What can you learn about a person from fingerprints? Papillary patterns on the fingers.

Decor elements 16.10.2019
Decor elements

Consider the capillary patterns on the hand. Since there are many patterns themselves and their variations, consider concrete examples and interpretations from various sources, compare them with each other and check how they work in real life. All this will help answer the question about the meaning of the capillary pattern on my hand, but first things first: So, we have an area of ​​​​study - which is rarely considered in books on palmistry, however, it is more informational than the lines of the hand.

Let's look at a few examples to prove this: Figure 1-1 belongs to a girl (left-handed) - 19 years old, left hand. The region of the hypothenar (hill of the Moon) is presented. Changes in the usual capillary pattern are visible, most of all it resembles a composite pattern on the fingers. Such a drawing is quite rare, therefore it deserves our attention: it is mentioned by N. Altman and G. Hurlimann. Nathaniel writes: “Such a pattern is found on the palms of those people whose psychology is closer to that of a member of the opposite sex.

For example, men with such a pattern in the palm of their hand are very gentle and sensitive, while women are stubborn and aggressive. Ms. Hürlimann approaches the definition of the meaning of this picture more broadly - Figure 1-2: “Options for “twin” loops, otherwise, a double loop on the hillock of the Moon indicates a greater role of the subconscious in thoughts and actions of a person. Their character depends on the shape of the hand and the signatures of the palm. On the strong hands with developed and proportional thumb and forefinger, the “twin” loop indicates favorable features of the psyche.

Such a person is able to adapt to the requirements of the current moment. On the hands with emphasized long fingers, the “twin” loop on the hillock of the Moon indicates observation, the ability to assess the state of mind of a person according to a number of signs, including the facial expression of the interlocutor. Most often, this ability is good psychologists and psychiatrists, workers social sphere, therefore, in the English-language literature, this loop is called the "psychological twin".

But over time, these specialists may find signs of a split consciousness in themselves as well. This seems to me to be extremely important point, because the best psychologists-consultants and assistants know about the way out of such difficulties not in theory, but from their own experience. The “twin” loop on thin and nervous hands reveals mental lability, a tendency to frequent mood swings, hidden complexes and neuroses. These people are insecure and neurotic."

The next article will be devoted to capillary patterns on the fingers. As you learned from the first article, capillary patterns are placed on the palm of your hand. Energy flows through them and accumulates in certain areas, therefore these areas are developed and bring their own characteristics. Similar patterns, and sometimes much more complex, are found on the fingertips. There is various classifications these patterns, let's try to figure it out together:

To do this, we need to divide the hand into two parts, draw a vertical line through the middle finger of the left hand - the left side of the hand, together with the thumb and forefinger, is called the radial side, and right part together with the little finger and ring finger is called the ulnar side. This designation was introduced to simplify the classification of some patterns and just nominally.

  • The arc is the simplest, but at the same time rare pattern in Russia.
  • Standard arc- is shown in the figure. Denoted by the letter A - from English word- "arch" - arch. This pattern really resembles an arch. It is characterized by the absence of triradii. By general view we can conclude that the energy passes through the capillary lines (in the figure they are in black) and makes a slight bend. Thus, the energy is minimally delayed in this area, which characterizes this pattern as a pattern with a maximum throughput energy, i.e. energy is used very quickly.
  • Arc with a loop inside- this view is combined from a very small loop, which is enveloped by an arc from above. The pattern belongs to the arc pattern, since most of the energy passes along the trajectory of arc capillary lines, only a very small part of the energy is retained in the internal loop, so we will classify this pattern as arc. It occurs quite often, so it is important to be able to figure out - a loop or an arc prevails in the capillary pattern. Once a small loop appears, it is necessary to determine its direction - the figure shows an ulnar loop - it goes from the center to the ulnar side on the imprint of the right hand, respectively, for the left hand, such an imprint will characterize the radial loop. Designated AL - Arch Loop - from English - Arc Loop.
  • high arc- this type of arc is very similar to the standard arc, but differs from it in that as it approaches the center of the capillary pattern, the lines begin to bifurcate, as a result of which the capillary lines rise higher near the center of the pattern. The introduction of such a pattern is necessary in order to distinguish between the indicators that simple arcs and their highly raised counterparts bring. The flow of energy changes slightly and the indicators are different. Designated as AT - Tended Arch - High Arc.
  • High arc with a dot or other complicating element- these include the hip arches known to us. This pattern is minimally close to a standard loop, but the whole point is in the complicating element, which is located in the center of the pattern, it is he who “breaks” the entire pattern of lines in this way. Such a pattern is less common, which is why it is the most difficult to describe. But this problem can also be overcome - the pattern in the center delays energy in this area, in the direction of this pattern, one can draw a conclusion about the direction of the flow of energy. This pattern is designated as ATC - Arch Tended Complex - Complex High Arc.

This full and extensive description is provided so that the reader can understand exactly how the energy flows, so the time spent on understanding the types of each pattern will result in a complete understanding of the characteristics that this type of particular pattern brings.

Let's move on to the next pattern:

  • The loop- the pattern following the arc in complexity, the most common in Russia. The general characteristic of this pattern is the presence of one triradius. Triradius - a situation where three lines converge at one point, forming a triradius - a combination of several lines into one pattern. The figure below shows a simple loop and a triradium bounding it on the left.

Consider the subspecies of this pattern:

  • Standard loop. To distinguish this pattern from the pattern - an Arc with a loop inside, you need to look at the number of capillary lines that make up the loop, if their number is more than 1, then the tendencies of the loop plan increase. The energy is already flowing along the arc path to a lesser extent. Therefore, in the presence of an even greater number of capillary lines. Walking along the loop trajectory, you can safely attribute this pattern to the loop. It is designated as L - from English - loop - repetition, loop.
  • double loop- characterized by two triradii. Ulnarity-radiality is determined first by the lower loop, then by the upper one. This type The loop pattern is reminiscent of twins, so it brings interesting characteristics. Sometimes the loop can separate, so this pattern is very easy to confuse with one of the varieties of the curl, especially when the ends of the loops are very narrow. To avoid such situations, always make a print and study, analyze. The flow of energy in this pattern is very interesting - on the one hand, the energy flows along the outer loop, on the other hand, it flows similarly along the inner loop, which creates a magnet factor - when a voltage arises between the two poles. It is the same in this situation, but we will talk about this below. Designated as LD - Loop Double - Double Loop.
  • Single or double folded loop- a complicated version of the double loop. Both loops have the same initial direction, but different lengths, against the different beginning of the double loop. This pattern is characterized by a single tri-radius, which removes the stress factor inherent in a double loop. Energy flows like a river, divided by an island into two channels, they are so close, but one is shallow and the other is deep. This pattern is rare, which characterizes it as exceptional. Designated LF - Fall Loop - Loop with a bend.
  • Peacock eye loop- this type of loop is very similar to a curl, but falls short of this pattern, since it has one triradius, which is its distinguishing feature. This type of pattern is most indicative for explanation in terms of energy flows and their flow. The energy enters the loop, approaches the center and concentrates in the center of the picture, but cannot stay in the center and leaves the center to the side where there is no triradius, i.e. where the loop starts. Designated as LP - Loop Pea - Peacock Loop.

We also divided this pattern into 4 subspecies, which is necessary for the accuracy and ease of explaining any complexity that you might have had before.

  • The final pattern is a curl. This pattern is characterized by the fact that it is the most complex, medium in prevalence - between arcs and loops, as a result of which it has its own unique features. Arcs and swirls are conflicting patterns, they oppose each other. Consider the classification of this pattern:
  • Curl is the target. It is characterized by concentric circles, which are separated from each other by small distances. This is the simplest and strongest curl, it provides the maximum concentration of energy in the center of the pattern, the center is limited by triradii. Energy remains here constantly, it is concentrated like stagnant water in a deep pool. This pattern is characterized by two triradii that frame the circles. This pattern is designated - WR -Whorl - Curl.
  • A curl is a spiral. This pattern is very similar to the previous one, with the only difference that the pattern is a rotating spiral, which is a line twisting around the center of the pattern. The energy gradually winds around the center, unlike the target - this position of the lines indicates that the energy can go out, because. it goes in a spiral and when it reaches the center it comes back, so the strength of this pattern is already less than that of the curl - the target. This pattern is designated as WS - Whorl Spiral - Curl - Spiral.
  • Curl elongated- it is necessary to single out this pattern in a separate group, since in the literature on palmistry this pattern is considered quite widely. The pattern is similar to the curl target, but the center of the curl is a small straight line, the meaning of which is interpreted very broadly. I note that the energy does not spread to a point - as in a target, but is distributed over the entire line, which reduces its concentration, but increases the possibilities. This curl is designated as WE - Elongated Whorl - Elongated curl.
  • Curl including loop, ulnarity, and radiality along internal loops. The most difficult version of the curl, in order to understand how much, it is enough to open a book on palmistry and read about a new type of pattern called compound or complex, but this is a delusion, because this is just one type of curl. The energy simply cannot flow normally here, which causes deviations, good or bad, this is already a subject for a separate article. Designated WI - Whorl Imploding - Curl Integrated.
  • intricate curl, not amenable to the above classification. The most interesting pattern, it is very easy to confuse it with a double loop, but in this case it looks more like a curl, because it has a rounded shape. In such cases, it is best to look at all the prints in the complex in order to identify the main trend, according to which one can draw a conclusion about the appearance of patterns on the hand as a whole.

So, we have analyzed all types of patterns, there are only three of them - Arc, Loop, Curl. Each pattern has its pros and cons. Now let's try to describe the meaning of a certain pattern on a specific finger, so that it would be easier for us to consider approaches to characterizing the meaning of a particular pattern:

What can determine the meaning that the pattern brings? Immediately he has several signs:

  • The exact name of the pattern (so I included abbreviations to make it easier).
  • The finger on which the pattern is located, each finger brings its own characteristics associated with it.
  • The palm on which this pattern is located. The palm can be active or inactive. If you are right-handed, then the active right hand is for you, if you are left-handed, and the probability of this is as much as 10%, then the active hand is left for you.
  • The general picture of patterns on the hands, for example, with nine loops, there is a curl on one of the fingers, which clearly causes additional characteristics associated with both this finger and the pattern in general.
  • Pattern repeatability - i.e. the presence on the same fingers of the same pattern. For example, a curl on the index finger of the left hand and a curl on the index finger of the right hand. Such a situation introduces reinforcing characteristics.

Having figured out by what criterion we will characterize the patterns, let's move on to the characteristics themselves. To make the description concise and brief, I will give only a direction for reflection, and it will be easy to draw specific conclusions by looking at how the energy that flows through the capillary lines behaves. I’ll make a reservation right away that we will consider the description of patterns associated with character traits.

Consider the general characteristics of each finger separately (taken from the article - Do you have straight fingers):

  • Pointing- the finger of Jupiter, characterizes a person's ambitions, the desire to manage, command other people, reflects feelings of confidence, self-esteem, pride.
  • Average- the finger of Saturn reflects thoughtfulness, a tendency to melancholy, isolation, sadness and pessimism, the seriousness of a person, distrust.
  • Nameless- the finger of Apollo, characterizes the desire for beauty, love for pleasure, well-being, creativity, human taste.
  • Little finger- the finger of Mercury reflects a penchant for commerce or science, cunning, a sense of logic, memory and enterprise, communication, ingenuity and quick thinking.

Look at the pads of your fingers. The patterns on them can tell you a lot about your abilities and shortcomings, warn against possible troubles and direct your forces in the right direction. Of course, provided that you can understand all the intricacies of patterns, their combination, the number of lines - the so-called scallops that create patterns on all ten fingers ...

Purely general points, of course, can be determined by yourself, having gathered information from the same Internet. For example, there are three main characteristic patterns in total - arcs, loops, curls. Therefore, you can even make some calculations yourself, using the information at the end of the material. But dermatoglyphics (derma - skin, glyphe - engrave), and we are talking about it - this is still a section of science, not palmistry - fortune telling by hand. Dermatoglyphics will not predict your future with the help of dermatoglyphics, but will only outline the areas (be it sports or creativity) in which you can be most successful. And without 100% execution - they say, everything is written on my fingers that I will become a great swimmer or wrestler, which means everything will work out that way. Most likely it won't work. Talent and inherent opportunities are nothing without their constant development, the same persistent and constant training.

The drawings on the fingertips depict a kind of DNA model or, if you like, our punched card. Nervous system of a person and patterns on the fingers are formed simultaneously from the same germinal material in the womb, at 14-16 weeks of fetal development. And fingerprints do not change from birth until death (unlike, by the way, from the lines on the palms). After reading several articles on this topic, the Riga oncologist, surgeon Boris ONISCHUK began to study dermatoglyphics. He managed to get Moscow specialists to take him to their courses, and now he has added a certificate in dermatoglyphics to his diplomas. When Boris offered to show me what I had learned, I readily agreed. But for the purity of the experiment, he did not tell anything about himself ... (photo - otvetplanet.ru)

Medical dynasty

We met at the office. Boris took out a laptop and a small electronic device, a box with a piece of glass, on which, in fact, it was necessary to lay each finger in turn. Like some airports different countries requiring fingerprints, and now in Latvia when applying for passports.

Scanned patterns immediately appeared on the computer display screen. And what is so unusual that Boris (more on this later), who has been working in oncology for 7 years, can tell me about them? I wonder why the oncologist decided to take up dermatoglyphics as well?

My parents and relatives are doctors, so I knew from school that I would go into medicine, - Boris tells about his choice. - And with specialization was defined in the course of study. Previously, he worked in an ambulance for four years. I also have a second certificate in dermatology. And my direction in oncology is very closely connected with various skin problems: skin formations - both malignant and benign. I became interested in dermatoglyphics after reading an article about it. I wanted to learn more about myself and my abilities. I found out that these developments were and are being carried out at the famous Bauman Moscow State Technical University (former Moscow State Technical University, where specialists are trained, in particular, in space development - K.M.).

After a certain time, I managed to agree with a Moscow professor, Igor Nikolaevich Spiridonov, that he would help me master the method of dermatoglyphics. Spiridonov created a program that calculates the parameters of patterns in digital format. There are no analogues in the world.

Yes, patterns can be visually determined by fingers, but, for example, the number of ridges (the lines that form them) cannot be determined by eye. I studied with Spiridonov both the technical side of the matter and the interpretation of the data received.

For the last 20 years, professors Spiridonov and Tamara Fyodorovna Abramova have been studying the physical abilities of a person. They have a lot of statistics. They took entire institutes and examined students. And also took for comparison patients with cerebral palsy. The developmental delay could also be read from the characteristic patterns on the fingers of these patients.

Cast of personality

- Fingers reflect our not only mental development but also physical condition?

Yes. In this area, work is underway not only in Russia, but also abroad. They, in particular, investigate congenital hereditary pathologies, the most famous of which is Down syndrome.

That is, the study of fingerprints is like the study of a cast of personality? For example, is it possible in the future to entrust a specific person with the control of a ship (including a space ship), go on reconnaissance with him, or is this person better suited for other tasks?

Quite right. One is able to lead a team, while the other may have a craving for individual work ...

Thus, you can tell a person where he can show himself best? So that for many years they do not go in search of their own "I"?

Yes. And to determine this, it is necessary to match the patterns on all fingers. Because each finger has a certain individual characteristic. Even twins have different fingerprints.

Olga and Tatyana Arntgolts. Who is who offhand and can not be determined. But according to the prints - easily ... (yousmi.by)

I have already had to take fingerprints from two-year-old and three-year-old children, as well as their parents. Interestingly, in one girl, for example, the type of patterns was identical to her father's. The second child in the patterns on the fingers had something from his father, something from his mother.

In the first case, the father is in search, but on the right way. I only suggested to him that he believe in the fidelity to the chosen goal, not be afraid to create his own company, but with no large quantity employees. He has the ability to lead, good performance and endurance. And the daughter's qualities of a leader are even more pronounced. If we compare daughter, father and mother, then the latter has the highest coordination of all - this is the ability to perform a variety of work, switch from one task to another. She, too, is quite capable of running her own business in the future when she grows up.

- Have you tested yourself? Are you sure you have chosen the right specialty?

Yes, according to my fingerprints, it was clear, for example, that banking, logistics or law are not mine.

In your case, with a greater degree of probability, we can still talk about heredity, which is clear even without imprints. With doctors, most often children become doctors after all, and not bus drivers ...

Yes, that's why whole dynasties are born - military men, doctors, steelworkers, actors ...

Inheritance and bad habits

- And how do heredity, bad habits and diseases affect the future abilities of a person?

I studied Chikatilo's fingerprints, which I found on the Internet, and saw 4 patterned asymmetries on his fingers of the same name. This is a lot! Asymmetry is when, for example, there is a loop on the index finger of the left hand, and a curl on the same finger of the right hand. One or two asymmetries, but not four! This proves that we have an unpredictable person, emotionally and psychologically unbalanced.

Although there is a type of patterns that shows that a person, even if he grows up in an asocial environment, is able to break out of it. Let's say the parents are alcoholics, and the child grows up as a normal person. And there are those who, on the contrary, being in quite comfortable conditions, can get into an asocial environment.

The qualities of a person can manifest themselves in different ways in civilian life and in war. Say, if an emotional person sits in a desk and does monotonous work, is it unlikely that something good will come of it both for him and for those around him?

There is a certain conflict parameter: for example, a radial loop on the index finger. Of my acquaintances, two had these radial loops. They can actually be quite tough in certain situations. And such people can be safely sent, for example, to hot spots - they will be able to navigate in such a situation faster than others. Find a use for them in the office own forces much more difficult.

Is it possible to determine a person's resistance to difficulties, the boundary where he can break down by fingerprints?

Every person has strengths and weaknesses. For example, versatile abilities, but weak stamina. Therefore, this type of people should not solve many small insignificant tasks, but should focus on one big one. Then he will be able to fully reveal himself, and not be wasted on trifles.

Such cases are known when a person, doing different things all his life, suddenly, by the age of 60, began to draw and achieved success in this. Although this “suddenly”, undoubtedly, smoldered in him all his life ...

Yes, there was simply no push, no hint from outside, no encouragement: come on, you can do it! More often it happens the other way around: there is a person nearby who slows down development, is skeptical about all the successes of his partner.

... To prevent this from happening, there is dermatoglyphics. It is gradually beginning to be used in some large Russian companies, where it is necessary to effectively select and distribute personnel. However, this is often even more important for very small companies, where the dependence on the ability of each person is even greater. Dermatoglyphics can also help in personal life, suggest which life partner is most suitable for a girl or a guy.

However, it is good if there are tips that relate to different areas of life. Of course, you can’t prepare cheat sheets for all cases, but it’s always useful to understand what is closer and more accessible to you. How much time, effort and money can be saved by doing this! Do not try, for example, to achieve something in the sprint, but immediately find out that this is not entirely yours, and try yourself, for example, in marathon distances ...

And now what Dr. Onischuk saw through my fingers. These are "excellent intellectual abilities (associative and analytical thinking) and excellent coordination", as stated in his conclusion. The latter characterizes "the ability to perceive, implement and perform complex, diverse movements and actions." The doctor also noted that it is easy for me to switch from one task-topic to another. But now I can experience discomfort with monotonous mental and physical work, get tired quickly. “From sports, acyclic ones are suitable, in which excellent coordination and good endurance are manifested. Game types - in football, for example, a defender, midfielder (as a child, by the way, I was happy to stand at the gate - K.M.), wrestling (in his youth he gave 10 years to boxing - K.M.), from winter - more snowboarding than skiing(I got them a few years ago - K.M.). You should also like dancing (as a student I danced until you drop - K.M.)...

But reactivity to me (the doctor is right here, too), perhaps, is sometimes not enough. For example, in disputes, when all the best arguments come, as they say, after. On the other hand, it is non-conflicting, the study emphasizes: “extremism and a tendency to antisocial behavior minimal." Yes, I could learn to draw well, but Aivazovsky is unlikely to come out of me. Well, I learn...

What are we? We consider ourselves...

Dermatoglyphics appeared in medicine in the 1920s. Its ancestor in Russia is the anthropologist Mikhail VOLOTSKY. And Russian scientists from the Research and Development Center for Biometric Technology at Bauman Moscow State Technical University managed to create biometric fingerprint scanners and a computer program that automatically generates a person's dermatoglyphic map. According to it, his personal characteristics are determined.

For example, according to Dr. biological sciences Tamara Abramova, sprinters, speed skaters, track and field athletes (who require maximum implementation in a short time) patterns on the fingers are simple, and the number of scallops within the pattern is minimal. But for wrestlers, boxers, gymnasts, freestylers (athletes who need complex coordination of movements), a complex pattern is combined with a maximum ridge score. The complication of the function in team sports leads to the complication of patterns.


People whose fingers are dominated by loop patterns are the "golden mean". They have a wide range of interests, they easily converge with others, tolerate any oddities, while quite adequately assessing what is happening. With all their pluses and minuses, they are ideal leaders, capable of satisfying everyone, albeit to a minimum. Moreover, they do not put pressure on others (like people with arcs) and do not torment anyone with constantly changing plans (like owners of curls).


People with a predominance of curls are characterized by diverse and very complex behavior. Despite their colossal endurance, they do not like to endure unpleasant circumstances for themselves. Constantly dissatisfied with themselves, prone to introspection and painful doubts. People-"curls" are distinguished by excellent coordination.

It is not difficult to conduct a shallow analysis of oneself. For a certain pattern on each finger, the following number of points is awarded: arc - 0, loop - 1, curl - 2.

The maximum indicator (based on 10 fingers) is 20. Low (up to 10) characterizes outstanding speed-strength qualities - cycle track, athletics, skates. In football and basketball, these are forwards.

Medium (from 10 to 13) - endurance indicator - cycling, stayer distances.

High (above 13) - ability for complex-coordinated activities - barbell, boxing, figure skating. In football and basketball, these are defenders and goalkeepers ...

Current page: 6 (the book has a total of 16 pages) [available reading excerpt: 11 pages]


The basis of the curl is either a spiral or various kinds of circles, in the center of which there is a papillary papilla (Figure 1.52). In such a pattern, the presence of two triradii is mandatory, which are located along different sides curl (highlighted in black in Figure 1.52). If the curl is a spiral, then it can be either right-handed (Figure 1.52-2), i.e., twisting towards the thumb, or vice versa - left-handed, which twists towards the little finger. The energy in such a curl constantly circulates around the center, so this position of the papillary lines shows that the energy can enter and exit, because it goes in a spiral and, having reached the center, returns back.

If the curl is a concentric circle, which are distant from each other by small distances, and in appearance resembles a "target" (Fig. 1.52), then the energy in such a curl is maximally concentrated in the center of the pattern. She stays in it all the time, since she has nowhere to go, and therefore this type of curl is rightfully considered one of the strongest.

Curl is a sign of individuality. Different curls are interpreted differently. So, for example, a right-handed spiral indicates a dynamic and strong personality, while a left-handed spiral indicates spiritual strength and the gift of intuitive foresight, which helps out in emergency situations. On the unexpected events that require immediate action, such a person reacts extremely quickly. But this is not a consequence of hasty decisions, but rather the gift of an intuitive finding right decision. Concentric circles indicate an understanding of all that is beautiful, and sometimes indicate a penchant for parapsychology and esotericism. When analyzing curls, you should always remember that the more complex the drawing, the more complex the human psyche. He will never make a hasty decision, and unexpected changes in plans will be very unpleasant for him. First, such people must internally tune in to a new wave and mentally play all possible situations in their minds.

When describing the psychological characteristics of curls, I will not dwell on each of the drawings separately, but will describe in general the main features that are present in their owners. A person whose fingerprints represent curls is a bright individual with a well-formed opinion. The owner of curls always strives to find his niche in life and become a professional in a certain field. This is a seeker and a doer, a theorist and an experimenter rolled into one. Such a person is almost always dissatisfied with what is happening both around and inside him, and is constantly trying to change something. It has enormous potential and inexhaustible vitality, which is aimed at achieving ambitious goals, but often a person remains misunderstood in the eyes of those around him. It is for someone who stands out from the crowd, has his own judgments for everything and analyzes common truths, the skin lines form curls. With a man like that it's hard to find mutual language, because he always does everything his own way and does not like outside interference in his personal affairs. Most likely, he will cease to reckon with the opinions of other people if they stand in the way of his desires and ideas. Therefore, individuals with a lot of curls often seek adventure in the sexual sphere and simply love to behave outside the box. In addition, the carriers of curls are cunning and artistic, able to hide their inner essence and quickly change their “masks”. Such people cannot be convicted of adultery, because they will do everything possible so that their partner does not find out anything. To positive characteristics personality can be attributed to independence, love of freedom and all-round talent, and negative - a tendency to isolation, isolation and narcissism. In combination with other signs, curls can indicate a desire to dominate in a relationship. Very often, the predominance of curls indicates a special talent or ability of a person, which may refer to various areas life, including careers.

Curls, which are a spiral, speak of a special rhythm of emotional experiences that are repeated at regular intervals. As a rule, such people have an exceptional memory, so they are often able to recall long-past events from the depths of their consciousness. Once suffered, they never forget, just like the happiness they experienced: because of the first, a person suffers, and the second he lives. For the most part life values are analyzed subconsciously, and personal impressions for such people become the ultimate truth.

People with concentric curls are focused only on their own interests and are least likely to sacrifice themselves for the sake of other people. They are created for leadership, in extreme cases - by themselves. A person who has a concentric curl only on the left index finger passionately devotes himself to his beloved work, and if at the same time the index finger is smaller than the ring finger, then this is a sign of a painful perception of criticism addressed to him. Additional concentric curls on the little finger, middle and ring fingers indicate success in the areas for which these fingers are responsible.

curl on thumb testifies to good health, well-restored strength and excellent memory. This person will never change. decision, and this is especially noticeable if curls are present on both hands.

Curl on the index finger gives out inflated aspirations, which are supported by high self-esteem and, as a rule, are distinguished by individuality and originality. Such people have poor adaptability, but due to their pressure and determination, they rarely go astray. They make good leaders, but for this they need to overcome their natural shyness. Such people have their own view of things and many ideas, defending which they can force others to reckon with them and respect their point of view. Thanks to the energy that is maximally concentrated around the center of the curl, truly magnificent life opportunities open up to such a person.

Curl on the middle finger says that a person has the opportunity to realize all his ambitious desires. He is able to put all his skill into work, but requires that he be appreciated according to his merits, which gives him peculiar incentives and self-confidence. Such individuals are initially introverted, but over the years they become more and more relaxed and less withdrawn. Routine work is not tolerated, because they do not receive the necessary incentives from it that help them assert themselves in life. The curl takes in the maximum energy of Saturn and gives the necessary harmony and self-understanding. Energy is able to concentrate so strongly in this finger that in exceptional cases it can not only smooth out negative patterns on other fingers, but also give a person the ability to learn from his mistakes.

curl on ring finger indicates creativity and indicates receptivity in a relationship with a partner. Such a person appreciates family comfort and comfort, but along with this, the curl endows its owner with shyness and self-doubt.

Curl on the little finger reveals innate instinct and good memory. Since the concentration of energy in such a curl is very strong, this leads to an overabundance of the characteristics of both the upper phalanx and the finger as a whole. These are sincere and devoted friends, excellent organizers, very attentive to details and trying to achieve perfection in everything. It is impossible to influence such people and impose their opinion on them, and because of their special view of the world, they are able to carefully select only what interests them, ignoring everything else.

Peacock eye (feather)

The central axis of such a pattern consists of radial or elbow loops, which are combined into one curl. This is a simultaneous connection of a loop and a curl, therefore such a pattern has an axis of symmetry and only one triradius. The central axis in English-language literature is called the peacock eye, because such a figure resembles the pattern on the feather of a peacock's tail. This type of pattern is especially indicative of an explanation from the point of view of the flow of energy flows in the finger. The energy enters the loop, approaches the center and concentrates in the center of the drawing, but cannot stay there and leaves the center along the delta back from the finger, which indicates the combined qualities of the loop and curl.

"Peacock eye" (Figures 1.53) is most often found on the index or ring finger, less often it can be found on the middle finger and little finger. The fingers on which a similar pattern is located show in which area a person’s talent lies, which, of course, gives the person a certain charm. If this pattern is found on the ring finger, then it bestows a developed sense of beauty and unlimited creative abilities. On the index finger, this pattern marks managers from God, and on the little finger, it gives great talents for communication and eloquence. There is also an opinion that the presence of a "peacock eye" even on one finger is a sign of protecting a person from negative life situations and sudden death, which, of course, must be confirmed by other parts of the hand.

Hent arch with a loop inside

This type of papillary pattern is combined from a loop, which is encircled from above by an arc, inside of which there is an axis, as in the example of a tented arc (Figure 1.54). The pattern belongs to the arc type, since the largest part of the energy passes along the trajectory of the arc papillary lines and only a very small part of it is able to linger in the internal loop. Since a loop appears in the pattern, it is necessary to determine its direction, due to the fact that psychological interpretation such a pattern will be based on the direction of the loop and the characteristics of the tent arc. For example, Figure 1.54-1 shows a hip arch with a radial loop, and Figure 1.54-2 with an elbow loop.

People with such patterns have unusual inclinations or occupations, can do several things at the same time, or often change professions. A man with a tent arch and a radial loop inside does not issue orders and prescriptions, therefore he prefers free professions or, at least, sets his own mode of work. Such people can assert their principles regardless of others, which very often happens in the family, among relatives or neighbors.

Such a pattern on the index finger indicates a suppressed sense of self-worth, which prevents the individual from fully revealing his natural abilities and talents. Almost all wearers of the hip arch with a loop have an inflexible character, a desire for independence and conservative views on life. Very often, such people are let down by intuition, and illusory ideas and dreams are taken aside.

After we have examined the description of the psychological traits of a person’s character, both in general and each finger individually, we will consider all these characteristics in a complex according to the most repetitive papillary patterns.

The predominant pattern on the fingers is arches. Those whose papillary patterns are dominated by arcs are distinguished by purely concrete thinking. These people are predictable and purposeful, it is difficult for them to adapt to changes in the environment and listen to the opinions of others. They are truthful, frank, do not like behind-the-scenes intrigues and easily cut the “truth-womb” right in the face. In most cases, arc patterns on the fingers indicate that the person is traditional, responsible, honest, and generally satisfied with everything. These people tend to obey, they appreciate simple things and pleasures, but can be inflexible, domineering and proud. They prefer to deal with familiar people and things, they very often have problems with self-expression and lack ease and spontaneity in character.

The predominant pattern on the fingers is loops. People with a predominance of loop patterns on their fingers are the “golden mean”. They have a wide range of interests, they easily converge with others, tolerate any of their oddities, while quite adequately assessing what is happening. With all their pluses and minuses, these are ideal leaders, capable of satisfying everyone, albeit at a minimum. Moreover, they do not put pressure on those around them, as, for example, the owners of arc patterns, and do not torment anyone with constantly changing plans, like individuals with curls. People who have most patterns in the form of loops are open-minded, receptive and experimental. Usually they are self-confident, flexible and sociable - they are social reformers, benevolent and practical people. They are very emotionally responsive, but may lack focus. Loops on all fingers indicate that a person feels at ease in public and has a very flexible character.

The predominant pattern on the fingers is curls. Those whose fingers are dominated by whorls are distinguished by a varied and highly complex behavior. Despite their colossal endurance, they do not like to endure unpleasant circumstances for themselves. Constantly dissatisfied with themselves, prone to introspection and painful doubts. If most of the patterns are curls, then this is a confident, strong-willed, ambitious and purposeful person. These are individualists, peculiar and stubborn, and also are originals and rebels. They can be withdrawn, distrustful and prone to solitude. These are strong and independent individuals who easily succeed in everything.

The predominant pattern on the fingers is hip arches. People whose majority of drawings represent tent arcs are enthusiastic, ardent and sincere. They are devoted and selfless, emotional, idealistic and socially active. In addition, they have a creative mindset, they appreciate art and music, they are sensitive and live an intense inner life. Both arc and tent patterns indicate people who value tradition, honor family values ​​and, despite their creative nature and liberal views, can seem old-fashioned.

The predominant pattern on the fingers is double loops. Most of these patterns indicate people who are diplomatic, insecure and receptive to the arguments of both arguing parties. They are balanced and want to live in a way that does not interfere with others. At times they are very touchy. These are down-to-earth, realistic and practical people who remain incorrigible idealists and dreamers at heart.

And now we will consider the main character traits with the repetition of patterns on the fingers and with their complete asymmetry. If curls are present on both fingers of Jupiter, then this indicates that such a person has a vocation or destiny for some kind of activity, for example, in the desire to help others and feel useful to society. It also speaks of a strong need to be better than others in their chosen field. Such people should never be ordered or even told what to do, and in order to get something from them, you need to politely and without pressure just ask for a service.

A curl on the finger of Mercury and a curl on the finger of Apollo indicate an active subconscious. Such a person sees prophetic dreams, is very impressionable and has a vivid imagination.

The presence of curls on both thumbs speaks of individualism and originality. Their owner will never change the decisions made and will not act differently. It is distinguished by great willpower, ambition and independence. It has also been noticed that the owner of a single curl on the thumb of his right hand tends to literally harass those around him with lengthy arguments, giving the impression of an intelligent and prudent person.

A loop on the thumb and curls on the rest indicate that such a person is able to work in a team and, thanks to his personality, can put his ideas into practice.

A curl on the finger of Jupiter on the right hand and a loop on the left finger indicate a lack of determination and independence in the independent implementation of ideas, and vice versa - a loop on the right finger of Jupiter and a curl on the left, speak of a person who can succeed in any profession, but she never will take first place for him (for left-handers, the location of the papillary patterns should be the other way around).

A curl on the middle finger and a loop on the finger of the other hand indicates that such a person accepts other people's ideas better than his own.

It is also noted that when curls prevail on the right hand, then such a person is quick-tempered, but quick-tempered and does not remember resentment, and vice versa, when curls prevail on the left hand, then their owner is inclined to suppress anger, but will remember the offense caused to him for a long time.

Quite often in practice it will occur that a person equally owns two hands, or does not know which one he has active, which can significantly complicate the analysis of a person when looking for a karmic destiny. Faced with this situation, you should know that the papillary pattern will always be more difficult on the active hand than on the passive one. So, for example, a true left-hander will have a whorl on the finger of Jupiter on the left hand and a loop on the right finger of Jupiter. If the papillary pattern on both fingers of Jupiter is the same, then the fingers of Saturn look the same way, etc.

And in conclusion of this section, I want to turn again to the statistics that experts in dermatoglyphics have collected. They claim that representatives various kinds sports differ significantly in papillary patterns. For example, in speed-strength sports, where it is required to "give all the best" in a short time, simpler patterns and the smallest ridge count (this is the number of lines inside the pattern) are observed. On the contrary, the most complex pattern in combination with a high ridge count can be seen in athletes of those sports where complex coordination of movements is necessary. An intermediate position in these indicators is occupied by sports where endurance and static stability are required. In team sports, a slightly different picture is observed: there, the wider the field of activity of an athlete, the more complex the pattern on the fingers (for example, more curls, fewer loops, and arcs do not occur at all).


Nails are made of a substance called keratin and are a hard, dead form of protein. Nails are not only designed to protect nerve cells, which are focused on the first phalanx of the finger, but along with this they tell us about the state of the whole organism and, in particular, about the human circulatory system. In addition to determining health by the nail plate, you can find out the main character traits by the shape of the nail, and when applying these data to each finger, you can understand with what attitude a person will realize himself in a particular life area. Since in this big topic we are studying the characteristics by which psychological traits of character are determined, we will now omit the topic of health and focus entirely on how a person’s nails complement the personality traits we have already studied. In addition, I will show you how to learn to determine future events that will happen in a person’s life in two to three months by the points under the nail plates. The topic of nails is very easy to learn and is about equal in ease of perception to the topic of jewelry on the fingers that we discussed earlier.

Before proceeding to describe the personality characteristics of the nail, you need to remember one rule for yourself: a normal-length nail usually occupies exactly half of the first phalanx of the finger. If the nail occupies less than half of the phalanx, then it is considered short, and if more, then it is long. A normal nail is shown in Figure 1.55.

Short and wide nails. A nail is considered short if its length is less than half of the upper phalanx, and wide if the width of the nail itself exceeds in comparison its length, as shown in figures 1.56 and 1.56-1. The owners of such nails have a very large supply of energy, because the energy going from the third phalanx of the finger to the first rushes up, quickly reaches the tip of the nail, turns around and goes back to the finger.

A person with such nails has a very quick-tempered, but quick-tempered character. He quickly reacts to all events happening to him, is very resourceful and witty. Sexually and emotionally aggressive, prone to jealousy and possessiveness. He likes to argue and in any case tries to defend his point of view. He may not be interested in the feelings of others, especially when it comes to open rivalry. In the case when such a person realizes that he is wrong, he becomes gloomy, withdraws and withdraws into himself, unable to bear the criticism addressed to him.

If the nails are too short and at the same time wide, then their owner will be too aggressive, quick-tempered, irreconcilable and picky. Such nails betray an inveterate debater who, if he is unable to defend his point of view, can turn into a bully and use his fists if he no longer has words to convince his opponent.

Long and wide nails. Nails of this type occupy most of the upper phalanx of the finger and are wide, since they occupy almost the entire phalanx in width (Figure 1.57). The flow of energy has to travel a long way in order to be reflected from the edge of the nail.

Such nails are a sign of cautious, impressionable and prudent people. They can be nervous and have a very sensitive psyche, but along with this they have an open and kind soul. They are sympathetic, emotional and constant in their affections, prefer to engage in practical activities and strive to succeed in everything they do. Often they are thinkers, but they lack the competitive spirit and intellectual power to defend their opinions. Being professionals in narrow areas, they have their own opinion on many issues, and it can be very difficult to convince them of something.

Wide and rounded nails. A nail of this shape is approximately equal in length and width and is rounded at the nail bed (Figures 1.58 and 1.58-1). Streams of energy smoothly flow around such a nail, practically without encountering obstacles in their path.

The owners of such nails are calm and gentle nature. They can be agitated and nervous, but very rarely lose their temper. In appearance, they may seem thick-skinned, but this is far from being the case, and in fact they are thin and vulnerable natures. People who have this type of nail live with feelings, but are able to listen to opinions from the outside, and under unfavorable circumstances they can stand up for themselves, while showing their inherent courage and strength. This is the most harmonious type of nail, which averages out all the unfavorable properties of other nail forms.

Short spatulate nails. The main difference between such nails and representatives of other forms is that the nail bed has a triangular shape, expanding towards the end of the finger, due to which the nail occupies the smaller half of the first phalanx (Figures 1.59 and 1.59-1). Energy flows around the nail much faster than in the previous case, giving a person an explosive character.

People with such nails are ambitious, active, dynamic, intolerant and often subject to mood swings. They strive to occupy their niche in society and can use all their natural charm in order to become adored in the team. They have an unstable psyche, and any, even minor problems can easily drive such people crazy. In order to relieve excessive stress, they very often go in for sports, and if they wish and have patience, they can achieve good results in it. Also, people with such nails are characterized by all the qualities that are inherent in the owners of spade-shaped fingers, namely: earthiness, thirst for money and attachment to everything material to the detriment of spiritual development.

Long and narrow nails. Nails of this type are found only in the fair sex (Figures 1.60, 1.60-1 and 1.60-2). Energy flows do not go to the nail, but flow around it along the path of least resistance, that is, along both edges.

The external attractiveness of such a nail, unfortunately, does not endow its owner with a good, soft and compliant character. A large layer on both sides of the nail indicates selfishness. Such women can be charming and even act like children from time to time, but behind this mask lies a rather ambitious, possessive, materialistic and very capricious nature. They love everything good and expensive, but they will never spend their own efforts in order to achieve all these benefits themselves. The narrower the nails, the more touchy and irritable a person is, and at the same time, a too long nail gives its owner self-interest. In its extreme manifestation and when confirmed by other signs on the hand, this is the nail of the “bitch”, which is characterized by calculation in relationships and the use of people around for its own selfish purposes. If the owner of such a nail “loses footing” or somehow changes her usual way of life, then she becomes very irritable, nervous and excitable and begins to treat everything with suspicion, anxiety and tormented by doubts.

Almond nails. Nails of this type are mainly found on conical fingers or on hands of the aquatic type (Figures 1.61 and 1.61-1). The energy smoothly flows around the nail, giving such a nail a refinement in characteristics.

Owners of nails of this type are sensitive and receptive. They very subtly feel everything that happens around and have developed intuition. In relationships with a partner, such people are devoted and emotional and tend to give more in love than receive. They often experience a feeling of insecurity, are overly gullible and gullible, which is why they can be deceived by unscrupulous people. They are very closed and reluctant to share their inner experiences, and in life they always guard their inner world and are almost never fully developed. Remember that if you lose their trust even once, you will never again be able to count on them to open up and trust you completely. Also, such nails have the qualities of conical fingers.

Summing up the ratio of long and short nails, it should be noted that the owners of long nails have a less critical and more impressionable character compared to the owners of the second variety. Long nails are inherent in more calm, polite and accommodating personalities, for whom everything in life is given relatively easily. Owners of short nails are very skeptical and tend to analyze everything, logically and analytically explore any situation. In any case, they will defend their point of view to the end, even if they are not right. Such people have the character of an inveterate debater, which, however, can be softened by an excellent sense of humor.

And now, knowing the general characteristics of nails, we will consider them in relation to the fingers, based on a comparison of their length and width. The tendency to criticize is determined by the fingernail of Jupiter, credulity - by the fingernail of Saturn, aggressiveness and the ability to stand up for oneself - by the fingernail of Apollo, and insight - by the fingernail of Mercury.

The tendency to criticize. If the width of the nail exceeds its length on the first phalanx of the finger of Jupiter, then the person is prone to criticism, pettiness and conflict. And vice versa, if the length exceeds the width of the nail, then this sign indicates naivety, compromise, unwillingness to delve into the situation, simplification of details and embellishment of reality.

Credulity. If the width of the nail exceeds its length on the first phalanx of the finger of Saturn, then the person is not inclined to take a word and constantly double-checks the information received. He is skeptical, ironic, and has a tendency to make fun of those around him. On the contrary, if the length exceeds the width, then such a person is trusting, does not see the meanness of a partner and has a very pain reaction to deception.

Aggressiveness. If the width of the nail exceeds its length on the first phalanx of the finger of Apollo, then the person has a tendency to objections, increased aggression and vindictiveness in character. With an increased length of the nail, an inability to protect, aversion to aggression, peacefulness and friendliness are manifested. Quite often, such a person takes a position of conciliation.

Insight. If the width of the nail exceeds its length on the first phalanx of the finger of Mercury, then such a person is perceptive and able to grasp all the details on the fly and penetrate to the very essence of things, due to which he rarely makes mistakes when making decisions. He is suspicious, but at the same time observant. If the length exceeds the width, then this sign indicates excessive gullibility, so such people very often become victims of intrigue and deceit.

The structure of the nails. When analyzing the shape of the nail, it is imperative to pay attention to its structure and thickness, as these qualities will complement psychological picture person. Nails are hard, soft and brittle in structure, and thick, normal and thin in thickness.

hard nails testify to the decisive and firm character of a person who has a very great vitality. Such people are strong, powerful, persistent in achieving their goals and along with this they have great endurance.

soft nails are the complete opposite of solids. Their owners sometimes lack energy and vitality. They need strong partners nearby who can energize them and stimulate them in a certain way, otherwise the owners of thin nails will quickly lose interest in everything and will experience fatigue. They can often be influenced and manipulated.

brittle nails- the first sign of a person's nervousness. It is very important for such people to live in harmony both with the outside world and with themselves. They are not fighters, and when unforeseen situations or problems arise, they tend to get very nervous and worried, which harms their psyche and health in general. It has been noticed that the owners of brittle nails tend to walk in circles and they can make the same mistakes, because they cannot always take the situation soberly due to the abundance of various emotions.

A special science that studies the patterns on the fingers is called dermatoglyphics. It helps to understand how the pattern on our fingers is related to character and behavior.

I will reveal to you some secrets from the field of this science so that you can learn something new about yourself.

Loops are a common pattern for most Europeans. This drawing speaks of a calm, balanced character. Such people are responsive and try to help others, easily make friends. They are very punctual and responsible, but they rarely show initiative.

Such people obtain sensations and information mainly from communication with other people. They are emotionally predictable and open. They are distinguished by good or excellent health, although they can get sick very often in childhood. By temperament, a person with loops is a sanguine person. He does not tolerate boring and monotonous work, which is not interesting to him. If the pattern is with loops on all fingers, then this indicates a highly developed fantasy and some isolation from reality. They say about such people that they are not of this world.

People with this pattern on their fingers are energetic and self-confident. Confidence is observed in everything: in posture, gait, manners, gestures. Sometimes it is impossible to convince them and force them to admit they are wrong, they defend any decision made to the end. Concrete thinking prevails. It is difficult for them to adapt to changes in the surrounding space and listen to the opinions of other people. Feelings are drawn mainly from practical actions. However, they often prefer to involve other people to solve the tasks.

By temperament, a person with arcs is a choleric. Loves and appreciates music, art. And he, as a rule, expressive, artistic facial expressions.

In a difficult moment, he should be busy with something, do something, that is, distract himself with any practical actions. He does not tolerate tenderness in relationships, but he is very devoted and will never leave his own.

People who have curls on their fingers are quick-tempered, but easy-going. They are gifted creatively, grasp everything on the fly, quickly learn and analyze any events. Often they start several things at once, but do not finish them and lose interest in them. Excitable, unstable psyche. Emotionally unpredictable, hide their feelings and experiences. There is a desire for solitude and introspection. They are often dissatisfied with themselves and doubt everything. Feelings are drawn from within, and information - mainly in written sources.

Each finger in palmistry - from the thumb to the little finger - symbolizes with its shape and length one or another quality, property of the owner's character. Each skin pattern on the finger (dermatoglyph) - from the arc to the curl - also has its own meaning.

So what is this hidden information at your fingertips?

THUMB:In addition to the three main types of finger patterns: arcs (denoted by the letter A, from English arch - arch), loops (L, from English loop - repetition, loop) and curl (W, from English whorl - curl) studied in dermatoglyphics, in palmistry they analyze two more dermatoglyphs: a double loop and a peacock eye.

Peacock eye (LP, from the English Loop Peacock), although it is a loop, is more like a curl with a stick in the middle. The peacock eye is considered a sign of success and prosperity.

Double loop (LD, from the English Loop Double) resembles the Yin-yang symbol, combines energies and loops, and a curl, connects them, enhances potential.

But that's not all. Each finger of the hand corresponds to one or another planet. The thumb (Venus) reflects the essence of a person, his Self, his Ego. The thumb is a very important source of information and is always subjected to careful analysis by experts.

Modern dermatoglyphic studies have confirmed the findings of ancient palmists, establishing that the papillary drawings on the thumb most clearly reflect the anthropological characteristics of the brain region of the skull, on the basis of which one can judge the owner's intellect and the main features of his character.

The size (length) of the thumb speaks of the "size" of the personality.

If it is decorated with an arc, the main qualities of character will be simplicity, bordering on primitiveness, and perseverance, turning into stubbornness. Such people usually try to keep everything under control and are highly sensitive to any criticism, even an innocent joke can hurt them. At the same time, their jealousy and aggression are usually either not noticed or easily justified.

The thumb loop gives you great flexibility to adapt to any situation.

A curl is a sign of constant spiritual development and, at the same time, a tendency to introspection.

Double loop - harmony and personal growth.

The thumb crowned with a peacock feather is a sign of successful realization in many directions. In other words, life is good!

FOREFINGER: The index finger corresponds to the planet Jupiter. The supreme Olympic god personifies power, leadership, strength. To this we add purposefulness, perseverance, organization, ambition.

Jupiter brings with it a love of nature, nobility, a sense of justice, pride.

The arc on the index finger speaks of hard work aimed at achieving success. Difficulties do not frighten the "arc", he can move mountains in his path.

A person with a noose on his index finger always strives to take not quantity, but quality, trying to choose the most effective or easiest course of action. And, of course, he will never break away from the team.

"Curls" are not careerists. They are more interested in the creative component of the profession. People with curls on their index fingers can enthusiastically engage in completely useless business, the main thing is that they would be interested.

Specialists with a double loop on the index finger good professionals they are efficient and creative. And most often they are smarter than their leaders. But they wisely choose to hide it. And they don't care about career (power). The main thing is the process.

A peacock feather on the index finger speaks of success in any professional field.

MIDDLE FINGER:It is "crowned" by Saturn, which is responsible for mysticism, religion, exact sciences, and agriculture. The influence of Saturn is expressed in the desire of a person to structure his life: to understand its meaning, to fit into generally accepted norms, to restore order everywhere.

Just like the index finger, the middle finger reflects the picture family life, partnerships. A spouse with an arc on the index finger can be very conservative and despotic. At least he sets the rules in the family. Moreover, they are tough enough - you won’t spoil it. It installs for everyone, but not for itself. And at the same time, he firmly believes in his innocence. Easily falls into religious mysticism, does not tolerate dissent. A tough guy, so to speak.

"Petleviki" will always find a compromise solution in any situation.

Holders of a curl on the middle finger will think more about the romance of relationships than about everyday life. Their house will have beautiful furniture, but covered with a layer of dust. They can complicate relationships, turning a simple situation that the Loopers would not even pay attention to into a critical one.

Double loop spouses will try to make family relationships as bright as possible.

The peacock feather indicates the very marriage in which there will be "advice and love."

RINGFINGER: At its tip is the Sun, the source of light and heat. solar people able to warm the hearts of others, lead to the light, give and give, sow good. They are characterized by ease of perception, love for people, a desire to please others, to be useful, a feeling of fullness of being and happiness, love for beauty, a desire to be seen, vivid emotions.

The ring finger demonstrates how strong a person's ties with society are. The arc on the ring finger betrays a person who is difficult to communicate and does not seek to establish deep and lasting relationships. A person who perceives the world around him primarily as a source of threat.

With the "loophole", despite its wariness, you can always agree.

People with curls on their ring fingers are real aliens. They are attractive and interesting, but live in a parallel world. And we will hardly be able to understand them, just as they - us.

People with a double loop on the ring finger will always be of interest to others, first of all, with their eccentricities. You won't get bored with them.

The peacock feather guarantees glory, honor and respect.

LITTLE FINGER:The smallest finger of the hand is subordinate to Mercury - the cunning, enterprising, resourceful god.

For all its physiological lack of demand, one might even say - uselessness, the little finger in palmistry is of particular importance. After all, Mercury has many faces: he is the god of trade, profit, dexterity, trickery and deceit, eloquence. Mercury is also the conductor of the souls of the dead to the underworld. He invented literacy, counting and taught this to people. Patronizes heralds, ambassadors, shepherds, travelers and, of course, magic and the occult sciences.

A beautiful little finger speaks of good communication skills, eloquence, plasticity of intelligence, artistry, creativity, aesthetic beauty of the subject, his sexual attractiveness and mysterious character.

"Arcs" in creativity and sex are active, but primitive, in mysticism they are religious: they pay more attention to rituals than to their philosophical (spiritual) content.

The loop on the little finger gives great opportunities for self-realization, double - guarantees an unconventional approach to any business.

Peacock feather characterizes sexually attractive, creative people with magical powers.

An important point is not only the presence of a particular pattern on the finger, but also its location. The drawing can be in the middle, which gives a harmonious realization of the potential, or be shifted to the side, then you will have to look for harmony. The more the drawing is mixed, the more difficult it is for a person to figure out his desires and plans, he will always lack something in life.

Palmist Boris Akimov

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