Do you need woolen socks for grandchildren or how to insulate the floor in the house. How to insulate the floor in a private wooden house: the main nuances Do-it-yourself floor insulation in the house

Encyclopedia of Plants 25.06.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

Creating a cozy and comfortable atmosphere in the house is much more difficult than it seems. Low temperatures, cold floors and drafts are problems that many owners of private houses have to deal with. The better the thermal insulation, the lower the heating costs - this rule has been known for a long time. But how can you make your home more secure and warm? First of all, you need to take care of the floors. Remember how unpleasant it is to step on an icy one, how your feet freeze when you sit in an armchair in the living room for a long time ... All these symptoms of insufficient floor insulation can be eliminated in just a few hours. In this case, you do not need to seek help from professionals. Even the most inexperienced "home master" will cope with such work.

What and how to insulate the floors?

Choice suitable material- the process is not easy. We recommend that you first create list of requirements for insulation. For example, thickness, the need for waterproofing, the complexity of installation, and so on. It is also necessary to take into account purpose of the premises: for kitchen, bathroom and bedroom can be matched different materials for perfect insulation. But what properties do heaters have? What are their similarities and differences?

Expanded polystyrene extruded

One of the best options for floor insulation in a private house. This modified type of expanded polystyrene differs from its predecessor in a more closed structure. This dense and durable material is suitable for insulating floors on the ground, moreover, it does not require a special concrete base. Extruded polystyrene foam can be laid directly on gravel or expanded clay.

The advantages of this material:

  • minimal moisture absorption
  • high level of thermal insulation,
  • strength,
  • soundproofing,
  • reliability,
  • resistance to various biological organisms,
  • size and shape stability,
  • ease of installation.

Yet there is one clear flaw, because of which this type of polystyrene foam is not very popular, - high price.


But the price for this "simple" view is much lower. At the same time, almost all the advantages of the previous copy were preserved. Thermal conductivity is practically the same, hygroscopicity too. The only obvious minus» polystyrene foam is low strength. Sheets can break during delivery and installation, they can also be affected by extreme load (heavy furniture in the room). We do not recommend that you use a similar heater for a garage and other premises with high load on the floor.

polyurethane foam

Modern technologies make it possible to obtain insulation with necessary qualities right on construction site. To do this, it is enough to mix only two liquid component. Final result becomes a solid polymer.

Polyurethane foam properties:

  • low thermal conductivity (inferior to him and expanded clay, and mineral wool),
  • high resistance to chemicals,
  • excellent soundproofing,
  • low flammability,
  • low moisture absorption (depending on the density of the material).

Mineral wool

This material considered the most popular type of insulation. There are many reasons for this:

  • low thermal conductivity
  • good sound insulation,
  • resistance to moisture and fire,
  • relatively low cost
  • long life time,
  • compliance (relevant for strong mechanical stress).

The disadvantage of mineral wool is only in installation: not very difficult, but rather troublesome. In addition, this material will require a suitable base.

Expanded clay

An excellent choice for those who want to insulate the floor once and for many years. Among advantages of expanded clay stand out in particular:

  • durability,
  • resistance to high and low temperatures (does not lose its qualities and does not collapse),
  • fire resistance,
  • excellent soundproofing,
  • low thermal conductivity.

Do-it-yourself floor insulation in a private house: step by step instructions

Modern floor insulation technology involves the consistent execution of the following actions: preparing the base, laying waterproofing, creating and laying insulation, as well as finishing. This work will take time, do not rush, and do not change the order of actions.


It is necessary to determine the surface relief and the required height of the future floor. The easiest way to do this is with an optical or laser level. Then you can start tamping the soil.

A sandy layer forms on top. It must necessarily be slightly higher than required (the allowable rate is up to 25%). The sand is rammed, then moistened and rammed again. The quality of this work will determine the durability of the floor and its appearance, so we recommend that you approach this stage with particular care.

And then laid down last layer- expanded clay or gravel.

waterproofing layer

With the help of waterproofing materials, the future floor is protected from moisture. It will also help to make a strong rough screed. There won't be any problems with this step. The material is overlapped to avoid gaps. All connections must be fastened with construction tape. Be careful, cuts, holes and other damage in the material are unacceptable.

Also remember that the insulation is laid with a small margin. The edges should rise along the walls by 20-25 centimeters. You can remove the excess at the final stage.

Rough screed and laying insulation

A mixture of concrete and crushed stone will serve as another layer, which is laid on top of the waterproofing layer. It should be low (about 50 mm) and relatively even (permissible height difference - no more than 4 mm). Low requirements allow you to make this layer quickly, but still it must dry completely by the time the insulation is laid.

The method depends on the specific material. Be aware that some heaters may require additional vapor barrier.

fine finish

After that comes the turn of the finishing screed. It needs to be treated carefully. You can use both the usual monolithic filler, and dry or semi-dry screed.

AT classic version horizontal guides are installed on the floor, which mark the desired floor height. "Beacons" are aligned using the building level. The sand-cement mixture is laid on the floor and leveled "along the beacons" by the rule.

Do-it-yourself floor insulation in a private house: video

Even at the design and construction stage, it is necessary to think about how to insulate the floor in a private house. will create comfort and coziness. The health of the inhabitants of the house and the condition of the home interior depend on it.

Floor insulation can be carried out using several heaters. Each of these materials has its own laying technology. How to insulate the floor, you can decide after studying it and the possibility of using a heater.

As a floor insulation use:

  • mineral wool;
  • expanded polystyrene (polystyrene) or (polystyrene);
  • expanded clay.

The better to insulate the floor, you can decide after you know all the advantages and disadvantages of each heater.


A common material that is widely used for warming different areas.

Its use is due to a number of advantages:

  • cheap material that can be bought at any hardware store;
  • has a small weight;
  • moisture-proof, as a result of which it retains its characteristics for a long time;
  • has a porous structure, as a result of which it is easy to process. Can be cut to any shape and size;
  • low thermal conductivity.

However, there are some drawbacks, due to which it is sometimes abandoned. These include:

  • the material ignites quickly and burns well, emitting caustic gas. Difficult to extinguish;
  • in case of violation of steam insulation and waterproofing, it begins to collapse during operation.

Penoplex is a subspecies of polystyrene. It is characterized by a denser shape than foam. Differs in the increased resistance to mechanical loadings and differences of temperatures. The disadvantages include the fact that the material, compared with polystyrene, is not cheap.

Mineral wool

For home insulation with your own hands, the most popular material is mineral wool. Mineral wool is a name for thermal insulation materials that are made from inorganic constituents and have a fibrous form. They are made from a mixture rocks, glass and waste slag.

The mixture of these components, followed by heating and forming a thread, determines the process of obtaining mineral heaters. It can be glass wool, stone wool or slag wool. The name of the material depends on the filler that is used to produce the fiber.

To produce glass wool, boric salt, sand, lime and soda are combined in specific proportions. After iron is smelted, blast-furnace slag remains, which is added to produce slag. Basalt minerals predominate in stone wool. These materials have almost the same thermal performance, fire resistance, thermal conductivity and density. Mineral wool is inexpensive and is sold in building materials stores.

One type of mineral wool is ecowool. It's more refined and quality look glass wool, made from environmentally friendly components.

Warming the floor with mineral wool has several significant advantages. These include:

  • ease of installation of the material;
  • the insulation has a high fire resistance, does not burn and does not smolder;
  • it is easily processed, as a result of which the plates can be cut into the desired shapes and sizes;
  • after deformation, it can take its original size and shape. This is useful when filling hard-to-reach voids;
  • has good noise absorption performance;
  • high level of energy saving;
  • light weight;
  • long period of operation.

Despite significant advantages, the heat insulator has several disadvantages. These include:

  • working with this heat insulator can sometimes cause allergies. Long-term operation turns the fibers into fine dust. This can be avoided by reliable insulation of the material during its installation;
  • if the insulation is broken, the material absorbs moisture well. As a result, the original thermal insulation characteristics and there is a need for unscheduled repairs;
  • during the installation of mineral wool boards, it is recommended to wear special means protection (respirator or cotton-gauze bandage for the respiratory organs, goggles to protect the eyes, gloves and clothing to protect the skin covering).

Despite the shortcomings, mineral wool insulation remains the most in a frequent way thermal insulation. Proper insulation floor will avoid these shortcomings.

Expanded clay insulation

Expanded clay is called porous granules made from a mixture of clay, sand and fine natural stone, followed by firing.

A characteristic feature of this floor insulation is the ability to maintain its heat-insulating parameters in a humid environment. A few positive qualities made it popular:

  • high level of thermal conductivity;
  • resistance to temperature extremes;
  • has a high fire resistance, does not burn;
  • ability to withstand significant mechanical loads;
  • long period of operation exceeding 40 years;
  • environmentally friendly material;
  • ease of use;
  • light weight;
  • strength.

The disadvantages include large volumes of material for insulation work. To forget about the cold floor, the expanded clay layer, according to various criteria, should be from 10 to 50 centimeters.

Features of insulation work

Private house it can be built directly on the ground or it can be a complete house with a basement.

If there is soil below the subfloor, then low temperatures and moisture that seeps from ground water. Cold floors in a private house can cause mold and fungal wall diseases, regardless of the material from which they are made. The result will be permanent bad smell, rotting and destruction of the material from which the walls are made. AT winter time the degree of freezing of the soil increases, which further affects the temperature inside the room and the condition of the floor, which will become icy.

Insulation of floors in a private house depends on many factors. These include: material, walls of the house (brick, concrete, logs, frames), number of floors, floor bases (soil, cement, wood).

An important role in the insulation of the floor of a private house is played by the height of the basement, the presence external insulation and moisture protection. The presence of a basement in the house is important. It takes heat from the floor. If there is a basement, it is necessary to insulate its ceiling.

basement ceiling insulation

Work begins with a thorough inspection of the entire surface of the ceiling. All cracks, delaminations are inspected and an assessment of the condition of the ceiling and the amount of necessary work is carried out.

The warming process includes:

  • cleaning of all roughness and swelling;
  • flooding with plaster of all cracks, voids, depressions. Ceiling alignment;
  • using a perforator and mounting an "umbrella", installation over the entire surface of the foam boards;
  • application adhesive composition and, if necessary, finishing material.

Reinforcing mesh may not be installed, since mechanical loads are not provided for on the ceiling.

Floor insulation in a private house is carried out based on the material of the floor itself. It can be insulated on a concrete surface, on logs or on the ground.

Draft floor

What to do if the house has a dirt floor. It contains a high level of moisture due to the presence groundwater. Before insulating the floor with foam, it is necessary to cover the soil, create a subfloor.

For subfloor equipment you need:

  • Prepare a pit, which should be 30-40 cm below the level of the intended finishing floor.
  • Protect the base from moisture. To do this, you need to equip the substrate.

When equipping the drainage, it is necessary to lay a sandy layer, 5-10 cm thick, on the bottom of the pit. On top of the sand, a layer, 10-15 cm thick, from crushed stone medium size or broken brick. Compact crushed stone or broken brick until it sinks into the sand. Lay another layer of sand on top of the rubble, 5-10 cm thick, and compact it.

  • Make a mesh from the reinforcing wire and install it on top of the substrate. The reinforcing mesh is made of wire, 6-10 mm thick, with a cell size of 10x10 cm. The intersections of the wires are fastened with knitting wire.
  • Pour a layer of cement mortar. The layer thickness should be 10-15 cm.
  • Leave the floor to dry.

After 5-7 days, the draft floor will gain initial strength and will be ready for insulation.

Foam insulation

Thermal insulation of the floor with foam plastic is carried out in the following sequence:

  • A waterproofing membrane must be laid on the subfloor. The strips of the membrane should overlap each other by a width of 10 cm. The place of overlap is sealed with a wide adhesive tape.
  • Lay on waterproofing material foam boards. Each new row should be shifted to the side in relation to the previous half. This will create a checkerboard pattern for stacking the tiles.
  • It is necessary to make a mesh from the reinforcing wire and install it on top of the foam boards. The reinforcing mesh is made of wire, 6-10 mm thick, with a cell size of 10x10 cm. The intersections of the wires are fastened with knitting wire. The grid is recommended to be fixed at a height of 3-4 cm from the foam. After pouring, it will be inside the solution.
  • It is necessary to stick nails into the foam plastic, 8-10 cm high. They determine the level of pouring the cement mortar.
  • Pour cement mortar and let it dry. Completely the solution hardens from 4 to 5 weeks.
  • The frozen floor must be covered with a vapor barrier membrane. The strips of the membrane should overlap each other by a width of 10 cm. The place of overlap is sealed with a wide adhesive tape.
  • On top of the vapor barrier it is necessary to lay a wooden grate and install a floor covering on it.

The grate under the flooring acts as an additional ventilated space.

floors lower floors and floors, which are the overlap between floors, are insulated according to the same principle, regardless of the insulation material.

Expanded clay insulation

The principle of insulation with expanded clay is absolutely identical with foam plastic. An important feature is the size of expanded clay granules and the thickness of the insulation layer.

For good insulation it is recommended to use medium-sized granules, which should form a heat-insulating layer, at least 10 cm thick. The expanded clay layer should be even. Used to check building level. The height of the layer is determined by pre-installed signal beacons.

Mineral wool floor insulation

AT this case the laying of a heat insulator is carried out between the logs that lie at the base of the house. If there is no lag, and we have a rough cement floor in front of us, then it is necessary to make a frame. It can be made from wooden planks or drywall. The dimensions of the frame cells are recommended to be made according to the size of the insulation boards. This eliminates the need to cut the insulation boards of the required size.

Thermal insulation of the floor is carried out in the following sequence:

  • It is necessary to install a waterproofing film.
  • Mineral wool must be laid between the lags or in the cells of the frame.
  • After laying the insulation, the entire surface must be covered with a vapor barrier membrane. The strips of the membrane should overlap each other by a width of 10 cm. The place of overlap is sealed with a wide adhesive tape.
  • A wooden grate must be laid on top of the vapor barrier
  • Install a clean floor.

The vapor barrier membrane will additionally protect the room from microparticles that are released by the mineral wool.


One person is able to cope with the work on his own if he knows how to properly insulate the floor. The main criterion in the work is compliance with the technology of work. Therefore, the insulation of floors in the house is a complex process, but doable.

Floors are considered one of the coldest parts in every apartment, individual house and country house. Everyone knows that cold air goes down. If you live in your own cottage, then you are probably familiar with the problem of drafts. In addition, cracks form in floors made of wood over time, which lead to heat loss.

Sooner or later, almost everyone thinks about floor insulation, because this procedure allows you to save up to 30% of heat, which means you can save a lot of money. In addition, the well-being of residents often depends on what temperature is kept in the rooms. All housewives know that underfloor heating is a guarantee of a cozy atmosphere.

How to properly insulate the floor in a private house with your own hands

When choosing a heating method, consider the following:

  • Absence (presence) of basements and basements
  • Number of floors
  • The material the house is made of

Heat in the basement - heat in the rooms

If your home is equipped basement, then you need to start insulating housing from there. Basement or basement walls are insulated from the outside to avoid wall contact with frozen soil. As a material, you can choose extruded polystyrene foam (it can protect your basement from moisture). As a rule, the room is insulated down to the foundation, after completion of its work underground part covered with earth. Before starting work, it is worth installing ventilation holes.

Instructions for insulating floors with your own hands in the presence of a basement:

  • We prepare the reel (we install boards adjacent to each other)
  • Next, lay a layer of waterproofing materials
  • We mount heat-insulating material from above
  • Nailing wooden boards

Please note: there must be a free space (1 cm) between the floor and the wall for ventilation, which will be closed with a plinth.

To do without parsing the floors, you can carry out thermal insulation work from the side of the basement. For this, they are attached to the ceiling vapor barrier film, mount heat-insulating sheets, after - fix with a mesh. Boards are laid and fixed from above. This work requires skill and experience. If you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to turn to professionals who will perform all the work correctly and quickly. Performers for any tasks can be found, for example, on the YouDo service.

How to insulate the floor in a wooden house with your own hands

In recent decades, many city dwellers have acquired suburban wooden houses closer to nature. In order to reveal the advantages of such a house, it must be made as comfortable as possible. One of the most important issues related to the pleasure of future living is how to insulate the floor in a private house. This procedure is quite simple, so even a non-professional can handle it. But, nevertheless, you cannot do without knowledge of technology and some basics.

The scheme of work is simple: you lay thermal insulation materials in layers, then vapor barrier and flooring.

Instructions for warming wooden floors:

  • We stack wooden logs(bars)
  • Next, we fix the bottom of the board
  • We tightly mount the insulation, vapor barrier
  • Laying wood flooring

We seal the gaps between the sheets of insulation with sealant, and when laying the second layer (vapor barrier), seal the joints with metallized tape.

It is worth noting that vapor barrier is needed if you use mineral wool or ecowool. Then, for insulation, you can choose both specialized materials and polyethylene film.

This method is often used for wooden floors in a private house or country house. Even a beginner can do it, and it is quite effective. This method is especially recommended for use in the presence of a basement and for the first floors of the house.

concrete floor insulation

Concrete slabs remain cool even in summer and do not protect the room from cold streams.

Do-it-yourself concrete floor insulation instructions:

  • Leveling the ground
  • To protect against water, we pour a 10-centimeter layer of crushed stone
  • Then sprinkle with sand
  • Installing a concrete slab
  • We use insulating materials
  • Top layer of insulation

The final step will be laying floor covering. If you decide to use the popular "warm floor" system, then it is installed on top of the heat-insulating material.

If you want to insulate the concrete floor with your own hands already finished house, then you can choose floor materials, for example, linoleum or carpet. For additional insulation, a cork layer is laid on top or polyethylene foam is used.

How to insulate the floor on the balcony with your own hands

The problem of thermal insulation of a balcony or loggia often arises during repairs. The insulation scheme in this case is simple, and even a beginner can handle the work. How to insulate a balcony correctly and for a long time?

Insulation will help you keep warm in the apartment, not only in cases where the loggia is private room. Even an unheated glazed balcony can raise the temperature in the next room. Therefore, do not forget about this part of the house, and it is better to approach the insulation of the apartment in a comprehensive manner.

The first stage of work will be the preparation of the balcony: we remove the old coating before concrete slab, clean it, close up the cracks. Next, we use waterproofing materials(it is better to choose a liquid composition).

Now you can proceed directly to the insulation:

  • We lay a layer of waterproofing on the concrete (or thick polyethylene)
  • Next, attach the wooden logs
  • Fasten the edges of the lag to the wall
  • We cut the sheets of insulation in accordance with the distance between the lags
  • Lay it on top of a layer of rolled foil material
  • Fasten with plastic dowels
  • After the laying is completed, we use polyurethane foam, which will fill all free spaces and gaps
  • A vapor barrier membrane is laid on top, flooring and skirting boards are nailed

Wooden logs are better processed flame retardant. Keep in mind that if you use rolled foil materials, then the logs are laid on top of the insulation. In other cases, the insulator is placed between the lags. Whatever material you choose, the layers of insulation should not rise above the threshold.

Materials for warming houses, apartments and cottages

Today on the market you can find a lot of materials for insulation work. You should pay attention to the quality of heaters, their dimensions, methods of application.

The main materials are:

  • Sawdust
  • Mineral wool
  • Ecowool
  • Penofol
  • polyurethane foam

An environmentally friendly and cheap material is ordinary sawdust, which allows you to fill even small gaps. It should be noted that not only sawdust can act as a heater, but also substances containing them in their composition: wood blocks, sawdust pellets, sawdust concrete, wood concrete, etc.

Mineral wool remains a popular material for insulation. It is non-flammable and will cope well with the noise and heat insulation of a house or cottage. However, keep in mind that cotton wool does not apply to vapor-permeable and environmentally friendly materials.

Not so long ago, Penofol appeared on the market: a rolled material in several layers, which consists of an insulating base (for example, polyethylene foam) and foil. Penofol is quite durable and lightweight, will provide good insulation(can be used in combination with other materials). One of the options - self-adhesive Penofol - is convenient to mount on any surface when warming the house with your own hands.

Quite often, polystyrene foam is used in construction. It has a number of advantages: it is durable, not susceptible to the formation of fungus, durable, has good insulating qualities. But this material, like mineral wool, absorbs water, as a result of which it can lose its properties.

Ecowool is made from natural materials, for the most part- from waste paper. Accordingly, it is an environmentally friendly insulation for humans that does not burn (although it can smolder), dries out when moisture enters and does not lose its insulating properties. The only significant downside is the price.

Polyurethane foam is obtained from several components: polyol and isocyanate. Its cells are filled with air, which ensures lightness, resistance to fungus and good insulating qualities. Polyurethane foam is recognized as one of the best options for warming a house or a summer residence.

Now you know how to insulate a wooden floor in a private house or in the country with your own hands. It is worth spending a few days on insulation work so that the warmth and favorable atmosphere are maintained indoors throughout the year.

From the author: hello dear readers. This article is dedicated to those who made their dream come true and started building a private house or just repairing it. A private house is not at all like an apartment, it has its own soul and history. We all want to make every effort to ensure that coziness and comfort always reigned in it. For this we spend our energy, money and time. If you have already thought about how to insulate the floor in a private house, then you are at the final stage.

This article will help you understand everything related to doing the insulation work with your own hands. You will find out what materials there are, which ones are the best and cheapest, and how to make this very insulation. We strongly recommend that you read the article to the end, because if you miss any important point, all work can go down the drain, and insulation can be ineffective.

Why is it necessary to insulate floors?

For living in the house to be comfortable, it must support a certain temperature regime and create a favorable microclimate. For humans, these are indicators of temperature and humidity. A comfortable temperature ranges from 23 to 27 o C, and humidity should range from 40 to 60%.

To maintain such parameters, we are helped by various air conditioning equipment: heating boilers, air conditioners and humidifiers. And, it's not a secret for anyone that the maintenance of such equipment requires considerable investments, especially in private homes, where often large areas. Therefore, if you want to live in comfort without spending a lot of money on heating or cooling, you should think about how to properly perform insulation work.

In most cases, private houses are located on the ground, less often - on piles or fundamental pillars. And, of course, direct contact with the earth's surface contributes to the cooling of the dwelling as a whole. According to the laws of physics, warm air always strives upward and rests on the ceiling, which, in turn, is interfloor or attic floor. As you can see, physics is not on our side at all, because heat is trying to leave the home by any means. It will not be possible to completely get rid of heat losses, but we can reduce them as much as possible.

The main types and characteristics of heaters

Let's talk about what types of heaters exist and what characteristics they have. By shedding light on this issue, we can decide which material suits us best.

Let us immediately note that the main indicator in heaters - this is thermal conductivity. How less heat it can conduct - so much the better, so this is a bad "bridge" for leaving our heat from home. Thermal conductivity is measured in watts per square meter per degree, that is, the amount of heat energy loss in degrees per square meter. Let's look at the most common and frequently used materials:

  • expanded polystyrene (styrofoam)- is a compressed sheets of foam balls. Absolutely does not absorb moisture, has excellent performance, thermal conductivity varies within 0.038. Supplied in sheets meter per meter and packs of one cubic meter, it is relatively inexpensive. It happens in various thicknesses, but the most popular sheets are 5 cm thick. There is also the so-called extruded polystyrene foam, which has the same properties and coefficients, but they are achieved with a smaller layer. For example, 2 cm extruded replaces about 7 cm of conventional foam;
  • fibrolite- wood fibers, a kind of wood "hair" impregnated with a cement composition. It has excellent noise and heat insulating properties, coefficient 0.09. In practice, it is not often used because of its weight and price, it is much more profitable to purchase foam for insulation. In certain situations, it is indispensable, since it does not support and does not spread combustion;
  • ecowool- it is used extremely rarely among private traders, as it is difficult to install and requires a special installation for application, but at the same time it creates a solid coating of insulation. Made from paper. As a heater, it is good, the coefficient is 0.038, but over time it decreases, and it is afraid of moisture, like fire, oh yes, and it is also afraid of fire;
  • mineral wool- the most widespread heater in the market of all countries. Very cheap, sold in rolls of 10-50 m 2 and has an excellent coefficient of 0.038. Unlike the previous material, mineral wool is not afraid of fire, but does not like moisture. It absorbs very well and practically does not dry out, and when wet, the properties are lost by 80%! Therefore, if you decide to insulate your home with this material, take care of good waterproofing;
  • basalt wool- the best material in terms of its characteristics, but at the same time the most expensive. There are external similarities with mineral wool, but the characteristics here are simply prohibitive. The coefficient is only 0.03, it can withstand temperatures up to 1200 degrees, it is absolutely not afraid of water. There is only one minus - the price;
  • expanded clay- an excellent heater which is made by means of a thermal clay extruder. At the exit, foamed porous clay in the form of balls, which has been fired. Coefficient of 0.16, not much, but also good. It is mainly used to create a thermal barrier and cut off the cold blowing from the ground.

In addition to these materials, about ten more types of insulation are used in practice, but they are used very rarely, and their characteristics are not impressive. Of all the above, only two materials are mainly used: polystyrene foam and mineral wool, and then cotton wool 3 times more often. Therefore, if the price aspect is important to you, then mineral wool is the best option.

Not wanting to lose precious heat, many are thinking about how to insulate the floor in a private house. The answer is more difficult to find than it might seem, because the range of materials for thermal insulation is large. It is worth studying the basic information to make a choice.

Floor insulation in a private house is a necessary part construction works. Up to 15% of the heat goes through the flooring into the ground. An unheated basement under the building leads to heat losses of 5-10%.

Floor insulation - effective way avoid heat loss

What measures should be taken to protect housing from cooling in the cold season? How to insulate floors in a private house in order to reduce heat loss and save on home heating? The use of modern thermal insulation materials will help solve this problem.

Types and properties of heat insulators for floors

The materials used to insulate floor coverings are produced in the form of:

  • granules - expanded clay, foam glass, perlite, vermiculite granulated slag;
  • rolls with and without a reflective layer - mineral wool, glass, slag, polyethylene foam, expanded polystyrene, cork;
  • foil and non-foil plates - polystyrene foam, foam plastic, foam plastic, chipboard, OSB, plywood, wood concrete, basalt wool;
  • liquids and foams - special insulating paints, polyurethane foam, ecowool;
  • mixtures - foam concrete, polystyrene concrete, expanded clay concrete, slag concrete, sawdust concrete.

Mineral wool - available material for warming

They have common technical specifications, allowing the wide use of materials for the device of thermal insulation:

  1. Fire resistance - do not sustain combustion.
  2. Low coefficient of thermal conductivity - well retain heat in the room.
  3. Environmentally friendly, safe for use inside a residential building.
  4. Durability - at correct styling materials retain their properties for at least 20 years.
  5. The simplicity of the device of the heat-insulating layer - highly professional knowledge and complex operations are not required.
  6. Resistant to decay, mold, fungus.
  7. Lightness - do not load additional load-bearing structures.
  8. Low water absorption - do not absorb and do not retain moisture in capillaries and pores.
  9. Vapor permeability - air exchange is provided in the room, a favorable microclimate is maintained.
  10. Durability - this is especially important in the device concrete pavement where the load is transferred directly to the insulation.

Foam glass - another material for thermal insulation

Modern thermal insulation materials are inexpensive and effectively cope with floor insulation in a private house.

Video description

Much more interesting details and different types materials for thermal insulation can be seen in this video:

On our website you can find contacts construction companies who offer . You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

Features of the use of heaters

Today, the buyer is offered a wide range of heat insulators for floors. To select the most suitable material, you need to take into account the features of their installation and use.

Bulk insulators

They are used for warming wooden, concrete, tiled floors in a private house.

Expanded clay - one of the options for bulk insulator

The material is poured between the lags or on a prepared surface protected from below from moisture penetration. The insulator is compacted and a leveling screed is arranged under finish coating. The minimum layer thickness is 5-15 cm.

Roll insulation

Lay on a flat surface isolated from moisture, cover with a layer of vapor barrier on top.

Ruberoid is easy to install and inexpensive

Mount the flooring from boards or plywood, topcoat. Expanded polystyrene is used for concrete floors, it is better to insulate wooden floors with mineral wool. When installing foil materials, make sure that the metallized layer is on the surface. This will allow heat to radiate into the room without loss.

Plate heat insulators

Lay mats in the gaps between the lags or in checkerboard pattern on the concrete bases. Protection from moisture from below and from steam from above is necessary. Before final finishing reinforcement of the surface of the insulation is recommended.

Used to protect wooden, concrete and plastic floors from heat loss.

Liquid insulation retains heat well despite the thin ball

Apply with a brush, roller or sprayer in a layer up to 1-1.2 mm. Manufacturers claim that a thin coating keeps the temperature in the same way as a 5 cm thick mineral wool insulation. Before thermal insulation work, the surface is carefully cleaned and leveled.

Mixtures based on Portland cement

Porous solutions protect floors well from cold penetration. The device of coatings is no different from the technology of laying conventional concrete. If the finish layer is mounted from hard materials- tiles, parquet, board - the insulation is not reinforced from above. Soft floor materials require reinforcement of the base with fiberglass or mesh.

An economical way to insulate the floor in a house is sawdust or shavings treated with atipirenes and antiseptics. They are poured with a layer of 20-30 cm, compacted, or used in a mixture with clay, cement, lime.

Underfloor heating systems

  • based on water heating;
  • connected to a power source.

Insulators with a metallized coating are used, on top of which small-diameter pipelines, electrical mats, cables or infrared emitters are laid. The reflective layer directs thermal radiation into the room, preventing heat loss. From above, the structure is covered with a screed, floor material.

Underfloor heating for a comfortable stay

System advantages:

  1. Ease of installation.
  2. Economy in operation.
  3. Small thickness of structures.
  4. Uniform distribution heat.
  5. Environmental friendliness.
  6. Reliability.
  7. Security.

Underfloor heating can be basic or additional element heating systems of a private house.

Three main ways to insulate the floor in a private house

The grounds are reinforced concrete slab, wooden draft floor on logs or soil. Warming is carried out in a certain order. It is advisable to entrust the process to professionals, but to understand what is happening, you can familiarize yourself with the algorithms.

Thermal insulation device for the floor on a reinforced concrete slab

  1. The surface is cleaned, leveled, the seams are sealed with mortar.
  2. A vapor barrier film is laid with gluing joints if mineral-based heaters are used. Polystyrenes do not need moisture protection.
  3. Thermal insulation is placed - slab, roll, bulk.
  4. Reinforce the surface with mesh.
  5. Pour a cement-sand screed.
  6. In damp rooms, waterproofing is placed to protect the insulation from moisture.
  7. Mount the coating - laminate; tiles; parquet; board.

Thermal insulation of floors on logs

  1. Logs are laid on the support posts - a beam with a special section.
  2. A galvanized mesh or board is attached to the bottom of the beams.
  3. A wind-moisture protective membrane is spread, the joints are glued, fixed with a stapler to the beam.
  4. Lay insulation - plates, roll materials thickness not less than calculated for a given climatic zone.
  5. From above, they are isolated from moisture with vapor barrier, fixing it to the logs and gluing the joints.
  6. Plywood or a board is placed on top of the structure and fixed to the crate. This is the base for the finished floor.
Sometimes thermal insulation is laid in two layers. In this case, the bars of the second level are set perpendicular to the first.

Thermal insulation of the floor, arranged on the ground

  1. The base is prepared - the soil is cut, the sand and gravel pillow is poured, and the soil is compacted.
  2. Concrete is poured, the surface is leveled.
  3. Lay on top of the hydro-vapor barrier from a film or roofing material.
  4. Thermal insulation is mounted - extruded polystyrene foam, it is not afraid of moisture.
  5. Reinforced with mesh, fiberglass.
  6. They arrange a finishing screed in which you can place a floor heating system.
  7. Finishing surfaces.

Features of floating floor insulation

Floating is the design of the flooring that is not fixed to the base. It consists of layers of sound and heat insulation laid on the surface of the slab. The absence of a rigid connection to the base and walls significantly reduces the noise level in the premises.

Floating floor insulation process

Insulation of a floating floor is carried out taking into account the following features:

  1. Insulation is placed on the screed or slab - bulk or slab (polystyrene, mineral wool), carefully leveled.
  2. An edging is laid along the perimeter for the gap between the wall and the floor structure.
  3. A waterproofing layer is laid on top.
  4. A screed is poured over it and the floor covering is mounted.

The screed can be replaced with moisture-resistant gypsum-fiber sheets laid in two layers, glued together. It is important to retreat from the wall at least 10 mm.

How to insulate floors in an old house

The first step is the revision of the remaining parts of the floor structure. Disassemble the cover, inspect wooden elements for the presence of rot, fungi. All destroyed boards and bars are removed.

Warming the floor in an old house will help make it cozy again

If the load-bearing beams are well preserved, insulation is carried out along the logs. Otherwise, they need to be replaced with healthy wood. All structural details are treated with antiseptics. Thermal insulation material protected from above and below by vapor barrier. The work is completed by laying the floor covering.


How and how to insulate the floor in a private house is decided by the owner, but the thermal insulation device gives undoubted advantages- retains heat comfortable conditions in the home, reduces heating costs.

Execute it from modern materials not difficult. Their price is low, and the efficiency of use is significant. At the same time, for correct installation it is better to use the services of professionals who will insulate the floor with a guarantee.

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