Mobile competition for children on their birthday. Contests and games for adults at a children's birthday

The buildings 18.10.2019
The buildings

Each child is looking forward to his name day, and it does not matter at all whether he is only 4 years old or already 14 years old. That is why parents always want to make every name day of their child unforgettable.

It often happens that, afraid of not being able to cope on their own or due to lack of time, parents hire professionals and entrust all the chores to them. Of course, this is also an option, but it is much more fun to organize birthday games for children at home yourself.

Make invitation cards with your own hands and connect the birthday man and all your household members to this exciting activity. Prepare sweets and decorate your apartment.

And so that the guests and the birthday boy himself do not get bored, organize fun and educational games for them, as well as contests. If you do not have enough imagination to come up with games on your own, then it does not matter!

An entertaining competition for attentiveness "The Giant and the Gnomes"


  1. For this competition, the presenter gathers the kids around him and tells a fairy tale about a giant and gnomes.
  2. When talking about giants, he stretches out, trying to show how huge he is, and when it comes to gnomes, he sits on his knees, becoming small, like a gnome.
  3. Having finished his story, the host offers to play with him. At the word "gnome" everyone sits down, and at the word "giant" they get up.
  4. Having practiced a little with the guys, the facilitator suggests complicating the game by replacing keywords with synonyms, trying to confuse the children.

    The task of the guys: to sit down only on the word "gnomes", and get up on the word "giant", without responding to synonymous words.


  • Age limit: 4 - 6 years.

Competition for attentiveness and speed of reaction "Magic Whistle"

Gameplay scenario:

  1. The leader builds the children in a circle.
  2. In his hands he has a "magic whistle". And if he whistles at him once, the legs will run, if he whistles twice, they will stop, and if he whistles three times, they will jump like hares.
  3. The host blows the "magic whistle" and the game begins.
  4. The contestant who makes a mistake is eliminated.


  • Age limit: 4 - 6 years.
  • Quantity: 4 or more players.

Agility competition for children aged 4+ "Bowling"

Required details:

  • 1 set of children's pins;
  • rope.

Gameplay scenario:

  1. Skittles are arranged in two rows, and with the help of a rope they mark the line from which the contestants will throw the ball.
  2. The distance from the rope to the pins should be comfortable for the children participating in the game.
  3. downed large quantity the skittles player becomes the winner of this contest.


  • Type of gameplay: mobile game.

Competition for speed "Catch me by the tail"

  • 2 long ribbons;
  • rhythmic music.

Gameplay scenario:

  1. 2 players take part in this competition.
  2. In order to start the competition, the participants are prepared by tying a long ribbon around the waist, so that it hangs down from behind like a tail.
  3. It is this impromptu tail that the player must catch before he himself is caught.
  4. The competition starts with the first sounds of rhythmic music prepared in advance.


  • Age limit: 4 - 12 years old.
  • Quantity: 2 or more players.
  • Type of gameplay: mobile game.

Artistry competition "What did we do today?"

Gameplay scenario:

  1. To determine the driver, a counter is used.
  2. After its determination, 5 minutes are recorded, during which the participants of the competition discuss the scene that they will play. The driver is taken out of the room for this time.
  3. After 5 minutes, the driver returns - and the guys show a small scene, according to which the driver must guess what the guys were doing.
  4. If he manages to understand the action of the scene, a new driver is chosen.


  • Age limit: 4 - 12 years old.
  • Type of gameplay: mobile game.

Competition for the development of fantasy "Funny portrait"

To implement the game, you will need the details:

  • two marker boards (can be replaced with whatman paper);
  • multi-colored markers.

Gameplay scenario:

  1. On the marker boards, the outline of the head and only the beginning of the neck are drawn with markers, after which almost the entire drawing is covered with a sheet of paper. Only the neck and a small part of the face remain.
  2. Paper can be attached to the whiteboard using magnets.
  3. The facilitator gathers two teams and invites the participants to draw.
  4. Each team has 1 player. They draw the first outline of the face with any marker of their choice and, when finished, return to their team.
  5. Each next contestant draws his part of the face, and so on until the very end.
  6. The team with the most "funny portrait" drawn on the marker board wins.


  • Age limit: 4 - 12 years old.

Competition for the development of fantasy "Art relay race"

To implement the game, you will need the details:

  • two marker boards;
  • multi-colored markers.

Game scenario:

  1. In order to start the competition, the children are divided into two teams.
  2. The task of the contestants is to draw a pre-selected animal.
  3. The team whose drawing most resembles the animal discussed at the beginning of the competition wins.


  • Age limit: 4 - 12 years old.
  • Quantity: 4 or more players.
  • Gameplay type: still game.

Skill competition for children "Apple of Discord"

To implement the game, you will need the details:

  • fishing line;
  • a couple of small apples.

Gameplay scenario:

  1. One end of the fishing line is tied to an apple branch, and the other end is tied so that the apple hangs down.
  2. In this case, the growth of the contestants must be taken into account.
  3. Each participant must be placed next to his apple.
  4. The task of the contestants is to bite the apple, but it is forbidden to help themselves with their hands.
  5. The contestant who bites the apple first wins.


  • Age limit: 4 - 12 years old.
  • Quantity: 4 or more players.
  • Type of gameplay: sedentary game.

Competition for the speed of reaction "Volleyball on chairs"

To implement the game, you will need the details:

  • ropes;
  • balloon;
  • chairs.

Gameplay scenario:

  1. The playground is divided by a rope into two equal parts.
  2. The guys are divided into teams. One contestant leaves the team.
  3. The guys who came out are offered to draw one of the two sticks.
  4. The player who pulled out a long stick is given a ball. The right to the first serve for him.
  5. Opponents, without getting up from the chair, hit the ball with their palms, without holding it in their hands.

    A ball dropped on the opponent's side scores a point for the opposing team.

  6. The team with 10 points wins.


  • Age limit: 4 - 12 years old.
  • Quantity: 6 or more players.
  • Type of gameplay: sedentary game.

Competition for attentiveness and ingenuity "Cold, warm"

Gameplay scenario:

  1. A counter is used, the player remaining at the end is blindfolded.
  2. The toy is placed in a conspicuous place.
  3. Now the blindfolded player tries to find the toy, guided by the prompts of the other participants in the game, who say “warm” when the player approaches the toy, and “cold” when they move away.

Game requirements for children 5 6 years old for a birthday at home:

  • Age limit: 4 - 6 years.
  • Quantity: 2 or more players.
  • Type of gameplay: sedentary game.

We check the concentration of children from 6 years old

Gameplay scenario:

  1. The leader gathers the children around him. Participants dance to rhythmic music.
  2. When the music stops playing, all participants freeze in the position they were in, and the host walks around them and tries to cheer them up.
  3. The one who moves or laughs first leaves the game.
  4. The winner is the most concentrated and enduring.


  • Age limit: 4 - 12 years old.
  • Quantity: 3 or more players.
  • Type of gameplay: sedentary game.

"Try to laugh" promotes the development of artistry

Details required for the implementation of the game:

  • one wide vase;
  • colorful stickers.

Gameplay scenario:

  1. One sticker is left blank, and a smile and numbers are drawn on the rest.
  2. The stickers are rolled into tubes, thrown into a vase and mixed thoroughly.
  3. Each participant draws one sticker. The one who got an empty sticker sits on a chair. His job is not to laugh.
  4. The rest of the guys are built according to the numbers that they got.
  5. The first participant comes out, his task is to make the unsmeyan laugh. Each participant has only a couple of minutes to do this.
  6. The player who makes the unsmean laugh becomes the winner in this game. If there is none, the unsmean wins.


  • Age limit: 4 - 12 years old.
  • Quantity: 3 or more players.
  • Type of gameplay: sedentary game.

"Tom and Jerry" for hardy and dexterous guys

Gameplay scenario:

  1. The birthday boy chooses two drivers from the children. The remaining players form a circle.
  2. Jerry is standing inside the circle and Tom is standing behind him.
  3. The players keep Tom out of the circle while protecting Jerry. However, if Tom breaks into the circle, they release Jerry out of it as soon as possible.
  4. When Tom catches Jerry, the birthday boy chooses new drivers.


  • Type of gameplay: mobile game.

"Guess who am I?" develops children's mindfulness

Details required to implement the game:

  • tight mittens;
  • blindfold.

Gameplay scenario:

  1. The birthday boy chooses the driver. There is a bandage in front of the driver’s eyes, and mittens on his hands.
  2. He is brought to the participants in the game - and he determines by touch the person standing in front of him.
  3. The player recognized by the driver takes his place.


  • Age limit: 4 - 12 years old.
  • Quantity: 4 or more players.
  • Type of gameplay: sedentary game.

"Mystery cards" contribute to the development of thinking

Required details:

  • cards with different designs.

Gameplay scenario:

  1. The cards are laid face up on the table.
  2. The participants of the game come to the table and examine the cards for 30 seconds, after which the cards are turned face down and thoroughly mixed.
  3. The player goes first to the cards. whose name starts with the letter "A". If there is none, the player whose name begins with the letter "B" goes out, etc. He chooses one of the cards on the table.
  4. The remaining participants try to guess what is drawn on his card. They ask him leading questions, and the driver answers them only with “yes” or “no”.
  5. The participant who guesses what is drawn on the card becomes the next driver.


  • Age limit: 6 - 12 years old.
  • Quantity: 3 or more players.
  • Gameplay type: still game.

Competition for concentration and attention "Whisper"

Gameplay scenario:

  1. Players line up. The leader chosen earlier approaches the first person in the row and in a low whisper says any word in his ear.
  2. The player in the same way pronounces what he heard in the ear of the participant standing behind him. And so on until the very last participant, who must loudly say the word transmitted to his ear.
  3. If the word is guessed, the host moves to the very end, and the first in the row becomes the new host.


  • Age limit: 4 - 12 years old.
  • Quantity: 4 or more players.
  • Gameplay type: still game.

"Ring" will reveal the speed of reaction of players

To implement the game, you will need the details:

  • chalk or rope;
  • one ring.

Gameplay scenario:

  1. First draw a line.
  2. Behind the line is the driver.
  3. Participants are built in a row at a distance of 1.5 - 2 meters from this line.
  4. The guys need to fold their palms in the shape of a boat and stretch them slightly forward.
  5. The birthday boy comes up to the participants and runs his palms, in which there is a ring, over the palms of the participants.
  6. The task of the birthday boy is to quietly leave a ring in the palms of one of the guys. After that, he goes beyond the outlined line and says:
    - Ring, ring, go out on the porch.

Immediately after these words, the participant, in whose palms there is a ring, must quickly run towards the outlined line, behind which is the birthday man. If he is not caught by other participants, he replaces the birthday boy.

  • Age limit: 4 - 10 years.
  • Quantity: 4 or more players.
  • Type of gameplay: sedentary game.

"Unravel the tangle" and test your thinking and logic

Required details:

  • multi-colored ribbons of the same size.

A small knot is tied at the end of each ribbon and only one ribbon is left without a knot. As a result, so many ribbons should be obtained so that there is enough for each participant in the game.

Gameplay scenario:

  1. The ribbons are laid out on the table so that the ends of the ribbons can be covered with a piece of paper.
  2. The guys pull out one ribbon at a time until one of them pulls out a ribbon without a knot. Now he is the driver.
  3. The player who pulled out the ribbon without a knot turns away. The rest, holding hands, try to get confused so that they get a tangled ball. According to the conditions, they should not open their hands.
  4. The introducer needs to unravel the ball without opening the hands of the players.


  • Age limit: 6 - 14 years old.
  • Quantity: 4 or more players.
  • Type of gameplay: mobile game.

"Engines and gates" for fast and active guys

Gameplay scenario:

  1. The participants of the game are built one by one, like trains.
  2. Two guys, holding hands, raise them as high as possible so that "engines" can pass under their hands. This is our "gates".
  3. Approaching the "gates", the "engines" say:
    - Open forever!
    Gates says:
    We don't always let you through, so hurry up before the doors close.
    The gates are closed.
  4. The task of the "engines" is to quickly run under the "gate" until they are closed. Those who did not have time to slip through become "gates". Thus, the number of "engines" is decreasing, and the "gates" are becoming more and more.
  5. The game ends when there are no "engines" left.


  • Quantity: 7 or more players.
  • Type of gameplay: mobile game.

"Fairytale story" will help the development of fantasy

Required details:

  • colored stickers;
  • decorated cardboard sheet;
  • colored pens.

Gameplay scenario:

  1. Each player is given one sticker and a pen.
  2. Then the leader, without looking, opens the book, randomly pokes his finger at it and calls the word he hit.
  3. The player writes a word on the sticker. And so it continues until, in the end, each of the players writes down their word.
  4. Now the players compose a sentence, and, having written it on their sticker, they pass it on to another player, who, after reading what they have written, composes a sentence from their word and, having written it on their sticker, passes it on to the next player.
  5. This continues until the end, until there are no players left.
  6. Stickers are pasted on the prepared sheet of cardboard. As a result, the resulting funny "fairytale story" is given to the birthday man.


  • Quantity: 3 or more players.
  • Gameplay type: still game.

Competition for the speed of reaction "Uncaught fish"

Required details:

  • rope.

Gameplay scenario:

  1. The leader stands in the center, he is a fisherman. The contestants surround him, forming a circle. They are fish.
  2. The leader twists the rope below, under the feet of the participants in the game.
  3. When the rope is near the player's feet, he must jump over without hitting it. If the rope touches the participant's leg, he is out of the game.
  4. At the end, there is an “uncaught fish”.


  • Age limit: 6 - 12 years old.
  • Quantity: 3 or more players.
  • Type of gameplay: mobile game.

Endurance contest "Naughty ball"

To implement the game, you will need the details:

  • two hoops;
  • two balls.

Gameplay scenario:

  1. Players form two pairs and stand in the center of the hoop.
  2. On command, the couples begin to blow on the balloon.
  3. The task of the participants is to keep the ball in the air without touching it.
  4. The pair that keeps the ball in the air for a longer time than the opponents wins this competition.


  • Age limit: 6 - 10 years.
  • Quantity: 4 or more players.
  • Type of gameplay: sedentary game.

Competition for children aged 6 years and over "Empty cell"

Gameplay scenario:

  1. The players become in a circle.
  2. Each player represents a cell.
  3. The driver, who is outside the circle, clapping on the shoulder of any of the players, calls him out of the circle.
  4. They stand opposite each other, and then, on command, they begin to run in opposite directions.
  5. When meeting, the rivals slap each other on the palm and continue to run until they find a free cell. The opponent who occupies the cell first wins. The one left without a cell is the driver.


  • Age limit: 6 - 10 years.
  • Quantity: 7 or more players.
  • Type of gameplay: mobile game.

"Guess whose voice" will increase attentiveness

Gameplay scenario:

  1. The children, holding hands, form a circle.
  2. The birthday boy stands in the center of the circle. He has a tight bandage over his eyes.
  3. Players circle around the birthday boy and sing:
    “Here we are gathered in a circle,
    Find me friend.
    And don't think, don't guess
    Listen to the voice, choose!”
  4. After these words, the players move a few steps away from the birthday man and say:
    "Guess whose voice."
  5. The word "guess" is said by the player indicated by the leader. If the birthday boy guesses, then his place is taken by the one whose voice was guessed.


  • Age limit: 6 - 10 years.
  • Quantity: 6 or more players.
  • Type of gameplay: sedentary game.

Contest for attentiveness "Merry relay race"

To implement the game, you will need details: numbered stickers.

Gameplay scenario:

  1. The contestants come to the table, where stickers are scattered around and pull out any of them. The one who received his license plate stands in a circle.
  2. The players begin to clap rhythmically, first two hand claps and then two knee claps.
  3. The birthday boy starts the game. Clapping his hands, he repeats his serial number, clapping his knees, he calls the serial number of the player he has chosen, for example, "seven, seven."
  4. The player with the number seven picks up the baton and claps his hands, says "seven, seven", clapping his knees, the player calls the number of any player who, in turn, continues the baton.
  5. This game is based on quickly picking up the baton and not making mistakes. The wrong player is out of the game.


  • Age limit: 6 - 12 years old.
  • Quantity: 7 or more players.
  • Type of gameplay: sedentary game.

Competition for speed of reaction for young children "Numbers"

Gameplay scenario:

  1. It is necessary to discuss in advance which number means what. For example: five - turn right, seven - turn left, nine - jump in place.
  2. The leader builds the children in a line at arm's length, and he himself stands opposite.

    He says the numbers agreed in advance, and the players perform the actions that they indicate.

  3. The facilitator picks up the pace over time and can confuse the players by doing things that don't fit with the number he calls.
    The player who makes a mistake becomes the leader and also tries to confuse the remaining players.


  • Age limit: 6 - 12 years old.
  • Quantity: 7 or more players.
  • Type of gameplay: mobile game.

"The tail of a horse" for dexterous and quick-witted children

Required details:

  • ribbons.

Gameplay scenario:

  1. A ribbon is tied around the waist of each player, so that the ends hang slightly behind, like a horse's reins.
  2. The players, facing the back of the head, hold on to the reins.

    Standing first in the figure of an imaginary horse, “main”, and standing in the final part “closing”.

  3. The task of the "main" is to catch the "closing". The condition is that the players in the team do not let go of the “reins”.


  • Age limit: 6 - 12 years old.
  • Quantity: 7 or more players.
  • Type of gameplay: mobile game.

Coordination competition "Release the hostage or surrender"

Required details:

  • chairs;
  • rope;
  • blindfold.

The meaning of the gameplay is as follows:

  1. A circle of chairs is organized, the players sit down.
  2. In the central part of the circle, a “keeper” sits down, his eyes should be tied, and a “hostage” with bound arms and legs.
  3. Those who sit on the chairs along the contour are “liberating”, they make efforts to free the hostage, trying to untie him.
  4. The guardian prevents them. By touching any part of the liberators, he knocks the "liberating" out of the game process, and the "liberating" is forced to go beyond the contour of the chairs.
  5. The player who manages to free the hostage and not be captured takes the role of the guardian in the newly started game process.


  • Age limit: 6 - 12 years old.
  • Quantity: 5 or more players.
  • Type of gameplay: mobile game.

"Jump, jump, petal" will test dexterity

Required details:

  • matter(2x2);
  • ribbons;
  • PVA glue.

For this competition, you will have to prepare more carefully, but it's worth it. Take the fabric - and in the very center stick a circle of tape with glue. Now divide the tape into equal parts. There should be 7 of them.

We glue the ribbons around the previously made circle in the form of petals. Ready.

Gameplay scenario:

  1. We spread the matter and fasten it. In the center of the circle is the main "bee", around it are "bees" on the petals.
    When the main "bee" says:
    "jump" - "bees" jump over the petal on the right.
    "skok" - "bees" jump to the petal on the left.
    “petal” - “bees” change places with the one who stands on their right hand.
  2. The task of the "bee", taking advantage of the created confusion, is to occupy any free petal. If he succeeds, the place of the main “bee” is taken by the “bee”, which did not have time to take the petal.

Game requirements:

  • The age of children is from 6 to 12 years.
  • The game involves 7 or more players.
  • Type of gameplay: mobile game.

Competition for speed "Funny sweet tooth"

  • wide tape;
  • vase - candy bowl and sweets.

Gameplay scenario:

  1. The participants form two teams. Teams are divided into pairs and stand side by side, after which they are next to each other. standing hands glued together with adhesive tape so that the couple had only one free hand. Now the players are ready.
  2. At a signal, the couples run to the candy bowl standing on the table, and take sweets with their free hands, unfold the candy wrapper and eat it.
  3. The team that ate the most candies wins. You can calculate the number of sweets eaten by the number of candy wrappers.

Game requirements:

  • The age of children is from 6 to 12 years.
  • The game involves 8 players.
  • Type of gameplay: sedentary game.

Reaction competition "Find your mate"

Required details:

  • stickers equal to the number of game participants.

Gameplay scenario:

  1. Stickers must be prepared in advance. To do this, the names of the players are written on the stickers. When each sticker has a name written on it, they are rolled up, shuffled, and scattered on the table.

There must be an even number of stickers, as well as players.

  • Participants, approaching the table, take one sticker. When all the stickers are taken apart, they turn on rhythmic music and the players begin to dance to it, while dancing must be strictly in the place where they stood.
  • The task of the players is to quickly unfold the sticker and see whose name is written on it, and find with their eyes where their couple is.
  • When the rhythmic melody is replaced by a calm one, each player should quickly find the one whose name is written on his sticker and become a pair with him.

Game requirements:

  • The age of children is from 6 to 12 years.
  • Type of gameplay: mobile game.

Checking thinking with the help of reflection in the mirror

Required details:

  • blindfold;
  • coin.

Gameplay scenario:

  1. Participants are divided into two teams with an equal number of players.
  2. One player from each team goes to the center of the room. They flip a coin.
  3. The loser leaves the room, he is now a "reflection".
  4. The remaining player "statue" assumes any bizarre pose. He only has 3 minutes to do this.
  5. At the end of time, a “reflection” is introduced into the room, which was blindfolded in advance.
  6. "Reflection" by touch tries to understand in what position the "statue" is standing. He has only 5 minutes to complete the task.
  7. When time runs out, the "reflection" should take the position that seems to him the most correct.
  8. The team that has specular reflections» turned out to be more victorious. The judge in this game is the birthday man himself.

Game requirements:

  • The age of children is from 6 to 12 years.
  • The game is played by 4 or more players.
  • Type of gameplay: sedentary game.

Develop mindfulness and draw geometric shapes

To implement the game, you will need the details:

  • the pencils;
  • stickers.

Gameplay scenario:

  1. On the stickers they draw different geometric figures(circle, triangle, rhombus, etc.) and put them on the table with the pattern down.
  2. The players sit in a row one after the other. The player at the end of the row goes to the table and randomly takes a sticker. He shows the sticker to the host, and, returning to his place, draws with the back of the pencil on the back of the player sitting in front of him, the figure he saw on the sticker.
  • chalk or ribbon.

Gameplay scenario:

  1. This competition is held between children whose strengths are approximately equal.
  2. The room is delimited by a line drawn in chalk, or simply use a ribbon. Opponents stand each in their own part of the room, raising one leg, and holding their hands behind their backs.
  3. The task of the players, without missing the enemy to their side, is to go over the line to the territory of the opponent.

Game requirements for children 7 years old for a birthday at home:

  • The age of children is from 6 to 12 years.
  • The game is played by 2 players.
  • Type of gameplay: mobile game.

Competition for the speed of reaction "Merry Web"

The following details are required for the competition:

  • table and chairs equal to the number of players.

Gameplay scenario:

  1. The facilitator sits the guys at the table. The guys put their hands on the table so that they end up with a cobweb. That is, the first player puts both hands on the table, the second player puts his left hand above his right hand, forming a cross, and his right hand is under the left hand of the third player.
  2. The children take turns slapping the table. According to the instructions, the players should not make mistakes and lose time.
  3. The one who makes a mistake removes the hand with which he made a mistake. As a result, the victory goes to the most attentive player.

Game requirements:

  • The age of children is from 10 to 12 years.
  • The game is played by 3 or more players.
  • Type of gameplay: sedentary game.

An entertaining relay race for the speed of reaction "Snake"

Gameplay Scenario: Voices

If you work in a friendly team that loves good parties, then contests for cheerful company you will definitely need it. And if you just throw parties for your friends or children from time to time, then you know what kind of honor they are interesting contests, especially when people in the company are not too familiar with each other, but you still want to overcome embarrassment.

Why is all this necessary

Many people (we will not point fingers, but most often these are not our most positive comrades) sometimes ask the question - why all these contests? Usually I get off with jokes or weightily answer that otherwise it will be boring. In fact, the reason, of course, is not boredom. Any holiday for adults most often involves alcohol, and in order for guests not to be too zealous with breastfeeding, they need to be a little distracted, amused, and simply raised to dance.

Another important aspect is embarrassment, which I often face when throwing a party for my children or nephews. They have already gone beyond the age when you can just come up and start playing together, and when children who are unfamiliar with each other are in the same company, you need to help them overcome a little chill in communication.

The only place where you can do without additional entertainment is a youth party in a good club, where without funny contests for adults it is not boring, and it is better for any company of adults to help spend time with pleasure and fun.


Do not think that you will be able to prepare the entire party, including adult board games literally at the last second. I usually set aside a few days for this, because it will require:
  • write a script;
  • select contests for adults;
  • find or buy props;
  • stock up on small prizes for the winners;
  • minimally rehearse (for example, if it is assumed that several large aunts from the accounting department will compete in bag jumps, then you need to check in advance whether the room can withstand such a scale and whether there is where to turn around).
Ideally, you need an assistant for all this.

Birthday Toast Game

How to prepare fun birthday contests? It is best if they are at least a little connected with the hero of the occasion. An example of the simplest birthday word game is, compiled right there at the table.

What is required for this entertainment? A pen and a postcard in which you need to write a congratulatory text in advance, making gaps instead of adjectives - you will fill them in together with the guests.

The text of the blank for congratulating the birthday man:

Those who do not know what should happen in the end will diligently praise the hero of the occasion, listing him best qualities(young, smart, handsome, experienced), and those who are a little more familiar with this type of table creativity will surely screw up something sudden and caustic.

While the guests are praising the birthday boy, you diligently fill in the words instead of the missing adjectives, and then read the result loudly and with expression to the friendly laughter of the whole company.

Pick up one or two outdoor games on your birthday - for example, a small quest that can be arranged anywhere. Don't make it too long, three to five steps will be enough.

By the way, if you have enough courage, then try to make the main subject of the quest the key, on which the banquet hall is closed.

Good funny birthday contests also come from the usual restrictions - playing with forks makes guests moan with laughter. To hold this contest, you need to take a few ordinary items (if you are organizing a birthday game, these can be especially durable gifts that cannot be scratched or broken) and two dinner forks, as well as a thick scarf. The hero of the occasion is blindfolded, given forks, with which he can touch this or that object, and offered to guess what is in front of him.

Children's or teenage holiday? Fun competitions for teenagers will help to defuse the situation no worse than competitions for adults. Fun entertainment can be done with four bananas and a stool (it will do coffee table). The essence is simple - you need to get on all fours, and using only your teeth to clean and eat a banana for a while.

Good contests for young people should be fun and very funny. Competitions for teenagers can also be theatrical. Prepare several sets of props (ordinary household items in unexpected combinations - for example, a comb, a burnt out light bulb and a cape on a chair in one set, and a mop in another, soft toy and a bright plastic glass), and also prepare a few titles of popular films, focus on your audience - it is better to take what is familiar to everyone.

The essence of the task is to act out a scene from the film using props. The winners are determined by applause.

"Seated entertainment" at the table

But what if mobile contests for a feast are not suitable? In this situation, it is better to pick up something neutral - ordinary word games at a table like a "crocodile" they go very, very well.

The game "In my pants"

Take ready-made or come up with your own contests for adults - for example, you can use the idea "I'm in my pants."

You don't need to declare a name. The guests sit at the table, each tells his neighbor on the right the name of the film that came to his mind. And he remembers what his neighbor will tell him.

And then the facilitator announces: Now each of you in turn will say the following aloud: "In my pants...", and then - the name of the movie that your neighbor told you.

All guests speak in turn. It will be funny if someone has “Office Romance” or “300 Spartans” in their pants.


Fun table contests can be based on anything. For example, there are several varieties of "I"-games. One is predominantly teenage - in it two players compete to see how many candies fit in their mouths, after each candy you need to more or less clearly pronounce any stupid phrase, for example, "I'm a fat-cheeked lip slapper."

The adult version of the game is slightly different - guests must introduce themselves (pronounce the word with a serious and unflappable look "I") in a circle until one of them gets confused or distracted (by the way, laughter is also considered a defeat), and the host invites other guests to give him a funny nickname.

After that, the fun begins, which unites all table contests like a chain reaction - it can be very difficult not to laugh, and after a couple of minutes everyone has a nickname that he introduces himself to (for example: “I am a furry pseudopod”, “I am a cheerful armpit”, “I am a rosy-cheeked lip-slap”, etc.)

In the next round, the laugher is given a second nickname, and he must pronounce it in full (“I am a furry pseudopod - green Chingachgook”).

Usually this game ends on the fourth round because everyone is laughing! This competition is best done when the guests are already a little "on the fun".

Not only birthday contests are remembered by guests, but also the end of the evening. At any party, it would be appropriate to pay a little attention to the guests, it will take several balloons(according to the number of those present, plus a few in reserve), and notes with good rhymed wishes - when the invitees begin to disperse or you need to change their mood to a more positive one, invite the guests to choose their own ball of fate and burst it.

Collective readings good wishes usually accompanied by good-natured laughter and cheer up everyone.

Sample wishes can be downloaded below, and then printed and cut:

Over time, you will collect your own collection of cool birthday contests and, according to the mood of the guests, you will understand which contests for the holiday will go with a bang, and which are better to arrange in a light drunk.

Save yourself universal competitions for the company - so you can be sure that in any situation you will find something to do. If you are a new leader and do not have great experience, then it is better to have a separate notebook for table games and contests, as well as prepare props - for example, some games require sets of cards with recorded song or movie names.

As a rule, competitions for a drunken company are often very scurrilous, and this is understandable - adults become liberated when drunk.

Game "Why did I come here"

Prepare entertainment that involves dancing or hugging, so that guests can express all the warmth of feelings in an appropriate way.

Game "I'll tell you a secret"

An interesting entertainment for which you need to prepare a little - "I'll tell you a secret." What is the essence of the game? Everything is very simple - each of the guests pulls out cards from a hat with a funny text prepared in advance in verse (here you have to try). All cards begin with the words “I’ll tell you a secret”, and then options are already possible, for example:
  • I’ll tell you in secret that I don’t wear underwear, if you have doubts, now I’ll show you;
  • I’ll tell you a secret, I’m on a diet, I eat only grass, I don’t look at cutlets.

If you're looking for moving contests like best dance or running around chairs, make sure there's enough space around for people of all sizes to feel comfortable.

Prefer contests for a small company? It happens that you need party contests, but it definitely won’t be too big a company, try to play something chamber and not requiring a large number people. These can be text games and contests for a small company, or verbal ones, for example:

  • burime;
  • writing a fairy tale line by line;
  • forfeits.

Changeling Games

Invite guests to guess the lines from the songs. Examples can be downloaded here:

or TV show titles:

Game Who We Really Are

Want to find cool contests for an anniversary? Then karaoke contests for adult company and board game Who are we really. This is a card game, the guests take turns drawing cards and reading the quatrains printed on them - usually each is met with smiles and laughter.

But karaoke contests are a great kind of entertainment for a large company of adults, and the older, the more emotional the game. It is necessary to select several participants, as well as establish a jury (usually all the guests who gathered at the birthday table play its role).

And then there is a regular karaoke duel, but each participant must not only perform a song, but also artistically present it - you can play imaginary instruments, use simple props and invite "spectators". Good mood is guaranteed for everyone!

In general, if you need to celebrate a birthday at home, karaoke is a great way to entertain a motley company at the table. It often happens that elderly relatives and young people meet at a birthday party, and even people who are not very familiar with each other - song games will help unite everyone, and over tea and cake, it’s quite possible to play board games Well, that's enough for now.

If you decide to prepare interesting entertainment and games for a drunk company, then it is better to refrain from what can be perceived as offensive - unfortunately, people do not always separate the gaming genre from reality, especially if they are not sober, which often happens in the company of friends and friends on holidays. Choose the most neutral of your fun table contests, and have a fun gaming toast ready to help you change the subject in the event of the slightest negativity.

You should not stock up too many contests, a person who plays all evening gets tired, whether he is at least drunk, at least sober, but sometimes everyone will be happy to play between toasts and table conversations once or twice. Of greatest interest will be those competitions in which there was good preparation and organization - people love to be taken care of.

There are about fifty different fun games in my personal piggy bank, and I can’t say that this is a lot or a little - birthday contests for children are not used as games for a company of adults.

Now you have ready-made contests for adults, and enough ideas to come up with your own contest for a birthday or any other holiday that you want to make special!

Children's birthday is a very joyful holiday, which should be noisy and fun. If such a celebration is planned in your family in the near future, you should prepare for it in advance so that the holiday goes flawlessly, and the birthday man and his guests have only the most pleasant memories.

One of the most important tasks to be solved in the process of preparing the holiday is the organization of games and competitions. Birthday entertainment for a fun company of children should be appropriate for the age of the guests and the nature of the event. In this article, you will find many options for interesting and exciting contests and games that your little birthday boy and his guests will surely enjoy.

Entertainment for the little ones

First of all, you should focus on the age of the child when planning entertainment for the birthday. 6 years old is the age when children can already perfectly perceive various competitions, delve into the rules of the game, and compete with each other. If the baby turns 5 - 7 years old, you should independently prepare the entire entertainment program of the holiday. To create a real festive mood, you can - let everyone at the holiday be in the role of their favorite hero. We offer you several funny contests available to preschoolers and younger students:


The leader stands in the center of the circle and holds a balloon. While the ball is in the hands of the host, the children can move, jump, dance, talk as they please. As soon as the leader lowers the ball and it touches the floor, you need to freeze in one position, do not move or smile. Anyone who does not have time to freeze in time is out of the game.


For this competition, you need to prepare in advance a large paper chamomile flower with many petals, each of which has a funny task written on the back. Each of the kids in turn tears off one petal and completes the task (for example, crows, depicts an animal, reads a funny tongue twister, jumps on one leg, etc.). For the successful completion of each task, a prize is awarded.

"Let's Change"

The guys sit in a circle. The leader is in the center. He says: “Those who have ... change places” (for example, two pigtails, a checkered shirt, etc.). The children whom the leader named should quickly get up and move to another vacant chair. The leader's task is to have time to take a free place. The one who ends up standing becomes the leader.

"Find a Color"

The children are distributed around the room, and the leader says: "One, two, three, find the red color." Each participant must quickly find any red object in the room and touch it. The one who failed to do this is out of the game, and for the rest, the competition continues. You can play until there is only one winner left.

"Drawing in several hands"

Children are divided into two teams. Two members from each team large sheets begin to draw a picture on a given topic (for example, some animal). At the signal of the leader, the players change - the first artist is replaced by another child from his team. This continues until everyone takes part in the work on the picture. The task can be complicated if you blindfold the artists - so the resulting masterpieces will be even funnier.

"Guess the offer"

The players are divided into two teams. Each team confers among themselves and comes up with some funny phrase. All words from this sentence are divided among team members. Players in turn must depict each word with gestures and movements, and members of the opposite team must guess the intended sentence. The team that can more competently and more accessiblely portray their phrase wins.

"Word Chains"

Each child receives a piece of paper and a pen. The host calls any word, for example "pencil". Children must make a chain of words so that each subsequent word begins with last letter the previous one. For example: pencil - hat - orange - nose - pine .... The winner is the participant who manages to make the longest chain in three minutes.

"Do the opposite"

The facilitator calls some action, for example, "raise your hands up." Children must perform this action in reverse (for example, if the leader says to raise their hands, on the contrary, they need to be lowered down). The one who fails and cannot complete the task on the contrary, is eliminated from the competition. The game continues until one most attentive participant remains. The facilitator's tasks can be, for example, the following: lean to the left, raise the right leg, raise the head, etc.

"Bubble Contest"

For this game, you need to prepare a sufficient amount in advance. soap bubbles, so that they are enough for all participants. Children can determine the rules of the game themselves, for example, the one who blows the biggest bubble wins, or the one whose bubble does not burst the longest. This entertainment is perfect for the street, for example, if you are spending a birthday in nature or just went out into the yard during children's holiday.

"Eat an Apple"

Several apples (according to the number of guests) are hung on strings. The task of each child is to try to eat his apple without the help of hands. The first person to complete this task wins.

If you wish, you and your child can come up with your own games and competitions yourself. Give him the opportunity to participate in the preparation for the birthday, for the child this is a great chance to show independence and their creative abilities.

Entertainment program for teenagers

Older children need completely different games and entertainment for their birthday. 12 years at home, for example, is a completely different holiday that will look more mature and have a radically different character and direction. However, even at this age, the birthday boy and his guests will certainly be happy to participate in fun contests. Here are some options for interesting games and competitions that will not let anyone get bored at your holiday:


The point is fun game consists in the fact that the participants must take turns depicting a word or concept with gestures and movements, and the rest of the players must guess the intended phrase. Usually Crocodile is played on teams. You can choose the subtleties and rules of the game yourself, to your taste. For example, you can prepare cards with words in advance and mark on them the number of points that the team will receive if they guess correctly this concept(how harder word or a phrase, the more it should "cost"). This game is always very noisy, fun and in any company, regardless of age, is perceived with a bang.


Participants are divided into several teams of 3-4 people. Each team represents a flock of any animals: cats, horses, sheep, dogs, cows, etc. The players are blindfolded and they disperse around the room. At the command of the leader, the representatives of each flock must find each other, moreover, this must be done by imitating the voices of animals. For example, players from a pack of dogs must find each other by barking, from a pack of cats - by meowing, etc. The team that can unite the fastest wins.

"Take care of your feet"

Guests stand in a circle around the leader. Cheerful dynamic music sounds, and participants can move and dance as they like. In this case, the host may suddenly step on someone's foot. The task of the players is not to allow this. A participant who has been stepped on by the host is eliminated from the game. It is important to be careful while playing this game. fun entertainment did not result in injuries and bruises.

"Musical Hat"

The players become in a circle. One of them puts on a hat. The facilitator turns on the music, and the participants begin to pass the hat around, taking it off and putting it on the head of a neighbor. The host suddenly stops the music. The player who finds himself at this moment with a hat on his head is eliminated from the competition. The game continues until there is only one winner.


Any one letter of the alphabet is chosen, and for certain time participants have to write as many words as possible starting with this letter, moreover, on a specific topic (for example, countries, animals, etc.). The winner is the one who manages to come up with as many words as possible. This game can be played both individually and in teams.

"Look and Guess"

Participants sit in a circle. Everyone writes a word or a person's name on a small sticky note. Then the players stick their leaves on the neighbor's forehead. Each participant sees what is written on the forehead of the others, but does not see which piece of paper he himself has. Players take turns asking leading questions to the others, trying to guess the inscription on their foreheads. The one who does it first wins.

If your child is already old enough, give him the opportunity to independently prepare entertainment of his choice for the birthday. 14 years old, for example, is the age when you should leave the birthday boy and his guests alone and let them have fun without their parents.

Thematic holidays

If you want to throw a particularly unusual and memorable birthday for your child, you might consider organizing a themed party. Such celebrations will appeal to children of any age, if you choose the right direction and the main concept of the holiday.

Your main task for initial stage preparation - decide on the theme of the party. For example, preschoolers and younger students will surely appreciate with a treasure hunt and lots of exciting adventures or a jungle themed party. If you are preparing a birthday for a girl, you can arrange a fashion festival with trying on and demonstrating interesting outfits, an impromptu beauty salon, etc. In addition, for little birthday girls, you can arrange a Cinderella ball, a party on the theme of fairy tales, a holiday in the flower kingdom. A child who is passionate about sports will definitely appreciate a hockey or football party.

Similar themed holidays Suitable not only for small children, but also for teenagers. Older kids will surely be interested in a movie-themed party, a party in the style of the Wild West, in the style of James Bond, etc.

In a word, ideas for such themed celebrations can be great amount. Focus on the preferences of the birthday man, his tastes and hobbies. Then you will surely be able to prepare a truly bright and memorable holiday that will leave only the most pleasant memories of yourself.

Secrets of the perfect holiday

In order for a child’s birthday to become a truly bright and memorable holiday, several details and subtleties should be taken into account:

  • When preparing holiday entertainment, consult with the birthday person. Still, this is his day, so it is important that all games and contests are to your child's liking. Then good mood he and his guests will be provided.
  • Keep a balance between moving and calm games. It is not necessary to turn a children's party into a boring intellectual competition, however, it is not necessary to arrange only noisy and active games. Perfect option when calm and active games equally, and they must alternate with each other.
  • No need to overload the holiday with a very large number of contests and games. Birthday entertainment for kids should be enjoyable and unobtrusive. Too rich program can tire the little guests. Give them the opportunity to relax and play on their own in between competitions.
  • To create a favorable atmosphere, take care not only about the organization holiday program, but also about . If you are celebrating a children's birthday at home, try to free up as much space as possible in the room where the main part of the holiday will take place. There should be enough space for games in the room. To enhance the feeling of joy and celebration, we advise you to decorate the house in advance with colorful garlands and balloons.
  • Before starting any game, be sure to clearly and easily explain the rules. During competitions, you can not only act as a host, but also participate in some competitions.
  • Teenagers 12-14 years old are quite capable of organizing birthday entertainment themselves. If necessary, you can take part in the preparation process and help the child organize everything, but during the holiday it is better to give the birthday boy freedom and the opportunity to entertain his guests on his own.
  • Do not forget to prepare prizes for competitions in advance. It can be sweets, small toys, souvenirs, stationery and any other pleasant little things. The presence of prizes will make the holiday more enjoyable and exciting, and any competitions and competitions - more exciting.
  • Take care of the musical arrangement of the holiday. To create a pleasant relaxed atmosphere, all games and competitions should be held to dynamic music.

Having a fun and memorable birthday is not so difficult if you think through everything in advance and devote enough time and effort to preparation. And remember that the main rule of a successful holiday is creativity and good mood.

Each child is looking forward to his name day, and it does not matter at all whether he is only 4 years old or already 14 years old. That is why parents always want to make every name day of their child unforgettable.

It often happens that, afraid of not being able to cope on their own or due to lack of time, parents hire professionals and entrust all the chores to them. Of course, this is also an option, but it is much more fun to organize birthday games for children at home yourself.

Make invitation cards with your own hands and connect the birthday man and all your household members to this exciting activity. Prepare sweets and decorate your apartment.

And so that the guests and the birthday boy himself do not get bored, organize fun and educational games for them, as well as contests. If you do not have enough imagination to come up with games on your own, then it does not matter!

An entertaining competition for attentiveness "The Giant and the Gnomes"


  1. For this competition, the presenter gathers the kids around him and tells a fairy tale about a giant and gnomes.
  2. When talking about giants, he stretches out, trying to show how huge he is, and when it comes to gnomes, he sits on his knees, becoming small, like a gnome.
  3. Having finished his story, the host offers to play with him. At the word "gnome" everyone sits down, and at the word "giant" they get up.
  4. Having practiced a little with the guys, the facilitator suggests complicating the game by replacing keywords with synonyms, trying to confuse the children.

    The task of the guys: to sit down only on the word "gnomes", and get up on the word "giant", without responding to synonymous words.


  • Age limit: 4 - 6 years.

Competition for attentiveness and speed of reaction "Magic Whistle"

Gameplay scenario:

  1. The leader builds the children in a circle.
  2. In his hands he has a "magic whistle". And if he whistles at him once, the legs will run, if he whistles twice, they will stop, and if he whistles three times, they will jump like hares.
  3. The host blows the "magic whistle" and the game begins.
  4. The contestant who makes a mistake is eliminated.


  • Age limit: 4 - 6 years.
  • Quantity: 4 or more players.

Agility competition for children aged 4+ "Bowling"

Required details:

  • 1 set of children's pins;
  • rope.

Gameplay scenario:

  1. Skittles are arranged in two rows, and with the help of a rope they mark the line from which the contestants will throw the ball.
  2. The distance from the rope to the pins should be comfortable for the children participating in the game.
  3. The player who knocks down more pins becomes the winner of this competition.


  • Type of gameplay: mobile game.

Competition for speed "Catch me by the tail"

  • 2 long ribbons;
  • rhythmic music.

Gameplay scenario:

  1. 2 players take part in this competition.
  2. In order to start the competition, the participants are prepared by tying a long ribbon around the waist, so that it hangs down from behind like a tail.
  3. It is this impromptu tail that the player must catch before he himself is caught.
  4. The competition starts with the first sounds of rhythmic music prepared in advance.


  • Age limit: 4 - 12 years old.
  • Quantity: 2 or more players.
  • Type of gameplay: mobile game.

Artistry competition "What did we do today?"

Gameplay scenario:

  1. To determine the driver, a counter is used.
  2. After its determination, 5 minutes are recorded, during which the participants of the competition discuss the scene that they will play. The driver is taken out of the room for this time.
  3. After 5 minutes, the driver returns - and the guys show a small scene, according to which the driver must guess what the guys were doing.
  4. If he manages to understand the action of the scene, a new driver is chosen.


  • Age limit: 4 - 12 years old.
  • Type of gameplay: mobile game.

Competition for the development of fantasy "Funny portrait"

To implement the game, you will need the details:

  • two marker boards (can be replaced with whatman paper);
  • multi-colored markers.

Gameplay scenario:

  1. On the marker boards, the outline of the head and only the beginning of the neck are drawn with markers, after which almost the entire drawing is covered with a sheet of paper. Only the neck and a small part of the face remain.
  2. Paper can be attached to the whiteboard using magnets.
  3. The facilitator gathers two teams and invites the participants to draw.
  4. Each team has 1 player. They draw the first outline of the face with any marker of their choice and, when finished, return to their team.
  5. Each next contestant draws his part of the face, and so on until the very end.
  6. The team with the most "funny portrait" drawn on the marker board wins.


  • Age limit: 4 - 12 years old.

Competition for the development of fantasy "Art relay race"

To implement the game, you will need the details:

  • two marker boards;
  • multi-colored markers.

Game scenario:

  1. In order to start the competition, the children are divided into two teams.
  2. The task of the contestants is to draw a pre-selected animal.
  3. The team whose drawing most resembles the animal discussed at the beginning of the competition wins.


  • Age limit: 4 - 12 years old.
  • Quantity: 4 or more players.
  • Gameplay type: still game.

Skill competition for children "Apple of Discord"

To implement the game, you will need the details:

  • fishing line;
  • a couple of small apples.

Gameplay scenario:

  1. One end of the fishing line is tied to an apple branch, and the other end is tied so that the apple hangs down.
  2. In this case, the growth of the contestants must be taken into account.
  3. Each participant must be placed next to his apple.
  4. The task of the contestants is to bite the apple, but it is forbidden to help themselves with their hands.
  5. The contestant who bites the apple first wins.


  • Age limit: 4 - 12 years old.
  • Quantity: 4 or more players.
  • Type of gameplay: sedentary game.

Competition for the speed of reaction "Volleyball on chairs"

To implement the game, you will need the details:

  • ropes;
  • balloon;
  • chairs.

Gameplay scenario:

  1. The playground is divided by a rope into two equal parts.
  2. The guys are divided into teams. One contestant leaves the team.
  3. The guys who came out are offered to draw one of the two sticks.
  4. The player who pulled out a long stick is given a ball. The right to the first serve for him.
  5. Opponents, without getting up from the chair, hit the ball with their palms, without holding it in their hands.

    A ball dropped on the opponent's side scores a point for the opposing team.

  6. The team with 10 points wins.


  • Age limit: 4 - 12 years old.
  • Quantity: 6 or more players.
  • Type of gameplay: sedentary game.

Competition for attentiveness and ingenuity "Cold, warm"

Gameplay scenario:

  1. A counter is used, the player remaining at the end is blindfolded.
  2. The toy is placed in a conspicuous place.
  3. Now the blindfolded player tries to find the toy, guided by the prompts of the other participants in the game, who say “warm” when the player approaches the toy, and “cold” when they move away.

Game requirements for children 5 6 years old for a birthday at home:

  • Age limit: 4 - 6 years.
  • Quantity: 2 or more players.
  • Type of gameplay: sedentary game.

We check the concentration of children from 6 years old

Gameplay scenario:

  1. The leader gathers the children around him. Participants dance to rhythmic music.
  2. When the music stops playing, all participants freeze in the position they were in, and the host walks around them and tries to cheer them up.
  3. The one who moves or laughs first leaves the game.
  4. The winner is the most concentrated and enduring.


  • Age limit: 4 - 12 years old.
  • Quantity: 3 or more players.
  • Type of gameplay: sedentary game.

"Try to laugh" promotes the development of artistry

Details required for the implementation of the game:

  • one wide vase;
  • colorful stickers.

Gameplay scenario:

  1. One sticker is left blank, and a smile and numbers are drawn on the rest.
  2. The stickers are rolled into tubes, thrown into a vase and mixed thoroughly.
  3. Each participant draws one sticker. The one who got an empty sticker sits on a chair. His job is not to laugh.
  4. The rest of the guys are built according to the numbers that they got.
  5. The first participant comes out, his task is to make the unsmeyan laugh. Each participant has only a couple of minutes to do this.
  6. The player who makes the unsmean laugh becomes the winner in this game. If there is none, the unsmean wins.


  • Age limit: 4 - 12 years old.
  • Quantity: 3 or more players.
  • Type of gameplay: sedentary game.

"Tom and Jerry" for hardy and dexterous guys

Gameplay scenario:

  1. The birthday boy chooses two drivers from the children. The remaining players form a circle.
  2. Jerry is standing inside the circle and Tom is standing behind him.
  3. The players keep Tom out of the circle while protecting Jerry. However, if Tom breaks into the circle, they release Jerry out of it as soon as possible.
  4. When Tom catches Jerry, the birthday boy chooses new drivers.


  • Type of gameplay: mobile game.

"Guess who am I?" develops children's mindfulness

Details required to implement the game:

  • tight mittens;
  • blindfold.

Gameplay scenario:

  1. The birthday boy chooses the driver. There is a bandage in front of the driver’s eyes, and mittens on his hands.
  2. He is brought to the participants in the game - and he determines by touch the person standing in front of him.
  3. The player recognized by the driver takes his place.


  • Age limit: 4 - 12 years old.
  • Quantity: 4 or more players.
  • Type of gameplay: sedentary game.

"Mystery cards" contribute to the development of thinking

Required details:

  • cards with different designs.

Gameplay scenario:

  1. The cards are laid face up on the table.
  2. The participants of the game come to the table and examine the cards for 30 seconds, after which the cards are turned face down and thoroughly mixed.
  3. The player goes first to the cards. whose name starts with the letter "A". If there is none, the player whose name begins with the letter "B" goes out, etc. He chooses one of the cards on the table.
  4. The remaining participants try to guess what is drawn on his card. They ask him leading questions, and the driver answers them only with “yes” or “no”.
  5. The participant who guesses what is drawn on the card becomes the next driver.


  • Age limit: 6 - 12 years old.
  • Quantity: 3 or more players.
  • Gameplay type: still game.

Competition for concentration and attention "Whisper"

Gameplay scenario:

  1. Players line up. The leader chosen earlier approaches the first person in the row and in a low whisper says any word in his ear.
  2. The player in the same way pronounces what he heard in the ear of the participant standing behind him. And so on until the very last participant, who must loudly say the word transmitted to his ear.
  3. If the word is guessed, the host moves to the very end, and the first in the row becomes the new host.


  • Age limit: 4 - 12 years old.
  • Quantity: 4 or more players.
  • Gameplay type: still game.

"Ring" will reveal the speed of reaction of players

To implement the game, you will need the details:

  • chalk or rope;
  • one ring.

Gameplay scenario:

  1. First draw a line.
  2. Behind the line is the driver.
  3. Participants are built in a row at a distance of 1.5 - 2 meters from this line.
  4. The guys need to fold their palms in the shape of a boat and stretch them slightly forward.
  5. The birthday boy comes up to the participants and runs his palms, in which there is a ring, over the palms of the participants.
  6. The task of the birthday boy is to quietly leave a ring in the palms of one of the guys. After that, he goes beyond the outlined line and says:
    - Ring, ring, go out on the porch.

Immediately after these words, the participant, in whose palms there is a ring, must quickly run towards the outlined line, behind which is the birthday man. If he is not caught by other participants, he replaces the birthday boy.

  • Age limit: 4 - 10 years.
  • Quantity: 4 or more players.
  • Type of gameplay: sedentary game.

"Unravel the tangle" and test your thinking and logic

Required details:

  • multi-colored ribbons of the same size.

A small knot is tied at the end of each ribbon and only one ribbon is left without a knot. As a result, so many ribbons should be obtained so that there is enough for each participant in the game.

Gameplay scenario:

  1. The ribbons are laid out on the table so that the ends of the ribbons can be covered with a piece of paper.
  2. The guys pull out one ribbon at a time until one of them pulls out a ribbon without a knot. Now he is the driver.
  3. The player who pulled out the ribbon without a knot turns away. The rest, holding hands, try to get confused so that they get a tangled ball. According to the conditions, they should not open their hands.
  4. The introducer needs to unravel the ball without opening the hands of the players.


  • Age limit: 6 - 14 years old.
  • Quantity: 4 or more players.
  • Type of gameplay: mobile game.

"Engines and gates" for fast and active guys

Gameplay scenario:

  1. The participants of the game are built one by one, like trains.
  2. Two guys, holding hands, raise them as high as possible so that "engines" can pass under their hands. This is our "gates".
  3. Approaching the "gates", the "engines" say:
    - Open forever!
    Gates says:
    We don't always let you through, so hurry up before the doors close.
    The gates are closed.
  4. The task of the "engines" is to quickly run under the "gate" until they are closed. Those who did not have time to slip through become "gates". Thus, the number of "engines" is decreasing, and the "gates" are becoming more and more.
  5. The game ends when there are no "engines" left.


  • Quantity: 7 or more players.
  • Type of gameplay: mobile game.

"Fairytale story" will help the development of fantasy

Required details:

  • colored stickers;
  • decorated cardboard sheet;
  • colored pens.

Gameplay scenario:

  1. Each player is given one sticker and a pen.
  2. Then the leader, without looking, opens the book, randomly pokes his finger at it and calls the word he hit.
  3. The player writes a word on the sticker. And so it continues until, in the end, each of the players writes down their word.
  4. Now the players compose a sentence, and, having written it on their sticker, they pass it on to another player, who, after reading what they have written, composes a sentence from their word and, having written it on their sticker, passes it on to the next player.
  5. This continues until the end, until there are no players left.
  6. Stickers are pasted on the prepared sheet of cardboard. As a result, the resulting funny "fairytale story" is given to the birthday man.


  • Quantity: 3 or more players.
  • Gameplay type: still game.

Competition for the speed of reaction "Uncaught fish"

Required details:

  • rope.

Gameplay scenario:

  1. The leader stands in the center, he is a fisherman. The contestants surround him, forming a circle. They are fish.
  2. The leader twists the rope below, under the feet of the participants in the game.
  3. When the rope is near the player's feet, he must jump over without hitting it. If the rope touches the participant's leg, he is out of the game.
  4. At the end, there is an “uncaught fish”.


  • Age limit: 6 - 12 years old.
  • Quantity: 3 or more players.
  • Type of gameplay: mobile game.

Endurance contest "Naughty ball"

To implement the game, you will need the details:

  • two hoops;
  • two balls.

Gameplay scenario:

  1. Players form two pairs and stand in the center of the hoop.
  2. On command, the couples begin to blow on the balloon.
  3. The task of the participants is to keep the ball in the air without touching it.
  4. The pair that keeps the ball in the air for a longer time than the opponents wins this competition.


  • Age limit: 6 - 10 years.
  • Quantity: 4 or more players.
  • Type of gameplay: sedentary game.

Competition for children aged 6 years and over "Empty cell"

Gameplay scenario:

  1. The players become in a circle.
  2. Each player represents a cell.
  3. The driver, who is outside the circle, clapping on the shoulder of any of the players, calls him out of the circle.
  4. They stand opposite each other, and then, on command, they begin to run in opposite directions.
  5. When meeting, the rivals slap each other on the palm and continue to run until they find a free cell. The opponent who occupies the cell first wins. The one left without a cell is the driver.


  • Age limit: 6 - 10 years.
  • Quantity: 7 or more players.
  • Type of gameplay: mobile game.

"Guess whose voice" will increase attentiveness

Gameplay scenario:

  1. The children, holding hands, form a circle.
  2. The birthday boy stands in the center of the circle. He has a tight bandage over his eyes.
  3. Players circle around the birthday boy and sing:
    “Here we are gathered in a circle,
    Find me friend.
    And don't think, don't guess
    Listen to the voice, choose!”
  4. After these words, the players move a few steps away from the birthday man and say:
    "Guess whose voice."
  5. The word "guess" is said by the player indicated by the leader. If the birthday boy guesses, then his place is taken by the one whose voice was guessed.


  • Age limit: 6 - 10 years.
  • Quantity: 6 or more players.
  • Type of gameplay: sedentary game.

Contest for attentiveness "Merry relay race"

To implement the game, you will need details: numbered stickers.

Gameplay scenario:

  1. The contestants come to the table, where stickers are scattered around and pull out any of them. The one who received his license plate stands in a circle.
  2. The players begin to clap rhythmically, first two hand claps and then two knee claps.
  3. The birthday boy starts the game. Clapping his hands, he repeats his serial number twice, clapping his knees, he calls the serial number of the player he has chosen, for example, "seven, seven."
  4. The player with the number seven picks up the baton and claps his hands, says "seven, seven", clapping his knees, the player calls the number of any player who, in turn, continues the baton.
  5. This game is based on quickly picking up the baton and not making mistakes. The wrong player is out of the game.


  • Age limit: 6 - 12 years old.
  • Quantity: 7 or more players.
  • Type of gameplay: sedentary game.

Competition for speed of reaction for young children "Numbers"

Gameplay scenario:

  1. It is necessary to discuss in advance which number means what. For example: five - turn right, seven - turn left, nine - jump in place.
  2. The leader builds the children in a line at arm's length, and he himself stands opposite.

    He says the numbers agreed in advance, and the players perform the actions that they indicate.

  3. The facilitator picks up the pace over time and can confuse the players by doing things that don't fit with the number he calls.
    The player who makes a mistake becomes the leader and also tries to confuse the remaining players.


  • Age limit: 6 - 12 years old.
  • Quantity: 7 or more players.
  • Type of gameplay: mobile game.

"The tail of a horse" for dexterous and quick-witted children

Required details:

  • ribbons.

Gameplay scenario:

  1. A ribbon is tied around the waist of each player, so that the ends hang slightly behind, like a horse's reins.
  2. The players, facing the back of the head, hold on to the reins.

    Standing first in the figure of an imaginary horse, “main”, and standing in the final part “closing”.

  3. The task of the "main" is to catch the "closing". The condition is that the players in the team do not let go of the “reins”.


  • Age limit: 6 - 12 years old.
  • Quantity: 7 or more players.
  • Type of gameplay: mobile game.

Coordination competition "Release the hostage or surrender"

Required details:

  • chairs;
  • rope;
  • blindfold.

The meaning of the gameplay is as follows:

  1. A circle of chairs is organized, the players sit down.
  2. In the central part of the circle, a “keeper” sits down, his eyes should be tied, and a “hostage” with bound arms and legs.
  3. Those who sit on the chairs along the contour are “liberating”, they make efforts to free the hostage, trying to untie him.
  4. The guardian prevents them. By touching any part of the liberators, he knocks the "liberating" out of the game process, and the "liberating" is forced to go beyond the contour of the chairs.
  5. The player who manages to free the hostage and not be captured takes the role of the guardian in the newly started game process.


  • Age limit: 6 - 12 years old.
  • Quantity: 5 or more players.
  • Type of gameplay: mobile game.

"Jump, jump, petal" will test dexterity

Required details:

  • matter(2x2);
  • ribbons;
  • PVA glue.

For this competition, you will have to prepare more carefully, but it's worth it. Take the fabric - and in the very center stick a circle of tape with glue. Now divide the tape into equal parts. There should be 7 of them.

We glue the ribbons around the previously made circle in the form of petals. Ready.

Gameplay scenario:

  1. We spread the matter and fasten it. In the center of the circle is the main "bee", around it are "bees" on the petals.
    When the main "bee" says:
    "jump" - "bees" jump over the petal on the right.
    "skok" - "bees" jump to the petal on the left.
    “petal” - “bees” change places with the one who stands on their right hand.
  2. The task of the "bee", taking advantage of the created confusion, is to occupy any free petal. If he succeeds, the place of the main “bee” is taken by the “bee”, which did not have time to take the petal.

Game requirements:

  • The age of children is from 6 to 12 years.
  • The game involves 7 or more players.
  • Type of gameplay: mobile game.

Competition for speed "Funny sweet tooth"

  • wide tape;
  • vase - candy bowl and sweets.

Gameplay scenario:

  1. The participants form two teams. The teams are divided into pairs and stand side by side, after which their adjacent hands are glued together with adhesive tape so that the pair has only one free hand. Now the players are ready.
  2. At a signal, the couples run to the candy bowl standing on the table, and take sweets with their free hands, unfold the candy wrapper and eat it.
  3. The team that ate the most candies wins. You can calculate the number of sweets eaten by the number of candy wrappers.

Game requirements:

  • The age of children is from 6 to 12 years.
  • The game involves 8 players.
  • Type of gameplay: sedentary game.

Reaction competition "Find your mate"

Required details:

  • stickers equal to the number of game participants.

Gameplay scenario:

  1. Stickers must be prepared in advance. To do this, the names of the players are written on the stickers. When each sticker has a name written on it, they are rolled up, shuffled, and scattered on the table.

There must be an even number of stickers, as well as players.

  • Participants, approaching the table, take one sticker. When all the stickers are taken apart, they turn on rhythmic music and the players begin to dance to it, while dancing must be strictly in the place where they stood.
  • The task of the players is to quickly unfold the sticker and see whose name is written on it, and find with their eyes where their couple is.
  • When the rhythmic melody is replaced by a calm one, each player should quickly find the one whose name is written on his sticker and become a pair with him.

Game requirements:

  • The age of children is from 6 to 12 years.
  • Type of gameplay: mobile game.

Checking thinking with the help of reflection in the mirror

Required details:

  • blindfold;
  • coin.

Gameplay scenario:

  1. Participants are divided into two teams with an equal number of players.
  2. One player from each team goes to the center of the room. They flip a coin.
  3. The loser leaves the room, he is now a "reflection".
  4. The remaining player "statue" assumes any bizarre pose. He only has 3 minutes to do this.
  5. At the end of time, a “reflection” is introduced into the room, which was blindfolded in advance.
  6. "Reflection" by touch tries to understand in what position the "statue" is standing. He has only 5 minutes to complete the task.
  7. When time runs out, the "reflection" should take the position that seems to him the most correct.
  8. The team with the most “mirror reflections” wins. The judge in this game is the birthday man himself.

Game requirements:

  • The age of children is from 6 to 12 years.
  • The game is played by 4 or more players.
  • Type of gameplay: sedentary game.

Develop mindfulness and draw geometric shapes

To implement the game, you will need the details:

  • the pencils;
  • stickers.

Gameplay scenario:

  1. Different geometric shapes are drawn on the stickers (circle, triangle, rhombus, etc.) and placed on the table with the pattern down.
  2. The players sit in a row one after the other. The player at the end of the row goes to the table and randomly takes a sticker. He shows the sticker to the host, and, returning to his place, draws with the back of the pencil on the back of the player sitting in front of him, the figure he saw on the sticker.
  • chalk or ribbon.

Gameplay scenario:

  1. This competition is held between children whose strengths are approximately equal.
  2. The room is delimited by a line drawn in chalk, or simply use a ribbon. Opponents stand each in their own part of the room, raising one leg, and holding their hands behind their backs.
  3. The task of the players, without missing the enemy to their side, is to go over the line to the territory of the opponent.

Game requirements for children 7 years old for a birthday at home:

  • The age of children is from 6 to 12 years.
  • The game is played by 2 players.
  • Type of gameplay: mobile game.

Competition for the speed of reaction "Merry Web"

The following details are required for the competition:

  • table and chairs equal to the number of players.

Gameplay scenario:

  1. The facilitator sits the guys at the table. The guys put their hands on the table so that they end up with a cobweb. That is, the first player puts both hands on the table, the second player puts his left hand over his right hand, forming a cross, and his right hand is under the left hand of the third player.
  2. The children take turns slapping the table. According to the instructions, the players should not make mistakes and lose time.
  3. The one who makes a mistake removes the hand with which he made a mistake. As a result, the victory goes to the most attentive player.

Game requirements:

  • The age of children is from 10 to 12 years.
  • The game is played by 3 or more players.
  • Type of gameplay: sedentary game.

An entertaining relay race for the speed of reaction "Snake"

Gameplay Scenario: Voices

In the article you will find many fun, funny, moving and other contests and games for children's parties.

How to have fun for a children's holiday, birthday without an animator, at home: tips

A child's birthday is one of the most desired holidays for a family, it is a joyful and cheerful day. Most children look forward to this holiday and count the days until it.

Along with this, the holiday brings a lot of trouble. Parents are challenged to carefully consider the scenario of this day:

  1. Decide whether the celebration will take place in a kids club, cafe, outdoors or at home.
  2. Decorate a room, a hall in the style of a holiday.
  3. Decide on the menu and order / prepare a treat for guests.
  4. Arrange with a photographer and/or videographer to shoot the event.

What do children expect from this holiday? You can hardly surprise them with treats, beautiful photo session also will not cause delight, first of all, children are waiting for fun, unforgettable emotions. To do this, animators work on holidays who amuse children and hold contests and games.

Important: Parents can arrange an unforgettable holiday for their children on their own, hold many fun contests and games on their own. The most important resource for this is time. And ideas for contests and games can be found below.

Adviсe organization of children's games:

  1. For an outdoor holiday, plan more outdoor games.
  2. In an apartment, on the contrary, table games are more suitable, there are also a lot of them.
  3. If adults will be present at the holiday in addition to children, spend several games together so that parents do not get bored either.
  4. For participation in competitions, give children small prizes, souvenirs. This, firstly, is pleasant, and secondly, it will arouse even greater interest in children.
  5. If during the games you notice that the children are not enthusiastic, remove the games of this kind. Replace this game with another, more fun one. To do this, the arsenal should have several options for games just in case.
Tips: how to organize a holiday for children

The best simple, easy games and contests for children for a children's party, birthday: description

Important: Thinking through the scenario of the holiday, take into account the age of the children. This criterion will be decisive at your celebration. Toddlers under 3 years old, preschoolers, schoolchildren, teenagers - the interests of children in these age groups are different.

It often happens that children of all ages gather at the holidays. In this case, you should come up with universal games that everyone will like. Their main criterion is simplicity. In a simple game, both toddlers and older children can participate. Consider options for simple games and contests.

Disco game

A fun holiday without dancing is unimaginable! Gather the children in a circle. Under the cutting of fun music, invite the children to repeat simple movements after you. The highlight of the game is that each child in turn can offer dance moves, and everyone else will have to repeat after him. For each dance, it is worth allocating literally 1-2 minutes.

Game "Air battle"

Divide the guests into two teams, divide the room into two parts with chalk or some kind of conditional line. Give each team balls of two colors, for example, one is pink, the other is blue. Game conditions: to the music, each team will have to transfer their balls to the other over the established line. Once the music has stopped, the game stops. The team with the fewest balls wins.

Game "River"

To play this game, you need to prepare a long piece of blue or blue fabric. This will be the river. Two adults hold the fabric, at first the stream is thin, the children must step over it. Then the river becomes wider, the adults raise and lower the cloth, the children must crawl and not touch the cloth.

Contest "Wrap up soon"

To participate, you will need 2 people, a long thread and two spools. Tie a bright noticeable knot in the middle of the thread. The conditions of the competition: children must wind the thread on a spool, whoever reached the knot first, won.

Simple games for children for the holiday

Interesting games and competitions for children for a children's holiday, birthday: description

Game "Joint postcard"

The participants of this game will have to draw a common postcard for the birthday man. Each participant in turn a short time gotta draw something. The postcard will be original.

Competition "Architect"

Divide the children into 2 teams. Prepare a lot of children's cubes in advance. Participants line up in a chain, each must place the cube so that it does not fall. The team with the highest tower wins.

Competition "Racing"

Give two participants the same typewriter. Children sit down at the start and start their cars. Whose next, he won. Then the next couple can compete.

Video: Ideas for children's contests and games

The best fun games and contests for children for a children's holiday, birthday: description

Important: The most fun games at a children's party are those in which children can run, jump, dance.

Game "Cat and Mouse"

Traditional chasing, where the cat catches up with the mice, will never go out of style. You can modernize this game a little, for example, instead of a cat there can be a dragon, a monster, a dog, etc. The main characters can be the children's favorite characters.

Game "Overcome the barrier"

Place the plastic cups in one row to begin with. Invite the children to take turns jumping over the barrier. Then gradually complicate the task by placing the glasses higher and higher.

Bowling game

Children's bowling is a fun game in which children different ages will participate with interest. To do this, you need to buy a children's set: skittles and a ball. The conditions are clear: the player must knock down all the pins with the ball.

Funny Games for a children's party

The best comic games and contests for children for a children's holiday, birthday: description

Competition "Choose a Prize"

Small souvenirs are hung on a rope: a pencil, balloon, keychain, magnet, etc. Each participant is blindfolded, the host spins the participant (very carefully). After that, the participant must choose his prize by touch. The funny thing is that two people with a rope can move around, evade the participant.

The game "Kittens and Puppies"

Divide the children into two teams. Choose two from each team, these will be mothers - a cat and a dog. All other participants are kittens and puppies. All the children mix up and begin to bark and meow. And the mother at this time must find her cubs and gather everyone together.

Chamomile game

Make a daisy with large petals. Write some task on the petal: sing a song, crow, dance, jump on one leg, portray one of the animals, etc. The child tears off the petal and completes the task.

Children's competitions

The best fun games and contests for children for a children's holiday, birthday: description

Game "Young Artists"

Have the children draw. Let the children come up with a character they want to draw together. After that, each participant is blindfolded in turn, and he must blindly draw some part (legs, arms, torso or something else). The picture will be very funny.

Competition "Extra chair"

This game is already old, but remains loved and funny so far. There must be one more participants than there are chairs. To the music, the children run around the chairs. As soon as the music has stopped, the participants take their chairs. The one who did not get a chair is out.

Competition "Planet"

This competition requires children aged 8 years and over. At the very least, they should be able to inflate the balloon themselves and tie it. Two participants compete. Everyone should inflate a balloon, and then with a felt-tip pen draw on it as much as possible more people. This ball will be a new planet. Whoever has more characters on the ball wins.

The best outdoor games and competitions for children for a children's holiday, birthday: description

Game "Paints"

The facilitator and the participants conduct the following dialogue:

- Knock Knock.

- Who's there?

- Artist.

- Why did you come?

- For paint.

— For what?

- For the red one.

At this moment, all the children who are not wearing red clothes run away. The child in red or with elements of red stands still at this moment.

Competition "Firefighters"

The competition is suitable for hot weather. The two teams must line up. Everyone has empty glasses in their hands. Water is poured into the glass of the last child in the row. He must pour water to his neighbor as carefully as possible and run to the end of the line. The team with the most water left in their glass wins.

Accuracy game

Place a basin or other container. Children must throw small balls into the container from a distance.

Games with throwing objects into a container, you can come up with different ones to attract the interest of children. You can, for example, feed the dragon by throwing balls into its mouth.

outdoor games

The best board games and contests for a children's holiday, birthday: description

Important: Board games are great for a holiday in small room. In such a situation, you don’t run much, so you need to interest the children in the field.

Game "Unseen Beast"

This game develops imagination and cheers up. Invite the children to dream up about unseen animals. Let everyone answer the question: where does the musician fish live? What is the name of Murmurenko's mother? Most favourite dish chocolate bird?

Game "Don't Say Yes or No"

The conditions of the game are as follows: the leader asks questions, and the children must answer without using the forbidden words “Yes” and “No”.

Contest "Thumbs up"

When the facilitator says who or what can fly, the children should raise their fingers up. The host also raises his finger, thus confusing the children. The one who never fails wins.

The best games and competitions for boys for a children's holiday, birthday: description

Competition "Strongmen"

Announce that there will now be a competition of strongmen. Have the boys show off their biceps. The joke is that boys will not be measured by biceps, but by holding a pencil between their nose and lip. The host will have to make them laugh so that the pencil falls. Whoever lasts the longest is the main strongman.

Competition "Kangaroo"

Divide the boys into 2 teams. Each team lines up. The first participant pinches the ball between his knees and jumps to the agreed line and back. Pass the ball to the next. The team that jumps faster wins.

Air football game

Two boys stand on either side of the table. A line is drawn in the middle. A light ball or ball must be blown off by mouth to the side of the opponent.

The best games and contests for girls for a children's holiday, birthday: description

Game "Nesmeyana"

Choose one girl who will be the Unsmiled Princess. All the other girls will have to make her laugh. Whoever succeeds, she becomes the next Nesmeyana.

Competition "Who is faster"

On the table in front of the girls, put two dolls and the same set of clothes. To the music, the girls should quickly dress up their doll.

Game "Find the bear"

Hide the teddy bear in the room. Then invite the girls there and offer to look for a bear cub. If you notice that someone is approaching or moving away from the target, say: “warmth”, “cold”.

Birthday contests for girls

The best games and contests for the youngest children, kids for a children's party, birthday: description

Important: For kids 2-3 years old, you need to invent simple games by age. Difficult games they will not be able to understand, and the holiday runs the risk of becoming boring.

round dance

Lead a round dance with the kids with the long-known song "Loaf" to many. Put the birthday boy in the center, let him choose one of the children at the end.

Game "Draw a face"

Prepare pre-printed faceless portraits. Invite the kids to finish the characters eyes, nose, mouth. You can also experiment and invite children to portray sadness, laughter, surprise, tears, etc.


Kids will be happy to run away from a wolf, a cat, a dragon, from a wasp that wants to sting them. The sea of ​​\u200b\u200bjoy is provided.

Game "Teremok"

An adult must play a clubfoot bear in this game. Take a blanket, it will be a teremok. Let the little ones hide under the roof of the tower. When the bear tries to sit on the roof, the children will have to scatter from the tower.

Video: Birthday games for kids

The best games and contests for teenagers for a children's holiday, birthday: description

Important: Teenagers get bored just sitting at festive table. They are active people and are not averse to having fun and playing at the birthday party.

Game "Mummy"

To play, you will need several rolls of toilet paper, 2 participants per team. One will have to wrap the other in paper like a mummy. Whoever gets it right first wins.

Chicken paw game

The game requires several players. Have everyone hold a felt-tip pen between their toes and try to write some well-known phrase or the phrase “Happy Birthday”. If nothing comes out at all, let them write with their left hand, and left-handers with their right.


Let each of the teenagers draw out a card on which it will be written what he needs to portray with gestures and facial expressions, without words. Other teenagers will have to guess what it is.


Funny funny game which can be played not only by adults, but also by teenagers. The main thing is to find a leader who will come up with moves for the players.

Teen Games

Game Mafia for teenagers for a birthday: description

The game "Mafia" is popular among adults, it is often remade a little, removing frankly vulgar characters, and adapted for teenagers.

Important: The essence of the game is that the players are divided into two teams - the mafia and civilians. Peaceful citizens are tired of mafia tricks and decided to get rid of them. The mafia also declares war on the townspeople.

To play Mafia you need special cards, which determine who belongs to the mafia, and who - to the peaceful citizens.

For this game, you also need a host who will perfectly know the script and the rules of the game.

You can learn more about the scenario of the game "Mafia" by watching the video.

Video: Children play mafia

Holding a children's holiday is possible for cheerful, energetic people, those who know how to have fun and organize children. You can spend a holiday without an animator, now you know many options for games and contests.

Video: Mafia game for teenagers

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