Innovative management in personnel management - types and functions of innovative management. Babintseva E.I., Batova K.M.

Encyclopedia of Plants 26.09.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

The company's innovative path depends directly on how successfully innovations are used in personnel management. What technologies and methods can be called innovative personnel management? How does their use affect the company's success?

From this article you will learn:

  • Why innovative personnel management is necessary for Russian enterprises;
  • What methods of innovative personnel management are used in business;
  • How innovative technologies of personnel management affect the competitiveness of the company.

What is innovative personnel management

Innovative workforce management implies a deliberate rejection of the choice of the main traditional management options, processes and methods. This approach allows to change the very principle of work of HR-specialists to a greater extent.

Three conditions under which innovative workforce management generates long-term benefits:

  • innovation is based on principles that run counter to traditional management;
  • the systematic nature of innovations is obligatory, covering a wide range of processes and methods;
  • innovations (innovations) are part of a continuous process of innovation.

Today, in the methods of innovative personnel management, there is less and less emphasis on the priority of material incentives. Everyone understands that the promised reward stimulates the concentration of mechanical efforts and contributes to the achievement of certain success in performing specific task. However, if the use of a non-standard solution is required, the same promised reward becomes a factor in reducing labor productivity.

Why innovative personnel management is necessary for Russian enterprises

For Russian enterprises and companies, innovative personnel management is absolutely necessary, without innovation it is more difficult to remain competitive in the conditions modern market. At the same time without innovation activities most different categories staff innovation will not be possible, and companies need an appropriate management system. Creation innovation system involves the use, in particular, of such methods as innovative technologies of personnel management.

These technologies are created by the HR service to solve the actual problems of the organization. In order for the introduction and implementation of such an approach to management to be effective, highly qualified HR specialists and an appropriate status of the HR service are required.

What is meant by innovative technology

Innovative technologies are understood as a set of methods aimed at ensuring the stages of implementation and implementation of a certain innovation (innovation). Any low-profile technology to increase productivity and save costs can be called innovative.

There are several types of innovative technologies:

  • training,
  • consulting,
  • introduction,
  • engineering,
  • transfer.

The development of new technologies, as well as the innovative activity of enterprises, contributes to the creation of innovative products in material or any other form.

Modern functions of the personnel service and their transformation in the context of innovative personnel management

The main role of a company's human resources in ensuring its competitiveness is usually associated with an analysis of the reasons why the need to develop and implement innovative management in HR becomes obvious.

Currently, HR departments of companies must be able to effectively solve the following problems:

  • planning of labor resources: determination of the need for employees depending on the plans for the development of production;
  • creation of a personnel reserve, selection of applicants, reserve groups;
  • assessment of the work of employees;
  • selection of personnel from reserve groups;
  • registration of contracts with employees;
  • transfer, dismissal, promotion depending on the results of work;
  • adaptation and career guidance of new employees in teams, introduction to production processes;
  • training;
  • determining sufficient remuneration to attract new staff and retain existing staff;
  • leadership training, etc.

Effective solution of these problems is impossible without innovative skills. For successful development, an enterprise must manage the selection, remuneration, training and evaluation of personnel. AT broad sense this requires the creation, application and improvement of methods and programs for organizing all these processes.

Personnel management in innovative management shows the problem of professional success from a different angle, which leads to the formation of a special system of retraining, selection and social adaptation of personnel.

Challenges for employees posed by innovative HR management

With innovative personnel management, employees are required to have a special flexibility of thinking, an internal need for creativity, an effective system of perception, a peculiar form of self-realization and interaction with the social system. Innovations, first of all, are focused on a group of highly skilled workers, in the center of which is an innovator-scientist or an innovator-manager. This intellectual person will be a key figure in innovation, for her the main importance is high motivation and the semantic significance of labor activity.

In foreign companies, for the selection of innovative HR managers, testing is used, aimed at establishing the compliance of the qualities of the applicant with the conditions of work of the innovative manager. In the first place in the evaluation are the organizational skills of candidates, their initiative qualities, no less important is the manifestation of perseverance in achieving goals. The best fit for this job is a candidate with clear leadership qualities, high responsibility, quick and accurate decision-making, and a friendly disposition towards people.

What is the competitiveness of a company using innovative personnel management methods

Thanks to personnel management in innovation a high result of the implementation of innovations is ensured, which is supported by the creative manifestations and achievements of employees. The assessment of the qualities of personnel must be carried out by combining standard quantitative methods and qualitative criteria - the presence of publications, patents among employees. Recruitment becomes even more difficult.

Innovative methods and approaches to personnel management should take into account the characteristics of human resources:

1. The intellectual development of people presupposes the presence of an emotionally meaningful reaction to external influences. Thus, the interaction between the employee and the enterprise becomes two-way.

2. A person's ability for continuous development is the most important and long-term resource necessary to improve the efficiency of any enterprise.

3. The increase in the working life of a modern person (30-50 years) ensures the long-term relationship between an employee and an enterprise.

4. Awareness by employees of their goals in this workplace. Coming to the enterprise, people expect to realize their life plans. Therefore, an unconditional condition for successful interaction between an employee and an enterprise can be called mutual satisfaction on both sides in terms of achieving the goals set.

Experts note that personnel management becomes more complicated every year and more and more turns into an exact science. So soon, for successful work, an HR specialist will need not only an analytical mindset, but also serious preparation.

1. The concept of innovation management.

In its most general form, innovation management is a system for preparing and making decisions aimed at forming, supporting and developing the innovation and technical potential of Russia as a whole, each enterprise, each organization in particular.

Innovation management is one of the forms of general, functional management, the object of which is the processes of innovation and technological development. In other words, innovation management is a system, a set of systematized knowledge on modern management about methods of creating labor-intensive innovations and their effectiveness.

The development and introduction of new types of goods is a high-risk process that does not guarantee any return. There are no guarantees that the material, financial and labor resources invested at the beginning of the project will pay off.

At the same time, innovation management is a vital activity for enterprises. The reasons can be considered objectively growing requirements for goods on the part of consumers, as well as increased competition in the manufacturers' market.

Innovative management can consist both in the direct coordination of work on innovative products, and in the development of systems for managing innovative processes and economic relations which is carried out at the highest level of the company's management.

2. Goals, objectives, place and functions of innovation management.

Target is the end state, the desired result that any organization seeks to achieve. The goal sets certain development guidelines for a given period of time. On the one hand, the goal acts as a result of forecasts and assessment of the situation, and on the other hand, as a limiter for planned innovative activities.

Innovation management involves the following tasks:

o development and implementation of a unified innovation policy;

o development of projects and programs of innovative activity;

o preparation and review of projects for the creation of new pylon products;

o control over the progress of work on the creation of new products and their implementation;

o financial and material support for innovation projects;

o training and education of personnel for innovative activities;

o the formation of target teams, groups that carry out the solution of innovative projects.

The list of tasks that can be solved in the process of innovation management is quite wide and may differ in relation to product innovations and technological innovations.

Control functions innovation management in general terms can be defined as the types (directions) of activities necessary to manage a particular object.

There are two groups of innovation management functions:

1) main functions;

2) providing functions.

The main functions are planning (strategic, current, operational); organization; motivation; control. The main functions of innovation management are common to all types and any conditions of innovation, they reflect the content of the main stages of innovation management.

The supporting functions of innovation management include functions that contribute to the effective implementation of the main functions: socio-psychological and technological or procedural functions. Socio-psychological functions of management are associated with the state of production relations in the team. There are two types of them: delegation and motivation.

3. The concept of innovation.

Innovation (English "innovation" - innovation, innovation, innovation) is understood as the use of innovations in the form of new technologies, types of products and services, new forms of organization of production and labor, service and management. The concepts of "innovation", "innovation", "innovation" are often identified, although there are differences between them.

Innovation is understood as a new order, a new method, an invention, a new phenomenon. The phrase "innovation" literally means the process of using innovation. From the moment it is accepted for distribution, an innovation acquires a new quality and becomes an innovation (innovation). The period of time between the appearance of an innovation and its implementation into an innovation (innovation) is called the innovation lag.

The concept of "innovation" as economic category introduced into scientific circulation by the Austrian economist I. Schumpeter. He first considered the issues of new combinations of production factors and identified five changes in development, i.e. innovation issues:

· usage new technology, technological processes or a new market supply of production;

introduction of products with new properties;

use of new raw materials;

Changes in the organization of production and its logistics;

the emergence of new markets.

4. Classification of innovations.

All the variety of innovations can be classified according to a number of criteria.

1. According to the degree of novelty:

radical (basic) innovations that implement discoveries, major inventions and become the basis for the formation of new generations and directions for the development of technology and technology;

improving innovations that implement average inventions;

· modification innovations aimed at partial improvement of obsolete generations of equipment and technology, organization of production.

2. According to the object of application:

Product innovations focused on the production and use of new products (services) or new materials, semi-finished products, components;

· technological innovation aimed at creating and applying new technology;

process innovations focused on the creation and functioning of new organizational structures, both within the firm and at the interfirm level;

complex innovations, which are a combination of various innovations.

3. By the scope of application:




Within the enterprise (firm).

4. For reasons of occurrence:

Reactive (adaptive) innovations that ensure the survival of the firm, as a reaction to innovations carried out by competitors;

Strategic innovations are innovations, the implementation of which is proactive in order to obtain competitive advantages in the future.

5. By efficiency:


· social;



5. Changes in personnel management as a kind of managerial innovation.

Modern organizations operating in a complex dynamic environment with a high level of uncertainty must constantly change. The ability to implement these changes, to adapt to a constantly changing environment, or more importantly, the ability to change the environment itself, is an important characteristic of today's organizations that ensures their competitiveness and survival in the long term. Organizational changes are called changes in the system of functioning of individual employees, working groups, departments or the organization as a whole, carried out with the aim of organizational development (improvement). According to classical theory management, the goal of organizational change is transition of the organization to a new state, to a greater extent corresponding to the mission of the organization and increasing the efficiency of its functioning. It is clear that in practice changes can produce both positive and negative results.

When it comes to any changes, it is assumed that up to this point the object of the forthcoming changes already existed. Therefore, organizational changes do not include issues of building new organizations. A simple expansion of the scope of the organization (for example, the opening of another branch) is organizational development, but is not a change, since it does not require the abandonment of old ways of working and the transition to new forms of functioning of the organizational system. It is also wrong to call organizational changes the achievement by the organization of planned goals that do not go beyond the traditional trajectory of its development. Most management actions, of course, introduce some novelty into the activities of subordinates and the organization as a whole - the manager distributes the work and the performers of these works, determines the requirements for their quality, controls and corrects their performance. But, again, if all these actions are perceived as maintaining the principles of the usual and familiar system of work of the organization, no one will say that the leader is implementing organizational changes.

Organizational changes can be associated with the development of a new idea or type of behavior by the organization, or as any relatively independent modification of some of its elements. The directions of organizational changes can be the development of improved technology, the creation of a new product, the improvement of the organizational structure, the training and advanced training of employees, the formation of an appropriate corporate culture. In the strategic plans of modern Russian enterprises, the priority is the introduction of new types of products, the development of new market segments, increasing the profitability of the company and each division separately, optimal use available material and scientific resources, building a quality management system (QMS) and much more. In general, all possible changes in the organization can be reduced to seven main types - these are changes in purpose, strategy, technology, structure, product, people and culture.

Organizational changes can be carried out both during periods of crisis and during prosperous periods of development of the company.

6. Personnel innovations.

The theory and practice of management in modern conditions is developing taking into account the fact that this process enhances the dynamism of the external environment, the rapidly changing behavior of its elements, and non-linear socio-economic processes. Under these conditions, the survival of the organization in the long term is largely determined by the ability of management systems to identify the problem in a timely manner, find an innovative solution and bring it to life.

Innovation management in personnel work is the provision of an effective scale and pace of renewal in personnel work in accordance with the current and future goals of the organization, modern patterns of development of scientific and technological progress, the requirements and standards of the state and trade unions in the social. area, market development.

7. Classification of personnel innovations.

Personnel innovations - targeted activities for the introduction of personnel innovations, aimed at increasing the level and ability of personnel to solve the problems of effective functioning and development of socio-economic. structures (organizations and their divisions) in the conditions of competition in the markets of goods, labor and educational (professional) services. Personnel innovations can be classified according to the following criteria:

1. By phases of participation of employees in the professional educational and labor process (cycle).

2. On the objects of innovation and innovative management in personnel work.

3. According to the degree of radicalness, scale and pace of implementation should be distinguished.

4. In relation to the elements of mechanization of personnel management:

Innovations in the field of personnel development assessment.

Innovations in the field of forecasting and programming of personnel development.

Innovations in the field of financial and resource support for personnel development.

Innovations in the field of personnel development motivation.

8. The main goals, objectives, functions and methods of personnel innovation.

All functions innovative personnel management can be combined into two groups: a) functions for the implementation of personnel innovations as an object of management:

organization and conduct of scientific and analytical work in the field of human resource development, identifying and solving new personnel problems of the organization;

Evaluation of the effectiveness of personnel innovations;

· development of forecasts, concepts, innovation and personnel policy, plans, programs and projects of personnel innovations;

their financial and resource support; organization of personnel innovations and control of their implementation; personnel motivation;

b) functions in the areas and areas of personnel management:

organization of continuous education of personnel (training, retraining and advanced training of personnel);

· search and selection of personnel for new industries, personnel for new professions in short supply, elite and innovative personnel;

· attestation and assessment of the work of personnel of innovative structures, innovative qualities of personnel;

development of job development schemes, improvement job descriptions in connection with the development of jobs, organization of labor and personnel;

Promotion and movement of employees through the stages of service and professional career, organization of formation and work with personnel reserve management personnel;

work with elite and innovative personnel;

staff motivation for innovations;

development of innovations in the organization of the work of the personnel service itself; ensuring new standards and improving the quality of working life.

Methods innovative management in personnel work are a set of techniques used throughout the cycle of "education - labor process- release (including dismissal)" in order to improve the efficiency of work with personnel.

In the field of personnel training, the methods of innovation management in personnel work include the development and transformation of higher education into a dynamic, innovation-receptive branched system operating on the basis of state support and self-regulation in order to create the most favorable conditions and the priority of the activities of the highly professional, most creative part of the workers and various structures.

In the field of recruitment, use of personnel, advanced training and retraining, an important condition for the use of a particular method is the strict compliance of the personnel and educational policy with new directions in the development of the organization. In the field of staff reduction, various dismissal methods are used - the "open window method", "selective reduction method", "intimidation tactics" and others. To the basic principles of innovation relate:

freedom of scientific and scientific-technical creativity,

legal protection of intellectual property,

integration of scientific,

scientific and technical activities and education,

support of competition in the fields of science and technology,

concentration of resources on priority areas of scientific development,

· stimulation of business activity in scientific, scientific-technical and innovative activities.

Main tasks:

1. Creation of innovative potential of the labor market and the market educational services;

2. creation of an effective multi-level system of innovative personnel management within the state, region, industry, individual organization for the formation and effective functioning of a qualitatively new personnel potential;

9. Stages of personnel innovations.

The process of managing innovations in personnel work includes the following steps:

1. identifying the need for innovation, which may appear as a result of the appointment of a new leader, changes in production technology, reorganization of activities in connection with the transformation of the organization's goals, changes in external environment(in the actions of competitors, government bodies, in the development of scientific and technical progress). In any of these cases, there will be a difference between the desired and actual functioning of the organization.

2. collection of information about innovations. To do this, organizations use membership in professional associations, participate in exhibitions, apply to consulting firms. The search for innovations is carried out both in times of crisis and in stable economic conditions. In a crisis, it will be short and limited to the first successful alternative, and in the second case it can be long, and the final decision will be based on a comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of many alternative innovations.

3. pre-selection of innovations using certain criteria. The main criterion will be their economic efficiency, i.e. the profit received by the organization from the process of improving personnel work. Other selection criteria can be distinguished (the level of financial costs for the acquisition or creation of innovations, their effectiveness in terms of the goals set by the organization, profitability, the degree of risk and uncertainty of the consequences of implementation, the compliance of innovations with the system of values ​​and norms of behavior that has developed in the organization, the difficulty of mastering innovations by personnel , the possibility, in case of failure in implementation, to safely return to the previous methods of personnel management).

4. making a decision on the introduction of innovations carried out by: the head of the organization, the head of the unit in which it is planned to implement changes, the head of the financial service (in the case of the acquisition of innovations), the head of personnel management, if innovations affect the organization as a whole. If innovations affect certain areas of intra-organizational personnel work, then the decision on their implementation is made by the heads of personnel departments. If innovations are created within the organization, then specific organizational units can be created for their development and implementation, covering the cycle of “development - implementation - maintenance” of innovations in personnel work.

5. implementation, use and maintenance of innovations. To do this, determine the level of the organization's susceptibility to innovations, while the speed of response to innovations in organizations becomes an additional competitive factor.
The introduction and use of innovations may be accompanied by the development of an innovation conflict, since both individual employees and the team as a whole may resist innovations in personnel work. Below we will consider why there is resistance to personnel innovation in the organization and what are the methods of dealing with this resistance.

10. Efficiency of personnel innovations.

Efficiency of personnel innovations- integral (general) effect from the introduction of personnel innovations.

The calculation of economic efficiency is calculated according to a number of economic indicators, in particular, according to the integral effect, the profitability index and the payback period.

Evaluation of the social results of personnel innovations suggests that they correspond social norms, standards and conditions of observance of human rights. The social efficiency of personnel innovations in most cases can be valued and included in the overall results of the project in the framework of determining its economic efficiency. At the same time, there are specific indicators (indicators) of the social effectiveness of personnel innovations. These indicators are:

1 change in the number of jobs;

2 changes in the working conditions of employees;

3 change in the structure of organizational personnel (educational, professional, qualification).

HR innovations are the foundation of successful HR management in modern organization. Personnel innovations create conditions for the formation of employees with a high level of innovative readiness, who are able to adapt to rapid changes in the market and personal situations, perceive and apply new forms of work, resist new types of pressure, who have an independent and creative mind.

11. The concept of organizational and managerial innovations.

Organizational and managerial innovations are changes in the company's management system to achieve the goals of its functioning and development, i.e. changes in the company's management system in order to increase the efficiency of the company's functioning and competitiveness. Signs of attributing innovations to organizational and managerial ones are presented in fig. one

12. Internal structural and managerial innovations.

Internal structural and managerial innovations are changes in the organizational and (and) managerial structure within the organization, leading to an increase in the efficiency of its activities.

Structural and managerial innovations are manifested in the application of various forms of structural design (in the form of project, matrix, structureless, etc. units). So, matrix organizational structure used in structural innovations within the framework of targeted management.

If this structural scheme is used to achieve the goal, a project (program) director is appointed, in whose hands are financial, material and human resources. The program director is granted the rights of the first person of the company. In this case, the matrix organizational structure allows the manager responsible for the implementation of the program and the achievement of the goal to subordinate all the performers, regardless of which department their main job is located in.

Horizontal organizations- these are organizations built on such principles, in the implementation of which horizontal management between departments (coordination of their activities) and external horizontal communications turn out to be more important performance parameters than those possessed by traditional vertical management (subordinate communications).

The main feature of the horizontal enterprise is the gradual reduction in the number of tasks due to internal factors, and the shift towards the most complete satisfaction of the interests of the customer.

Multidimensional structure- this is an autonomous organizational structural unit (autonomous working group), which has the status of a profit center and solves a full range of specific tasks that cannot be solved within the framework of the main organization.

Adhocracy organizations- these are organizations built on the principle of a competence hierarchy and common goals, where the right to manage is held by employees recognized by all employees, whose level of competence is the highest.

13. External structural and managerial innovations.

External structural and managerial innovations - a change in the organizational and (and) managerial structure outside the organization (through the creation or purchase of subsidiaries or affiliated companies that are not formally part of the structure of the parent company), leading to an increase in the efficiency of the parent organization.

Venture(risk firm) is a company financed by a venture investor (usually a venture fund) and created specifically for the purpose of implementing the original ideas presented by the research group.

They are formed with the aim of developing strategically important aspects of research activities and / or supporting private innovation projects of individual groups of specialists, and sometimes individual innovators.

Business incubator- this is an organization (as a rule, having equipped premises and a staff of providing specialists as assets), created in order to provide the most favorable conditions for other companies of a certain profile, due to the fact that supported companies have the right to preferential lease of office and other business premises incubator, and also have the right to use all its material infrastructure and the staff of providing specialists.

14. Essence of strategic management of personnel innovations.

Strategic personnel management organization is the management of the formation of a competitive labor potential organization, taking into account ongoing and upcoming changes in its external and internal environment, allowing the organization to survive, develop and achieve its goals in the long term.

The essence of strategic management:

· Where is the organization and its staff now located?

In what direction should staff develop in accordance with the organization's development strategy?

· What needs to be done to make the staff able to perform the new tasks of the company?

Goals of strategic personnel management:

· Ensuring the needs of the organization in personnel for the future.

· Regulation of the level of remuneration sufficient for the selection, retention and motivation of personnel at all organizational levels.

· High priority for leadership development in key positions.

Provision effective programs training and development to improve the skills of all staff and the formation of a high internal dynamics of the staff.

· Development of effective communication systems between management and other employees, between departments and divisions.

· Creation of mechanisms to deal with the consequences of the psychological perception of change.

Principles of strategic personnel management:

· long-term estimated prospects;

· the direction of managerial influences on changing the potential of personnel;

· Creation of opportunities for effective implementation of potential;

alternative choice depending on the state of the external and internal environment;

· implementation of constant monitoring of the state and dynamics of the external environment and the timely introduction of changes in management decisions.

In the organization itself, the use of strategic personnel management gives a huge win, because it allows you to get a synergistic effect. Domestic authors note that in order to obtain a synergistic effect, the following conditions must be met:

· good development of the system of adaptation to the external and internal labor market;

Availability of a flexible work organization system;

use of payment systems built on the principles of comprehensive accounting of the personal contribution and the level of professional competence of each employee (in connection with which special attention should be paid to the assessment and remuneration of the employee);

· high level participation of employees and working groups in the discussion of problems and the adoption management decisions;

Delegation of authority to subordinates, which is the most important and at the same time the most difficult principle of personnel management;

· the functioning of an extensive communication system, which is an integrating factor of the entire model of strategic personnel management.

The objects of strategic personnel management are:

employees of the organization; working conditions; staff structure.

15. Innovative strategies: essence and methods.

Strategic management is an activity to develop and implement the mission, the most important key goals of the organization and ways to achieve them, ensuring its development in a competitive and unstable external environment. Strategic management is a continuous process of selecting and implementing organizational strategies based on forecasting the dynamics of the external environment, recognizing problems and taking into account expert decisions aimed at creating and maintaining the competitive advantage of the organization.

An innovative strategy for the development of an enterprise is a set of goals and objectives, decision-making rules and methods for transferring an enterprise (firm) from the old (existing) position to a new (target) state based on the introduction of innovations - technological, product, organizational, managerial, economic, social - and positioning of the enterprise in competitive markets for goods and services. That is, an innovative strategy is always expressed in determining the type of target behavior of an enterprise in competitive markets. The whole variety of strategies for the behavior of an enterprise in the innovation markets can be combined into two large groups: strategies for active innovative behavior of creating new markets and a strategy for passively following the innovation market (Fig. 1).

The first type of strategy, often referred to as technological, is a response to ongoing and possible changes in the external environment through continuous technological innovation. Having chosen one or more active strategies, the enterprise chooses the use of a new technological idea as the main success factor. Among the active innovation strategies, two principally can be distinguished. various types strategies: leadership and imitation.

Picture 1 - Classification of innovation strategies

If the technology embodied in a new product or service is completely new to the market, then the enterprise implements a technology leadership strategy. When a technological idea is already known to the market, but is used for the first time by the company itself, then we are talking about imitation strategies.

Passive or marketing innovation strategies are continuous innovations in marketing. An enterprise can choose an innovation strategy in the field of product differentiation, highlighting more and more of it. competitive advantages. The segmentation strategy involves a permanent search for new market segments or entire markets, as well as the use of new methods for the market and / or enterprise to cover these customer groups. The choice of passive innovation strategies by a company can also mean this way of responding to changes in external conditions, as constant innovations in the field of forms and methods of product marketing, communication policy.

16. Innovative projects and programs.

The innovation project is complex system interdependent and interconnected in terms of resources, deadlines and executors of activities aimed at achieving specific goals and objectives in priority areas of science and technology development.

The innovation program is a complex of interconnected innovation projects and innovation activity support projects.

Ideas, plans and technical solutions, as well as projects that implement them, have different levels of scientific and technical significance:

Modernization (pseudo-innovation), when the design is prototype or basic technology do not change drastically.

Innovative (improving innovations), when the design of a new product in terms of the type of its elements is significantly different from the previous one;

Leading (basic innovations), when the design is based on advanced technical solutions;

Pioneer (basic innovations), when previously non-existent materials, designs and technologies appear that perform the same or even new functions.

The level of significance of the project, and subsequently the entire innovation program, determines the complexity, duration, composition of performers, scale, nature of promoting the results of the innovation process, which affects the content of project management.

17. Management of innovative projects and programs.

Project or program management is challenging task. The working group created for the implementation of the project solves new tasks that differ from the tasks solved by the existing functional units.

There is a strong connection between the working group and the entire organization, since the project must be carried out in cooperation with existing units and the result must be integrated into the existing structure. To manage innovative projects, managers should adhere to the following principles for managing innovative projects:

The principle of selective selective control is to select priority areas, targeted support for innovative firms and innovators);

The principle of target orientation of projects to ensure the final goals. It involves the establishment of relationships between the needs for creating innovations and the possibilities of their implementation, while the final goals of specific projects are oriented to the needs, and intermediate goals to the final goals of these projects;

The principle of completeness of the project management cycle;

The principle of phasing of innovative processes and project management processes;

The principle of hierarchy of the organization of innovative processes (all levels of activity are consistent with each other);

The principle of multivariance in the choice of management decisions;

The principle of consistency (a set of measures necessary for the organization of the project is being developed - organizational, administrative and others),

The principle of security or balance (all activities must be provided with the necessary resources).

Stage of formation of proposals in priority areas:

1. A list of the most significant criteria for achieving the goal is fixed;

2. For each project that implements a priority area, an assessment is made of the level of improvement of each indicator compared to the current situation on a scale of "low", "below average", "above average", "high";

3. Technologies that do not have “above average” or “high” ratings are excluded from further consideration. The rest are included in the preliminary proposals for priority areas and critical technologies;

4. Technologies that have at least one “high” rating or at least two “above average” ratings are preliminary considered candidates for the priority group; if more than two "high" or three "above average" - candidates for the group of special priority.

The priority level is defined as follows. Each project (program) of the lower level is evaluated by two indicators: the final result, measured by the growth of the analyzed indicator for a fixed period; costs in the production of software products (general, including investment and current costs). The value of the efficiency indicator characterizing the degree of priority is calculated: the result is divided by the costs. All projects are ordered by priority in accordance with the level of efficiency (result (effect) / costs).

In world practice, cost-benefit analysis is a mandatory procedure for any financial distribution mechanisms. This is because, while simple to apply in practice, this decision rule ensures that a portfolio of projects is chosen that yields the highest possible efficiency for a given limited amount of funds and minimum costs upon reaching the required level of result and efficiency.

As a result, in order to manage innovative projects, managers should adhere to a number of necessary principles. Namely, the principle of choosing priority areas, targeting the project to achieve final results, adhere to the systemic and hierarchical organization of innovative processes, and so on.

18. Program-target management.

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In an environment where competition between enterprises is steadily moving into the field of knowledge management and human capital, innovation in personnel management is becoming a critical success factor. In personnel management, the process of creating innovative approaches is no less important than technological innovation, since it is no longer possible to increase productivity only by increasing quantitative indicators. Managerial innovations have a positive impact on the way and efficiency of the functioning of companies. There are examples when managerial innovations have created strong competitive advantages for modern business.

Thus, General Electric changed the approach to the order and discipline of work in the field of scientific research, as a result of which it gained access to a large number technologies and patents. Procter & Gamble since the 1990s. changed specialized approaches to brand management, as a result of which the productivity of the company's employees increased. That is, it is the innovative technologies of the personnel management system that make it possible to build a competent and efficient work enterprise, to establish relationships between its divisions. This is the relevance of this topic. Many scientists dealt with the concepts of innovation dissemination: G. Tarde, F. Bass, F. Ratzel, L. Frobenius, E. Rogers, D. Hawkins, etc. .

Object of research: innovations, subject - innovative technologies in personnel management.

The purpose of the work: to study innovative technologies in personnel management. At the same time, it is necessary to solve the following tasks: - to give a general concept of innovation; - describe the features of innovations in personnel management; - reveal innovative technologies used in personnel management.

Consider the concept innovative technologies.

Innovative technologies(including personnel management) is, first of all, a set of methods that are aimed at maintaining the stages of implementation and implementation of a specific innovation (innovation). In a narrow sense, any technology that has not received mass distribution for minimizing costs and increasing system performance can be called innovative. There are the following types of innovative technologies: training (training and incubation of small businesses), implementation, consulting, engineering and transfer. With the development of new technologies and as a result of innovative activities of companies, innovative products are created in a specific material or other form.

Today, personnel services of enterprises should effectively solve such problems related to personnel management as: problems in planning labor resources - determining the need for personnel depending on the strategy for the development of production; creation of a reserve of personnel, selection of candidates, determination of reserve groups; selection of personnel from reserve groups; registration of labor contracts; evaluation of the work of each employee; transfer, promotion, dismissal depending on the results of work; vocational guidance and adaptation - the introduction of new employees into labor collectives, into production processes; problems of determining salaries and benefits in order to attract, retain, and retain staff; staff training; leadership training and more.

To successfully solve such problems, other innovative skills are required. Unlike those that were in demand for activities related to maintaining documentation and compiling reports, issuing certificates, issuing pensions, preparing orders for rewards and punishments, and so on. As you know, in order to develop successfully, an enterprise must manage the selection, training, evaluation and remuneration, that is, be able to create, use and improve special methods, procedures, programs for organizing these processes. Personnel management in an innovative organization allows you to look at the problem of professional success from a different point of view, and in this regard, a special system of selection, retraining and social adaptation of employees is being formed.

Three conditions under which innovation in HR creates long-term benefits: innovation is based on principles that challenge traditional management; innovations should be systemic, including a wide range of methods and processes; innovation is part of a continuous process of innovation. Innovative methods of personnel management today are increasingly moving away from the priority use of material incentives. It is no longer necessary to prove that the promised reward contributes to the concentration of mechanical efforts and helps to achieve some success in those areas of production where the attention of workers is focused on achieving a specific goal. But if it is necessary to use a non-standard solution, the promised reward is a factor leading to a negative result - a decrease in labor productivity.

Everett Rogers made a significant contribution to innovation in his work "Diffusion of Innovations". He did research on the adoption of various innovations, and found that innovation adoption curves, most of them, are similar to the standard bell curve, or as it is called " normal distribution", which is divided into 4 parts:

1) innovators - 2.5%

2) early adopters - 13.5%

3) previously the majority - 34%

4) late majority - 34%.

Table 1 - The system of indicators for assessing the innovative potential of the personnel of the enterprise by E. Rogers.



Innovation Intensity Criterion (IIC)

Production intensity

Personnel intellectual development criterion (KIRP)

Share of intellectual labor

Personnel Professional Development Criteria (CPDP)

The degree of use of the innovative potential of personnel

Educational Personnel Criteria (TEC)

The ability of staff to acquire new knowledge

Information and communication criterion (ICC)

Information support of innovations

Criterion of investment and technical and technological equipment of labor (KITTOT)


Costs (including R&D by stages of the innovation cycle)

Enterprise Competitiveness Criterion (QC)

Projected share of innovation

(turnover from projects / products not older than 3 years to the total turnover)

Criterion of financial performance of innovations (KFRI)


Business value

(capital, liquidity, turnover, profitability)

Innovators are people who are capable of taking risks, they are easily open to everything new. They are not afraid of the unknown, despite various factors. People of this type form groups among themselves, exchange information, regardless of geographical distances.

Early adopters are the people who have the basis of information about innovations, and therefore, their opinions are taken into account in making decisions about innovations.

The early majority are people who are not willing to accept anything new first. They think over and weigh all the arguments, and only then make a decision “for” or “against”. This category performs an important function - the legalization of innovation.

Thus, showing the rest that the innovation can be accepted, and it is useful.

The late majority are people who are distrustful of the benefits of innovation. And waits until most of society does not try out innovations.

The laggards are people who resemble conservatives. They choose to communicate with people of the same type. Them main disadvantage that when they adopt an innovation, society can get so far ahead that the innovation becomes obsolete.

For the purpose of effective operation, the personnel management system must contain the best methods and technologies that coincide with the principles underlying it. At the same time, innovative technologies in personnel management can be considered as: 10 - new methods of human resource management that increase the efficiency of the organization's activities (actually innovative technologies of personnel management). These include new (know-how) ways of influencing staff.

So, for example, the emergence of new methods of communication (telephone, Internet, etc.) has led to a sharp increase in the efficiency of organizations by increasing the speed of information transfer in space and time); - traditional technologies introduction of innovations in work with the personnel of the organization (traditional management technologies for the introduction of innovations) - involves the use of a new control element within the framework of the old procedure.

For example, the traditional procedure for selecting employees for the managerial talent pool can be supplemented by an innovative method for identifying genetic markers of leadership (if any are found). Innovations in the personnel management system can be implemented in the following forms: - with the gradual improvement of certain qualities of personnel work (current); - in the form of a constructive, spasmodic improvement of the entire personnel management system as a whole (breakthrough). At the same time, progressive improvement is not associated with drastic changes in the results of the organization's personnel, as a rule, it does not affect structural changes in any way. In its most general form, it can be thought of as a long-term continuous improvement involving the maximum number of employees. Breakthrough improvement of the personnel management system usually affects not only the improved aspects of the work of employees, but also the entire personnel management system as a whole. The system of work with innovations in personnel management, based on the differentiation of innovations into current and breakthrough ones, is clear.

At present, the most common is innovative personnel technologies based on personnel processes, the use of which is possible in the field of personnel management:

Staff formation technologies;

A differentiated system of remuneration, including a system of public recognition of merits and achievements;

Assessment of individual contribution based on the assessment of professionally significant organization-specific criteria for professional assessment - competency models;

Technology of career planning and individual development plans, based on the assessment of the competencies of employees at all levels according to the 360˚ system; - technologies for assessing and attesting personnel;

Technologies for the release of personnel;

Technologies of current work with personnel; - technologies of personnel training and development;

Development of feedback mechanisms, especially in the "bottom-up" direction, creation of a system of open discussions of organizational problems;

Creation of project teams for the development and implementation of current organizational, promising and professional projects, the development of a system of organizational knowledge.

One of the most important innovative approaches to personnel management, in contrast to the classical ones, is the personnel selection system, since work in an innovative organization imposes additional requirements on a potential employee. In addition to traditional qualities: skill, experience, diligence, theoretical knowledge. A manager needs to possess creative potential, flexibility and mobility of thinking, the ability to adapt to rapidly changing conditions, a predisposition and ability to learn and retrain. Except standard ways assessing the potential of employees, the manager also resorts to a qualitative assessment, which includes accounting creative qualities personality .

Personnel management in innovation activities ensures a high level of implementation of innovations and must necessarily be supported by the creative abilities and achievements of the staff. When assessing the quality of personnel, it is important to combine typical quantitative methods with such qualitative criteria as the availability of publications and patents. The tasks associated with the selection of personnel are even more complicated. Since the available information about employees refers to the past achievements of applicants in innovation organization, it is difficult to assess the candidate's compliance with the future working conditions.

Thus, the staff is the most important part of any organization and represents one of the most valuable resources for innovative development. The search for new approaches to personnel development management today is necessary condition successful functioning of any organization. In the conditions of modern personnel work, innovation is an urgent need. In this paper, the features of innovations and innovative technologies in personnel management are considered. Innovative technologies in personnel management are ways and methods of more effective management of the organization's personnel processes. The solution of this problem is impossible without the transition to innovative methods of personnel management, which today is an urgent task for the management of innovative companies.

Scientific adviser:
Yurina Olga Yurievna,
Master of Pedagogical Sciences, Lecturer at the Ust-Kamenogorsk branch of the PRUE. G. AT. Plekhanov, G. Ust- Kamenogorsk

The success of the innovative activity of a modern organization largely depends on the effectiveness of management staff- the most important functional subsystem of the enterprise and the most valuable resource innovative development.

Possessing special strategic and operational functions, the human factor plays a central role in the intellectualization and informatization of production.

Until recently, the very concept of "personnel management" was generally absent in management practice. Despite the fact that each organization had a functional personnel management subsystem, this management itself was within the competence of the head of the unit.

The main structural unit for personnel management - Human Resources Department performed only the functions of planning labor resources, hiring and firing employees, organizing training in advanced training and retraining courses. Functionally, the personnel department was not connected with the divisions of the organization of labor and did not have the professionalism to ensure the optimal functioning of personnel in innovative systems.

As the centralized system of economic management weakened, organizations began to face fundamentally new tasks related to human resource management. First, it was the issues of stimulating employees and creating competitive compensation packages, retaining highly qualified specialists in the enterprise, who now have the opportunity to choose their place of work and remuneration, then wage indexation in conditions of high inflation, and finally, the problems of increasing productivity and reducing the number of employees under pressure competition.

Currently, the personnel departments of organizations must effectively solve such problems related to personnel management as:

  1. planning of labor resources - determination of the need for personnel depending on the strategy for the development of production;
  2. creation of a personnel reserve, selection of candidates, determination of reserve groups;
  3. selection of personnel from reserve groups;
  4. registration of labor contracts;
  5. assessment of the labor activity of each employee;
  6. transfer, increase, decrease, dismissal depending on the results of work;
  7. vocational guidance and adaptation - the introduction of new employees into the team, into the production process;
  8. determination of wages and benefits in order to attract, retain and retain staff;
  9. personnel training;
  10. leadership training, etc.

The solution of these problems requires completely different innovative skills than those that were sufficient for maintaining documentation and compiling reports, issuing certificates, issuing pensions, preparing orders for rewards and punishments, issuing sick leave, keeping time records, maintaining personal files of employees, technical training, training and advanced training of engineers, correspondence with the district military registration and enlistment office and third-party organizations, preparing orders from the head of personnel.

As you know, in order to develop successfully, an organization must manage the selection, training, evaluation and remuneration, that is, be able to create, use and improve special methods, procedures, programs for organizing these processes. Taken in unity, methods, procedures, programs are personnel management systems.

The organization's personnel management model

Innovative approaches to personnel management, unlike traditional ones, are seen here in all individual systems, in particular in the personnel selection system. In the traditional approach, the amount of recruitment work is determined to a large extent by the difference between the available labor force and future need for it. In innovative activity, which is characterized by uncertainty and significant risk, it is difficult to predict future labor needs: it is necessary to assess the correspondence of the capabilities of workers in terms of their adaptation to stochastic social processes and their level of qualification to the content of innovative activity.

innovative type modern production re-formulates problem of professional success, and in this regard, it forms a special system of selection, retraining and social adaptation of the employee. The new situation forces us to look for non-traditional social technologies, requires the employee to be able to combine innate and acquired qualities with the requirements environment. Innovative structures require from the employee a special flexibility of thinking, an effective system of perception, an internal need for creativity, a peculiar form of self-realization and integration into social system. They are focused primarily on a highly skilled workforce, the central element of which is the personality of an innovator-scientist or innovator-manager. The key figure in innovation is becoming intellectual, for which the semantic significance of labor and high intrinsic motivation. Special requirements for the key figure of the innovator must be combined with the improvement of communication processes and interpersonal relationships.

Many foreign companies in the competitive selection of innovative managers they use tests of the conformity of the qualities of an employee with the requirements of the conditions of activity of an innovative manager. The most important qualities in the selection of contestants are organizational skills, based on initiative, purposefulness, perseverance in achieving goals. The candidate who combines leadership with high responsibility, a friendly attitude towards others, and efficiency and accuracy with the timeliness of decisions is given the highest rating.

An exemplary test for compliance with the qualities required of an innovation manager is given in Table.

Test for compliance with the qualities required of an innovation manager

Qualities Score, points
4 3 2 1
Initiative Looking for additional assignments. active, open Shows resourcefulness and ingenuity when performing the main task Performs the required amount of work without additional instructions Inactive, passive, waiting for instructions
Leadership Strong personality. Inspires trust and confidence Gives efficient orders Conducts routine business Slave
Attitude towards employees positive, friendly Pleasant, tactful Sometimes closed, difficult to communicate Grumpy, withdrawn, uncommunicative
A responsibility Demonstrates accountability for all assignments Agree with orders Reluctantly agrees
with instructions
Avoids any orders
Organizational skills Very capable, able to convince, build logical proofs. Rational Capable organizer Average abilities Incapable of persuasion and rationalization. Bad organizer
Determination Fast, accurate, self-confident, efficient Substantial, cautious, prudent Determined but makes many mistakes Doubtful and fearful
Persistence in achieving the goal Purposeful. Not afraid of difficulties Makes constant efforts Average perseverance Tenacity is almost non-existent

A high level of implementation of innovations must necessarily be based on the creative abilities and achievements of the staff. When evaluating the quality of personnel, it is important to combine typical quantitative methods with such qualitative criteria as publications and patents.

Recruitment tasks are even more difficult. Since the available information about the employee refers to the past achievements of candidates for the innovation unit, it is extremely difficult to judge the candidate's suitability for future work conditions. Therefore, at the stage of personnel selection, it is necessary to use a system of tests, competitive selection, etc. To do this, it is necessary to define the concepts and criteria for professional success and apply a methodology for assessing professionally significant qualities, their dynamics, and also take into account the peculiarities of the formation of professional skills and abilities in the process of personnel training .

Innovative approaches to personnel management should also be based on taking into account the specifics of human resources, which is as follows.

1. People are endowed with intelligence, their reaction to external influences is emotionally meaningful, and not mechanical, and, therefore, the process of interaction between the organization and the employee is two-way.

2. People are capable of continuous improvement and development, and this is the most important and long-term source of increasing the efficiency of any organization.

3. The working life of a person continues in modern society 30-50 years, respectively, the relationship between the employee and the organization can be long-term.

4. People come to the organization consciously, with specific goals, and expect it to help them achieve their goals. Satisfaction of the employee with interaction with the organization is the same necessary condition for the continuation of this interaction, as well as satisfaction from the organization.

As a positive experience in the application of innovative approaches, we can consider Sony, in which the opinion of each employee is given the deserved attention. The company introduced weekly bonuses for the development of rationalization proposals that allow year after year to improve the quality of products.

The very procedure of presenting envelopes is thought out taking into account the emotional component, since the award funds are presented to innovators by a nice and beautifully dressed employee. At the same time, all proposals made during the week are subject to stimulation, regardless of their application in the future. What can be considered an innovation in personnel management and what typology of this process exists?

Personnel management system as an innovation

The personnel management system certainly arises from the moment the operation of any enterprise, if it wants to become successful, and has a number of features inherent in any innovation. This is a solution to specific problems of the organization, the uncertainty of the result, the possible resistance of employees and the emergence of conflict situations, the multiplier effect.

The process of formation and development of the system is inherent in all stages of the innovation process, which proceeds in full accordance with the basic economic laws. Selection, adaptation, evaluation and labor movements of personnel as technologies of the management system determine its innovativeness. The main goal of all transformations is to increase the efficiency of personnel work and, as a result, the success of the enterprise.

Directions for introducing innovations in personnel management

If we consider the personnel management system itself as an innovation, then the following can be considered as the main directions of its implementation:

1. Personnel development and business career management. The training program is based on determining the discrepancy between qualification requirements and real competencies of employees, which allows you to individualize the learning process and get the most effective result at minimal cost.

2. Building a system of motivation. The traditional motivational factor was, is and will be the size of the employee's salary, determined by the internal and external value of the given workplace. In addition, the bonus system is also widely used, which implies a variable part of the salary, which proportionally depends on the monthly contribution of each employee to the work of the department, division and enterprise as a whole.

3. Formation of corporate culture. Awareness by each employee of the basic values ​​and mission of the company has a positive effect on the results of work, and the process of transferring such values ​​is the corporate culture.

4. Development of a competency model. Such an innovation is intended to regulate the multifunctionality of a number of workplaces and competently build a technological chain, which helps prevent conflicts and focuses on the quality and efficiency of work.

5. Computer technologies in management. Software products allow not only to keep records of personnel according to various parameters, but also to form the necessary accounting documents which can be easily transported electronically.

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