Certified soundproofing materials for ceilings. How to protect yourself from noise from above

Encyclopedia of Plants 03.03.2020
Encyclopedia of Plants

How can you protect yourself from noise?

There are 2 options here:

  1. Ceiling insulation in your room. We recommend mounting the frame system on vibration-isolated hangers. Also, a slightly less effective, but still working option may be the use of ZIPS panels. The disadvantage of ZIPS panels is the lack of full vibration decoupling from the insulated surface. For those who want to avoid plastering works, you can combine the installation of the frame with the installation of a false ceiling. If you do this at the same time, you will also not lose extra centimeters in the height of the room. Especially since today there are fabric options that look like a perfectly plastered ceiling. We use German stretch fabric D-Premium Descor. His device adds only 3-4 mm of thickness.
  2. The second approach is isolation from neighbors. We are talking about floating floor technology, effective against airborne and, first of all, impact noise. The main thing is that the neighbors are not against its installation.

When might additional wall insulation be required?

If the walls are a noise transmission channel. We are talking about those situations where the customer is more concerned about impact noise, and in the room on top instead of a floating floor is laid ceramic tile, laminate without backing or something similar. In this case, the shock wave is transmitted from the ceiling to the walls, so they become an additional conductor of sound and exacerbate the problem. So, they also require isolation from noise.

What is a frame soundproofing system?

Frame soundproofing is mounted on site and consists of several layers.

  1. First of all, the frame is assembled: Knauf profiles are attached to the surface using vibration-isolated or vibration-damping hangers.
  2. The frame is filled with slabs of Rockwool basalt wool, the task of which is noise absorption: its multidirectional fibers with air voids scatter the sound wave, converting noise energy into heat. So in the end, noisy neighbors make your home ... warmer.
  3. From above, the frame is sewn up with a solid sound-reflecting layer. These can be drywall sheets (GKL), or more massive sheets of weighted acoustic gypsum fiber, which have a higher sound reflection coefficient. Reflecting from them, the sound waves extinguish the oncoming ones, and the “residue” of the noise returns to the cotton wool.
  4. If necessary, the sheathing can be additionally weighted with a layer of panels with sand - SoundGuard EcoZvukoizol or Sonoplat, or with a membrane if there are thickness restrictions. It should be noted the relative high cost of these materials, despite the fact that their density (1300-1400 kg / m³) is comparable to the density of gypsum fiber (1254 kg / m³). Those. if you are willing to give up a few extra mm of thickness to save 30% of the total cost, you can completely get by with an additional sheet of gypsum fiber.

It is this sequence, from the point of view of physics, that most effectively dampens sound waves. Thus, the frame system increases the absolute vibration isolation by R w =14 - 25 dB, that is, it reduces the sound volume by 3-5 times.

What is the essence of the frameless system?

To this concept include options that are attached directly to the ceiling, without a frame device. Of those on the market, only multi-layer soundproofed panel systems ZIPS, which are sound absorbers glued together stone wool and GKL. Due to a number of technical nuances, they can only be used when performing a major overhaul of the apartment. The inability to flexibly combine the quantity, thickness and type of materials limits its soundproofing characteristics to relatively low values.

Also, some mistakenly understand frameless options as roll or membrane sound insulation, or the option of mounting stone wool on fungi. The effectiveness of this approach is practically zero, because these materials are provided by manufacturers only as part of complex frame solutions.

Why is it more often preferred to frame rather than frameless system?

The ZIPS system has serious shortcomings:

  1. The rigid connection between the ceiling and the panel increases the transmission of vibration and noise, especially impact noise.
  2. The mounting surface must be perfectly flat, otherwise the gaps remaining under the panels will transmit sound.
  3. If the stretch fabric is not included in your plans, the ZIPS system requires re-plastering.

Thus, preparing the surface for the installation of frameless sound insulation and finishing increase the price per meter and the timing of the work. Therefore, it is better to install such a system during the repair period and provided that the noise level is not high.

Why is ceiling soundproofing different from wall soundproofing?

Noise "vertically" is not only and not so much loud speech or music (that is, airborne noise). From above, we are often disturbed by the sound of footsteps, the stomping of children, the sound of a ball or falling objects. This is shock noise, and it spreads differently: not through the air, but through concrete floors and walls. The structural way of sound transmission requires "its own" methods of isolation.

What determines the price of soundproofing the ceiling in a turnkey apartment?

The following factors affect the cost of the service:

  • surface area to be insulated (prices are per square meter);
  • choice of technology: frame or frameless design;
  • the composition of the "sandwich", that is, what materials and how many layers will eventually be required to solve the problem;
  • additional installation of a tension web;
  • the need for dismantling or preliminary repair work.

Is it obligatory to visit a specialist at home or can an order be placed by phone?

Even if you know the parameters of the room well, they are rather abstract for drafting a project. First, the engineer must correctly set the task, determining the nature, noise level and channels of its propagation, select the optimal design and discuss individual wishes (in terms of materials, timing, etc.). It is possible that the area of ​​the insulated surface will change. It is impossible to resolve all these issues over the phone.

Can Rockwoool Acoustic panels be replaced with another material?

It is possible, but this may affect the effectiveness of the design. In addition, its cost will increase. As a result, instead of saving, the customer can get a more expensive and less reliable option.

The experience of the work performed proved the high sound-absorbing properties of Rockwoool Acoustic wool and the optimal price-quality ratio. Note that almost all types of soundproofing wool Russian production are produced at one enterprise - the ROCKWOOL plant in Zheleznodorozhny, Moscow Region. So your own search for “something new” will still lead you to the materials of this manufacturer, only repainted and in a different package, with a higher cost.

You can easily live without friends, but you can't live without neighbors. And the moral and aesthetic satisfaction from a newly stretched stretch ceiling is easy to spoil with quick and very persistent musical trills from somewhere above. At such moments, it is easy to believe in the well-known saying that it is easier to hide from the devil than from noisy neighbors, but not necessary: ​​if you properly soundproof the ceiling in the apartment under stretch ceiling, it is even possible to make friends with them.

Sound waves in modern apartment buildings are born from every little thing and spread quite freely, if nothing is opposed to them. The air gap, which is located between the base of the ceiling and the stretched canvas, has certain soundproofing properties, but does not protect against noise as well as we would like.

There is only one way out - to choose a suitable material that successfully absorbs sound waves and, thereby, prevents their active propagation.

What are the requirements for such materials?

  1. Noise reduction coefficient- the higher, the better, of course.
  2. Material thickness- to avoid reducing the height of the ceilings in the room.
  3. Ease and safety of installation- the noise absorber should not interfere with the installation of the canvas.
  4. Not big weight - a very important indicator in the case of stretch ceilings.
  5. Compliance with hygiene requirements- is confirmed by the conducted researches and the corresponding certificate.

The most common materials for soundproofing under a stretch ceiling

Mineral wool

One of the most popular materials used for soundproofing the ceiling in an apartment under a stretch ceiling.
  • does not rot
  • does not burn
  • easy to install
  • additional protection from the cold
  • affordable price
At the same time, it is impossible to soundproof the ceiling with mineral wool without certain "sacrifices" on your part. There is something to sacrifice - these are precious centimeters of the height of your room. Due to the relatively high thickness of mineral wool (up to 10 cm), it is necessary to significantly lower the ceiling level. For some owners who are desperately fighting for every millimeter, this is simply unacceptable.

Of the other disadvantages, we note:

  • hygroscopicity - under the influence of moisture it swells and can lose its shape, this problem is solved by using a special vapor barrier membrane.
  • potential overheating of wiring - eliminates the use of currently popular recessed fixtures
Most often, mineral wool can be found on sale in the form of fiberglass rolls or basalt slabs.

Check out the following soundproofing brands: Shumanet BM, Rockwool.


  • light
  • elastic
  • moisture resistant
  • democratic price
  • elementary installation
The above pluses fully describe all the advantages of this soundproofing material. In fact, it is a foamed polymer, which is given a tiled form that is convenient for installation. Such plates are extremely convenient if you want to quickly and efficiently soundproof the ceiling in an apartment under a stretch ceiling. To do this, you do not even need a specially equipped frame - just glue or liquid nails are enough.

On sale you can find both fairly thin plates of expanded polystyrene - only 20 millimeters, and 10 centimeters. In the latter case, you will be most protected from sounds coming from outside, but you will have to pay for this by lowering the ceiling level.

The manufacturers of this material are actively working to improve the sound absorption coefficient, but the fact remains: in a dispute with mineral wool in terms of the most important indicator (sound insulation), it loses to it outright.

Cork sheets and wood boards

  • environmental friendliness
  • excellent sound absorption
  • low thickness cork sheets
  • moisture resistance
  • low thermal conductivity
To date, it is these natural sound insulators that do the best job of eliminating extraneous noise in your apartment. They are easy to install, flexible and do not conflict with moisture or wiring, like some of the materials from the examples above. But every medal has a downside, and in the case of cork, the high cost becomes a fact leveling all its advantages. Add here also a special glue for fixing the canvas, and you will get a pretty tidy sum for impeccable silence in your living space.

Compared to cork sheets, wood-based panels are slightly cheaper, but at the same time they are inferior to them in terms of noise absorption coefficient. The thickness is also a little alarming - it reaches 20 centimeters.

For the installation of wood-based panels, dowels are used, and the joints can be quickly and reliably filled with any sealant.

Acoustic membranes

  • thickness 3-4 mm
  • density and flexibility of the material
  • perfect isolation of high and low frequency sounds
  • not afraid of high temperatures
  • reliable flammability class
  • environmentally friendly and safe for indoor use
Due to their unique modest thickness and excellent sound absorption coefficient, they are an excellent alternative to thick mineral wool and wood boards. Therefore, if you decide to soundproof the ceiling in an apartment under a stretch ceiling, be sure to take note of this recently popular material.

True, it costs more than rolled mineral wool and basalt slabs. For example, acoustic slabs, which have a good reputation among repairers, TECSOUND will cost you about 1 thousand rubles per square meter.

In some cases, for sound insulation, a combined use of such membranes made of aragonite with fibrous mineral wool is observed. Let's drop a fly in the ointment in a barrel of honey: as a rule, acoustic membranes, due to their rather big weight, require support by a frame and are not as easy to install as some of the other noise absorbers we have discussed above.

In order to properly soundproof the ceiling in an apartment under a stretch ceiling, it would be useful to pay attention to following points.

Before fixing the soundproofing material, the ceiling surface should be prepared, ridding it of everything that could interfere with the correct fixing of the canvas or slab. To do this, completely remove the damaged coating, clean it with a very stiff brush from the debris that inevitably appears as a result of these actions, and then prime the surface again, carefully processing the corners and joints of the ceiling with the walls. If the coverage of your ceiling is perfect, then this moment can be safely skipped.

The wall profile used for mounting the stretch ceiling conducts noise well, so it is advisable to stick a soundproof tape on it before installation. After installation, you can safely remove the protective film and continue with the sound absorber sheathing according to the standard procedure.

There are two types of installation of ceiling soundproofing in an apartment under a stretch ceiling - frame and adhesive. Mandatory support by the frame requires the use of heavy-weight acoustic membranes, which we discussed above. In all other cases of installation of ceiling soundproofing in an apartment under a stretch ceiling, the final choice is at your discretion.

If a chandelier will be used to illuminate the room, then do not forget about the need to remove the hook through the soundproofing for the subsequent installation of the lamp.

Do not rush to immediately paste over the ceiling with the material you have just brought - your desire to soundproof the ceiling in the apartment under the stretch ceiling as soon as possible is understandable, but you should still give the material some time for the so-called acclimatization.

When installing soundproofing in an apartment under a stretch ceiling, pay attention to the joints. Any soundproofing material requires close contact between adjacent plates and reliable sealing of joints. For the latter, any soundproofing sealants that are found in a wide range in building supermarkets are suitable.


Soundproofing the ceiling in an apartment under a stretch ceiling is just the first step in protecting your living space from extraneous sounds. In order to completely eliminate the dependence of your mood on the behavior of your neighbors, you also need to work hard on the soundproofing of the walls. However, this does not in any way negate its importance. As you can see, the industry offers a wide range of soundproofing materials that allow you to qualitatively protect you from excessive noise without any conflict with the stretch fabric. When choosing, you always sacrifice something: in the case of mineral wool, for example, the impossibility of installing built-in lights and lowering the ceiling level; in the variant with high-quality and thin acoustic membranes - weighting of the mounting structure. The choice of cork will require you to significantly increase material costs. Compare all the pros and cons of soundproofing materials we have given, make a choice and get to work!

The concept of modern housing includes an impeccable interior, fashionable and comfortable furniture, stylish items decor, as well as a variety of high-tech equipment that simplifies life. However, despite the presence of all these signs, the comfort and coziness of a home environment is often disturbed by noise penetrating from neighbors. To eliminate it, it is enough to install a good soundproofing system.

Types of noise, options for its elimination

Depending on the source of occurrence, all noises are divided into air and structural. In the first case, we are talking about sounds generated by the action of sound waves in the air stream. This includes loud speech or music coming from the audio system and penetrating through the walls into neighboring rooms.

The source of structural noise is mechanical actions - impacts of falling objects, drilling of materials. The formation of a sound wave occurs directly on the ceiling, while the speed of its propagation is 12 times faster than that formed in air currents, and therefore such noises are clearly audible.

There are two ways to protect the room from sounds penetrating from above:

  1. Providing complete soundproofing.

    In this option, it is assumed not only the sound insulation of the ceiling in the apartment, but also the floor, as well as the walls. For this, construction and repair work is carried out in full, which requires large material costs. In addition, the construction of the structure involves a decrease in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, which is not provided for in small apartments.
  2. Installation of a stretch ceiling in combination with a soundproofing system.

    If extraneous noise is detected from neighboring apartments, after the repair is completed, it is recommended to carry out partial soundproofing, for example, install special plates between the stretch and base ceiling, so it will fit perfectly.

When choosing the optimal and reliable methods for protecting the premises, it is recommended to take into account the features of the building as a whole, since each of them has its own operational features and the level of sound insulation.

Features of panel houses

When buying an apartment in a panel house, it is better to immediately think about carrying out full soundproofing. This recommendation is explained by the fact that the massiveness of walls and ceilings between floors is approximately the same, and in the event of a noise flow, it spreads through all apartments of the riser. Installing insulation on the ceiling alone will not solve the problem, so it is better to combine the arrangement suspension system With additional sound insulation walls and floors, as shown in the photo.

Features of brick buildings

If the apartment is located in a thick-walled brick house, then partial sound insulation will be sufficient to eliminate excess noise, for example, installing special materials on the ceiling.

Features of monolithic-frame houses

Monolithic-frame construction is characterized by the presence of heavy interfloor ceilings and light internal partitions that easily transmit sound waves. In addition, the use of modern lightweight materials ( hollow brick, foam concrete) for the construction of external walls contributes to increased thermal insulation and noise transmission.

Regardless of the type, soundproofing for the ceiling in an apartment is the most important stage of finishing, since its quality and literacy determine the level of comfortable and relaxing rest for all residents. Today, with the help of modern materials and construction technologies, this problem is easily solved, despite the complexity and time of detection.

The most common methods of ceiling soundproofing include the installation of an acoustic false ceiling, as well as installation drywall sheets with nested soundproofing boards of any of the following materials:

  • foamed glass;
  • basalt wool;
  • reed slab;
  • fireclay;
  • peat insulation boards;
  • polyurethane foam blocks;
  • staple fiberglass;
  • linen tow in mats;
  • cork;
  • coconut fibre.

Reliable ceiling sound insulation is made from an additional ceiling system in the form of:

  1. suspended ceiling - plates of the selected material are attached to the metal frame, equipped over the old ceiling;
  2. false ceiling - on top metal frame drywall screwed in.
  3. – a film textile cover is attached to the installed special brackets.

Regardless of how to soundproof the ceiling in the apartment, the essence remains the same: a special soundproof fiber is laid between the installed structure and the base.

Creating sound insulation by increasing the sound absorption coefficient

When completed repair work, or if it is impossible to implement them as an effective way to reduce noise, there may be an acoustic stretch ceiling made of perforated fabric, which perfectly dampens sound waves. An important condition for the use of such a design, which also acts as a limiting factor, is the height of the ceiling (in more detail: "").

With a structure thickness that successfully reduces noise, about 120-170 mm, the ceiling height should be from 3 meters.

A structure that combines an acoustic false ceiling with sound-absorbing mineral wool between the base and the floor will provide perfect insulation. The functioning is presented as follows: noise penetrating from the outside into the room through the floor and wall ceilings is absorbed by the ceiling layer. The level of effectiveness in reducing unwanted sounds is directly related to the loudness of the room and the thickness of the acoustic ceiling structure.

The cork ceiling is in great demand among consumers. Similar natural materials for soundproofing the ceiling in the apartment are distinguished by a special molecular structure and porosity of the structure.

Thanks to a large number of modern equipment, technologies, environmentally friendly raw materials, a sound-absorbing system is created, which includes various soundproofing components. For such installation work experts recommend installing plates that act as an addition to any ceiling system. Thanks to them special properties provides not only the absorption of external sounds, but also those that are formed inside the room.

Thus, it is possible to create high-quality sound insulation on your own, you just need to have an idea about the degree of protection and the height of the ceilings.

What materials can be used to equip ceiling soundproofing

In conditions modern market ceiling soundproofing is installed in the apartment - the materials for which are presented in a wide variety, without any problems. Availability of quality, diverse design solutions will help in creating impeccable sound insulation in a room of any purpose. Consider the basic, most common materials.

For a complete understanding of the properties of materials, the concept of "decibel" should be defined. it relative value in percent or multiplicity. In decibels, the sound pressure is measured, which is equal to the sound volume. If we translate dB several times, then with an increase in the sound insulation of the ceiling surface by 1 dB, there is an improvement in sound insulation by 1.25 times, at 3 dB - up to 2 times, 10 dB - up to 10 times.

Features of Isotex soundproofing material

Innovative soundproofing products from the Isotex company are aimed at creating effective soundproofing of a room with a minimal reduction in its area - 12-25 mm of spent height contributes to impeccable efficiency.

Sound-absorbing ceiling panels with a thickness of 12 mm contribute to a sound insulation of 23 dB. The design is based on several Isotex heat and sound insulating boards, and the finish coating is made of foil paper, which reduces the amount of heat loss from the ceiling surface. Improving the sound insulation properties is guaranteed by frameless Isotex panels, which are attached to the ceiling with liquid nails, and are also assembled with a tongue and groove connection, which prevents the presence of gaps and crevices through which, as a rule, extraneous sounds penetrate.

Specialists have proven the high practicality of these structures - with a significant increase in the sound insulation of ceilings, only small area than when working with frame systems.

Features of soundproofing material Isoplaat

Heat and sound insulation boards Izoplat 25 mm thick in combination with hemming, tension or false ceiling are reliable soundproofing for the room. The composition of the panels includes natural coniferous wood, and there are no synthetic and adhesive additives. The material does an excellent job of absorbing sounds, is able to drown out shock and airborne noise penetrating from neighboring apartments. When using a plate of this manufacturer with a thickness of 12 mm, it allows you to increase sound insulation up to 23 dB, and plates with a thickness of 25 mm - up to 26 dB.

The soundproofing material is installed with glue without the requirements for pre-treatment and leveling of the ceiling surface, which greatly simplifies the process and reduces the cost of the work. Distinctive feature is the presence on one side of a rough, wavy layer, which allows you to scatter the sound wave. The other side of the plate is smooth - it will need to be plastered, painted or pasted over with ceiling wallpaper.

acoustic material"Sounds" for wallpaper is presented in the form of a soundproof membrane, which will make good sound insulation on the ceiling in the apartment and on the walls. The amount of household noise reduction reaches 21 dB. On both sides, the system is covered with paper, on top of which wallpaper is pasted. It is offered in rolls of 14 m, 500 mm wide.

Green Glu refers to high-quality vibration and noise insulating materials, contributes to the absorption of vibration and sound waves, and can be used in combination with thin frame systems. During installation, it is laid as a layer between GVL or GKL. One tube with a capacity of 828 ml is enough for 1.5 square meters.

Use of soundproofing membrane Topsilent Bitex. The material is made with a thickness of about 4 mm, not limited to a certain value of the frequency range. During installation, it allows to increase the sound insulation of the surface (wall or ceiling) up to 24 dB.

When it comes to sizes, there are two options:

  1. Roll 11.5 m long and 0.6 m wide.
  2. Roll 23 m long and 0.6 m wide.

Texound is an innovative development that allows you to create the thinnest, but at the same time, effective soundproofing wall, ceiling and floor systems. Experts consider it best material protecting against high frequency noise. The panels are offered as a heavy mineral soundproofing membrane. Distinctive characteristics are a large weight and the presence of viscoelastic properties, due to which it is achieved effective sound insulation rooms - about 28 dB. The material is presented with a thickness of 3.7 mm, a width of 1.22 m, a roll length of 5 m.

The Ecotishina system from Zvukanet is a non-woven sound and heat insulating material, the production of which uses high-strength polyester fiber, which provides high-quality sound insulation of walls, floors and ceilings. It is actively used when double wall structures and partitions are mounted. The material is supplied with a thickness of 40 mm, a width of 0.6 m, a roll length of 10 m.

Use of soundproof panels Comfort. The boards are a reliable soundproofing material that absorbs impact and airborne noise. Installation is possible on walls, floors, ceilings. At correct styling the level of sound insulation increases to 45 dB. The market offers a thickness of 10 to 100 mm.

Features EcoAcoustics. It is considered a popular modern sound and thermal insulation material, shown in the photo, which includes polyester fiber, which provides a high-quality finish to any surface. Layers of raw materials are connected without adhesive composition by heat treatment. Standard sheet thickness 50 mm, width 600 mm, length 1250 mm. The package is folded material overall length 7.5 sq.m. Choice colors limited to green, white and gray shades.

PhoneStar's sound insulation characteristics include a high sound insulation value of about 36 dB, a multilayer structure. With the help of this modern material sheathed walls, floor, ceiling.

Shumanet-BM is another brand of mineral panels made from basalt and used to soundproof a room. The level of sound absorption varies within a factor of 0.9. Supplied in packs of 4 boards (2.4 sq.m.) with a thickness of 50 mm each. Panel dimensions are standard - 1000x600 mm.

Fkustik-metal slik is a modern membrane soundproofing material. The two-layer structure includes polyethylene foam and lead plate, which improves the sound insulation performance of the room up to 27.5 dB. Each layer has a certain thickness - 3 mm, 0.5 mm and 3 mm, respectively. Material dimensions - 3x1 m.

In a word, domestic and foreign manufacturers provide a diverse selection of materials manufactured using the latest technologies, taking into account the needs of the modern consumer. If desired, a combination of compatible insulation options is allowed. As an example, consider the possibility of creating a highly effective soundproofing system from a membrane that helps absorb sound waves, in combination with similar boards.

Highlights when creating soundproofing ceilings

The best is considered to be a frame noise-absorbing system made of drywall boards using special membranes. Modern materials and reliable fastening will guarantee optimal design efficiency.

Ceiling soundproofing "Premium"

For the construction of such a structure, drywall with a two-layer Texound 70 membrane and a two-layer plasterboard is required.

Installation work is carried out in the following sequence:

  • TermoZvukoIzol is applied to a pre-prepared ceiling;
  • the Texound-70 membrane is attached with the first layer using glue or dowels;
  • installation of direct suspensions, or suspensions on rods;
  • a profile with dimensions of 60x27 is attached with a subsequent inter-profile crate. A heavy construction requires reliable fastenings and a minimum of five hangers for every square meter of material.
  • a noise-absorbing mineral wool layer Rockwool with a density of up to 60 kg per 1 m3 is laid in the inter-profile gap;
  • on top of the profile on the front side (it is directed to the wall surface), the Texound-70 membrane material is glued;
  • the first sheet of GKL is attached to the profile, after which it is possible to install the second sheet on top of it, as well as a second layer of the membrane.

To achieve the greatest efficiency of the Premium soundproofing material, it is sufficient to provide an air gap of about 50-200 mm between the mineral wool and the Texaun-70 membrane. Depending on the thickness of this layer, the thickness of the entire structure is also determined - 90-270 mm, so you should initially decide on the loss of area in favor of improving sound insulation.

The difference is as follows:

  • The thermosound-insulating layer with membrane material is not attached to the floor slab;
  • the construction of straight hangers must be wrapped in Texound-70 membrane. The finished soundproofing system "Economy" will be no more than 66 mm thick.

What difficulties arise during the installation work

Soundproofing device, like any other kind construction works, is accompanied by a number of inconveniences and difficulties:

  1. Laying and fastening of materials is carried out at a height, therefore, at least two workers are required, and for the convenience of their movement, scaffolding will be needed, which must either be rented or purchased.
  2. High-quality soundproofing materials offered by trusted manufacturers will cost the same price as their subsequent decorative design.
  3. If the soundproof structure is exposed to moisture, then the risk of damage to the mineral wool boards will increase, which can be avoided by choosing expensive and moisture-resistant materials, such as cork panels.

Anton Tsugunov

Reading time: 9 minutes

Problem panel houses- excellent audibility. Even respectable and calm neighbors who do not have noisy parties and do not drill walls every weekend cause inconvenience. Through inter-apartment partitions and interfloor slabs a variety of noises penetrate: loud conversation, the sound of falling objects, and even the sound of footsteps and moving chairs. To create a quiet and comfortable environment in the apartment, soundproofing of the ceiling is required. Let's find out how to make it yourself and what materials to choose for different occasions.

Choose the level of protection

The effectiveness of a soundproofing structure will depend on several factors, including:

  • Selected insulating material. Each type has different noise absorption indicators.
  • Layer thickness. Some latest generation insulators provide high level noise protection even at low thickness. But for traditional materials, the principle works: the thicker the better.
  • Number and composition of layers. Practice shows that combining many materials with different properties and creating a multilayer "pie" gives the best results.
  • Type of finish.

For an apartment with high ceilings, you can choose any type of soundproofing system, regardless of the thickness. The most effective will be a multi-layer construction that combines rolled sound-reflecting materials, sound-absorbing boards and gypsum boards or gypsum boards. In this case, the ceiling will be lower by 7.5–12 cm.

For a room with low walls, soundproofing under a stretch ceiling is suitable. It can also be multi-layered, but in this case thinner materials are used. As a result, the ceiling will drop by a maximum of 6 cm, the average is only 3 cm.

If the ceiling height allows, no one bothers to use frame structure of large thickness, reinforced with plasterboard, in combination with a stretch ceiling.

Types of noise and features of its distribution in different houses

To fully understand the issue, you need to know that 2 types of noise penetrate the room through the ceiling:

  • air, caused by air vibrations (talking, singing, music, crying, dog barking, etc.);
  • percussion, formed during mechanical action on the floor (stomp, movement of furniture, blows to the floor).

And one more important point. Before you start soundproofing ceiling, you need to understand how the noise coming from above propagates in different types buildings.

  • In a panel house, sounds from neighbors are transmitted through the ceiling itself and through the walls, so ideally, sound insulation will be required not only for interfloor floors, but also for partitions.
  • In brick houses, the walls dampen sounds, so it will be enough to isolate only the ceiling.
  • In monolithic-frame buildings, the partitions are thinner than the ceiling slab, so sounds propagate mainly through them. In this case, the walls protect against noise first of all.

What do we soundproof: our ceiling or the floor of the neighbors from above?

From the point of view of efficiency, it is much better to equip the soundproofing of the floor of the apartment located above. If it is possible to negotiate with neighbors, then it will be cheaper to pay for the soundproofing of the floor in their home. Impact noise protection with this approach will be much higher. The methods of soundproofing the floor are described in detail in.

The frame version, when properly executed, provides more reliable protection than the frameless one. The design consists of a sufficiently large number of elements, therefore, it involves significant labor costs. But, despite the certain complexity of installation, it is based on, which are known to every master.

Elements of the frame system:

  • metal guides forming a crate;
  • holding the frame;
  • sealing tape that prevents the transmission of sound through the profiles;
  • soundproofing materials - sound-absorbing plates, shields, soundproofing panels or a membrane in various combinations;
  • vibroacoustic sealant;
  • drywall, standard or denser soundproofing, or gypsum fiber in 1 or 2 layers.

The thickness of the structure varies between 75–120 mm. The index of additional sound insulation is 11–21 dB (excluding the soundproofing ability of the floor itself).

Modification of the frame system is also used when arranging a stretch ceiling, but in this case, instead of profiles, wooden slats about 2.5 cm thick.

Exactly frame technology allows you to protect the room from all types of noise, both airborne and shock.


For those who have every centimeter in the account, and there is no way to spend 7-8 cm, there is a frameless soundproofing.

We will consider 2 options for frameless soundproofing under a stretch ceiling.

Roll sound insulation for ceilings, walls and floors is a new generation material that effectively dampens airborne and impact noise. Rolls of material are made of aluminosilicate fiber, show a high increase in sound insulation and fully comply with the requirements of SNiP dated 03/23/2003 "Protection from noise".

Soundproofing materials

Consider the features of common sound-reflecting and sound-absorbing materials.

  • Plates made of basalt (mineral wool), polyester or fiberglass. They have an excellent noise absorption coefficient - up to 85%. Effective against any type of noise. Mounted, as a rule, by the frame method. The only drawback is the large thickness. famous brands- Rockwool Acoustic, "Shumanet", "Stop Sound", "Aku-Light".
  • soundproof membranes. Have high density and a small thickness - 2.5–14 mm. Due to their structure, they do not absorb noise, but reflect, and allow achieving high-quality sound protection. The disadvantage is the high cost. The most famous representatives are Tecsound (self-adhesive ultra-thin heavy membrane made of the aragonite mineral), MaxForte (composed of aluminosilicate fibers, a layer of one-component rubber), Fkustik-metal slik (polyethylene foam and lead plate 0.5 mm thick).
  • Soundproof panels. Due to the massiveness, multilayer structure, elastic-viscous consistency and free particles of the filler, both shock and sound energy are reduced. For example, EcoZvukoIzol from SoundGuard has a seven-layer cardboard profile filled with quartz sand.
  • ZIPS. The sandwich panels of this system consist of gypsum fiber and mineral wool, are equipped with vibration nodes for fastening, are mounted on special fasteners without a frame, and are sheathed with plasterboard on top.
  • Cork. Natural cork material provides good sound insulation, but to achieve a significant effect, a thickness of several cm is needed. When using a technical roll cork with a thickness of 10 mm, one layer will not be enough.

In addition to these materials, coconut coir, felt, liquid soundproofing and others are used for ceilings.

Additional methods of soundproofing

As already mentioned, the degree of protection of the room from extraneous sounds also depends on the final sheathing of the ceiling. For these purposes, use:

  • increased density drywall, for example, Giprok Aku-Line, Knauf Diamant;
  • acoustic triplex - 2 weighted gypsum-fiber sheets with increased moisture resistance (GVLVU), connected with a special sealant. The total thickness is 16.5 mm. From above it is sewn up with a finishing layer of GKL;
  • noise-absorbing boards Knauf Piano.

Installation of sound insulation using frame technology

Instructions for creating a frame soundproofing system for the ceiling:

  • The base surface is thoroughly cleaned and primed.
  • All holes and crevices in ceiling plate filled with sealant. This will prevent airborne noise from penetrating through them.
  • A noise-absorbing mat or a multifunctional membrane of the Texound type is glued to the ceiling.
  • At a distance of 50 cm from each other, vibration suspensions are attached.
  • Profiles for the frame are glued with sealing tape.
  • According to the standard technology, a frame is mounted, which is lowered relative to the ceiling surface by 5–15 cm, depending on the required thickness of the soundproof layer.
  • Soundproofing material is placed in the cells of the frame.
  1. Two layers of drywall or gypsum fiber.
  2. Soundproof panel + GKL or GVL layer.
  3. GKL layer + heavy noise-absorbing membrane + one more GKL layer.

The layers of the "pie" can vary, especially since new, improved materials are constantly appearing. peep effective solutions for independent implementation, you can visit the websites of companies involved in soundproofing at a professional level.

Frameless installation of sound insulation

The standard sequence of actions for arranging a frameless system:

  • Ceiling cleaning, priming.
  • Bonding the selected sound insulator. It can be roll varieties, panels or slabs. Sticking starts from the corner, the material is pressed tightly.

Note! Glue is not applied over the entire surface of the panel, but only around the perimeter and in the center. Even the slightest gaps between elements are unacceptable.

  • Additional fastening of the panels with dish-shaped dowel-nails (they are called "umbrellas" or "fungi"), which are located in the corners and in the center.
  • Stretch ceiling installation.

Important Points

When planning to soundproof the ceiling, you need to remember that:

  • the best results are obtained by combining several materials with different properties - sound-absorbing and sound-reflecting;
  • self-assembly is possible only with careful observance of technology. It is enough to forget to glue the damper tape or loosely lay the material, and the desired effect will not be achieved.

And finally, a recommendation: since soundproofing the ceiling is not an expensive undertaking, it is worth consulting with a specialist before choosing a material and installation. Ask your questions in the comments and get a detailed answer. The subtleties of self-arranging the soundproofing of an apartment are in the video below.

  • Equipping the dwelling with a decorative durable coating that protects from the flood from above.
  • The ability to hide electrical wiring, mounted without cutting channels in concrete. You can also hide additional soundproofing.

Be careful! Isolation of the room from unwanted sound effects is possible only with the help of specialized materials. Any soft non-uniform soundproofing material will contain sound, but its efficiency will be small. Large domestic and foreign companies specialize in the production of soundproof panels.

There is a statement that soundproofing under a stretch ceiling is impossible. As part of a professional solution to problems of this kind, it is possible to absorb any frequencies and vibrations.

Most effective ceiling soundproofing

Difficult to name soundproof panels, which has maximum efficiency. In Russia, products from a domestic manufacturer of soundproofing materials are popular. A company specializing in the production of special sound-proof tile and sheet mineral and polymer building materials, as well as in the production of related mounting elements.

EcoAcoustic ceiling soundproofing in an apartment under a stretch ceiling

It is an affordable sound absorbing material for absorbing airborne noise. It has the following features and specifications:

  • This soundproofing material is safe. It does not contain volatile fibers that are dangerous for allergy sufferers. It is a product of polyester origin, which predetermines its safety for human health and life.
  • After installing the mineral fiber, additional protection against moisture, rot and insects is provided.
  • Provides soundproofing effect and has good insulating performance.
  • Simple mounting technology. It is required to use clamping mushroom dowels, most often soundproof adhesives and compounds are used. According to modern technologies good option is cutting with a wallpaper knife.
  • Sound absorption based on mineral fibers is very effective.
  • The soundproofing mat is cut with scissors without gloves.
  • Fire safety corresponds to a high level.
  • Thanks to modern technologies for the production of special acoustic fibers, a noise-insulating product without shrinkage has been obtained.


The unique characteristics and soundproofing properties of the stretch ceiling in the apartment of modern SoundPro material allow you to listen to music so that it does not disturb your neighbors. The soundproofing mat has a high soundproofing efficiency:

  • This is a composite ceiling soundproofing in an apartment, consisting of two polymer sheets and a fibrous filler. This increases mounting possibilities and reduces the layer thickness.
  • SoundPro gives a high noise absorption coefficient when installing a layer of 2-3 centimeters. It can also be used for finishing walls for the installation of drywall and under the screed.
  • The flexibility of the cut tapes makes it suitable for insulating noisy pipes.
  • Installation of the soundproofing layer is standard - with the help of compounds and clamping mushroom-shaped dowels.

It is important! The indicators before and after the installation of sound insulation depend not only on the panels, but also on the qualifications of the builders, as well as on the soundproofing properties of the room.

Stretch ceilings with sound insulation prices with installation

Stretch ceiling / Soundproofing Fabric Width Fabrics of the manufacturer 1 sq. m. 20 sq. m. 30 sq. m. 40 sq. m. Minimum order value
Film white matte / Eco Acoustic 325 cm Germany 1950 rub 39000 rub 58500 rub 78000 rub 25000 rub
White satin film / Sound PRO 325 cm Germany 2600 rub 52000 rub 78000 rub 104000 rub 30000 rub
Film white glossy / Eco Acoustic 325 cm Germany 1950 rub 39000 rub 58500 rub 78000 rub 25000 rub
Color film / Sound PRO 325 cm Germany 2750 rub 55000 rub 82500 rub 110000 rub 33000 rub
Photo printing on white matte film / Eco Acoustic 325 cm Germany 4400 rub 88000 rub 132000 rub 184000 rub 50000 rub

The cost of installing a stretch ceiling with sound insulation in an apartment is formed as follows:

  • Cultivated area in square meters.
  • The cost of the material itself.
  • The complexity of the work. The difficulty factor can be increased with a large number of equipment under the soundproofing of the apartment.

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