Do-it-yourself gate for a well step by step instructions. How to make a combined drum for a well with your own hands: practical tips

reservoirs 25.06.2019

You can buy a gate for a well with a brace and a reciprocal pin, you can have a gate size from 75 to 150 cm, depending on your size.

  • The cost of a gate and a fixing kit for a closed well house is from 2500 r to 3500 r.
  • 2500 r chiseled collar + pin + brace, perforated tape.
  • 3500 r, the same set is drilled and painted.

If you decide to make a house or head for a well with your own hands, then the biggest problem is the manufacture of a well drum, in order to speed up your work and save you from unnecessary work, we offer to buy a gate for a well, which you simply install from us.
We make standard well gates for lifting water to order according to your dimensions.
The cost of a gate for a closed well house is 2500 rubles.
The collar is reinforced against cracking with two wooden linings, why is that? Everything is simple. A well gate reinforced with standard perforated plates is not safe. To the well drum itself you get a handle for lifting water and a counterpart.
We also offer carved wheel for a well head, cost 7500 rubles, includes a wheel with a diameter of up to 95 cm, a drum and a set of pins.
Fulfillment of the order 1 week, prepayment of 10% of the cost of the product you have chosen.

  • You can buy a carved well gate from us, the size of the well drum for lifting water is from 75 to 150 cm, depending on your size.
  • The cost of the steering wheel and fixing kit for an open well house, head is from 5500 r to 7000 r.
  • Complete set not painted 5500 rub.
  • The complete set is painted 6500 r.
  • Complete set with the use of artificial aging of wood 7000 р.
  • ATTENTION. The well drum does not age!!!

Many are looking for a well gate on bearings.
1 - well made, and more specifically, turned does not need bearings.
2 - this is money thrown away, everything is exactly no one will turn this gate - the 21st century,
pumps in almost every well.

In order to raise water from the well, you can use a mechanical pump, crane orwell gate .

Each well is covered with a canopy from above and a wooden one is installed.gate,to which a steel handle is attached.

The gate itself is a planed log, which is attached to strong posts attached from two opposite sides well head. The gate rotates with the help of bearings.

Well gate may not have a side metal handle. In this case, 4 fingers simply cut into the shaft - round bars.

However, the most convenient gate is one that is equipped on the side with a large wheel and several fingers.

A cable or strong twine is attached to the gate for the well, and sometimes a chain is used to fasten the bucket.

Fastening the cable to the shaft of the well

In order to fix the cable to the gate of the well, it is necessary to make an eyelet at its end (if the cable is metal, then rivet it). Then you have several options:

1. Drill a through hole in the collar, pass the cable through it and hook the eye of the cable behind the collar using a bent thick nail, a bow with two sharpened ends, or in any other way.

2. Simply attach the cable eyelet to the collar.

3. Drill a hole in the shaft, thread a cable with an eyelet through it, and then wrap it around the shaft and pull it through the eyelet.

How to fix a gate handle for a well

In order to attach the handle, and indeed to make the gate rotate, several methods can be used.

1. Take several long wooden bars, overlay them with a steel bar with welded metal crosses and a bent end. Thereafter pull off construction in a bundle with steel clamps. This will be the gate.

2. This method will require the manufacture of a bracket. The design can be seen in the photo.

3. Insert thick steel rods into the longitudinal hole (the deeper, the better) on both sides of the log gate (curved in the form of a handle at one end), and then drill the log with rods through on both sides. Insert into holes long nails or something like that and fold it back or rivet it. If this is difficult to do, then drill the rods and log separately, and then insert the rods and try to match the hole.Make several of these holes for each rod. The rods should enter tightly into the log. Instead of a rod, you can take a thick-walled pipe.

4. Drill the entire length of the log through and through, and drive a steel rod with a square or hexagonal section into the hole.

5. There is another simple option: instead of a gate, a disk from a car wheel is used. It is not difficult to make such a gate, however, when it is cold outside, and plus in the well, condensation will invariably appear on the disk. Soon, rust will begin to drip into the well.

When there is a well on your site, you need to think about how to draw water. Usage electric pump- one of the most simple ways. It can be used both for filling water into a container and for providing autonomous water supply. But a significant drawback is that in the absence of electricity, the pump will be completely useless, so you need to have another option. The exit can be a gate for the well with your own hands.

Such a device does not require significant effort during operation. In order to make a well lifting mechanism, it is not necessary to be an excellent craftsman, the main thing is to have elementary skills physical work with simple tools.

Design features

A well gate is a device designed to extract water from a well manually. Such an arrangement is practically not used for a well, given that the diameter of the bucket may in some cases be larger than the diameter of the shaft.

The gate for the well, in fact, is the simplest type of winch. It was known to our ancestors, but has not lost its significance in our days. Its design has not changed much over the centuries.

gate scheme

Do it yourself

You can do all the work yourself. We will need elementary plumbing skills when it comes to wood. Before you make a gate for the well with your own hands, you need to prepare everything you need. In the process of work, we will need:

The process of making a classic version

To make a drum, you need to use a flat log or timber. Its shape should be cylindrical. We clean from the bark, eliminate irregularities using a planer. Since the tree is of interest to insects, it must be processed. To do this, you need to buy funds.

The next step is to determine the center in wooden blank. This must be done on both sides in order to drill holes. Their diameter should be less than the diameter of the circles (they should not enter the deck freely, but be driven in).

Then you need to cut the metal circle into two parts. The smaller one will serve as a shank, and we will use the larger one as a handle. The workpiece that will be the handle must be bent accordingly.

It is very important to protect the wooden deck from negative impact atmospheric influence. After some time, the tree may crack and completely crumble. To prevent this, make metal rings and put them on the edges. We make them from two pieces of tires. Their length should be such as to completely cover the surface of the log and fasten with bolts, you can also use a welding machine. We install them only when the shank and handle are already installed so that the metal does not interfere with clogging.

Design improvement

The lifting mechanism can be improved. To do this, you need to make caprolon inserts. We make caprolon washers in such a way that they inner diameter was the same as the pin. In the racks, you need to make holes at a certain height where we install the washers. Then the gate is installed. Kaprolon significantly reduces the friction force, so it will be much easier to get water.

If it is not possible to use caprolon, bearings will do. These details will provide a very easy construction. But for the future, you need to provide oilers to lubricate.

Not only a curved lever is suitable for a pen. Many who approached this issue creatively and installed the steering wheel. It looks very impressive. AT this case options may be great amount, It all depends on your imagination.

Implementation options

The gate, which is installed on the well, can be made of various materials. The length can be different, it all depends on the diameter of the well.

If you do not have the opportunity to use wood, you prefer metal - there is an option for such lifting mechanisms. For this we need a pipe. Plates are installed for the plug on both sides. Their diameter must exceed the section of the pipe. A steel rod must be welded to one plate so that the structure rests on the rack, and we install a handle on the other.

metal gate

This gate is different high strength and durability, especially if treated with anti-corrosion agents. There are several options for implementing such a mechanism. We will talk about one of the simplest and most common.

You can use a small diameter pipe. It will serve as a drum, to which we fix a chain or cable in the middle. Wheels can be welded on both ends. So we get a two-way gate.

We put a drum on a steel axle, which we fix on both sides with the help of bearings. We weld the wheel on the right side. For fastening, the use of metal racks is not required. The wall thickness of the steel drum, on which we fix the chain, is 5 mm. If you or your friend know how to work well with a welding machine, then you can make such a gate very quickly, without putting much effort.

As you know, despite the fact that well drilling has become quite affordable, and centralized water supply has covered most settlements well, as a source of water, has not lost its relevance.

And, even if a pump pumps water from a source, it is better to insure yourself in case of power outages and make a gate for the well with your own hands, because the work is quite simple, so almost anyone can handle it.

How to make a lifting mechanism yourself

To make this design, you do not need professional equipment and the skills of a turner or carpenter. Minimum set fixtures and the desire to make a do-it-yourself well collar - that's all you need to achieve an excellent result.

Consider some of the most common types of construction, which are most popular due to their simplicity and reliability.

Classic type of construction

Consider how to make a gate the way they did it a hundred years ago. This method has been tested by several generations and, despite its simplicity, is extremely reliable and durable.

First, stock up on the necessary materials:

  • A piece of log or rounded timber about 120 cm long and 20-25 cm thick.
  • about 200*200 mm in size. It will be used for the posts on which the gate will be fixed.
  • A sheet of metal with a thickness of 2 to 3 mm.
  • Metal circle with a diameter of 20-25 mm.

It is also better to stock up on certain tools:

  • Drill with a set of drills for metal and wood.
  • Bulgarian with cutting and grinding wheels.
  • Welding machine also will not be superfluous, but, in extreme cases, you can do without it.
  • Various measuring tools: tape measure, square, construction pencil.

Work is carried out in the following order:

  • First, a deck is prepared - an even piece is selected. It is necessary to remove the bark from it and, if necessary, trim it with a planer. After that, the wood is best treated with a special protective composition, which will protect the element from the effects of dampness and pests.
  • Further, the center of the deck is marked at the ends, in which a hole is drilled with a diameter slightly smaller than the prepared metal circle - so that it can be hammered into a tree with effort.

  • Next, the pins are prepared - the length of the left one should be about 20 cm, and the right one - 1 meter. It must be bent to make a handle.

  • To ensure reliability at the ends of the deck, it is necessary to install washers or even close the entire end with a piece of metal in which a hole has been made that matches the size of the pins in diameter. Along the edges, it is better to put on two metal rings that protect the tree from cracking.
  • The line behind the racks, earlier the pins were inserted into them quite simply - a hole was drilled in the left rack, and a notch was selected in the right one, and the structure was simply inserted there, as shown in the photo.

advanced designs

AT modern conditions you can make improved versions of the gate, which we will consider below.

In the first option, caprolon is used for handles and support washers - a modern high-strength material. Preparatory activities do not differ from those described above.

The main difference is in attaching the deck to the racks:

  • Caprolon washers are prepared, the inner diameter of which is equal to the diameter of the pin.
  • Holes are drilled in the racks equal to the outer diameter of the prepared gaskets, after which they are inserted into the structure.
  • Further, the structure is assembled, and thanks to the caprolon, the moving parts move very easily.

Another a good option– use in moving parts of bearings. Thanks to them, the easiest movement of the mechanism is achieved, and even a fragile girl can handle the rise of water.

If you decide to make an option with bushings for bearings, it is advisable to provide oilers in them for lubricating the structure.

Instead of wooden parts metal can be used - the channel will replace the beam for the racks, and the large diameter pipe will replace the wooden deck.

Four-finger gate

An interesting type of design that you can do yourself. All details, in principle, are similar, but the handle is not made in the form of a crank, but in the form of four round handles, which lift the bucket. In addition, the price of such a project is somewhat lower than that of the classic one.

In order for your structure to work as long as possible and be protected from the effects of atmospheric precipitation, make a house for a well with a gate, and, among other things, it will decorate the structure.


Even if you have a pump in the well and the water supply is automated, it is worth installing a gate for the well on bearings, and you will always be able to draw water. The video in this article will help you better understand this topic.

How to make a gate for a well with your own hands - drawings can be very handy. In the old days, wells were installed in almost every village yard. The owners dug and equipped them on their own.

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The variety of designs of the systems themselves and devices for lifting water is amazing even today. Today landscape designers successfully apply many solutions of the past in their work.

Even sophistication central water supply did not make wells unnecessary. They are convenient and will help out when it arises. unforeseen situation, the plumbing will fail, the electricity will be turned off for pumping station. What can we say about the quality of well water.

Many owners of private houses prefer to make their own swivel well. You can decorate it according to your own taste.

Various designs

The gate has the shape of a cylinder, which serves to wind a chain, rope or cable, intended to hold water. She is lifted with a bucket.

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Not every product of this kind has the same characteristics. The following parameters influence its effectiveness:

  1. The diameter of the cylinder for winding the rope or chain. If it is large, it will take less revolutions to raise the water, but more effort.
  2. The ratio of the radius of the cylinder and the handle of the device affects the magnitude of the applied forces.
  3. The method of mounting the axis of the cylinder on the racks of the well.

In the classic version, you will need to use a log correct form. Its diameter can be from 20 to 30 cm. Pins are driven into the ends of the product. 1 pin should have a double bend at a right angle. It will serve as the handle of the product.

In the very simple version pins provide rotation of the cylinder around its axis. They are inserted into the holes of wooden racks or otherwise.


For the manufacture of the product, you can use a variety of materials. The gate may have different length cylindrical part. It is important to simply ensure its rotation on the axis and the presence of a cable, rope or chain attachment point.

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The latter must be placed exactly in the center of the mine. Among the options worth mentioning are the following:

  1. wooden product . You can get a decent cylinder if you remove the bark from a log and process it with a planer or on a special machine.
  2. Metal pipe of the appropriate diameter will perfectly perform the function of a lifting mechanism. From the ends, it is muffled with the help of metal disks having a larger diameter. A metal bar should be welded to the 1st of the disks, a lever is welded to the 2nd, which will serve as a handle.
  3. A good gate will turn out from car wheel disk . He mounts on a suitable metal pipe and boiled. This design rotates around the axis of the pipe. You need to attach a handle to its end, it will serve to lift the water.
  4. Can be used as a lifting device lath design . The log is sawn into discs connected by stiffeners. Get a good cylinder.

How to make a wooden version

The most practical and simple design is wooden. It is affordable, easy to manufacture, has a small weight.

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To make a wooden gate, you will need to follow some rules.

  1. The log should be 10 cm shorter than the distance between the well posts.
  2. It is necessary to provide metal rings at the ends of the cylinder. They are needed for a free press fit of the product. It is easy to remove if necessary, but nothing will hang out after installation.
  3. It remains to provide semi-axes for rotation. They can be welded to the discs at the ends of the cylinder. A bushing is needed between the log and the post, which will regulate the displacement of the gate along its axis.

Possible variant

The collar is used more often than the crane. With it, it is easy to get water from the depth. To do this, you need to have any item cylindrical shape. It must be fixed on the axis. When the gate rotates, a rope or chain is wound around it, which is firmly fixed on it. It is equally important to fix the product above the shaft. To do this, you need to have at least 2 racks, securely fastened along the edges of the well shaft.

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All this design can be assembled from improvised materials. Any deck in the country is perfect for this. It is advisable to choose an even copy with a length slightly less than the distance between the well racks. Notches are needed in the central part of the ends of the deck. This scheme has proven to be excellent.

The recesses are made with a diameter that is slightly smaller than the diameter of the rod that serves as the axis of the structure being created. You need to mark the axis very carefully. It is cut with a grinder.

Where the gate handle is supposed to be, the axis should be longer. This longer rod needs to be bent in 2 places at a right angle to get a comfortable handle, the use of which will make it easier to raise water from a depth.

Then you can do this: cut 2 circles of metal, the diameter of which exactly matches the diameter of the cylindrical blank from the deck. The same material will be required to cut strips 5 cm wide. Hoops are welded from them, which you need to put on along the edges of the deck. They must be firmly attached to it.

Holes are made in finished metal circles corresponding to the diameter of the rod. Holes are drilled along the edge into which nails will be hammered.

Additional features

It makes sense to use caprolon or fluoroplastic bushings in the design. The first material is polymeric and has good antifriction properties. It is designed for this kind of structures. The material is insensitive to aggressive environments and non-toxic.

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The friction coefficient of caprolon on metal is very low. This ensures its durability during operation. He possesses all necessary qualities, does not corrode, maintains a low coefficient of friction even in the presence of abrasives. The mechanism will work easily and completely silently at any possible ambient temperature.

When making the gate, we must not forget that a longer handle makes it easier to lift water from the bottom of the shaft. Racks for installation must be strong and reliable. They need to be made taking into account the use for many years.

It is quite possible to fix the cable with your own efforts. There are at least 2 ways to do this. In the first variant, a hole must be made on the shaft. A cable is passed through it and fixed at the connection point.

Making a gate handle

A very simple handle will be obtained by double bending the pipe at a right angle. You will get something like the letter G. The larger the lever arm, the easier it is to raise water. This means that the middle shoulder of the handle should have the maximum possible length within reason.

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The handle must be comfortable to use. Even a teenager should cope with it. At its highest point, it should not exceed the height of the one who wants to draw water. To avoid misunderstandings, you must first draw and think everything over.

There are alternative options for making handles. You can put something like a flywheel, which is used as shutoff valves for pipelines. You can make something similar to the steering wheel of a ship.

How to install a finished gate

To install the entire system on the well, you need to take care of reliable supports. They will be 2 racks on the sides of the shaft. Supports can be made from timber or boards. Stability will be higher if they are dug into the ground to a certain depth. In this way, the racks are fixed the easiest way. Unfortunately, wooden racks will quickly rot, they will have to be replaced after a while.

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It makes sense to bet on the ring wooden frame square shape. The gaps in it do not close up. They will provide excellent ventilation of the space inside the mine. To prevent debris from getting inside it, all holes are tightened with a metal mesh with a small cell. If all this is done, you can put a pre-prepared drum.

It is better to take care of arranging the well in this way. The use of pumps, although convenient, is not always possible. In an emergency, simple and affordable way getting water will definitely help out.

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