Sewing beautiful curtains for the bedroom. Instructions for sewing curtains for the bedroom with your own hands (13 photos)

Decor elements 12.06.2019
Decor elements

DIY bedroom curtain ideas should match the style of the entire room. This, along with all other elements, is important detail interior.

So, for classics, it is appropriate to use classic complex curtains with drapery or lambrequin. For those who adhere fashion trends, you can take a combination consisting of Roman and roller blinds, blinds and curtains.

How to choose and sew curtains on the windows can be seen in the video. This article proposes to consider how one or another type of product is chosen in the bedroom.

Decorative pillows, bedspreads and textiles on the windows should be combined with upholstered furniture.

In this case, the style of curtains can be different:

  • In strict style.
  • Coquettish-romantic style.

There can be two ways here:

  • Buy ready-made curtains.
  • Sew beautiful curtains yourself. In this case, you must have:
  1. a few photo examples to determine the direction;
  2. a wish;
  3. patience and perseverance;
  4. master's advice.

In addition to the fact that the price of such curtains will be much less, the process of making them yourself is also interesting.

Tip: Although you can buy ready-made curtains, it is better to sew them yourself. A large selection of materials, original designs will transform the bedroom, make it individual, unusual, beautiful and elegant.

How to sew curtains

The main requirements for curtains in the bedroom are:

  • Graceful look.
  • The combination of color, style and texture with the design of the room.
  • The high density of the fabric, which will not allow light from the street to penetrate and protect the rest room from prying eyes.
  • Functionality that creates harmony, tranquility, security, coziness and comfort in the room.

The most suitable canvas can be selected according to several samples you like from strips of fabric that will be most combined with the interior of the bedroom. The bedroom is used for relaxation, so all the details of the decor located in it should correspond to this and set up for a sound, restful sleep.
Here, nothing should annoy a person, all colors should have a calm, preferably pastel shade. Therefore, when choosing a fabric for curtains, it is necessary to take into account this factor as one of the main ones.

Tip: For those who first decided to sew curtains, you need to take a natural dense fabric, preferably linen or thick cotton. Otherwise, it is quite difficult to work with “stretching” examples, the seams can turn out to be crooked, the folds are uneven and the whole product looks not very neat.

How to choose the material for sewing curtains

When choosing a fabric for sewing curtains, everyone thinks differently:

  • Most often, textiles are taken with patterns, gold or dark green. The latter must be chosen so that it matches the color of the bedspread and color solution rooms where they will be used. If a beautiful fabric for curtains is selected, then the products will turn out to be excellent, it will be hard to take your eyes off them. If there are bright saturated colors and various ornaments, large patterns in the decor of the room, you need to take a plain, discreet fabric for curtains. With a calm interior of the room, and decorating the walls with discreet drawings, you can use fabric bright color. In this case, beautiful and original curtains will perfectly complement the room and attract the attention of the entire decor of the room.
  • Curtains made by yourself should not merge with the environment that surrounds them, which requires very careful consideration of this issue.
  • You should not use satin or silk fabric for sewing curtains. It is better to use velvet, velor, cotton, linen, organza, jacquard and brocade, taking into account the curtain fabric.

How to choose a curtain design

The main condition for the choice is a harmonious combination of all components of the interior. The ideal option considered one that involves the use of curtains, bedspreads and decorative pillows from the same textiles.
If this is not possible, you must at least respect the style of the elements. Curtain options may differ not only in texture and color, but also in the sliding mechanism.
There are main types of curtains for rooms:

  • Roman. They are considered classics. They combine modern practicality and classic elegance. You can make elements from light or dense fabric.
  • English.
  • Elegant and compact roller blinds.
  • French and Austrian models look more magnificent when raised. They can give the room a pomposity, so they are best taken for the living room or for a room with a large area.
  • Classic style lovers can use sliding curtains or Italian curtains made of thick fabric. They are not very difficult to make on your own: this is a rectangular canvas that is gathered diagonally into folds using cords and rings located on the wrong side of the curtain.
  • Various fabrics and tailoring methods allow you to give the window blind the look of horizontal blinds. Such products should be placed in small bedrooms.
  • Increasingly popular in modern design spaces. Their advantage is the possibility of operation on different windows, with fabrics of various textures.

curtain sewing technology

After choosing the fabric and the necessary additional accessories, you can start sewing the product.
The order of work is as follows:

  • Measurements and cutting of material are carried out. To do this, the length and width of the curtains are determined, the necessary canvas is cut off.

Tip: You need to remember about a small margin, about 15 cm wide and about 30 cm long. In the event of an error, it will not be necessary to make every effort to correct it, and sometimes this will not be possible.

  • On special tables, material is marked in professional workshops; at home, this can be done on the floor.
  • A special centimeter is used for work, straight lines are outlined with thin chalk, you can take a bar of soap.
  • Before sewing the curtains with your own hands into the bedroom, the seam lines on the fabric are ironed. In this case, the edges will become smooth, and the work will be more confident and convenient.

How to sew curtains with a lambrequin

"Lambrequin" is top part curtain, which serves as a link between the two halves of the curtain. It has an aesthetic function and, in addition, it improves the protection of the room from the ingress of sunlight.

The instruction indicates that for the construction of such curtains, the width of the lambrequin in the cut is accurately calculated. Here, the length of the cornice is multiplied by a certain fold assembly factor.
With one-sided folds, it is equal to 3, then an allowance of 6 cm is added to this number, which is necessary for processing seams and shrinkage of the material.
The shape of the bottom of the lambrequin can be different:

  • Under the fold.
  • With oblique trim.

The usual drapery braid is sewn to the top. Do-it-yourself bedroom curtain patterns include a lining to increase the density of the structure.

When creating curtains, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • Clips to hold curtains.
  • Textile.
  • Cornice.
  • Accessories.
  • A set of threads.
  • Pins.
  • Sewing machine.
  • Measuring tools.
  • Scissors.
  • Meter bar.
  • Iron.

How to sew a curtain "with teeth"

Curtains decorated with cloves look great in the kitchen, bedroom and children's room.
For self-manufacturing they will need:

  • Decorative fabric, pins, threads for sewing to match the fabric.
  • Sewing machine.
  • Scissors, pencil, ruler.
  • Colorless nail polish.

Tip: Before starting work, you should find the right patterns for curtains for the bedroom with your own hands, which will facilitate further operations.

  • A piece of fabric is taken, from which a jagged border will be sewn, according to the size of the curtain and its edges are processed.
  • 1.3 cm recedes from the outer edge of the part, a hem line is outlined. For this, a ruler and a pencil are used.
  • Similar lines are drawn along the sides of the part, at the same distance of 1.3 cm from the edge.
  • The inner edge of the product is bent by 6 mm.
  • The distance of the product between the side hem is measured. The resulting value is divided into an even number of sections. The width of the elements will also depend on the width: the wider the sections, the larger the teeth will be.
  • The boundaries of the sections are marked with points along the pencil line of the outer hem.
  • When decorating a scalloped frill on the top of the curtain, the number of teeth should be a multiple of the number of loops or rings used to attach the curtain to the cornice.
  • Another line is applied to the part, parallel to the line of the outer hem. Between these lines there should be a distance equal to the height of the teeth, to decorate the frill.
  • Points are placed for the teeth on the second line.
  • Points located on opposite lines are connected, while not going beyond the intended boundaries.
  • 1.3 cm of stock is added to the edges of the teeth applied to the fabric.
  • A frill is attached to the curtain, for decorating with cloves, cuts are combined and chopped off with pins.
  • When decorating the upper part of the curtain, its side allowances are doubled.
  • Together with the edge of the curtain, a decorative detail is cut out with teeth, while the scissors move along the zigzag line previously marked with a pencil.
  • The serrated edge of the frill is hemmed. All allowances are tucked and stitched, the seams are ironed.

Tip: To prevent the threads from unraveling, you need to carefully coat the figured section with a colorless nail polish and let it dry.

  • The frill is ironed on the front side.
  • The frill is again applied to the curtain, the details are chipped off with pins and attached.
  • The serrated edges are sewn by hand.
  • The curtain is finally stitched together.

A frill cut with cloves can decorate the curtain along the inner or upper edge.

How to sew roman blinds

Roman blinds are made from thick fabrics that hold their shape well.
Tools needed to bring your vision to life:

  • Rake, shorter than curtains.
  • Finishing tape - Velcro and braid.
  • Carnations are small.
  • Rings plastic or metal with a diameter of 12 mm.
  • Nylon cord, the length of which is equal to one curtain width and two lengths.

To start making Roman blinds, the width of the window is measured, the future width of the curtain. 5 cm is added to the resulting value.
The length includes the height of the window plus the 12 cm allowance required at the bottom edge for double hem and the seam at the top. On the wrong side, on the ironed fabric, hem lines, lines where the folds are located and points where the rings are sewn are marked.
From the line of the lower edge for the first fold, you need to set aside the distance, half fold width. All the following lines are located at the same distance, it is equal to the width of the fold.

Further work is carried out in the following order:
  • Side edges are sewn.
  • Velcro is stuffed on the bottom of the beam.
  • The upper edge of the curtain is edged with fabric, Velcro is sewn on.
  • The lower section of the curtain is ironed and a double collar 5 cm wide is connected to it.
  • A finishing border is sewn along the lines of the folds, it serves as the basis for further fastening of the rails, on which the rings are then arranged. Rings are attached to the beam from above, otherwise the curtains will not be able to rise.
  • A fastener for a cord can be fixed to the window frame. The rest of the laces on the rings from the bottom are pushed up to the base of the bar. It is necessary that all the laces go to one side.
  • To evenly distribute the folds, the laces are pulled together, and in this position it is fixed with a braid.
  • Attached to the frame wooden beam, ribbons are removed, the curtain is straightened.
  • The cords are pulled through the handle, designed to lift the curtains, and another knot is tied at a distance of 50 cm. A little below the knot, the ends of the elements are cut off. After that, the fastener is fixed on the window frame and wrapped to fix the curtain.

The bedroom is a very important place in the house. It is there that we come after a hard day's work to enjoy a relaxing holiday and surrender to Morpheus. That is why it should be aesthetically pleasing, cozy and comfortable. Curtains provide not only protection from daylight, but also help to emphasize this effect. But choose curtains that fit perfectly into the overall design solution sometimes it is very difficult, and the prices for them sometimes "bite". Therefore, the idea of ​​sewing curtains for a bedroom with your own hands is very attractive and more and more often comes to the mind of the fairer sex.

So where do you start sewing?

The main requirements for curtains in the bedroom are:

  • their aesthetics,
  • the right combination with the overall design of the room in all respects,
  • the performance of the main function of the structure is an obstacle to the penetration of light.

Model Style Selection

The choice of curtain model directly depends on the design of your bedroom. Now bedrooms are very popular, decoration in classical style, with light shades of minimalism or modernism, simple, uncomplicated, cozy. Curtains should not "fall out of the general rhythm", so for this type you can take straight curtains. Most interiors can be fitted with curtains in Italian style, which can be fixed on the window opening, walls, ceiling. Curtains sewn in Roman or Japanese style will also look elegant and minimalistic.

AT modern world, with such a variety of fabrics, furniture and accessories, without being afraid to take risks, you can create real masterpieces at home.

Selection of materials

Choice suitable material is the key in this matter, we must take into account the fact that the curtains are intended not only for decorative purposes, but also to protect your abode from excess light and unnecessary attention, so they must be sewn from dense fabric. The color of the material should be calm, soft, it is best to stop at moderate and pastel colors or rich dark shades (as you can see in the photo). And, of course, they should help maintain a calm, cozy and comfortable atmosphere in the room, or even just please the eyes of the household.

For the final decision, we suggest that you take with you three or four options for your favorite fabrics in the form of shreds home, and with comparative analysis choose the most suitable one.

And one more little advice for those who sew for the first time: it is best to choose simple natural fabrics for the pattern - linen or thick cotton, it will be more difficult to work with “stretching” fabrics, uneven seams, not symmetrical folds, and so on.

Everything you need for a robot

Before buying all necessary materials it is worth deciding on a design model, material and sketching a sketch of the finished product on paper. For example, to estimate material consumption, you need to measure the size of the window and multiply the resulting number by a factor (K). K \u003d 1.5 - 3, where 1.5 - for barely noticeable folds, 3 - large luxurious folds.

To sew curtains in the bedroom, you must have at hand the following elements:

  • sketch,
  • dense, pre-selected, fabric;
  • clips for hanging curtains;
  • cornice and related fittings;
  • threads,
  • pins,
  • scissors,
  • measuring ruler,
  • chalk or pencil
  • sewing machine,
  • iron.


Marking and cutting

Any process of sewing a product begins with measurements and the formation of a pattern, that is, cutting the fabric of the required length. To do this, you must first select the length of the curtains, then their height and width, then cut the fabric required sizes, but in order to insure yourself, you need to leave a margin of 15 cm wide and 30 cm long on both sides. The proverb “measure seven times, cut once” comes in very handy in this case, therefore, in order to avoid problems due to improper cut, it is worth taking measurements very carefully. In the studio, all the necessary markings are made on a special large table, which simplifies the task, but rarely does anyone have a very large table at home, so it is best to use a flat floor for such needs. Using a centimeter (or a meter wooden plank) and thin soap or chalk (for light fabrics, you can use a regular pencil), make and outline the markings on the canvas, then cut off the excess with scissors (photo attached).

Product stitching

In order to make the edges of the pattern more even, sewing better, and your robot more comfortable and confident, it is best to iron the edges of the fabric with an iron before sewing. Do not forget that when working with a sewing machine, you need to try to ensure that the edge of the fabric is always in your field of vision, this will contribute to a beautiful, even seam.

Sometimes a decorative ribbon is also used in the sewing process, it can be made from another piece of fabric. We cut off two strips of 15 cm in length and width with a margin of 2.5 cm, fold them in half lengthwise, sew.

Next, cut a strip 21 cm long, fold it in half along the length, stitch it and turn it inside out, then cut it into three parts 7 cm long. The raw edges of each strip are folded over and sewn to the curtain in the form of loops: two along the edges with an indent of 2.5 cm and one in the center. After that, a decorative tape passes through these loops and we sew its ends to the side edges of the curtains. Next comes the fixation of the drapery with the help of a grip, which is attached to the wall with hooks or Velcro.


Not all of us can sew something, and even more so, not everyone has a sewing machine at home, and buying it just to sew curtains for the bedroom with your own hands is not the best solution. But do not deny yourself the pleasure, so the best alternative to all this is gluing - a process in which you can do without needles, threads and a sewing machine. To do this, you should buy a special adhesive tape in any store with sewing accessories. The tape is cut into pieces that correspond in size to the length and width of the curtains, fit into the seam and ironed. Before use, be sure to read the instructions.

Final stage

After all processes, finished curtains should be ironed with steam, Special attention give places with seams and hang them on cornices with loops that were attached to the walls or ceiling.

And, finally, if you want to create your own unique design, comfortable and cozy bedroom, then feel free to get down to business, and beautiful, and even more so self-sewn curtains will be an excellent addition to any design solution.

Every hostess wants to make her home cozy, and everyone understands that beautiful textiles should fit into the interior, regulate daylight and harmonize with other objects.

You will have to decide on the quality of the fabric, pattern, color, think over the style, find and buy required amount material, order tailoring and not spend a lot of time and money on it.

Are you completely new to sewing? Then start with a simple model for giving or for the kitchen, but first of all decide what fabric you will sew them from. The following photos will give you ideas.

For small window choose a light-colored material or a combination of two fabrics.

A large panoramic window will be adequately decorated with French curtains. To keep them in beautiful, flowing waves and not move out under their own weight, choose lightweight fabrics, such as veil, tulle or organza.

Do not rush to throw away old curtains. They can be altered, decorated with beautiful accessories, and they will serve for many more years. The main thing here is to show resourcefulness and imagination.

Sew curtains from the remnants of the fabric, and the window in your country house will sparkle different colors. A stencil will help cut shreds of the same size. Before making a solid canvas, iron them well.

Perfectly fit into the country or kitchen interior of the model in the fold on the ties or on the loops.

Curtains with ruffles, fringes or piping often look great. Additional elements make textiles rich and elegant. The main thing here is not to overdo it.

Do-it-yourself curtains

How to make patterns for self-tailoring curtains? Of the materials at hand, you will need the remnants of wallpaper, a meter ruler, a pencil, chalk or soap.

After you decide on the style and choose the material, feel free to get to work. You can cut simple curtains right away.

The technology of sewing complex models requires precise calculations, which must be transferred to the pattern, and then to the fabric.

We offer several samples. Substitute your measurements and you will get worthy window decorations.

Pattern of an asymmetric flip.

Asymmetric curtains for the kitchen.

Symmetrical swag for models with lambrequins.

If you have a non-standard window, then a beveled pattern will come in handy.

If you do not have a large table, then cutting is best done on the floor.

Recently, double-sided curtains have come into fashion.

How to lengthen curtains? There are several ways. If 10 centimeters are not enough, then loops can be sewn. Choose the material that suits the texture.

You can also sew a frill to the bottom of the curtain.

When the curtains need to be lengthened by 20-30 cm, you can sew in a transverse insert. The fabric should be in a contrasting color, then no one will guess that you lengthened them.

Here are some more samples.

DIY curtains step by step instructions

How to sew simple curtains for kitchen or room? The main thing is to correctly measure and prepare the fabric. Measure the length of the cornice and multiply it by a factor of 1.3. This will be the width. Add 6 cm to the hem. Decide on the length and add 15 cm to the design of the top and bottom.

To sew curtains for the kitchen or summer cottage, you do not need to make patterns. Wet the fabric with warm water, dry it and iron it. Then your curtains will not shrink or deform after the first wash.

From improvised means you can make beautiful decor and tacks. Use:

  • buttons;
  • tapes, belts, ropes;
  • braid, fringe;
  • beads;
  • soft toys, etc.

If you need to hem curtains, then choose one of three methods.

  1. Hidden seam by hand.
  2. Machine line.
  3. Special adhesive tape.

So that the line lies evenly and the fabric does not warp, bend it and iron it.

Do-it-yourself Roman blinds: master class. Video

They can decorate a window in any room. They are equally beautiful, both in the kitchen and in the bedroom, and in the bathroom.

You will need:

  • material and lining;
  • wooden or metal pins 2-3 cm shorter than the width (7 pcs.);
  • adhesive tape along the width of the curtain;
  • soap or chalk;
  • sewing machine;
  • threads to match the color, needle, safety pins;
  • three cords that are three times as long;
  • weighting agent, strap for hanging;
  • hooks and nails.

Measure the window opening. Add 10 cm on the sides and 15 cm for allowances at the top and bottom.

Fold up the bottom of the curtain and sew so that you can insert the weighting agent.

From the wrong side, sew the pockets into which you want to insert the slats.

Then manually sew the rings through which you thread the cords in one direction.

On the window frame install the bar and attach adhesive tape to it.

Fix the finished curtain on the window and lower it. Now you need to equalize the tension of all the cords, tie them into knots and hide them behind the rings.

More detailed information see here.

This master class will help you make beautiful, even folds on the curtains.

Original do-it-yourself curtain options

To sew beautiful, original curtains is within the power of every hostess. The main thing is patience, desire and the presence of a sewing machine.

For beginner craftswomen, we offer samples of the most unusual options.

To sew them, you need quite a bit of fabric. They are in harmony with modern interiors and perfectly protect the premises from the sun's rays.

They are attached to the window opening or to the glass. Measure the width and length, allow 5 cm on the side and 15 cm on the bottom. Transfer the data to the fabric and cut out a flat sheet. Hem the edges. You will get an even rectangle. Sew a weighting agent into the lower part, on which textiles will be wound. Sew garters on top. They can be made from contrasting tape, ribbons, etc.

If you want to decorate the window with something unusual, then turn on your imagination and don't be afraid to experiment. You can make curtains from beads and beads. Pattern patterns are easy to find on the Internet using cross stitch patterns. You will have to make a lot of efforts, but when the sun hits through such a masterpiece, the space will shine and sparkle with bright colors.

Or maybe you like models from ribbons? All elements are sewn to the curtain tape at the top.

Spend a little time and make unusual curtains from the leftover fabric. Patchwork textiles add warmth to the room and perform all their functions perfectly.

You can also sew beautiful models from the harvester or from chintz.

Modern muslin curtains add lightness and sophistication. They can be combined with curtains or with threads of different colors.

The threads are attached to the base border, as in the next photo.

Macrame curtains are still popular. This is a real masterpiece, indicating that the hostess has an extraordinary taste and can do laborious work with her own hands.

You will learn how to weave macrame in the following video.

You sewed and hung beautiful curtains, but it seems to you that something is missing? The situation can be corrected by the original tacks for curtains.

Clips can be:

  • Velcro;
  • on magnets.

Automatic sliding and sliding curtains usually do not need tiebacks, just like weighted roller blinds.

A few more examples of unusual pickups.

What other curtains can you sew yourself

Curtains may also be needed for interior openings, which will retain heat and add comfort. Choose Greek or London curtains. The first are distinguished by smooth forms, lightness natural material and light colors. Certainly there are characteristic antique patterns.

Greek style is rigor clear lines. To avoid having to constantly adjust the folds, sew a thick curtain tape to the top.

Due to its simplicity, a pattern is not required. Measure the fabric, finish the edges, and drape neat waves.

Photo - 78 London curtains

The French marquise is distinguished by an abundance of lace, emphasizing the richness and solemnity of the interior.

The fabric is collected in vertical scallops, which gives elegance and splendor. The complexity of the manufacture of such curtains lies in correct calculations. All folds must be perfectly even. Choose a thin material, such as voile, organza, silk or cambric. In the photo you see a pattern for French curtains with lambrequins and curtains.

Keep in mind that such window decoration should be mounted on reliable wooden or metal cornices. The string for these curtains will not work. She will quickly sag.

So, the simplest curtains in rustic style or country style is easy to sew without special skills. This window decoration is great for giving or for the kitchen.

If you have chosen a complex style of curtains and doubt that you can sew them yourself, then contact the specialists from the EtiDom portal. They will help you choose a fabric that will fit into the overall design concept of the room, and sew any complexity.

Curtain Ideas

Textiles for windows can be very different. Many designers believe that the simpler the better. Smooth, classic curtains made of natural material will never go out of style.

Sew two-color curtains, and they will become the highlight of the interior.

We select a cornice for curtains

You don't know how to hang curtains? Focus on the eaves and fasteners. The wooden stick can be painted. On sale you will not find a bright cornice, so buy paint and a brush. See what can happen.

Remember that light fabrics can be hung on a string cornice. For heavy models, wooden or metal cornices are needed.

Photo - 88 With lambrequins

Sewing curtains on grommets: a master class. Video

We bring to your attention detailed instructions for tailoring curtains on eyelets. Eyelets are rings that are attached to the top of the window textiles. They are strung on a cornice, and they also create smooth, beautiful waves.

Rings are wooden iron and plastic of the usual, round shape of different diameters, and there are decorative ones.

Choose your own options. They must match the color of the fabric or pattern.

If the room or kitchen faces north and there is not enough sunlight, then sew curtains from light, light-colored fabric.

And vice versa, if the room is on the sunny, south side, then buy a denser fabric.

So, take the material, lay it out on a large table or floor. Measure the length of the cornice and multiply this figure by 1.5. This will be the width of your curtains. Then decide on the length, add 20 cm for the hem and the processing of the upper part. Buy a special grommet in advance. It is glued with a hot iron so that the top is rigid, keeps its shape and forms the desired drapery. Then sew the folds.

Attach one eyelet and circle the inner contour. The more often you do this, the smaller the creases will be. The distances between the eyelets should be the same.

Sun protection for terrace windows should be reliable and easy to use.

Choose modern blackout fabrics that do not let light through, do not fade, do not warp, do not get dirty and repel water.

If you need to increase the rigidity of the material, then use a gang. It happens:

  • on an adhesive basis and glued with an iron;
  • on self-adhesive film.

Bando allows you to make a hard lambrequin of any shape. Under it, you can sew combined sliding curtains with pleats, and your window will look rich, emphasizing the perfect taste of the hostess.

Textile decoration for each private room has features. bedroom should perform a practical function - darken the room, without letting sunbeams disrupt your normal sleep patterns.

The created atmosphere is designed to have a rest, as well as create a romantic mood. The basis for the decor can be any style you like:

  • classic is suitable for adherents of stability and constancy;
  • modern, high-tech will suit those who like modern conciseness combined with practicality;
  • ethnic or oriental is appropriate in the bedroom of exotic lovers, travelers;
  • country styles and Provence will bring nostalgic notes to village life;
  • vintage will delight fans of antiquity.

The division into styles is conditional, you can create a unique atmosphere with your own hands, borrowing original ideas from professionals.

Where to begin?

The third step is to determine the color and texture of the fabric. The color of the material can be in tone with the rest of the textiles, walls, or, conversely, contrasting. It is important to remember the rules:

  • the design usually does not use more than three primary colors;
  • calm pastel colors are more acceptable in the bedroom;
  • the color of the curtains should not be the same shade with the walls;
  • a large pattern on the walls suggests plain curtains, and the monotonous decoration of the room will be decorated with colorful textiles.

But the best part about decorating a bedroom is that you can break the rules by following your own creative intuition. According to the texture, it is better to prefer an opaque fabric with 100% blackout or to sew with a lining. The choice of material is limited only by financial possibilities.

The bedroom will be decorated:

  • silk;
  • velvet;
  • curtain fabric;
  • polyester;
  • atlas;
  • cotton;
  • batiste.

Of these types, it is more convenient to work with dense cotton. In the West, it is one of the most sought-after materials, along with other natural samples. The lining is best made of cotton with polyester.

Fourth, success in work depends not only on right choice fabric, but also on the tool used: a good sewing machine and sharp scissors will allow you to get a quality product and enjoy the sewing process.

We decorate the bedroom with curtains: simple and cozy

Whatever material is used, it is important to remember:royal curtains for bedroom are obtained not due to complicated structures with original titles, but with the correct calculation of the proportions of the main elements and a harmonious combination of colors. You can beautifully sew curtains in the bedroom by combining a model of rectangular parts and carefully following the instructions in the process. It is easier for novice decorators to resort to decorating a room by sewing simple curtains into the bedroom:

  • tulle curtain - standard version;
  • narrow curtains in the bedroom;
  • short curtains.

Simple samples are cut on a piece of fabric, without the use of templates. The finished one does not hurt if you liked the model with draped details - lambrequins, flip-flops, swags, bells. However, when decorating a room, one should not forget that complex lush designs require troublesome maintenance: they collect dust, they need to be regularly removed, washed, ironed and hung again. It is recommended to choose complex bedroom samples if there is time, effort and desire for such procedures. Modern style life dictates its own rules - minimalism is practical and no less attractive. If you want simplicity and comfort, then we sew curtains in the bedroom beautifully and quickly.

You can beautifully make curtains in the bedroom in a few steps:

  1. Calculate the required amount of fabric, taking into account the margin for shrinkage, pattern alignment, technological allowances.
  2. Prepare the material - wash, dry, iron, so that after the first wash the product does not shrink and warp.
  3. Sew curtains, observing the technology of tailoring and seam processing.
  4. Supplement the freely hanging canvas with tiebacks, tassels, fringe (optional).
  5. Decorate with fabric flowers (if the style of the room design involves their use).

To properly sew curtains for the bedroom, you must begin by measuring the cornice, its position, studying the method of attaching the canvas. These data will help to correctly calculate the required amount of fabric.

The length of the product is determined from the top point of the cornice rod to the floor, adding 10-15 cm to. Do-it-yourself short curtains for the bedroom should be 10-15 cm below the windowsill. Compliance with these proportions gives the room a harmonious look. For a battery that opens and spoils the overall impression, it is recommended to make a decorative screen.

When buying a curtain fabric, its possible shrinkage is taken into account, as well as the presence of a pattern, which requires more material to combine than in the case of a plain canvas. By purchasing a cut, the footage is increased by 10 - 15% compared to the length of the product.

The width of the curtain depends on the length of the cornice. To form beautiful folds, this value is multiplied by a factor of 1.5–4. The denser and more expensive the matter, the less assembly it requires. The size of the tulle fabric usually exceeds the length of the cornice by 2–4 times. On a transparent curtain without a pattern, many folds are appropriate, the larger the pattern on it, the less the fabric drapes.

To form gathers on curtains, there is a special drapery tape sewn from the inside to the upper edge of the fabric. Cords are stretched along its entire length, which must be pulled together, tied in a knot along the edges - uniform folds along the width of the canvas are provided. It is only important not to inadvertently sew the cords to the fabric.

Getting started with the sewing process

Choosing the right fabric, stretching and ironing it, preparing the tools, we get to work. We sew curtains in the bedroom using the following set of tools:

  • sewing machine, set of needles;
  • scissors;
  • pins;
  • centimeter, square;
  • iron.

From the materials you need:

  • selected cloth fabric;
  • curtain tape;
  • threads in tone;
  • accessories as needed (hooks, rings, eyelets).
  • Check out the bottom . The bottom is folded over with a margin for possible shrinkage of at least 5 cm and stitched. If the fibers fray a lot, you can pre-process the seam on or melt the edge.
  • Process the top edge of the curtain . This is the most crucial stage in tailoring curtains for the bedroom. First, the top edge is visible. Secondly, the processing method will differ depending on the type of attachment to the eaves.

If the canvas is fastened with loops, and a mounting tape is sewn on the reverse side, then the upper edge is folded to the width of the tape plus 1.5–2 cm to cover it.

If eyelets are used - special rings inserted into holes cut into the fabric and sliding along the eaves, then the edge is folded 10 cm - along the width of the adhesive sealing tape, which provides rigidity to the fabric. Place an adhesive strip in the fold and iron. Mark places for eyelets at a distance of 15 - 20 cm from one another. The number of eyelets is necessarily odd, in which case the side edges of the curtains will be wrapped symmetrically. Cut holes with scissors and insert eyelets into them, clamping until a characteristic click.

Mounting on clothespins "crocodiles" or magnetic holders involves a neat bend and stitching of the seam, without complex options finishes. It is convenient to attach light tulle fabrics on magnets.

Often do-it-yourself bedroom curtains are made on the drawstring - a simple way in which the canvas is put on the bar without additional devices. To do this, the edge of the canvas is folded and stitched in such a way that the resulting drawstring is spacious enough for the curtains to move freely along the rod.


The finished curtain is ironed and hung on the eaves, adding pickups and decorative elements. Anyone can sew curtains for the bedroom, enjoying the unique atmosphere and comfort created by their own hands every evening and morning.

How to sew curtains with your own hands in the bedroom is of interest to many owners of apartments and houses. If the first products were made from animal skins and closed the exit from a hut or cave, now there is a huge variety of such elements for interior decoration.
How to make curtains can be seen in the video. This article offers a few suggestions for getting the job done.

With the independent manufacture of beautiful products, the main advantage will be the lower price of curtains.
To start making them, you need:

  • Find patterns and attractive designs. Each room of the apartment has its own version of their design and tailoring.
  • The texture and color of the fabric should be chosen in accordance with the overall color of the interior of the room for which it is intended.
  • Shape is taken into account and general form curtains (see), which can significantly affect the design of the room.

Tip: When choosing products, you need to take into account all the recommendations and use them rationally.

  • You should not take a lot of bright colors, sew extra details to the curtains that will create additional volume.
  • Bulky curtains look especially ugly in a small room. Here it is enough to come up with something unusual to distinguish them from the general interior of the room, but so that it is an addition to it.

Tip: For a kitchen, living room or bedroom that has classic interior, only curtains made in a classic style are suitable. Their popularity is the greatest and they are used more often than others.

What are classic curtains

There is no strict definition of curtains. These are most often straight curtains made from traditional fabrics with the addition of tulle fabric with light curtains, as shown in the photo.

This is the simplest model that any hostess can sew. In addition to the classic models of curtains, lambrequins are used to cover their upper part.
You can sew lambrequins different ways. Straight with pleats are one of the most popular types. Recently, lambrequins with an unusual lower part of the cut have gained popularity.

Tip: It is better to start tailoring curtains with lighter models, and then gradually move on to more complex designs that, at first glance, even seem impossible. It is especially important to choose the right fabric.

How to choose the material for sewing curtains

When choosing a fabric for sewing curtains, everyone thinks differently:

  • Most often, textiles are taken with patterns, gold or dark green. The latter must be chosen so that it is combined with the color of the bedspread and the color scheme of the room where they will be used.
    If a beautiful fabric for curtains is selected, then the products will turn out to be excellent, it will be hard to take your eyes off them.
    If there are bright saturated colors and various ornaments, large patterns in the decor of the room, you need to take a plain, discreet fabric for curtains. With a calm interior of the room, and decorating the walls with inconspicuous patterns, you can use a fabric of bright color.
    In this case, beautiful and original curtains will perfectly complement the room and attract the attention of the entire decor of the room.
  • Curtains made by yourself should not merge with the environment that surrounds them, which requires very careful consideration of this issue.
  • You should not use satin or silk fabric for sewing curtains. It is better to use velvet, velor, cotton, linen, organza, jacquard and brocade, taking into account the curtain fabric.

How to make straight curtains

Direct products can diversify ideas with their own hands.
To many, this option seems not quite beautiful and even boring. But it is not so.
Direct elements can be constantly modified:

  • With a specially sewn braid, you can collect the top of the curtains. The shape of the folds on the main fabric depends on its type.
    To select a braid, you need to look at the catalog of finished products to imagine how they will look with the selected part.
  • First you need to determine which is better to take the finish on the curtains. It can be brushes, ruffles.
  • Then selected additional elements decor.
  • You can sew classic straight curtains yourself without a pattern. In this case, it is enough to take measurements from the window and, depending on its length and width, calculate the amount of fabric for sewing.

Tip: If the selected fabric has a pattern, you will need a little more of it so that the patterns look symmetrical on the window.

  • When choosing a material, you need to remember about the seam allowances at the top and bottom of the fabric. Therefore, its length should be slightly larger than the dimensions of the window.

How to sew curtains

Instructions for sewing curtains includes:

  • The amount of fabric needed is determined. For this, dimensions are taken from the cornice, by measuring its length, and the length of the product from the cornice to the floor is determined.
    When making long curtains, add another ten centimeters to this size. This will be the seam allowance for the top and bottom.
    The width is chosen depending on the taste of the owner of the room. For curtains with many folds, the length of the cornice is multiplied by three; for not too lush products, it is multiplied by two.
  • If there is a large pattern on the fabric for curtains, it must be bought with a margin to match the pattern. Then the curtain will look like a solid canvas.

Tip: To get a solid pattern, you need to fold the canvases with the outer side to each other and sew.

  • On the sides, the edges are folded inward twice: by 1 cm, then by 2 cm and sewn on a typewriter.
  • The lower part is also folded inward twice: the first hem is 3 cm, the second 5 cm and is also sewn.
  • The folded edges iron well.
  • The top edge is processed as follows:
  1. bends three centimeters inward;
  2. from the side of the inside, a braid is pinned with pins;
  3. one centimeter recedes from the top fold.

Tip: The braid must be purchased six centimeters longer than the width of the curtain in order to provide three centimeters of allowances on both sides.

  • From the wrong side of the braid, the ends of the cords are pulled out and tied together. Then you need to tuck the left allowance of braid inward.
  • The same is done with the second edge of the braid on the other side. But the ends of the cords are not tied. This is the outer edge.
  • The braid is attached along its edges - upper and lower. The folded edges of the braid also need to be sewn.
  • On the outer edge, the ends of the laces should not be sewn.
  • After that, the folds of the curtain are formed. To do this, the curtain is pulled together with laces to the desired length, then the laces are tied.
  • On the curtain braid there are loops. Hooks can be inserted into them at approximately the same distance between them. The number of hooks should correspond to the number of folds on the curtain.

Tip: When making curtains, you should not rush and sew the seams immediately on the typewriter, if you make a mistake, when steaming the seams, visible marks may remain on the fabric, which will not be very beautiful.

How to sew a curtain "with teeth"

Curtains decorated with cloves look great in the kitchen, bedroom and children's room.
For self-production you will need:

  • Decorative fabric, pins, threads for sewing to match the fabric.
  • Sewing machine.
  • Scissors, pencil, ruler.
  • Colorless nail polish.

Tip: Before starting work, you should find the right patterns for curtains for the bedroom with your own hands, which will facilitate further operations.

  • A piece of fabric is taken, from which a jagged border will be sewn, according to the size of the curtain and its edges are processed.
  • 1.3 cm recedes from the outer edge of the part, a hem line is outlined. For this, a ruler and a pencil are used.
  • Similar lines are drawn along the sides of the part, at the same distance of 1.3 cm from the edge.
  • The inner edge of the product is bent by 6 mm.
  • The distance of the product between the side hem is measured. The resulting value is divided into an even number of sections. The width of the elements will also depend on the width: the wider the sections, the larger the teeth will be.
  • The boundaries of the sections are marked with points along the pencil line of the outer hem.
  • When decorating a scalloped frill on the top of the curtain, the number of teeth should be a multiple of the number of loops or rings used to attach the curtain to the cornice.
  • Another line is applied to the part, parallel to the line of the outer hem. Between these lines there should be a distance equal to the height of the teeth, to decorate the frill.
  • Points are placed for the teeth on the second line.
  • Points located on opposite lines are connected, while not going beyond the intended boundaries.

  • 1.3 cm of stock is added to the edges of the teeth applied to the fabric.
  • A frill is attached to the curtain, for decorating with cloves, cuts are combined and chopped off with pins.
  • When decorating the upper part of the curtain, its side allowances are doubled.
  • Together with the edge of the curtain, a decorative detail is cut out with teeth, while the scissors move along the zigzag line previously marked with a pencil.
  • The serrated edge of the frill is hemmed. All allowances are tucked and stitched, the seams are ironed.

Tip: To prevent the threads from unraveling, you need to carefully coat the figured section with a colorless nail polish and let it dry.

  • The frill is ironed on the front side.
  • The frill is again applied to the curtain, the details are chipped off with pins and attached.
  • The serrated edges are sewn by hand.
  • The curtain is finally stitched together.

A frill cut with cloves can decorate the curtain along the inner or upper edge. Beautifully selected curtains in the bedroom will decorate it and give more comfort.

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