Turkish baths. Cream - Skipar Balm

Decor elements 12.06.2019
Decor elements

History of use as a disinfectant and therapeutic agent of resin (Zhivitsa) coniferous treesFrom which the turpentine is currently getting, has thousands of years.
The dried pine chew and firing peoples who lived to our era (ancient Suchmers, ancient Jews, etc.), used for compresses and suppress, as well as used in the form of tincture or liquid plasters during bleeding and injuries.

In the XVI century, French doctor Ambroaz Pares widely used turpentine and Peruvian balsam for the treatment of wounds.
In Russia, balsams were used in the treatment of wounds and purulent processes. Thus, the T.qdryavtsev (1868) in the "folk hospital" indicated that resin ate possesses a slightly annoying, exciting effect, and pine resin is used to treat wounds, with rheumatic pains, gout.
With a distillation with water ferry, the helms (resins) of coniferous trees receive turpentine. This is an active substance with pronounced antibacterial and antifungal properties.

Skipidar and Skipidar Bathing Mechanism

As mentioned above, in its chemical nature Skipidar refers to terpenes that are the main part of Essential oils of coniferous trees. The biochemical action mechanism of the components of the turpentor was studied in the experiments in vitro and in vivo.

Much attention is paid in the literature biological action Skipidar depending on the dose, the duration of the impact and the point of the application.
The effects of turpentine on the skin are associated with the lipotroposis of its main component - A-Pinen, so that it penetrates through the epidermis and, exciting skin receptors, causes reflex reactions in the body.

The questions of the mechanism of the Schipidar's action were studied by a number of researchers. Ppm Mashkovsky (1986) notes that, under the influence of turpentine, biologically active substances are exempt in the skin, in particular, histamine, which causes disclosure and expansion of capillaries, and carbon dioxide, which stimulates the respiratory center.
Long time turpidar with therapeutic goal It was used only externally in masses and rubbing. Due to the fact that the turbine does not dissolve in water, the use of it in hydrotherapy practice was limited only to unsuccessful attempts.

In connection with the creation A.S. Zalmanov In the words of the emulsification of the turpidar ("white emulsion", "yellow solution"), Svalon's turpentine baths The use of steel to enter the waterproof practice.
Mechanism of action turkish baths According to Zalmanov, it lies in the fact that "they, opening closed capillaries, restore the supply of desired processes in the tissues with blood, provide an oxygen inflow and drainage to remove metabolites - and the life of tissues and cells is restored." Thus, contribute to the prevention of microtrombosis and capillary stises, improving microcirculation.
Efficiency of turpentine baths A.S. Zalmanov explains them with impact on common protective mechanisms of the body, their stimulation at the level of capillary blood flow, more precisely, on the metabolic processes occurring at this level vascular system. The proposed emulsification recipes are the undeniable merit of the author, which allows wider to use the healing properties of the turpentine.

When using a turpentine chipidar, the impact of terpene on the skin is amplified by thermal effects of the water procedure. As noted by A.S. Zalmanov, yellow emulsion baths reinforce the internal combustion, expand capillaries, reduce arterial pressure, Help the dissolution of pathological deposits in vessels, joints and tendons.
White turpentine baths cause a change in skin capillaries, which contributes to an increase in blood pressure, improved blood circulation in the muscles and internal organs. The similarity in the action of two types of baths is that they cause a pronounced improvement in capillary blood circulation and acceleration of blood current, possess a bactericidal and analgesic effect, stimulate the respiratory center.

Getting started by the use of turpentine baths

it should be known that white baths can be used only to people with reduced or normal (not higher than 140-150 / 90 mm Hg. Art.) Arterial blood pressure. People who have this level above are only yellow baths. If, in the process of using white baths, blood pressure becomes above the norm, it is necessary to immediately switch to mixed.

Baths Zalmanova Application

Indications for the use of turpentine baths A S. Zalmanov considered the following states: arteritis (with arterial pressure not higher than 140 mm Hg. Art.); Myocardial infarction (consequences); sciatica; rejuvenation of the elderly; Fractures (or the consequence - muscle atrophy); bone resolution (osteomalacia); rickets; Rheumatism deforming with osteoporosis. "


active forms of open tuberculosis of lungs, psychosis in the acute period, pronounced heart failure, individual intolerance of turpentine baths or increased skin sensitivity to turpentine.

Technique of using turpentine baths

  1. Shake the contents of the vial (yellow solution or white emulsion, or mixed emulsion).
  2. Prepare a solution: stir the corresponding bathroom
    (See Application Tables) Number (yellow solution or white emulsion) in 3 liters hot water 50-60 ° C.
  3. Fill the bath with water 150-170 l the desired temperature (See Application Tables) and add a cooked solution.
  4. Mix the prepared solution in the bath to completely dissolve in the water. The amount of solution, water temperature and the duration of the procedure are changed according to the schemes specified in the tables on the use of each type of bath.
  5. After taking the baths, it is recommended, without wiping, wrapped in a terry towel and rest for 1.5-2 hours.
  6. It is recommended to take an average of 15 - 25 baths every other day. Repeat a course 3 - 4 times a year.


In order to avoid the appearance of irritation on sensitive areas of the skin before taking the baths, it is recommended to lubricate the area of \u200b\u200bthe axillary depression, inguinal folds, crotch, the place of random scratches. Strictly observe the temperature and dosage of the solution. Do not go to the bath with your head. Avoid getting into the eyes.
The duration of reception of each bath must be limited to the appearance of Spains on the skin of the face!

Application of turpentine baths according to Zalmanova Method AS

White turpentine emulsion

Bath number Colich-in white emulsion, (ml.) Temperature mode Continue. Baths, (min.)
1 20 36 °, after 5 minutes - 38 ° 15
2 25 15
3 30 15
4 35 36.5 °, after 5 minutes - 38 ° 15
5 40 15
6 45 16
7 50 37 °, after 5 minutes - 39 ° 16
8 55 16
9 60 16
10 65 16
11 70 17
12 75 37 °, after 5 minutes - 39,5 ° 17
13 80 17
14 85 17
15 90 17
16 95 17
17 100 17
18 105 17
19 110 17
20 115 17
21 120 17

Yellow turpentine solution

Mixed turpentine emulsion

List of references:

  1. History opening medical properties Skipidar - Magazine "Polyclinic" No. 2, 2007 p. 85-88. (http://www.poliklin.ru/article200702a13.php)
  2. Zalmanov A.S. Secret wisdom human organism (deep medicine) - Rostov N / D.- Phoenix - 2005
  3. Kamenev Yu.Ya, A.S. Zalmanov. "CapillaryTherapy and natural therapy of diseases" - St. Petersburg. - Nevsky Prospect. 2003
  4. Mazur O.A. "Cleaning Capillars: Zalmanova's doctrine" - St. Petersburg - Peter - 2005
  5. Field MA "Turkish baths" all St. Petersburg. 2005
  6. Divodolazskaya E. S. "Healing of the Skipidar according to Zalmanov method" - M: Eksmo, 2007

The effectiveness of the use of turbine baths Zalmanova is explained by their beneficial effects on the vessels. They purify small capillaries, restore damaged cells and organs, and also contribute to the splitting of adipose tissue. With this procedure, it is possible to significantly increase immunity, rejected and even get rid of cellulite. Use baths needed within 10-12 days. Then take a break in half a year and, if necessary, repeat the course again.

Turkish baths: instructions for use

Conduct treatment with turpentine baths at home can only after medical advice. Medic specialist must recommend the solution you need, its concentration and permissible temperature. Before passing the course, we need to be a thermometer to determine the temperature of the water, the bottle on which the scale is applied to measure the amount of emulsion, as well as a tonometer and a warm bathrobe. The temperature of the bath should not exceed 38 ° C, and the duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. After the bath, it is recommended to lie down in a warm bed and rest within an hour.

White and yellow turpentine baths

Yellow turpentine baths

  • stretch vessels;
  • eliminate deposition of salts;
  • crop joints and internal organs.

The composition of these baths includes a special turpentine yellow color, Healing oils, sodium oxide and tincture of willow bark.

White turpentine baths

  • cause measured tightening and stretching vessels provoking pressure increase;
  • ensure migrains, dizziness, fast fatigue and nervousness.

Hypotone, regularly hosting turpentine baths, respond about them, as an effective means:

  • immunostimulating;
  • rejuvenating;
  • toning.

Applying turpentine baths for weight loss

Very effectively use of turpentine baths in the fight against overweight. They accelerate the processes of metabolism and sweating, and also normalize lipid and carbohydrate exchanges. This is due to the expansion of the skin. Living moisture falls into fat cells, splits them and along with later removes from the body. As a result, 5 kilograms are lost excess weight Only for one course!

Turkish baths: testimony

  • decrease in immunity;
  • excess fat deposits;
  • viral and bacterial infections;
  • slaxation of the body;
  • incorrect metabolism;
  • premature aging;
  • lowering physical and sexual activity;
  • neurosis, insomnia;
  • eye diseases.

Turkish baths: Contraindications

Despite the obvious advantages, the use of baths is not good, they are contraindicated if you have:

  • aggravation of chronic diseases;
  • mental disorders;
  • strong overwork;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • allergies to the components of this emulsion.

Skipar preparations possess greater possibilities and used for outdoor use as a toning, rejuvenating and anti-cellulite agent.

Cleansingly and expandingly act on the vessels.

The word SCIPAR denotes the name of the product, which is based on a living turpentine used in the therapy of many pathologies.

This is a group of medicines manufactured from a wivid turpentine of natural origin. The active ingredient included in the medical product will be applied to combat a huge number of diseases. One of them is the pathology of the musculoskeletal system.

Baths using turpentar are called balneological therapy. Trademark Skipar provides peace products, the effectiveness of which is equal to the sanatorium rest. Only in this case the patient does not necessarily leave his house.

Form release

The main components of the SCIPAR drugs are considered SKIPIPID. The substance is produced from the plant - the gils, which produces juice in the form of a resin.

Skidar is found in the form of gels, solutions and emulsions. The traditional and more sought-after goods include:

"White" emulsion used for baths

It helps to increase blood pressure, increases the passability of capillaries, saturates blood oxygen. This turbid mixture is shown to patients with hypotension;

"Yellow" bath mortar

Reduces high pressure, leads to normal capillary blood circulation by increasing in width of capillaries. The turpentine solution removes scars, hematomas, various spikes. Displays excess moisture and sodium chloride. Used in patients with hypertension;

"Mixed" bath emulsion

It has not only turpentine, but also medicinal herbs - Sage, chamomile, a series. Each of the plants has a unique effect: regenerates cells, stops blood or has a cardiotonic effect. This sisepar emulsion is shown to patients with blood pressure normally;

"Movement" bath mortar

Specially produced SCIPAR series with a makeup of a wivid turpentine and vests of nettle plants, a richness, sage, pharmaceutical chamomile, root of burdock, herbs heers;

Cream - Skipar Balm

It has a warming, antimicrobial, irritant and painful effect. After rubbing the drug there is an active blood supply to the tissues and joints, the pain feeds, muscles relax.

Important! Turkish baths are used on the basis of patient pressure indicators. For example, if, when using a white solution, the pressure begins to rise, it is necessary to replace the yellow or mixed solution of Skipar.

pharmachologic effect

Skipidar Zhvitsa is included in the group of local irritating substances. SCIPAR products are used for outdoor use, helps to fight inflammation, pain and plays the role of a local stimulus and antiseptics.

Feature of a wivid turpentor - the ability to penetrate deep layers of leather, exciting receptors, pushing them to changes on the reflex level.

Driving on the skin The drug frees the active substances biological origin and histamine.

An important effect of using SCIPAR drugs is considered to be rejuvenated, toning effect, improving metabolism leading to smoothness of the skin.

Skipidarians are not replaced with cold, osteochondrosis, varicose veins, arthritis or arthritis.

To whom drugs are prescribed

List when you need to use Skipar preparations, sufficiently impressive. They are not replaceable in treatment:

Important! Before you start using the forms of SCIPAR drugs, you need to consult your attending physician.

Mode of application

To achieve the maximum effect of using SCIPAR preparations, you need to strictly follow the instructions for applying by the manufacturer.


It consists of several steps:

Important! The duration of treatment with SCIPAR preparations is up to 25 baths for one exchange rate, which may be repeated once a year.

Cream - Balsam Skypar Massage movements rubbed into the skin until finally absorbed. After rubbing, it is not necessary to translate so as not to lose the therapeutic effect.


Not everyone is suitable for turpentine emulsions and solutions. Preparations are contraindicated with:

Important! The drug is immediately canceled when pain in the heart area appears.

The appearance of pain after the use of drugs in the affected joints or an increase in body temperature is not considered a contraindication to the use of SCIPAR.


Some patients have no good consequences after the use of SCIPAR. These include:

  • pain in the heart;
  • gradually increasing pain in the joints;
  • allergy.

The emergence of any of the above symptoms should not be ignored and in time to contact the hospital.

To avoid irritation after applying SCIPID solutions, it is necessary to apply to the delicate skin of the leather Vaseline. For example, inguinal folds, armpits, crotch, existing scratches.

It is not necessary to dive into the healing bath, it is better not to wet my head. Carefully avoid getting drugs into the eyes.


The cost of Skipar depends on the region where they are implemented.

  • The approximate price of gel - Balzam Skipar is not more than 100 rubles.
  • White emulsion for baths costs about 350 rubles per 500 ml.
  • Yellow emulsion will cost 450 rubles per 500 mg.

The cost of 1000 ml of any of the drugs 150 - 200 rubles is more expensive.


There are not so many analogues among Skipar preparations. Replace them can skipidar oath, Skipilar and Skipofit.

There was a time when the turpentine ointment was considered not replaceable and lay in the first-aid kit for the majority of the population. She had a local annoying effect, eliminating pain, improving blood circulation, heated skin.

Now it is possible to add ointment to the bath with the use of Skipar solutions, but only after consulting a specialist.

Skipar is a trade name of products made on the basis of natural wivid turpentine. The active substance of the skippiece is used in the course of the treatment of a large number of diseases, among them - disorders from the musculoskeletal system.

The reception of turpentine baths has long been referred to by balneological methods of therapy. Thanks to the production from the SKIPAR brand, any patient can receive an effect compared to spa treatment without leaving home.

Release form, composition

The active component of SCIPAR preparations is a girlish turpentine - resinous juice, which is obtained from the gils. The trading mark produces classic turptine solutions and emulsions:

There are also special products that are additionally enriched with plants extracts - Skipar movement. This is a yellow bath for baths, cooked on the basis of a wivid turpentine, sage, chamomile, root of burdock, nettle, herbs heather, a ribbons.

The type of turpentine baths should be chosen based on the level of blood pressure. For example, if in the process of using a white SKIPAR solution, an increase in pressure is observed, the transition to a mixed solution is recommended.

pharmachologic effect

Living turpentine refers to the pharmacological group of ceiling funds. The outer use of a wivich turpentine, which is contained in SCIPAR products, contributes to the provision of anti-inflammatory, painkillers, ceiling, antiseptic effect. This valuable component has the ability to penetrate the epidermis and cause irritation of the skin receptors, thereby provoking reflector changes.

Under the influence of the SCIPAR drug from the skin, biologically active substances are released, including histamine. In addition, SCIPAR preparations contribute to the rejuvenating and toning effects, accelerate the metabolism, smoothes the skin surface. These funds are used in the course of therapy of colds, varicose veins, arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis.


In the Tension Skepar Extensive List of Indications, including Complex therapy:

  • pathologies of the musculoskeletal system: arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, rheumatism, shoulder-paint polyarthritis, Bekhterev's disease, spondylosis;
  • dysfunctions of the cardiovascular system: hypertension, ischemic heart disease, angina;
  • pathologies of vessels: thrombophlebitis, Reino disease, atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities, obliterating endarteritic;
  • kidney dysfunction: pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, urolithiasis;
  • pathologies of respiratory organs: chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma;
  • chronic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, gallstone disease;
  • chronic prostatitis;
  • neuralgic diseases: polyneuropathy, neuritis, Ishias, consequences of stroke and sclerosis;
  • diabetes mellitus, in which the defeat of small vessels of the eyes and limbs is observed;
  • obesity;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • disorders of workability in athletes after intensive workouts;
  • the tool is also recommended for the prevention of colds.

Before the use of any form of funds, it is recommended to pre-consult with the attending physician.

Mode of application

For achievement better effect Skipar should be used in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations:

The average duration of the course of the procedure is 15-25 baths. If necessary, the course of treatment can be repeated several times a year.


Possible contraindications should be taken into account to apply Skipar. Do not use the means when:

Skidar baths must be canceled if the patient has complaints about the development of pain in the heart of the heart.

If after using the SCIPAR drug in the patient, pain in the affected joints is enhanced or the body temperature increases slightly, in most cases it is not a contraindication to the use of the means.

Side effects

Skipar may cause the development of such unwanted side effects: pain in the field of heart, amplification of pain in the joints of the joints, allergic reactions.

Oh arising side Effects One should immediately inform the doctor.

For the prevention of irritation against the background of the use of SCIPAR products, it is recommended to apply a small amount of petroleum on the skin area with increased sensitivity: armpit depressions, inguinal folds, crotch, skin sections with small scratches.

Do not dive with the head into the Medicine Baths Skipar. Do not allow the solution to the eye.

The principle of application is based on alternating white and yellow fluid - this allows alternately to reveal the capillaries, clean them from slags and toxins. Such a treatment scheme is suitable only for people with normal pressure.

Analogues value

In November 2016, the cost of the drug Skepar was formed as follows:

As analogs, you can discuss with a doctor the possibility of using turpentine ointments, the drug chiplar or the chipophyte.

Now many people are interested in non-natural methods of recovery. In this way, it is the therapeutic turpentine baths of Zalmanov. They are able to clean the human body at the level of the smallest and thin capillaries.

Solutions for turpentine baths Zalmanova

Only two were developed therapeutic composition For baths - white emulsion and yellow turpentine. They are used both separately and together.
1. Yellow turpentine. This solution consists of three components: oleic acid, castor oil and chippidar itself. If you take a bath with a yellow turpidar, then gradually come back to the reaction reaction and oxidation, the processes of aging of the body slow down, the capillaries are cleaned. Also from the body will be derived excess liquid. As a result, the increased blood pressure will come to normal.
2. White emulsion. Its action is directed directly to the capillaries. She helps them to open, and then restores their normal operation. If you pass the procedure for taking baths with a white emulsion, the quality of collateral blood circulation will increase, and the reduced blood pressure will return to normal.
3. A mixture of white emulsion and yellow turpentine. Such baths provide a very wide range of impact on the patient's body. They also possess a just amazing painkillery effect. Sanitary baths of Zalmanov have many therapeutic properties.
Stages of reception of turbine baths Zalmanova
Stage first:
Water poured water with a temperature of 36 degrees. It is necessary to calculate so that the bath remains to add water to add throughout the procedure. The selected solution is poured into a separate container, the amount of which is pre-measured using menpaths. Next, it is breeding hot water And thoroughly stirred with a spoon. The finished mixture is poured into a bath with water. Stir.
Stage Two:
The patient is immersed in the prepared bath so that the water rose no higher than the chest level. Be sure to note the time to start the procedure. Next, the nurse gradually opens a hot water faucet to gradually increase the temperature of the healing solution in the bath. In two minutes, you can increase the temperature only on one degree. If Yellow Skipidar was added to Slipidar's chippered baths maximum temperature The solution should be 40.5-42 degrees. And if a white emulsion was inserted into therapeutic baths, the temperature threshold is a maximum of 40 degrees. The duration of the procedure is from 10 to 20 minutes. If the patient began to appear by the Spirit, then this suggests that his body has already begun to be cleared, and therefore the procedure can be completed. The patient comes out of the bathroom, a towel is thrown on it and sent to bed. No need to wipe.
Stage Three:
This is a vacation after the procedure. The patient must be in bed for 2 hours.

Indications for the procedure
All therapeutic procedures have their testimony and contraindications. And Slavanov's turpentine baths did not exception.
1. Infectious diseases;
2. Cardiovascular diseases;
3. Eye diseases;
4. All diseases under which digestive and respiration organs are affected;
5. Diseases of the joints, leather, musculoskeletal system, as well as connective tissue;
6. Diseases of the kidneys and genital organs;
7. Venericual diseases;
8. Obesity;
9. Oncological diseases;
10. Diseases of the endocrine system;
11. CNS diseases;
12. Child disease.
Zalmanov's turpentine baths contribute to the strengthening of the immune system, prolong life, move the biological aging of the body. And at the same time therapeutic they are for everyone! You can treat both adults and children.
1. Heart failure;
2. Active pulmonary tuberculosis;
3. Acute periods of psychosis;
4. Terminal states;
5. Agonal states.
Turkish baths are used when various diseases
Turkish baths are a very useful procedure that improves the exchange of processes in the body, the organism warms, relaxes the muscles, causes an increased sweating. In Balneology (science of study mineral Water.) Turkish baths are prescribed with various diseases of the skin and internal organs.
The active action on the body has the use of turpentine baths, but it is impossible to use it in its pure form, it has a strong irritant action. For baths prepare special mixtures: "Yellow Solution" and " white emulsion" By adding children's soap, salicylic acid, distilled water and other components to the turpidar.
The turpentine baths are used in various diseases, but the hot baths themselves are a potent procedure, and with the addition of compounds from the turpidar, therefore, several rules must be followed.
1. Taking a bath with a turpentine mixture is required not more than 10-15 minutes.
2. The water temperature must be within 36 - 37 ° C, respectively, heat.
3. Finished turpentine emulsions to apply in the autumn-winter period, which will be good prevention of colds.
4. The turpentine emulsion or solution is first bred in three liters of hot water and then added to the bath (in the instructions specified more detailed description for a certain composition).
5. After the turbid bath, rest is needed at least an hour.
6. To avoid burns, a test should be carried out on the skin. Even if everything is in order, sensitive areas should be lubricated with vaseline (especially intimate places).
7. Strictly observe the dosage of the solution and the temperature regime.
Best time For the adoption of such a bath - evening, but the last meal must be at least two hours. After the first taking of the turpentine bath, you should watch your well-minded if the skin discovery continues for more than an hour - the next time you should reduce the dosage. Paging and tingling the skin in the first half hour after the bath is considered a normal phenomenon.
Turkish baths are used for various diseases, in young age With the normal state of health, "white" baths can be applied daily for five days in a row, a break and the next course, which consists of ten baths, alternating with one day of rest. Having passed two courses for the treatment of the turpentine bath, it will be possible to apply twice a week. Two special baths per week will be enough for older people.
Indications for use water procedures:
Diseases of the cardiovascular system (except for heart failure).
Problems with vessels, including Raino disease, thrombophlebitis.
Diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
Kidney disease: urolithiasis Glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis.
Liver diseases: gallway disease, chronic hepatitis.
Diseases respiratory organs: chronic pneumonia and bronchitis, bronchial asthma.
Gynecological diseases: infertility, chronic ooforitis, chronic adnexitis. In men - prostatitis, impotence.
Baths with white turpentine emulsion positively acts on the work of the blood formation organs. The blood flow becomes more reinforced, the peripheral blood supply is improved. Such baths are shown in various diseases of the joints, they contribute to the rapid healing of fractures, the state is improved during violations in the work of the urogenital system, hypotension.
The yellow turpentine solution is accepted with hypertension, sediments of salts, angina, edema and to dissolve scars. After the baths, you need to drink herbal tea, wrap and lie down.
Mixed baths With a turpentine solution, they have a mild effect on the body, they do not affect blood pressure and contribute to the normalization of water-salt exchange in the body tissues.
The data of the baths are contraindicated under swelling of the lungs and brain, cirrhosis of the liver, tuberculosis in open form, cancer, skin diseases. The use of turpentine baths has a number of contraindications, given this, you should consult with your doctor.
Instructions for the use of turpentine baths
For the use of turpentine baths, you will need turpentine mixtures, the manufacture of which is a complex and unsafe process, since this requires certain knowledge, skills and experience. Self-made mixtures have a low quality, which can affect the result of treatment and the state of your health. Unfortunately, not everyone can purchase ready-made mixtures and in this publication will consider the instructions for the use of turpentine baths, as well as the composition and recipe for cooking at home, turpentine mixtures.
The recipe for the preparation of the turpentine mixture:
1. White turpentine mixture. For the preparation of 1 liter of the mixture, you will need: distilled water 550 ml, salicylic acid 3 gr., Camphny alcohol 20 ml, Living Skipidar 500 ml and baby soap 30 gr., Which need to clearly preside. Method of preparation: Pour in enameled dishes, distilled water and put on fire. After boiling water, pour salicylic acid and a nasty baby soap. Stirring with a glass stick, cook about 15 minutes, on a weak heat - soap does not dissolve. Remove the dishes from the fire and pour the living turpentine there. Then, mix and add camphor alcohol. The mixture was obtained, pour into glass dishes made of darkened glass. Previous mix It looks like a prostrip. When stored, it is possible its bundle by 2-3 layers - therefore, it must be stolen before use. Keep the mixture dark place And at room temperature - it can be stored for up to 1 year.
2. Yellow turpentine solution. For the preparation of 1 liter of the solution, you will need: Castor oil 200 ml, oleic acid 150 ml, caustic violation in granules 13.3 gr., Distilled water 133 ml and 500 ml wediment. Method of preparation: Pour castor oil into enameled dishes and put on a steam bath. A steam bath, put on fire and leaving the water to pour out, prepare a solution of caustic soda. Caustic natter - alkali, so it is necessary to prepare a solution with caution, in rubber gloves. To prepare a solution of the satellite, take a flask of thin glass, and pouring distilled water into it - rotate and spit caustic nat. The caustic soda must completely dissolve, and be careful - the flask can burst from heating. Next, put the flask before it is complete. When in a steam bath, the water boiled, reduce the fire and after 5 minutes, pour the cooked solution of caustic soda into castor oil, then mix thoroughly. When the alkali is thickened with oil, mix it again and stipe the oleic acid there. Mix the glass stick, until the mixture becomes a liquid mass - after, stop the heating and remove the saucepan from the steam bath. Pour into a mixture of turpentine and stir well. Yellow Solution B. finished video, has transparency and yellowish color, while he reminds vegetable oil. Store in a tightly closed dish from darkened glass, at room temperature, for 1 year.
Instructions for the use of turpentine baths:
When using turpentine baths, rigorous individual approach To select the type of procedure, its duration, surrounding conditions and temperature. Need to be given great importance The state of health and well-being of the patient in need of the use of turpentine baths. They should not annoy, scare or disturbing a sick person, and on the contrary, cause a feeling of comfort and pleasant sensations. The instruction on the use of turpentine baths warns you that at the beginning of the course of treatment of chronic diseases, it is necessary to take a series of hot and warm procedures, and only in interruptions between them or at the end of the course of treatment, it is necessary to take a complex of cold (tempering) procedures.
The result of the adoption of turbid baths, directly depends on the accuracy of the technique of their use. Best optionwill resort to the help of a specialist in this area. It will cost considerable money, but the result will be the best and most effective. If you do not have such an opportunity, resort to the help of a doctor, you can take turpentine baths yourself - for this, below shows the instructions for using turpentine baths at home.
Instructions: It will be necessary hot and cold water, bathroom, thermometer with 50c scale, minzur with divisions, stethoscope, tonometer, mirror (for controlling sprousing on face), clock, white turpentine mixture or yellow turpentine solution, which have been given above, is better to use both. The type of turpentine mixture is selected based on the diagnosis. The frequency of the use of turpentine baths depends on the state of the patient, the reaction of the body on the procedure, age and diagnosis of the patient. The dose of any mixture should be started with a minimum dose - 20 ml of solution, for an adult. Gradually, it increases individually. The reaction of the body, on this procedure, may also depend on the weather conditions.

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