Useful properties of mangosteen fruit. Mangosteen: sweet exotic

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Mangosteen fruit appeared on the shelves of Russian stores when people tasted Exotic fruits and appreciated their rich and useful composition. He will rightfully have the title of king of fruit, because he contains almost everything necessary to a person micronutrients and incredibly tasty.

What is mangosteen and where does it grow

The king of fruits - mangosteen, grows in countries with a tropical climate and is very popular all over the world. The mangosteen fruit ripens on an evergreen tree sometimes called garcinia. If you notice, then different variations of the name are possible - mangosteen, mangosteen or even mangosteen, they are all equally true and can be used.

Mangosteen - what is it? This fruit is a hybrid of two varieties of trees, and it was bred in nature by evolution without human intervention. Another interesting fact is that the mangosteen does not need pollination by insects, as it has both male and female characteristics, therefore it is fertilized on its own, and this has a good effect on the tree population as a whole. Also, the plant is not attacked by birds and insects, since its flowers do not contain nectar.

Where does the mangosteen tree grow? As a rule, in large quantities mangosteen is consumed by residents, and it has also found application in the culinary arts of Indonesia and southeast Asia. The tree dies at temperatures below +5 degrees, so the hot tropical climate - required condition growth.

What does a mangosteen look like

The mangosteen fruit is painted in a beautiful rich burgundy color with an admixture of purple. The peel of the fruit is quite dense, and must be removed before use. In size, an exotic fruit is approximately equal to a head of garlic, and its internal contents look like a familiar vegetable. The flesh is white, very pleasant soft texture, breaks up into about 4-10 cloves, like garlic. It’s hard to say what mangosteen tastes like - everyone feels different notes in it. But most agree that the taste is quite pleasant, gives off fresh notes with a slight pleasant sourness.

How to choose and consume mangosteen

How to choose a mangosteen so that only pleasant impressions remain from it? You need to choose the mangosteen, the skin of which is dense and not overdried - without visible cracks and damage. If the peel is soft, then, most likely, the fruit has already overripe and will not please with the necessary quality.

Unfortunately, the pulp of the mangosteen contains quite a bit, the skin takes up a significant part of the size, but these few heavenly slices are worth trying. How to properly clean a mangosteen? The first step is to cut off the stem and make neat cuts in the peel crosswise. After that, the skin can be easily removed with a knife without damaging the valuable pulp. Inside the soft lobules have bones, and the smaller the lobules in size, the less bones there will be. If you touch the pulp with a knife, the juice will begin to flow out, and it is he who gives the mangosteen a unique taste. You should not clean all the purchased fruits at once - they can be quite successfully stored in the refrigerator for up to two weeks. It is completely safe to eat raw.

What does a mangosteen taste like

The taste of mangosteen will not leave anyone indifferent, if only because among the fruits familiar to us there is not even remotely similar to it. The texture of the pulp is especially pleasant - tender, elastic and juicy. Mangosteen has sweetish notes, which, combined with a slight sourness, make it an excellent dessert.

Chemical composition


100 grams of mangosteen pulp contains about 70 calories, which is an average, so it is suitable for consumption even for those who carefully monitor their figure and adhere to proper nutrition.

Vitamin composition

Mangosteen is rich in vitamins, therefore it is indicated for most people to consume at least in small quantities. So, it contains vitamins of groups A, B, C, E and D, which have a beneficial effect on almost all systems of human life.

Mineral composition

The extensive list of minerals in mangosteen pulp makes it especially beneficial for the growing bodies of children and teens. It contains the most important trace elements, such as zinc, phosphorus, potassium, iron, and the fruit is also rich in magnesium. In addition, catechins and xanthones were found in the composition, which not everyone, even an exotic fruit, can boast of.

The energy value

In mangosteen high content fiber (about 5g), which has a beneficial effect on bowel function, as well as glucose and fructose. Proteins are contained in an amount of 0.6 g per 100 grams, fats - about 0.4 g, carbohydrates - about 15 g. There are no saturated fats in mangosteen pulp. Scientists have found that eating 100 grams of mangosteen per day replenishes up to 13% of the fiber intake per day.

What is useful mangosteen

Mangosteen fruit - what is it good for?

Mangosteen - beneficial features:

  • improvement of the lymphatic system and, consequently, the condition of the body improves and prevention of colds and heart disease occurs;
  • the composition of the fetus nourishes all tissues of the body, making them strong and elastic;
  • beneficial effect on the skin - a kind of barrier appears to protect against ultraviolet radiation;
  • the current slows down inflammatory processes in the body, and with regular use it stops altogether;
  • mangosteen is also used for skin diseases, for example, in the fight against acne;
  • for allergy sufferers, the use of mangosteen, in the absence of contraindications, reduces the number of allergy attacks;
  • used as a means to reduce the activity of fungal spores and other pathogenic microorganisms in humans;
  • stimulates collagen synthesis, which will be a pleasant effect for women, as it has visible improvements in skin quality;
  • some scientists have concluded that the composition of mangosteen helps in the fight against cancer cells, leading to their destruction;
  • due to its composition, mangosteen is useful for women during PMS, the fruit improves mood - which is important during this period.

The benefits and harms of mangosteen have already been well studied, so you need to pay attention to contraindications, especially if you regularly eat the fruit.

Can mangosteen hurt?

The use of mangosteen is absolutely safe and Negative consequences appear only if the measure is not followed, as well as in combination with certain drugs.

So, if you have problems with blood clotting, then you should not abuse mangosteen, because it can affect the course of this process.

The inhabitants of our country first heard about the mangosteen in the popular film “Guest from the Future”, when Alice shared the recipe for the usual “bramboulet” with her friend Yulia. True, according to her recipe, the mangosteen had to be fried. It turns out that mangosteen is not an invention of Kir Bulychev, but a completely existing fruit, but it is not fried, but eaten raw, as it is a sweet and sour fruit.

Tropical fruit mangosteen (mangosteen, garcinia) in Southeast Asia - the birthplace of these fruits, is very popular and widespread. According to Buddhist legend, Buddha was the first to find this fruit and gave it to people, which is why it is called the “king of fruits”. According to another version, Queen Victoria was very fond of mangosteen, which is why they are also called the “Queen of Fruits”.

Where and how does it grow

Garcinias grow in India, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia. From these countries fruit trees came to Africa and America.

Mangosteen grows on tall 20-25-meter evergreen trees. The trees have large oval-shaped leaves with dark green tops and yellowish bottoms. Young leaves appearing on the tree are painted in an unusual pink color. The flowers have fleshy green petals with red spots.

The fruits are similar to dark purple in color, under the dense skin of which there are from 4 to 8 juicy segments with stones that look like a head. For the appearance of fruits, flowers do not require pollination - they are pollinated by parthenogenesis (self-fertilization). Fruit ripens twice a year: in summer and winter.

Mangosteen trees begin to bear fruit late - not earlier than the tenth year of life, but yield crops up to 25-40 years of their life.

Chemical composition

Mangosteen contains a lot (up to 18 g), while up to 1.8 g of dietary fiber (and). Content of others nutrients in the pulp of garcinia fruits is small: - up to 0.4 g and - up to 0.6 g. 100 g of edible pulp is up to 73 kcal.

Garcinia fruits contain a record number of xanthones among all plants - polyphenolic compounds that are powerful. For comparison: aloe juice contains only one xanthone, in the golden mustache - 3, and in the pulp of mangosteen there are 43 of them.

The vitamin-mineral complex of mangosteen is diverse, but there is no predominance of any of the vitamins or minerals over others.

Vitamins and minerals
Name Content in 100 g of pulp, milligrams

In addition to the pulp, a lot useful substances found in inedible fruit peel and bark. Xanthones are also extracted from the peel. An extract from the bark, which was called "amibiasin", was used as an anti-amebic agent. A general tonic is produced from whole fruits - Xango juice.

Beneficial features

The dietary fiber of the garcinia fruit improves intestinal motility, preventing constipation, and also absorbs and toxic substances dissolved in it. Due to this, fruits have a diuretic and detoxifying effect.

A significant content in mangosteen contributes to the normal functioning of the intestinal microflora, thereby increasing immunity.

Copper, zinc and phosphorus contained in the pulp of mangosteen:

  • participate in the synthesis of hemoglobin;
  • promote the transition of immature reticulocytes into mature erythrocytes;
  • normalize the acidity of the biological environment of the body, since they participate in redox reactions in the composition;
  • take part in the construction and regeneration of bone tissue;
  • enhance the hypoglycemic effect of insulin;
  • prevent the breakdown of glycogen in the liver;
  • increase the activity of pituitary hormones;
  • contribute to the antitoxic function of the liver.

Potassium is involved in the regulation of intracellular pressure and stimulates the excretion of excess fluid from the body. Together with calcium, potassium regulates the tone of striated muscles, improves nerve conduction, and activates a number of enzymes in the human body.

Mangosteen manganese enhances the hypoglycemic effect of insulin, reduces the concentration in the blood, increases the body's defenses, and has a beneficial effect on digestion.

Mangosteen in their homeland are famous for their anti-aging effect, the ability to improve digestion and promote weight loss. They normalize the hormonal background.

The benefits of xanthones

Due to the high content of xanthones, garcinia fruits are an excellent antioxidant. Mangosteen xanthones:

  • prevent damage to cell walls and intracellular structures by free radicals;
  • inhibit the growth of pathogenic microorganisms (bacteria, viruses and fungi);
  • improve microcirculation in tissues;
  • increase immunity and vitality of the body;
  • help reduce joint pain;
  • reduce itching and other allergic manifestations;
  • increase skin elasticity;
  • normalize metabolic processes in the body;
  • reduce blood levels.

Xanthones prevent the occurrence of chromosomal mutations in the cell genome human body, resulting in an anti-cancer effect. Large-scale clinical studies conducted by the New York Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center found that regular consumption of mangosteen fruits, due to the presence of a large amount of xanthones, triggers the process of self-destruction. cancer cells.

Thanks to xanthones, these fruits relieve inflammation. Possessing tropism for connective tissue, these compounds are able to reduce pain that occurs with arthritis, arthrosis, and sprains.

Mangosteen peel products have an antidiarrheal effect. Extracts from the bark of the Garcinia tree are used as an anti-amebiasis agent.

Harmful properties

It has been scientifically proven that some mangosteen xanthones can impair blood clotting, so these fruits are contraindicated in:

  • thrombocytopenia;
  • deficiency of blood clotting factors;
  • hemophilia;
  • bleeding.

With caution, they should be eaten by women during pregnancy and menstrual bleeding. It is forbidden to use mangosteen and blood thinners, such as aspirin, at the same time.

In some people, these fruits can reduce the reaction rate, so it is better not to use them before working with complex mechanisms or driving a car.

Application in medicine

In the off-season, mangosteens are expensive, and the amount of nutrients in them decreases sharply during storage. Therefore, eat them medicinal purposes recommended during the harvest period of these fruits. Oriental medicine appreciated the beneficial properties of juicy mangosteen fruits.

For diseases of the digestive system

Garcinia fruits are used in the treatment of:

  • diseases oral cavity(gingivitis, stomatitis);
  • inflammatory diseases of the organs digestive system(gastritis, enteritis, pancreatitis, hepatitis);
  • stomach ulcers;
  • intestinal dysbacteriosis;
  • intestinal infections (dysentery, amoebiasis, candidiasis);
  • helminthic invasions;
  • hemorrhoids.

Eating 2-3 fruits helps relieve spastic abdominal pain.

For diseases of the genitourinary system

The use of mangosteen in food is indicated for various diseases urinary and reproductive systems:

  • urolithiasis;
  • urethritis;
  • cystitis;
  • gonorrhea;
  • prostatitis;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • premenstrual syndrome.

They help to remove excess fluid from the body.

With metabolic disorders and the endocrine system

The rich chemical composition of garcinia allows its fruits to be used for:

  • diabetes;
  • overweight;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • gout.

Improving immunity with prolonged and regular use of mangosteen normalizes metabolism and improves the resistance of the human body to various infections. There is information in the literature about the benefits of mangosteen in tick-borne borreliosis (Lyme disease) and febrile conditions.

With brain disorders

The use of these exotic fruits is also useful for disorders of the nervous system:

  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • transient disorders of cerebral circulation;
  • neuralgia;
  • apathy;
  • depressions;
  • migraines;
  • glaucoma.

The minerals and vitamins of the B group of mangosteen have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain in stressful situations. They are used by students during exams to improve brain activity.

With pathologies of the circulatory system

The rich vitamin and mineral composition and the content of a large amount of xanthones make it possible to use mangosteen for the treatment of:

  • hypertension;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • ischemic heart disease;
  • arrhythmias;
  • varicose veins;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • anemia.

For diseases of the skin and connective tissue

Due to the anti-inflammatory properties of xanthones, mangosteen is good for dermatological pathologies and inflammatory diseases of the connective tissue:

  • burns;
  • acne;
  • eczema;
  • acne
  • seborrhea;
  • dandruff;
  • dermatitis;
  • allergies;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • arthritis;
  • arthrosis.

At the same time, garcinia fruits show their positive properties not only when their pulp is ingested, but also when used externally for products made from whole fruits or their peel.

Mangosteens are recommended for use by patients with oncological diseases of any localization. The fruits cannot replace the main anti-cancer treatment, but they can be used to strengthen immune system to speed up recovery after treatment.

How to choose and store

Mangosteen is a perishable fruit. They keep in the refrigerator for up to two weeks. Due to the difficulties of transportation, in our country, garcinia fruits can only be purchased in supermarkets or markets. major cities. To buy ripe and healthy mangosteens, you need to know some of the nuances of their choice:

  1. You need to buy them only in the season of their collection - in summer and winter. In spring and autumn, as a rule, substandard fruits are sold, in which few useful substances are stored.
  2. The color of the ripe fruit is dark purple, similar to the color of the peel. More light color fruits speaks of their immaturity, and dark color or spots on the peel indicate overripeness.
  3. To the touch, the mangosteen should be dense, resilient, but not hard.
  4. The peel of ripe fruit is smooth and whole. If the skin on them is wrinkled or cracked, you cannot buy such mangosteens - they are spoiled.

Application in cooking

Mangosteen is most often consumed raw or in juice form. The pulp of the fruit in Asia is used to make jams and jams, added to fruit salads, cocktails, smoothies, soufflés, ice cream. Thais love to serve mangosteen to the table on an ice pillow.

The sweet and sour taste of fruits goes well with fish and seafood (,). It is often made from spicy sauces for meat and fish dishes.


The exotic fruit mangosteen is called the “king of fruits”. This name is due to its unique chemical composition. In the fruit pulp, 43 types of xanthones were found - substances with pronounced antioxidant properties, fiber, vitamins, and. These fruits have many useful properties that are successfully used by traditional healers in the treatment of various diseases.

Mangosteens are recommended for use in diseases of the heart and blood vessels, digestive organs, inflammatory diseases of the skin and connective tissue. They help with neurological pathologies, diabetes, endocrine disorders. Low calorie content allows you to use the fruits of garcinia in the diet.

The anti-cancer property of mangosteen xanthones has been scientifically proven, so these fruits are often included by oncologists in therapeutic diets for tumors of various localization.

Many of our consumers liked the sweet and sour taste of mangosteen, so they are becoming increasingly popular in our country.

With caution, it is necessary to use mangosteen with reduced blood clotting and at the same time with drugs that thin the blood.

Mangosteen - nutritious exotic fruits

An exotic fruit of the Clusiev family grows in Southeast Asia. Mangosteen (otherwise mangosteen or garcinia) is valued for healing properties, contains vitamins and macronutrients that are indispensable for the body.

Mangosteen juice is very nutritious

Mangosteen: features

The mangosteen tree has a crown in the form of a pyramid, it can stretch up to 25 m in length. The bark of the tree is scaly, dark, almost black in color, orange latex (Gummi-resina Gutti) is contained in the hidden passages of the bark.

Leaves are green and opposite. The fruit has an oval shape and is very beautiful. The thick dark purple or lilac peel hides inside a white, full of sweetness pulp, which is easily divided into slices, and tastes like a tangerine or grape (someone will notice a resemblance to lychee).

Inside each slice sits a bone. The fleshy pulp is eaten fresh, marinated, baked or boiled jams, teas, tender puree. On the basis of mangosteen, creams for stretch marks, creams or shampoos are made, and strong furniture is made from the bark of the tree on which the fruits grow.

Leaves in Ghana replace chewing gum, and decoctions, thanks to fiber, are able to restore the gastrointestinal tract and internal intestinal microflora, relieve diarrhea, constipation and yeast fungi with thrush.

The rind, often ruthlessly discarded in the rush to reach the juicy fruit, contains a large number of xanthones (up to 60), stimulating memory, improving the functioning of the heart muscle (bad cholesterol is removed, the risk of diseases such as ischemia, stroke is reduced).

Xanthones absorb free radicals, destroy viruses, preventing them from entering cells, and strengthen the immune system. Tannin, which is also contained in the peel, easily heals scratches and inflamed wounds, treats acne.

Composition of mangosteen:

  • Ascorbic acid (protects against flu, colds);
  • nicotinic acid (reduces cravings for alcohol and smoking);
  • phytonutrients;
  • catechin;
  • vitamin A (retinol);
  • vitamin D, E;
  • pectin (in the peel);
  • cellulose;
  • fatty acids (in seeds);
  • iron;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus.

100 g of the product contains only 75 calories. The fruits are quickly digested and create a feeling of satiety for a long time. Not only the peel or pulp of the fruit is useful, but also freshly squeezed juice, which maintains an alkaline balance, accelerates lipid metabolism.

Mangosteen properties

The fruits are unique - with the help of juicy pulp, you can not only normalize bowel function or lose weight, but also remove headaches, restore restful sleep, and improve thyroid function.

Mangosteen is indispensable for weight loss - the fruit removes toxins from the body, restores metabolic processes, lowers cholesterol, strengthens the immune system, and reduces appetite. There is even a special mangosteen concentrate, powder and syrup that you can order online.

Antioxidants slow down skin aging, cleanse blackheads and pimples, treat dermatitis, eczema, acne, and inhibit the formation of cancer cells. Lotions with fruit juice relieve swelling, relieve joint pain in arthritis, sciatica. The juice is very popular, fights obesity, is recommended by doctors for recovery after surgical operations.

  • Cystitis;
  • urethritis;
  • neuralgia, neurasthenia;
  • skin diseases (shredded tree bark is used);
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's;
  • glaucoma;
  • leukemia;
  • helminthiasis;
  • hypertension;
  • diabetes.

Fruits strengthen the skeletal system, saturate with energy, improve mood.

Harm of mangosteen

Fruits can cause allergies, especially for tourists who are unfamiliar with the fruit, but want to satisfy their curiosity. Refrain from eating fleshy slices if you are taking blood thinners: scientists have proven that garcinia affects blood clotting. If you eat fruits in large quantities, you can cause the opposite effect - absent-mindedness, lethargy, or drowsiness instead of activity.

During pregnancy

Fruit juice can be drunk by pregnant women, but it is impossible to use gruel from the peel or peel. If you eat fruits during pregnancy, you can make up for the lack of ascorbic acid, protect the fetus from the formation of birth defects, and forget about constipation, which is a frequent occurrence for 9 months. In addition, the fruits contain manganese and folic acid which is especially needed during development.

How to choose mangosteen

Fruits give energy for the whole day

The best time to buy is winter or summer. If the peel is too light, then the fruits were plucked. ahead of time, they did not have time to ripen (they can reach the condition even in a plucked form).

Now the shelves of grocery stores and markets are overflowing with a variety of tropical fruits. Among them, you can also find mangosteen. It has a dark purple color and the size of a peach or nectarine. This fruit is native to Southeast Asia. Very often, mangosteen is confused with mango, but in fact, these fruits have nothing in common. It tastes juicy and very sweet.

Perhaps it is no secret to anyone that the beneficial properties of a particular food product are determined by its chemical composition. Mangosteen contains 39 different natural antioxidants. They help the body fight free radicals.

Among these beneficial substances, catechin stands out. This substance belongs to the group of flavonoids, which contain an extremely large amount of nutrients. Also given tropical fruit contains a large amount of proanthocyanidins. These are antioxidants made up of catechin chains.

Mangosteen contains various vitamins. For example: C, A, E, B1, B2, B6, B12, as well as vitamin D. As for trace elements, there are also a large number of them:

  • calcium;
  • zinc;
  • sodium;
  • iron;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • selenium;
  • phosphorus;
  • important fiber for the body.

According to nutritionists, the calorie content of mangosteen is low and amounts to 63-72 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Like any fruit, mangosteen is extremely beneficial for the human body. First of all, it strengthens the immune system and enriches the body with vitamins, fiber and vital minerals. Mangosteen also accelerates wound healing and helps the body fight viral and bacterial diseases. In addition, a beneficial effect on the skin has been found. On the basis of which studies were conducted that showed that this tropical fruit is a good remedy in the fight against eczema, seborrhea and allergic reactions.

Many nutritionists claim that this unique fruit normalizes metabolism and also helps to burn extra calories. Therefore, mangosteen is often recommended for obese people. In some countries of the world, mangosteen is called the "fruit of the gods" or "the fruit of eternal youth." He received such names due to the fact that he has rejuvenating properties, and thereby significantly increases vitality. Mangosteen also improves the functioning of the endocrine glands and normalizes the hormonal background.

  1. In Asian countries, this fruit has great importance in traditional medicine. For example, in case of skin diseases, the fruit is peeled, crushed into a porridge-like mass and applied to the affected areas. Keep for 10-15 minutes and wash off with warm water. But the skin should not be thrown away. It is often used as a remedy for dysentery. And this is considered a fairly effective and safe method;
  2. Also, the pulp of the fruit is very often used to make tea, which has medicinal properties. Especially it helps about diarrhea and indigestion;
  3. As already noted, mangosteen has a beneficial effect on the immune system. It performs especially well in viral diseases. After all, a fruit rich in vitamins extremely quickly strengthens the immune system and helps the body recover and adapt faster;
  4. Mangosteen tinctures have long been prepared to improve the body. To do this, one fruit is placed in a jar, poured with a liter of boiling water and left overnight. After that, the resulting tincture is taken on an empty stomach;
  5. It is also very useful for chronic fatigue and various inflammatory processes.

As already noted, fresh mangosteen is most often found in tropical countries. And it has a rather short shelf life. In most cases, the fruit is eaten fresh. Like any other fruit, mangosteen has found its place in cooking.

  1. It is easy to make juices and smoothies. They are great for people who have excess weight, as well as those who, on the contrary, strive, the faster to pump up muscles;
  2. Desserts preparation. Mangosteen is perfect for preparing a variety of fillings, fruit salads, pastries and syrups;
  3. Mangosteen pie and fruit salads with mangosteen deserve special mention.

So you can make a wonderful syrup from it, and you can also preserve it and enjoy it in the winter. But you should pay attention to the fact that it takes no more than 10 minutes to sterilize this tropical fruit. After all, if you neglect this condition, then the unique taste of the fruit is completely lost. In Malaysia, jam is made from mangosteen with the addition of cloves. It is considered an excellent cold remedy.

There are a few key tips to keep in mind:

  1. Skin condition. Taking the fruit in your hands, the first thing you should pay attention to is the peel of the fruit. If it is dry, soft or hard with noticeable small cracks, then this fruit is unripe or, on the contrary, has not yet ripened. Therefore, it is not recommended to buy it. You need to choose a mangosteen of bright colors with a dense skin. When pressed, it should spring slightly;
  2. Skin color. The color of the fruit should be uniform and saturated. If you notice that the mangosteen is covered with dots or spots in some places, then it is not recommended to buy it. After all, this is the first sign that it has been stored for a long time, and besides, it is not right conditions. This will significantly affect palatability tropical fruit;
  3. fetal integrity. Attention should also be paid to the integrity of the fetus. After all, even small damage can contribute to the ingress of bitter juice into the fruit, which in turn will adversely affect the taste. Therefore, you need to choose only whole instances;
  4. fruit weight. Ripe fruit is relatively heavy. When you take it in your hands, you will immediately feel it. Therefore, if you took a mangosteen, and it is light enough, then most likely it simply did not reach.

The main contraindication to the use of mangosteen is individual intolerance or an allergic reaction to the fruit. Refuse to use mangosteen should be those people in whom it causes itching, redness on the skin or even a rash.

Also, this fruit should not be consumed by people taking drugs that thin the blood. Indeed, mangosteen contains xanthones that can affect blood clotting.

In order for the fruit to retain all the beneficial properties, you need to choose it correctly. A rather interesting fact is that the shelf life of mangosteen is quite small and is no more than two weeks. This time begins to be counted from the time the fruit was plucked. But this is on condition that all storage rules were observed and the conditions during transportation were met. Therefore, in our area it is very difficult to find high-quality, fresh tropical fruit.

In most cases, mangosteen is found frozen and in the form of various juices. It is worth noting that the cost of one kilogram of this tropical fruit the average is from 0.5 to 5 dollars. This cost is due to the fact that growing fruit is quite difficult and the conditions for this also need appropriate. In addition, the cost also includes manual harvesting.

It is worth noting that the mangosteen is an asexual plant. After all, he has both female and male organs, which means that he is capable of self-fertilization. According to scientists, this is a rather rare phenomenon, which is called parthenogenesis. Nectar is not produced. This means that during the flowering period, mangosteen flowers do not attract insects or birds. An interesting fact is that mangosteen occurs in nature as a hybrid of Garcinia hombroniana and Garcinia malaccensis species.

In 1980, Queen Victoria of England heard rumors from the East Indies about a fruit with an unearthly taste. The only catch was that the fruit quickly deteriorates and cannot be transported. The queen promised a knighthood to the one who delivers the outlandish product to her ... The story does not tell whether Victoria got what she wanted, but since then the mangosteen has been bearing the majestic title "Queen of Fruits".

History and distribution

Mangosteen is called differently: mangosteen, mongoose. Mangosteen belongs to the genus Garcinia. Surprisingly, his relative is St. John's wort. According to the Ministry Agriculture USA, the fruit contains 11 vitamins and 7 trace elements, and is also valued for its palatability.

The birthplace of mangosteen is considered Southeast Asia. It is a natural hybrid of Garcinia Malaxensis and Hombroniana.

Thanks to the grafting of Garcinia Mangostina on Hombroniana, the onset of the fruiting period was reduced by 2 times (from 20-25 to 6-10 years). This allowed it to be cultivated throughout South Asia and Central America, as well as Hawaii and California.

What does it look like

Mangosteen is a tree up to 25 meters high. The leaves are striking in their variegation of shades: yellow-green, and young leaves are pink.

Evergreen tree with fruits reaches 25 m in height

The fruits are comparable to a round dark purple eggplant with a diameter of up to 8 cm. The thickness of the brown-purple peel reaches 1 cm. White pulp is hidden under it, shaped like a peeled head of garlic. It is subdivided into 4-8 segments with seeds up to 2.5 cm inside. The texture is soft, creamy, sweet and sour.

The taste is refreshing, a cross between nectarine and pineapple. It has a bright, pleasant aroma.

The main crop of mangosteen is harvested from May to September. A tree can produce up to 2 crops per year of 70-180 kg.

Beneficial features

The bark of the tree contains a milky sap called latex. It is used in the production of black dye. Beautiful dark wood is used to make furniture and crafts.

Small branches are used to make chewing sticks - natural brushes and toothpicks.

Oil is extracted from the seeds for creams and lotions that have a moisturizing effect.

The mangosteen plant contains 43 types of xanthones - strong antioxidants. This is about ¼ of all species and more than in any other plant. Properties of xanthones:

  • in terms of antioxidant properties, they are more effective than vit C and E, they fight free radicals and, as a result, give a rejuvenating effect;
  • can cause cancer cell death
  • have an antibacterial effect: proven benefits in the complex treatment of tuberculosis, salmonellosis and getting rid of the causative agent of stomach ulcers - Helicobacter pylori.
  • The discovered analogue of aspirin GM1 exhibits analgesic and antipyretic effects.

There are more xanthones in the peel of the fruit than in the pulp.

The white slices inside the mangosteen are very similar to garlic

Currently, creams are produced from the fruits that slow down the aging process of the skin, anti-wrinkle lotions, and shampoos. Fragrant soap is brewed, therapeutic toothpaste is made.

Nutritional value

This exotic is a valuable source of fiber.

These exotic fruits are best eaten after meals. So they are more integrated into metabolic processes and contribute to the elimination of fat accumulations.

For weight loss, it is convenient to use fruit powder, it can be added when preparing any dishes: salads, cereals and soups

Vitamin and mineral composition

Data for accurate quantitative composition differ.

Mangosteen is rich in calcium and phosphorus. The most significant content of vitamin PP. It eliminates the manifestations of pellagra disease: dementia (baldness), diathesis and diarrhea.

How to choose

Choose the largest fruits - they contain more delicious pulp.

Ripe fruit is large and elastic to the touch, the peel does not crack and does not leave a dent when pressed. Chips are necessarily fragrant and without signs of mold. Pleasant smell speaks of good quality product.

Both Gogol and Goncharov mentioned mangosteen in their work

How to store

Mangosteen fully ripens on the tree. The shelf life of fresh fruits in a warm, dry place is no more than 25 days. In Russia, due to transportation, it is better to store in the refrigerator at + 3 + 5 ° C for 1-2 weeks.

how to eat

Wash under first running water. Mangosteen is carefully cut in a circular motion, trying not to touch the pulp. The peel is removed.

Mangosteen peel juice is very poorly washed and laundered.

Eat raw mangosteen with a spoon. The seeds are spit out due to bitterness. And you can experiment:

  1. prepare salads;
  2. juice or tea from the peel;
  3. add to pastries and pie fillings;
  4. cook sauce for fish or jam.

But at heat treatment taste is lost after 10 minutes, and vitamins are almost halved after 15 minutes.

Salad with mangosteen

For a salad with mangosteen, you need 15 minutes of free time and some healthy ingredients.

Beijing cabbage and rosemary must be fresh. White onions are the best for this salad.

Cooking instructions:

  1. Mix sesame oil with mangosteen juice.
  2. Finely chop rosemary.
  3. Chop vegetables and season with salt.
  4. Decorate the finished salad with mangosteen cubes and sprinkle with sesame seeds.

The aromas of rosemary and mangosteen are wonderfully combined, and the fresh taste will invigorate and delight with richness.

Where to buy, price

The cheapest fruit can be purchased in the local markets of Thailand, Malaysia, China, India during the mass collection of mangosteen (June-July). With successful trading, prices are discounted from 220 to 50-80 rubles. per kg.

In Russia, fruits are bought in large shopping malls or on websites. When ordering online, please include shipping costs.

ProductWhat to look out forPrice range, rub.
Fresh 250 g (4-5 pieces)Should be elastic, when pressed, no dent remains430-650
Dried fruits recommended for brewingmore often offered in China280-700
Juices and juice drinks (brand XanGO juice)The content of the juice itself should be at least 25%, it is impossible for diabetes, sudden pressure surges109,9-9000
Teas containing mangosteen 75 gIt is desirable that there be no flavoring, but pieces of mangosteen138-250
Sauces for fried dishes, dumplings, rolls, pancakes, 150 mlAt least 34% mangosteen pulp270-300
Fruits in syrup (68% peeled mangosteen) 545-600gPay attention to the amount of sugar and calorie content of the product440-600

Now popular cosmetics under the guise of manufactured in Thailand and India. These are all kinds of shower gels, bath foams, massage oils, creams, lotions, masks, scrubs, toothpastes, soaps.

Mask for the face

When choosing any of the products, pay attention to the content of the main component and the place of production. It is better if the place of manufacture is where the fruits themselves are grown: India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, China.

Do not use if you are prone to allergic reactions. This can cause itching and redness of the skin, rash, mild joint pain.

Mangosteen fruit contains more than 26 nutrients, and its calorie content is no more than 73 kcal per 100 grams. Due to these qualities, the fruit is recommended for diet food with weight loss, as well as a vegetarian table.

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