Russian foreign ministers: Embassy Order and College. USSR Foreign Ministers

Encyclopedia plants 25.09.2019
Encyclopedia plants
  • 6. Centers for the preparation of diplomatic personnel in Russia and abroad.
  • 7. The emergence of diplomatic relations in the ancient world.
  • 8. Features of European diplomacy in the Middle Ages.
  • 9. Formation of a system of interstate relations in the middle of the XVII century. And the diplomacy of the new time.
  • 3 knots contradictions:
  • 10. Revolutionary diplomacy: Comparative analysis (War for US independence 1776-1783, Great French Revolution 1789-1797, Russian Revolution 1917)
  • 11. The diplomacy of the great powers in the 20th century. Bipolar system and diplomacy of the DEP.
  • 12. Diplomacy in the context of globalization.
  • 13.14. Diplomatic and consular law as a branch of international law: a general characteristic. Diplomatic and consular law in the system of international law.
  • 16. The Vienna Convention of 1961 on diplomatic relations: a general characteristic.
  • 17. Diplomatic Corps: Status in the host country, privileges and immunities.
  • 18. Constitutional and conventional bodies of external relations between the Russian Federation.
  • 19. Foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation - structure and functions.
  • 19. Foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation - structure and functions.
  • 20. Foreign Ministers of the Russian Federation 1992-2004. Personal status and political weight.
  • Basic place of work, position
  • The main stages of the biography
  • 21. The modern US diplomacy. US State Department
  • 22. Foreign Ministry:
  • 23. Foreign Office - Structure, Functions ... ..
  • 24. Federal Foreign Ministry of FRG: Structure and Powers
  • 25. Official Internet sites of US Foreign Policy, United Kingdom, France, Germany: Comparative analysis.
  • 26. Eastern diplomacy: phenomenon or conditional term?
  • 27. Recognition of states and the establishment of diplomatic relations.
  • 28. The procedure for appointment and entry into the position of heads of diplomatic missions.
  • 29. Diplomatic ranks: hierarchy and appropriation procedure.
  • 30. Diplomatic ranchs addicts in the central office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and foreign representative offices of the Russian Federation
  • 31. Diplomatic service in special missions and post-representatives of the Russian Federation under international organizations.
  • 32. The history of the formation of consular missions.
  • 33. Vienna Convention on Consular Relations of 1963: Main characteristics.
  • III-Yaya Chapter: Mode applied to honorary consular officials and consular agencies headed by such officials.
  • 34. Types of consuls and consular institutions. Consular functions, privileges and immunities.
  • 35. Basic forms and directions of diplomatic service: general characteristics
  • 36. Informational and analytical function.
  • 37. Economic and cultural diplomacy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation
  • 38. Department of Information and Press, Press Center MFA: Functions and Powers
  • 39. Diplomacy and exploration (on the Popov "Modern Diplomacy")
  • 40. International negotiations are the main means of diplomacy.
  • 41. Typology, structure and negotiation functions
  • 42. The practice of conducting negotiations: preparation, organization, stages of conducting, outcome documents of negotiations.
  • 43. National mentality and features of national negotiation styles.
  • 44. Organization and importance of documentary support of the diplomatic service. Requirements for diplomatic documents.
  • 45. Main types of diplomatic documents: personal, verbal notes, memorable notes, memorandums.
  • 46. \u200b\u200bThe essence and significance of the diplomatic protocol.
  • 47. The tasks of the DGP of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.
  • 48. Protocol norms of receiving foreign diplomats, delegations, statesmen.
  • 49. Types of diplomatic techniques, preparation and conduct of diplomatic reception.
  • 50. Business and diplomatic etiquette: general and different.
  • 20. Foreign Ministers of the Russian Federation 1992-2004. Personal status and political weight.


    Kozyrev Andrey Vladimirovich (appointed October 11, 1990. Repeated on July 25, 1991, November 14, 1991, December 23, 1992. Disabled from office on January 5, 1996 in connection with the election of the State Duma deputy)

    Primakov Evgeny Maksimovich (appointed January 9, 1996. Reconnected on August 14, 1996 - IX.1998)

    Lavrov Sergey Viktorovich

    Sergey Lavrov was born on March 21, 1950 in Moscow. In 1972 he graduated from MGIMO. After graduating from the Institute, he worked at the USSR Embassy in Sri Lanka. In 1976 - 1981 He worked in the Department of International Economic Organizations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Second Secretary. In 1981 - 1988 - First Secretary, Advisor, Senior Advisor to the Permanent Representation of the USSR for the UN. In 1988 - 1990 - Deputy, First Deputy Head of the Department of International Economic Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the USSR. In 1990 - 1992 He served as director of the Department of International Organizations and global problems Foreign Ministry, in 1992 - 1994 - Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs - Director of the Department of International Organizations and Global Problems. In 1994, he was appointed a permanent representative of Russia at the UN, as well as in the advice of transport and communications. On March 9, 2004, decree of the President of the Russian Federation was appointed to the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation in the Government of Mikhail Fradkov. In May 2004, after joining the post of selected for the next term of the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin was reaffined to the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. Permanent member of the Security Council of the Russian Federation. Chairman of the Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO Affairs (from April 2004).

    Primakov Evgeny Maksimovich

    President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation

    Born on October 29, 1929 in Kiev. In 1953 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Oriental Studies, in 1956 - the graduate school of Moscow state University them. M.V. Lomonosov. 1956 - 1970 - Correspondent of the State Committee on Broadcasting and Television, newspaper "Pravda". 1970 - 1977. - Deputy Director of the Institute of World Economy and international relations Academy of Sciences of the USSR. 1977 - 1985 - Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences. 1985 - 1989 - Director of the Institute of World Economy and International Relations. 1989 - 1990. - Chairman of the Council of the Union of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, Chairman of the USSR Parliamentary Group. 1989 - 1990. - Candidate of Politburo CPSU Central Committee. In 1991 - First Deputy Chairman of the KGB of the USSR - Head of the 1st Main Department. 1991 - 1996 - Director of the Central Intelligence Service of the USSR, Director of the Russian External Intelligence Service. From January 1996 - Foreign Minister Russian Federation. In April 1998, after the resignation of the Government of Chernomyrdin, the presidential decree was appointed to the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs in the new Cabinet of Ministers. On August 23, 1998, Russian President Boris Yeltsin was resigned by the Cabinet of Ministers led by Sergey Kiriyenko. Temporarily acting prime minister was the appointed Chernomyrdin, whose candidacy did not pass the vote in the State Duma, on September 10, 1998. The president submitted to the Duma candidacy of Yevgeny Primakov. On September 11, 1998, the Resolution of the State Duma of the Russian Federation No. 2961-II of the State Duma of September 11, 1998 (NW of the Russian Federation, 1998, No. 38) was approved as Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation. Appointed by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1087 of August 11, 1998 (SZ RF, 1998, No. 37). On May 12, 1999, the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation was resigned from the post of Prime Minister (President of the Russian Federation No. 580 dated May 12, 1999). In early August 1999, the media reported on the appointment of Evgeny Primakov to the post of advisor to the geopolitis of the Orenburg Governoranatureladimir Elagina. On August 17, 1999, Evgeny Primakov officially declared his consent to head the election block "Fatherland - all of Russia". Together, Sure Luzhkovyvladimir Yakovlev Communications was headed by the federal list of HSR. On December 17, 1999, on the eve of the parliamentary elections, Yevgeny Primakov first officially confirmed its intention to run for the presidency of Russia in 2000. On December 19, 1999, he was elected a deputy of the State Duma of the FS of the Russian Federation of the third convocation on the federal list of the electoral block "Fatherland - All Russia". May 18, 2000, at the first meeting of the State Duma, a candidate for the post chairman of the Duma was published at the first meeting of the State Duma. Divided his candidacy. On February 4, 2000, Evgeny Primakov, speaking on television, declared his refusal to participate in the presidential election. In September 2001, he left the post of head of the ORP faction in the State Duma. In December 2001, he was elected president of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation.

    Ivanov Igor Sergeevich

    Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation

    Igor Ivanov was born on September 23, 1945 in Moscow. In 1969 he graduated from the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute foreign languages named after Moris Torez (since 1990 - Moscow State Linguistic University). Owns Spanish I. english. 1969 - 1973 - Junior Researcher at the Institute of World Economy and International Relations of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. In 1973 - the second secretary of the first European Foreign Ministry department of the USSR. 1973 - 1977 - Senior Engineer of the USSR Trade Representation in Madrid. 1977 - 1983 - First Secretary, Advisor, Counselor-Messenger of the USSR Embassy in Spain. 1983 - 1984 - Expert of the 1st grade of the European Department of the USSR Foreign Ministry. 1984 - 1985 - Counselor of the Group with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR. 1985 - 1986 - Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR. 1986 - 1989. - Deputy, First Deputy Chief - Head of the General Secretariat of the USSR Foreign Ministry. 1989 - 1991. - Head of the General Secretariat of the USSR Foreign Ministry, member of the Collegium of the USSR Foreign Ministry. 1991 - 1994 - Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the USSR in Spain, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Russian Federation in Spain. From January 1994 - First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, from January 1995 - Statis Secretary - First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. On September 11, 1998, the presidential decree was appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. On October 2, 1998, the Presidential Decree includes the permanent members of the Security Council. On May 12, 1999, resigned as part of the Kabinet Primakov. He entered the new government in the former quality of the Minister of Foreign Affairs. Preserved this post in subsequent governments (Sergey Stepashin and Vladimir Putin). On May 18, 2000, he was appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation in the government of Mikhail Kasyanov. On February 24, 2004, the Presidential Decree was resigned as part of the government of Mikhail Kasyanov. On March 9, 2004, Decree of the President of the Russian Federation was appointed as secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation.

    Kozyrev Andrei Vladimirovich

    Date of Birth

    Place of Birth

    bruissel (Belgium).


    A citizen of Russian Federation.



      High school:In 1974 he graduated from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO) of the USSR Foreign Ministry in the specialty "International Relations".

      Foreign languages:Freely owns English, Spanish, Portuguese.

    USSR Foreign Ministers: Who are they and what were they?

    Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Molotov (party pseudonym, real surname - Scriabin) was born on February 25 (March 9) of 1890 in Sloboda Kukarka Cukarsky County of Vyatka province (now the city of Soviet Kirov region) in the family of Mikhail Prokhorovich Scriabin, the clerk of the merchant merchant Jacob Nichubatikov.
    Children's years V. M. Molotov took place in Vyatka and in Nolinsk. In 1902-1908, he studied in the 1st Kazan Real School. On the wave of the events of 1905, he joined the revolutionary movement, in 1906 he joined the RSDLP. In April 1909, he was first arrested and exiled to the Vologda province.
    Substituting a link, in 1911, V. M. Molotov arrived in St. Petersburg, passed the external exams for the real school and entered the economic department of the Polytechnic Institute. From 1912, he collaborated in the Bolshevik newspaper "Star", then became the secretary of the editorial board of the Pravda newspaper, a member of the St. Petersburg Committee of the RSDLP. During the preparation of the Pravda publication, I became acquainted with I. V. Stalin.
    After the arrest of the RSDRP faction in the IV State Duma in 1914 was hiding under the name of Molotov. From the fall of 1914 he worked in Moscow over the recreation of the defeated guards of partorganization. In 1915, V. M. Molotov was arrested and exiled for three years to Irkutsk province. In 1916, the link fled, lived on an illegal position.
    The February Revolution of 1917 V. M. Molotov met in Petrograd. He was a delegate of the VII (April) All-Russian Conference of the RSDLP (b) (April 24-29, 1917), a delegate of the VI Congress of the RSDDP (b) from the Petrograd organization. He was part of the Russian Bureau of the Central Committee of the RSDLP (B), the Executive Committee of the Petrograd Council and the Military Revolutionary Committee, who supervised the overall government in October 1917.
    After the establishment of the Soviet government, V. M. Molotov was in governing party work. In 1919, he was the chairman of the Nizhny Novgorod Gubspolkom, later became the secretary of the Donetsk Spoon of RCP (b). In 1920 he was elected secretary of the Central Committee of the CP (b) of Ukraine.
    In 1921-1930, V. M. Molotov held the position of Secretary of the Central Committee of the WCP (b). From 1921 he was a candidate for the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Party, in 1926 he became part of the Politburo. Actively participated in the fight against the internal partare opposition, was summarized in the number of close associates I. V. Stalin.
    In 1930-1941, V. M. Molotov headed the USSR SNK, at the same time from May 1939 he was the People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs of the USSR. With his name, a whole epoch is connected in Soviet foreign Policy. The signature of V. M. Molotova stands under the negotiation agreement with Hitler Germany dated August 23, 1939 (the so-called "Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact"), the estimates of which were and remain ambiguous.
    V. M. Molotova fell to the fancy to notify the Soviet people about the attack nazi Germany On the USSR on June 22, 1941. They told them then words: "Our business is right. The enemy will be broken. Victory will be behind us, "the title of the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945.
    It was Molotov that informed the Soviet people about the attack of Nazi Germany
    In the war years, V. M. Molotov held posts of the First Deputy Chairman of the USSR SCA, Deputy Chairman of the State Committee for the USSR Defense. In 1943, he was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor. V. M. Molotov took the most active participation in the organization and holding of Tehran (1943), Crimean (1945) and Potsdam (1945) conferences of the heads of government of the three allied powers - the USSR, the USA and the UK, on \u200b\u200bwhich the main parameters of the post-war device of Europe were identified.
    V. M. Molotov remained as the head of the NKID (since 1946, the USSR Foreign Ministry) until 1949, again headed the ministry in 1953-1957. From 1941 and until 1957, he simultaneously held the position of First Deputy Chairman of the SNK (since 1946 - Council of Ministers) of the USSR.

    In the June Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU 1957, V. M. Molotov spoke out against N. S. Khrushchev, joining his opponents, which were convicted as an "anti-party group". Together with its other members, he was derived from the part of the party's governing bodies and was removed from all state posts.
    In 1957-1960, V. M. Molotov was the Ambassador of the USSR in Mongolian People's RepublicIn 1960-1962, the Soviet Representation was headed in the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna. In 1962, he was withdrawn from Vienna and excluded from the CPSU. By order of the USSR Foreign Ministry of September 12, 1963, V. M. Molotov was released from work in the Ministry in connection with retirement.
    In 1984, with the sanctions, K. U. Chernenko V. M. Molotov was restored to the CPSU with the preservation of party length.
    V. M. Molotov died in Moscow on November 8, 1986 and was buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery.
    Andrei Yanarievich Vyshinsky (March 4, 1949 - March 5, 1953)
    Andrei Yanarievich Vyshinsky, the descendant of the ancient Polish nobleman, the former Menshevik, who signed the order about the arrest of Lenin seemingly, was doomed to get into the millstone system. Surprisingly, instead, he himself came to power, taking posts: the prosecutor of the USSR, the prosecutor of the RSFSR, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the rector of Moscow State University.
    In many ways, he was obliged by these his personal qualities, because even his opponents often celebrate deep education and outstanding speakers. It is for this reason that the lecture, and the court speeches of the Vyshinsky always attracted the attention of not only the professional legal community, but also the entire population. His performance also noted. Already as the Minister of Foreign Affairs, he worked from 11 am to 4-5 am the next day.
    That is what contributed to his contribution to legal science. At one time, his works on criminalistics, criminal proceedings, state and law theory, international law were considered classical. Yes, and now in the foundation of modern Russian jurisprudence lies by A. Ya. Vyshinsky, the concept of sectoral division of the system of law.
    The post of Minister Vyshinsky worked from 11 am to 4-5 am the next day
    But nevertheless, in the history of A. Ya. Vyshinsky entered as the "chief Soviet prosecutor" in the processes of the 1930s. For this reason, his name is almost always associated with the Great Terror period. Moscow processes undoubtedly did not comply with the principles of a fair court. Based on indirect evidence, innocent were sentenced to execution or long-term detention.
    As the "Inquisitor", it was characterized by an extrajudicial form of penalties, in which he participated - the so-called "deuce", officially - the Commission of the NKVD of the USSR and the Prosecutor of the USSR. Accused B. this case An even formal trial was deprived.
    However, let me quote the Vyshinsky himself: "It would be a big mistake to see in the indictment of the prosecutor's office the main content. The main task of the prosecutor's office is to be a guide and guarding legality. "
    At the post of prosecutor of the USSR, the main task was the reform of the prosecutor's and investigative apparatus. It was necessary to cope with the following problems: the low formation of prosecutors and investigators, a shortage of personnel, bureaucracy, negligence. As a result, it was formed unique system Overview of the observance of legality, which prosecutor's office and remains currently.
    The orientation of the Action of the Vyshinsky was even human rights character, as far as possible in conditions of totalitarian reality. For example, in January 1936, they were initiated by the revision of cases against collective farmers and representatives of rural authorities, convicted of embezzlement in the early 1930s. Tens of thousands of them came free.
    Less known activities aimed at supporting the Soviet Protection. In numerous performances and works, he defended independence and procedural powers of lawyers, often criticizing his colleagues for disregarding the side of protection. However, the declared ideals were not implemented in practice, if we recall, for example, "Troika", which were the opposite of the competing process.
    Diplomatic career A. Ya. Vyshinsky is not less interest. IN last years Life he held the post of Permanent Representative of the USSR for the UN. In his speeches, he expressed an authoritative opinion in many directions international Policy and international law. His speech is known about the adoption of the World Declaration of Human Rights - Vyshinsky foresaw problems with the implementation of proclaimed rights, which are only now seen in the scientific and professional community.
    The identity of Andrei Yanarievich Vyshinsky is ambiguous. On the one hand, participation in punitive justice. On the other hand, scientific and professional achievements, strong personal qualities, the desire to achieve the ideal of "socialist legality". It is they who make even the most fierce enemy of the Vyshinsky recognize in it that carrier of higher values \u200b\u200bis "a man of their case."
    It can be concluded that it is possible to be in conditions of totalitarianism. This is confirmed by A. Ya. Vyshinsky.
    Dmitry Trofimovich Shepilov (27 Chervalia 1956 - June 29, 1957)

    Born in the family of working railway workshops. After moving the family to Tashkent, he first studied in the gymnasium later in high school.
    In 1926 he graduated from the Law Faculty of Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov and the Agrarian Faculty of the Institute of Red Professors.
    Since 1926 - in the judicial bodies, in 1926-1928 he worked as a prosecutor in Yakutia. Since 1929 - on scientific work. In 1933-1935, he worked in the political waste of one of the Siberian state farms. After the publication of a number of noticeable articles was invited to the Institute of Economics of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Since 1935 - in the office of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) (department of science). According to Leonid Mlechin, at one of the meetings on Science Schipilov "allowed himself to argue Stalin." Stalin offered him to go to the oppatinate, but Shepilov stood on his own, as a result of which he was expelled from the Central Committee and seven months spent without work.
    Since 1938 - Scientific Secretary of the Institute of Economics of the USSR Academy of Sciences.
    In the early days of the war, the volunteer went to the front as part of the Moscow militia, although he had a "reservation", as a professor, and the opportunity to go to Kazakhstan by the director of the Institute of Economics. From 1941 to 1946 - in Soviet army. He passed the way from the ordinary to Major General, the head of the political waste of the 4th Guards Army.
    In 1956, Khrushchev achieved Molotov's shift from the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR, putting his companion of Shepilov in his place. On June 2, 1956, the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR Shepilov was appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR, changing Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Molotov in this post.
    In June 1956, the Soviet Minister of Foreign Affairs for the first time in history made a tour of the Middle East, visiting Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, as well as Greece. During the negotiations in Egypt, with President Nasser in June 1956, he gave the secret consent of the USSR to sponsor the construction of the Asuan dam. At the same time, Shepilov, by the nature of his previous activity, not being an international professional, was impressed by the truly "pharaoh" reception, which the then president of Egypt Nasser arranged to him, and upon returning to Moscow managed to convince Khrushcheva in forcing the establishment of relations with Arab countries of the Middle East Counters to normalize relations with Israel. At the same time, it should be noted that during World War II, almost the entire political elite of the countries of the Middle East cooperated with Hitler's Germany, and Nasser himself and his brothers were then studied in Germany higher military schools.
    Represented the position of the USSR by the Suez crisis and uprising in Hungary in 1956. He headed the Soviet delegation at the London Conference on the Suez Channel.
    He contributed to the normalization of Soviet-Japanese relations: in October 1956, a joint declaration with Japan was signed, stopping the state of war. The USSR and Japan exchanged ambassadors.
    In his speech at the XX Congress, the CPSU called for the violent export of socialism outside the USSR. At the same time, he participated in the preparation of the report of Khrushchev "On the cult of personality and its consequences", but the prepared version of the report was substantially changed.
    Shepilov called on the violent export of socialism outside the USSR
    When Malenkov, Molotov and Kaganovich in June 1957 tried to shift Khrushchev at a meeting of the Presidium of the CPSU Central Committee, presenting him a whole list of accusations, Schipilov suddenly began to criticize Khrushchev for the establishment of his own "cult of personality", although the named group was never included. As a result of the defeat of the Molotova grouping, Malenkov, Kaganovich on June 22, 1957, the Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU was born the wording "Anti-Party group of Molotov, Malenkov, Kaganovich and joined Shapilov to them." There is also a different, less literary and spectacular explanation of the sources of formulation using the word "joined": a group that would consist of eight participants, it was embarrassing to be called a "broken anti-party group", as it turned out to be a clear majority, and it would be obvious even for Readers "Pravda". To be called "Raskolniki Fractions", members of the group should have been no more than seven; Shepilov was the eighth.
    There is a reasonable assumption that, unlike the seven members of the Anti-Partisian Group, members of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the CPSU, Schipilov was defined as "joined", since, as a candidate for the members of the Presidium, did not have a decisive vote.
    Shepilov was released from all party and state posts. From 1957 - Director, since 1959 - Deputy Director of the Institute of Economics of the Announcement of the Kyrgyz SSR, in 1960-1982 - archeographer, then the Senior Archeographer in the main archival department at the USSR Council.
    Since the cliché "And Shipilov, who joined them" was actively disagreeed in the press, a joke was appeared: "The longest surname - Iprimknyzpilov"; When the half-liter bottle of vodka was divided "on three", the fourth drinking calorie was called "Shipilov", etc. Thanks to this phrase, millions of Soviet citizens learned the name of the party functionar. Schiplov's own memories are polemicly entitled "Incompresented"; They are sharply critical in relation to Khrushchev.
    Shepilov himself, according to memories, considered the case fabricated. He was excluded from the party in 1962, restored in 1976, and in 1991 he was restored at the USSR Academy of Sciences. Since 1982 - on pensions.
    He died on August 18, 1995. Buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery.

    Andrei Andreevich Gromyko (July 2, 1985 - October 1, 1988)

    Of all the Russian and Soviet ministers of foreign affairs, only one Andrei Andreyevich Gromyko served in this post legendary long term - Twenty-eight years. His name was well known not only in the Soviet Union, but also far beyond. His famous for the whole world was made by the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR.
    The diplomatic fate of A. A. Gromyko developed in such a way that during without a small half a century he was in the center of world politics, the respect of even his political opponents decreased. In diplomatic circles, he was called the "Patriarch of Diplomacy", "the most informed minister of foreign affairs in the world." His legacy, despite the fact that the Soviet era remained far behind, and today is relevant.
    A. A. Gromyko was born on July 5, 1909 in the village of the old rods of the Vetkovsky district of the Gomel region. In 1932 he graduated from the Economic Institute, in 1936- graduate school of the Economy agricultureDr. economic Sciences (since 1956). In 1939 transferred to the People's Commissariat of Foreign Affairs (NKID) of the USSR. By this time, as a result of repression, almost all the leadership frames of Soviet diplomacy were destroyed, and Gromyko began to make a career quickly. In his incomplete 30 years, the feet of the Belarusian depthint with a diploma of the candidate of economic sciences almost immediately after the arrival in NKID received the responsible post of the head of the department of American countries. It was an unusually steep rise even at the time when the careers were created and collapsed overnight. A young diplomat did not have time to settle in his new apartments at Smolensk Square, as a challenge to the Kremlin followed. Stalin in the presence of Molotova said: "Comrade Gromyko, we intend to send you to work at the USSR Embassy in the United States as an adviser." So, A. Gromyko for four years has become an adviser to the embassy in the United States and at the same time a messenger in Cuba.
    In 1946-1949 Deputy. Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR and at the same time in 1946-1948. fast. Representative of the USSR for the UN, in 1949-1952. and 1953-1957 First deputy. Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR, in 1952-1953 The USSR Ambassador to the United Kingdom, in April 1957, Gromyko is appointed by the USSR Foreign Minister and works in this post until July 1985. Since 1983, the first deputy chairman of the Sovmina of the USSR. In 1985-1988 Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.
    The diplomatic talent of Andrei Andreevich Gromyko was noticed abroad quickly. Analyst recognized by the West the authority of Andrei Gromyko was the highest sample. In August 1947, Times magazine wrote: "As a permanent Representative of the Soviet Union in the Safety Council, thoroughly makes its work at the level of breathtaking competence."
    At the same time, with the light hand of Western journalists, Andrei Gromyko, as an active participant " cold War"Became the owner of a whole series of unflattering nicknames like" Andrei Wolf "," Robot Misanthrop "," Man without face "," Modern Neanderthals ", etc. Gromyko became well known in international circles with his forever dissatisfied and gloomy facial expression, And also extremely unstainless actions, for which he received the nickname "Mr No". As for this, the nickname A. A. Gromyko noted: "My" no "they heard much less often than I" know them ", because we have advanced much more suggestions. I was called me in their newspapers "Mr." because I did not allow manipulation by myself. Who sought to do this, wanted to manipulate the Soviet Union. We are a great power, and I will not do this anyone! "
    Thanks to his disadvantage, he got the nickname "Mr No"
    However, Willie Brandt, Chancellor of Germany in the memoirs noted: "I found a rudely more pleasant interlocutor than it imagined himself about the stories about the sorry of the ulcer" Mr. ". He impressed the impression of a correct and imperturbable man, restrained to a pleasant Angloquesian manner. He skilled in unobtrusive form to give to understand what enormity he possesses. "
    A. A. Gromyko solely firmly adhered to the approved position. " Soviet Union In the international arena - this is me, I thought Andrei Gromyko. - All our progress in the negotiations that led to the conclusion of important international treaties and agreements are explained by the fact that I was convinced of the firm and even adamant in particular when I saw that with me, and therefore with the Soviet Union, talking from the position of force or play In "Cats-Mouse". I never Lebesil before Wessengers and after I was beaten over the same cheek, I did not substitute the second. Moreover, I acted so that it was not in the measure of the obstinate opponent, it was embarrassed. "
    Many did not know that A. A. Gromyko had a delicious sense of humor. His comments could include female comments that became a surprise in tense moments when receiving delegations. Henry Kissinger, coming to Moscow, was constantly afraid of listening from the KGB. Once, during a meeting, he pointed to the chandelier, hanging in the room, and asked the KGB to make him a copy of American documents, since the Americans "failed" a copying machinery. Thunder in tone answered him that the chandeliers were made in the kings and only microphones can be in them.
    Among the most important achievements, Andrei Gromyko allocated four points: the creation of the UN, the development of agreements on the restriction of nuclear weapons, the legalization of borders in Europe and, finally, recognizing the United States for the USSR's role of the Great Power.
    Few people remember today that the UN was conceived in Moscow. It was here in October 1943, the Soviet Union, the United States and the United Kingdom announced that the world needs an international security organization. It was easy to declare, but it is difficult to do. Gromyko stood at the origlists of the UN, under the charter of this organization stands his signature. In 1946, he became the first Soviet representative in the UN and at the same time deputy, and then the First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs. Gromyko was a member, and subsequently the head of the delegation of our country at 22 sessions of the UN General Assembly.
    "The issue of questions", "ultra-shock", according to the expression of A. A. Gromyko itself, was for him the process of negotiations for controlling arms race as ordinary and nuclear. He passed all the stages of the post-war disarmed epic. Already in 1946, on behalf of the USSR, A. A. Gromyko made a proposal for generally reduce and regulating weapons and on the prohibition of military use of atomic energy. The subject of a special pride of Gromyko considered the agreement on the prohibition of nuclear weapons in the atmosphere signed on August 5, 1963, space space And under water, negotiations on which they stretched from 1958.
    Another priority of foreign policy A. A. Gromyko considered the consolidation of the results of the Second World War. This is, first of all, the settlement around West Berlin, the design of the status quo with two German states, Germany and GDR, and then pan-European affairs.
    Huge forces, perseverance and flexibility demanded from Moscow, the historical agreements of the USSR (and then Poland and Czechoslovakia) with Germany in 1970-1971, as well as a four-sided agreement of 1971 for West Berlin. As far as the personal role of A. A. Gromyko in the preparation of these fundamental documents in Europe in Europe, it is clear to at least from the fact that in order to develop the text of the Moscow Treaty of 1970, he held 15 meetings with the adviser to Chancellor V. Brandt E. Bar and as much with the minister Foreign affairs V. Scheel.
    It was they who preceded their efforts to calculate the path to discharge and convene a meeting on security and cooperation in Europe. The value signed in August 1975 in Helsinki's final act was a global scale. It was essentially a code of behavior of states in key areas of relationships, including military-political. The invisibility of post-war borders in Europe was fixed, which A. A. Gromyko attached its particular importance, the prerequisites for strengthening European stability and security were established.
    It is thanks to the efforts of A. A. Gromyko, all points over "I" between the USSR and the United States during the Cold War were placed. In September 1984, on the initiative of Americans in Washington, Andrei Gromyko was held with Ronald Reagan. These were the first Raigan negotiations with the representative of the Soviet leadership. Reagan acknowledged the status of the superpower for the Soviet Union. But even more significant was another statement. Let me remind you to the words that heralds the myth of the "Evil Empire" after the end of the meeting in the White House: "The United States respect the status of the Soviet Union as a superpower ... And we have no desire to change it social system" Thus, diplomacy rollerously achieved from the US official recognition of the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of the Soviet Union.
    Thanks to the rolleros, the relations of the USSR and the USA were stabilized
    Andrei Gromyko wore many facts forgotten by wide circles of the international community. "You imagine," Andrei Rusyomko told his son, "he acts, yes, no anyone, and the British Macmillan, Prime Minister of Great Britain. Since it was in the height of the "Cold War", makes attacks at our address. Well, I would say, there is a regular Oon cuisine, with all its political, diplomatic and propaganda techniques. I sit and think, as on these attacks on occasion, during the debate, answer. Suddenly, Nikita Sergeevich sitting next to me bends and, as I first thought, I was looking for something under the table. I even slightly moved away to him not to interfere. And suddenly I see - pulls out the boot and begins to bother them on the surface of the table. Frankly, the first thought was that Khrushchev is bad. But in a moment I realized that our leader protests in this way, seeks to put Macmillan in an awkward position. I all strained and against my will began to knock on the table with fists - because it was necessary to somehow support the chapter of the Soviet delegation. In the direction of Khrushchev did not look, I was awkward. The situation was really comic. And after all, it is surprising, you can pronounce dozens of smart and even brilliant speeches, but no one will remember a speaker across decades, Khrushchev's shoe will not forget.
    As a result of almost half-century practice, A. A. Gromyko developed for himself "Golden Rules" of diplomatic work, which, however, are relevant not only for diplomats:
    - absolutely unacceptably immediately disclose all the cards, want to solve the problem with one felling;
    - careful use of meetings in the top; poorly prepared, they bring more harm than good;
    - It is impossible to allow manipulation by neither coarse or with the help of sophisticated funds;
    - for success in foreign policy need real estimate Settings. It is even more important that this reality does not disappear anywhere;
    - the most difficult - consolidation of a real situation with diplomatic agreements, international legal registration of a compromise;
    - Constant struggle for the initiative. In diplomacy initiative - the best way Protection of state interests.
    A. A. Gromyko believed that diplomatic activity is a difficult work, requiring from those who deal with the mobilization of all their knowledge and abilities. The task of the diplomat is "fighting to the end for the interests of your country, without prejudice to others." "Work throughout the range of international relations, finding useful links between individual, seemingly processes," this thought was a kind of constant of his diplomatic activity. "The main thing in diplomacy is a compromise, a way between states and their leaders."
    In October 1988, Andrei Andreevich retired and worked on memoirs. He left his life on July 2, 1989. "The state, Fatherland is us," he loved to say. - If we do not do, no one will do. "

    Eduar Amvrosievich Shevardnadze (July 2, 1985 - December 20, 1990)

    Born on January 25, 1928. In the village of Mamat Lanchhutsky District (Guri).
    He graduated from the Tbilisi Medical Technical School. In 1959 he graduated from the Kutais Pedagogical Institute. A. Tsulukidze.
    Since 1946, on Komsomol and party work. From 1961 to 1964, he was the first secretary of the Russian Communist Party of Georgia in Mtskhete, and then the first secretary of the Pervomaisky district of the Tbilisi Party. In the period from 1964 to 1972 - First Deputy Minister of Protection public order, then - Minister of Internal Affairs of Georgia. From 1972 to 1985 - the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Committee of Georgia. In this post, he conducted a large publishing campaign to combat the shadow market and corruption, which, however, did not lead to the eradication of these phenomena.
    In 1985-1990, the USSR Foreign Minister, from 1985 to 1990, a member of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee. Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR 9-11 convocations. In 1990-1991 - People's Deputy of the USSR.
    In December 1990, he retired "in protest against the impending dictatorship" and in the same year came out of the Rows of the CPSU. In November 1991, at the invitation of Gorbachev, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the USSR (called the Ministry of External Relations at the time), but after the collapse of the USSR, this post was abolished after the collapse.
    Shevardnadze was one of Gorbachev's associates in holding a restructuring policy
    In December 1991, the Minister of External Relations of the USSR E. A. Shevardnadze One of the first among the leaders of the USSR recognized Belovezhsky Agreements and the upcoming termination of the existence of the USSR.
    E. A. Shevardnadze was one of the associates of M. S. Gorbacheva in holding the policy of restructuring, publicity and the discharge of international tensions.

    On July 2, 1985, Eduard Shevardnadze entered the position of Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR. The "dilettank" decided to recall some Soviet colleagues of the minister.

    Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Molotov (Party Pseudonym, the real name - Scriabin) was born on February 25 (March 9) of 1890 in Sloboda Kukarka Cukaric County Vyatka province (now the city of Soviet Kirov region) in the family of Mikhail Prokhorovich Scriabin, the clerk of the merchant merchant Jakova Nichubatikov.

    Children's years V. M. Molotov took place in Vyatka and in Nolinsk. In 1902-1908, he studied in the 1st Kazan Real School. On the wave of the events of 1905, he joined the revolutionary movement, in 1906 he joined the RSDLP. In April 1909, he was first arrested and exiled to the Vologda province.

    Substituting a link, in 1911, V. M. Molotov arrived in St. Petersburg, passed the external exams for the real school and entered the economic department of the Polytechnic Institute. From 1912, he collaborated in the Bolshevik newspaper "Star", then became the secretary of the editorial board of the Pravda newspaper, a member of the St. Petersburg Committee of the RSDLP. During the preparation of the Pravda publication, I became acquainted with I. V. Stalin.

    After the arrest of the RSDRP faction in the IV State Duma in 1914 was hiding under the name of Molotov. From the fall of 1914 he worked in Moscow over the recreation of the defeated guards of partorganization. In 1915, V. M. Molotov was arrested and exiled for three years to Irkutsk province. In 1916, the link fled, lived on an illegal position.

    The February Revolution of 1917 V. M. Molotov met in Petrograd. He was a delegate of the VII (April) All-Russian Conference of the RSDLP (b) (April 24-29, 1917), a delegate of the VI Congress of the RSDDP (b) from the Petrograd organization. He was part of the Russian Bureau of the Central Committee of the RSDLP (B), the Executive Committee of the Petrograd Council and the Military Revolutionary Committee, who supervised the overall government in October 1917.

    After the establishment of the Soviet government, V. M. Molotov was in governing party work. In 1919, he was the chairman of the Nizhny Novgorod Gubspolkom, later became the secretary of the Donetsk Spoon of RCP (b). In 1920 he was elected secretary of the Central Committee of the CP (b) of Ukraine.

    In 1921-1930, V. M. Molotov held the position of Secretary of the Central Committee of the WCP (b). From 1921 he was a candidate for the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Party, in 1926 he became part of the Politburo. Actively participated in the fight against the internal partare opposition, was summarized in the number of close associates I. V. Stalin.

    In 1930-1941, V. M. Molotov headed the USSR SNK, at the same time from May 1939 he was the People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs of the USSR. With his name, a whole epoch is connected in Soviet foreign policy. The signature of V. M. Molotova stands under the negotiation agreement with Hitler Germany dated August 23, 1939 (the so-called "Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact"), the estimates of which were and remain ambiguous.

    V. M. Molotova fell to the Soviet people to notify the Soviet people about the attack of Nazi Germany on the USSR on June 22, 1941. They told them then words: "Our business is right. The enemy will be broken. The victory will be behind us, "the history of the Great Patriotic War, 1941-1945, entered the history of the Great Patriotic War.

    It was Molotov that informed the Soviet people about the attack of Nazi Germany

    In the war years, V. M. Molotov held posts of the First Deputy Chairman of the USSR SCA, Deputy Chairman of the State Committee for the USSR Defense. In 1943, he was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor. V. M. Molotov took the most active participation in the organization and holding of Tehran (1943), Crimean (1945) and Potsdam (1945) conferences of the heads of government of the three allied powers - the USSR, the USA and the UK, on \u200b\u200bwhich the main parameters of the post-war device of Europe were identified.

    V. M. Molotov remained as the head of the NKID (since 1946, the USSR Foreign Ministry) until 1949, again headed the ministry in 1953-1957. From 1941 and until 1957, he simultaneously held the position of First Deputy Chairman of the SNK (since 1946 - Council of Ministers) of the USSR.

    In the June Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU 1957, V. M. Molotov spoke out against N. S. Khrushchev, joining his opponents, which were convicted as an "anti-party group". Together with its other members, he was derived from the part of the party's governing bodies and was removed from all state posts.

    In 1957-1960, V. M. Molotov was the USSR Ambassador in the Mongolian People's Republic, in 1960-1962 he headed the Soviet representative office at the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna. In 1962, he was withdrawn from Vienna and excluded from the CPSU. By order of the USSR Foreign Ministry of September 12, 1963, V. M. Molotov was released from work in the Ministry in connection with retirement.

    In 1984, with the sanctions, K. U. Chernenko V. M. Molotov was restored to the CPSU with the preservation of party length.

    V. M. Molotov died in Moscow on November 8, 1986 and was buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery.

    Andrei Yanarievich Vyshinsky, the descendant of the ancient Polish nobleman, the former Menshevik, who signed the order about the arrest of Lenin seemingly, was doomed to get into the millstone system. Surprisingly, instead, he himself came to power, taking posts: the prosecutor of the USSR, the prosecutor of the RSFSR, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the rector of Moscow State University.

    In many ways, he was obliged by these his personal qualities, because even his opponents often celebrate deep education and outstanding speakers. It is for this reason that the lecture, and the court speeches of the Vyshinsky always attracted the attention of not only the professional legal community, but also the entire population. His performance also noted. Already as the Minister of Foreign Affairs, he worked from 11 am to 4-5 am the next day.

    That is what contributed to his contribution to legal science. At one time, his works on criminalistics, criminal proceedings, state and law theory, international law were considered classical. Yes, and now in the foundation of modern Russian jurisprudence lies by A. Ya. Vyshinsky, the concept of sectoral division of the system of law.

    The post of Minister Vyshinsky worked from 11 am to 4-5 am the next day

    But nevertheless, in the history of A. Ya. Vyshinsky entered as the "chief Soviet prosecutor" in the processes of the 1930s. For this reason, his name is almost always associated with the Great Terror period. Moscow processes undoubtedly did not comply with the principles of a fair court. Based on indirect evidence, innocent were sentenced to execution or long-term detention.

    As the "Inquisitor", it was characterized by an extrajudicial form of penalties, in which he participated - the so-called "deuce", officially - the Commission of the NKVD of the USSR and the Prosecutor of the USSR. The accused in this case were devoid of even a formal trial.

    However, let me quote the Vyshinsky himself: "It would be a big mistake to see in the indictment of the prosecutor's office the main content. The main task of the prosecutor's office is to be a guide and guarding legality. "

    At the post of prosecutor of the USSR, the main task was the reform of the prosecutor's and investigative apparatus. It was necessary to cope with the following problems: the low formation of prosecutors and investigators, a shortage of personnel, bureaucracy, negligence. As a result, a unique surveillance system was formed by compliance with the law, which prosecutor's office and remains currently.

    The orientation of the Action of the Vyshinsky was even human rights character, as far as possible in conditions of totalitarian reality. For example, in January 1936, they were initiated by the revision of cases against collective farmers and representatives of rural authorities, convicted of embezzlement in the early 1930s. Tens of thousands of them came free.

    Less known activities aimed at supporting the Soviet Protection. In numerous performances and works, he defended independence and procedural powers of lawyers, often criticizing his colleagues for disregarding the side of protection. However, the declared ideals were not implemented in practice, if we recall, for example, "Troika", which were the opposite of the competing process.

    Diplomatic career A. Ya. Vyshinsky is not less interest. In recent years of life, he held the post of Permanent Representative of the USSR for the UN. In his speeches, he expressed an authoritative opinion in many areas of international politics and international law. His speech is known about the adoption of the World Declaration of Human Rights - Vyshinsky foresaw problems with the implementation of proclaimed rights, which are only now seen in the scientific and professional community.

    The identity of Andrei Yanarievich Vyshinsky is ambiguous. On the one hand, participation in punitive justice. On the other hand, scientific and professional achievements, strong personal qualities, the desire to achieve the ideal of "socialist legality". It is they who make even the most fierce enemy of the Vyshinsky recognize in it that carrier of higher values \u200b\u200bis "a man of their case."

    It can be concluded that it is possible to be in conditions of totalitarianism. This is confirmed by A. Ya. Vyshinsky.

    Born in the family of working railway workshops. After moving the family to Tashkent, he first studied in the gymnasium later in high school.

    In 1926 he graduated from the Law Faculty of Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov and the Agrarian Faculty of the Institute of Red Professors.

    Since 1926 - in the judicial bodies, in 1926-1928 he worked as a prosecutor in Yakutia. From 1929 - at scientific work. In 1933-1935, he worked in the political waste of one of the Siberian state farms. After the publication of a number of noticeable articles was invited to the Institute of Economics of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Since 1935 - in the office of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) (department of science). According to Leonid Mlechin, at one of the meetings on Science Schipilov "allowed himself to argue Stalin." Stalin offered him to go to the oppatinate, but Shepilov stood on his own, as a result of which he was expelled from the Central Committee and seven months spent without work.

    Since 1938 - Scientific Secretary of the Institute of Economics of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

    In the early days of the war, the volunteer went to the front as part of the Moscow militia, although he had a "reservation", as a professor, and the opportunity to go to Kazakhstan by the director of the Institute of Economics. From 1941 to 1946 - in the Soviet Army. He passed the way from the ordinary to Major General, the head of the political waste of the 4th Guards Army.

    In 1956, Khrushchev achieved Molotov's shift from the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR, putting his companion of Shepilov in his place. On June 2, 1956, the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR Shepilov was appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR, changing Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Molotov in this post.

    In June 1956, the Soviet Minister of Foreign Affairs for the first time in history made a tour of the Middle East, visiting Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, as well as Greece. During the negotiations in Egypt, with President Nasser in June 1956, he gave the secret consent of the USSR to sponsor the construction of the Asuan dam. At the same time, Shepilov, by the nature of his previous activity, not being an international professional, was impressed by the truly "pharaoh" reception, which the then president of Egypt Nasser arranged to him, and upon returning to Moscow managed to convince Khrushcheva in forcing the establishment of relations with Arab countries of the Middle East Counters to normalize relations with Israel. At the same time, it should be noted that during World War II, almost the entire political elite of the countries of the Middle East cooperated with Hitler's Germany, and Nasser himself and his brothers were then studied in Germany higher military schools.

    Represented the position of the USSR by the Suez crisis and uprising in Hungary in 1956. He headed the Soviet delegation at the London Conference on the Suez Channel.

    He contributed to the normalization of Soviet-Japanese relations: in October 1956, a joint declaration with Japan was signed, stopping the state of war. The USSR and Japan exchanged ambassadors.

    In his speech at the XX Congress, the CPSU called for the violent export of socialism outside the USSR. At the same time, he participated in the preparation of the report of Khrushchev "On the cult of personality and its consequences", but the prepared version of the report was substantially changed.

    Shepilov called on the violent export of socialism outside the USSR

    When Malenkov, Molotov and Kaganovich in June 1957 tried to shift Khrushchev at a meeting of the Presidium of the CPSU Central Committee, presenting him a whole list of accusations, Schipilov suddenly began to criticize Khrushchev for the establishment of his own "cult of personality", although the named group was never included. As a result of the defeat of the Molotova grouping, Malenkov, Kaganovich on June 22, 1957, the Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU was born the wording "Anti-Party group of Molotov, Malenkov, Kaganovich and joined Shapilov to them."

    There is also a different, less literary and spectacular explanation of the sources of formulation using the word "joined": a group that would consist of eight participants, it was embarrassing to be called a "broken anti-party group", as it turned out to be a clear majority, and it would be obvious even for Readers "Pravda". To be called "Raskolniki Fractions", members of the group should have been no more than seven; Shepilov was the eighth.

    There is a reasonable assumption that, unlike the seven members of the Anti-Partisian Group, members of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the CPSU, Schipilov was defined as "joined", since, as a candidate for the members of the Presidium, did not have a decisive vote.

    Shepilov was released from all party and government posts. From 1957 - Director, since 1959 - Deputy Director of the Institute of Economics of the Announcement of the Kyrgyz SSR, in 1960-1982 - archeographer, then the Senior Archeographer in the main archival department at the USSR Council.

    Since the cliché "And Shipilov, who joined them" was actively disagreeed in the press, a joke was appeared: "The longest surname - Iprimknyzpilov"; When the half-liter bottle of vodka was divided "on three", the fourth drinking calorie was called "Shipilov", etc. Thanks to this phrase, millions of Soviet citizens learned the name of the party functionar. Schiplov's own memories are polemicly entitled "Incompresented"; They are sharply critical in relation to Khrushchev.

    Shepilov himself, according to memories, considered the case fabricated. He was excluded from the party in 1962, restored in 1976, and in 1991 he was restored at the USSR Academy of Sciences. Since 1982 - on pensions.

    Of all the Russian and Soviet ministers of foreign affairs, only one Andrei Andreevich Gromyko served in this post legendary time - twenty-eight years. His name was well known not only in the Soviet Union, but also far beyond. His famous for the whole world was made by the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR.

    The diplomatic fate of A. A. Gromyko developed in such a way that during without a small half a century he was in the center of world politics, the respect of even his political opponents decreased. In diplomatic circles, he was called the "Patriarch of Diplomacy", "the most informed minister of foreign affairs in the world." His legacy, despite the fact that the Soviet era remained far behind, and today is relevant.

    A. A. Gromyko was born on July 5, 1909 in the village of the old rods of the Vetkovsky district of the Gomel region. In 1932 he graduated from the Economic Institute, in 1936 - graduate school of the Economics of Agriculture, Doctor of Economics (since 1956). In 1939 transferred to the People's Commissariat of Foreign Affairs (NKID) of the USSR. By this time, as a result of repression, almost all the leadership frames of Soviet diplomacy were destroyed, and Gromyko began to make a career quickly. In his incomplete 30 years, the feet of the Belarusian depthint with a diploma of the candidate of economic sciences almost immediately after the arrival in NKID received the responsible post of the head of the department of American countries. It was an unusually steep rise even at the time when the careers were created and collapsed overnight. A young diplomat did not have time to settle in his new apartments at Smolensk Square, as a challenge to the Kremlin followed. Stalin in the presence of Molotova said: "Comrade Gromyko, we intend to send you to work at the USSR Embassy in the United States as an adviser." So, A. Gromyko for four years has become an adviser to the embassy in the United States and at the same time a messenger in Cuba.

    In 1946-1949 Deputy. Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR and at the same time in 1946-1948. fast. Representative of the USSR for the UN, in 1949-1952. and 1953-1957 First deputy. Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR, in 1952-1953 The USSR Ambassador to the United Kingdom, in April 1957, Gromyko is appointed by the USSR Foreign Minister and works in this post until July 1985. Since 1983, the first deputy chairman of the Sovmina of the USSR. In 1985-1988 Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

    The diplomatic talent of Andrei Andreevich Gromyko was noticed abroad quickly. Analyst recognized by the West the authority of Andrei Gromyko was the highest sample. In August 1947, Times magazine wrote: "As a permanent Representative of the Soviet Union in the Safety Council, thoroughly makes its work at the level of breathtaking competence."

    At the same time, with the light hand of Western journalists, Andrei Gromyko, as the most active participant of the "Cold War", became the owner of a whole series of unflattering nicknames like "Andrei Wolf", "Robot-Misanthrop", "Man without face", "Modern Neandertalez" etc. Gromyko became well known in international circles with his forever dissatisfied and gloomy expression, as well as extremely unstainless actions, for which he received the nickname "Mr No". As for this, the nickname A. A. Gromyko noted: "My" no "they heard much less often than I" know them ", because we have advanced much more suggestions. I was called me in their newspapers "Mr." because I did not allow manipulation by myself. Who sought to do this, wanted to manipulate the Soviet Union. We are a great power, and I will not do this anyone! "

    Thanks to his disadvantage, he got the nickname "Mr No"

    However, Willie Brandt, Chancellor of Germany in the memoirs noted: "I found a rudely more pleasant interlocutor than it imagined himself about the stories about the sorry of the ulcer" Mr. ". He impressed the impression of a correct and imperturbable man, restrained to a pleasant Angloquesian manner. He skilled in unobtrusive form to give to understand what enormity he possesses. "

    A. A. Gromyko solely firmly adhered to the approved position. "The Soviet Union in the international arena is me - I thought Andrei Gromyko. - All our progress in the negotiations that led to the conclusion of important international treaties and agreements are explained by the fact that I was convinced of the firm and even adamant in particular when I saw that with me, and therefore with the Soviet Union, talking from the position of force or play In "Cats-Mouse". I never Lebesil before Wessengers and after I was beaten over the same cheek, I did not substitute the second. Moreover, I acted so that it was not in the measure of the obstinate opponent, it was embarrassed. "

    Many did not know that A. A. Gromyko had a delicious sense of humor. His comments could include female comments that became a surprise in tense moments when receiving delegations. Henry Kissinger, coming to Moscow, was constantly afraid of listening from the KGB. Once, during a meeting, he pointed to the chandelier, hanging in the room, and asked the KGB to make him a copy of American documents, since the Americans "failed" a copying machinery. Thunder in tone answered him that the chandeliers were made in the kings and only microphones can be in them.

    Among the most important achievements, Andrei Gromyko allocated four points: the creation of the UN, the development of agreements on the restriction of nuclear weapons, the legalization of borders in Europe and, finally, recognizing the United States for the USSR's role of the Great Power.

    Few people remember today that the UN was conceived in Moscow. It was here in October 1943, the Soviet Union, the United States and the United Kingdom announced that the world needs an international security organization. It was easy to declare, but it is difficult to do. Gromyko stood at the origlists of the UN, under the charter of this organization stands his signature. In 1946, he became the first Soviet representative in the UN and at the same time deputy, and then the First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs. Gromyko was a member, and subsequently the head of the delegation of our country at 22 sessions of the UN General Assembly.

    "The issue of questions", "ultra-shock", according to the expression of A. A. Gromyko itself, was for him the process of negotiations for controlling arms race as ordinary and nuclear. He passed all the stages of the post-war disarmed epic. Already in 1946, on behalf of the USSR, A. A. Gromyko made a proposal for generally reduce and regulating weapons and on the prohibition of military use of atomic energy. The subject of the special pride of Gromyko considered the agreement on the prohibition of nuclear weapons in the atmosphere, in outer space and under water, negotiations were drawn from 1958.

    Another priority of foreign policy A. A. Gromyko considered the consolidation of the results of the Second World War. This is, first of all, the settlement around West Berlin, the design of the status quo with two German states, Germany and GDR, and then pan-European affairs.

    Huge forces, perseverance and flexibility demanded the historical agreements of the USSR (and then Poland and Czechoslovakia) with Germany in 1970-1971, as well as the four-sided agreement of 1971 in West Berlin. As far as the personal role of A. A. Gromyko in the preparation of these fundamental documents in Europe in Europe, it is clear to at least from the fact that in order to develop the text of the Moscow Treaty of 1970, he held 15 meetings with the adviser to Chancellor V. Brandt E. Bar and as much with the minister Foreign affairs V. Scheel.

    It was they who preceded their efforts to calculate the path to discharge and convene a meeting on security and cooperation in Europe. The value signed in August 1975 in Helsinki's final act was a global scale. It was essentially a code of behavior of states in key areas of relationships, including military-political. The invisibility of post-war borders in Europe was fixed, which A. A. Gromyko attached its particular importance, the prerequisites for strengthening European stability and security were established.

    It is thanks to the efforts of A. A. Gromyko, all points over "I" between the USSR and the United States during the Cold War were placed. In September 1984, on the initiative of Americans in Washington, Andrei Gromyko was held with Ronald Reagan. These were the first Raigan negotiations with the representative of the Soviet leadership. Reagan acknowledged the status of the superpower for the Soviet Union. But even more significant was another statement. Let me remind you to the words that are herald of the myth about the "Evil Empire" after the end of the meeting in the White House: "The United States respect the status of the Soviet Union as a superpower ... And we have no desire to change its social system." Thus, diplomacy rollerously achieved from the US official recognition of the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of the Soviet Union.

    Thanks to the rolleros, the relations of the USSR and the USA were stabilized

    Andrei Gromyko wore many facts forgotten by wide circles of the international community. "You imagine," Andrei Rusyomko told his son, "he acts, yes, no anyone, and the British Macmillan, Prime Minister of Great Britain. Since it was in the height of the "Cold War", makes attacks at our address. Well, I would say, there is a regular Oon cuisine, with all its political, diplomatic and propaganda techniques. I sit and think, as on these attacks on occasion, during the debate, answer. Suddenly, Nikita Sergeevich sitting next to me bends and, as I first thought, I was looking for something under the table. I even slightly moved away to him not to interfere. And suddenly I see - pulls out the boot and begins to bother them on the surface of the table. Frankly, the first thought was that Khrushchev is bad. But in a moment I realized that our leader protests in this way, seeks to put Macmillan in an awkward position. I all strained and against my will began to knock on the table with fists - because it was necessary to somehow support the chapter of the Soviet delegation. In the direction of Khrushchev did not look, I was awkward. The situation was really comic. And after all, it is surprising, you can pronounce dozens of smart and even brilliant speeches, but no one will remember a speaker across decades, Khrushchev's shoe will not forget.

    As a result of almost half-century practice, A. A. Gromyko developed for himself "Golden Rules" of diplomatic work, which, however, are relevant not only for diplomats:

    - absolutely unacceptably immediately disclose all the cards, want to solve the problem with one felling;

    - careful use of meetings in the top; poorly prepared, they bring more harm than good;

    - It is impossible to allow manipulation by neither coarse or with the help of sophisticated funds;

    - For success in foreign policy, the real estimate of the situation is needed. It is even more important that this reality does not disappear anywhere;

    - the most difficult - consolidation of a real situation with diplomatic agreements, international legal registration of a compromise;

    - Constant struggle for the initiative. In diplomacy, the initiative is the best way to protect government interests.

    A. A. Gromyko believed that diplomatic activity is a difficult work, requiring from those who deal with the mobilization of all their knowledge and abilities. The task of the diplomat is "fighting to the end for the interests of your country, without prejudice to others." "Work throughout the range of international relations, finding useful links between individual, seemingly processes," this thought was a kind of constant of his diplomatic activity. "The main thing in diplomacy is a compromise, a way between states and their leaders."

    In October 1988, Andrei Andreevich retired and worked on memoirs. He left his life on July 2, 1989. "The state, Fatherland is us," he loved to say. - If we do not do, no one will do. "

    Born on January 25, 1928. In the village of Mamat Lanchhutsky District (Guri).

    He graduated from the Tbilisi Medical Technical School. In 1959 he graduated from the Kutais Pedagogical Institute. A. Tsulukidze.

    Since 1946, on Komsomol and party work. From 1961 to 1964, he was the first secretary of the Russian Communist Party of Georgia in Mtskhete, and then the first secretary of the Pervomaisky district of the Tbilisi Party. In the period from 1964 to 1972 - First Deputy Minister for the Protection of Public Order, then - Minister of Internal Affairs of Georgia. From 1972 to 1985 - the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Committee of Georgia. In this post, he conducted a large publishing campaign to combat the shadow market and corruption, which, however, did not lead to the eradication of these phenomena.

    In 1985-1990, the USSR Foreign Minister, from 1985 to 1990, a member of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee. Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR 9-11 convocations. In 1990-1991 - People's Deputy of the USSR.

    In December 1990, he retired "in protest against the impending dictatorship" and in the same year came out of the Rows of the CPSU. In November 1991, at the invitation of Gorbachev, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the USSR (called the Ministry of External Relations at the time), but after the collapse of the USSR, this post was abolished after the collapse.

    Shevardnadze was one of Gorbachev's associates in holding a restructuring policy

    In December 1991, the Minister of External Relations of the USSR E. A. Shevardnadze One of the first among the leaders of the USSR recognized Belovezhsky Agreements and the upcoming termination of the existence of the USSR.

    E. A. Shevardnadze was one of the associates of M. S. Gorbacheva in holding the policy of restructuring, publicity and the discharge of international tensions.



    For many millennia, the fate of states and inhabiting their peoples are very often solved not in the fields of battles, but during diplomatic negotiations. That is why today no country can do without the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. At the same time, as experience shows, successful work This department is often related to personal qualities, as well as with the professionalism and organizational abilities of his leader. To see what has been said, it is worth finding out who held this high post earlier, and which foreign ministers of Russia have special merits in front of our country.

    Embassy Order

    When a permanent diplomatic service appeared in Russia, it is unknown. However, the oldest of the preserved documents is a decree on the appointment of Ivan Viscovatoy by the Dhacom of the Embassy Order - refers to 1549. Apparently, this official of Ryano took care, since after he took this position, paper concerning diplomatic activity in the first years of the reign of Ivan Grozny, were given in full orderAnd he himself soon became the keeper of state press.

    The temptish supervised the Embassy Order of 21, after which it was suspected of treason and executed. Opan suffered and replaced him with the post of Vasily Shchekalov, and the new deque - Athanasius V. Vassev became famous for the fact that she officially represented the fiance of Lzhedimitrii during his engagement with Marina Mnishek.

    Embassy College

    Although the exchange of permanent diplomatic representatives between Russia and some foreign states occurred already in 1673, the formation of the foreign policy department for the European sample began in 1706 from the founding of the Embassy Mothering Office. After 12 years, she was transformed into a collegium of foreign affairs and since the foundation over the next 17 years was headed by Gabriel Golovnoy. This extraordinary personality was the closest associate of Peter the first and played a fateful role in the issue of Anna John.

    In subsequent years, the high post of the President of the Foreign Collegium was occupied by A. Osterman, A. Cherkassky, A. Bestuzhev-Ryumin. The latter particularly distinguished himself, providing triumph of Russian diplomacy in the Elizabethan era and taking the post of Chancellor. In addition, it creates a reference service of foreign ambassadors.

    In 1758, A. Bestuzhev exiled in reference was replaced by the head of the Foreign Ministry of M. Vorontsov, who soon fell into disfavor and left "to be treated abroad." At the same time, his duties were assigned to Count Nikita Panin. Then the Ceabinet Czechhard began, when the college chairmen replaced the rooting (corresponds to the status of VRIO).

    Ministry of Foreign Affairs at Alexander First

    Everything fell into place when a new foreign policy department was organized on the basis of the Embassy College (some time existed in parallel).

    The first Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia - Alexander Romanovich Vorontsov - received this post to thanks to Brother, who was respecting in English society and could help bring closer to Great Britain. Such a union was necessary for success in confrontation with France, where Napoleon reigned. The biography of Russian Foreign Minister Vorontsov is notable and the fact that he helped A. N. Radishchev in the preparation of the project of the First Constitution.

    After the resignation of Alexander Romanovich, for several months the post of Minister was held by A. Budberg, but the signing of the Tilzite contract became the collapse of his diplomatic career.

    IN difficult period Wars with Napoleon by the foreign policy department led N. Rumyantsev. This minister became the initiator of signing several of the most important international treaties, including Friedrichsgam, in which Part of Russia became Finland, and St. Petersburg - about the world with Sweden.

    After his resignation, Alexander, the first for some time he headed the department, and then passed the case of K. Nesselrod. If earlier Russia's foreign ministers changed on average every 5-6 years, then this experienced diplomat served almost 4 decades. His resignation was honorary, and the decree on it was signed by Alexander the second in 1856, after the death of Nicholas first.

    Russian foreign ministers from 1856 to 1917

    Among those who held the post of head of the foreign policy department after K. Nesselrode and before its abolition, mention deserve:

    • A. Gorchakov, who was an active supporter of the Union with Bismarkovskaya Germany;
    • A. Esbalsky, who is informally known for its role in the "diplomatic tsuisim" associated with the occupation of Bosnia Austria;
    • S. Sazonov, concluded in 1915 a secret agreement with the states of the Entente on the transition of Constantinople and the Straits of the Black Sea under the control of Russia.

    The latter who entered the list under the heading "Foreign Ministers of Russia", became Nikolai Pokrovsky, arrested in the days of the February Revolution.

    Foreign Policy of the Russian Republic

    The Interim Government, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was formed on March 15, 1917. It was decided that it would lead to them by P. Milyukov. Thanks to its titanic efforts, many states recognized the Kerensky government. However, when it became known about his promise to the Governments of the Entente to lead the war to victory, was shifted from office due to protests of the Petrograd garrison.

    He was replaced by M. Tereshchenko, who was arrested on November 8 in Winter Palace. Former minister Russian foreign affairs ran out of arrest and died in Monaco in 1956.


    The new government has abolished the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It was replaced by the People's Commissariat, the first leader of which became the most discerning L. Trotsky. In March 1918, he refused this post, as he was an opponent to sign the Brest world. He was replaced by the city of Chicherin, who came from the family of hereditary diplomats and was able to strengthen the shaky position of the young republic in the international arena. After his retirement from 1930 to 1939, the Commissar was M. Litvinov, subsequently removed from the fulfillment of his duties in connection with the failure of the Anglo-Franco-Soviet negotiations.

    The next leader of the foreign policy department was V. Molotov. He had to work as a reference to the People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs into the hardest pre-war years and during the Second World War. It was he who read the famous appeal to the Soviet people on June 22, 1941, and shortly before that signed a notorious Pact with Ribbentrop.

    Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the USSR

    The noticeable figure as the Minister of Foreign Affairs was A. Gromyko, who held this position for 28 years and transferred his post to Eduard Shevardnadze. The latter was the closest companion M. Gorbachev and the conductor of his foreign policy. In 1991, the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR was abolished.

    Foreign policy department after the collapse of the USSR

    In 1991, the functions of the Union ministry were transferred to the MFA RSFSR, which A. Kozyrev was headed, and after his resignation, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs began to lead E. Primakov. His successor was I. Ivanov. As a result of the resignation of Kasyanov's government, he passed the case, and the question of the appointment of a new head of the Foreign Ministry asked. As a result, in 2004 it was announced that the new Russian Foreign Minister - Sergey Lavrov. He began his career in 1972 in the trainee in the USSR Foreign Ministry and enjoyed the respect of colleagues.

    Russian Foreign Minister: Lavrov (Biography)

    The diplomat was born in Moscow in 1950. After graduating from the English special school (completed training with a silver medal) entered MGIMO. From 1972 he worked in the USSR Foreign Ministry. He held the posts of attache of the embassy in Sri Lanka, senior adviser to the Representative Office of the Soviet Union under the UN, etc. From 1994 to 2004, he was a permanent representative of our country with the United Nations.

    Today, Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov is recognized as one of the most influential and respected diplomats and an excellent negotiator who can reconcile even opponents who cannot come to consensus not one decade.

    Now you know who in for different years He headed Russian diplomacy, and to whom we are obliged to take off and falls of domestic foreign policy over the past 400 years.

    Leonid Mikhailovich Mlechin

    Foreign Ministry Foreign Ministers. Foreign policy of Russia. From Lenin and Trotsky - to Putin and Medvedev


    Sergey Viktorovich Lavrov is just the Fourteenth Foreign Minister from October 1917. For comparison: both the ministers of the internal affairs, and state security managers have changed more than twenty over these decades.

    Among the ministerial diplomats were three academicians (Eugene Primakov, Vyacheslav Molotov and Andrei Vyshinsky) and one corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences (Dmitry Schipilov). There were brilliantly educated people and those who did not know foreign languages \u200b\u200bat all and before the destination by the Minister almost never abroad. Two of them twice occupied their post - Vyacheslav Molotov and Eduard Shevardnadze. Most a short time The ministers were Boris Pankin - less than three months, Leo Trotsky - five months and Dmitry Shepilov - eight and a half months. Longer than all Andrei Gromyko - twenty-eight years old.

    Three for a long time They were excluded from the history of diplomacy: it is Trotsky, Vyshinsky and Shepilov. Fourth - Molotov - one with curses were drawn out of history, others were returpically returned.

    Sir Henry Wratton, the British poet and diplomat, in 1604 he wrote his definition of a diplomat on the foresacea of \u200b\u200bthe book, which was widespread: "A good-order person sent abroad to lie on behalf of his country." This definition turns the diplomat only to the Contractor.

    All the ministers assure that the development of foreign policy is the prerogative of the first person, which they only fulfill the will of the Secretary-General or the president. But this is a sneaving. The personality of the minister has a decisive influence on the formation of policies. Molotov brought dogmatism and stubbornness politics, which Stalin did not have. Shevardnadze went on Gorbachev in partnership with the West. At the same president, Yeltsin, Kozyrev tried to make Russia an ally of the West, and Primakov refused this line.

    Eduard Shevardnadze stopped being minister, because the state itself disappeared - the Soviet Union. Dmitry Shepilov left the post of Minister to raise - secretary of the Central Committee. Andrei Gromyko briefly ranked high, but the chamber of the President of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. Evgeny Primakov under applause State Duma Moved from the post of Minister right in the chair head chair. Molotov did the return path: he moved to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs from the post of Chairman of the Council of Ministers.

    Eleven of the fourteen ministers were tight criticized: Some - still being pressed, the rest - after the resignation or even after death. Some of them curse as monsters and demons to this day. Exception - Evgeny Primakov. He at the post of Minister gained even more supporters and fans.

    Of the fourteen addresses and ministers, eight were retired or left themselves because of their discontent their work. The hosts of the department of internal affairs, fate is more troubling - six were shot, two committed suicide; Lubyanki executives shot five, others went to jail or opal. Foreign Ministers God has fallen. Even Maxim Litvinova, whose life hung in a hairs, Stalin for some reason did not destroy.

    Today life has become easier. The minister left from his post (obviously not own willing) Igor Ivanov remains a noticeable figure. But in a certain sense, all the characters of this book can arise.

    The famous historian Evgeny Viktorovich Tarl visited one day at least the famous lawyer Anatoly Fedorovich Koni. Koni complained about old age. Tarla said:

    What are you, Anatoly Fedorovich, sin to complain. Won Brian older than you, and still hunts the tigers.

    Aristide Brian in the 19th century was France's Prime Minister and the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

    Yes, - the horses answered melancholically, he is good. Brian hunts the tigers, and here the tigers hunt us.

    The reader will quickly see that this book is devoted not only to the addicts and ministers of foreign affairs, foreign policy and diplomacy. This is another look at the history of our country since 1917 to this day ...

    Part one

    Foreign policy and revolution

    Lev Davidovich Trotsky: "Revolutions do not need diplomacy"

    In one of the October Resurrection of 1923, the Chairman of the Revoensuit of the Republic, the People's Commissar for Military and Maritime Affairs, the member of the Politburo Lev Davidovich Trotsky went to hunt, hugged his legs strongly and was cold.

    « I'm running down, he wrote in an autobiographical book. - After the influenza, some kind of cryptogenic temperature opened. Doctors forbidden to get up from bed. So I knew the remainder of autumn and the winter. This means that I have shouted the 1923 discussion against « trotskyism» . You can foresee a revolution and war, but it is impossible to foresee the consequences of the autumn duck hunt».

    The disease really turned out to be fatal. The Trotsky hunt went to such a sad hunt for him in the role of a second person in the country whose popularity was comparable to Lenin. When he recovers after a few months, it will be discovered that it turned into a steady oppositionist, deprived of power and surrounded by irreconcilable enemies. And all this, according to Trotsky, it happened because the unknown disease knocked him out of the gauge.

    Doctors were prescribed to the chairman of the Revoensive bed, and he was diligently treated. While the party apparatus raised to fight « trotskyism» Lev Davidovich was in the suburban sanatorium and, engaged in his illness, poorly understood what changes occur in the country. Well, in fact, it is possible to demand from a person who has mastered the high temperature, which is forced to limit his communication around the Kremlin doctors?

    It is not difficult, however, to notice the striking contrast between Trotsky and Lenin: already fatally ill, Vladimir Ilyich, despite the strictest prohibitions of doctors, tried to participate in political life Countries and influence her. Trotsky, Illness, resolutely distinguished from all cases, reflects, remembers, writes. Lenin rusts to business. Trotsky willingly accepts recommendations to doctors: rest and treated.

    Bolshevik leaders, compensating for the difficulties and inconvenience of the past life, quickly mastered the benefits of their new position. They were treated abroad, mainly in Germany, went to the sanatorium, went to a long vacation. And they did not argue when doctors, subtly felt the mood of their high-ranking patients, prescribed her rest in a comfortable environment.

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