Report of the expert group - el murid.

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Anatoly Nesmiyan, better known as El Murid, is a popular blogger and journalist who specializes in military-political topics. El Murid communicates with readers through the Internet platform LiveJournal (LJ). short biography Anatoly Nesmiyan is presented in the article.

Blogger biography

Nesmiyan Anatoly Evgenievich was born on August 11, 1965 in the village of Krasilovka, Kyiv region. Almost nothing is known about the childhood of our hero. The guy grew up in his native village, which is located in the outback of the region. After the boy graduated from school, the family of Anatoly Nesmiyan sold the house in Krasilovka. The Nesmiyans left Ukraine and moved to the capital of the Russian Federation.

Here, a boy from the outback decided to enter a prestigious university. Even at school, Anatoly became interested in chemistry. Therefore, the choice of the Moscow Institute of Chemical Technology for his parents did not come as a surprise. The future blogger successfully graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry of the Institute and immediately began looking for a job: life in the capital requires a lot of money. Therefore, a graduate of the Moscow Chemical Technology Institute willingly took on any job.

Business projects

The guy rushed from one part-time job to another, looking for himself in different areas activities. But all his efforts were in vain. Not a single job brought pleasure and the desired income to our hero: the young, literate and ambitious Anatoly Evgenievich Nesmiyan (El Murid).

When the 90s came, most of the inhabitants of our country had a hard time. The family of our hero also barely made ends meet. That is why in 1991, following the example of many of his comrades, Anatoly Evgenievich decided to go into business. This period of the last century, many entrepreneurs were allowed to rise in society. Those who were weaker could not withstand the competition and pressure, and stronger-minded people rose from their knees. Our hero belonged to the second group.

As it turned out, Anatoly Nesmiyan has excellent entrepreneurial acumen. He developed a number of projects that he successfully implemented.

An Internet star of the future, El Murid took up printing at the end of the 20th century. He became the head of Printing Yard LLC, and later opened a printing house called the Business Documentation Center. The next business project of Anatoly Nesmiyan was a pub. Nesmiyan named his brainchild Bier-Hoff. The bar was quite popular among beer lovers and our hero's business developed rapidly.

Problems with law

Few of the entrepreneurs of the 90s did business honestly. Noticed in tax evasion and financial fraud and Anatoly Evgenievich. The enterprises of which he was the head were regularly subjected to all kinds of checks. Sanitary and epidemiological service, firemen, prosecutor's office and others state structures tirelessly visited the printing offices and the bar of our hero, writing out more and more fines. Perhaps such attention to the person of Nesmiyan and his activities is due to the great competition in the market and the tricks of envious people.

At some point, Anatoly Nesmiyan was even arrested. El Murid was convicted of financial fraud in business and tax fraud. He spent some time behind bars, and when he was released he was forced to pay all the fines.

After this situation, Anatoly Nesmiyan decided to start a business. What he did in the early 2000s is unknown to journalists. The blogger does not cover this period of his life in his LiveJournal.

When did the blog start?

In 2008, our hero published the first entry in his LiveJournal. Anatoly Nesmiyan signed under the pseudonym El-Murid. He is known to the public by that name. And as an avatar (profile photo) I set the image of a human head in an oriental-style headdress.

Initially, Anatoly Nesmiyan's blog did not attract much attention. He published no more than 8 entries per month, the audience of subscribers was rather scarce. Each new post had a general political focus.

El Murid (Anatoly Nesmiyan) began to actively engage in his LiveJournal in the fall of 2010. His journalistic notes on events in the Middle East attracted the attention of the general public. The blogger began to post much more posts - their number has already exceeded 100 publications per month.

What is El Murida's blog about?

Initially, our hero's blog was of a general political nature. He didn't specify anything in particular. Later, El Murid began to describe the problems of the Middle East. In his LiveJournal, he covered military and political events in Syria, Libya and other countries.

Over time, Anatoly Nesmiyan devoted his blog to military-political conflicts, "color revolutions" in Ukraine, in the West and the Middle East.

The people's journalist won the recognition of his subscribers as a "connoisseur of the countries of the East" and "war correspondent".

Mastery Recognition

In three years, the popularity of El Murida's blog had become so high that the number of its subscribers was already measured in hundreds of thousands, and the impact on the public was already obvious.

In 2011, our hero received a well-deserved award for his journalistic activities. The authoritative commission of the Russian Biographical Institute awarded the blogger Nesmiyan with the "National Award in the Blogosphere". For his tireless work and tremendous contribution to the development of the blogosphere, the formation of the citizenship of the people, El Murid was recognized as the “Blogger of the Year”.

A chemist by education, a businessman in the past, our hero did not even count on such success when he created his LiveJournal.

The following year, Nesmiyan's blog was mainly devoted to the acute military-political situation in Syria.

Independent expert at ANNA-News

After Nesmiyan was awarded the title of "Blogger of the Year", his popularity crept up again. In 2012, Anatoly was invited to work at ANNA-News, an independent news agency. As an independent expert for ANNA-News, El Murid began to appear frequently in video projects and television programs.

At the same time, in collaboration with his friend and part-time head of the agency Marat Musin, Anatoly Nesmiyan wrote the book "Syria, Libya, then everywhere." For this work they received an International Prize from the Union of Writers of the Russian Federation.

Later, Nesmiyan published a number of other books, including “If tomorrow is war”, “Wahhabism in Russia. Theory and practice of terror”. In his works, Anatoly speaks openly and sharply about the military-political situation in the country and the world as a whole. Summons Russian government not to interfere in the Syrian conflict.

Anatoly Nesmiyan about the events in Ukraine

Despite the fact that Nesmiyan positions himself as an orientalist, he did not bypass the military-political conflict in Ukraine. A native of the Kyiv region, he nevertheless does not support the government of the country. In his blog, El Murid openly expressed sympathy people's militia and Mr. Strelkov, in particular, and mocks the Minsk agreements. Regarding the participation of the Russian Federation in the conflict, he says that Russia is afraid that, following the east of Ukraine, Europe will demand the return of Crimea. At the same time, El Murid suggests that neither the Crimea nor the Donbass in itself are of interest to Europeans. These are just levers of pressure on Russia. What concerns the Ukrainian side, according to Nesmiyan, the Verkhovna Rada does not want to return the territories of the LPR and DPR, but it also does not want to give up these lands.

El Murid considers the murders of prominent militia leaders Mozgovoy, Dremov, Batman and others to be attempts to drain Novorossiya. And the blogger calls the current rulers of the unrecognized republics Russian puppets.

September 17th, 2014

I don’t like this comrade El Murid, who is so actively interested in what is happening in Novorossia, attached to Igor Strelkov by some kind of obscure carriage. I think he considers himself his personal press secretary.

Today, he suddenly announced a military coup in Novorossiya, thanks to which, in his opinion, "groups with lines of subordination to the FSB have been removed from power." Already for one such assumption, Strelkov should have said goodbye to El Murid - and asked him not to call again. But he, for some unknown reason, trusts him. It must be that El Murid, or rather, Anatoly El Murid, was introduced to him by some serious person from power.

“Judging by the reports coming from Novorossia, we can say that a quiet and fortunately bloodless military coup took place. Lieutenant General Korsun was appointed Minister of Defense of Novorossia, Igor Bezler was appointed his deputy, who, according to unconfirmed information, was awarded the rank of Major General. having lines of subordination to the FSB, were practically removed from command and they were rigorously asked to go under the control of the military.
How exactly this will affect the implementation of the Minsk agreements is hard to say. At least for now. It is still difficult to understand the line of conduct of the new leadership. It seems that Moscow has decided to end democracy in the free republics and intensify their unification into one territory.
Apparently, Kyiv also does not really understand what is happening yet - there is information that yesterday and tonight there was a continuous sounding of what is happening through their contacts in Moscow.
Judging by the first statements of the new commander, his task will be to restore order in the commander's freemen. It seems that in the current circumstances, Igor Strelkov may have the final say - they believe him, and they will agree with his opinion about what is happening. So far, however, it seems that Strelkov himself is studying what is happening, since it is not clear who in Moscow is behind the coup. I think the situation will be resolved in the near future. So far there is too much incomprehensible in it. As in any revolution.
In any case, the assumption that the people put in command after Strelkov will be very quickly replaced by others - completely controlled by Moscow and at the same time absolutely non-public, is confirmed. A month has passed - and strictly according to the laws of the genre, the second generation of leaders collects things. Antyufeev's departure to Moscow was probably due precisely to the fact that he was hinted at the need to do this as soon as possible.

“Regarding the events with incomprehensible movements of the commanders, Strelkov said the following.
First. In Donetsk, according to him, everything is calm. Who is "Lieutenant General Korsun", who has been fighting since April, he does not know. Therefore, he asks the commanders of the middle and lower levels not to pay attention to what the senior commanders share there, and to prepare for the hostilities that are inevitable anyway. After they start, all disagreements and pulling the blanket over yourself will become insignificant.
Second. According to him, the coup had nothing to do with Moscow. It is possible that there are some people whom the "signatories" are guided by, but in general there is no special decision that will radically change the situation and the alignment. We are talking about independent actions by individual commanders of individual detachments, and the number of these detachments is clearly insufficient to bear the proud name of the "Joint Armed Forces."
Third. Strelkov said that the incident does not and will not have any effect on the current supply of detachments.
This concludes the censorship part of the conversation."

El Murid is a very strange comrade. Carefully hides any information about himself. On a userpic in LiveJournal, he generally posted a photo with his face wrapped in Arafat. Studied at MCTI. 65 years of birth. Expert in ITAR-TASS. It's not work at all. They don't pay for it.

In all the photographs, he has a stern face, like a person who does not perceive jokes in principle - usually people who have mental problems have a bad sense of humor. However, I'm not implying anything. Here are some photos, for example, posted on his Facebook page:

Who is El Murid?

From 1991 to 2012 he was engaged in small business. This, of course, explains a lot. The character becomes a bastard, yes.

Specializes in coverage of events in the Arab countries, in particular - "color revolutions" and civil wars that began during the Arab Spring. In 2012, he mainly covered the situation in Syria, speaking from a neutral pro-Assad position.

In 2014, he covered the events of the Ukrainian crisis, supporting the militias under the command of Strelkov. I have no idea - whether on his own initiative, or he is engaged by someone. Apparently, he received approval from the authorities. But things are not doing well. I don't like how it works. I also dislike his shaky position in relation to Russian statehood.

And in Novorossia, if there was a coup, with the removal of the wrong people from command, it means that a new one will happen soon.

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Vibrant political, economic and even military events often attract the interest of many users. Most of them are eager to stay up to date with certain events and keep their finger on the pulse. All this is possible thanks to the numerous people's journalists, streamers and bloggers. This is exactly what the notorious Anatoly Nesmiyan is, publishing posts on LiveJournal under the nickname El Murid. We will talk about it further.

Brief biographical information about the blogger

Nesmiyan Anatoly Evgenievich (his biography is associated with a number of conflicting data) was born in August 1965 in Ukraine. His native village, where he spent all his childhood, at that time was called Krasilovka. This small village was located in the Kyiv region. However, it was still very far from the capital itself. It was here that the future blogger graduated from high school.

Later, together with his parents, Anatoly Nesmiyan moved to Russia. Having settled in the capital, he applied to the Moscow Institute of Chemical Technology. Having passed the exams, our hero entered the Faculty of Chemistry. After graduating from high school, Anatoly went in search of work.

First earnings and self-employment

While living in Russia, Anatoly Nesmiyan changed not one, but several jobs at once. However, none of the professions he mastered has taken root. A strict and serious young man could not find a suitable place for himself that fully met his needs and abilities.

This continued until 1991. Since that time, the author decided to open his own business and engage in private business. At that time, he managed to develop a number of projects related to the media and printing. For example, under his strict guidance, Printing Yard LLC and the Printing Center for Business Documents were created. A little later, Anatoly Nesmiyan even opened his own pub, which he called Bier-Hoff.

Trouble with the law and taxes

Despite the fact that Nesmiyan managed to achieve certain heights in business, his business was not going as well as he would have liked. Either because of envious people or competitors, representatives of various services began to drop into the offices and representative offices of the entrepreneur more and more often.

A little later, he was even accused of tax evasion and conducting various financial transactions in business. Because of this, Anatoly Evgenievich Nesmiyan (El Murid) was taken into custody. After a small scandal and trial, the blogger was released, pledging to pay a fine stipulated by the court.

However, this administrative offense slightly spoiled the biography of our businessman, who decided to change his activities and do something more calm. At least he thought so.

Start blogging

Starting in 2011, Anatoly Nesmiyan (El Murid) began to maintain his own blog on LiveJournal. At that moment, he came up with the nickname El Murid and an avatar in the form of a human head in an oriental headdress. By the way, in miniature this image resembles a fly. That is why many ill-wishers call this blogger " annoying fly", But more on that later.

Topics and interests of the blogger

In his LiveJournal blogger Anatoly Nesmiyan (El Murid) described the problems associated with the political and military situation in the Middle East. Here he wrote about Libya, Syria and other countries. The author covered real events related to civil wars and color revolutions. Later he began to position himself as a "military expert" and "orientalist".

First awards and recognition in the blogosphere

As it turned out, Nesmiyan's activity as a blogger was highly appreciated not only by the rapidly growing number of his subscribers, but also by recognition from other prominent figures in the blogosphere. So, in 2011 he was named "Blogger of the Year" and awarded the "National Blogosphere Award". This award was presented to him by representatives of the Russian Biographical Institute. They also praised him for a certain contribution to the development of modern civil society.

Work for ANNA-NEWS and new responsibilities

Exactly one year after receiving his first award, El Murid was invited to an independent news agency called Anna-News. According to some reports, he was called by the head of the channel himself - Marat Musin, who repeatedly expressed sympathy for the blogger.

Later, Nesmiyan began to position himself as an expert in this news agency. On his behalf, he increasingly appeared on various video projects, wrote on the pages of the Vzglyad publication, starred in the program Neuromir and Day-TV.

Coverage of events in Ukraine

After the coup d'etat in Ukraine, the political, economic and military intrigues of Kyiv fell into the informative piggy bank of the blogger. The topics of his posts increasingly became Crimea, Donetsk (DPR) and Luhansk (LPR). Despite the fact that most often bloggers take a neutral position, Anatoly increasingly supported the militia, Strelkov and harshly criticized the Minsk Agreements. According to some reports, he even visited the conflict zone several times and personally met with Strelkov.

One of the main defenders in the Russian network of "Saint Strelkov" and "Righteous Beard" from the "impious sect of Kurginyan's supporters." What impression? Well, something like this:

In general, I sat "like in Turkey" ...

With "creative legacy" el_murid everyone has been clear for a long time. We all swam there - we know. One of the few biographical notes about the client says:

He was repeatedly caught in the publication of analytical materials copied from a number of popular sites and presented as "author's".

This is the absolute truth. As an example of this kind of plagiarism, a material about Yemen is usually cited, which was once located at this address (now deleted):
Its original can be viewed here:
Apparently, for this reason, the archive of our client's blog has been thoroughly cleaned and all posts written before 2012 have been completely removed from it. There is nothing to compare. Therefore, the factual basis for convicting a well-known blogger of plagiarism and ideological unscrupulousness is completely absent today.

Well, what can I say? Well done!

Concluding very short review"creative legacy" el_murid , I note that the strongest gag reflex in me was caused by public showdowns el_murid and his wife ani_al with another equally famous blogger putnik1 about the kidnapping of well-known journalist Ankhar Kochneva in Syria anhar .

Well, creativity is creativity, and I was most perplexed by the peculiarities of El-Murida's biography. We all remember well that for quite a long time, even the name of this Internet character was made into a riddle. Two very short and miserable biographical information about him that appeared on Wikipedia were quickly and decisively removed.

But we remember well that manuscripts do not burn, especially on the Internet. I managed to find both of these certificates - they were carefully preserved by El-Murida's "well-wishers":

Salman Bulgarsky (real name - Airat Vakhitov) was born on January 4, 1980. He studied at the Wahhabi madrasah "Yoldyz" (Tatarstan), worked as an imam in the Naberezhnye Chelny mosque "Tauba". In 1999-2001 was on the territory of Afghanistan, fought in the ranks of the Bulgar Jamaat (an association of Wahhabis from the Volga region) as part of the Taliban troops. In 2002-2003 was in the American prison in Guantanamo (Cuba). In 2004, upon his return to Russia, he continued to conduct propaganda for the construction of a caliphate already via the Internet, posting his video sermons (the era of mass access to the Internet is coming these years). In 2005, he participated in a terrorist attack on a gas pipeline in Bugulma (a city in the southeast of Tatarstan). Later he leaves for Afghanistan. Since 2011, he has been in Syria in the ranks of the "Tatar brigade" ("Kataib Mukhadzhirin"), which is a Wahhabi gang fighting against the legitimate government of Bashar al-Assad. The main recruiter of volunteers via the Internet from Tatarstan for "jihad" in Syria.

After reading all these materials, it is no longer surprising that Murid's covert support for Islamist militants in Syria.

And what is the result? As a result, due to the carefully cultivated image of a modest Russian intellectual in an intelligent sweater and glasses, the image of a terry propagandist closely associated with Islamist, Vlasov and Nazi circles clearly emerges.

P.S. In response to this post, citizen Nesmiyan burst into a very lengthy and rather nervous comment (see comments). My response to El Muridou contains several important clarifications to the main text, so I include it here:

Anatoly, remember from Pushkin:

"Pleasantly audacious epigram
Enrage a blundered enemy;
It's nice to see how he is, stubbornly
Bowing his boisterous horns,
Involuntarily looking in the mirror
And he is ashamed to recognize himself;
It's nicer if he, friends,
Howl foolishly: it's me!

I did not expect to see you in the role of this character in front of the mirror. And where else? In his LiveJournal…
You write: "I repeat - I deliberately do not squeal and I am not going to refute something and someone."
And why did you come to LiveJournal of an unknown blogger? Why did they devote a rather large text of their commentary almost entirely to refuting some facts of their biography that are not mentioned at all in my text?

It means that something in my text strongly hooked you, and you are now trying to switch the attention of readers from this (main) to petty squabbles and gossip.

You know, I am deeply indifferent to the circumstances of your personal life, the number of your wives and children, how many times you were judged and what you eat at dinner. I am deeply disgusted by the showdown between your family and Vershinin. My post is not about this at all, and you perfectly understood this.

The main thing is your position on Libya (but it has already been written about in detail without me, and there are no more texts about the war in Libya for 2011 in the archive of your LiveJournal). The main thing is your muddy position on Syria (you preferred not to notice the link to its analysis). The main thing is my questions about your trip to Donetsk (which I asked based on the content of your own interview). And I'm not at all interested in what you stole there and how you were pinched for it. I, and many other readers of LiveJournal, are wondering who and how this trip was organized (in modern times this is a whole special operation) and why did Mr. Girkin (Strelkov) communicate with you so confidentially? And it would also be interesting to know (you talk about this in an interview) how Strelkov's people organized a meeting for you with an officer of the Ukrainian army fighting against the DPR. In a war, this smells strongly of betrayal ...

But you didn’t say anything about all this, and I don’t think you will say that these topics are not convenient for you. Instead, you preferred to discuss diluted beer, which I didn't say anything about at all.

And the last. You have no reason to accuse me of lying - to any information given in the post, I give, unlike, by the way, from you, a link to the source. You yourself write: “This is my personal blog. I want to - I’ll post the cats, I want to - I express different thoughts. So I wanted to refer to some information published by Vershinin. This particular piece of information seemed very plausible to me. Trusting I (what can you do) - sometimes I believe people.

Compiled a report for the top Russian leadership on the state of affairs in the Crimea. Tymchuk is an interested and impartial person, but the content of the report in the presentation does not contain the slightest sensation, it basically repeats what was known three or four years ago, and only today it has become so much full height that it is simply impossible to hide anything, especially after the disaster in Armyansk (which, meanwhile, continues).

It is a separate question that this report will never be published in Russia itself (at least while Putin is in power), but everything is in order here - the crimes that his regime committed can only be publicly announced after its collapse. And in full - only in the case of a tribunal to investigate them.

The main and absolutely insoluble problem of Crimea is the discrepancy between the existing water resources and population. The Crimean Canal is the only solution to this problem, since sources groundwater insufficient, and most importantly - their use will gradually lead to salinization of the productive soil layer and its degradation, followed by disappearance Agriculture as an industry in the region. Additional problems are presented by the industry, which consumes significant volumes of water.

It is impossible to transfer water to the Crimea through the strait along the water conduit - in the Russian regions surrounding Crimea there are no sources corresponding to the scope of the task. nearest major river- Don is already "chosen" dry. The option of building desalination plants in Crimea itself looks technically feasible, but firstly, in Crimea, even with the commissioning of new capacities and the transfer of energy from the mainland, there are still no sufficient reserves in terms of capacity, and secondly, the construction of a nuclear power plant on the peninsula for geological reasons looks like an undeniable solution. The main thing is that all this takes time, which is already gone. The stake on the use of underground sources has already created an irreversible situation of degradation of agricultural lands in the northern Crimea, which in a few years will lead to its desertification. In other words, they are late.

Putin, when deciding on the annexation of Crimea, did not take into account the whole range of emerging problems. He probably didn't even know about them. Career gaps and gigantic jumps between positions held at the district-regional-federal level have led to the fact that Putin simply does not and cannot have the experience of systemic leadership, and therefore he is blatantly ignorant on most issues. The sycophant advisers did not dare to question the genius of the decision, as a result, the situation itself slid into its current sad state. Not only is it sad - it is hopeless. Autonomous from the mainland, Crimea is not self-sufficient in terms of resources for all vital resources, and at the same time it was not possible to solve the issues of energy and water supply for Putin's half-dead economy.

In Ukraine, they say that there were aggressive plans for Crimea long before its annexation. However, given the Kremlin’s failures to secure Crimea basic resources, we can say with confidence - there were no sane and any elaborate plans. Even scripts. The decision to join was taken, as is customary in today's management paradigm in Russia, on the knee. A week before. (By the way, this is quite consistent with the information that was voiced earlier - the Russian General Staff was instructed to develop the operation of bringing troops into Crimea only in the twentieth of January 2014, that is, the political decision was made no earlier than mid-January) all other decisions - on the Turkish Stream, on the "Minsk truce", on the "turn to the East" - are everywhere frank convulsions and reflexes with an intellectual study of the task at the level of infusoria.

At the end of his text, Tymchuk says that the Kremlin has a point of view on the problem of Crimea in the complex solution of the problem of Ukraine - if in 1919 it is not possible to get a "pro-Russian" leadership in Ukraine, then even a military scenario is possible. Here, perhaps, one can disagree with Tymchuk (especially considering, as I wrote, his obvious lack of impartiality and interest).

First, no matter what the outcome of any election in Ukraine, it is absurd to expect some kind of abstract "pro-Russian" leadership to come to power. The train left. If someone in the Kremlin has illusions about this, then the degree of inadequacy there is clearly off scale.

Secondly, a war with Ukraine (even a limited one) is no longer possible for the Kremlin - neither in military terms, nor in terms of political reasons. The army is getting more and more involved in the Syrian adventure. Any aggravation of the situation in Ukraine will lead to an obvious solution for the West - the defeat of the Russian interventionist corps in Syria and those involved in its support naval forces Russian Navy. Secondly, conducting a general mobilization for a war with Ukraine can lead to the opposite effect - today the Russian population does not have unanimous support for the killing of Ukrainians in the interests of the Putin clique, such a war will become unpopular from the first day.

Thirdly, in the event of war, the Kremlin will be instantly isolated from the rest of the world, an embargo on trade will be introduced, the payment system will be turned off, the property and assets of the Russian mafia abroad will be confiscated and will go to finance the war with Russia.

All this is so obvious that the threat of Russian aggression in Ukraine looks extremely unlikely. Of course, nothing can be ruled out, since the Russian leadership is capable of any idiocy of any intensity, however, in matters of preserving their own skin and loot, they are guided not by the brain, but by spinal instincts.

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