Countertop and Epoxy Resin Decorations: Master Classes. Creation of tabletop from concrete with your own hands how much is the epoxy resin for filling countertops

The buildings 17.06.2019
The buildings

Manual products at all times caused admiration and respect. Alone, each of us can make unique, unique things, objects of decor and everybody, furniture. At the same time, a person will not need any special knowledge nor skills. There are enough huge desire, fantasies, ideas, devices, equipment substances that can act like a submitted means and the masters purchased and naturally.

Recently, approximately a couple of three years old, especially popular in Cleells. This is a great substance for creating various items interior, in particular the table, and if you are completely accurate, then the countertops. It is not necessary to use the services of professionals and make an order for making a workshop. All the same you can do without assistance. It remains only to be patient and secure a place for creativity.

How to choose a chimsyr

Any production begins with the fact that the purchase of consumable raw materials is carried out. In our case, the main thing to choose epoxy directly for this product. Since it will take it a lot, dear options Type of brand for optics and jewelry exclude immediately.

There are several fundamental rules that will help you make a purchase.

  1. Transparency must be complete. This provides the ability to realize the most bold projects in reality. The product will ideally look if you set the backlight from below. To do this, you can take a phosphor or lED ribbon.. It will be good to look at the tint with a kel while maintaining transparency or substrate any other materials, such as a tree. As for people with experience, they create real masterpieces in the form of a 3D Figlair.
  2. Slow curing is another condition. This feature allows different stages Flowing to form various patterns or tapping a future masterpiece fragments. Pouring is done when the mass is in a liquid state. Details are formed when viscosity is purchased.
  3. Loss of volume at the time of frozen is excluded.
  4. Low viscosity is necessary so that bubbles are not formed during stirring.

Preparatory stage before starting activities

To start implementing the idea, it will be initially necessary to prepare. We need:

  • working room with room, low, temperature (ideally temperature mode must be higher, then the work will end much more quickly) and optimal volume free time;
  • raw materials for creating a special template (plastic with low indicators of porosity, acrylic, polyethylene);
  • grouts, as well as (plasticine to rub the slits, paraffin or well-known vaccine, so that the resin mixture can be easily removed from the matrix);
  • the dimensional containers in which the hardener and epoxy resin need to be placed. For all the rules, the main component must be weighed, for which specially provided scales are used, which, unfortunately, is not all. Modern producers took care of the permissibility of oscillations in proportions, which allows measuring the components by volume;
  • bulkware intended for mixing as well necessary equipment, Mixer construction;
  • grinding tools (it is recommended to use a grinding machine with a set of rico-sealing skins);
  • a set consisting directly from the epoxy itself and hardener;
  • diverse additives, including phosphors and pigments;
  • details for the decor of the future of the finished product, which are subject to slab (weathered wooden layers, the edges of them are untreated). Here also applies and quartz sand different colors, providing with the grinding the effect of the "stone" surface, balls from multi-colored glass, plugs from bottles and much more.

This approach to production makes it possible to save money quite well.

The procedure for performing actions

As when working with any material, equipment, first of all you need to explore the instructions. Thus, you can avoid mistakes and enough unpleasant surprises. After reading the instructions and recommendations, having learned theory, you can proceed to practical tasks.

A little useful information

To help homemade craftsmen, specialists offer some simple, but important advice.

  1. Workplace before start labor activity It is advisable to cover polyethylene film. If, in the process of work, the epoxy will fall on it and will freeze, it is extremely difficult to remove it.
  2. Remember that your workshop must be clean, unwind.
  3. It is impossible to allow water to get into the working mixture. It can harm.
  4. The more material, the faster it is frozen. With a fill thickness 1-2 cm, it will be possible to start a day later. The thin layer of 1 mm does not always fully solidify even in two days.
  5. To speed up the hardening process often heated the room. It is better not to do it until the resin thickening.
  6. Ideally choose to work brand, characterized by low viscosity rates.
  7. Remember that ultraviolet radiation remains the worst enemy, first of all, direct sunlight. When painting (adding a dye), the level of light exposure becomes much lower.

Epoxy resin is a unique material that is used to create designer souvenirs and even furnishing items. Comprehensive popularity is particularly popular with countertops that are able to become a decoration of the kitchen, a bathroom, a living room. And if you used to become the happy owner of the exclusive table, the cabinets or the coffee table could only use the services of the master, then with the advent of the epoxy to create such furniture under the power with their own hands.

Advantages of epoxy resin for table top

The use of epoxy for the fill of the working surface of the table, the cabinets, a bar counter, a small table has a lot of positive moments for a home master:

  1. Preservation of the initial volume of the material. The amount of epoxy and in liquid form, and after grappling it remains unchanged, that is, the material does not give a shrinkage. This is achieved due to the fact that resin is free from evaporation of fluid, but as a result chemical reaction.
  2. High performance features. The formed surface is not subject to deformation, it is not afraid of mechanical damage. It does not seek in the drying process, and throughout operational period It does not appear chips or cracks.
  3. Available cost. The price of epoxy transparent resin, as a rule, does not exceed 300 rubles per kilogram. This is significantly lower than the cost of any other raw materials intended for creating high-strength grounds.

Mastering the process of working with epoxy is simple enough. No need to possess any special skills. The main thing is to clearly follow all the instructions and recommendations.

Nuances of operation with epoxy resin

The surface of the workpiece must be exhibited in a strictly horizontal position. If you neglect this recommendation, the likelihood that it will turn out to be uneven, that is, with distinguishable influx. And since work is carried out with a product located horizontally, unwanted items, for example, hair, cilia, dust particles, and so on.
To avoid this, work is recommended to be carried out in overalls. It is necessary to wear rubber gloves, since the hairs are present on the skin, a greasy paper suit, as well as a headdress. You can wear a shower cap. Do not use the handkerchief.

Preparation of material and base

Epoxy transparent resins intended for fill decorative elements, including tabletops, are sets, which contains resin and hardener. The latter is a catalyst that launches the chemical rejection reaction, at the end of which the composition acquires hardness. The process is irreversible. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare epoxy, it is neat, strictly following the proportions recommended by the manufacturer.

To mix the components, you will need:

  • two measuring tanks;
  • stirring stick;
  • capacity, the dimensions of which depend on the amount of epoxy required.

First, measure the resin, and then - a hardener. It is poisoned, but not vice versa. If the proportions are broken, it will affect the hardening process. Components filled into the container are thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained. This also affects the process of frozen.
The billet that will be poured the resin must be absolutely dry. Invalid the presence of dust, dirt, irregularities, moisture. Otherwise, this will all affect the quality of the final product.

Protective measures

Working with epoxy resin, it must be borne in mind that this material is difficult to remove enough. This is done both by mechanical methods and using special solvents. It is better to close the floor in advance around the billet with a plastic film, which is then just throwing out.
In the process of frozen epoxy becomes vulnerable. A dust can be settled on it or sit insect, with the whole work done to zero. To cover the billet itself is impossible. It is recommended to use the racks to which the tarps or other film material can be pulled to protect the epoxy resin without affecting the surface of the surface.

Working conditions

Mix the resin and hardener, it is necessary to pour the fill at low humidity. In no solution, the water or particle of moisture should fall into the solution. Works should be carried out at a temperature of +22 degrees Celsius. If the temperature regime is lower, the risk of becoming a bad frozen base increases significantly.
The higher the temperature, the faster the resin harvest occurs. It is not necessary to use the construction hairdryer and other devices, trying to heat the heat of hot air into the surface. Of course, this will accelerate the crystallization process, but will lead to the "boiling" solution and education huge number Air bubbles.
Get rid of the bubble if he still appeared during infusion epoxy resin, Allows the use of a thin syringe, housing from a ballpoint handle, a cocktail tube. It is enough to pour into any of these devices on the bubble, it will disappear, and the craft is unharmed.

Stage of the Epoxy Resin Gusts for Tabletop

Degrees of resin density transparent epoxy several. Each of them has its own characteristics and can be used for certain purposes:

  1. Liquid. It is characterized by a free flowing of the resin from the sticks, ideal for pouring the shape, filling the depression and corners.
  2. Money reminiscent of consistency. Not intended for filling, but serves as an excellent adhesive composition.
  3. Practically not separated from the mass. It has no practical purpose. The mixture is either not adjusted to this stage of the thickness, or wait, when the composition thickens even more.
  4. Rubber. A mixture similar to plasticine can be used to create a variety of bizarre items. So that they do not straighten up, the composition is required to fix in the desired position.

The last stage is solid. When the resin reaches it, the countertop is fully ready.

Manufacturing Countertops from Epoxy Resin

The tabletop can be performed in four variations:

  • one-color;
  • with combining colors;
  • with decorative investments;
  • fully made of epoxy.

The last option involves creating a shape - template. It is best for it that the glass is best suited, dryly wipes, degreased, rub with wax mastic and polish after 15 minutes dry rags. Bursts are recommended to do from polished aluminum corners, and attach them to the glass jaze. All these nuances must be observed to easily remove the form after the worktop frozen.

Monochrome and combined countertops

The process of manufacturing both options is the same, except that another color is introduced when combining shades:

  1. The workpiece is cleaned, degrease. If it is wood or any other absorbing material, it is pre-ground with a resin to eliminate the formation of air bubbles.
  2. Add dye to resin. It is recommended to use and epoxy and coloring pigment from one manufacturer.
  3. Make the composition of the composition, leave for 10-15 minutes, remove bubbles, if any appeared.

Grinding and polishing are carried out only after two days. Fully ready for use, the countertop becomes in a week.

Countertop with filler

The most time consuming and requiring special attention From the Master of the Wizard, the option of creating a working surface from epoxy resin:

  1. Not only the basis, but also the investments must be completely dry. If the decorative filler is wet, it will lead to the appearance of blessing.
  2. Easy attachments are glued to the base so that they do not pop up.
  3. The number of layers depends on the filler. Small elements having a height of 1-5 mm are poured in one layer, and textured high with recesses - several, each of which is poured no later than 48 hours after applying the previous one.
  4. The process of penetration of the resin in the recess is up to three hours. It is simpler to immerse the textured elements in the resin, and then put on the base of the workpiece.
  5. Creation of countertops with filler does not require staining of epoxy. It is left transparent.

The creation of interior design is constantly emerging something new, and the elements of concrete present in various furniture have become the latest new furniture, it is especially true in the kitchen or in the country. However, one should not be limited to kitchen Garnitur, very original and interesting will look coffee table In the living room with a concrete countertop.

And make such a countertop quite just with your own hands, and it is not necessary to create it great experienceMake it can almost any, the main thing would be desire.

  1. Such countertops are simply not replaceable for cottage furniture : not wet, do not deteriorate!
  2. , It is enough to cover it with her wear, and you will get a super modernist thing.
  3. For the kitchen - they do not deteriorate and very durable!


In order to make a coffee table with a concrete tabletop rectangular shapeWe will need:

  • Wooden boards.
  • Wire mesh to strengthen concrete.
  • A piece of 1/2-inch chipboard or plywood panel to make the desired shape.
  • Plasterboard.
  • Screws.
  • Pneumatic nail to attach parties to the bottom panel.
  • Big plastic container For mixing cement.

Countertops Manufacturing Instructions

Step 1: Making a box

Regardless of what size and form will be a tabletop, a wire mesh should be two inches less in width and height, rather than the chipboard panel or plywood.

Making the box you need forms and size from panels and flexibles. After the workpiece is fully ready, you can proceed to mixing concrete.

Step 2: Pour concrete

  1. In a plastic container, we knead the cement, for this you can use a conventional shovel that you need to thoroughly mix the mixture.
  2. After that, gently pour the concrete into shape to half, distributing it in the corners.
  3. Cover mix with a wire meshAnd then fill the shape to the top in such a way that the mixture spoke a bit from above. This is done in order to make it easier for the surface and make it smooth, it is best to use a spatula for this purpose.

Tip: After that, you need to leave the form for several days to complete cement drying.

Step 3: Spin

After that, it is necessary to remove mold and sand from the surface. To smooth the countertop well suited sandpaper With grainy 120.

Then you need to wipe the surface with a sponge, roller brush or soft cloth.

If you want nothing to cover the surface of the coffee table, then it is best Treat table top sealant for concretethen she will look very beautiful and will be more practical.

Step 4: Fresh a tabletop to the legs

  1. After top part The coffee table will be fully ready, you can use an absolutely any basis.
  2. Very beautiful I. practical option There will be such table on wooden legs on wheelsThanks to which it can be easily moved.
  3. Mounting countertops to the legs do liquid nails or silicone glue.

Such an original concrete table will become a real decoration of the home decor and will make the interior irresistible.

Ideas and photos of tabletop and tables from concrete

With flowerumba in the middle

For giving an excellent option - when pouring concrete, leave the gutter where the flowers can be planted. It looks very amazing.

How to ease design

  1. Perfect version I. great idea - Leave the hole in the middle and make a glass tab. To do this, cut the chute for the glass tab.
  2. Also put a concrete countertop on the legs with wheels - This is especially appropriate for coffee tables that often have to move.

Decided to make a table from epoxy resin with their own hands? It is easy, but there are nuances. Read our specialists, and everyone will learn.

Features of the resin

Epoxy resin is a transparent substance with a 3D effect. When the resin is frozen, it retains the necessary shape, not afraid of water and does not scratch. But it is impossible to put it on it - melted.

At least the substance will turn your table into a brilliant designer thing. But go further - the fill retains the flower, an insect, a figurine intact, like a fly in amber. Flies are better not to roll, but seashells and flowers - please.

Epoxy resin is sold in different states. Some of them are suitable for simple fill of flat surfaces. That is, you shake the table, and then pour it with a resin. Just and glossy.

There are resins in a state of liquid honey. Such a consistency make droplets, lenses, artistic implications.

The resin is used both as adhesive material. The thick substance, the simpler to create forms from it.

What kind of resin you did not use, it is completely painted.

To the resin table turns out in the picture, remember the design technique:

  • The resin hardens faster in the warm room, and even better - on the battery.
  • You can not warm the substance from above - can deform.
  • The solid epoxy resin yellowes in the sun and next to fire. If direct rays and source of heat cannot be avoided, take a resin with protection.
  • Strong cold smells solid.
  • The kitchen table with an epoxy resin is coated with protection (varnish), otherwise the heating is released toxins from the resin.

Finishing options

Usually wooden tables. Construction Any, for example, you can use table options. With epoxy resin, wood selection is simplified:

  • trimming old boards;
  • different in the diameter of the speech;
  • chip;
  • churbaki;
  • tree made by cores;
  • old wood.

Depending on the stylistics, complement the design:

  • river pebbles;
  • shells;
  • cones;
  • fir branches;
  • coins;
  • corks;
  • photographs;
  • flowers.

If you think that the countertop glows, add fluorescent powder into the resin.

Filling defects

This is an option to finish a table, where wood is the main part of the table top, and epoxy resin only emphasizes the beauty of the tree. For example, you use boards or glued bands. FROM opposite side Countertops Attach the mounting tape - so the resin will remain only on the front side.

All holes, cracks, artificially or naturally created, fill in the pouring - resin with fit color or luminescent powder. To get carefully, use a brush, you can spatula.

Wait for resin solidification and process excess grinding machine. From above, the countertop is additionally covered with varnish to protect and enhance effect.

Bay table

This is a table model, where epoxy resin acts as an independent canvas, and the tree is an addition to the decor. In this option, any other design details look good. The main thing is to find interesting solution. For example, in sea style Table of seashells and algae. Or a table in Provencal style with bark and cones.

Be careful when pouring - small and light parts float in the resin.

You will need a foundation. Take the Faner - it is the easiest way, although glass can be the base. Pick up the size of plywood as you need for the finished table top. IN this case Plywood allows you to create wrong forms - Cut the line and make the basis fully oval or round - at will.

To the pouring remains on the base, sides are fastened to plywood or glass. They can be made of plastic.

Make sure that the base before the fill is dry and clean. Its additional need to be rebounded by a resin so that the total countertop does not fit into the backup. When the base from plywood and glasses will be ready, dry and clean, spread the design workpieces.

Here you need to think over another moment: if the thickness of the table top will be no more than 0.5 cm, then laying out the blanks, boldly pour the resin. With a greater thickness, pouring in several stages. It turns out more interesting and more difficult - some elements will be suspended inside the table. It is beautiful.

Fill the first layer and leave 48 hours. This is enough for resin frozen. Next, repeat the procedure: again decompose the design billets and pour the resin.

In the process, bubbles can appear in the resin. They are expelled with a hot hairdryer. By the way, the bubbles will be much smaller, if each separate workpiece is covered with a resin.

After all the layers have to harden, remove the sides and pass the surface and edge. By readiness, cover the tabletop varnish.


With the help of epoxy resin, it is possible to make not only new tablebut also update the old one. If you have a suitable coffee table, whose countertop has long been changed, you can clean it with a surface, remove the varnish, paint suitable paint And pour the resin.

For amenities, make small sides - they will restrain not the hardened fill. If the decor provides beads and decorations, place them in advance on the surface.

On this we have everything about the table from epoxy resin with their own hands. If there are questions, please contact, but in general, the principle of work is not so difficult and you will quite handle.

The furnishings in the house provides in it comfort and compliance with your tastes. However, not always furniture stores Can offer something suitable for your interior vision. Yes I. typical solutions - By no means what suits people seeking to the individuality of the design. It's easier, of course, order an exclusive and pay money for it. But much more interesting to embody the idea on your own. For example, epoxy resin for the countertop makes it possible to create any creative surface, and unique and unique. Of course you will have to work. But epoxy is a fairly simple material in the work, and the basics of handling it will not be mastered.

Dignity of material

The particularly good epoxy resin for the fill of the countertops is that it preserves the initial volume when drying. Varnish, for example, dries through the evaporation of the fluid that is part of it. As a result, his layer gives shrinkage, which often creates problems. The frozen resin is caused by a chemical reaction. And if you need to design a lens - you will receive it. Moreover, neither the chips, nor removal, nor deformations will be subject to. Yes, and just a flat surface will remain smooth, not scoring as it dry.

Another advantage that came epoxy resin is the price. Material is cheaper than other designed to create durable surfaces. The cost permanently ranges between 200 and 280 rubles per kilogram. And if you need a wholesale epoxy resin, the price will fall to 180-190, depending on the globality of the party.

Success Guarantee: Preparation

For mixing material, presido will need (the volume depends on how much epoxy you need), stick for mixing and two dimensional containers. Before mixing, you need to intently study the instructions: the proportions of the components are different and depend on the manufacturer. They must be strictly observed, otherwise the material will be bad.

First, the epoxy is measured, and then the hardener for the resin. It is necessary to pour it into the basis, and not the opposite. The United Materials are mixed as carefully as possible, the quality of the sinking also depends on this. Upon reaching uniformity, it is necessary to wait until the resin reaches the desired consistency, after which it can be used for its intended purpose.

What stage to use for what

Epoxy resin for the countertop has several degrees of degrees, and each of them is suitable for different purposes.

  1. Liquid Stage: The composition flows free from the stick. The perfect condition for filling forms - at this stage all corners and depressions are filled.
  2. Liquid Honey type. It flows from the probion of hard, lingering at the tip. It is what is needed to create drops and lenses. It is also suitable for filling soft forms, for example, for a round table top.
  3. Stage "thick honey". For the fill almost not suitable, but insane as glue - previous consistencies will be dragged.
  4. The next step in which the resin is separated from the total mass with difficulty, is little suitable for any purpose. It is either not adjusted or waiting for even greater thickening.
  5. The rubber phase allows you to create bizarre forms, like laying from plasticine. True, that the epoxy resin for the countertop save the form, it will have to be fixed in the desired position, otherwise it straightens.

The last stage is solid. When epoxidate it reaches, your tabletop can be considered ready.

Subtlety of the process

Before making a countertop from epoxy resin, take care of not adding work in the future. In particular, approach the table on which you work, or the floor under the verstaka polyethylene - the steep resin is removed with tremendous effort.

While the surface does not dry, it will collect all the dust. Provide a predetermination of the coating. For example, low racks that film "Roof" will be stretched.

None in the resin, no water should fall into the hardener. Including from the air so that high humidity It is not worth working. A certain temperature is also required: if there is less than 22 Celsius, risk obtaining a poorly frozen countertop. Accelerate the frost can be increased temperatures, for example, put the product on the radiator. Herry hairdryer is not worth it: the resin will boil and give a huge variety of bubbles.

If the bubble near the surface appeared when the epoxy resin for the table top is only poured, it can be poured through a cocktail tube, a thin syringe or even a ballpoint body. The ball will burst, without spoiling a craft.

Nuances use

The appropriate from epoxy resin, with their own hands made, has its own features in operation. First, the material is used to turn yellow sun rayand sometimes from heat. If you plan to put the table in the southern room or in the kitchen, as well as in a low-proof garden gazebo - Buy the basis with the UV filter.

Secondly, there is sometimes flakes or grazing from the cold in the tabletop. It is possible to return to it the original view can be warm up to 40-60 degrees.

Third, epoxy resin for the table top used in kitchen conditionsAnd it is not very suitable at all, because toxins can be emitted from heating. Want to put such a table in the kitchen - cover the surface with a protective transparent varnish. Best of all - intended for yachts.

Form for table top

It will be needed if you want to completely perform it from epoxy without using nothing as a supporting surface. For form you can take the glass of the desired size. It is thoroughly clean, dryly rubs and degreases acetone. Then the surface is rubbed with wax mastic, which is third after one third of the hour by dry rag. Bursts can be performed from aluminum corners; If you want perfectly smooth edges of the table top, buy polished. The inner surface is treated with a paraffin turpentar mixture. To the glass they are attached to the window dressing.

All these procedures are required to ensure that the epoxy resin for the table top does not stick to the form, and ready product It was easily removed from it. However, if you intend to insert the surface into the "Frame", you do not need to take care of the smoothness of the slices. In this case, the sides can be assembled from any firm material and to lay them with polyethylene or rubber - epoxy will not stick it.

Otherwise, everything is simple: the solution is prepared, it is brought to the desired consistency and poured. To obtain a variety of structure, it is possible to cut the resin insoluble dyes in water or add inclusions into it - small pebbles, strokes of stained glass, etc.

Mint idea

Making a table top only from this material is not at all. Epoxy resin for the table top makes it possible to use a variety of different additional elements. For example, having an old, but strong countertop, you can make it actually new, and very unusual. The surface is cleaned; You can paint it into suitable color. Old coins are sacrificed with a special solution. The countertop is exactly stacked, low borders are stuffed at the edges. Inside the "box" coins are laid out. It is not necessary to fix them. It will remain pour the form of epoxy and wait for it to set. Especially good is such an idea for a bar counter.

Tree plus resin

A very elegant solution will be the combination of epoxy with natural wood. Or the ordinary tabletop from boards with cavins is peeled, or they are artistically cut on ready. The surface is grouped to smoothness; Fluorescent dyes are added to the diluted resin. All stripped cavities are flooded with the composition. After drying, the countertop is covered polyurethane varnish In several layers with intermediate grinding. Unusual and colorful table ready!

Epoxy resin for fill countertops: what to choose

Epoxy resin for fill countertops: what to choose and what hardeners it is better to use in the manufacture and repair of furniture. Almost any forum of the joiners and masters is filled with the criticism of the ED-20 resin, through which people not only spent wasting money, but also spoiled the source material. Chief flaw Domestic epoxy (at a low price) - high degree of viscosity (not all air bubbles exit), as well as with time, the material is inclined to lose transparency and acquire a yellowish tint.

What kind of resin to choose best for the manufacture of transparent countertops? For journal and written tables, acrylic resins intended for floors or baths can be used. For example, if the fill thickness does not exceed 3 mm, the composition of QTP-1130 is suitable, it has a high degree of transparency, as well as the property of self-leveling.

Regarding the popular composition of "Art-Eco" reviews are different, someone does not solidify to the end and gives a yellowish tint in the light. Others respond positively. However, for thin layers, such a resin is most likely suitable without any problems, especially if you add a little more than a hardener. ART-Eco has good keroners if you want to have a transparent layer with some touch, then their use is 100% justified.

For more complex countertops, for example, when working with filler (covers, coins, herbarium), a proven variant is a CHS EPOXY 520 resin together with a hardener 921op. This is the most popular option. The 520 resin also often replace Crystal Glass, but it is more fluid, suitable more for thin layers, although the transparency is somewhat better (but not much). The proportions 2: 1, that is, in two parts of the resin one hardener.

Probably 520-aha epoxy resin is best optionAlthough it often swears.

Not bad mG-EPOX-STRONG resin And in general, everything from EPOX.

Tests on the photo stability show that the Russian PEO-610KE Russian resin is not yellow and imported EPOXACAST 690. So if the table is standing in the sun, then for the table top it is worth considering these options.

It is also worth considering one important moment - The quality of the compositions is often different because of the expiration terms (there are tags in stores), fakes, and just because of the factory marriage.

Errors when pouring

Often, epoxy resin for the fill of table tops scold due to lack of experience when working with it. Even expensive jewelry resins are frozen unevenly, if you make mistakes when preparing the mixture. So, a number of tips for working with a resin for countertops:

Use electronic scales when determining proportions. First pour the resin, weigh, then based on this weight to calculate the proportion of the hardener, and then already pour it.

After mixing - overflow to another container. If there are stains or entrusted areas when pouring, it means that epoxy resin with the hardener mixed unevenly. This is usually due to adhesion to the walls of the tank, so better composition Pour several times from one bottle to another, mixing every time.

To interfere with a spatula or thick blade without removing from the composition. In order not to be bubbles, it is necessary to mix epoxy with a hardener with a thick stirrer, trying not to bring it to the surface.

So many people are looking for, what to choose an epoxy resin to fill the countertops, but it's not the composition at all, but the errors that the wizard admits, for example, when mixing the components.

Creative epoxy resin table with your own hands

One of the easiest and effective ways Make the interior of the house bright and creative is the manufacture of a table of epoxy resin with their own hands. Unique properties epoxy allow the most insane designer idea and make as a simple table and a real masterpiece amazing form. And the ability to use various fillers allows you to make the table with a real work of art.

Epoxy - Benefits and Nuances of Work

The use of epoxy resin for the manufacture of furniture (tables, bedside tables, bar racks) with your own hands at home has a number of advantages. For example, this material does not change in the volume when drying. If other compositions give shrinkage due to evaporation of fluid in the process of frozen, then epoxide solidifies due to chemical reactions and retains its original volume.

The epoxy resin surface is not afraid of damage and is not deformed, cracks and chips appear on it when used. Another important advantage of this material is an affordable cost. And for a novice master, it is important that it is simple enough to work with epoxy. For this you do not need special skills, it is clear enough to follow the instructions.

All work needs to be carried out in a special painting paper suit, rubber gloves and a headdress (for example, in a soul cap). These precautionary measures must be observed because dust particles or hair that fell from the body of a person in the resin will extremely difficult to remove.

Preparation of material and working conditions

Epoxy resins for decorative work Sold in sets comprising a resin and a special hardener, which is necessary to launch a chemical reaction to solidify the product. Since this process is irreversible, epoxy needs to prepare strictly according to the instructions, observing the proportions of the components specified by the manufacturer. It should be remembered that the proportions of epoxide and hardener can differ significantly from different manufacturers.

To mix the components, 2 dimensional tanks of suitable sizes and stirring wand are needed. You must first measure the resin, and then pour into it required amount hardener, after which mix the mixture thoroughly until the homogeneous mass is obtained. If it is not careful to mix, then the finished mass will be bad.

The workpiece of the future table should be located strictly horizontally, otherwise the countertop will be uneven, with influx. The form for the fill should be completely dried before carrying out work, it is impossible to make moisture into the solution or onto the working surface. Making a design is needed at low humidity and temperature above +22 degrees Celsius. The higher the air temperature in the room, the faster the mixture will stick.

Some masters seek to accelerate the process of hardening the material using a construction dryer or other heating devices, but this can lead to a "boiling" mixture, followed by the formation of air bubbles. If during the injection of epoxy resin with their own hands, bubbles were still formed, then they must be safely removed. This can be done with a syringe or a cocktail tube.

In order to the frozen mixture, the dust and garbage particles were used, it is recommended to use special racks with a film tensioned on them or a tarpaulter that protects the table from foreign particles. At the same time you need to follow protective covering Not in contact with the surface of the table top.

Since the frozen epoxy resin is extremely difficult to remove from the surface, it is necessary to prevent it from entering the floor. To do this, close the floor around the table with a polyethylene film, which can be thrown after the end of work. If it still has a need to remove the frozen mixture, then you can do it mechanical method Or with special solvents.

General principles of manufacturing countertops from epoxy

In order for the epoxide table to be exactly the way you have conceived it, the pouring of the form needs to be performed at the appropriate stage of solidification of the mixture. So, on the liquid stage of the resin flows free from sticks for mixing. Such material is great for filling the shapes and filling in the depression, corners. When epoxy acquires a consistency of honey, it can be used as an adhesive composition. The material at the rubber stage resembles plasticine, from it you can sculpt various items. When the resin reaches a solid stage, the table is ready for use as intended.

It is possible to make a table top one-color, with combination of colors, with various investments, with the combination of materials or completely from epoxide. In the latter case, it is necessary to make a template (formwork) from a glass base and aluminum corners. Glass must be carefully flushed, wipe, handle degreasing means. Frames from aluminum must be attached to the glass with window lubricant and grate with wax mastics. Such processing is needed so that later the form can be easily removed from the frozen countertops.

Monochrome or transparent countertop

The manufacture of a table with a single-color countertop begins with cleansing and degreasing the workpiece. If the material absorbing liquids (for example, a tree) is used as the base, then it must be pre-primed by the resin. This will avoid the appearance of bubbles in the process of work. At the next step, it is necessary to make an epoxy mixture and pour it into shape.

If the table should be performed in color, then the corresponding coloring pigment must be added to the resin, while it is desirable that the dye be on the same manufacturer as epoxy. If you want the colors of the table top to be combined, then in the process of the fill you need to use a resin with dyes of several shades.

After the fill, you must leave the tabletop for 10-15 minutes, and then remove bubbles if they appear. In two days, it is possible to grind and polishing the product. After a week, the table is fully ready for use.

Making Countertops with Filler

The most unusual version of epoxy furniture is a countertop with a filler. A variety of small figures, stones, coins, bottle caps and other items can be used as a filler. In the manufacture of such a product, it is necessary to thoroughly clean and degrease the workpiece (if necessary - paint), and also to equip it with in small side. Then you should lay out on the bottom of the base fillers.

Attachments must be carefully cleaned and completely dry, since the use of a wet filler can cause fake beaciousness. If the attachments differ with low weight, they need to be glued to the base, since otherwise they can pop up.

If fillers differ with a simple form and a small height (up to 5 mm), then the resin should be poured by one layer. If attachments differ in large sizes or texture (have protrusions and recesses), then the fill must be made in several stages with interruptions of up to two days. To penetrate the resin in the deepening of figure fillers, it may be necessary to 3 hours, so experienced masters It is recommended to pre-immerse the texture elements in the resin, and only after that lay them into the form.

Another popular solution is to combine epoxide and natural tree. For this B. wooden countertop cavities are formed, after which wooden surface Carefully grind. Fluorescent pigment is added to the prepared resin, then the cavity is poured by this mixture. After complete drying, the product is covered with several layers of varnish with intermediate grinding. When the work is completed, the table is ready for use.

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