Installation of drum drilling with your own hands. Impact drilling

The buildings 25.06.2019
The buildings

Shock cable drilling It is known since ancient times. With it, you can drill deep wells to find aquifer without using special technique. The advantage of this method is the simplicity and availability of equipment, the possibility of passing deep layers of soil in a short period of time.

Benefits of the method

Shock-cable drilling has several advantages:

  • An increase in the life of the well;
  • The ability to create a source of water with a sufficiently large diameter;
  • The exclusion of the risk of water pollution by hitting soil impurities in the drilling process;
  • The ability to control the water level at various soil horizons;
  • High efficiency in drilling a well in winter from an economic point of view.

The disadvantages include difficulties in drilling wells in bulk soils and slowing the drilling process when creating a well at great depth.

Applicable equipment

Equipment used with shock-rope drilling technologies is called a schitz drill projectile. It consists of a frame, a block with a winch, rods, cable and a clogged glass. The string glass is made of part metal pipe, ending cutting edge with good strength and beveled in the inside of a glass. Slightly above is the anvil, which strikes a glass of stacking. The winch is used to descend and raise the glass.
The projectile frame is a tower with a type of tripod, the dimensions of which should according to the proportions correspond to the magnitude of the rod. To get a bottomhole glass was easier, the height of the tower should exceed it with a length of 1.5 or more meters. It can be made independently of metal pipes or logs. All parts of the equipment used for shock-cable drilling can be made at home with their own hands.
The cable must have sufficient strength. Usually used by a steel thickness of 12 mm and more. Significant power supply is needed to withstand the loads of non-standard species that may occur during operation. A large load on the cable occurs when the glasses entered into the soil, it can also be jamming inside a glass of a glass containing a rather large fragment of the rock.

Making winch

The winch is a lifting unit through which the cable is passed to which a glass or an illegum is attached. If you wish, you can make it yourself. For the manufacture, you can use logs to the center of which from the end side to give greater strength a metal tube or steel bar is clogged. Before climbing the metal part, you can drill holes on the ends of the logs with a smaller diameter than the detail diameter. This will make it possible to simplify the scoring of the axis and make the stronger fixation.
So that it does not turn around, one of the ends of the axis coming out of the log, special ears are welded. An end is welded to the knob, which can be made from a cut pipe, giving it the letter "g". The gate is fixed between the frame racks, the cable is wound on it when lowering or lifting a tool from the well, shocks to a glass and its subsequent extraction filled with soil.

Process technology

When strikes a bar for an anvil, a glass of glasses occurs. Then it is raised by the winch upstairs along with the soil that fell into it, the soil is poured and lowered the glass again. This process continues until the required depth is achieved. It is best to use shock-cable drilling using a scoring cup on a clay-containing soft soil. When using a glass when the bulk breed passes, they are poured out of it in the well due to the insufficient magnitude of the friction force, which could bind particles of rocks among themselves.
This technology is less labor-intensive compared to shock-rotational drilling at depths exceeding 10 m. With shock-rotating drilling, the risk of deformation of the rod and the curvature of its turn is quite high, a considerable amount of time is spent on the connection and disconnection of the rod. Also, it may also be difficult to bring the connection to the connection when drilling or hitting the borah of stones.

Operating procedure

  1. At the place of the future well, a shurt with sides of 1.5 × 1.5 m and about the same depth. Prevent sweating of the soil from the shurph walls will allow the sheathing of their boards.
  2. Above the drilling point is set to the ridge frame.
  3. Mounting a clogged glass is made (if the soil is bulk or aquiferous is the passage of aquifer - the ulutes). Close tool deep into the soil by 0.5 - 1 m, then the rise is performed to remove the inside the soil.

To drill an excessively dense soil, you can use an additional rod for weighting of a glass, consolidating it on the cable above the clogged glass. The rod is a steel pipe having fastening nozzles.

Stages of work

  1. Lifting a clogged glass with a winch with the subsequent sharp lowering down.
  2. The introduction of a glass into the breed reservoir and the capture of some of its quantity.
  3. The friction force of the soil particles are held inside the glass.
  4. To deepen the projectile inside the well raise and lower the shock bar, which strikes the anvil at the top of the glass located on the top of the top.
  5. After performing a number of shocks, the projectile is raised to the surface, pouring the soil that entered it.
  6. Then the work cycle is repeated again.

Drilling under the conditions of a bulk or solid soil containing stones

On the bulk soils instead of a clogged glass, it is preferable to use the illegum. This is a cut steel pipeAt the bottom of which the valve delaying the soil is available. When the jelly enters the ground, the valve opens. At the time of the lifting of the up, the valve closes, preventing the rash of the soil stuffed.
Drilling solid soil is convenient using drill bit. His blows allow you to split the stones into small parts that can then be lifted using the venture. To work on solid ground, casing with an extender that increases the diameter of the design is installed.

Using casing tubes

The edges of the well are recommended to chip joint steel, asbestos or plastic pipes. Plastic pipes are the easiest, inexpensive and easy-to-install installation. Casual pipes have the following purpose:
Allow you to prevent sweating of the soil from the well walls in mechanical exposure to which the drilling process is accompanied.
Blood in the well of water from the aqueous aquifers.
Eliminate the contamination of the bottom of the well during its operation.
Pipe clogging is performed simultaneously with the recess of the well. The first section of the casing should be equipped with an expansion shoe having a cone-shaped form. For the free passage of the clogged glass inside the pipes, their diameter must exceed its width. Having dropped into the well under pressure of its own weight or under a small physical effect, they make cut off the side surface of the well of a certain amount of soil.

Using the expander

When drilling solid rocks, the expander allows you to cut the soil located on the walls of the well. On the expansion there are movable cutters, folding when promoting it inside the casing. After reaching the lower pipe and contact with the ground, the cutters are revealed due to the presence of special springs in their mechanism. Cutting the rock expander cutters makes it possible to increase the diameter of the well.
Passing an intermediate layer containing water
You can pass the intermediate aquifer of the soil using the installation of casing pipes. They are clogged into the soil reservoir, which is somewhat lower than aquifer. As the accumulation of accumulating water and removal from the bottom of the well mixed with water of the soil of the soil is made. When using a clogged glass, a larger viscosity and density should be given at the bottom of the liquid mixture, lumbling the soil into the well.

Varieties of ulutes

Iron can not only lean the liquid mixture on the bottom, but also serve cement mortar In the well, produce a selection of fluid for testing during the passage of aquifer.
The magnificent can be the following type:

  1. In the form of a pipe having a flat or concave valve and a handle to which the cable is attached at the top.
  2. Equipped with a piston producing absorption dissolved in the water of the soil with each strike of the bar.
  3. A pneumatic species with two cameras - air and sandy. Its filling is made thanks to the creation of high pressure in the chamber.

The pyline of the first species is called the usual or valve. Three types of valves are distinguished:

  1. Flat valve, can be made of steel, rubber or be combined. Designed to clean well from the sludge.
  2. Ball valve. If you welcome several metal teeth to it, it can also be loosened soil. It can be made independently from a plastic ball used in a "dry pool". On its surface, an incision is made in which the lead fraction in the mixture with epoxy is laid. In the uluter, the boundary valve limiter is also installed.
  3. Valve "Carburetor".

Manufacturing of the Iron

For the manufacture of a venture with a ball valve, you can take a pipe of about 90 mm in diameter, steel transition and a ball, existing in the bearing. For tight fit of the ball to the transition, they are silent emery paper. After draining the transition, the ball is placed inside it. Using the ulute can be bay in her top concrete. If, instead of the transition, the washer with an expanding funnel is used to riding, the metal grille and arc, made of a thick wire for fastening the cable, are welded to it.

Filling the venture

Unlike a clogged glass, which is reset from a rather significant height - at least 2 m from the drilling site, the venture is thrown down from a height of 0.3-0.5 m. To fill it, this process is repeated several times. This allows you to assemble thus on the bottom mixed with water sand or small gravel. For collecting large gravel, a spring type ulcert is used.

Vertical drilling

It is very important when drilling keep track of strictly vertical location The axis of the well. Even minimal curvature can be an obstacle to lowering casing, leading to a stop of work. Easy to preserve the verticality of the passage will allow the use of a clogged glass of 2 meters long and more.

The easiest and most reasonable way of the device hydraulic constructions - shock-rope drilling of wells. The main feature of this method of performance is that it does not need to use complex specialized techniques. In addition, the assembly of the drilling rig is performed in as soon as possible. All these features led to the fact that this technology Very often implemented by the owners of country sites to perform a well on the water with their own hands. Using this technique, you can most qualitatively open surface water horizons.

  • winch with a block for lifting and resetting the projectile;
  • drill rod;
  • special scoring glass;
  • frame rig;
  • the cable that is attached to the glass and the winch.

The main working instrument in this technology is a glass. If work is done with your own hands, then it can be made of a thick-walled steel pipe. This product must have enough high strength and significant mass. At the same time, the lower edge of the pipe may be notged or being sharpened to facilitate the breaking of the rock. The scoring glass in the upper part has a special anvil, at which there are blows using a bar.

As the glass is clogged into the ground, the breed is accumulated in it, which is held there at the expense of friction force. Periodically, the glass must be removed from the bottom to remove the accumulated soil from it. To do this, we need a winch with a cable.

The drum rod allows you to immerse the glass in the breed. For this, the rod is discarded on top of the anvil. Such actions repeat many times until the glass is fully filled with the rock. After that, it is removed to the surface, carefully cleaned from the soil and again lowered into the bottom.

The whole procedure is repeated until the penetration reaches aquifer. As you can see, the shock-rope drilling of wells is a pretty simple technology that can be implemented with your own hands. Moreover, for work, you do not need to buy expensive equipment, the usual drilling rig is easy to make it yourself, which will allow you to save a lot of money.

Advantages and disadvantages

Shock-rope method of drilling wells, like any other method, has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of this technology include the following:

  1. In the process of performing work, separate specimen of rocks can be taken.
  2. The peculiarity of the technology allows components of wells with a significant initial diameter - more than 50 cm. To do this, it is necessary to make a glass of appropriate size.
  3. It is possible to operate a well immediately after work, since during them nowater solutions are not used, which can contaminate water in the horizon.
  4. The opening of the horizon occurs the most qualitatively (without clogging by the rock and clay from the washing solution), so the water in the source retains its original characteristics.
  5. Drilling work can be successfully carried out in pebble-currency layers and rocks absorbing flushing fluids.
  6. Since wash liquids and water are not used during the work, the working tool is not so much polluted and wear out.
  7. This technique allows you to quickly and efficiently open and try the aquifer.
  8. The life of the well created by such a method is significantly increased.
  9. In the process of work, you can control the level of water in various layers of rock.
  10. Economically high drilling efficiency in winter.

Despite such a large list of advantages, this technique has its drawbacks, among which the following can be called:

  1. Shock-cable technology drilling can only be done vertically.
  2. When arranging wells for considerable depths during the work, certain difficulties may arise.
  3. In the sandy soil, this drilling technology does not allow work. Even the use of a special tool does not solve the problem.
  4. The most significant drawback of this method is low speed Performance.

Used tool and equipment

Main working tools and fixtures:

  • to destroy the soil, the chisel is used;
  • to extract the destroyed breed to the surface, the iron is needed;
  • a drilling projectile is also needed, which consists of a shock rod, special scissors, lock and rope.

IMPORTANT: For work, auxiliary tool is also needed. With it, an assembly and mounting of the drilling projectile is made. This includes a spanning and horn key, pumping, tightening ratchet.

Special tools will be needed to work with casing pipes, among which you can call the scoring head, shoe, clamps and shells.


When drilling in solid rocks, a special extender is used. It helps to cut the breed from the walls of the well. The expander has movable cutters, which add up during its movement along the casing. After the expander reaches the desired place in the penetration and comes into contact with the breed, the cutters are opened due to a special spring mechanism.

ATTENTION: When the extender cutters cut off the rock walls, the well diameter increases.

To go through an intermediate aquifer, set casing. They are clogged below the aquifer. As this interlayer passes, water pumping and removal with the help of a vent plate with water with water is performed. If a scoring glass is used, then the mixture on the bottom you need to give the necessary density. To do this, the soil sweeps in the bottom.


  • These products protect the well from the cream of rock from the walls in the drilling process accompanied by mechanical effects.
  • Do not give water from the overworn water horizons to fall into the well.
  • Protect the bottom of the well from pollution during operation.

Casual pipes are clogged simultaneously with the deepening of the peaks. The first pipe of pipes should be equipped with an expansion cone-shaped shoe. In order for a string glass to move freely inside the pipes, their cross section should be greater than its width.


With the help of the venture, you can lean the fluid from the bottom of the well, supply the cement solution or produce water for analysis when passing the intermediate water horizon.

There are three types of ulutes:

  • Pipe with located at the bottom of a concave or flat valve. From above, the pipe has a pen for fastening the cable.
  • Iron with a piston that sucks a mixture of water and soil at the moment of strike the bar.
  • Pneumatic gland consisting of two chambers (sand and air). Filling this product occurs due to the occurrence of the necessary pressure in the chamber.

In turn, the first variety is called the valve and can have one of three species Valves:

  • With the help of a flat valve, the well is cleaned from the sludge. It can be rubber, steel or combined.
  • Ball valve with welded metal teeth can well chop the breed.
  • Carburetor valve.

Features of drilling in different soils

The technology of the execution of drilling work on this technique is directly related to geological conditions. Consider the main stages and subtleties of drilling in sands, clay and gravel.


To work in sandy soils and flooders are used, equipped with a flat valve. At the same time, the walls of the peaks are simultaneously strengthened by casing pipes.

In pure and aquifer sandy soil Applications are used with shortened shock rods. Technological features of work in such rocks require a reduction to a minimum frequency of shocks.

IMPORTANT: Strumbering is forbidden to lower the product below the fixed shoe of the casing by more than 0.5 m. Otherwise, the collapse with exciting in the process and the illegone itself may occur.

When drilling in the sandy breed, the iron is filled with a mixture of sand and water. It is important to ensure that the glans do not overflow. Otherwise, the breed will transfer to the top and lead to the jamming of the product. When working in floors, they are trying to hold the whole process without stopping as soon as possible.


To perform drilling in a pebble or gravel breed, a foreign chisel is used. In this case, only a illegum has a flat valve, as well as a low planted shoe.

When the depth of the penetration reaches 15 m, any suitable venture can be used. The drill machine can be used when drilling in gravel and sandy soils. In this case, the venture can be without a valve.


In a viscous clay, work is carried out with the help of a bit with a welded blades, from which the product acquires a cross-shaped form. When working with such a tool in the well fasten five liters aquatic solution. The drilling procedure itself continues no more than a few minutes, after which the borehole sludge is removed by the bit.

Important: If there are boulders on the path of the penetration, they are crushed by weightlifted chisels.

Percussion drilling (a. Percussive drilling; N. Stoß Bohren, Schlagbohren; F. Forage Par Battage, Forage Par Percussion, Burinage; and. Perforacing Por Percusion, Sondeo Por Percusion, Taladrado Por Percusion) - a way in which destruction occurs under action Blowing the drilling projectile falling at the bottom of the well or shocks on the projectile standing on the bottom. It is used mainly in soft and loose sediments with debris inclusions, as well as rock rocks to a depth of 100 or more meters. The destruction of rocks is characterized by crushing, crushing and loosening. Drilling is carried out with a solid or annular caution.

After applying the next strike, the tool breaks away from the bottom or constantly contact with it (scoring). To move the drill projectile, rope or rods (shock-rope and shock drilling) and special double concentric pipes are used. In a narrow sense, under shock drilling, only shock-rope drilling, which received the greatest distribution in practice. The destruction of the breed with shock-cable drilling with a solid caution is carried out by a shell, which includes bits different types, Impact rods, Iasi (scissors) and cable lock, in which the end of the instrumental rope is fixed. For drilling in soft rocks, flat chins with wedge-shaped (sometimes changeable) blade are used, in viscous rocks - heated, in solid fractured - crusades, in boulders - pyramidal. Destruction is achieved by discharging the shell weighing 500-2500 kg from a height of 300-1000 mm with a frequency of 45-60 ice / min. At the time of the shell's lift under the action of the elasticity of the rope, its turn occurs by 20-50 °, which ensures the processing of the entire area of \u200b\u200bslaughter. A shock mechanism (swinging frame with a crank mechanism, an eccentric roller, a hydraulic cylinder system, is used for lifting and dropping the impact projectile. In dry wells, water is periodically poured at the bottom. After the destruction of the well area of \u200b\u200ba certain length (0.2-0.6 m), the destruction products are extracted from the face by means of a conventional or piston venture, which in the sands and pebbles is also used for drilling (scoring in the rock).

When drowned drilling with double concentric drill pipes, they are clogged with diesel hammer or other source of impact pulses. To destroy the rock serves an annular shoe with carbide cutters. In the ring gap between the outer and internal pipes Serve compressed airwhich rises through the central channel and transports the destroyed breed from the bottom. This method is applied abroad for drilling wells with a diameter of 140-500 mm at a depth of 15-30, less often up to 100 m when exploration of placer and construction work (in sedimentary rocks with a large content of debris material). Stroy energy up to 10-12 kJ, frequency 90-100 ° C / min. The drilling rate is several times higher than the speed of shock-cable drilling, reaching 5-30 m / h in recess of 5-6 mm per blow.

For more comfortable stay in country house Requires sealing and water supply. It is difficult to imagine housing without such communication. After all, water is required not only for cooking, but also for watering cultural plants. Her absence significantly complicates life.

Shock-rope allows you to solve such problems. With this method, it is possible to extract water without much effort. It is worth noting that such work can be carried out on their own. The main thing is to know how to bury well and what is required for this.

Main types of wells

If you wish, you can spend shock-cable drilling with your own hands. Photo finished design Presented below. Before starting work, it is worth deciding with the type of well. There are several of them:

  1. Tubular well. Its depth ranges from 8 to 12 meters. Ripper, dust, dirt, as well as alien elements in this case Not falls into the water designed for drinking.
  2. The well in the sandy soil usually makes a depth of 15-30 meters. This use a screw method. The well for the well is a metal sleeve, at the end of which there is a plot with perforation. Mounted filter in the sand of a large fraction with pebbles impurities. In general, the construction is capable of listening to about 5 years with rare use, and with frequent - up to 15. The washing of the design is carried out after heating. If this does not give results, then a new well is bludge.
  3. Artesian. The depth of this well is 15-200 meters. This indicator depends on the depth of the limestone layers. Operating time equal to 50 years.

Drilling technology

At the moment there are several technologies:

  1. Drilling shock-cable.
  2. Rotor.
  3. Screw.

Technologies differ in each other by the method of destruction of certain breeds, as well as methods of extraction of soil structures. Each method involves the use of special equipment that affects the quality of the work in different ways. This depends on the cost of drilling well.

Drilling shock-cable

This method is the easiest and relatively inexpensive. The peculiarity of technology is the lack of need to use heavy machinery. A well-drilling installation can be mounted independently. It takes a little time and strength. Shock-cable drilling with their own hands is the most popular method that allows you to open the aquifers directly from the surface.

The main advantages of this method are:

  1. Large service life.
  2. Allows you to control the water content of the horizon, as well as the water level.
  3. You can break through the well of a large diameter.
  4. Eliminates the risk of getting into water intended for drinking harmful impurities in the drilling process.
  5. Efficiency and efficiency during work in the winter period.

What you need

For drilling well, a shock-channel way must be purchased special devices. As a rule, this requires:

  1. Block and winch.
  2. Cable.
  3. Machine for scoring.
  4. Installation frame.
  5. Barbell.

The main element of the design is a scoring glass. In addition, a segment of a pipe made of steel is required. He must be beveraged inward. The cut must have in the bottom of the cut solid edge. Anvil is installed on top of the scoring cup. It is through it that shots are applied with the rod. The winch allows you to lower and raise a stripped glass.

How to install installation

How is shock-rope drilling? Machines for this can be made independently. The main thing is to imagine how it works. The installation action comes down to the following:

  1. Thanks to the power of friction, the breed falls into the stack and is held in it.
  2. To penetrate the depth of the soil, the bar is used, which rushes to the anvil.
  3. When the string glass is filled with soil, it rises up and then cleaned.
  4. these actions should be performed until the required depth is reached.

Drilling shock-rope is better to apply in those places where the soil is incomplete, clay and soft.

How to break a well on the brine

If there is a bulk soil on the site, it will be more difficult. This will require an ugrel. This item is a pipe made of steel and reeling valve at the bottom.

This allows you to significantly simplify the process. When lowering the element in the ground, the valve is opening. As a result, the soil gets into the pipe. When lifting the valve closes. After seizure, the iron is cleared. After that, the procedure is repeated.

So that the soil in the drilling process does not face, they can be used to be clogged into the soil at every recess. At the first stage, this element must have an expansion shoe with a cone-shaped form. To move the machine without difficulty, its diameter should be less size casing. Only in this case can be deepened in the soil to the required level. Shock-cable drilling with a casing is used not only on the bulk soil.

How to break a well in solid rocky soil

On the solid stony ground, the punching of wells is carried out with the use of bit. Under his blows, breed destruction. Then it is extracted with the help of the ulute. To install casing, you must use the expander. Thanks to him, the desired diameter is ensured to pass the design.

The element driving is carried out in those layers of soil, which are located below the level of occurrence of aquifers. After that, it is required to pump the accumulated fluid, as well as purification from the soil and a mixture of water of the bottom of the well. This is carried out with the help of a illegone.

Drilling shock-cable - this is a simple process. When complying with certain rules, you can get a well-purified well. The main thing, adhere to the recommendations of specialists:

Features of mounting casing elements

An additional cladding is usually mounted for a finished well. It can be solid and made of individual segments made of it.

The process of working with such material requires caution and increased attention. Otherwise, the design will not be free to dive. All pipes of the pipes must be securely attached and hold from slipping. For their fixing it is worth using brackets. These fragments are further closed by strips of stainless steel sheets.

Percussion drilling (a. Percussive drilling; N. Stoßbohren, Schlagbohren; F. Forage Par Battage, Forage Par Percussion, Burinage; and. Perforacion Por Percusion, Sondeo Por Percusion, Taladrado Por Percusion - a way of drilling at which breed destruction occurs under The action of blows of the drilling projectile falling at the bottom of the well or shocks on the projectile standing on the slaughter. It is used mainly in soft and loose sediments with debris inclusions, as well as rock rocks to a depth of 100 or more meters. The destruction of rocks is characterized by crushing, crushing and loosening. Drilling is carried out with a solid or annular caution.

After applying the next strike, the tool breaks away from the bottom or constantly contact with it (scoring). To move the drill projectile, rope or rods (shock-rope and shock drilling) and special double concentric pipes are used.
The narrow sense, under shock drilling, only shock-rope drilling, which received the greatest distribution in practice. The destruction of the rock during shock-cable drilling is carried out with a solid cavercy with a projectile, including some types of different types, shock rods, Iasi (scissors) and cable lock, in which the end of the tool rope is fixed. For drilling in soft rocks, flat chins with wedge-shaped (sometimes changeable) blade are used, in viscous rocks - heated, in solid fractured - crusades, in boulders - pyramidal. Destruction is achieved by discharging the shell weighing 500-2500 kg from a height of 300-1000 mm with a frequency of 45-60 ice / min. At the time of the shell's lift under the action of the elasticity of the rope, its turn occurs by 20-50 °, which ensures the processing of the entire area of \u200b\u200bslaughter. A shock mechanism (swinging frame with a crank mechanism, an eccentric roller, a hydraulic cylinder system, is used for lifting and dropping the impact projectile. In dry wells, water is periodically poured at the bottom. After the destruction of the well area of \u200b\u200ba certain length (0.2-0.6 m), the destruction products are extracted from the face by means of a conventional or piston venture, which in the sands and pebbles is also used for drilling (scoring in the rock).

The shock-rope drilling is used to construct wells for water and when exploring the placer deposits of minerals in the most complex geological and technical conditions (loose rocks with a large content of gravel-pebble sediments and boulders), water discovative wells for degrating quarries, as well as with explosive and construction work. The depth of wells is mainly 50-100 m, less often up to 300 m, diameters 150-850 mm.

The shock-cable drilling is carried out by a ring caution by means of primeros (scoring glasses, sometimes terminated), discharged at the bottom and introduced in the breed by 0.1-0.2 m or a bubble brought with a shock bar with a frequency of 40-50 ° C / min. The weight of the shock part of the shell is 100-500 kg, the removal interval without a breakdown of a glass from the bottom of 0.2-0.6 m (for one blow in the sands of 0.3-0.4 cm, clays 0.8-1.2 cm, squeeces and Suglinka 1.5-2 cm). Installations also apply, in which an eccentric mechanism of free reset or winch is used to drop a shock projectile. Drilling with a ring caution is used in soft and loose rocks at a depth of 15-30 m tool with a diameter of 73-273 mm in engineering and geological and hydrogeological studies, searches and exploration of placer deposits, nonmetallic building materials and other minerals

When drowned drilling with double concentric drill pipes, they are clogged with diesel hammer or other source of impact pulses. To destroy the rock serves an annular shoe with carbide cutters. In the ring gap between the outer and inner pipes, the compressed air is served, which rises through the central channel and transports the destroyed breed from the bottom. This method is applied abroad to drill wells with a diameter of 140-500 mm at a depth of 15-30, less often up to 100 m with exploration of placers and construction works (in sedimentary rocks with a large content of debris material). Stroy energy up to 10-12 kJ, frequency 90-100 ° C / min. The drilling rate is several times higher than the speed of shock-cable drilling, reaching 5-30 m / h in recess of 5-6 mm per blow.

Drill tool

The basis of the three types of punching devices are used:

  • a glass - cutting pipe of the desired diameter, the lower (shock) end can be sharpened to sharply on the inner edge or a teeth are cut on it as on a saw to improve the process of soil destruction. It is used to pass wet clay or clay - sandy layers. Sticky clay sticks to the walls of a glass and extracting out. Such a simple device is easy to make with your own hands.
  • the urinary is the same segment of the pipe, at the entrance to which a flat valve is installed, passing the soil inside and not allowing it to wake up. In terms of filling, the venture is extracted from the cleaning trunk;
  • chisel - applied on soils with stony inclusions or during limestone stems.

Each type of such shells has undergone a number of changes, as a result of which in the arsenal of professional drillers there are about one and a half dozens of varieties of various names.

Features of drilling on various soils

  1. If the drum rope drilling of wells is performed by sands or zybuchim sands (flooded), drummers with flat urets are used for the recess of the soil. The frequency of shock is reduced. Installation of a chipping on such soils in the drilling process. It is important to prevent the release of the drummer from the casing pipe more than half the meter, otherwise it can be shifted and stacked in the trunk, which will lead to the loss of the tool and the bored well.
  2. Shock drilling in Gravine Folds and pebbles are produced using chisels in the form of an altar. For notching the soil, ulutes are used with a flat-shaped valve.
  3. When passing the layers of viscous and plastic clay The bit of special structures are used, which are modified plane or tools in the form of a heap. Additional details give them a cruciform form.

If the boulders come across on the path of the trunk, it can lead to its imagination from the vertical, because of which drilling often has to be transferred to another place. To destroy the boulders can be used by weighty tools in the form of chops.

The passage of fractured layers is the danger of their tendency to creap and collapse. Therefore, drilling is made with extreme caution with the control of the barrel parallel chip.

Singing the walls of wells

The impact rope drilling method provides for a simultaneous tip that protects the walls of the barrel from destruction, especially in loose and sandy layers. For this purpose, purposefully produced pipes for the discharge are applied. They are produced in two versions:

  • coupling pipes - At both ends, the thread is cut, the connection is made using couplings with internal thread;
  • the pipes are dropped with seams - on one of the ends of the pipes, the disembarkation is performed - broadening with a hot way with an increase in the diameter by the size of the wall thickness. On landing is cut internal threadAt the opposite end of the outdoor of the same size that the date is the possibility of docking the pipes without the use of couplings.

Plastic casing pipes from PVC are also used.

It should be considered the design of the first pipe of the casing Read more.

The lower end is equipped with a "skirt" - this is a special shape nozzle, welded or installed on the thread from the end of the pipe.

The device increases the diameter of the barrel by 25 - 30 mm, while:

  1. The drilling conditions are created that do not allow damage to the filter on the skirt.
  2. The size of the barrel allows the free movement of the casing along with couplings or recesses inside the well.
  3. The acute cutting edge from below actively destroys the residues of the rock in the shurf after the drummer passing, contributing to an increase in the velocity of the penetration.

The filter is made of stainless wire with a diameter of 1.0 - 1.5 mm wounded turn to the turn. In the process of winding the coils are compacted. Life cycle Such a filter is about 70 years under the condition of periodic washing when driving. Technology allows you to do your own work without any special difficulties.

Well on the site

The first task in the arrangement of the water intake device is to find out the hydrogeological situation in the place of the alleged work. This should solve problems:

  • clarification of the issue of the presence or absence of aquiferous horizontal drilling;
  • characteristics and properties of soils;
  • the desired equipment of the drilling instrument by type;
  • the design and focus of the well - on the rigor or the second sandy horizon (12-15 meters in depth), to the limestone of the Artesian horizons, in connection with this - the required number of casing;
  • deciding on the involvement of third-party organizations or performing work with their own hands on leased equipment.

If it is necessary to install a rig of your own design, it can be made with your own hands from the logs of medium thickness, pipes, wooden bars - that is, from undergraded materials. It is necessary to provide for the presence of a telfer to lift casing and winches to work with the drummer. The height of the drill tower is determined by the length of the casing.

Procedure for performing work

The drum rope drilling of wells is performed in the following order:

  1. Preparation of a pit for a well-size stretch of approximately 1.5 x1.5 x 1.5 meters.
  2. Forcing to a depth of 1.0 - 1.5 meters.
  3. Installation of the first section of the casing into the boiled hole.
  4. Placement inside the dumppiece of the drummer.
  5. Drilling a dump of the drummer from the height, to plunge it half a meter, the drummer is removed and cleaned from the soil. Operation to repeat before reaching the aquifer.

Drilling is done with your own hands with one or two people.

Disadvantages and advantages of the process

From the disadvantages note:

  • the most significant drawback is the low flow rate;
  • inaccessibility for execution in certain types of sandy soils;
  • a noticeable drop in performance when passing deep wells;
  • the possibility of only vertical execution.


  • the reservoir is opened qualitatively, without damaging its porous structure, which allows to preserve the maximum debit of aquifer;
  • washing fluid and clay, clogging pores of the formation;
  • the possibility of successful drilling in pebble - currency layers;
  • well can be mastered immediately at the end of drilling and arrangement;
  • it is possible to perform drilling operation to the large diameter tool - from 500 mm;
  • natural control of passable rocks when extracting the next core.

In countries North America This method of drilling wells on the water still remains priority, since the correct well-made well can work up to 70 years.

Before starting work, it is necessary to compare all the source data: the type of soil, the depth of the aquifer, its saturation. Impact drilling method can be deepen a well to 50 m to a pure sandy water layer.

Criteria for selecting the drilling method of the water intake well on the site

The composition, the hardness of the soil has a decisive effect on the final choice of the method of arranging water intake. The impact method is suitable for drilling wells:

  • In sand, bulk breeds with a minimum number of solid stony inclusions.
  • In soft, clay soils.
  • If the layers are oversaturated with soil moisture.

It is difficult to pass stony, rock breeds: the drilling rate is significantly reduced. In solid soils, it is preferable to use MBU and rotary rotational drilling. But in sprinkling, wet layers, the use of a shock-cable method is almost the only inexpensive method of arrangement of wells.

Depending on the purpose of arranging the source and depth of the occurrence of aquifers, self-made or industrial installations for shock drilling and are equipped:

  • Abyssinian wells, or well-needles: a depth of 15 m, to the first sand horizon. Such a source is irrational to equip if a residential building or use is planned. large number water. The flow rate is strongly dependent on the amount of precipitation, the purity of water is doubtful. Used for watering, technical needs for construction.
  • Wells up to 2 - 3 sand layers: a source of depth to 25 - 40 m. Such a well is enough to continuously ensure the water of one cottage or cottage. When regular operation and care can serve up to 20 years.

Advantages of the impact way: saving money and a minimum place to install

Impact (or shock-rope) method is the most time consuming in drilling wells. You have to remove the ground from the mine to the surface, mechanical method lift a heavy shock tool. The advantages of the method are also due to its simplicity and accessibility:

  • Installation is easily assembled on a limited area. The main thing is to choose a plot where there are no height restrictions for the frame assembly. Installation can be performed alone, for transporting enough passenger trailer.
  • The possibility of applying on uneven areas with a complex relief, in the absence of an entrance and a place to turn the cargo machinery.
  • Used in areas not connected to power grids.
  • Impact tool (tip) simply replace in the process of work.

Technology of drilling work: Stages and equipment

In shock drilling use 4 types of cutting tips for wells. Apply different devices Depending on the hardness, humidity and density of the undergoing soil.

The cutting glass is used when passing a dense soil, not saturated with water, which is held in the tool cavity and does not appear in the barrel. You can independently make a glass from a thick-walled cast-iron or metal pipe up to 1.5 m long. The edge of the tool has the appearance of cut inside at an angle of 45 about the cone. The cutting surface is pre-sharpened. In the middle part of the pipe, the hole is cut through which the soil extracted from the trunk can be pulled out. The diameter of the cutting tool depends on the planned size of the casing. In the upper part weld the transverse crossbar or drill holes for connecting and fastening the cable.

A glass of expander is standard tool With expanding book edge. It is used when it is necessary to increase the diameter of the shaft to install the casing. There are ready expanders that use when working inside the casing. Petals with cutting elements are revealed and cut the ground from the walls of the mine after passing under the bottom of the bottom pipe. When picked up the edge tool, compress and pass inside the trunk.

The jelly is an improved glass. This is a pipe without holes, with deaf walls. The lower part consists of a glass - a part with cutting solid, or made in the form of petals-teeth, edge. Above the base is shut-off valve. The metal plate on the inner diameter of the pipe on the hinge opens when they hit and closes under the weight of the Earth. The valve prevents the reverse rash inside the soil well. Alternative - Ball valve. Pick up a suitable diameter of a heavy metal ball, the stop stops are welded above it. The tool is used on bulk and wet rocks that are poorly held in the glass.

When in the process of passing fall on a boulder or rocky solid layer, instead of cutting tools apply chisel. After impact, the tool must be checked along the axis for crushing solid elements. Therefore, it is preferable to use the steel cable instead of the rope.

Building installation and drilling preparation

In addition to the cutting tools for organizing drilling a home well to water, the framework of the classic shock method will be needed. Materials:

  • Metal pipes with welded stops for stabilization and fastening of the structure.
  • Winch ready or homemade.
  • Impact rod - heavy metal or cast iron trumpet up to 3 m long, equal diameter with a shock tip.

Before mounting the design, it is necessary to prepare a deepening - a hole around the mine, which will prevent the sanding of the surface soil inland. Sufficient width - 1.5-2 m, depth - 1-1.5 m. The walls can be strengthened with rough boards.

Collect the installation on the lined platform, fasten the supports. Install the winch. A shock tool is connected to the lower end of the cable.

The tip should be located directly in the center of the casing. To accurately calculate the place of impact, first by hand the brown pass to 1 m soil and installed vertically pipe, check the angle. It is necessary to achieve the entrance of the pipe to the ground at an angle of 90 o. The slightest deviations will lead to the slope of the barrel, it will be impossible to install pipes.

Start of work and the passage of the first meters of soil

The winch raise the barbell and lowered into the trunk. When hitting the cutting edge deepends into the ground. The tool is raised and lowered again. So pass the first meters of the mine. For one descent in the soft ground, the glass passes 10 - 20 cm. Release the cavity from clay falls every 40 - 50 cm. For this, the pipe is completely raised above the ground and clean.

Regularly check the verticality of the trunk. At the slightest deviations, the direction of the shock glass adjust. The extracted soil is stored outside the site, a small amount is left for submissions.

The speed of passage depends on the severity of the projectile: the more the own weight of the rod, the faster the well is deepened.

Drilling and installation of casing

At a depth of 3 - 4 m, the snack temporarily suspend and start the installation of the casing. Simultaneous impact drilling and installation of the casing save time and fix the walls of the barrel: the ground will not turn into the shaft deep into the ground.

Use pipes exceeding diameter shock tools 2 cm: At least 10 mm for the free movement of the rod is needed at the edges. The choice of material depends on the recommendations of the masters: some traditionally prefer steel thick-walled pipes with factory anti-corrosion treatment. There is an advantage in the use of metal structures: such a pipe is impossible to damage the tip. Connect the casing pipe with a seal or welding.

Drilling continues before passing on the planned depth. Determine the finding of the tool in the aquifer simply: the immersion rate increases sharply, there is a feeling of "failure" of the boome, raised to the surface of the sand is saturated with moisture.

The lower part of the well pipe must necessarily be equipped with a reliable mesh filter so that sand, clay and small stones from the bottom do not penetrate the trunk.

Video: how do it yourself without excess spending score a well

Detailed video: how to equip a well from the basement at home by a shock way of drilling with a compact homemade installation.

Service and arrangement of finished water intake

After completion of the work, it is necessary to rinse the source. Pumping is a permanent water intake until a clean transparent liquid is obtained. During the procedure, water is cleared and a small well is formed on the bottom.

Sand well requires care. Chief Principle Increased source life - continuous use. With an irregular fence of water, a decrease in flow and casing. Specialists also recommend helping water intake as needed. Service life proper care May exceed 10-15 years. Water quality and source performance depend on the observance of technology in the arrangement, the correctness of the choice of materials and the accuracy of the depth. Therefore, it is worthwhile to enlist the help of specialists - you do not have to spend money at the bottom of the new well in a few years.

Main types of wells

If you wish, you can spend shock-cable drilling with your own hands. The photo of the finished design is presented below. Before starting work, it is worth deciding with the type of well. There are several of them:

  1. Tubular well. Its depth ranges from 8 to 12 meters. Ripper, dust, dirt, as well as alien elements in this case, does not fall into the water intended for drinking.
  2. The well in the sandy soil usually makes a depth of 15-30 meters. This use a screw method. The well for the well is a metal sleeve, at the end of which there is a plot with perforation. Mounted filter in the sand of a large fraction with pebbles impurities. In general, the construction is capable of listening to about 5 years with rare use, and with frequent - up to 15. The washing of the design is carried out after heating. If this does not give results, then a new well is bludge.
  3. Artesian. The depth of this well is 15-200 meters. This indicator depends on the depth of the limestone layers. Operational period is 50 years.

Drilling technology

At the moment there are several technologies:

  1. Drilling shock-cable.
  2. Rotor.
  3. Screw.

Technologies differ in each other by the method of destruction of certain breeds, as well as methods of extraction of soil structures. Each method involves the use of special equipment that affects the quality of the work in different ways. This depends on the cost of drilling well.

Drilling shock-cable

This method is the easiest and relatively inexpensive. The peculiarity of technology is the lack of need to use heavy machinery. A well-drilling installation can be mounted independently. It takes a little time and strength. Shock-cable drilling with their own hands is the most popular method that allows you to open the aquifers directly from the surface.

The main advantages of this method are:

  1. Large service life.
  2. Allows you to control the water content of the horizon, as well as the water level.
  3. You can break through the well of a large diameter.
  4. Eliminates the risk of getting into water intended for drinking harmful impurities in the drilling process.
  5. Efficiency and efficiency during work in the winter period.

What you need

For drilling well, a shock-channel way must be purchased special devices. As a rule, this requires:

  1. Block and winch.
  2. Cable.
  3. Machine for scoring.
  4. Installation frame.
  5. Barbell.

The main element of the design is a scoring glass. In addition, a segment of a pipe made of steel is required. He must be beveraged inward. The cut must have in the bottom of the cut solid edge. Anvil is installed on top of the scoring cup. It is through it that shots are applied with the rod. The winch allows you to lower and raise a stripped glass.

How to install installation

How is shock-rope drilling? Machines for this can be made independently. The main thing is to imagine how it works. The installation action comes down to the following:

  1. Thanks to the power of friction, the breed falls into the stack and is held in it.
  2. To penetrate the depth of the soil, the bar is used, which rushes to the anvil.
  3. When the string glass is filled with soil, it rises up and then cleaned.
  4. these actions should be performed until the required depth is reached.

Drilling shock-rope is better to apply in those places where the soil is incomplete, clay and soft.

How to break a well on the brine

If there is a bulk soil on the site, then the well will be harder. This will require an ugrel. This item is a pipe made of steel and reeling valve at the bottom.

This allows you to significantly simplify the process. When lowering the element in the ground, the valve is opening. As a result, the soil gets into the pipe. When lifting the valve closes. After seizure, the iron is cleared. After that, the procedure is repeated.

So that the soil in the drilling process does not face, casing pipes can be applied. They are clogged into the soil at every recess. At the first stage, this element must have an expansion shoe with a cone-shaped form. To move the machine without difficulty, its diameter should be less than the sizes of the casing. Only in this case can be deepened in the soil to the required level. Shock-cable drilling with a casing is used not only on the bulk soil.

How to break a well in solid rocky soil

On the solid stony ground, the punching of wells is carried out with the use of bit. Under his blows, breed destruction. Then it is extracted with the help of the ulute. To install casing, you must use the expander. Thanks to him, the desired diameter is ensured to pass the design.

The element driving is carried out in those layers of soil, which are located below the level of occurrence of aquifers. After that, it is required to pump the accumulated fluid, as well as purification from the soil and a mixture of water of the bottom of the well. This is carried out with the help of a illegone.

Drilling shock-cable - this is a simple process. When complying with certain rules, you can get a well-purified well. The main thing, adhere to the recommendations of specialists:

Features of mounting casing elements

An additional cladding is usually mounted for a finished well. It can be solid and made of asbetic pipe, as well as its separate segments.

The process of working with such material requires caution and increased attention. Otherwise, the design will not be free to dive. All pipes of the pipes must be securely attached and hold from slipping. For their fixing it is worth using brackets. These fragments are further closed by strips of stainless steel sheets.


The rod is a metal rod 16-22 mm in diameter, which can be increasing as the Abyssinian well is gluable. With this rod, shocks directly on the filter tip, thus, the tensile load is applied to all threaded compounds, as a result, the threads are not deformed, and the entire load on the sliding of the dense soil falls on the tip.

Baby scoring

Grandma - a special device, a shock load from which to go to the wellbore. A special nozzle is windproof on the leap of the well, according to which the strikes are applied - the load with the hole inside. In this method, all shock load falls on the thread. Therefore, sometimes it happens that the threads break down and the well remains in the ground.

And for the other way, very large quality requirements for threads. They should be strictly coaxial with the axis of the pipe itself. Unfortunately, in most handicraft production, such a thread is difficult to do, so if the master cut the thread on the nearest metal bondage, then it risks the pipes that the material will not pull out the material from the ground and will not receive money from the owner. If the threads are cut on turning machine With good alignment, then such a carving will be much more durable, especially when driving a grandmother.

A pump for such a well is used self-priming, which connects directly to the pipe and creates a vacuum (vacuum) in it, and this vacuum and lifts water to the surface.

Abyssinian Well has a lot of advantages

    Usually good water quality

    Power 10-30 liters per minute, which is enough for one family

    Can be done in the basement of the house

    Low cost

    Service life 5-30 years

The essence of the drilling technology of the rope-shock type

The construction of the unit will remind the ancient cars built, for example, Archimensional. But in fact, everything is thought out to the smallest details and allows you to seek good results in the absence of extra cost. But a person will have to closely monitor the process and control its move in order to avoid adverse situations that can lead to the failure of the operation.

Drilling of wells by shock-cableway is carried out on a depth of no more than 100 meters, since it is usually after the passage of this horizon rocks They become significantly harder and there is no longer possible to penetrate them without special equipment. In some cases, you can try to dig and further, if the structure of the soil allows the structure of the soil, but usually there is no sense in this operation, since the artesian water can be found at 70 meters.

The process itself proceeds by next schemewhich is simple and reliable:

  • 1. Initially, intelligence is performed to find the most promising aquifer. You can read about the methods of carrying out this operation on the network.
  • 2. Next, the machine itself is installed on the detected location, with which the operation will be carried out. At the same time, you need to make sure that all supports are securely held in their places, and the working mechanism goes through a strictly given trajectory.
  • 3. After the preparation is completed, you can proceed to direct drilling, which passes on the principle of lifting the bit with its subsequent strike of the Earth with a huge force. For this, it is installed on it an additional body kit in the form of cargo, which will be weighting the working mechanism and give additional acceleration. To configure, you need to determine the type of soil, but usually the cargo is used in the range from 25 to 70 kilograms.
  • 4. At the same time, it is not necessary to forget about the need to constantly insert the casing into the well so that its walls do not destroy during drilling. The inner diameter must be 100 millimeters more bits to avoid grab.

It is possible to consider the essence of the process in more detail on the appropriate video of the shock-cable drilling of wells. There will be shown the whole process from the start of preparation and before final result. After viewing it will be possible to spend something similar on its site, already having a practical idea in the asset. But the most important thing is what is required in this business is accuracy, because any incorrect step can lead to negative consequences and the well will become unsuitable for use. We'll have to beat it elsewhere and spend extra time.

Drilling wells to water shock-channel way has its advantages and disadvantages. To the first one can attribute the following facts:

  • . the absence of the need for erosion, which greatly simplifies the procedure for subsequent cleaning and leveling of the well;
  • . the low cost of the method, as it does not require the attraction of expensive equipment;
  • . Use to open the slightlyphant horizons.

And from the minuses you need to know such moments:

  • . drilling speed will be the lowest of all existing methods;
  • . Incorrect equipment setting will lead to a substandard result;
  • . Increased consumption of casing compared to other methods.

Currently, only about 12% of wells are obtained by the specified method.

How to make a car for drilling with your own hands?

The simplicity of the method allows you to organize a shock-rope drilling of wells with your own hands. To do this, you will have to build an installation from the remedies and equip it in accordance with the calculations carried out. It will not even need an engine for work, since a person will turn the lever manually. It is just necessary to raise a clogged glass to a height of 2-3 meters above the ground, and then let him go to the free fall so that he punched his way to the water. Next, the cable is wound on the coil until the chisel turns out again at the desired height and the process is repeated.

But it is necessary to ensure the perfectly accurate direction of the strike, otherwise it will be simply a big dent on Earth, without any signs of the well. Twist all the time the lever, and even lifting the heavy load will be pretty hard, so it is better to find a few helpers so that you can replace each other. And do not forget about the casing pipes, since otherwise the well will be collapsed and the entire process will go to the pump.

If a shock-rope method of drilling wells is chosen, then you need to observe certain points that will be very important for the final result.

First, you need to pick a strong cable of sufficient length. If it breaks, then get the drilling glass will be almost unreal.

Secondly, it is worth not to forget to shake out of it the stuck Earth, thereby released a place for new layers.

Thirdly, when tipped pipes, do not forget to connect them between themselves, to ensure good sealing.

Stripping and Cable Installation Design

Complete set of installation shock-rope drilling includes:
. scoring glass;
. shock rod;
. cable or rope;
. directly the installation frame;
. winch;
. block.

Shock-rope drilling technology with their own hands

The main element of the shock-cable installation is a scoring glass made of a pipe fragment. At the bottom of the clogged glass there is a more durable cutting edge on which the bevel is made inside the glass. Due to the increased strength of the edge, the glass at each impact is deeper cut into the soil. Case Drilling Glass Winch. Cropped into the ground, the glass is captured by a certain amount and then with the help of the winch rises above the caution.

Due to the impact strikes, producing cyclic blows along the top of a glass with anvil, the glass is drunk deeper. Multiple shocks are enough to fill the glass completely for subsequent raising upstairs and exemption from the soil. The soil keeps inside the glass when the friction is raised. The drilling procedure is repeated until the desired result is achieved.

I have a house in a deep village, in almost the forest, there are problems with water. The nearest well is in more than 200 m, and its depth is about 25 m. That is, while you go, while you will get water from there, I don't want anything ... And you still have to do it in winter in the snowdrifts.

I decided to drill a well with my own hands, at least try. Drilling It stands in the area of \u200b\u200b250 UAH ($ 10) per meter, and since it is necessary to drill more than 25 m, yes plus it is also paid to the road to the place, not counting the pump and other equipment, in short, it costs it expensive, and not 100% Guarantees that they will try water.

For the drilling of the well with their own hands, I chose the most simple (structurally) and, probably, the most ancient technology is shocking cable drilling. But since I always do everything in my own way, I did the device in the roots differing from those that are on YouTube and other descriptions.

Immediately I will say that the homemade was made clean for myself and purely for the experiment to see how it will work and so on. Of course, it is still possible to do a lot of improvements that will allow you to make a self-made safe, efficient and not spend so many forces on drilling like me.

Materials and tools:

1. Tolstone steel pipe. I have a length of 114 cm and weighs 42 kg (but the length is small, you need a meter of a half at least). The diameter I don't remember exactly, but I chose under the casing pipe on 125. Consider that the diameter of the well during drilling will be 15 more percent than the shock tube. The longer the pipe, the greater the well.

2. A piece of fastening thin-walled pipe for creating a knife (best of the stainless steel thickness of 1-2 mm)

3. Steel cable, I have 4 mm. The fourth grabs the bump of the bump, this cable is weak, it is best to take the top five, it should be enough without nerves. Although the fourth, everything goes fine.

4. Steel corner or pipe (I went old bed) to create a frame.

5. Materials for the winch (I have a wheel from the trolley and a piece of steel pipe).

6. Verlutuchok for the cable (required). It would be good with Carabin so that the pipe can be dismissed if necessary.

7. All sorts of nuts, pieceiers, slices of chains, door loops, gum and other Barahlishko, who will surely find in her garage.

From tools:
- Bulgarian;
- welding;
- pliers, etc.

Regarding investments ... The pipe on the metal bondage cost 8 UAH per 1 kg. It was possible to find and cheaper, it simply did not have time and desire to look.
The cable bought 30 m to 10 UAH each meter. I also bought a swivel. Everything else was found at home ... In short, I spent on all not more than 1000 UAH.

The process of manufacturing a drill machine:

Step one. Preparation of parts and build frame
In general, for such devices, it is customary to make a tripod, but I decided to make a dongy. Found metal carcass From the bed and cut it diagonally. Next, welded up the corner as you can see in the photo.

To strengthen the frame, I welded to the right and left side of a piece of fittings. In principle, it was enough with his head. More for reliability you can spend a piece of corner to the bottom of the front.
Rama is ready, go to the creation of the winch.

Step second. Winch
The winch I got really life-threatening for life, as it does not have a snoring mechanism. If you release the pipe when climbing or lowering the pipe, it can easily kill. But it does not scare me, because everyone uses decades with such a mechanism and did not kill anyone (at least with us).

I made a winch from the wheel from the trolley. I cut off with him the rubber semblance of the tire, and then the label did the outfit. Further, these inscribes, I rejected with a hammer, as a result, the wheel turned on the wheel. On such a winch without problems, 30 meters of cable 4 mm.

As a handle for the winch, I used a piece of steel pipe. Take a bigger pipe, it will work easier to work.

The winch pipe has a hole in which the steel rod is located. It works as a winch lock.

Step Three. Installing the design to the place of drilling and preparation
I decided to bury well at home, because the location of the water is unlikely to come out, and so will win on the savings of the pipes. The design is important to securely fix that it does not shift. I installed it into two thick heavy boards and nailed.

Now you can turn the cable. I burned in the winch hole with welding with a graphite electrode and inserted a cable. Then on the other side put on the nut and fascinated the wire cable.
Under the device removed upper layer Earth, not to beat at the top of the stones and other Musor.

Step fourth. Build a shock column

The shock column was reworked for a couple of times. First, as a knife, I welded an ordinary bidonchik by the end of the pipe. No matter how funny it looks, but I broke through the first 10 m with a bidonchik, but then I came across the stones and it bent it.

To pass stones, I cut the bidonchik and cut the teeth on the main pipe. With these teeth, I cut granite without problems.

Of course, the bidonchik is a very weak design, but this is just an example, as everything works. It is necessary to use a solid and thin pipe as a knife (stainless steel is perfect). The length of the knife can be 15-25 cm. More particularly does not make sense, as you are unlikely to get so much soil.

The pipe is attached to the cable using the steel rod to which the nut is welded. The rod itself is also securely welded to the pipe.

Fastening the cable
It is also important to say a few words about the conception of the cable, it is very important. I put it in copper tubeAnd then it bend it. Well, the loop of the cable turned the aluminum wire. In principle, not yet broken. He is mainly held by a bent tube, besides, it does not give him to overgrow.
It is still very important to fix the shock tube through the swivel, otherwise the cable will constantly spin. And if you use a swirling cable, you immediately break it (I was so at first).
Vertiluga should be very strong. It is also useful to install carbine, so the pipe can be dismissed during transportation.

Immediately decided to make the valve for the shock tube, so that it was possible to pump water and dry rocks (if there are). I found some round piece, in diameter it clearly entered the pipe. I dug in it with a wisdom shape (round baccoon cut hard) and then installed the rubber membrane from the Zhigul chamber, screwing the aluminum wire (for a simple replacement).
But practice has shown that this gum is weak, I strengthened it later by another, cutting rounding from a rubber boot.

The valve came in handy when they went strong livneAnd I closed well badly. There was a lot of water, I pulled it all without any problems thanks to this valve. And so when drilling, it is in principle not needed. Except when drilling aquifer.

Pitch fifth. The device is almost ready. We make trigger
I have a very simple triggering mechanism, works by the type of "Mousetrap". I made it from the door loop, bolts with a ward, rings and a piece of chains.

In the door loop, you need to drill a through hole for a bolt with a nut, which will turn it, thereby clinging the cable. But instead of drilling, I simply saw the baccoon the Pazik in both halves. In order not to keep the bolt to ten keys, I welded it to the loop.

To the loop you need to still fight a piece of chain with a ring. The ring can be made of steel wire, if there is no suitable at hand. To the frame of the car you need to fight the rod opposite the well, the shock tube will hang on it.

Now we take door loop, Breeping to the cable with a bolt and walked a ring on a rod welded to frame. The device is crushed and ready for battle!

Another important remark. In order for the cable, God forbid did not slip, before fastening the loops, the leaf aluminum or copper is woven around it, and then tighten the key well.

How to drill?
Since at the end of the pipe is a sharp knife, then big power I don't need a strike here, I have a hit range located in the area of \u200b\u200b1-2 m. That is, the pipe to the place of impact should fly no more than 2 m. If you do more, you will be hard to pull the pipe from the soil. It may be up to the cliff of the cable. Therefore, it is better to make two meter shock than one two-meter. Well, from two meters with its 4 mm cable I am pulling out without problems. Of course, it still depends on the type of soil.

It is more difficult to start drilling, here you need to release the pipe from the hand, raising a 5-10 cm, until the first halfer is passing, then everything goes like oil. In principle, the initial "hole" can be triggering with other methods, for example, drill the garden brown.

So, the drilling process:

1. Fresh the lock on the cable in such a way that the pipe hung over the shock at an altitude of 1-2 m.

2. We release the winch 1-2 M cable with a margin and put the cable so that it does not be determined when the pipe moves.

3. We move onto a safe distance and drag the ring from the rod. As a result, the pipe flies down and hits into the ground.

4. Pull the pipe with a winch and put on the ground for convenient cleaning. I put her at an angle on the pennies, it is quite convenient for me to lower, raise and clean.

5. After cleaning, again we lower the pipe, charge the design and so on.

For one punch, the pipe enters 10-15 cm (depending on which soil). In practice, sand is easy with clay, loam. It is heavy upper dry layer of light clay (in my area).
You can make 1-2 impact and pull the pipe. If the soil is solid, then you need to do several shots, as it is not closed.

If it goes dry and solid breed, you can lift in the water well and wait a bit. Then continue drilling.

The process of long, heavy, only for real enthusiasts)) I have already passed more than 15 m and pleased with myself. While there is wet sand with clay and pebbles. I hope the water in the drilling site will be closer, and I will achieve my goal. During the drilling, it took out a lot of interesting pebbles, dry clay with the finishes of ancient clams, the rest of some kind of ancient stick.

A few more pictures

When drilling, there will be another article about the installation of casing, starring and so on.

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