Recommended audiobooks popular audiobooks. Rating of the best audiobooks: list, reviews and reader reviews

The buildings 20.09.2019
The buildings

Imagine that World War II was won by Germany and Japan. They divided the world between themselves and their allies. Dick's fantasy has a right to exist. Why not? He is not the only one thinking about this topic. There are no minor characters in the book; each of them is important. They are all links in the same chain. If you pull one, others will follow. There is no description of the world as such. We only learn in fragments...

A group of people, by chance, find themselves far from the world in an old mansion with a not very good reputation. By the way, this premise has become a classic, largely thanks to “The Haunting of Hill House.” And the house does not force guests to languish in anticipation for a long time - here you will find night rustles and knocks, and ominous laughter, and graveyards...

The writer paints before us a world of the future, where everything is arranged to please a person and the house replaces him: a cook, a designer, a car, a friend, a psychologist, a security guard and much more. The day will come when a person will not need to go beyond the boundaries of his home and his whole life will pass in comfortable conditions home of the future that can even fly...

“The Guilty Head” is a novel that actively resists the writing of a review. Well, really, what should I write about? About mixing ingredients? About the pervasive cynicism of humanity represented by travel agents? About the falsity of everything visible with the eyes (remember the advice to close your eyes?)? About the symbols of the Earthly Paradise and the constellation Canis? About the protest against the Government? About...

Scene - different cities and villages of newly independent Nigeria, time - 1960s. The focus is on the fate of two twin sisters Olanna and Kainene. They seemed to have everything for a carefree life: money, fame, prospects. But the first one connects her life with the teacher and begins to teach herself, and...

In 1962, Simak actually described the future (in 30 years) privatization of Russia according to Chubais (buying up!! but what about the people? I don’t care about them, the main thing is to give it away as soon as possible). An alien invasion of Earth, and the invasion attempt is very unusual - the aliens are gradually taking over the earth by buying it up. The main character, journalist Parker Gr...

Romain opens up in a completely new way here. In 1967, he wrote a phantasmagorical novel, a farce, entirely consisting of allusions and symbols. Romain describes in words schizophrenia - bright, flowery, hallucinogenic, delusional. "The Dance of Chingiz Khaim" is a delightful nonsense, a comedy, a game. What to do if you are an ex...

Perhaps Sorokin's best collection of stories. The Great and Terrible Symphony of Food; a grotesque world, oozing food and consuming itself. None of the stories is like the others, and they all reveal the essence of “eating” from some new angle. Of course, Sorokin is largely true to himself in terms of shocking, and to “The Feast” he often...

Imagine, lost in the picturesque hills of Iowa is either a human house, or a galactic station where alien beings make their transfers while traveling around the Universe. This "inn" has its own caretaker. A strange guy from the local earthlings, who was given demons as a gift for his service...

In the third book of Yuri Slepukhin’s series, the reader meets only one familiar heroine - Lyudmila Zemtsova, who was driven to Germany as an “eastern worker” shortly after the occupation of Ensk in the second book. They are somewhere there, in the Soviet Union, most likely, their position is more secure than the position of Lyuda, who continued...

Five years of study have flown by high school. Tatyana and Sergey are making serious plans for the future. But the atmosphere in society is becoming increasingly tense. Tanya feels it. It seems as if everyone is standing at a crossroads, and something significant is about to happen. But for now, everything in life goes on as usual. On Saturday, June 21st...

May the Lord bless everyone who is at sea, and everyone who wants to go to sea, and everyone who does not want to go to sea. Anyway, sooner or later everyone will come to him. This was the short and strange prayer the captain of the beautiful brigantine “Dream” had. Maintaining such a ship is quite expensive, and the captain decides to take on board several times a year...

The heroes of this novel are dark elves. They live underground, it is there that their cities were created and their dwellings were built. The main city described is Menzoberranzan. The mere fact that the events mainly take place in the dungeon already attracts the reader. Following this, the author literally bombards us with the news that the main...

Gary was born in Russian Empire in 1914, emigrated first to Poland, then to France, grew up without a father. The novel “Promise at Dawn” is entirely dedicated to his mother, Mina Ovchinskaya. And it will not leave you indifferent: you will either love this book with all your heart, or you will feel an insurmountable rejection. How about...

A good love story without any power struggles, intrigues, etc. Just a book about the fate of two people who found themselves together against their own will. The heroine arrives from the boarding house to the house of the viscount, to whom her father gave her in marriage. And there is a man - seemingly stern, indifferent and very angry. And these two were brought together by this daddy...

Ilf and Petrov - these surnames are known to almost every resident of our vast Motherland. But still, most people know them as the authors of “12 Chairs” and “The Golden Calf”. Some are also familiar with “One-Story America”. But the book “Extraordinary Stories from the Life of the City of Kolokolamsk”, unfortunately, is known to a very narrow circle...

Vadim Georgievich Reshilov led the usual measured life of a former government representative, until phone call did not take him out of everyday life. Unfortunately (or fortunately for all romantics and computer game lovers), the Zone, through the efforts of poachers and smugglers, is slowly spreading beyond the perimeter.
What is happening to the world? Or are unprecedented adventures a figment of Vadim’s imagination? Literary and film characters, like fragments of images of consciousness, made up a mosaic of a strange reality where the stalker's secret is to be revealed. But won't reality turn out to be an illusion of a fanatic?
The zone can choose you, even if you are far from the stalker lifestyle. Life path unexpectedly turned out, and Vadim Reshilov found himself drawn into the Svyatogor project. The rapid change of events and the hurricane alternation of mise-en-scenes creates the impression of the unreality of what is happening.
What are we faced with: the absurdity of life or a phantasmagoria reminiscent of computer game? It's up to you, listener!

Yes... those who did not serve in the army have lost a lot.
But this is replenishable, since all this is in Seryogin’s books: it is written beautifully
and most importantly it is true.
Someone will say - IT CAN’T BE, but maybe, and not even that!

A NEW sci-fi action movie from the author of the bestselling books “Replay the War!”, “Time Liquidators” and “Blow Up the Past!” Thrown into 1941, where they don’t know the word “misfit,” and aliens from the future are called “WANDERERS,” our contemporaries are replaying the history of the Great Patriotic War. State Security Major Sudoplatov reports to Stalin himself about their raids on the German rear. Their tank destroyer and reconnaissance and sabotage groups inflict irreparable losses on the Nazis. Falling into their ambush, Reichsführer SS Himmler was eliminated. The investigation into the circumstances of his death was entrusted to the head of the V Directorate of the RSHA (Gestapo) Muller. And Stalin transfers the case of the “Wanderers” under the personal control of Beria... Will the “fallen people” be able to escape persecution and break through to their own people across the front line? Will the Soviet leadership believe their information? And what price are they willing to pay for Victory not only over the “rotten fascist evil spirits,” but also over the merciless Time?

Twenty years ago, English archaeologist and millionaire Reginald Kensington disappeared without a trace in the legendary city of Ubar, lost in the Arabian desert. After a mysterious explosion in the gallery founded by Kensington, where treasures from Ubar are collected, scientists discover inside a stone sculpture, split in the explosion, a strange metal part - an exact copy of a human heart. The daughter of an archaeologist sets up a scientific expedition to penetrate the secrets kept by the desert. However, this explosion attracts the attention not only of scientists, but also of an international criminal group seeking to take possession of some mysterious force hidden somewhere in the dungeons of Ubar.

Egor Razin is a mercenary pilot. He kills because he gets paid, but now it's his turn to die. And the only salvation is a dangerous experiment, because of which he finds himself in the epicenter of a war in an unknown place, in an unknown time and with an unknown enemy - necrosis, which destroys reality itself.
“Password: “Eternity”” is the first novel in the fantasy project “Technology” in the “post-apocalypse” genre from the authors of the “S.T.A.L.K.E.R.” series.

“Death to Brudershaft” is the title of a cycle of 10 stories in the experimental “novel-film” genre, designed to combine literary text with the visuality of cinema.
The story “Maria, Maria…” (the seventh of the film) sheds light on the mysterious death of the famous battleship.

Now you can use free time to study English language with the program "English in 1 hour"! And it doesn’t matter whether you are going on a business trip or just on vacation, or communicating with native speakers at your workplace - our program of only 60 minutes is the necessary practical minimum that will allow you to feel confident in any situation in the future.
Short lessons, convenient format, high digital recording quality, pocket phrasebook - all this is the new course "English in 1 hour".

A new fantastic action movie from the author of the best-selling books “Replay the War” and “Wanderers” by Sudoplatov! Having broken through the time line and finding themselves in 1941, our contemporaries set off on a reconnaissance and sabotage raid behind the Wehrmacht’s rear. They will cut off the enemy's most important communications. They will disrupt the transfer German troops to Leningrad and Kyiv. They attack the headquarters of Army Group Center. But not everyone will return from this desperate raid...
Which of the “fallen people” is not destined to “live until dawn”? Who will be buried from the past? And will the missing be able to rise from the dead?

“Death to Brudershaft” is the title of a cycle of 10 stories in the experimental “novel-film” genre, designed to combine literary text with the visuality of cinema.
The story Operation “Transit” (the ninth “film”) tells about the departure from Switzerland in the famous sealed carriage of a personality destined to change the course of Russian history.

Maxim Sukhanov, Daria Moroz and Alexander Klyukvin performed the Master’s immortal work so easily, ironically and cheerfully that it is literally impossible to tear yourself away from the audio version of the novel. You've never heard anything like this before! A magnificent cast, wonderful original music - all the epithets for this audiobook can only be superlatives. Judge it for yourself!

The most basic English language course in the line of courses from the largest American publishing house Living Language. It will help you learn to speak, read and write in English, and will lay the foundation on which you can further improve your knowledge. The modern course "English without problems" is based on effective method, which has been used to train students at the US diplomatic academy since 1960. The first fourteen chapters select the most important and basic elements for beginners to learn English. If you can devote just 30 minutes a day to the course, then within a few weeks you will be able to speak on basic topics and understand what is written.

Our free resource contains a huge number of fascinating and useful audiobooks, among which even the most demanding reader is sure to find something interesting.

It is worth noting that in our library we have collected only high-quality audiobooks that are well recorded and voiced by professional speakers and actors. Thanks to this, you can get maximum pleasure while listening to the book, and also immerse yourself in its plot.

How to choose a book to listen to?

On the site, without registration, in free online access, you can listen to many wonderful works of art of a wide variety of genres: popular science, business, children's books, as well as a lot of other literature.

If you want to find a specific book or author, you can use the convenient site search or go to the section. If you are interested in works of a specific direction, you can visit the section.

But what if you just want to read something interesting, but you don’t have any specific preferences? Especially for this occasion, we have collected the most popular books in demand among readers in this section of our extensive audio library.

What's in the Top 100 section?

When selecting books for the Top 100, we took into account the preferences of our readers. In this category, we have collected only current books of a wide variety of genres. For example, fans will be able to listen to such popular audiobooks as:

There are also many wonderful works that have won the hearts of not only domestic book lovers, but readers around the world:

Naturally, we do not forget about our young book lovers. In the “Top 100” section you can find many wonderful works that kids will simply be delighted with:

Advantages of an audio library website

On the Internet you can now find a wide variety of sites with audiobooks. But our resource compares favorably with many similar portals. Firstly, with us you can read books absolutely free. It's also worth noting that unlike most similar free sites, we provide full versions audiobooks

Secondly, in order to enjoy your favorite works, you do not need to register. You just go to our page and listen to the book you like online.

You can listen to our audiobooks at home from a computer or laptop, as well as almost anywhere else from a phone or tablet, because virtually every modern person has access to the Internet.

So don’t waste time and go to our audio library right now, here we have collected all the best for book lovers!

Audiobooks are just the thing to pass the time. You can listen to such a work while traveling, lying in a hospital, in a place with poor lighting, or simply in any situation when you have free time. To make it easier to figure out what is worth listening to, we have compiled a rating of audiobooks.

Game of Thrones

In first place we will have the “Game of Thrones” cycle. George R.R. Martin's books tell of heroes and lords, magicians, warriors and killers, strange creatures that turn their enemies into horror, and swords made of unusual materials that can kill anyone. In this legend you can learn a lot of interesting things; there is tragedy and betrayal, intrigue and bloody battles nearby - it is an excellent example of modern literature.


In second place classic Venedikt Erofeev “Moscow-Petushki”, dedicated to travel alcoholic on the train. This impressive work was included in our rating for a reason; the best audiobook readers can envy S. Shnurov, who reads it very emotionally.

People who play games

The genre of psychology is also in high demand; the modern reader is trying to understand the peculiarities of his consciousness with enviable tenacity. “People Who Play Games” is a book by Eric Berne, a famous American psychoanalyst. This man is the creator of the theory of transactional analysis.

Guarantee men

Even fairy tales are included in our ranking of the best audiobooks. As you know, any item has a guarantee - that is, it should not fail. According to Eduard Uspensky, small creatures that hide in household appliances. In his “Guarantee Men,” Kholodilin lives in the refrigerator, and Vacuum Cleaner lives in the vacuum cleaner, and in the radio there is a character called News of the Day. This good story will give children a lot of pleasant impressions.

By the great river

When it comes to such a thing as audiobook ratings, science fiction is always present in the leading positions. In the book by Andrei Cruz “U great river"talks about the intersection of worlds, where the ordinary and familiar to us collided with magic and enchantment. At the center of the book is the story of an evil hunter who is faced with serious problems.

Harry Potter

Yes, seven books from JK Rowling are still popular, and listening to the story about a young wizard performed by A.V. Klyukvin is doubly interesting. Throughout the entire saga, a little boy who suddenly learns that he is a magician with a difficult fate grows into a warrior who has to do nothing less than save the world.

Flowers for Algernon

Another classic by Daniel Keyes. Tragic story main character which is a person with developmental delays who, as a result of scientists’ experiments, becomes a supergenius. But the effect of the drug is not permanent - and the smartest person on the planet again returns to its previous state, having only managed to experience happiness for a very short time. Performed by Semyon Yanishevsky, the story becomes especially interesting.


Our rating of audiobooks concludes with Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts. Read by Ivan Litvinov, this story is about a man whose life suddenly went downhill. He commits robberies, goes to prison, escapes from it, becomes a smuggler, meets and loses love - this is a very eventful work that can be listened to in one sitting. No one is surprised by the fact that she succeeded in short term get on the bestseller lists and get a lot of comparisons with the best works of modern authors.

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