Methods for dismantling brick walls. Dismantling brick walls of partitions manually Dismantling brickwork

Landscaping and planning 15.06.2019
Landscaping and planning

For dismantling, they begin by inspecting its walls. The brick must be free of cracks and loose areas, otherwise there is a danger that it cannot be removed from the wall intact. According to the masonry rules, the brand of cement mortar should be lower than that of brick - in this case, the mortar is destroyed during dismantling, and the brick remains intact. However, recently in buildings it is not uncommon to find bricks of a grade lower than that of mortar, and it is impossible to get it out of the wall - it begins to collapse already during operation. Then a lattice of seams with the remains of a brick between them is clearly visible on the wall of the house.

Before dismantling, the house must be inspected by a designer or architect. It will clarify which elements are worth keeping. To perform the work, you also need to invite specialists. Dismantling is dangerous for an amateur. In addition, such work requires knowledge, skills, and the use of special tools. Depending on the size of the building, the number of workers and the availability of equipment, dismantling takes 3-7 days. To save as much as possible Construction Materials many of the work is done by hand.

How to dismantle a brick house for re-construction

Start dismantling, if possible, with those elements that are in good condition. First of all, they dismantle doors, windows, floor elements, skirting boards, cornices, internal wood trim etc. Next, they remove engineering communications, machinery and equipment, dismantle the roof, partitions. For dismantling wooden beams ceilings may need a winch, reinforced concrete slabs ceilings are removed with a crane. Lastly, the load-bearing walls are dismantled.

  • Dismantling brick walls can be done manually or by impact, for example, using an excavator bucket. It depends on how you plan to use the brick, and on the strength of the masonry. They try to dismantle high-quality bricks piece by piece using hand tool. This is easy if the laying is done on lime mortar or on cement of low quality. If the solution is too strong, then the wall can be broken into blocks with blows and not crushed further.
  • Foundation dismantling presents a particular difficulty. Specialists have their own methods for this, for example, the impact on concrete using hydraulic equipment. But, as a rule, it is not profitable to dismantle the foundation, especially since in a new house it can differ significantly.

Simultaneously with the disassembly of the house, the materials received are sorted. Everything that is scheduled for reuse is best stored under a canopy to avoid damage under the influence of sun rays or due to getting wet.

Re-building a house: what comes first - the material or the project?

When designing a house intended for construction from used materials, you must first find out what size slabs or floor beams can be purchased, what standard size old lintels, windows and doors. Having received this data, the project should be adapted to them.

The new project of the house may well differ from the old one, but in order to use the floor and roof structures in it, the dimensions of the spans between the bearing walls and the angle of the roof slope should be preserved. At larger area of the designed building, it will not be difficult to supplement the existing set with new materials.

Cleaning Used Bricks

Used bricks (ceramic and silicate) can be safely used for laying walls and partitions. Its quality is usually better than that of the modern one. For use, the brick is cleaned of mortar residue with a chisel and hammer. There are also chemical methods cleaning. When using bricks in large blocks, it is enough to give their ends more correct form. Blocks are best used for outbuildings, combining them with piece material.

Do-it-yourself dismantling of brick walls

When repairing and reconstructing old apartments, dismantling internal walls with partitions is not uncommon. Often dismantling works are performed for the purpose of competent zoning of rooms. From the outside, the process of demolishing the wall looks easy, but it is not. When performing de installation work, it is important to take into account many nuances.

Therefore, if experience in self-demolition brick structures there is absolutely no, it is better to entrust such work to specialists. Get more detailed information about dismantling and demolition various designs, you can for example on the site where comprehensive information is provided on this subject.

For the same daredevils who decided to independently dismantle the brick walls in the apartment, it is important to know how this is done correctly.

Before dismantling a brick wall, you should make sure that it is not a carrier. As a rule, load-bearing walls are thick and often reinforced from above with a monolithic belt. The demolition of such walls is prohibited and can only be carried out after agreement with the appropriate authorities.

If the usual internal partition, then its dismantling with your own hands can be done in several ways. The first thing to be determined in this case, so this is the quality of the solution brickwork. With a poor-quality mortar, which crumbles even at the slightest impact on it, you can disassemble a brick wall using ordinary scrap.

If, on the contrary, the masonry mortar turned out to be of high quality, then metal wedges will have to be used, however, the most best tool in this case, it is a powerful electric hammer drill.

So, the quality of the brickwork mortar is determined, which means that the tool for dismantling the partition is chosen correctly. The second stage will be the preparatory work in the room, before the demolition of the wall. This is very important point, which will help to avoid many troubles, such as damage floor covering.

Therefore, before dismantling a brick wall, it will be necessary to protect all those surfaces in the room that may suffer as a result. On the floor, you should spread strong plywood or old blankets in case of emergency. It will not be superfluous to take out all the furniture from the room for the duration of the dismantling work.

In addition, the partition itself, which is subject to demolition, will require some preparation. To do this, its surfaces are cleaned of old finishing material, whether it be wallpaper or ordinary plaster mortar. Further, all communications are removed from the wall, including electrical wiring. You should also get rid of skirting boards.

At this point, the stage of preparing the premises and the partition itself for demolition is completed, you can proceed to the direct implementation of dismantling work.

Whatever tool for dismantling a brick wall is chosen, it is necessary to start dismantling the structure from the top. To do this, in the place where the wall adjoins the ceiling, the masonry mortar is removed with a perforator from the topmost row of bricks. After this hard work, the brick can be easily pulled out by hand.

In this case, it is worth acting very carefully so that the wall does not collapse when the top row of bricks adjacent to the ceiling is removed. You should also not knock out more than three bricks at a time if the partition is being demolished using such a popular tool as a sledgehammer.

Having thus reached the lowest row, some difficulties may arise, since it is often recessed into the screed. To remove a brick from the screed, it is necessary to rearrange the nozzle in the shape of a peak on the puncher. Having made a groove around the entire perimeter of the partition, the brick can then be quite easily removed from the screed by prying it with a crowbar for this.

Any work on the redevelopment of an apartment, office and other premises implies the dismantling of brickwork.

It is better to entrust such work to a specialist builder, as this requires special skills and masterful use of the necessary tools. Disassembly may be needed during the repair process to remove a load-bearing or ordinary partition wall.

The walls of any building differ in their functions:

  1. Bearing walls. Such walls are dismantled only with the permission of special authorities. Even a small recess in them can make the building dangerous for living and lead to the destruction of the entire building in the future.
  2. Load-bearing walls.
  3. Partition walls. They do not carry any functions other than separation.

The dismantling of brickwork must be taken seriously and prepared in advance necessary tools. You may need:

  • jackhammer;
  • pickaxe or crowbar;
  • chisel;
  • hammer or sledgehammer;
  • steel wedges.

Tools needed for dismantling and repairing walls, including a drill, puncher, electric screwdriver, electric jigsaw.

When dismantling a brick wall, you need to wear gloves and a respiratory mask. In addition, the bricks are very heavy, and falling, they can damage the flooring and furniture. Therefore, the floor must be covered with old blankets or a thick layer of rags, furniture should be taken out of the room.

Still, before deciding to demolish the wall, you need to invite a specialist into the room who will determine whether it is a load-bearing wall or just a partition. Demolition of load-bearing walls is strongly discouraged. Documentary permission to demolish the wall can be obtained from the housing commission, after showing them a plan for future redevelopment and a sketch of the room.

Dismantling instructions

First of all, it is necessary to turn off the power supply of the dismantled wall. Otherwise, you can touch a bare wire, which is extremely dangerous to life and health. In addition, the wall during operation will have to be repeatedly moistened with water to avoid dust. Next, remove all skirting boards, floor and ceiling.

Before proceeding directly to the demolition of the wall, all coatings must be removed from it: wallpaper, paint, plaster and putty.

You need to start dismantling the wall from the very top. Knock out 2-3 bricks with a sledgehammer at the junction of the ceiling and wall, and then disassemble it in horizontal rows. Broken bricks can be lowered down special gutters or simply thrown aside.

Scrap, pick or jackhammer should be directed to the junction of bricks. If you plan to use these bricks in the future, then the mortar can be immediately removed from them with the sharp end of the pick.

If the mortar that holds the bricks together is fragile, then disassemble the brick wall with a hammer and chisel. Dismantle bricks held together by strong cement mortar, as follows: drive steel wedges into the horizontal and vertical seams of the upper part of the masonry, which are hit with a sledgehammer. Then, hitting the wedges with a crowbar, dismantle the wall, separating the bricks.

A brick building can be dismantled with the help of technology: a core weighing 2-3 tons is suspended from the crane boom, which falls on the building until it collapses. It is possible to clean the bricks from the bonding mortar and use them for further construction.

Knocking out the opening under the arch

Sometimes, to give the apartment originality, we come up with all sorts of arches and openings. Incorrectly made openings can lead to deformation of the walls or loosen the entire structure of the room.

For an opening in a load-bearing wall, the loads on it are redistributed. First, the brick wall is relieved of loads, and a temporary fastener is installed on it. After that, the bricks in the wall are disassembled and the beam is installed. Only after that the temporary mount is removed. The beam must be very strong, as a very large load will fall on it.

As a temporary support, bars made of wood or metal are used. You should start dismantling a brick wall only when there is confidence in the strength of the temporary partition. In no case should the fastening move, this is fraught with a violation of the building structure. Remove temporary fastening when the wall acquires the necessary strength.

In order to dismantle the partition walls, the installation of a temporary fastening is not required.

In the course of the repair work sometimes it becomes necessary to demolish the wall. Special difficulties arise if this wall is made of brick. In order to independently carry out work without damaging adjacent walls, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the technology for dismantling brick walls. How to dismantle a wall brick house, we will consider further.

Preparation for the dismantling of brick walls

The procedure for carrying out work in the process of dismantling brick walls depends directly on the type of dismantling. Full or partial dismantling of walls is possible. Also, the method of dismantling the wall should be applied in accordance with the further use of the brick. If the brick hasn't lost its performance characteristics, then it is quite possible to use it again for certain purposes. In this case, a gentle dismantling method must be chosen.

If there is no need for further use of bricks, it is enough to break the wall with a special tool without worrying about its safety. Dismantling brickwork - quite difficult process, which requires patience, physical effort and accuracy from its performer.

In the process of preparing for the performance of work, one should not forget about one's own safety. AT without fail use protective equipment such as respirator, protective clothing, goggles and gloves.

Self-analysis of a brick wall will help save material resources on hiring specialists. The beginning of installation work involves preparing the premises for specific working conditions. In some cases, partial dismantling of the wall or partition is required.

Keep in mind that brick is a fairly heavy material that, in the process of falling, can destroy the floor covering, so take care of protecting it in advance. Previously, furniture and other items are taken out of the room. Also, you should remove the electrical wires from the wall that is being demolished in advance. Also, in the process of dismantling, the electricity is turned off. Otherwise, the brick may touch the wires and cause a short circuit.

In order to get rid of excessive dust in the room, the wall should be treated with water. If there are windows or door structures on a wall that is demolishable, we recommend removing from in advance. Also, care should be taken to remove the finish, putty and plaster.

Work on dismantling the wall must begin with knocking out several elements located between the wall and the ceiling. To destroy the strength of the connection, use a sledgehammer. Try to separate several bricks on the wall, no need to knock out large pieces.

Dismantling brick walls of partitions manually

In relation to technological processes work, brick walls can be dismantled by manual and automated methods. Independent dismantling of a brick wall is most often done manually.

However, this method is relevant only if the brick wall was laid on lime or cement mixture. In this case, the binder should have a low concentration. In this case, for disassembly wall fit crowbar, pick or hammer.

With this disassembly option, it is possible to obtain a brick suitable for further use. However, the brick must be cleaned of the binder solution. To dismantle a brick wall, wedges should be installed in the vertical and horizontal sections of the wall, which are hammered. In this case, cracks appear in the wall and it gradually collapses.

However, most often, a brick wall is laid on a stronger version of the mortar. In this case, to dismantle such a wall, more effort will be required. For these purposes, you will need an electric or pneumatic tool.

To perform manual disassembly, it is enough to use a metal wedge, which is driven into the inside of the wall with a hammer. To destroy the wall, you should also hit the wall with a hammer, thus, it will be possible to reduce its strength. With the help of a jackhammer, it is possible to significantly reduce the time to complete the work.

Brick vaults are dismantled manually, dismantling work begins from the key sections, gradually moving to the heel. To dismantle the sail vaults, use the circular method. In order to prevent the destruction of the vault, formwork should be prepared for them in advance.

Dismantling the window sill part of the wall of a brick house

Demolition of the window sill block in a house or apartment allows you to significantly transform the space of the room. Thus, it is possible to combine several rooms, while obtaining a spacious space. However, when connecting a balcony with a room, it should be remembered that each of these zones differ in temperature regime, especially in winter.

Therefore, according to current legislation, a balcony or a loggia cannot be combined into one room, there must be a partition between them. Initially, in the process of working on redevelopment, you should contact specialized services that will help you draw up a project for the possibility of demolishing the window sill in certain housing conditions.

When dismantling a window sill block made of brick, follow these requirements:

  • it is forbidden to take out heaters in the form of radiators to the balcony or loggia, as there is a risk of circulation disturbance hot water, which will lead to problems with heating in winter time of the year;
  • a balcony is an unheated room, which in no case should be combined with a kitchen or any other living room, in which case, you can install sliding glass doors, which in the winter season will help prevent heat loss;
  • most often, when removing the window sill block on the balcony, the threshold located between the room and the balcony is not dismantled, since it is the place of fixation balcony slab and prevents heat loss;
  • if Wall panel performs the function of a carrier, then the removal of the subwindow block is not possible;
  • in the process of demolishing the window sill block, the balcony or loggia should already be glazed and thermally insulated;
  • installation on the balcony of a water or electric floor heating is unacceptable.

In order to demolish a window sill block on a brick wall, use impact method. Initially, starting work on the dismantling of the wall, it is necessary to determine its thickness and the material from which it is built. The type of equipment and the method of dismantling depend on these factors.

Most often, when dismantling partitions, tools are used in the form of an electric drill, scrap and other improvised tools. If the wall surface is concrete, then a diamond-coated disc is used for these purposes. With their help, it is possible to achieve perfect cutting accuracy, this is especially true when the wall is partially demolished.

Features of the dismantling of brick walls TTK

To carry out work on the dismantling of brick walls, you should study the requirements and rules that are displayed in the standard technological map. To remove any wall, you should previously consult with a specialist. Certain types of walls that are load-bearing are not subject to demolition in any case, their dismantling can lead to irreparable consequences.

Preparation for the dismantling of brickwork includes the following activities:

1. Removal of electrical wires and other communication systems from the wall that is being demolished.

2. Protection of flooring and furniture from brick fragments. Cleaning the room from foreign objects.

3. Removal old plaster, wallpapers and more finishing materials off the wall.

1. All work starts from the top row. A sledgehammer and a perforator are used to knock out bricks. Try to do all the work with extreme care, in order to avoid the destruction of the entire wall.

2. For forging subsequent brick rows, use a crowbar or a puncher. In order to facilitate the workflow, it is possible to use special tongs. In this case, it is possible to keep the brick in maximum integrity.

3. In order to disassemble the wall with tongs, follow the instructions below:

  • clamp the brick with tongs;
  • break the jammed bricks out of the brickwork.

4. The wall is disassembled in this way to the floor.

The procedure for dismantling a brick wall must be carried out in accordance with certain requirements. First of all, simultaneous demolition of more than three rows of masonry is not allowed. Try to take the brick out of the room as the wall is dismantled. So that it does not load the floor in the room.

When dismantling walls, use a jackhammer, crowbar or sledgehammer, but the last two tools are relevant if the masonry is weak. The dismantling of vaulted structures is carried out gradually, the length of the capture of the wall during its disassembly is 150 cm. The impact method is most often used to dismantle the window sill. A sledgehammer is used to knock out fragments of brickwork.

However, before demolishing this section of the wall, written permission must be obtained from the communal housing service and from neighbors. In order to obtain a permit for redevelopment of the premises, the following factors should be considered:

  • the number of floors in the house and the floor on which the apartment is located;
  • the year in which the house was built;
  • the material from which the internal and external floors are built;
  • the quality of the foundation in the house;
  • the type of wall being demolished.

Demolition bearing wall is rarely done, since such actions lead to an increase in the load on the foundation of the house, as a result of which the foundation is destroyed.

Dismantling of walls and partitions made of bricks

The method of dismantling the wall directly depends on its purpose. If the interior partition is to be demolished, then it is enough to perform all the work with the help of a special tool. The demolition of the load-bearing wall involves the installation of special props that will prevent the destruction of adjacent walls in the process of work.

To dismantle the interior partition, you will need a hammer, sledgehammer, chisel and perforator. Initially, all electricity in the house is turned off and the electrical wiring is removed, if any. In order to reduce the amount of dust emitted during work, the wall is periodically moistened.

Next, the skirting boards are dismantled: floor and wall. After that, the finish is removed in the form of wallpaper, putty, plaster. If a clay composition was used for laying bricks, then it is quite easy to remove it from the walls.

Dismantling a partition in a private house is easier than dismantling walls in an apartment. Quite often, in the second case, permission is required not only from housing and communal services, but also from neighbors. In this case, we recommend that you seek help from specialists.

The manufacture of interior partitions in the apartment is carried out in a special way. The brick in them is laid on the edge. Therefore, it is necessary to disassemble the wall starting from the door. Also, in the case of interior partitions you can knock out bricks with a sledgehammer or a heavy hammer. Initially, the section of the wall above the doorway is destroyed, and then the side parts. Gradually remove construction debris as it accumulates, thus it will be possible to prevent it from piling up in the room.

Dismantling the walls in an apartment is a rather complicated process; having no experience in carrying out such work, you should carefully study all the technological recommendations for their implementation. Only after receiving all the necessary documentation, proceed to work. Otherwise, you may face a fine for dismantling without approval. In addition, the dismantling of the load-bearing wall sometimes leads to irreparable consequences, which are very difficult to eliminate.

Construction process - dismantling brick house often required to free up space or replace old, obsolete rows of dwellings with new ones. In the redevelopment of the building, partial dismantling of brick walls is used. It is carried out independently manually or by builders using special equipment. The surviving brick can be used in other works. For example, for decoration, construction of garden buildings or buildings for household purposes.

Preparing for demolition work

If you follow the instructions, you can easily disassemble a brick wall with your own hands without damaging the bricks. The quality of the recycled material depends on the correctness of the preparatory work. Dismantling of brickwork preparatory stage includes the following processes:

  1. Cleaning nearby objects and covering the floor with a cloth or film from damage.
  2. Turning off the electrics in the room and dismantling the socket with lighting.
  3. Cleaning a brick wall from plaster, putty, wallpaper or ceramic tiles.

To manually quickly and efficiently parse old wall from a brick, after cleaning it is washed with water. This procedure eliminates excess dust. It should be repeated as the surface is dismantled.

Tools to carry out work without damaging the brick

break the wall brick houses and such tools will help not to break the bricks

A pickaxe may be needed to carry out the work.
  • pick;
  • chisel;
  • sledgehammer;
  • jackhammer and regular hammer;
  • metal wedges;
  • perforator;
  • gloves;
  • protective glasses.

It is not enough just to stock up on these tools, you also need to know how to use them. Removing the relay does not require the use of the entire set of devices, but based on its type, one or another inventory may be needed. A perforator and a jackhammer can beat off brick walls of great thickness. The overlay is removed with a chisel and a sledgehammer. They start work from the top row, without worrying about the safety of the material, and go down.

A chisel and metal wedges help to dismantle each individual brick without violating its integrity. To do this, it is put to the seam of the wall and hit with a hammer. By driving wedges into horizontal and vertical joints, walls with a strong cement mortar can be dismantled. This work is best done in 4 hands. Thick masonry is punched from 2 layers. Desirable last layer leave the masonry in the form of a threshold, at the junction. This will simplify the decoration and allow you to distribute the space into 2 zones.

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