Goals, basic tasks, functions and types of public administration. Objectives of public administration

The buildings 21.09.2019

In state administration, the establishment of the objectives and objectives of the state and its administrative-territorial units has key importance. The goal of the state is the initial category of public administration, it reflects the desired, possible and necessary state of society and the state to be reached; This is the ideal, the logically founded design you want to create and implement.

Yu. A. Tikhomirov sees the initial item, a kind of start of legal regulation. It has two aspects - external objectives, "asked" public System (Political course of the state, party directives and programs, concepts, level and needs of socio-economic and international development), and actually legal goals enshrined in the Constitution, laws and other regulatory legal acts.

Objectives determine the main tasks of state and municipal Department:

  • 1) ensuring human rights and freedoms;
  • 2) the integrity and sovereignty of the state;
  • 3) civil peace and consent;
  • 4) the agreed functioning of state and municipal authorities;
  • 5) the interaction of state and municipal authorities with civil society institutions, etc.

Socio-economic guidelines play a key role in state targets. The Federal Law of the Russian Federation of June 28, 2014 No. 172-FZ "On Strategic Planning in the Russian Federation" enshrines the following concept of the goal of socio-economic development - the state of the economy, social spherewhich is determined by the participants strategic planning As a guideline of its activity and is characterized by quantitative and (or) qualitative indicators.

As for the tasks of socio-economic development, they are considered as a complex of interconnected activities that should be carried out at a certain period of time and the implementation of which ensures the achievement of socio-economic development goals.

The problem of classification and systematization of public administration goals is the subject of research, discussion and discussion of many states. It can be stated that the criteria and approaches to such a classification still NA are sufficiently established and reasonable single theoretical vision.

Strategic and tactical, general and private purposes are distinguished, they can be integrated, intermediate, etc.

Ensuring a worthy standard of living of citizens as the main goal of the state social policy requires the presence of measured indicators characterizing the state of social security by social resources. The criteria for assessing the standard of living of Russian citizens are such indicators as a subsistence minimum and consumer basket. Federal laws of October 24, 1997 No. 134-FZ "On the subsistence minimum in the Russian Federation" and on March 31, 2006 No. 44-FZ "On the consumer basket as a whole in the Russian Federation", a legal basis has been established to determine the corresponding indicators.

The main objectives are the strategic goals associated with the quality of society, its preservation or transformation. In art. 7.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation is enshrined by one of the strategic goals of the domestic state, consisting of policies aimed at creating conditions ensuring a decent life and free development of a person.

In the Democratic Legal Social State, people are not considered by the authorities state power as a means of developing economics and trade. On the contrary, the economy and trade obey the interests of the people. Here is one of the samples when natural resources are put on the service to all people. In Norway exists free education Both medical care, the state subsidizes housing rental, the pension is equal to the salary of the worker, at the birth of the child the family receives a one-time subsidy of about $ 5 thousand, and over a thousand dollars every month under 18 years of age. True, in Norway, oil belongs to the whole people, and among the heads of oil companies there are no millionaires. When oil was opened in Norway, the state took control of it, and at the expense of super-profits created a reserve fund, which in this small country is 83 billion dollars. The whole country from the oil is rich, and not a bunch of people.

At the same time, a rational approach to goal setting in the state administration is characterized by the following feature: "Each subsystem has its own main goal, which is subject to a subordinate nature regarding the main objective of the territorial education system (Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, city, districts, etc.). If the state subsystems will have different goals, then it is impossible to achieve the main goal of the state. "55

Russian NA legislation reveals the content of the concept of "decent life." At the same time, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948, adopted by the UN General Assembly, indicates that each person has the right to a standard of living, including food, clothing, dwelling, medical care and the necessary social service required to maintain the health and well-being of it And his family.

It is obvious that the ruling party of modern Russia after drying with the program for the construction of communism, the ns is in a hurry to put as a strategic national goal - the construction of a democratic legal social state. Academician N. N. Moiseev noted: "The government, which consists of people who do not have a clear program and a clear idea, to which it seeks and what wants, in addition to his own well-being, since. NA has strategic design, is dangerous for the country. It is especially dangerous if he has no leader - main politician states. " In the XX century of russian politicians The government's development strategy had a government during the leadership of V. I. Lenin, I. V. Stalin, N. S. Khrushchev. It seems that such a program has no longer had the government of the presidency of M. S. Gorbachev, B. N. Yeltsin, V. V. Putin, D. A. Medvedev.

Academician RAS O. Bogomolov notes: "To develop plans of socio-economic development, there must be a picture of the future. And we have no. "

The lack of a clear state strategy focused on the needs and interests of the people, leads to the fact that "the Russian state does not always implement the economic, political, cultural and other possibilities of Russia, its people, sometimes acts inadequately objective needs. public Development» .

The objectives of public administration are inextricably linked with policy goals. "The purpose of the policy is, as M. N. Marchenko rightly notes, is to approve a rational (reasonable) in relations between people or subjects within the Company. Functions of the policy follow from the above goal:

1) maintaining and strengthening the integrity of society as difficult to differentiated system, ensuring public order and organization; 2) a decrease in the danger of unnecessary clashes between people in society; 3) the development of the goals of the whole society and its constituent entities, the organization and mobilization of resources to achieve them; 4) ensuring a rational attitude to mining, the saving of material and spiritual values \u200b\u200bso that they contribute to the approval of the same rational relations between people (technical, environmental, cultural, etc.); 5) Ensuring the foresight of the future and rational ways to ensure. "

Typology of objectives predetermines the difference in species state decisions. Nationwide, national, long-term goals Implemented in political decisions of state governing bodies, in the form of general political strategies. Economic, social, etc. The goals associated with the functioning and development of certain areas of the Company are the rational basis for the relevant policies. Short-term, current goals are implemented in administrative, operational tactical solutions. The problems and objectives of the regional and local scale are reflected in the decisions of the authorities and the management of the corresponding levels.

When structuring public administration purposes should be proceeded from logic historical process Development of the state as a system in which each previous goal determines the subsequent. Naturally, along with the overall defining goal, the state puts forward many other significant goals, but they all are intended to develop and supplement the main goal. As noted above, the main strategic goal, the rod of state policy, acts constitutionalthe purpose of creating conditions ensuring a decent life and free human development.

Currently, goals and objectives russian state In various areas of life, they are quite detailed in documents called state strategies, doctrines and concepts. According to some estimates in modern Russia there are 30 strategies and 70 concepts (some of them were initially accepted to develop specific programs).

The doctrine means teaching, scientific or philosophical theory, leading or political principle 54. The concept is a system of views on this or that understanding of phenomena, processes.

In the "concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020" It is said that the strategic goal is to achieve the level of economic and social Developmentcorresponding to the status of Russia as the leading global power of the XXI century, which occupies advanced positions in the global economic competition and reliably providing national security and the implementation of the constitutional rights of citizens.

The level of income and the quality of life of Russians by 2020 will reach indicators characteristic of developed economies. This means high standards of personal security, the availability of education and health services of the required quality, the necessary level of housing, access to cultural benefits and ensuring environmental safety.

The system solution of the tasks set is in the transition of the Russian economy from the export-raw material to the innovative socially oriented type of development. This will allow dramatically to expand the competitive potential of the Russian economy by increasing its comparative advantages in science, education and high technologies and on this basis to use new sources of economic growth and improved well-being.

To increase the availability of housing, the concept is scheduled for 2012: an increase in housing input to 100 million square meters. m; By 2020: Increase in housing input to 140-150 million square meters. m.

But for now in Russia, approximately 70 million square meters. m housing.

As is known, according to Art. 40 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, everyone has the right to housing. In addition, the poor, other citizens mentioned in the law, it is provided free of charge or for an affordable fee from state, municipal and other housing stocks in accordance with the norms established by law. However, for millions of Russian citizens, the provisions of this article look no more than an empty declaration. As a result of liberal transformations, the provision of free living spaces has declined sharply, and in most regions almost ceased. So, if in 1990 received housing 1296 thousand families, then in 2000 only 253 thousand families. In addition, more than 4 million homeless people appeared in Russia.

According to the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia, in Russia 38% of the population live in dilapidated and emergency housing, 5% live in hostels and communals, 1% - in trays and barracks, one third of the population lives without comprehensive improvement 6 '.

To solve a housing problem, Russians must have another salary and the opportunity to take loans at lower interest. According to Rosstroy, they can independently buy a house or apartment of 6% of Russians, another 22% can do the EGO with a loan, and 72% of the population do not have the possibility of improving housing conditions, because banks refuse to provide them with loans due to low salary.

In the national security strategy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020, it was determined that it must be viewed as a formally recognized system of strategic priorities, goals and measures in the field of internal and foreign Policydetermining the state of national security and the level of sustainable development of the state for the long-term perspective.

The strategy for strategic national priorities includes the most important areas of ensuring national security, which are implemented by the constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens of the Russian Federation, the sustainable socio-economic development and protection of the country's sovereignty, its independence and territorial integrity are carried out.

The strategy focused on the national interests of the Russian Federation for the long-term perspective, which are:

  • 1) in the development of democracy and civil society, increasing the competitiveness of the national economy;
  • 2) ensuring the inviolability of the constitutional system, the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the Russian Federation;
  • 3) turning the Russian Federation to the world power, whose activities are aimed at maintaining strategic stability and mutually beneficial partnerships in the conditions of the multipolar world.

To ensure national security, the Russian Federation, along with the achievement of the main priorities of national security, focuses its efforts and resources on the following sustainable development priorities:

  • 1) improving the quality of life of Russian citizens by guaranteeing personal security, as well as high standards of life support;
  • 2) the economic growthwhich is achieved primarily by the development of a national innovation system and investment in human capital;
  • 3) science, technology, education, health care and culture, which are developing by strengthening the role of the state and improving public-private partnership;
  • 4) the ecology of living systems and rational environmental management, the maintenance of which is achieved through balanced consumption, the development of progressive technologies and the appropriate reproduction of the country's natural resource potential;
  • 5) Strategic stability and equal strategic partnerships, which are strengthened on the basis of the active participation of Russia in the development of a multipolar model of the world order.

The strategy consolidates the main characteristics of the state of national security, which include:

  • 1) the unemployment rate (share from the economically active population);
  • 2) a decile ratio (revenue ratio of 10% of the most and 10% of the most secured population);
  • 3) the level of growth of consumer prices;
  • 4) the level of state external and internal debt percentage of the gross domestic product;
  • 5) the level of provision of health, culture, education, and science resources in percentage of gross domestic product;
  • 6) the level of annual renewal of weapons, military and special equipment;
  • 7) The level of security by military and engineering personnel.

"The main activities of the Government of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2018" determine as the main goal of the government to increase the competitiveness of the Russian economy based on intensive growth in labor productivity. Along with this, the Government of the Russian Federation will have to ensure sustainable and dynamic improvement in the quality of life of Russians, the solution of demographic, social and environmental problems, reliable security of national security.

Maintains attention to the fact that in modern Russia the targets for the development of the state and society formulates the president and government of the country. The State Duma from the process of goal-setting in the state administration is actually excluded.

It is impossible to disagree with those experts who claim: "Landmarks should be formulated in society, consolidate in legislation, and then implemented by the executive.

Legislative power is formed by the population through elections. The active layer between the population and the state is political parties, each of which should have a political program. A formed political program and is the factory that will be implemented by the party who came to power. A party who came to power is deputies that make up the majority in the legislative bodies. As part of the implementation of the political program, the deputies should develop a plan for adopting laws, which then implements the executive. A report on the adoption of laws, social result from their implementation is the basis for staying for the next time, or to give way to another party. "

National goals and objectives need to be formulated taking into account the recommendations of international documents. So, in accordance with the recommendations of the UN Conferences of Russia, as well as other States, until 2005 should be developed a national strategy of sustainable development. And most countries spent such work. In Russia, a number of interim documents were adopted, but since 2004, work on the state strategy of sustainable development and the draft federal law "On state policy to ensure the transition of the Russian Federation to sustainable development was discontinued.

In the report of the International Commission environment And the development of UN sustainable development is defined as a development in which the current generations meet their needs, not depriving future generations of opportunity to satisfy their own needs, their own needs.

"Sustainable Development" involves a scientifically based, that is, based on deep, comprehensive, systemic scientific research, the state administration of all spheres of the society, which achieved: 1) the harmonious interaction of man and society; 2) the socio-economic and spiritual disharmony overcomed and the conditions for the harmonious development of each individual, the development of the sphere of impairment and spirit.

By and large, we are talking about the transition to a qualitatively new civilization model of development, fundamentally different from the modern technothron model.

At the same time, "For each state and civil society, liability is liable not only before real, but also before future generations in order not to be late with the practical implementation of the strategy for the transition to sustainable development."

Objectives should not be worn by a voluntarist nature and are designed to respond to a verified world practice system of requirements. They must be scientifically substantiated, due to objective trends in social development, socially motivated, have sufficient resource and systemic organization. In addition, goals should be: specific, measurable, achievable, relevant (relevant) and consistent time.

The goal is recommended to be formulated so that there is exactly setting the goal (preferably with quantitative criteria), and not a general declaration of intent. Finding out with the highest possible accuracy of what needs to be achieved, it is necessary to consider how to achieve the goals.

The objectives of the public administration must have appropriate resource provision. Resources act as an essential element in the mechanism of government. As is known, the implementation of the management decision, the action of the law is the organized process of transferring its rules into the real behavior of citizens and the functioning of the institutions of the Company, which flows cyclically, systemically, using a means of means to achieve its goal. It is necessary to note the importance and significance of the following public administration resources: personnel resources, resources of law, democracy resources, organization resources.

Personnel resources are key to achieving public administration purposes. In this regard, it is difficult to disagree with the next thought of O. Bismarck "with good officials and bad laws management possible. With bad officials will not help any laws. "

2013. No. 1. P. 10.

Considering the resources of law, it should be borne in mind that any goals that are put in public administration should be assessed from the point of view of their compliance with the legal requirements (justice, truth, humanism), consolidate the legislative and implement with the support of the laws and government mechanisms for the implementation of the latter . Only in this case the objectives of the public administration will not remain on paper or in the speeches of the leaders, and will, at least within the limits of legal opportunity, are practically implemented.

The essence of the democracy resource is that representatives of the social layers should know the goals of public administration and share them, wishing their implementation and be able to work practically in this direction. And in order for people's participation in the implementation of public administration purposes was conscious and active, it is necessary to confidence in these goals and the real sense of people coincide the results of the realization of goals with their needs and interests.

The importance and necessity of the organization's resource of both streamlining, the rationalization of the public administration system is that the organization allows us to rationalize and facilitate the development of public administration purposes.

The lack of necessary resources is often the cause of non-compliance with the goals and objectives of public administration.

Its features of goallement are in the focus of justice. In this regard, pay attention to the legal position of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation regarding the goal of justice. In particular, in the decision of March 16, 2007 No. 6-p, the following legal position was formulated: "Justice in its very most recognized as it is only as follows that it is responsible for the Constitution of the Russian Federation, its introductory provisions, as well as in international -Artic documents (in particular, Art. 6 of the Convention on the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, Art. 14 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Art. 8 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights) The requirement of justice and ensures effective recovery in rights. Restriction of the possibility of revising court decisions that do not meet the requirements of legality, validity and justice, has a consequence of the balance of the balance in the protection of such constitutional values, as justice and legal certainty, which hurts the rights and freedoms of a person and citizen, and the restoration of which is guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation. constitutional goal of justice. "

It is impossible to agree with those who believe that "the main legal and managerial requirement and at the same time the main criterion for assessing public administration is its unconditional and strict compliance with constitutional standards and principles."

Today it is obvious that the strategic goal and the main priorities of the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020 the NA will be achieved. For example, is it possible to ensure the availability of health care services of the required quality with the following trends in this area. WHO has evaluated the organization of primary health care in the USSR as one of the best in the world. But with the arrival of the market, all Soviet began to be gradually discarded as archaic and unnecessary. From 1995 to 2012, 8,000 Feldsher-obstetric items were closed and 77% of the paramedics were reduced. Over the past 15 years, the number of hospitals and outpatient polyclinic institutions in Russia has doubled, and a clinic is more than 6000. 27% of dispensaries, 10% of ambulance stations, 10% of sanatorium-resort organizations are also closed. The shortage of medical personnel in the Russian Federation is about 40 thousand people, medium medical staff - 270 thousand people. In the primary link we have about 2-2.5 times less doctors than necessary for all regulations of the World Health Organization. If the share of health financing reaches 20% of GDP, and in the countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the minimum allowable level of government spending on this scope is at least 7%. And in Russia plan to reduce the financing of the health sector to 2.8% of GDP. Now the rate of time to inspect one patient from a pediatrician seven minutes, surgeon five. And there will be three and a half and two and a half minutes, respectively. In November 2014, more than 40 cities of the country passed the protests of health workers.

The real functioning of the state gives rise to many critical assessments in society. We give the data of the sociological survey from the report of the experts of the Center for Strategic Development "Changes in the Political Mood of Russians after the Presidential Elections", published on its website on October 23, 2012 on how the purpose of today's Russian authorities, 29% of respondents answered that power cannot explain The people, 26% - that the goal of power is a personal enrichment, 22% - that power does not want to explain their goals to the people, 15% - that power wants to build a strong authoritarian state and only 12% - that power wants to build a strong democratic state with liberal values. Thus, if you summarize the first four positions, it turns out that the overwhelming majority of respondents believe that the power of the gas or otherwise works in its own interests. Of particular interest is the position expressed by the question that the power of the NA can explain their goals to the people: whether he does not understand the country herself, in which course there is a country, whether it is afraid to voice his position to the people, whether it is not able to express it and publicly defend it. In accordance with the method of assessing positive and negative characteristics Russian authorities received the following results. The merits of today's Russian authorities, marked more than half of the respondents, are: the desire to solve the demographic problem - payments for the birth of a child, maternity capital, an attempt to raise fertility in the country (57%); the ability to "speak beautifully" (54%); Fighting terrorism (53%); Development of high technologies (51%). The worst manifestations of the Russian government, also noted by at least half of the respondents, include: permanent increase in housing and communal services (94%); bad decision of a housing issue (81%); the collapse of the economy and agriculture (75%); constant conversations about the fight against corruption and the lack of real actions (70%); The desire by any paths to resist in power (67%); clay (66%); introduction of the USE (64%); Inability to establish legality and order in the country (62%); poor control over the execution of instructions (62%); the desire to do "how best for yourself" (58%); Reducing the number of budget places in universities (58%); non-compliance with the laws of its own country (57%); ineffective social politics (53%); stump of the people (52%); Deadness from the people (51%)

Public Administration is a practical, organizing and regulating the state's impact on the public life activity of people in order to streamline, preserve or transformation, based on its imperative power.

The objectives of public administration arise on the basis of the objectives underlying the vital activity of this society.

General overview of public administration purposes in modern Russia:

1) Ensuring the internal and external security of the country.

2) Development and strengthening of public institutions ensuring the sustainable and reliable democratic development of the country.

3) Constitutional protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens of the Russian Federation, general administrative and legal regulation.

4) the formation of public policy aimed at improving the well-being of people.

5) maintaining a favorable environmental situation.

6) regulation of market mechanisms.

7) competent, mutually beneficial cooperation of the regions and the center.

There are operational and strategic, finite and intermediate, general and private objectives that must be interconnected by forming a single integrity.

The functions of public administration are objectively determined types of power, counseling, organizing and regulating states on public processes. This is a specific, integral impact of the state to society. Certain factors are influenced for a set of public administration functions: a state, structure, self-government of social processes.

Public Administration Functions:

1) Planning function. (answer to the question: what, how, where and when purpose is achieved; a strategically important function)

2) organization function. (Creating conditions for the interaction of people bringing the desired result)

3) Regulation function. (The function aimed at ensuring that the person performs the appropriate amount of activity within the Organization)

4) Function working with staff.

5) Control function. (Feedback for all listed functions)

The following government objectives are allocated:

1) socio-economic goals, i.e. the streamlining of public life and the satisfaction of public interests;

2) achieving economic well-being, building and maintaining a certain system economic relations;

3) political goals, i.e. involvement in the management of all political forces in the country, maintaining processes in society and the state contributing to the improvement of state and public structures, human development;

4) security goals, i.e., ensuring the rights and freedoms of citizens, legality in society, public order and safety required by the level of welfare;

5) Organizational and legal goals, i.e., the formation of a legal system that promotes the implementation of the basic functions of the state and solving its tasks with the help of democratic institutions and mechanisms of the legal state, as well as organizational and functional entities.

Taking into account the intended goals, the main objectives of the public administration are determined:

1. Creation, maintenance and ensuring the welfare of citizens, their rights and freedoms, meeting social needs and interests. In this case, we are talking about the tank "provision", "creative", "positive" management. The state is managed by organizations (public structures), which play an important social and cultural role in society and perform socially useful functions (for example, management in the field of social assistance, management in the field of health and education); The activities of managed organizations and institutions are aimed at raising and teaching people, satisfying their interests, improving well-being. This task of public administration is mainly carried out by special management bodies in the field of management of socio-cultural life and economic construction. It does not use state coercion and jurisdictional function is not carried out.

2. Ensuring public order and security. The decision of this problem is aimed at protecting the rule of law, the state itself and citizens from the threatening danger: this is, for example, the struggle against epidemics, floods, riots, violation of traffic rules, fire safety regulations, control over industrial activities that can cause harm to people and the environmental environment . To solve this problem, special government bodies are being created, which are endowed with special powers. This task is solved through the use of administrative coercion measures, that is, there is a "coercive" ("law enforcement") state administration.

3. State regulation of processes occurring in the field of social, economic and cultural life, and state support of some enterprises and organizations. IN this case We are talking about special state support Some sectors of the economy, individual industries, the development of entrepreneurship, folk crafts.

Public Administration Principle:

1. The principle of objectivity of public administration necessitates in all management processes to follow the requirements of objective patterns (natural and socially historical) and real possibilities.

2. The principle of democratism is understood as democracy in public administration. Ensures the priority of the rights, freedoms, interests of citizens in all areas of government.

3. The principle of legal ordering of public administration is the need to legislative definition and consolidation of the main elements of public administration (goals, functions, structures, process, principles).

4. The principle of the legality of public administration is the establishment of the regime of the ubiquitous and complete execution of legal acts in the state administration, all the activities of the state authorities are concurred.

5. The principle of separation of power in public administration implies division into executive, legislative and judicial branches.

Example: in the Russian Federation of the late 1990s. Public administration has its own object of transient society with social tension characteristic and social conflict, increasing mistrust social institutions and a rapid increase in deviation from social norms behavior. During this period, there is a violation of the balance of interests of various social (professional, property, regional, national, demographic, etc.) groups. The model of social justice is broken by society. From here, they follow as one of the central problems of the problem of instability and crises, weak controllability, reducing the effectiveness of social regulation.

The purpose of public administration is one of key concepts. Depending on which aim is implemented, public administration functions will be located, the structure of state bodies, their competence will be determined. In the theory of management, including the theory of public administration, goaling is customary to consider "as an essential system-forming element, the source determining the sign of any control influence." At the same time, in the Mechanism of State Department, the goose-making is considered as the process of substantiating the development goals of the managed object on the basis of the analysis of social needs and the real possibilities of their most complete satisfaction.
As N.I. rightly notes Glazunov, the policy of the transitional period of Russia, the course of reforms may fail if the goals, national priorities will remain unexplained, not understood and not accepted by society.
The main goal of public administration is determined by its essence, a concept, namely, the improvement of the management system, the change in its qualitative characteristics, which, in turn, are designed to ensure the optimal organization, the implementation of the management of the processes occurring in the relationship of the subject and the management object. Objectives are what the activities of government bodies are sent to. It should be fully agreed with the opinion of G.V. Atamacuka, who claims that "the meaning and purpose of the normal state is to conducive to the material and spiritual development of their people." Approximately the same point of view also adhere to the majority of other public administrators. For example, N.I. Glazunov formulates a large-scale goal of public administration in the context of improving the quality of life, calling it the "Indicator of the Intellect of Power", expressed through the consolidation of legal and public order, satisfying the most important material and spiritual needs of citizens, the law of the people for a decent human existence.
The objectives of the public administration are concretized depending on the classification criteria proposed by researchers. Professor Yu.N. Starilov, choosing the general criterion, the general and specific content of management activities, proposes to allocate the following objectives of the public administration:
"Socio-economic goals, i.e. streamlining public life and satisfaction of public interests; achieving economic welfare, building and maintaining a certain system of economic relations;
political goals, i.e. involvement in the management of all political forces in the country, maintaining processes in society and the state to improve the improvement of state and public structures, human development;
security purposes, i.e. Ensuring the rights and freedoms of citizens, legality in society, public order and safety required by the level of welfare;
organizational and legal purposes, i.e. The formation of a legal system that promotes the implementation of the basic functions of the state and solving its tasks with the help of democratic institutions and mechanisms of the legal state, as well as organizational and functional entities. "
With this approach, the listed objectives of the state administration actually correspond to the law and state of the state classification established in the theory of the state in the industry, which is quite acceptable, since it is in the functions of management. With this approach, as a rule, five functions of the state are distinguished:
economic (meaning to ensure the normal functioning and development of the economy, including through the protection of existing forms of ownership, organization of public works, production planning, exercise of foreign economic relations, etc.);
political (providing state and public security, social and national consent, the suppression of resistance of opposing social forces, protecting the sovereignty of the state from external encroachments, etc.);
social (protection of the rights and freedoms of the population, implementation of measures to meet the social needs of people, maintain the necessary standard of living of the population, ensuring required conditions labor, his payment, life, etc.);
ideological (support specified, including religious, ideology, organization of education, maintaining science, culture, etc.);
and finally, the emerging relatively recently: environmental function (environmental protection natural environment, rational use of natural resources, ensuring environmental safety).
Thus, the functions of the state are not constant, but continuously transforming categories. Their classification is very extensive. Some functions disappear at all, others significantly change the volume and content, and, consequently, significance. In addition, newly unknown state functions appear. Their ratio in the unified system they form is also changed.
The functions of the state should not identify with the functions of its individual authorities or state organizations. The functions of the latter, although they have for most significant significance to the life of society and the state, but, nevertheless, they have compared with the functions of the whole state, relatively narrow, local character. If the functions of the state covers all its activities in general, the activity of the entire state apparatus or mechanism, the functions of individual organs are distributed only to part of it, they are covered by the activities of only individual parts.
It is important to take into account that the state as a whole acts as a subject of public administration, and the basis of the organizational structure of the public administration is the executive authorities. Consequently, the functions of public administration are determined by the goals and functions of the state, in turn, the functions of the executive power are determined by the goals and functions of public administration.
Returning directly to the concept of "management functions", it is necessary to emphasize that there is no single concept of functions in science management, i.e. Directions of activity. Functions occupy a special place in the management system and play a key role in its formation.
The control function as a possible area of \u200b\u200bthe formation of the control exposure involves the implementation of continuously interrelated actions for the development of funds and methods of impact and their implementation in relation to solving a specific problem. Therefore, the function is considered as an objectively necessary area of \u200b\u200bthe management process that has temporary and spatial certainty and final performance.
In relation to state administration, under the functions of public administration, it is customary to understand the objectively determined types of power, ketables, organizing and regulating the state to social processes.
TO common features Management, as a rule, belong:
1 - collecting and processing (analysis) of social information;
2- forecasting, i.e. Scientific foresight of changes in the development of any phenomena or processes on the basis of objective data and achievements of science;
- planning, i.e. Determination of areas, management goals and methods, means of achieving these goals;
- organization, i.e. Formation of the management system, streamlining managerial relations between the subject and the object of management, the determination of rights and obligations, the structure of bodies, organizations, selection and placement of personnel, etc.;
- regulation or managing, i.e. establishing a mode of activity to achieve goals and management tasks, regulation of behavior of managed objects, cottage of directives, instructions, prescriptions, etc.;
- coordination and interaction carried out to achieve common management goals;
- Control and accounting, consisting in establishing, or does not match the actual status of the specified state control object.

The objectives of the State Department disclose its main essential characteristics from the point of view of the final result of the management impact on society. Depending on the quality of this end result, the management goals are determined. The fundamental goal of the State Department is to ensure optimal organization and structuring, the creation of qualified management personnel, the implementation of management, coordination and regulation of processes occurring in the relationship of the subject and the management object.

There are a number of criteria for classification of such purposes, but the main one is, in our opinion, the overall and specific content of management activities.

Accordingly, the following state objectives are allocated:

Socio-economic goals, i.e. streamlining public life and satisfaction of public interests; achieving economic welfare, building and maintaining a certain system of economic relations;

Political goals, i.e. involvement in the management of all political forces in the country, maintaining processes in society and the state to improve the improvement of state and public structures, human development;

Security purposes, i.e. Ensuring the rights and freedoms of citizens, legality in society, public order and safety required by the level of welfare;

Organizational and legal purposes, i.e. The formation of a legal system that promotes the implementation of the basic functions of the state and solving its tasks with the help of democratic institutions and mechanisms of the legal state, as well as organizational and functional entities.

Taking into account the intended goals, the main objectives of the public administration are determined:

1. Creation, maintenance and ensuring the welfare of citizens, their rights and freedoms, meeting social needs and interests.

2. Ensuring public order and security.

3. State regulation of processes occurring in the field of social, economic and cultural life, and the state support for some enterprises and organizations.

4. Creation and ensuring efficient operation of the tax mechanism.

5. Creation of personnel management potential (civil service).

Views of the State Department are:

1) internal State Managementexercised by IOGV in order to organize the system of these bodies and ensure legal regimes Their works, i.e., to conduct positive management activities for the decision of the states and performance of N / P / A (the implementation of actions to organize the activities of the IOGV, the improvement of the institution of the State Service, Development and Adoption of N / P / A) ;

2) external state controlexercised in the purpose of implementing "external" (including sometimes forcing) authority, i.e., the powers addressed to the laws of law (physical persons), not included in the structure of the State Administration (for example, the implementation of registration and registration and licensing);

3) intorganization GOS-E Control, carried out in order to implement the executive and administrative functions by the authorities of the legislative (representative) authorities, the courts, the prosecutor's office and other states and the bodies that are not traditionally relating to the IOGV.

The state administration is settled by public (administrative) right, while individual state-management issues are subject to private (civil-law) regulation. Therefore, it should be distinguished sovereign state control and management carried out in private form. These types of management are characterized by various legal forms.

Sovereign management - This is the management "Forcing" (law enforcement, attacking, "attacker", limiting the rights of subjects of law), i.e., applying administrative coercion measures. In this case, control and supervisory authorities and officials apply measures of a security, preventive, preventive, punishment and reconstructive nature. Here is a temporary limitation of the realization of the rights and freedoms of citizens, the rights of the objects of ownership of individuals and legal entities.

Management carried out in private formation forms There is a place in cases where the state itself does not act as a sovereign participant of legal relations. Therefore, it suggests the equality of the state-of as a participant in private-level relations, i.e., participates in general competitive economic life, it receives financial revenues, increases its condition or sells it, while performing relevant actions. Activities carried out in private formations is aimed at achieving state-managerial purposes and the decision of state-legal tasks by participating in economic life.

The private area of \u200b\u200bthe State Department covers material (economic) management needs, i.e. when the state acts as a private entrepreneur and concludes various contracts.

Management, in the process of carrying out private and mechanisms, can also be carried out as economic activities public authorities to ensure the "normal" existence of society (for example, the state power supply of electricity, gas, water, warmth; organization by the cities, villages and other administrative-territorial units of garbage cleaning, wastewater treatment, elimination of harmful substances, etc.) . Such a management that can be called creating, positive, is a necessary attribute of a modern social state.

Control from the point of view of its organization in principle equally in all areas, but it should be distinguished general management and special (special) management. General management is intended for any type of managerial activity and is implemented by the same mechanisms, forms and methods, regardless of industries and areas of management activities. Special management applies to specific areas and areas - finance, construction, agriculture, mining, domestic and foreign affairs, etc.

Control function - This is a specific direction of the manager (organizing, regulating, controlling, and so on.) The impact of public administration on the management object. Management functions have a specific content and are carried out using specific methods and forms of management (for example, forced mechanisms, the publication of legal acts of management, subordinating the impact). Along with the functions of public administration, the functions of government bodies (i.e., their management impact on objects), as well as the management functions of all state bodies (i.e., representative and judicial authorities).

In the most general form of the function of the state and its bodies, these are the main activities of the state, providing its social well-being, guaranteeing the realization of human rights and freedoms and a citizen, stable and effective management state and society. The main functions of government are universal, typical, having special directions of interaction between subjects and management facilities, characteristic of all managerial bonds that ensure the achievement of coherence and ordering in the field of public administration.

The main functions of the State Management include the following:

1. Information support of the activities of state bodies, i.e. collection, receipt, processing, analysis of the information necessary for the implementation of the state (management) activity.

2. Forecasting and modeling of the development of the system of state management, government agencies, state management standards.

As part of these functions of the State Department of the OIV, monitoring can be performed.

3. Planning - Determination of areas, proportions, pace, quantitative and qualitative indicators of development of certain processes in the system of state management, and in particular the implementation of state functions in addition, this is the development of goals, objectives and directions of development and the reform of the State A activity and state management.

IOGV carry out several types of planning functions, such as the function of budget planning.

4. Organization - Formation of a public administration system based on established principles and approaches, determination of the structure of managing and managed systems in public administration.

5. Relocation, i.e., the operational regulation of management relations arising over the implementation of the powers of the states and official duties, ensuring the regime of adopted state activities in the form of adoption of administrative acts (legal acts of management: orders, orders, instructions, instructions , Rules, manuals, etc.). Managing in a narrow sense is a giving current guidelines to government officials (officials).

6. Guide - the establishment of rules and regulations of the activities and individual actions of the states (state-owners, officials), managed objects; General management is the definition of the content of the state activity (for example, managerial).

7. Coordination - coordination of the activities of various states to achieve common goals and objectives of the State Management.

8. Control - the establishment of compliance or inconsistency of the actual state of the public administration system and its structure required standard and level, the study and assessment of the results of the overall functioning of the states, as well as the specific actions of the management entities; Establishing the ratio of the planned and made in the State Management System.

Types of state control are, for example, environmental control, land control, state construction control, etc.

9. Regulation is the use of methods and methods of management in the process of organizing the system of the State Management and its functioning. Regulation is the establishment of general obligatory requirements and procedures for management facilities and various laws in order to ensure public order, security, equality of participants in economic relations, the foundations of democratic competition, rights and freedoms of citizens.

10. Accounting - fixation of information expressed in quantitative form, about movement material resources state administration, the results of the implementation of management relations, the powers of the states, states, government decisions, on the presence and movement of documents that are important for the State Department as a whole; This is fixed in the quantitative expression of all factors affecting the organization and functioning of the State Department.

The system of concepts of the organization of public administration ( state office, public authority, public service position, public service, state Institution, enterprise, organization, competence, powers, official duties, managerial activities, service activities).

State office - the basic structural unit of the State Administration, which includes a part of the competence of the State Body; In accordance with the legislation, not all persons occupying the states are carried out by the activities that can be attributed to the State Service, that is, not all of the posts are the states of the State Service.

State body - established in the structure of the state of the state in accordance with the established procedure, characterized by certain objectives, functions, structural features and special competence; This is a separate and relatively independent organizational structure of the state-of-government, formed by the state for the implementation of states and tasks and emphasized by its special competence.

Position of public service- Position in the federal bodies of the state authorities, the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as in other states, formed in accordance with the CRF, with the terms of the duties on the execution and provision of powers of this State authority, monetary content and responsibility for the fulfillment of these duties (FZ of the Russian Federation of July 31, 1995 No. 119-FZ "On the basics of the civil service of the Russian Federation").

Public service - It is a professional service activities in ensuring the execution of state-employees of federal states and states of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and its subjects, states and persons replacing the state, both the Russian Federation and its subjects.

State Institution - State organization created to manage any sphew or object, public service, ensuring the activities of state bodies, consideration of applications, complaints and other appeals of citizens. G. U. characterized by the presence of staff staff employees who are civil servants; internal structure and subordination; estimated costs included in the corresponding budget, discipline and internal regulations; the presence of the rights of a legal entity; The entry into the appropriate sectoral system with subordination to its superior link. A variety of tasks involves the existence of various G. y.

First, it can be G. Y., Directly carrying out those or other operational cultural, social and other functions, for example: state clinics, hospitals, schools, universities, libraries, houses of culture, theaters, houses for the elderly, etc. Security, B. wide sense Words G. U. are the executive and judicial authorities, accordingly, according to the management and permission of cases on their field of reference, including in the appeals of citizens - any ministries, committees, departments, courts, prosecutors, etc. Third, to the city. It is possible to include regular devices serving the authorities of the legislative (representative) authority of the Russian Federation and the subjects of the Russian Federation and ensuring their functioning, document proof, consideration of the appeals of citizens and organizations.

Company - organized team of people, the main task of which - the implementation of the direct process of production, entrepreneurial activities in order to meet public needs in products, works and services of the enterprise and profit.

Organization - In a broad sense, the socio-economic system created to achieve commercial or non-commercial purposes. The organization is in a narrow sense - the association of people jointly implementing a program or goal and existing on the basis of certain rules and procedures.

Competence state authorities - the provision of state and limits of its action on the implementation of state functions and the solution of states; This is a range of issues stipulated by the regulatory legal act, which are authorized to resolve the state body; The competence includes the powers of the State Body, its responsibility, legal means, forms and methods for the realization of the rights and performance of obligations.

Powers - A government and state-owned law and opportunities to act in various situations, functions and objectives aimed at fulfilling the competence of state bodies.

Official duties - Responsibilities provided for by a specific state office established in the regulatory act, in the appropriate state of the State Authority, its structural unit and in job descriptions.

Management activities - This is a form of implementation by state authorities and local self-government of the goals and functions of public administration; This is a special kind of labor of people who requires relevant training in order to ensure high-quality execution by employees of their powers, the preparation and adoption of the right and legal management decisions.

Activity - This is the work of state and municipal employees, which is a permanent activity paid from the state (or municipal) budget and consisting in the execution of powers of state bodies or local governments.

The main goal of public administration is determined by its essence, a concept, namely, the improvement of the management system, the change in its qualitative characteristics, which, in turn, are intended to ensure the optimal organization, the implementation of the management of the processes occurring in the relationship of the subject and the management object, the meaning and purpose of normal States are to conducive to the material and spiritual development of their people

The objectives of the public administration are concretized depending on the classification criteria proposed by researchers.

· "Socio-economic goals, i.e. streamlining public life and satisfaction of public interests; achieving economic welfare, building and maintaining a certain system of economic relations;

· Political goals, i.e. involvement in the management of all political forces in the country, maintaining processes in society and the state to improve the improvement of state and public structures, human development;

· Security goals, i.e. Ensuring the rights and freedoms of citizens, legality in society, public order and safety required by the level of welfare;

· Organizational and legal goals, i.e. The formation of a legal system that promotes the implementation of the basic functions of the state and solving its tasks with the help of democratic institutions and mechanisms of the legal state, as well as organizational and functional entities. "

As you know, the goals perform extensive motivating, stimulating and regulating functions. The objectives of public administration arise on the basis of the objectives of the life of this society underlying the life. They are derived from the goals of society.

Ensuring the internal and external security of the country.

The development and strengthening of public institutions ensuring the sustainable and reliable democratic development of the country.

Constitutional protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens of the Russian Federation, general administrative and legal regulation.

Formation of state policy aimed at improving the well-being of people.

Maintain a positive environmental situation.

Maintaining market mechanisms.

Competent, mutually beneficial cooperation of the regions and the center.

This is only a very general overview of those goals that are called to serve state administration. But archival is the creation of "Tree of goals", in which there would be operational and strategic, finite and intermediate, general and private purposes. Objectives should be symbiosis, synthesis, that is, some kind of integrity. But, this integrity must be combined with adequate means, methods and forms of their implementation, for otherwise even correct objectives in the process of their implementation will be distorted.

Types of public administration purposes are addressed on the basis of the principle of determinants, when in the process of setting the goal is followed by one of the other. The main classification is built on the functions of the state and the spheres of the Company's vital activity. - Objectives of social and political development - goals of social development, economic organizational information - explanatory purposes, etc.

Other classification criteria: the volume of objectives (general, private); results (objectives finite and intermediate); Temporary perspective (immediate and promising - short-term, medium-term, long-term goals), etc.

The objectives of the public administration are formulated taking into account, firstly, their realism and solvability, secondly, taking into account the sequence of achieving the goals, i.e., the formulation of new goals should be preceded by the achievement of previously formulated, thirdly, taking into account the possible adjustment of the goals extended. Exceptionally rich in the potential of the resource, both the formation and the implementation of goal-setting in public administration is democracy - a certain system of self-organization of the life of people on the basis of their rights and freedoms.

However, democracy as a phenomenon, the system of relations and processes is very concrete and occurs only when it really penetrates the life of most people, becomes the attribute of their everyday sensations, thoughts and practical actions. In the literal sense of the word democracy there is an organized power of society. And government goals with minimal cost And the maximum results can be achieved when the potential of democracy is included in their implementation. People need to know the goals of public administration and share them, wishing their implementation and be able to work in this direction. In order for people's participation in the implementation of the objectives of public administration to be conscious and active, people's confidence in these goals and the real feeling of coincidence of the results of the implementation of goals with their needs and interests. Such a "overlay" of goals and expectations in a vital range of time and brings, if proceeding from historical experience, the use of democracy.

It should be said about such a resource for goaling in public administration as an organization. It allows you to streamline, rationalize and facilitate the development of public administration purposes. One of the main advantages of the open setting of goals is the ability to rally alone and clearly show other things that they can contact other organizations as a source of economic and moral satisfaction.

The effectiveness of several approaches to the organization of discussions on the choice of goals is proved. Among them are techniques such as "brain attack", "group orientation", "alternative scenarios of the future" and the method of "Delphi". Organized intelligence allows you to build a better tree of public administration, which is created by one, even talented, mind. The same occurs when the purposes are realized: functions, structure, activities used by principles, etc., should be organized, and as for the "tree of the goals" of public administration, then there can be some practical implementation without an organization.

As resources of targets in public administration, such purely subjective elements, as knowledge, or, in other words, innovation and technical capabilities of society, must be taken into account. TO at the beginning of XXI in. A large amount of social, natural and accurate knowledge has been accumulated, a significant and qualified personnel has been prepared in various directions of human activity. But all this is poorly used to ensure that the intended goals of state administration certainly were carried out. Probably, the mentality of nations, rooted among people, socio-psychological stereotypes deserve more attention.

Indeed, in such characterizing signs, not only conservatism and traditionalness, but also known rationalism and the design of ideas, approaches and actions. And everyone has its meaning, relevant in different situationsIt may well ensure the implementation of some public administration purposes.

A special conversation deserves the ratio of objectives and means of their implementation. Often, their mutual adequacy is neglected, and the goals, noble and necessary ones are implemented by such means that in the end they lose all true meaning. A vivid example is the history of socialist construction, which was carried out in order to implement almost the Christian dream of fraternity and equality, but with such means that, alas, a little advanced people on this path. Many discrepancies between goals and means is found in our day. Meanwhile, there is one principal moment here, which is not always taken into account. Directly perceived result is given, as a rule, no goals, but the means used in their implementation. The inconsistency of funds leads to significant difference goals and results obtained that according to the principle of feedback discredits the goals themselves.

Rational and effective public administration requires the links of goals, funds and results of their implementation, for only it creates a circuit in the public administration system, gives rise to the confidence of society, people and stimulate management processes.

The objectives of the public administration, presented in a specific "tree", are designed to meet the requirements of these blocks:

a) be objectively determined and reasonable, proceed from the objective patterns and the trends of the social development and activities of people, to meet the objective logic of the functioning of a phenomenon, the process, relationship, to take into account the forms and mechanisms of the latter;

b) be socially motivated, i.e. to go from the needs, requests and interests of people, to answer them and thereby cause an understanding, support for the goals, the desire to embody them and life;

c) be secured in a resource attitude, both intellectual and material side, based on real, and not on the imaginary, in cash, and not on the estimated or possible potential, to be attributed to specific conditions and factors of public life.

With this approach, the listed objectives of the state administration actually correspond to the law and state of the state classification established in the theory of the state in the industry, which is quite acceptable, since it is in the functions of management.

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