Balsam care at home in winter. Caring for balsam in autumn and winter

Garden equipment 14.06.2019
Garden equipment

This year I became acquainted with such a plant as balsam. And my delight is difficult to put into words. In a flowerpot it looks simply gorgeous. Impatiens blooms continuously, the fading buds simply fall off, and due to this the composition looks very neat. Plant care is minimal - watering. The only limitation is that the plant loves partial shade, and in full sun the flower withers and droops. It grows rapidly, this is how much it grew from seeds over the summer.

And now I desperately want to propagate it so that next year I can plant it not only in flowerpots, but also in a flower bed. But I have no idea how to save it. I can’t drag an outdoor planter into the house for the winter. I have no idea what to do. After all, if you transplant mature plant- you need an incredible size pot, and a place to put it. And so I thought, what if it can be cut, like, for example, geranium? And these renewed sprouts will get stronger over the winter, and in the spring they will appear in the flowerbed in full bloom?

If anyone has tried it, please share your experience?
In addition, can someone tell me the name of the balsam that blooms with roses.

It was bought by me from my grandmother at the market and has not yet been identified.
For comparison, next to it is a Waller's balsam flower (I grew it from seeds).

Impatiens - beautiful, profusely and brightly blooming, not demanding special attention potted flower, who came to us from the Zanzibar Islands. The subtropics of Africa and countries are also considered its homeland Central Asia. In the CIS, this houseplant is better known under other names: “Wet Vanka”, “Ogonyok” and “Touchy”. The balsam family includes approximately 500 species of plants, which have a number of specific characteristics - love for moisture and sunlight. In order for balsam to bloom profusely and brightly, caring for it at home should take into account regular and proper watering, as well as indoor placement. What do you need to know about growing this plant? What care features should I consider?

Appearance of balsam plants: photos of indoor plants and description

Potted flowers that can be bought at the store are usually perennials, having a thin and smooth stem, elongated oval leaves of a very rich light green or dark green color interspersed with purple. The stem can reach 35-50 cm, and the leaves located closer to the root can stretch into an oval with a diameter of up to 7-11 cm. The balsamaceae genus also has annual representatives.

This is what indoor balsam looks like - photos taken during abundant flowering.

Annual representatives are grown in open ground. The care requirements will be the same.

Both types of plants can bloom both in inflorescences and single flowers, the petals of which have a characteristic bright color: snow-white, matte pink, scarlet, bright orange (fiery) and others.

The beauty of flowers unusual shape petals:

  • freely located;
  • fused in pairs;
  • the presence in the inflorescence of one petal elongated into a spur;
  • multicolor color: pink-burgundy, yellow-purple, white-violet and other shades;
  • a white small bud opening with large, bright and rich petals.

Perennial species blooms profusely practical all year round. But only if caring for balsam at home was correct - the photo shows healthy plants from both subspecies. If an annual representative of the family is grown in a pot, then it will delight with large flowers in the summer. At good care the flowering period is extended by 1-1.5.

How to choose the right place for indoor balsam: photos and rules

All representatives of the balsam family are photophilous. herbaceous plants. If the house has a south-facing window, this is their place. But when placing the pot on the windowsill, it is worth considering that direct sunlight shining through the glass can scorch the juicy and bright leaves. To ensure proper care for indoor balsam during summer heat, you need to install protection or select an area on the windowsill where the sun's rays linger for a short time. With the arrival of cold weather, it is imperative to remove the protection and place the pot in the most illuminated place.

Balsam also:

  • love fresh air;
  • do not tolerate strong drafts;
  • they do not like frost and cold - in winter it is better to move the pot with the plant away from the glass, closer to the edge of the windowsill, where you can feel the heat from the radiator;
  • When airing a room in winter, it is better to move the plant away from the window.

If the pot is placed incorrectly, the flower loses its crown shape - it stretches upward, the stem becomes bare, lower leaves fall off, flowering is rare. The plant produces buds at the very top of the stem.

The photo shows a balsam that was cared for at home incorrectly.

Proper watering is an important component of caring for indoor balsam.

Perennial and annual plants will give bright flowers only if the soil or soil in which they live is kept moist. In summer, the flower is given more moisture, and in winter, the amount of water is reduced by 1/3. In this case, you need to water with soft water without impurities. It is recommended to let tap water stand for at least 2-3 days.

Frequent and moderately abundant watering is required. Do not overwater the plant. In this case, the roots will begin to rot and the flowers will disappear. To avoid this, it is better to have good drainage.

If balsam is cared for correctly at home, then after each time small droplets of moisture will appear on the leaves of the plant. After a few hours they will become sugary. This feature of the flower appears in the summer.

At what temperature and humidity should it be kept?

The plant will be comfortable where it is warm. The subtropical plant has already adapted to our conditions, but still tolerates cold with great difficulty. Therefore, in winter the room should be at least 13-16 0 C, and in summer - 20-24 0 C.

Impatiens love humidity, so if the thermometer needle rises above 22 0 C, it is worth increasing the humidity in the room. Otherwise the flowers will dry up. It is recommended to place a container of water next to the pot.

Top dressing and soil

An important component of caring for indoor balsam is replanting the plant in properly selected soil and fertilizing. Planting the cuttings in a pot (impatiens are propagated at home by cuttings) or replanting the plant in early spring before flowering or in the fall after flowering. We take the soil:

  • 1 part earth and humus,
  • ½ part and 1 part sand.

Balsam is planted in big pot. He does not like large containers, since his roots must completely entwine the lump of soil. The faster he does this, the faster he will begin to grow and produce flowers. In a large pot, growth slows down.

If there is no small container, then 2-3 cuttings can be planted in one pot at a distance of about 5-6 cm. The plants coexist well with each other.

Balsam is fed as soon as the plant emerges from hibernation. A potassium-phosphorus mixture is ideal as a fertilizer. It is added to the pot once every 2 weeks of flowering. In winter, nitrogen fertilizers can be given. They will increase the amount of greenery on the stem, but you should apply fertilizer in small portions and not often.

Impatiens can also be propagated from seeds. They are sown at the end of February in a box. The plant will independently provide for the owner required quantity seeds You just need to be careful when collecting them. “Touch-me-not” throws them out at the slightest touch (a breath of wind) to a ripe box.

The beauty of indoor flowering - video

This is one of the traditional potted crops. People have many other names for it: “Vanka wet”, “Zealous Lisa”, “touchy”, “spark”. Nicknames contribute to the emergence various features plants: secrete dew, spew seeds from the capsule if touched. Habitat upholstered - tropical and subtropical forests. Homeland - Africa and Asia.

Impatiens are very demanding on lighting; it should be long but without direct sunlight. It is better to water the flower often but a little at a time; you can also spray the plant to maintain moisture.

Abundantly flowering bush unpretentious and, with proper care, can delight with its decorative effect for many years. The stem is thin with smooth surface, reaches up to 40 cm. The leaves are dark green in color, oval and oblong in shape. Each has a slight splash of noble purple color. The flowers have a wide colorful palette: yellow with purple, burgundy with pink, purple with white, and others. Flowering occurs almost without interruption throughout the warm season.

Growing and caring for a flower

Locations, lighting and temperature

Herbaceous representative of the flora loves light very much. His favorite place in the house will be a window oriented to the south. Do not forget about the harmful effects of direct sunlight, especially through glass. Bright, juicy foliage is at risk of burning.

On hot days, artificial shading is installed, but only for the period of active activity. solar activity. With the onset of cold weather, it is removed, but the pot is moved away from the glass. Balsam does not tolerate frost or cold. When choosing a room, you should take into account the love for fresh air, but drafts should be avoided. If it is placed incorrectly, the light will build up its root mass, to the detriment of flowering. The shape of the crown becomes irregular, and the buds move to the very edge.

The subtropical past requires sufficient warmth. Despite the successful adaptation of the exotic to our climate, it does not survive the cold well. From December to March the temperature in the room should not be less than 14 degrees Celsius, and in other months permissible temperature from 20 to 30 degrees, with sufficient humidity.

Watering and humidity

The plant needs frequent but moderate watering

Moisture-loving handsome man unable to tolerate drought. By constantly keeping the soil moist, you can ensure long and lush flowering. With the onset of spring, more moisture is required; in the fall, watering is reduced by half. Purified water is used at room temperature. There is no need to fill it. This can cause rotting of the root system.

Optimal: water little but often. In the summer, after watering, droplets of dew appear on the leaves and quickly dry out. If it happened unforeseen situation, when there was no opportunity to “give” the zealous Lisa and she dried up, then she can still be saved. The container is completely immersed in a pan of water for 2 hours. The liquid that has flowed into the pan is poured out the next day. The touch-me-not will come to life, but will be weak. It takes time to recover.

To prevent the wet vanilla from drying out, it is important to monitor the thermometer. As soon as it rises above +22, additional safety measures should be taken. A tray is placed next to the flowerpot.

Choosing a pot

Required small. The pet does not like large vessels. For lush flowering root system should completely envelop its interior. Otherwise, the balsam will only grow green mass until the roots fill the inside of the flowerpot.

If it is not possible to plant it in a small container, then you can use a large one, but for 2 bushes at once. A drainage layer is poured into each container, without exception. It should be at least one third of the total volume of the substrate. It is necessary to have through drainage holes. Otherwise, the exotic is at risk of many diseases.

Soil and fertilizers

By choosing the right soil mixture, you can provide the plant with all necessary conditions growth. Ideally it is light nutritious soil. You can buy it at flower shop- soil for flowering indoor plants. Or make your own using these ingredients:

  • humus;
  • turf land;
  • sand in equal parts.

Mix everything thoroughly and add 1/2 of the peat. Heavy soils hinder growth and full development.

IN winter period Fertilizers should not be completely abandoned. Support is provided in small portions once a month. Has a beneficial effect on the plant during this season nitrogen fertilizing. The active stage of fertilizers begins immediately after leaving the dormant state. For primary support, a phosphorus-potassium mixture is used. It is applied 2 times a month. But observing certain rules: fertilizers include only healthy specimens in the “diet”; no support is required during rest and for a month after transplantation; You must apply strictly the amount indicated on the packaging by the manufacturer.

Excessive supplementary nutrition has a negative impact on health.

Plant pruning

Held in the spring. The stems are shortened if they have grown and the crown has lost its attractiveness. They can be cut by no more than one third. And if the length is optimal, but growth stimulation is required, then the stems are pinched. In this way, the bush is rejuvenated, and the cut fragments are used for propagation.

Impatiens transplant

It is carried out every year after purchase. To avoid stress, do this in the spring, as soon as active growth begins. Changing the pot has a positive effect on the appearance of new shoots and the size of the buds.

Experienced gardeners It is recommended to carry out the procedure 2 times a year: in autumn and spring. This way they protect the crop from diseases, loss of attractiveness and stimulate the formation of a voluminous and dense bush.

Pests and diseases

Causes the most harm. The growth of infection is promoted by: cool air, stagnant moisture and non-compliance with care rules. The pathogen enters the fire along with moisture. After 3-4 days, spots appear on the stems, which are replaced by a whitish coating and the leaves die off. They darken and fall off. To prevent the death of balsam, you need to act quickly.

First of all, the frequency of moisturizing changes - they become scarce. This way you can protect against dew. The room is systematically ventilated, avoiding drafts. All affected parts are removed, and healthy parts are thoroughly sprayed with insecticides.

Thrips - can harm the plant; if they are detected, the plant should be treated

A sure sign of uninvited guests is deformation of young shoots. Gradually, pests colonize an increasingly larger area and new symptoms appear. The tips of the leaves begin to turn yellow, the flower’s immunity is weakened, brown spots appear, and its decorative effect is lost. Diligent Lisa, who falls ill, is placed in quarantine and treated with insecticides. All affected parts are removed and burned.

Flower propagation


This method preserves all the characteristics of the maternal “individual”. Cut off planting material during transplantation. Choose a twig without buds. The optimal length is 9-11 cm. Each should have at least 2 internodes. The lower leaves are cut off.

Rooting methods:

  • water. Immersion occurs before the foliage. It is not worth getting it wet to prevent rotting. Layers need a well-lit space with warm air. The root system will begin to develop immediately and after 2 weeks you can transplant the cuttings into the soil.
  • priming. Grounding a healthy cutting occurs shallowly. You can prepare a suitable substrate yourself: equal parts peat and vermiculite, 2 parts perlite. It should always be slightly moistened. After watering, shallow loosening is recommended to saturate with oxygen.

How to choose a healthy plant in the store

A careful examination of the impatiens will help you quickly and very accurately determine whether the plant is healthy and whether it is worth purchasing. Signs of a sick Vanka wet:

  • dry tips of leaves, spots, stripes, plaque and lethargy;
  • pale color, small flowers and buds;
  • obvious signs of insects;
  • irregular, deformed crown shape.
  • unpleasant smell.

If none of the above symptoms are present, then you can agree to purchase. After transporting him home, he is given a secluded corner, without bright light. Replanting and slow introduction of watering regimes, fertilizers, etc. are required. It takes time to adapt.

The most common types

The extensive family includes many amazing representatives:

  • garden;
  • Waller;
  • terry;
  • Impreza;
  • Hawker;
  • New Guinean.

The plant can be herbaceous or subshrub. Initially, balsam grew in the tropics; the supposed homeland of this flower is the island of Zanzibar. The flower appeared in Europe at the end of the sixteenth century, where cultivated varieties of balsam were bred.

With proper care, balsam blooms almost all year round. The flowers of the plant are large and bright, most often red, but pink, yellow, orange, white, and burgundy are also found. There are varieties with two-color flowers, i.e., a contrasting “eye” in the center of the flower. The leaves are usually dark green, sometimes burgundy or variegated.

Advice! The plant is moisture-loving and requires regular, frequent watering, especially in the warm season. In summer, the balsam should not be exposed to scorching sunlight; it is necessary to shade the plant. In winter, it is not recommended to heavily moisten the soil to avoid hypothermia. Drafts are also detrimental to the flower.

Balsam does not need to be created additional conditions, this flower feels great at the temperature and humidity of an ordinary living space.

Look at the photo of what the balsam looks like:

Planting seeds and cuttings

Planting balsam is done in two ways:

  1. .

    It is considered more in a simple way planting and is recommended for beginning gardeners who want to preserve the quality of the variety. For planting, cuttings obtained after spring pruning plants. The cut shoot is placed in water until roots appear, this happens after about 2 weeks.

    After this, the sprout is planted in sand or a substrate prepared from a mixture of peat and perlite in a 2:1 ratio. When the flower gets stronger, it is transplanted into a larger container with regular soil for adult plants.

  2. .

    Applicable experienced gardeners and, as a rule, for growing garden varieties. However, it can also be used for indoor plants. It is important to remember that balsam grown from seeds may not have the characteristics of the selected variety. For planting, seeds are placed on the surface of the substrate.

    It is allowed to slightly deepen the seed, but it is not advisable to sprinkle it on top. After this, the container is covered with film or a glass cap. After about 10 days, sprouts with two leaves appear. This means that the seedlings can be transplanted into separate pots.

You will learn all the details of plant propagation by cuttings and seeds by reading.

It is necessary to replant balsam in order to replace the old depleted soil with new and nutritious soil, as well as to provide additional space for root growth.

Wherein it is important to remember that some tightness is even beneficial for this flower, because balsam blooms only after the root system fills the space of the pot. If the container is too large, all the energy and nutrients of the balsam will go to the development of roots, and not to flowering.

Transplantation is carried out once a year - in spring, or twice a year - in spring and autumn, depending on the intensity of flower growth. It is also necessary to replant a plant purchased in a store 2 weeks after purchase - this is the time the plant needs to adapt to new conditions. Read about the intricacies of transplanting balsam and subsequent care for it.

Required soil

This flower requires loose soil with low acidity. An excess of nutrients in the soil is not desirable, as it will lead to the growth of green mass and weak flowering. In a specialized store you can purchase earthen mixture for flowering plants, or prepare the soil yourself:

  1. The first option for homemade soil is a mixture leaf soil, turf, humus, sand and peat in a ratio of 2:2:2:2:1.
  2. A mixture of leaf soil with peat and river sand (2:1:1) is also used. It is important to remember that all components taken from the street must be disinfected.

Reference! Despite the fact that balsam is very moisture-loving, a thin layer of drainage in the pot is still very desirable. They can serve as small pebbles or pebbles, laid in a layer of no more than 2-3 cm.

How to properly care?

It is extremely important for balsam to receive sufficient moisture. In summer, the flower needs abundant watering, daily or every other day, depending on how quickly it dries out. upper layer soil in a pot. Under no circumstances should the soil be allowed to dry out.

In winter, watering is reduced, especially if the plant is in a cool room. Usually, in the cold season, 2 waterings per week are enough for balsam.

Can I spray with water?

Spraying can be carried out if the air in the room is warm and dry. In addition to additional hydration, this procedure serves as a prevention against the appearance of spider mite. Impatiens should be sprayed once every 2-3 days.

After spraying, it is necessary to keep the plant in the shade, since bright sunlight can burn wet leaves.

It is also important to avoid drafts to avoid hypothermia. For the same reason, it is not recommended to spray balsam in winter.

Top dressing

During flowering, balsam requires feeding. Fertilizer should be applied once every 10 days from the beginning of spring to autumn, until the plant enters a dormant period, alternating nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizing. Among organic fertilizers, the main source of nitrogen is bone meal, phosphorus - wormwood compost.

Nitrogen is necessary for balsam for the successful development of green mass, and phosphorus promotes high-quality flowering. Read about how to properly water and what to feed the plant for abundant flowering.

How to pinch?

To improve flowering and form a neat bush, in the spring it is necessary to pinch out the balsam, i.e., remove the upper part of the shoot.

Along with pinching, damaged leaves and wilted flowers are usually removed. Thanks to this, the flower maintains a neat appearance, and also reduces the risk of certain diseases and pests.

Important to remember: For dwarf varieties of balsam, pinching is not required.


How to prune a plant correctly and when should it be done? Pruning is carried out in March, and young shoots of balsam are cut off, which can be used to propagate the flower. During pruning and pinching, it is necessary to increase watering so that the plant can more easily endure the painful procedures.

In order for a flower to develop well and bloom actively in the warm season, in winter it is necessary to provide it with a period of rest. This will help the plant rest and gain strength for spring. Getting less sunlight, balsam can shed leaves. If proper care is taken, this phenomenon is not a cause for concern.

Lowering the temperature in winter is desirable, but not required condition for balsam. If the plant is placed in cooler conditions during wintering, then you need to remember that the indicator should not be lower than +16 degrees. Watering is gradually reduced from daily to once every 3-4 days.

Accumulation of water in the pan is not allowed. Fertilizers are excluded completely or applied no more than once a month. Nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers should be replaced with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers.

We wrote in more detail about growing and caring for balsam at home.

Possible problems

When growing indoor balsam You may encounter the following problems:

  • The plant does not bloom, in most cases, due to unfavorable factors. Typically, flowering does not occur if the balsam is planted in a pot that is too large, does not receive enough water, or due to excess nitrogen, which it receives from fertilizers.
  • Yellowing of the leaves is a signal of a lack of moisture in the soil. In addition, the leaves may turn yellow as a result of a burn if the flower is located under straight lines. sun rays. In winter, this sign indicates hypothermia of the balsam.

Diseases and pests

Like many others houseplants, balsam is susceptible to attack by pests and the appearance of. The following are considered the most common for this flower:

  1. Whitefly- an insect dangerous to balsam, appearing in a dry, damp room that does not receive fresh air.

    Important! For prevention, regular spraying and ventilation of the room with flowers is necessary. To get rid of whiteflies that have already appeared, use insect repellent tape.

  2. Spider mite– feeds on the juice of balsam leaves, which causes the leaves to wither and curl. It appears, like the whitefly, when the flower is kept in the wrong conditions. Maintaining air humidity and good ventilation will help prevent the appearance of such a pest.
  3. Soil mold– occurs when there is excess moisture. Despite the fact that balsam is a moisture-loving plant, it is important to ensure that the soil does not sour. If top part the soil is still covered with mold, it is necessary to remove the affected layer of soil and fill in a new one.

Useful video

Watch a video about caring for balsam:


Balsam is ideal for beginner gardeners, since caring for this plant does not require much effort. At the same time unpretentious bright flower will be a wonderful decoration for your home or apartment.

It is not without reason that balsam has been dubbed as touch-me-not. The fact is that this plant loves light and warmth very much, but he simply cannot stand the coolness, let alone drafts. It is this fact that should be taken into account when caring for balsam.

What time of year should you plant?

It's no secret that correct landing guarantees the plant a long life, but the wrong approach to this procedure can ruin the flower even with further proper care.

If we are talking about garden balsam, then it is important to remember how heat-loving this flower. This plant has fleshy leaves that mostly contain moisture.

The cold starts the processes of water freezing, and the plant stops receiving nutrition. In such conditions, balsam dies.

That's why, best time For planting, late spring, mid or late May is considered, when the air has already warmed up and there is no rain or wind.

Place for landing (thermal conditions, light conditions)

Plays a very important role the right landing site. After all, if you plant balsam in the shade or in a draft, you run the risk of soon noticing how this flower is dying.

Impatiens does not tolerate shade; it needs as much light and warmth as possible.

If you want to admire the flower all summer, avoid shady areas. But open area involves strong gusts of wind, so there should be barriers in the path of bad weather that will prevent the flower from experiencing strong gusts.

Many gardeners believe that planting balsam in the ground during rain is positive factor. The soil will be wet, the flower will immediately receive the necessary moisture, and will adapt faster to new conditions. In fact, this is far from the case.

When transplanted, the flower experiences severe stress, therefore it is necessary that the soil was warm and preheated. In May, the ground is not yet warm enough, and if it is wet with rain, it may even turn out to be cold for the flower. Impatiens plant is very delicate, so any deviation from the usual conditions of existence can play a cruel joke and the flower can die.


Balsam should only be planted in fertile soil, enriched useful substances and microelements for plants.

If you are not sure that the soil is rich enough in necessary substances, fertilize it a few days before planting.

It is advisable to repeat the procedure several times a month, because balsams are very sensitive to soil.

If you have tested your soil and know that she is slightly acidic, then you can be sure - this is an ideal environment for the growth and development of balsams.

Impatiens need to be planted at the same depth as they were planted in the pot.


As you know, balsam loves moisture very much, which is why this plant needs constant watering.

However plain water not suitable for this. Balsam is a delicate plant, so in its case, you need settled water, which is distinguished by its softness.

Water is too hard leads to the fact that the plant can die in a matter of days due to the fact that the soil is saturated with alkaline substances.

Allowed watering once a day, V certain time. Do not overwater the flower; the soil should always remain slightly moist. Too much water can cause the roots to rot.

It is also important to know exactly how to properly water balsam. You need to implement watering in a circular motion, describing a circle around the crown. Thus, the flower will neither have an excess nor a lack of moisture.

Caring for balsam outdoors

Balsam also needs humid air. That is why sometimes, in hot weather, the plant should be sprayed with water. It is also useful for the roots to also receive oxygen in the proper amount, so loosen the soil once a week.

If the outside temperature has risen above twenty-five degrees, If possible, balsam should be sprayed several times a day.

Do I need to fertilize, with what, when and how much?

Like any other plant, for enhanced growth and proper development plants, balsam need to be fed.

Buy now special mineral solutions, produced specifically for balsam, and in their absence - flower food.

Feeding should be done from May to August. But if the fertilizer contains potassium and phosphorus, then it can be continued until the first frost.

Be aware that it is not recommended to give the plant useful minerals and substances immediately after planting.

Gardeners are confident that three weeks must pass before the plant establishes itself in a new location, and only then can the addition of minerals be included in the care process.

Growing garden balsam from seeds, propagation by cuttings

Balsam propagation occurs in two ways.


After an active period of development (May - August), the plant begins to fade a little. At this time, the regrown shoots are cut off.

They are placed in water or soil, which must certainly be at room temperature. Plants should not be left outdoors. The balsam can be stored in the room all winter by transplanting it into a pot to a depth of five centimeters after the roots have appeared, and closer to May the plant will be ready for planting.


Seed propagation assumes planting seeds in boxes, filled with earth in early March. You need to grow seeds at room temperature, without denying them moisture.

By the end of spring the plant is already ready for planting in the ground, therefore, with proper care you should not have problems with planting.

Does garden balsam need pruning?

Garden balsam needs careful care. First of all, it manifests itself not only in watering, but also in pruning. So, it is recommended to shorten overgrown shoots by half.

If one of the shoots is also ahead of its fellows in growth and development, it should also be shortened.

If individual leaves dry out or become diseased, you should quickly get rid of them to prevent disease or rotting of the entire plant.

When does it bloom? How long does flowering last?

Impatiens blooms in June - July and its flowering lasts a couple of months. In many ways, flowering depends on proper care and replanting, so if it does not occur or it is not so intense, reconsider your plant care.

How to preserve and care for Balsam in winter?

If you want to keep balsam in excellent condition, you can before the onset of cold weather (September - October) transplant it into a pot and grow at room temperature all winter. Dies during frosts most of balsams, due to the fact that the ground freezes, so in this way you can extend the life of the flower.

Life expectancy of garden balsam

Garden balsam can live for two whole years and delight you in the summer in the garden, and in the winter in an indoor pot. Very important proper care, watering and weather- these are the main components that affect lifespan. You also need to remember that, after all, every season it is necessary to renew the balsam using cuttings, thus increasing the number of the plant.

Now you know everything about caring for garden balsam, and we are sure that our tips will help you transform your garden.


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