Personnel management in an innovative organization. Innovative management in personnel management - types and functions of innovative management

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In the conditions when to competition between enterprises is steadily moving into the field of knowledge management and human capital, innovation in personnel management is becoming a decisive success factor. In personnel management, the process of creating innovative approaches is no less important than technological innovation, since it is no longer possible to increase productivity only by increasing quantitative indicators. Managerial innovations have a positive impact on the way and efficiency of the functioning of companies. There are examples when managerial innovations have created strong competitive advantages for modern business. Thus, General Electric changed the approach to the order and discipline of work in the field of scientific research, as a result of which it gained access to a large number of technologies and patents. Procter & Gamble since the 1990s. changed specialized approaches to brand management, as a result of which the productivity of the company's employees increased. That is, it is the innovative technologies of the personnel management system that make it possible to build a competent and efficient work of the enterprise, to establish relationships between its divisions. This is the relevance of this topic.

Many scientists dealt with the concepts of innovation dissemination: G. Tarde, F. Bass, F. Ratzel, L. Frobenius, E. Rogers, D. Hawkins, etc.

Object of research: innovations, subject - innovative technologies in personnel management.

The purpose of the work: to study innovative technologies in personnel management.

In this case, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

Give a general concept of innovation;

Describe the features of innovations in personnel management;

To reveal innovative technologies used in personnel management.

The work consists of an introduction, two chapters of the main part, a conclusion and a list of references.

1. Innovations in personnel management

B B In an environment where competition between organizations and companies is steadily shifting to knowledge management and human capital, innovation in human resource management is becoming a critical success factor. Innovation in human resource management is strongly linked to innovation in business. In order to survive and improve, every organization or company must make innovative decisions and innovate. At the same time, the leading factor determining the basis for the development of innovative ideas and their successful implementation in an innovative economy is its employees with their skills, abilities, qualifications and ideas.

Innovation (from Latin In - in, novatio - new - in the direction of change) is understood as an innovation that is in demand by the market and provides a high-quality increase in the efficiency of processes or products. 1

So, the key to the success of innovation lies in the human resource management system. The use of certain technologies in management practice forms an innovative company. AT general view characteristics of an innovative enterprise are shown in fig. one.

Figure 1 - Components of the activity of an innovative enterprise

Personnel innovations are considered as a subsystem common system managerial innovation in the organization. And Investing in the development of human resources plays a larger role than investing in the improvement of production capacities. The importance of human (intellectual) potential increases with the increasing speed of technological progress, with the development information technologies, increased competition and other conditions. The importance of personnel at the innovation stage economic development shown in fig. 2. 2

Figure 2 - The importance of human resources at the innovative stage of economic development

Each organization seeks to maximize the potential of its employees, rationally use their mental abilities. Considering innovative activity in personnel management, we note that it has distinctive features inherent in the general concept of innovation: firstly, changes in personnel management are aimed at resolving specific problems, in accordance with the company's development strategy; secondly, it is impossible to determine in advance the exact result to which they can lead; thirdly, changes in personnel management can provoke conflict situations associated with opposition from employees and their rejection of innovations; fourthly, changes in personnel management give a multiplier effect, that is, they provoke counter changes in other subsystems of the company, due to the fact that they relate to a key component of the organization - its employees. 3

F The formation of an innovative economy inevitably leads to the transformation of the structure and quality work force, increasing requirements for the professional and qualification level of employees. Modern science-intensive and information technologies penetrate into all spheres of the economy. As a result, there is a combination of professional knowledge, there are related and borderline professions. The innovative economy needs mainly creative intellectual workers. Consequently, approaches to managing the “new labor force”, technologies of innovative personnel management are being formed.

Technology (from the Greek techne - art, skill, ability; logos - word, teaching) - a set of methods implemented in any process. 4

Innovative technologies- this is a set of methods, tools and activities aimed at the development of existing or the creation of fundamentally new types of production activities. 5

There are types of innovative technologies: 6

a) implementation - the implementation of the final stage of the scientific and production cycle of the development of a new product;

b) training - business conversation, a type of socio-psychological exercise focused on the development of attitudes necessary for successful communication in the conditions of professional activity, which are used to train personnel;

c) consulting - consulting manufacturers, sellers and consumers on economic, economic and legal issues;

d) transfer - gratuitous provision of technology from one person to another;

e) audit - verification of finances and documentation by independent experts or organizations;

f) engineering - presentation on a paid basis of engineering and consulting proposals, such as design, presentation of a license and know-how) for the creation of industrial facilities, infrastructure, etc.

Innovations in personnel management are most often initiated by the personnel manager, who sees the need to introduce innovation into the work of the company.At the same time, innovative personnel management is based on the following assumptions: 7

The need for a close relationship between the company's development strategy and personnel planning.

Assessment of the degree of impact of costs on work with personnel on economic indicators production;

Formation of the required number of competencies, professional skills for effective work in the labor market.

L Any organization needs only those innovations in personnel management, the need for which is clear and understandable to all employees, and which are united by the managerial and economic needs of a particular company. To do this, you first need to identify a number of key problems that require such a solution, then analyze options for solving one of the identified problems, and subsequently select suitable option. And, if this implementation is successful, the innovation is being introduced into life. In the future, innovations in personnel management are analyzed, as needed, and adjusted. M There are a number of circumstances that justify the need for organizations in innovative personnel technologies and predetermine the main directions of their development: 8

Increasing the level of staff education: Diversely educated employees demand greater freedom and autonomy in the workplace;

Technologization of management and production: the emergence of new, primarily information, technologies implies mandatory retraining of both employees and managers;

Changing workforce composition: any organization's workforce planning must take into account the increase in the proportion of women, the elderly and other population groups, which will lead to a change in the organization's values ​​\u200b\u200band workforce technologies.

Increasing role of technologies for the protection of health and safety of professional activity: this trend involves the introduction of new methods of selection and training of personnel;

Changing the role of the top management of the organization, which in the future becomes an increasingly active participant in the process of personnel development;

Formation of a new work ethic: in connection with the development of project and team forms of work, more and more attention will be paid to the personality of the employee;

Changing the role of personnel management services in strategic planning: understanding of personnel as a source of profit will change the essence of the work of personnel services;

Development of procedures for assessing the achievements of employees: organizations will be required to share income with employees on the basis of more objective and results-oriented systems for assessing personal contribution;

New personnel policy: traditional formal hierarchical management will give way to professional management with a greater focus on human dignity.

Innovative approaches to personnel management should also be based on taking into account the specifics of personnel, which is as follows: 9

1. People are endowed with intelligence, their reaction to external influences is emotionally meaningful, not mechanical, and, therefore, the process of interaction between the company and the employee is two-way.

2. People are capable of continuous improvement and development, and this is the most significant and long-term resource for increasing the efficiency of any company.

3. The working life of a person in modern society lasts 30-50 years, in accordance with this, the relationship between the employee and the company is long-term.

4. People come to the company consciously, with certain goals, and, accordingly, expect support from it in achieving their goals. Employee satisfaction with interaction with the organization is necessary condition as well as organizational satisfaction.

Thus, innovation is not only the application of high technologies, but also innovation in the field of management decisions. And, therefore, it is personnel management that is the main component of the innovative enterprise management system as a whole and takes the place of the most important factor in the economic success of the company. To increase the efficiency of the innovative development of an organization, it is necessary to have a management system for innovative personnel management, which creates favorable working conditions, as well as provides an opportunity for career growth and the necessary degree of confidence in the future.

To implement the main tasks facing the company, structural transformations of the personnel management system based on new management technologies are necessary. The introduction of innovations in the personnel management system must be carried out on the basis of the study existing system personnel management, identifying its capabilities and disclosing shortcomings, as well as taking into account the requirements of the latest trends in the field of personnel management and the specifics of the company's development.

In addition, when developing and implementing innovations in the personnel management system, one should evaluate their timeliness, capabilities and effectiveness, that is, do everything possible so that the opposition of the staff is as small as possible and the effectiveness of innovations is as large as possible.

2. Innovative technologies in personnel management

FROM For the purpose of effective operation, the personnel management system must contain the best methods and technologies that coincide with the principles underlying it. At the same time, innovative technologies in personnel management can be considered as: 10

New, increasing the efficiency of the organization, methods of human resource management (actually innovative technologies of personnel management). These include new (know-how) ways of influencing staff. So, for example, the emergence of new methods of communication (telephone, Internet, etc.) has led to a sharp increase in the efficiency of organizations by increasing the speed of information transfer in space and time);

Traditional technologies for introducing innovations in work with the personnel of an organization (traditional management technologies for introducing innovations) - involves the use of a new control element within the framework of the old procedure. For example, the traditional procedure for selecting employees for the managerial talent pool can be supplemented by an innovative method for identifying genetic markers of leadership (if any are found).

Innovations in the personnel management system can be implemented in the following forms: 11

With the gradual improvement of individual qualities of the work of the staff (current);

In the form of a constructive, spasmodic improvement of the entire personnel management system as a whole (breakthrough).

At the same time, progressive improvement is not associated with drastic changes in the results of the organization's personnel, as a rule, it does not affect structural changes in any way. In its most general form, it can be thought of as a long-term continuous improvement involving the maximum number of employees. Breakthrough improvement of the personnel management system usually affects not only the improved aspects of the work of employees, but also the entire personnel management system as a whole. The system of work with innovations in personnel management, based on the differentiation of innovations into current and breakthrough ones, is clearly shown in Fig. 2. 12

Figure 2 - Model of work with innovations in the personnel management system

The modern focus of innovation in personnel management is associated with the following main tasks: 13

1) improving the productivity of activities;

2) effective training and development of personnel;

3) improving working relationships and creating a creative environment;

4) improving the quality of life;

5) stimulation of constructive ideas;

6) better use of the skills and abilities of people;

7) increasing the susceptibility and adaptability of personnel to innovations.

There are several basic innovative areas in personnel management:

1. Innovation and educational management - innovations in the training of professional personnel at universities, institutes, colleges, and other educational institutions.

2. Innovative and personnel marketing - the formation of a new and effective personnel potential.

3. Innovative and technological personnel management - modern methods of working with personnel at the stage of mastering the types of new equipment and technologies in their professional activities, certification, a new distribution of functions and powers in the existing personnel structure, innovations in the forms and methods of retraining and advanced training of personnel, methods promotion and relocation of employees, improvement of work with elite personnel.

In the present period, the most common is innovative personnel technologies based on personnel processes, the use of which is possible in the field of personnel management:

Staff formation technologies (personnel marketing, case interviews, testing, headhunting, competency-based interviews, e-recruitment, etc.);

Differentiated remuneration system (grading system of remuneration), including a system of public recognition of merits and achievements;

Assessment of individual contribution based on the assessment of professionally significant organization-specific criteria for professional assessment - competency models;

The technology of career planning and individual development plans (realization of potential), based on the assessment of the competencies of employees at all levels according to the 360˚ system;

Technologies for assessment and certification of personnel (assessment center, 360-degree method, coaching, etc.);

Technologies for staff release (staff leasing, outsourcing, outstaffing, etc.);

Technologies of current work with personnel (staff grading, stress management, conflict management, etc.);

Technologies of personnel training and development (coaching, team building, role-playing and business games, knowledge management, etc.);

Development of feedback mechanisms, especially in the "bottom-up" direction, creation of a system of open discussions of organizational problems;

Creation of project teams for the development and implementation of current organizational, prospective and professional projects, development of organizational knowledge system.

One of the most important innovative approaches to personnel management, in contrast to the classical ones, is the personnel selection system, since work in an innovative organization requires a potential employee to Additional requirements. In addition to traditional qualities (skill, experience, diligence, theoretical knowledge), he needs to have creative potential, flexibility and mobility of thinking, the ability to adapt to rapidly changing conditions, a predisposition and ability to learn and retrain. In addition to the standard methods of assessing the potential of employees, the manager also resorts to a qualitative assessment, which includes taking into account the creative qualities of the individual.

Specialists working in the direction of systematization of innovations in the field of personnel management identify several areas, which are based on the use of modern telecommunication systems, which are aimed at: the introduction of modern computer technologies in the process of collecting and analyzing data; creation of a virtual office - a system of direct access and active interaction of people located at a distance from each other.

It is known that the personnel management cycle contains some processes, namely: recruitment; personnel administration; development and training; assessment, attestation; motivation, stimulation of work; organizational development and career management. Within the framework of these processes, as a rule, the following main tasks are solved:

Development of uniform principles of personnel policy and determination of its goals;

Planning the need for human resources, development of staffing;

Formation and development of a system for the movement of personnel information (information policy),

Distribution principles Money, providing an effective system of labor incentives (financial strategy);

Providing a development program, career guidance and adaptation of employees, planning their individual advancement, vocational training, retraining and advanced training (staff development strategy);

Evaluation of the results of work, a study of the compliance of the company's personnel policy with its strategy, identification of problem areas in personnel work, as well as assessment labor potential. 14

All personnel information can be generated and monitored within the framework of the existing collective information system - in the "Personnel Management" block. This software makes it possible to coordinate the action of various channels of interaction between staff and management. All this allows HR managers to have access to complete personnel information necessary for the best planning and control of budgets for salaries, training, business trips, etc. On the basis of these data, it is possible to carry out automated selection and selection of personnel for a full-time position, analyze the compliance of a particular employee with the requirements for the work assigned to a regular position, form a planned time sheet indicating the structure of planned cases, etc.

In addition, the Internet is now increasingly used to search for employees, as well as job search. AT AT On the net, you can find virtual recruitment agencies, sites of real active recruitment agencies, job boards, corporate websites with available vacancies, etc. The Internet was appreciated by employers, recruitment agencies, and job seekers. The main advantages of these tools are speed, accessibility and free information. In addition, they also make it possible to formulate the request and requirements for candidates in more detail than an advertisement in the press, where you have to pay for the volume. This improves the quality of the search and allows you to quickly and effectively solve the problems that have arisen when your own database is not enough or you need to find a specialist urgently.

Almost all experts believe that network "labor exchanges" in the foreseeable future will be much more effective than other ways of finding work and personnel.

In addition, the Internet makes it possible to increase the company's staff by attracting, for example, "remote" employees from other regions, and even other states. An employee has the opportunity to be at a considerable distance from the main office of the company and, at the same time, work for this company and interact with other employees using network technologies. This increases the mobility of both the workers themselves and the firm.

5. Development of interactive applications of the internal network (Intranet) for prompt collection of feedback, development of employees' participation in the discussion of significant problems.

Thus, the technologization of personnel management processes allows solving a number of new tasks, while creating new opportunities, including:

a) for management: to increase the effectiveness of the firm as a result of accurate placement of personnel; reduce the period for making managerial decisions and monitor their implementation; reduce costs and conduct their full accounting for personnel management.

b) for HR managers: significantly reduce the labor intensity of work; automate personnel workflow and preparation of external and internal reporting; increase the efficiency of labor productivity and performance discipline.

Information technologies, in order to solve the problems of personnel management, form the following innovative opportunities:

Acceleration of the company's business processes related to the automation of routine recruitment processes;

Reducing the complexity of many types of work with personnel;

Possibility of individualization personnel work;

Expansion of staff due to "remote" and mobile employees;

The emergence of new perspectives that were not previously available without the use of information technology, namely: the formation of individual profiles of employees; support for their "personal accounts", while any employee has the opportunity to find information on wages, income tax and more.

In addition, in the context of competition for personnel, there is an increasing interest in complex systems personnel management. The growth of this segment, according to experts, will become very intensive in the near future - 20-30% per year, and probably even 40%. 15

At the same time, despite the advantages of information technology, they cannot automate absolutely all the functions of personnel management. There are many tasks that cannot be automated. This is, first of all, everything that is associated with psychology, because. you can prepare a technical task and program anything, but not relationships.


Thus, in order to function successfully, any organization needs to change. In the conditions of modern personnel work, innovation is an urgent need. In this paper, the features of innovations and innovative technologies in personnel management are considered.

In its most general form, innovation is the introduction of a new (or significantly improved) product (good or service) or process. An activity that consists of a set of scientific, financial, technological and other measures for the creation, development, dissemination of innovations and is aimed at using the results of these activities in order to increase the competitiveness of a certain type of business is called innovative.

Innovative technologies in personnel management are ways and methods of more effective management organization's HR processes.

the main objective innovations in personnel management, this is providing the organization with employees who continuously generate innovations in all areas of their activities, their effective application by creating conditions for the introduction of innovations, professional and social development personnel for the benefit of both the employees themselves and the company and society as a whole.

There are many innovative technologies. The most significant, providing high innovative activity of the staff, include: a grading system of remuneration, incl. public recognition of merits and achievements; evaluating individual contributions based on organization-specific competency models; technologies for career planning and individual development of employees; effective feedback techniques, especially from the bottom up; development of organizational knowledge system.

At the same time, among the numerous innovative technologies for working with personnel, one of the key positions should be occupied by information technology.

As the main technologies based on the use of information technology, we can name:

1. Remote access and online interaction for solving typical tasks in the field of personnel management (interviewing via Skype, filling out electronic forms of questionnaires, broadcasting electronic copies of personal documents, distance learning, etc.).

2. Creation of databases for accounting and control of personnel statistics ( labor discipline, speakers personnel, personnel quality analysis, etc.).

3. Conducting video conferences and webinars with the participation of employees of remote departments.

4. Cascading significant information (news) to personal email employees.

5. Development of interactive applications of the internal network (Intranet) for prompt collection of feedback, development of employees' participation in the discussion of significant problems (block "Personnel management").

The following are considered as promising tasks:

Integration of personnel management systems with existing systems of psychological and mental testing;

Certification and assessment of jobs according to working conditions;

Standardization of work;

Personalization of learning, i.e. formation individual programs education and training, as well as monitoring their effectiveness;

Using information about the employee, his interests and abilities in order to increase his own efficiency.

Thus, of course, new technologies in personnel management allow the company to take a leading position in the market and increase the profit received by the enterprise.

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Management of personnel and the enterprise as a whole is difficult process. Here it is important to know not only the basics of psychology, but also to thoroughly study the concept of innovation management. Innovations in the management process will bring positive results in the near future.

The concept of innovation management

Experts in the field of management say that innovation management as a science is a multifunctional activity, and its object is represented by factors that affect new processes:

  • economic;
  • organizational and managerial;
  • legal;
  • psychological.

Essence of innovation management

It is known that innovation management is a process of regular updating of various aspects of the company's functioning. It includes not only various technical and technological innovations, but also all changes for the better in completely different areas of the enterprise and in managing the process of new knowledge. At the same time, it is customary to represent innovation as a process of improving the balance of various areas of the enterprise.

The concept of innovation management remains unchanged. For every manager, updates will mean disruption to the orientation of research and production personnel. Its task will be to unite many participants in this process, while creating economic conditions and a desire to work. Such innovative management is associated with different types work.

Goals of innovation management

This department, like the others, has its own strategic objectives, and depending on this, the goals may differ. However, the main practical goal of innovation management is to increase the innovative activity of the enterprise. Such goals should be accessible, achievable and time-oriented. It is customary to share the following goals:

  1. Strategic - associated with the purpose of the company, its established traditions. Their main task is to choose a general direction for the development of the enterprise, which is associated with the introduction of various innovations.
  2. Tactical tasks are specific tasks that are usually solved in certain situations at different stages of the implementation of the management strategy.

The goals of innovation management are divided not only by level, but also by other criteria. So in terms of content they are:

  • social;
  • organizational;
  • scientific;
  • technical;
  • economic.

Depending on the priority of the goal, they are called:

  • traditional;
  • priority;
  • permanent;
  • one-time.

Types of innovation management

Future leaders are often interested in what types and functions of innovation management exist. It is customary to divide the following types:

  • functional;
  • strategies to prioritize both development and growth;
  • introduction to new industries and markets;
  • analysis of the competitive advantages of the enterprise;
  • strategic decisions regarding the tasks, mission and development of the enterprise;
  • ensuring the company's competitiveness and dynamic growth.

Stages of innovation management

There are the following main stages in the development of innovation management:

  1. Understanding the importance and necessity of future innovations by members of the administrative team. The need for an "ideological inspirer".
  2. Formation by the head of his own team, which implies not a management team, but a group of ideological supporters from a team of teachers. Such people should be technologically and methodically prepared for the introduction of innovations.
  3. The choice of direction in the development and application of innovations. At the same time, it is important to motivate people and form readiness for new types of work.
  4. Forecasts of the future, construction of a special problem field and definition with the main problem.
  5. After obtaining the necessary results of the analysis and finding the main problem, a search and selection of development ideas for the next period takes place.
  6. Determination of actions in management in order to implement the developed idea.
  7. The process of organizing work to complete a project.
  8. Tracking all steps to implement the idea to correct future actions.
  9. Program control. Here it is important to assess the effectiveness of innovation management techniques.

Innovative technologies in management

In management, the creation of new approaches is no less significant than technological innovation, since it is impossible to raise productivity only by increasing the quantity indicators. All innovations in management have a positive effect on the methods and effectiveness of the enterprise. There are examples where innovations in management have been able to create very strong competitive advantages. Innovations in management make it possible to build a competent and productive work organization, to establish the relationship between departments.

Books on innovation management

For future leaders, there is a lot of literature about innovation management in . Among the most popular publications:

  1. Kozhukhar V. “Innovation management. Tutorial"- discusses theoretical and practical issues of innovation management.
  2. Semenov A. "Innovative aspects of corporate knowledge management"- the debatable problems of corporate knowledge management are explored.
  3. Vlasov V. "Choice of the company's innovative strategy"- description of the choice of the main direction of the enterprise.
  4. Kotov P. "Innovation Management" - detailed description enterprise management.
  5. Kuznetsov B. "Innovation management: study guide"- methods of analysis and management of innovations are revealed.

As a positive experience in the application of innovative approaches, we can consider Sony, in which the opinion of each employee is given the deserved attention. The company introduced weekly bonuses for the development of rationalization proposals that allow year after year to improve the quality of products.

The very procedure of presenting envelopes is thought out taking into account the emotional component, since the award funds are presented to innovators by a nice and beautifully dressed employee. At the same time, all proposals made during the week are subject to stimulation, regardless of their application in the future. What can be considered an innovation in personnel management and what typology of this process exists?

Personnel management system as an innovation

The personnel management system certainly arises from the moment the operation of any enterprise, if it wants to become successful, and has a number of features inherent in any innovation. This is a solution to specific problems of the organization, the uncertainty of the result, the possible resistance of employees and the emergence of conflict situations, the multiplier effect.

The process of formation and development of the system is inherent in all stages of the innovation process, which proceeds in full accordance with the basic economic laws. Selection, adaptation, evaluation and labor movements of personnel as technologies of the management system determine its innovativeness. The main goal of all transformations is to increase the efficiency of personnel work and, as a result, the success of the enterprise.

Directions for introducing innovations in personnel management

If we consider the personnel management system itself as an innovation, then the following can be considered as the main directions of its implementation:

1. Personnel development and business career management. The training program is based on determining the discrepancy between qualification requirements and real competencies of employees, which allows you to individualize the learning process and get the most effective result at minimal cost.

2. Building a system of motivation. The traditional motivational factor was, is and will be the size of the employee's salary, determined by the internal and external value of the given workplace. In addition, the bonus system is also widely used, which implies a variable part of the salary, which proportionally depends on the monthly contribution of each employee to the work of the department, division and enterprise as a whole.

3. Shaping corporate culture. Awareness by each employee of the basic values ​​and mission of the company has a positive effect on the results of work, and the process of transferring such values ​​is the corporate culture.

4. Development of a competency model. Such an innovation is intended to regulate the multifunctionality of a number of workplaces and competently build a technological chain, which helps prevent conflicts and focuses on the quality and efficiency of work.

5. Computer technologies in management. Software products allow not only to keep records of personnel by various parameters, but also to generate the necessary reporting documents that can be easily transported electronically.

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innovation management personnel management


In an environment where competition between enterprises is steadily moving into the field of knowledge management and human capital, innovation in personnel management is becoming a critical success factor. In personnel management, the process of creating innovative approaches is no less important than technological innovation, since it is no longer possible to increase productivity only by increasing quantitative indicators. Managerial innovations have a positive impact on the way and efficiency of the functioning of companies. There are examples when managerial innovations have created strong competitive advantages for modern business. Thus, General Electric changed the approach to the order and discipline of work in the field of scientific research, as a result of which it gained access to a large number of technologies and patents. Procter & Gamble since the 1990s. changed specialized approaches to brand management, as a result of which the productivity of the company's employees increased. That is, it is the innovative technologies of the personnel management system that make it possible to build a competent and efficient work of the enterprise, to establish relationships between its divisions. This is the relevance of this topic.

Many scientists dealt with the concepts of innovation dissemination: G. Tarde, F. Bass, F. Ratzel, L. Frobenius, E. Rogers, D. Hawkins, etc.

Object of research: innovations, subject - innovative technologies in personnel management.

The purpose of the work: to study innovative technologies in personnel management.

In this case, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

Give a general concept of innovation;

Describe the features of innovations in personnel management;

To reveal innovative technologies used in personnel management.

The work consists of an introduction, two chapters of the main part, a conclusion and a list of references.

1. Innovations in personnel management

In an environment where competition between organizations and companies is steadily shifting to knowledge management and human capital, innovation in human resource management is becoming a critical success factor. Innovation in human resource management is strongly linked to innovation in business. In order to survive and improve, every organization or company must make innovative decisions and innovate. At the same time, the leading factor determining the basis for the development of innovative ideas and their successful implementation in an innovative economy is its employees with their skills, abilities, qualifications and ideas.

Innovation (from Latin In - in, novatio - new - in the direction of change) is understood as an innovation that is in demand by the market and provides a high-quality increase in the efficiency of processes or products. Raizberg B.A. Modern economic dictionary / B.A. Reisberg, L.Sh. Lozovsky, E.B. Starodubtsev. - M.: Infra-M, 2013. - S. 136.

So, the key to the success of innovation lies in the human resource management system. The use of certain technologies in management practice forms an innovative company. In general terms, the characteristics of an innovative enterprise are shown in Fig. one.

Figure 1 - Components of the activity of an innovative enterprise

Personnel innovations are considered as a subsystem of the general system of managerial innovations in the organization. And Investing in human resource development plays a larger role than investing in the improvement of production capacities. The importance of human (intellectual) potential increases with the increasing speed of technological progress, with the development of information technology, increased competition and other conditions. The importance of personnel at the innovative stage of economic development is shown in fig. 2. Yakovleva E.V. Intellectualization of personnel as a technology of innovative personnel management in modern socio-economic conditions / E.V. Yakovleva // InvestRegion. - 2011.- No. 2. - S. 39.

Figure 2 - The importance of human resources at the innovative stage of economic development

Each organization seeks to maximize the potential of its employees, rationally use their mental abilities. Considering innovative activity in personnel management, we note that it has distinctive features inherent in the general concept of innovation: firstly, changes in personnel management are aimed at resolving specific problems, in accordance with the company's development strategy; secondly, it is impossible to determine in advance the exact result to which they can lead; thirdly, changes in personnel management can provoke conflict situations associated with opposition from employees and their rejection of innovations; fourthly, changes in personnel management give a multiplier effect, that is, they provoke counter changes in other subsystems of the company, due to the fact that they relate to a key component of the organization - its employees. Kuzmina M.I. Innovations and their features in the personnel management system of the enterprise / M.I. Kuzmina, A.V. Kitov // Creative Economy. - 2010. - No. 6 (42). - S. 122-128.

The formation of an innovative economy inevitably leads to a transformation in the structure and quality of the workforce, an increase in requirements for the professional and qualification level of employees. Modern science-intensive and information technologies penetrate into all spheres of the economy. As a result, there is a combination of professional knowledge, there are related and borderline professions. The innovative economy needs mainly creative intellectual workers. Consequently, approaches to the management of the "new workforce" are changing, technologies of innovative personnel management are being formed.

Technology (from the Greek techne - art, skill, ability; logos - word, teaching) - a set of methods implemented in any process. New Philosophical Encyclopedia / Edited by V.S. Stepin. - M.: Thought. 2011. - 736 p.

Innovative technologies are a set of methods, tools and activities aimed at developing existing or creating fundamentally new types of production activities. Kolosov V.G. Introduction to innovation / V.G. Kolosov. - St. Petersburg: SPbGPU, 2012 - S. 15.

There are types of innovative technologies: Nekrasov S.I. Philosophy of science and technology: thematic dictionary / S.I. Nekrasov, N.A. Nekrasov. - Eagle: OGU. 2010. - 289 p.

a) implementation - the implementation of the final stage of the scientific and production cycle of the development of a new product;

b) training - business communication, a type of socio-psychological exercise focused on the development of attitudes necessary for successful communication in the conditions of professional activity, which are used to train personnel;

c) consulting - consulting manufacturers, sellers and consumers on economic, economic and legal issues;

d) transfer - gratuitous provision of technology from one person to another;

e) audit - verification of finances and documentation by independent experts or organizations;

f) engineering - presentation on a paid basis of engineering and consulting proposals, such as design, presentation of a license and know-how) for the creation of industrial facilities, infrastructure, etc.

Innovations in personnel management are most often initiated by the personnel manager, who sees the need to introduce innovation into the work of the company. At the same time, innovative personnel management is based on the following starting points: Lymareva O.A. Innovative approach in personnel management / O.A. Lymareva, A.A. Gorenko // Economics and management of innovative technologies. - 2013. - No. 10. - P. 9.

The need for a close relationship between the company's development strategy and personnel planning.

Assessment of the degree of impact of costs on work with personnel on the economic performance of production;

Formation of the required number of competencies, professional skills for effective work in the labor market.

Any organization needs only those innovations in personnel management, the need for which is clear and understandable to all employees, and which are united by the managerial and economic needs of a particular company. To do this, you first need to identify a number of key problems that require such a solution, then analyze the options for solving one of the identified problems, and subsequently select the appropriate option. And, if this implementation is successful, the innovation is being introduced into life. In the future, innovations in personnel management are analyzed, as needed, and adjusted. It is possible to single out a number of circumstances that substantiate the need of organizations for innovative personnel technologies and predetermine the main directions of their development: Kudryavtseva E.I. Innovative technologies in personnel management / E.I. Kudryavtseva, V.M. Golyanych // Management consulting. - 2013. - No. 2. - P. 9.

Increasing the level of staff education: Diversely educated employees demand greater freedom and autonomy in the workplace;

Technologization of management and production: the emergence of new, primarily information, technologies implies mandatory retraining of both employees and managers;

Changing workforce composition: any organization's workforce planning must take into account the increase in the proportion of women, the elderly and other population groups, which will lead to a change in the organization's values ​​\u200b\u200band workforce technologies.

Increasing role of technologies for the protection of health and safety of professional activity: this trend involves the introduction of new methods of selection and training of personnel;

Changing the role of the top management of the organization, which in the future becomes an increasingly active participant in the process of personnel development;

Formation of a new work ethic: in connection with the development of project and team forms of work, more and more attention will be paid to the personality of the employee;

Changing the role of personnel management services in strategic planning: understanding of personnel as a source of profit will change the essence of the work of personnel services;

Development of procedures for assessing the achievements of employees: organizations will be required to share income with employees on the basis of more objective and results-oriented systems for assessing personal contribution;

New personnel policy: traditional formal hierarchical management will give way to professional management with a greater focus on human dignity.

Innovative approaches to personnel management should also be based on taking into account the specifics of personnel, which is as follows: Kizim A.A. Formation of human potential in the context of globalization / A.A. Kizim, S.K. Luzinov // KubGAU. - 2011. - No. 28. - P.7-13.

1. People are endowed with intelligence, their reaction to external influences is emotionally meaningful, not mechanical, and, therefore, the process of interaction between the company and the employee is two-way.

2. People are capable of continuous improvement and development, and this is the most significant and long-term resource for increasing the efficiency of any company.

3. The working life of a person in modern society lasts 30-50 years, in accordance with this, the relationship between the employee and the company is long-term.

4. People come to the company consciously, with certain goals, and, accordingly, expect support from it in achieving their goals. Employee satisfaction with interaction with the organization is a necessary condition, as well as satisfaction from the organization.

Thus, innovations are not only the application of high technologies, but also innovations in the field of management decisions. And, therefore, it is personnel management that is the main component of the innovative enterprise management system as a whole and takes the place of the most important factor in the economic success of the company. To increase the efficiency of the innovative development of an organization, it is necessary to have a management system for innovative personnel management, which creates favorable working conditions, as well as provides an opportunity for career growth and the necessary degree of confidence in the future.

To implement the main tasks facing the company, structural transformations of the personnel management system based on new management technologies are necessary. The introduction of innovations in the personnel management system must be carried out on the basis of a study of the existing personnel management system, identifying its capabilities and disclosing shortcomings, as well as taking into account the requirements of the latest trends in the field of personnel management and the specifics of the company's development.

In addition, when developing and implementing innovations in the personnel management system, one should evaluate their timeliness, capabilities and effectiveness, that is, do everything possible so that the opposition of the staff is as small as possible and the effectiveness of innovations is as large as possible.

2. Innovative technologies in personnel management

With the aim of effective activity, the personnel management system should contain the best methods and technologies that coincide with the principles underlying it. At the same time, innovative technologies in personnel management can be considered as: Kudryavtseva E.I. Innovative technologies in personnel management / E.I. Kudryavtseva, V.M. Golyanych // Management consulting. - 2013. - No. 2. - P. 10.

New, increasing the efficiency of the organization, methods of human resource management (actually innovative technologies of personnel management). These include new (know-how) ways of influencing staff. So, for example, the emergence of new methods of communication (telephone, Internet, etc.) has led to a sharp increase in the efficiency of organizations by increasing the speed of information transfer in space and time);

Traditional technologies for introducing innovations in work with the personnel of an organization (traditional management technologies for introducing innovations) - involves the use of a new control element within the framework of the old procedure. For example, the traditional procedure for selecting employees for the managerial talent pool can be supplemented by an innovative method for identifying genetic markers of leadership (if any are found).

Innovations in the personnel management system can be implemented in the following forms: Harrington J. Optimization of business processes. Documentation, analysis, management, optimization / Harrington J., Esseling K.S., Nimvegen Harm Van .. - St. Petersburg: Azbuka, 2012. - 320 p.

With the gradual improvement of individual qualities of the work of the staff (current);

In the form of a constructive, spasmodic improvement of the entire personnel management system as a whole (breakthrough).

At the same time, progressive improvement is not associated with drastic changes in the results of the organization's personnel, as a rule, it does not affect structural changes in any way. In its most general form, it can be thought of as a long-term continuous improvement involving the maximum number of employees. Breakthrough improvement of the personnel management system usually affects not only the improved aspects of the work of employees, but also the entire personnel management system as a whole. The system of work with innovations in personnel management, based on the differentiation of innovations into current and breakthrough ones, is clearly shown in Fig. 2. Dolzhenko R.A. Innovations in the personnel management system of an organization / R.A. Dolzhenko // Bulletin of the Altai State Agrarian University. - 2013. - No. 1 (99). - S. 149-153.

Figure 2 - Model of work with innovations in the personnel management system

The modern orientation of innovations in personnel management is associated with the following main tasks: Kudryavtseva E.I. Innovative technologies in personnel management / E.I. Kudryavtseva, V.M. Golyanych // Management consulting. - 2013. - No. 2. - P. 10.

1) improving the productivity of activities;

2) effective training and development of personnel;

3) improving working relationships and creating a creative environment;

4) improving the quality of life;

5) stimulation of constructive ideas;

6) better use of the skills and abilities of people;

7) increasing the susceptibility and adaptability of personnel to innovations.

There are several basic innovative areas in personnel management:

1. Innovation and educational management - innovations in the training of professional personnel at universities, institutes, colleges, and other educational institutions.

2. Innovative and personnel marketing - the formation of a new and effective personnel potential.

3. Innovative and technological personnel management - modern methods of working with personnel at the stage of mastering the types of new equipment and technologies in their professional activities, certification, a new distribution of functions and powers in the existing personnel structure, innovations in the forms and methods of retraining and advanced training of personnel, methods promotion and relocation of employees, improvement of work with elite personnel.

At present, the most common is innovative personnel technologies based on personnel processes, the use of which is possible in the field of personnel management:

Staff formation technologies (personnel marketing, case interviews, testing, headhunting, competency-based interviews, e-recruitment, etc.);

Differentiated remuneration system (grading system of remuneration), including a system of public recognition of merits and achievements;

Assessment of individual contribution based on the assessment of professionally significant organization-specific criteria for professional assessment - competency models;

Career planning technology and individual development plans (realization of potential), based on the assessment of the competencies of employees at all levels according to the 360? system;

Technologies for assessment and certification of personnel (assessment center, 360-degree method, coaching, etc.);

Technologies for staff release (staff leasing, outsourcing, outstaffing, etc.);

Technologies of current work with personnel (staff grading, stress management, conflict management, etc.);

Technologies of personnel training and development (coaching, team building, role-playing and business games, knowledge management, etc.);

Development of feedback mechanisms, especially in the "bottom-up" direction, creation of a system of open discussions of organizational problems;

Creation of project teams for the development and implementation of current organizational, promising and professional projects, the development of a system of organizational knowledge.

One of the most important innovative approaches to personnel management, in contrast to the classical ones, is the personnel selection system, since work in an innovative organization imposes additional requirements on a potential employee. In addition to traditional qualities (skill, experience, diligence, theoretical knowledge), he needs to have creative potential, flexibility and mobility of thinking, the ability to adapt to rapidly changing conditions, a predisposition and ability to learn and retrain. In addition to the standard methods of assessing the potential of employees, the manager also resorts to a qualitative assessment, which includes taking into account the creative qualities of the individual.

Specialists working in the direction of systematization of innovations in the field of personnel management identify several areas, which are based on the use of modern telecommunication systems, which are aimed at: the introduction of modern computer technologies in the process of collecting and analyzing data; creation of a virtual office - a system of direct access and active interaction of people located at a distance from each other.

It is known that the personnel management cycle contains some processes, namely: recruitment; personnel administration; development and training; assessment, attestation; motivation, stimulation of work; organizational development and career management. Within the framework of these processes, as a rule, the following main tasks are solved:

Development of uniform principles of personnel policy and determination of its goals;

Planning the need for human resources, development of staffing;

Formation and development of a system for the movement of personnel information (information policy),

Principles of distribution of funds, providing an effective system of labor incentives (financial strategy);

Providing a development program, career guidance and adaptation of employees, planning their individual advancement, vocational training, retraining and advanced training (staff development strategy);

Evaluation of the results of work, a study of the compliance of the company's personnel policy with its strategy, identification of problem areas in personnel work, as well as an assessment of labor potential. Savchenko I.V. Innovative opportunities of information technologies for personnel management / I.V. Savchenko // Innovative technologies of human resources management: collective monograph / Ed. A.A. Korsakova, E.S. Yakhontova. - M.: MESI, 2012. - S. 160.

All personnel information can be generated and monitored within the framework of the existing collective information system - in the "Personnel Management" block. This software makes it possible to coordinate the action of various channels of interaction between staff and management. All this allows HR managers to have access to complete personnel information necessary for the best planning and control of budgets for salaries, training, business trips, etc. On the basis of these data, it is possible to carry out automated selection and selection of personnel for a full-time position, analyze the compliance of a particular employee with the requirements for the work assigned to a regular position, form a planned time sheet indicating the structure of planned cases, etc.

In addition, the Internet is now increasingly used to search for employees, as well as job search. On the Internet you can find virtual recruitment agencies, sites of real active recruitment agencies, job boards, corporate websites with available vacancies, etc. The Internet was appreciated by employers, recruitment agencies, and job seekers. The main advantages of these tools are speed, accessibility and free information. In addition, they also make it possible to formulate the request and requirements for candidates in more detail than an advertisement in the press, where you have to pay for the volume. This improves the quality of the search and allows you to quickly and effectively solve the problems that have arisen when your own database is not enough or you need to find a specialist urgently.

Almost all experts believe that network "labor exchanges" in the foreseeable future will be much more effective than other ways of finding work and personnel.

In addition, the Internet makes it possible to increase the company's staff by attracting, for example, "remote" employees from other regions, and even other states. An employee has the opportunity to be at a considerable distance from the main office of the company and, at the same time, work for this company and interact with other employees using network technologies. This increases the mobility of both the workers themselves and the firm.

5. Development of interactive applications of the internal network (Intranet) for prompt collection of feedback, development of employees' participation in the discussion of significant problems.

Thus, the technologization of personnel management processes allows solving a number of new tasks, while creating new opportunities, including:

a) for management: to increase the effectiveness of the firm as a result of accurate placement of personnel; reduce the period for making managerial decisions and monitor their implementation; reduce costs and conduct their full accounting for personnel management.

b) for HR managers: significantly reduce the labor intensity of work; automate personnel workflow and preparation of external and internal reporting; increase the efficiency of labor productivity and performance discipline.

Information technologies, in order to solve the problems of personnel management, form the following innovative opportunities:

Acceleration of the company's business processes related to the automation of routine recruitment processes;

Reducing the complexity of many types of work with personnel;

Possibility of individualization of personnel work;

Expansion of staff due to "remote" and mobile employees;

The emergence of new perspectives that were not previously available without the use of information technology, namely: the formation of individual profiles of employees; support for their "personal accounts", while any employee has the opportunity to find information on wages, income tax and more.

In addition, in the context of competition for personnel, there is an increasing interest in integrated personnel management systems. The growth of this segment, according to experts, will become very intensive in the near future - 20-30% per year, and probably even 40%. There. - S. 162.

At the same time, despite the advantages of information technology, they cannot automate absolutely all the functions of personnel management. There are many tasks that cannot be automated. This is, first of all, everything that is associated with psychology, because. you can prepare a technical task and program anything, but not relationships.


Thus, in order to function successfully, any organization needs to change. In the conditions of modern personnel work, innovation is an urgent need. In this paper, the features of innovations and innovative technologies in personnel management are considered.

In its most general form, innovation is the introduction of a new (or significantly improved) product (good or service) or process. An activity that consists of a set of scientific, financial, technological and other measures for the creation, development, dissemination of innovations and is aimed at using the results of these activities in order to increase the competitiveness of a certain type of business is called innovative.

Innovative technologies in personnel management are ways and methods of more effective management of the organization's personnel processes.

The main goal of innovations in personnel management is to provide the organization with employees who continuously generate innovations in all areas of their activities, their effective application by creating conditions for the introduction of innovations, professional and social development of personnel for the benefit of both the employees themselves and the company and society as a whole.

There are many innovative technologies. The most significant, providing high innovative activity of the staff, include: a grading system of remuneration, incl. public recognition of merits and achievements; evaluating individual contributions based on organization-specific competency models; technologies for career planning and individual development of employees; effective feedback techniques, especially from the bottom up; development of organizational knowledge system.

At the same time, among the numerous innovative technologies for working with personnel, one of the key positions should be occupied by information technology.

As the main technologies based on the use of information technology, we can name:

1. Remote access and online interaction for solving typical tasks in the field of personnel management (interviewing via Skype, filling out electronic forms of questionnaires, broadcasting electronic copies of personal documents, distance learning, etc.).

2. Creation of databases for accounting and control of personnel statistics (labor discipline, personnel dynamics, personnel quality analysis, etc.).

3. Conducting video conferences and webinars with the participation of employees of remote departments.

4. Cascading of significant information (news) to the personal e-mail of employees.

5. Development of interactive applications of the internal network (Intranet) for prompt collection of feedback, development of employees' participation in the discussion of significant problems (block "Personnel management").

The following are considered as promising tasks:

Integration of personnel management systems with existing systems of psychological and mental testing;

Certification and assessment of jobs according to working conditions;

Standardization of work;

Personalization of learning, i.e. formation of individual training programs and trainings, as well as monitoring their effectiveness;

Using information about the employee, his interests and abilities in order to increase his own efficiency.

Thus, of course, new technologies in personnel management allow the company to take a leading position in the market and increase the profit received by the enterprise.

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    Formation and organization of the functioning of personnel management systems and its development in organizations. Personnel planning. The concept of personnel management service and its functions. Object and subject of management. Registration and accounting of the movement of personnel.

    test, added 11/27/2011

    Theoretical and methodological foundations of innovation in the field of personnel management. Analysis of the activities of Euroset St. Petersburg LLC. Analysis of the efficiency of the use of fixed assets and production capacities. Calculation of the overall economic efficiency of the project.

    thesis, added 05/24/2009

    concept strategic management. The essence, purpose and main objectives of the personnel management strategy. Formation of a personnel management strategy. Organization of personnel strategy. Methods of building a personnel management system of an organization.

    test, added 06/27/2013

    The essence of communications and their place in the personnel management system. The value of managerial decision-making in personnel management. Financial and economic characteristics of OAO "Azot", the main indicators of personnel policy and methods for their improvement.

    term paper, added 05/06/2010

    Modern ways of rationalizing the management system. Analysis, goals and objectives of the activities of Kopeika-Povolzhye LLC, analysis of the personnel structure and personnel management system. Evaluation of the formation and use of profit. Innovations in personnel management.

    thesis, added 02/13/2013

    The essence of personnel policy in the personnel management system. The content, tasks and principles of the formation of personnel policy, analysis of the main elements and development of the structure of the personnel management system, interviews and decisions when hiring.

    term paper, added 05/19/2012

    The concept, main components and features of the personnel management strategy at the enterprise in the conditions of the economic crisis. Formation of the personnel policy of the enterprise. Development of issues of organizational behavior as a method of personnel management.

A new paradigm of sustainable development has emerged in the world economy economic growth which is based on the use of knowledge and innovation as the most important economic resources. Innovations create the strongest competitive advantages of modern organizations, and the presence of innovative potential in the organization serves as a prerequisite and condition for the innovation process.

The innovative potential of an organization includes resources that can be used to achieve positive innovative results: material, financial, informational, organizational. An important innovative resource of the enterprise is the personnel, whose innovative potential is based on the ability of employees to develop and effectively implement both their own and third-party new ideas and projects. Increasing the innovative potential of personnel is one of the actual problems personnel management arising from the need to accelerate innovative transformations of the economy.

The innovative potential of personnel is a set of abilities and capabilities of employees to carry out the sustainable development of the organization.

The innovative potential of personnel is determined by the capabilities of both the individual employee and the entire workforce. In psychology and sociology, groups of employee qualities are traditionally distinguished that have an innovative character:

Innovative readiness for work (intellectual development, ability to increase general and professional knowledge, professional competence);

Motivational qualities (the formation of motives for work, the desire for self-expression, creativity, reasonable risk; initiative);

Innovative attitude to work (orientation to high standards of labor quality, creative attitude to work, susceptibility to innovations);

General human and personal qualities (openness to new ideas, healthy ambitions, desire for professional growth, desire to exchange ideas and experience).

The studies of Russian scientists made it possible to identify the characteristic types of labor collectives that have different abilities to carry out innovative activities (Table 7.13).

The most optimal types of labor collectives are "family" and "hive". In labor collectives formed according to the type of "herd" and "flock" innovative activity, in principle, cannot be properly developed. The middle position between them is occupied by labor collectives formed according to the “bus” type, in which innovative projects can be quite successfully implemented.

The innovative objectives of an organization can only be achieved if they are accepted and supported by employees. Usually, several groups of workers can be distinguished in the organization's team: some perceive the new quite quickly, others after a considerable time, the rest (and there are most of them) take

Table 7.13. Classification of types of labor collectives depending on the ability to innovate

Collective type

Type characteristic

A relatively stable community of workers, led by an undisputed leader - the "shepherd" - and obeying the power of tradition, habit or instinct. It is characterized by minimal relationships between members of the team and the absence of pronounced individual functions of its members.

The position in the team is determined by the relationship of employees with the leader, there is tension in relations with colleagues, rivalry. and sometimes hostility. The leader is a winner, a person with unquestioned power


The collective can be regarded as a temporary community of people interested only in achieving the ultimate goal of the movement, which essentially does not depend on them. The well-being of the team is determined solely by the state of the enterprise as a whole. Relationships in the team are reduced to a minimum

The interests of employees and the manager are closely related to the interests of the team as a whole, friendly relations are violated only in case of sharp antisocial behavior of any member of the team

A permanent community of workers, the place of each is determined in accordance with his labor activity, functionality. The leaders of the team are the most worthy members of this community

an intermediate position between these two extreme cases. E. Rogers distinguishes five categories of workers: "innovators", "early implementers", "preliminary majority"; "late majority"; "fluctuating".

"Innovators" are open to new things, absorbed in innovations, can "grab" abstract ideas, are willing to take risks (2.5% of the team).

“Early implementers” follow innovators, often turn out to be opinion leaders, influencing others (13.5%).

The “preliminary majority” adopt innovations after the “early implementers”, they need significantly more time to make a decision than the leading groups (34%).

The “late majority” starts to master innovations, sometimes under pressure from the social environment, sometimes as a result of assessing their own needs, but on one condition: when the team clearly and unambiguously speaks out in their favor (34%).

For the "fluctuating" the main characteristic is the orientation towards traditional values. The decision to accept an innovation is made with great difficulty, being, in fact, a brake on the spread of innovation (16%).

The characteristics of the selected groups are not absolute. Yes, in scientific communities where creativity is valued, not only the early implementers but also the innovators themselves become opinion leaders.

In order to manage the innovative potential of personnel, it is not enough to assess the socio-psychological characteristics of employees. A necessary link in the management of the innovative potential of personnel is an objective assessment of the level of its development at one time or another.

In table. 7.14 presents a system of indicators for assessing the level of innovative potential of the organization's personnel, which makes it possible to determine it in conjunction with the innovative potential of the enterprise as a whole. Experts evaluate eight indices in fractions of a point, and one corresponds to the maximum development of the considered quality.

Table 7.14. The system of indicators for assessing the innovative potential of personnel


Innovation Intensity Index (III)

The intensity of the development and assimilation of new ideas (the degree of activity, the level of enthusiasm of employees)

Number of patents, certificates, rationalization proposals Average term of the company's patents Number of personnel involved in research and development

The term for the introduction of innovations

The level of physical development of personnel

Index intellectual development personnel (IIRP)

Share of intellectual labor. The level of creativity of employees. Flexibility, mobility, adaptability. Staff satisfaction

Staff Professional Development Index (PDI)

Experience in implementing innovative projects The level of democratization of management and self-organization (including the presence of project teams, a healthy moral climate, high corporate culture)

A conscious policy to encourage initiative employees The degree of use of the innovative potential of personnel

Personnel Educational Level Index (ILE)

The ability of personnel to receive and assimilate new knowledge Personnel structure (including persons with higher education, who have improved their qualifications, have undergone retraining)

The level of personnel self-education The totality of specific knowledge, skills and abilities, due to professional competence

Information and Communication Index (ICI)

Information support of innovations. The level of development of communications within the organization. Innovative reputation

Working conditions, including conditions of access to necessary information

Index of investment and technical and technological equipment of labor (IITTOT)


Costs (including R&D by stages of the innovation cycle, selection and training of personnel, automation of management)

Fixed capital (value, age structure and growth, depreciation of equipment)

Fundamentally new technologies

The level of updating of technologies, equipment, organizational methods, etc.

Underutilized capacity (including due to unavailability of staff)

Enterprise Competitiveness Index

Forecast share of innovations (turnover from projects/products not older than 3 years to the total turnover)

Products (volume, assortment and quality of sold products (services), including new types) Customer satisfaction Intangible assets Marketing expenses per consumer

Innovation Financial Performance Index (IFRI)

Profit (efficiency)

Business value (capital, liquidity, turnover, profitability)

Labor productivity

Then average (according to experts) normalized estimates of these indices are derived. The integral index of the innovative potential of personnel is determined by the geometric mean of the averaged indices considered:

It should be emphasized that the level of innovative potential of personnel largely depends on the position of the organization in relation to its personnel (Table 7.15).

Table 7.15. Levels of development of the innovative potential of personnel

The position of the organization in relation to its staff

The level of development of the innovative potential of personnel

Personnel - costs

Personnel is one of the resources

Personnel - a specific resource (human capital)

Above average

Staff - asset and uniqueness

Personnel - social partner


The disclosure of the innovative potential of employees is the basis of innovation and requires the creation of conditions for the development of innovative proposals, the generation of new ideas. From this point of view, it is important to consider the factors that support, enhance or block, hinder the innovative activity of the staff.

A negative climate for innovation is characterized by:

Uncertainty of functions;

Insufficient interest in innovation activities of staff in general and managers at all levels;

Restrictions in the communication system, lack of openness and trust;

Insufficient competence of managers;

Inability to organize interpersonal relationships;

Autocratic decision making.

The factors blocking innovative activity include:

Distrust of managers to new ideas put forward from below;

The need for many agreements on new ideas;

Intervention by other departments in the evaluation of proposals, immediate criticism and threats of dismissal due to errors;

Control over every step of the innovator;

Behind-the-scenes decision-making on an innovative proposal;

Transfer of instructions accompanied by threats to lower-level managers;

The emergence of the "omniscient experts syndrome" among senior managers.

Factors supporting innovative activity can be considered:

Providing the necessary freedom in the development of innovations;

Providing innovators with the necessary resources and equipment;

Support from top management;

Leading discussions and exchanging ideas;

Maintaining effective communications with colleagues, other departments, universities and external scientific organizations;

Creation of a system of moral and material incentives for innovation;

Benevolence in business criticism;

Lack of pressure from managers on subordinates and recognition of their right to make decisions that are significant for the group;

Deepening the understanding of employees.

Factors that enhance innovation include:

Creation of opportunities for self-development and advanced training;

The combination in the system of training of special knowledge and multidisciplinary training;

Free expression of one's own opinion about the ongoing changes;

Encouraging the combination of professions, staff rotation;

Overcoming barriers and "blurring of boundaries" between different types of work and functional responsibilities;

Availability of meaningful business information;

Holding regular meetings of working groups;

Logical argumentation of the need for changes and reorganizations, constant support of an atmosphere of trust and susceptibility to change.

Of course, creating a favorable innovation climate, thanks to which each employee would be able to take the initiative, share information or experience with others, and be responsible for the tasks set, requires significant and targeted efforts. Innovations in personnel management through appropriate personnel technologies should be aimed at the formation of a modern type of employee with a whole group of qualities of an innovative nature.

7.7.2. Initial prerequisites for personnel innovation

The intensification of innovation activity predetermines fundamental shifts in the forms and methods of human resource management.

At the macroeconomic level, these trends and processes can be traced in the dynamics of changes in the structure of employment by sectors of the economy, the transition from an economy focused mainly on the production of goods to an economy that creates services. Constant socio-economic, scientific, technical and technological development is the cause of changes in the content of labor, the emergence of qualitatively new jobs, changes in the educational and qualification levels of workers, the emergence of new specialties and professions, changes in the qualitative characteristics of workers.

At the microeconomic level, the ongoing changes require the timely identification of innovative problem situations in conjunction with the problems of personnel management. Among the problems arising in this regard, one can note the contradictions between the technical level of new production and the existing level of personnel qualification, between the capabilities of educational institutions for training, retraining and advanced training and the required qualifications of personnel, between qualitatively new tasks of personnel development and insufficient level of training of the management service. personnel for this work, between the levels of qualification and motivation of employees, between elite personnel and the bulk of the enterprise's personnel, between the existing organizational structure and the strategy being implemented, etc.

Conflict resolution creates the conditions for continuous updating of personnel management systems that can take into account complexity external environment, anticipate and implement the opening opportunities for the constructive use of the innovative potential of personnel, improve personnel work at each stage of the organization's life cycle.

The basis of the continuous process of improving both the personnel management system of the organization as a whole and its most important elements is personnel innovation.

To describe the creation of personnel innovation, let us consider the basic concepts of personnel innovation.

Personnel innovation is the result of intellectual activity (scientific research) in the field of personnel management.

Personnel innovation can be presented in the form of documentation describing new theoretical knowledge, principles, methods, etc., as well as organizational, managerial and other processes and phenomena in the field of personnel management. So, personnel innovations can be made in the form of a standard, recommendations, methods, instructions.

A participant in the innovation process, who searches for innovative ideas and develops innovations based on them, is an innovator.

Personnel innovation - the process of introducing, distributing and using personnel innovation.

If "innovation" means that the innovation is used, then the essence of the concept of "innovation" is revealed in its following characteristics: orientation towards the final results of an applied nature, i.e. for rapid and widespread adoption; measurability of the result in terms of economic or social order.

Personnel innovation - the end result of the introduction of innovation, leading to a change in personnel work as an object of management and obtaining an economic, social or other seeing effect.

Innovative activity in personnel work significantly changes the content of the functions performed by the organization. As a result of the innovation activity, changes occur: new functions are assigned to functional units, new goals are set, adjustments are made to the scope of work and functions of individual employees, the content of labor (and sometimes its nature) in the workplace changes, the costs of performing functions decrease or increase. . In turn, functional activities provide resources for the implementation of innovative activities: financial, material, human.

So, when carrying out innovative activities to set up a personnel assessment system at the enterprise, there were positive changes in the work of functional units: managers began to plan and evaluate the activities of subordinates, subordinates began to realize the importance of their work for the development of the enterprise, the first negative attitude towards the assessment system was replaced by an understanding of its necessity and importance.

Positive shifts in functional activity provided the enterprise with the opportunity to win a larger market share, make more profit, showed the staff that the new does not pose a threat to them, formed a group of people in the team who are aware of the need to develop the organization based on innovation. The next in the field of personnel management will be provided with large financial resources, more loyal to change staff and employees who are ready to participate in innovative activities. Thus, the interaction of traditional and innovative activities is carried out in a spiral, qualitatively changing from one turn to another.

AT modern organization, which implements innovative principles of development, all the usual functions of personnel management are adjusted to innovative activities (Table 7.16).

The personnel manager working in an innovative organization should pay special attention to the choice optimal mode work. Periods of high brain activity depend on the excellent qualities of each worker. Since creative and intellectual activity come to the fore in innovative activity, such factors should be taken with due seriousness, providing an opportunity for individual innovators to start their day later/earlier, to have flexible schedule work or a compressed work week.

A significant difference between innovative approaches to personnel management and traditional ones is also expressed in the system of selecting employees. Innovative activity imposes additional requirements on a potential employee. In addition to standard methods for assessing the potential of an employee, they resort to a qualitative assessment, which includes taking into account the creative qualities of the individual, publications and patents. The personnel management service of an innovative organization in the process of personnel selection has to resort, in addition to traditional methods, to a system of tests, psychological examinations and creative competitions.

Given the peculiarities of working in an innovative organization and the personal characteristics of innovators, the problem of staff adaptation requires increased attention. The HR manager must create all conditions for the newly arrived specialist to feel comfortable in the team. Not

Table 7.16. The focus of innovations in personnel work in traditional and innovative organizations

Personnel management function

In a traditional organization

In an innovative organization

Labour Organization

High specialization of functions and tasks of personnel, control over execution and discipline

Distribution of group, team work. Selecting the optimal operating mode

Personnel selection

Mainly produced based on behavior standards and technical qualifications

Produced primarily on the basis of the potential abilities of the candidate

Staff adaptation

The main task is to adapt the employee to the requirements of the workplace, standards of behavior

The main task is to adapt the employee to the innovative climate in the organization

Motivation and stimulation

Based on fair remuneration of actual achievements and merits More often material incentives are used

It consists in creating conditions for maintaining and developing the innovative potential of personnel. Great importance is attached non-financial incentives

Personel assessment

Evaluation according to detailed instructions, standards of conduct

Assessment of the potential capabilities of personnel and the results of participation in innovation activities

Career and career management

Predominantly vertical promotion

Development of the system of horizontal movements


Training is aimed at ensuring that the knowledge, skills and abilities of employees correspond to the requirements of the workplace

Training is aimed at the comprehensive long-term development of personnel

Release of staff

Management does not take down cuts until the organization is too weak

Management plans ahead for possible cuts

Organizational culture

Subordination of individual interests to a common cause with the help of power, firmness and personal example of the leader

Accepting the values ​​of the organization as one's own

there are rare cases when the creative potential of an employee of an innovative organization experiencing difficulties with adaptation tends to zero. Conversely, as soon as such an employee becomes part of the organization, the productivity of his work increases significantly. In traditional organizations, the role of adaptation is not so great.

In an innovative organization, the role of motivation and stimulation of personnel increases, which poses additional problems for the personnel management service: employees can be influenced mainly indirectly, replacing traditional administration with the implementation of leadership styles that involve participation, recognition of personal merits of specific specialists, publicity of performance results, provision of information for self-esteem. The role of material motivation is decreasing, and the need for self-realization, universal recognition, success and self-development for a specialist engaged in innovative activities comes to the fore. However, the role of money should not be underestimated.

In innovative organizations, the so-called “advance ladders” or “double career ladders” have recently become widespread, which suggest the possibility of alternative promotion either on the administrative ladder or on the scientific one, based on the abilities and wishes of the staff. Within one organization, an employee has two more planes of movement: within the framework of traditional and within the framework of innovative activities. Options for such transfers can be taking a leadership position in your unit, participating in a project as a participant or leader, moving to another project (more interesting and significant) in a new status, etc.

The content of training in an innovative organization is focused on developing the innovative potential of personnel. Along with the models of traditional learning - subject-oriented, when the emphasis is on ensuring the success of the employee's assimilation of educational and practical material, and activity-oriented, when training is aimed at meeting the current needs of the enterprise - a model is used that is focused on acquiring knowledge and skills of an innovative and advanced nature.

Special requirements for employees of an innovative organization lead to the fact that a large number of psychologically incompatible people have to work in one team. creative people who do not want to adhere to the rigid framework of the imposed organizational culture. This leads to more conflicts than traditional organizations. Conflict management is also the most important function of the personnel management service in an innovative organization.

The formation and development of the organizational culture of an innovative organization consists in the formation of an innovative climate, or "innovative spirit", which includes the staff's focus on change, openness, communication skills, susceptibility to innovation. For example, the basis of the corporate culture of the company "ZM" is "...respect for the dignity of people, for the value of the individual, encouragement of initiative and disclosure of creative potential, providing everyone with equal opportunities for development...".

The role of the heads of the organization, the personnel management service, labor collectives of functional divisions, temporary working groups from among the members of the labor collective determines their importance in the innovative activity of the organization. The content and significance of this role is presented in Table. 7.17.

Table 7.17. The role of subjects of personnel management in innovation

Stage of innovation activity

The role of subjects and objects of personnel management in innovation

Identification/recognition of the need for innovation

Organization leaders

Plays a leading role

Accumulate and analyze information about the state of the external and internal environment of the organization. Develop a business development strategy. Decide on the need for innovation

Service UP

Collects and analyzes information on the state of human resources and the possibility of its participation in innovative processes in the organization

Monitors job satisfaction Analyzes the attractiveness of the enterprise for the workforce of the region

Labor collectives

Identifies and informs managers about shortcomings in the workplace. Put forward innovative proposals

Temporary Working Groups

Not taking part

Stage of innovation activity

Subjects and objects of personnel management

The role of subjects and objects of personnel management in innovation

Development of innovation


Determine the purpose and possible effect of the introduction of innovation

Control, review and make adjustments to the work of the TWG

Service UP

Develops and conducts activities aimed at creating an innovative climate in the team

Develop PM technologies in accordance with the essence and requirements of innovation

Labor collectives

Submit proposals to leaders or members of the temporary working group

Temporary Working Groups

Plays a leading role

Put forward ideas, critically analyze them, develop each step of this stage

Implementation implementation of innovation


Plays a leading role

Organizes the process of implementation and implementation of the innovation program

Service UP

Plays a leading role

Provides methodological assistance to managers in organizing the process of implementation and implementation of innovation through PM technologies that meet the requirements of innovation

Labor collectives

Implement innovation

Temporary Working Groups

Monitor the process of implementation and implementation of the innovation program, make the necessary adjustments

Evaluation of the effectiveness of innovation


Plays a leading role

They consider the effect achieved from the introduction of innovation, draw a conclusion on the success of the innovation

Service UP

Participate in evaluating the effect of the introduction of innovation

Labor collectives

Not taking part

Temporary Working Groups

Evaluate the effectiveness of innovation

7.7.3. Management of innovations in personnel work

Management of innovations in personnel work is a purposeful activity of the heads of the organization and specialists of the personnel management service to ensure the pace and scale of updating personnel work based on the introduction of personnel innovations into practice in accordance with the current and strategic goals of the organization.

Allocate product, technological and managerial innovations.

As a rule, organizational and managerial innovations are accompanied by major product and technological innovations. The process of creating innovations in the field of management is no less important for the economic and social progress than technological innovation.

Management innovations - a purposeful change in the composition of functions, organizational structures, technology and organization of the management process, methods of operation of the management system, focused on replacing the elements of the management system or the management system as a whole, in order to accelerate or improve the solution of the tasks set for the enterprise based on the identification of patterns and factors development of innovative processes at all stages of the life cycle of products, technologies and the enterprise as a whole.

If we consider personnel management as part of the overall management activities in the organization, then it becomes clear that modern system personnel management is an innovation.

Management innovations involve, first of all, the restructuring of companies, i.e. changing the whole organizational structure or its individual elements in order to optimize economic activity. This should also include innovations in the forms, principles and methods of remuneration. Considerable importance is attached to the introduction of new concepts for the development of corporate culture. Thus, managerial innovations are largely innovations in the field of personnel management.

Innovations in the field of personnel management differ from product and technological innovations in that they:

They are usually carried out at a lower one-time cost;

Harder to give in business case before its implementation and evaluation after it;

Specific in relation to the organization in which they were created (if technology is not difficult to transfer, then personnel innovation is problematic);

The implementation process is complicated by a psychological factor, expressed in the phenomenon of resistance to change, which manifests itself more tangibly than with material innovations.

The classification of innovations in personnel work allows us to describe them on the basis of various characteristics, depending on various combinations which there is a variety of innovations (Table 7.18).

Table 7.18. Classification of innovations in personnel work

Classification sign

Feature values

Life cycle innovator organization




Reason for innovation

Changes at the macroeconomic level Changes at the microeconomic level

Sphere of innovation

Methodology of personnel management (philosophy, principles, methods of personnel management)

Personnel management system (goals, tasks, functions, organizational structure)

Technology of personnel management (procedures and methods of work with personnel)

Degree of novelty

Absolute (pioneer, basic innovation) Relative (modernization, introduction of qualitative changes into an existing one)

Private (modification, improvement)

The object of personnel management to which the innovation is directed

The staff of the organization as a whole. Certain categories of personnel. Individual teams Individual employees

Type of innovation

New regulation. New technology. New structure. New technique. New procedure. New service

The following stages of personnel innovation management are distinguished: development of innovation, determination of the susceptibility of the organization and personnel to innovation, implementation of innovation, operation and maintenance of innovation (Table 7.19).

Table 7.19. Stages of the process of managing innovations in personnel work

Stage name

Stage characteristic

Innovation development

Identification of the organization's need for innovation. Market research of personnel innovations with a whole collection of information about innovations in personnel work: selection of personnel innovations that can potentially be used as the basis for the development of an innovative project to improve personnel work:

choice innovative project personnel work to be implemented

Determining the susceptibility of personnel to innovations

Identification of factors that can have either a stimulating or inhibitory effect on the introduction of innovations, development of measures to ensure the successful implementation of innovations

Introduction of innovation

Conducting pilot implementation of personnel innovation in order to eliminate deficiencies, and then full implementation

Operation and maintenance of innovation

Produced in accordance with the developed documentation

The organizational form of innovation management is an innovative project, which in the field of personnel management can be defined as a set of research, organizational, financial and other activities linked by resources, deadlines and performers, formalized by a set of scientific and regulatory and methodological documentation.

There are two forms of labor organization for personnel involved in the development, implementation and implementation of innovative projects:

As part of functional activities, when the performance of current functions and participation in an innovative project are combined;

Implementation of an innovation project separate from current activities, by an innovation team rather than a functional department.

An innovation project team is a temporary organizational association of employees with the aim of developing a specific innovation.

The project management is carried out by a manager who has great powers and is also responsible for coordinating the activities of various participants in the implementation of the project. The functional division of labor in the project team is presented in Table. 7.20.

Table 7.20 Functional division of labor in the project team

Project team member

main function

Accumulates and analyzes information, distributes tasks for the next stage of work


Offers options for management decisions

Skeptically assesses the likelihood of achieving managerial decisions

Idea's generator

Comes up with innovative ideas to solve problems

Information gatekeeper

Provides the group with initial analytical information to discuss the problem situation

Responsible for external contacts

Liaise with other departments


Fixes the achieved results of the group members, draws up a work plan for the group members at the next stage

Thus, we are talking about the matrix structure of the organization of the development, implementation and implementation of an innovative project in personnel work.

Among the main advantages of the implementation and implementation of an innovative project by the project team are the reduction of the project implementation time, the ability to quickly respond to changes, the simplification of the control system, the interest of group members in the results of the project, the close relationship between all project participants, and the reduction of resistance to innovation.

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