

1. Thanks to useful composition immortelle, it is used to treat organs such as the stomach, liver and gallbladder.

3. Prepared remedies from immortelle will help to cope with gout, coronary heart disease, inflammation of the kidneys and bladder, and put the nervous system in order.

4. The healing properties of the plant are able to cleanse the blood, improve digestion, anesthetize and reduce spasms.

However, immortelle also has contraindications. They should be known and observed in order not to harm your health. The course of treatment with immortelle preparations lasts three months.

Immortelle in a pharmacy

Immortelle: contraindications

Like any medicinal plant, immortelle can bring not only benefits to human health, but also harm.

Immortelle preparations will provoke the formation of blood clots and increase blood clotting. Those who have a predisposition to thrombophlebitis should refuse treatment with immortelle agents.

2. With increased acidity of the stomach, the cause of which is gastritis, it is not necessary to use the preparation from immortelle. Women who are carrying a child and breastfeeding the baby should also forget about immortelle until the baby is transferred to general nutrition.

3. Infants do not need to give preparations containing immortelle. With individual intolerance to immortelle.


Immortelle beneficial properties for women

Immortelle preparations contribute to the healing of many female gynecological diseases.

1. With the release of whites from the vagina, douching from a decoction of immortelle will help.

2. Decoctions or infusions of the plant can remove toxins from the body and increase appetite.

3. useful plant used to normalize the menstrual cycle and for the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases. It is only necessary to take into account that all medicines, including those prepared from herbs, should be used only on the advice of a doctor.

Immortelle: application

1. We treat sinusitis. For treatment, you need to take in equal parts, immortelle and mix it. 30 gr. herbs are crushed and brewed 400 ml hot water. A clean cloth is moistened in the prepared decoction, squeezed and applied to the sinuses.

2. Treatment. Medicines, which include immortelle, are used in gastroenterology. The plant has a choleretic and diuretic.

4. For weight loss. Tea, which includes immortelle, and birch buds, can quickly get rid of extra pounds. Immortelle activates intestinal peristalsis. In addition, it has laxative and diuretic properties. This allows the body to cleanse itself of fat, toxins and toxins.

However, the following rule must be observed. While taking drugs made on the basis of immortelle, one must forget about alcoholic beverages. Alcohol not only reduces the medicinal properties of the drug, but can also cause harm.

5. For the treatment of oncology. Immortelle is part of some drugs used to treat ovarian and liver cancer. They contribute to the restoration of tissue cells after chemotherapy. The collection of medicinal herbs, which include immortelle, helps to cure metastases in the gallbladder, liver and stomach.

Immortelle: medicinal properties

Immortelle tinctures. How to brew and how to take

1. Immortelle infusion

Two large spoons of plant flowers are placed in a saucepan. Pour liters of water, cork with a lid and bring to a boil. The duration of the boil lasts 15 minutes. It is recommended to take 4 times a day, half a glass for 4 months.

2. from immortelle flowers

Pour 20 gr. into a thermos. immortelle flowers are brewed with a glass of boiling water. An hour later, the tincture is ready. It is recommended to use tincture 30 minutes before a meal three times a day. The prepared product helps to reduce pressure.

3. Alcohol tincture

Pour 20 gr. into glassware. immortelle inflorescences and pour a glass of warm vodka. The container is tightly sealed and left in dark room for half a month.

Then the tincture is filtered and poured into a bottle. Use tincture to treat dermatitis. Drink 25 gr. morning, afternoon and evening. Can be diluted with the same amount of water.

4. Tincture for the treatment of pancreatitis and cholecystitis

To prepare the remedy, you need to prepare 6 parts of the golden flower, 4 parts of ivy and centaury budra, three parts of St. John's wort, nettle, mint, kidney tea, two parts of flax seeds and one part of fennel fruit. The mixture is stirred. Two large spoons are brewed with half a liter of boiling water for 10 hours. The remedy is filtered and consumed a quarter cup four times a day before meals.

5. Tincture for the treatment of hepatitis

Half a glass of grass is poured into 100 gr. vodka. The container with the mixture is kept in a water bath. After two hours, remove and pour 100 ml of water. For the treatment of hepatitis, the resulting remedy is recommended to take 20 drops diluted with 30 ml. water. It is recommended to drink every hour during the day. Such a tool is considered similar to the drug "Flamingo", which is sold in a pharmacy.

Immortelle: medicinal properties

6. Essential oil of immortelle

When making oil, the flowers of the plant are needed. Using distillation, oil is prepared. From 100 kg. get 1 liter of oil. Diluted half with water, it is taken orally to reduce swelling.

The oil is used for massage. They rub it, apply compresses, take baths. This oil is added to cosmetics to enhance the effect.

7. Collection: chamomile, St. John's wort, immortelle, birch buds

Recipe from Tibet. Since ancient times, people have dreamed of inventing a tool that helps them stay healthy all their lives. Monks from Tibet have achieved great success. They invented a remedy that preserves not only health, but also prolongs life.

To prepare the decoction, you will need St. John's wort, immortelle and birch buds. Ingredients can be purchased at a pharmacy or prepared by yourself. Herbs are dried and mixed. One teaspoon is brewed with two cups of boiling water.

Insist 25 minutes. A small spoon is added to half of the strained infusion. Consume half an hour before bedtime. You can transfer the use of funds in the morning, immediately after sleep. Treatment is carried out for a month and a half.

Using the remedy of Tibetan monks, a person improves metabolism, excreted from the body harmful substances. Blood vessels become more elastic, cleared of cholesterol. In addition, a person begins to see better, complain less about headaches. His skin becomes clear of inflammation.

It should be noted that at the beginning of treatment, a person may feel weakness, headache and temporary deterioration in health. This means that the remedy began to show healing qualities. But after three days, human health will not only recover, but will also improve significantly.

When making and using immortelle preparations, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician.

Video: Immortelle - medicinal properties and uses

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