Properly water your home orchid. Basic rules for beginners

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The Phalaenopsis orchid belongs to epiphytic plants, therefore it requires a special watering regime. Epiphytes live on the bark of trees and absorb the necessary moisture from the air. The substrate for them must be breathable, and the frequency of watering is adjusted so that the water does not stagnate near the roots, otherwise the root system may rot. Let's talk about these details in more detail.

How to properly water an orchid

The health of the plant is directly dependent on the quality of the water and the frequency of watering. Learn to “feel” your orchid, be attentive to it, then you will be able to avoid mistakes in caring for this beautiful flower.

Orchid roots are very sensitive to water quality. They should not be watered too cold or too hot water, as well as water with a high content of hardness. Salt deposits are easy to see appearance plant pot. If on the edge of the container or pieces of bark protrudes white coating, which means that hard water is used for irrigation.

You can mitigate it in several ways:

  • Boil water. In this case, the soluble calcium and magnesium salts become insoluble and precipitate out. You can use 2/3 of the top layer of water.
  • Prepare melt water. To do this, fill plastic bottle tap water and allowed to partially freeze in freezer. The main part of the salts passes into the water that has not had time to freeze. It is drained, and the ice remaining in the bottle is thawed and used for irrigation.
  • Drop into water at the tip of a teaspoon of lemon or oxalic acid and let it sit for about 2 days. The bottom layer of water is not used.

Important! Chemical water softeners and ion-exchange filters are not used to soften water used for irrigation, since calcium salts are replaced by sodium salts that are harmful to plants.

Water temperature for irrigation should be room temperature or slightly higher. Water heated above 38°C will burn sensitive roots, and too cold will cause them to become cold.

There are many factors that affect the frequency of watering. It is necessary to take into account:

  • the temperature in the apartment, the higher it is, the more often the plants are watered;
  • the volume of the pot and the material from which it is made, the presence or absence of a drainage hole;
  • the size of the root system - the more roots the orchid has and the larger the plant itself, the more water it needs;
  • current time of year: if there is not enough light in the apartment, watering is made more rare.

In autumn and winter, it will be enough to water the plant once a week or even two. In summer, in the heat, Phalaenopsis is watered more often. The frequency of watering can be adjusted up to 2-3 times a week, if necessary. A signal for when to water the plants is the color of the roots of the orchid.

Note! In a dry substrate, the roots become silvery white. If they are green, you do not need to water the orchid yet. The weight of the pot will also say a lot: when the substrate is completely dry, the flowerpot with the orchid becomes light.

For some orchids (Cambria, Miltonia), it is recommended to add high-moor peat to the substrate. This increases the moisture capacity of the soil, so the plants are watered less often compared to those planted in the bark.

The method of watering orchids depends on the method by which it is grown. If Phalaenopsis is grown in closed system without a drainage hole, so much water is poured into the vase so that it covers the expanded clay layer. In the future, the water will gradually evaporate, nourishing the roots of the orchid.

Instances that are grown in the bark can be watered in three ways: pouring, dipping and soaking.

  1. In order to water the orchid by the strait method, it is taken to the bath and the pot is poured with about two liters of settled, slightly warm water. This method allows you to thoroughly moisten the substrate and at the same time remove accumulated harmful impurities and fertilizer residues from the pot. After the excess water drains, the orchids are returned to the windowsill.
  2. Watering by immersion is carried out by placing a flower pot in a basin filled with water for 1-2 minutes. This method is suitable during cool conditions, in which case the bark does not have time to get too wet.
  3. For soaking, a pot with an orchid is placed in a container with settled warm water for 15-20 minutes. During this time, the bark manages to absorb a sufficient amount of moisture. After that, the excess water should be drained and put the flower in its place.

The Vanda orchid is often kept without soil at all in hanging baskets or high glass vases. They are watered with a short soak and the roots of the plants are sprayed daily. Once every 2 weeks, the roots are bathed in warm water for half an hour, and then the orchid is returned to its place.

All types of orchids love a warm shower, which allows you to wash off the dust from the leaves and saturate the plants with moisture. After a shower, be sure to drain the remaining water from the pot, it should not stagnate in the pan. This procedure can be carried out only in the warm season.

On a note! After watering, be sure to remove water from the axils of the leaves and the middle of the outlet. The accumulation of moisture in these places can lead to decay. It is especially dangerous if the middle of the leaf rosette rots, where the growth point is located. In this case, the orchid will not be able to continue its growth, but will simply die.

The only chance for Phalaenopsis to prolong its existence in this case will be the appearance of a basal baby. But, you must admit that the baby is far from mature plant and it will take more work to grow it. Water droplets are removed with a cotton pad or paper towel.

Irrigation Features

Any change in content requires a change in watering. The plant's water needs change, which must be taken into account.

Usually, when watering orchids, they wait until the substrate in the pot dries out completely. FROM blooming orchids everything is a little different. Even if there is still condensation in the pot, you can already water the plant. Such orchids have a much higher moisture consumption, so it is not recommended to allow the substrate to dry completely - otherwise the petals may become sluggish or the orchid will drop flowers altogether.

When watering, you need to be careful: make sure that water does not fall on the peduncles and the flowers themselves. When transporting phalaenopsis to the bathroom, care must be taken not to break the long peduncle with clusters of inflorescences. No wonder the flower stalks are attached to special supports, their weight, together with the flowers, is quite noticeable.

Some experienced flower growers prefer to water the orchid from a watering can during this period, like ordinary flowers - in this case, the risk of accidentally damaging the flower is minimized. Just do not forget to drain the excess water from the pan after 5-10 minutes.

Watering orchids in winter must be coordinated with the length of daylight hours and air temperature. The lower the temperature and the less light, the less often the flower is watered. The fact is that phalaenopsis can fully absorb moisture only at values ​​​​not lower than 18-20 ° C and daylight hours equal in duration to 12 hours. Therefore, in the winter months, the orchid's need for water is reduced.

Only under the influence of light do the stomata on the underside of the leaves open in Phalaenopsis, which causes active gas exchange. In order for the plant to fully develop and grow in winter, it needs to be backlit, but in this case, be careful about watering. Since these are epiphytic plants, it is better to underfill the orchid than overfill it.

In winter, orchids should not be kept on a cold windowsill, otherwise the roots cool and cannot properly absorb water. If you water the plant regularly, and lower leaves lose turgor - place the orchid pot on a foam stand or a special heat-insulating rug. You can help the plant recover by spraying the underside of the leaves in the morning.

When transplanting, orchids are usually planted in a new purchased or self-prepared substrate. Such bark is usually well dried to avoid the appearance of fungus, so the plant pot will need to be soaked for half an hour in warm soft water.

If the first watering is poor, then the bark will not pick up moisture and the roots will remain dry. You can dissolve in water for the first watering a little fertilizer. The next watering should be done no earlier than in 2 weeks, the moisture reserves after a long soaking will be enough for this period.

Watering an orchid after purchase largely depends on the condition of the plant. You can buy a flower in a very dry form, or vice versa, overly moistened, with rotten roots. It happens that the manufacturer puts a peat cup under the root neck so that the moisture is retained by the plant during transportation. If you leave everything as it is, then when watering, the water will be distributed unevenly.

The roots located near the wall of the pot will dry out faster, and a peat cup, saturated with moisture and located near the root neck, can contribute to its decay. Therefore, during transplantation, it is necessary to remove the peat cup, and at the same time all rotten or dried roots.

Orchids are usually sold in bloom, so don't let the plant dry out between waterings. Otherwise, Phalaenopsis will dry out and drop flowers and buds. Place the pot with the plant in a bright warm place and water at the moment when the roots become light, but there is still condensation on the walls of the pot.

Useful advice! Water for watering orchids can also be acidified with high-moor peat. To do this, it is placed in a bag and lowered into water for several hours.

Otherwise, watering plants after purchase is no different from standard home care. Consider the amount of light, the temperature of the content, the size of the plant, and you will quickly be able to find correct algorithm watering your orchid.

Many people think that tropical flowers need a lot of moisture because they grow in hot climates. This is only partly true. Being epiphytic plants, orchids do not come into direct contact with water, they are surrounded by very wet air from which they get everything they need.

If we recall the atmosphere of the tropical forest, then we can note for ourselves the daily temperature drops, periods of drought, followed by tropical downpours. Orchids really like it when there is a cycle in their care. It must be remembered that they need the simultaneous presence a large number moisture, air and light.

Some still manage to make mistakes in watering. And they are as follows:

  • Excessive watering. Wait until the substrate in the pot is completely dry. If you are in doubt about whether it is time to water your orchid, wait another day and only then water it. The consequences of an overflow can be fatal. If the roots start to rot from waterlogging, and you don’t notice it in time, the plant will die or it will have to be reanimated.
  • Watering at night. Any of the orchids is best watered in the morning. During the day under the sun, the plant will have time to dry well, which will avoid mold and rotting of leaves or bulbs.
  • Ignoring the needs of the plant. At different periods of its life, the orchid feels differently. If it does not give new leaves, roots, peduncles, does not grow bulbs, then the plant has come to rest time and abundant watering will not do him good. If the orchid has bloomed or is actively growing green mass, the need for moisture increases.

How to water orchids: video

When buying a tropical beauty, study in advance all the information about the species you want to purchase. Each of them requires its own conditions of maintenance and watering. Learn that the microclimate can be different even within the same apartment. Choose eastern and western window sills for orchids, provide them with regular watering with drying, do not forget to water flowering plants a little more abundant. Then these flowers will bring you not problems, but joy and aesthetic pleasure from contemplating magnificent inflorescences.

Grown at home, need watering and spraying. But it is necessary to use water of a certain quality for this basic agricultural technique. To decide how to water an orchid, you need to find out the chemical composition, that is, check the acidity and hardness of the water - you may have to take measures to soften it. Water enters the plants through the roots, passes inside the shoots, where it participates in metabolism, transport, biochemical processes (including photosynthesis and respiration) and leaves the plant, evaporating through the stomata of the leaves. In the various organs of the orchid, the water content varies widely and varies depending on the species, age and environmental conditions. The hotter the room, the faster the process of evaporation of moisture from the surface of the leaves through the stomata and the slower (until complete cessation) the process of water absorption through the roots. This page details how to properly water and spray orchids at home, as well as what water to use for these purposes.

What water to water orchids at home: quality and temperature

Often tap water is saturated with chlorine, calcium, magnesium and iron salts. During the period of active snowmelt in Moscow water, the taste of chlorine becomes especially noticeable, and the acidity index approaches 9 (we add in parentheses that the quality tap water, for example, in St. Petersburg is almost ideal for watering orchids). Before deciding if you need to improve your orchid water, check its acidity (or pH). The pH value is denoted by the symbol pH. It varies from 1 to 14. The lower the pH value, the more acidic the solution. Neutral solutions have pH = 7, acidic solutions have pH< 7, а щелочные - pH >7. Measure pH for proper watering orchids at home can be done using special paper indicators impregnated with special organic dyes (the so-called litmus papers) or using a pocket ion meter. Depending on the pH value for growing orchids can be classified as follows:
  • pH = 4.0-5.0 - very acidic;
  • pH = 5.0-6.5 - acidic;
  • pH = 6.5-6.8 - slightly acidic;
  • pH = 6.8-7.2 - practically neutral;
  • pH = 7.2-7.5 - slightly alkaline.
The pH of the water, which most orchids need to be watered, should be in the range of pH = 5.5-6.8. In addition to controlling chemical composition You need to control the temperature of the water: watering and spraying orchids is done with water, the temperature of which is 5-10 degrees higher than the ambient temperature. Following this rule will save your plants from the appearance of bacterial rot.

Ways to soften water for watering orchids

Before watering orchids at home, determine another important indicator of the quality of irrigation water - its hardness, which depends on the salt content. If there are few of these salts in the water, it is soft; if there is a lot, it is hard.

Distinguish between temporary and permanent hardness of water. Temporary hardness is determined by calcium bicarbonate Ca (HCO3) and magnesium bicarbonate Mg (HCO3) dissolved in water. Temporary hardness can be reduced by simple boiling, while bicarbonates precipitate and form scale on the walls of the vessel. The permanent hardness of water is determined by the content of sulfates and chlorides of calcium and magnesium in it, it can only be eliminated by distillation, fine purification through filters or chemically. There is a definite relationship between acidity and water hardness. Soft water lacks calcium and magnesium carbonate salts, so it has a slightly acidic reaction. Hard water is usually alkaline. In order to make hard water from a faucet closer in quality to rainforest water, it can be artificially softened. There are several ways to soften irrigation water. In order to get rid of temporary hardness, water can be boiled and defended. Knowing what kind of water to water an orchid at home, you can reduce its hardness, for example, by mixing it with distilled water, or by passing it through a membrane filter, or by immersing a bag filled with red riding peat in a container of water for several hours. Water can be removed from foreign impurities by freezing, after thawing, the sediment is drained.

One of the common ways to soften water for proper watering of orchids is chemical. Organic or inorganic acids are added to irrigation water, which bind calcium salts, and they precipitate into an insoluble precipitate.

As organic, you can use oxalic or citric acid. They are sold as a white crystalline powder, which should be added to water gradually, starting with a quarter of a gram (or 250 mg) per 1 liter, gradually bringing the solution to needed by plants acidity index (pH = 5.5-6.8). At the same time, a precipitate consisting of insoluble salts falls to the bottom of the container, which must be drained through a siphon. The remaining solution no longer contains calcium salts and can be watered with orchids. From inorganic acids to reduce the acidity of hard water, it is better to choose phosphoric acid. How to soften water for proper watering of orchids is shown in this video:

Proper watering and spraying orchids (with video)

Briefly summarize the information on how to properly water orchids at home, as follows:
  • Orchids do not tolerate waterlogging of the substrate; stagnant water in the pot causes the death of the root system. The exceptions are some species from the genus Phragmipedium (Phragmipedium), and other species from the subfamily Orchidoideae, which are best watered from below through drainage holes, placing the pot in a container of water;
  • During active growth, it is necessary to water the orchids contained in the pot culture as the substrate dries out;
  • Shade-tolerant species from the rainforest canopy, as well as species from high altitude cloud forests that do not have thickened pseudobulbs, require regular moistening in medium light;
  • Orchids growing in high temperatures and strong light need more frequent watering than orchids growing in the shade and cool.
  • All epiphytic species with thickened pseudobulbs are able to tolerate short dry periods;
  • Orchids with a good root system during the growth period need weak few roots;
  • The substrate dries out faster in clay pots; in small pots; at higher temperature and light.
Once you figure out how to properly water your orchids, don't forget to spray your plants. How is watering different from spraying? For epiphytes, which are kept with a fully open root system, this is the same thing. They are watered in two ways - by spraying or by soaking. potted plants can be sprayed on the leaves, but you can also water the pot from above or through the drainage holes in the bottom.

The quality of spraying is especially important for plants attached to pieces of bark and having bare, uncovered aerial roots. These plants will receive sufficient moisture only when the root velamen is completely saturated with water.
It is advisable not to spray orchids in direct sunlight, otherwise burns may occur. It is best to spray the plants in the morning and evening, but care must be taken that after evening spraying, water does not accumulate in leaf rosettes and axils of scaly leaves, since a nighttime drop in temperature can provoke the development of dangerous bacterial rot. To stimulate growth and flowering, experienced growers recommend from time to time to arrange orchids hot shower(water temperature approximately 50-60 °C). Here you can watch a video on how to properly water and spray orchids:

Orchids have been at the top of the list of houseplants for several years now. This is the most "gifted" plant. Therefore, often an orchid falls under the care of a person who is very far from floriculture and who has a very vague idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow to grow it correctly. , an orchid is able to grow at home and delight us for many years. This maintenance is simple and hassle free. Minor deviations from the rules of care do not cause significant harm to the plant. But, alas, as sad statistics show, almost half of the donated orchids die after the first flowering. The reasons for this are different, but they are all the result of ignorance of the rules of care or their careless implementation. Absolute leadership among these violations belongs to improper watering.

Orchids cannot be watered like others houseplants! As you know, in their natural environment, orchids grow on the bark of trees, stumps. That is, not in the ground. Therefore, the substrate in which orchids are grown consists mainly of tree bark, and it accumulates moisture very weakly and dries quickly. This misleads its inexperienced owner, provokes the next watering. As a result, waterlogging and problems associated with it.

When and how often to water orchids

Let me clarify first. Among orchids, there is also a pronounced leader - phalaenopsis. It is he who is most often presented as a gift. More exotic ones, and others, are significantly inferior to phalaenopsis in terms of “acquisition and gift”. Therefore, we will consider the rules for watering orchids using his example.
First of all, it should be noted that the frequency of watering orchids at home will depend on factors such as air temperature, humidity, substrate composition, pot volume, life cycle and time of year.
External primary signs of the need for watering orchids are:

  • The roots of the plant have acquired a pale green or white hue. Under normal watering, they should be green.
  • The walls of the pot are dry. If they have even the smallest droplets of moisture, they should not be watered.
  • The orchid pot is very light.
  • You can carefully lower a dry stick into the pot and check the moisture in its depth.
  • With prolonged drying.

Important! Dry pieces of bark on the surface of the pot are not a reason for the next watering.

The frequency of watering also depends on the time of year. Usually in the summer, orchids are watered once a week, but not more than twice a month.

Water for watering orchids

For regular watering, you can not use water taken immediately from the tap. At a minimum, it should be defended. But even this is not enough. Ideally, water for watering orchids should be boiled or passed through a filter. The presence of salts, iron compounds and chlorine in its composition is highly undesirable. To soften the water and make it more suitable for irrigation, you can use peat. To do this, take a handful of riding (sour) peat, wrap it in a napkin and lower it into a container of water (about 3 liters) for 10-12 hours. Oxalic acid is also used to soften water.

Necessarily! Water for watering orchids should be warm.

Watering orchids at home - ways


The most efficient and common way. If possible, purchase a special container for watering orchids that matches the size of the pot of your plant. In fact, this is the same pot, but without drainage holes. When using it, you will avoid floating and tipping over the plant pot. In the absence of such a container, you can use any other container of a suitable size. The orchid pot is lowered into it so that the water level is one centimeter below the top edge of the pot. Usually 10-15 minutes are enough for the substrate to be saturated with moisture. A sign of this will be the appearance of moisture on its upper layer. After that, the pot must be removed from the water and allowed to drain all the moisture. During such irrigation, you can also feed orchids by dissolving fertilizer in water.

Top watering (using a watering can)

This method is also used. But care must be taken when using it. Do not allow water to enter the axils of the leaves. Its accumulation can cause rotting of the orchid leaf. For watering, it is better to use a watering can with a long thin spout. Watering is done in several steps. Water flows until it starts to flow through the drainage holes. Then a break for a couple of minutes, and the procedure is repeated. And so 3-4 times. Drain the water that has flowed into the pan.

Irrigation with running water (warm shower)

This is the case when watering from the tap is allowed. But only if this method is not permanent, but is used only occasionally. Otherwise, a garden watering can should be used. This method of watering orchids is the closest to natural, as it imitates rain. In addition to moistening the substrate and the roots of the plant, dust, possible pests and other muck are washed off the leaves. It also encourages leaf growth. Watering is best done in a bath, but you can put a pot with a plant in a basin if you water with a watering can. Water for irrigation should be warm, sometimes even hot 40-50 degrees are used. Watering the orchid continues until the substrate is saturated with moisture. After that, the water from the pot is allowed to drain and the orchid is left in a shaded place for 30-40 minutes. Then be sure to wipe the leaves with a dry cloth, but the main thing is to remove all moisture from the leaf axils.

Root spraying

This method is unlikely to be useful to beginner growers. It is used for orchids that are grown open way without the use of a substrate. In this case, a spray gun with a very fine spray of water is used. With his help, the roots of the orchid, fixed on the bearing surface, are plentifully irrigated.

Watering orchids after purchase

This point deserves special attention. The fact is that in most cases, phalaenopsis, which are sold in flower shops, have a specific soil composition. In addition to the obligatory bark and sphagnum moss, they can contain anything that contributes to giving and maintaining presentation plants. After all, we understand that the main thing for a merchant is to sell, and what will happen next is our headache. Most often, in the composition of the substrate, one can find such moisture accumulators, called “sponzhiki”, “washcloths”, “sponges” among flower growers, which they, in fact, are. These are the pieces synthetic material, which absorbs a large amount of water and allows long time do not water the orchid, which is important during transportation and mass storage. There is nothing particularly terrible in this. The material is synthetic, therefore, does not rot and decompose. But its danger lies in the fact that the irrigation schedule in this case changes dramatically. It is very difficult to determine the absence or presence of moisture in such a "battery". And their very existence may be questionable. Conscientious sellers always warn that there is a sponge in the substrate. Otherwise, it may turn out to be an unpleasant surprise. Experienced flower growers, after buying any plants, and after two weeks of quarantine, transplant them into fresh soil. But not every lover can do this, and it is not advisable to do this during flowering. Therefore, when buying, be sure to ask the seller about the presence of such surprises. And if they are, then all watering should be carried out less than one and a half to two times. In any case - after purchase, place the orchid separately from other plants (if any) and quarantine for 7-10 days. Watering is not required at this time. Then you can start watering. I advise the first watering with boiled or distilled water. It is better to use the immersion method. And repeat it several times, changing the water. This will wash out unwanted salts from the soil. Of course, the fertilizers with which they were fertilized by manufacturers and sellers will also go away. But you don't need them. Usually, these are very strong stimulants that deplete the plant. It is better to buy high-quality fertilizer and use it.

That's actually all the basic rules for watering orchids. But, there will also be a considerable number of nuances that will already be inherent in your particular plant, and here everything will depend on you. Try different ways and decide which one is best for you and your plant. Observe the plant and substrate. It won't be too long before you can accurately determine when and how to water your orchids.

How to water orchids - video

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So that the phalaenopsis orchid grows healthy and pleases the eye with its beautiful flowers you need to know how to properly water the plant. Delicate orchids are especially sensitive to watering.

At improper watering phalaenopsis, the plant will quickly wither. Therefore, every beginner and experienced gardener must know the technology of watering and caring for phalaenopsis.

Orchid watering time

A mandatory rule that must be followed strictly. Phalaenopsis can only be watered with dry roots and dried substrate. You need to remember forever, first a good drying, then watering. Drying may take several days. It won't harm the plant.

For a flower, drying time is of no small importance. Best Option drying of the substrate and roots of the orchid within 24 hours is considered. This period applies to all types of epiphytic orchids.

Of course, the drying time largely depends on climatic conditions. When it is cloudy and rainy outside, the drying time of the substrate is longer than on warm sunny days. Every gardener must take into account this factor.

Phalaenopsis should not be in a wet substrate for a long time. If it does not remain wet for a long time, it is necessary to replace it and pour a larger substrate, it will begin to dry much faster, due to free space formed inside.

You need to water orchids:

  • AT summer period- 3 times a week;
  • In autumn - once a week;
  • In winter - once every 7 days.

The given watering schedule can be changed, it all depends on the individual conditions in which the orchid is grown.

How to know that the substrate and roots are well dried out

Unfortunately, the substrate dries out differently in different places of the pot, especially if it contains small fractions. The layer lying on the surface dries faster, as it is more exposed to hot sun rays. The middle one dries much longer, it practically does not see the sun. This also applies to the lower layer, when the orchid stands on the windowsill and is heated by a heating radiator.

To determine whether it is possible to start watering phalaenopsis, you can use several methods:

  • Determination of the mass of the pot. After watering, you need to lift the pot and feel its weight. After a couple of days, the orchid pot must be picked up again. If it has become much lighter, then the time has come for watering.
  • Tear off the top crust of the soil, lower your finger to determine what is the moisture content inside the soil.
  • You can also use a small wooden stick. To determine if it's time to water your phalaenopsis, you need to take it out and see how dry it is. If the stick is wet, it means that drying was not complete. It is better to refrain from watering the orchid.
  • You can also plant phalaenopsis in a transparent pot. A wet substrate will be much darker than an already dried substrate. Wet orchid roots are green in color, completely dried, they acquire a silvery hue.

How to properly water orchids

The best way to water is to immerse the orchid pot in a container filled with water. She needs to be there hold for about 15 minutes. AT winter time five minutes will be enough. During this time, the roots, together with the substrate, will get wet well. Then the pot is pulled out and the water is allowed to drain completely.

Very often, the question is asked: how to water the phalaenopsis orchid so as not to harm it. It is better to water the plant in the morning so that it can dry well before evening. This is due to the properties of the orchid. She very actively “drinks” water during the daytime hours. If you water the orchid in the evening, its substrate will dry out much longer.

Which shower to choose for an orchid?

Florists claim that a hot shower has a strong effect on the orchid. She is blooms very long and often. Flowers become more beautiful, she ceases to react to all kinds of diseases.

Of course, such a procedure is very useful, but still the shower should not be very hot. It is intended only for washing off dust from plants.

Among the many types of orchids, not everyone can tolerate showers well. These include:

  • Cumbria;
  • Miltonia;
  • “Shoes;

Water temperature plays a huge role. It should not exceed 40°C. Otherwise, phalaenopsis will simply boil.

After a shower, you need to without fail blot with a napkin all hard-to-reach places where water may have got in. We are talking about the point of growth and leaf sinuses.

There are several contraindications for an orchid shower. It is forbidden to give hot showers to phalaenopsis at rest. Usually, this applies to the autumn and winter period.

What kind of water is suitable for irrigation?

For orchids, this issue is also considered very important. We have a lot of flowing from the faucet bad water, with impurities and rust. The question naturally sounds: how to water phalaenopsis if there is no good, clean water.

For proper watering, water must first be filtered and then boiled. As a result, it will become softer, all impurities will be removed from it. You can also use distilled water.

In principle, distilled water is already the ideal of purity. But it lacks useful trace elements and salts. In this regard, in order to water home plants with distilled water, it is necessary to add the missing trace elements to such water, together with fertilizers.

If you water phalaenopsis with hard water, in which there are a lot of salts, the roots begin to become covered with a white coating. It needs to be washed off. Any acidic medium is suitable for this, for example, kefir or lemon juice with water.


In order for flowers to grow well, they need to create the appropriate conditions. Proper lighting is very important. AT summer time, the flower must bathe in sunlight, and in winter period you can create additional lighting by connecting a fluorescent lamp.

If you water the orchid correctly and adhere to the technology described above, you can grow a beautiful homemade phalaenopsis.

Proper watering ensures successful growth and development of orchids. Together with water, plants consume nutrients. If watering is carried out correctly and in a timely manner, many problems with orchids can be avoided.

There are several ways to water orchids. To do this, use both one and immediately 2-3 options.


Below is step-by-step instruction this way of watering.

Step 1. Prepare a bowl.

Step 2 Fill with warm water.

Step 3 Dip the potted plant into it.

Step 4 Wait about half an hour.

During this period of time, the earth will be completely saturated with water, store a sufficient amount of moisture for a long time. After the procedure, take care to remove excess liquid from the pot.

Use a watering can

This method is the simplest and most popular, available to almost all flower growers. It is advisable to purchase a watering can with a thin spout. Spread the water over the entire surface of the earth, avoiding getting liquid on the inside of the leaves. It is also necessary to protect the plants from moisture on the growing points. Water until water starts to run out of the holes on the bottom of the pot. Pause for a few minutes, then resume the procedure.


With the regular implementation of this type of watering, there is an accelerated growth, flowering of orchids. To carry out spraying, you must purchase a spray bottle in advance. It is advisable to water in the morning every day. Spraying is carried out at an increase in temperature in environment. Plants absorb maximum moisture, and therefore independently protect themselves from overheating. Thanks to spraying, accelerated growth of the root system is observed, as the soil dries quickly. If you perform the procedure correctly, the color of the leaves becomes more juicy. On the roots, characteristic patterns are formed, similar to white stripes.

hot shower

This method of watering has a positive effect on plant growth, helps to get rid of pests, and eliminate pollution. If you use the presented watering technique correctly, flowering occurs more often. It is advisable to carry out this procedure a maximum of 2 times a month. Preheat the water to a temperature of +50 degrees. To protect the flower from damage, do not water with strong pressure. Set the shower water supply to diffuse. After the procedure, it is necessary to leave the pot in the bathroom, waiting for excess moisture to drain.

Summer rain

It is the most favorable way of watering orchids. If you leave the flowers in the rain, you can bring their living conditions closer to the tropical for a while. When you move the pot to a place protected from rain, check that there is excess moisture from the glass container. The latter should not be allowed to stagnate in the soil.

Warm rain is also one of the ways to water orchids.

Watering from the tap

Step 1. Adjust the water temperature to room temperature.

Step 2 Move the pot to the sink, wait a few minutes.

Step 3 Set the pressure to moderate to avoid damaging the flower.

Step 4 Do not forget to remove excess liquid that has fallen into the axils of the leaves.

Step 5 Wait for excess water to drain, then move the flower into the room.

Another interesting option is the use of special balls for automatic watering.

Water quality

To water orchids, you can use ordinary tap water. It should first be defended in order to eliminate harmful impurities, salts are heavy, which not only do not bring benefits, but can also damage the flower. Only soft water is allowed. If hard water is coming from the tap, do not use it.

On a note! It is allowed to use not only tap water, but also settled rainwater, distilled. It is advisable to boil the liquid in advance or clean it by passing it through a filter.


If you decide to accumulate rainwater for watering orchids, you must follow these rules.

  1. Collect liquid outside the city so that the plantings are not adversely affected by dust, which is found in large quantities in urban areas.
  2. After collecting rainwater, it should be moved to storage in a cool place. This can reduce the rate of bacterial growth.

Rain water is the most suitable for watering orchids. It is not always possible to use it, since in the city rainwater can do more harm than good. In order not to damage the flower, it is necessary to store water in proper conditions.

Boiled water

If you notice increased hardness of water, it must be boiled. This will make the liquid softer. The harmful effects of boiled water on plants are not observed.

Distilled water

If you decide to water orchids with distilled water, you need to dilute it with tap water, focusing on the level of hardness. If the water is very hard, dilute it with tap water in a ratio of 1:2. If the liquid is characterized by medium hardness, it is enough to mix it in a ratio of 1: 1.

When using distilled water, you can independently determine the desired level of salt content, adjust it by changing the proportions. Among the disadvantages of watering with distilled water is the high cost. Cash spending is especially noticeable if the grower breeds orchids in large quantities.

filtered liquid

If for cleaning running water use special filters, can be quickly eliminated from the water heavy metals, dangerous bacteria. Purified water is more suitable for irrigation than ordinary tap water. In most cases, a large amount of water is not spent on water purification. Money. Among the disadvantages of watering with filtered water, a low cleaning rate stands out, especially when caring for large quantity orchids.

To accelerate the growth and development of orchids, it is advisable to pay attention to the acidity of the water. The optimum indicator is pH5. To determine the level of acidity, you must use litmus paper. Moisture enriched with oxygen is useful for orchids. To enrich water, it is enough to pour it from one container to another.

This is a pH meter - a device for determining the acidity (pH) of water

Video - Watering orchids

Optimal watering frequency

There is no exact timeline by which you can navigate when watering a plant. Pay attention to the condition of the soil.

The frequency of watering depends on such circumstances:

  • indoor humidity;
  • ambient temperature;
  • lighting;
  • flower container size.

To determine the moisture level of the substrate, you can use one of the following methods.

Table. Methods for testing soil moisture in a pot.

Take the pot in your hands.If it turns out to be heavier than usual, it means that the earth has not dried up yet.
Use a wooden stick.Place it in the ground. Perform this action carefully so as not to hurt the roots of the plant. Take out the item. If the stick has become wet, then watering is not yet required. Otherwise, it is advisable to water the orchid.
If condensation has formed on the sides, the time of watering should be postponed.When the condensate dries, you can moisten the soil.
Notice the roots.Clarification of the roots indicates the need for watering.

The top layer of soil dries out faster than the main part. Even if the ground appears dry from above, it may not be time to water yet. If you have recently transplanted a plant, on this moment an orchid blooms, the plant may suffer from dry air, it is advisable to water it at least 2-3 times a week. In other cases, it is enough to water the orchid once a week. If the room is maintained at a moderate or low temperature, watering can be carried out even less frequently.

Watering orchids at home - important condition successful cultivation

It is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the plants during flowering to determine the optimal frequency of watering. If the plant began to drop flowers, it means that it suffers from insufficient moisture. Also, this phenomenon is indicated by the earlier withering of the buds, the reduction in the terms of active flowering.

When determining the optimal number of irrigations, it is necessary to pay attention to the method of planting. If the plant is in suspension system, it is necessary to carry out spraying every day. Coarse-grained soil dries out faster than soil composed of fine-grained fractions. The accumulation of moisture is possible in the substrate, which contains a large amount of perlite, moss. If the orchid is planted on a block, watering should be done more often than when placed in a pot.

Common Watering Mistakes

The orchid can suffer from stagnation, excess moisture. Constant overflow can provoke putrefactive processes. To protect the plant from this phenomenon, you can make high drainage using foam. You can also use expanded clay or gravel, however, these materials increase the risk of pests that can provoke various diseases colors.

Features of moisture consumption by orchids

The mode of moisture consumption is influenced by the way of life of plants. To create comfortable conditions for orchid growth, it is necessary to adapt the home watering process to natural conditions at which the plant receives moisture.

Here are some important features of the process.

  1. Orchids get moisture from rain, dew, fog. The earth dries quickly, so that moisture does not stagnate in the root system.
  2. Plants consume water in small doses. The special structure of the root is noteworthy. thin hair covered with a corked cloth, which is sponge-like in structure and effect on moisture absorption.
  3. The ability to survive even long periods drought. The liquid accumulates in the stem, leaves, and other green areas of the plant.
  4. Cyclic development. When roots and stems reach required size, it's time to bloom. In their natural habitat, orchids bloom during periods of high rainfall. When growing orchids at home, it is necessary to increase the amount of moisture when the plant blooms.
  5. The rate of moisture absorption depends on the rate of growth. When the plant receives little light, development processes slow down, the orchid goes into a dormant state. At this time, the need for moisture decreases. If you continue to water the plant, moved to the shade, with the usual frequency, you can provoke root rot, the onset of other diseases.

On a note! To confirm or exclude the presence of a plant in dormant mode, it is necessary to assess the condition of the roots. If the flower is in the active growth phase, the root has green color, you can find a growth point on it. When the flower goes dormant, the root turns white.

Individual approach

To determine the exact timing of watering, you need to focus on the type of plant. Phalaenopsis is desirable to water by immersion for half an hour. It can also be filled with plenty of water. Periodically it is desirable to spray the surface of the substrate. In summer, watering is carried out every 2-3 days. In winter, 2 times a month is enough. It is advisable to place these plants in a transparent container to determine the condition of the roots. Be careful not to let the liquid get into the growing point, as this phenomenon can cause the death of the plant.

Wanda grows well if located indoors with high humidity air. It is advisable to practice daily spraying, often bring water under the roots. Once every few weeks, you can soak the roots, leaving the pot in the water for 1-2 hours. Carry out the procedure carefully, do not allow liquid to penetrate the leaves, peduncles. Do not let the inflorescences get wet.

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