Laying plywood on a wooden floor. Video

The buildings 17.06.2019
The buildings

The use of plywood for floor repair is perhaps the most economical, simple and affordable way. The material is inexpensive and its installation does not require significant physical effort, therefore, alignment can be completed in a fairly short time. But there are still nuances that home masters should know about.

Plywood is one of the most popular and comfortable materials, which can be used in repair work. Let's highlight the main advantages of plywood sheets:

  • easy to handle and install;
  • high-quality grinding of the material;
  • no unpleasant odor;
  • hard surface;
  • lightness of the material;
  • high strength;
  • moisture resistance and water resistance.

It is worth noting the technical characteristics of the material.

Type of plywoodDescription
Plywood FCmoisture-resistant appearance, urea resin is used for gluing veneer sheets. This plywood is designed for indoor use.
Plywood FKMhas increased water resistance, is made on the basis of melamine resins. This type of plywood is unique because it is made from environmentally friendly melamine resins. Through their environmental performance plywood is used in furniture production and for interior finishing works
Plywood FSFveneer sheets are glued together using phenolic resin. This type plywood also has increased water resistance. It is not recommended for interior decoration rooms, so phenolic resins are harmful to health. Usually used for outdoor finishing work
Laminated plywoodcontains FSF plywood, which is covered on both sides with a special film. The plywood laminated is applied to production of a timbering. This type can be used repeatedly
Bakelized plywoodBakelite resin is used for gluing sheets of veneer. This type of plywood is used in aggressive climates, sea ​​water, aggressive environments, sometimes for monolithic work
marine plywoodsimilar to bakelized, but less durable. Made from foreign woods
Plywood Flexibleforeign option. Distinctive feature is the ability to bend well in the transverse and longitudinal directions

During operation, plywood can be bent, while cracks will not appear on the material and it will not break. The strength of plywood allows you not to worry that the floor will not withstand the loads. In addition, conventional plywood sheets have large area, which means you can quickly cover the desired surface. And, finally, the material is quite unpretentious, and in view of this and its low weight it is convenient to carry it, lift it to the upper floors.

The use of plywood sheets also allows you to achieve high quality and reliability of the new floor. As a result, instead of the old coating, you get a smooth and durable surface. In this case, the height of the floor will rise by only a few centimeters, which will be almost imperceptible. At the same time, the plywood floor provides a rich space for the implementation of various design solutions.

When buying material, pay attention to the grade. Plywood comes in four varieties:

  • first grade - the most best quality, no external defects;
  • second grade - plywood with wood inserts, sometimes with dents or scratches;
  • third grade - material with devilish holes or fallen knots;
  • the fourth grade is the worst in quality, many defects.

IMPORTANT: when buying low-grade plywood, you can be sure that the material is perfect for rough work - this will help keep high-quality plywood intact and not make mistakes in the calculations.

Tools for the job

To properly level the floor, you will need tools such as:

  • roulette;
  • level, preferably 2 m;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • jigsaw;
  • screwdriver.

Technology Choice

To choose a specific leveling method, you need to assess the condition of the floor and find out how much the relief deviates from required norm. If the height differences are about 2 mm, while the area does not exceed 1 sq. meter, it is not necessary to level the floor. It is enough to use an acrylic sealant on the surface or apply the putty method. In the latter case, the mixture can be made independently by mixing moistened sawdust and PVA.

Having correct styling floorboards, where the differences are uniform up to 5 mm, you can fasten the plywood directly to the floor. When the differences reach from 8 cm, it is necessary to make point or tape supports. What boards / thick plywood are used for.

IMPORTANT: for a board whose width is from 10 to 20 cm, a thickness of 10 mm is sufficient. When the width exceeds 20 cm, use thicker plywood sheets.

When the differences are too large, the structure will have to be disassembled and redone by purchasing new materials. In addition, under such a deformation, there are usually some serious reasons that need to be clarified.

IMPORTANT: plywood is used for leveling only if the technical parameters of the shelf meet the standards.

Table. Characteristics of plywood and plywood boards made from birch veneer sheets

IndexPlywood plainBakelized plywoodplywood boards
Thickness, mm4 16 20
Density, kg/m3696 1190 749
Water absorption in 24 hours,%24-32 0,92 -
Tensile strength (MPa) along the fibers of the outer layers101,1 113,4 104,0
Tensile strength (MPa) across the fibers of the outer layers65,9 120,0 94,4
Tensile strength (MPa) in static bending across the fibers of the outer layers- 112,0 85,7

Definition of drops

To measure the differences in the floor, you need a level gauge of 2 meters. In the corners of the room, mark the marks where the walls and floor meet, as well as a point in the center of the room. "Breaking" the room, each site needs a researcher separately. Record the results - it will be easier to assess the amount of work ahead. It would be nice to repair the base of the floor before this - check the floorboards, logs, eliminate the creak, update the fasteners. Replace the damaged parts of the floor, otherwise the leveling will be useless work.

IMPORTANT: plywood sheets begin to be laid from the center. For fastening, it is necessary to leave a distance of at least 2 cm. However, if another coating is laid on top of the plywood, then there is no need to worry about the location of the sheets - you can start from the far corner and gradually move deeper into the room.

First way

The simplest and most common method is the alignment method, in which lags are not installed. Before proceeding to it, leave the material for two days in the room in which you are going to work. Leave the plywood sheets to stand on the "edge" - so they "get used" to the new environment. If there is no regular heating in the room, the plywood is moistened with warm water and left for at least one day.

IMPORTANT: a floor made of veneer or fibers must be treated with an antiseptic. The same applies to materials used for dry screed.

It is not necessary to install a support beam, because the curved floorboards take over its functions. In addition to plywood, you can use DSP boards.

When laying plywood, leave a gap of 2 cm between the sheets and the wall. This is necessary so that in case of expansion of the material during a drop temperature regime deformation did not occur - the sheets can “run into” each other. A gap is also left between the plywood sheets themselves.

IMPORTANT: if the floor sags in “waves”, leveling it with fiberboard is stupid. The material will sag in exactly the same way as the floor.

For floorboards no thicker than 20 cm, you will need plywood with a thickness of 8-10 mm. For floorboards whose width exceeds 20 cm, plywood boards with a thickness of 18 to 20 mm will be needed.

  1. Install the bosses around the perimeter of the floor surface, retreating 2 cm from the wall.
  2. Lay the plywood, keeping a gap of 3 to 8 mm between the sheets. If you need to lay in several rows, follow the brickwork method - slab next row moves to the previous row. Make sure that the sheets do not intersect crosswise at the four joints - the permissible error is from a quarter to a half of the sheet.
  3. Fasten the sheet to the floor ridges installed earlier. Distribute the attachment points evenly.

IMPORTANT: in order not to spoil the plywood during fastening, drill holes - first along the diameter of the screw shaft, and then for the cap (not through). Do not nail sheets of plywood to the floor, the material will crack.

Lay the sheets on which the finisher will be laid with the unpolished side to the top. On the contrary, it is possible if the screw heads are hidden under the sealant, and the plywood is varnished.

Second way

A tape support is preliminarily installed, which represents longitudinal logs and crossbars located horizontally. The indent for the lag is 3 cm from the wall. Laying is carried out depending on the size of plywood sheets, most often from 40 to 50 cm.

IMPORTANT: the thicker the plywood, the less often the installation of crossbars and logs is allowed.

Between the lags, an empty space can be filled with insulation or a screed can be made - mix PVA and wet sawdust. Apply the resulting mixture in two or three layers on free space and wait for it to harden. Usually it's two days.

IMPORTANT: to fit the plywood sheet to the door, it is enough to make markings on the material, draw a shape and cut it out.

Third way

The use of a mini-lag is necessary if the slope and floor differences do not exceed 8 cm. Install slats and wooden linings, thus creating support system. As in the second case, you need to make a fitting, and, focusing on the marked marks, determine the dimensions of the supporting elements. Record all dimensions carefully, because with such differences they will be different for each part.

Mini-lags are great for correcting a heavily curved floor (differences of a few centimeters can already be considered as such). You can install mini-lags along or in front of the boards, there is no difference. But the dimensions for each element must be calculated individually.

Do not try to use the method of fitting plywood to the floor relief - here you will need special tools and complex engineering calculations.

Fourth way

Instead of a lag, you can install supports, they are also called covens. They are cut from any material at hand - plywood, OSB, boards. The thickness of the cob is calculated from new surface and the old floor. The result is a system that is a cell. Square sizes: 30 cm for plywood no thicker than 14 mm and 45 cm for thick plywood boards.

IMPORTANT: put the shabashki, taking a small step, because this system is less reliable than the tape crate.

To install two layers of leveling material, do not position top sheets in the same order as below. Try to move the butt joints at least 20 cm. This problem can be solved even easier if you start laying the second layer from the opposite corner. Glue plywood layers with any wood glue for more durability.

To ensure ventilation, drill at the points marked in advance, and then cover them with a ventilation grill.

Video - Leveling a wooden floor with plywood

Video - Method for leveling floors with plywood on logs

Plywood on wooden floors in the house allows you to level the base without dismantling the old wood flooring. The substrate in this case prevents squeaking and other problems that may arise. The technology allows you to do the installation yourself without serious difficulties.

The choice of material for the production of work

Laying plywood on wood floor perfect solution. This do-it-yourself rough coating has the following advantages:

  • low cost;
  • ease of transportation;
  • time reduction preparatory work;
  • good leveling of small floor defects and increase the service life of the floor covering;
  • strength and wear resistance of the material;
  • flexibility, which allows not to break and not crack during operation and installation;
  • the minimum number of joints between sheets;
  • installation is carried out without serious labor costs.
Classification of plywood types

Before laying the material with your own hands, you need to choose it correctly. There are several classifications according to various criteria:

  • by grade and type of raw materials used (wood);
  • impregnation (its presence and method);
  • grade;
  • surface treatment method;
  • number of layers;
  • moisture resistance.

Laying plywood on a wooden floor in a house (rough coating) involves the following recommendations for choosing when doing do-it-yourself work:

  • the flooring is made of sheets of the second or third grade, the use of the first is not justified from an economic point of view;
  • in the house it is best to use moisture-resistant material, this is especially important when installation is carried out in wet areas (bathroom, bathroom, kitchen);
  • flooring involves the use of sheets of a minimum thickness of 10 mm, but this is only suitable for small spaces with low traffic;
  • laying technology in more critical premises suggests that the substrate under the finished floor will be made of a material with a thickness of 14-22 mm, such sheets have sufficient strength;
  • it is recommended to choose materials sanded on both sides (if possible).

Preparatory work

Wood floor preparation

Before laying plywood on a wooden floor in a house, the flooring and surface must be prepared. Do-it-yourself activities are as follows:

  • the base for the installation of plywood must be cleaned of debris, dirt and treated with antiseptic compounds; when laying without a log, it will be necessary to perform priming;
  • checking the condition of the floor, removing and replacing damaged elements;
  • if there is time, it is recommended to arrange the sheets vertically and dry them for 2-3 weeks, while the temperature should be at room temperature or slightly higher;
  • after drying, the sheets are treated with antiseptic compounds;
  • further it is necessary to ventilate the material;
  • if there is a need to increase strength, it is worth treating the plywood with acrylic varnish, the coating is made in several layers;
  • when laying with your own hands, you need to bring the sheets into the room in two days and lay them out horizontally, this is done so that the material adapts to the temperature and humidity conditions of the room.

Methods of work

Installation in the house can be done in two ways:

  • laying on an old wooden floor (suitable for a small height difference);
  • installation on logs (with differences of 1 cm or more).

Leveling the old floor

Installation of plywood on wood flooring

In this case, plywood can be fastened in three ways:

  • glue;
  • liquid Nails;
  • self-tapping screws.

It is worth noting that the latter option provides the most reliable fastening of sheets than laying on glue. Adhesives can be water based, two-component, also use mounting glue or bustilat.

Mounting on glue is carried out in the following order. After completing the preparatory work, the floors are checked by level. If the vertical difference is less than 1 cm, then the method described below can be used. To compensate for irregularities with their own hands, a plywood substrate is used, the joints of which are glued with adhesive tape.

Plywood layout options

Next, you need a layout of sheets, which will allow you to most rationally cut the source material. The plywood is preliminarily laid out taking into account the seams for the expansion of the material under load and with temperature fluctuations (damper seams are 3-4 mm). Leave 8-10 mm between the wall and the subfloor.

Having laid out the sheets, the elements are sawn electric jigsaw to the required sizes. If installation is required for large room, apply squares with a side of 50-60 cm. All parts of the coating must be numbered in the order in which they must be laid later.

When fastening to self-tapping screws, holes are drilled in the sheets, which are then countersinked using a larger drill. When laying on glue, it would also be wise to make an additional mount. The holes are located at a distance of 2 cm from the edge of the part. The step between the fasteners is taken equal to 15-20 cm.

The production of works begins with such elements as niches, ledges, raised podiums.

It is necessary, when attaching to glue and in other ways, to place the elements of the subfloor with dressing. It looks like brickwork, that is, each subsequent row is mounted with an offset relative to the previous one. The easiest way is to shift half the sheet. The minimum offset is 10 cm.

The glue is applied in an even layer 2-3 mm thick on the base. After laying the sheets, they are pressed down with a roller. In order to ensure greater reliability and prevent displacement when mounting on glue, self-tapping screws are used.

The procedure for laying plywood sheets

After fixing, the sheets are ground with a special machine with a coarse emery nozzle.. Evenness rough coating checked by the rule (with a rail at least 2 meters long). It is applied to the surface and the fit is checked. The gaps between the tool and the surface when laying on the adhesive should be no more than 2 mm.

Laying on lags

Laying plywood on joists

This method is more laborious, but allows you to eliminate significant defects in the base. When cleaning and checking the old coating Special attention is given to the seams between the floorboards. Spill them if necessary adhesive composition to prevent problems (squeaking).

Cutting sheets for the floor along the lags is performed in the same way as in the previous case. First of all, you need to fix the lags - wooden planks section 40 by 15 mm. Elements are laid on the old coating in one direction. The step is selected based on the size of the plywood sheets. It is necessary to make sure that the seam between the elements falls on wooden lath.

Installation instructions for plywood sheets on logs

When installing the floor on the logs, the boards are fixed on wooden floor self-tapping screws. Fastening sheets to the guides is done in the same way. Soundproofing material is laid along the lags (between them). Most often, a heater is used for this. If it is necessary to lay communications, then they are placed in a layer of thermal insulation.

It is most reliable to attach the sheets to the guides for self-tapping screws, but liquid nails can also be used. Holes for fasteners are pre-drilled in the same way as when laying without a lag (observing the same requirements). Next, the surface is processed in the manner described above (grinding).

With proper installation, you can not worry about the durability of the finish coating and the creaking of the floors. It does not really matter which method is chosen: by lags or without them. It is important to do the work in accordance with the technology.

Laying plywood on a concrete floor is carried out not only in order to even out small surface irregularities, but also to create a heat-saving layer between the screed and the floor covering. An even and stable plywood base is the best suited for laying such flooring materials that require horizontality such as laminate and parquet.

Leveling the floor with plywood will ensure a long service life of any coating. But get the best final result impossible without right choice and strict adherence to the technology of fastening plywood sheets to a cement base.

Laying plywood on a concrete floor is done in two ways:

For glue and dowel-screws
on glue

Important! Fastening plywood to the floor without gluing is unacceptable. Screws with dowels alone do not guarantee complete fixation. Glue fills all the microroughness of the surface and eliminates the slightest fluctuations.

The next question that worries home craftsmen is: what kind of glue to glue plywood with? The durability of the entire coating depends on the quality of the binder composition. Weak plywood adhesion cement base can soon lead to warping of the wood and shearing of the sheets, which will cause the laminate to creak.

Glue for plywood: types and features

Water based formulations. Undoubted advantages of this glue - environmental friendliness and lack of smell. The disadvantage is a long drying time, which slows down the repair process. Laying on water glue can only be used for moisture-resistant plywood and only in combination with additional fastening with self-tapping dowels.

Solvent-based formulations, including alcohol. Solvent-based one-component adhesive is fire resistant and suitable for materials that are prone to deformation when exposed to moisture. Dries in 3 to 5 days. It has a strong odor that disappears after drying. Glued sheets also need to be fixed with dowels.

Two-component compositions (with hardener). Bonding of surfaces occurs in the shortest possible time. The very next day, plywood sanding and parquet work can be done. Fast-setting adhesive provides strong adhesion to concrete and does not require additional fastening with dowels, which is especially important if there are communications at the base.

How to fix plywood to the floor? Consider the main stages of installation of the coating.

1. Using a notched trowel, apply glue to the concrete surface with a layer of a couple of millimeters.
2. Plywood sheets cut into squares are laid on the adhesive pad in the sequence indicated in advance and rolled with a heavy roller.
3. The glued plywood must be screwed to the floor with dowel-screws or dowel-nails, observing the fastening step of 15-20 cm and edge distances of 2 cm.

Important! The length of the screws for plywood should be 3 times the thickness of the sheets to be mounted, the diameter should be 6 mm. In order for the flat heads of the fasteners to sink into the material, the top drilled holes countersink with a large diameter drill bit.

The final stage of laying plywood under the laminate is grinding the surface with a coarse-grained emery cloth. Sanding smooths out unevenness, eliminates burrs and height differences between sheets.

Plywood is an economical building material that is used as a base for further work or used to level the floor for the future. flooring(parquet, laminate, linoleum).

The advantages of using it for finishing the surfaces of the room:

  • strength;
  • moisture resistance;
  • heat resistance;
  • high-quality sound insulation;
  • environmental friendliness.

It is important to decide before starting work suitable material. Depending on the specifications and operational properties, a wide choice of this building material is presented on the market.

Types of plywood:

  • Moisture resistant on urea resin (FC). The advantage is the elasticity and strength of the material.
  • Unpolished on casein glue (NSh). Requires sanding before gluing.
  • For subfloor (Sh1). Feature - polished on one side. The glue base is casein.
  • Sanded on both sides, based on casein (Sh2).

When choosing plywood, you need to pay attention to a number of important nuances, on which the properties of the sheets and the possibility of their application directly depend. Moisture resistance, material of manufacture and formaldehyde content are the main evaluation criteria when choosing a building material.

The most suitable option for internal works moisture resistant sheets FK.

Depending on the defects of the wood and the shortcomings of the processing, there are 4 types of it:

  • Grade 1 - a small number of flaws or their complete absence is acceptable;
  • Grade 2 - there may be scratches and dents, the area of ​​which does not exceed 5% of the total area of ​​the plywood sheet;
  • Grade 3 - the presence of healthy, partially fused knots and the presence of wood inserts are acceptable;
  • Grade 4 - material where allowed a large number of defects and flaws.

Considering the cost and quality of the most suitable option is a building material of the 2nd grade.

Cutting and fitting plywood

Determine quantity required material can be calculated by calculating the surface area of ​​the floor. It is important when calculating to add about 10% to the stock. Standard sizes sheets of this building material, as a rule, 1.25 x 1.25 m. Working with such parameters is not always convenient. Accordingly, the preliminary cut will simplify the fitting and laying of building material.

note that best option- this is a cut into 4 squares. This will enable you to get right amount expansion joints required for best styling warm floor.

The simplest tool for sawing is a hacksaw. But it may not always be effective and quick result. The ideal option will use a jigsaw or circular saw- They do not leave any chips or delaminations.

When the material is cut, it must be laid out on the surface for preliminary adjustment. AT this case the use of glue or screws is excluded.

Please note that it is necessary to leave 8 - 10 mm seams between the squares and 15 - 20 mm between building material and walls. By numbering the elements or drawing up a diagram of the covered area, you can greatly simplify the final work.

Methods for attaching plywood to the base

Attaching plywood to concrete floor can be carried out using dowels and glue. Today, several types of adhesive compositions are presented on the building materials market.

Its application features directly depend on their basis:

  • water-based (safe for human health, but dries for a very long time);
  • solvent (advantage - fast drying, the disadvantage is a pungent unpleasant odor);
  • based on two components (no pungent odor, dries in a short period of time).

The most preferred type of adhesive for plywood on a concrete floor is a two-component adhesive. Its use is possible even in the case of gluing plywood to a partially dried screed.

Step by step guide to stacking sheets

Laying plywood on a concrete floor is carried out in several stages. If you strictly follow the instructions, you will not have to involve specialists, which will significantly reduce costs. How to fix it to the concrete floor in several stages is described below.

Concrete base moisture test

In order to avoid delamination of the plywood coating in the future, it is important to monitor the moisture content of the base. It should not exceed the allowable value, otherwise the plywood may delaminate in the future.

At home, humidity can be checked using polyethylene film. The film is laid out on concrete and press down its edges with a load. After a week, check the condition of the film.

In the presence of condensed moisture, lay given material it is forbidden. Before this, with the help of appropriate compounds, additional protection against moisture must be created.

Cleaning the base

Plywood floors on a concrete floor should only be laid after stripping and priming. With the help of a grinder, grinding the base is not difficult.

Cracks, other defects must be repaired with special mixtures, for example, cement-sand mortar. The base must be thoroughly cleaned of dust. Ideally, an industrial vacuum cleaner is used for this.

Never use a broom with water for cleaning. Moisturizing the screed will harm quality fastening plywood sheets.

Foundation primer

Before mounting the sheets, it is necessary to prime the concrete base. For priming, it is better to use the compositions recommended by the manufacturer of the selected building material.

  • eliminates the smallest particles of dust;
  • provides the base with maximum strength;
  • ensures the strength and reliability of the connection of materials;
  • prevents residual moisture.

plywood laying

According to the numbering of the sheets or guided by the drawn surface scheme, it is necessary to glue the sheets of building material.

The sequence of laying out building materials on the floor is carried out in several stages:

  • using a notched trowel, the concrete base is covered with a layer of glue up to 2 mm. Please note that glue is best applied small areas in order to have time to lay out plywood sheets before the adhesive substance begins to set;
  • according to the previously drawn scheme, plywood is laid out on the concrete. The sheet is recommended to be rolled with a heavy roller;
  • using self-tapping screws with dowels around the perimeter and diagonally, the sheets must be additionally fixed. It is recommended to fix the self-tapping screws at a distance of 150 - 200 mm from each other, there should be a distance of at least 20 mm between the wall and the flooring. The diameter of the holes for the screws should be of such a size that when screwing in, its cap is recessed;
  • to get rid of minor discrepancies in the height of adjacent sheets, to eliminate burrs and other minor defects, process the stacked sheets with a grinder or sandpaper.

Checking work

Any coating can be laid on a flat treated floor. But before that, it is important to check the work and eliminate, if found, all errors.

It can be done in three steps:

  • there should be gaps between the elements, and it is also important to check the distance between the walls and the laying;
  • the allowable discrepancy in surface height should be within 2 mm;
  • it is important to check that there is no air space between the plywood and the concrete. To do this, gently tap wooden block or with a hammer of the same material on the surface. The sound should not be muffled.


Plywood sheets are a strong, durable material that practically does not undergo deformation. Sheets laid on a hardened concrete screed are an ideal solution for private houses, apartments, where floor level differences are a real problem.

Environmental friendliness of the material, its strength, affordable cost, the possibility self-assembly delight every potential buyer.

How to properly fix plywood to a wooden floor? This question interests many. And why does it need to be fixed to the floor at all? What functions does it perform? Let's consider everything in more detail.

Why is plywood needed?

When laying finishing material on the floor is necessary preliminary alignment grounds. If this is not done, then not only appearance finishes, but also its integrity. For example, a laminate lock connection may crack, linoleum rubbed in places of bulges, etc.

The best option for leveling a wooden floor is plywood. Plywood is a multilayer veneer, which is interconnected with a special glue. The material is divided into three main types: peeled, planed and sawn. According to the texture, homogeneous and combined plywood is distinguished. Depending on the surface treatment, the material is divided into sanded, non-sanded and laminated types. According to the degree of moisture resistance, plywood of limited moisture resistance (FB), medium moisture resistance (FK, FS, FBA) and moisture resistant (FSF) are distinguished.

For leveling, it is better to use FK plywood 10 or 12 mm thick with a surface sanded on one side. It is these sheets that are distinguished by sufficient strength and reliability. If a fairly heavy finish with a significant thickness is laid on top (for example, parquet 22 mm thick), then the sheets, respectively, must be taken large sizes. You can also use a moisture resistant type of material. However, it will cost more, which must be taken into account when buying.

How to fix plywood to a wooden floor? For work, you need to stock up on a drill, screwdriver, hammer, electric jigsaw, tape measure and building level.

Preparing the material for laying

How to lay plywood on a wooden floor? First, the plywood must be prepared for laying. In any case, keep the material in a horizontal position indoors for 1-2 days. If plywood is purchased during the cold season, it is recommended to dry it. To do this, it should be left in an upright position for about 2 weeks. After that, the material is coated with an antiseptic fungicide and dried.

To improve the moisture-resistant properties of plywood, processing with PVA-based putty will help. After applying the composition, the sheets are dried in a vertical position. However, it is not recommended to use the material on open balconies and loggias.

The strength of plywood can be improved if applied to its surface acrylic lacquer in 2 layers. The second layer is applied after the first has dried.

Laying technology

Before laying the plywood, the wooden floor must be prepared for finishing.

Old rotten boards should be removed, new ones should be put in their place. You can treat the surface with a planer, cleaning off the old layer.

If the boards are poorly fixed, stagger, then they should be fixed with nails or self-tapping screws. After that, all dirt and dust is removed from the surface.

The next step is laying out the plywood on the floor. Previously, the sheets are laid out on a wooden floor, marks are made at the cut points with a pencil and a tape measure. All sheets are numbered, which eliminates incorrect fastening in the future.

Next, you can proceed to laying and fastening sheets. Consider how to lay plywood on wooden floors. Laying should start from the corner that is located above all the others. Sheets are fastened with self-tapping screws. The interval between the fasteners should be 15-20 cm, the distance from the edge - 1.5-2.0 cm. It is recommended to take the length of the self-tapping screw equal to the thickness of the plywood sheet, increased by 3 times.

You can also use nails to connect. However, the process takes much longer, and the reliability of the connection is similar to fastening with self-tapping screws.

After attaching the first sheet, the canvases are laid further. At the same time, it is important to take into account that plywood must be laid in a run-up, that is, the corners of adjacent sheets should not be connected at one point. This makes the base more durable and reliable, eliminating the risk of deformation of the canvas.

With each subsequent laying of the sheet, it is necessary to check the evenness of their location. For this, it is used building level. The evenness is checked both on the sheet itself and its location relative to another sheet. For this, the building level is located at the junction of two adjacent elements.

If the plank base has small differences in height, then they are filled with a special substrate, or a self-leveling mixture. If the differences are large (from 1 cm per sq. M), then it is necessary to install logs. Their position and height are regulated by the building level.

If the floor needs to be given additional strength (in places where heavy objects, furniture are installed), plywood is laid in two layers. The sheets are glued together with PVA glue.

This completes the laying of plywood on a wooden floor. Now you can proceed to further installation of the finishing material.

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