Half-timbered houses: what is it, construction technology. Construction technologies: types of half-timbered filling Frame half-timbered house

Engineering systems 15.06.2019
Engineering systems

The technology of building half-timbered houses came to us from the Middle Ages. Although the first buildings of this type appeared in the 12th century AD, they were most widespread in Germany in the 15th century, and then became popular throughout Northern Europe. Until now, many countries use this technology in the construction of buildings. It has stood the test of time for several centuries. If you decide to build half-timbered house do it yourself, then in this article we will describe many of the nuances that you need to know before making a final decision.


The German word Fachwerk is translated as "frame, lattice structure", which already gives an idea of ​​the design features of this structure. The technology for building such a house is the construction of a frame made of wooden beams, which is a supporting structure. Vertical and horizontal struts are joined by beams at different angles, which gives the structure rigidity and strength. Monolithic walls not erected, as they are obtained by filling the space between the beams various materials... During the Middle Ages, adobe, clay were used for this, later - stone, brick.

The load-bearing beams of such buildings are not hidden, they open onto the facade and look like a decorative element, which gives the half-timbered houses their unique and recognizable individuality. Elements of the frame intentionally highlighted in color create a fancy ornament on the facade of the building.

Modern reading

Reliability and durability is confirmed by the fact that the buildings, which are about five hundred years old, have survived. Interest in this style began to revive at the end of the last century, especially since modern technologies have helped to re-interpret the classic samples of such buildings.

Using laminated veneer lumber instead ordinary wood for the manufacture of the frame has many advantages. Its superior strength, superior water resistance, higher flashpoint, and resistance to mold and mildew make it possible to overcome the disadvantages inherent in wooden houses.

Modern technologies have made it possible to create, observing all the advantages of a half-timbered structure, " glass House», When the planes between the frame elements are filled with extra strong glass units.

Technology advantages

  • The aesthetic appeal of such houses is undoubted - they are original, unlike the buildings we are used to.
  • Such buildings do not require a strong foundation, which leads to a reduction in construction time and cost.
  • The buildings have very little shrinkage due to the low weight of the frame. This allows you to start interior and exterior finishing immediately after the completion of its installation.
  • Since the main vertical load is borne by the building frame, the layout of the interior is not constrained by the need to construct load-bearing walls.
  • Construction time is several times higher compared to buildings built using traditional methods.

Nuances of building a house

It may seem that building a half-timbered house can be easily and quickly, but this is not so. You can often hear advertisements that such a construction is carried out by one person in a short time, but do not flatter yourself with this half-truth, since the rapid construction of such a house is possible only if a team of specialists has taken up the matter. Moreover, they assemble the frame from parts prepared in advance at the factory. In this case, indeed, your house can be erected in just 2 weeks.

If you take on the independent performance of this work, then it is important to realize the limits of your capabilities in order to bring the work started to the end. To do the job correctly, you need not only to be able to handle the tool, you must have it. In addition, it will require the competent execution of numerous calculations. Such qualities as accuracy and scrupulousness are necessary, because then it will not be possible to redo it, and it will not be possible to cover the flaws with panels. The mood has not changed, and are you ready to build further on your own? Then study the list of work performed.

Sequence of work

  • Depending on the climatic and landscape conditions of the area in which the house will be built, an appropriate project is being developed.
  • As with any other structure, a foundation must be made for a half-timbered house. Given the small mass of the house, we will focus on a shallowly buried strip foundation 50 cm wide by performing calculations on our online calculator. You can also make a different type of foundation, as for an ordinary one. frame house.
  • For the manufacture of supporting structures, we will use glued beams, the size of which must be indicated in the project. Nowadays, purchasing such a building material will not be a problem. You can also use a regular, only guaranteed dry timber of the same dimensions.
  • If you don't have the skills for such work, but you want to do everything yourself, then it is better to find or order a project in accordance with your needs, order blanks at an enterprise specializing in the manufacture of half-timbered houses, and then, using the drawings, proceed to assembly.

  • A layer of waterproofing is laid on the foundation, and the lower strapping beams are laid on top of it.
  • Metal anchors are used to fasten the beams to the foundation.

  • When assembling the frame, it is important to ensure that the parts are fully inserted into the grooves. The joints of the frame parts, which will bear a large load, must be additionally strengthened, for which metal plates, corners or staples can be used.
  • In that part of the building where the walls will be deaf, care must be taken to ensure that the depth of the frame frames is sufficient for insulation made of cellulose fibers.

  • Interior partitions are assembled from a smaller bar, about 50 × 50 mm. Frame dowels are used to fasten them to the floor.
  • On top of the vertical beams, the installation of longitudinal girders is performed, to which floor boards will need to be attached.
  • If provided for by the project, then the crossbars are installed above the interfloor piping.
  • The frame of the house in the corners is reinforced with braces, which can be either closed or open.
  • Now you can start making the roof.

We have briefly described the stages of work on assembling the frame so that you can imagine what you will have to do. Why is a list of work performed, and not step-by-step instructions provided? Because structurally, each house will have its own differences, and there are several assembly technologies. To get acquainted with the construction in more detail, we suggest watching the video.

Video: construction of a half-timbered house

As you can see, the process of assembling a house cannot be called simple, and it will not be possible to build such a structure alone.

Another distinctive feature is extensive glazing, so the structure differs in its appearance from its predecessors, built centuries ago. Often, when talking about buildings erected using half-timbered technology, people call them glass houses.

Video: learn more about glass houses

House glazing is a separate topic, but due to the design features, a special technology has been developed, which is described in the next story.

Video: glazing of half-timbered houses

So, we can conclude that only a team of specialists can perform the construction of a modern glass house with high quality.

If it is a small village house with small windows, then the rigidity of the structure will be provided by numerous struts, and the openings are sealed with improvised materials - just like our great-grandfathers did.

Topics with the construction of houses using the half-timbered technology traditionally receive increased attention from users of FORUMHOUSE. Developers are primarily attracted by the spectacular, "antique" appearance of such a structure.

But in Russia you rarely find a genuine half-timbered house. There are reasons for this, the main of which is not everyone can build a house using half-timbered technology. Large volume affects manual labor and labor intensity of all technological stages. The lack of practical information is acutely felt. most of the manuals, instructions and examples are given in foreign languages ​​and are collected on foreign sites.

Therefore, most developers are forced to imitate half-timbered houses, making a "half-timbered" layout of boards, along the facade of DSP or OSB plates. The more interesting is the topic of the user of our portal with the nickname asx_75, building "in one helmet" a small, but "honest" half-timbered house.

In this article:

  • Features of the half-timbered technology.
  • Building a house using half-timbered technology.
  • Tools and materials.

Features of half-timbered technology

Fachwerk (German Fachwerk) is a frame built from wooden beams. The peculiarity of the technology is that the wooden, post-and-beam frame of the house is not sewn up with anything outside and remains in sight. The space between the posts, jibs and beams is filled with brick, less often with stone or, as an option, adobe - straw, reeds or reeds mixed with clay, which is then plastered.

This gives the house an architectural expressiveness, recognizability and at the same time imposes a significant restriction on the use of this technology in our harsh climate, even near Moscow, not to mention Siberia or the North.

The fact is that a frame made of a large section bar (200x200 or 200x250 mm) is a significant cold bridge. In addition, gaps may appear between the core and the timber (living material). The wind will blow through the wall. Open frame (wood) due to the negative effects of atmospheric phenomena ( sun rays, snow, rain, frequent transitions through "0") is subject to increased wear. This leads to the need for regular renovation and renovation of the facade.

In Europe, the climate is milder than in Russia, and houses built using the half-timbered technology, with proper care, stand for more than one century.

The half-timbered frame itself is assembled using the “thorn-groove” technology on wooden pins and using a variety of joints:

  • cut,
  • connections in half a tree,
  • half-baked, etc.

This requires good carpentry skills and a well-trained hand.

But all these disadvantages fade into the background when you see a real half-timbered house. Moreover, "honest", tk. imitation of a half-timbered building on a building, even skillfully executed, remains an imitation.

A real half-timbered house will not leave anyone indifferent.

The main mistake of developers trying to imitate half-timbered houses- the choice of narrow boards for their layout on the facade. As a result, the monumentality of the building is lost, because half-timbered frame carries the main load, accordingly, it requires powerful beams, jibs and stands. Planks with a section of 150 / 100x25 mm (often used to imitate half-timbered houses) look like some kind of strange finish, like ordinary decorative "blotches" on the facade.

Second mistake- the pursuit of the ideal geometry of the layout and bringing the surface of the boards "to shine". At that time, if you look at a real half-timbered house, you can see that any timber has irregularities, natural bends, defects, knots, cracks, etc. Those. the tree is "alive", and its natural beauty is not "killed" by excessive mechanical processing.

All this works for authenticity, and most importantly - the layout during simulation must be carried out not as "it seems more beautiful" or "as you like", but strictly in accordance with the canons of half-timbered houses- where each frame element is not just like that, but is in its place.

If you make an imitation of half-timbered houses, then first you need to look through more than a dozen photographs of old European half-timbered houses. To grasp the essence of the frame elements, understand how they work in a single system, are linked to each other, and then try to repeat them on the facade.

Beams, jibs, racks and other vertical and horizontal frame elements in half-timbered timber perform a purely practical function - they bear and redistribute the loads of the building.

The real beauty of a half-timbered building lies in the functionality of the frame, where all the elements are necessary, and there is no place for unnecessary details and pretentious decorations.

How to build a real half-timbered house in Russia

The simplicity of half-timbered (forms), not to be confused with technology, can play a cruel joke with a person who decides to repeat it. It seems that you can look at pictures, buy a bar, grab a chain saw and get to work. This approach will lead to disastrous results.

Fachwerk begins with acquiring deep knowledge of this type of construction and drawing up a project.

You will have to take the time and study the key elements of a half-timbered house and how they are made. Case in point - work asx_75.

asx_75 FORUMHOUSE user

I had the opportunity to visit Germany. I saw "live" the real half-timbered house that I liked so much. I studied it, took photographs of buildings, read recommendations, visited thematic sites. When he returned to Russia, he decided to reproduce the "corner of Europe" in the garden area, because it became necessary to build a bathhouse. I'll say right away - I'm not a professional builder. Much in my work was done on a whim, something not according to the canons of half-timbered houses, somewhere I thought out myself. Worked alone and with minimal set tools.

Looking ahead, we will demonstrate a photo of what the participant of our portal has already obtained (the house is now in the process of building a roof).

Now we return to 2016 and move on to describing the process of erecting a half-timbered house.

To erect a frame, and then fill it with foam blocks (this is a departure from the classic half-timbered house, and why asx_75 I chose it, we will describe it a little later), I had to try.

The background of this project is interesting. According to the user, at first the idea arose to build a bathhouse on the site. For this, he chose a half-timbered frame, tk. figured out what to build smooth walls it will not work out of bricks or blocks. The initial idea was as follows - a frame is placed, and the space is sewn up with OSB plates, followed by the installation of insulation and steam and waterproofing.

But in the process of erecting the frame, everyone liked it so much that at the family council they decided to build a 5x4 m "gingerbread" house, and remake the old one for a bath. brick house standing on the site.

Further, the idea to sew up the space between the OSB beams has disappeared. If you make a half-timbered house, then it's real! In Europe, half-timbered (space) is often filled with bricks, but this requires a certain skill and knowledge of certain secrets. Because the brick is laid for a reason, but after special preparation, either it, or a bar. Without going into details, let's say that curly grooves are made for this.

The foam block is easy enough to process, and asx_75 settled on it, especially since the internal partitions will be laid out from this material further.

The foam block, so that it fits in the frame, was used not wall, but partitions.

The choice of tools and materials for building a half-timbered house

Having drawn up a construction plan, the user proceeded to implement his plans. First you need to decide on the material, tool and foundation. For the construction of a half-timbered house, you need to have a lot of specialized complex construction carpentry tools, with the help of which figured grooves, spikes, etc. are cut out in the timber. But asx_75 cost a much smaller set.


Choosing a different tool for the construction of a half-timbered house, I would like to get a "tricky" imported saw and slowly, carefully cut out the grooves with it. But to cut a tree along the fibers, and even more so a timber, is another task. Thinking it over, I went to get an electric chain saw. Having turned it on in the store, I decided that it was not my tool, in terms of work safety, so I bought a reciprocating saw. I also needed a powerful hammer drill, which I used in drilling mode. Twist drills, hammer, chisel and mallet.

Although reciprocating saws are traditionally considered a tool of destruction - sawing wooden partitions, frame elements, pipes, branches, etc., v skillful hands this tool will become an indispensable assistant.


Having tried to work as a “saber”, I can say that it has proven itself excellently. A saw with wide teeth perfectly cuts wood along the grain, adjusts planes, cuts grooves. Moreover, my tool is not professional, without a vibration damper, but it has greatly simplified the assembly of the frame.

A beam with a section of 15x15 cm went to the frame. The reason is the weight and size characteristics of the material. We have already said above that the beauty of a half-timbered building largely depends on the massiveness of its frame... A large section beam gives the structure monumentality and solidity.

Such a frame no longer looks like a cheap props.

The user reasoned like this: a beam with a section of 10x10 cm looks frivolous, with a beam of 20x20 cm it is inconvenient to work alone, turn it over, not to mention raising a beam to a height without using a crane or an electric hoist. The 15th bar is just right. It can be lifted alone, but it is massive enough for a half-timbered frame.

There is not a single nail connection in the half-timbered timber from asx_75. All parts of the frame were fastened to ordinary purchased pins with a diameter of 2 cm.

Moreover, the pins are not just a connecting element, but play a large decorative role, giving the finished frame a genuine authenticity.


When hammering in the dowels, I first nailed them flush, but then, studying my photo archives, I noticed that the builders of half-timbered buildings often do not sink the dowels flush with the surface of the timber, but leave a small "tail" about 3 cm long outside. I really liked this element. Moreover, then you can hang a pots with a flower on it.

The pins were not left round, but were slightly shaved on all sides, giving them the appearance of a hexagon. That this makes the connection stronger. Holes for pins in two elements, in the classic construction of a half-timbered timber (rack-beam), are not drilled symmetrically, but with a slight offset relative to each other. Those. first we drill the parts (separately from each other), and then we connect them and drive in the dowel. It also increases the strength of the bond as it is when the dowel is hammered, due to asymmetric holes, the assembly is rigidly jammed.

Note that the user refused this due to the significant complication of the work, especially since the “thorn-groove” + hammered dowel assembly turned out to be very strong.

The holes for the pins were drilled as follows: a twist drill for wood (2 cm in diameter), through a chuck, was driven by a perforator operating in the "drill" mode into the timber. An important point: the user made the first holes "by eye", as a result the pins went crooked. The next holes have already been drilled along the corner level, which ensured the strict horizontalness of the holes for the pins.

Having dealt a little with the theoretical part, let's move on to practice. The erection of a half-timbered house began with pouring the foundation. As a foundation asx_75 chose pile foundation... To do this, a hole with a diameter of 300 mm was drilled in the ground, to a depth of about 1 m, a "sleeve" made of roofing material rolled into a pipe, tightened with wire, was placed in the well. Then concrete was poured.

The level of the pile heads was brought into the horizon using a hydro level.

Advice: deciding to repeat this type of modern "folk" foundation, you should not skimp on roofing material and take a thicker one, because a thin one holds its shape worse, and the pile may turn out to be barrel-shaped.

There were some mistakes at this stage. The distance between the piles turned out to be different, because the first piles were placed every 0.8 m. Then the user read that the distance can be increased to 2 m, but deciding to play it safe, he reduced it and chose an intermediate value.

The error led to the asymmetry of the frame racks, because the attachment points are at the pile installation sites. But this added a "zest" to the whole structure, because often half-timbered houses do not have perfect symmetry, which makes them more "alive".

After the foundation was erected, a strapping from a bar with a section of 15x15 cm was put on it. Such types of connections as half-wood and half-curd were used.

You can already learn more about the features of the construction of a classic half-timbered house in the topic asx_75... Our article explains,. We also recommend articles, and. And the video shows the nuances of building a frame with a facade for a half-timbered house.

Fachwerk is a technology for building houses, in which the capital load of the building is borne by vertical supports - racks from a bar in the walls of the building. Unlike traditional frame walls, the space between the supports is occupied by dense heavy material - brick, wood, concrete, adobe, clay. At the same time, the supporting racks made of timber are not masked in the wall, but remain visible, creating a characteristic look of the structure, a special "European" flavor.

Half-timbered buildings have proven their durability. The first peak of their popularity fell on the Middle Ages. Erected several centuries ago, these buildings still perform their functions. Today, technology is experiencing a peak in fashion for the second time. The wide design possibilities and reliability of the houses make them popular among the customers of frame construction.

History of origin

The history of half-timbered buildings dates back to the 11th century. Fachwerk became widespread in the 14th and 15th centuries in the northern coastal regions, where timber was available and shipbuilding was developed. The ability to carpentry and build ships allowed craftsmen to erect strong wooden frames for future buildings without any problems.

German style.

In the 15th century, half-timbered buildings spread throughout Europe - the northern countries, Holland, England, France, Switzerland. The following factors served as the reason for the popularization:

  1. The buildings made it possible to save expensive wood, use it only for the construction of the frame, and not for the entire array of the wall.
  2. The level of carpentry skills has increased, which ensured the reliability of the frames and the strength of future walls.

The peak of the technology's popularity falls on the period from the 15th to the 18th century. During this period, hundreds of thousands of buildings were built in Europe. Half-timbered houses in Germany were named Fachwerk, which in Russian means “wall of cells” (Fach is a section, cell, panel, “Werk” is a structure).

Modern style.

In England, timber-framed buildings were called "half-timber", and in France the technology was called "kolombage". In one of the modern versions, the half-timbered building received another name - Post & Beam, or the technology of posts and beams. Its main feature is the use of hand-cut logs.

On a note

According to the findings of psychologists, the open demonstration of the supporting frame in the walls instills a sense of confidence in a person.

Fachwerk buildings with a frame visible from the outside have become the hallmark of northern Europe. Today, technology is experiencing a second wave of popularity. With some modifications, it extends beyond Western Europe, to Canada, America and Russia.

Fachwerk and frame technology

At its core, half-timbered houses are a frame structure with wooden frame from load-bearing pillars and floor beams that support the main load of the walls and roof. Unlike traditional modern frame houses, the gaps between the beams are not filled with synthetic insulation, but wall material- brick, stone, concrete, clay, which can be found here. The material of filling the walls "fachwerk" and "frame" determines the differences in construction technology and in the characteristics of finished buildings.

Comparison factors.Fachwerk.Frame.
The service life of the structure.Long service life - several hundred years. This is confirmed by hundreds of houses built in the 15-16th centuries in Europe.- several decades.
Energy efficiency.Average.High.
Construction speed.Average.Minimum terms - the building can be erected in a few months.
The lightness of the walls and the cost of the foundation.The walls are heavy, a solid deep foundation or columnar foundation is required.The walls are light, you can get by with a small shallow foundation.
Construction cost.The price of a half-timbered house is minimal, the walls are based on the cheapest building material - clay.Medium - requires the purchase of good insulation and high-quality wall cladding.
Environmental friendliness.High - built from natural materials.Low - built from artificial insulation.
Fire safety.The walls are 80% non-burning and smoke-free. Burn out can only wooden supports and roofing.All materials are flammable, emitting caustic poisonous smoke during combustion.
The difficulty of self-construction.Fachwerk is simpler than frame technology, especially if you use ready-made house kits for half-timbered houses.It is more difficult to implement, but it is also available with a ready-made house kit for frame construction.
Possibility of wall restoration.Without removing the roof and disassembling the frame, the wall material can be replaced with another, new one.
Interior design.Any layout is possible, since the internal walls do not carry capital loads. You can equip large areas spacious rooms.

Comparative characteristics of half-timbered and frame structures clearly shows the main differences between the two technologies. The technology of half-timbered houses is a structure made of natural materials, environmentally friendly and durable. Frame construction - a new pre-fabricated structure, partially made of synthetic materials. Moreover, their construction is equally accessible. It is possible to build a half-timbered house with your own hands, as well as from a house kit.

Fachwerk in the forest.

In modern technologies, half-timbered houses are acquiring more and more features of traditional frame buildings. Supports are often masked with panels, the walls themselves for better energy efficiency are sheathed with insulation or replaced with a layer of heat insulator. Which leads to a mixture of styles, the creation of a new construction option using the features of a half-timbered house and a frame house at the same time. This is how it is.

Construction of half-timbered houses

The design features of half-timbered houses determine their differences from frame buildings. Here are the projects and prices for half-timbered houses, which elements and features are their features:

  1. Each subsequent floor protrudes above the previous one. This is due to the need to protect the wooden beams of the lower floors from getting wet. Floor protrusions are provided only from the front side. The side walls are solid and flat. This is due to the history of construction. The density of the location of buildings in the Middle Ages was so high that only the facades of the buildings remained open. The ends fit snugly against each other, without passages and the possibility of constructing protruding floors or overhead structures.
  2. Visible beams in the walls of the building.
  3. Inexpensive available wall filler - clay, lightweight concrete.

On a note

Today, exterior frame elements are often used as decor. They are traditionally used in construction, but they do not always carry a semantic load, more often they are a sign of style. Such a structure turns into a traditional frame building.

Sometimes style elements are used as exterior designs for brick walls. Bars are attached on top of the brick, which imitate the frame of the building. At first glance, houses with such a decor differ little from what half-timbered houses look like in the photo. They have the same appearance, but a different construction technology.

Projects and prices

Half-timbered house projects are distinguished by a wide variety of interior designs. Since the walls and piers do not carry out load-bearing loads, their arrangement is subject to design requirements, not technological necessity.

Building frame.

Designing half-timbered houses often involves large, spacious rooms and huge windows. Glazing often takes up most of the exterior walls. The use of laminated veneer lumber allows you to reduce the size of its section without reducing strength. Due to the small massiveness of the load-bearing elements and the sufficient glazing area of ​​the half-timbered houses, the walls have become panoramic. In such buildings, a unique decor is born, in which the outdoor garden is part of the design of the premises of the house.

The price of a turnkey half-timbered house does not exceed the cost of frame construction. Therefore, elite panoramic walls have become available to most. Thanks to the technology of half-timbered houses, exclusive buildings have become the property of the middle class. A real design that transforms half-timbered houses, the video allows you to see all the subtleties of construction.

Half-timbered houses technology

Today, the technology of building half-timbered houses is experiencing a second peak in popularity. On the basis of this technology, one-, two- and three-story houses are being built. At the same time, the technology itself is applied in a modified and improved form.

Instead of solid wooden logs, glued and profiled beams are used. They are additionally impregnated with antiseptics and fire retardants - to prevent rotting and increase resistance to fire.

Panoramic glazing at home.

The gaps between the vertical supports are filled with insulation, multi-chamber double-glazed windows are installed. Energy-efficient glazing of half-timbered houses, along with insulation, ensures their heat capacity and reduces energy costs during the heating season.

So that the outside walls of the house are not completely transparent, surface spraying on the glass is used - lamination. From the inside and outside, such a house looks like a spacious, fabulous palace.

Step-by-step technology of half-timbered houses

  1. Foundation: USP + its surface waterproofing.
  2. Frame:, vertical columns, top rail, rafters. One-story half-timbered house - the rafters are placed on top of the strapping of the first floor. In a two- or three-story construction, the strapping of the second floor is being constructed, the supports are attached, and after that - the second upper strapping, rafters. The overhang of the roof is large enough - up to 1.5 m. This protects the walls and the wooden frame from getting wet.
  3. Roof: the traditional choice for frame houses, not heavy metal profiled sheets, flexible roofing.
  4. Cell filling: double-glazed window, brick, wood concrete blocks(lightweight concrete with wood shavings, wood chips), foam concrete, clay concrete, multilayer cake with insulation and wall cladding.

Frame features

The frame of a modern half-timbered house is not only a supporting structure, but also a decorative element. It divides the wall into segments and gives the appearance of the structure clear and expressive.

Double decker frame house.

The frame of a half-timbered house consists of vertical, horizontal, inclined elements. The vertical supports withstand the main bearing loads. Horizontal - distribute the pressure of the vertical bearing elements, making it uniform over the entire area of ​​the walls of the house. Inclined - create additional strength, strengthen the structure, make it resistant to lateral loads.

The frame elements are connected to each other using metal studs. One of the options for half-timbered construction uses studs along with the recess of the timber at the joints - the so-called groove.

This system was named Herrenbald. It differs from the traditional frame by the absence of jibs. The stability of the frame is ensured by accurate sampling of wood at the joints, as a result of which adjacent elements fit tightly to each other and are additionally fastened with through metal pins.

Building with a flat roof.

The technology of half-timbered houses does not require shrinkage time. However, it is necessary to make allowances for the mentality. If the timber is solid and dry, shrinkage is not needed. It is also not needed for laminated veneer lumber. If the timber is solid and fresh, damp, it is necessary to firmly fasten the frame (on metal studs, nails, with grooves in the joints) and hold it for at least several months. Turnkey half-timbered houses can be completed when the walls of the frame have been insulated and remain Finishing work.

The frame is laid on an insulated foundation. The perfect combination- insulated Swedish plate or USHP, which simultaneously provides strength, rigidity and insulation of heat losses of the base of the house.

Interior of half-timbered houses

The construction of half-timbered houses ends with the creation of an interior design, which can be anything. Traditional classics, medieval Provence or modern minimalism - any style will fit into a real European home.

Often they use modern trends - minimalism, high-tech, brick style - not plastered walls. Natural wood has retained its popularity on the territory of Russia.

Frame construction methods have been known for a long time. The most widespread erection of buildings using the half-timbered method was received in Northern Europe during the Middle Ages. The presence of a sufficient amount of natural building material - pine wood made it possible to quickly erect reliable and warm buildings. In faraway Japan, buildings constructed using the half-timbered technology are also known. The buildings date back more than 1000 years ago.

Features of the half-timbered technology

Fachwerk construction is used by modern amateurs country life very popular. is an elegant and harmonious composition that combines wood, glass and stone. The appearance of such a building is always original and recognizable. The house is distinguished by high performance qualities, durable, quickly being built. These facts are fundamental for many customers when choosing materials and method of construction. country house or a personal cottage.

Building a house using the half-timbered method begins in the same way as any other house with laying the foundation. The basis of the future building is a cast-in reinforced monoblock foundation. The depth and other dimensions are calculated by the designers, taking into account the quality of the soil, the structural features of the building.

For the construction of a half-timbered house, beams of pine trees are needed. The creation of the supporting frame is carried out strictly in accordance with the design documentation, in which the bearing capacity of the building and possible slopes are calculated. With this technology, the walls are not load-bearing, but only divide the space into rooms. The material from which the walls are made can be lightweight and inexpensive.

The special conditions that are assigned to the foundation during construction using the half-timbered technology are not as stringent as when using other technologies. Due to the fact that the building frame is quite light and stable, it is allowed to use a shallow foundation. Half-timbered house has light and hard walls, which are connected by spikes, metal braces and plates. The lower part of the frame of the house is attached to the foundation with anchor bolts, carried out reliable waterproofing, and the lower part of the building is covered with expanded polystyrene for insulation and dampness prevention. As a result, the building is distinguished by lightness and elegance of design.

Fachwerk construction allows the use of various materials to fill the cells of a half-timbered structure. Internal walls are filled with special heat and vapor barrier plates using a thin layer of aluminum. This is done to prevent moisture from entering the room. All walls are putty, sanded and decorated according to any known method at the customer's choice. For the development of the interior, it is possible to use any well-known style applicable in residential construction.

Erection of the frame of a half-timbered building

Construction begins with, in which the quantity is calculated in detail consumable, technological stages of work, construction of the foundation. Pouring the foundation precedes the start of construction of any house. installed on a reinforced concrete foundation, the depth of which is calculated in each case. This fact is influenced by the peculiarity of the soil and the depth of occurrence. groundwater... How long the house itself will stand depends on how carefully the foundation is laid.

It enables the customer to get an original and unique house in its design. The technology allows using axial structures, architectural projects half-timbered houses in each case can be as unusual as the customer wishes.

For the construction of the frame of the house, a pine tree beam is used. Often this is a specially made timber, prepared and protected from moisture and decay by various impregnations that protect the tree from atmospheric influences. For the construction of the frame, a glued or polished wooden beam is suitable, which is subsequently coated with a special varnish. Wood is quite malleable material to be affected by weather fluctuations, and special thermal insulation materials must be used to maintain a residential atmosphere in a building.

The frame of a half-timbered house is rigid and lightweight construction made of bars, stable and reliable. Frame-frame construction will allow solving several engineering problems at the same time:

  • reduce construction time,
  • create a stable and durable structure.
  • ensure the reliability and durability of the building under construction.
  • minimize the use of wood in the construction process.
  • build a building with the most economical cost.

The frame of the building, including walls, roofs, terraces, are connected securely in places invisible for viewing using wooden spikes and metal brackets. This ensures the safety and stability of the building. Many years of experience in the construction of half-timbered houses in the north makes it possible to create structures that are resistant to hurricane winds, low temperatures, and high humidity.

Finishing a half-timbered house

When the frame frame of the half-timbered house is ready, they begin to fill the cells of the structure. The cladding of the frame is possible with a variety of materials, which makes it possible to give an interesting and original appearance to the building. The inner cells are filled with special materials, which are sewn up from above with antiseptic plywood boards. The use of heat-insulating and waterproof fillers will make your stay comfortable and cozy. Soundproofing, provided in the technology, will increase the comfort of the home.

Exterior decoration of the walls of the house is carried out after the installation of windows and doors. The possibilities for decorating sections of the outer walls are very varied. Installation of wood panels is suitable here, stone is often used for exterior decoration. In combination with big amount double-glazed windows, such a house looks solid and beautiful. Fachwerk technology provides for a large number of windows, which makes the building light, airy and graceful. Windows can be either openable for ventilation, or deaf, showcase. This will fill the interior with light and keep warm. The airtight silicone seal is complemented by soft felt trims.

Utilities and communications are laid most often inside the floor. It is hot and cold water supply for kitchen and bathroom, electric cable for outdoor and indoor use for lighting and household needs. For heating, water-heated floors are more suitable. Internal polypropylene pipes for water supply and sewerage are durable, lightweight and economical. Electrical wiring to sockets and switches is laid inside the walls.

Roof for half-timbered house

The roof adorns any home, use different options during construction using fachwerk technology makes it possible to create various architectural options... The most often installed gable roof truss structure does not have attic space... Wide overhangs protect the house from direct sunlight and precipitation. Terraces that border the eaves level create a natural extension of the house.

It is advisable to mount the ceilings of the interior of the house using wooden structures or drywall boards. Variety of decorative materials for interior decoration will allow you to create a unique look at home.

Modernity at home

Houses built using the half-timbered technology are distinguished by their originality and uniqueness of their internal and external appearance. Such a house can be built with a fairly small financial investment. The availability of the building allows many city dwellers to realize the dream of living in their own country cottage. Simplicity and ease of construction will ensure the comfort of living. The manufacturability of modern cottage settlements provides all the necessary amenities for their residents, despite the remoteness of residence from big cities.

Houses built using beam technology, using wooden building materials such as glued beams, are becoming more and more popular with customers. Large wall-to-ceiling windows allow not only admiring the landscape, but also becoming part of the beautiful natural landscape. Half-timbered houses perfectly cope with various atmospheric loads, such as strong wind, rains and snowfalls. Frame technology allows you to create elegant buildings with high durability. The rigid frame of the building made of racks, beams and braces carries the main load transmitted to the foundation. Walls are fencing and dividing structures. , built using the half-timbered technology have been standing in Europe for more than three hundred years. For those who were not familiar with such structures, a visit to a house built using half-timbered technology makes an indelible impression with its beauty and solidity. The possibilities that this technology opens up for design are very large and varied. The wooden frame of the house is treated with weather-resistant varnishes, supplemented with modern materials, and retains an indescribable feeling of unity with nature. A home that has all the modern advantages for a comfortable life can bring boundless joy to the family living in it.

Half-timbered construction projects

Fachwerk technology came to us from Europe. When erecting buildings, the northern countries used crushed stone, stone, and other building materials to fill the openings of the building frame in order to save wood building materials. At the same time, the houses came out very durable, had a long service life, which is hundreds of years. Skilled carpenters were able to create such masterpieces of medieval architecture with the help of an ax, which stood for 300 to 500 years.

Contemporary projects half-timbered buildings are only vaguely reminiscent of buildings built in the past centuries. Today builders offer a variety of, brick, polished wood. The cost of construction depends on the building material and the area of ​​the house you want to build. Designers will present a finished project equipped with communications and utilities and structures. The use of construction technology in the half-timbered style is possible in the construction of both residential buildings, cottages and summer cottages, and for construction public buildings- hotels, mini-hotels, non-standard office buildings. Construction by this method has a number of serious advantages, such as the durability and reliability of the building. The structure is relatively lightweight. There is no need to drive piles to create a foundation, creating a particularly strong foundation.

Facade decoration using the half-timbered method

The economy of construction distinguishes the construction using the half-timbered technology from other methods. Facade decoration does not require the use of expensive materials. If the customer wants to decorate the facade with an imitation in the fachwerk style, then it is quite acceptable instead of an expensive wooden beam use of polyurethane substitutes. Externally, the structure looks great and has aesthetic appeal. Durability and resistance to external weathering will allow you to serve for many years without worrying about deterioration in performance and appearance. Half-timbered elements are attached to external columns using assembly ladders. Filling the voids with thermal insulation, followed by the use of finishing materials, will allow you to create an imitation of the style without violating the uniqueness of the building.

Today, half-timbered construction and decoration is fashion trend among those customers who, although build durable, sturdy and beautiful house at an economical cost. The construction time for such a house is shorter than when building a cottage made of bricks or other traditional building materials. The revival of ancient technology underlines the practicality and reliability of this method. The use of heat-insulating materials makes it possible to save energy resources for heating the cottage. You can order a project based on the available project documents for a house of various sizes. For especially discerning customers, architects are ready to finalize projects in accordance with individual requirements. Having started building a house in the spring, you can get a ready-made, warm home for the whole family by the fall. The building is environmentally friendly, an attractive aesthetic appearance will always delight both the residents of the house and the guests who come to visit.

How to build a half-timbered house

For those who, having studied all the methods of building a cottage for themselves, settled on the method of half-timbered technology, it is worth contacting professionals to order work for the design and execution of work. Choice land plot for a half-timbered house is very diverse, there are practically no restrictions. You need to choose a place for your future home with your own preferences. The architectural possibilities for choosing the style of the cottage are very wide, the project can be executed in an unassuming peasant style and a rich, quirky version for those customers who want a large home for a family of several generations. The house is suitable for year-round living, since during the development of project documentation, the supply of all engineering communications necessary for a modern comfortable life is being developed.

Thermal conductivity and lack of moisture and dampness inside a half-timbered house is achieved through the use of natural building materials and modern heat-insulating and water-absorbing materials, which are used in the construction of a cottage. The area of ​​the house, as well as the number of storeys, is selected depending on the wishes of the customer, taking into account the number of permanent residents in the house and the purpose of the building. You can build a dacha in a suburban area according to the interesting ones available in finished form typical projects... In order to make sure of the reliability of the building, it is possible to go to the site, inspect the finished structure in which people live. The reliability and stability of the building is ensured by the axial frame structure. The axles create space between the uprights, thus allowing for design choices.

Stages of construction of a half-timbered house

When starting the construction of a half-timbered house, it is worth remembering the main features of this particular construction method. Exterior decoration using the half-timbered method is different from any other and is the main architectural feature, emphasizing the external expressiveness of the building. The elements of the frame dissect the white walls, the building looks elegant and simple at the same time. The whole range of works on the construction of the facility can be divided into the following stages:

  • Development of design documentation and cost estimates for construction work.
  • Erection of the foundation for the future building.
  • Building the frame of the house.
  • Mounting OSB boards and filling the frame openings with heat-insulating materials.
  • Wall painting - putty, sanding, painting.
  • Installation of ceilings, floors, engineering networks.
  • Interior design work.
  • Exterior work on finishing the facade of the building.
  • Breakdown adjoining territory in accordance with the design project.

All these works are carried out strictly in accordance with project documentation where each section is spelled out. Engineering and geodetic parameters are calculated for correct and reliable laying of the foundation. The building, which was erected by a professional team of workers under the guidance of competent engineers and designers, can stand for hundreds of years. The half-timbered construction method is designed for the long-term operation of the house. At proper care for wooden structures, house support, regular repair work, the cottage will serve more than one generation of the family, giving joy and pleasure. Considering the speed of construction and the economy of the method, we can confidently say that such a building is most suitable for climatic characteristics and operating conditions in Russia.

In the era of maximum development of design and construction, many dream of their own ideal home, and in order to make this dream come true, it is necessary to take care not only of the interior setting, but also of the external appearance of the building. At the same time, the choice of a stylistic direction depends on many factors, including the surrounding small architectural forms, and the landscape, as well as financial and technical capabilities. However, the main criterion when choosing the direction of styling is the taste preferences of the future homeowner. Despite the fact that in this case everything seems obvious, the situation is somewhat complicated by the increased requirements for private real estate. In Russia, more and more often you can find elite suburban settlements, cottages in which are made in the same style. An unusual solution that is gaining more and more popularity is a group of cottages, the façade of which is made in the half-timbered style that came to us from Western Europe. The historical quarters of the old towns of Germany, Switzerland and Holland are built up with similar buildings, reminiscent of gingerbread houses from a fairy tale, which fascinate tourists and are already attractions in themselves. These buildings are shrouded in the charm of Europe and the spirit of antiquity, which hovers even over modern half-timbered buildings. Thanks to the development of innovative technologies in construction, complemented by the high professionalism of the craftsmen, each developer gets the opportunity to recreate houses in the half-timbered style with his own hands. To make sure that you want to have such a house in private ownership, read the materials of this article, which discusses the features of building a half-timbered house.

Half-timbered houses: a brief historical background

The name of the style "fachwerk", which comes from the German fach - panel, werk - structure, and in general is translated as "frame structure", came to us from Germany, where this architectural solution popular since the 5th century. First of all, you need to understand that a half-timbered building is a special type of building structure, the basis of which is a rigid frame made of timber and formed by a system of elements of vertical, horizontal and diagonal elements, such as posts, beams and braces. In this case, the gaps between the supporting elements are filled with various materials. If earlier it was stone, clay or adobe, then the development of today's construction industry makes it possible to diversify this list modern insulation and sandwich panels. Despite the fact that such frame structures made of wood are common throughout the entire European state, they are steadily associated with gingerbread houses from German fairy tales. Historically, the half-timbered style was used in the construction of not only residential areas, but also warehouses, industrial buildings, warehouses and even small churches. It is important that frame structures in the half-timbered style play not only a functional, but also a decorative role, which is due to their distinctive feature - the visible frame of the building, with its cellular structure emphasizing the shape of one-story and two-story buildings.

At the moment, frame construction methods are used in the construction of luxury houses. Feature style - the absence of any restrictions on the designer's imagination, and big square glazing creates a unique feeling of unity with nature. The modern manifestation of half-timbered houses has become stylistic direction, which originated in the 70s of the ΧΧ century. The main trend of that time was a radical restructuring of old forms into something new, previously unknown and not always successful. It was at this time that the half-timbered house experienced its rebirth, followed by interesting development... Today, there is a distinction between the construction of houses in the half-timbered style and the decoration of houses in this style.

Half-timbered houses photo

German fachwerk: structural features of the building

The German half-timbered building is considered the most ancient building style, the main architectural and stylistic concept of which is borrowed from modern half-timbered buildings. But, despite the unity of the stylistic concept, modern houses in the half-timbered style show only an external resemblance to their progenitor - the German half-timbered house and a distant resemblance architectural forms... The modern house in the German half-timbered style is a reliable high-strength frame structure, which is sustained in the spirit of past years and demonstrates respectability, nobility, as well as clarity of lines and perfection of forms. The basis of a German-style half-timbered house is made up of a frame made of solid or glued beams conifers wood. The know-how of modern construction is the construction of the frame of the house, in which polypropylene or mineral wool slabs are placed, equipped with two membrane layers: windproof, which prevents the blowing of the fibers of the heat-insulating material, and moisture-proof, which protects the material from moisture penetration.

For the manufacture of a building, pre-prepared sandwich panels can be used, pressed on both sides with cement-bonded, mineral wool or polypropylene plates, attached to wooden frame building. For the manufacture of the building frame, only modern equipment is used, which makes it possible to work with high precision... Also, at the production stage, it is treated with antiseptic compounds that prevent the development of mold and mildew. In addition, the building frame can be glazed, filled with slabs or sandwich panels, without departing from the architectural design. At the final stage of construction and when performing external finishing, wooden structures must be processed protective compounds made on a natural oil base, protecting the frame structure from UV radiation, fire and biological damaging objects.

Reasons for the popularity of half-timbered houses

  • Sophistication of appearance is not the only advantage of half-timbered houses. Modern houses made in this style are distinguished by a large glazing area, which gives the impression that the boundaries of the house are dissolving, ensuring the unity of man and the surrounding nature... However, this is also the reason for the popular misconception that such structures cannot be used as residential buildings in regions with a harsh climate, and even more so in the harsh Russian winters. To dissuade you from this, we note that half-timbered houses are one of the most economical structures in terms of energy saving and can compete directly with buildings made of brick, concrete, stone and rounded logs.

Important! The large savings in heat energy inherent in half-timbered houses is due to the use of special energy-saving glazing. Unlike conventional glass, it reduces heat loss through openings. In addition, in the manufacture of modern half-timbered structures, sandwich panels are used, the structure of which includes thermal insulation materials reducing heat loss. And, finally, such buildings are equipped with a "warm floor" system that regulates heat exchange in the building.

  • The optimal rigidity of the frame guarantees the absence of shrinkage and deformation, which is another indisputable advantage of half-timbered structures.
  • In the process of individual construction of houses for difficult conditions, such frame structures are often used, due to their lightness and, unlike brick houses, less pressure on the ground. Due to the fact that frame structures of this type do not need to install a reinforced foundation, being limited to a shallow system, you get the opportunity to save on construction.

Fachwerk style house projects

Design is the main stage of any construction. High-quality half-timbered house projects developed by competent specialists are the key to successful construction. In the case of a competent approach to the construction of houses in the half-timbered style, the building will last for more than a dozen years, while retaining its original characteristics. To be sure that the house will be characterized by a comfortable layout, you need to think about the development individual project... If you are planning to build a house characterized by a complex unconventional design, you cannot do without an individual project in any case.

Even an inexperienced master realizes that the design of half-timbered houses is not the most simple option for building houses in our climate. Due to the fact that houses in the half-timbered style are not similar to one another, and may differ not only in the way of decoration and size, but also in layout, experts do not recommend neglecting the preparation of projects, in the development of which you can determine the number of storeys of buildings, the number of entrances , glazing option and interior layout nuances.

A distinctive feature of the frame structure in the half-timbered style is the storey ledges, the presence or absence of which is decided at the stage of developing a house project. They were originally intended to protect the front wall from precipitation. At the present time, the arrangement of a half-timbered house "according to all the rules" presupposes the presence of storey ledges, which contribute to a slight increase in the usable area. Also, at the design stage of a one-story half-timbered house, the issue of the presence and location of balconies and terraces, which are an integral part of modern half-timbered houses, is being resolved. The design stage allows you to play with glazing variations, frame colors and structural elements, you get the opportunity to recreate a unique half-timbered house that will be associated with old gingerbread houses from German fairy tales or with modern Art Nouveau villas.

Building a half-timbered house: fundamental points

The simplest option for creating a half-timbered house is its initial construction using the fundamental points of this technology. In order to further understand the construction technology, we outline the main stages of the construction of a half-timbered house:

  • Treatment wood materials specialized antiseptic compounds, which prevents the development of mold, mildew, and also reduces the absorbency of wood;
  • Installation of a half-timbered house frame;
  • Filling the frame with sound and heat insulating materials;
  • Roof installation;
  • Implementation of interior and exterior wall decoration;

Important! Since the beginning of the construction of half-timbered houses, it was believed that they are intended only for regions with a mild climate, however, technologies do not stand still, and today, in the process of constructing half-timbered structures, it is supposed to use:

  • Sandwich insulation;
  • Underfloor heating systems;
  • Energy efficient glazing.

Site preparation for construction

  • Before starting construction, it is necessary to prepare the site on which the building will be erected, and to examine the soil. As the basis of a half-timbered house, you can use any foundation suitable for the construction of wooden houses. This is due to the lightness inherent in any wooden frame construction, thanks to which. The supporting structures will not put pressure on the foundation.
  • If the site chosen for construction is characterized by the presence of heaving soils, it is necessary to build a more reliable foundation that will prevent it from being squeezed into winter time using groundwater. The choice of the type of foundations must be carried out, focusing on the characteristics of the soil, which will make it possible to determine the type of foundation - it will be tape, columnar or pile.

How to install the frame?

  • To insulate the structure from moisture, a layer is laid on top of the foundation waterproofing materials, after which they install a strapping ring from a bar, the cross-section of which is 50x200 mm. Before mounting the frame, the timber is treated with antiseptic compounds. After the strapping ring is ready, the lower part of the frame is attached to it. To ensure the reliability and rigidity of the frame structure, joints of various types of parts are used, such as a dovetail, a hidden spike, as well as the use of wooden dowels in the process of fastening parts.
  • Half-timbered houses are characterized by the presence of a rigid frame, consisting of vertical and horizontal beams, as well as diagonal elements - braces, which are a distinctive feature of a half-timbered structure and give it stability. To make the fasteners invisible, as well as to hide the visible details of the cladding, a groove and tenon connection is used.

Important! The most demanded material for the construction of houses in the style of half-timbered houses is planed polished glued beams made of coniferous wood, pre-treated with specialized protective compounds. Often, metal beams are used for mounting the frame, the use of which makes the structure even more durable.

  • The installation of the bearing pillars is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the project, which takes into account the width of the window and door openings. The distance between the support pillars depends on the width of the window and door openings, but it should not exceed 3-4 meters.
  • As a material for installing floor beams, an edged board with a section of 50x200 mm, treated with fire-retardant compositions, is used. The installation of frame elements hidden by the cladding and are not visible parts of the structure in the half-timbered style is carried out from edged boards with a section of 45x145 mm, also treated with fire retardant compounds. After the installation of the walls is completed, the rafter system is made hipped roof... At the same time, the installation of a half-timbered house structure at this stage is not much different from the installation of a traditional frame structure.

Features of the installation of wall cladding elements: popular materials

The development of modern technologies makes it possible to replace the traditional clay, adobe and reeds, previously used to fill the space between the load-bearing beams, with more modern thermal insulation materials. Currently, for these purposes, they are increasingly using modern materials eg basalt wool, polyurethane panels or cement particle board. The same materials are used to decorate a half-timbered house.

Important! Distinctive feature half-timbered construction is that horizontal and vertical beams and braces located in the outer plane always remain open.

The final stage of construction is filling the empty space of the frame with the subsequent installation of windows and doors. Recently, large glasses are increasingly used for these purposes, which ultimately led to the development and popularization of glass half-timbered houses. In appearance half-timbered construction combines classic styles: European and Japanese.

Important! To ensure the preservation of heat in the house, where the voids in the frame are filled with glass, experts recommend using specially designed energy-saving double-glazed windows made of low-emission glass, characterized by argon filling. Despite the fact that such a house is filled natural light, its external fragility is very deceiving.

Another material used for these purposes is cement-bonded particle board (DSP) , which is a rectangular sheet made from Portland cement and wood chips. In addition to these components, the composition of the cement-bonded particle board includes special chemical components that provide the antiseptic properties of the material. CBPB belongs to the materials of a low price category, and, despite the fact that it is characterized by low bending strength, it perfectly withstands longitudinal loads.

How to decorate a half-timbered house?

Decorating the facade of a half-timbered house is an easier way to create a half-timbered house. To decorate a house in the style of a half-timbered house with your own hands, a building made of any material and characterized by any constructive and stylistic variations is taken as a basis. The main material for finishing facades in the style of half-timbered is polyurethane, from which beams and beams are made, visually indistinguishable from wooden beams even at close range. However, unlike wood, they are resistant to high humidity, temperature changes and the harmful effects of insects. In addition, using polyurethane for the manufacture of beams, you can not worry about the appearance of deformations and cracks. To carry out the installation of polyurethane beams, you need liquid nail glue.

Important! When purchasing an adhesive for the installation of polyurethane beams, read the instructions to make sure that it is suitable for outdoor use, as well as resistant to changes in temperature and humidity.

An important stage in the installation of polyurethane beams is cutting parts and fitting joints, for which you will need an end saw and a circular saw.

A few words about the design of a half-timbered house

The seeming simplicity of a half-timbered house, upon closer examination, becomes deceiving, since, attracting the views of others, half-timbered houses create a unique luxury and recreate old German motifs in reality. Despite the fact that in the process of building and decorating a half-timbered house, experts adhere to the same principles, the variety of external appearance of half-timbered houses is so great that it is difficult to find two identical buildings. Due to the variety of textures and colors, half-timbered houses are considered one of the most unique buildings.

Fundamental principles for the design of half-timbered houses:

  • The facade of a half-timbered house can be complemented by any styles: it can be classic minimalism, and an American ranch, and a German version of a country style, or even a combination of several national styles;

  • The color scheme of the half-timbered house is also characterized by variety. The main principle of the color scheme is the contrasting selection of wooden beams that stand out against the main background of the wall. The most popular is the combination of light pastel shades and dark brown beams;
  • Despite the fact that the most commonly used combination of light walls and contrasting dark beams, the opposite combination is also acceptable and often more advantageous;

  • The interior of a half-timbered house must match its exterior. The interior of the building can be designed in the style of German country, which will allow you to compose a complete picture;
  • The German version of the country style involves the use of a large number wood. Textiles within the framework of this stylistic solution require a careful approach: it is best to lay a rough carpet on the floor, decorate the windows with thick curtains, and cover the furniture with thick bedspreads that match the curtains in color and texture. Pre-aged wooden beams will become a highlight of the style.

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