Design of a small bedroom: choosing interior items with photo design of rooms. Tips on how to equip a small bedroom, photos of modern interiors Making a small bedroom in an apartment

garden equipment 30.08.2019
garden equipment

Not all apartment owners can boast of a spacious lounge, more often you have to develop. The task is further complicated by the fact that small apartment such premises play the role and.

Let's look at the best design options for a small lounge, ideas for her, furniture arrangement,. Examples of how to decorate a small bedroom will show the photo gallery.

The most suitable interior design options for a small bedroom

Bedroom design small size should do two things:

  • visual expansion of a limited space;
  • functional and comfortable furniture placement.

Ideas and layout

The design of a small bedroom with your own hands begins with an idea. You can borrow ideas from magazines, the Internet, from friends. The first stage is the layout of a small bedroom. It depends on the size, shape of the room, the number of its inhabitants. Before buying, they make a project of the premises. This will help you choose the right size headset.

Please note: the main goal is to make the room not only beautiful, stylish, but also comfortable.

Approximate scheme of furnishing a small room

For comfortable passage and use of furniture, the distance from the wall or piece of furniture to the bed should be at least 0.7 m. If the bed is double, it must be approached from both sides. In a room for two children, the distance between beds should be 0.5 m.

With limited space, you can move to one of the walls. At the same time, there should be free space at the foot of the bed so that the person sleeping against the wall can get to his bed without disturbing his partner. Leave the distance from the door to the opposite wall free, so the room will appear wider.

Options for how to place a bed in small bedrooms - interior design, photo

If it is planned to install a dressing table in the room, then the distance from its front edge to the neighboring piece of furniture should be at least 70 cm. This is enough for comfortable use of the table while sitting on. In a passageway, this distance should be - 1 m. When planning the installation, or, please note that at least 30 cm of free space is needed to open the door, pull out drawers.

Advice: it is not recommended to cover the approach to the window with furniture, this will complicate window cleaning and maintenance.

An example of arranging a small living room

If it is not possible to place a bed against one of the walls, it can be placed diagonally across the room. Such placement will provide free access to a sleeping place for two partners.

On a note: an interesting option is round bed- it has a convenient streamlined shape, but this design is more expensive than usual.

In the small bedroom, the diagonal bed provides easy access to the balcony.

More examples of how to equip a small bedroom with an area of ​​​​6, 8 and 9 square meters will be demonstrated by our selection of photos.

How to enlarge the bedroom visually

Good for a small space Japanese style characterized by functionality, simplicity and elegance

Despite the fact that the bedroom has a small area, it looks great. The advantage of this style is rational use available space - each piece of furniture is useful, is in its place. A glossy stretch ceiling will give a modern look to the bedroom, visually expanding the space.

Remember: in a small room, a classic interior does not have to be pretentious.

Refined elegance embodied in not large area- small bedroom design, photo

Vintage rooms look unusual. Aged objects, in shabby frames, have a special charm, give the room warmth and comfort. In a small room, this style can be represented by a delicate range of colors, a minimal set of things, and light floral textiles.

Romantic, cozy little corner for relaxation, decorated in Provence style


The interior of the rest room will enliven a variety of textiles. It can be a bright bedspread on the bed, stylish pillows of different configurations, an original rug on the floor and.

Recommendation: limited space should not be overloaded with different details - one or two bright accessories are enough.

The windows of a small room are decorated minimally. The best option are Roman curtains, with light curtains.

Well-chosen curtains for a small bedroom, photo

A good idea to increase the space -. If it is opposite the window, the light will fill the entire room, making it more spacious.

The mirror can be located separately on the wall, or be part of the cabinet front.

Small bedroom furnishing options

Selection and arrangement of furniture

The rest room may also include such pieces of furniture:

  • dressing table;
Advice: if the area of ​​​​the bedroom allows, you can place all these pieces of furniture, if not, choose only the necessary ones.

The minimum set of furniture and accessories - the design of a very small bedroom, photo

The central element of the bedroom interior is the bed. It is selected according to the level of comfort and ergonomics, and should be as large as the dimensions of the room allow.

Every centimeter is precious square square, so the space under the bed should be used to the maximum benefit. A smart decision is to buy a bed with drawers. A bed with a lifting mechanism is also suitable. Under the bed, store bed linen and various accessories; in this case, you will not need a chest of drawers.

The podium bed combines original design, convenience and functionality - furniture for a small bedroom photo

Bedside tables are convenient because you can put the most necessary things on them - a phone, a book, and put them on top. They do not take up much space, so give up this subject furniture is worth only as a last resort.

Idea: decorating a room for a girl, a bedside table can be replaced with a dressing table.

Arrangement option for a small rest room combined with a balcony

Wardrobes are necessary for storing clothes and things. They should be compact but roomy. The best option for small bedroom- built-in wardrobe with a mirror facade. It can be corner, or located in a niche, taking up little space, and mirrored doors will increase the space.

Spacious closet - a lifesaver for small spaces

If you have a separate wardrobe in your apartment, or there is not enough space in the room for a full-fledged closet, you can conveniently store everyday clothes and linen.

An example of how to furnish a small bedroom without using a closet

Increases the comfort level of the bedroom. You can sit on them, drink tea, fold clothes before going to bed. But with a lack of space in the bedroom, these pieces of furniture can be abandoned.

Compact furniture on low legs will save space - an example of how to decorate a small bedroom

Many people prefer to watch TV before bed. With small dimensions of the rest room, it is better to choose a flat model and install it on the wall opposite the bed.

Advice: ;
  • the use of combined;
  • arrangement of a sliding screen, curtains.
  • Attention: when dividing functional areas, it is worth focusing on the location of the bed - it should occupy a central place.

    Having fenced off with a curtain, one person can sleep peacefully, while his partner is still working

    The breakdown into zones is carried out and . The central chandelier in the room can be complemented by wall sconces on both sides of the bed, a floor lamp, or a table lamp in working area.

    Soft diffused light will create a cozy atmosphere in the room - repair of a small bedroom - design, photo


    At right approach, even a tiny room can be made as comfortable as possible. When developing the design of a small bedroom, you need to carefully consider, create a furniture layout, and choose the right one. And various design techniques will help to visually expand the space and break it into functional zones.

    Many people dream of a spacious bedroom where all the necessary pieces of furniture could fit. However, even a small room can be made cozy and functional. It is only important to properly organize the design of a small bedroom. With the provision of all the features and nuances, it is possible to fit the necessary furniture into a limited space and avoid crowding and clutter.

    Lighting in a small bedroom creates more space.

    There are basic styles that can be embodied in a small bedroom:

    Small bedroom decorated in light colors with bright accents.
      • Provence. Helps to embody the atmosphere of the southern part of France in your own bedroom. To create this style, pastel colors are chosen. As textiles, choose chintz, slightly faded, as if it had burned out in the sun. On the fabric there can be an ornament in the form of flowers, peas, a cage. Furniture should be simple. No pretentiousness, in bright colors;
      • Style . It combines the absence of finishing materials on the walls, spaciousness, large windows and high ceilings. For a small bedroom, you can adopt some useful ideas from this style. On the walls, you can leave a simple laying of their bricks. There are a large number of finishing materials to simulate this effect. The bed should be chosen without legs. It is installed on the floor without coating. A characteristic feature of the loft is to give the room the look of a haven for a freelance artist. Any decorative elements should be absent. To visually add space to the room, you can place a sliding wardrobe with doors with a glossy metal effect in the bedroom. Blinds should be used as curtains;

    Small green bedroom.
    • Minimalism. This style is the best for small spaces. Minimalism is the absence of any frills and decorations. All surfaces are perfectly smooth, the furniture is clear, no more than two bright accents in the room;
    • Scandinavian style. This design is associated with coolness and transparency. Predominantly shades of white are used. The style is suitable for rooms in which the windows face south. Scandinavian design suitable for warm climates.

    Finishes and materials

    Arrangement of furniture in a small bedroom.

    All the proposed styles for the design of a small bedroom are based on the use of light shades. For walls it is better to choose pastel colors. This will help visually expand the space. If you want the wallpaper to have a pattern, choose a small one. Large design elements on the canvas should be abandoned.

    You can create a stylish ornament on one side of the wall. To do this, you need to purchase two types of wallpaper. In the bedroom there will be a harmonious contrast. The ceiling should also be made white. This will further visually increase the space. For example, you can do suspended ceiling with LED backlight. You determine the location of the bulbs yourself.

    For the floor, it is preferable to use a laminate that is laid diagonally. This arrangement creates the effect of increasing the area. Before purchasing all the materials necessary for the repair, it is important to correctly measure all the parameters of the bedroom. This will help you calculate the exact amount needed.

    Placement of furniture, appliances and accessories

    Small bedroom in pastel colors.

    In a small bedroom, it is recommended to use compact furniture. An excellent option would be a bed that can be removed in the closet. With a convenient and practical placement of all pieces of furniture, you can avoid cluttering an already small space. This will free all passages. Thanks to this, you will be able to move freely around the room.

    original design small bedroom.

    Putting the bed in the closet during the day, you will have a large amount of free space. This solution brings the following benefits:

    • Comfortable and convenient sleeping place;
    • You will not only have a bed, but also a closet for storage. At the same time, the design will take up little space;
    • Putting the bed in the closet frees up space in the bedroom;
    • You don't need to buy a chest of drawers. All bedding will be stored in the closet along with the bed;
    • The corner type of construction is characterized by increased capacity.

    Harmonious combination of colors in a small bedroom.

    In addition to choosing furniture, it is also important to arrange it correctly. It depends on how organically and freely it will fit into general style premises.
    To do this, you can use useful recommendations:

    • Buy furniture without high legs. It is best that they not be at all;
    • For storage, choose a closet. It is spacious and saves space due to sliding doors;
    • The mirror surface of the cabinet doors will visually enlarge the space;
    • If you cannot do without dressing tables and cabinets, they must have compact dimensions;
    • Do not buy floor lamps, they take up too much space. It is better to opt for models that are attached to the walls;
    • In a small bedroom, items that you do not use should be completely absent.

    Small bedroom in beige tones.

    When thinking about the design of a small bedroom Special attention is given to the layout of the arrangement of furniture. It depends on how spacious and free your room will look. In addition, the more competently the objects are located, the more convenient it will be for you to move around the room.

    If you need a TV in the bedroom, then you definitely shouldn’t place it on the nightstand. It will only take up more space. Many modern models are attached to the wall. This is ideal for limited space.

    For storing various little things, a shelf that is placed on the wall is suitable. This will allow you not to purchase a table and leave more free space.

    The small size of the bedroom can be visually enlarged, thanks to the right interior.

    Small bedroom color schemes

    Light colors suit a small bedroom well.

    The bedroom is a place of relaxation. In this room a person sleeps. That is why it is important to use calm and peaceful shades in the design. If the room is small, it is best to use light colors. They visually add space to the room. Dark colors, on the contrary, will make the bedroom even smaller. In this case, it is not at all necessary to dwell on a white or beige tone. Choose any light calm shades.
    The location of the windows in the bedroom matters. If they face the north side, then it is worth considering a warm color scheme. If the windows face south, then it is permissible to use cold shades. If it seems to you that such solutions in the design of a small bedroom are boring, you can add a few bright details. It can be a beautiful carpet, a picture, plants or one wall decorated with photo wallpaper. It is only important that it is combined with the overall interior of the room.

    Design option for a small bedroom.

    Furniture in the interior of a small bedroom

    Don't use too much furniture. Only the essentials. If you are not going to use some bedside table, it should not be in the room. All small things can be stored on a shelf. It hangs on the wall and does not create clutter. Moving around the bedroom will be much more convenient.

    Furniture without legs, including the bed, allows you to visually increase the height of the ceilings. It has already been noted that the ideal option is to combine the bed and wardrobe. If this is a small children's bedroom, then choose a bed with several tiers. Use the space you have up.

    Harmoniously selected furniture for a small bedroom.

    Small bedrooms have long ceased to be something unusual. Designers have long been successfully developing and producing many models of furniture, compact and functional, especially for small spaces. For example, many beds are equipped with special drawers. It is convenient to store things in them, it does not take up extra space, and there is no need to purchase additional cabinets.

    Small bedroom design

    Laconic design of a small bedroom.

    To combine originality, functionality and comfort in the bedroom, you should consider the color scheme, the furniture used and the overall decor. If you are not close to the idea of ​​​​a completely light room design, you can combine bright colors and pastels. It is not recommended to use only dark ones, as the room will look too small. And when you combine light and bright, you get an unusual combination that will not lose its main function - to visually expand the space.

    Wall murals help add zest to the bedroom. This will enliven the overall interior. With the help of such wallpapers you can create a certain, unique atmosphere in the bedroom. Do not use deep saturated tones and purple shades. These colors can provoke feelings of anxiety and are not suitable for the bedroom.

    In addition to the walls, the design of the ceiling is also worth considering carefully. Matte stretch ceiling should be abandoned if the height of the room is less than three meters. It is better to make a glossy finish with spot light. For a small bedroom, curtains made of light fabric without draperies are suitable.

    Expanding the space of a small bedroom with lighting.

    Advantages and disadvantages of a small bedroom

    Typical housing layouts do not please many. Including the owners of small bedrooms, it seems that they will have to work hard to make the interior beautiful and practical.

    Decorating a spacious small bedroom.

    The advantages of small-sized rooms are much greater than it might seem at first glance. Among them:

    • In a room with a small area, it is much easier to create a cozy atmosphere;
    • Lack of large financial investments. How less room, the more economical will be the budget for repairs. Not only will less material be required, but many pieces of furniture can be discarded;
    • It is much easier to equip a small room for a non-professional. In addition, when the dimensions are small, you will think about how to make every corner functional and beautiful. In large rooms, it is often necessary to decide how to fill a large number of free space;
    • A beautiful and original interior created in a small bedroom is much more admirable than the same design in large room. This is because the more space, the easier it is to arrange it in a non-standard and attractive style.

    Small bedroom in lilac tones.

    The main disadvantage of a small bedroom is the lack of space. Because of this, you will have to abandon some pieces of furniture and carefully think through the entire organization of the area so as to preserve functionality and beauty.

    How to furnish a small bedroom means of visually increasing the space

    If your bedroom is not as large as you would like, you can use various elements for an optical illusion. Among the main ones:

    original design small bedroom.
      • Glass and mirror details. It has long been known that mirrored surfaces reflect light and help to visually enlarge the space. Be sure to choose wardrobes with doors on which there will be mirrors. You can place several small ones on the walls of the room. Visually, this will add volume to the area. Be sure to place everything not next to the window, but against it. Reflecting light will fill the bedroom and give additional lighting. If you can't use mirrors in your bedroom, replace them with mirrored surfaces. For example, stained-glass windows and panels. Visual lightness and transparency of mirrors do not clutter up the space;
      • Glossy surface of the ceiling and walls. Special glossy paint can replace the mirror surface. It is only important not to go too far with the color. Bright colors can cause anxiety and aggression. Choose pastel shades that will not put pressure on you, but will only give you peace of mind. Before using paint, you need to perfectly level the surface. The mirror surface of the gloss will begin to refract light. This will expose all the existing bumps and pits. As a result, you will get the effect of untidy painting. If you combine the glossy surface of the ceiling and well-built lighting, you get the effect of infinity;

    Modern interior of a small bedroom.
    • Special wallpaper. To change the perception of space, you can use photo wallpaper. There is a huge range of such coatings. Most often used wallpaper depicting a landscape or city. Stick them only on one wall. This will become the main focus in the room. If the room is rectangular, a narrow wall is not suitable for photo wallpaper. This will further stretch the room even more, and the desired effect will not be achieved. If you need to change the proportions of a room, add harmony to a disproportionate room, use striped wallpaper. Covering with horizontal lines, pasted on a narrow wall helps to expand it. To increase the height of the room, vertical strips are used;
    • Lighting. This decorative element is important because it can be used to change the atmosphere in the room and create various visual effects. For a small bedroom classic version with bright lighting in the center is not suitable. So comfort cannot be achieved. It is recommended to do zonal lighting. Each area of ​​the bedroom has its own lighting;
    • If there is a balcony. Some apartments have a balcony in the bedroom. And it plays an important role, as it helps to expand the space. It can be included in the overall interior of the bedroom. On the balcony you can place additional furniture. It is suitable for creating a separate zone.

    An example of an interesting design of a small bedroom.

    There are many ideas for decorating a small bedroom. The use of a large amount of light, mirror surfaces, light colors helps to visually increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. Many manufacturers produce special pieces of furniture for such premises, combining functionality, convenience and beauty. You can organize the space so that all things fit, and at the same time there is no feeling of clutter. Warning systems are widely used in various areas of human activity - in security, in industry, in transport, in sports, in culture. This is not a small important point, therefore, to resolve this issue, you can buy broadcast amplifier.

    Video: Small Bedroom Design Examples

    Agree, not all of us can boast of a truly luxurious and spacious bedroom. But the coziness and comfort of the bedroom does not depend on square meters at all.

    Often in ordinary typical houses we meet ordinary bedrooms, small, and sometimes quite tiny. They not only have a few square meters, but also low height ceilings or narrow windows. As a rule, such rooms are found in Khrushchev-type houses. But all this can be simply remade in your own way and made from the shortcomings - dignity! After all, there are a huge number of small bedroom design ideas!

    Each of us wants the bedroom to be comfortable, cozy and comfortable, and how to achieve this if you need to place not only a sleeping place on a tiny area, but also make sure that all the necessary things are at hand, for example, bed linen, cosmetic accessories and more? Let's try to give some tips that will help you get the desired result, and suggest various ideas for decorating the space.

    Let's start by creating comfort in small room much easier than in a large area. Another important point is that the decoration of a small bedroom will require much less materials, which will significantly reduce repair costs. And finally, a small bedroom is a kind of challenge to your design talent, which makes the process of working on decorating a room more fun.

    Moreover, what a wonderful occasion to show your taste qualities, even in front of himself, in the matter of arranging the interior of a small bedroom! Here are the important issues that are big room, for example, do not occur. For example, the same visual increase in space, the selection of the “right” color design and furniture, including its arrangement.

    And in fact, it is very exciting! And if you also develop a modern design for a small bedroom, then what could be more beautiful than relaxing and enjoying your own work at the end of everything ?!

    It is very easy to create comfort and coziness in a small room. Doubt that the area of ​​your bedroom is suitable for the implementation of all your ideas? Let's discuss it!

    The smaller the room, the lighter the finish

    We all are well aware that small spaces need visual expansion with light and even snow-white finishes. But in order to avoid the appearance of the bedroom, similar to a sterile white ward, it is necessary to use at least a couple of accents made in contrasting or brighter colors.

    Accent spots on a light background colors almost all surfaces of the room can be decorative elements, textiles or some pieces of furniture.

    Different from the entire decoration of the room can be a floor covering of warm, woody shades.

    With the help of bright, contrasting elements, you can create a really interesting and non-trivial bedroom design, even against a completely white background of the walls.

    When the room is so small that it barely fits a double bed, the headboard can act as an accent element, which will not only dilute the light finishes, but also give the bedroom personality, given the unusual design.

    A bright accent can be a piece of art on the wall or a mirror in an unusual frame. They take up little space, but they can add beauty and grace to the interior.

    If the parameters of the room allow you to place a storage system for things, then it is better to choose the built-in version of the cabinets. This will save precious centimeters, and it will look stylish, practical and presentable.

    The light finish of the surfaces of the room does not have to include the use of white shades. Pastel, gray colors are perfectly combined with woody shades of furniture, and white has a wide range of shades from milky to snow-white.

    Against the background of a light finish, even slight manifestations of color look advantageous, and even a contrasting, geometric pattern or paintings on the walls will definitely become the focus of attention.

    In small rooms, every centimeter counts, so the location of possible storage systems must be approached rationally. Even a small piece of space can benefit residents by transforming into a small rack, closet, or at least a shelf.

    Bright interior in a small room - creative practicality

    According to surveys conducted not so long ago by a well-known European association of designers, almost half of homeowners cannot agree to a completely light finish, even for small rooms in their home. In addition to using white to decorate the surfaces of small rooms, there are a number of design techniques that visually push the walls apart and raise the ceiling.
    Among these methods are the use of mirror, glossy and glass surfaces, built-in furniture and “suspended” structures without supports, avoidance of blind screens and doors, volumetric textures and colorful prints for wall decoration.

    Who said red can't be used in the bedroom? The range of shades of this color is so wide that it will not be difficult to choose an option that does not irritate residents before going to bed and wakes them up in the morning. The deep light burgundy color goes well with the beige tone of the curtains and carpeting, creating a truly original, memorable bedroom look.

    The disadvantages of a small bedroom are obvious: sometimes it is simply impossible to squeeze into it not only all the desired pieces of furniture, but even a fairly large bed, and therefore, another problem immediately arises - there is nowhere to store the necessary things. In addition, with an unsuccessful choice of colors, a small bedroom can sometimes seem dark and gloomy.

    When choosing furniture for a small bedroom, focus on compact multifunctional options and choose only what you really cannot do without.

    In a tiny bedroom it is better to place the necessary minimum of furniture. It is desirable that it be streamlined (so that you run into corners less) and transforming (for example, a sofa instead of a bed).

    There should not be too many furniture elements, in order to avoid clutter already small space. Of course, without a bed in the bedroom - no way. But you can choose such an option that there are no legs, then it will look smaller and more compact, and the height of the ceilings will allow you to do more.

    In general, designers specifically for small rooms and create multifunctional furniture. Therefore, today - the range is so huge and diverse that everyone can choose for himself exactly what he needs! It can be various bedside tables, as well as built-in wardrobes with a mirrored door.

    Well, if you don’t have too many things, then, perhaps, you will manage with a chest of drawers. Also use drawers, if any, they are perfect for storing things, linen or shoes. Bedside tables can be replaced wall shelves, but you can, on the contrary, put racks on the sides of the bed, on which you can place everything you need.

    It is difficult to do in the bedroom without a closet. If you manage to fit it into the interior, choose a closet that is spacious with external minimalism.

    The central place, as in any bedroom, should be occupied by the bed. It is important to decide where it will be. Well, if you have already solved this problem, then it will not be difficult to arrange other furniture. The bed should be without a massive headboard. An option without legs would be good - it will not seem too big, or a bed with a podium, which may have a place to store things.

    When arranging furniture, do not clutter up the "middle" of the room so that it does not end up overloaded. The best option for placement around the perimeter of the bedroom (without gaps).

    Do not choose too bright colors for furniture or decoration. The main thing is that they are in harmony with each other. Choose light options, and it doesn’t have to be exactly White color! If your furniture is light, and not too high, the ceilings will appear higher. There should not be many decorative elements, do not overload the room. To add perspective, make a bright accent somewhere in the corner, but not in the center.

    The accent element can be taken vertical and elongated. Then you can visually "raise" the ceilings.

    Also, do not choose drawings on textiles of large sizes, it will look completely ridiculous! The best choice is a one-to-one solution.

    How to visually enlarge the bedroom

    The following techniques will help visually increase the space of a room.

    First, do not clutter up the entrance to the bedroom. The distance from the door to the opposite wall should be open, then the room will visually become wider.

    Secondly, give up dark walls, use paint or wallpaper in light, clean shades that visually “push apart” the walls. And the ceiling can be painted in a shining white color. But in no case should you use volumetric elements like beams or multi-level structures to decorate the ceiling.

    Wallpaper with a horizontal pattern or a vertical print also perfectly expands the space.

    It is desirable that there are mirrors in the room. If you hang large mirror on the wall opposite the window - this will visually increase the size of the room.

    Additional spotlights and a mirrored headboard visually expand the space and brighten the room.

    Multi-level lighting looks interesting, allowing you to vary the intensity of light according to your desire.

    Lighting plays an important role in a small bedroom. A large chandelier in the center of the ceiling will only emphasize the modest size of the room, so it is much better to do without it.

    Arrange Spotlights along the perimeter of the ceiling, place additional lighting fixtures at the head of the bed, near the mirror, and you will make the room much more comfortable.

    If you are using laminate or parquet for the floor, laying it diagonally will also make the bedroom look bigger.

    Never overdo it with accessories! For a small bedroom, 2-3 catchy accents are enough.

    Do not clutter up the bedroom with items that are not related to sleep, do not stir a lot of chairs in the room, bookshelves and various decorative elements. Although you should not completely abandon them, otherwise the room will be too boring.

    Refuse a lot of paintings and photographs on the walls, especially if they are enclosed in massive frames. It is preferable to hang one picture above the head of the bed.

    To make the most of the space of the room and at the same time not clutter it up, choose furniture with built-in niches for storing things (sofas, ottomans, tables).

    Instead of several shelves, it is better to use one compact rack, which will fit everything you need and at the same time leave a lot of free space.

    It is advisable to use curtains and textiles without large patterns. Canopies and numerous pillows are also contraindicated in small bedrooms.

    Glossy walls and ceilings are also known for reflecting light, making the room feel light and airy. Glossy ceilings appear significantly higher than similar matte ceilings.

    But be careful with the glossy finish of the walls - they must be perfectly even, otherwise any imperfections will be very conspicuous.

    An office in a small bedroom is a reality

    Nowadays, to create a workplace or a creative corner in the bedroom, it is enough to find a small piece of space for a console and a chair.

    Such a space can be the surface of the window sill, extended and reinforced with a wooden tabletop.

    The working surface of the mini-cabinet can be arranged in the form of a rack, this design takes more less space, because it is attached to the wall and does not need vertical supports.

    Also, the working area and the place to sleep can be separated using a rack.

    Not the last important aspect in the design of a bedroom in a small area is the lighting system. Recessed lights save some space. A classic pendant chandelier will only be appropriate if the ceiling height is sufficient. Among other things, it is necessary to consider the lighting in the work area, whether it will desk lamp or adjustable Wall Light- you decide.

    In a small room that combines the functions of a bedroom and an office, you can apply an interesting design move - we place the bed on a podium with lighting, which integrates a work surface and bedside table. The result is the effect of a bed hanging in the air.

    You can place not only the desktop, but also bookcases using the provided square meters rational and economical.

    The issue with the lack of free space can be solved with the use of the most minimal amount of furniture.

    When the bedroom, which also houses the study, is equipped for the girl, the work surface can also be used as a dressing table.

    Bedroom behind a screen or how to fit two zones in one room

    The now common layout in new buildings is a studio apartment, within which it is necessary to equip everything necessary for comfortable living segments. Sometimes the expansion of the family requires the division of the available living space into zones. In this case, screens and partitions of various configurations often come to the rescue. It can be transparent or frosted glass screens, shelving with closed or open shelves, and sometimes just curtains.

    By separating the sleeping area with thick curtains or translucent curtains, you will “feel” the presence of walls and at the same time achieve ease of zoning and savings usable area. If it is necessary to combine the space of the room into a single whole, the textile partition can be moved away for a while.
    Curtains or a curtain made of beads or plastic tubes will look especially original, and sometimes even exotic. Do you want to make the sleeping area invisible to others? It's quite real. Podium with retractable bed- exactly what you need.

    The sleeping area can be separated from the living area with a sliding glass door system.

    But the presence of a sleeping area in a studio apartment does not always involve dividing the area through partitions. Sometimes they are completely absent in such a living space, and then the bed becomes an integral part of the overall interior and even a kind of decorative element.

    Another option open location beds in a studio apartment - a podium. At the same time, it can have many modifications - have steps, drawers and even a wardrobe in its design. Functional podium options are, of course, more advantageous, because in this way you create both a sleeping place and additional storage space.
    Do you want to make the sleeping area invisible to others? It's quite real. A podium with a pull-out bed is exactly what you need.

    If the arrangement of the podium in the studio apartment is not included in your plans, but the desire to preserve the intimacy of your own bed is still relevant, the most rational solution would be to install folding bed, which hides in a closet during the daytime. Equipping a similar design with a mirror panel, you will solve the problem of visual expansion of the room.

    The loft-style bedroom contains a partition at the head of the bed that separates the bathroom space.

    Children's bedroom - interior features

    Of course, children like small spaces, but the complexity of arranging a bedroom for a child is that it will not be enough to install only a small bed, storage systems for things and toys are needed, you can add an armchair or a small sofa to the room, and if possible, there should be room for games.

    All children love bright saturated colors and their presence is important to consider even in a small room. But for children it is important not only that the bedroom is practical, but also interesting, funny, attractive.

    In case the bedroom is intended for two children or teenagers, the use bunk bed can be great way space saving. The lower tier can be used as a sofa by placing a monitor or TV on the wall opposite.

    Bedroom design 2018. Photo. Ideas

    This creation is a great example of how a small city apartment can feel much bigger, more dynamic and modern, and at the same time have an elegant simplicity and quirky spirit.

    Bedroom platform designed and manufactured to order, warm and living space is matched with ceiling and floor ending.

    The bedroom became part of the living room thanks to ingenuity and creative design.

    If there is no space and the ability to make a separate bedroom from the main living area - then there is a choice you can install a sofa bed. New design trends and lines offer some very fresh and interesting examples from which to pick the sweet spot.

    The sofa bed is a beautiful modern piece of furniture. The sofa is suitable for any function: receiving guests or quietly reading books, as well as a sleeping place for any family.

    The sofa bed is very roomy and cozy, soft upholstery and modern style for guests. It can be thought of as a chaise lounge chair that can quickly turn into a comfortable single bed.

    Our bedroom is, one might say, the most important space in the apartment, here we spend the lion's share of our time, looking for solitude from everyday stresses and life activities in it. real world. Unfortunately, we often pay not as much attention to the design of our bedroom as we should.

    Experiment, try new options, listen to your inner voice, while not forgetting to take into account the advice of experienced designers and keep a sense of proportion, and you will get a cozy, cute bedroom in which you will enjoy relaxing after a working day.

    Modern apartments of small size do not make it possible to realize all the ideas for filling and finishing, but subject to the basic rules, the interior of a bedroom in a small room can be made extraordinary and cozy. Small bedroom design ideas are feasible if you have a room project and follow the methods of organizing space in a small room.

    What style to choose?

    Modern style

    Modern style is the most suitable option for those who do not want to experiment with design. Functional furniture, mirrored panels at the head, simplicity of lines, discreet texture wallpaper, gloss, open half-empty shelves create an original interior and add space. White, beige, light green and blue tones for decorating a small room are the most popular in this style.


    A minimalist bedroom requires some asceticism from its owner. It is advisable to use this style for interior decoration of small rooms, since minimalism requires functionality, proportion and straight lines in furniture. Figurines, vintage napkins will be out of place.

    Minimalism can also be bright. Simple lines, an unusual chandelier, and a red accent wall look simple and appropriate in a small bedroom.

    Small bedroom in scandinavian style combines minimalism and simple beauty. He focuses not on the play of color, but on the conciseness and rationality of using interior items in the room. Neutral wood tones and light walls serve as a background for blue, mustard and gray in detail.

    Linen textiles, a minimum of furniture and interior items, laconic decor, light walls and a knitted plaid create a simple Scandinavian style.

    A small bedroom in a classic style will be recognizable if the walls are made in beige or white, and some interior elements are gilded. Austrian curtains of the most modest cut will complement the image. Designers do not advise using the classics in small rooms, as it requires detailing, for which there is simply no room.

    On the picture black and white interior in a classic style with respect for the proportions of color looks self-sufficient and concise, and bright daylight does not make the room gloomy.

    The photo shows a luxurious bedroom in a classic style. The blue color of the walls gives the effect of depth, velvet textiles, mirror inserts in the cabinets, a chandelier with candles create an atmosphere of mystery.


    The interior of a small bedroom in the Provence style is possible, but only when using the minimum necessary recognizable accessories in the room. Enough short curtains with a floral print, a delicate color of the wallpaper and an accent wall trimmed with wallpaper to match the walls with small flowers. Suitable pink, green and blue tones, as well as their combination.


    A small loft-style bedroom is suitable for a home with high ceilings. This combination of casual walls and the feeling of a garage space is created by homemade simple furniture made of wooden boards and pallets, a large window, bare and "unfinished" walls. It can be a false brick wall, whitewashed walls, wood paneling.

    Such an interior is suitable for sunny rooms with a large window (if the window is small, you can highlight it with a bright color and not use curtains). A board, whitewash and gray or white paint are suitable for finishing the ceiling. For flooring, you can use a regular laminate, as well as cork.

    Color solution

    When designing a small bedroom to expand the space, you need to give preference to light colors for wall decoration. White color will not look sterile if there are bright accents of complementary colors in the interior of a small bedroom.

    A light palette fills the room with air and freshness, to this traditional method small bedroom extensions appeal to interior designers of various levels. It does not have to be shades of white, pastel shades of pink, blue, beige and gray in combination with light flooring visually enlarge the bedroom of a small area.

    A light ceiling in combination with light wallpaper with a horizontal ornament or stripes in the interior will expand the space. For a bright accent, it is recommended to choose furniture or textiles in rich colors.

    The interior of a bedroom in a small room can be decorated in dark colors only if there are two windows, several light sources, white textiles and light furniture. You can also make one accent wall dark in contrast with light decor items.

    Materials for finishing the ceiling, walls and floor


    Ceiling in small bedroom right choice shapes of color and material will help to visually enlarge the room. For example, a stretch ceiling with a glossy canvas will create a reflection effect.

    • For zoning a room, you can use a matte stretch ceiling with glossy inserts, which are additionally different configuration can change the shape of the room.
    • The image of the sky or stars in the interior will evoke associations of spaciousness.
    • A good option would be a combination of the color of the walls and ceiling, and curtains, cornices and textiles can act as a contrast.
    • Latex paint, drywall with a glossy film are also suitable for finishing the ceiling.
    • A mirror insert for interior design of a small bedroom is advised not to be used over the entire ceiling area, but only in the center, this will create a feeling of bottomlessness.
    • When using frosted glass with illumination for decoration, the problem of a low ceiling is also solved, and a frosted window with a pattern is suitable for an attic window.
    • A two-level convex ceiling in the room will be inappropriate, unlike a concave one with a glossy surface.
    • Decorative molding around the perimeter creates a lengthening effect.


    For decorating the walls of a room, painting in white or pastel colors, paper or non-woven wallpaper without a pattern, or with small patterns is best suited.

    Wallpaper for a small bedroom can be in a small pattern, and if you paste over the center of the ceiling and walls with them, this will replace the suspended two-level structure.

    The accent wall in the room can be pasted over with contrasting wallpaper, make a backlit panel, decorate with photo wallpaper, textile inserts.

    In the photo, the murals in a small bedroom create an effect big window or flying over the city, such a room does not need additional interior decoration.

    The walls in a small bedroom can be decorated with mirror inserts for additional expansion.

    In the photo, the interior of the bedroom in beige and brown tones is made according to all the canons of modern style, the mirror panel at the head creates the effect of a window, and the vertical shelving makes the room visually taller.


    The floor in a small bedroom is best done in bright colors and give preference parquet board or laminate. When laying it, it is advisable to use the diagonal masonry technique, this will also expand the interior of the bedroom in a small room. Decorate the floor with a small carpet in the color of the furniture, which is easy to care for.

    Selection and arrangement of furniture

    Often a small bedroom in an apartment combines several functional areas and there is a need to place a desktop, bed, wardrobe within one bedroom, so when choosing furniture for a small bedroom, this must be taken into account.

    The furniture in the room should be compact, bedside tables should be replaced with a rack or bookcase, tall cabinets, wall shelves.

    original and simple solution there will be the use of vertical space, shelves above the bed, a built-in lamp next to it will create a cozy interior for rest and work.

    In order to properly arrange the furniture in a small bedroom, you just need to avoid voids between the furniture. The bedroom should not turn into a closet, so there should be a minimum of things in it, and all of them should be really used. The abundance of clothes, books and other interior items will interfere with healthy sleep.

    Window sills can be used as an additional closet or desk, and with good window insulation, and as a place to relax.


    A bed for a small bedroom should be as functional as possible, for example, with an internal pencil case, drawers, without a lush headboard. The ideal option for a compact interior there will be a transforming bed, a folding sofa, or a bed on the podium with storage boxes. If you want an unusual solution and the front door allows, then the bed can be placed diagonally.


    A closet for a small bedroom is best to choose built-in and the color of the walls. If the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room allows, then it is better to choose a closet in a small bedroom with a mirror surface and no patterns. The straight lines of the wardrobe and the delicate shade will be appropriate in the modern interior of a small room.

    Curtains and decor

    Curtains for a small bedroom should be selected without a large pattern, but it is better to opt for Roman and roller blinds, if it is an attic, then curtains can be abandoned altogether. It is acceptable to use light tulle for protection from the sun and a feeling of weightlessness.

    It is much easier to make mistakes in the design of a small bedroom than in a large one. You should not choose more than 1 accent color and do not make more than 1 accent wall. The point is bed linen and curtains, which attract a lot of attention, which means that if you overdo it with the walls and ceiling, we get porridge and not design. But first things first.

    Deciding on style and finish

    First, let's put forward a few important theses. We will reveal some later, some we will have to believe.

    1. Choose white as the main background color. Not gray, not beige, not coffee. White.
    2. Maximum 1 additional accent color per trim. Better than 0. Bed linen, curtains, clothes - everything has its own color and these colors are enough. It makes no sense to add colors to the trim.
    3. Bedding is number one in a small bedroom. No matter how cool the design you make, choose plain floral bedding and nothing will be left of the design. Single color only. Look at the photos.
    4. Don't be smart with the ceiling. The best ceiling for a small bedroom is a smooth white matte without complications.
    5. Lighting color temperature 3000K. This question from a biological point of view will be discussed further.

    Choice of design style

    The main thing is to decide whether we are doing a bedroom in a modern style or a classic one. Our deep conviction is that you should always choose modern styles. If for large apartments this is just an opinion, then for small apartments it is the rule.

    In a small area, you should always choose modern design styles.

    This is also true for money. Let's be honest, the vast majority of people don't have an unlimited budget. In fact, if that were the case, why would we have small bedrooms? And since money does matter, modern styles should be chosen. In addition to their main advantages, they are also cheaper.

    Here is a photo perfect design for a small bedroom:

    Modern interior design styles blend well and there are no clear boundaries between them. TOP of the most relevant small bedroom design styles in 2019:

    1. Minimalism
    2. Scandinavian style

    Apart from the classic loft, the basic template for most modern styles is minimalism. Other styles are obtained by adding details to it. We advise you to start acquaintance with the modern design of the bedroom with, and then consider others.

    Choice of wall color

    As a rule, the accent wall is made behind the bed. But the selection criterion is workload. The less loaded the wall, the better it fits the role of an accent. Because there is always a door on one wall, and a window on the other, either the wall behind the TV or behind the bed is chosen as an accent wall. Attention to it is riveted either by some cool wallpaper, or just a bright color. But be careful with, although this material has been used longer than others, it is with it that the most nuances are.

    In addition to the walls in the bedroom there are linens, curtains, perhaps a carpet and other items. All these items have their own colors. If we make the walls bright as well, we get porridge.

    Decorative plaster has been around for a long time, but was used only in classical styles. By 2019, this material has experienced a rebirth and burst into modern styles. This is the most practical material, it is not afraid of anything, it is easy to clean. Can have any texture and color. Of the minuses, only the high cost. But we don’t need to decorate all the walls in the bedroom with it, it’s enough to put it on the wall behind the bed. This is the most modern way to finish the wall behind the bed, while not having restrictions on implementation. Application meter price decorative plaster turnkey $10-30, given that our bedroom is small, the wall area behind the bed is approximately 3×2.7=8.1 square meters. Not cheap for one wall, but worth it.

    The base color of the walls, when there are no special preferences, is white. It is always relevant, never goes out of fashion. The perfect neutral color that goes with just about anything. Because in the bedroom there is minimal danger of smearing the walls, this is where the white color is in maximum safety.

    Floor and ceiling in a small bedroom

    The biggest mistake in a small bedroom is to be tricky with floors and ceilings. The floors are almost invisible, because. most of the area is occupied by a bed. Ceilings, if you make them too complex, draw unnecessarily much attention on themselves. A good place for multilevel plasterboard ceilings- living room, but not a bedroom.

    Ceiling in a small bedroom

    Because we make the ceiling simple, any material will do. The shape of the bedroom, even in non-standard apartments, is usually rectangular or square. The combination of a small area and the correct shape is ideal for a stretch ceiling. In this version, it will not have any seams or ugly corner entries (because all corners are 90 degrees). So it makes no sense to overpay for plasterboard ceilings.

    In a small bedroom we make a simple minimalistic ceiling.

    Here is a good example of when they thought the design was too simple and decided to complicate it with a ceiling. In a vacuum, it might not be so bad, but in a specific example, such a ceiling design is completely off topic.

    Many people recommend choosing glossy ceilings for a small bedroom, supposedly this increases the space. We're the opposite categorically do not recommend doing glossy ceilings in a small bedroom. In addition to reflecting light, gloss reflects everything else. As a result, we will get x2 of all items concentrated in a small area. This is chaos, not design. Interior design is about balance, not complexity. In general, glossy ceilings look collective farm. In terms of price / appearance ratio, the absolute first place is occupied by stretch matte white ceilings.

    Floor in a small bedroom

    The most insignificant point - the floor in a small bedroom is almost invisible. Choose any parquet or laminate with a chamfer you like - you can't go wrong. The only recommendation that can be given is to look at dark colors. Ideally, if you can make the illusion of a gradient from a dark floor to a light ceiling - it looks very stylish. Otherwise, there are no rules.

    Where to start renovating a small bedroom

    There are things that can always be changed or redone. And there are those that need to be laid at the very beginning of interior design even before the start of repairs, because they cannot be redone. And no matter how cool the interior design for your small bedroom you do, if you make a mistake in them and it is impractical, no appearance will bother you anymore. Let's start with them.


    The bedroom is one of the most undemanding rooms in terms of area. Unlike other rooms, here our activity is minimal - falling asleep and waking up. In fact, the minimum sufficient area is 9 sq.m. For a square room, this is 3 × 3 meters along the walls. The standard size of mattresses is 160-180×200. And this means that any place where you can shove it can already be turned into a bedroom.

    The minimum sufficient bedroom area is 9 sq.m.

    But you always want more. If your apartment has the opportunity to redevelop and enlarge a small bedroom by moving walls or, for example, adding a balcony, then why not. We are constantly we recommend considering redevelopment options for small apartments. Many have an irrational fear of redevelopment, and completely in vain. It is not so expensive and difficult, and the advantages are significant, both in terms of design and practicality.

    The most common design option for expanding the space of a small bedroom is to add a balcony. For this, the balcony is insulated, and the wall between it and the bedroom is either completely demolished, or the window frame and door are simply removed. The advantage of the second option is that there is no need to move the battery and an additional table (in place of the former window). But keep in mind that it is almost impossible to legitimize the addition of a balcony to the bedroom.

    We figured out the redevelopment of the bedroom. What else is important to do initial stage repair.

    Electrical wiring in the bedroom

    Light switches in a small bedroom

    What you definitely can't do is the electrical wiring. Make a mistake here, and even a small bedroom can cause big problems.

    By 2019, for professional builders and designers, some things in bedroom design have already become the standard. One of them - walk-through switches in the bedroom. Passage groups of switches are called, which independently of each other can turn on and off the same circuit of light. This is especially true for corridors and bedrooms, even small ones. Agree, it is convenient to be able to turn the light on and off without getting out of bed and without going to the door.

    Wiring for walk-through switches must be done immediately, then it is impossible to add them.

    Sockets in a small bedroom

    In 2019, it is already impossible to imagine yourself without gadgets. Phone, e-book, tablet - things that are constantly used in the bedroom. Things that tend to discharge at the most inopportune moment. Accordingly, on each side of the bed, in addition to the walk-through switches, there must also be sockets in the amount of at least 2 pieces.

    Don't forget TV outlets. Moreover, it is desirable to know in advance whether it will stand on a pedestal or hung on a bracket, because. it depends on the height. We advise you to make a group of at least 3 sockets - you never know what else you want to connect.

    Place 1-2 more sockets below at a height of 15-30 cm from the floor. May be useful for a vacuum cleaner or climate technology, which is relevant. Humidity in the bedroom is an important parameter, but you do not think about it until it is in order. If for some reason the air is too dry, you should be able to plug in a humidifier.

    Much has changed in the design of sockets and switches. Now the choice of sockets and in appearance and wallet is simply huge. Any colors, any styles. If at some point you run into the need to support an additional accent color in the bedroom with some accessories, think about sockets and switches. It is quite possible that they exist in the color you need.

    Small bedroom lighting

    One of the most important points, wherein Even the designers don't understand. Light affects the quality of sleep. Every person has an internal biological clock (circadian rhythm). 2-3 hours before sleep, the body begins to produce the hormone melatonin, which plays an important role in the quality of sleep. And there is important nuance Light suppresses the production of this hormone. And what could be more important in bedroom design than its effect on sleep?

    In order to go to sleep normally, bedroom lighting must meet 2 requirements:

    1. Non-primary dim light sources.
    2. The color temperature is not more than 3000K.

    This is necessary because the suppression of melatonin production depends on the intensity and wavelength of the light. Therefore, you should be able to use additional light sources that will not blind. Complete darkness is also not an option - when watching TV, being in the dark is harmful to the eyes.

    Warm or cold lighting in the bedroom also matters. The colder light appears to us, the shorter its wavelength. And it is light with a short wavelength that worsens sleep the most. That's why in the design of the bedroom it is important to use lamps with a color temperature of 2800-3000K those. warm yellow lighting .

    Small bedroom furniture

    How to place the bed

    The size of the mattress is 160-180×200, respectively, the size of the bed is slightly larger depending on its design. Standard placement where the area allows - in the middle of the room with the back to the wall. The advantages of this bed placement in the bedroom are the ability to make bedside tables, sockets and switches on both sides.

    When the area of ​​​​the room is small and there is no place for such “chic”, we put the bed against the wall or window. Some inconvenience arises from the inability to climb on it from both sides, but the small bedroom does not start to look worse from this. It's quite standard version, many have already used it and the interior of the bedroom does not suffer much. You can rate on the photos:

    If the sides of the bed are narrow, then you will have constant contact with the wall against which the bed is leaning. It is desirable that this wall is not too light, or at least was made of a material that washes well, such as decorative plaster.

    Because our bedroom is small, we can hardly fit a bunch of wardrobes in it. Therefore, you may have to consider options where there is storage space in the bed. This will slightly degrade the design of a small bedroom by overloading it, but practicality is more important.

    Wardrobe and cabinets

    Small or large room, but things need to be stored somewhere. Of course, I would like small light cabinets along the edges of the bed, but in practice it would be a good idea to make them up to the ceiling. Unusual but practical. Luckily, anything can be done to order. And because of the high competition in the market of services for the manufacture of furniture to order, prices can be found quite humane, the main thing is to look.

    Go around as many bedroom furniture companies as possible - prices vary widely.

    Many people deliberately reduce the bedroom area to 10-12 square meters in favor of a wardrobe. This is a redevelopment in which we move the entrance deep into the bedroom, and use the vacated space as a wardrobe. At the same time, the area is not used rationally, but from the point of view of design, such a bedroom interior looks better.

    If the meters are still limited and there is no desire to exchange them for the appearance, then choose either a wardrobe or a regular wardrobe with hinged doors. In the bedroom design trends of 2019, the second option is even preferable - sliding wardrobes are no longer in fashion.

    Such a proposal sounds a bit wild, but it's better than a constant mess from the inability to put things in their places. And everyone has a lot of things and their number does not correlate with the small size of the room. In this option, be sure to choose light colors for such furniture, preferably without texture. Pure white or beige furniture is standard. This is also important because dust is not visible on the light, and it is unlikely that you will have the opportunity to constantly climb under the bedroom ceiling to wipe it.

    Dust is not visible on the light.

    Our task is to adapt everything that is possible for storage. The bed, the open sections of the walls - that's it.

    Now you have all the information on the design of small bedrooms, drag ideas from the photo and good luck with the renovation!

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