An example of a review for a WRC review. Sample of writing a review for a thesis (WRC) in Economics

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The most important day for every student is the day of defending the thesis. In addition to the final work itself, a protective word and a presentation, the student will need a review, which can be prepared by his supervisor, the director of the enterprise where the student had an internship, or even by the student himself. AT this material describes the basic requirements for writing reviews, as well as examples of writing reviews on thesis.

A review of a thesis (term paper or any other qualifying paper) is a mandatory official document in which the reviewer leaves feedback on what he has read. This document is required in order for the student to be admitted to the defense. It includes many aspects. A worthy example of a dissertation review is one in which, in addition to the final grade, there is summary work and its analysis. The reviewer immediately considers all the shortcomings, errors and comments, describing them as detailed and objective as possible. It is important to understand that a lot depends on the review. Often this document is decisive at the time of student assessment. good review makes a good impression on the admissions committee, which ultimately can play into the hands of those who worked on the graduation project.

Who is a reviewer?

Naturally, it is not a person from the street who should check and evaluate the student's project, but a professional in the topic that the thesis is devoted to. A reviewer is a graduate who can objectively and unbiasedly evaluate a student's work. Ideally, this should be done by the most independent person from the outside, whose decision cannot be influenced by personal perception and relationships with the author of the work. Usually this is done by the director of the enterprise or organization where the student had an internship. In this case, the review is drawn up on a special document of the organization. The reviewer must fully own the topic, understand all aspects of the work, correctly describe all the pros and cons. Among other things, the document itself must be properly formatted. There must be confirmation in the form of a seal and signature of the head (without this, the review will be invalid). Very often, directors of enterprises and teachers ask the student to write and draw up a document on their own, and the teacher can only put a seal and signature. Since such a practice exists, then each student should be ready to write a review on their own. For this you need to familiarize yourself with good examples writing a review and detailed instruction by its design.

general information

With an example of the finished work, of course, and according to the established, generally accepted points. There should not be any particular problems with the main part of the review. The student knows better than anyone all the advantages and disadvantages of his thesis and will be able to describe them most competently.

The following should be taken into account important requirements to the work, which are checked and described in the review:

  • structuredness;
  • relevance;
  • uniqueness;
  • completeness of the material;
  • registration in accordance with the requirements of GOST.

For ease of perception, the review can be divided into three main elements:

  1. Introductory part, where the reviewer will describe the relevance of the topic.
  2. The main part, where aspects of work, advantages and disadvantages are more scrupulously considered (the largest part).
  3. Conclusion, where the main conclusion is made (includes a mark and a teacher's verdict on whether the student is allowed to defend or not).

It is better to avoid common phrases and various clichés. The review should be more specific and less watery.


Everything is as simple as possible here. On the Internet, there are many examples of reviews of works of an artistic nature and other similar works with a specific design, but when it comes to a thesis, everything should be as ascetic as possible.

The word “Review” is written in the upper part, then the topic of the work, position and full name. author.

For example, “Review of the article “The use of modern IT technologies in teaching French” by a candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of the department foreign languages Moscow State University Song of Olga Petrovna.

Assessment of scientific novelty and relevance

Any scientific work is based on these two aspects, and they are the most important for the student's work. The relevance may lie in the use of new techniques, the development of a unique set of measures to eliminate existing problems in the field of activity that is considered in the thesis, or fresh eyes for the usual things. One way or another, this moment should be described in the work itself and reflected in the review of it. If you are personally involved in the review, then to simplify your task, you can find this item in your graduation project and, paraphrasing, include it in the review. Regarding the relevance and novelty, it is enough to write 2-3 sentences.

Brief content analysis

Examples of reviews for manuals and different types of work are very different. A brief analysis is another important point in which the main idea of ​​the entire project will be displayed. What was the essence of the work, what was its purpose and what results did the author plan to achieve. It is also necessary to include information about whether the goal set by the author was achieved, what ideas were implemented in the course of the study.

For example, the author has carried out serious work to explore the possibilities of using modern IT technologies in teaching French. New learning tools have been proposed to help develop reading, speaking, listening and writing skills. The goal is to create a set of exercises using modern technologies has been reached.

Job Benefits

There are many examples of reviews of research programs and dissertations from professors and directors of various enterprises, where this point is described rather dryly, since the reviewer was not particularly enthusiastic about the project. If the student has to write a review on his own, then he gets the opportunity to praise himself properly, describing the positive aspects of his research and its advantages in all its glory. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise you will only achieve that the commission will overwhelm you with questions on defense and create a lot of problems.

Disadvantages of coursework or diploma

And here the difficulties can begin. Indeed, who wants to slander himself and reflect any shortcomings of his own project? It will still have to be done. It is unlikely that it will be possible to objectively describe the problems and shortcomings. It is better to rely on the flaws that were identified by your supervisor. Consult with the supervisor or practice leader, who, if not them, knows best what are the shortcomings of your qualifying work?

The main thing is to feel the edge and do not write too much about yourself. Being too critical of yourself can lead to a dead end and completely deprive you of the opportunity to speak on defense.

The practical value of the study

If you look at examples of writing reviews for a thesis, you are unlikely to find this item there. Usually, the practical value of the research is indicated only if it is a candidate's work or dissertation. Nevertheless, if there is such an item in your project, then this must be mentioned. Of course, it is not enough to indicate the fact of practical value, the reviewer is obliged to express his position and say how exactly the work performed can be useful.


Evaluation of work should be of a general and particular nature. This means that the reviewer must fully evaluate the entire work and each individual chapter.

The overall score includes things like correct design and the proportionality of each chapter and paragraph, the consistency of the material, the presence of well-constructed conclusions for each part. The presence of professional terms, applications, images, tables, histograms and other visual accents.

The second chapter evaluates how deeply the topic has been studied, how qualitative the analysis was carried out by the author, what conclusions were drawn as a result. All activities of the student in collecting and processing information from sources, statistics, interpretation of the data obtained are signed in this paragraph.

The third chapter describes the possibility practical application those recommendations that the student gives in his work. Ideas that were implemented during undergraduate practice. specific proposals and ready-made options their use in real life and work. This part may be included in the second chapter if it is practical.

Making a review

If you look at the examples of reviews for term papers or dissertations, it becomes clear that they are visually designed in the same way as the thesis or dissertation itself. Requirements:

  • font - Times New Roman;
  • font size - 14 points;
  • page margins - 2 centimeters;
  • headers and footers - page number centered at the bottom.


How to write a review? The easiest way to do this is based on a specific job. Below is one sample that you can focus on.


For the final qualifying work on the topic "Using IT-technologies in teaching French" student Ptitsina Elizaveta Sergeevna.

The relevance of the presented work is determined by a number of factors. Among them are the need to meet the level of education with the new requirements that are imposed on graduates, and the widespread dissemination of IT technologies that affect various spheres of life.

Ptitsina E.V. processed a large amount of information, including scientific papers and textbooks. The methodological and theoretical foundations are on high level. The information presented in the thesis has a clear sequence, is structured and presented in accordance with the scientific style. The volume of the thesis is 97 pages, including 4 appendices, 7 figures, 2 tables and 5 diagrams.

In the first chapter, the author spent a deep and detailed analysis theoretical information on the chosen topic. The very concept of IT technologies, the main aspects and problems of teaching French are revealed in detail. The methodology for analyzing the effectiveness of the use of IT technologies in education has also been determined.

The second chapter defines the features of education in a secondary school. The author presents a description of the work of the school and proposes an experiment to identify the effectiveness of the training program he proposed. The tools that were used during the practice are described. A set of lessons has been prepared using modern IT technologies. The author analyzed the work done and provided specific data on improving the effectiveness of training using IT technologies.

The student showed the ability to correctly express his thoughts. The formulated conclusions have a strong justification and can be used in practice. Serious shortcomings in the work were not found. It is made in accordance with the requirements of GOST. The recommended rating is "excellent".

This example of a paper review (term paper or thesis) is slightly simplified, but can be used in conjunction with more detailed reviews.

Before writing, it is necessary to read the final work again. Check it for compliance. Check out some examples of dissertation reviews. As a result of the check, you need to check the uniqueness of the project again and re-read the finished review several times.

Review - brief analysis thesis, which reflects its relevance, features, advantages, disadvantages. The review evaluates your work. It is important that it be positive and, at the same time, objective. Members of the commission must believe that it was written by a person who has nothing in common with you or your supervisor.

Who writes a dissertation review?

Reviewed by reviewer.

Ideally, this should be a person who has a diploma in your specialty (or better, a scientific degree). He should not work in the same department as your supervisor.

How to find a reviewer?

Everything is simple. If you are writing a thesis based on a study that was carried out at an enterprise, a review can be made by the head of the organization. You can use the help of a senior manager or assistant (deputy) head. If you wrote a thesis based on someone else's scientific papers, research on a work of art, the media, or other sources of information to which free access is possible, it will be more difficult to find a reviewer. In this case, you can contact the representative of the company in which you had an internship during the training. In extreme cases, to your supervisor - a loyal teacher will definitely help with the search for a specialist.


As a rule, potential reviewers are reluctant to read student papers and do detailed analysis. Do not rely on a detailed and good review. At best, the reviewer will agree to leave his signature. And that is what is usually required.

You will have to write it yourself or provide it to a specialist. He will leave his signature and the problem will be solved.

It's easier said than done. Writing a dissertation review is a difficult task. Especially if you are doing it. On the one hand, who knows the advantages and disadvantages of a work better than its author? On the other hand, students usually do not write reviews, and this work is new to most graduates. And even an experienced author cannot always change the style of presentation so that the commission does not suspect a forgery.

But who are we kidding. Self-writing a review of a thesis is a common thing, and many universities do not pay attention to authorship. It doesn't matter who wrote it, it's more important who signed it.

How to write a review for a thesis?

The easiest and cheapest way is to write a review of the thesis yourself and bring it to the reviewer for evaluation. He will sign and, if necessary, assure in the personnel department. It is important that the review:

- was designed in a different style (however, this is a moot point);
— met the requirements for registration and had a clear structure;
- contained a full analysis of the thesis.

A review is not a review and not, and it is definitely not worth writing it in free form. We'll start with the form.

Making a review of the thesis

So, you need to write 1-2 pages of text in Times New Roman (14 pt) with one and a half line spacing. It will come out about 2000-3000 characters without spaces (you can check the Word statistics if you are interested in the volume).

At the top center, write "REVIEW" (in capital letters).

For the final qualifying work of a student of the faculty ... of the specialty "..." Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich, performed on the topic: "...".

  1. Introduction
  2. Main part
  3. Conclusion

Then we leave information about the reviewer. So we write:


Ph.D ( chief director OOO "…")

__________Petrov P.P.

Before the name, leave a place for the signature.

The content of the thesis review

There is nothing complicated with the design. The question is different - how to write the review of the thesis itself. Let's go through the points.

1. Introduction

Large introductions are not required. Very briefly, in one or two sentences, describe what exactly relevant work for the field of knowledge or field of activity to which the study is devoted. This can be seen in the introduction to the thesis itself.

2. Main body

Here is the actual analysis of the thesis. We start with:

a) general assessment - we tell whether the presentation is logical, whether the chapters are proportionate, whether there are conclusions in each chapter, whether there are enough applications and illustrations, whether the style is observed;

b) assessments of each chapter:

- in the first, we evaluate the presentation - style, structure, consistency, the actual wording;
- in the second, we note the quality and depth of the analysis materials collected, logic of conclusions;
- in the third, we analyze the practical benefits of the study, note how the conclusions and recommendations of the author helped in reality (you can write that the conclusions made by the author were tested in the company).

3. Conclusion

Here we make a general final assessment, briefly describing the advantages and disadvantages of the work. At the end we put an assessment (on a five-point scale). For example:

The final qualification work of Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich meets all the requirements, is admitted to the defense and deserves the grade "...".

You can rate yourself after objective analysis. If you feel that the work frankly does not even reach “good”, it is better not to put “excellent” in the review. On the other hand, modesty is not always beautiful, and even if there are small flaws in your work, give yourself "excellent". This will be another argument in favor of the real five.

The advantages and disadvantages should be discussed separately. When describing benefits, try to be specific. For example, instead of:

Qualifying work has a clear structure and is useful in this field of activity.

indicate that:

The paper presents detailed theoretical information, a well-conducted analysis, and clear recommendations are given:(here you can list which ones).

General phrases should be avoided in any case.

Be sure to list the shortcomings. Try to objectively approach the evaluation of the work, but being overly self-critical in this case is harmful. You can indicate some little things that will not seriously affect the assessment. For example:

There are not enough graphs in the work, there are stylistic errors, in the theoretical part there are not enough footnotes to the sources of information. However, these shortcomings do not have a significant impact on the quality of work and conclusions.

Style features of the review of the thesis

What to write about, you already know. Now - about how, in fact, to write a review of the thesis. What style should be followed, what should be avoided, what mistakes are unforgivable.

Let's go from the opposite.

Review should not to be:

  1. Sustained in a colloquial, journalistic, official business style. God forbid you use the language of fiction. Forget about metaphors and epithets. Your choice is scientific style. In fact, writing in it is not difficult if you have worked on your thesis on your own.
  2. Not specific. We all know how to pour water. What are only the introductions to scientific work! But, as they say, what is allowed to Zeus is not allowed to the bull ... Eminent scientists are forgiven even biographical remarks. If it's in place. It is forgivable even for an inexperienced student. But the reviewer is not. Alas. Be specific and avoid generalities.
  3. Too difficult to read. The scientific style does not oblige you to build cumbersome half-page sentences, use participles and participle turnovers through the word, to crush terminology and muddy the waters in other ways.

If you are writing for someone specific (for example, the director of an enterprise), use the Stanislavsky method. Imagine yourself as a director, enter into his shoes, believe that he is you. And write the way he would write. Perhaps without scientific terminology. Possibly with splashes formal business style. Write the way he would write. But do not overdo it: defending a diploma is not an entrance exam to GITIS.

Should I order a dissertation review?

It does not matter at all whether you write the review yourself or delegate it to a student lancer. In this case, you definitely will not suffer from pangs of conscience. Moreover, someone else's view will be much more useful to you and more interesting than the commission.

To get a high-quality review, make sure the studentlancer is qualified and provide him with the thesis itself. Do not be afraid for the uniqueness of the work - professionals do not steal other people's research. Be afraid to get "water" instead of a review. And you will get it if you do not provide the text of the study itself.

A review of a diploma is a mandatory document, without which a graduate is not allowed to defend. The reviewer is a certified specialist in your specialty. It is better if he has a Ph.D. or Ph.D. Also, he should not work with your supervisor in the same department or in the same unit (department). As a rule, the student himself has to write a review of a thesis, since a rare reviewer pays due attention to the diploma. He simply signs the finished review and certifies it in the personnel department of his organization.
Therefore, if you are a student, our advice on writing a graduation review will be useful to you.
Consider what is usually indicated in it.

What should be in a review?

The relevance of the topic of your project, the importance and relevance of solving the tasks
As a rule, this is the least informative part of the review of the thesis. The defense commission may not even read it out, moving on to more important points.

Compliance with the topic and content of the work of the declared specialty
Even if your thesis draws on a candidate's thesis, but the topic does not correspond to the specialty stamp, you may simply not be allowed to defend, which will be reflected in the review of the diploma.

Advantages and disadvantages of the thesis
Regardless of whether the reviewer likes your thesis project or not, he must indicate in the review both its advantages and disadvantages. It is usually customary to indicate at least two or three advantages and disadvantages.
If the thesis is generally good, then usually at the end they write: “Despite these shortcomings, the work deserves an “excellent” rating.”

The correctness of the work

The general literacy (spelling, punctuation) is assessed, the absence of errors, typos, stylistic mistakes is noted. This also includes the design of figures, tables, references, bibliography, content.
The review can also evaluate the visual quality of illustrations and diagrams. Therefore, it is better not to add photographs of schemes from books to the diploma.

Completeness of disclosure of the problem
Here it is assessed whether the tasks were solved and the goals that the student set as part of the graduation project were achieved.

Correctness of research methods and conclusions
Reasoning and calculations (if any) must be objective and fully solve the tasks.

Practical value of the obtained results, prospects for their application in applied fields
The results can be implemented in production, in industry, or in educational process, for example, within readable training courses. The review of your work gives specific recommendations and a list of enterprises where the student had an internship, for the subsequent implementation of developments and results.

Conclusion of the reviewer on the conformity of the work of the specialty and its assessment
At the very end, the review reads something like this: “The work of Ivan Pavlovich Petrov on the topic “Forecasting Strategies for the Behavior of Securities Market Participants” is a completed graduation project, corresponds to the declared specialty, deserves an “excellent” rating, and its author, Ivan Pavlovich Petrov, is awarded qualification degree "Master of Economics".

Many graduates apply for admission to graduate school, so it is especially important for them that the review of the thesis contains recommendations for their enrollment. Usually a graduate student is presented to the department as a young engineer, prone to research and budding.

For example, consider the following review:


for the diploma work of the student Sergeev A.V.
majoring in "Automation of technological processes and production"
Faculty of Industrial Energy.

Topic: "Development of a static converter for the electric train power supply system".

Sample essay review

The diploma project is devoted to solving an important problem: the development of a static converter for auxiliary needs for electric trains direct current instead of electric.

The introduction of a static converter with improved energy and weight and size indicators, reduced costs for Maintenance and repair, will increase the reliability of the electric train.

In the graduation project, the selection of the power circuit of the converter and the calculation of its elements were carried out, control systems and the design of the converter were developed. Calculations and developments are performed at a good engineering level, but there are several minor remarks:
- when calculating the number of serial thyristors of the inverter, the level of non-repetitive voltage must be taken into account, as well as the necessary margins in case of breakdown of one thyristor;
- when choosing specific types of converter elements, it is necessary to focus on thyristors with higher performance and capacitors produced by the domestic industry.

The diploma deserves high marks, and student Sergeev A.V. – assigning him the qualification of an electromechanical engineer.

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor,
Leading Researcher of Obrazets LLC Soloviev A.G.
(Date, signature and seal)

Other samples and reviews

In the archive of our site there are more materials and examples of how to write reviews, etc.:

Review (review) of the thesis. Review example

More and more applicants who have graduated from schools, lyceums, colleges and colleges are striving to get higher education. Everyone has their own reasons for that. It seems to a freshman, passing the first winter session, that it is still so far before writing a graduation project and defending it, but the years fly by in an instant and you already have a thesis written by yourself. You may have used the thesis order service. asking your fellow students where to order a thesis. It's already over, there's not much left. It is required to make a review of the thesis project. There are two options here. The first - the graduating department assigns a reviewer from the teaching staff to the graduate; the second - the student independently agrees, more often with the employee under whose supervision the pre-graduation practice took place. Here the department is determined, what rules apply for reviewers for a thesis. We will consider both cases and provide an example for each. After all, the content of the reviews is slightly different. We will write how to write a review from a teacher and from an enterprise.

It is no secret that reviewers leaf through the work, but they themselves do not write the text of the review with their own hands. It takes 1-2 pages. standard sheet and it is compiled by the author of the thesis.

Let's look at the first example of a review written by a teacher of the same university where the graduate student is studying.





for the thesis of a student of the 5th (6th) course, full name, group No. ... of the faculty ... in the specialty 030731 "Jurisprudence". Topic: "….".

Reviewer Full name, candidate (all other academic titles, positions, in full).

The thesis submitted for review is made on 74 sheets of A4 format.

The thesis raises problems ... The task, as well as the content of the work, meets the main goal and shows the level of preparedness of the student in his specialty. He processed a significant amount of theoretical material. This was done, judging by the work at a distinctively high level. The material is presented in a logical manner. The thesis fully meets the conditions and scope of the task. The structure of the thesis…

The full name chose a very relevant topic for today's modern Russian realities. The relevance of the topic is determined by the fact that ... The author of the thesis study correctly identified the typical problems that were raised in this work.

The thesis fully disclosed issues related ...

The paper presents reasonable conclusions using reliable practical material. The results of the research that the author conducted in this paper can be applied ...

In the thesis, technical / methodological / economic issues are correctly stated, ... The illustrative material is of high quality.

A distinctive feature of the work... The diploma student, having worked through a large amount of information, studied and identified the most acceptable algorithm... The work is framed quite well, technical literacy is observed.

In the work, I noticed minor ... (minor errors in the design, insufficient research ..., insufficiently stated theoretical or practical sources). In general, they do not significantly affect the general idea of ​​this work.

The submitted work is of significant scientific interest and may good start and the basis for a student who wants to continue research on the topic of a Ph.D. thesis. (This phrase is written for those wishing to continue their studies in graduate school).

Full name of the reviewer, his scientific and all other titles.

Signature stamp.

An example of a review provided by the enterprise.

Review of the thesis on the topic ...

The principal… confirms that the student’s full name… doing the thesis on the basis of OOO… the following algorithms have been developed…

The development proposal provides for the LLC enterprise ... practical value ... can be implemented in ...

Among the developments and proposals made, it should be noted ...

An example of a dissertation review

Andrey Nesterov. 5.11.2010

Examples of reviews for the thesis are presented. It should be noted that the review of the teacher differs from the review from the enterprise. Below are examples of reviews from the supervisor and from the curator at the enterprise.

The review of the thesis work is written in the form official document which is attached to the thesis. The review should contain an assessment of the thesis, supported by a brief analysis of its advantages and disadvantages.

An example of a dissertation review from a supervisor

The relevance of the topic of the student's thesis ... lies in the formulation of the problem. In addition, an assessment of its impact on

The novelty of the thesis is to substantiate the need. Including innovative approaches to

The thesis presents a study.

The practical part of the thesis is based on.

Received as a result. conclusions allow a positive assessment of the thesis.

The merits of the thesis include the following:

  • Firstly, a deep analytical work has been done on.
  • secondly, they are offered.
  • thirdly, the results obtained.
  • The results obtained from the study allow. which is of particular importance for

    Deserves special attention.

    However, the following shortcomings of the thesis should be highlighted.

    In view of the foregoing, the thesis deserves appreciation.

    An example of a review of a thesis from a manager at an enterprise

    Review of the thesis on the topic.

    Gene. LLC director. confirms that she is a student. during the performance of the thesis on the basis of LLC. activities have been developed.

    The developed proposals are of practical value for LLC. and can be applied within.

    It should be noted that the student showed good level preparation and successfully applied their knowledge in practice.

    Among the proposed proposals, it should be noted:

  • Development of a new system.
  • Development of the mechanism.
  • Development of a special program.
  • Efficient investment in.
  • Review of the thesis (Review of the thesis)

    Finally, the most difficult six months of student life have passed - your graduation project has been checked by your supervisor and is ready to be submitted to the department.

    In order for your work to be admitted for defense at the State Examination Commission, you must submit the following documents along with the results of the study (in our case, a thesis):

    Internal review of the thesis of the supervisor

    AT this document the teacher who supervised the implementation of your diploma is general characteristics work, its relevance, the degree of research on the topic, the independence of fulfilling the goals set, the correspondence of the content in the text to the titles of sections and subparagraphs. Sometimes the teacher may note some negative aspects of the work, such as: insufficient amount of work or, conversely, its excess, incorrect structure of the work (different volumes of subparagraphs), use of outdated literature, failure to meet the requirements of the supervisor, and more. It is no longer worth trying to correct such remarks, because it is rare when a student can perfectly complete a diploma and the teacher will not find flaws. At the end of the document, the teacher recommends the work for a positive, good or low grade.

    External review of the thesis

    This Diploma Supplement is very similar to an internal review. It differs in that an independent candidate or doctor of science writes his opinion about the work. This may be a teacher from another department, university, or a person with a scientific degree who has the opportunity and desire to familiarize himself with your research. If you had an internship and, on the basis of the data obtained, completed a diploma, then in this case, the review is made by the head of the practice base. It is possible to additionally draw up a certificate on the implementation of the results of scientific research in the activities of the base enterprise, institution or organization. Reviewer composes brief description Your project outlines the positive and negative points of the job. The final word is a recommendation for a high or low rating. Therefore, it is very important to make all corrections on work in the process of writing a diploma, listen to the recommendations of the supervisor and complete everything on time in order to get good review for your graduation work. And from this, in turn, will depend on your overall score on the defense. Without the above documents, the thesis will not be allowed to be defended.

    The general structure of a thesis review

    Like any article, the review should contain an introductory, main part and conclusion. Usually one page per volume is sufficient. The basic structure is this:

  • Title. The title of the topic of the thesis, the name and surname of the student, group number and faculty.
  • The relevance of the topic under study
  • Evaluation of the structure of work. To what extent the content of sections and subsections corresponds to the names of the points of the plan
  • Brief description and evaluation of each section
  • Advantages and disadvantages in work
  • Practical significance
  • Recommended Reviewer Score
  • Date, initials, position and signature of the reviewer
  • An example (sample) of a thesis review

    for a master's thesis on:

    "Your Thesis Theme"

    prepared to receive

    educational and qualification level "specialist / master"

    Student's full name

    Group No.

    This topic of the thesis is very relevant due to the fact that the rapid development information technologies contributed to the emergence of a new type of crime - computer, and the transition to methods electronic control technological processes emergence of a new type of terrorism - cyberterrorism. Cyberterrorism became possible thanks to the emergence and development of the global information space.

    In the first chapter, the author gives a theoretical description of cyber security as a component of ensuring the information security of the state. Exploring this issue, the author introduces us to the essence of cybersecurity, objects and subjects, and the main sources of threats. Analyzes in detail the concept of cyberterrorism as a threat to the information sovereignty of the state. The author also studies the regulatory and legal support of cyber security of the leading countries of the world.

    In the second section, the author carries out a rather deep analysis of the legal features of ensuring cyber security at the international level. In addition to the study of legal guarantees for combating cybercrime, the development of a cybersecurity system in the activities of the UN and the legal regulation of the fight against cybercrime in the European Union, the author also focuses on cyber intervention at the international level and on international cooperation in the fight against cybercrime.

    The third section is devoted to the study of current problems and prospects for ensuring cybersecurity in Ukraine and in the world. In addition to identifying the problems of assessing the current level of information security in Ukraine, the author defines political and legal strategies for ensuring cyber security in the system of national and international security and modern tendencies ensuring cybersecurity at the international level.

    As a result of this study, the author conducted a study of the international legal aspect of cybersecurity, identified the problems of assessing the current level of information security in Ukraine and indicated current trends in ensuring cybersecurity at the international level. Given this, we can assume that almost all issues that relate to the topic have been studied at the proper theoretical and practical level.

    The positive side of this work is complex analysis the international legal aspect of cybersecurity, indicating not only the problems of assessing the current level of information security, but also determining the prospects for ensuring cybersecurity in Ukraine and in the world.

    This work contains some shortcomings, such as the small volume of the first section and the insufficient number of titles in the list of sources used. These shortcomings are insignificant and do not affect the overall assessment of the thesis.

    The thesis work of the student is made in accordance with the recommendations and requirements for the design of diploma works of universities. The work has a logical presentation of the analysis, the text in the study is fully consistent with the titles of the sections.

    In my opinion, the work should be admitted to the defense with a high positive assessment.

    &bull samples &bull examples

    A thesis review is a document that contains an assessment of your thesis. Without a review, you will not be allowed to defend. The review contains a brief analysis of the thesis. the degree of its compliance with the existing requirements of final qualification works: advantages and disadvantages are revealed, etc. To successfully pass the thesis, you need such a review. which will create the most favorable impression among the members of the certification committee.

    Reviewer: who is he?

    The reviewer of the thesis is a certified specialist in the specialty you have chosen. The reviewer should not work in the same department with your supervisor. A big plus is that your reviewer has a Ph.D. or Ph.D. degree. As a rule, the review is written by the heads of enterprises, institutions (their assistants) with whom you underwent undergraduate practice. In this case, the thesis. as a rule, it is written on the example of the activity of this organization, or practical materials of the activity of this enterprise (institution) are widely used in it. In this case, your final qualifying work will be evaluated by a specialist, signed and certified by the seal of the organization. You will only have to pick up a review of the thesis and go to prepare for the defense.

    In fact, more often than not, you have to write the review yourself. You are asked to come with a finished review, after which the reviewer will sign and certify it in the personnel department.

    How to write a review?

    You should not have any special problems in writing a review of a thesis paper on your own. You, like no one else, know all the advantages and disadvantages of your work.

    A general recommendation when writing a review of theses is to avoid general phrases such as: very good thesis, the student did a great job, decided difficult task, the author showed himself as a true specialist, made a number of proposals that practical value etc.

    Conventionally, the review can be divided into a title, introductory, main part and conclusion.

    The main part is the analysis of individual elements of the thesis and the identification of its advantages and disadvantages (it takes up most of the review of the diploma).

    Conclusion - conclusion on the thesis: admitted or not to the defense and assessment (the shortest part of the review). The final part of the review of the thesis ends with the signature of the reviewer and the seal of the organization.

    Thesis review: content requirements

    The volume of the review of the thesis is 1-2 pages of printed text on an A4 sheet. Font Times New Roman14 pt, line spacing - one and a half). The word REVIEW is written in the center of the page in capital (capital) letters.

    Plan of review (review) for the thesis

    The review of the thesis has the following structure (it is usually the same):

    1. Title: Theme of the thesis, faculty, Surname I.O. student, group number.
    1. The relevance of the topic of the thesis for a certain field of activity (for example, in the field of industry, economics, art, for the field of personnel management, in operational-search activities, for the marketing activities of an enterprise, etc.)

    Example: very briefly (1-2 sentences) indicate the relevance of the topic of the thesis. It is indicated by you in the introduction to the thesis.

    1. Evaluation of the quality of the thesis:

    A) General assessment: proportionality of chapters and paragraphs of the final qualification work, logic presentation of the material, the presence of capacious conclusions of the author of the thesis in each of its structural parts, the use of professional terminology, the availability of applications. illustrations (drawings, tables, diagrams), etc.

    Example: Ivanov. A.A. processed enough a large number of scientific material, at a high theoretical and methodological level, a study was made of the features and methods of economic evaluation of the effectiveness of _____ activities. The material in the final qualification work is presented in compliance with the internal logic, a logical relationship is traced between the sections.

    B) According to the I chapter of the thesis: the level of the scientific style of presentation of the theoretical part, the ability to correctly formulate one's opinion on the problem under study

    Example: the author of the final qualification work showed an excellent level of knowledge of theoretical positions on the chosen research topic, showed the ability to formulate his own point of view (theoretical position) based on an analysis of the opinions of various scientists in this field.

    According to the II chapter of the thesis: the depth and quality of the analysis practical materials, the correctness of the conclusions

    Example: Ivanov A.A. analyzed practical problems management of the organization, a deep (justified) analysis of the available publications of domestic and foreign scientists in the field of economics and management is presented, statistics are given on the activities of specific Russian organizations for last years. The student identified significant problems that became the basis for the development of practical recommendations by the author of this study.

    According to the III chapter of the thesis: the opportunity to use in practice the recommendations of the proposal on the topic under consideration.

    Example: the author of the thesis calculated specific ways to eliminate the identified problems and made multifunctional (universal, comprehensive) proposals for optimizing business planning in the management of this organization. The practical recommendations proposed by A. A. Ivanov were tested (tested) in our institution (company, enterprise) and showed their high importance for the sphere of personnel management of the organization

    C) General final assessment: advantages and disadvantages of the thesis

    assessment of work by a reviewer

    4. Name of the I. O. reviewer, position, scientific degree, signature, seal of the organization.


    Regarding the shortcomings, you can write the following:

    There were no significant shortcomings in the thesis work. Minor shortcomings of the thesis were revealed: insufficient illustrative materials, graphs, the style of presentation is not consistent everywhere, etc. However, the shortcomings found do not affect the quality of the study on this issue.

    An example of a review of a thesis (sample)

    For the final qualifying work of a student of the Faculty of Economics of the specialty Accounting, analysis and audit Kasatkina Natalya Vladislavovna, performed on the topic: Accounting and analysis financial results enterprises on the example of LLC Vladivostok-tour.

    The final qualification work of Kasatkina N.V. accounting, analysis and audit excite the management of any enterprise. The author has developed recommendations for improving the accounting procedure and increasing the profits and profitability of Vladivostok-tour LLC, which undoubtedly deserves special attention.

    Kasatkina N. V. processed a large amount of scientific material, studied the problems of accounting, analysis and audit at a high theoretical and methodological level. The material in the final qualification work is logically structured, written in a scientific style of presentation. The volume of the final qualifying work is 111 pages, including 16 applications (10 figures and 6 tables).

    In the first chapter of the thesis, the author carried out a fairly detailed and qualified analysis of the theoretical foundations of accounting for the financial results of an enterprise. The concept, main aspects and normative regulation of accounting of the financial results of the enterprise's activity are disclosed in detail. The goals and methodology for analyzing the financial results of the enterprise LLC Vladivostok-tour have been determined.

    In the second chapter of the work, the features of accounting for the financial results of Vladivostok-Tour LLC are revealed. The author of the final qualifying work presents a brief technical and economic characteristics of Vladivostok-Tour LLC. Accounting for financial results is clearly separated from ordinary activities and other transactions. The procedure for the formation and accounting of the final financial result is analyzed.

    The third chapter of the WRC presents a deep analysis of the financial results of activities, an analysis of the formation of the enterprise's profit, an analysis of the profitability of the enterprise Vladivostok-Tour LLC. Recommendations have been developed to improve the accounting procedure and increase the profit and profitability of the enterprise.

    The author of the final qualification work showed an excellent ability to formulate his own point of view on the problem under consideration. The conclusions formulated in the work are sufficiently substantiated and can be used in practical activities. There were no significant shortcomings in the thesis work.

    The final qualifying work of Kasatkina N.V. was completed in full in accordance with the requirements, recommended for defense and deserves an excellent rating.


    Chief Accountant of LLC Vladivostok Tour

    Gayvoronskaya T.V.

    (Signature) (full name)

    Review (review) of the thesis example

    for the final qualifying work (project),

    performed by a student receiving distance education at the UNIK Institute at the Faculty of Journalism, Zinaida Sergeevna Gromova,

    At present, the observance of copyright is the main task of the entire literary society. Behavior within professional ethics in implementation professional activity by the author, orientation to moral norms, rules of decency are considered inalienable attributes of the profession of a journalist. Graduation work Gromova Z.S. helps to understand the causes of copyright infringement, the consequences of the deed, makes recommendations to avoid cases related to plagiarism.

    Gromovoi Z.S. components were identified that determine the tendency of the future journalist to borrow other people's ideas, plagiarism. She conducted a survey among the employees of the Vega magazine and fifth-year students of the UNIK Institute. Distance learning students took part in an online survey, where they were asked questions that allowed them to determine not only their attitude to borrowing other people's work, but also to identify their propensity for such activities. The results of the research were indicators that make it possible to judge the moral development of each student and employee, the tendency to plagiarism.

    Gromova Z.S. put forward a number of positions, the observance of which will help to avoid cases of copyright infringement, starting from the student bench and ending with the professional activities of a journalist. Her work has made an undeniable contribution to the creation of a favorable creative environment for Vega magazine.

    Graduation work Gromova Z.S. consists of 110 sheets of text written in a scientific style, in compliance with the logic of presentation. There are 7 applications containing a questionnaire, 5 tables and 6 diagrams.

    Chapter one of the WRC is devoted to a theoretical analysis of the problem. Gromova S.Z. described in detail the state of modern journalism in Russia, pointing out the advantages and disadvantages of its development.

    Chapter two of the WRC is devoted to identifying the causes of copyright infringement in the journalistic environment. Gromova S.Z. considered several cases revealing the research problem, suggested ways out of difficult situations.

    In the chapter of the third graduation project Gromova Z.S. presented the results of a survey conducted among fifth-year students and among journalists of the Vega magazine. She recommended provisions for improving the learning process at the Faculty of Journalism, creating partnerships in the Vega magazine, aimed at maintaining friendly relations in the team, mutual respect, and ethical standards of journalism.

    Gromova S.Z. when creating the graduation project, she showed herself as a responsible student, an attentive listener and a polite interlocutor, able to smooth out many problems that arise in the working environment. The result of the project was a competent conclusion, which speaks of the student's ability to highlight the main thing, to focus on the main details. No deficiencies were identified during the audit of the project.

    Performance of WRC Gromova S.Z. fully complies with the requirements, it is recommended for protection, it deserves an excellent mark.


    Chief Director of Vega magazine

    Prokhorov V.V.

    (signature) (full name)

    For you, dear graduate students, we have prepared samples of reviews for the WRC. Thesis review. in our opinion, it should be compiled correctly and characterize your work from the best side. To do this, we have prepared several examples of reviews. who can help you create your own. Use those examples of a review of a thesis. which is presented above.

    For readers of our site, we have prepared 11 examples of reviews of theses on various topics. Download for free: from GdeFile - samples and examples of reviews for the thesis. Download instructions. Download from Yandex disk

    In addition, you can find more examples of reviews from the pages of our website:

    Thesis review, examples and samples

    Before defending it is necessary to obtain a review of the thesis. A review is an assessment of your thesis work, which includes a brief analysis of the work, the degree of its compliance with norms and requirements, as well as descriptions of the merits and demerits of the work. A good review helps to make a favorable impression on the members of the certification committee.

    A reviewer is a person who writes a review of your thesis. As a rule, this is a certified specialist in your specialty. It is very good if he has a degree. The reviewer cannot work in the same department as your supervisor. Usually this is the head of the enterprise where the student had pre-diploma practice. In such cases, the thesis, as a rule, is written on the example of the activity and using the documentation of this organization. A certified specialist must familiarize himself with your work, write a review and certify it with a signature and seal. But practice shows that usually students write reviews on their own.

    Writing a review should not cause any difficulties for the student, as he is the best orientated in the text of the work and knows all its advantages and disadvantages. When writing a review, general phrases should be avoided, such as: the student proved to be a real specialist, did a great job, the results can be widely applied in practice, etc. The volume of the review is usually 1-2 A4 pages (font - Times New Roman, size - 14, spacing 1.5). The heading REVIEW is located in the center of the page without a dot at the end in capital letters. The review should consist of introductory, main and final parts.

    1. The review should have a heading that indicates the name of the student, the group number, the name of the specialty and the topic of the thesis.
    2. This is followed by an introductory part which is a description of the relevance of the research topic. No need to write in detail, 1-2 sentences are enough, which can be taken from the introduction to the thesis.
    3. The main part takes up most of the text of the review. As a rule, individual elements of the work are analyzed in it, indicating all the advantages and disadvantages.

    1) General assessment of the work. Here it should be noted the logic of the presentation of the material, the presence of clearly formulated conclusions for each chapter, the use of scientific terms, the presence of graphs, diagrams, etc.

    Example: Petrov A.A. analyzed a large amount of material and carried out Scientific research evaluating the effectiveness of applying _____ in _____ activities. The presentation of the material in the final qualification work is made in compliance with the logical relationship between building blocks work.

    2) Evaluation of the first chapter. The level of knowledge of theoretical materials is assessed, as well as the ability to express one's own point of view.

    Example: The author of the final qualifying work demonstrated an excellent level of proficiency theoretical concepts, and also formulated his own point of view on the problem, based on the opinions of various scientists in this field.

    3) Evaluation of the second chapter. The quality of the analysis of the material, the correctness of the formulation of problems and conclusions on the problem are evaluated.

    Example: Petrov A.A. a statistical analysis of the data on Russian market in recent years. The publications of Russian and foreign scientists on this issue were also analyzed. The student discovered important problems and made the necessary conclusions.

    4) Evaluation of the third chapter. Suggestions and recommendations on the problem are evaluated, as well as the possibility of their use in practice.

    Example: Petrov A.A. specific ways of optimizing the activities of the enterprise in the field of personnel management have been developed. Data practical advice, proposed by the author of the final qualifying work, were tested at our enterprise and showed their high significance.

    5) General assessment of the work, advantages and disadvantages. Regarding the shortcomings, it can be indicated that they were not identified in the course of the work. Or note minor flaws (not enough illustrations, the style of presentation is not consistent everywhere), but indicate that they did not affect the quality of the study.

    Conclusion. The conclusion contains a general conclusion on the work: is the student allowed to defend the diploma. Next, you should indicate the full name of the reviewer, his position, scientific degree, as well as the signature and seal of the organization.

    student (tk) ___________________________________________________________

    (Full Name)

    Project name _______________________________________________________

      Relevance of the topic


      Evaluate the novelty of the proposed methodological techniques in solving the tasks ______________________________________________________


      Determine the compliance of the content with the goals and objectives


      To note the theoretical training of the graduate, his ability to independently use the acquired knowledge in solving specific problems and those sections of the work that characterize the research abilities of the graduate

      Pay attention to the consistency and clarity of the presentation of the material, the use of the latest achievements in science and technology


      The practical significance of the work _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


    8. General assessment of the work (“excellent”, “good”, “satisfactory”, “unsatisfactory”) and express an opinion on the assignment of the diploma student with the appropriate qualification in the specialty ___________________________________________


    (name of specialty)

    An example of filling out a review

    Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education

    "N. A. Nekrasov Kostroma State University"

    Institute of Economics

    Department of Business Informatics

    Review of the final qualifying work

    student (tki) Ivanov Petr Sergeevich

    (Full Name)

    Project nameInformation security of corporate information systems

    1. Relevance of the topic

    Information security is currently one of the hot topics of our time.

    2. Evaluate the novelty of the proposed methodological techniques in solving the tasks

    The work is based on the latest developments in the field of information security

    3. Determine the compliance of the content with the goals and objectives

    The presented content of the work corresponds to the goals and objectives

    4. To note the theoretical training of the graduate, his ability to independently use the knowledge gained in solving specific problems and those sections of the work that characterize the research abilities of the graduate

    The student showed deep theoretical knowledge in the field of the topic under study and the specifics of the analyzed enterprise

    5. Pay attention to the consistency and clarity of the presentation of the material, the use of the latest achievements in the field of science and technology

    The structure of the work is distinguished by the logical construction and clarity of presentation of the material.

    6. Practical significance of the work

    The results of the study can be used in the practice of the analyzed enterprise

    No significant deficiencies were identified. It is recommended to continue work in the chosen direction of research

    8. General assessment of the work (“excellent”, “good”, “satisfactory”, “unsatisfactory”) and express an opinion on the assignment of the diploma student with the appropriate qualification in the specialty

    The overall assessment of the work is "excellent". The student deserves to be awarded a Bachelor's degree in Business Informatics.

    (name of specialty)

    Seal ______________________ Reviewer's signature

    (certified by the HR department at the place of work)

    APPENDIX 12.

    An example of an act of acceptance for implementation of the results of a graduation project

    "Information systems in accounting and tax accounting"

    We, the undersigned, Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich, Deputy Head of the Settlement Department of OAO Nalogovik, on the one hand, and student Igor Petrovich Sidorov, on the other hand, have drawn up this act of acceptance for implementation of the results of the final qualifying work “Information Systems in Accounting and Tax Accounting” .

    Suggested by the student Information system attached to the duties of the accounting department. Based on this system, strategic decision-making measures are applied according to the generated algorithm.

    Deputy Head of the Settlement Department Ivanov I.I.

    (seal, signature)

    Student of the Department of Business Informatics

    KSU them. N. A. Nekrasova Sidorov I. P.

    APPENDIX 13.

    requirements for multimedia

    escort of WRC defense

    To defend the WRC, the student must prepare a presentation demonstrating the results of the final qualifying work. The presentation can be prepared using any software.

    For demonstration at the defense, the presentation is submitted in pdf format.

    Contents of the presentation:

      Title slide indicating the topic of the WRC, the name of the defender and the name of the leader.

      Slide indicating the object and subject of research.

      A slide indicating the purpose and objectives of the WRC.

      Slides showing the progress of solving the tasks (1-2 slides per task).

      A slide showing the approbation of the work (if any).

      A slide listing publications made on the subject of the WRC and other documents (act of implementation, certificate, etc.).

      The final slide with a brief summary of what was done during the WRC.

    The design style is strict, businesslike. Company logos may be used for illustrative purposes only and not as design elements. Slides should not contain large text blocks.

    The presentation is checked by the student for:

      for the absence of duplicate and empty slides;

      correct display of fonts;

      correct positioning, readability of text blocks;

      readability of information from a distance of 5 meters when using a projector with a resolution of 800x600 pixels and a screen with a diameter of 2 meters.

    The presentation should be printed on A4 sheets, two slides per sheet for each member of the commission.

    10 minutes before the start of protection, the presentation must be copied to a network drive.

    In the course of his report, the student refers to the materials presented in the presentation, not reading them, but using the phrases: "The slide presents ...", "In the table shown on the current slide ...", "As we see in the diagram presented on the slide number...", etc.


    Approximate form of the evaluation sheet (for the chairman of the SAC and members of the SAC)

    Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

    Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Kostroma State University named after N. A. Nekrasov"

    Institute of Economics

    Department of Business Informatics


    for the defense of the final qualification work in the direction

    "Business Informatics"

    Requirements field:

      A graduate should be able to solve problems corresponding to his qualifications.

      Must know: official language Russian Federation - Russian language; be fluent in the language of instruction.

      Own a system of knowledge: about a person as a developing personality, individuality, subject of life; about economic systems, management of enterprises and organizations.

      To be able to select diagnostic methods adequate to economic and managerial tasks and predict the consequences of decisions made.

      Must be ready for professional activities in accordance with fundamental and practical training.

    Requirements field (scores)

    Final assessment of the SAC

    Member of the SAC _________________________ / /

    An example of a form for filling out an evaluation sheet

    (for the chairman of the SAC and members of the SAC)

    Surname, name, patronymic of the student

    Requirements field (scores)

    Final assessment of the SAC

    Ivanova Tatyana Gennadievna

    Member of the SAC _________________________ / /


    The list is not exhaustive. The title of the topics is specified in relation to the type of products under consideration and the geography of the market. The development of the topic is carried out on the example of a specific company or group of companies, which should be reflected in the title (for example: "Development of a marketing campaign to promote electrical products in the Kostroma market").

    3ТСО was calculated for 3 years.

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