Literary Pillchko: "Ancient Rus fairy tale and excellent. Scenario of the Druzhinny Event "From Holy Russia to the Great Russia

Engineering systems 24.09.2019

In the magazine "Banner" number 12 for 1937 printed literary scenario "Rus", compiled by P. Pavlenko together with the director S.M. Eisenstein. The main theme The scenario is the ice side - the topic is very interesting and important in historical terms. The ice side of 1242 was a turning point in the struggle of Russia with German aggression. Therefore, the picture of the picture on the topic about the ice is necessary to welcome, but, unfortunately, the resolution of this topic in the considered scenario can not be welcomed. The script authors, as we will see, have made many actual mistakes, unforgivable for people, at least any familiar with Russian history, and gave a completely distorted idea of \u200b\u200bRussia XIII.

The script begins "preface", in which its authors give a general concept of the topic developed by them. This brief preface (one and a half pages) is full of many errors. "In the XIII century, the authors of the script write," Mongols enslaved Russia. Her north-west, Novgorod remained the last angle of free Rus. Russian patriots gathered here from everywhere, forces for future liberation were accumulated here. "

So the authors push new concept, in their opinion, the Center for Liberation from tatar Iga I was Novgorod. But such a concept contradicts everything historical process. The struggle against the Tatars was not carried out by Novgorod, but northeast Russia led by Moscow. This was understood and the authors of the script, put forward at the end of it (p. 136) memories of the Kulikov battle. It turns out that the Germans, seeking to take possession of Novgorod, thus wanted to locate the "Mongols of the European markets" (p. 103). In the very scenario, Magista declares knights and "pastors": "So, your Novgorod. Capture him as you want. Volga Your, Dnipro, Church. In Kiev, I will not throne either a log, nor a person "(p. 115). The authors apparently do not understand that the Order was not even able to deliver such tasks.

In the preface, as it were, all tangled all historical facts. According to the authors of the scenario, "Dmitry Donskoy completed the case started in the Kulikov field, started by Nevsky" (p. 103). But, first, the Kulikov battle has not yet completed anything, although there was an enormous importance for the history of Russia, secondly, the struggle against the Germans did not cease and after the Ice Weight. The statement of the script authors is very strange, "Russia, growing in battles against Asia and the West, is the picture theme" (p. 103). Who needs to be understood under Asia and the West, the authors do not speak. But to summarize the West with the Germans, and Asia with Tatars, Ideanly oppose Russia West and Asia is completely inappropriate.

The script text was presented a list of actors, it listed 22 persons, but of them only about few we can say that they could really participate in the ice side. Leaving aside the actors derived from the authors, we will dwell only on those characters whose names are borrowed by the authors of the scenario from some sources. To their number belongs: Alexander Nevsky, Vasily Buslaev (!), Gavrilo Oleksich, Svidrova Ivanovich - Pskovsky Voivode, Bryachovna - Wife Alexander Nevsky, Ivan Danilovich Sadko, Pelgsius, Amelf Timofeevna, Hermann Valk, Berke - Khan Hand. Unfortunately, from all these characters, only one Alexander Nevsky can be considered a truly historical person, the rest, as we will see, are endowed with the authors of the scenario with such features that will be found far from the historical events described in the scenarios. First of all, we can assure the authors of the scenario that in 1242 Khan Golden Horde was not Burke, but Bate. Burke became Khan much later. Pelgsia, on legends on the Nevsky Battle, was an elder in Izhora land, not a monk. He said, indeed, betrayed Pskov to the Germans, but he was not just because of the governor in Pskov because there was no governor in Pskov in the XIII century. It was not, gas as the city was governed by the landing. Ivan Danilovich Sadko, if when it existed, then, in any case, in the XII century, and not in the XIII century, besides, he was a Novgorod, and not the Volga merchant. The chronicle knows a certain Sotinich Satinich, who settled in the XII century. In Novgorod Church of Boris and Gleb. This hundred and was the prototype of the epic Sadko, but why the epic hero fell into a historic film, it is not clear.

Even more incomprehensibly, the appearance of a very legendary hero - Vasily Buslaev with his mother Amelfoy Timofeevna. Meanwhile, the script authors could find real historical characters if the chronicle was served as a source for them, rather than the Opera Sadko and remote memories of the eponymies read in childhood.

Let us turn to the scenario of the script itself, divided by chapter, or episodes. "Forest in autumn. Knights, built by the Wedge, "Swingy", break into the village under Pskov "- so begins the script. We fully agree with the authors of the scenario, which is in the rank "Swing" (i.e. by the wedge), and even in the lats it is difficult to rob to the village, this is explained, apparently, "heavy breathing of knights". But continue on. In Pskov, anxiety: "On the fortress wall of the governor, Vladyko wander the head of the defense of Pskov Boyharin Tverdil Ivanovich." Immediately and "five-hundredth" Pavsha, who offers the "bishop" to shoot the sword from the trooper traitor. We can assure the authors of the script that the bishop in Pskov appeared only from the end of the XVI century, only the authors of the scenario are known about the position of the "five hundredth": this post in Pskov and Novgorod was not.

In the second chapter, the script describes Pereyaslavl. Five people pull the nemid and sing. However, among the fishermen and Alexander Nevsky himself. He argues with some ordinance, who apparently does not know the prince, although it is sent to him. Sustal, through the wrong picture, forcing the Russian feudal XIII century. pull the nem with fishermen. However, the wife of "Prince-Lapoter" mentioned already bryachisan, coats the soup itself and walks behind water.

The third chapter begins with the description of the bargaining in Novgorod. This description is to lead entirely: "Novgorod copes a magnificent bargaining. As a holiday, merry city. Noisy rows. The merchants are singing at the counters. There Persian beats in the tambourine, the Hindu plays a hard song on a strange duffer; There I sings and sings, there the Swede put the top of the singers, he tries to the Greek. Polovchanin shows a trained bear. Choir sing bakery hazard. The Venitsa Fospet in Atlas plays on Mandolina, sings Serenad. Inrogen merchants, sitting in a circular, drink El. Noisy, fun, carelessly at the fair. Breasts lie skin, fox and sable fur, grain, carpentry crafts. The Bogoas trades the icons and immediately write them surprisingly to all passing. Blacksmiths kuyut ring and, like tailors, removing the measure from the buyer, immediately manufactures it that it is necessary "(p. 109). The city, of course, can be like "on the holiday of cheerful", but who just did not lead in Novgorod a complete ignorance of the authors of the script, and moreover, in 1242, when the whole of Europe was afraid of the Tatar invasion. Venetian merchant came here, although Novgorod did not trade with Venice. Through the fires of South Russian cities got Greek. Polovchanin arrived too. He brought with him the beast of the beast, because in these beasts on the forest north, apparently, felt lack of. I arrived and some "VIARAZHIZH". Do not confuse it with the Varyag, because Varyagi - Scandinavians, and meanwhile it has just been said that the Swede has already put up three singers, the Swedes, as you know, are also Scandinavians.

Why did these differeble merchants appear? Trade? Not. They arrived in Novgorod, overcoming great dangers.

to arrange a divertiment in imitating the appropriate act from the Opera "Sadko": a Venitsa Guest with Mandolina, Persian with a tambourine, Hindu with a mod. Improvingly deft masters, who can envy our "cold" shoemakers may be made on the bazaar. But best of all sells Sadko, he has a sign on Labaz: "Ivan Danilovich Sadko, from the Persian lands arrived." Also Kittych from the Ostrovsky's play or from Gorbunov's stories! The only thing is that on signs in the XIII century. Nothing is known to us, and the signs of the XIX century. It has long been described many times.

However, the authors cum quickly with the fair and immediately, on the square, arrange the vessel, which decides to call the prince Alexander to fight against the Germans. The authors continue their travel on historical investigations in all 18 episodes, or chapters, scenario. Boring monitor all the inconsistencies of the script.

In the fifth chapter on the bridge through the wolfs are beating smaller and large. "Smaller" - for the call of Alexander, "Large" - for "Credit with the Germans" (p. 113). In fact, both big and smaller walked against the Germans, the prince of Alexander was supported not smaller, but large. In general, the authors of the scenario are perfectly in vain give Alexander unusual democratic features. In a fight on the bridge, of course, Vasily Buslaya participates.

In the sixth chapter shows how the Germans manage in Pskov. He told himself in the sleigh harvested by girls, like the legendary Ogener of the initial chronicle. Rare passersby fall on his knees when driving driving, etc. And this is Russian proud of the ancient Pskov! Only full of historical ignorance and perverted imagination of the authors of the script could afford to humiliate the great people who, and in the most difficult years of their history, did not allow themselves to mock themselves.

In the eleventh chapter there is a mysterious rite: the tolder "arcs" in the knights. There are also some "Norman Knights" and certain "Norman Knights", the origin of which is known only to the authors of the script.

In the twelfth chapter on the fields rushing a kibitka. "In it, Ambassador Khan. He sits, looks in the box. There is a ring, Arkan and Dagger. He looks smiling at the crushed Rus "(p. 122). We doubt the Khan's Ambassador to rake in Kibitka. Not only warriors, but even the clergy in Russia usually went on horseback: for the lack of good roads it was difficult to rush in a kibit. The ring, Arkan and the dagger are taken by the authors of the scenario from some novel; It is not clear why they needed in the historical scenario.

In the thirteenth episode, the poor "Prince", that is, the children of Alexander Nevsky, "in the fun lats they sleep on the oven, mumbling in a dream" (p. 122). The authors of the script could at least split children, after all, to sleep, albeit in fun lats, and even on the furnace very uncomfortable. But the center of this episode is the description of the ice entrance. And now it turns out that Vasily Buslaya is the main character that fights at the end of the battle. Alexander Nevsky shouts in Latin and cuts off his hand to Magist Hermann beam. Especially strangely described "Zverino dressed", some semi-suicide, designed by the authors of the script to portray the ancestors of Latvian and Estonians. All this fantastic scene adequately ends with a picture of the battlefield, according to which some Olga walks, she is Petrovna (earlier Yaroslavna), unlike the Bryachls called name and patronymic. She is looking for a lantern (!) Baschaya Vasily.

In further episodes, it is described that Alexander rides in the Horde and on the way back dies on a culish field. The ghosts of the Dmitry Donsky troops appear on the field ... There are no needs that Alexander Nevsky died in the town of Volga, - Kulikov field can be impressed with the picture, and hence all the conclusions! We listed only a small part of errors and distortions made by the authors of the script ...

The script language should also be stopped. Ancient Russia's language was distinguished by a number of features and is not always amenable to modern interpretation. The authors of the script did not have to stylize the language they say characters, under the XIII century. But they were obliged to find ways to convey characteristics Language XIII century The authors of the script had an excellent sample of the reproduction of the ancient Russian language, though later, is the language of Boris Godunova Pushkin. But Pushkin wrote more than 100 years ago, when Russian philology almost did not exist. However, he did not make a single anachronism, and not only because he was a brilliant artist, but also because he studied carefully old Russian language. Otherwise, the authors of the script were accepted. They decided that the ancient Russian language is the language of Lukin's shopkeepers and merchants of Ostrovsky, coined in addition to the remainord of Bender from the "Twelve Chairs". So, for example, Buslai says: "Well, how so - I don't know ... what will be the tail behind the tail" (p. 110). In the scenarios, we find such pearls: "We, brother, war for nothing" (p. 111); "U-y, rolling" (!); "And we will not take the dead, the soul of your yazvi" (p. 127). But how is Alexander Nevsky himself speaks: "What is their secret?" (p. 121); "I am prince-laprinknik. Not as you, Ale (!) I did not sleep, I did not try the messengers "(p. 117); Or "war war - not a comedy break" (p. 118). What can be added to this language, unless to say with the authors: "Write the script is not a comedy break." Note that the very concept of comedy was not known in Russia XIII century. A lot of strange tongue says Tatars. The authors of the scenario make them talk to a broken language borrowed from chauvinistic jokes: "Our Horde is driving, there is a lot of work" (p. 108); "Buyuk Adam, Yaksha Adam"; "He is Biedch, and the Czechs beat us," etc. (p. 119). The Germans are not lagging behind the Tatars: "The sherry horses are gut. Korosh, Korosh "(p. 116); or "O, Short" (p. 116); PERS NOT Loans: "Having fun city, beautiful city" (p. 112).

But maybe the disadvantages of the script are repaid by its ideological content? Alas, and this side also lames in the script. The authors of the scenario did not accidentally have made Alexander the Nevsky Lapota, it was not by chance a glorious historical event turned into some kind of "miracle": Rus XIII century. Figures them poor and wretched. Representatives of this Russia are legendary and moreover, unfounded bogaties like Vasily Buslai or the beggars and monks. In Pskov, routing people convenes the beggar of Avvakum, he sings: "Stop, Russian people." Old beggar says: "Job Russian to remember. Stand, people Russian. Stand, hit "(p. 107). A particularly large role is given to a certain monk Pelgusia, in which the authors of the scenario turned the elder in the Izhora Earth. Pelgsia is the main agitator.

During the ice clue, "they whispered in Novgorod regiments, Ahali, swear" (p. 123); "Screpeted, nashelvoryovsky dexcishes" (p. 124). The wretched, Lapny Rus looks from everywhere from the authors of the script. All nations are stronger than her, all the culture, and only the "miracle" saves it from German enslavement. How all this is far from historical reality. The Iron Shelves of Novgorod and Pskovich won the Germans and the Swedes not the "miracle", as they want to prove the authors of the script, and their courage and love of their homeland. The Ice Bottomier is only the most important link in the chains of Russian victories over the Germans. And this perfectly understood contemporaries.

In which words, the contemporary describes the ice side: "According to Alexandrov's victory, the king (Swedish), in the third year, in winter time, PIDE to Earth is German in the strength of great, but do not praise the reaction: "Ukurim Slovenian". Already boasts are taken by the city of Plekov and Tiuni with their attain. The same prince Alexander Isyma, and the hail of Pskov freedom and the Earth of the Earth of their Poveyev and Zip and the Polon are taken out without a number, and Ovyz. The same grades are compiled by the nonsense and solutions: "Let us take aide, defeat Alexander and imam his hands with your". Even approaching my guardian, the prince is Alexander, the prince, Alexander, heavily PIDE contradicted them and a lot of both Wami-covered lake, the verbaceous Chyudsheskoe ... Taco of Prince Alexander, a lot of brave people ... Be Saturday then, the sun, and ducking the wallpaper troops and tool Sword is great and evil ... Returning to the victory of the prince Alexander Slany. " If the script authors seriously worked over historical sources, they would have managed to understand the beauty and greatness of our past and could create a scenario worthy of the name "Rus" and the great historical past Russian people.

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  • Literary Willchko :

    "Ancient Rus - a fairy tale and a job"

    Facality : Two feelings are wildly close to us.

    The heart takes place in them:

    Love for native ashes,

    Love for decent stones.

    They are based on century

    By the will of God himself.

    Understanding man, -

    The guarantee of his grandeur:

    Life-giving shrine!

    The land was dead without them.

    Without them, we have a whole world - a desert.

    Soul - Altar without a deity.

    Times about which will we are talking Today, seem to be infinitely distant, barely different in the fog of the past. And to get there we should like patient bedside to pass the way in the whole centuries. The history of the origin of anyone is hidden in the depths of centuries, in impermeable additional times. To open the veil of some secrets we will go to that distant past, now a huge reservoir is returned to our life. orthodox culture. But in the ancient Russian Slavic culture, they believe that she was pagan and barbaric.

    but ancient religion Our ancestors who are some believe, forgotten until today continues, to live in our everyday customs. Proof of? How much?

    Ask yourself, for example: why shouldn't you mind your hand through the threshold? Why do the wedding break the plate? And why, putting together in new house, the first cat goes into it? Many of you will be answered now: for happiness? But these listed customs, just from there from pagan times. One traveler in ancient Russia, dear Arab Ahmed Ibn Fadlan traveling, in Russia, very many customers were surprised, and could not understand them. Let's listen now to him.

    Arab: My journey in Russia was very long. Behind my country stayed by the hot sun with the richest cities spreading in the green cool oasises. Our ship sailed through the Russian sea and arrived in the city of Korsun. People living, there are very well armed, their swords are flat with grooves. Women's clothes are decorated with numerous expensive jewelry. In general, all Russia was divided into three suburban villages, Slavia and Artania. And there I heard the names of the gods, but I do not know who they are? Could you tell me?

    Arab: Who are these gods, and what kind of elements are they responsible? The first is Dazhibog.

    Facality : Maybe some guests will answer respected Ahmed Ibn Fadlan?

    The god of the sun was called Dazhbog, it's not from the word rain, as sometimes I am mistakenly thinking, it means - "giving God", "the successor of all benefits." Slavs believed that Dazhbog rides in the sky on a wonderful chariot, and sunlight Comes from the fire shield that Dazhibogo takes with you. Morning dawn was the sun in his wife. Every year during the great holiday of the summer solstice, today we know how Ivanov's day, their marriage was celebrated solemnly. A combined sign of the Sun from time immemorial was a cross! His, they say, can be seen if you see squinting in the sun.

    Not because Christian crossSo similar to the oldest pagan, stuck so much.

    Arab: And here is the next question who is. Yaril?

    Specify: Everything, probably, you saw or read Opera or a fairy tale "Snow Maiden", it is beautiful as an artistic work, but not as historical facility. For example, "Berendei", among which the action unfolds, were historically not at all Slavs, but by nomads - Turks, out of steppes. I. Yaril is not the God of the Sun, as they sing there.

    Facality: What do we mean by the word "rage"? Fury, impulse, blind, spontaneous, often meaningless strength. And many more related words, and they all talk about strong emotions. These are feelings like a passion of a kipache and were in the signation of the Slavic God of Yaril. Back in the nineteenth century, in some places in Russia, the holiday "Yaril", timed to busy by April 27, to the peak of the richness of nature. The whole night of the elevated places were burned fires, and the youth walked, sang songs, danced. Yarilo, imagined the young man torture, in love with the fiance. The wires of Yaril, who aged and the pleading was also dedicated to the holiday. And he was in the fall, this holiday is now called "otzhinka". And the grain crops that sow in the spring are called spring. Well, Dear Ibn Fadlan have any more questions?

    Arab : Here I have mysterious scrolls to whom they will get, he should tell us who is this?

    1. Gleeper on one face with houses. He accompanies cattle in the field, chite, cherished, does not help her. To toss the chopper over the entrance to the stable, the stuffed sorts were hung on the stake, the special whip from hemp with several nodes was spled, to the new moon, it was put on a head with coals to the new moon, so that the cattle stepped over her.
    2. Bannik: It is a house bath. He lives in a stolen bath behind Kamenka. Or under the floor, and when the bath is drowned. He hides. To abandon a banner, he was brought bread with salt, left for him water in the tubs and sacrificed a black chicken.
    1. Afternoon: she lived afternoon in the fields. Among the bread and herbs, as well as on the gardens. She was a hostess of the plant world, which cultivated people. Pofunitsa considered the culprit of field vortices; They even said that they can be seen in the vortex post.

    Arab: Well, it's time to say goodbye to you about my heart pearls. All the knowledge I received today, I will put it in the book and you read it. Wish you luck!

    (goes to the music)

    Facality : We will continue our journey through ancient Russia. And then we fell in the 12th century. At this time in Russia, writing flourished. It was gold and epic. And visiting us the chronicler Nestor.

    Chronicler : For you, soul of my queen,

    My friends, for you alone

    The time of the past nonfils.

    Under the whisper of the antiquity chatty,

    I wrote the right hand;

    Take you are my work playful!

    Draw, not requiring praise,

    I'm happy with the hope of sweet.

    That Virgo with the thrill of love

    Look, maybe sneaking,

    My sinning songs.

    I want to offer you a test. We have, you have to call, I will read?

    (See Appendix 1)

    Chronicler: With the task, you will cope with a striving. Let's go further with a thorny path. Look at the episodes of rustic life

    (Go scenes Appendix 2)

    1. Name the names of the warmers who have forgotten our heroes?
    2. Tell me what "Clear Sun" is going to see Marfushka in Kiev?
    Answer: 1. Alyosha Popovich and Dobrynya Nikitich.

    2. Prince Vladimir, so it was affectionately called Rus.

    Chronicler: At this epic tale I complete my own. And we continue our time journey. And we will go to the last step of our literary porch in the "Library of the Russian Fairy Tale". Initially, the fairy tale composed at all on the fun guys. Once, the autumn and long winter evenings listened to the old and young evenings, over time, the mysterious flickering fairy tales strongly sweat and much forgot. Fire snakes, sorcerers and sorcerers, devils, led, watery what are they? What do you know how? Now we will try to figure it out.

    Facality: I am now, guests are expensive, I will call a fabulous word, and you must give him a definition, that is, what it means.

    1. Tuesuck - Bereshina bursheno.
    2. Syazhen - measure length.
    3. Lytiki - part of the leg below the knee.
    4. Shushun - outerwear, telogrey.
    5. Comolet - warless.
    6. Golik - broom without leaves.
    7. Fire is a stone for carving Fire from a silica.
    8. Rent - Oakhka.
    9. The temper is a skird of longitudinal masonry.

    Well done! I see, you know, the words are fabulous, but who did not know, now knows exactly.

    It is necessary in the next task the usual things turn into fabulous.

    (pulls things)

    1. Invisible hat.
    2. Boots - swords.
    3. the Scarlet Flower.
    4. Magic wand.
    5. Tablecloth self-banner.
    6. clew.
    7. water Live and Dead
    8. molding apple.
    9. Egg Death Koschey.
    10. sword Kladynets

    Facality: On this tale, the end, and who listened to well done! Whatever eyelids come, whatever the epoch has come, with us always remain, the characters of the stories, epics, legends and fairy tales. Because, this is our story that we need to know and build it yourself.

    Scene: № 3

    "What does not happen in the world?"

    Narrator : Lived Barin rich - settered. He did not know where to give his money. He ate - drank sweetly, dressed in elegant, he had every day of God's day, that there were so many other on holidays. And he still did not have money, it was still arriving. And I wanted to joke over the man once again - a fool, he called to himself the poorest.

    Barin: Listen, man! I'll give you money to you a whole coup, just tell me what does not happen in the world? Today, people reached everything: and go to the line, and they fly through the sky, and you can send to Peter on the wire. Tell me what does not happen in the world?

    Guy: One, barin, does not happen: no one is rocked with an ax, no feet for the axle will not shine.

    Barin : Found, brother what to say. We are truly not doing this, and in other people's lands so completely there. Think yet.

    Guy: Baba - Pop does not happen, the red girl dinner does not serve.

    Barin : No, and this does not happen, the Germans are fine. Think for the last time.

    Men : (to the side) it can be seen alone only to be that I have money.

    Guy: I thought that I would not fall into the sky for the sky, but I had been here, I now believed that it happens.

    Barin: How did you get on the sky?

    Men : The deceased wife to visit and sent me to the conclusion: two cranes in the interpretation; That's how you drove. He looked with her, with the children to be gone to your grace.

    Barin : And back with cranes?

    Guy: No, back I jumped.

    Barin : How are you, a peasant, not killed?

    Guy: Yes, on the ears, it was bridged, not a tough land came out, went home and brought a shovel, and got out and got out.

    Barin: Did you see the heaven of the late Barin, my parent?

    Men : How saw.

    Barin : So what does he do there?

    Guy: Yes, after my children, the wops wash.

    Barin: Do you lie, man - fool? Togo does not happen in the world so that the Barin does not nurse? Take the money, yes, not the mongrels of Okolzysians.

    "Journey to the country of Gardarika" (for children is 10-12 years old).

    Active persons: a new Russian student (NRU) Librarian, guide (presenters), residents of ancient cities.
    NRU. Great, brothers! It is that tourist agency "Time Machine"?
    Librarian. Quite right. Can I help you?
    NRU. And the director of you who, Makarevich, or what?
    Librarian. No, not Makarevich ... I-director, and this (shows on the second master) - my helper,
    Guide... So you want a young man?
    NRU. I want to travel! I want something unusual, amazing! Just warning: I have already hunted in Lviv and crocodiles, with Indians a kebab fry, with Dmitry Krylov, "Non-Note" read it. I'm bored.
    Librarian. Is it clear now! The case is heavy, but there are no hopeless situations. I propose to make a trip to the country of Gardarika. There, you really did not happen.
    NRU. What else is this place? In my opinion, we did not pass it at school in geography. Maybe this is something like the kingdom of curves mirrors or wonderland?
    Librarian. No, the country of Gardarika, or the country of cities, called light hands Scandinavian travelers, warriors and merchants our homeland. With the cities of Gardarika, foreign merchants and travelers got acquainted for the first time on the way "from Varyag in Greeks." Trade guests stayed in Novgorod, Pskov, Lyubek, Smolensk, Kiev, Chernigov, Polotsk, revenge the ships, replenished the reserves of water and the province, bought on crowded fur and skin, honey and wax for amber, which was more precious than gold.
    And, of course, they went through the streets of these cities paved by logs, admired stone gold-shameful temples, fabulously beautiful teremes.
    Chronicles called the city of Gardarika "The Charm of the World", "Rivals of the Tsargrad". They hit the imagination of the innocents with their unique beauty and the main cities of the Northern, the so-called Zalessky Rus - Rostov Great, Suzdal, Vladimir, Ryazan, Tver, Kostroma.
    One city was better, majestic than the other! The impression of acquaintance with them was unforgettable. A thousand years ago, the whole world followed the birth of another great country: Russia - countries of cities.
    NRU. This is something new! Or old? Let's look at the map where this country is?
    Guide. Here we just do not do. Because in those distant times no cards, no compasures have not yet been.
    NRU. What to do?
    Guide. Do not despair! This will help us guide pictures. (Soda.) Bambara Chofara, Skoriki-Moriki! We are on board the sailing ship, which flooded our ancestors 1000 years ago.
    Silver water flows overboard, and now on both sides - the shores covered with dense forests. Here they are replaced by high nicknames, in which the rider is lost on horseback. But the hills on which cities that admire their reflection in a quiet mirror of waters.
    NRU. So where are we?
    Guide. We have special signs and signs. Here, for example, pine on the right steep coast. This is the city of the neighbor. Here is the root.
    NRU. Is it kamyshin?
    Guide. Right! Two Kurgan High?
    NRU. Curgan City?
    Guide. Yes! But the deer came to the river to get drunk, his horns are silver, gold hooves.
    NRU. Olenin?
    Guide. Did not guess! This is the Great Rostov. But the White Falcon was torn in the swellings.
    NRU. Should it be Sokolsk or Sokolok?
    Guide. No, this is the city of Suzdal!
    NRU. It turns out, not everything is so simple: some pictures you need to be able to read! That is why, for example, the Rostov has such a symbol: a deer, who has a silver horns, and gold hoofs? Suzdal has a white falcon, and the city of Vladimir is a lion? Did these animals been found here?
    Librarian. Deer were found, the forests after all. Lviv, for sure, was not, and Sokolov covered, perhaps from the north. The city of Rostov was fabulously beautiful. So compared its magnificence with the beauty of graceful deer. And Suzdal - with a proud and beautiful bird Salol. Comparison is successfully also because the white-named his temples really resembled a snow-white falcon. And yet - no one has given falcon offense his nest.
    NRU. But why then Vladimir is a lion, because Lviv was not in the north of Russia?
    Librarian. Not only in the north, but in the south there were no. They knew about the lions in the main one, from rare then ingenic books, that he is the king of the beasts and that everything fear him. How not to remember the label lines of S. Marshak?
    Such is the custom was an old one
    To with state coat of arms
    Threatened the neighbors face animal
    Oscal for all your teeth.
    Where the lions from the century did not
    Lions look fiercely from the arms
    Or eagles that are not
    One eagle head.
    Guide. For a long time, we sail the cities in the country, jumping on horseback, go to Sanya or cart, walk, and do not always coincide the names of traveling pictures with the names of the cities of this fabulous country.
    NRU. What kind of pictures are these?
    Librarian. These drawings have a name - this is coat of arms. But even before, to establish himself in this meaning, the word is in many languages \u200b\u200b- English, French, German, Polish - meant two concepts: "Weapons" and "Legacy". Imagine a medieval knight, from the legs to the head of the stacked in armor, only a narrow slot left-for eye.
    NRU. Whose face is hidden behind this pick?
    Guide. Let's not guess, and let's look better, what is shown on his shield?
    NRU. Mighty tree in three girth, pulled out of the earth with the root. Most likely, it is oak. At the bottom of the signature: "Dezdich-to". I seem to read somewhere that it means - Knight, deprived of inheritance,
    Librarian. Well, of course, Ibergo himself - hero of the novel of the English writer Walter Scott! The noble knight without fear and reproach, as they said before, invincible in battle, faithful in friendship. The enemies were deprived of his inheritance, but not honor and good name. And grief them if they met with aivergo in pure field. His coat of arms Avango was inherited to his son, and he was his own. So two meanings of the word "coat of arms" - "weapons" and "legacy" - merged together.
    Shields in those distant times were among the knights different: Varyagov - triangular, the Italians - oval, in the Spaniards - square with the rounding, the French are quadrangular, pointed down.
    NRU. And Russians?
    Librarian. AU of Russian warriors The shields were round - for a fight in horseback, and oval in human growth - for a walking battle. And one more distinctive feature: as a rule, our ancestors painted their shields in red - the color of courage and resistance in battle.
    Gradually, starting from the 13th century, drawings from the knight shields moved to carriages, houses, tapestries, carpets, ladies' handbags.
    Finally, the medieval European cities acquired their coat of arms, began to put them on the city gate and the fortress walls. Often the same images appeared on urban seals, and if the city minted her own money, then on coins.
    The coat of arms on very strict rules were made. There was even a special science about the coat of arms - Heraldry. According to its laws, painted on the coat of arms of people, animals, birds, de conversions, the sun, the moon, water, objects made by the hands of a person. These were not only drawings, but also peculiar conditional signs, hieroglyphs, special alphabet.
    The coat of arms explained the special people - Herolds, because not everyone knew that Phoenix bird burning himself on fire and every time he was rejected to life from the ashes - a symbol of immortality; Armored hand-folded - a sign of loyalty; lion - forces, courage, nobility; Crane with a stone in a paw - vigilance; Snake, biting tail, eternity.
    The colors of the coat of arms were of great importance. Blue, like a cloudless sky, mean beauty and greatness; Bright green, like a spring grass - abundance; Red, like blood, - Moss, courage.
    NRU:And when did the first coat of arms appear in Russia?
    Librarian. The first coat of arms appeared in the second half of the XVII century under Tsar Alexei Mikhailovic, who could not do without urban coat of arms. Negotiations with foreign powers demanded the knowledge of their state and urban symbols and the introduction on the international use of the same.
    Guide. Many people can tell the coat of arms of ancient Russian cities. And about the dedication of the antiquity of the deep, and the significant historical events.
    Glory to our side!
    Glory to our old days!
    And about this old
    I will start talking.
    According to the eventually, in the king, Ivan Grozny Custom, the Sagittarius, armed with birchies and peaks, carried a non-saturated watch on the stone towers of the Moscow Kremlin, and with the onset of twilight, noting every hour, he was a rollback, the main cities of the land of Russian.
    - Sleven the city of Kiev! - shouted Sagittarius on the longest tower.
    - Salad city Novgorod! - I fished him another.
    - Sladen by the city of Vladimir! - picked up the third.
    - Slavlin Ryazan!
    - Slary city Smolensk!
    - Sovlen city Moscow! - ended the shooter at the last tower.

    NRU. And what made these ancient Russian cities became famous, for which such honors were convinced?
    Guide. And let's ask for the citizens themselves, let them tell us.
    Ancient Kievian. Our city is the southernmost, or, as they used to spoke, the most midday in Gardarians. None of the rook sails past the city. Fabulously beautiful he and Oveded by many legends. "Mother cities of Russian," calls his first chronicler.
    "They lived in ancient times," he notes in legend, "three brothers-prince - cue, cheeks and choriv with Sestroy Lybia." The elder brother occupied the mountain. Middle brother on the other grief lived, younger - on the third. They called them by the names of the brothers: the tickovire and chorievice. And the River, which went to the Dnieper, became named Beauty-sister to call - Lybia. Kiy the whole city named his name: Kiev-Grad. In 907 o Kievan Rus I learned the whole world. Prince Oleg united the Slavic tribes and their danikov. Kings and emperors of many powers sought to breed with the Kiev princes. And numerous shopping guests had their own interests. They sang on the ships of the ligament of famous Russian fur, leather, barrels of honey, ring, swords, and unloaded thin fabrics with beautiful patterns, precious jewelry, bales with dried fruits.
    Already at that time, according to travelers, there were 8 trading and 400 temples in Kiev. Perhaps the number of churches they were somewhat exaggerated, but admired their beauty fairly.
    Half a century has not passed since Russia accepted Christianity and dropped pagan idols into the Dnieper, and dozens of temples arise in the city like mushrooms after rain. And the most important of them - Sophia Wrong - still admires the world.
    Prince Yaroslav put all his life to unite Russian princes around Kiev, bring Russian land to unity.
    "You will live in love with each other," he said to compatriots, "the enemies will become strong, and the enemies are conjugated. If you live in hatred to live, in sat down, in quarrels, then you will die yourself and destroy the land of your fathers and grandfathers, which they got the work of their great. "
    Everyone knows about the heroism and the unsinkable courage of the Kiev soldiers who defended Russian land from numerous enemies. Not only the temple of Sofia Wovemubo reminds of this, but also a drawing on the ancient coat of arms of the city: the winged warrior with a shield and a sword, which in the XII century was considered the patron saint of Kiev.

    Guide. And again, our painted switter with eagle head and wings on silver from solar glare wings, but no longer on the Dnieper, but on the gums. On the right, on a high shore, big city. This is the closest neighbor of the ancient Kiev - Chernigov. The whole historical story stepped into the emblem of this city. Let's listen to her from the mouth of an ancient resident. A resident of Chernigov / Almost 1000Listher Kurtargovskaya is about Bogatira Ivan Godinovich, his bride Marya-Gle, the king and the name of Oryol. Think only: 1000 years!
    The prince of having sent him a hike to the overseas country for half a year. And the bride of him, Marya-Kra, said that Ivan Godinovich was killed in battle, and he won it himself. But the faithful maiden did not agree to go out for another. The villain put it in his Terem to wave. But Marya managed to send the news to Ivan Godinovich, so that he returned home rather and cut it out. Claw Ivan in Chernigov and caused a snack for a duel. Leaves to fight in a clean field. From nowhere to take, the eagle appeared in the sky and shouted the cashew to a human voice, so that he gave the marriage to God. I did not listen to each other and began to shoot an eagle. But the arrows did not cause any harm to the bird, turned back and struck the most silent right in the heart.
    On the ancient Chernihiv coat of arms - the very eagle from the epics. He is in the afternoon and at night he bears the guard, defending the interests of his native land. At any minute it is ready to help her soldiers, sobedam, artisans - all those who are called the salt of the earth and who she keeps. So it was time immemorial, and it will be forever.
    Guide. Let's go back to the Great Water Path and let go to the glorious city of Novgorod.
    NRU. Judging by the name, it is new town? So, he arose later than others?
    Guide. On the contrary, this one of the most ancient cities and by age is unlikely to give way to Kiev, Chernigov or Vladimir. In time immemorial, the deresis-villages of the settlement near the Small Volchovets were cut down. Most likely, voice year, when we left Slavs from the shores of the Danube.
    Ancient Novgorod (1). And the new one was called because it was soon moved by the settlement of the hill from the coast of Volkhov, which they liked more initial. Rarely, but happens.
    Himself the lifestyle in Novgorod was unusual. Neither who did not bow to the head of Mr. Veliky Novgorod, proud of deleting and wealth. 1000 Folk Assembly - Vese - Passed in Novgorod more than 400 years of his famous Wolitsa. From here, the prince's squad, along with the people's militia against the enemies, invaded Russia from the North-West.
    Ancient Novgorod (2)
    Oh you, Novgorod the Great,
    Mr. trading!
    Outdoor Wild Outdoor
    You happily survived,
    Oh, you, the ancient city free.
    I'm not used to putting ...
    Novgorod residents are unhappy.
    Inferior to the princess power.
    You are the only one between all
    Managed without princes
    Only now is not time
    Free pride of your.
    Where the sun sits down.
    Restless at this hour -
    After all, Livonians conceived
    Our lands take from us.
    Alexander! After all, he from the Swede
    In the Nevskaya battle, the land saved
    And you he from a neighbor
    Protects this time.
    Although with you Nevsky in quarrel.
    And your nestov is angry,
    But native schismo grief
    Heavy offense.
    Ancient Novgorod (1)

    Blue valley
    Snezhoye dear,
    Observing among themselves
    Rogue routine
    Walked big rails
    To protect from the Germans
    Land of Novgorod.
    Behind the house remained
    And the warmth of human
    Ice glittered ahead
    Lake moon.
    Alexander Nevskiy
    Now do not discard
    Livonians Pskov -
    Get to Tver
    Suzdal, Rostov.
    And capture cities
    And start sharing
    And forgive-forgive then
    Russian Earth!
    We do not need their lands
    We would return our
    After all, now we are awarded
    All the fraud of fate!

    Ancient Novgorod (2)
    Prince in the preliminary darkness
    Spoke, calm, -
    Knew that the case was his
    Each warrior is faithful.
    Seeing himself
    This power in Latt,.
    Went into the mortal battle.
    On the enemies of the damned. .
    And do not speak off
    With this power of wild:
    Knight from above hits a sword
    And pierces the peak.

    Ancient Novgorod (1)
    Rchot, rzhanye, moan and scream,
    Our hudes are stronger
    And the Livonian is not used to
    Get it in the neck.
    And on ice seven miles on foot
    The prisoner is taken,
    Livonians barefoot went
    Throwing the lats ...

    Ancient Novgorod (2)
    I want to tell you,
    To, guys, knew:
    Our warriors in the fight
    Earth defended!
    After all, they saved then
    Russian Earth -
    Village, Pashnya, cities,
    And, it became the capital!

    Librarian. At the beginning of the XVIII century, in the compilation of the Novgorod coat of arms, it was found that the seal of one of the largest cities of Russia contradicts the idea of \u200b\u200ba strong absolutist state, which Peter I was carried out.
    According to his will, artists replaced freedom-loving symbols of the symbols of the royal power. Only two bear and fish at the bottom, reminiscent of the abundance of the animal world, the richest north edge are transferred to the new coat of arms without any change.
    Guide. Together with the ancient chronicle, we admired the beauty and greatness of the cities of Gardarians, their brave warriors, skilled craftsmen. We will be together with Russia and in the godine of a heavy test, the heart will take a terrible misfortune. Before us, the great ancient Russian city - Ryazan. Frequently defended Ryazan southern and eastern frontiers of Russia. Let's listen to how it was.

    Ryazan resident (1)
    There was a terrible year when all countries
    Afraid more than fire
    Batya - grandson of Genghis Khan,
    Klyan's neighborhood with him.
    And walked a monstrous thread
    On Russia Mongolian Horde
    In one striving is cruel -
    Burn and rob cities.

    Resident of Ryazan (2)
    Do not make it fussy,
    Playing a mirror in hand
    And on the day of the street reflected
    Ryazan-Beauty in Oka.
    The guys went rolling
    On a stolen ice.
    When on the field under Ryazan
    Battered led his Horde.
    Oh, famously, famously! Oh, trouble!
    It is a horde, threatens the horde!
    Chims in the pure field
    And requires the tenth lobe
    Just from each yard -
    Fur, treasury and silver ...

    Ryazan resident (1)
    In the frosty snowmall bonfires
    To bat with lush gifts
    Ryazan Prince came then.
    He himself gathered the Batya tribute:
    "Take gifts! Do not touch Ryazan! "

    Resident of Ryazan (2)
    Admiring the princely gifts
    Batty kums from the bowl of PIL
    And sitting in the yurt between carpets,
    With a smile, the prince said:
    "If you want peace, Russian Bai, -
    Princess in my wife give me! "

    Ryazan resident (1)
    Hung without looking at Khan,
    Prince Fedor silently came out
    But then the strike of Yatgan
    At the entrance to the yurt was fighting ...
    And under the cover of the night dark,
    Hurry to the preliminary early early
    From Prier, Murom, Kolomna
    Three prince went to save Ryazan.
    They are their squades
    To help your brother to your own.
    They did not yet know
    What an end came to him.
    In an unequal battle, they entered.
    Its relatives are true
    And in the siech of the head folded.
    Surrounded on all sides ...

    Resident of Ryazan (2)
    Ryazan, Ryazan! Now you,
    Your unfortunate citizens -
    No longer survive in the fight,
    Do not cope with cruel khan.
    Burn horrors, termea -
    All than Ryazan is rich.
    December night Datma
    The crimson flame is embraced.
    Five days defeated the people
    Your edge, as says said,
    And five nights of the sky
    Failed over the moaning Ryazan.
    And at the dawn of the sixth day
    In the forest, in the shelter of tents firings,
    Enemy of cruel klya
    They fled those who survived.

    Ryazan resident (1)
    And to them, like a warrior and as a brother,
    Grief stubborn thirst for gym.
    Ryazan Kolovrat came
    And began to cook militia.
    Their thousand seven came.
    They went to the orders from the rear.
    Battered, rummaged at the saddle,
    Catching: "What a power!
    Where? Where was she?
    Surely the dead rebelled?
    Ryazan burned the whole dottle,
    Over the ashes of the crows flew! "

    Resident of Ryazan (2)
    For the first time trembled the horde,
    From horror losing mind,
    And moved Kolovrat then
    All power on the Ordans at once.
    Did not teach this rhe.
    People who accidentally survived.
    But everyone walked enemy caraat
    For parents, in the fire of exultant.

    Librarian. Defenders of Ryazan showed the wonders of heroism and dedication, but could not defend their hometown. Also, still at that time together all Russian people have not understood the princes that only the joint efforts can be defeated Russia. -.
    Consider attentive to the ancient emblem of the city of Ryazan. The warrior in the golden field holds a sword in his right hand, in the left - sheath. This courageous Ryazan did not flinch in front of a terrible enemy, which encroached his native land, showed all the defenders of Russia, an example of dedication, love for homeland, heroism.
    Guide. From the ruined Ryazan we will go on foot to Moscow, a small town of fortress, lying when the Yauza rivers and non-links into Moscow river. For many years after the Tatar-Mongolian invasion of Rus Gardarika, he was a sad sight. Her once fabulously edged cities were in ruins, the Russian people suffered from Tatar-Mongolian yoke. Brutal crucifants led to folk uprisingsthat every time fire and sword docked the riders of the Golden Horde. And yet Russia lived and hoped to straighten the shoulders and reset the hated yoke. And it was possible to defeat the Horde, only uniting all Russian forces into one fist. And united these forces in Moscow.

    Where now Moscow-Capital,
    I lived before the beast and bird.
    The first chronicle mention of Moscow dates back to 1147 and is associated with the name of Suzdal Prince Yuri Dolgoruky. "He climbed up on both sides of the Moscow-River with her eyes, and he loved the villages, and there was a small wooden-hail on the spot.
    Let's take the old days!
    Imagine my friend,
    What is where so many roofs away,
    The huge forest was once,
    Oaks mighty grew, -
    Noise limes in three girth,
    Clearing instead of squares
    And instead of streets - transfers,
    And flocks of wild swans
    And the roar of the bear in Berorga.
    The rooks slid over the liga
    And on high shores
    Seveled here and there villages.
    Slavic people lived in them.
    From the tenth, perhaps century,
    That person called Moscow called
    Deep big river.
    Moscow-river, you praise!
    When you could talk
    You would tell a lot.
    Start of the future capital
    You reflected in the stroit of water,
    That first Kremlin and the city is new.
    What civilized our people built.
    The descendants of the famous prince Alexander Nevsky submitted to Moscow nearby cities, began to compete with a rich Novgorod, Tver and Ryazan. Especially great success in the "Gathering Rus" was achieved by Ivan Kalita, which means "money bag". By the end of his reign, instead of four cities left her sons 97 villages and cities.
    The elevation of Moscow continued at his sons, but she became particularly strong with the grandson of Dmitry Ivanovich.
    Protecting the walls of a capital city and gathering many Russian lands into a single fist, Dmitry began to prepare for an open speech against the Golden Horde. How was it?

    Moscow resident
    Customs Dmitry All Country
    For a sacred war:
    "Not quite, brothers, for nothing
    Give good Tatars?
    Oh you, the strength of the young,
    Above spears raise!
    I brought myself to Batym
    Angry Tatar, Khan Mamai.
    He is by Batya old
    The whole Horde went to Russia.
    We need to repel the Tatars,
    I take you to fight! "
    Known Dmitry as a friend
    All neighbors-city,
    And from the north to the south.
    Everyone responded then.
    And under nice kolomna
    All princes to one
    Reli met huge
    The commander of his.

    How I'm on the battle on Don
    Story to continue my?
    Friend, I'm not deceiving.
    Saying about the battle of that
    That there was no such else
    And at least ask, -
    "Mamaevo Boy"
    Everyone knows in Russia!
    There was such a great moan.
    Walked battle
    What was in the baggage painted
    Don to the very lower order.
    No one could stop
    Tormented flow -
    Horde rolled east
    Persecuted brutally.
    Shelted from enemy eyes
    Green Dubrava
    Daughty made at that time
    Banners of Russian glory
    And caused such a blow
    With bias so
    That in the fear of hitlight
    Fled from the battlefield.
    And Prince Dmitry Donskoy
    Since then, the people have nicknamed
    And glory good behind him
    It lives to this day.
    Lived people, and Russia alive,
    And the Moscow is growing again.

    Let us turn to the ancient symbol of Moscow. On the burned coat of arms - Georgy Victorious, rider on a white horse in silver armor and Lazorus mantle. In his hands, he has a long spear, which he amazes the winged snake.
    This image did not immediately appear on the Moscow coins. Initially, they minted the rider with a cake of sokol on their hand. Such a seal inherited Dmitry Donskaya from his great great-grandfather Alexander Nevsky, whose glory enhanced.
    With the grandchildren, Dmitry Lovechy gave way to warrior. A little later, the rider in Latz became Smeekes, a symbol of the Savior of the Motherland from a terrible enemy.
    Remember the eponym about Dobryna, the Bogatira of the Russian Earth, which won a terrible snake. For a long time, the Russian land suffered from raids. He posted her great tribute to her, even living people led to him to eat. And no one could speak with this snake, until he ran into the Bogatyr Dobryny Nikitich. Those Snake Gorynych was in the folk view of the Golden Horde.
    A century, in the years of other great tests, I certainly recalled the Russian people about the Kulikov field: and in 1612, I expelled from Moscow the invaders of the Polish king Sigismund 3, and in 1812 - the troops of the French emperor Napoleon, and in 1941 - fascist hordes. TA a great victory It will never fill in the memory of the people. About her resembles an ancient Moscow coat of arms.

    Guide. Many coat of arms of Russian cities resurrect the history of our country in memory. According to the dedication of the antiquity, the emblem of the city of Yaroslavl is deeply drawn up. Yes, let's listen to the history of its creation.
    A resident of Yaroslavl. The city of Yaroslavl spread on a high shore, called the name Yaroslav Wise, who, according to the told, founded this city at the beginning of the XI century.
    "... Long-time in local dormary forests, a great many bears were found. Residents of this region considered the bear with sacred animals. The images of the Lesse owner were hanging in the outstands and sacred believed that these amulent amulets retain from many troubles, including from an evil eye.
    Kudesniki treated with bearish fat different diseases, and the name of the forest's owner spells the spirits and prayed for the rain, rich in the crop, successful hunting.
    At that time, Russia had already adopted a new faith - Christianity, which quickly spread through cities and weighs, and the remains of the old faith were eradicated. But the inhabitants of the "bear corner" stubbornly refused to move into a new faith and even raised the uprising. To pacify him as recorded in the chronicles, Prince Yaroslav Wise went.
    Magi had already heard about him and were afraid of one name. They decided to kill Yaroslav. In this case, they thought, everything would still remain. They knew that the prince was a brave warrior and a passionate hunter. He always drove ahead of his squad, eating a beast or bird. But how to use it? They thought for a long time and came up with. When Yaroslav, as always, drove ahead of his squad, released a furious bear, who rose to the rear paws and dumped her horse in one blow to Earth. And not to join the rider, but he deftly jumped to the ground and remembered the battle ax hanging around his belt. In time, he grabbed him and with one blow piled a terrible beast. And the tugs of the boxes arrived ... At the site of this fight, Yaroslav Wise and ordered the city called him name. "
    So says the national legend. It is now difficult to distinguish the legend from what happened. But be that as it may, in the ancient Yaroslavl coat of arms depicted a bear. In the afternoon and at night, he walks the displacement of his native Yaroslavl Earth, she saves her peace.
    Librarian. The vintage coat of arms of many cities of Russia indicate the nature of the classes of their inhabitants, that they have long been skilled craftsmen. The coat of arms of the city of Tula reminds of people who brought him worldwide glory. On two crossed blades lies a silver rifle trunk, and at the top and bottom - on the golden milk. Color them says that Tulakov has golden hands.
    Not only a magnificent weapon surprised the world of Tula, but also samovars, harmony and even sweet honey gibbies that melted in the mouth. So far they are called Tula.
    Guide. That ended our journey. On the shaky similarity of the painted rook, we went to the shore. A little sorry to part with a wonderful country of Gardarica, the country of Russian old cities.
    It did not matter that they did not have time to visit some of them. Over 600 cities are designated in the ancient gerbank of Gardarika - where they are going around everything for a week or even in a month!
    But you can continue the journey yourself. Find an old coat of arms - a traveling sign of the city in which you live or in which we recently visited, it is easy. And how to read it, you already know. Have a good trip!
    N ru. And I want to finally offer to the guys quiz,
    1. The city in which with his samovar does not go. (Tula)
    2. What city is famous for lace? (Vologda)
    3. Name the city with the "ringing" name - the peer of Moscow. (Zvenigorod)
    4. Where do Solovyov go listen? (Kursk)
    5. Holy Sofia Dome
    Hence the traveler shining,
    Slavs the capital was here
    For the first time the Russians were baptized here. (Kiev)
    6. Grad that built a long-term
    In the midst of deaf forests
    Love grandchildren ascended
    Above other cities. (Moscow)
    7. This city glorified the feat of Ivan Susanin. (Kostroma)
    8. What city flies? (Eagle)
    9. What city to marry? (Ivanovo)
    10. Ancient citywho gave the patronymic of the epic hero. (Murom)
    11. In this city, the epic merchant Sadko trading business was led. From all over the Earth, people went here at the fairs. "Mr. Trade Affairs" is the title of this city. (Novgorod)
    12. By busy shores
    Grounds slender crowd
    Palaces and towers; ships
    Crowd from all ends of the earth
    To rich marins are striving;
    Granite dressed the Neva,
    Bridges hung over waters,
    Dark green gardens,
    It was covered with islands. (St. Petersburg)

    Svetlana Ivanova
    Holiday script for children preparatory group "Travel around the river"

    Ved.: Hello Rus! Gray Dali,

    Niva, village, city,

    Memory of exploits and glory,

    Wars, prayers, love, labor.

    How many troubles went over Rus

    Just worship me low

    And grinding: "Hello, Rus!"

    "Rodnikovaya Rus"

    Ved.: Now let's go to you in travel around the river. And today we will come to the princes of ancient Russia Igor and Olga.

    Ved.: So, everything is ready for travels. Pull your hands tightly, close your eyes. Imagine that we sailed in the invisible River of Time.. Shakes a little? Hold the stronger, help each other.

    Music sounds.

    Ved.: Guys, and in the old days the whole earth was covered with forests, there were a lot of rivers and lakes. It helped our ancestors to survive, helped them struggle with enemies. On the water far hear. By river You can overcome long distances. And in the forest of birds flew and noisy when the enemy approaches. And it helped Rusych prepare for battle. And hear the birds sing beautifully! And the forest possessed special force: He defeated, fed and defended people. Therefore, Rusichy loved him so much and burned.

    Children, look, we swim with you amazingly beautiful birch grove (come from the rook). Let's go to the birch closer. In the old days, people told their favorite tree about the troubles and the tree treated him, all the bad, and the man again became vigorous and healthy. Let us talk with our girlfriend, birch assistant. Try to her twigs and make your cherished desire ... And now you can get a dance to start near this beauties.


    Ved.: Guys, I know that you have prepared drawings about our Russian land. Let's look at your drawings.

    Exhibition of drawings.

    Ved.: Now let's take a rest, sit down on a traveler, and see what will happen next.

    Prince Igor and Olga comes out.

    Ved.: But prince Igor and Olga.

    Kn. Igor: Oh, the light of the maiden, be healthy! What to call, Majle you?

    Olga: Thanks (bow) Prince! Olga I click.

    Kn. Igor: Be good, transport me to the shore, Olga.

    Olga: Sit, light-prince, the path is not easy ...

    Prince stands as enchanted, can not take eyes.

    Music sounds, Igor and Olga float.

    Ved.: What did Olga seemed to you?

    CHILDREN: Beautiful.

    Ved.: And what happened to the prince, noticed?

    CHILDREN: Yes, he fell in love.

    CHILD: She was so beautiful

    That beauty is captive,

    To her pushed with love of passionate

    And in his wife took a great prince.

    Ved.: Olga married the Grand Duke Igor and became a real prince, wise and caring. They lived together, peacefully. Olga gave birth to the son of a good-well done, the future heroes-commander of Svyatoslav. Prince and Princess lived peacefully, but once the trouble happened.

    Igor went with his friend, warriors, warriors, to protect the land of Russian from enemies and died there. Having learned about the death of her husband Olga for a long time burning. Sometimes the devotes-beauties were called to sang her songs. And the girls here are like here, with work in your hands, yes with a song on the lips. There were girls cleverly big: What wool spinning, what to sew what to embroider.


    Ved.: Olga was not only beautiful and wise, but also bold, courageous and patient. It is reasonable to the rules of the land of Russian and glorified Russia. This is what our strong, inflexible ancestors that lived on our Russian land.

    CHILD: Live, Earth!

    Do not learn

    Do not die

    In fire and under the fifth.

    CHILD: Sveti, Earth!

    You were called Rusy

    Enemies, and those name

    Ved.: Yes! Stores memory of the river Of time And opens them to us in their chronicles, and children in fairy tales, the epics, so that they learn to love their land and protect it. After all, the ancient Russia has not gone anywhere! We have the same sky, under your feet we have the same earth, and the same fairy tales and epics, songs live on earth. They speak more about our old, about ancient Russia. What does it mean to love Russia, Russia, homeland?

    CHILDREN: It means to take care of her enemies, to do everything to flourish, do not commit bad actions.

    Ved.: Yes, our ancient Russia passed through the stormies of wars and battles, and became strong and mighty. The great princes of Russia expanded the Russian lands. Rus has become a huge country, and to live everyone in the homeland has become good and abolished. Crafts developed rapidly, including a blacksmithing business. And there was a lot of songs in the coming peaceful time.

    "In the forge"

    Performed accompanied by orchestra.

    Ved.: After the son of Svyatoslav Rusy, Prince Vladimir rules, Olga's grandson. And he became famous for the battles for Russia, military campaigns. It "Baptist" Rus- with it, Christianity was taken, that is, orthodox faith. He was very careful about his people, built churches, schools. He taught all the good and mercy. Do you think our ancestors loved their prince?

    CHILDREN: Loved, for courage and courage, kindness and mercy, for protection and help.

    Ved.: Which of you knows, how else was called prince Vladimir?

    CHILDREN: He was given the most beautiful and spiritual nickname. They called it "Red Sun" ".

    Ved.: How did the Russian people glorified their heroes?

    CHILDREN: In fairy tales, legends and epics.

    Ved.: Do you think about whom still told in the eponymies?

    CHILDREN: About the heroes, about the strength and courage of our ancestors.

    Ved.: Right. And remember how the rus was called in the old days?

    CHILDREN: Saint, Great, Bogatyr.

    Ved.: And how do you understand what it means - the Bogatyr Rus?

    CHILDREN: So, people on Earth were strong, brave and friendly. There were a lot of real warriors.

    Ved.: Yes, right. I suggest you consider

    illustration of Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov painting "Three heroes"

    Conversation in the picture:

    V. M. Vasnetsov "Three heroes"

    Ved.: Improved defenders of Russia - Bogatyri. And among many famous heroes, three names are preserved in the memory of the people. Look at this picture, who is shown here?

    CHILDREN: Three heroes.

    Ved.: Do you know their names?

    CHILDREN: Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alesha Popovich.

    Ved.: What are they growing, what do you think? Look, what are their big swords, spear, Bulava ... who can raise, keep, carry such a weapon? And how are they dressed? Easy do they have gear? Light helmet, or heavy? (Answers)

    Ved.: All this talks about the great Bogatyr strength of Russian warriors. Look at what horses do they sit? What do you say about them? And why such tremendous and strong horses under them? And if they were small, would they withstand their heroes?

    The artist depicted on the painting of great strong heroes. No wonder the enemies were so afraid of Russian power. Therefore, tried to act with cunning. But it did not save them from defeat. And you remember who the author of the picture?

    CHILDREN: Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov.

    Ved.: And how did the artist called?

    CHILDREN: "Three heroes"

    Ved.: Guys, do you know the poems about Russian land? Let's listen.

    "Bogatyr Power"

    Ved.: Guys, and now let's play a little. Do you like to collect mosaic? We have prepared a small puzzle for you. Of these fragments, a beautiful picture should turn out. Let's try to collect her.

    Children collect a picture and invent the name.

    Ved.: Rested a bit? We are time to go further. Imagine that we are flying on the carpet time Ancient Russia ... Let's take up hands not to fall from the carpet ...

    The phonogram sounds. Children get into the peasant hut.

    Ved.: And so we were in the peasant hollow, where in the red corner of the icons are standing, the lamp is quietly illuminated by the faces, and at the bottom of the table, with long shops, so that the whole family fit. In the snack oven, in the cradle, the child sleeps (music subsides). We were with you in the Hube, the main room, ancient is. And now quieter, quieter ... let the old time will be expensive. Maybe we will see Ilya Muromets?

    The phonogram sounds.

    Ved.: In long-standing time He lived - there was a peasant family near the city of Murom, in the village of Korococharovo. And the long-awaited son was born here, which was called Ilya, Ilyushenka. Father - Cleveriec cradle chickel, Mama-cradle songs sang.

    Ved.: But the trouble happened ... Ilyusha's Zalemor, they took away from him hands-legs, And thirty years and three years he spent on the parads, praying, and the Duma is bitter thinking, looking into the window small. And I wanted to him ...

    Ilya: Ah and cracked the world here for me!

    I would like to strive for the sea

    For clouds high

    Fight with a cruel

    For the motherland, for faith, for the king!

    And meet the enemy, with a clear yield

    EVERYTHING: courage, valor, courage and honor!

    And win.

    Ved.: But did not go his legs, did not move hands, only forces arrived. Ilya prayed a lot. And in the afternoon and at night, asked for help from God. And now, one day, a miracle happened! Kalikov navigated to him, these are the wanderers who opened the future and given a healing gift.

    Kaliki knock.

    Ilya: Doors are open, enter, good people!

    Kaliki: (bow) The world is your home!

    Ilya: Save you God!

    Ved.: So it was accepted in the old days to talk. And now, how do people say, you know? What word happened from words "Save God"?

    CHILDREN: "Thank you!

    1Calike: On the ground, our enemy is creative.

    2Calik: Burns at home, people kill Russian people.

    3Calik: And the craftsmen are golden hands, and the male-beauties captures captures.

    TOGETHER: Moans Russian land, and you. Ilya, Sydded sit?

    Ilya: I would be happy to take Russian fight for Earth, I would be happy to fight the enemy, but the legs are not allowed.

    1Calike: I will help you, put on your feet, what will you do?

    Ilya: War! Land Russian protect!

    Ved.: And the calibium has become treated with Ilya.

    ! Call: Drink, Ilya, Live Water, Clean, Healing and Feel How Forces are added!

    2Calik: And this is holy bread: Eat him, Ilya, and will begin to come to life.

    3Calik: Wait, Ilya, do not get up yet, listen. I will tell you how to find a boat horse so that he will bring you away from everywhere and became a different strong (whispers something in the ear Ilya).

    1Calike: And this is a gift from us a silk web, which will help you in a difficult moment. And remember, Ilya.

    2Calik: Our life is given to the end

    Fight with darkness, enemy and lies.

    And sow in fraternal hearts

    One holy truth of God!

    3Calik: And the truth is to love

    And protect the earth without measure, without limit!

    3Calik: And to devote all the woofer

    Your mind, blood is my own and body!


    Ilya: (Jumping on your feet, low caliba lowered)

    Thank you, people of God, for healing (bow)

    Thanks for the bright gifts your (bow)

    thanks for good words Auditable (bow)

    I give the word I will fulfill them!

    Ved.: And Ilya was spent by God's people, wanderers, for the Occolic and went to the parents to ask for the blessing to fight the enemy.

    The phonogram sounds.

    Ved.: That is not a raw oak to the ground bends,

    Then not paper leaves spread out,

    Then the son is spread before the father,

    He asks himself a blessing.

    Ilya: (bow to parents)

    Oh, you are Goy Esi, native father,

    Give me a blessing

    I will go to the glorious

    Will bow out the wonderworkers of Kiev.

    To the great prince Vladimir!

    Serve him faithfully true

    Stand up for faith Christian!

    FATHER: I am in good deeds to you a blessing of the ladies, but for thin dear, my blessings are not for you.

    Ved.: Ilya's father bowed to the mother to the ground and went to the service for the great prince Vladimir - Red Sunny.

    Bell ringing.

    Ved.: And straightened Russia from captive captive. And the earth is fully fulfilled and the joy of victory! And all churches rank great, winning bell ringing!

    CHILDREN: How many rapid and longing

    Russia Student, Russia-mother

    And sorrow, as joy, regally beautiful!

    What nobility here in

    And the Duma is intensely high!

    And this reprint this is

    And I exhale my heart: Russia!

    There was also people in our people!

    What nobility here in nature!

    "What we call our homeland"

    Maudo "Center. children's creativity»

    Teenage club "Alenushka"

    Prepared: Pedagogue - Organizer

    Maudo "TsDT"

    Kalibovets ON

    Birobidzhan 2016

    Scenario folk Holiday "Rus is a fairy tale, Rus is a lot."

    10. 02. 2016

    15 – 30

    Branch number 5 TsGB

    Purpose: The acquisition of younger students to the origins of Russian folk culture, acquaintance of children with folk creativity, folk traditions and customs. Education of love and interest in folk holidays.

    Lead 1.

    Very often we sometimes

    For events days

    I do not remember your old days

    We forget about her.

    Although more familiar

    We are flying to the moon,

    Recall Russian customs,

    Let us remember our old days!

    Lead 2.

    Today we will go to the amazing world of Russian folk culture.

    Guys, tell me, please, who of you knows what is Russian folklore?

    ( Children answer ). Right! These are sweepers, riddles, games, proverbs, sayings, additives, teasers, non-residents, songs and, of course, Russian crafts.

    Lead 1.

    Russia, Russia, the edges of the expensive,
    Here, Russian people have long been living,
    They glorify the expanses of relatives,
    Round Russian songs sing.

    Lead 2.

    In Russia, in the old days, not only sang songs, but also drove the dances, and now we all stand together in the dance, and we sing the song "in the field Birch was standing."

    (the Russian folk song sounds "in the birch field stood»).

    In the birch field stood
    In the kudryaya field stood
    Luli, Luli stood.

    Someone birch of breaks
    Some kudryavi breakdown.
    Luli, Luli breakdown.

    How I go to the forest waging,
    White birch in a break.
    Luli, Luli Dawn.

    I will smash with a birch of three rods,
    I will do myself three buzz
    Luli, Luli three buzz.

    In the birch field stood
    In the kudryaya field stood
    Luli, Luli stood.

    Poems performed by children about the motherland


    What do we call the birthplace?

    The edge where we live with you

    And birchings along which

    Next to my mother we go.


    What do we call the birthplace?

    Field with a thin spike

    Our holidays and songs,

    Warm evening outside the window.


    What do we call the birthplace?

    All that in the heart we take

    And under the sky blue-blue

    Flag of Russia over the Kremlin.

    Lead 1.

    So that the fervor fun is not ugas,

    So that time went faster

    Friends we invite you

    To the mysteries quickly!

    Lead 2.

    Guys, do you like to guess riddles? ( Children answer)

    Well, listen.

    Mystery 1.

    Our gate crumbled peas,

    Neither shovel does not shove

    Not a broomstick.

    And how to dawn,

    There is nothing to collect. ( Stars on the sky)

    Lead 1.

    Without it cry

    And how will appear, -

    From him with hiding eyes. ( The sun)

    Lead 2.

    Does Barin walk in the yard?

    Puts off to everything.

    Red head

    Silkova Borodka. (Cock)

    Lead 1.

    Came to

    White shirt,

    Where he runs

    The carpet rises. ( Snow)

    Lead 2.

    At night on Earth sleeps,

    In the morning in heaven flies. (Dew )

    Lead 1.

    How much don't you go

    Everything will run ahead. (Shadow)

    Lead 2.

    It beat, and he does not cry

    Only deeper the leg hides (Nail)

    Lead 1.

    One entrance, yes three outputs.(Shirt )

    Lead 2.

    In the forest was born

    In the forest grew up

    In the house came

    I planted everyone around them. (Table)

    Lead 1.

    And now in two minutes,

    We will tell you the boosters,

    You will share in full

    Fedul, and his brother - Thomas

    Supports. (Children are speaking behind shirma with parsley dolls)

    FEDUL, that lips poured?

    Kaftan burned.

    You can sew

    Yes, there are no needles.

    Is the hole great?

    One gate remained.

    Smoothly streams flowing, the conversation people lead.

    Thomas, that from the forest is not easy?

    Yes, Medvea caught!

    So lead here!

    Yes, he does not go.

    So come!

    Yes, he does not allow me.

    Smoothly streams flowing, the conversation people lead.

    Thomas, do you have warm at home?

    Heat, on the furnace in the fur coat it is possible to warm up.

    Smoothly streams flowing, the conversation people lead.

    FEDUL, what do your girls do?

    Sew yes sing.

    And Mother?

    Slow yes they cry.

    Smoothly streams flowing, the conversation people lead.

    Where are you, Brother Thomas?

    In the hill.

    What are you doing?

    Helping Peter.

    Peter what does?

    Yes, it lies on the furnace.

    Smoothly streams flowing, the conversation people lead.

    FEDUL, did you eat the cake?

    No, not me.

    And if you want


    Lead 1.

    Drove on Kobylitsa

    Single-handed and chrome,

    Three cheerful noby

    Each to my home

    It became scary to nonfires,

    It became not funny at all

    Deployed a mare

    Shrewd, "TPRU-U-Y and NO-Oh"

    Lead 2.

    Guys, do you know what unprecedented is? ( Children answer )

    There are no unprecedented nonsense, these are poems or stories that tell about something that can not really be.

    Standing the village
    Suddenly from under the dog
    Get the gate.
    He grabbed Dubin
    Cut the ax,
    And on our cat
    I ran a fence.
    Roofs frightened
    Sat on the raven,
    Horse chase
    Guy whip.
    Lead 1.

    Due to the forest, because of the mountains,
    Rides grandfather Egor,

    On the Bulanova Thale,

    On the creaky horse.

    Boots on it with pockets

    And a vest with a heel.

    Tied with a club

    Rejoiced with a cut.
    Lead 2.

    The dog sits down to play harmonica,
    Dive into the aquarium red cats,
    Socks begin to knit canary,
    Toddler flowers are watered from the watering can.

    Lead 1.

    We have a folklore lesson:

    Games, jokes, tare bars,

    Songs, games and fun.

    Everything came from the old days

    From a distant depth.

    Lead 2.

    And now we will conduct a competition for the best knowledge of proverbs.

    I'm starting the proverb, and you complete.

    1. Seven one ...... (do not wait)

    2. Without difficult .... (Do not pull out and fish out of the pond)

    3. Business time ... (and fun hour)

    4. With the world on the thread ... (naked shirt)

    5. Dare Horse ... .. (Do not look in the teeth)

    6. Wolves fear .... (not to go to the forest)

    7. learning light ... .. (and nonsense - darkness)

    8. A broken cup .... (Do not glue)

    9. Hurry up .... (people rush)

    10. Who is lucky, that .... (Drive)

    Lead 1.

    Allow us to start,

    Someone will say

    I ask others to be silent.

    Lead 2.

    And now we will hold a competition for better progress of patter.

    3 girls are invited to each pature

    1. From the topot of the hoof, the dust is flying along the field.

    2. DOWTER BOBRA, go to bors.

    3. The quail and quail five quail.

    4. Get up the archup, rooster hoarse.

    Lead 1.

    And now everything is in a friendly,

    And let's play a little

    And the game is not easy, mischievous, clockwork.

    Russian folk game "Blind Gate"

    Mobile game in the room "Blind Gate". Before starting the game, choose a couple of watering. They get face to each other, take each other for both hands and raise them up, forming a gate. If there are many players, then you can put several "gates". Water tie eyes. All other players are trying as quieter as quiet and quietly slip into the "Gate". If you are driving suspension that someone runs into the "gate", then they lower their hands, trying to catch the player. The caught player is changing the role with one of the leading and the game will continue.

    Lead 2.

    But before you start the game, I will read you.

    There was a goat on the bridge ...

    Went the goat on the bridge
    And wiely the tail.
    Hooked for the railing,
    Right in the river pleased.
    Who does not believe - this is he,
    Go out of the circle!

    Turtle Tail Passed ...
    (Russian folk reading)

    Turtle tail pressed
    And behind the hare ran.
    It turned out to be ahead.
    Who does not believe - come out

    Lead 1.

    There are many fairy tales in the world,

    Almost all children know them

    If you read fairy tales,

    My questions will solve.

    Lead 2.

    Guys, you probably love fairy tales? Listen to the riddle to the end, and then answer.

    1. The refuge of Mouse-Nomushki,
    Green frog-cuckoo
    And other animal company.
    Tell me the name of the name? (Teremok)

    Lead 1.
    2. Sits in a basket Girl,
    Have a teddy bear behind
    He himself without knowing
    Carries her home.
    Well, guess the riddle?
    Then soon answer
    Name this fairy tale ... (Masha and Bear)

    Lead 2.
    3. Who for someone grabbed hard.
    Oh, not to pull out! Oh, sat down firmly!
    But still helpers will soon resort.
    Wins a stubborn friendly common work.
    Who sat down so hard? Maybe it ... (repka)

    Lead 1.
    4. Near the forest, on the edge

    Three live them in the hut,

    There are three stools

    Three pillows,

    Three beds and three mugs.

    Guess without tips,

    Who are the heroes of this fairy tale? (Three Bears)

    Lead 2.

    5. Rides a horse is not simple,

    Miracle Majer Golden

    On the mountains, the boy wears

    But it will not leave him.

    There is a horse son,

    Amazing lumpAmazing lump

    On nickname ... .. (Gorboon)

    Lead 1.
    6. Grandma Girl loved very much,

    Red hat gave her a hat.

    Girl name forgot your own.

    Well, tell me how to call it? (Little Red Riding Hood)
    Lead 2.

    7. Nose - Round Pigatch,

    It is convenient to rummage them in the ground,

    The tail is small crochet.

    Instead of tufels - hoofs.

    Three them, and what

    The friendly brothers look like!

    Guess without tips,

    Who are the heroes of this fairy tale? (NIF-NIF, NAF-NAF, NUF-NUF)

    Lead 1.

    All Nevadi, Lazy, Zhadin.

    To teach them into the moment

    In Russia, they did not forget them a little digest.

    Lead 2.

    The teasers were folded almost all Russian names. Often they make fun of greed, cowardice, boasting, rudeness or ignorance. The guys not only teased each other, but also brought up, thereby pointing out the shortcomings.

    Deceived simple

    For four fists

    On short and pillow

    On a green frog.

    Lead 1.

    Myronushka - Miron.

    Fully belong belong.

    Looked out in the window

    Head with Lukoshko,

    Hook nose

    Wolf shred!

    Lead 2.

    Thomas Chudak,

    I got into the attic

    Slapped by the belly

    Became a karapuz!

    Lead 1.


    Sour cabbage,

    Ate a mouse without a tail

    And said: "How tasty"!

    Lead 2.

    Loved the Russian people poems fold

    About nature, about birds, about the edge of the native.

    (Verse about the crane will read Daria P).

    Daria P.

    Zhura- Zhura- Zhuravel!

    She flew off one hundred lands.

    Shelted, went around

    Wings, legs noded.

    We asked the crane:

    Where best land?

    He answered, fleeing:

    Better not native region!

    Lead 1.

    Russia was famous for Miracle - masters,

    Tree and clay turned into a fairy tale.

    Paints and brush beauty worked;

    His art of young people were taught

    View video about Russian crafts.

    And now the girls will read poems about Russian craftsies.

    (Children read poems)

    Alina T.

    Great Russia Russia

    And talented our people

    About Russia native crafts

    On the whole world of rumor goes.

    Kristina M.

    In Tver make toys

    How much eye joy

    Smart craftsmen

    Maybe among us.

    Valeria F.

    Our Russian toy,

    It does not make hundreds of years

    In beauty, in the talent Russian

    The whole is a secret.

    Lead 2.

    Our holiday approached the end, and we will finish it with poems about our homeland - Russia.

    (Children read poems)


    In the morning the sun gets up,
    We are calling us on the street.
    I go out of the house I:
    - Hello, my street!
    Maria J.
    I sing in silence

    Sing the birds to me.
    Herbs whispering to me on the way:
    - You are more, a friend, grow!
    Vera K.
    I answer herbs I,
    I answer the wind I,
    I answer the sun I:
    - Hello, my homeland!
    (V. Orlov)

    Song sounds "Kostroma"

    Lead 1:

    We walked nicely on our holiday,

    Nowhere will you find a holiday older!

    Lead 2:

    We wish friends, you in life of Success,

    In school and friendship. In the family and work ...


    We wish you happiness in everything and everywhere !!!

    We recommend to read
