The scenario of the druzen event "From Holy Russia to the Great Russia. Scenario of extracurricular activities on the topic "Where there is a lot of grades in Russia"

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Cross-tanks game on the final topic "Ancient Rus". 6th grade

Rules of the game: the participants of the game are divided into two teams (the team of the cross and the team of the zero). At the beginning of the game, the team play the right of the first turn. The team that won the right of the first move chooses the square from the playing field with the task, in the case of the correct response, the corresponding mark (cross or zolik) is made. If the responding team does not give an answer, the right turn turns towards rivals. The game wins the team that can most fully answer three tasks from squares (horizontally, vertical or diagonal).

Game Field 1 - Crooked Mysteries. 2 - "How our word will respond ...". 3 - black box. 4 - fourth extra. 5 - historical confusion. 6 - dial. 7 - Folk wisdom. 8 - What? Where? When? 9 - the life of wonderful people.

The question for the right of the first movement: What Russian Prince was erected by the Church of St. Sophia in Kiev?

The mysteries of the teams must arrange events in chronological order And read the encrypted word. 1. And the baptism of Russia is the beginning of the board of Vladimir Monomakh about the publication of the "Russian truth" with the vicinity of Varyags on Russia. R. Prinjean Olga T. The first campaign of Russa to Tsargrad b

2. At the beginning of the board of Vladimir Holy r "Shield on the gates of Tsaregda" and the establishment of lessons and polls and the creation of the truth of Yaroslavichi and the beginning of the reign of Mstislava to the death of Rürik h Construction of Holy Sophia in Kiev

2. How our word will call ... 1. "I go to you!" 2. "What you know, do not forget the good, and what you do not know how to study." 3. "Here I leave the world of this, my sons, live in love, the eldest son will sit in Kiev - Izyaslav, and Svyatoslav I give Chernigov, and Vsevolod - Pereslavl."

Prince Svyatoslav.

Vladimir Monomakh

Yaroslav Wise

3. Black box It may be in the fishing network. It is necessary to the mushroom and a berry. It uses a tourist and a hunter, rural housewives. This told us a lot about the life of ancient Novgorod. What is hiding under the word it?

(Beresta: From her, the floats are made for the fishing network; Tourists and hunters are used for a fire; Housewives for a furnace; Mushroomcarns and berries weeping baskets; in Novgorod, they found beretta diplomas in Novgorod.)

4. Fourth extra three of four words connected general meaning, Find superfluous word And explain your decision. Grains, Skan, Mosaic, Partition Enamel. Altar, Poverty, Poluros, Casra. "The Tale of Bygone Years", "Word about honor and grace", "Life Boris and Gleb", "walking in three seas."

5. Historical confusion teams are offered texts with errors. Their task is to find and explain errors.

6. Dial teams are offered issues related to numbers. The victory is awarded to the team, which gave the last answer. 1. How old was Vladimir Monomakh, when did he rule in Kiev? 2. How many kilometers are Tsargrad and Constantinople share? 3. How many Russian warriors are depicted in the picture of Vasnetsov "Bogati"? 4. In which age of Russia accepted Christianity? 5. What is the account of the prince Vladimir called Monomakh? 6. In what years in medieval Rus Rules Woman? (945-957) 7. What prince for historians calculates for their lives made about 50 campaigns? 8. What letter of the ancient Russian alphabet indicated the figure 3? 9. In which year the state was founded Kievan Rus? 10. How many temples of Holy Sofia were built in Russia? 11. What was the name of the third ruler Ancient Russia? 12. How many sons were Prince Svyatoslav?

7.Gal wisdom Guess the Russian mystery: And they dug me, and turned me, I was on the fire, I was on the bazaar, but how young was the young - all people fed. Fly - the bones are spilled around, but the dogs do not rush to the bones.

8. What? Where? When? The team offers three questions. What is it? He, KSI, OUR, Think, People, Kako, and, Fit, Izh, Zelo, is, good, verb, lead, Az. Where was the first Russian Christian princess Olga? When did the word "alphabet" appear in Russia?

9. Life of wonderful people. Name the names of historical figures whose characteristics here are presented.


Scenario druzhinny event "From Holy Rus to the Great Russia"


  1. Cause a sense of pride for your homeland.


  1. formation of the desire for victory, the harmony of perfection, physical and spiritual principle;
  2. cohesion of the collective;
  3. education in the younger generation of the spirit of patriotism;
  4. replenishment of knowledge about the individual pages of the history of Russia and people who left the trace in the historical and cultural memory of the people;
  5. expand the horizons of children;
  6. stimulate interest in the study of the history of Russia.

Opening part.

(play quiet music)


Russia is my homeland,
You are beautiful and multik.
Your fields, forests, meadows
And on the river plain glare
I praise!

Russia is my homeland
Your children you are rich.
Traditions, rites of ancestors
Learn all of us sometime.


Where do Russia begins?
Curil? From Kamchatka? Or with Commander?
What eyes are sad by her steppe
Over the reeds of all her lakes?
Russia begins with whiff
To work, to patience, to truth, to kindness.
That is her star. She is beautiful!
It burns and shines in the dark.
Hence all things are her big, her unique fate.
And if you are involved in her, - Russia
Not from the mountains originates, but with you.


Good afternoon, dear guys and respected guests. We are glad to welcome you on our class hour. Very often they ask us: "Where do you live?" Everyone will answer this question differently. One will say: in the city of Barnaul, the other in the city of Rubtsovsk. Each indicates a specific name that means the place where people live. But all who live in Barnaul, and in Rubtsovsk, and in Makhachkala, and in other cities of our country, speaking of their residence, will begin the same: "My address is Russia."

Song "Hymn of the Great Russia"


- "From Holy Russia to the Great Russia" so called our event, on which it will go about the history of our Motherland. Let's take a little journey through the pages of Russian history. I hope that today you will not only demonstrate your skills and knowledge, but also learn a lot of new and interesting things.


Leaders of detachments, come to the scene and get your route sheets! ... Now we offer you to go through the stations that are printed on your sheet. And we wish you good luck and sea positive! Time went!

Basic part.

  1. "Enciphers" (1st part of the dance floor). With the help of the depicted item decrypt the winged expression.

Points are put depending on how much the correct answers was called.

Maximum-6 points.

  1. "Patriots" (Pierce). It is enough to answer the questions of the Quiz.
  2. What is the weight of the king - cannons? (40 tons);
  3. First prince name in Russia. (Rurik);
  4. Founders of the Slavic letter. ( Cyril and Methodius)
  5. Why the village, in the place of which Moscow appeared, called Kuchkovo? (It belonged to boyar Stepan Kuchka);
  6. It is this city on the shore White Sea Before first seaport Russia (Arkhangelsk);
  7. The God of the Sun in ancient Russia. (Yarilo).

Maximum for the 1st part-6 points.

"Now you will read some poems, and you guys have to guess what the city of our great Motherland is a question of who founded it and if you know, the main attractions.

  1. Saint Sophia Dome
    Hence the traveler shining,
    Slavs the capital was here
    For the first time the Russians were baptized here. (Kiev, Prince Kiye, Golden Gate, Sofia Cathedral, Peterhof);
  2. There is a city with dust outposts,
    With big gold chapters
    With wooden mansions,
    With masters ever drunk
    And so much lovely cute
    In words: Arbat and Dorgomlovo ( Moscow, Prince Yuri Dolgoruky, Cathedral of Basil Blessed);
  3. On the shore of the desert waves
    He stood, the Duma of the Great Polon,
    And in the distance looked ... And he thought:
    We will break to threaten the Swede
    Here will be the city laid
    I called a surrender neighbor.
    Nature here we are destined
    To cut the window to Europe. (Petersburg, Peter I);
  4. What city is we talking about? (1 point)
  5. Who founded him? (1 point)
  6. Name architectural and historical monuments of this city. (1 point)

Those. Ideally, the team can get 3 points for this station, but maybe more if any information informs us about this city.

3. "Dancers" (2nd part of the dance floor). At this station, detachments must show 3 Russian dance.

  1. "Apple"
  2. "Kalinka"
  3. "Horovod"

Points are set depending on how much the squad was friendly, and how many of the three dances showed.

Maximum-3 points.

4. "Musicians" (headquarters). The song and continue it.

  1. "Felt boots";
  2. "I am guilty";
  3. "In the field of Bereza stood";
  4. "Cranes";
  5. "Eh, roads";
  6. "Farmers".

Points are put depending on the number of gifted songs.

Maximum-6 points.

Final part.

(After passing all the stations, the detachments are collected on a dance floor).

Roll of squads.


-Well, you guys, so comes to the end of our event, and I am still surprised at how much in our camp smart, funny and cultural children! In the meantime, our jury takes his verdict, "...." with song "Where is the Motherland begins"

Intellectual and informative game for schoolchildren 6 grade "Mokhpers"

Beesovikova Oksana Viktorovna, Methodist, teacher MBOU to "Center children's creativity»P. Uralsky Nytnyansky District of Perm Territory
Work description: The scenario of the intellectual and cognitive game for adolescents is 12-13 years old. The game consists of three rounds, its content is aimed at knowing the history, literature and art of ancient Russia.
Purpose: Summarizing knowledge about the history, traditions and customs of ancient Russia.
Tasks: Identify the knowledge of children about the history of ancient Russia, to develop a smelter, logical thinking, educate interest in the history and culture of the Russian people.
Preliminary preparation: The topic of the game is voiced in advance, each team is preparing a greeting
Equipment: Tables for commands, protocol for the expert group, cards (lepts) 25 pieces for each table, signs with numbers 1,2,3 for each table, command name on each table, projector, computer, screen for presentation, musical instrument.
Intellectual and cognitive game "Melvers".Subject: "The origins of Russian antiquity." Music theme "Belling".1 Presenter: Sacred music times
Above golden Moscow
Ridge bell ringing,
But even the most quiet
Someone did not give rest.
2 Host: Brokery flies fly away
Rimpets rapid clouds.
How to fight you, the land is native,
Wonderful edge of magical, wonderful dreams?
The ringing bell is called
In the heart of the unspecified beauty.
Looking at a crying Russian Russia
Blue eyes in heaven.
3 Host: For many centuries, Russian land remained unsolved secret.
4 Host: Her endless expanses of Manili and were engaged, and the multifaceted Russian character was surprising and caution.
1 Presenter: History, literature, the art of ancient Russia is an inexhaustible source of new research and scientific discoveries.
2 Host: Our conversation will go about Russian folk traditions, customs, superstitions, about Orthodox and pagan holidays.
3 Host: Today we are starting the first intellectual-cognitive game "Melniki" season 2015-2016.
Musical screensaver to the transfer "What? Where? COGDbut?"
4 Host: The game is attended by the team of associations "Zhetakany", "Erudites", "Sparks" of the Center for Children's Creativity of P. Uralsky.
1 Presenter: Greeting our players! (team greetings)
2 Host:Well, we presented the participants, and now it's time to get acquainted with the guests of "Melnikov" - expert groupwhich will follow the running of the game. (presentation of experts)
3 Host: The theme of the whole game "The origins of the Russian Sturdy".
4 Host: The game will consist of several rounds. At the beginning of the game, each team will receive start-up capital - 30 lept. Answering the question, the teams make bets and raise the card corresponding to the number of the selected response. If the answer is correct - the bet doubles, if not, the team is deprived of the lepts.
1 Presenter: Time of thinking - 30 seconds. At the end of the game, earned capital is calculated. The winners of the game are teams that scored na large quantity lept.
2 Host: Each earned lept makes you a few steps closer to victory. At the table the game to control will be the croupier.
3 Host: To better understand the rules of the game, let's say. So, a trial question.
4 Host: Make bets, players! You must put one piece on the edge of the table! Attention, trial question ...
Who introduced a new religion in Russia - Christianity?
1.Prince Vladimir
2. Dmitry Donskoy
3. Alexander Macedonsky
1 Presenter: Your answers, players! Raise cards. Those who answered correctly hold the card until the browse gives the bet.
2 Host: So, the rules are announced, it's time to start the game!
3 Host: We start the first round of the "Test Chain". Rate: 1 Employment - 1 lept. Make your rates. We ask the viewers not to prompt, do not interfere. Attention, 1 question ...
Question number 1.
Name the ancient Russian God, the patron of love and marriage.
1. Clad
Question # 2.
If in the structure christian church There is no altar, how such a church is called?
1. Summer
2. Kolokolnya
3. Papper
Correct answer: 1. The chapel is a small temple without an altar. It was in it that was impossible to serve as a liturgy, but only the "clock", that is, read prayers and psalms established by the Church for this hour.
Question number 3.
This holiday is celebrated on the 50th day after Easter. He is called "Green Holie".
1. Initian
2. The implementation of the Lord
3.ulin day
Correct answer: 1. Initian - the two-month holiday of the Orthodox Church, came from ancient times.
Question number 4.
What is the name of the shoes woven?
3. Coshak
Correct answer: 2. NAPTI
Question number 5.
They were empty, bright, green, rash, rich, rich, lean, sour, gray, prefabricated ... and that's not all! What is it about?
2. Kashi
Correct answer: 1. In the people they said: "The native father is bothering - and never ..." Russian cuisine has a recipe for dozens. Quick and lean, fish and mushrooms, sour and fresh, with additives and without them ... A barley was added to the Ural "thick" soup - for satiety.
Question number 6.
All knows the custom to celebrate guests with bread-salt. Bread at the same time symbolizes wealth. And what does salt symbolize?
1. Dolgolesis
3. Common intentions.
Question number 7.
How did you call a couple of horses or oxen harvested in one harness?
1. Double
Question number 8.
In Russia, with one of the fortunes, a rooster and chicken were associated and planted on the sieve. If the chicken pulled the rooster, what did it mean?
1. What's a girl in the family
2. Let's get rich yield
3. Her husband under the shoe all life
Correct answer: 3. Eternal family question: Who is the owner in the house? In Russia, he decided simply. Wondered on a rooster and chicken. Put the rooster - the peasant is the top. It turns the chicken - to be a husband under the shoe all my life. Yes, it was only rarely happening.
Question number 9.
What was not to wear a wife in ancient Russia, while her husband was departing?
2. Warning ring
3. Headdress
Question number 10.
It is so many days that the shints continue - holidays Between christmas and baptism of Jesus Christ.
1.7 days
2.14 days
Correct answer: 3. The wake of Jesus Christ is celebrated 7 january, and baptism January 19. 12 days from the holiday before the holiday are called Holie.
Question number 11.
Glazed locker for icons is called by the Russian word of the Borean or Greek ...
1. Cyot
2. Maltar
3. Lespada
Question number 12.
This greek drink For a long time replaced Russians and tea, and coffee. What kind of drink is we talking about?
2. Sustitude
Correct answer:3. Sweet and spicy shooting in Russia loved everything. The king-father honey drink was brought from a special chamber of the feed palace.
Question number 13.
This holiday falls on February 15. On this day, winter is struggling with spring: who go ahead, and who is back. And this holiday is established in memory of the Church that on the 40th day after the Nativity of Christ Mary Mary and the righteous Joseph brought Jesus to Jerusalem. What holiday is we talking about?
1. Account
Question number 14.
On Tuesday, a week after Easter, all Orthodox remembers the departed. This holiday is called Radonitsa - by popular belief The souls of the dead ancestors are rapidly and quietly above the ground and invisibly touch the treats. And how are the people differently called this day?
1. Duchs day.
2.Red hill.
Question number 15.
What is the name of the Orthodox dish consisting of dried bread grains with honey operated by water?
2. Cles.
Correct answer: 3. Sochily. Day before Merry Christmas is called Christmas Eve. This day is carried out in a strict post. For the church charter, you can only use sochily.
Question number 16.
How did the peasant top clothes called the cloth in the form of a caftana?
1. Sustheng.
3. Clamp.
Question number 17.
Not too often, but it happens every four years Orthodox it is this month to celebrate the Day of St. Kasyan. They said about him: "To which Kasyan looks - everything is faded; I will look at the tree - the tree dries, will take a look at the cattle - Mor attacks. " In which month was Kasyan's day?
1. In February
2. In April
3. In January.
Correct answer: 1. Just envious, malicious, and besides the blind Kasyan - February 29. Leap year Generally considered unkind. February Iso of all his months is the worst, and already the 29th - the nose does not turn the nose.
Question number 18.
In the ancient Russia of all newborn children before baptism called one name, fearing the evil eye. Name this name.
2. Bogdan.
Correct answer: 2. Bogdan. Before the baptism, the child did not have an angel-keeper, so his name was not opened by anyone, but they said that the child was a god of God, that is, Bogdan.
Question number 19.
In front of the wedding between the parents of the bride and the bride, walling took place. And how did the matchmaker called in Russia?
2. Comprehensive.
3. Purchase.
Question number 20.
What did the wedding cake called, decorated with dough figures?
1. "Carousel".
2. Petushki.
3. "Grove".
Correct answer: 3. Grove. The figures symbolize the bride and the bride, the sticks - a grove, in which all the trees together, and not for one. The dough is a symbol of well-being and fertility.
Question number 21.
In Russian weddings, such a custom is known. When the triumph was approached by an end, guests were distributed by special little gingerbread. How did they call them?
2. Infrared.
3. Color.
Correct answer: 2. These little gingerbreads were called accelerating. Gingerbreads seek proseciously to visit guests that it is time to house and at home.
Question number 22.
What is the found holiday of the Wire Wires?
1. Creating.
2. Events.
Question number 23.
On what day of the carnival week in Russia, the city should have treated their teaching pancakes?
1.On Friday.
2. On Saturday.
3. Sunday.
Question number 24.
The main action of the fourth day of Maslenitsa - "Razing" was the capture of a snow town. From the snow they built a town with towers and two gates. The winner, the first included in the town, was awarded so ...
1.Did duck fed pancakes.
2.Bucked in the hole.
3. Arched on hand through the whole city.
Question number 25.
For the Holiday, the Ascension of the Lord baked a memorial bread. In what form baked the commemorative bread, to find out how sin is the man?
1. In the shape of the ball.
2. In the form of the cross
3. In the form of the ladder.
Correct answer: 3. Sometimes the memorial bread baked in the form of a ladder, a rectangular bow with seven crossbars, symbolizing 7 skies. If all the ladies were broken, then she thrown her - a terrible sinner. (By the number of remaining whole crossbars found out for which the sky a person falls after death)
Question number 26.
You are probably familiar with the expression "in all grave." His initial meaning was distinguished from the current one. What did this expression mean?
1. Cute in all the bells.
2. Go around the world.
3. Go to the monastery.
Correct answer: 1. Call to all the bells. Once this expression concerned only the work of the ringing. Beat into all grave - it means to call all the bells. "To go into all the grave" - \u200b\u200bmeans forget about any decency, do not care about public opinion.
Question number 27.
In the north of Russia, young girls before the new year were baked from rye and wheat flour funny little figurines sheep, pigs, calves. They gave them to young men, showing their art skillful mistress. What are these edible "sculptures"?
1. Schedules.
3. Supplies.
Question number 28.
What is the name of Christmas Eve?
2.Christmas Eve.
3. Creation.
Question number 29.
As was called top part Roofs - charm home from evil forces?
3. Sample
Question number 30.
According to the canons there may be one, three or five. What is it about?
1. Head, dome in the church.
2. Kololol.
3. Chogonna temple.
Correct answer: 1. Head, dome in the church. Orthodox Church There must be one-, three or five-chapted. There are a place in Russia, where they are 33, in Yaroslavl - 15, but these are unique cases.
1 Presenter: And now we start the second round called "In the old santa meant ..."
2 Host: The daily peasant menu did not differ much variety. The main place, of course, occupied bread.
3 Host: What are the only folk sayings, proverbs and promsories are not worried about him! "Bread - everything head."
4 Host: "Hood lunch, no bread"
1 Presenter: "Bread on the table - and the table of the throne, and the bread is neither a piece - and the board board"
2 Host: But not the bread is alone.
3 Host: With each new century, the set of products from our ancestors became diverse and richer.
4 Host: What ate in ancient Russia?
1 Presenter: You will be offered a list of products. From him, you will need to exclude the names of those products that have not been used in Russia until the 17th century.
2 Host: In a sheet marked "Second round" after the question you must write down the numbers of the products you excluded.
Round rate - 3 lepts.
3 Host: If you discharged all the products, right, then your bet doubles. If you made a mistake, then all the lepts are burned.
4 Host: Do those your rates, players! Attention, question ...
From the proposed product list, exclude those that were not in ancient Russia, that is, those products that our ancient ancestors did not eat about the 17th century. There are only eight of them.

1. Millet 8. Tea 15. Cucumbers
2. Bug 9.kof 16. Potatoes
3.Ris 10.Sahar 17. Cabbage
4. Grech 11. Melted Fish 18. Melon
5. Macriculture 12. Salt 19.Some
6.Pelects 13. Momar 20.Hleb white
7. Honey 14.Pomidors 21. Chleb Black
Crouch, distribute the task!
gong1 Presenter: Time is up. Pass the crucier card.
Correct answer: Ancient Rusichi did not use the following to the 17th century:
3 - Rice 10 - Sugar
5 - Pasta 14 - Tomatoes
8 - Tea 16 - Potatoes
9 - Coffee 19 - Sunflower
2 Host: The croupier, announce the results of the round.
3 Host: Announced the third round "Cat in a bag".
You must guess which item is in the bag. The answer is written on the card with the "Third Round" mark. After each discussion of the question, the card is transmitted to the croupier.
4 Host: Bet: 1 question - 1 lept.
For incorrect response, 1 lept is closed.
Question number 1.
Make bets. Attention, question number 1
This product is a high taste, spicy, held an honorable place in the wedding and memorial ritual, it is very sweet and roads. What product is we talking about?
Gong1 Presenter: Your Answers, Dear Players! Cross, announce the answers!
Correct answer: Gingerbread
Question # 2.
He decorates the head of married Russians, and the church. What in the bag?
Gong2 Host: Your answers, players! Cross, announce the answers.
Correct answer: It is Kokoshnik. So called the decoration on the head of married Russians, and the semicircular part of the church building.
3 Host: Question number 3. Make bets, players. Attention, the last question ...
What detail of the 13th century costume for a day was sewn, and overnight before changing into another clothes, fell apart. What part of the Russian costume is in the bag?
Gong4 Host: Your answers. Cross, announce the results.
Correct answer: Sleeves - they were very narrow at that time, so in order to change them, it was necessary to disappear overnight, and in the morning to sew.
Gong1 Presenter: That ended the last round of the first intellectual and cognitive game "Melniki".
2 Host: It is time to calculate the accumulated capital and identify the winners of the game. Cutter, calculate the lepts.
3 Host: To sum up the results of the intellectual and cognitive game "Mokhniki", the expert council begins to discuss the results.
4 Host: So the most exciting and responsible moment came - summarizing the intellectual and cognitive game "Mokhpers".
1 Presenter: To declare results, the word is provided ...
2 Host: Before a new meeting in the smart club "Melniki"!

The manual includes a variety of history activities for students of grades 5-11. Designed to teachers-subjects working in high School; May be useful to students of pedagogical universities.

* * *

Led Book Foreign Fragment Extracurricular activities for history teacher. 5-11 classes (Natalia Danilova) Granted by our book partner - LITRES.

"Journey to ancient Russia"

(game on history for students of 6th grades)

Purpose:promote the formation of cognitive interest of students to the history of their country.


actualize students' knowledge about the history of ancient Russia received on history lessons,

develop the skills of students to compare, summarize the concepts, develop cognitive interests and abilities,

reliable respect for the history of Russia.

Conditions of the game: Students are divided into teams of 5 people. Wins the one whose team will take more points.

Game traffic:

Greetings of participants, jury, fans.

Greeting team.The captain announces the name of the team, demonstrates the emblem (from 5 to 20 points for the correct answer.)

Workout(responsible the one who will raise the plate) (10 points for the correct answer).

Who was called Varyagi in Russia? (Normanov, Vikings)

Name the three founding brothers in Kiev? (Cue, cheeks, chorive)

How did the annual gathering called the prince of Dani from the subjective tribes? (Full)

What prince founded the ancient Russian state? (Oleg)

What is Greek fire? (hot mixture, which the Byzantines burned the roots of Russians)

Who conducted the first tax reform in Russia? What was it? (Olga Princess, installed lessons and grades)

This prince never attacked enemies, not ready for battle. He sent a warning messenger to them: "I go to you!" (Svyatoslav)

To revenge this tribe, the princess Olga used birds. (DREAM)

Name the main trading path of Russia. Why was it so called? ("From the Varyag in the Greeks" - connected the Baltic Sea with the Black Sea)

And the prince of Vladimir commanded: "If someone does not come to the river tomorrow - be it rich, or poor, or beggar, or a slave," I will be an enemy. " Why Vladimir commanded to collect people from Dnipro? What year did it happen? (Baptism Kievan 988)

Scenes "Neighbors of Ancient Rus."Looking scenes you need to guess what state-neighbor of ancient Russia is (30 points for the correct answer).

Scene №1

1: Hello, Svetosar!

2: Hello, Vartislav!

1: Does the prince returned from the campaign?

2: Were with the prince in a wonderful country. All of them do not have in our place! I saw, Svezar, the city is big, where the Volga with the sea is welcome. We sailed to the palace on the boat, the walls surround, yes the protection of the rows. All stone, and red. And in the Palace Tom - Kagan sits. We were struggling with me furs. They have different people. Yes, everyone pray to God.

(Answer: Khazar Kaganat)

Scene №2.

1: Grandfather, and tell us another fairy tale!

2: What a fairy tale, then, though, granddaughter! Young I was then, with the prince, Oleg went to the campaign. Swang by rivers, yes by seas. Long ... While a miracle of my eyes was appealed - we saw the city of the Sun - as if Yarilo was nominated. Walls are high, blonde. The dome in the sun is brilliant. It stands on the shore - shining. We approached - the ringing is distributed, the bells beat. Pier noisy. Luda is different many - everything trades. And the goods are oscillate - the berries are black borders, silk fabrics are different, butter. I'm not talking about ...

1: Grandfather, and God?

2: True, granddaughter. And God is alone. Prayers are sent to him, help ask. On the chest crosses wear. Such is the city, granddaughter.

(Answer: Byzantium)

Bag of questions.Captains pull out the questions from the bag - read, the team answers (20 points for the correct answer).

What is paganism? (faith in many gods)

The name of the Sun God in the Eastern Slavs (Yarilo)

The name of the god of thunder and lightning, war and weapons (Perun)

The name of God - the Lord of the Wind (Striboga)

The name of God is a patron of cattle breeding (Velez (hair)

The name of the deity of fertility (mocking (Makos)

Who, according to the ideas of the Slavs, turned dead ancestors (house)

Who, according to the ideas of Slavs, turned the drowned women and children (mermaids)

What was the wooden statues of the gods (idols)

Who are such a magic? (people who can communicate with the gods, create spells and predict fate)

Scenes "Residents of Ancient Rus."Looking scenes to guess what categories of the dependent population of ancient Russia are (30 points for the correct answer.)

Scene №1

1: Hello, Tikhomir!

2: Hello, a neighbor Mirolyub!

1: Vintage is small in this summer. All rains, yes fog.

2: True, neighbor. I have trouble. Earth then I do not have. I'll go to the rich neighbor - to work on his ground, the family I need to feed ...


Scene №2.

1: Hello, Mirolyub!

2: Hello, Tikhomir!

1: the year was a lack of town. There is angry mocking on us. I went to the boyar - the debt ask - to buy seeds, yes bull. Now we live - I work on the boyars earth, yes my farm pull. As a debt return - I will be free.

Competition Captain(10 points for the correct answer)

What is the difference between the Normans, Varangians and Vikings? (no difference)

Who killed Prince Oleg? (according to legend - snake)

What city is called "the mother of the cities of the Russians" and who called him so? (Kiev, Prince Oleg)

What prince ruined greed? (Igor)

This prince "not anyone was to live in Kiev, but anyone in Pereyaslav." (Svyatoslav)

This prince was baptized in Corsun. (Vladimir)

988 (Baptism of Russia)

882 (Education Old Russian state)

907 (Oleg's campaign to Tsargrad)

912-945 (Igor Board)

980-1015 (Vladimir's Board)

882-912 (Oleg Board)

Black box(50 points for the correct answer)

This subject people use ancient times. In ancient Russia, he was in every home. It is known that going on a long journey, each Russian man took this item with me, and each of the subject was his personal. To protect against evil, this item has always closed up the bottom. The easiest work was considered to manufacture billets for this subject - called them cores. So the famous expression appeared "beat the Baklushi" - so talk about a person who does not do anything at all. In addition to its direct purpose, this item was used in a different way. Then they talk about such techniques for its use as "clapper", "Kopytza", "Sunny", "Fence" and "Fer". After 3 minutes, tell me which object in the black box. ( Answer: wooden spoon)

Points for the good behavior of the audience - "The most polite viewer"

Summing up the game. Winner's reward ceremony.

Integration of regions: « Cognitive development"," Socio-communicative development "," Speech development", Physical development"

Purpose: cause interest in the history of the emergence of Russia;

- give specific ideas about the emergence of the Russian state;
- to educate a desire as much as possible to learn about the native country;
- consolidate knowledge of the main symbols of the country: the coat of arms, flag, hymn;
- to bring up patriotic feelings;
- to introduce new words in the dictionary of children under the topic under study;

Vocabulary: ancestors, Slavs, Kokoshnik, Kososotka, Prince, Principality, Wand, Power;

Materials and equipment: Russian folk costumes, loaf, interactive board; Disk with Russian folk melodies, presentation.

Preliminary work: view illustrations with Russian folk costumes; reading poems and works about Russia; Consider cards of ancient Russia and modern Russia;

Russian folk music sounds. Children stand in a semicircle. Guests are visited. The center of the boy and the girl in the Russian folk costumes with bread-salt are published.
Girl: From all doors, from all the gates
Come speed, hurry, people!
Many interesting you will be waiting!
Boy: Long-staying in Russia expensive guests met bread-salt, low to you, dear guests (Pass and give guests bread-salt).
Educator: Today, dear guys and respected guests, I suggest you to get acquainted with the history of our country and its symbolism. I invite you to travel in time. Seeking our "time machines" (by tables). Slies, hands stretched forward, eyes closed. Moving began. 1, 2, 3- Open your eyes. Where are we?

Slide 2.
1 child comes out:
- You are in ancient Moscow!
- And you want to know how our state was formed! So listen:
Our homeland is a very old state, it arose many, many years ago. In those long-standing times there were no cities, no homes in which we live. And there were small wooden houses along the banks of the rivers, our ancestors lived in them. Ancestors are people from which we happened. Our ancestors - east Slavs.

Slide 3, 4

The boy and the girl goes in Russian folk costumes.

Girl: The girls then wore sundresses, blouses and kokoshnik and necessarily a long braid.
Boy: And the guys wore shirts, which were called spots, as the collar was not directly, but the painter (girl and the boy sit down).
1 child: Lived Slavs in small huts. The most important thing they had a prince

The child comes out, dressed as a prince.

2 child (prince): Many principalities were in ancient Russia - the so called Russia then. Princes very often quarreled among themselves and captured the land from each other. But when the enemies attacked them, the princes merged together and defeated their enemies. Finally, the princes realized that if united forever, they would be much stronger. Together they will be easier not only to fight, but also work, help each other, and then no one can defeat them. Princes united, and the most important prince Ivan III became the most important (portrait show).

Slide 5. 2-child (prince): So the Russian state was formed. It was big and strong (children sit down).
Educator: And you continue to travel in time. Pulled hands forward, eyes closed. Moving in space began 1,2,3 - open the eye. What do we see?

Slide 6.

Responses of children.

Child comes out.

3 child: This is how big is our state - Russia (driven on the boundary of our state).

1. In Russia, many cities: (invites the child from the place to come and show).

Slide 7.

2. In Russia, many seas (invites a child from the place to come and show).
3. In Russia, many rivers: (invites a child from the place to come and show).
4. In Russia, many mountains: (invites the child from the place to come and show).
3 child: we have many forests, they are marked green, as well as many minerals.

Children overlook, called and show cities, rivers, mountains, etc., sit down to the seats.

Educator: The journey continues pulled hands, closed their eyes. Moving began. 1,2,3 - open your eyes and look what awaits us here. And here, guys, you are waiting for the game "Stukolka" (V.M. Petrov " Autumn holidays, games and fun).

Slide 8.
After the game educator:
-What guys will continue the journey?
Pulled hands, closed eyes. Moving began. 1,2,3 - open your eyes.

Slide 9.

Three children come out.

4 child: Previously, each prince was his coat of arms. These coat of arms have remained, but the new Russian state has its coat of arms, new. This coat of arms is now the coat of arms of our country. Let's look at it.
5 child: What do you see in the center? (Eagle) Eagle with two heads and raised wings. Eagle on the coat of arms means strength and invincibility. The eagle has two heads, as the Russian state is very large and heads of Eagle look at the West and east, as if showing that the state is large, but one.
6 child: And you also see the crown. The crown denotes that in Russia the main king. And in the paws of an eagle - a staff or a rod. This is a symbol of royal power. In another paw near the eagle, the ball, it is called the Power. Power - means power, that is, the country in which the king rules is mighty.
This Russian coat of arches is many-many years. Of course, there are now the kings, but the crown, the rod and the power remind us that the birthplace is very ancient that she arose for a long time.

Children sit down to the seats.

Educator: And so we continue our journey and prepared for moving. Pulled hands, closed eyes. 1,2,3 - open your eyes.

Slide 10. 7 child: Before you the flag of Russia. Each country necessarily has its own flag. Under the flag fought for their country of warriors, the flag raise during victories, the flag is posting during the holidays. Russia has a three-color flag, it consists of three strips - white, blue and red. What do they mean? (or himself, or asks children).
White is the color of the world. He suggests that our country is peaceful, she does not attack anyone.
Blue is faith, loyalty. The people love their country, protects her, faithful to her.
Red - strength color. This is blood shed for homeland.

Educator: Each state has its hymn. The anthem is a solemn song. It is performed in the most solemn cases - during the holidays and others important events. When athletes win on competitions, their homeland flag rises, and the anthem of their country sounds. In the performance of the anthem, everyone must rise, and men remove hats.

Slide 11.
Educator: I ask everyone to get up, the anthem of Russia sounds. Please sit down.

Educator: So we visited time travel, and now it's time to return to kindergarten.
Pulled hands, closed eyes. Moving began 1,2,3 - open your eyes. We are again in our children's garden.

Slide 12.

- What did we learn from our time in time?
Responses of children.

We recommend to read
