Classes for the development of speech of preschoolers. What exercises for the development of speech exist

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Comprehension of oratory is a difficult and painstaking process. Since ancient times, people have sought to learn the art of speaking in front of a crowd. Centuries later, we still want to capture the attention of the audience, however, now we use modern methods.

website carefully selected several effective practices from the book by Elvira Sarabyan "Learn to speak so that you are heard."

1. Articulation of the sounds "W - F"

  • The ball is hot, yours is important, the joke is creepy, the breadth is fat, to live is to sew.
  • The ground beetle buzzes, buzzes, spins. The reins made of leather fit into the collar.

2. Articulation of sounds "K - G, X"

  • Swing - gazelles, stake - goal, bone - guest, code - year, whip - bend, club - stupid, Kesha - Gesha.
  • Goes with a goat oblique goat. The crab made a rake to the crab, gave the rake to the crab: rob the gravel with the rake, crab!

3. Practicing the sound "C"

  • Heron - saber, tsok - juice, target - mudflow, color - light, circus - cheese, street - fox.
  • Well done against the sheep, and against the well done the sheep himself. The heron withered, the heron withered.

4. Speak slowly at first, then faster:

Tlz, jr, vrzh, mkrtch, kpt, kft, ksht, kst, kshch, kzhda, kzhde, kzhdo, kzhdu, kshta, kshte, kshtu, kshto.

5. Say first slowly, then faster:

Stay awake, philosophize, postscript, invigorate, transplantation, supersonic, tousled, counter-break, explosion point, protestantism, stir up, over-alarmed, hit the barrel, department, hose, ornate, philosophize, monster, snort a lot.

6. Training the pronunciation of consonants:

  • To Clara, to whom, to the throat, to the tour, to Galya, to Katya, to Kyiv, to the end, to the city, distant, get involved, give, kindle, vent, get rid of, without a fur coat, ruthless, immortality, restore, confirm, push away.
  • Top - up, leading - introduction, push - push, hold - support, drag - pull, water - introductory, litter - quarrel.

7. Working out combinations of sounds in the form of a game:

  • Hammer nails: Gbdu! Gbdo! Gbde! Gbdy! Gbda! Gbdi! Gbde!
  • Imitate horse stomp: Ptku! Ptko! bird! Birds! Ptke! Birds!
  • Throw imaginary plates to your partner: Kchku! Wow! Kchke! Kchka! Kchky! Kchki!

8. Say the phrases first slowly, then quickly:

At that hour, a thrush sang here. That year there was a hail. The oak was old. Everyone loved Peter. Instantly the club is full. The moss hid the mushroom. Grandpa got old. Your guest took the cane. Waves Splash - splash sparkle! Jump a hundred miles.

9. Working out sounds:

  • Buy a pile of peaks, buy a pile of peaks. Buy a pile of fluff, buy a pile of fluff.
  • The sorcerer worked in a barn with the Magi.
  • Rhododendrons from the arboretum were given by parents.
  • Brit Klim brother, Brit Gleb brother, brother Ignat bearded.
  • Karl put the bow on the chest, Clara stole the bow from the chest.
  • A cap is sewn, but not in a cap style; a bell is poured, but not in a bell-like way. It is necessary to re-cap the cap, re-cap, it is necessary to re-bell the bell, re-bell.
  • The interviewer interviewed the interviewer.
  • The nervous constitutionalist was found assimilated in Constantinople.
  • A quarter of a quarter of a pea without a wormhole.
  • Jasper in suede is mossy.

10. Repeat slowly and then quickly complex words:

  • (B, w) - to the user
  • (K) - small-caliber
  • (P, c) - publish
  • (P, r) - indirect subsidies
  • (P, t, s) - territorial integrity
  • (P, t) - illustrated
  • (P, c) - reverb
  • (S, f) - funds
  • (H, in) - four hundred dollar
  • (H, f, r) - phantasmagoric

Often, parents believe that there is no need to think about the development of the child's speech if obvious pronunciation defects do not appear (the child lisps or does not speak at all). However, many problems in the future can be avoided, and a competent and clear speech of the child can be formed if you start paying attention to the development of speech as early as possible throughout the entire period (and, and a year, and two, and three ...).

The development of speech is not at all work on individual disturbed sounds or on expanding the vocabulary, as is commonly believed. The formation of speech depends on the activity of many areas of the brain, so you need to work in all areas: develop fine motor skills, enrich sensory experience, work on articulation, breathing, increase vocabulary, and much more.

I have written more than once about games that contribute to the development of speech in 1-2 years. In this article, I would like to put everything together, as well as publish many more useful exercises for articulation and breathing exercises and more.

So, games and exercises for the development of speech:

1. Finger and gesture games

Scientists have found that in the brain, the nerve centers responsible for the movements of the fingers and hands are in close proximity to the areas of the brain responsible for the development of speech. Therefore, it is simply necessary to promote the active actions of the fingers and hands of the baby. Wonderful helpers in this matter - finger games, I have already written about them more than once, full list interesting finger and gesture games sorted by age can be found here:

In addition to funny rhymes, it is very useful to learn simple gestures together with the baby, for example:

  • To the question "How old are you?" show the index finger - "1 year old";
  • We threaten with the index finger "Ai-ai-ai";
  • We show "yes", "no" with a movement of the head;
  • Show "thank you" with a nod of the head;
  • To the question "How are you doing?" show the thumb - "In!" ("Excellent!")

  • We depict how the bear walks (legs shoulder-width apart, we shift from foot to foot);
  • We depict how a bunny jumps (arms in front of the chest, hands down, jump);
  • We depict how the fox walks (we wag the booty);
  • We depict how a wolf clicks its teeth (we open and close our mouth wide, clicking our teeth);
  • We depict how a butterfly flies (we wave our hands, we run around the room);
  • We depict how an airplane flies (arms motionless to the sides, we run around the room);
  • We depict how a duck walks (we move on our haunches).
  • Closer to the age of two, we begin to learn a new answer to the question “How old are you?” and we train to show at the same time the index and middle fingers - “2 years old”. The same finger figure can be called "Bunny"

2. Sensory games for the development of fine motor skills

A complete list of fine motor skills games can be found here:

3. Articulation exercises

One of the very first and very useful articulation exercises that a one-year-old baby can handle is blowing. Tasya learned to blow at the age of 1 year 3 months, a candle helped us with this. Immediately, as they got used to the candle, it began to turn out to blow into the pipe, and bubble inflate. So, what can you learn the blowing skill on:

    blow out the candle;

    Blow into a pipe;

    Blow through a straw into a glass of water to make the water bubble;

    Blow soap bubbles;

    Blow on tied to a string paper butterfly to make her fly;

    Blow off small papers laid out on a plate.

Here are some more articulation exercises you can practice (from about 1.5 years old, something, perhaps, will be obtained earlier):

  • "Hide and Seek". First we show the tongue - we stick it out as far as possible, then we hide it, so we repeat it several times.
  • "Watch". We move the tongue from side to side - left-right.
  • "House". We declare that the baby's mouth is a house. Mom gently taps her finger on her cheek: “Knock-knock,” and the baby’s mouth opens. We say: “Bye! Bye!", and the mouth closes.
  • "Yummy". We open our mouth and lick ourselves: first we draw the tongue along the upper lip, then along the lower one.
  • "Balloon". We inflate the cheeks and burst them with our fingers;
  • "Fence". We show our teeth (“we grin”) and say that the tongue is hidden behind the fence.
  • "Brushing our teeth." We show the teeth again, then with the tip of the tongue we slide first along the upper teeth, then along the lower ones.
  • "Horse". "Clicking" with the tongue, like horses.
  • "Choose out." We stand together in front of the mirror and begin to exaggerate: smile broadly, frown, stretch out our lips.

4. The game "Who lives in the house"

In my opinion, the game is wonderful in encouraging the child to pronounce simple sounds. In addition, a surprise moment in it increases the interest of the baby. So, in advance we put in a bag or box several plot toys (animals, dolls, etc.), which are well known to the baby. Then we ask several times “Who lives in the house?”, catching up with intrigue. When the child is really interested, we take out the first character and say it together (and later the baby does it himself), for example, “Cow” or “Mu-mu”, depending on what stage the child’s speech is at. So in turn we get all the hidden toys.

5. Rhymes that encourage the pronunciation of sounds and words

This is my favorite. Tasya and I simply adored these rhymes, my daughter tried her best to repeat after me simple words. The text in the verses is chosen in such a way that it motivates the child to talk. Even if at first the child will not repeat anything after you, this does not mean that the verses are useless. It is worth returning to them periodically, and the baby will definitely begin to try to repeat simple words and onomatopoeia.

How can we go for a walk? Top top!
How do we close the door? Clap!
Cat to us from the porch: Jump!
Sparrows: Chick-chirp!
The cat is happy with the birds: Murr!
Sparrows took off: Furr!
Further legs: Top-top!
And now the gate: Clap!
How does the grass grow? Sh-sh-sh!
Who is scurrying about in the grass? Mouse!
A bee on a flower: Zhu-zhu!
Wind leaves: Shu-shu!
River in trickles: Tribulation!
Hello bright summer day!
A cow was grazing in the meadow: Moo, moo.
The striped bumblebee flew: Z-z-z, z-z-z.
The summer breeze blew: F-f-f, f-f-f.
The bell rang: ding, ding, ding.
A grasshopper chirped in the grass: Tr-r-r, ts-s-s.
A prickly hedgehog ran: Ph-ph-ph.
The little bird sang: Til-l, til-l.
And the angry beetle buzzed: W-w-w, w-w-w.

in a book «» (Ozone, labyrinth, My shop) you can find many similar rhymes, although basically they are a little more complicated than these two, but reading them will also have a very beneficial effect on the development of the child's speech.

6. Breathing exercises

(from about 1.5 years old)

    The wheel burst. First we clasp our hands in a circle in front of us, depicting a wheel. Then, on exhalation, we begin to slowly cross our arms (so that right hand lay down on the left shoulder and vice versa) and pronounce "shhhh" - the wheel is blown away.

  • Pump. Next, we offer the child to pump up the deflated wheel. We clench our hands in front of the chest into fists, as if holding a pump. We lean forward and lower our hands down, accompanying our actions with the sound “s-s-s”, repeat several times.
  • Loud quiet. We pronounce a sound loudly and quietly. For example, first we pretend to be big bears and say "Uh-uh", then we pretend to be small bears and say the same thing, only quietly.
  • Woodcutter. First, we put our hands together (as if holding an ax) and raise them up. Then we sharply lower them down, bending over and saying “wow”. We repeat several times.
  • Wizard . First, we wave our hands and hold them at the top. Then we smoothly lower it, pronouncing the syllables: “M-m-m-a”, “M-m-m-o”, “M-m-m-y”, “M-m-m-s”.

7. Reading books

While reading, it is advisable to constantly use the questions “What is this?”, “Who is this?” (even if you have to answer them for the first time), questions activate the mental detail of the baby, encourage him to talk.

8. Role-playing games

The role-playing game is a very fertile environment for the development of speech. During the game, the child has a natural need to say something: you need to somehow name the main characters of the game and their actions, express your thoughts and feelings.

Details on how to play role-playing games with a child 1-2 years old, read.

9. Viewing Doman cards or other material that expands the child's horizons

I will wrap up on this. I wish you interesting activities with your baby!

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From this article you will learn:

  • What is speech development technique
  • How Breathing Improves Speech Technique
  • How speech development technique improves diction
  • What are the benefits for a manager?

It is difficult to disagree with the statement of a famous American politician of the 19th century: “No other human ability will enable him to make a career and achieve recognition with such speed as the ability to speak well.” After all, these words remain relevant today. Developed literate speech has always been considered an art that facilitates communication between people and helps in career development, especially if work activities are directly related to frequent negotiations. If you have problems in this area, the correct speech development technique, which we will discuss in our article, will help to cope with them.

Components of a developed speech technique

Speech technique can be called a science, which consists of many interrelated elements: speech production, articulation, diction, intonation, facial expressions, etc. Some people have to improve their speech technique throughout their professional activities. The purpose of using various speech development techniques is quite obvious - they are all designed to learn how to speak correctly, clearly, beautifully.

  • Diction.

One of the important indicators advanced technology speech is developed diction(how purely a person pronounces sounds). This component of speech technology can be compared with handwriting. A letter written in illegible handwriting is unlikely to interest the addressee, just like a crumpled, slurred speech, most likely, will not find a response from the public or cause a lot of counter questions. In our article, we will talk about the technique of speech development and how, with the help of systematic training, to put the voice and improve pronunciation.

Surely everyone remembers the scene from the movie "Carnival", where the main character repeated tongue twisters about the cuckoo with walnuts in the mouth in order to develop the technique of speech. In addition to this method, there are many breathing exercises, the technique of which we will consider a little later.

  • Voice.

The voice also plays an important role in the speech of each person. A pleasant voice instantly attracts the attention of listeners. It can also be trained with special equipment aimed at the development of speech.

  • Timbre.

Try not to overdo it with this indicator, because too low or high voice sounds false. Timbre directly depends on correct breathing, therefore, to set it up, it is necessary to work with the technique for the development of the diaphragm.

  • Intonation.

Fulfilling various techniques for the development of speech, do not forget about intonation and pronunciation, because it is very important to correctly place stresses and maintain pauses between words. It is with the help of intonation that the narrator can interest listeners, and pauses allow you to take a breath during the narration.

Where to start the development of speech technology

Phonation is called breathing during speech. During inhalation, the muscle that separates the chest cavity from the abdominal one, as well as the muscle groups that control the ribs of the chest, actively work. It is easiest for a person to breathe in the supine position with muscle relaxation.

Try to position yourself in the suggested way and put one hand on your stomach and the other on your chest. Inhale, but at the same time make sure that the hand on the chest is motionless, and the hand on the stomach rises. Now exhale. Follow the execution technique, your goal is to bring the movements of the abdominal cavity during breathing to automatism. Next, you should try to perform the exercise in a standing position. For lower breathing to become a habit, regular training is required.

It is better to do exercises for the development of speech in the morning.

  • Body position.

First you need to feel the work of the respiratory muscles. Get in the right position. Stand up, slouch a little, try to relax. After that, lift your chest, shoulders and fold them back, as if putting them on the spine. Keep your back, slightly relax your neck, arms and shoulders. Stanislavsky called this position "the body on the peg." You have to get used to it not only during the periods of exercises for the development of speech technique, but in general in life.

  • Candle exercise.

To perform the speech development exercise, you will need a small piece of paper with dimensions of 15x4 cm. Bring the strip to your mouth at a distance of about 5–7 cm. Pull your lips out with a tube (as before whistling) and start blowing on a strip of paper.

Follow the technique - the angle of the strip should be constant throughout the exhalation. This speech development exercise allows you to control the flow of exhaled air. Your task is to make sure that the exhalation is even. A strip of paper should not rise, fall, tremble.

It is necessary that she deviate and remain in this position for as long as possible. Pay attention to slight tension in the area of ​​the intercostal muscles and the diaphragm during the speech development exercise.

  • Exercise "punctured ball".

Try to make a sound similar to the whistle of a punctured ball: sssssss ... At the same time, wrap your palms around chest from the sides, as high as possible. Gradually, without much effort, press the “ball” with your palms so that the air leaves the lungs for as long as possible. When performing this speech development technique, try not to strain.

You should feel a slight resistance of the “ball” and slowly release the collected air on the sound “s”. The less air remains in the "ball", the closer the hands converge. At the end of the exercise, the palms should be next to each other. When your hands touch, expel the remaining air sharply. This lesson on the development of speech must be repeated several times.

  • Onomatopoeia exercise.

Now try to reproduce the characteristic sounds of nature and various objects:

  • Wind Whistle: SSSSSSS…
  • Forest Noise: SHSHSHSHSHSH…
  • Mosquito sound: ZZZZZZZZZZZZ ...
  • The buzzing of a bee
  • The cry and cawing of a crow: KRR! KRR! KRR!… KARR! CARR! CARR!…
  • Engine rumble: RRRRRRRRRRRR…
  • The sound of an electric bell: RRRRRRRRRRR…

Pay attention to the technique, especially the work of the diaphragm. She should not strain too much during the exercises. When playing the sounds of nature, the air should come out as naturally as possible. Simulating the roar of a motor or the sound of an electric bell, the voltage, on the contrary, should increase. In this case, the air, as it were, is pushed out from the inside. When a crow croaks, a magpie chirps, the diaphragm moves sharply and energetically, expelling the air in jerks.

Development of speech technique: diction and speech apparatus

Before starting classes on the technique of speech development, it is necessary to create a working environment. Take a comfortable seat in front of a mirror in a room with few objects (to create the necessary acoustics). Spend about 5-10 minutes doing each exercise. If possible, film your lessons on video - this will make it easier for you to spot errors.

  • Preparation of the muscles of the palate.

Repeat the consonants "k", "G" three times without stopping. Then, on a yawn, say the vowels "A", "O", "E" three times.

Open your mouth, breathe in the air and say: “MMMMM…MMMM”. During the performance of this preparatory exercise for the development of speech technique, “A” should be quiet, “M” - sonorous. Repeat the exercise three times.

  • Exercise for lips and tongue.

To warm up the upper lip, say consonant combinations: “GL”, “VL”, “VN”, “TN”, for the lower lip - “KS”, “GZ”, “VZ”, “BZ”.

Then relax the tongue, give it the shape of a shovel and, laying it on the lower lip, repeat five times: “I”, “E”.

Raise the underside of the tongue and draw its tip across the sky, pronouncing the vowels “O”, “U”.

Then cover your mouth and say the letter "M", moving your tongue to your lips, cheeks and palate.

  • Exercises to open and strengthen the voice.

Try another speech development technique - say a random tongue twister using only consonants, while the vowels should be voiceless and long.

Then repeat the tongue twister, but in a perfect voice. Listen carefully to yourself, try to determine in what state of the articulation apparatus your voice sounds free and natural. Repeat this exercise to develop speech technique, alternately tilting your head back and forth, right and left.

Now pronounce the tongue twister, putting your tongue on your lips, thereby lowering the pronunciation of vowels.

Another simple exercise can help the development of speech technique: you need to breathe in the air properly and, slowing down your breathing, read a small passage of text aloud. Try to draw air in places of semantic pauses.

  • Exercises for diction.

Say the words "PAY", "BAY", "MAY", firmly holding the chin with the palm of your hand so that the head leans back while opening the mouth. On the sound "Y", the head should return to its original position. Now repeat the speech development exercise without restricting the movement of the chin. Make sure that the muscles work in the same way as in the first case.

Another variant of this exercise for the development of speech is the deviation of the head to the sides while opening the mouth. In this case, the chin should tend to the shoulders. Do not forget about the technique - take the starting position on the sound "Y".

Tilt your head back and, rinsing the larynx with air, draw out the sound "M". Please note that the lower jaw does not need to be pushed forward. Try yawning with your mouth closed.

Inhale through your nose, draw in your cheeks, purse your lips, and as you exhale, try to stretch out the letter "M".

Take a comfortable position, put one hand on your chest to feel the pulse, and cover your mouth with the other to control your breathing. Alternately pronounce the various vowels: a smooth exhalation - the sound "UUUUUU" - a smooth breath. At correct technique performing the speech development exercise, you will have a desire to yawn and lightness in the throat area.

Now do the same, just try to stretch the moment of the groan and mark the stress with a light blow of the diaphragm deep into.

Choose a small poetic passage of some text (8-10 lines are enough). Try to pronounce it in such a way that the range of your voice gradually develops from the minimum level to the maximum (from the beginning to the end of the reading of the passage).

Now repeat this exercise for the development of speech exactly the opposite - start with the limit and end with the lowest range of your own voice.

After mastering the technique of this exercise for the development of speech, increase the number of lines of a poetic passage.

One more efficient technique for the development of diction, "voice chanting" is considered. Try reading your favorite poem using only vowels first, and then only consonants.

Clear, correct and beautiful speech is the key to successful communication, educational and business communication. Unfortunately, schools often do not pay enough attention to the pronunciation of children, as a result of which some speech errors retained by students for a long time. Today we will see what exercises for clear and beautiful speech exist, how to teach a child to speak correctly, and at the same time improve their own skills.

The most common speech errors and inaccuracies

Not quite correct speech and the presence of errors in pronunciation does not at all mean that the child has some kind of speech defect. Such shortcomings can be caused by improper assimilation of language structures (the child often heard and remembered incorrect speech, incorrect grammatical constructions), insufficient development of the articular apparatus (typical for children of preschool and primary school age), ignorance (the child pronounces some words and phrases for the first time) . The most common errors and inaccuracies of this kind are:

  • "Swallowing" endings. The student speaks quickly and not clearly enough, as a result of which the endings of words are either drowned out by subsequent words, or not pronounced at all.
  • Skip parts of a word. As a rule, such shortcomings are caused by the child’s small vocabulary - he does not know exactly how certain words sound and therefore speaks them as if at random, sometimes distorting and releasing syllables.
  • Non-pronunciation of certain sounds. A very common phenomenon in children of preschool and primary school age, caused by insufficient development of the articular apparatus. In some cases, this disappears over time, but it is also not uncommon for the triggering of a problem to lead to non-pronunciation of sounds even in adulthood.
  • Mismatched words. The student does not know or incorrectly uses cases and gender, the only and plural, as a result of which the words in the sentence do not agree with each other (“good afternoon”, instead of “ good day”, “A bug sat on it” instead of “A bug sat on it”, “I want bright colors, a holiday” instead of “I want bright colors, a holiday”, etc.).
  • Fuzzy, incomprehensible pronunciation. This can be caused by incorrect pronunciation of unfamiliar words or simply by a quiet voice (in such speech, words become hardly distinguishable).

IMPORTANT! Exercise for the development of speech and pronunciation can be practiced at home. However, if a child has significant speech defects (non-pronunciation of several sounds in school age, difficulties in forming words and speaking in general, etc.), it is recommended to contact a specialist to eliminate them.

We speak clearly, correctly, beautifully: exercises and tips

The most common exercises for staging speech are learning tongue twisters, phrases to practice a certain letter, and rehearsing pronunciation in front of a mirror. They are indeed effective, but they are far from the only ones. There are many other simple and useful exercises that you can practice in any convenient place.

Lip and Tongue Exercises

They allow to develop an articular apparatus and improve the formation and passage of sounds:

  • The lips take the shape necessary to pronounce this or that sound (rounded as with the sound “O”, take the form of an oval as with “U”, slightly stretched in the corners as with “C”, etc.), but it is not pronounced aloud . Then you need to return to the starting position (closed lips), repeat the shape again, etc.
  • The lips successively take the form necessary to pronounce various sounds (for example, the chain "A" - "C" - "O" - "Yu" - "Sh" - "U"), then return to their original position. The exercise is repeated several times.
  • Stretch the lips in the corners, rest the tongue on the lower teeth, slightly arching. Repeat several times.
  • Raise the tongue up, pressing the lateral edges to the upper jaw. Repeat several times.
  • Bend the tongue, pressing the tip and part of the back (middle part) to the sky. Repeat several times.

Pronunciation of individual sounds

You can train both individual sinking sounds, and the whole thing. In this exercise, it is necessary to describe to the child exactly what position the lips and tongue occupy, and ask them to repeat it. Here is an example for the sound "C":

The lips are half open and slightly stretched at the corners. The distance between the upper and lower teeth is very small (no more than 1-1.5 mm). The tongue takes the form of a shoulder blade, slightly curved towards the palate, the sides are adjacent to the teeth, the tip touches the lower alveoli. When pronouncing a sound, air passes through the gap between the tongue and the alveoli of the teeth.

Practicing sounds and syllables

If there are no particular difficulties with the pronunciation of individual sounds or it has already been worked out, you can proceed to the next stage - the inclusion of sounds in speech:

  • Give your child a list of one-syllable words to pronounce (emphasis on a more haunting sound): mayor, peer, sir, hall, fret, chickpea, whip, light, dinner, boron, cake, etc.
  • The exercise is formed from pairs of similar-sounding words that the child needs to pronounce: Rome - peace, mayor - peer, glue - firs, zero - thief, chalk - dared, etc.
  • Highlighting unstressed vowel sounds with your voice, for example, clearly pronouncing the sound “E” in nouns with a preposition: on a table, in a field, in a flower bed, in your head, on a table, etc. Make sure that the child pronounces the required sound well.
  • Voice selection of sounds in set-top boxes. You can form an exercise from a list of any words with various paired prefixes: pre- and pri- (beautiful, lovely, come, attach), bez- and bes- (neglected, hopeless, homeless, tactless), ras- and raz- (color, tell, dispel, dissolve), etc. Watch for the clarity of pronunciation of each sound of the prefix.

Similar exercises can be formed independently on absolutely any sounds.


It is important that the child knows how to correctly place the stress and highlight it in intonation. This skill can be developed through regular practice. The task will be as follows: say the words aloud, emphasizing the stress on the second syllable (on the first, last, third, etc.). Sample list words: birch, gazebo, parsley, notebook, paratrooper, village, spring, muzzle, coffee pot, bag, thimble, bend.

Change of words

Changing nouns, adjectives, pronouns and verbs according to different features(gender, number, case) allows you to learn the norms of the Russian language and avoid mistakes in matching words. Offer your child:

  • Decline nouns (house, river, room, water, cloud, etc.) in cases.
  • Say how the adjective will sound (beautiful, sunny, spring, etc.) in the masculine / feminine / neuter gender, in the singular / plural.
  • Name the forms of the verb (fly, saw, endure, etc.) in various genders and numbers.

All exercises are performed aloud.

Logical intonation pauses

Practicing the skill of setting logical pauses helps to make the pace of speech more optimal (not fast and not slow). For this exercise, you must use poems: for children younger age humorous poems are suitable, for older students - classical works. It consists of two stages:

  1. The child is given a piece of paper with the text of the poem printed on it. His task is to put down the sign "/" in the places of logical pauses. For example, They dropped the bear on the floor, Tore off the bear's paw. All the same, I will not leave him - Because he is good.
  2. Logical pauses will be in the following places: They dropped the bear / on the floor, Tore off the bear / paw. I won't leave him anyway / - Because he / is good.
  3. Now the student needs to read this poem, taking into account all the logical pauses.

To complicate the task in poems, punctuation marks can be removed.

Role Reading

Allows you to work out intonation, a clear pronunciation of various words and sentences. Younger students can be offered a fairy tale in which there are words of several characters, and for older students, classical plays will be an excellent option. It is important that the child read the text aloud, trying to imitate the voices of the characters, imitating female / male / children's voices, animal speech.

Interpretation of proverbs

This exercise is aimed at checking the level of knowledge of certain words, their direct and figurative meaning, as well as the formation of ideas about the meaning of new words and their development. The child is offered a list of proverbs and sayings:

  • The quieter you go, the further you'll get
  • Do not count your chickens before they are hatched
  • Do you like to ride - love to carry sleds
  • And etc.

The student must explain how he understands each of them. After his answers are discussed, the correct values ​​\u200b\u200bare reported (if the child gave an incorrect answer), which the student must repeat. To consolidate the result, you can give a number of proverbs similar in meaning.

Reading as a source of speech development

Regular reading will help to expand the vocabulary of the student, familiarize him with various speech and grammatical structures, teach him to pronounce correctly. various words. It is useful to read both aloud and silently. To instill in a child a desire to do this, you can arrange peculiar literary evenings, taking turns reading a fairy tale or novel, talking about the latest studied works, discussing the plot and characters.

Beautiful and clear speech is the result of work on oneself and the efforts made. Without motivation and interest, it will be difficult for a child to take up these exercises. The task of parents in this case is to show how important correct speech is, to encourage the student, to help him with the exercises and to show their own interest and willingness to work with the child.

The delay in the development of speech can be caused by a variety of reasons. Some of them lie in the biological area of ​​a child's life. Violations in the development of the hearing aid, late development of speech skills due to hereditary traits, frequent illnesses of the baby. Other reasons are hidden in the social plane, when parents pay little attention to the child, a negative atmosphere reigns in the family, the baby grows up in an atmosphere of misunderstanding and neglect of parental responsibilities.

Lack of parental attention may be one of the reasons for delayed speech development

Why can a child not speak at 2-3 years old?

It is necessary to look for the reason for the silence of a 2-3-year-old baby not only in anatomical pathologies, but also the manner of communication between parents and a child means a lot. Some mothers surround their little peanuts with excessive guardianship, which leads to lack of demand for speech. It is necessary for the baby to wish something, the mother grants the wish. Actively using gestures and facial expressions in communication with babies 1-3 years old, you involuntarily slow down the development of their speech.

It is a mistake to think that being in an environment abounding in information media (TV, radio), a child will quickly learn to talk. The chaotic speech flow forms a "noise curtain" that the child does not perceive.

Moreover, when trying to speak, the baby says long, meaningless phrases, imitating what he heard from the TV or radio. Parents should learn to talk to their child, and not talk in front of him or entertain him with cartoons.

It is difficult to develop speech skills where parents justify the lack of communication with a lack of time or simply do not want to talk much with the baby. Relying on speech therapists and kindergarten teachers is a mistake, because children get their first speech skills in the family. In addition, the development of fine motor skills and articulation is important for kids. Regular exercises (self-massage of hands, finger gymnastics, didactic games) help improve speech.

Cartoons so beloved by kids can actually slow down speech development

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Seven simple and wise tips from speech therapists will help adults properly build their communication with a child so that his speech develops quickly. Let's take a look at each of them:

  1. Support and encourage the activity of the child, openly express joy when the baby tries to pronounce sounds and syllables.
  2. Help your treasure, buy didactic games. Puzzles, split pictures, picture blocks, insert games will help develop fine motor skills.
  3. Come up with finger games for the crumbs. The fingertips are replete with nerve endings that affect the stimulation of the motor area of ​​the brain. Long ago invented simple game in which each finger is given the names of family members. Finger the baby's fingers and come up with different stories so that all fingers are included in the story.
  4. Be sure to read books with your child, tell him stories, learn poems by heart, sing songs. Take the works of famous children's writers (Mikhalkov, Barto, Bianchi, Marshak, Chukovsky) as your assistants.
  5. Everything that you see with your child, discuss in detail. Where the car is going, why the bird is singing merrily outside the window, what kind of job dad has, what the kids are playing in the yard - any event or action should be accompanied by detailed verbal explanations.
  6. Tell your child about domestic and wild animals, teach him the "language" of animals and birds. Cows say "moo-moo", a sparrow chirps - "chirp chirp".
  7. Memorize funny children's poems with your child about the "Thieving Magpie", a clubfoot bear, about Tanya and her ball. Call grandmothers for help, they usually know a lot of such rhymes.

The more mother communicates with the child (reads books, learns poems, talks), the faster he will learn to speak well

Basics for developing speech at home

Homemade basic exercises will help you develop speech in your child (more in the article:). The simplest of them is “tell mom”. The exercise is used in communication with small children, under the age of one, who are just learning to reproduce sounds. For older children, more complex techniques should be used that stimulate the child's meaningful understanding of speech, its meaning, and conscious pronunciation of words.

Joint cognition of objects

Having crossed the one-year milestone, children begin to actively get acquainted with the world around them. The interest of kids extends to all objects in the house. Come to the rescue of your treasure, describe his every movement aloud, simple sentences. Talk about each subject that interests him. If the son took a spoon, tell him what he is holding, what it is for, what the object is called, do not be lazy to repeat your explanation several times so that the baby remembers.

Viewing and studying pictures

For this exercise, stock up on a variety of children's picture books. Publishing houses offer excellent illustrated books of various headings. For example, the section "Who am I?", which tells about animals.

Picture books or flashcards help build a child's vocabulary

Looking at the pictures, point the baby to the image of the dog, ask him how she “talks”, say “woof-woof”. Learning animals and their "language" will make it easier for you to teach your baby to pronounce individual sounds. Pay more attention to those animals that you meet with him on the street, clearly showing and talking about them. A little time will pass, and when a child sees a dog or a cat on the street, the child will suddenly say “meow” or “woof”.

sound education

Indicate actions that the baby can understand with simple sounds. The child claps his hands - say "clap-clap", the baby fell - do not rush to pick him up and groan, say "bang, bang, boom." The game amuses young children, they accept it, they may even fall on purpose to hear “boom or bang” again. In addition, you help the child learn that each movement can be voiced.

How to encourage a child to speak?

When studying sounds with your child, ask him to repeat what you say. For example, you say "woof-woof", have the baby repeat after you. If he can’t reproduce the sounds accurately, don’t worry, repeat with him what he did. Your main task in this speech therapy exercise is to encourage the child to pronounce sounds. Be sure to reward the baby for any sounds, even if they are not similar to those that you offered him.

Any attempts by the child to talk must be encouraged.

Learn to imitate adult speech

lining up speech therapy classes for children 2-3 years old, follow the main rule of communication with the baby: never distort words.

A child is a great imitator, he imitates cartoon characters and mom and dad. If you talk to him, distorting the words, he will perceive such sounds as correct and begin to repeat them. Try to pronounce words clearly, only occasionally using diminutive or inverted forms.

The next stage is sound pronunciation. If you want to teach your child simple sounds, dress the lessons with him in a playful way. Use the following exercises:

  • Pipe. Musical instruments always arouse curiosity and interest in children, they help non-speaking children learn sounds more easily. You can buy a toy in a store or imitate playing an instrument with your fingers. Show your baby how the flute sounds by saying "doo-doo-doo", then ask him to repeat the sounds.
  • Driving a car. Favorite game of all children. Sit your son or daughter on your lap, start the engine, and let's go. Turn the steering wheel, honk, saying "beep". Kids really like this trip, they play it with pleasure and quickly learn to “beep”.
  • Home zoo. Gather Stuffed Toys or animal magnets in one place and arrange a tour of the home zoo, inviting the child to pronounce the sounds that this or that animal makes with you. They will help to master the sounds and cartoons about animals.

Imitating the voices of various animals is a great exercise for a child

How to develop phonemic awareness?

Development phonemic hearing necessary for the correct recognition of phonemes by children mother tongue. Phonemes are words with the same sound base - for example, "boar-bank" or "sleep-nose". The ability to recognize phonemes is given to a person from birth, but one cannot do without competent systematization. Speech therapy offers a lot fun games aimed at developing this ability. Let's take a closer look at some:

  • Get to know the tool. Ideal for practicing phonemic awareness musical instruments. If you have a drum, pipe, guitar, tambourine in your house - great. Take all the tools and hide behind the door or in another room. Play each of them in turn, inviting the baby to determine by ear which instrument sounded.
  • Who is speaking? Prepare pictures of different animals for the exercise. Show the picture to the child and ask him to say the sound that is characteristic of the animal you have chosen.
  • Repeat after me. We teach the baby rhythm. Tap a simple rhythm and invite the child to repeat it. Gradually complicate the exercise by asking a more complex combination of sounds. If the baby successfully copes with the task, ask him to tap his composition, and you repeat after him.

Teaching a child rhythm and developing his hearing is a big step towards correct speech.

Wait quick results from crumbs in a year or two is not worth it, but regular lessons will definitely bring a positive effect. Time will pass and your little student will learn to master sounds and speech. Games will help develop abstract thinking and memory in a child, awaken the ability to perceive phonemic hearing, and improve speech skills. Speech therapists often give similar advice to parents, pointing out their simplicity and accessibility.

How does fine motor skills affect speech development?

Fine motor skills have a significant impact on the formation of speech. The principle is that when performing exercises on fine motor skills, an impulse enters the brain, the work of the brain begins. At home, you can offer your baby games with ordinary objects. We offer the following home games:

  • Find what's at the bottom. Take two bowls, pour beans into one, buckwheat into the other. Put a small surprise under the cereal, invite the baby to rummage through the cereal with both hands to get a gift (we recommend reading:).
  • Find identical bags. Prepare 9 cloth bags, put the same material in every three: cotton wool, paper, cereals. Ask the child to identify three bags with the same contents by feeling.

  • Cheerful hedgehog. We take thick paper or cardboard, cut out a hedgehog figure from it, fasten clothespins along the edge, which imitate our needles. We invite the child to remove the clothespins and fasten again.
  • A lot - a little. The game is aimed at learning the quantity. We lay out the toys into two piles, small and large. We explain to the child what means a lot and a little.
  • Coloring pages. Buy coloring books, plasticine, pencils, drawing paper. Let the kid draw often and as much as he wants, encourage his creativity, praise him. At the same time, study colors, sizes, shapes with him.

The benefits of articulatory gymnastics

Speech gymnastics is a kind of speech therapy training that allows you to correctly master the pronunciation of the words of your native language. Knowing speech, it is easier for children to express their desires and thoughts. The task of adults is to teach the baby to pronounce words correctly and clearly. Naturally, in 2-3 years it is difficult to accurately determine speech problem, however, articulatory speech therapy gymnastics plays the role of prevention here.

If we turn to the laws of speech therapy, we will find in them wise and useful advice for parents. Use the following rules for speech gymnastics with children:

  1. Do exercises regularly to develop and consolidate the acquired skills.
  2. Be afraid to get carried away and turn the baby away from classes. Suggest 2-3 exercises for training.
  3. Duration of one lesson from 2-4 summer babies should not exceed 10-15 minutes.
  4. It is useful to consolidate the completed exercises during the day. Just ask your child to repeat what they have learned to make sure they remember it.
  5. Be sure to dress your articulation gymnastics in a game form (we recommend reading:). Babies find it easier to focus on exciting game than in a boring class.

Articulation gymnastics should not tire the child or turn into a serious occupation for him.

How to do articulation exercises?

To train speech, special exercises have been developed that a child can master with the help of adults. Use videos to practice skills. Conduct articulation training like this.

We recommend reading
