The latest concepts of labor organization. The main approaches to stimulating the work of employees of the organization

Decor elements 21.09.2019

The results of the analysis of real changes taking place in production at the present time show that scientific and technical progress is accelerating. According to domestic and foreign researchers, the stage of the technological revolution, the information, information technology revolution has been passed in historically specific terms, and the stage of the information-electronic revolution has begun.

If the information technology revolution ensures the widespread introduction of the latest information technologies based on microprocesses and microcomputer tools and leads to a real release of a person from the process of direct production, then the information-electronic revolution is aimed at the formation of essentially unmanned technologies. It is this idea of ​​the ongoing changes that constitutes the essence of one of the newest concepts of labor organization - technocentric, which focuses on the predominant and advanced development of technical and technological components.

From her point of view, the worker is too troublesome, unpredictable and conflicting element of production, so we must try to get rid of him as much as possible. According to this approach, it is necessary to strive for the complete formalization of the production process, the creation of unmanned technologies. In this situation, the so-called electronic Taylorism is justified, which is embodied in the alienation of knowledge and information, in the formalization of management and aimed at maximizing labor saving and pushing out living labor, which does not cause a positive mood among people employed in production.

Attempts to get rid of living labor - from operators in workshops to specialists - turn into significant losses in the form of alienation of labor from the majority of workers, "naked technicism", the loss of professional experience of workers with its full algorithmization, which, in turn, leads to the creation of unmanned technologies.

By the nature of functioning, an enterprise based on unmanned technology should be considered as a self-organizing system that adapts to the changes introduced by man into the very essence of social production systems, of which the enterprise is also a part.

Since in this case there is a restructuring of the internal structure of the socio-production system in accordance with changes in the external environment, this process can be designated as bionization - a fundamental technological basis a cardinal solution to the problem of transition from influencing the substance of nature to managing interaction with it. Bionization finally completes the long process of objectification material production.

Already now there is a transition to high technologies, in which the processes of creating a qualitatively new product are distinguished by the following features: -

are machineless (electron-beam, plasma, biotechnological and other similar processes); -

in the case of the use of machines, they require a minimum amount of human labor, and hence the labor force (complex automation using robotic complexes, rotary lines, flexible production systems); -

carried out in a resource-saving way (based on the use of synthetic and composite materials); -

are environmentally friendly (closed production cycles with recycling of industrial waste, wastewater treatment); -

are reliably controlled in order to achieve the specified product quality based on the use of electronics and other modern methods.

Another concept - anthropocentric - with its central idea is aimed at the conservation and rational use of living labor. It takes into account the process of withering away of old types of labor or their modernization, the emergence of new ones, and the reduction of time spent working with raw materials and materials. But of particular importance is the process associated with the freedom to organize one's work. This concept reflects the tendencies towards the intellectualization of labor, the emergence of new types of skills, new forms of connecting workers with technology, when there is room for improvisation, creative search.

Labor studies with "high", "avant-garde" technologies have shown the fundamental irreplaceability of living labor, such unique human abilities as intuition, heuristics, creativity, which sometimes cannot be realized with the help of a machine counterpart.

It is the impossibility of reducing all manifestations of living labor to algorithms that would cover all aspects of the production process that serves as the basis for the active development of the anthropocentric concept. Even in the conditions of the withering away of many old types of labor, mediated by the existing computer and information technology, it only reduces (rather than eliminates) the work with materials and tools for workers and the huge flow of paperwork for employees. The introduction of the latest technologies only changes the place of a person and his labor functions in modern production.

As evidenced by the experience of industries that claim to create unmanned technologies, even highly automated enterprises retain many types of simple and complex labor (assembly of components, repairs, adjustment, packaging, etc.).

Moreover, many predictions that the transition to unmanned technologies will soon lead to the displacement of workers from production in general turned out to be untenable. On the contrary, a paradoxical, at first glance, situation is emerging, when the need for personnel grows with the transition to such technologies. In fact, there is no contradiction. New technologies lead, as before, to the restructuring of jobs - from the sphere of direct production, they move into the sphere of its organization, maintenance and development. Directly in production, the share of engineering and technical labor increases, which, in turn, changes significantly in its content.

Even in the implementation of such types of work, which have moved from passive observation of the screen to standard reactions to the signals of the "button operator", the functions of measuring, diagnosing and adjusting the production process are now being added. The person thus becomes the center of control over the flow of information.

Man, as rightly writes E.D. Vilkhovchenko, is indispensable in making the right decisions and competent intervention in non-programmed situations, when today only standard deviations are already included in programs up to 30. Without a person, “total quality assurance” programs do not work, because even when they are used, the costs of reworking products are inevitable. For example, in the United States in the mid-1980s. the increase in labor costs, including the correction of errors of robots, was three to five times, and the staff of controllers of these robots accounted for 25 - 30% of all costs.

Thus, the most hallmark in the organization of labor of a worker in modern production, his intellectualization has become, since the main content of labor is its mental component, based not on empirically accumulated skills, but on the corresponding amount of theoretical and special knowledge and skills that make it possible to creatively comprehend the current situation.

The main guide of scientific and technological progress - materialized labor began to dominate predominantly mental, living labor. The purpose of labor is not operations, but a technological cycle, a technological chain as a whole, requiring a person to understand the overall end result, and, which is fundamental, given in the form of an algorithm (image) program. Only the image of the goal makes a person of labor the subject of meaningful, creatively performed actions, the subject of control and adjustment (reconfiguration) of the technology of a new type of production. But this also requires one more thing - expanding the field of vision and professional knowledge, without which competent participation in the organization of the functioning of complex processes of modern automated production is impossible.

In other words, Herzberg's prediction came true that the enrichment of the content of labor should go not along the path of simply expanding duties through new simple, primitive operations, but by increasing the complexity of the work performed.

Since the 1960s the concept of “new forms of labor organization” (NTLF) is being increasingly applied. It is based on the following positions: 1.

Recognition of the relationship between personal individuality and human work; the development of knowledge and qualifications is assessed as a consequence of changes in the content and organization of the work itself. 2.

The work then corresponds to the person when the formal and informal organizations coincide. 3.

The personality of the worker as a unity of diverse qualities, interests and roles must correspond to work, the content of which is not divided into private operations, but represents the unity of various tasks; it also means the transfer of additional powers to employees. four.

A person's interest in work increases if he knows the final results of his activity; planning of one's work, control over execution should be included in the structure of the work itself, its content. 5.

With individually dissected work, the manager's control over each worker is perceived as a relation of domination; in autonomous groups, where joint work brings together functionally equal people, the feeling of superiority is weakened and relations of self-control develop.

Workplace redesign projects have come to be seen as "motivational investments". The form that facilitated the transition to the TPLF was the “sociotechnical approach” developed in the 1950s and 1960s. (J. Woodward, M. Hare,

A. Raie): any form of labor organization should be a synthesis of the requirements inherent in human nature and technology as independent conditions. At the present stage, the rational organization of labor, the requirements of social sciences and ergonomics should be incorporated into the technology at the design stage. "Timely acceptance of additional ... tasks, preparation of production, tools and raw materials is considered as a necessary part of the innovation process." The introduction of the NFOT is not a one-way process, it includes measures that only mitigate the negative effects of the traditional labor organization: alternating types of work by changing jobs over a certain period, expanding labor functions, and creating autonomous groups.

R. Dabin, within the framework of his concept of sociotechnical systems, introduced the concept of non-formal organization: it provides alternatives in the performance of particular tasks within the framework of normative restrictions, focuses on creative problem solving.

The introduction of the NFOT is a complex scientific and organizational work, for which a special program is being developed. Most often, it includes: a description of the content of labor, the distribution of tasks, an analysis of the state of technology and equipment; training of managers under a special program; assessment of the degree of readiness of personnel to introduce innovations; holding joint discussions, analysis of employees' proposals; development of a system for monitoring the progress and results of innovation, which is based on expert evaluation. The main goal of innovations is the democratization of work and the involvement of performers in the management process.

The new requirements for the development of modern production have led to radical transformations already on the scale of the entire national economy. Along with the concentration of production, there is an intensive process of creating small enterprises (small businesses), which demonstrates a high level of their rationality, efficiency and inclusion in the social division of labor.

Remote and home-based work is gaining importance (and a new sound). If remote work is directly related to the requirements of the information and electronic revolution, due to its inclusion in the World Wide Web (Internet), then home work is associated, in contrast to the first half of the 20th century, when it was aimed at performing additional low-skilled work, with deep differentiation of not only physical, but also mental labor. So, in the USA already on the verge of 1980-1990. about 2.5 million people worked at home, about 30 thousand workers were involved in the implementation of a special computer program. All these categories were given the opportunity to supply the final product without strict regulation of the order, sequence, methods and forms of work.

In these cases, the employer was limited only by such characteristics of home and remote work as the time and quality of the product produced.

It should also be noted numerous attempts to introduce a flexible working day in a number of industries, allowing a person to determine the beginning and end of his daily employment. In this case, the organization of interaction with other participants in the technological process was added to the quality and time costs so that it would not be subject to deformation or even failure to ensure a single rhythm of work.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the ideas of F. Taylor and G. Ford have retained their relevance to this day. They are still used both in the industrialized countries of the West and in countries that are far from the pragmatic rationalism of the industrialists of the early 20th century in their traditional guidelines. Many of their ideas organically entered the work of modern industry: rationing of working time, timekeeping, issuing lesson assignments (orders), etc. However, these ideas did not remain unchanged: they were modified, enriched, developed. Some aspects of these ideas (like practical advice) have gone into the past, into history, others have found a new life, taking into account new circumstances and new realities of industrial development. In addition, fundamentally new methods of organizing labor have appeared, which are born from the new needs of the socio-technological and information revolutions, which marks the further development of theory and social practice in the organization of labor - all workers without exception involved in the production process.

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Course work

Scientific organization of labor at a modern enterprise


In the conditions of the formation of market relations in the economy, when the financial position of the enterprise, its solvency and development prospects directly depend on the results of its work and its own efforts, there is a direct interest in the use of highly skilled labor, modern technology and technology, that is, everything that contributes to increasing the efficiency of production, labor and, ultimately, maximizing profits. Therefore, improving the use of existing production potential is one of the key tasks of each economic entity.

The organization of labor includes the introduction of the most rational methods and techniques for performing work, the establishment of labor standards, the organization of remuneration and labor incentives, the provision of the necessary labor discipline that contributes to the precise fulfillment by each employee of the duties assigned to him and the coherence in the work of the entire team, the creation of the necessary sanitary and production - living conditions, regulation of the regime of work and rest.

The rational organization of labor allows eliminating unproductive losses of time, using modern high-performance equipment, using the labor of highly skilled workers, which generally contributes to increasing labor productivity, producing large volumes of products and, as a result, contributes to making a profit.

Therefore, in modern conditions, the problems of labor organization should be given great attention. It should be remembered that highly skilled well-organized labor also ensures maximum profits.

The relevance of this topic is as follows: the organization of labor - an integral part of the labor economy - is the organization of people's labor in the production process. It contributes to the rational connection of equipment and personnel, optimizes the effective use of human labor, ensures the preservation of the health of workers and increases job satisfaction by changing its content.

Under the organization of labor is understood the activity of implementing the recommendations of science in order to rationalize the labor process. Improving the organization of labor is one of the most important tasks of modern production, is one of the main conditions in solving the problems set by the enterprise.

The purpose of this course work is to analyze the organization of labor and develop proposals for its improvement.

Achieving this goal required solving the following tasks:

to consider the essence of labor in a market economy;

to determine the role of labor organization in increasing the efficiency of production;

l to analyze the structure and study of working time;

- evaluate the economic efficiency of labor;

to develop the main directions for improving the organization of labor.

The object of the study is JSC "Donbasskabel". OJSC "Donbasskabel" - one of the largest cable and wire production plants in Ukraine, a structural subdivision of OJSC "Sevkabel-Holding", offers a wide range of cable and wire products. The enterprise produces more than 100 types of cable and wire products - the range includes more than two thousand brand sizes.

1. Theoretical foundations about

1.1 Organization of labor as an element of the organization of production

The current level of development of productive forces, characterized by the use of complex and diverse equipment and production technology, large volumes of output, involves a joint pile a large number of people. Such work is not possible without labor organization.

The organization of labor is an ordered system of interaction of workers with the means of production and with each other in a single production process.

The importance of labor organization increases with the development of market relations that contribute to the revival of competition, in which big weight acquires the productivity of labor, which affects the efficiency of production. As the technical improvement of production increases the price of a unit of labor time. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the correct organization of labor at the enterprise, its impact on the results of technical and economic indicators, is shown in fig. one.

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Rice. 1. Scheme of the influence of labor organization on the results of the enterprise

The level of use of the results of scientific and technological progress (changes in technology, production technology) depends on the relationship and proportionality between the improvement of technology and the corresponding changes in the organization of labor. Labor becomes complex and responsible, and its imperfect organization leads to negative consequences.

At the enterprise level, the organization of labor is a system of rational interaction of workers with the means of production and with each other, based on a certain order of construction and implementation of the labor process, aimed at achieving the final socio-economic results.

Being one of the functions of production management, the organization of labor is based on the laws and general principles of management inherent in various areas of economic activity.

Work - the basic and indispensable condition of human existence, society cannot live without producing, just as without consuming.

To organize labor is, first of all, to divide it, rationally arrange people and assign certain work to individual performers.

The combination of labor in the necessary proportions, the establishment of production relationships between performers is the cooperation of labor. The division and cooperation of labor predetermine the distribution of workers in the enterprise and are the first necessary element of labor organization. The arrangement of workers is based on labor standards, showing what expenditures of working time are necessary to perform certain types of work in a certain way in the appropriate organizational and technical conditions. Only labor standards and advanced production experience give rise to optimal proportions, and therefore the regulation of labor is the basis of its organization.

The value of labor organization lies, first of all, in the fact that it provides time savings, i.e. is an important factor in the growth of labor productivity; creates conditions for the preservation of human health, an increase in the period of labor activity, the comprehensive development of the individual, promotes creative activity, and strengthens labor discipline.

The tasks of the organization of labor are divided into three groups:

The economic tasks consist in the rational use of labor, ensuring the reduction of labor and material costs, which contributes to the growth of labor productivity and an increase in production efficiency.

Psychophysiological tasks are to provide favorable conditions for the normal functioning and reproduction of the labor force, maintaining the health and performance of workers.

Social tasks are designed to create conditions for increasing the degree of content, attractiveness of work, achieving interest in a creative attitude to work, as well as opportunities for deepening the training and advanced training of workers.

organization of labor scientific production

1.2 Scientific organization of labor, its foundations and approaches in carrying out work according to the owlimprovement of labor organization

The human factor has an important impact on labor productivity, namely: qualification, working capacity, mood of workers, their relationships. Such an integrated approach is determined by the goals scientific organization labor (NOT), which should be considered as an integral part of the organization of production.

The foundations for the formation and development of the scientific organization of labor are the achievements of science, technology and advanced production experience, on the basis of which research and practical work should be carried out to ensure the most rational organization of people's labor activity.

l division and cooperation of labor;

l comprehensive development of the individual and the creation of a favorable psychological climate in the workforce;

l ensuring comfortable conditions labor and safety, both of the performer himself and of the people around him;

- the right combination of material and moral incentives for highly productive and rationally organized labor;

- creation of optimal conditions for the manifestation of creative initiative and initiative of workers, both in the field of achieving savings in working time, and in solving psychophysiological and social issues related to the competence of this labor collective.

Socio-economic foundations NOT are based on economic laws and categories that provide for saving time as a result of the implementation of specific measures, changing labor, stimulating the work of workers, providing them with rational working and living conditions.

The technical and technological foundations of NOT provide for the introduction of the latest equipment and technologies.

The legal framework provides for a set of state laws, legal norms and rules governing labor issues (the Constitution of Ukraine, the Labor Code of Ukraine, various sanitary norms and rules, labor safety standards, etc.).

Psychophysiological basics ovs are based on the fact that any NOT activity should be evaluated from the point of view of what effect it has on the human body, to what extent it contributes to the preservation of its health, increase in vital activity.

A fundamental change in the approach to the organization of labor is required, consisting in the fact that from a passive result, a consequence of technical development, it should be turned into an active means of forming progressive socio-economic transformations in the sphere of labor through the mechanism of appropriate state control of technology and technology, the implementation of social and labor policy in the field of technical re-equipment of the economy.

In the transition from a fall to an increase in labor productivity, much depends on the current mechanism of motivation, which includes not only the motivation of labor by increasing wages and incomes, but also the impact on the interest of enterprise teams through the tax and credit and financial system of other measures. Unfortunately, such an effective mechanism does not yet exist.

In order for motivation to work, it is necessary to abandon the existing stereotype of setting the task of fair distribution as an end in itself, and to focus on the formation of a motivational mechanism for an employee and production teams for effective, highly productive work in all areas of activity.

Depending on belonging to certain segments of the population, taking into account specific socio-political and national-demographic circumstances, the motivational mechanisms of economic behavior should be differentiated.

Motivational mechanisms of the market type are a set of fairly autonomous motivational mechanisms that provide solutions to the problems of encouraging the economic activity of producers, stimulating conscientious, productive labor, generating interest in developing, strengthening, expanding production and increasing labor efficiency.

The principal feature of the motivational system being formed is the creation of a mechanism for automatically linking rewards for conscientious and initiative work with direct financial responsibility for the lack of a possible economic effect.

An important role is played by the economic motivation of production teams. In practice, this means that enterprises should be interested in increasing labor productivity, which makes it possible to increase profits, profitability of production and accumulation.

The organization of labor must combine the interests of man with the requirement of continuous improvement of production. How can such a combination be achieved and is it possible to solve this problem based on the traditional approach to the organization of labor within the framework of the main directions of NOT?

The traditional approach in carrying out work to improve the organization of labor involves:

l giving priority to everything that is connected with a person and his activities;

ь orientation to economic and social criteria choice of means of labor and production, their renewal, stimulation of high-performance, environmentally friendly technology;

Ensuring optimal interaction of people in the process of joint work and the use of means of production and other resources.

The organization of labor at the present stage of economic development should:

- to ensure the increase in efficiency and coordination of the work of all parts of the enterprise in order to achieve maximum profits from their activities, to promote the receipt of the greatest income for each invested ruble;

ь meet the needs of the employee in meaningful and economically safe work;

to ensure the mobile and versatile use of labor force (horizontal and vertical integration work assignments, employee rotation, various work modes, etc.);

To promote wide access of employees to information about the progress of affairs in the company as a whole and in their unit, participation of employees in management and control.

As part of the new approach to the organization of labor, one of its most important components is the regulation of labor.

The organization of labor in the enterprise is based on the implementation of the production process. The production process is an organic combination of tools, objects of labor and labor itself.

The production process includes the following main elements:

design and technological preparation of production, which consists in the development of product designs, the technology of its manufacture, the selection of equipment, tools;

· material preparation of production, ensuring the supply of jobs with the necessary raw materials, semi-finished products, components, tools;

organizational and technological preparation of production (location of means of production, the sequence of implementation of technological processes, operations and works);

organization of labor (organization and maintenance of workplaces, the use of rational methods and techniques of labor, the establishment of a measure of labor for each employee, the creation of favorable working conditions);

· organization of production management - a rational organizational structure of management, accounting and control over the progress of the technological process.

Thus, the organization of production is the unity of all the main elements that make up the production process at the enterprise. There is a close relationship between the elements of labor organization, which can be represented in the diagram (see Fig. 2).

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Rice. 2. Scheme of the influence of the organization of labor on the elements of the organization of production

The main problem of labor organization at the enterprise is the reduction of production, the time of the production process.

1.3 Basice directions of labor organization

1. the development of rational forms of division and cooperation of labor is based on the isolation of parts of the production process, their technological features and qualification requirements for workers;

2. organization of workplaces - equipping with means of production, objects of labor, tools, their rational placement, contributing to the use of rational methods and techniques of labor;

3. maintenance of workplaces - the search for optimal options for the interaction of main and auxiliary workers, which makes it possible to ensure the uninterrupted supply of workplaces with materials and services;

4. optimization of the labor process through the introduction of rational methods and techniques of labor that ensure maximum savings in working time when minimal cost physical energy;

5. creation of favorable working conditions at workplaces, rationalization of work and rest regimes;

6. certification and rationalization of workplaces - periodic accounting and evaluation, certification of workplaces for their compliance with modern requirements;

7. labor rationing - activities for the management of labor and production, aimed at establishing the necessary costs and results of labor, the ratio between the number of employees and the number of pieces of equipment.

Changes in engineering and production technology require a corresponding change or improvement in the organization of labor. In addition, the science of labor organization is enriched with new data, and advanced experience of new organizational solutions is emerging.

If production is sensitive to everything new that appears in the field of labor organization, and systematically introduces it into its practice, then we have the right to talk about scientific organization of labor(NOT).

An analysis of the impact of NAT on production makes it possible to single out the following functions.

resource saving, including labor-saving, aimed at saving working time, efficient use of raw materials, materials, energy, i.e. resources. In addition, the economy of labor includes not only saving the means of production, but also the elimination of all useless labor. This is achieved by rational division and cooperation of labor, the use of rational techniques and methods of labor, a clear organization of workplaces and a well-established system of their maintenance. Resource savings are also served by the orientation of the NOT to improve the quality of products: better quality is tantamount to more quantity. Resource saving is one of the main levers of production intensification. In modern conditions, the increase in demand for fuel, energy, metal and other materials should be satisfied by 75-80% due to their savings. It is necessary to aim at this not only technology, but also the organization of labor. Consequently, one of the criteria for the scientific nature of the organization of labor is its ability to provide comprehensive savings in labor costs.

Optimizing function manifests itself in ensuring full compliance of the level of labor organization with the progressive level of technical equipment of production, in achieving the scientific validity of labor standards and labor intensity, in ensuring that the level of remuneration of labor corresponds to its final results. Optimization in modern conditions is the central direction in the search for ways to solve various problems in the field of labor organization.

The function of forming an effective employee. This is the implementation on a scientific basis of professional orientation and professional selection of workers, their training, and systematic advanced training. The requirements for the quality of the selection of workers and their professional skills in the transition to market relations are increasing significantly. The increase in the complexity of the technology used leads to an increase in the responsibility of performers for timely and correct decisions and actions. A scientific approach to the formation of personnel and to their training is the call of the times, and this is becoming an important function of the NOT.

Labor-saving function It manifests itself in the creation of favorable, safe and healthy working conditions, in the establishment of a rational regime of work and rest, in the use of a flexible working time regime, in facilitating hard work to a physiologically normal value.

Society's concern for the protection and promotion of people's health is a matter of paramount importance. Human health problems are largely determined by working conditions. One of the functions of HAT is to help maintain the health of workers in the workplace.

Function of the elevation of labor. This is an extremely important function of the organization of social labor in a civilized state. It is impossible to talk about NOT, no matter how economical labor may be, if at the same time they forget about the person himself, with his social needs and desire for highly meaningful, prestigious work. Work exalts the creation of conditions in production for the harmonious development of man, increasing the content and attractiveness of labor, the eradication of routine and primitive labor processes, ensuring the diversity of labor and its humanization.

Educational and activating functions aimed at developing labor discipline, developing labor activity and creative initiative. A high level of labor organization contributes to the formation of these qualities of an employee, and the higher the quality of the performers, the higher the level of labor organization.

Understanding the functions of NOT allows us to provide a comprehensive, integrated approach to solving the problems of organizing labor in an enterprise, to more clearly present the mechanism of the impact of NOT on an employee and production itself. The functions of NOT are its properties and features. For the scientific organization of labor, the unity of these functions should be characteristic.

So, the organization of labor is a rather laborious task that requires special knowledge of rationing, cooperation and division of labor. For the effective organization of labor in enterprises, it is necessary, firstly, to establish the purpose of the activity; secondly, guided by the production technology, the establishment of a list of production operations and their sequence; thirdly, the division of all types of work between employees and the establishment of a system of interaction between them, i.e. a certain cooperation of labor; fourthly, the adaptation of workplaces for the convenience of work; fifthly, the organization of servicing jobs of all kinds

2. Analysis of the organization of laborhowl activities at the enterprise

2.1 The system of indicators characterizing the level of labor organization at the enterprise

Under system of labor indicators one should understand the totality of quantitative and qualitative indicators of the degree of efficiency of the use of living labor in the production process.

The number of employees of JSC "Donbasskabel" is constantly changing over time. These changes occur as a result of hiring and dismissal from work and are called the movement of the labor force.

To assess the intensity of the movement of labor processes at the enterprise, relative indicators are used:

Acceptance turnover ratio determined by formula 2.1

K op \u003d H pr / H sr H 100, (2.1)

where K op - turnover ratio for acceptance;

N pr - the number of employees hired for the period;

H cf - the average number for the period.

Retirement turnover ratio determined by formula 2.2

K in \u003d H sw / H cf H 100, (2.2)

where K in - turnover ratio for retirement;

N uv - the number of employees dismissed for all reasons for the period.

Flow rate determined by formula 2.3

K t \u003d H ut / H sr H 100, (2.3)

where K t is the coefficient of fluidity;

Ch ut - the number of employees dismissed due to staff turnover.

To analyze the degree of stability of labor collectives, we use composition consistency factor, which is determined by formula 2.4

K ps \u003d H op / H sr H 100, (2.4)

where K ps - coefficient of constancy of the composition;

N op - the number of employees who have worked the entire reporting period.

The main source of data on the availability and movement of the labor force is statistical reporting, which provides information in a single calculation methodology for the reporting and previous years. According to JSC "Donbasskabel" we calculate the above coefficients.

Name of indicator

Average number of employees, pers.

of which: ITR

industrial and production personnel

Acceptance turnover ratio

Retirement turnover ratio

Flow rate

Composition consistency factor

Analysis of Table 2.1 shows that the average headcount of all personnel by 2010 increased by 111 people, or 1.06%. The increase in the absolute number occurred both in the plant as a whole and in terms of industrial personnel.

Basically, the increase in the number of industrial and production personnel was due to an increase in the number of basic and qualified specialists (technologists, designers) and workers.

The retirement turnover ratio increases every year by 0.7 and 0.08, respectively.

The staff turnover rate is unstable, it ranges from 0.45, 0.55 to 0.60. it speaks of the instability of the team.

Reducing staff turnover is an important reserve for improving the efficiency of the use of labor resources at the plant.

Table 2.1 shows that labor potential for the analyzed period from 2008 to 2010. increased by 94 people, which is a percentage of 5.15%.

Simultaneously with the increase in the total number of employees, the number of production workers increased by 1.06%, which in absolute terms is 87 people. The number of employees also increased by 24 between 2008 and 2010.

In four main workshops and five auxiliary ones, as well as in services and departments serving production, they work on this moment 1960 people. The main working professions at JSC "Donbasskabel" are a rewinder, a presser, an armorer, an impregnator, a wrapper, an insulator, a wire drawer, and a turner.

The working team consists of eight workers and a responsible person foreman - foreman. In one work shift, the labor of four teams is used.

For the development of measures for the organization of labor of all categories of employees of the enterprise in order to further increase the productivity and quality of labor, production efficiency, the engineer for the organization of labor is responsible.

JSC "Donbasskabel" employs employees of different age categories.

Figure 2.1 - Information about employees depending on their age

Evaluation of labor organization consists in determining the level of labor organization, its impact on the use of working time and fixed assets, the working capacity and health of workers, the possibility of harmonious development of each participant in social production, as well as identifying the reasons for the discrepancy between the existing labor organization and the planned level.

To analyze the use of labor force, study working conditions, develop and conclude collective labor agreements, information about working hours is required. Enterprises take into account several time funds.

Calendar fund of time calculated in both man-days and man-hours. When determining the calendar fund of time in man-days, it is equal to the sum of the payroll number of employees of the enterprise for all calendar days of the period (month or year), and when determining in man-hours, the fund in man-days should be multiplied by the normal average working day.

The calendar fund of time includes the time falling on the regular annual vacations of employees established by law, as well as weekends and holidays.

time fund is the difference between the calendar fund and man-days coming on weekends and holidays.

The maximum possible working time fund is determined by the difference between the personnel fund and the man-days falling on the next vacation. The maximum possible working time fund is the working time that an enterprise or organization can have with a 100% attendance of employees, i.e. this is the time theoretically intended for work. Time theoretically available for work consists of the hours actually worked during the normal period of work (work time) and the hours not used during the period.

Working time not used during the period for valid reasons consists of absences due to illness, study holidays, performance of state and public duties and other absences provided by law.

Reasons for not using working time include administrative leave and part-time work or part-time work by decision of the administration, as well as labor conflicts.

Full information on time funds and their use can be obtained from the working time balance (Table 2.2). At the enterprise level, it is advisable to draw up working time balances on a monthly basis. A detailed classification of directions for non-use of time for valid reasons and reasons for the loss of working time makes it possible to coordinate the production program with those real working time resources that can be available, based on data on the structure of working time use in a given period.

Let's make the balance of working time of one worker, table 2.2.

Let's define the nominal working time fund, section 3.

2008: 365 - 117 = 248 (days)

2009: 365 - 117 = 248 (days)

2010: 365 - 109 = 256 (days)

In section 4, we find the total number of absenteeism at work.

2008: 20 + 1.4 + 0.7 + 7.5 + 2.4 + 2.5 = 34.5 (days)

2009: 19.5 + 1.4 + 0.6 + 7 + 2.6 + 2 + 0.5 + 0.2 = 33.1 (days)

2010: 19 + 1.4 + 0.7 + 7.3 + 2 + 2 = 32.3 (days)

In section 5, we define a useful fund of working time.

2008: 248 - 34.5 = 213.5 (days)

2009: 248 - 33.1 = 214.9 (days)

2010: 256 - 32.3 = 223.7 (days)

Section 7 - loss of time due to the reduction of the length of the working day.

2010 = 0.02 (hour)

Find the average length of the working day (Section 8).

2008: (7.67 - 0.02 + 7.67) / 2 = 7.66 (hour)

2009: (7.67 - 0.04 + 7.67) / 2 = 7.65 (hour)

2010: (7.72 - 0.02 + 7.72) / 2 = 7.71 (hour)

Let us calculate the useful working time fund per employee (Section 9).

2008: 7.66 x 213.5 = 1635.41 (hour)

2009: 7.65 x 214.9 = 1644 (hour)

2010: 7.71 x 223.7 = 1724.73 (hour)

Table 2.2 - Balance of working time of one worker per year under the conditions of a 40-hour working week


2008 G.

2009 G.

2010 G.

1. Calendar fund of time, days

2. Number of non-working days,



3. Nominal working time fund, days

4. Absences from work, total, days, including:

Regular and additional holidays

study holidays

Maternity leave

Absenteeism due to illness

Other absences permitted by law

Absences with the permission of the administration

General downtime (as reported)


5. Useful working time fund, days

6. Nominal duration of the working day, hour

7. Loss of time due to the reduction of the length of the working day, total, hour, including:

Nursing breaks

Shortening the working day for teenagers

Intra-shift downtime (according to reports)

8. Average working day, hour

9. Useful working time fund per employee, hour

Based on the above table, the following recommendations can be made:

The decrease in the number of non-working days (due to the reduction of weekends and holidays) in 2010 will be 7% (8 days) and will cause an increase in the nominal fund of working time by 3% (8 days) compared to 2009. Reducing the number of additional vacations will increase the turnout to work in the planned year by 3%. The planned number of maternity leave will be 8% higher. Planned absenteeism will exceed that of last year by 4%. Reducing the number of absences for other reasons will increase the number of attendances by 23%. In general, there will be a decrease in the number of no-shows by 2%. Due to the measures taken to reduce the number of absences from work, an increase in the useful working time fund by 4% (8.8 days) will be achieved. It is possible to reduce lost time by 50% by eliminating intra-shift downtime, which, combined with an increase in nominal working hours, will increase the average working day by 1% to 7.71 hours.

The implementation of the above proposals will increase the useful working time fund in 2010 per employee by 5% and will amount to 1724.73 hours.

Conclusions, it is inexpedient to attract additional workers, increasing the working time fund of workers will make it possible to fulfill the production plan.

An analysis of the above indicators in dynamics allows us to draw conclusions about the level of labor organization at the enterprise, identify reserves and act as a strong argument for developing measures to improve the labor process and apply progressive methods and principles in its organization.

At the enterprise, the emphasis is on a strong social policy, responsible partnerships with its employees, civilized rules of interaction in the field of social and labor relations. JSC "Donbasskabel" advantageously differs from other enterprises of the country by a high level of mechanization and automation, culture of production and the degree of social guarantees to the members of the team. The priority direction of this policy is the daily care of people. The management of the plant strives to create, first of all, attractive working and living conditions for its employees. The joint-stock company has developed and operates its own system of standards, including in the field of social services. Leading positions in the production and sale of certain types of products testify to the high technical and economic potential of the enterprise, skillful management, clear, well-coordinated work of the team, and the ISO 9001:2008 quality management system has also been introduced.

2.2 Analysis of working conditions and assessment of labor safety at the enterprise

workplace(PM) is a section of the production area of ​​​​the workshop, on which the machine is located with a set of fixtures, auxiliary and cutting tools, technical documentation and other items and materials that are directly at the disposal of the production worker.

The equipment of the workplace and the organization of labor on it largely determine the productivity of the worker in the shop.

Workplace equipped with:

b one or more machines with a permanent set of accessories;

- a set of technological equipment for permanent use, consisting of fixtures, cutting, measuring and auxiliary tools;

l a set of technical documentation that is constantly at the workplace (instructions, reference books, auxiliary tables, etc.);

l a set of machine and workplace care items (oilers, brushes, hooks, scoops, cleaning materials, etc.);

l tool cabinets, stands, tablets, racks, etc.;

l mobile and portable containers for blanks and manufactured parts;

footrests, stools or chairs.

A set of technological equipment and a set of care items for the machine and the workplace for permanent use are installed depending on the nature of the work performed, the type of machine and the accepted scheme of tool management in the workshop. The number of such equipment determines the dimensions, internal structure and the number of cabinets, bedside tables and shelving.

In order to create working conditions for high-performance work, the workplace must be equipped with the necessary means of labor, the composition of which varies for various production processes, as it is determined by the purpose of the workplace, the scale of production, the degree of specialization and the level of mechanization of the work performed on it.

On the example of the workshop we are studying, we will analyze the staffing of the workplace of a worker - an armored vehicle with equipment. The results obtained will be placed in Table 2.3.

Table 2.3 - Analysis of the staffing of the workplace with equipment

Workplace equipment

Analysis of workplace equipment

Economic consequences of incomplete staffing of the workplace

1. Main equipment

armored machine

The impossibility of physical and mechanical transformation of objects of labor.

2. Auxiliary equipment: used to move objects of labor to the work area.


Loss of working time for the delivery and installation of parts, equipment downtime.

The number of movements per shift is 20, the cost per transition is 1-1.5 minutes.

3. Organizational tooling:

Tool cabinet;

Stand for details;

Rack for placement and storage of blanks, tools, products, technical documentation;

Cabinet (room) household.

Tool cabinet, parts stand, workpiece rack, tool cabinet, music stand

Loss of working time for search necessary tool.

The number of movements per shift is 100, the cost per transition is 2-10 seconds. The absence of these devices leads to cluttering of the workplace and loss of working time to search for the necessary items of labor.

4. Technological equipment:

A set of tools and fixtures for fixing and processing parts;

Technological packaging;

A set of technological documentation.

Technical documentation, working tools, technological packaging

Impossibility of processing objects of labor, cluttering of the workplace, impossibility of proper processing of objects of labor, unplanned production downtime

The number of movements per shift is 10, the cost per transition is 2-5 minutes.

The results of the work of each worker are influenced not only by the presence of a particular tool in the workplace, but also by where it is located. Therefore, measures for the rational organization of labor, in addition to the list of auxiliary devices and devices that the workplace should be equipped with, should provide in the same way how these items should be placed in the area of ​​​​the workplace, and how the incoming processing and processed object of labor should be located.

As a result of the analysis of the equipment of the workplace of the armored vehicle (Table 2.3), we can conclude that the main losses of working time occur in the presence of the following factors:

l lack of materials;

b expectation Vehicle;

Lack of tools and fixtures, tool sharpening;

Lack of technical documentation;

l Incomplete equipment of the workplace.

The workplace of an armored worker is an armored machine (Figure 2.2), near which he is located throughout the entire working change.

Figure 2.2 - Layout of the workplace of an armored worker

1 - tool cabinet;

2 - tablet for drawings;

3 - tablet for measuring tools;

4 - box for auxiliary tools;

5 - boxes for tools and parts;

6 - rack;

7 - lattice.

Proper organization of the workplace- this is the content of the machine, such an arrangement of fixtures, tools, blanks and finished parts, in which the highest labor productivity is achieved with the minimum expenditure of physical, nervous and mental energy of the worker. There should not be anything superfluous that is not used in work at the workplace. All items used at work should have permanent storage places, and those items that are used more often should be located closer and in more convenient places. Creating conditions that ensure the rational use of the machine, its equipment, working time, production skills and creative abilities of the worker is the main task of the scientific organization of labor at the worker's workplace.

The performance of the performer largely depends on the applied working position. When performing work, three working postures are used: “sitting”, “standing”, “sitting-standing”, each of which is used depending on the following factors that accompany the course of the labor process:

b visual focus;

l weight of the object of labor being moved;

l accuracy of technological operations;

the need to fix the forearm;

ь execution of transitions during the implementation of the labor process;

l feature and dimensions of the working tool used.

There are three types of planning decisions: general, internal, private.

General planning solution - the procedure for placing jobs on the territory of the site (workshop). Requirements for it:

l placement of equipment in the course of the technological process;

Ensuring the safety of performers when moving vehicles along workshop lanes;

ü uniform illumination of the territory and workplaces;

compliance with the color of walls and equipment to the requirements of color charts.

Internal planning solution- the procedure for placing equipment on the area of ​​the Republic of Moldova, ensuring minimal movement of the performer in the preparation and conduct of the labor process.

Private- the order of placement of the tool within the "motor field". The named one is understood as a trapezoidal space formed when describing the maximum, minimum, optimal arcs with elongated left and right hands. This space is the most comfortable place to work.

A production worker begins work by receiving a task, reading a drawing, and making calculations. He selects the tool, sets the workpiece on the machine, sets the machine to the selected cutting mode and performs processing. The finished part is checked for dimensions and surface cleanliness. The machine has manual and automatic mode. In the first case, precisely coordinated hand movements are required from the worker when controlling the cutting tool. A skilled worker knows the basics of technology, metal science, strength of materials, the system of tolerances and fits, understands the principle of operation of the machine and knows how to set it up, knows the reasons for the marriage. It is important for him to develop technical thinking, spatial imagination, accuracy of movements, steady attention, accuracy, creative attitude to business.

As the "Man-Technology" system becomes more complex, the economic and social losses from the discrepancy between working conditions and production technology and human capabilities become more and more tangible. An analysis of the working conditions at the armored section of the JSC Saranskkabel plant leads to a conclusion about the potential danger of production. The essence of the danger lies in the fact that the impact of the presence of hazardous and harmful production factors on a person leads to injuries, diseases, deterioration of health and other consequences. The main task of the analysis of working conditions is to establish patterns that cause deterioration or loss of working capacity of the worker, and the development of effective preventive measures on this basis.

The site has the following harmful and dangerous factors:

l mechanical factors, characterized by the impact on a person of kinetic, potential energies and mechanical rotation. These include the kinetic energy of moving and rotating bodies, noise, vibration;

l thermal factors characterized by thermal energy and abnormal temperature. These include the temperature of heated objects and surfaces;

l electrical factors, characterized by the presence of current-carrying parts of the equipment.

When developing measures to improve working conditions, it is necessary to take into account the whole range of factors influencing the formation of safe working conditions.

Noise and vibration protection.

Noise- this is a random chaotic combination of waves of different frequencies and intensities. Noise and vibration in production causes great damage, adversely affecting the human body and reducing the productivity of the pond.

Noise is generated by mechanical vibrations. There are three forms of noise impact on the hearing organs: hearing fatigue; noise injury; moderate deafness.

To reduce the noise that occurs in the workshop, it is provided: a massive concrete foundation, noise-absorbing varnishes, the use of soundproof casings and acoustic screens on equipment that are sources of advanced level noise.

Fire safety.

Fires at machine-building enterprises pose a great danger to workers and can cause enormous damage. material damage. The main causes of fires that occur during the production of electric motors include: violation of the technological regime; malfunction of electrical equipment (short circuit, overload); spontaneous combustion of oily rags and other materials prone to spontaneous combustion; non-compliance with the schedule of scheduled repairs, reconstruction of installations with a deviation from the technological schemes.

The following causes of fire are possible on the projected site: overload of wires; short circuit; the occurrence of large transient resistances; spontaneous combustion of various materials, mixtures and oils; high condensation of a flammable mixture of gas, vapor or dust with air (solvent vapor).

To localize and eliminate a fire by intrashop means, the following conditions for preventing fires are created:

to smoke only in strictly designated areas;

b Clean up smudges and spills of oil and solvent with rags;

The rags must be in a specially adapted container.

electrical safety.

The operation of most machines and equipment is associated with the use of electrical energy. Electric current, passing through the body, has a thermal, electrolytic, and biological effect, causing local and general electrical injuries.

The main reasons for the impact of current on a person are: accidental contact or approaching a dangerous distance to live parts; the appearance of voltage on the metal parts of the equipment as a result of damage to the insulation or erroneous actions of personnel; step voltage as a result of a wire shorted to ground.

Basic measures of protection against electric shock:

l isolation, inaccessibility of current-carrying parts;

l the use of low voltage (not higher than 42 V, and in especially dangerous rooms - 12 V);

l protective shutdown, the use of special electrical protective equipment, protective earth and nulling.

One of the most commonly used measures to protect against electric shock is protective earthing.

grounding - intentional electrical connection to earth of metal non-current-carrying parts that may be energized.

Separate grounding electrodes are artificial, intended for grounding purposes, and natural - metal objects located in the ground for other purposes.

3. Ways to improve the organization of labor at the enterprise

3.1 Increasing the level oforganization of labor at the enterprise

What are the conditions for the effectiveness of forms of labor organization? To do this, you need to highlight the progressive elements characteristic of individual forms. Progressive elements can be considered those that ensure autonomy and freedom of choice of means for solving production problems, the change of labor and the harmonious development of people in the labor process; create conditions for self-government, manifestation of creativity and initiative; contribute to saving time, increasing labor productivity; increase accountability for performance.

These elements include:

l partial or complete interchangeability of workers in the team;

l planning for a single order and payment only for the final result;

ь contract and lease relations;

l self-management of the labor collective;

- the use of additional funds in the form of various coefficients for the distribution of collective earnings between employees of the labor collective;

l planning and accounting not only for the release of products, but also for the funds that need to be spent on this release, encouragement for saving operating costs;

end-to-end construction of units operating in multi-shift mode.

If teams are formed in which all or most of the named elements of efficiency are present, then one can be sure that their work will be successful. At the same time, one should not forget that a preliminary justification of the decisions made and the design of any organizational innovations are necessary.

With the same technology (for example, when using digitally controlled machines), the entire range of necessary work (load planning, preparation for control, installation and maintenance of equipment, control over it, adjustment and feedback) can be distributed in completely different ways between different workshops. (subdivisions) and workers of different qualifications, depending on whether we are talking about greater or lesser centralization in preparation for work, how many specialists are available for setting up machine tools, whether the work of monitoring and coordinating is assigned to the shop foreman, while the worker-machine operator receives its specific work task, whether it is a conscious replacement of the previous types of work, carried out according to the traditional scheme, with new complexes of pre-production operations, etc. The choice of organizational form is determined not by the technical side of the matter; the decision is influenced by other aspects, such as the traditions of the company, the need for control by managers, the desire to maximize the number of products, etc., which should be mainly discussed when making one or another option.

The following activities can be used as new forms of construction of work at JSC "Donbasskabel":

b job change. The systematic change of workers is aimed at avoiding one-sided workloads, resisting monotony, ensuring versatile qualifications and thus preparing for a wider use of personnel;

b expansion of the field of activity. Combining several homogeneous work steps or production tasks into one larger overall task, i.e. horizontal expansion of the field of activity in order to eliminate one-sided loads on repetitive operations, create a more meaningful sequence of actions and, thereby, expand qualifications;

b enrichment of the content of the work. Along with the horizontal expansion mentioned above, the vertical expansion of the field of activity is also used - by including the tasks of preparing, planning, controlling, and a number of others, such as maintenance;

b partially autonomous groups. We are talking about the transfer of the entire complex of tasks to one working group, which independently organizes work within itself and regulates the use of personnel. This reorganization has far-reaching consequences, since it affects all the parameters of the fields of activity described above - horizontal, vertical and social. Recently, the concepts of such groups have become known primarily from the experience of the automotive industry in Japan and are currently being discussed and used in firms in many industrialized countries as part of the reorganization of production.

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Organization of labor - an organizational system that aims to achieve the best results of the use of living labor in the production process.

The process of material production is a unity of three factors - labor itself, objects of labor and tools of labor. The organization of production is a process that ensures the connection of labor power with the means of production to achieve a certain production goal.

However, no matter how perfect the technical base may be, the production process cannot be carried out without purposeful human activity that sets the technical means in motion. The organized labor of people is an indispensable condition for the functioning of production, and the organization of labor is an integral part of the process of organizing production.

The organization of labor is based on the knowledge and use of economic laws, the laws of physiology and psychology of labor, research data from sociological science, as well as mathematics and cybernetics, and is based on the knowledge of legal science. In the event that the practical implementation of specific measures for the organization of labor is preceded by scientific analysis labor processes and the conditions for their implementation, and these practical measures are based on the achievements of modern science and best practices, we are dealing with the scientific organization of labor (NOT).

Obviously, attempts to distinguish between these two concepts - "organization of labor" and "scientific organization of labor" are completely unlawful. The difference between the first and second concepts is determined primarily by the method, the approach to solving the same problems, the degree of scientific validity of specific solutions. In this case, we can say that the scientific organization of labor does not allow the solution of practical issues of labor organization on the basis of subjective, empirical assessments and opinions, but implements the entire set of achievements of modern science and practice, while ensuring the most rational and efficient organization of labor. In practice, the NOT is designed to solve three main interrelated tasks: economic, psychophysiological and social.

The economic task of NOT is to create conditions for the expedient use of technology, materials and raw materials, which ensures the saving of living and materialized labor for the production of a unit of output.

The psychophysiological task is associated with the creation of the most favorable working conditions that ensure the preservation of the physical health and safety of people, maintaining a high level of their performance.

The social task is aimed at increasing the degree of satisfaction of people with work, creating conditions that ensure the growth of their professional knowledge.

The above definition of labor organization as an organizational system characterizes this concept in statics, revealing its essence from the point of view of the nature of the tasks being solved. However, the organization of labor should also be considered in dynamics as a process of improving its forms and methods. NOT cannot be presented as a simple set of measures, the implementation of which ensures a truly scientific organization of labor. Taking into account the constant improvement and development of the technical base, technological processes, it is necessary to achieve dynamic development and improvement of the forms of labor organization. Thus, we can say that NOT is a constant creative process that ensures that the organization of labor is brought into line with the changing level of development of technology and production technology.

6.5.2. The content and principles of the scientific organization of labor

The organization of labor as a system includes a set of elements that are in a certain connection with each other and form a single whole. Elements of labor organization reveal its content.

All practical activities in the scientific organization of labor are connected with the solution of the above economic, psychophysiological and social problems. The main directions of the NOT include: the development of rational forms of division and cooperation of labor; improving the organization of workplaces and their maintenance; rationalization of methods and methods of work; improvement of working conditions; improvement of labor rationing; development of measures of material and moral incentives; strengthening labor discipline.

Creation of necessary conditions for high-performance and creative work can only provide a systematic integrated approach to solving the problems of ITT. Random practice in any one direction does not give the desired results.

Based on the generalization of the achievements of modern science in the field of labor organization, it is possible to formulate a number of principles that should guide the solution of methodological and practical issues of designing and implementing NOT. These are the principles of complexity, consistency, regulation, specialization and stability. Each of the principles has a certain independent value. At the same time, they complement each other, revealing the corresponding side of the scientific approach to the organization of labor. Therefore, the principles are most effective when they are used together. Each direction of labor organization has its own specifics and target setting for practical implementation.

To ensure the functioning of any organization, first of all, a certain distribution of employees and the assignment of specific labor functions to each of them are necessary. These tasks are solved by choosing the appropriate forms of division of labor.

The division of labor is understood as the separation of various types of labor and their assignment to the participants in the production process. The main principle of the division of labor is the combination of specialization of individual performers with an increase in their production and technical level. The choice of the most rational forms of division of labor, of course, should be based on a comprehensive analysis of the specifics of production, the nature of the work performed, the requirements for their quality, the degree of workload of performers, etc.

The most common forms of division of labor in an organization are;

Functional division of labor - the distribution of the entire range of work between different categories of workers, depending on the nature and specifics of the work they perform, in accordance with the role that the employee performs in the team;

Professional and qualification division of labor, carried out taking into account the specialty of workers and the complexity of the work they perform;

Substantive (detailed) division of labor between workers specializing in the performance of a relatively completed amount of work or the manufacture of a specific product (detail);

Operational division of labor due to the division of the manufacturing process of a product (part) into component parts (operations) performed by various workers.

The choice of the most rational forms of division of labor in a team is an important task. Its correct solution provides reasonable planning of the number of employees for each functional, professional and qualification group. This, in turn, makes it possible to clearly formulate the labor duties of employees, to make the most of working time.

The division of labor is necessarily combined with its cooperation, which is understood as the unification of individual performers or their groups in one or different, but interconnected, labor processes. The deeper the division of labor, the wider its cooperation, which ensures the achievement of the greatest consistency between workers performing various labor functions.

The main form of cooperative labor is the production team. This is a primary labor collective, equipped with material and technical means of production, connected by jointly performed work and bearing collective responsibility for its results. The creation of teams allows solving such tasks that cannot be solved by separate efforts of individual performers (for example, maintenance of complex types of equipment, when workers of different professions are needed to perform a certain amount of work).

In general, labor cooperation in a team involves the development of the most appropriate forms of combining the labor efforts of workers, depending on the specific conditions and goals of the activity of this team.

Thus, we can say that the problem of division and cooperation of labor is essentially reduced to a rational distribution of personnel. This arrangement is designed to ensure a reasonable distribution of functions and responsibilities between the performers, interaction and coherence in their work.

The rational organization of the workplace occupies a leading position in the complex of measures for the NOT, ensuring the most appropriate use of working time, production skills and creative abilities of employees. A workplace is a zone of labor activity of one or more performers. The main task of improving the organization and maintenance of workplaces is to create favorable conditions for the high-quality and timely execution of production tasks with the efficient use of equipment and working time, minimal physical effort of the employee and his complete safety.

The organization of jobs is inextricably linked with the forms and methods of labor organization. To rationally organize a workplace means to provide it with basic equipment, a set of necessary tools and fixtures, technical and instructional documentation, and comfortable industrial furniture; to establish uninterrupted maintenance of the workplace by support services; create favorable working conditions.

It is known that different performers performing the same functions do it in different ways, using a variety of labor methods or ways of performing a given job. In this case, we should talk about both the unequal sequence of execution of individual elements of the production operation, and the different time of their execution. Rational is such a method of labor, which ensures the expedient expenditure of time for the performance of a given work and at the same time does not cause premature fatigue of the worker.

Analysis and study of ways to perform individual elements of work by various performers, selection best practices and the formation on this basis of a progressive method of labor for its further distribution among other workers engaged in the performance of this type of work - this is a set of measures taken as part of the rationalization of methods and methods of labor.

To improve the health of workers and increase their productivity, it is of great importance to improve working conditions and increase their safety. The working conditions of workers and management personnel are regulated by unified legislative acts, norms and standards. Working conditions in an organization are determined by a combination of chemical, physical and biological elements of the production environment and labor processes that affect the functional state of the human body. Among the factors that determine working conditions are: sanitary and hygienic, aesthetic, psychophysiological and socio-psychological.

Various kinds of factors external environment have a significant impact on human health. The main goals of improving working conditions are to protect the employee from the influence of adverse environmental factors, to create all the necessary conditions for highly productive work. These tasks are solved by bringing the working conditions at each workplace in line with current standards, as well as by applying various means protection of a person from the adverse effects of the external environment. Work to create favorable working conditions should be of a comprehensive systemic nature.

Among the main directions of the scientific organization of labor in the era of market relations, a special place belongs to its rationing, since without reasonable norms a rational division of labor and cooperation, improvement of labor processes, evaluation of the activities of workers, and their material incentives are impossible. In practice, labor rationing means designing and creating in an organization such conditions under which specific work will be performed most productively.

The improvement of labor rationing is currently being carried out in the following main areas: the scope of labor rationing is expanding, the quality of existing norms is improving, work is being done to maintain the progressiveness of norms by updating them in a timely manner, taking into account changes in technology, technology and production organization.

Thus, the regulation of labor covers a variety of issues and serves as the most important means of effective organization of labor and production.

In the intensification of production, ensuring high rates of technical progress and growth in labor productivity, the role of material and moral incentives to work is high. They are an indispensable, important and integral part of the NOT. The organization of material and moral incentives should be aimed at increasing the interest of each employee in the rational use of working time, mastering advanced methods and methods of work, and better organizing jobs.

In practice, material stimulation of labor is carried out through the use of various forms and systems of wages and bonuses. The other side of the problem of material incentives for labor is material liability employees for the damage they cause to society and organizations as a result of their wrong actions or inaction.

Moral stimulation of labor is associated primarily with the responsibility of employees for the work performed; with public recognition individual workers and collective.

In practice, material and moral stimulation of labor should serve as an effective means of stimulating the timely and high-quality performance by each employee of the labor duties assigned to him.

In the system of scientific organization of labor, it is of great importance to strengthen labor discipline and increase the creative activity of workers. Labor discipline is determined by the attitude of workers to work. Discipline is a necessary condition for the most effective achievement of the set goals. Distinguish:

Labor discipline - compliance with the established work schedule, fulfillment of the duties assigned to the employee and orders of higher managers;

Technological discipline - obligatory observance of all technological operations provided for by the production process;

Production discipline, which is characterized by the timely fulfillment of production tasks, the degree of compliance with the rules for the operation of equipment, the consumption of raw materials, the rules of labor protection and safety, the rational use of production capacities, the timeliness and quality of maintenance of workplaces.

Labor discipline is the basis of technological and production discipline. The level of labor discipline in an organization is determined by the rational organization of labor and production, the quality of regulation, forms of material and moral incentives, and other production and non-production factors.

These are the main directions of the scientific organization of labor. It should be emphasized that they are common to all industries and areas of labor application. However, the transition from the administrative-command system to the market system of management was primarily reflected in the organization of managerial work. This makes us take a fresh look at the principles, directions, forms and methods of organizing the work of management personnel.

6.5.3. managerial work. Features and specifics

The transformation of the economy is accompanied by serious work to improve the forms and methods of management. This requires qualitative changes in the organization and management of production at all its levels and in all links.

Managerial work is understood as a type of labor activity for the performance of management functions in an organization, the purpose of which is to ensure the purposeful and coordinated activity of the labor collective in solving the tasks facing it.

The object of managerial work is the scope of its application - an organization, a structural unit. The subject of managerial work is information about the state of the object and the necessary changes in its functioning and development. The product of managerial work is managerial decisions and practical actions necessary to ensure the functioning of the facility in the required mode.

Since managerial influences on all spheres of activity are carried out through members of the production team, the management of human labor has priority, i.e. purposeful activity of all members of the team. However, it should be borne in mind that more complete results of managerial influences can be achieved only if they are extended not only to living, but also to materialized labor, since production connects these two aspects of it. This approach is especially relevant in market conditions, when it is possible to transform individual structural divisions of large enterprises and associations into independent enterprises, and the collective becomes an economic entity of the means of production at its disposal.

The content of managerial work in relation to a particular object is determined by the composition of management functions. These include: setting goals and planning, organizing execution, coordinating and stimulating the activities of performers, recording and monitoring execution. Each function reflects a certain form and method of managerial influence on the managed object, determining the appropriate style and methods of management.

Depending on the functional role in the management process, there are three main categories of management personnel: managers, specialists and other employees. Each of the identified groups of management personnel has its own characteristics in terms of the content of their work, the nature of mental activity and the impact on the results of the activities of the team of which they are members, and the production process as a whole.

The heads of organizations and structural divisions make decisions on all the most important issues of the activities of the management apparatus. In their circle official duties includes the selection and placement of personnel, coordination of the work of performers, production units and management units. Their main task is to ensure the efficient work of the production team.

The essence of the manager's work is to provide general management of the process of functioning and development of the management system. It is conditionally possible to distinguish three components of the manager's work: production, socio-economic and organizational and managerial. The specifics of the manager's work is that the production, economic, technical and social tasks he decides mainly in the organizational aspect, influencing the workers who must directly solve these problems.

The nature of the manager's work is determined by the fact that he implements the most important management function - the management function, while solving the problem of integrating the management system into a single whole by coordinating its individual links.

The peculiarity of the modern view of the leader as the leader of the team is that he is seen as the bearer of innovative organizational culture as the main initiator of successive changes in the organization. The most important features of a modern leader: professionalism, the ability to lead a team, the desire to create and maintain a good psychological climate.

The second group, allocated in the management personnel, is spice * sheets, designed to perform the functions of preparation, justification and implementation management decisions. These are specialized workers who provide processing and analysis of information characterizing the state of the production process at a given interval or point in time. On the basis of analytical data, they provide the development of options for solving individual functional issues of an industrial or managerial nature. Management specialists are classified according to management functions and their professional background. The group of specialists includes managers, engineers, economists, accountants, lawyers, etc.

Employees performing a variety of work related to ensuring the activities of managers and specialists belong to the group of other employees. They are usually classified by individual control operations. They include secretaries, typists, technicians, laboratory assistants and other persons. Their main task is to provide information services to managers and specialists in the development and implementation of management decisions.

Currently, production efficiency is largely determined by the efficiency of the daily work of the organization's management personnel. In turn, the effectiveness of the management personnel is ensured by the organization of their work.

The organization of the manager's work is closely related to the establishment of all management processes in the apparatus under his control, and significantly affects the success of management as a whole.

6.5.4. Organization of managerial work

The readiness of a manager, a specialist for effective activity is determined by the knowledge, skills, abilities and qualities of the individual. Rationally organize mental work, create favorable conditions for increasing its efficiency - these tasks are becoming especially important today. In any field, mental work, in addition to mental activity proper, contains purely organizational, technical elements, a certain part of which is common to many professions. Consequently, the problems of organizing the personal labor of an employee can be studied from the point of view of organization, the methods used, principles and methods of work. The second side of the organization of personal labor is the technique of personal work, the technical means used by management personnel in the practice of daily work.

The field of knowledge that studies the organization of the employee's personal labor, based on the use of scientific achievements and best practices, the use of technical means, and which allows the best way to establish the interaction between the employee and the technical means used in the process of performing job duties, is called personal management.

The scientific basis of personal management is the entire amount of knowledge about the organization of personal labor, accumulated in the practice of managerial activity and presented in the form of principles, methods, methods of organizing the labor activity of management personnel. Personal management as a science reveals factors and conditions effective work manager, specialists and other employees. On this basis, a theory is being developed, the content of which is the principles, forms and methods of rational activity of people in the management process.

However, it should be remembered that the work of a manager, a specialist, is not only objectively determined, it is of an initiative, creative nature. In this regard, we can say that, on the one hand, the organization of their work is subject to certain laws, principles, rules, and on the other hand, these rules themselves require creative reflection to determine the degree of their applicability, taking into account the current production situation. The relevant principles and rules here serve only as a starting point for the work of a manager, a specialist to improve his individual working style, skills and abilities, and methods of organizing his work.

Based on the accepted definition, personal management includes a scientifically based solution of the following interrelated issues:

Organization of labor in the management apparatus (division of labor, regulation of labor by content, regulation of labor by time), choice of systems and methods of work;

Specific problems of organizing personal work (planning and distribution of working time, managing the flow of visitors, individual working style, rational correspondence, etc.);

Organization and equipping of workplaces;

Organization of the use of computer and office equipment.

The list of issues presented determines the composition of the tasks and areas of work in this area. The organization of labor processes for management personnel consists in the design and implementation of rational systems and methods for performing the functions assigned to it, taking into account the use of the necessary technical means.

The scientific organization of labor of management personnel implies a certain degree of labor regulation in terms of content and time. This ensures the necessary order and organization in the performance of official duties by employees, in the adoption and implementation of managerial decisions. Labor regulation means the establishment and strict observance of certain rules, instructions, standards based on objective laws inherent in the scientific organization of labor. It is obvious that it is difficult to establish effective work in a team if the leader and his subordinates do not have modern methods and methods of work. Outdated working methods and an inefficient individual working style make this team the weakest link in the management system.

Among the range of issues of personal management, the planning and distribution of working time, as well as the problems of organizing the personal work of management personnel, are of particular importance. A rational individual working style of each employee is an important condition for the effective operation of the management apparatus. The planning of the work of a manager, a specialist is carried out in the form of developing a work plan for a certain period or by forming plans for the implementation of specific works and activities.

Typical components of the work of a manager, a specialist, taken into account when establishing a work schedule, are: goal setting (goal setting, situational analysis, goal formulation); work planning (preparation for the implementation of the set goal, rational distribution and use of working time, search for ways to reduce the timing of the tasks to be solved); establishing the priority of tasks, activities scheduled for implementation; implementation of control functions (analysis of data on the progress of tasks, monitoring the achievement of goals); information and communication (organization and holding of meetings, rational correspondence, management of the flow of visitors). The concretization and specification of the nature and content of work are carried out promptly, taking into account the current situation, on the basis of planning the processes for developing and implementing specific solutions.

Knowledge workers, as a rule, do not attach due importance to the issue of rational organization of their workplace. However, it should be remembered that the efficiency of the work of specialists of all categories, regardless of the nature and conditions of their activities, largely depends on the organization and equipment of the workplace. The workplace of a person engaged in mental work is a part of the premises in which labor activity is carried out and which is equipped with the necessary means of labor in accordance with the content of the work performed. The task of improving the workplace includes equipping it with everything necessary in accordance with the nature of the work, its rational location, creating comfortable working conditions, and preventing the harmful effects of adverse environmental factors on a person.

Currently, 40-60% of the working time of managers and specialists is spent on performing functions that could be performed by lower-skilled specialists. A lot of time is wasted looking for the necessary information, data and documents. The work of the management staff needs to be improved. It should consist primarily in the automation of routine operations through the widespread use of computer and office equipment in the daily activities of managers and specialists. Automation of the functions performed will save at least 15% of working time. Comprehensive automation of the work of managers, specialists and other employees should be carried out on the basis of the introduction of modern information technologies. This will increase the degree of automation of all information processes In the organisation.

The organization of labor of employees of the administrative apparatus is a complex and multifaceted process. The most important problem for any employee today is the rational use of working time. Therefore, the initial stage of the scientific organization of managerial work is the study of the use of working time of employees of the administrative apparatus, which makes it possible to identify its losses, their causes, and develop new forms and methods of performing work.

Mode of production and personal mode of the worker

Labor rationing

Workflow design

Rationing of personnel activities

Labor discipline

The concept of labor organization

Labour Organization- this is a system of scientifically based measures aimed at providing conditions for the optimal functioning of the labor force in the production process, contributing to the achievement of the highest productivity of labor activity, the development of production in an intensive way.

The organization of labor consists in establishing a certain order for the construction and implementation of the labor process.

It includes a number of elements:

§ division and cooperation of labor - the separation of types of labor activity and the system of production relationships of workers;

§ rational methods and methods of work, thanks to which the most economical execution of operations is ensured (from the standpoint of the time and effort of the employee);

§ organization of the workplace, i.е. equipping it with the necessary means of production and their rational placement on production areas (planning);

§ organization of workplace service - types of service, forms of its provision, choice of contractor;

§ labor rationing;

§ labor discipline;

§ normative regulation of the activities of personnel and administration;

§ mode of production and personal mode of the worker.

Consider the most important, from the standpoint of personnel management, components of the labor process.

Mode of production and personal mode of the worker

Despite an increasing number of experiments designed to change anything about the length and order of the five-day, forty-hour work week, it has maintained a strong position in our country for more than forty years. Since 1940, the work week has remained relatively stable, despite a growing sense that many people would get more satisfaction from more free time. This affects their quality of life. However, the schedule of the working week basically retains the following features:

Five working days, forty hours;

From 9 am to 5 pm;

Monday through Friday;

Standard lunch time and short break (coffee) daily.

Working time and rest time are regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Labor Code of the Russian Federation) in chapters IV and V.

The development of cities and industry, the change in the social psychology of people, have given rise to many problems related precisely to the standard and universal nature of the typical schedule of the production life of enterprises and organizations. Therefore, beginning in the 1970s, there was an interest in new types of work schedules. In particular, we are talking about some types of scheduling with a flexible schedule, in which workers themselves can determine the start and end time of work. Such forms are gaining popularity as: part-time work, work sharing (in which two workers share work among themselves, i.e. one works in the morning, the other in the afternoon), a compressed week (working less than five days, for example, 4 day, but for 10 hours daily). Accordingly, HR departments are actively involved in the development of decisions related to the work schedule.

This activity is extremely important because it helps to improve the morale of workers, increase productivity, and increase the return on leisure time.

Features of the use of a flexible schedule in Russia are stipulated in the resolution of the USSR State Committee for Labor and the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated May 30, 1985. No. 162/12-55 "Recommendations on the use of flexible working hours at enterprises, institutions and organizations of sectors of the national economy", which remains valid at the present time.

Flexible working hours(flexible time for short) means that workers can choose the start and end time of work within the limits set by the administration. A flexible schedule can be built in a variety of ways:

Daily selection of start and end times;

Variable, not constant, length of the working day (for example, you can "borrow" hours, and then "return" them);

General time, that is, the time (hours) set by the administration when all employees should be at work.

We present a set of schedule types from the least to the most flexible, which are used in practice:

§ Flexible Cycle: Requires workers to select specific start and end times for work, and to work on that schedule for a specified period, such as a week or month.

The period of work is usually eight hours.

§ Flexitime: it is allowed to change the start and end time of work, but work full time - 8 hours.

§ Variable day:“debit” and “credit” of working hours are allowed (for example, work one day for 10 hours, and the other for 6 hours, but so that in the end, at the end of the week, it turns out only 40 hours or even for a month - 160 hours).

§ Very flexible schedule: "debit and credit" hours are allowed, but some attendance is required at the general time. It, for example, can be from 10 am to 2 pm, but only on Monday and Friday.

§ Flexible placement: an employee can change not only hours, but also the location of work - he can work at home, in branches, etc.

Managers making decisions on issues of the mode of production should pay attention to factors affecting the quality of production life, taking into account not only their individual role, but also the complex impact on production. First of all, national legislation regulating the work schedule is taken into account (for example, in terms of reducing working hours and redistributing work among the unemployed). Further - economic conditions, which play a very important role in this process.

For example, recessions, stagnation in production and others unfavourable conditions, lead ultimately to an increase in the number of workers only partially employed in production and to a reduction in the number of hours that permanent workers must work. Therefore, work on the schedule depends on the goals that the administration sets for itself. The manager must feel and clearly understand how and why the production schedule can affect the morale, satisfaction, productivity and other results of the work of the staff. If they are positive, then managers can expand their scheduling experiments. On the other hand, there may be interest in a schedule that is easy to administer. In this case, it is best to keep the traditional schedule. In addition, it may turn out that many employees are not enthusiastic about non-traditional forms of schedule. Determining these views, approaches, tastes, interests in relation to the work schedule is the responsibility of line managers and personnel management specialists. Changing work schedules without first assessing what workers think and want can be an expensive mistake.

Labor rationing

Labor standards are the basis for establishing the amount of resources (amount of equipment, number of workers, stocks of materials) necessary to achieve the desired production results.

The most widely used norms are time, production, maintenance, number, manageability, task rationing.

Norms of time determine the necessary time spent by one employee or team (link) to perform a unit of work (product). Time norms are measured in man-minutes (man-hours).

Production rate- the number of units of products that must be manufactured by one employee or team (link) for a given period of time (hour, shift).

Production rates are measured in physical units (pieces, meters, etc.) and express the necessary result of the work of workers.

Service rate- the required number of machines, workplaces, units of production space and other production facilities assigned for maintenance to one employee or team (link).

population rate- the number of workers required to service one or more units.

Controllability rate(number of subordinates) - the number of employees who should be directly subordinate to one manager.

Normalized task- the required range and scope of work that must be performed by one employee or team (link) for a given period of time (shift, day, month).

The content of the work on labor rationing in the general case is the analysis of the production process, its division into parts, the choice of the optimal variant of technology and organization of labor, the design of equipment operation modes, methods and methods of work, workplace maintenance systems, work and rest modes, the calculation of norms in accordance with with the features of technological and labor processes, their implementation and subsequent adjustment as the organizational and technical conditions change. The regulation of labor is the most important link in both the technological and organizational preparation of production, and the operational management of it. Every significant change in technology, organization of labor and production must be accompanied by a change in norms.

The considered labor standards are directly adjacent to the norms of the complexity of the work performed, which determine the necessary qualifications of the performers. Assessing the complexity of the work requires a deep understanding of the features of the technological process.

Based on the rate of complexity (category) of the work, the rate of its payment per unit of time is determined - the tariff rate. In turn, on the basis of the tariff rate and the rate of labor intensity of the operation (unit of work), the rate of its tariff wage intensity (rate) is also established.

Thus, both a narrow and a broad interpretation of the concept of "labor standards" is possible. In the first case, only the norms of costs and results discussed above will apply to it. In the second case, the labor standards should include:

Norms of costs and results of labor (norms of the duration of labor intensity, number, output, normalized tasks);

Norms of the structure of the labor process (norms of service and manageability);

Norms of labor complexity (categories of work, categories of labor complexity of specialists);

Wage rates (tariff rates, salaries, wage-intensive work rates);

Norms of sanitary-hygienic and aesthetic working conditions - norms of illumination, noise, temperature and other parameters of the working environment, work and rest regime;

Social and legal labor standards.

Usually there are two types of normative materials: norms and uniform (standard) norms. The former express normative dependencies for establishing the constituent parts (terms) of the norms of time, as well as for determining the number of personnel; the latter represent the dependencies directly between the value of the norm (time, output, maintenance, controllability) and the factors influencing it. The main difference between the standards and the unified (typical) time standards lies in the degree of differentiation of the elements of the production process.

The tasks in the field of labor rationing, which are solved by personnel service specialists, are:

1. Organization of the development and implementation of reasonable standards.

2. Changing labor standards in accordance with the introduction of organizational and technical measures, new technology, improving the organization of production and labor.

3. Development of proposals to reduce the loss of working time, the maximum use of all production reserves.

4. Coordination of the activities of the structural divisions of the organization in the field of labor rationing.

Workflow Design

The personnel policy of JSC "Ak Bars" Bank is aimed at achieving the following goals:

  • - the desire to create a healthy and efficient team, that is, social programs, plans for the social development of the organization are being implemented. Since it depends on the health and working capacity of employees how productively the enterprise will work, performs its production function;
  • - raising the level of qualification of employees of the enterprise, that is, highly qualified employees are very important for the bank. The Management Board of the Bank is interested in improving the skills of its employees;
  • - creation of a labor collective that is optimal in terms of gender and age structure, as well as in terms of skill level. It is important to strive to create a labor collective that is optimal in terms of gender structure. Having chosen the optimal ratio of the number of men and women, we can be sure that this team will be the most employable, that this team has a healthy internal environment, and this is important when working in a large team. It is also very important that the levels of education of the employees of the team correspond, which contributes to the establishment of good relationships between the employees. Compliance with this policy leads to increased productivity;
  • - for the Bank, the governing body is very important, that is, the creation of a highly professional management team capable of responding flexibly to changing circumstances, feeling and implementing everything new and advanced and able to look far ahead. Personnel management is the most complex process. This is due to the fact that each member of the labor collective has its own potential employment opportunities, its own character traits, in its plan it is unique. Therefore, managers at various levels are required to know the psychology of each employee subordinate to them and, on this basis, influence him in such a way that his potential opportunities at work are fully revealed and realized.

The efficiency of the use of employees in JSC "Ak Bars" Bank to a certain extent depends on the structure of the personnel of the enterprise - the composition of personnel by category and their share in the total number. The personnel policy of the organization as a whole is aimed at the optimal combination of categories of personnel.

The Management Board of JSC "Ak Bars" Bank cares in many respects that its employees: experience satisfaction from being at the workplace; felt like individuals, had a certain guarantee of the reliability of the enterprise, their need; received confirmation of their need not only materially, but also morally. Improving the methods of economic incentives for the staff of JSC "Ak Bars" Bank as a whole is based on establishing the relationship between wages and income levels, as well as the efficiency of the worker himself.

However, the existing bonus system in the Bank does not make the amount of remuneration dependent on the direct performance of the staff. It is intended only to prevent violations of labor discipline. For a more effective impact of material incentives on personnel, it is necessary to introduce a more differentiated system of bonuses to the basic wage fund for all employees.

The following basic principles are at the heart of the construction of the remuneration system, which are used to enhance its motivating function:

  • - piece-work payment;
  • - individual payment based on results;
  • - payment for group results;
  • - corporate incentives;
  • - payment according to merit;
  • - participation in the profits and income of the company.

The payment system creates a sense of confidence and security in people, includes effective means of stimulation and motivation, and ensures the process of reproducing the expended energy (restoring workers).

In order for the chosen payment system to increase the motivation of the company's employees, specialists in personnel management It is proposed to carry out the design in the following sequence:

  • - determine the goals and principles of the payment system (focus on individual or group results, whether this system allows you to find and retain the right specialists, reduce staff turnover, etc.);
  • - collect information about payment systems in competing firms;
  • - analyze the conditions under which the payment system of interest operates;
  • - consider the possibility of a survey on proposed changes in the payment system;
  • - analyze the effectiveness of the payment system by comparing the results achieved with its goals.

When distributing the bonus fund and establishing additional incentive bonuses Special attention given to the system of social payments.

In JSC "Ak Bars" Bank, the role of social benefits and payments as part of the total income of employees has been noticeably increasing in recent years. Benefits and payments are no longer temporary, additional. They have become a vital need not only for the workers themselves, but also for their families. The range of benefits provided to employees is quite wide:

  • - paid holidays;
  • - paid holidays;
  • - paid days of temporary disability; - Paid rest break time;
  • - paid time for lunch;
  • - medical insurance at the enterprise;
  • - additional pension insurance at the enterprise;
  • - accident insurance;
  • - long-term disability insurance;
  • - providing free parking for cars;
  • - insurance of tourists against accidents;
  • - assistance in improving education, professional training and retraining;
  • - participation in the distribution of profits;
  • - provision of recreation and entertainment facilities for employees;
  • - assistance in moving to a new place of work.

Developing a system of social benefits and payments under pressure from workers and trade unions, entrepreneurs are concerned about rising costs for labor force in general, as well as part of them related to the provision of these benefits.

Anxiety about rising costs and the objective need to control them led to the emergence of a new type of social benefits and payments, which are called flexible benefits (or flexible plans for benefits and payments). Their essence lies in the fact that a wider range of benefits and payments allows employees to choose at any given moment those of them that suit them best, thereby adapting the benefits to the current needs of employees. This approach suits both parties - both the entrepreneur and the employee.

Vacation banks are very popular today, which combine paid vacation days, sick days, etc. When an employee needs to take an additional day (or several days) for his needs, he can use the reserve of days from the vacation bank, “buy out” some of them against future vacation pay, or take them in exchange for other benefits.

Benefits and payments of the social plan do not appear directly in the payroll, but significantly affect the level of income of workers. They not only serve social protection workers, but also allow firms to attract and retain skilled workers, contribute to the development of a spirit of loyalty to the firm.

In the current system of material and socio-psychological incentives for JSC "Ak Bars" Bank, the main emphasis is on paid vacations; paid days of temporary disability.

The general list of social payments to the enterprise should be discussed with the participation of employees (questionnaires, team meetings). It is possible to assign various types of social payments to individual structural units.

Additional socio-economic benefits and guarantees at the moment for JSC "Ak Bars" Bank are: paid holidays; paid time for lunch; medical insurance at the enterprise; additional pension insurance at the enterprise; accident insurance; providing free parking for cars; assistance in improving education, vocational training and retraining; purchase of shares by employees.

The unsatisfied motives of employees not only do not contribute to the development of Ak Bars Bank OJSC, but also significantly hinder its growth. Hence the problems associated with high staff turnover, low efficiency of employees and disloyalty of employees to the company.

Problems of the motivational sphere in JSC "Ak Bars" Bank, as a rule, are expressed in the following:

  • - low efficiency of employees;
  • - dissatisfaction with the level of wages;
  • - disloyalty of employees to the company;
  • - frequent violations of internal labor regulations by employees;
  • - a long period of reaching the required level of efficiency of new employees, etc.

The problem of motivation is complex in nature, associated both with the level and forms of remuneration, and with the use of non-material motivators.

The interest of employees in the work largely depends on the management style and skills of their immediate supervisor. Therefore, training line managers in competent work with subordinates and development corporate culture becomes more and more relevant.

Thus, motivated staff is a guarantee successful work and forward movement of the company to implement its strategy and strengthen its position in the market. Therefore, staff motivation is a universal topic, the relevance of which does not decrease, despite the constant attention of management theorists and practitioners.

For labor management based on motivation, such prerequisites are necessary as identifying the inclinations and interests of the employee, taking into account his personal and professional abilities, identifying motivational opportunities and alternatives in the team and for a particular person.

In order for the specialists to be well motivated to work at Ak Bars Bank, the manager tries to find an individual approach to each employee. The personal goals of the participants in the labor process are used to achieve the goals of the company. If the motivation began to weaken and the employee loses interest in his own activities, there are many ways to restore and strengthen his motivation. For example, corporate trips, meetings on important labor issues, trainings and seminars on personnel development. For some employees, personal meetings and conversations with management, as well as participation in various programs and projects of the company, can become effective. It is important for the manager to understand what is the motivating factor for this or that subordinate and try to satisfy his needs if the company does not want to lose a valuable staff.

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