Sewer Wells: Installation and SPEP requirements. Which sewer wells are sewer and drainage devices

Encyclopedia plants 14.06.2019
Encyclopedia plants

Many owners of private real estate sooner or later begin to think about the arrangement of communication and other livelihood systems. At the same time, an important role is assigned to the sewage wells, because this is an integral part of any system on wastewater removal. From their features will depend, how often it is necessary to clean, which problems may occur during the service period and much more. At first glance it seems that there is nothing complicated in the device of sewer wells. However, this is not the case. What are these elements?

Sewer wells must be present at each site, and therefore it will be useful to learn how they are arranged and a number of features inherent in it.


In any system, at least one well or tank should be present in any system. Many country real estate owners prefer the sewering of an autonomous type. But it is worth considering that this is a rather complicated typical project of engineering thought, requiring certain knowledge and skills.

The key element of this system is sewer wells that can have any shape - round, square, rectangular. They can be made of different material, be it concrete rings, bricks, or ready-made plastic containers.

From a constructive point of view, the device of sewage wells is represented by several components:

  • base;
  • tray;
  • working chamber;
  • neck;
  • luke.

Now it is necessary to get acquainted with the main varieties of sewage wells, which most often establish many private sector owners.

Varieties of wells

Such structures are divided into several types:

  • Watching.
  • Swivel.
  • Dance.
  • Overflow.
  • Cumulative.
  • Filtration.
  • At the same time, each of these wells performs their duties. If a simple sewage system is located on the site, then only one cumulative well is sufficient. At the same time, with a more complex scheme, you will need to explore the device and the features of the installation of each of all the types of types.

    Lookout design

    Under the device of the viewing sewer well, it is necessary to understand the mine located above the main discharge highway. Such structures allow you to conduct a visual inspection of sewer pipes and, if necessary, perform repair work Or mechanical cleaning, flushing during operation.

    Such mines are located on a straight line of the drainage system at a certain distance from each other. It is usually 30 m, but the distance may vary depending on the diameter of the pipes. At the same time, the definition of the "observation well" can be hit by mines that are installed on turns or on the way of intersection of communications.

    Swivel shafts

    They are installed in those places where sharp turns of the canal are needed. That is, more than 90 °. Mainly the presence of such structures is due to the fact that it is in these areas that the system is actively clogged. In addition, this design can be used as an observation mine, which makes it easy to engage in cleaning a certain section of the pipe.

    During the arrangement of the well system, it is quite often a septic tank or a reservoir from several sources of wastewater. And this inevitably leads to the appearance of turns.

    Discardial structures

    Such tanks are relevant in case of arrangement complex system On a plot with a slope. The device of the distribution sewer well is necessary in the following cases:

    • when the depth of the ditch under the tanning highway decreases;
    • there is a need to bypass other underground communications or pipes;
    • prevent high speed of water.

    If the drains fall into a well at high speed, insulation can be injured or the structure itself due to the washing away or under the influence of the shock load. In turn, such a design is also divided into several subspecies:

    • The usual mine, in which the water supply is located at the top, while the removal is in the lower one.
    • The design having a jack-drain wall that slows down the flow rate.
    • Short channels having a great degree of slope to, on the contrary, increase the flow rate of the flow.
    • Mine that includes multistage drops.

    In this regard, the slowdown of the flow rate is the main purpose of the darts.

    Overflow type of wells

    The devices of the overflow sewer well are referred to as overflow septic. In essence, these are a few cumulative tanks that are connected to each other by means of overpowering pipes at the top.

    The main purpose of such a structure is the collection of sewage drain. In this case, insoluble pollution accumulates at the bottom of the first tank. After that, the purified liquid on inclined pipes is sent to the next drive.

    The system provides for the separation of solid and liquid phases of sewage drain. BUT main feature Perelivny wells is that it is not required for their functioning auxiliary equipment and electricity.

    Cumulative type

    Such structures are essentially tanks for collecting and storing the water assignment. Subsequently, it is pumped out by pumps or work can be brought to work specializers.

    Among other types and sewer devices, this option is more preferable for private country sites. In particular, this is a profitable solution when central system Located too far or is missing at all. Based on the volume, such structures can be made from different material. But most often these are reinforced concrete rings, large plastic containers or it can be simply monolithic concrete design.

    If the amount of wastewater is small, then this option with the installation of plastic tank fully justifies itself. The cost of the tank is not very high, and its installation can be performed independently. In addition, there is no need to attract a professional brigade to work with specialized technique. It is enough to enlist the support of acquaintances, which will significantly simplify the task, because it will be hard to cope with alone.

    Filtration variety

    Another type and device of the sewer well, which is worthy of attention. Filtering facilities or shafts can be both open and closed type. At the same time, both are intended for separation of wastewater, as well as they allow separating large garbage and heavy substances from the water itself.

    An open mine is a structure, for the manufacture of which perforated concrete blocks are used. Liquid meal of topics goes into the ground through special holes. As for heavy substances, they remain in a similar building and then fade away by special technique And go to disposal or burial.

    List of rules and requirements

    The layout and construction of sewage systems is governed by special rules and norms, as well as regulatory acts (SNiP). At the same time important moment - This is the distance between the sewage wells. This parameter depends the size of the pipeline.

    In other words, if the pipe has a diameter of 150 mm, then the step between the wells should be 35 meters. With a diameter equal to 200 mm, the step is already, respectively, the other is 50 meters. Such requirements are also given in another, no less important document - a technological map on a device of sewage wells.

    In fact, the SNiP requirements for the arrangement of sewage wells are a kind of instruction in which the rules of installation of waste highways are prescribed. Also in such a document contains the technical requirements that are presented to various designs of wells, taking into account sanitary and technical safety standards.

    The fundamental reference requirements can be considered:

    • Wells should be located away from sources drinking water and other water supply systems.
    • Mine must be at a certain distance to residential buildings and neighboring sites.
    • The volume of the well should be regulated by the number of people living, as well as the average sewage volume in a certain period of time.
    • The depth of the recovery to install the tank must be within 2.5 meters, no more. As for its diameter, it must exceed the size of the design itself no more than 0.5 meters.
    • If the site runs high levels groundwaterAccording to SNIP, the device of the sewage well should include the arrangement of waterproofing.
    • The bottom of the pit must be cut a sand pillow with a thickness of at least 100 mm.
    • Directly between the bottom of the reservoir and the lower part of the pipe should be a gap of 600 mm.

    The installation of the sewer well from concrete is regulated by GOST. While the installation of communications from plastic and polymers is responsible for the sending to that. Concrete or stone structures can be prefabricated or monolithic. Filtering structures are erected mainly from the boob stone. Concerning polymeric materialsThe use of polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride, dense polyethylene is permissible for sewage systems.

    Modern communications, which are mounted in urban construction or private sector, can combine elements from different materials. Such solutions do not contradict the construction regulations.

    Features of different types of wells

    In accordance with the same norms and rules (SNiP), the sewage well device must take into account the features of the installation of each species, based on their purpose and the materials used. The filter well is designed to purify the drains from harmful impurities. For this bottom, the reservoir must be covered with rubble, and the layer thickness is at least 1000 mm. After that, only its perimeter should be poured with concrete solution. This will avoid the destruction of the foundation and output of water through the center of the circle, where, in fact, drainage and cleaning are made.

    The observation well is usually built from a pipe with a diameter of 460 mm. This size will allow you to clean the reservoir from the hose. If it is necessary to descend into the inner cavity of the design, the diameter of the pipe should be equal to at least 925 mm. If the observation collector is built on a plot where there is no road surface, a scene is required for wastewater leading. With high-quality road covering Installation can be carried out 70 mm above the soil surface.

    According to SNiP, the device of the sewer well of the accumulative type is to be equipped in the lowland area to facilitate water drain into the tank. The design is located at a depth of 3,000 to 6500 mm, and the number of rings is not more than 7. At the bottom of the reservoir, special recesses are made, which are then filled with sand or rubble. Water from such a facility is quite suitable for household needs.

    Plastic wells - a modern and advantageous solution

    Regarding the private country area for the arrangement of the well system, most suitable exactly plastic wells. This choice is due to the presence of certain design features that are and advantages. In particular, we are talking about:

    • Replace the bottom tray.
    • The connection of the connector with the structure of the well is performed in a seamless method. Due to this, a high degree of tightness is achieved. In this regard, the front of the seams of seams is significantly reduced.
    • The device of the sewer well in a private house of plastic is more than justified, since the advantages of such structures in comparison with metal, concrete and ceramic analogues are quite obvious. They are most often used during the creation of urban communications.
    • Manufacturers of plastic wells create all the necessary and favorable conditions. Nozzles are created in such a way that the time for connecting pipes is noticeably reduced. In addition, such structures have already initially present rubber seals in the places of pipe connection. Using waterproofing materials A reliable connection is ensured, which will be able to serve several decades without leakage.
    • The structure of the well is made of seamless, due to which its tightness increases, as well as the costs of carrying out mounting work. In essence, this is a pipe with large sizeWith a bottom, which has one or more inlet nozzles.
    • Well, in fact, without the device of the sewage well, there would be precipitation or foreign items. In this regard, the lid is also sealed.

    In other words, the plastic structure of the well is an economical and safer from the point of view of ecology the option during the installation of the sewer system. With help this product You can monitor and maintain sewage networks of household wastewater.

    Features of the choice of plastic well

    With the features of plastic wells (they are also advantages) we have already become familiarized, now it is necessary to consider the important major factors that will allow right choice The desired design.

    In particular, it is necessary to pay attention to some parameters.

    • Diameter and height - the design of the well may be deep either wide. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the sewage system itself, including the location of the future structures in accordance with the rules of the device of sewage wells.
    • Form - usually most wells it is cylindrical, but there may be other options. At the same time, the only type that is better not to use for the accumulative design is square tanks. In such wells there are ribs, which is due to a feature. In such places there is a deposition of a sediment, and it is quite problematic to remove it, and it is almost impossible at all.
    • Displacement - such an indicator also deserves attention. Taking into account the average number of impurities during the day, as well as the volume of accumulative capacity, one can determine how often they will have to pump them off the assessing machine.
    • The type of surface is smooth or corrugated. And in that, and another has its advantages and disadvantages. As an example, the corrugated type of surface has greater elasticity and is able to withstand a large pressure than the usual look. At the same time, dirt accumulates in the existing smooth depresses, and it is very difficult to remove it from there.
    • Wall thickness - such a parameter is important in the device of a concrete tray in the sewer well. It may vary in a rather wide range. But the thicker the wall of the well, the higher its strength characteristics. But there is also the reverse side of the medal - the increase in thickness inevitably leads to an increase in the mass and value of the structure.

    In addition, it is possible to look at what type of plastic is used in the production of a well. This moment is not so significant, but this depends certain operational properties.

    Wells made of reinforced concrete rings

    Such structures are used by the last demand among most utility services engaged in the maintenance and gasket of underground pipelines. In addition, they find the application in the arrangement of drainage and storm sewer systems, collectors. Is it worth mentioning that for the home sealing system on its private country plot Is this the perfect option? To all other things this material has no analogues in its field.

    By virtue of high performance, the technology of the device of the sewage well from concrete rings Suitable for implementation in any climatic zone. A wide sphere of applying reinforced concrete rings, including their vast popularity, due to a rather impressive list of advantages:

    • Affordable price.
    • Installation can be carried out in a short period of time.
    • Waterproofing is light.
    • High strength characteristics.
    • Durability design.
    • Forms differ in proper geometry.

    In addition, reinforced concrete rings fit back to each other quite tightly, and the resulting gaps are eliminated easily and quickly. Due to this, a high degree of sealing is achieved.

    At the same time, the device w. b. The sewer wells do not do without flaws, although, fortunately, they are not so much:

    • reinforced concrete rings are distinguished by low splitting resistance;
    • in addition, the rings are prone to cracking;
    • installation without the use of specialized equipment is simply impossible;
    • due to the greater weight of the rings, the costs of delivery and installation are increasing.

    At the same time, if you analyze all the pros and cons of such a structure, it becomes clear that this option is mostly justified.

    Technology construction of a well made of reinforced concrete rings

    The construction of the design on its plot is a rather serious event and therefore requires a certain preparation. All the technology of the device of the sewer well made of concrete rings can be conditionally divided into several steps.

    • To begin, it is necessary to make a drawing of a sewage system scheme where all the layout should be indicated, including the location of the collector itself.
    • The construction site is cleaned of garbage and foreign objects.
    • At the construction site, it is necessary to organize a temporary road for the attracted technique.
    • Cutlery and trenches are made.
    • The bottom of the pit is cleaned and levels.

    After that, you can move directly to the arrangement of the well. To do this, armed with the next algorithm, which is also divided into several important stages.

    Step 1. It is necessary to extract the ground from the inner contour so that it is possible to align the horizontal design. In order to avoid errors, to connect the level to this process.

    Step 2. Conduct installation of the first ring, after which it is necessary to do the holes in its walls that will be designed for pipes. At the same time, in the ring itself, they should be started at a distance of no more than 100 mm. Through the circle of pipes, the hole should be sealed by a solution.

    Step 3. At this stage, a tray is performed in the sewer well (it is allowed to be resolved and even recommended). Otherwise it is called a chute, which will be located from the entrance of the pipe before the exit. Its section should correspond to the diameter of the pipes. The chute can be made of part of the sewer pipe.

    Step 4. Now another ring is installed, and it is necessary to trace the locks from the inner side to be on the same level. In the same order, all other reinforced concrete elements are mounted.

    Step 5. After installing the last rings, the bottom of the structure is concreted, and the junction of the rings is close using a sandy cement mixture. The arrangement of the filter septica at this stage looks a little different - instead of filling the bottom by concrete solution, it will fall asleep with rubble or crushed brick. The thickness of such a layer should be at least 500 mm.

    Step 6. Now the whole design is covered with a concrete slab with a hatch. Either, as an option, set the frame with the hole and pour it with a concrete mixture.

    Step 7. Upon completion of the installation of the structure, the technology on the device of sewage wells provides a pipeline laying. This is done at a depth of 600-700 mm with a slope of 20 mm and a meter step.

    Step 8. At this stage, construction is tested throughout the day. This is done as follows - the collector is filled with water, and the ends of the pipes are closed by traffic jams.

    Step 9. At the end of successful testing, the outer walls of the concrete tank are covered with the Earth and are thoroughly tamped.

    Step 10. We can say that this is the final stage on which it is performed concrete Skost Around the neck. Its width is 1500 mm.

    Tray in the sewer

    Trays in the design of the wells are made to perform important tasks. They serve in order to ensure the control of the operation of the sewage network and the attached objects. In this case, this part can be formed before installing the first reinforced concrete ring, if this material was selected for the well design.

    In accordance with the SNIP, the tray device in sewage wells is usually made from the M-100 brand concrete using formwork and the subsequent obligatory reinforcement of the steel grid. Usually it takes about 2-3 days to strengthen it, and after this time, you can move directly to the installation of the rings. Subsequently, it will be possible to finish the trim of the plaster with the subsequent iron.

    Preventive actions

    The effective efficiency of the sewer system largely depends on the conditions of its operation, including prevention. Under this implies pumping and cleaning of all elements, and this must be done regularly. The frequency of such procedures, in turn, is directly dependent on the type of construction, as well as the tank capacity.

    If cleaning will be carried out irregularly or ignored, after a while, after a while, the accumulation of garbage in the sewer system will inevitably lead to the formation of the congestion. Ultimately, because of this, an unpleasant smell may appear in the well.

    Even if the device is provided drainage pump In the sewer well, it does not save it from regular cleaning, as Il and other garbage is going to the bottom. Typically, this event should be carried out at least every 2 or 3 years.

    And what, in fact, this procedure is carried out? For this, several ways are provided:

    • Special equipment for collecting sludge.
    • Vacuum pumping.
    • Hydrodynamic technique, simply speaking, washing with water, which is submitted under strong pressure.
    • The use of chemical reagents.
    • The thermal method is practically the same as the hydrodynamic technique, only in this case hot water is supplied.

    To implement the first two way, it is necessary to contact the assessing service.

    The remaining techniques can easily do it yourself. Upon completion of the well cleaning, manual processing is required. Only in this case can we talk about full and efficient prevention.

    Finally, you can bring several useful Soviets From people who can tell a lot about the device of sewage wells.

    Do not make the depth of the trench too big. In this case, it will be necessary in the subtype of the soil, and it has a property to send over time. For this reason, the highway can change the angle of the slope, which is undesirable.

    To avoid damage to the pipeline, it should not be enclosed with solid items during its laying.

    When choosing a site where the filtration or cumulator will be installed, it is necessary to envisage the possibility for an entrance of the equipment, with which it will be cleaned.

    Despite the fact that the well, in fact, is a wet design, it is necessary to ensure its tightness. This measure is due to the fact that it makes it possible to eliminate the penetration of wastewater into the environment. Waterproofing of areas connecting reinforced concrete rings can be performed by special waterproof compositions.

    As we know, the sewage well device includes a waterproofing step. And while a layer is formed from the appropriate material, it is necessary to exclude any effect of low temperatures or mechanical load on its surface for 72 hours. During this time, these sites must be regularly moistened by the usual sprayer. In addition, it is recommended to cover the surface with a film that will reduce the evaporation of moisture.

    Sewerage is an indispensable thing in urban life used to remove wastewater, which in the case of its absence would not be to give. It is present in every residential array.

    What is the sewer well? - The question of many of interests. The structure of the sewage well as follows:

    1. The bottom is the lower part of the well, which is direct contact with wastewater.
    2. Mine - equipped with a staircase cavity inside a long 1.8 m long, is used for various technical works.
    3. The working chamber is a space in which all works with pipes are carried out.
    4. The neck is the top of the well with a hatch hole.
    5. Luke is a closing component of a well that allows you to avoid foreign objects to get into the well, including animals and people.

    In a graphic expression, the design of the sewer well has the following form:

    The design of the sewer wells is quite varied, so they can be divided into the following types.


    Drenutaous sewer wells - structures installed in those places where it is necessary to lower or increase the intensity of wastewater.

    Install in the following cases:

    1. With the existence of the risk of changing the flow rate.
    2. When crossing the sewage system.
    3. When bookmark another pipeline.
    4. In the case of partial flooding of water outlet.


    Viewing sewer wells - wells used to monitor the status of the system as a whole, as well as to eliminate the faults that have arisen in it have no analogues.

    Installed in the following places:

    1. In the area of \u200b\u200bchanges in the slope and the diameter of the pipe - it is most prone to breakage.
    2. In the field of flow change.
    3. In places where the main pipeline gives branching.
    4. In places that seem to be reliable, but still require observation.


    Mounted in those places where the pipeline turns.


    Mounted in case of extensions from the main pipeline.


    1. Linear - are intended directly for planned checks and cleaning networks.
    2. Wash - installed directly at the beginning of the network to make flushing it.
    3. Controls - installed in places of direct discharge of water purification into sewage system to track its quality indicators.

    Features of the calculation of the size of the sewage well and the depth of it

    The first thing to do before the construction of the well is to make calculations of its volumes and determine the location. Conducting calculations should, first of all, consider the number of bathrooms and people in this house. The volume of the well has a direct dependence on the amount of water consumed. So, a family of four per day consumes water in the amount of 1000 liters.

    By existing standards It is believed that the well for wastewater, with a bottom area of \u200b\u200b1 square. m. Changes with the volume of water equal to one cubic meter. The working volume of the pit should have a margin that is equal to a triple daily norm. Accordingly, the volume of pits for a family of 4 people should be 3 square meters. m.

    Approximately knowing the required sewage volume, it is possible to calculate its size. The average depth of the sewer well is 2.5 - 3 meters. We subtract the distance of the drain pipe above, which is 70 cm and we obtain the working depth of the well, the maximum indicator of which is 2.3 meters. Next, a simple mathematical action of a geometric nature, calculating it volume.

    The volume of the sewer well is calculated using data such as:

    1. The bottom of the well.
    2. Well height.

    The most common are round-shaped wells, this is explained by their simplicity and ease of service.

    Types of DNA

    1. Round bottom - such wells are often called barrels.
    2. Quantity bottom - made in the form of a square or rectangle.

    Calculation of the area of \u200b\u200bthe circle is made according to the following formula - S \u003d πR2. Based on this, it turns out that the volume of the well with a 3-sqm working volume. m. It will be 3 m 3 \u003d 2.3 m * 3.14 * R2.

    Having made some calculations, we find the value of R, it is equal to 0.65 m, and accordingly the pit with a depth of 3 meters should have a diameter of 1.3 meters. In the case of a rectangular or square well with a depth of 3m. The area of \u200b\u200bits bottom is 2.3 m.

    The depth of the sewage well is calculated based on additional depth, widths and heights, which will be used to fightening walls, protecting the well from a raised earthy bowl. Installation of protective walls can be made of the following material:

    1. Reinforced concrete rings.
    2. Concrete.
    3. Brick.

    The bottom of the pits are covered with layers of sand and rubble, the thickness of which is at least 30-40 cm. Taking into account brick masonry, which is 12 cm, the width of the pit should be increased by 25 cm, and the depth is 40 cm - a layer of rubble and sand. When calculating, rounding is rounded in a large side, rounding to the smaller side is unacceptable. It should be remembered that the depth of the sewage well is one of the most important indicators whose calculations require special attention.

    Features of the device and installing sewer wells from concrete rings

    Concrete rings have wide application Among the utilities engaged in servicing and laying an underground pipeline. They also apply to the construction of drainage systems and storm sewage, underground pipelines, collectors. There are no analogues.

    Operational properties high level It is possible to use in any climatic area. Thanks to the huge number of advantages, sewer wells made of concrete are in great demand.

    Concrete rings for wells have a number of advantages, such as:

    1. Low cost.
    2. Speed \u200b\u200bof installation work.
    3. Easy in waterproofing work.
    4. High construction strength.
    5. Long service life.
    6. Proper geometric shape.
    7. Tight adjacent rings to each other, ease to eliminate the remaining gaps.

    Disadvantages of concrete rings:

    1. Low spelling resistance threshold, increased fragility and crackability.
    2. The need for vehicles to move even for a short distance.
    3. A huge mass requiring large costs for installation and delivery.

    Reinforced concrete rings Common material, widely used in sewage system. Building a sewer well using concrete rings requires the following actions:

    1. Development of a scheme of further installation and the calculation of the cost of work.
    2. Preparation of a pit that includes a dig of a pit on predetermined sizes.
    3. Having created a dripping, start working on the bottom of the well.
    4. We carry out the installation of the main (first) ring, which sits on the concrete solution. After that, they make pipes in advanced in the rings of the hole. The remaining slots are tightly embarrassed by a sealing agent.
    5. Next, the installation of all other rings is carried out in such a way that the situation of their locks coincides. The resulting gaps are embarrassed by sealant.
    6. To the top of the resulting design laid concrete slab and hatch.

    Features of the device and installation of sewer units from bricks

    The device of the sewer well made of brick requires a number of knowledge and skills. Knowledge is needed to produce work starting with the installation of frame and other structures and ending with internal and externally execution Constructions.

    For the construction of a brick well, only red - a checked brick or a stone of natural origin. To connect the material, a solution of cement made from river sand is used. Also for brick well These components are used as: brackets, anchors, round frames and fittings.

    The installation of the sewer well made of brick has the following sequence:

    1. After pre-calculating the volume of the well and its dimensions perform the markup of the pit. A small volume can be pulled out manually or using an excavator.
    2. At the bottom of the obtained pit, we set the formwork and pour it into 20 cm layer of the solution cooked from sand, rubble and cement. We leave to stick for 1 week, periodically wasting with water.
    3. After pouring the solution, we begin laying the walls on the cement solution.
    4. Received (Ready) Walls Plastelling cement mortar. After he grabbed the negotiation - rubbing dry cement to the crude plaster.
    5. The bottom of the well is formed depending on its further purpose.
    6. We carry out waterproofing fiberglass. We take mastic or hot bitumen and cover the entire inner surface of the well.
    7. Knip the hole for pipes. We insert the pipes, and the remaining gap by compathing silicone.
    8. We fall asleep formed between the pit and the walls of the well a gap covering it. For a drain defect well, a ventilation is installed, which is performed by mounting a plastic pipe. Top on the pipe dresses fungus. The edges of the well fall asleep in such a way that the well base is higher than the level of the earth by 10 cm.

    Walking well

    The solution used for plastering should have a loaf of purchased sour cream. The solution is applied by movements directed from top to bottom. To get smooth walls, vertical and horizontal lighthouses are used. Existing metal constructions Also covered the layer of plaster, which will protect them from corrosion exposure. Next, they are engaged in the design of the head and the cleaning of the bottom, which fall asleep by the gravel-sandy mixture.

    Building a well from natural stone It is carried out according to the same scheme, only it is much more complicated due to the fact that the stones have unequal dimensions and shape that require the presence of time on their fit and more consumption of a solution that costs money.


    Today we will talk about such a sewage network device as well.
    Viewing well Or the camera is called a mine located above the drainage pipeline, inside which the pipe or collector is replaced with an open tray.
    On the sewer network are arranged watching, drenched wells.
    Via watching Wells are monitored over the operation of the network during operation, inspection of the network, and if necessary, its cleaning and flushing.
    Depending on the purpose and location of the viewing wells are divided into linear, swivel, nodal and control.
    Linear wells suitable in direct sectors of the sewer network are intended for periodic inspection and cleaning of the sewer network.
    Swivel wells are provided in the event of a change in the direction of the pipeline route, and to eliminate the large hydraulic resistance, it is necessary that the angle between the attached and removing pipes was at least 90, and the rotation radius is from 1 to 5 pipe diameters. The tray of such a well is smoothly twisted.
    The nodal wells are arranged in the connecting places of two or three pipelines. They have a tray assembly connecting no more than three supply pipes and one discharge. Nodal wells on large collectors are called connecting chambers.
    Control wells are performed in the joining places of the courtyard or intraskar-soil network to street and are located outside the red line.

    Looking well suited:

    1. In places of accession of issues to the external sewer network
    2. In places turn the route
    3. When changing the slope and diameter of pipes
    4. At the joining places of branches
    5. In the case of installation on the pressure pipelines, valves, vehicles, issues and compensators.
    6. In direct areas at distances depending on the diameter of pipes: 150 mm - 35 m, 200-450 mm - 50 m, 500-600 mm - 75 m, 700-900 mm - 100 m, 1000-1400 mm - 150 m , 1500 2000 mm - 200 m, over 2000 mm - 250-300 m

    Drops should be provided:

    1. To reduce the depth of the investment of pipelines;
    2. To avoid exceeding the maximum permissible speed of the sewage in
    or a sharp change of this speed;
    3. When crossing with underground structures;
    4. With flooded releases in the last before the reservoir

    Types of drenched wells
    By design, drainage changes can be divided into the following main types:
    1. Differs with a waterproof practical profile and a watering well in the lower befell (Fig., A).
    2. Tubular differences that are different designs, but with a mandatory vertical pipe (Fig., B).
    3. Differs with a jackhawic wall (Fig., B).
    4. Shaft multistage differences of various designs. Calculation of falling energy occurs at each stage (Fig., D).
    5. Figure - short channels with a large slope (Fig., D).

    On pipelines with a diameter of up to 600 mm, the drops of up to 0.5 m height is allowed without a device of a differential well - by draining in the viewing well (SNiP 2.04.03-85 p.4.25-note)

    According to SNiP 2.04.03-85, the drops with a height of up to 3 m on pipelines with a diameter of 600 mm and are more accepted in the form of waterproof practical profiles, and with a height up to 6 m with diameters up to 500 mm - take tubular differences.

    Wasp wells Suitable for washing the network in the initial areas of the channelthe underline network where precipitation is possible due to insufficient speeds.
    In this capacity, conventional viewing wells and special designs with locking devices and water supply can be used.

    Wells or cameras on sewage samotane and pressure pipelines are built, as a rule, according to typical projects from precast concrete elements. With proper justification, for example, in the case of a small amount of work, it is allowed to build boosters of bricks.
    Reinforced concrete elements for round wells with a diameter of 700, 1000, 1250 and 1500 mm are manufactured according to GOST 8020-56, iron hatches - according to GOST 3634-91.

    Fig. 8.2. Teklase Piece Schemes

    In fig. 8.2, and schemes 1, III, UI and UIII tray parts of round wells are shown, and in Fig. 8.2, B - Schemes II, IU, Y, UII and IX tray part of rectangular decks.
    Viewing wells consist of a base, tray, a working chamber, overlap, or a re-running part, a neck and hatch with a lid.
    Usually wells are bung round in terms.
    With a highly large cross section of pipes and in some cases, with other engineering communications, rectangular wells can be used.

    Fig. 8.3. Watching round wells with a diameter of 1000 to 2000 mm from reinforced concrete elements

    According to the specified schemes with a specific sewage system for pipe diameters and depths using included in the composition typical project Wells with special memorable-gate tables, the size of the wells, the number and type of constituent elements in them are determined.
    Round wells have a diameter of 700, 1000, 1250, 1500 and 2000 mm, and rectangular- size in terms of 1500x2000, 2000x2000; 2000x2500 and 2500x2500 mm.

    In fig. 8.4 shows a rectangular well whose walls are performed from reinforced concrete panels.

    For rectangular wells, as well as a circular diameter of 1500 and 2000 mm prohibited-Vana as a normal neck from a rings with a diameter of 700 mm with a standard hatch and a neck for the larger cross-section for lowering and lifting large devices that serve to clean the network. In round wells, the increased throat of wine is adopted with a diameter of 1000 mm, and in a rectangular width of 1000 mm and a length equal to the smaller side of the working part of the well.
    The depth of the tray in the well should be equal to the diameter of the largest pipe.
    Watching wells of internal and quarrels and courtyards with a depth of the tray of less than 2 m and the diameter of the pipeline less than 250 mm is allowed to be arranged with a diameter of 700 mm.

    Drenutian wells

    On pipelines with a diameter of up to 600 mm inclusive in round dropped wells, the difference is performed with an exterior riser from metal pipes, and in rectangular wells - with a vertical channel (see Fig. 6.1).

    The diameter of the riser is taken equal to the diameter of the supply pipeline, and the size of the vertical channel section of 1.5 pipeline diameter and the width of the pipeline diameter. On pipelines with a diameter of up to 200 mm. The risers in the tray of the wells are satisfied with the watercolor or knee (with a riser diameter up to 300 mm). The knee rolling riser with a diameter of up to 200 mm is located at the level of the shell pipeline. On the vertical channels of the bottom partitions put

    On pipelines with a diameter of more than 600 mm, the drops are arranged in the form of waterproofs of a practical profile (see Fig. 6.2) with a walled cushion or speeds into one or more stages.

    On sewage networks, removing water that contain or excrete explosion-hazardous substances (or gases), establish wells with hydraulic shutters, pre-puffed spreading of fire in the event of a fire (Fig. 8.7)

    Fig. 8.7. Hydraulic shutter well

    The installation of the hatches must be provided: in the same level with the surface of the pro-drip part of the roads with an improved coating; 50-70 mm above the surface of the earth in the green area and 200 mm above the surface of the Earth in an unanoxided territory. If necessary, it should be provided for hatches with locking devices.
    If there is groundwater above the bottom of the well, waterproofing is provided 0.5 m above their level.
    In an aggressive environment, appropriate measures should be provided on the shield of the structures of the wells from corrosion.
    Wells on samotane sewage sewage networks should be designed from clinker, bituminized or acid-resistant bricks on acid-resistant disorders. The device of wells made of acid-resistant concrete is also allowed.
    In the removal of acidic wastewater and in the absence of aggressive gases, the well can be made of concrete rings with an inner surface coating with acid-resistant paint or plaster.
    Wells of wells for acidic wastewater should be designed from asphalt concrete, cy-slotoforous concrete or bricks on an acid-resistant solution. The surface of the tray and the lower part of the walls of the well should be placed by acid-resistant materials.
    The bases of the wells for acidic wastewater should be provided from the asphalt concrete along the rambed crushed stone from acid-resistant rocks with a thickness of at least 150 mm. With weakly aggressive waters, a device of concrete base is allowed.
    For hatches and wells of wells on the networks of transporting acidic wastewater should be provided with acid-resistant coatings.
    During the construction of wells in macroporous sediments, wells for non-emergency soils can be used, but it should be applied:
    a) produce the grout of the seams and the inner surfaces of the walls of the wells cement ras-creative composition 1: 3
    b) the width of the scene to take equal to 1500 mm.
    During the construction of wells on macroporous sedentary soils of high appeal except the above, additional events are envisaged, namely:
    a) the processing of the soil base of the Degtess or bitumen Materials within the layer with a thickness of at least 0.2 m followed by rambling;
    b) a solid reinforced concrete bottom device;
    c) careful sealing of pipes and a device outside the waterproof castle from mint clay or homogeneous sublink mixed with bitumen or degrees;
    d) the promissory of the inner surface of the well with hot bitumen 2 times on the soil-ke or coating with their fluorate, i.e., with an aqueous solution with aqueous solution of melting and silicon powder hydrochloride acid to form in the surface of insoluble compounds;
    e) layer laying in the sinuses behind the walls of the wells with a seal of mechanical tram-bobs.

    1. Industrial, residential and residential designer public buildings and Socuage. Sewage of settlements and industrial enterprises.
    Ed. G.M. Fedorovsky Moscow, 1963
    2. SNiP 2.04.03-85. Sewage. External networks and facilities.
    3. Network educational and methodical and information complex. "Washing networks and structures"

    Material prepared: Sukhomlin O.I.
    ANDuse of these materials is allowed when specifying direct hyperlink to the site.

    All owners country houses Sooner or later, they are accepted for the arrangement of life support systems. After all, comfortable country life It implies the supply of residential buildings with all necessary - warm, drinking water and, of course, the possibility of drainage or sewage system.

    Autonomous type sewage is quite complicated engineering systemMounting which requires certain plumbing and construction skills. One of the most important elements any autonomous sewagespecial well. And the sewage system needs to arrange several wells at once - swivel, observation, as well as taking economic waste and rainwater. To understand the device and varieties of such wells will be worth it for any excuse.

    What material to give preference

    Builders prefer to build wells from plastic or reinforced concrete - these are the most popular materials today.

    Of course there are and alternative methods The arrangement of the wells. For example, from old car tires. This is the most fiscal option, but unfortunately, not distinguished by reliability and tightness.


    simple in installation and durable material. Manufacturers produce ready-made plastic models. You can also build a well corrugated pipe and plastic plates. Such construction will cost a little cheaper, but will take more time (work requires certain skills).

    The main advantages:

    • low weight;
    • durability and reliability;
    • the ability to replace the lower tray (section serving to attach the pipeline);
    • tightness of all elements (rubber seals are used);
    • the possibility of ordering the container of individual sizes.
    • high cost of models (about 4 000-11 000 rubles).

    Also, plastic samples may have a one-piece design. Minus such models in the already specified depth of the pipeline. Collapsible models have universal mounting properties - if desired, the depth can be increased, or, on the contrary, decrease.

    More often plastic wells are used as rotary or observation structures. However, tightness allows you to apply plastic Capacity and as a waterborg with subsequent pumping fluid with a pump.

    Reinforced concrete

    Classic sewage material. The wells are built from concrete rings, followed by closeing all the junctions between the rings cement and sealant. Also quite functional.


    • versatility;
    • long service life (more than 50 years);
    • high speed mounting;
    • durability and reliability;
    • affordable price.


    • high weight;
    • for installation, we need a winch or special technique.
    Such wells are successfully used as viewing with a large depth of the pipeline run (from 1.5 meters). And with high-quality sealing, the concrete design without problems plays the role of the waterborne.

    Device of the well

    Any sewage well consists of three structural elements:

    • hermetic bottom;
    • mines required depth;
    • upper overlap, equipped with a circular or square hatch.

    Reinforced concrete construction is built as follows:

    1. The pit of the desired depth of the reserve for the free move of the rings (approximately 10-20 cm) is digging. If the soil is loose, and the well deep (more than 1.5 meters), the recess is carried out inside the first ring.
    2. The bottom of the pit poured concrete. In the rings using a perforator, the technical openings for mounting the pipeline are made. Pipes are fixed with cement mortar and sealant. If deep and intended for regular inspection of sewage, on its walls for convenience of descent is mounted metal staircase.
    3. From above, the mine is overlapped with a concrete slab with a hole under the hatch. A special frame of metal is inserted into the hole, and the cover is mounted on top. It can be installed on the curtains and equipped with a lock. Or look like a hatch of cast iron.

    Plastic models include:

    • lower tray with pipes for connecting pipes;
    • mine of multilayer plastic;
    • transition tube telescopic design;
    • frame and Luke of cast iron.

    All items are connected to each other with rubber sealsproviding complete tightness of the design.

    Major species of wells

    In terms of application, wells are divided into several basic types:

    • For regular inspection or viewing - structures are located in places of locking reinforcements and are intended to control and maintain sewer systems.
    • Rotary - a variety of observation wells. It is arranged at the bending points of the pipeline. The main purpose of such structures is quick access to bending (knee) pipes in order to clean it from pollution.
    • Filtration - special structures devoid of tightness (having a perforated bottom). Serve to accumulate not strongly polluted stocks with their subsequent filtering into the ground. This is the perfect solution for removing water from shower or reception drainage systems. At the bottom of the well, a filter from fine rubble and sand is satisfied (sometimes the mine falls asleep with the same material). The thickness of the filter is not less than 40-50 centimeters.
    • Drops - structures intended for damping or increase the flow rate. Installed in the places of a sharp deepening of the pipeline or at the points of attachment to the highway of deep-adhesive collectors. The construction is based on the design of the vertical nozzle (the dodge is the part in the form of a straight cross, knee). The well itself is arranged as a multistage design or has the shape of a classic mine.
    • Employment for water storage or accumulative - sealed wells, the liquid from which rolls out with the pump or flows through the signal pipe into the nearest ravine. For cleaning such a well, the hosts often attract the assessing agents. The cleaning regularity directly depends on the tank capacity. What it is container, the less you have to resort to the pumping fluid. The average height of the well is two meters.

    What kind of wells are needed

    • Cumulative tanks are required exclusively for the arrangement of autonomous sewer systems.
    • Different facilities are more often used when connected home sewage to the central city highway.
    • Filtration structures are allowed to use for wastewater with clean water that does not contain harmful to ambient impurities. For example, to improve the shower, flow from a shower or bath. Water washing and dishwasherscomprising aggressive detergents, filter to the soil can not be filtered!
    • Rotary and observation structures are arranged as in autonomous systemsand on pipelines connected to the public highway.

    Snip standards

    The arrangement of any sewage well is governed by special sanitary and technical standards displayed in a special document known as SNiP.

    This document requires the implementation of some preliminary work.


    • determine the location of the well and make marking on the ground;
    • to emerge all trees and bushes that interfere with construction;
    • equip construction site - to ensure the free entrance of the technology;
    • create a plan (scheme) and coordinate it with neighbors and urban vodokanal.

    Construction work also have a strict regulation and include:

    • pit preparation (pit);
    • fasting bottom with rubble and sand;
    • carrying out full waterproofing of the bottom with a concrete solution;
    • installation of concrete rings or plastic reservoir;
    • summing up;
    • seal all pipes with cement mortar or bitumen ( concrete structures Close up holes around the pipes);
    • checking functionality (testing for leakage);
    • beeping the well outside (for plastic is used fine crushed stone and soil, for concrete clay);
    • additional treatment of concrete structures with waterproofing materials.

    Basic technical requirements.

    What is the sewer well, for what purposes it is used and what should be considered when choosing it? These issues are relevant to this day, since without a full-fledged wastewater disposal system and waste disposal in country house out of the question.

    In order to outdoor sewage In the country or in the cottage was characterized by efficiency and reliability, it should not only be installed correctly, but also choose. In this article we will look at what the sewer well is built on the basis of concrete rings.

    The choice of such a design is unuschaued, as, despite the fact that polymer and plastic analogs appear on the market, it is the reinforced concrete design that the city is universally installed.

    Classification according to appointment

    The sewer well is used to organize turns, pipe drops and other elements in the sewer system.

    In accordance with the appointment, the wells are divided into the following varieties:

    • observation;
    • flushing;
    • cumulative (cesspool);
    • delta;
    • control;
    • rain;
    • special purpose.

    Consider more each of the listed types.

    1. Watching wells Installed in the most extended part of the pipeline, as well as when the level drops due to the characteristics of the soil relief and when the system is rotated.

    In the photo - observation swivel well

    Through this structure, it is possible to inspect the pipeline for a blockage and, if necessary, carry out cleaning.

    1. Washing well Mounted at the highest point of the network and is used in the prophylactic flushing of the pipeline.
    2. Cell ware-type sewer Used to collect waste.
      Instructions for installing this constructure such:
      • The drain drive must be located on the territory adjacent to the house.
      • The construction must be further 10 meters from the water pipeline and more than 20 meters from the water intake mine or well.

      • The distance from the cesspool to the house or other residential buildings should be 10 meters. This requirement is designed to exclude the likelihood of flooding and destruction of the foundation of the house and household buildings in emergency situations.
      • The distance from the construction to the fence on the plot should be from 1 meter or more.
      • Calculation of the volume of the sewage well is determined depending on the average waste norm and from the depth of groundwater.
    1. Drenutian well It is used in the pipeline sections with a sharp decline in the level. The main purpose of the structure is to relieve the flow rate of wastewater.

    The height of the deleted type well is no more than 4 meters. Such a restriction is due to the need to affect the incidence of falling water, since the decline in water with a greater height for many years can lead to the destruction of the entire structure.

    1. Checklets For its intended purpose, it is similar to an observation. The only difference is that it is installed on a plot of combining two or more networks. Also, such structures are relevant when moving from one pipe thickness to another.
    2. Rain wells Designed to collect wastewater from drainage systems.

    1. Special sewer well We are needed if the sewage system intersects with trunk pipelines.

    IMPORTANT: Before descending into the mine of the water voltage well, it is necessary to make sure that the rise of the air environment is normal and the content of potentially hazardous gases is absent.
    So that the measurements are as accurate as possible, the gas analyzer for sewage wells is applied.

    Construction features

    The wellness of the sewage system consists of three main structural elements:

    • bottom;
    • lases;
    • connecting part.

    Important: If the diameter of the pipeline is 30 cm, the meter rings are used for the well, while the LAZ should not be less than 70 cm.
    When using larger diameter pipes, the standard bottom of 1 meter is applied with a diameter.
    For right mounting In the bottom pierce the hole of the required diameter.

    Not long ago, the wells were built exclusively using bricks and concrete. The process was time consuming that negatively affected the cost of the system as a whole. In addition, structures constructed in this way were not the most durable and demanded periodic repairs.

    Ineffective technologies came to replace industrialized reinforced concrete structures. The cost of sewage systems, built using reinforced concrete, has become an order of magnitude more accessible, and the operational resource has grown significantly. And most importantly, the deadlines for the implementation of the construction of sewage decreased at times!

    From reinforced concrete structural elements, sewer systems of various configurations and varying degrees of complexity can be collected. This is largely due to the fact that the prodes have clear standard values, and the range of such products includes dozens of different modifications, from which one or another can be selected.

    Tip: laying the sewer pipeline, should not do sharp turns.
    For example, the angle between the input and output pipe should not be less than 90 ̊.
    Also, in order to eliminate the likelihood of pipeline deformation, the rotation radius must be larger than the diameter of the pipe.

    The following reinforced concrete products include elements of sewer wells:

    • rings are good;
    • road plate with upper arrangement;
    • slab overlap used in sewer systems with pipes of large diameter;
    • neck;
    • ring wall;
    • the bottom in the form of a solid reinforced concrete plate.

    By the way, similar components are applied to the construction of reinforced concrete wells of heat and water supply.

    Applying the listed reinforced concrete parts can be created by sewer type wells for various communications used in the transportation of household and industrial liquids. An important advantage of reinforced concrete wells is the simplicity and efficiency of the waterproofing device.

    Important: despite the fact that reinforced concrete sewer wells can be used everywhere without any significant restrictions, in conditions eternal Merzlota These designs are irrelevant.
    Therefore B. nordic regions It should be resorted to the use of other technologies.

    In accordance with operational requirements, two types of reinforced concrete elements are produced:

    • Modifications from the medium permeability concrete, adapted for use on ordinary soils during the construction of closed pipelines and viewing wells.
    • Modifications from a small permeability concrete, adapted for use on any types of soil during the construction of closed pipelines, collectors, viewing wells, septic testes, etc.

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