How to replace the diluent for oil paints. Overview of sets of oil paints for painting for professionals and beginners - description, composition and price

The buildings 17.06.2019
The buildings

Oil painting is one of the most popular species. visual arts. This is due to the brightness and durability of work. In addition, working with this material is extremely easy and pleasant. In this regard, it is important to know how to dilute oil paints.

Do I need to dilute oil paints

Oil paints for painting can be used without diluents. If the texture is soft enough and you love relief work, I boldly draw them in its pure form. Nevertheless, paint may have too dense consistency and thickly thick. In this case, before you will certainly be the question than to dilute oil paints. Here the main thing is to understand that any solvent makes the work less bright. And if you use natural oils, then keep in mind that the dying period of the finished picture will increase significantly. In any case, such funds need to be kept in their arsenal to be able to wash the brushes and palette.

Ready diluent

In art stores you can find diluents oil colorswhich differ from numbers. They include turpentine, Pinen and White Spirit. The number means the ratio of these substances. Diluents are used not only for drawing, but also for washing the brushes and cleaning the palette.

Oil as diluent

The first thing comes to mind when the question of how to dilute oil paints, it is, of course, vegetable oils. Most often use linseed or hemp. But it is best to carefully read the composition of the paint and choose similar oil in an artistic store. Such an additive will make the material softer and supple. In addition, the work will appear characteristic shine. After drying, the picture will cover an imperceptible elastic film that will protect it from the devastating effects. external factors. If we talk about the lack of such a diluent, it is worth noting an unpleasant suffocating smell.

Terpetin and White Spirit

Purified Terpetin is a good option For large-scale paintings. Oil paints for drawing become quite viscous and will not dry for a long time, and therefore you will always have the opportunity to make adjustments to work. Nevertheless, in no case use household terrentin, only from an artistic store. This substance can give yellow paint.

As for Mineral White Spirit, it will dry much faster than the previous substance. In addition, it is less arrogant in storage and is safer in terms of chemical composition. Yes, and the price of such a diluent below. Nevertheless, if the substance is poor-quality, on the finished work after drying it may appear a white flare.

Artistic varnish

If you do not know how to dilute oil paints, then try scenic varnishes. But in no case do not confuse them with the coated, which are applied in about a year after writing a picture. Varnish must contain in its composition wood resin and solvent.

Oil paints for painting, diluted in a similar way, become more compatible and at the same time more dense, which provides good overlap. In addition, the finished picture becomes bright and brilliant, which is quite difficult to achieve, using only oil or diluent. Paint after drying becomes more durable and resistant to external influences.

In order for the structure of oil paint to be softer, often use the so-called twin. It consists of one part of the varnish and two parts of linseed or cannabis oil.

Recipe "Tee"

Experienced artists prefer to prepare a diluent for oil paints with regard to their needs. The most common recipe "tee" includes the following components:

  • picturesque varnish (it is better to choose the database or masticistal);
  • hemp, linen or poppy oil (the latter is considered one of the most transparent and clean);
  • skipidar or solvent for art oil paints (most often used White Spirit).

All components are mixed in a clean glass container in equal proportions. The vessel should be tightly closed, otherwise the solvent will begin to evaporate and loses its properties.

Helpful information

Beginners and experienced artists will certainly appreciate the following advice.

Never use solvents from building stores, because they not only possess unpleasant odor, but also give the colors with the shade of yellowness after drying.

Some diluents make the color of paint pale, but as they evaporate their shade can be brighter again.

Before using a solvent in working on the picture, experiment on the trial piece of the canvas.

You should not use too much diluent, because the oil paint can become loose and will be worse to stay on the surface.

For fast drying Use turpentine or artistic varnish, and if you have a long work, it is better to give preference to vegetable oil.

When working with solvents (especially with chemical), wear gloves and gauze bandages, and also do not forget to ventilate the room.

Always dilute a small amount of paint, because in this form it is not subject to storage.

If you want to give your picture a pleasant aroma, then use cedar or fir varnish as a solvent.

Is it possible to re-use the diluent?

Frequently often, artists are macked into a tank with a solvent of tassels, evaporation in paint. As a result, it becomes muddy and, at first glance, absolutely unsuitable for use. Dirty diluent can be used again if filtering procedure is repeated. To start, give liquids to stand upset, after which let it pass through a paper filter. The procedure must be repeated until the precipitate stops falling. Filtered diluent break into a clean glass container and tightly tighten with a lid.

Properly chosen diluent for oil paints will make your work more brighter, and will also speed up the drying process.

Materials on the topic:

Dilute oil paint

Probably, everyone may recall a similar case that during the repair period more than once on their own inattention, I forgot to close the jar with paint, from which the material, to a huge disappointment, frozen and was no longer suitable for use. Below are examples of possible solvents for paints that will help you save the thickened paint, or just dilute a new one.

Oil paints, in themselves, can be both densely, and immediately have a consistency needed when applied. Paints, conditionally referred to as "thick", in this form are extremely rare, most often they are bred by a solvent. Also, this specific liquid is divorced already dried paints or those that plan to be used as a primer.

The type of solvent for paint is determined according to the properties of the material to which the paint will be superimposed.

Oil paint is easily divorced by many chemicals that are extremely just purchased in construction stores. As examples, such solvents can be called: turpentine (purified or not), gasoline, solvent 647 kerosene (only with the addition of a sequivalent), White-alcohol. However, White-alcohol, solvent 647 and turpentine today are the most widely used solvents.

White spirit for oil paints

The scope of the same White Spirate is extremely large. It constitutes not comic competition to the turpentor, whose sales turnover fell after White alcohol appeared in the markets.

White spirit for oil paints is used in such cases:

  1. To obtain organodispersion when breeding paintwork coatings.
  2. In order to breed varnishes, primer, oil, enamel, autoconservants, etc.
  3. It is used for washing the brushes after completing the work.
  4. In order to degrease the surface, if suddenly there is a similar problem.
  5. It can be used as a solvent for rubber or alkids.

Such a solvent is extremely popular by virtue of its availability, because its price is quite acceptable, even given the wide range of its application.

When using White alcohol, paint costs or other species paint coating It is significantly reduced, but the quality of painting remains unchanged.

If desired, it is possible to even find this kind of white alcohol, which does not have a sharp smell characteristic.

Rules for using White Spirit for oil paints:

  1. We should not forget about precautions, so it is worth avoiding solvents near any sources open fire or switches. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that solvents of some formulations can be self-propagated under the influence of temperatures.
  2. It is also necessary to pay attention to a rather sharp smell of substance. Therefore, it is necessary to breed the paint solely in well-ventilated premises or at all outdoors.
  3. Due to the chemical composition of the solvents, they should not be allowed to be applied to the skin or mucous membrane. Otherwise, you need to immediately wash the place of substances with water. The clothes can also spoil from entering it a strong chemical.

Skipidar for oil paints

Skipidar by this moment is a popular paint breeding agent. In addition, it is used in the production of rosin, as well as dammaars. It can also be detected in varnishes on the basis of the coupon. The composition of the turpentine is complicated, and in itself it is like an essential oil.

Types of turpentine for oil paints:

  1. Punchy turpentine. It is manufactured mainly from the bark coniferous treesas well as stumps.
  2. Woody turpentine. In the manufacture of the branches and bark of trees, which contains resin in itself. In its original form, a similar turpentine is a brownish shade fluid that disappears immediately after re-processing.
  3. Patient turpentine. This type of solvent can be compared unless with real essential oil, since it is obtained by distillation of resin and resinous materials different species coniferous trees. Valuable properties This oil is not lost even after it is secondary processing, which is an undoubted advantage.

Solvent 647 for oil paints

Solvent 647 - Pretty Strong Colorless chemical substancewhich has a property easily flammable, and also exudes a sharp unpleasant smell, which is quite characteristic of this type Solvents. Often this liquid is used to dilute alkyd enamels and pentaflatine enamels. They are often breeding varnishes or putty. The solvent is preventing the surfaces that need to be painted. Also this liquid is washed with various industrial instruments and parts, and in addition to this, the solvent 647 is used to purify the contaminated fabric.

Diluting the paint should be extremely careful in its solvent ratio, since with the incorrect amount of solvent, the paint can be spoiled easily. In the diluted form, the paint is used for better penetration into the surface material. A mixture of paint with a solvent is also used as a primer.

Mix it well for 10-20 minutes before a homogeneous state.

Table. Physico-chemical indicators of solvent 647.

Oil paint on the olife

An universal solvent today is considered to be Olif. It is also part of the paint, thanks to it, when applied, a thin film is formed on the surface.

Type of olifa, which it is worth applying directly from what kind of it is contained in the paint itself. In addition, all oil paints are classified and other components of it, it may include various pigment substances and fillers. If the paint includes only one component, the name of the paint is given exactly the name of this component itself.

In the title, there is also a digit 2, which means that the paint material is applicable to all surfaces, if the paint is divorced by the same olifa, which is included in its composition.

For paint, the types of olifa also exists a special classification:

Indicated on the package. Such a note indicates that the paint includes harmful toxic substanceswhich may have an adverse effect on health, as well as sourcing a characteristic smell for a long time after the coating drying.

Ma-0,21. Paints based on natural olifa. In percentage content: 96% natural oils (soybean oils, sunflower, flax) and 4% of sequivans. It is mainly used for staining of walls, windows, doors both outside and indoors.

GP-0,23. Galifactive Olife - a natural substitute.

PF-0,24. So marked pentaphthasis olif. It consists of Sikcativ or Glycerin. 50% consists of natural materials.

In accordance with the standards, the packaging should register which solvents should be used with this type of paint, as well as its consumption by 1 square meter When applied in 1-2 layers.

Oil colors are the most durable and long-playing coating among other paints and varnishes.

They are great for applying plaster, metal, concrete and wood. Also, this coating protects the surface from such disastrous phenomena as corrosion, rotting, protects against excessive moisture. In addition, this species paintwork It is also used as a primer base and has a decorative value. They are brighter, and, of course, they can be used not only for painting walls outside the house, and inside it.

They are indispensable for creative personalitiesAfter all, it is precisely the case, the masterpieces of fine art are created. So another plus in favor of oil paints can be considered their prevalence and applicability in absolutely different areas Life.

Before deciding on the choice, the better it would be better to breed the paint, you need to decide for yourself what exactly you should buy. Perhaps the solvent, and maybe the diluent. Solvents are better to use in cases where the paint simply froze, dried. After its addition, you need to wait some time, from the pair of minutes, to the clock pair so that the paint acquires the consistency you need. Then you can easily work with the material. And in the case when the paint thickened, it is better to apply a diluent. With it, you will also prevent paint the desired consistency as this kind of substance reduces the viscosity of the paintwork.

Sunflower oil in painting

Sunflower oil is extracted from sunflower seeds. On sunflower oil, like a material suitable for painting, pointed out for the first time prof. F. Petrushevsky.

Raw sunflower oil, squeezed with a cold way, has a lipstone, which more or less easily disappears on the light and when heated. Chemical composition He is still studied. Farion relates sunflower oil to half-breathing oils. This is a great interest for Russian painters, as it is mined mainly in the USSR, moreover large quantitiesand is characterized cheap. Recently, however, they were interested in the West, where the tests of its fitness in painting are also produced.

Sunflower oil contains 46% of linoleic acids, 39% oleic acid and 9% solid fatty acids. These data on the composition of the oil, invisible, are close to truth, as they are confirmed by slow drying sunflower oil. But still there is no firmly established data, it is necessary, of course, a further study of the composition of sunflower oil. Mixing paints with sunflower oil gave certainly satisfactory results.

Of personal experiences I know that the layer of sunflower oil does not frown during drying even with a significant thickness; Oil dries in a thin layer in the form of cobalt oil approximately 12 hours. When the resins and essential oils are introduced into it, it gives a normal layer of painting; In addition, it can serve as a binder of paints in combination with linseed oil, than the negative sides are linen oil.

The harsh sentence pronounced by Tauber at the address of the poppy oil should also relate to sunflower, if we take into account the composition of the latter.

Select diluent for oil paint

However, it should not be overlooked that the poppy oil in the XVII century with success, it was used to be used in painting by the Dutch and that from the second half XIX century reigned an unsystematic painting method; Under such conditions, poppy oil gave, of course, the worst results than it could give. With changed views on the composition of binders of oil painting, when resin and essential oilsAnd also began to use mixtures of various oils, the question of the use of certain oils from the above-described oils as binders of paints remains still open, since we still have no longer experience with such combined binders in painting.

Paints, grated on one cheese of sunflower condensed oil, dry very slowly, especially zinc bleel, which makes it difficult to multilayer painting on it and does not guarantee strength. For full acquaintance with various species Fat drying oils must be said for several more words about the following oils.

Conductable oil in its properties is suitable only in painting business, but not in painting.

Oils of pine and fir seeds (especially the first) are excellent substitutes of linseed oil. They shine less than the latter. Sunlight Move easily and quite. The paints give a good paste, similar to the paste, obtained with poppy oil. Unfortunately, these oils are mined with difficulty, why and the price of them is high, especially oil from spruce seed.

Chinese and Japanese oils - wood (tung) and ne-rillee - have good drying abilities, but in painting until applications have not been studied in this direction.

For applying oil paint to the surface, it is sometimes necessary to obtain a more liquid consistency, so it becomes necessary to dilute the composition. Also, this procedure will be required in cases where the solution was left for some time in a leakage container, which led to its solidification. For breeding the mixture, various substances are used that are selected based on the paint destination.

See also:

When choosing a solvent, pay attention to what kind of paint is intended for. The fact is that such a type of materials includes two large groupsseparated by the field of application:

1. Solutions used to dye the surfaces of residential or economic premises. For these purposes, traditional compositions are suitable, which are presented in the shelves of construction stores. Although recently the demand for this production has decreased, in certain situations it is the oil solution that can be the best solution.

Dilute such a mixture is in the following cases:

  • The material is too thickened.
  • It is necessary to put the base layer.
  • Painting is done on wood. It is not too thick on this basis, not too thick composition, otherwise there will be no durable clutch.

To qualitatively apply oil paint with a paintopult, it must be pre-diluted

In addition, it often happens that after use, part of the paint remains, which even in a short period of time has time to dry. It is for this that will require dilution.

2. Art oil paints.They are great for amateur or professional drawing, as well as paintings of interior compositions. It is necessary to breed such compositions with greater caution, so special diluents are selected for them.

Diluent when painting surfaces

As a solvent in external and internal coloring can be used affordable materials. Their choice is great.

This composition has stable popularity in the dilution of the coloring products. For works with oil solutions, the following varieties are used:

  • Woody. It is made from the bark and branches of trees, in the abundance of resin. The initial solution is dark, but after processing it becomes transparent.
  • Patient. It turns out due to the distillation of the resin of living coniferous trees and is essential oils. It has a multitude of positive properties, so the area of \u200b\u200bits use is much more extensive than the use as a solvent.

Attention! The mixture has a specific smell, so the work is recommended to perform in a ventilated room.

Skipidar can be successfully replaced with White Spirit. Validity and popularity of this product is explained by widespread and accessibility. In addition, there are varieties that do not have a sharp unpleasant odor.

The work process when using such a composition is great convenience. The mixture evaporates not as fast as other solvents, which allows staining without a rush. Also, White spirit, when adding, does not change the color of the composition.

Normal White Spirit has a small ability to dilute, therefore it is better to purchase purified


Such a thinner for oil paints has the number 647. Product designation may be different and depends on the components that are part of the components. It is not recommended to use a solvent under number 646 due to the presence of acetone in it.

It is not always easy to dilute this substance with oil paint: surplus lead to deterioration of product properties.

Gasoline and kerosene

These options are recommended to be used in the absence of other mixtures and only for external work. An essential disadvantage of solutions is a specific smell that can cause dizziness and poisoning. This is due to rapid evaporation. But it is Kerosene who is better decisionWhen you need to dissolve the old composition, which has been thickening hard.


This is a universal solution, besides, the olifa is included in the composition of oil paints. But it is necessary to take into account that the diluent must correspond to the species of the substance that is included in the coloring material.

For getting necessary information You need to pay attention to the labeling of mixes for painting. Allocate the following notation:

  • PV-024. Such products are made on the basis of pentaphthalic olif.
  • Ma-021. It includes natural olifawhich contains more than 95% of vegetable oils.
  • GF-023. It is made with the addition of glyphthaled olifa. It is an alternative to genuine.

The correct definition of the constituents helps to obtain the necessary result.

Oxol Oxol, 55% of natural oils, 5% of the sequivat, the rest of the White Spirit; According to its properties, "oxol" is practically no different from the natural oil, but its cost is much lower

Order of dilution

It is no less important to the process of dilution of paint with their own hands, because its exact execution is a guarantee of lack of further problems.

Events are held in the following order:

  1. The container with paint is revealed, the density is estimated and thorough mixing is performed. To do this, use a girlfriend tool or prepared pure stick.
  2. The required proportion is determined. For each solvent, the indicator may be different. The exact amount of substance depends on the thickness of the paint, but should not exceed 5% of the total mass. Although, if necessary, get a mixture for the base layer or primer of the walls, the volume of the White spirit and the olifa can reach up to 10%. To dilute the mixture in the best way, the diluent is added directly to the jar. It should be poured it gradually in small portions. This will allow you to restore the composition and stir it well.
  3. Next, the paint is spilled in the container for work. In the process of staining, the material may thicken, so you need to periodically mix the solvent.

Dilute the paint that stood up the open some time is more difficult. Order of work:

  1. A film that was formed on the surface due to the effects of oxygen, carefully removed. It is impossible to leave or stir, then it will be impossible to completely get rid of hard lumps.
  2. A small amount of kerosene mixed with White-spirit is poured into the container, everything is well kneaded. If required, the diluent is added yet.
  3. Next, you can perform staining with this mixture or wait when kerosene evaporates, and use only one component for dilution.

Important! Works are performed in compliance with elevated precautions, since oil paint and all substances used for dilution differ in flavors and toxicity.

Breeding artistic paints

Materials for drawing can also be of different density, which requires bringing them to the desired consistency. In addition, the mixture is applied to different surfaces (Wooden, fabric). Therefore, for oil artistic paints, a different approach and a list of breeding agents are required.

Diluents for artistic paints: flaxseed oil, Pinen, multicomponent composition "Tee"

You can dilute such compositions with the following substances:

  • Butter. For the process, purified cannabis oil, sunflower or flax oil is suitable.
  • Pinen. Another name is "Dilubbing No. 4".
  • Multicomponent mixtures. It can be a twin and tee: the first contains in its composition varnish and oil, and pinen has added to them in the second.

It is recommended to choose the material solely from your own preferences, this will allow you to achieve the desired result. That is why such paints are bred in proportions that are determined individually after several samples. But it is worth remembering that the surplus of the solvent can destroy the structure of the painting material.

How to dilute oil paint for making different tools

Using different tools For painting walls, ceilings or other bases involves breeding the composition to the desired level of viscosity. At home this parameter is determined using a simple device - a viscometer that can be purchased in the store.

The device is a funnel with a nozzle that can be different size. Based on which time of time, the composition will leak through the hole, the level of viscosity is determined in seconds.

The process looks like this:

  1. After adding the solvent to the container from the paint and the sewer, the viscometer is immersed in it.
  2. A stopwatch is prepared in advance. You can use any other device.
  3. The device gets from the composition, simultaneously turns on the timer.
  4. After the mixture fully freed the glass (funnel) of the device, the stopwatch is turned off. The value is fixed.

To paint the surface with tassels and roller, the viscosity should be at the level of 10-15 seconds, and for the collapse - 25-30 seconds depending on the model.

Oil painting is one of the most popular species of fine art. This is due to the brightness and durability of work. In addition, working with this material is extremely easy and pleasant. In this regard, it is important to know how to dilute oil paints.

Do I need to dilute oil paints

Recipe "Tee"

Experienced artists prefer to prepare themselves according to their needs. The most common recipe "tee" includes the following components:

  • picturesque varnish (it is better to choose the database or masticistal);
  • hemp, linen or poppy oil (the latter is considered one of the most transparent and clean);
  • skipidar or solvent for art oil paints (most often used White Spirit).

All components are mixed in a clean glass container in equal proportions. The vessel should be tightly closed, otherwise the solvent will begin to evaporate and loses its properties.

Helpful information

Beginners and experienced artists will certainly appreciate the following advice.

Never use solvents from building stores, because they not only possess an unpleasant smell, but also give the paints with a shade of yellowness after drying.

Some diluents make the color of paint pale, but as they evaporate their shade can be brighter again.

Before using a solvent in working on the picture, experiment on the trial piece of the canvas.

You should not use too much diluent, because the oil paint can become loose and will be worse to stay on the surface.

For rapid drying, use turpentine or artistic varnish, and if you have long work, it is better to give preference to vegetable oil.

When working with solvents (especially with chemical), wear gloves and gauze bandages, and also do not forget to ventilate the room.

Always dilute a small amount of paint, because in this form it is not subject to storage.

If you want to give your picture a pleasant aroma, then use cedar or fir varnish as a solvent.

Is it possible to re-use the diluent?

Frequently often, artists are macked into a tank with a solvent of tassels, evaporation in paint. As a result, it becomes muddy and, at first glance, absolutely unsuitable for use. Dirty diluent can be used again if filtering procedure is repeated. To start, give liquids to stand upset, after which let it pass through a paper filter. The procedure must be repeated until the precipitate stops falling. Filtered diluent break into a clean glass container and tightly tighten with a lid.

Properly chosen diluent for oil paints will make your work more brighter, and will also speed up the drying process.

After carrying out construction work There is often short-use oil paint. Over time, she changes its properties, becomes thick or freezing. And the question arises: how should the oil paint dilute so that you can work with it again?

Dilute need to be based on paint

Features of dilution

The basis of oil paint is a pigment mixed with a olphoi to a homogeneous state. While the mixture is not used, a heavy powder pigment can sow, the middle freezes, and the oil is accumulated from above, therefore it is necessary to stir thoroughly or shaking the can before work. If it is necessary to bring the substance for staining to a more liquid state, first respond to two questions:

  1. As what are you going to use dilute paint: in itself for staining the surface or as a primer?
  2. With what kind of olifa is observed composition?

It is important for us to determine these moments, since the oil paint should be diluted with a substance similar to that there is in the composition.

If the bank with paintwork stood a short time after discovery, the thickening is eliminated by the addition of olifa. However, this substance varies with the method of manufacturing, thus, with an incorrect choice risk spoiling the entire coloring material. When it is necessary to reanimate the stubborn paint, it is not without a solvent. We add it if you prepare the primer.

Types of Olifai in oil paints

One type of paints can be used to process surface surfaces, the other is strictly for external workbecause it has toxic emissions (sharp smell).

The method of application depends on the type of olifa:

  1. The first one belongs to the natural olive, produced from hemp, linen, soybean oil. It is labeled Ma-021, and it is suitable for staining windows, doors and other elements of the premises. The exception is the floor and the ceiling, because the oil base does not allow to pass moisture, thereby it can break the right air exchange in the room.
  2. The second type is the compositional olive, created by mixing the solvent and oil. Such, White spirit, gasoline, solvent, it is characterized by the presence of a strong smell, and evaporation is harmful to the body. Although the paint with a similar composition costs less, but to do with her home repair is contraindicated. Indicated by the marker Ma-025.

After reading the label and composition, choose or linen oil-based olive, or buy a suitable solvent.

The process of breeding olphooy

It is not difficult to dilute the paint, but it is worth acting in gradually and economically pouring any diluting agent, because if it is oversaturated with oil, then a longer period is required to dry out the surface.

Stages of breeding:

  • for the convenience of stirring and eliminate bunches, we shift the paint material into a suitable container;
  • in small portions, we pour Olifu and begin to mix thoroughly, watching thickness;
  • we repeat the procedure for adding oil and bring a mixture to a suitable consistency;
  • we are waiting for ten minutes, after which they filter the composition through a sieve to eliminate lumps.

If you add too much olifes, paint will dry much longer

Choice and application of solvents

Before choosing a solvent, consider that some substances can change the properties of paint. Basically applied or multicomponent ready mixes Under the numbers (for example, "solvent 647"), which contain in various alcohol ratios, ketones, ethers, or organic substances with a high degree of volatility (White spirit, turpentine, kerosene, gasoline, etc.).

Add the solvent carefully and gradually, so as not to spoil the composition, since the excess can cause the destruction of links between the pigment and the oil.

Types of organic solvents:

  1. White spirit is the most used means, allowing both cleaning brushes and degrease the surface and plant oil paints, olifa, varnishes. It should be borne in mind that the usual White spirit has a small ability to dilute, because it is necessary to buy purified;
  2. Skipidar derived from different materials WoodProducts - one of the most popular substances to return to life paints and varnishes. Based on the turpentine and White spirit, they prepare a mixture, taking each substance in the ratio of one to one. Or use purified turbid, which helps speed up the drying process. If you take crude, then, on the contrary, increases;
  3. Kerosene can also be used to dissolve the cut paint. But before this it is mixed with a turbidar or with a sequence. Kerosene is little popular, because it lengthens the dying period of the painted surface;
  4. Gasoline can be involved as a diluent to reduce the viscosity of the colorful substance. It also gives a mixture of mattness.

Purified White Spirit has a better inflammation ability, in contrast to the usual

Before choosing the method of rehabilitation of oil paint, you need to decide what exactly acquired is a solvent or diluent? The solvent you will need for long standing and frozen paints. By adding it, you need to wait a few minutes or hours until the consistency becomes suitable for work. If the mass became thick, then you will help the finished diluent or olifa. It reduces the viscosity of the composition.

Oil-diluents are used mainly for dilution (dilution) of oil paints, although manufacturers write that they can also be used for washing the brushes, cleaning the palette, which from my point of view is just wastefulness. The palette can be washed by cheaper diluents purchased in economic store, and brushes - and simply economic soap With warm water. The main thing is not to give them to dry - they finished working, immediately washed away. However, in this question, the artist itself decides what to wash his favorite brushes.

I am a fan of the St. Petersburg Plant of Art Color "Neva Palette" (hereinafter simply "ZHK"), whose paints I found the best of domestic, and therefore diluents I mainly use it precisely. But sometimes I buy and some diluents of the Novosibirsk producer, LLC "Experimental Workshop of Art Technologies" (hereinafter simply EMTI).

I want to warn: I speak exactly the diluents, and not solvents. At first glance, there is no difference between them - both of them dilute paint. However, the diluent simply reduces the viscosity of the paint without disturbing its structure, and after drying evaporates, leaving the paint in its native form. Simply put, the diluent simply facilitates the "wrapping" of paint, but otherwise there is no difference, whether you used a diluent or not. By the way, I almost do not use diluents now, although before they left me bubbles.

But the solvent interferes in the structure of the paint, dissolving its film-forming substances, that is, oil, and after drying it, you get a changed paint, the properties of which can differ from the claimed. For example, she can smear, crumble. In addition, the solvent is capable of dissolving the already dried layer of paint, on top of which you impose a new layer with a solvent. So instead, say, lescing, you, roughly speaking, get the painting "raw", as a result of which the lesing paint is mixed with the paint of the base and change both its color and the color of the base, guaranteeing you unpredictable and, most likely, deplorable result.

Unfortunately, no diluent is the diluent in the pure sense of the word: it does not dissolve some substances, while others dissolve. Therefore, the smaller the diluent and the less you use it, the better. And in no case do not use the "diluent", bought not in an artistic store, but, for example, in a pharmacy. Even if it is called it looks like and the composition has the same, you still buy a cat in a bag. And one more thing - try to use diluents exclusively the same manufacturer as diluted paint. It is most likely to save you from problems, although, for example, the same ZKH warns in its directory: " Oil diluents are a group of funds whose use requires special knowledge».

I will not go into chemical properties Diluents, but simply bring the diluents of oil paints of the above manufacturers, which I tried and which can be bought at any art store. We will emphasize again: in the store of art goods, and not in the store of household goods, pharmacy or where else!

Diluent number 1 (ZHK)

This diluent consists of a mixture of turpentine and White spirit (turpentine - a product of recycling of a pine resin, White spirit - a product of oil refining) in a ratio of 1: 1.

If you need to work with paint "raw" longer, then, most likely, this solvent is what you need. It is written in annotations to it, "when adding to oil paint reduces its concentration, makes the paint less saturated and increases the drying time."

For dilution of varnish and for cleaning the surface from varnish, it is not suitable, but it perfectly cleans the palette and brushes from oil paint.

Diluent number 2 (ZHK)

This diluent is clean White spirit, oil refining product. It is suitable for breeding oil paints, cleaning the surface, brushes and palettes from oil paint. It should be used with caution - it has a high penetrating ability and can leak on the opposite side of the canvas through the microcracks in the soil.

Excessive dilution of paints can make a colorful layer loose and fragile, which can lead to crepe. For dilution of varnishes and cleaning the surface and brushes from varnish, it is not suitable, since it has a low dissolving ability.

Note that when diluting the paints as a mixture of White-spirit with a turbidar (diluent No. 1) and a clean White spirit (diluent No. 2), the colorful layer darkens over time. The same as mentioned below the Schipipidar of the wing production of EMTI. Therefore, I recommend using Pinen instead (diluent number 4).

Diluent "Tee" (ZHK)

Often it is called diluent number 3. A mixture of dummy varnish, flaxseed oil and turbidar. Gives shine and bright saturated tones. The diluent is used to dilute oil paints, as well as an intermediate layer to enhance the clutch of the colorful layers. For cleaning surfaces and brushes are not used.

Each component of this diluent is the thinner itself. In addition, since flaxseed oil can cause the colorful layer, especially the intermediate, many artists do not use a "tee", and the so-called "twin", which is not produced in pure form. This is a lacquer lacquer, mixed with a diluent, such as Pinen (diluent No. 4).

Diluent number 4, p inen (ZHK)

Pinen got his name from latin name Pines - pinus. Pinen is a component of the turpidar and is obtained by cleaning the turbid of a wonderful substance.

Pinen oxidizes significantly less than turpentine, which is not recommended to use in painting due to its inclination to yellowing and share. Pinen is almost not dumping and does not yellow.

It dilutes well as paints and varnishes. He evaporates faster than diluent number 2 (White Spirit). Pinen reduces the shine of the paints, so when using it, it is necessary to observe certain caution.

Diluent Landless (Sonnet)

Well purified White spirit. Makes paints more transparent, allowing you to get smooth transitions of tones. Improves paint fluidity and clutch of paint layers. He dries quickly, does not yellow.

It is used to dilute oil paints, flushing of paints with cloths, washing the brushes and palettes. Does not dilute varnishes.

Consider, the lack of smell does not make this diluent less toxic than diluent No. 2, which smells quite strongly.

Diluent for art oil paints (ZHK)

A mixture of bleached refined linseed oil and white-spirits with the addition of a sequence. Makes paints more transparent and less saturated, allowing you to get smooth transitions of tones.

Reduces the drying time of oil paints.

Can be used as a brushes cleaner, a palette from oil paints. Although, as I said, it is better to use cheaper solvents for this.

Oil diluent (EMTI)

Similar to the previous diluent for artistic paints production of ZKH "Nevskaya Palette".

That is, this is the same mixture of bleached refined linseed oil and White spirit with the addition of a cobalt sequivalent.

It is used to dilute quick-drying oil paints. Increases the time of drying the paints both on the palette and canvas, allowing the artist longer to work "in raw".

Skipidar Live (Emty)

Yellowish liquid with a characteristic pine smell. Get it by distillation of the Allows (resin of coniferous trees) with a water vapor. The pine resin contains up to 30% of the turpentine. Zhivical turpentine is a fully natural product, so to speak "juice" pine tree. In the presence of air, it urges, turning into a thick yellow mass, so it should be stored in a well-closed bubble and in a dark place.

It is used as a solvent and diluent of oil and alkyd artistic paints, as well as varnishes. In addition, it is well laundered with brushes and palette.

Linen refined butter (ZHK)

Used to dilute oil paints. For its manufacture, only natural polymerized cold pressing oil is used at the factory. In addition, with its production, the quality of oil production at all stages of its preparation is carefully ensured: pressing, evaporation, bleaching, filtering.

The addition of linseed oil in the paint gives great advantages: paint has significantly improves the diversity, hooking with idle and underlying paint layers. Also paint becomes less concentrated, more transparent, bright shiny.

Slows out the time of drying colorful film. The artist can work longer to work "in raw", create lescing.

Linen oil compacted number 2 (ZHK)

It is used in oil painting as a diluent of paints.

The film of this oil is more moisture resistant and less prone to yellowing than the above linen refined bleached oil.

Lacquer lacker (ZHK)

It consists of a dimmar resin solution in Pinen or Schipidar. Fully natural product.

This is a picturesque varnish, used as a diluent of oil paints, but many artists use it and as a coating varnish for completed work. It is also used to fix intermediate layers and for wiping intermediate layers in layer-by-layer painting, i.e., as a retouching varnish.

Dammar lacquer during storage can more, but after drying (pinen evaporation) it restores its purity. In addition, when stored, it can thicken, but is easily diluted with Pinen.

A painting covered with a dummary varnish, with time can darken and yellowed, so it is better to use acrylic-styrene varnish for this purpose, which is also produced by ZHK.

Pihitte varnish (ZHK)

It consists of a fir-resin solution in Pinen or Schipidar.

Unlike dummy varnish, this lacquer cannot be used as a finish, as its film even after complete drying is easily dissolved.

Therefore, the fir varnish is used exclusively for diluting oil paints or applied to intermediate layers of paint to prevent the painting and enhancing the clutch of the colorful layers. When adding to the paint, the fir varnish prevents its wrinkling and sweeping, supporting the brightness and purity of the original color and reinforcing the depth of the tones.

Well, here everything seems ...

Claim: I do not undertake to judge imported diluents. In its properties, they are mostly similar to domestic. In something they (maybe) better, but in something even worse. I'm not talking about possible fakes. If you are the "Western Fan", you can use them, but I do not recommend you in this. Foreign brands of diluents and their producers are so much that the whole book will need and many months of experiments to describe them. So look for yourself.

Just try different diluents (given the fact that I wrote and what you need) until you find yours. This, by the way, concerns domestic diluents. The universal, ideal diluent simply does not exist. You must find your pet yourself. For me, Pinen became such a pet - diluent number 4 "Nevsky palette". There is a thinner with the same number and the same name and Emty, but I can't judge him.

And I repeat: I usually use a diluent only in the first layers of painting, when I make a classic imprimature. At the next stages, I add a diluent in paint only occasionally, as I think that good paint. In its factory form, it already has an optimal consistency (viscosity) and does not need dilution. It is only necessary to browse the paint to the tassel to get an absolutely the same result as the diluent.

If, of course, you do not draw something like that, expressionist, flowing from the canvas, as in the next video. :)

These artists do not concern my advice ...

And the rest I wish you success in mastering this important, but very capricious component.

Tatyana Kazakova

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