Soybean oil. Use for food preparation

Landscaping and planning 30.06.2020
Landscaping and planning

In our country, the most popular among all vegetable oils is sunflower. This has long been due to the wide distribution of such a plant as a sunflower, which is grown almost everywhere in Russia. However, it is impossible to say that it is the most useful and is just as actively used throughout the rest of the world. And all because other representatives of this class are ahead of him, including olive and, oddly enough, soy. In world production, the production and use of soybean oil occupies a leading position. It has become a champion among other oils due to its valuable chemical composition and wide application possibilities both in the food industry and in cosmetology and pharmaceuticals. Some are afraid of this product, linking the harm of soy oil to the body with a myth that has enveloped all existing products, one way or another related to the word "soy". In this article, we will try to dispel this unreasonable misconception by providing readers with complete information about this product, amazing in its properties and qualities.

Soybean oil: composition, content of useful elements

Since oil is pure fat, it is fair to say that there are no proteins and carbohydrates in it, only fats (99.9%). In this regard, the calorie content of the product is extremely high and amounts to 899 kcal per 100 grams. However, these are not the calories that are stored by the body in reserve and lead to the formation of adipose tissue. On the contrary, they are practically not absorbed and, if used correctly, do not affect weight in any way. At the same time, the skin and organs receive the necessary nutrition.

The special value of soybean oil is determined by the organic acids contained in it, among which more than half is linoleic, a quarter is oleic, 4.5 to 7% is stearic, 3-5% is linolenic, 2.5-6% is palmitic, 1-2.5% - arachidic and some others. At the same time, raw soybean oil contains lecithin in its composition. It is a valuable component of the seeds of this plant and is widely used in confectionery and pharmaceuticals. Lecithin is formed during the production of oil by one of the technological methods - extraction or mechanical. In this case, the second (pressing) is considered preferable, since the resulting product is environmentally friendly and retains all useful properties.

Vitamins and minerals in soybean oil

The vitamin composition of soybean oil is very diverse. It is rich in the most valuable vitamin - tocopherol (E1), the content of which reaches 114 mg per 100 grams of product. For comparison, this element contains only 13 mg, and about 67 mg in sunflower. In addition, soybean oil contains choline (B4), vitamins E and K, and minerals such as zinc and iron. No wonder it is so valued throughout Asia, which is the historical homeland of this plant.

About the benefits of soybean oil and its effect on the body

The beneficial properties of soybean oil have long been known and actively used in the East, especially in Asia. In our country, due to the lack of information, its use is not so popular, which is a pity. The fact is that this environmentally friendly and vitamin-rich plant product has a beneficial effect on the work of the whole organism. Oil gives health and youth to the skin, because it is a natural source of vitamin E. It helps women to be beautiful and tender, men - strong and good health.

Soybean oil strengthens the immune system, lowers cholesterol in the blood, and also helps prevent a number of serious diseases. Like a heart attack, for example. That is why it is recommended to use it as a prophylactic against various diseases (especially cardiovascular, liver and atherosclerosis) and to preserve youth and activity until old age.

Thus, the oil will be useful for both a growing body (for harmonious development) and an aging body (to reduce potential health problems). It can be regularly included in your diet (added to vegetable salads and other dishes), as well as used for external influences (as part of creams, masks, etc.).

The myth about the dangers of soy and oil derived from it

With the development of genetics and the cultivation of genetically modified foods, among which are a wide variety of crops, a fear of soy has appeared. In our country, as well as in some other regions, for some reason this plant is associated with GMOs and is classified as harmful and even dangerous products. Many believe that soybean oil is used in production as a cheap substitute for olive and sunflower oil in order to save money, including on health.

However, the harm of soybean oil is not only not proven, but, on the contrary, is refuted by world-famous scientists. In the leading countries in terms of life expectancy, it is actively used in the food industry, adding to bread, margarine, non-dairy cream (which, it turns out, is even more useful than usual). And in England, the famous Cambridge bread is baked - a dietary bakery product with a unique vitamin and mineral composition.

Nevertheless, disputes about how soy oil actually affects the body do not subside. Its benefits and harms are not clear to many, which is why distrust appears. Therefore, if you once again heard that this unsafe product should not be consumed by pregnant women, as this will negatively affect the development of the fetus, then just close your ears and walk by. In certain doses, it is even recommended to include it in the diet of women who are expecting a baby, as it is rich in vitamins, minerals and will help strengthen the body, weakened during pregnancy.

Exception to the rule

There are exceptions in nature, and the human body reacts differently to certain products. In this regard, experts do not advise the use of soybean oil for people who have intolerance and suffer from allergic reactions to the soybean plant. It is unlikely that oil will be able to cause any harm to everyone else, except if the consumption rate is significantly exceeded (which, by the way, applies to all food products).

The use of soybean oil in cooking and in home cosmetics

There are several options for eating soybean oil. It depends on how it was received. Distinguish between unrefined and refined. The first is considered the most useful, because it retains most of the vitamins. However, not everyone will like the taste and pronounced smell of such a product. In order to improve health and prolong the youthfulness of the skin, you can use it in the morning on an empty stomach in a small spoonful.

More popular is soy, the shelf life of which is extended due to hydration processes, but it does not lose useful substances either. It contains a sufficiently large amount of lecithin, which helps to improve brain activity. It is recommended to add it to fresh vegetable salads in a small amount, but you can’t fry it on this one: when heated, carcinogens are formed.

The most popular is refined soybean oil. It is an odorless product that has a rather pleasant taste. It can be added to any first and second courses, cook vegetables, fish, meat on it, use it in cold appetizers. It will not bring harm, but there is little benefit in such an oil. As a result of numerous treatments (filtration, neutralization, bleaching and deodorization), there are practically no vitamins left in it, and therefore there will be little benefit from it in order to improve health. But as an alternative to other fats (especially animal fats), it can and should be used.

Home cosmetics with soybean oil

This product has amazing properties, in particular, the benefits of soybean oil as a rejuvenating agent for the skin have been proven. It is recommended to be used to nourish and moisturize dry, irritated and sensitive skin. The oil is able to retain moisture in it, as well as create a protective layer on the surface, which will become a barrier to the harmful effects of the environment. For young ladies, soybean oil will help maintain youthful skin and a beautiful complexion, and for mature ladies - to get rid of shallow wrinkles, give skin elasticity and smoothness.

For beauty and youthful skin

Ideally, soybean oils are best mixed with other vegetable oils (such as olive and almond) to soften and nourish.

The resulting mixture can be used for various purposes:

  • as a make-up remover;
  • instead of day or night cream;
  • in the form of nourishing masks (hold for about half an hour);
  • lubricate coarsened or weathered areas of the skin (lips, hands, elbows, heels).

For greater benefit and relaxation, you can add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to the composition of the oil mixture. This will give the product a pleasant aroma and enrich its composition.

To improve the properties of purchased cosmetics

Soybean oil can also be used to enrich purchased creams. To do this, take one part of your product (for a single application) and mix with a small amount of soybean oil (less than half a teaspoon), mix well and apply to the skin. Remove the rest with a tissue. Similarly, it is added to other cosmetics: cleansing milk, creams for hands and feet.

For hair health

Soybean oil is less commonly used for hair. However, it is able to compete with burdock. For example, it is perfect as a care product for moisturizing and smoothing naughty curls. The fact is that soybean oil is non-penetrating (along with coconut and jojoba oils), and therefore more effective for these purposes (than penetrating burdock). It covers the scalp without penetrating into the deeper layers and prevents moisture loss. It is thanks to this thin film that the hair looks healthier, and not dry and lifeless.


Do you still think soybean oil is so harmful and hazardous to health? As you can see, not only should you not beware of it, but on the contrary, it is recommended to use it regularly and for various purposes - from dressing salad to applying it to the skin of the face and whole body. Do not be afraid to use such a natural product as soybean oil. Its benefits and harms have long been studied both in theory and in practice. Moreover, in many countries (including the East, where they know a lot about beauty and health), it is highly valued and used for many decades in a row.

In the modern world, the choice of oils is quite large, and the scope is huge. One of those that is gaining popularity is vegetable soybean oil. Many doctors called him the "champion" of oils, due to his unique composition. Depending on how you plan to use this amazing and healing product, you can purchase refined, unrefined, deodorized soybean oil. Soybean oil is a complete alternative to many types of vegetable oils, such as sunflower, olive or corn.

The benefits and possible harms of this product are discussed in this material. You can also learn about the composition of soybean oil and its scope for domestic and cosmetic purposes.

Composition of soybean oil: components and constituents

Soybean oil is made from beans by pressing, its color directly depends on the maturity of the seeds. The smell of the product is a bit harsh, and from the first notes, not everyone will find it pleasant. The composition of soybean oil goes off scale with its usefulness, polyunsaturated fatty acids such as stearic, linoleic, palmitic, oleic acids dominate in large volumes. According to its properties, soybean oil is similar to fish oils, since they contain the same polyunsaturated acids. In addition, it is rich in such components and components:

  • zinc, which has the ability to enhance human immunity;
  • choline (vitamin B4) is necessary for proper energy metabolism in cell mitochondria;
  • iron - participates in the processes of hematopoiesis and oxygen transport;
  • vitamin E is called by many cosmetologists the “vitamin of skin youth”;
  • vitamin K, which contributes to the normal processes of blood clotting;
  • magnesium and calcium - these trace elements are important for the normal functioning of the heart muscle.

The presence of vitamin E1 in soybean oil makes it uniquely useful, about 115 ml of vitamin per 100 grams of the product.

Benefits in the likely harm of soybean oil: advantages and disadvantages

The benefits of soybean oil are determined by its rich composition of vitamins. Eating it in food has a positive effect on the state of the whole human body. Regular use of soybean oil:

  1. Reduces the risk of developing cancer, minimizes the likelihood of heart failure and other heart diseases.
  2. The acids present in the product help to improve the functioning of the heart muscle, liver, and intestines.
  3. Improves mental activity, prevents the development of dementia (Alzheimer's disease).
  4. Helps in the fight against diseases such as atherosclerosis, normalizes blood cholesterol levels.
  5. It leads to the appropriate norm the process of metabolism, strengthens the immune system.
  6. Improves the production of seminal fluid in males.

Possible disadvantages of soybean oil are practically absent, but the advantages are difficult to overestimate. It is not recommended to use it for women who are expecting the birth of a child or nursing mothers, as well as for people with hypersensitivity to its components. Indeed, soybean oil can cause possible harm only if the recommended dose is exceeded or if its individual components are not taken individually. It is not recommended to use the product for severe migraine attacks. Unfortunately, most of the total amount of soybeans grown is the result of the painstaking work of genetic scientists. Therefore, if you are wary and distrustful of genetically modified foods, then it is better to refuse soybean oil.

For cooking, unrefined, refined soybean oil is almost always used, and in cosmetology, deodorized oil appears more, it is not flavored and tasteless. Use the oil for cosmetic purposes or use in cooking only fresh. It has a short shelf life, like many others. Therefore, when purchasing a soy product, it is necessary to pay close attention to the date of production and the conditions under which it was stored. High-quality oil should have a transparent color without sediment and sludge.

The use of soybean oil in cooking

Soybean oil is a versatile product that is added during cooking, frying, canning, baking. Pastries cooked on it will be fragrant and lush. As a stabilizer, they process products before freezing and preparing canned food. The use of soybean oil knows no boundaries and is recommended to all people who follow a healthy and balanced diet.

In cooking, soybean oil is used in different interpretations. Refined oil easily tolerates heat, so you can cook food with it. When frying, it does not splatter, does not “shoot”. When cooking meat, a wonderful golden crust is formed. Axial oil wonderfully harmonizes with vegetables when dressing a variety of salads. Soybean oil is also widely used in the preparation of all kinds of sauces. It enriches the products with its exquisite taste. In industry, margarine and mayonnaise are made on its basis.

With proper observance of all the recommendations and rules for the use and use of soybean oil, the body, both inside and out, will be enriched with useful substances and vitamins. Due to the high content of nutrients that are important for the proper formation and development of the organs of vision and the central nervous system of the child, it can be used in the children's menu.

The use of soybean oil in cosmetology

The composition of soybean oil includes phytosterols, which makes it the most useful for use in cosmetology. These substances have an excellent effect on the condition of the skin, regenerates its protective functions. The use of soybean oil in cosmetology is very common. Many manufacturers use soybean oil in the manufacture of soaps and detergents. A solution of tea tree in soybean oil has the ability to heal minor wounds and scratches, and has a rejuvenating effect on the skin. Oil is added to the composition of numerous anti-aging products, in order to enhance the effect. It is best suited for skin prone to dryness, as it moisturizes and nourishes it after application.

Anti-aging mixtures containing soybean oil can also be prepared at home:

  1. Mix in one bowl 2 tsp. soybean and almond oil, add 1 tsp. glycerin, 2-3 drops of vitamin E. After such a mask, the skin will gain elasticity, tenderness and elasticity, will be nourished with useful substances and moisturized.
  2. Combine in equal proportions soybean, almond, olive oils. The resulting mixture can be used:

- to remove makeup and cleansing the face of cosmetics;
- as a wonderful face cream (night or day);
- in the form of moisturizing and rejuvenating face masks (hold for no more than 30 minutes);
- for lubricating the skin of the lips, elbows, hands, heels in case of chapping or roughness.

Soybean oil is also used to strengthen and grow hair. It remarkably moisturizes hair without penetrating into the deeper layers of the skin, makes curls obedient and healthy, and has caring properties. The oil can be added to ready-made hair balms, or you can prepare a care product based on soy oil yourself. Ideal for strengthening nails, eyelashes and eyebrows.

Due to its unique composition, the product has gained popularity as a means of protecting against ultraviolet rays, so you can use it in this area without spending money on expensive drugs. Before applying the oil to the skin, it is imperative to conduct an allergen test.

The use of soybean oil is also common in the medical field. With exacerbation of pain in the abdomen, stomach, constipation, you need to drink 100 grams of a wonderful product.

Summing up, it should be said that vegetable oils are extremely useful for the human body. No wonder our ancestors, knowing the miraculous properties of vegetable oils, including soybean, used them for unloading and fasting days. The authors of modern and fashionable diets confirm the benefits of oil, including it in many dietary dishes.

Recently, soybean oil producers have been actively introducing this product to the market, and many consumers regularly purchase this product. In this article, you can get information about the dangers and benefits of soybean oil. And for starters, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the composition of soybean oil.

soy vegetable oil

The composition of soybean oil differs significantly from that of other vegetable oils. First of all, this is due to the fact that it contains a large amount, which is necessary to maintain the functioning of the reproductive system. Regular consumption of soybean oil in food will help the absorption of this vitamin by the body by almost one hundred percent. In addition to vitamin E, soybean vegetable oil includes components such as magnesium, potassium, vitamin C, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, and lecithin. The composition also contains various fatty acids: linoleic acid, which is responsible for the prevention of cancer, as well as oleic, palmitic, stearic and other acids.

Accordingly, the beneficial properties of soybean oil include the fact that this product can be used to prevent kidney diseases, atherosclerosis. Soybean oil has a beneficial effect on strengthening the immune system and the nervous system, as well as improves metabolism and improves metabolism.

Benefits of soybean oil

The benefit of soybean oil is a positive effect on the human body. Soybean oil is recommended for pregnant women, as it replenishes the necessary reserves. But expectant mothers should be extremely careful, and it is important to consult a doctor before use.

For prevention purposes, you can consume two tablespoons of soybean oil daily. It is best to add it to fresh vegetable salads, soybean oil will perfectly complement the taste of tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers.

Soybean oil has a great effect on metabolism, strengthens the immune system and the nervous system. Scientists in the course of recent studies have concluded that this product prevents diseases associated with the heart.

Harm of soybean oil

People who are prone to allergic reactions and individual food intolerance should use soybean oil with caution. In addition, it is worth noting the fact that this product can harm mainly if the recommended consumption rate is not observed.

Soybean oil is a type of vegetable oil that is made from soybeans and used for frying.

Composition of soybean oil

Soybean oil contains yellow soybeans with a specific aroma, which are pressed and refined.

Soybean oil was first made in ancient China and used as a healthy herbal product from soybeans. Soybean oil then spread to Korea and the islands of Japan. Currently, this oil is a popular product in the United States, China and Western Europe.

Soy, which is used to make butter, grows in tropical Asia, in South and Central Africa, Australia and America, as well as on the islands of the Indian Ocean.

Soybean oil contains fats, vitamins E, B and K, choline, as well as substances such as iron, zinc, calcium and magnesium. The calorie content of soybean oil is 884 kcal.

Useful properties of soybean oil

Useful properties of soybean oil are determined by its composition, rich in vitamins and trace elements.

With regular use of this oil, the risk of myocardial infarction, cancer and heart failure is reduced.

Soybean oil contains palmitic acid, organic choline, linolenic and stearic acid, which improve the functioning of the heart and liver.

This oil has a positive effect on the functioning of the brain, improves sexual function in men, and normalizes cholesterol levels in the blood. Also, this oil is recommended for the prevention of diseases of the digestive system, metabolic disorders and immune diseases.

Soybean oil contains phytosterols, which promote skin health and accelerate cell regeneration processes.

Soybean oil is part of face and hair masks that nourish the skin, normalize water metabolism and restore protective properties.

Lecithin is obtained from soybean oil, which is used for confectionery purposes and pharmacology. And tocopherol helps fight stress and depression, and also normalizes the functioning of the kidneys.


Soybean oil is used in salads, stews, sauces and dressings. This oil can be used to fry meat, fish and vegetables, as well as add it to pastries.

Deodorized and refined soybean oil is the main ingredient for margarine, mayonnaise, bread and confectionery. As a stabilizer, this oil is added to canned food and frozen semi-finished products.

Based on this oil, soaps, detergents, dyes and synthetic oils are made.

Soybean oil is good for dry and combination skin care. It is aimed at strengthening and moisturizing the skin, and also protects against the negative effects of the environment.

Soybean oil is actively used in cosmetology as an ingredient for masks, lotions and creams, which have a tonic effect, eliminate the problems of dry and chapped skin, give a pleasant shine and freshness.

Harm of soybean oil

Soybean oil is contraindicated for use in case of individual intolerance and predisposition to allergic reactions to soy protein and beans.

Soybean oil may be harmful to women during pregnancy and breastfeeding, due to the content of estrogenic isoflavones in it.

In a limited amount, this product should be consumed by people with severe diseases of the digestive system, renal and hepatic insufficiency, and intestinal disorders.

The word vegetable oil most often means sunflower oil. Nevertheless, there are a lot of vegetable oils, and some crops are already called oilseeds, only because it is easy and convenient to extract oil from them, which is what they do in industry.

To date, a lot of crops are regularly used to extract oil from them. Soybeans are one of these crops. This is a plant with very interesting properties, but unfortunately, soybean oil itself is not as popular as we would like. Why would you like to? Because soybean oil has a huge number of useful properties.

Soybean oil is sometimes said to be a genetically modified product. Interestingly, those who say so do not think at all that soybeans existed even before the emergence of such a science as genetics. Of course, it is possible to grow soybeans in such conditions, and with so many chemical poisons, that there will be no benefit from it, and the harm will become simply unthinkable. However, any other crop can be grown under the same conditions, and it is not uncommon for farmers, when fertilizing their fields with chemicals, not to separate soybean and sunflower fertilizers very well. The harm from eating soy products is no greater than from eating cereals or oilseeds grown under the same conditions.

However, the soy-derived remedy has many beneficial properties, which will be discussed in detail in this article. It will also tell you where and how you can use this tool.

Soybean oil is obtained from a plant such as soybeans. The remedy is extracted from the plant by two methods: mechanical and extraction. Both the means contain all the useful substances, it is not subjected to heat treatment and is considered raw. In both versions, the oil contains lecithin.

Now they also began to produce refined soybean oil.

This tool is almost completely absorbed by the body, which means that it has a beneficial effect on it as a whole. Regular consumption of soybean oil reduces the risk of heart attack by 6 times, and also has a beneficial effect on heart function. Also noticed the benefits of this product in relation to the vascular system. It has a beneficial effect on the condition of blood vessels. This remedy is also useful for the functioning of the liver, this product prevents its diseases.

In addition, regular consumption of soy is a natural prevention of cancer, it normalizes metabolism, and also puts the digestive system in order. Since this product contains linoleic acid, soybean oil in general has a beneficial effect on the body at the cellular level. Linoleic acid nourishes and saturates cells, helps them renew themselves and is involved in the creation of new ones.

This product also contains vitamins A and E, which help blood circulate better in the vessels, and also have a positive effect on the human reproductive system. The use of this oil as a prevention of thrombosis has also been noticed. Regular consumption of this product affects the body in the following way:

  • reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood;
  • prevents the development of atherosclerosis and other pathological diseases of the vascular system;
  • prevents the oxidative process in the body, and also removes toxins;
  • has a beneficial effect on the immune system, strengthening the protective properties of the body;
  • helps to cope with anxiety, chronic fatigue syndrome, useful for lack of sleep and stressful situations. The phenomenon during the period of active physical or mental activity is recommended;
  • reduces the risk of thyroid diseases, participates in the processes of blood clotting.

This product is also useful for children, as it strengthens eyesight, prevents respiratory diseases, and also has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

This remedy is also used in cosmetology, because it has a very good effect on the skin, helps to get rid of wrinkles, makes the skin fresher, livelier, smoother and more beautiful. Also noticed the benefits of soybean oil for dry hair.

A product derived from soy is often used in cosmetology. It is well suited for the care of normal skin, can be used for the care of dry skin. It is better not to use this remedy for oily skin, although it helps to moisturize and nourish it with beneficial elements. In addition, the tool helps to retain moisture on the skin and create a protective film on the surface.

Dry skin after applying soybean oil is fresh and smooth, and healthy color and shine returns to weathered and rough skin. Also, this tool rejuvenates aging skin, restores elasticity and tone of the skin. This tool also helps to get rid of fine wrinkles.

Soybean oil is also used in facial and hair masks. As part of the masks, it has the same properties as in its pure form.

Modern industry is already producing refined soybean oil. It is he who is most often used for culinary purposes. This product has a rather pleasant taste. On it you can fry vegetables, fish, meat, you can add it to pastries. With it, you can cook the first, second courses, add it to cold appetizers. They can be used almost the same way as sunflower.

It's just that in Russia it is not customary to use soybean oil. Interestingly, in the Far East, where there is soy and no sunflowers, soy is used as often as sunflower in central Russia, but other oils are used there only as an addition. More than one generation of people has grown up on this oil and to this day it is used there regularly, so we can say with confidence that this is a safe product for health.

Soybean oil should preferably be stored in a glass bottle in a dark place. This will help maintain the shelf life of this product. Although if it is used for culinary purposes and refined oil is purchased, the expiration date is indicated on the package. If an unrefined product is used for cosmetic purposes, then it can be stored for a short time.

Soybean oil is very high in calories, so you can not use it more than 30 ml per day. In addition, it should be borne in mind that it should not be applied to skin in its pure form, if it is prone to the appearance of black spots, since the soy product clogs the pores. For oily skin types, it is better to refrain from the external use of soybean oil.

You should also limit or exclude soybean oil from the diet in diseases of the digestive system or kidneys.

You should also be aware of the possibility of individual intolerance, or the occurrence of allergies. If you experience any symptoms of allergies or food intolerances, you should immediately eliminate soybean oil from your diet. In addition, before using it as part of cosmetics, it is advisable to test for the absence of allergic reactions.

Soybean oil is very beneficial for the human body. This product has a high digestibility - up to 100%. This tool is useful for both children and adults. It has a beneficial effect on the child's body, helping him to fully grow and develop. This tool is also useful for adults, as it helps men stay strong and strong, and women beautiful and feminine.

The healing properties of this product were known several thousand years ago, soy products were highly valued in the East. Chinese scientists wrote about the benefits of the plant. Even then, many different products were prepared from soybeans and actively used them. In Europe, soy began to be used very late - around the 18th century, but this is only in French cuisine in the form of soy sauce. At that time, in Europe, such products as soy were considered exotic. Europeans were suspicious of what was brought to Europe from eastern countries. Only in the nineteenth century did soy become more popular, and only by the twentieth century did it begin to be used in Russia, and only because during the Russo-Japanese War it was difficult to deliver food to the Far East, and the soldiers were fed local products, that is, soy .

Although soybean oil is not the most popular type in Russia, it is nevertheless advisable to use it at least occasionally in your menu. At the same time, they can simply replace sunflower, at least for a short period of time.

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