Tsar Fedor III Alekseevich Romanov. Fedor Alekseevich Romanov

Engineering systems 22.09.2019
Engineering systems

Russian Tsar Fedor Alekseevich Romanov was born on June 9 (May 30 in the old style) of 1661 in Moscow. The son of the king and Mary Ilyinichna, the daughter of Boyarin Ilya Miloslavsky, did not differ good healthSince childhood was weak and painful.

June 18, 1676 Fedor Alekseevich was Vieden to the kingdom in the Assumption Cathedral of the Kremlin.

Its presentations about the royal authorities were largely formed under the influence of one of the talented philosophers of that time of Simeon Polotsk, which was the educator and the spiritual mentor of a young man. Fyodor Alekseevich was perfectly educated, knew Latin, ancient Greek and freely spoke in Polish. He was fond of music, especially singing art.

Much of what Petr I did later was prepared or started in the short period of the reign of his older brother Tsar Fyodor Alekseevich (1676-1682).

In 1678, the government was conducted by the government, the decree of Alexei Mikhailovich was canceled about the unrequisite of runaway, who were discontinued. In 1679, a residentialination was introduced - the first step to the pillow of Podter Pier I (this immediately replenished the treasury, but he strengthened the fortress oppression).

In 1679-1680, an attempt was made to mitigate criminal punishments on Western manner. A law prohibiting members of mind was adopted.

Thanks to the construction of defensive structures in the south of Russia (wild field), there was the possibility of wide doors of the nobles, striving for an increase in land ownership, estates and patrimony.

In 1681, Verovodskoy and local order was introduced - an important preparatory measure for the provincial reform of Peter I.

The main of the internal political reforms was the cancellation on the "Emergencies" of the Zemsky Cathedral on January 121682, the rules for which everyone received the ranks in harmony with the place, which occupied his ancestors in the state office. This state of things has not satisfied and, in addition, prevented effective government management. At the same time, discharge books with lists of posts were burned. In exchange, they were ordered to start a pedigree book, where all noble people entered, but without specifying their place in the Duma.

Fedor received the founder of secular education, Fedor was an opponent of the intervening of the Church and the Patriarch of Joachim in secular affairs, established increased norms of fees from church estates, thereby starting the process ending in Peter I by the liquidation of the patriarchate.

During the reign of Fyodor, the construction of not only palace churches, but also of secular buildings (orders, chambers), were broken down by new gardens, the first general system of sewing the Kremlin was created. Fedor Alekseevich's personal orders for 1681-1682 contain decrees of construction in Moscow and palace villages of 55 different facilities.

Minors sent out of Moscow to "Ukrainian cities" or monasteries to perform different work or training crafts (upon reaching 20 years they were recorded on the service or in the applied duty - pain). Fedor Alekseevich's intention to build yards for "Nishchensky children", where they were trained by the craft and was not implemented.

Understood the need to disseminate knowledge, the king invited foreign people for teaching in Moscow. In 1681, a draft creation of the Slavic-Greco-Latin Academy was developed, although the Academy itself was established later, in 1687.

The reforms were affected by the wide layers of various classes, which caused the exacerbation of social contradictions. Dissatisfaction of the urban stands (including Streltsov) led to the Moscow uprising of 1682.

In foreign policy, Fedor Alekseevich tried to return Russia to the Baltic Sea, lost in the years Livonian war. Much more attention than Alexey Mikhailovich, he gave the shelves of the "new building", equipped and trained on the Western manner. However, the decision of the "Baltic Objective" prevented raids crimean Tatars And the Turks from the south. The successful Russian-Turkish war of 1676-1681, who ended with the Bakhchisarai peace treaty, which was consolidated by the Association of the Left Bank of Ukraine with Russia, became a major foreign policy promotion of Fyodor Alekseevich.

Kiev Russia received even earlier under a contract with Poland 1678 in exchange for Nevel, Sebezh and Velij. During the war in the south of the country, a raisin damning line was created about 400 miles long, which covered the Sloboda Ukraine from the attacks of the Turks and Tatars. Later, this defensive line was continued and connected to a Belgorod molar line.

On May 7 (April 27, on the old style), 1682 Fedor Alekseevich Romanov died suddenly in Moscow, without leaving the heir. Fedora buried in the Arkhangelsk Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin. The kings were proclaimed two of his brother - Ivan and Peter Alekseevichi.

In July 1680, the king married to Agafei Grushetsky, who lasts about a year, the queen died at birth, and the newborn Son of Fyodor died.

In February 1682, the king married Martha Apraksina, the marriage lasted a little over two months, before the death of Fyodor Alekseevich.

Material prepared on the basis of information from open sources

Fedor III Alekseevich Romanov (Born May 30 (June 9) 1661 - Death on April 27 (May 7) 1682) - King and grand Duke All Russia, from the genus Romanovs. The years of the Board 1676 - 1682. Father - Alexey Mikhailovich Romanov. Mother - Maria Ilyinichna Miloslavskaya, the first spouse of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich.

Fyodor Romanov was born in Moscow in 1661. During the reign, Alexei Mikhailovich repeatedly arose about the prestrolls, as Tsarevich Alexey Alekseevich passed away in the 16th year of age, and Fedor's second royal son was 9 years old.

Wedding to the kingdom

And yet, Fedor in the 15 years he inherited the throne. The new king was crowned at the kingdom in the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin on June 18, 1676. Fyodor Alekseevich did not differ from the bodily fortress, he had a lot from childhood, was weak. He was able to edit only six years.


The young king was perfectly educated. He knew Latin well and could speak Polish fluently, knew a little ancient Greek. Fyodor Alekseevich was sacrificed in painting and church music, had "great art in poetry and fairing verses folded", trained in the basics of renovation, they were made poetic translation of Psalms for Psaltiri Simeon Polotsk. His ideas about the reign were formed under the influence of one of the talented philosophers of the era of Simeon Polotsk, the former tutor and the spiritual mentor of Tsarevich.

Beginning of the Board

After the accepted of the young king, at first the state tried to rule his stepmother, N.K. Naryshkin, who was able to eliminate the deeds of the relatives of Tsar Fyodor, sending it along with the son of Peter (future) to the "Voluntary Link" in the suburban village of Preobrazhenskoye.

Fedor Alekseevich's friends and relatives were Boyarin I.F. Miloslavsky, Prince Yu.A. Dolgorukov and Ya.N. Odoevsky, which in 1679 replaced ultrasound M.T. Likhachev, Bedding I.M. Languages \u200b\u200band Prince V.V. Golitsyn. They were "people educated, capable and conscientious." It was they who had an influence on the young sovereign, energetically took up creating a capable government.

Due to their influence with the new Tsar, the adoption of important state decisions It was transferred to the Boyar Duma, the number of members of which with it increased from 66 to 99. The sovereign was also inclined to participate in managing.

Tsar Fedor Alekseevich in front of the rescue of the unpretentious. 1686

Internal I. foreign policy

In the affairs of the internal management of the state, this king left a trace in russian history Two innovations. 1681 - a project was developed, subsequently famous, and then the first in Moscow, the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy, which was discovered after the death of the monarch. Many figures of science, culture and politics came out of its walls. It was in it in the XVIII century a great Russian scientist M.V. Lomonosov.

At the same time, representatives of all classes were to be allowed to study at the Academy, and to prescribe a scholarship. The Monarch Academy was going to transfer the entire palace library, and future graduates could claim high state posts at the court.

Patriarch Joakim was an opponent of the opening of the Academy, he was generally against secular education in Russia. Fyodor Alekseevich tried to defend his decision.

The sovereign ordered to build special shelters for orphans and teach them various sciences and crafts. The king wanted to arrange everyone disabled in the alphabet, which were built for his funds.

1682 - the boyar thought times and forever was canceled by the so-called locality. According to the traditions that existed in Russia, the traditions for different state and military positions were appointed not in accordance with their merits, experience or abilities, but in accordance with locality, that is, with the place that the ancestors assigned in the state ancestors. The son of a man who occupied a low position, could never become higher than the Son of the official who had occupied a higher position at one time. These are many annoyed and prevented effective country management.

Cancellation. Burning discharge books

At the request of the Tsar, January 12, 1682, Boyarskaya Duma abolished selling; The discharge books in which "discharges" were recorded, that is, the posts were burned. Instead, all old boyars have rewrote to special genealogians so that their merits are not forgotten by descendants.

In 1678-1679. The government of Fyodor Alekseevich conducted a census of the population, the decree of Alexei Mikhailovich was abolished about the uncompanied faded, who recorded in the coherent service, introduced a residentialination (this immediately replenished the treasury, but strengthened the fortress oppression).

In 1679-1680. They tried to mitigate criminal punishment to the European manner, in particular, canceled the cuts for theft. Since that time, the guilty referred to Siberia with families.

In the south of Russia, thanks to the construction of defensive structures, there was the possibility of wide empowerment of nobles, striving to increase land possessions, estates and patrimony.

A major foreign policy action of the reign of Fyodor Alekseevich became a successful Russian-Turkish war (1676-1681), which ended with the Bakhchisarai peace treaty, which consolidated the unification of the left bank of Ukraine with Russia.

While the board of this king, the entire Kremlin Palace Complex, including churches, was rebuilt. The buildings were connected to each other galleries and transitions, they were decorated in a new way with carved porches.

In the Kremlin installed the sewer system, flowing pond And many different gardens with arbors. The king had his own garden, on the decoration and the arrangement of which he did not regret money.

In Moscow, built dozens of stone buildings, the five-chapted temples in the kitelniks and on the FLAY. The king issued a loan loan from the treasury to the construction of stone houses in China-city and many forgivers forgiven.

Sovereign saw in the construction of beautiful stone buildings the best way Protection of Moscow from fires. At the same time, Fyodor Alekseevich believed that Moscow is the face of the state and the admiration for its magnificence should cause respect for all Russia in foreign ambassadors.

Relatives for mortal Odra Fyodor Alekseevich (K. Lebedev)

Personal life

Fedor Alekseevich Romanov's personal life was very unhappy.

1680 - the sovereign chose from many contenders beautiful and educated by Agafy Semenovna Grushtsky (1663-1681) The young spouse was a birth from Smolensk, and by the origin of polka. However, family life was short. Tsarevna died after three days after childbirth from the maternity hospital. Soon the newborn son Ilya died.

1682, February 14 - a new wedding took place in the Tsarist Palace. Now the royal chief of Marfa Matveyevna Apraksin (1664-1716), but two months after the wedding, on April 27, 1682, the sovereign after a short disease died on the 21st year of life, without leaving the heir, without making orders regarding the Preconsession. Fyodor Alekseevich was buried in the Arkhangelsk Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin.

Tsar Fedor III Alekseevich

Tsar Fedor III Alekseevich

The last king of Moscow

"Tsar Fedor Alekseevich? But was it like that? " - Many are surprised, first heard the sovereign from the genus Romanov. Indeed, the accomplishment of Peter I completely departed a six-year rule of his older brother. But this last Moscow king began a lot of what was then implemented the first Russian emperor.

Why did Fedor Alekseevich are almost forgotten? Why did the Romanovs themselves remember him rarely and reluctantly?

Heir and inheritance

Under the morning, on January 30, 1676, Tsar Alexey Mikhailovich died quietly, as if confirmed his nickname silent.

Portrait of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich.

In the choir Tsarevich Fedor came the near boyars, spiritual people and declared: "Alexey Mikhailovich, All Gorya and the Malya and Bellya Russia of Russia, leaving the kingdom of earthly, prevented in the eternal abode." Tsarevich Rodor, he swallowed his legs, but there is still a shock. But he was picked up under his arms, led to the grain ward and sat on the throne. The courts immediately began to swear to the new king, after the Kremlin residents appeared the Moscow nobles and the military.

Fedor Alekseevich, who became king in incomplete 16 years

Two years ago Tsarevich was "Declared" The churches, the yard and the people as the heir to the throne, and yet the death of the father and his wells were unexpected, and the oath near the uncomfortable body of the previous king is indecent. There were good reasons for. The late sovereign was married twice. From the first wife, Maria Miloslavskaya, three sons were born - Alexey, Fedor and Ivan, and six more daughters, among them and Sophia.

Maria Ilyinichna Miloslavskaya

After the death of the spouse, already in the old years, Alexey Mikhailovich married Natalia Naryshkin, and Peter and Natalia were born in this marriage.

Unfortunately, all the boys from the first marriage suffered from a hereditary disease, similar to Zing or Avitaminosis, all three lived for a short time, and the youngest, Ivan, was also a dementant. But the son is from the second marriage, Petrusha, a healthy and movable boy, as they said, "I did not go, but ran."

Noble rhodas of Naryshkin had a formal reason to push the legitimate heir under the pretext of his pain and try to plant a ten-year-old Peter's throne. Such a development of events was unlikely, no one wanted a new trouble, and yet the Miloslavsky party decided not to pull with oath.

Tsar Fedor III Alekseevich

At the funeral of Fedor Fedor Alekseevich carried on stretchers. But in this punish body, an indomitable spirit was concluded. Fedor succumbed only in the days of heavy seizures, the rest of the time was extremely active. Sysmanship he loved the riding ride, hunting with cute birds, perfectly shot from Luke, was fond of the movable game, like modern tennis. He has the first to appear a little funny detachment with toy weapons made best masters Weapon Chamber.

Falcon hunting

On the other hand, Fyodor Alekseevich was European educated and developed young men. The first book with pictures was presented at the age of two years, and since then the books have become his constant satellites. Fedor Alekseevich's personal library has numbered two hundred and excess volumes - at the time, the richest meeting. His teacher was Simeon Polotsky - an outstanding church figure, a philosopher and poet.

It is not surprising that his student "very fair verses folded," appreciated painting and music (even he himself composed "worthy there", which is often fulfilled today), he knew Polish and Latin.

It was, if you please, the man of the Renaissance, oddly sounds. Europe has already stood on the threshold of new time, but in Russia, taking into account her permanent lag and in connection with the consequences of the troubles, even more slowed down its development, the XVII century was only late medieval. And Fedor Alekseevich, as we will see, already absorbed "Enlightenment Spirit."

Unknown Dutch artist. King Fedor Alekseevich in 1676

Further events showed that the young man, almost a boy, thought about the upcoming reign of the ahead. Because already in the solemn chin wedding to the kingdom, he made significant changes. Previously, the Russian kings justified their right to power primarily on the law of kinship and the inheritance of the throne. Now it was announced that the king takes the highest power, firstly, according to the church law, secondly, as the only Orthodox state in the world, and only last time - "According to the customs of the ancient kings and the great princes of Russian."

Possible Parsuna Tsar Brushes B. Salanova (1686)

Immediately a question: how independent was Fedor Alekseevich in his actions, was there anyone who had his back? Of course, he had smart advisers, intelligent performers, but he led all the work he himself was the initiator of reforms, an active participant in the development of projects and the most important documents. By the way, some of " employees " Senior brother crossed "by inheritance" To the reformer Peter.

Tsar Fedor Alekseevich with officials

So sixteen years old without two months Tsar Fedor II Alekseevich began to rule Russia. Is it an inheritance enviable? Russia under Alexei Mikhailovic became the most extensive state of Europe, moreover, its borders were continuously moved to the east and south. But there was little populated, poor, undeveloped, taxes were going to a little, the state constantly needed money. Governments in the European understanding have not been practically not: too many departments (orders) with fuzzy functions and the peculiarity of the Boyar Duma. The weak organization of the troops and, as it were, they said, power structures now. Chile legislative system. The court is not fast and right. And wherever go, everywhere overwhelms and arbitrariness.

The former king, Alexei Mikhailovich, was called silent, but his board was not at all quiet: two wars, Swedish and Russian-Polish, stretched with breaks for thirteen years, church split, stepan rebellion and a copper riot. And this is not the entire list of shocks of the "quiet" government. A union with Ukraine has become truly "restless economy" for Moscow, and most importantly complicated the already tense relations with Poland, Turkey and Crimea.

Let the Duma think

King and boyars

The change of power is always associated with the elimination of the former approximate and elevation of new ones. With the army of Fedor Alekseevich, the relatives of his mother, Miloslavskiy and ilk with them, demanded violence against the actual head of government at the late sovereign - boyar Artamon Matveyev - and removal from the courtyard of the queen-widow and her children.

Artamon Sergeevich Matveyev

In relation to Matveyeva, a young king, what is called, rushed. But Fyodor Alekseevich still did not go to extreme measures, limited himself to reference with confiscation (one manor left the boyar for food). And in relation to the stepmother and the only one-country brother and sister - rested. They continued to live in the Kremlin, in the tsarist palace.

Petrusha was so at all the favorite of Fyodor Alekseevich, besides his kard. This elder brother joined the future emperor to military games, taught to shoot from Luka, gave him a whole game room with a hiking tent, a toy horse, a regimental drum and toy weapon.

Young Peter on Personne

When later Miloslavsky again began to demand the removal of Natalia Kirillovna with children from the palace, Fyodor Alekseevich thought-thought - and built for himself new choirs.

However, something had to begin change. We know about the Boyar Duma mainly from historical novels. In them, the boyars are represented by caricature elders, struggling due to someone to sit closer to the king, as well as desperately resisting new and progressive. But the boyars in the Duma were different: some were gone about the benefits of the state, others stuck about their own. The boyars were the highest assessors, but, besides them, in the Duma, "Duma Diaki" - the actual leaders of the orders (formally, at the head of the orders were a boyar). It was these "dimers" the situation better than others, and there were no personal careful in their judgments.

Meeting of the Boyar Duma

The young king found the original decision - he sharply, by a third, increased the number of assessors in the Duma. New diments were not in the grouping, and the Duma became the permanent body of the permanent authority: "Boyars, and regional, and spiritual people, go to the top in the first hour (with dawn) and sit for affairs,"- ordered the young king. He appointed working hours for orders, and for ships. At that time, Russian people usually rested after lunch, so the working day was divided into two parts: "WITH LIGHT" Before lunch, five hours and as much dothemna.

Then the king began to reorganize orders. The number of devils, climbing, painters and other employees king increased to cope with paper fiber. I set the deadline for making a decision on all cases, and in difficult cases commanded the transfer of cases to the Duma or in person personally. Over all orders he elevated a collapse of the ward (the collected not in the sense of the massacre, but in the sense - to cope with important deeds). To strengthen the authority of the leaders, Fyodor Alekseevich allowed the judges and the spirit of dummes of a little refinement to be called full name With patronymic: unheard of honor. But the responsibility of the bosses was increased: the heads of orders were forbidden to sign paper together with comrades (substituents), and only alone; It was forbidden to consider the deeds of related and loved ones.

Actually, since then we can assume that the government has appeared in Russia. But the same orders Fedor Alekseevich spread to the courts. The term of consideration of cases he limited - 100 days (now so!). In case of exceeding, it demanded a matter of affairs, and a fine was attached to the judge. Punishment became humane: the king canceled "Mercharge", It seems to cut off your hands for theft, and replaced them with reference to Siberia. And I banned the link to the children (it used to be). It also ordered to improve the content in prisons and produce those who left the punishment without the necessary pledges or guarantees.

The state, as well known, receives money in the form of taxes, which in the XVII century were called "True". Direct and indirect taxes were charged a lot, the system was confused. Fyodor Alekseevich conducted a census across the country, clearly determined who should bear in charge. Then he introduced, so to speak, a single tax - "Strelese money and bread".

Money went mainly to military needs, and the bread was overlooked in the treary residents. For bread collection, standard copper measures were introduced with the coat of arms, so they were called "Orlins".All other taxes were abolished, former arrears are forgiven, but also established strict punishments for non-payers. In decrees of taxes, the king not only commanded, but also explained why it was beneficial to the population, "To rich and full of people in front of the poor in benefit, and the poor in front of the rich in greatness were not."

Reformed local control. According to him, all the power in the field focused in the hands of urban governors, a great many senior positions "Cutter"It was canceled. Only in one, the governors were seriously limited: now they did not have rinking to the state treasury.

Fedor III Alekseevich

Mystery of the Fortress Chigirin

The Russian army was if not the most powerful in Europe, then one of the strongest. But constantly combatable parts numbered a bit. Sagittarius, noble cavalry, a local army, and now still Ukrainian Cossacks - all these parts were formed, lived and served according to the old charters and ancient way.

Miscelred in the numerical composition of the formations, in the name of the commanders. From this there was a confusion in the ranks.

Russian self-container Alexey Mikhailovich, Father Fedor

True, during the first Romanov, Mikhail Fedorovich, appeared in the Russian army "Inrogen's Shelves", organized by the European model, under the command of foreign officers. With Fyodor Alekseevich, such infantry shelves, dragoons and rates (heavy cavalry in the pures and helmets) have already made an impressive part of the troops. He also began to serve his father to serve as a glorious colonel, and then General Patrick Gordon, the first military teacher of Peter, who came to the service of the unfortunate Swiss Frances Lesfort, who became a favorite of the future emperor.

Patrick Leopold Gordon of Ochlukhris

Franz Yakovlevich Lefort.

The king got rid of the parts that were signed on a temporary basis and returned such serves to dry - let it be better to carry. In the border areas, he organized the Military District with his headquarters - ordered outstands. All regular parts were now divided into thousands of shelves, all commanders and officers wore all-in-house titles. Finally, Fyodor Alekseevich created the Guard - the so-called "elected soldiers" stood a camp on the outskirts of Moscow in Butydov.

Commander of different levels served, of course, nobles. The state paid nobles for the service of the estates, they were also called salary. "Sitting on the salary" meant just to serve on valid. If the son of the nobleman went to serve as a father, then the right of the family on the estate was confirmed. The norally property of the noble estates later became, but the peasants were already serfs, though, while the right to go to other estates. The state paid the service only in the campaigns - it was believed that at this time they could not lead the economy. Fedor Alekseevich, as subsequently, Peter, wanted all the nobles to serve. The royal decree was prescribed all nobles to record in the regimental service, then the Duma "Sentenced"that families evade will lose their place.

But for the full involvement of the noble estate, a lot of land was required. Fyodor Alekseevich decided to take these lands for the southern border, in the so-called "Dick Field"Where Isstari was waiting for raids of steppes-nomads and the Crimeans. The king resolutely suffered a line of border fortifications far to the south, attached to Russia 30 thousand square kilometers of chernozem. And in order to finally protect the future population of this region, Alexey Mikhailovich placed there was the main forces of the renewed army. The influx of nobility in the army began. Guys and well-protected lands reached out.

But the complexity of Fedor Alekseevich military transformations was that they were held during the war, on the go. The pan-European threat at the time was aggressive Turkey and her vassal, Crimean Khanate. In October 1672, the Turks took Kamenets-Podolsky, they were preparing to go to Kiev, so Russia declared War Sultan.


But she had to fight alone: \u200b\u200bthe Allian, the Commonwealth, betrayed, betrayed and concluded with the Turks a separate world.

The first Natisk of the Turks and the Crimeans was terrible. Turkish Sultan personally commanded the onset of Right-Bank Ukraine, and Crimean Khan tried to break through the southern defensive borders of the Russians. Fights walked on a wide front from the Dniester to Azov. Russian troops managed not only to repel the offensive, but also to break into Azov Sea.. For the first time, a gallery fleet, built on Voronezh shipyards, was first lowered. Russian galleys with the landing of the Ukrainian Cossacks committed a raid on the Crimea. As a result, Khan was forced to crawl off to protect their own possessions. Sultan retreated. The defeat produced on the Turk and the Tatars a staggering impression.

In the future, the Theater of Military Action focused on the right bank of Ukraine. Gotman Doroshenko ruled there, he served first by Poles, then moved to the Turks.

Peter Dorofeevich Doroshenko

He conveyed to Osmans, the rate of Right-Bank Cossacks - the Fortress of Chigirin. Since then, the name of this fortress has become the same symbol of war with Turkey as Ochakov in the next century. In September 1676, Russian shelves and Ukrainian Cossacks approached Chigirina. After a short siege and as a result of successful negotiations, the garrison of the fortress surrendered.

In the summer of the next year, the 60-thousand Turkish army under the command of Ibrahim-Pasha on nicknamed Shaitan spoke to beat the Russian Chigirin. As part of this troop, the selected cavalry "Spagi" and about 15 thousand Yanychar.

Crimea reluctantly put 40 thousand riders. And Chigirin defended only 5 thousand Moscow Archers and elected soldiers. Three weeks lasted, waited for the approach of Russian troops and Ukrainian Cossacks.

Our forced the Dnieper under the enemy's continuous fire, overturned the barrier of the Crimeans and switched to the offensive. Russians have not yet completed the crossing, and the army of Shaytan has already appealed to flight, throwing artillery and travel.

In the next, 1678, the Turkish army was even more, and he commanded the Vizier of Kara-Mustafa, an experienced commander, who had recently standing under the walls of Vienna.

Merzifon Kara Mustafa Pasha

The chigirin garrison also increased to 13,600 people, artillery numbered 82 guns and 4 Mortira. He led the defense Major General Gordon.

But the main forces of Russians this time moved to the rescue slowly, made strange maneuvers. After a month of resistance, there were heavy losses, who survived the defenders of the fortress made their way to their. Those who failed to break out, blew up the powder cellar, having taken 4 thousand enemies with them. Gordon was in rabies, but recorded in the diary: "Chigirin was left, but not conquered." In Moscow, there were rumors about treason of the governor.

And no betrayal was big policy. The king understood it and now I was looking for peace. The term of the truce with Poland expired, after which Russia was supposed to return to her. And here is still Chigirin! It turned out that Russia not only joined the left-bank Ukraine, but also the right-bank rumble.

So let Chigirin will get to the Turks (they studied them), and with Poland, then you can agree about Kiev. And Fyodor Alekseevich sent a secret decree to the commander of the main forces of Romodanovsky: not to take Chigirin clearly, but to make it to go to the Turks.

Prince Fyodor Yuryevich Romodanovsky

I must say, Fyodor Alekseevich has repeatedly gave the secret decrees to his trusted people, so to speak, under the vulture "Completely secretly": "In order for you to you and me." The king even had the art of encryption and another boy wrote a fathest congratulations on the holidays.

Tsar Fedor III Alekseevich

Russian-Turkish "Unknown"War 1672-1681 was "White Spot" in domestic history. But in the course of this war, for the first time in Europe, a decisive response to the Turkish Empire was given, brilliant victories over the most powerful enemy were observed. By the way, Protian hike Peter I ended against the Turks in thirty years later: the Russian troops were broken, surrounded, and the emperor himself almost fell.

And Meloman and carpenter

From the small years, the future king has drawn to beauty. In childhood he had a clockwork music box with dancing men, there was a small organ; He loved his room garden, whose decoration was singing birds. Later, he mastered the music literacy, assembled the unique library of notes, and becoming a king, replaced the ancient hook record of music to the generally accepted linear. At the courtyard included in the custom of conducting vocal concerts, they were called parties singing. True, theatrical ideas included in the custom in recent years of the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich, for some reason his son did not love him, and the theater in Transfiguration came to launch.

Moscow Kremlin

Court poets appeared in the Kremlin, Simeon Polotsk and Sylvester Medvedev wrote lvars "on the occasion of", having fun

The most important events in the life of the state. This tradition was picked up in the next century, Trediakovsky, Sumarokov and Lomonosov.

With Fedor Alekseevich, many of the chambers of the Kremlin decorated murals on biblical plots and intricate ornaments. Paints made a decisive step from icon painting to realistic painting, a reliable portrait appeared - "Parsuna". The Kremlin himself, with his reign, was decorated with new palaces, temples and vertograds (gardens).

Wooden Moscow was often burning, the townspeople throughout Russia were forbidden in the summer of drowning in the oven, prepare food on fire was allowed only to remove from houses. Losses from the fires were huge, the type of burnt streets and whole Slobod dewen the sovereign - he often went to the fires and led the cargo. Fyodor Alekseevich provided a preferential loan to build stone houses. At the same time, he first introduced construction standards on stone blocks, bricks, the size of the buildings of different species. Determined reliable suppliers and contractors. He ordered the streets of the streets that were before drowned in the mud and silt. With its board, the first sewage was carried out, until only in the Kremlin. From the main square Fedor Alekseevich ordered to remove the trading tents, and it became really red, that is, beautiful. Moscow gradually acquired the capital

A. Vesselov. Moscow late XVII century

The king understood that many of the misfortunes of Russia from ignorance, and cared for the spread of books. In the printed courtyard, he opened a printing house independent of church censorship. The first translations of Latin authors, secular books, the first treatise on the history of Russia - "Genealogy" Archimandrite Ignatia Rimsky-Korsakov (ancestor of the Great Russian Composer). After all, until then, the Russians represented the history of the Motherland for legends and legends, although entertaining, but unreliable. The king wanted to create an academy similar to European universities, made a project in which he gave educational institution unheard of liberty for Russia and palace privileges, not accidentally the project itself was called "Privilege". Alas, this project remained unfulfilled. But he founded on own funds Slavic-Latin school, as if the first stage of spiritual and secular education.

The Slavic-Latin Academy housed

Fyodor Alekseevich made mercy with consistent state policies: "Poor, embankment and old people who cannot work for any work ... and they don't have a shelter - and they should feed them by death." He also took care of the orphans and streets: commanded them to collect them in special courtyards, contain and teach there the sciences and the necessary state crafts. It was not only an awake deal, but also extremely useful. The streets of cisheli cisheli, among which there were a lot of pretenders (suchmen called "Hansi"), and this environment was agencies of theft, digestion and drunkenness.

Middle Circle

He was an independent ruler and did not have obvious favorites. Co-authors and performers of his transformations became young and not very noble nobles Ivan Languages \u200b\u200band Alexey Likhachev. The princes of Vasily Golitsyn nominated from the born (it was led by " chigirin Operation) And Grigory Romodanovsky, who the king has repeatedly trusted the command to the whole army (subsequently, Romodanovsky was a companion of Peter, an Ober-Prosecutor was appointed - "Soviet Okom"). In matters of education and literature, the king relied on the advice and assistance to Sylvester Medvedev, he was headed by the first free typography.

Simeon Agafonovich Medvedev

This soft and kind on nature ruler knew how to be tough. This order was burned on the bonfire of the Avvakum Protopop.

Petrov Avvakum

Probably, such a decision was not easy for the king. But the rebellious fanatic reached the extreme bite, his incitement speeches and letters were affected "Vorovsky letters" Falsmitria. It came to the point that Avvakum wanted victory trees over Nikonian Moscow.

Burning avvakum and his supporters

Almost at the same time, Fyodor Alekseevich freed the mentioned Nikon from strict imprisonment in the Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery and allowed him to live in the beloved Novojerusalem monastery near Moscow. But on the road, this famous hierarch of the Russian church died. At the end of his reign, the sovereign returned from the reference and Boyharin Artamon Matveev, his father's favorite.

At the end of the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich, the Pisha Patriarch became Joim, an influential and volitional church figure.

Patriarch Joakim

He walked on the kingdom of a young sovereign. However, the European scholarship, especially the Latin language and writings seemed to Patriarch and his Grequilian supporters too dangerous. They did not approve the academy project, hated the edition of free printing and the Slavic Latin School. But I could not prevent the king. But after his death, the typography was defeated, the books published by Sylvester Medvedev were damned, and the publisher himself paid for them.

However, the Church and Patriarch supported one of the most "Volga decisions" The king is the cancellation of locality. The essence of this ancient order was that the knowledge of the genus was directly related to official or post. And Fedor Alekseevich wanted the ranks to be assigned exclusively "According to merit." He decided to act "BUND" - Collecting representatives from different classes and services, he was deliberately included in their composition of election officers of new regiments, as they were interested in receiving the ranks according to merit, and not by kinship.

As it should be expected, the elected recommended: "To be among themselves without places, and no one with anyone will not be considered a discharge, and discharge cases and places to retain and eradicate." Now it was to declare this yard and a boyars tips. Previously Fedor Alekseevich bowed to his side of the Patriarch, proving that God himself teaches: " Do not crawl over a small man. "

On January 12, 1682, before the Duma, the king and noble nobles, the king declared the Hubbles of elected people. From myself added that locality "Allo" the enemy of human genus and only harms "Multiple benefits". Patriarch, for his part, announced that the church considers his intended king as " multiplication of Love "between Christians. Boyar expressed their consent: "May it be so!" The king ordered immediately to bring discharged locations that were solemnly burned.

The burning of the discharge books at Queen Fyodor Alekseyevich. Figure A. Chalmemannya

At the same time, Fedor Alekseevich ordered a pedigree book containing a detailed dish of disgusting and nobility, and even created a special chamber of pedigrees. These measures served to cohesion the old and new Russian nobility.

Love and death

The king is also a person. Even the Orthodox Russian sovereign in the XVII century.

On the third year, the reign and the nineteenth year of life Fedor Alekseevich was still a single. For the Russian king, the case is not quite ordinary, in the old days they married early. In the Kremlin there was a procession, the king, as usual, walked behind the Patriarch. Immersed in prayer, absently slid his eyes on the crowd surrounding the procession. And suddenly he met through the eyes with a pretty Unit. Prayer mood as the wind blew. I immediately called my language and ordered to learn about the stranger, who she was.

Estimated portrait of Fedor Alekseevich

Languages \u200b\u200bsoon reported that the girl is Yiya - the daughter of Smolensky Gruzhevsky's shrush, and calling her Agafei Simeonovna. She lives in the house of the aunt's aunt, the wives of the Occolnoye Zaborovsky. Now the king sent the language to the house of the Ocolnichnoye Zaborovsky to find out more about and declare, "So that he did not give his niece of his niece and not married." "What is not ashamed by the great gentlemen of the truth," and "So that they don't have any doubt about her honor, and she puts them in the loss of their belly claims!"

Boaling Konstantin Makovsky.

The king, having learned about this, rejoiced and, in order to test his feelings, immediately jumped at the horse and waged back and forth in front of the house of Zaborovsky. I saw Agafia in the window and assured: it is her! The wedding played a shortness, July 18, 1680, very modestly and without ordinary shuffling in such cases in the court deeline, distribution of ranks and awards.

Makovsky K.E. - Wedding Boyarsky Pier in the XVII century. .

Fyodor Alekseevich was angry at Boyar Miloslavsky and wanted to overcome him from the courtyard at all. Tsarina persuaded to forgive Boyarin, seeing one in his act alone "Human weakness". But Miloslavsky again was not lucky. Once he carried the Queen of the Sobility and rich matter, not from himself, but by his position. And he was caught a sovereign, moreover in a rather dark place. The king decided that Miloslavsky goes to Queen with offerings, and angry: "You have previously poured it before, and now you want to close your plows!" Boyar almost pleased the link, but here it was "Young lions" Languages \u200b\u200band Likhachev.

Fedor Stratilat and the Great Martyr Agafia. The patronal icon of Tsar Fyodor Alekseevich and Queen Agafia. 1681, Masters of the Armory Chamber. GIm (Contribution of Tsar Fyodor Alekseevich and Queen Agafia Semenovna Gruchetsky to the Alexandrovsky Assumption Monastery)

Alas, the beloved spouse of the sovereign died three days after the birth of the firstborn, Tsarevich Ilya. Fyodor Alekseevich was in such a sore that could not attend the funeral. But the son lived for hours.

Almost two years have passed, and Fyodor Alekseevich married a second time, again on the noble daughter of a dinner kind, Marfe Matveyevna Apraksina.

Marfa Matveyevna Apraksina

Marfa Matveyevna is depicted in a braching outfit of the Russian queen of the XVII century, on the head - Kokoshnik, shdden to pearls with valuable stones.

The wedding was still more modest, even the doors of the Kremlin were locked, as if in confirmation of the homework. Sylvester Medvedev read his verses composed on this occasion. There were such lines:

Nothing in the world is better, IKO head

Strict body, Always smart, Zdrava ...

Unknown artist second half of the XVII century. School of the Armory Chamber. Portrait of the queen Martha Matveyevna, Spouses Tsar Fyodor Alekseevich.

As for the head, everything is true, but the body ... The king was sick and was able to adopt congratulations from all classes only a week after the wedding. He was in the heyday creative, but, alas, not physical forces. The disease devoured him. The government continued to fulfill its functions, but as if with a loaf: and who will be as follows and how to become him pleased? Halfed courtesy, lies in the patient. Actually, the bed of dying Fedor Alekseevich has a node of the future "Stretkogo tragedy." Sagittars of one of the Moscow regiments complained about the Colonel Seeds of Griboedov, which subtracted half of them (!) Sign. The king instructed to figure out.

Tsar Fedor III Alekseevich

The Sovereign of Russia Fedor Alekseevich died on the sixth year of the Board, in 1682, as recorded in the discharge book, "April on 27 days, sins for the whole of Moscow state."

Concent Tsar Fedor Alekseevich. From the painting K. Lebedev

And there were a lot of sins, and they all climbed out. Three days before the deathfedor Alekseevich, in response to the petition, ordered: "Seeds to send to Tottma, and directly to take away, and from the colonel to retain."It was the last order of the dying. Griboedov was really taken into custody, but after a day they let go. Instead of execution of the royal state "To teach your jubiors, best people, cruel punishment". In response, Moscow flashed, and not Streetsky only, the uprising.

He was able to stop only the Tsarevna Sophier Alekseevna, sister of the late king, recently for young kings Peter and Ivan. Not the organizer of the Streletsky Bunta, and his pacifier was Sofia to dismpay, as it was sometimes called.

Romanova Sofya Alekseevna - (1657-1704)

"On the throne of the eternal worker"- This Pushkin characteristic of Peter the Great can be safely attributed to his older brother. Of course, when we list mainly achieving his board, there is a suspiciously benevolent picture. In fact, she was more complex and dramatic. But, undoubtedly, Fedor Alekseevich's transformation represent an important experience of non-violent reforms, moreover, preferably not borrowed, but only include foreign experiences where it is appropriate. That's the answer to the question why the board of Fyodor Alekseevich is few people know. The younger brother Peter Alekseevich, when he came to power, as if said: "We will go to another!"And went. And everyone went. And when everyone go builds one expensive, somehow it does not occur that there are other ways.

Sergey Makeev



Tsar Fyodor Alekseevich is called the predecessor and in the inheritance of the throne, and in the preparation of reforms. The once-brother of Peter Great for 6 years of government (from 1676 to 1682) began a lot from the fact that the All-Russian emperor successfully completed. The heir to the Russian throne Fedor Alekseevich Romanov was born in the capital in 1661.

The marriage of the king, who was nicknamed for good temper, with Maria Miloslavskaya turned out to be rich in heirs: the spouses were born five sons and seven daughters. But all offspring did not differ strong health. Three sons died in infancy. Ivan Alekseevich - the youngest of the children of Quiet - doctors diagnosed mental retardation.

All hopes of the monarch laid on Fedor, smart and loved science. But he also turned out to be unhealthy: the royal heir was sick in Qing, walked, leaning on a stick, and rarely chose from the palace. Fedor Alekseevich's education was legally on the shoulders of Simeon Polotsk - philosopher, theologian, poet and playwright, famous for universal knowledge.

Under his leadership, the heir studied Polish, the ancient Greek and Latin, translated Psalms and made poems. And he became interested in music and singing. Fedor Alekseevich crown in 1676, when he was 16 years old. The rite of wedding for the kingdom took place in the Kremlin, in the Assumption Cathedral. It was necessary to hurry because of the sustainable death of the father - Alexey Mikhailovich.

Beginning of the Board

The first months of the reign of the young king were marked by the Heavy Disease of Fyodor Alekseevich. He managed the state of Patriarch Ioakim, Middle Boyarin Artamon Matveyev and Voevod Ivan Miloslavsky. But in mid-1676, Romanov recovered and sent a tried to take power into his hands Matveev in the link.

Fedor Alekseevich after the first two years of the Board abolished the Decree of the Father on the uncomfortable advanced, received on the careful service. In the same 1678 held a census of the population, and in a year she placed his direct tax, which was paid from income to the property. Later, his younger brother Peter the Great entered the pillow. The taxation initiated by Fedor Alekseevich filled the treasury with money, but raised the ropot of serfs, dissatisfied with a strengthened oppression.

The king, imitating the Western European rulers, has banned his membership and softened criminal penalties. The attempt was partially successful. In the southern borders of the state (wild field) Fedor Alekseevich ordered to build defensive fortifications. It helped nobles to increase the estates and expand land ownership. The king prepared the provincial reform introduced by His follower, establishing ordinary management for the governor and the population.

Historians are called the main internal political reform of Fyodor Alekseevich, the abolition of the "emergency seating" of the Zemsky Cathedral. According to these obsolete laws, a person received a Chin who corresponded to the place of service of the Father. Such a state of affairs did not give effectively to develop the state, braking his promotion forward.

The discharge books in which the list of posts were keen, by order of the king burned, introducing pedigree books instead. They entered the names of the Russian nobility, without pointing out places in the Duma. Fedor Alekseevich, who received secular education, removed the church from interference in public affairs, increased the collection from church estates. Soon, Peter completed the process started by his brother by eliminating the patriarch.


Fyodor Alekseevich Romanov moved the center of gravity of state decisions in the Duma, increasing the number of members from 66 to 99. A number of reforms king sent to the centralization of power, strengthening the position of the nobility. The reign of the predecessor of Peter the Great was marked by the construction of palace temples, chambers and orders, under the facilities of the Kremlin laid the first sewage system.

In the capital, the order, writing in Ukrainian cities and monasteries of nurses and beggars. Up to 20 years, they worked under the monasteries, they studied crafts, and in 20 young people he was recorded in service or in charge (applied duty). Fyodor Alekseevich did not have time, as planned, to build yards to train the craft of street children.

The educational intentions of the king were embodied in the invitation of foreign scientists and teachers in the capital. At the beginning of the 1680s, the monarch developed a draft of the first academy, but Pyotr Alekseevich managed to convert 6 years after 6 years. Fedor Alekseevich's reforms met the rejection of different estates and aggravated social contradictions. In 1682 there was a shooting uprising in Moscow.

The foreign policy of the monarch is an attempt to return the state to the Baltic Sea, which Russia has lost during the Livonian war. Fyodor Alekseevich paid a learning and uniform of troops much more attention than his father. To unleash the "Baltic task" hindered the Turks and the Crimean Tatars who raised on the southern borders of Russia. Therefore, autocratic from the genus Romanov began in 1676 russian-Turkish Warwhich successfully ended in the 1681th peace treaty in Bakhchisarai.

Under the terms of the contract, Russia united with Left-Bank Ukraine. By order of the king in the south of Russia, a raisin of a line of 400 versts appeared, bonded by Slobodskaya Ukraine from the devastating Turko-Tatar raids. Later, the defensive line continued, connecting with a Belgorod molar line.

The main reforms Fedor Alekseevich has committed the reign in the last three years. After stopping medieval torture convicts for criminal offenses, he raised the state to a new stage of civilization. Taxation has undergone changes, fee charging ordered.

Tsar Fedor Alekseevich, being an educated person, stood at the origins of the Creating School of Typographic School, which is called the forerunner of the Slavic-Greco-Latin Academy. Romanov took up the project on the introduction in the state of the ranks (Peter the first completed the reform by introducing a chance of ranks) and divided the power of military and civilian. Fyodor Alekseevich developed the project of the Military Academy, but did not manage to implement.

Personal life

Favorites Fedor Alekseevich in the early years of the Board were deft, but rooted bedding Ivan Languages \u200b\u200band Stolnik Alexey Likhachev. They played the king's personal life a considerable role, introducing Romanov with a girl he has seen, participating in the cross move. Languages \u200b\u200band Likhachev found out that the beautiful name is Agafia Grushetsky. Deca Zaborovsky, Guardian Agafia, ordered not to give the girl to marry and wait for the decree.

Agafya Grushetsky, the first wife of Fyodor Alekseevich

In the summer of 1680, Fedor Alekseevich and Agafya Grushetsky were crowned, but the marriage broke into tragic: a year later, the wife died at birth, giving the wife of the heir Fyodor. Soon the newborn died. Tsaritsa attribute a beneficial effect on her husband: at her request, the king made the nobles cut and shave the beard, wearing the Polish Kuntushi and Sabli. Schools appeared where children were taught in Polish and Latin.

Marfa Apraksina, the second wife Fyodor Alekseevich

For a talked widowed king, who was deprived of the heir, urgently found the bride. They were influenced by the same languages \u200b\u200band likhachev. Fyodor Alekseevich took Marfraxin's wife, but the marriage lasted two months.


The king died on 21 years of life in the spring of 1682, and not leaving the heir to the throne.

Fedor Romanova buried in the Moscow Kremlin, in the Arkhangelsk Cathedral. The kings were proclaimed by the Brothers Fyodor Alekseevich - Uni-utilized Ivan and the Motherland Peter.

Fedor III Alekseevich Romanov (1661-1682) - Russian Tsar (from 1676), the eldest son of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich "Quiet" and Mary Ilyinichna, daughter Boyarina I.D. Miloslavsky, one of the most educated rulers of Russia. Born on May 30, 1661 in Moscow. Since childhood, it was weak and painful, but already at 12 years old was officially announced the heir to the throne. The first teacher him was an approach Ambassador Pamphil Belyaninov, then Simeon Polotsky was changed, who became his spiritual mentor. I trained it to Polish, ancient Greek and Latin, depraved respect and interest in Western life. The king disassembled in painting and church music, had "Great Arts in Sauzia and Faceproof Virbs", trained in resentment, made a poetic translation of Psalms for Psaltiri. The appearance of the king allows you to present Persuna (portrait) made by Bogdan Saltanov in 1685.

After the death of the Father, 15-year-old, was Vieden to the kingdom in the Assumption Cathedral of the Kremlin on June 18, 1676. At first, the country was trying to lead the stepmother, N.K.Naryshkin, who was able to eliminate the deeds to Fedor's relatives, sending it together with the son of Peter (future Peter I) in the "voluntary link" in the suburban village of Preobrazhenskoye. Friends and relatives of the young king, Boyarin I.F. Miloslavsky, KN. Yu.A. Dolgrukov and Ya.N. Odoevskaya, whom in 1679 changed the bedding of I.M.Yangovikov, a plotty M.T.Likhachev and KN. Vladimir Golitsyn, "People formed, capable and conscientious", close to the king and have an impact on him, energetically began to create a capable government. Their influence can be explained by the transfer with Fedor the center of gravity in the adoption of state decisions in the Boyar Duma, the number of members of which has increased from 66 to 99. The king was also inclined to personally take part in the management, but without despotism and cruelty, which were characterized by his successor and Brother Peter I.

The private life of the king was unhappy. The first marriage with Agafei Gruckhetsky (1680) ended in a year, the queen died in childbirth together with the newborn Son Fyodor. According to rumors, the queen had a strong influence on her husband, according to her "suggestion" in Moscow, men began to cut hair, shaving beard, wearing Polish sabers and kuntushi. The new marriage of the king arranged his friend by I.Muzykov. February 14, 1682 Fedor was married to Martha Apraksina, but two months after the wedding, on April 27, the king died suddenly in Moscow at the 21st year of life, not leaving the heir. The kings were proclaimed two of his brother - Ivan and Peter Alekseevichi. Fedora buried in the Arkhangelsk Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin.

The reign of Fyodor III Romanova

Two reigns of the first sovereigns of Romanov House were a period of domination of ordinary people, expanding emotions, powerlessness of the law, trust, the ubiquitous obsolence of the working people, universal deception, shoots, robbery and riots. The autocratic power was actually a small-containing: it all proceeded from the boyars and the devils who were at the head of the Office and in approaching the king; The king often did in order to other things that did not want than the fact that the phenomenon was explained that with sovereigns, undoubtedly honest and good-natured, the people did not bite at all.

An even less could be expected to be valid for the person who was carrying the title of the autocratic sovereign by the death of Alexei Mikhailovich. His eldest son Fedor, a boy of fourteen years, was already amazed by an incurable disease and could hardly walk. Self itself, of course, that the power was in his hands only by name. IN royal family Delivered a discord. Six sisters of the new Sovereign hated Macheh Natalia Kirillovna; They were both aunts, old maids, daughters of the king Mikhail, were at the same time; Near them, a circle of boyars naturally gathered; Hate to Natalia Kirillovna spread to relatives and on supporters of the latter. Before everyone else, Artamon Sergeevich Matveyev was to suffer, as the tutor of Queen Natalia and the strongest person in the last years of the past reign. His main enemies, - besides the princess, especially Sophia, the most prominent on the mind and strength of character, and women surrounding Tsareven, were Miloslavsky, the relatives of the king from the motherboard, of which the chief was Boyarin Ivan Mikhailovich Miloslavsky, choking on Matveev for According to His abuse, Artamon Sergeyevich, and brought his abuse king before the Tsar deleted him to Astrakhan to Voivodeship. With Miloslavs, at the same time, there was a strong boyar gunboy Bogdan Matveevich Khitrovo; And this person has a hatred for Matveyev, because the latter pointed as Heathrovo, supervising the Big Palace by order, together with his nephew Alexander, he was illegal at the expense of the palace estates, kidnapped in his favor he had a palace reserves and took bribes from him Palace contractors. Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich was such a person that, by opening him the truth about Boyar, Matveyev could not subjected guilty worthy punishment, but only he prepared an irreconcilable enemies for the future. Hitrovo had a relative, afraid of Anna Petrovna; She was famous for his stay, but there was an evil and tricky woman: she acted on a weak and sick king, together with princes and armed him against Matveyev, besides that, the enemy of Matveyev was the roundabout Vasily Volynsky, delivered to the Embassy Order, a small man, but rich, who had groomed and luxury. Convening to himself on the pions of the noble, he tried with all their mights to restore them against Matveyev. Finally, mighty boyars: Prince Yuri Dolgoruky, Nador Fedor Fedorovich Kurakin, Rodion Streshnev was also indisputable to Matveyev.

The persecution of Matveyeva began with the fact that, according to the complaint of the Danish resident of Mons Gay, it seemed to Matveyev did not pay him 500 rubles for Wine, Matveyev was removed on July 4, 1676 from the Embassive Ordeka and declared him that he had to go to Vervodoye. But it was only one pretext. Matveyev, rearing Laishev, received the order to stay there, and here a number of soldiers began to him. At first they demanded some book, a hospital written by the figures, which he did not have. At the end of December, he had a search and brought to Karaul to Kazan. He was accused of heading the state pharmacy and feeding the king medicine, he did not finish the remnants of the drug after the king. Hello David Berlov came to him that he was with another doctor, named Stefan, and with a spafari translator read the "black book" and called out unclean spirits. His denoughtly confirmed Matveyev's Scoop under the tortocoa, Dwarl Zakharka, and showed that he himself saw the unclean spirits and Matveyev from the annoyance in the room, that Dwarf saw this secret, nailed him.

On June 11, 1677, Boyarin Ivan Bogdanovich Miloslavsky, called Matveyev with her son to go away, declared him that the king ordered him to deprive his boyars, send all the estates and wrap up to the palace villages, to release all his people and the people of his son to the will of His Son , Together with the son, in emberrsk. Following the reference, the two brothers Tsaritsa Natalia Kirillovna, Ivan and Athanasius Naryshkina were sent to reference. The first was accused of telling a person, according to the name Orul, such ambiguous speeches: "You're an old eagle, and the young eagle flies to the creek: kill him out of singing, so you will see the mercy of the queen Natalia Kirillovna." These words were explained as if they belonged to the king. Naryshkin was awarded to beat the whip, burn with fire, rip the ticks and execute death, but the king replaced this punishment eternal reference to Ryazhsk.

In the first years of his reign, Fyodor Alekseevich was in the hands of Boyar, Matveyev enemies. Natalia Kirillovna and Son lived in removal in the village of Preobrazhensky and was constantly under the fear and in the pen. In church affairs, Self-fully managed to all Patriarch Joakim, and the king could not be prevented by him to oppress the lowlands and send to the reference of the royal confessor Savinov. Patriarch Joachim noticed that this close to the person king a man sets up a young sovereign against the patriarch, convened the cathedral, accused Savinov in immoral acts, and Savinov was exiled to the leisure of the monastery; The king was supposed to conquer.

Domestic and foreign policy of Fedor III

The Politics of Moscow in the first years Fedorov reigns was mainly applied to the Malorosiyskii affairs, which were intensified by the Moscow State in hostility towards Turkey. Chigirin hiking, fear, inspired by the expectation of the attack of Khan in 1679, demanded tense measures that responded to the people. For a whole three years, all the defeats were covered by special tax on the pastine from the courtyard on military costs; Servivat people not only had to be prepared for service, but their relatives and delicacies, and from every twenty-five yards of their estates they had to supply one equestrian person. In the southeast there were collisions with nomadic peoples. Since the beginning of the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich, Kalmyki, under the authorities of his Thai, they made raids on Russian areas, they were given to the authorities of the Russian Sovereign and helped Russia against the Crimean Tatars. In 1677, a quarrel broke out between Kalmyks and the Don Cossacks; The government took the side of Kalmykov and prohibited the Cossacks to disturb them; Then the main Kalmytsky Tische, or Khan, Ayuk, with other Thaisch's subcast to him near Astrakhan gave the Russian king a wool diploma, which was promised on behalf of all Kalmykov forever in the citizenship of the Moscow sovereign and fight against his enemies. But such treaties could not have for a long time: Don Cossacks did not listen to the government and attacked Kalmykov, saying that Kalmyks were the first to attack the Cossack towns, they were captured by the cattle. Kalmyki, for their part, represented that the world was violated by the Cossacks, royal people, and therefore Herw, this king, has already lost strength, and refused to serve the king. Ayuk began to talk and be friends with Crimean Khan, and his subordinates attacked Russian settlements. Limits Western Siberia. They were disturbed by Bashkirs, and then, near Tomsk, they made raids of Kyrgyz. IN Eastern Siberia Yakuts and tungs were indignant, which felt Yasak, derived from patience with robbing and violence and servicing people, but were tamed.

In internal affairs At first there was little new 1, the orders of the previous reign were confirmed or expanded 2. The people did not subsify the excitement initiated by the split, on the contrary, more and more took a wide size and gloomy character. Fanatics started the deserts, set the crowds of the people, did not go to the church, they did not baptize the three fingers, interpreted that the recent times were approaching, the kingdom of Antichrist comes, soon the world will suffer the end, and now the pious Christians do not have anything to renounce All the delights of the world and voluntarily go to suffering for the true faith. Such deserts appeared in many places in the north, on Don, but especially in Siberia. The governors sent to overclock them, but the fanatics themselves burned, not allowing the persecutors to themselves, and in this case justified themselves as an example of martyrs, especially St. Manefa, which burned, so as not to worship idols 3.

In 1679, Tsar Fedor Alekseevich, who had already reached seventeen years old, brought two favorites to him: Ivan Maksimovich Langov and Alexey Timofeevich Likhachev. These were people deft, capable and, how much can be concluded by the events known to us, conscientious. Languages \u200b\u200bwas appointed bedboard. The young king, brought up by Simeon Polotsky, was inquisitive, visited the typography and typographic school, loved to read and succumbed to the thoughts of his teacher of Simeon to form a higher school in Moscow. Little little becomes a noticeable strengthening of government activities. A number of orders who stopped abuse and confusion in the ownership of patrimony and estates are published. So, for example, it went to the customs that the owner of the victorious was sold or transferred to another to a relative or someone else's blood, after himself his estate, with the condition that he contained his widow and children or relatives - ordinary female people, for example. daughters or nieces; The winner was obliged to marry such girls as if their sisters. But such conditions were not performed, and on this occasion the law took place to select such victobes if the owner does not fulfill the conditions on which he received the deferred - and give them directly bye. There were more abuses: the husbands of violence and beatings forced their wives to sell and lay their own victobs, obtained in the dowry when they were married. It was decided not to record in the local order, as was done before that time, such acts that were held by the husbands on behalf of wives without their voluntary consent. The widows and daughters were also fenced, who received subsistence estates, which they often took the heirs. At this time, it is generally noticeable to the wishes that they did not leave the genus of the owners, and therefore it was forbidden to give up the spiritual defendants of direct heirs, as well as to give them in other people's hands. The most estates obeyed the same generic toast: it was decided that the firing estate would be given only to relatives, at least far, former owners. A relative had the right to legally look for the return of the estates received in someone else's genus. Thus, the local right almost disappeared and moved to the progress. The son considered himself the right to ask the government to give him a manor or some reward that followed his father for the service, if the father did not have time to get it.

In November of the same, 1679 destroyed the once important title of lifts and bodies. It was universally ordered to break the luminous huts, and all criminal cases were transferred to the leadership; At the same time, various small petties on the content of lipsticks, prisons, warders, executioners, the cost of paper, ink, firewood, etc. were destroyed, and there were also special detectives sent from Moscow to criminal cases, collectors who were also destroyed from Moscow. And clarifiers of different names: Yamsk, Pushkarsky, dumbfounded, siege, in the gods of the head, etc. All their duties focused in the hands of the governor. The government was probably intended to simplify management and save the people from the content of many officials.

In March 1680, the interviewing of victims and landlords was undertaken - an important enterprise, which was caused by the desire to stop disputes about the frontiers, reaching very often to the fight between the peasants of the sides of the parties, and sometimes before the death. All landowners and wilts are prescribed to announce the number of peasant yards available. Regarding the peasants themselves, there were no important changes in the legislation, but from the cases of that time it can be seen that the peasants were almost completely equal to the holopas in their position, although they were still legally different from the latter in that the peasants came on the vessel, and in the chop on the batual record. Nevertheless, the owner not only took his peasants to the yard, but even there were cases when sold victory peasants without land.

Wedding Tsar Fedor III

In the summer of 1680, Tsar Fedor Alekseevich saw the maiden on the transmission during the transmission, which he liked. He instructed the lingules to find out: who she, and languages \u200b\u200btold him that she was the daughter of Seeds Fedorovich Grushetsky, named Agafya. The king, without breaking the grandfathers, ordered the convening of the crowd of the maiden and chose Agafia from them. Boyar Miloslavsky tried to upset this marriage, ink the tsarist bride, but did not reach the goal and lost his influence at the court. On July 18, 1680, the king was combined with her marriage. The new Queen was a little less and, as they say, on the origin of polka. At the courtyard of Moscow began to enter into Polish customs, they began to wear Kuntushi, cut her hair in Polish and learn Polish. The king himself, brought up by Symeon Sitianovich, knew in Polish and read Polish books. Languages \u200b\u200bafter the royal marriage got the San Ocolnichery, and Likhachev took over his place in the rank of bed. In addition, approached the king and the young prince Vasily Vasilyevich Golitsyn, who later played a crucial role in the Moscow state.

The world concluded at this time with Turkey and the Crimea, although he was not brilliant, but at least facilitated the people from the efforts that a long war required, and therefore was adopted with Big joy. The government appealed to internal orders and transformations that show some mitigation of morals. So, in 1679, it was drawn up, but then repeated in 1680 and, it is likely to be executed by the law, stopping the barbarous executions of the cut-off of the hands and feet and replacing them with reference to Siberia. In some cases, the shameful punishment by the whip was replaced by a feniation, such as, for example, for damaging by the integrated signs or for the Keeping. In the petitions submitted by the king, a slavery expression was prohibited: so that the king would be soooed "like God"; Forbidden to ordinary people when meeting with boyars, get up with horses and bow to the ground. To spread Christianity between Magomethaans in May 1681, it was decided to take away the peasants of the Christian faith from Tatar Murz, but to leave them still power over them, if they decide Christianity; Yes, moreover, it is supposed to encourage the baptism of foreigners with money.

The land survey, undertaken last year, not only did not reach the goal of stopping the Drak on the borders of possessions, but even strengthened them, because until it was completed yet, he initiated new questions about the boundaries; Rumors about the earliests that were made by primary owners and landowners, who attacked them on each other and murders were reached by the government. In May 1681, a law was published about the relatives of controversial lands from those owners who will start self-government and will send their peasants to a fight, and about the strict punishment of the peasants, if they, without the knowledge of the owners, will fight between their borders; It was also ordered to speed up the case of sizing and multiply the number of integraplists chosen from the nobles and called scribes. Instead of the old custom, to take them to take the so-called animals from the townsks, they were appointed a monetary salary, money from a quarter of the Earth, and the other money was given to the funeral with those that were with him for the submarine.

In July of the same year, two important orders came out: sputter on wine sales and customs fees were destroyed. The reason for this change was that the procedure for returning to the deposit was conducted by the riots and losses of the treasury; Wine-selling flaws interrupted each other's baryrs and allowed their wine cheaper, trying to undermine each other. Instead of otkupov, the faithful heads and toddler chosen from commercial and industrial people were introduced again. In order to avoid unrest, generally removal and special rights to homemade production of black beverages were prohibited, excluding landowners and markers who were allowed to prepare them, but not within their yards and not for sale.

Among all these worries of the government died Queen Agafya (July 14, 1681) from childbirth, and for her and a newborn baby, barely named Ilya.

We do not know how it worked on a painful king is a family misfortune, but the activities of the legislative and the constituent have not suspended. The important thing of the intersection was encountered in great difficulties: landowners and warders complained about the scribes who were entrusted with the survey, and scribes who were also from landowners, on landowners; Thus, the government had to send more special detectives for the proceedings between land owners and intertearners and threatened the other loss of half of their places; Another half was given to his wife and children of the guilty. Changes were made in order of ordinary office work: all criminal cases, which were made part in the Zemsky order, and sometimes in others, was ordered to connect in one robbery; Hourwell orders was destroyed at all, and all cases were transferred from him to the vessel. Finally, an important thing was treated for drawing up additions, and in all orders ordered was to write articles on such cases that were not taken into account.

In church houses, important transformations were performed. A church cathedral was convened, one of the important in Russian history. At this cathedral (as on the stamp and others), the king was made by the proposals or questions that the cathedral sentences followed. The need for the foundation of new dioceses, especially in view of the fact that the "church opponents" was multiplied everywhere. The government offered to start the bishops in the Metropolitans in the Metropolitans, but the Cathedral found such an order to be inappropriate, fearing that it would be for the comparative "height" between the bishops. The cathedral preferred another measure: Establish special independent dioceses in some cities. Thus, Archbishopianism in Sevsk 4 were founded, in Khlemogo 5, in Ustyug 6, in Yeniseisk; Vyatka bishopia was elevated to Archbishopia; The bishops were appointed: in Galich, Arzamas, Ufa, Tanbean (Tambov) 7, Voronezh 8, Volkhov 9 and in Kursk. Different monasteries with their faithful peasants were given to the maintenance of new bikes and with all the faults. By the king, an indication of the remote countries of Siberia was made, where the spaces are so great that the diocesan city should be necessary for a whole year and even one and a half, and these countries are easily made by the refuge of opponents of the Church; But the Cathedral did not solve there to establish the dioceses of "Maludia for the sake of the Christian People", but limited himself to the decision to send the archimandritis and priests there to learn in faith.

Fedor III domestic affairs

On the issue of countering the split the cathedral, without having in the hands of material force, mainly betrayed this case of secular power; Lamps and landowners should notify the bishops and the governor about the splitting girlfriends and the Molubes, and the governors and orders will send the serviced people against those splitters who will be naughty bikes. Moreover, the Cathedral requested the sovereign, so that no letters were given to the foundation of new deserts, in which they could usually serve on old books; However, it was ordered to destroy tents and anbaras in Moscow with icons, called chapels in which the priests made prayers on old books, and the people were placed there by crowds, instead of walking in the church and serve as a liturgy; Finally, it was necessary to arrange supervision, so that old-hand-drawn books and different written notebooks and leaflets with discharge of St. Scripture were not sold, which were directed against the dominant church in defense of the Old Believers and strongly supported the split.

On the same church Cathedral Attention was drawn to the long-sightedness, against which the former cathedrals were armed in vain: it was forbidden to stagnate monks on the streets, keep sturdy drinks in the monasteries, spread food on the cells, to arrange peirs. It was noticed that the blue attacks were sitting in many houses, at intersections and asked alms; Most of them even never lived in the monasteries, they were tightened in homes, and they stayed in the world, wearing black dress. There were ordinance such inkets and arrange for them monasteries from some, formerly male. The nuns were forbidden to manage the monastic patries themselves, and this case was instructed by the old men, nobles from the government. It was forbidden in house churches to keep widows and priests, because, as it was noticed, they behaved in deceptive. The attention was drawn to the beggars, which then accumulated everywhere emergency set; They not only did not give anyone to anyone through the streets, but with screams they asked for fires in churches during worship. They were able to disassemble them and those who will be sick, to maintain at the expense of the royal treasury, "with all sorts of contentment", and lazy and healthy to force for work. It was allowed to devote priests to the Orthodox parishes, which were in the possessions of Poland and Sweden, but only with the case, if this request from the parishioners with proper documents and with diplomas from his government. This rule was important in that, which filed the cause of the Russian church to interfere with the spiritual affairs of the neighbors 10.

In the same November 1681, a decree was held on the convening of the Cathedral of serving people for the "Arrival and Management of Routing". In the Decree itself, attention was drawn to the fact that in the past wars, the enemies of the Moscow state showed "new in root cases of fiction", through which the top of the Moscow ratios were obsessed; It was necessary to consider these "prominent enemy tricks" and arrange an arrangement so that in wartime it could fight against the enemy.

The cathedral gathered in January 1682. Elected people from the first time expressed consciousness of the need to introduce the European separation of troops onto companies, instead of hundreds, under the head of the Rothmisters and Liekers, instead of hundredth heads. Following the electoral people, the idea of \u200b\u200bdestroying the locality, so that everything, both in the orders and in the regiments and in the cities, was not considered places, and therefore all the so-called "discharge cases" eradicate, so that they did not serve as a reason for interference in matters.

We do not know, probably, the elected people themselves made this proposal at their discretion or thought it was inspired by him from the government, in any case, this thought was quite ripe at the time, because in all the continuation of the previous wars, on the royal command, all were without places, and in embassy deeds Sociality has long been eliminated. Two years before, a decree was held, which decided to eliminate any location in cross Stroke : In this decree it was said that already in such cases there was no locality between servilators, but recently began to be petitioners with the indication of various former cases; Therefore, for the future, it was considered to be necessary to put the rule so that such petitions are no longer under the fear of punishment. Thus, the custom of reckoned between the sidelines himself was already out of use; serve people used to do without selling; Only a few adherents of old prejudices grabbed the discharge cases to satisfy their vanity and bought these government. It remained only to legally destroy the locality, so that for the future it is not in virtue. The king presented this question to the discussion of the Patriarch with the clergy and boyars with spiritual people. The clergy recognized the local custom, nasty Christianity, God's commandment, the source of evil and harm for royal affairs; Boyars and mercenary people added that all discharge cases should be eradicated perfectly. Based on such a sentence, the king ordered to burn all the discharge books, so that no one could be considered the same cases, to carry out their ancestors and humiliate others. Books were betrayed in the Seinery of the Tsarist Front Chamber, in the presence of Metropolitans sent from the Patriarch and the Bishops and appointed for this case from the Tsar Boyar Mikhail Domorka and Duma Dejak Semenov. Everyone who in the houses had lists from these books and all sorts of letters relating to local cases were to be delivered in a category under the fear of the royal wrath and spiritual prohibition. Then, instead of the discharge local books, it was ordered in the category of keeping a pedigree book and make a new one for such birth, which were not recorded in the former pedigree, for which members were found in different royal service; Everyone was allowed to keep the pedigree books, but they already did not matter when sending official duties 11. Despite the destruction of the locality, the then the government did not think, however, to deprive the consistency of the differences about their position. In this way, the rules were established, as it should be ridewards to each in such a way to ride in the city: boyars, Ocolnicia and spiritual people could, for example, ride in caters and sleighs in ordinary days on two horses, on holidays on four, and on six weddings; The other below them is the rank (bedrooms, crawls, nobles, nobles) was allowed to ride in the sleigh on one horse, and in summer. Similarly, the yard was allowed to be compounded. Another important transformation had to be necessary: \u200b\u200bin December 1681, a decree was submitted to Moscow elected trading people from all cities (except Siberian), as well as from the sovereign Slobod and villages "for the equation of people of any rank in the payment of the deliveries and sending the electoral service." But this cathedral, how much we know, did not take place.

Fedor III Second Wedding

The king between the day of the day weakened, but his neighbor supported the hope of recovery, and he joined new marriage With Martha Matveevna Apraksina, the relative of the language. The first consequence of this union was the forgiveness of Matveev.

Scene Boyarin wrote several times to the king from the reference of the petitions, justifying himself from falsely crushed the accusations, asked the petitions of the Patriarch, turned to various boarars and even to their enemies; So, for example, he wrote to the worst of his enemies Bogdan Matveyevich Khitrovo, urged to remember the former mercy of him to him and "his proficiency", Matveyev, hesitated to ask for the same boyfriend Anna Petrovna, who, as we said, constantly slandered on Matveev : "I, - he wrote from the emotorsk, - in such a place was sent, that the name of his real empty thing: neither meat, neither the Kalach can not be used; bread for two money will not take; one borsch eating and flour rusty addresses add, and so There are only sufficient people; not what to buy, the name of God's alms to score not from anyone, and nothing. And I haven't been taken away by the grace of the sovereign, then all the waters, mountains and passage is sharply, confused, painted, painted, It is sharpened ... "In 1680, after the marriage of the king with Grushetskoy, Matveyev was transferred in the form of relief to the meadow with his son, with a teacher of his son Shyalkych, and she was only 30 people, and they gave him 156 rubles a salary, and, moreover, they were allowed Bread grain, rye, oats, barley . But this little facilitated his fate. Being again the sovereign to give him freedom, Matveyev wrote that in this way "will be on the day of your hob and the orphans to our three money ..." "Church opponents - wrote Matveyev in the same letter - Avvakumova wife and children get a penny per person, and small three money, and we, your hooks, are not opponents either church or your royal command. " However, Messensky Voevod Tukhachevsky loved Matveyev and tried than just could alleviate the fate of the flared boyar. The main drawback was that it was difficult to get bread in mesen. Residents fed on the game and fishe, which were there in great abundance, but from the lack of bread raged there qing.

In January 1682, as soon as the king declared his bride to Marfa Apraksin, was sent to the captain of the stirred regiment Ivan Lishukov in the Mezen with a decree to declare Boyarian Artamon Sergeevich Matveyev and his son, that the sovereign, recognizing their innocence, ordered them to return them from the link, return them the courtyard In Moscow, near Moscow and other faiths and belongings, left for distribution and sale; He granted to the Votchin from the palace villages of the Upper Landehs with villages (in a Suzdal county) and ordered to freely let go of the boyar with his son in the city of Luh, which gave them a girlfriend and Yam's submarine, and wait for the new royal declaration. This grace Matveyev was obliged to the request of the royal bride, which was his godded. Although the king announced that Matveev recognizes completely innocent and falsely slandered, although before the liberation of Matveyev ordered to send one of his slanders, the doctor David Berlov, but did not dare, however, to return the boyar to Moscow - obviously, the royal sisters, hated Matveev And the young queen did not have so much strength to bring the king to such a act, which would be irritated to the extreme to the core. Nevertheless, however, the young queen in a short time acquired so much strength that he reconciled the king with Natalia Kirillovna and Tsarevich Peter, with whom, in the expression of the contemporary, he had "indomitable disagreement." But for a short time I had to live with young wife. Two months later, with a small after her wedding, April 27, 1682, he died, not reaching 21 years from birth.

1. So, by the way, several orders were published on Votchin; It was forbidden to give the victobs and estates of churches in 1671.

2. Even before the reference, Matveyev was expanded by the privilege given under Alexei Mikhailovic silver deeds to Master Kozhevnikov on a quest for silver, gold and copper ore. Kozhevnikov with comrades for several years already wandered around the north edges and did not find ore. Now he was allowed to seek ore, expensive stones and all sorts of fossil wealth on the Volga, Kame and Oka. It can be seen that the government very much occupied the idea of \u200b\u200bfinding metals. We also consider it too much to mention the confirmation of the decree of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, so as not to send fish to Moscow, less than the specified measure, and the petty inexpressive fish ordered to throw back to the river so as not to "translate the plant." The disposal is great because it shows the care of the government on the savings of the fish, an important branch of the economy.

3. In the Tobolsk district, for example, Chernets Danilo with like-minded deserts, where he got up to three hundred shower of both sexes. Two blooms and two girls were in many ways launched, beat about the ground, shouted that they would see the Most of the Mother of God, who commands them to convince people, so as not to be baptized in three fingers, did not go to church, the NS worshiped the four-spin cross, which is nothing more than Antichrist . Dano all the arrivals and old and small pulled into a monk and convinced not to allow themselves the tallers, but to betray themselves to the bore; With this goal, they prepared a resin in advance, hemps, Beresto and, hearing that the Tobolsky Voivode sent a squad against them, burned in her silence. Their example is fascinated by others to the same raw feat.

4. Cities: Sevsk, Trubchevsk, Putivl, Rylsk.

5. Holmogora, Arkhangelsk, Mezen, Kevskol, Navelish, Pinega, Vaga with suburbs.

6. Ustyug, Solvychydsk, Totma with suburbs.

7. Tambov, Kozlov, good fortification with suburbs.

8. Voronezh, Elets, Romanov, Orlov, Kostyansk, Shortyak, Usman, etc. This was appointed Bishop of St. Mitrofan.

9. Volkhov, Mtsensk, Karachev, Chrome, Eagle, Novosil.

10. The Cathedral of this was noticed that the Riza of the Lord, sent during the Patriarch Filaret from Persia, was cut into pieces that were kept in different places in the ark: ordered all these pieces to gather and keep in one ark in the Assumption Church. In the Blagoveshchensky Cathedral there were many particles of relics in negligence: ordered was most They distribute them along the monasteries and churches, the rest of the same to keep the royal seal, and in the Great Friday, as before and was done, to bring for ablution to the Assumption Cathedral.

11. Then it was probably a project was drawn up, according to which the boyars, Ocolnicia and spiritual people were divided into degrees, do not, but on the places occupied by them. Thus, the boyars were given different names: One in the cities, over which they were appointed by the governors (eg, the governor Astrakhan occupied the fourth place in the importance of the city between the governors, and between the boyars in general, the fifth place, between the boyars, the thirteenth degree; Smolensky between the governors of the sixth place, between The boyars are the eleventh degree, etc.), other ranks translated from the Greek and borrowed from the Byzantine court life, for example, Bolyarin over the infantry, Bolyarin over Horseland, Bolyarin and butler, etc. In this project not given In fulfillment, it is probably for the death of King Fyodor, the germ of the official staircase, which was created by Peter Tabelle on ranks.

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