How to make a left socket after the counter. About how I made the “left” outlet in the apartment ← Hodor

The Holy Great Martyr Theodore was... 12.06.2019

Status: Offline Veselchak Registration: 07/12/17 Messages: 194 Quote (YuriyZ @ 07/20/2017 - 09:23) Quote (stive77 @ 07/20/2017 - 11:21) for the uninitiated, tell me what “left” sockets are and how to detect them? Turn off the circuit breaker in the panel and check each outlet in the apartment for voltage. in short, listen to dad, kids: when you do left socket, install a 40 ampere relay, which will turn on the “left” phase on the “left” outlet when voltage is applied to the “legitimate” outlet. yeah. dad is old, dad knows [^] Saire 07/20/2017 — 09:26 [ show ] 27 Status: Offline Veselchak Registration: 07/31/15 Messages: 179 Quote and I don’t know shit, this person did electrical work for me, I’m not an expert And How can I prove that an electrician did it? If the wiring replacement was formalized somehow, it is not clearly indicated there.

How to make a left socket in a private house

To prevent this from happening, better part lay the wires together with the main one, which is constantly energized, and direct part of it to a branch and mount it in the starter. IN in this case the control phase is necessarily located near the input machine.

It turns out that if you turn off the electricity in the house, it automatically disappears into an alternative outlet. There is one more nuance that owners of private houses miss when installing an additional electrical outlet.


Many people use grounding rather than a home neutral for it. It turns out that when the “zero” phase is turned off, electricity remains only in the left structure.

Other methods The left wire can be laid in the apartment. The same installation principle is used here as when creating a line underground.

However, this will be more difficult to do than in a private house. The whole problem rests on the fact that the cable in residential high-rise buildings runs inside the wall.

How to make a left socket and install it in a private house

It is allowed to insert two wires into the terminal when creating a group or module. Connecting wires through the socket to other stationary consumers is not allowed.

For this purpose, a socket module with a built-in terminal block is used. Tools and materials for working with electrical fittings For work you will need the following tools:

  • Voltage indicator.
  • Straight and Phillips screwdrivers.
  • Pliers with insulated handles.
  • Side cutters.
  • Knife for installation.
  • Cotton and vinyl insulating tape.
  • Type C insulating caps.
  • Cold solder.
  • Silicone sealant.
  • Electric drill with attachments for drilling drywall or concrete.
  • Hammer.
  • Dowels.

Basic techniques If you are thinking about how to make a socket, every little detail will be important to you.

How to make a left socket in a private house yourself

How to make a socket hole if a block of several pieces is installed? Drilling with a crown is also performed here, but precise markings must be made first. The wall for the block can be tapped in the same way as for wiring.

How to make a socket at home plasterboard partition? Socket boxes for drywall have distinctive feature: They have sliding or rotating stops. The installation technology is simpler than in concrete:

  1. First of all, the drywall should be drilled.
    The problem (how to make a hole for a socket in a gypsum board with a diameter of 67 mm) is solved very simply, since the material is easy to process.

How to make a socket: step-by-step instructions, device and recommendations

  • 1 About methods of creation
    • 1.1 Features of connecting the socket
    • 1.2 Creating a line over the air
    • 1.3 Creating a line underground
    • 1.4 Other methods

Today, every person thinks about how to save on electricity consumption. Will we really have to give up the benefits of civilization? Our answer is no.


You can get electricity completely free, but you have to cheat to do it. A common way to use light economically is to connect to the meter using “bypass” routes.

How to make a left socket in a private house, install it correctly and safely for life, read on. In fact, only one way is known about how to make a left socket in a private house: attach an additional cable to the input wire immediately before connecting it to the electric meter.

How to make a left socket?

It is very difficult to notice such interference - this will become possible only if the clamps are not disconnected from the wires for a long time, and then only after a thorough inspection at close range. If the supply is carried out insulated wire, then everything is done in exactly the same way, but the insulation is removed from the piece of cable.

Most often, this is done near the insulators, and the exposed area is covered with a cambric made from a rubber hose. If something happens, the owner can always say that he doesn’t know why this was done: despite the fact that a bare wire causes great suspicion (although the damaged insulation still needs to be seen), this is not a violation.

If the cable goes underground To insert the left socket, you will have to carry out large-scale excavation work. It is not even connected with connecting the wire to the input cable, but with ensuring its further uninterrupted operation.

How to make a left socket in a private house

Status: Offline Yarila Registration: 02/09/16 Messages: 10880 281 Not everyone knows that stealing is bad. Even the Bible says that stealing is bad even from monopolists.
But it so happens that someone steals for the reason that everyone steals, and someone is simply greedy. I am neither one nor the other. I'm electric. via [^] Administration [ show ] [x] Selling an elephant Registration: 12/10/04 Messages: 1488 Subscribe to the YAP Telegram channel: [^] KSV1984 07/20/2017 - 09:17 [ show ] Status: Offline Yarila Registration: 02/09/16 Messages: 10880 Usually I always dissuade customers from using the “left” outlet for the reason that in private houses they will still find it, but in apartment buildings they will find an entrance where they steal electricity, because 7 energy saving light bulbs In a month they can’t generate enough electricity to power the server room.

How to make a left socket video

To establish this accurately, you need to examine the path along which the wiring reaches the electric meter. IN a private house electricity is carried through a cable with branches attached to poles. Based on this, it is clear that the wire goes in two ways: through the air or underground. The first option is used due to its simplicity and affordability of installation. The second option is used by people who take care of the landscape of their site and do not want to spoil appearance concrete pillars. However, in the latter case, it will be difficult to install an alternative cable to a private plot in the future. Creating a line over the air When laying power transmission over the air, bare aluminum wires with a steel core are used. Directly to a private house, branches of the main line are made from the same wires or from wires with an insulated core.

How to make a left light

It works simply - the machine is turned off before the meter and after that there should be no phase anywhere. Next, a protocol is drawn up and a huge fine is paid.

In an ordinary private house, this is used typical diagram electrical wiring: This diagram does not show grounding and the further course of the neutral wire, designated by the letter N. In addition, as can be seen from the diagram, lighting and sockets in each group are powered through one circuit breaker.

Left branch without detection by indicator hidden wiring As usual, the phase is supplied to the Room through the machine. But this phase does not come to the distribution box, as before, but is used to power the coil of an additional starter (contactor). What is a starter, its parameters, how to choose it, its difference from a contactor - on SamElektrika in the article Selecting a starter (contactor). And the starter switches the “red line”, which is fed to the meter.

About how I made the “left” socket in the apartment

One of them is to remove the insulation, which should be done by biting it with side cutters without touching the copper. It is important to develop a skill here so as not to leave a bite on the metal, where corrosion and local heating from the load subsequently occur. For a beginner, a puller-plier with adjustment to the diameter of the wire is a good choice. Sockets often have to be moved to another location. To do this you have to splice the wires. Although modern methods installation is not recommended, there is reliable way creating such a connection. It is necessary to remove the insulation from the ends of the wires and twist them together with pliers.

Then apply cold solder to the twist and immediately put on the insulating cap. After the paste has hardened, the sealant is squeezed into the socket.

How to make a left socket

Stripped insulation is not a violation. Creating a line underground To lay the left cable, large-scale excavation work will have to be carried out. They will be required to ensure smooth operation additional system.

It is worth understanding that the soil, its moisture, and various rodents negatively affect the wires. Therefore, the power line is dug up, the insulation is removed from it, the wire is laid and the junction is insulated.

Insulation is made by a coupling. It can be homemade, poured into it epoxy resin, and purchased, treated with a special composition. All work is performed under voltage, so you need to be careful. It is almost impossible to detect such a design, but some owners are let down by lack of forethought. Controllers can easily find the left wire laid away from the main line using ultra-sensitive equipment.

Quote(Odinets @ 07.20.2017 - 19:11)
Oh, they have become adequate, sir. The bile is over. They even admitted that it was NOT YOURS. Well if so:

1. All these mysterious “diodes with several letters”, varistors and so on. Let's take it the first “pilot” to come within reach. REAL, not spherical in a vacuum. Let's open it. We see three conductors, a two-winding coil and three disk varistors - one between phase and neutral, the second from phase to PE, the third from neutral to PE (after all, in a socket-plug pair, it is NOT normalized where the phase is and where the neutral is. Well, circuit breaker push-button type - current cut-off.
This is the best case scenario. Usually there are even fewer details.
2. A varistor in real life is designed for a voltage of at least 400 volts. And it is intended specifically for IMPULSES. By the way, only 20% of the pulses are dissipated in the form of heat, and 80% goes to PE. To the "ground". If it's not there, it's no fun.
3. If it were so easy to protect against OVERVOLTAGE up to 300-350 volts (installed a clever diode and that’s it...), no one would ever produce overvoltage protection relays, which are very expensive. Because no one would BUY them. And they would put a tricky diode with a varistor to “provoke the RCD” or there on an external release. By the way, there is such a scheme, but it is very ineffective.

About "Yanitza". This is a device that monitors the network by a huge number parameters: not only current and voltage, but also frequency harmonics up to xs, we looked up to the fifth. As a laboratory stand, this is an incomparable thing. You see a current graph that can be stretched for a second to the width of the monitor (it could be wider, but why?).
So, we burned and watched a bunch of expensive “pilots” through it. NOT ONE had protection from a long increase in voltage to 350 in real life. And I don’t care what marketers say with their cunning wording of phrases...

I hope I explained it clearly? If you don’t understand, ask, if without bullying and trolling, I always don’t mind improving my and your skills. Study, study and study.

But you have started, as I can see)))))))

You shouldn’t distort my words, I didn’t say at all that it’s not mine. I said that this cable and wire thing of yours is not my job. But repairing burnt equipment is mine. And after power surges, zero burnout, overlapping wires and other delights of our networks, more than one hundred devices passed through my hands. Far from alone. And the difference is obvious naked eye where there is a varistor and where there is not. After normal pilots, in 95% of cases the equipment does not require repair.

Now point by point.
1. You should take not the first pilot you come across, but a normal one. Whose passport has the so-called normalized "transmission rating" or whatever it is called in our language. Typically this is 5-15% for overvoltage up to 6 kV. And there will be varistors, TVS, and sometimes even gas arresters. Not OR, but AND, I emphasize.

2. Varistor comes in different voltages. Both 40V and 400. The manufacturer will decide which one to put in the circuit. The varistor doesn't give a damn whether there are pulses or not. The voltage is above the threshold - the resistance has dropped - the current in the circuit has increased - the circuit breaker has disconnected. In the meantime, the machine is “picking its nose” - the energy goes into heat. The varistor burns, the housing smokes, but the load remains alive.

The ratio of currents (20/80 in your example) is governed by Ohm's and Kirchhoff's laws; it is not rigid, which is obvious from the principle of operation, in general.

Regarding the earth. Without it, the surge protector is almost useless. And for many equipment models, in addition, there is a direct ban on operation without grounding. So this is an extreme case.

3. Diodik is not cunning, but quite ordinary. TVS. The trick is that it works very quickly. But the dissipated power is also low. TVS is an addition to a varistor, but not a replacement. The voltage relay is an addition to the varistor and TVS, but not a replacement. Because the response time is different, and the maximum power dissipation is also different. In the case we are discussing, a varistor will work, not TVS.

4. About Janitza. you write that “from a long increase in voltage to 350 V [the pilot] had no protection in real life.” But this not his function. For long- there is a voltage relay. See point 3. And since we have moved from the branch where there was a prehistory, I will remind you that I suggested using a voltage relay together With surge protector. Because these are different things and work differently. And you said that the pilot will not protect the refrigerator. In the use case you are currently proposing, your pilot will not protect anything. Because your goal is to burn either the pilot or the load.

Many people have thought about how they can save on energy consumption. You can get electricity for free by cheating. The most common way is to create a left line that is not connected to the electricity meter. There are several ways to make a left socket in a private home.

The goal of all methods is the same - connecting an additional cable to the input power line before connecting it to the electric meter. The difference between the methods is in the location and method of connection. The choice depends on personal desire and the method of conducting electricity to the house. The electrical cable can be located:

  • outside the house;
  • inside the house.

The choice of location also depends on service checks. Such wiring inside the house is much more invisible, but it happens that this option is unsafe.

Left socket outside a private house

In order to determine the location of the left socket, you need to find out the entire wiring path to the electric meter. The cables are routed along poles, from where they enter the house. The cord can be routed into private property in two ways:

  • by air;
  • underground.

Before you make a left socket in a private house using grounding, you need to study the wiring diagram in detail. More often, houses are connected to the network over the air, due to its cheapness and simplicity.

The cable is usually laid underground to preserve the landscape of the yard. Owners of such property usually do not care about saving energy. But still, left line services can often be seen to an underground wire.

The connection diagrams for both lines are different, but they have the same thing. To conduct a power point, you need to have basic knowledge or electrical skills. But someone who knows how to hold a screwdriver and pliers, following the instructions, will also be able to install the left socket.

Connecting to an overhead line

This connection method can only be used to a house that is located deep in the yard. The wiring must be visually invisible. The inspector will immediately notice an illegally connected power line if he has access to the yard and the wires connecting to the house. Since most homes are connected to the power grid via air, many have difficulty wiring the left power point. Superimposed wires are usually clearly visible, which makes it impossible to draw an additional line.

  1. For such a connection, you need to use a bare aluminum wire with a steel core. If the wiring to the house also comes with a non-insulated cable, then connecting to it immediately creates the possibility of installing an outlet.
  2. The insulated wire must be cleaned of insulation in two places.
  3. Connect the left line to it.
  4. The exposed part can be covered with cambric.

Connection to an underground line

The method for making a left socket in a private house according to the underground scheme is invisible. It is almost impossible to detect such electrical wiring without a thorough inspection of the equipment. Such a connection requires large-scale excavation work.

In the ground the cord is affected various factors that interfere with smooth operation. The wiring must be insulated from moisture, acidity, rodents and various microorganisms. Inattentive insulation will lead to the need for repair work after some time. First you need to carefully dig out the line.

  1. The input line must be exposed to connect the left one.
  2. After twisting, the connection point must be carefully insulated. You can make an insulation coupling yourself or buy it in a store.
  3. Then the wiring is buried back, and an additional wire is brought out for a separate outlet.

Left socket inside a private house

The principle of connecting the left line in the house is almost the same as connecting an outlet to an underground cable. In this case, you need to break the wall so that the left wire can hide. Otherwise, an illegal outlet can be quickly detected.

  1. First you need to gain access to the input cable. To do this, part of the wall is broken where the line in front of the electric meter is laid.
  2. A piece of wire is exposed and a new cable is screwed on.
  3. The connection must be completely insulated.
  4. After this, the hole in the wall is sealed.
  5. The left wire is laid into a pre-drilled recess for the cable route.
  6. All recesses are sealed, and the wire is connected to the desired outlet.

If all renovation work will be made with high quality, such a left socket will not be noticeable. Reliable insulation of connections is quite important.

It turns out that when there is a power outage in the house, it also disappears in the left outlet. This requires additional installation work, but in this case, it will be possible to prove anything to the inspector only by digging up the entire route along which the input cable goes to the house, which requires very good reasons. Another mistake that a person installing the left socket can make is to take it from the grounding rather than the home zero. In this case, the left connection is determined by disconnecting the zero - the desired outlet, unlike all the others, will work. Connecting the left socket inside the house The same principle applies here as when inserting into an underground cable, with the exception that you can only take advantage of the fact that part of the wire is laid inside the wall. Any other method is guaranteed to be detected during normal visual inspection.

How to make a left socket in a private house

For a long time people have been interested in how they can save on electricity; perhaps everyone has long known these methods, which I will now tell you about. But most importantly, I want to warn you that theft is not only often determined by inspectors with the issuance of hefty fines, but also often carried out by people without experience as an electrician, it harms their health and leads to accidents and blackout of the house or overhead line. This topic recommends that you do not steal electricity from States, and approach this issue from the other side - saving electricity1.) Today, it is still not uncommon to find Soviet-style electric meters or induction circuit Thefts with an induction disc counter, which count kilowatts only simultaneously through zero and phase.

How to make a left light


For 380V networks, you need to divide the power into 380V and Square root from 3. Now we know the current that will flow through the input cable.

After we know the load current, we can choose which cable to use to enter the house. But first you need to decide on the method of introducing electricity.


How electricity is supplied to the house There are three ways to connect your home to a power line:

  • Cable entry by air;
  • Cable entry underground;
  • Inserting wires into the house by air.

Each of the three methods above has its own advantages and disadvantages. Opinion of the director of the company "DoM" engineering systems» Anatoly Gurin: – Electrical input by air is the simplest and least expensive way to connect your home to the power grid.

Of the minuses, it can be noted that an input cable drawn through the air into a private house can ruin the aesthetics of the site.

How to make a left socket in a private house yourself

It is very difficult to notice such interference - this will become possible only if the clamps are not disconnected from the wires for a long time, and then only after a thorough inspection at close range. If the connection is made with an insulated wire, then everything is done in exactly the same way, but the insulation is removed from the piece of cable.
Most often, this is done near the insulators, and the exposed area is covered with a cambric made from a rubber hose. If something happens, the owner can always say that he doesn’t know why this was done: despite the fact that a bare wire causes great suspicion (although the damaged insulation still needs to be seen), this is not a violation.
If the cable goes underground To insert the left socket, you will have to carry out large-scale excavation work. It is not even connected with connecting the wire to the input cable, but with ensuring its further uninterrupted operation.

Power supply of objects

In this case, if you connect and take zero bypassing the meter, for example, from the 3rd grounding conductor (only for wire wiring with a grounding conductor) or take zero from a metal fitting or pipe buried or driven into the ground, then the disk induction meter will not spin, which means and keep track of electricity consumption. Just never use grounded radiators for these purposes. water pipes etc.

n. If you do not listen to me, there will be a high risk of electrical injury when touching these metal structures, while taking a bath and in numerous other cases. Not only you will suffer, but also your innocent neighbors in the apartment building. 2.) The second common method is to take it from another account. For example, connecting to a neighbor’s electrical outlet behind the wall or his circuit breaker in the electrical panel.

And using an indicator screwdriver, check the presence of voltage in each power device. There shouldn't be any tension. Note! You should check not only the sockets, but also all junction boxes.

One of common ways theft of electricity is a method in which the electricity meter is unwinded, for this purpose heating system, grounding from the device is connected. It is important to understand that with such a connection, there is a high probability of electric shock to a person.

Therefore, it is necessary to check the condition of the batteries. In order to find out that your neighbors are stealing (stole) your electricity, use a proven method. Throughout the entire apartment, all electrical appliances and devices are turned off from the network.
You need to turn off the light. After this, you need to monitor the counter. If there is no illegal connection, the meter stops.

Left electricity in a private house

The power cable, made according to the standard, must have round shape and filling;

  • Marking - on the cable in mandatory The following inscriptions must be present: brand, manufacturer's name or code, as well as the year of its manufacture.
  • Manufacturer's reputation.

Fastening and introducing cables into the house How to properly bring electricity into the house One of the main requirements when introducing cables into the house is the following factor - the input cable should not have transits inside the house. The input panel must be placed in close proximity to the cable entry into the house. The input itself should be made in a metal sleeve; to do this, you need to drill a hole in the wall, insert a pipe into it, and run the cable inside the pipe. (On the right is a diagram for connecting electricity to the house through the wall).

How to make left electricity in a private house

This method allows you to bypass all types of metering devices. The main thing here is to disguise everything or make unauthorized connection to the eye invisible electrical cable or wires to which electric meters are connected, in apartment buildings there is a large cross-section 380 Volt main line between floors, from which branches are made to each meter.

Some manage to connect to it too. phase past the meter In any case, when working, you need to be careful - have a good idea of ​​what and how to do. And with frauds carried out under voltage, there is a high probability of a short circuit resulting in you leaving the entire entrance without light, and in worst cases, getting an electrical injury.

Of course, it is better to carry out such work at the stage of construction or major reconstruction, when everything can be done without stress on the line and unnoticed.
In principle, there is only one way to make a left socket in a private house - so that the wire with which it will be connected is connected to the input cable before it is connected to the electric meter. Another question: how and in what place this can be done is decided individually. Everyone possible ways The implementation of this idea is taught in only one place - at controller courses - after all, you can find the “left” connection only if you have the skills to make them yourself. Connecting the left socket outside the house To determine the location most suitable for installing the left socket, you first need to look at the entire path along which the wire approaches the electric meter. There will be some differences between a private house and an apartment, although the latter option is only a special case of the former.

Before making a reliable left socket in a private house or apartment, you will need to partially break the wall, which will give access to the input cable before it reaches the meter. The insulation is removed from the cable, a wire is hung on the core, and the connection itself is insulated.

The biggest problem is the location of the left socket and its further use. To make it look natural, the wiring must be laid inside the wall.

If the connection of the left socket is not made at the stage of installing all the electrical wiring, in most cases it will be located not far from the meter. On the one hand, this narrows the search range for inspectors, and on the other hand, it forces you to keep a long carrier “on the farm” for its full use.

Today, every person thinks about how to save on electricity consumption. Will we really have to give up the benefits of civilization? Our answer is no. You can get electricity completely free, but you have to cheat to do it. A common way to use light economically is to connect to the meter using “bypass” routes. How to make a left socket in a private house, install it correctly and safely for life, read on.

About ways to create

In fact, only one way is known about how to make a left socket in a private house: attach an additional cable to the input wire immediately before connecting it to the electric meter. Thus, the left cable outlet must be connected to the meter. There are no other options for creating an alternative and free power supply line.

Another question is which method and where to connect the additional cable. Each home owner must decide for himself regarding the individual location of electrical objects. The left cable can be located in two places - outside the house or inside.

In this case, the choice of location must be safe, hidden from prying eyes, since the left socket is illegal. If it is discovered by inspectors, then this is fraught with a fairly substantial fine!

Features of connecting the socket

Let's start with a way to connect an alternative cable outside the house. First you need to determine the place where the left socket will be located. To establish this accurately, you need to examine the path along which the wiring reaches the electric meter. Electricity is supplied to a private house via a cable with branches attached to poles. Based on this, it is clear that the wire goes in two ways: through the air or underground. The first option is used due to its simplicity and affordability of installation. The second option is used by people who take care of the landscape of their site and do not want to spoil the appearance with concrete pillars. However, in the latter case, it will be difficult to install an alternative cable to a private plot in the future.

Creating a line over the air

When laying power transmission over the air, bare aluminum wires with a steel core are used.

Directly to a private house, branches of the main line are made from the same wires or from wires with an insulated core. If we have the first option - non-insulated wiring, then this is great luck. Before us is an almost finished unaccounted for outlet. To complete the job, you should throw a regular wire over the incoming cable. This allows you to bypass the meter and get an additional outlet with free electricity. By the way, this kind of fraud is used when connecting to the network welding machine

. It is very difficult to notice such a design, so it is considered the most reliable and safe. However, it is worth understanding that the wire line should not be visible from the street. When the branch of wires to the house is visible along its entire length, there is no need to talk about secrecy. Also, if the house is located close to the road, then there is a chance that someone may notice this illegal structure. Those whose house is located deep in the yard are lucky - a small view will hide the outlet.

The next option is to connect to insulated wiring. Here you need to remove the insulation from the cable, otherwise it will not be possible to lay an additional socket. Then everything is done as in the previous version. It is better to remove the insulation close to the insulators, and be sure to hide the bare area in a cambric made of a rubber hose. Important point– when inspecting a cable, an inspector may suspect fraud if he sees a bare section. However, you can always plead ignorance. Stripped insulation is not a violation.

Creating a line underground

To lay the left cable, large-scale excavation work will have to be carried out. They will be required to ensure uninterrupted operation of the additional system. It is worth understanding that the soil, its moisture, and various rodents negatively affect the wires. Therefore, the power line is dug up, the insulation is removed from it, the wire is laid and the junction is insulated. Insulation is made by a coupling. It can be either homemade, with epoxy resin poured into it, or purchased, treated with a special compound. All work is performed under voltage, so you need to be careful.

It is almost impossible to detect such a design, but some owners are let down by lack of forethought.

Controllers can easily find the left wire laid away from the main line using ultra-sensitive equipment. To prevent this from happening, it is better to lay part of the wire together with the main one, which is constantly energized, and direct part of it to a branch and mount it in the starter. In this case, the control phase is necessarily located near the input machine. It turns out that if you turn off the electricity in the house, it automatically disappears into an alternative outlet.

There is one more nuance that owners of private houses miss when installing an additional electrical outlet. Many people use grounding rather than a home neutral for it. It turns out that when the “zero” phase is turned off, electricity remains only in the left structure.

other methods

Before installing an additional outlet, the wall is partially disassembled. This gives access to the input cable, which is not yet connected to the meter. The insulation is removed from it, an additional wire is attached, the connection point is closed and insulated. Now all that remains is to connect the outlet to the current.

the main problem alternative source electricity in this case – its use. The left design should look natural and not arouse suspicion among inspectors. To do this, the wiring is laid inside the wall. It is advisable to install it at the stage of laying all the electrical wiring. Otherwise you will have to place it near the meter. And usually inspectors tap the walls in these very places.

We recommend using cement putty to seal the walls after dismantling them. It will not differ from the main wall and will not create “voids” that can be tapped. Also, to mask the left insertion, you should not choose a starter old model. It “signals” very well about an illegal design by clicking the contacts after turning off the input machine.

In principle, everything written below is school course physics. Despite this, the use of this knowledge is illegal, because

is pure theft.

Plus, you need to understand that all electricians pass exams to obtain permission to work with different voltages.

How to pay less for electricity?

This article is not about saving, we are talking about the technical implementation of deception.

Methods for reducing meter readings with access to the terminals.

These methods may require: opening the meter.

access to terminals,

switching (swapping) phase and zero at the counter input.

The method is easily recognized by representatives of energy supervision. And fines are taken easily and without compromise - the one who detects theft receives a good bonus.

This is possible in the private sector, where chaos is happening. The quality of electricity is poor - the voltage is unstable, in the evenings it drops to 150 V. The reason is wear and tear low power substations, transformers, wires.

Method 1. Short-circuit contacts 1 and 2 of the meter (input and output phases), then the meter simply will not count, since all the consumed current goes by.

Method 2. Electronic meters have a controller with a program and many levels of protection.

There are specialists who change the firmware on a new meter and restore seals. The program can be changed so that the counter counts, for example, 30% or 50% less. The meter is installed as new and sealed! The best way pay less for electricity.

Methods based on stopping the counter mechanically

If you do not open access to the terminals and do not change the connection diagram of the meter, it can be stopped mechanically. All new models take this into account, but in old ones you can make a hole, unscrew the body, insert a paper clip, wire, nail, or thin plate.

Stopping the meter with a magnet

Niodymium magnets are now available. They have colossal power, and when such a magnet approaches any device, this device begins to malfunction, and may even stop completely. This fully applies to any meters - electricity, water, gas. There are meters “with protection”, but take a stronger magnet and the issue is resolved.

These magnets are sold in wooden boxes in order to somehow control their behavior. Control authorities are still just learning how to combat magnetic theft of electricity, and this fight is gaining momentum. For example:

  • Anti-magnetic seals are placed on the meter. When exposed to powerful magnetic field such a seal is destroyed.
  • Instruments are used that measure the magnetization of the meter. The new meter has practically “zero” magnetization, and after applying a magnet, the magnetization increases and remains for a long time.

“Left” branch to the meter

The method is only suitable for the private sector (electrical wiring in a private house), and if the conditions are met.

The input cable (aluminum, or SIP) goes to the gander, or traverse, mounted on the wall of the house. From the terminal on the gander the cable goes to the meter.

Read more on SamElectric on how to lay a cable from the gander to the meter.

The cable from the gander runs along the wall, attic, and in the walls.

That is, in private homes the input cable can be partially hidden. This is what they use - they connect to the meter, that is, they drain electricity that is not taken into account.

The method works until the inspector arrives. Such wiring is visible either visually or is detected using an indicator. It works simply - the machine is turned off before the meter and after that there should be no phase anywhere.

Home electrical wiring diagram

In an ordinary private house, the following typical wiring diagram is used:

This diagram does not show grounding and the further course of the neutral wire, designated by the letter N. In addition, as can be seen from the diagram, the lighting and sockets in each group are powered through one machine.

Left branch without detection of hidden wiring by the indicator

As usual, the phase is supplied to the Room through the machine. But this phase does not come to the distribution box, as before, but is used to power the coil of an additional starter (contactor).

What is a starter, its parameters, how to choose it, its difference from a contactor - on SamElektrika in the article Selecting a starter (contactor).

And the starter switches the “red line”, which is fed to the meter. If you turn off the power to the starter, the Room will be de-energized, and the hidden wiring indicator in the hands of the inspector will not show anything. It will only show the presence of voltage on the input line, and this is normal.

The starter is installed as close as possible to the passing input line. In this case, it is necessary that the input line be walled up in the wall or run in a hard-to-reach place, and the starter should be installed there. In such a way that it will be possible to get to it only by removing the plaster or destroying part of the wall.

On the technical side, the weak point of this scheme is that the “Secret Room” sockets are protected only by the input circuit breaker, which is installed before the meter. If necessary, be sure to put it. Otherwise, when short circuit in the sockets of the “Chamber of Secrets” there will be very unpleasant consequences, up to the burnout of the input wire on the pole and a fire in the house.

The rating of the circuit breaker (in this case - 40A, enough for a private house) is determined by the maximum power consumption of the entire house, and it cannot be set less, but better with a margin of 10-20%. Since this machine protects the room, the entire “left” installation will have to be done with a wire with a cross-section of 4 sq. mm.

It is better to choose a starter of the second value to increase reliability. Connect the contacts in parallel.

Advice! The machine, which was previously responsible for the current of the Room's consumers, now powers the starter coil. The starter consumes less than 1A, but the rating of the F5 circuit breaker cannot be reduced. Thus, it will be impossible to find the left wiring on the machine.

Since the connection is carried out under voltage, and in hard-to-reach places, you must be extremely careful during installation. Everything should be in such a way that you don’t have to fix it!

IN modern apartment or at home electric outlet is mandatory element Everyday life, and everyone understands this. But not everyone knows how to make an outlet, install it correctly and ground it.

Before you start installing this wonderful electrical appliance(and far from the simplest in its design), its location should be clearly defined. Most often, the location for mounting sockets is laid out in the floor plan, and is dictated by the needs for the number of connection points.

The type of wiring determines the type of outlet, which can be either external or built-in. Despite the fact that the difference in their connection is not fundamental, you should still select a niche in the wall for the installation location of the built-in socket, and also install a plastic box - a socket box.

Socket Installation Tools

To properly make a socket in the wall with your own hands, you will definitely need at least minimum set tools designed for electrical installation work. Actually this:

  • two screwdrivers of the slotted category with a blade width of 2 and 4 mm;
  • two screwdrivers of the cross category (small with a diameter of 2 mm, large - 3 mm);
  • screwdriver indicator “zero - phase”, “open circuit”;
  • mounting knife;
  • hammer;
  • pliers, hammer, side cutters.

Note: tool handles must be made of (or covered with) insulating material, or have special insulating attachments.

Perhaps, when installing a socket, it would not hurt to have special pliers designed for stripping the ends of the wire. The thing is very convenient and inexpensive.

How to make a hole for a socket

In normal concrete wall The hole for installing the socket is easy to make. Take a hammer drill and hollow out a “nest” of the required diameter. Nowadays a particularly popular question is: how to install a socket in drywall. And this, in fact, is even easier than working with a regular wall.

First, a hole is cut in the drywall, which in itself is not particularly difficult. Then, if hidden wiring sockets are installed, a “gypsum board socket box” specially designed for this type of installation is used. You can attach such a box with a screwdriver in a couple of minutes, and how to do this will become clear to everyone who picks it up.

How to make a socket in the wall

1. Before proceeding with the installation of the socket, it must be disassembled: remove the supporting protective and decorative parts, remove the outer cover. This is not difficult to do, since almost all cover models are fixed with one or two bolts, unscrewing which opens access to the “contents” of the socket.

2. Find out what kind of wire fixation is provided in the device. Most often, sockets are equipped with special clamping terminals. Therefore, in order to clamp the wire, it will be enough to insert it into the hole (slot) provided for this purpose and tighten the bolt more tightly. But, more often than not, electrical wire Simply screwed on with a bolt and washer.

3. In the first option, we strip the ends of the wire by 5 - 7 mm, insert them and tighten them tightly. In the second option, we strip the ends of the electrical wire by 10 - 15 mm (depending on the diameter). Round nose pliers are best suited for these purposes. Using them, small rings are made from the stripped ends, inner diameter which should be slightly larger than the diameter of the mounting bolts. The fastening bolts with washers are inserted into the wire rings and screwed into place, while clamping the wire.

4. Installation of the device is completed by fixing the socket. This stage is especially important, since if the plug is pulled out frequently and sometimes incorrectly, the sockets begin to fall out of their seats.

The overhead sockets hold quite firmly. They are secured with screws. With built-in sockets things are a little different. In theory, the spacer levers, screwed on the right and left sides, move apart and firmly cut into the installation box, fixing the device. In reality, the thin levers bend when tightened, and there can be no talk of any fixation. It is for this reason that it is better to use “euro” boxes. In addition to spacers, they provide the option of installing a socket using two screws.

How to ground an outlet

If you pick up a socket and see, in addition to two contacts, a third one, then you have a grounded socket in front of you. When there is no grounding wire (indicated in yellow-green color) in the electrical wiring of a home, then “grounding” can be done.

This is done like this: the neutral wire is connected to the third contact of the socket. You need to determine it using an indicator screwdriver, on which the light will light up when you touch the phase.

Note: the better the wires are clamped, the better the contact will be, and, as a result, the greater the load it can withstand. This socket will last longer.

How to make a left socket

Most often, this trick is done like this: take one wire from the left socket and plug it into the phase socket (it is determined by the indicator) of the working socket, and the second “left” electrical wire is connected to the heating battery (must be made of pure metal). After this, the counter will stop. The left socket, like all the left wiring, is made invisible to the eye. You can view the diagram for the left socket and read more information on this topic.

Many people have thought about how they can save on energy consumption. You can get electricity for free by cheating. The most common way is to create a left line that is not connected to the electricity meter. There are several ways to make a left socket in a private home.

The goal of all methods is the same - connecting an additional cable to the input power line before connecting it to the electric meter. The difference between the methods is in the location and method of connection. The choice depends on personal desire and the method of conducting electricity to the house. The electrical cable can be located:

  • outside the house;
  • inside the house.

The choice of location also depends on service checks. Such wiring inside the house is much more invisible, but it happens that this option is unsafe.

Left socket outside a private house

In order to determine the location of the left socket, you need to find out the entire wiring path to the electric meter. The cables are routed along poles, from where they enter the house. The cord can be routed into private property in two ways:

  • by air;
  • underground.

Before you make a left socket in a private house using grounding, you need to study the wiring diagram in detail. More often, houses are connected to the network over the air, due to its cheapness and simplicity.

The cable is usually laid underground to preserve the landscape of the yard. Owners of such property usually do not care about saving energy. But still, services can often see the left line to the underground wire.

The connection diagrams for both lines are different, but they have the same thing. To install a power point, you need to have basic electrical knowledge or skills. But someone who knows how to hold a screwdriver and pliers, following the instructions, will also be able to install the left socket.

Connecting to an overhead line

This connection method can only be used to a house that is located deep in the yard. The wiring must be visually invisible. The inspector will immediately notice an illegally connected power line if he has access to the yard and the wires connecting to the house. Since most homes are connected to the power grid via air, many have difficulty wiring the left power point. Superimposed wires are usually clearly visible, which makes it impossible to draw an additional line.

  1. For such a connection, you need to use a bare aluminum wire with a steel core. If the wiring to the house also comes with a non-insulated cable, then connecting to it immediately creates the possibility of installing an outlet.
  2. The insulated wire must be cleaned of insulation in two places.
  3. Connect the left line to it.
  4. The exposed part can be covered with cambric.

Connection to an underground line

The method for making a left socket in a private house according to the underground scheme is invisible. It is almost impossible to detect such electrical wiring without a thorough inspection of the equipment. Such a connection requires large-scale excavation work.

In the ground, the cord is affected by various factors that interfere with uninterrupted operation. The wiring must be insulated from moisture, acidity, rodents and various microorganisms. Inattentive insulation will lead to the need for repair work after some time. First you need to carefully dig out the line.

  1. The input line must be exposed to connect the left one.
  2. After twisting, the connection point must be carefully insulated. You can make an insulation coupling yourself or buy it in a store.
  3. Then the wiring is buried back, and an additional wire is brought out for a separate outlet.

Left socket inside a private house

The principle of connecting the left line in the house is almost the same as connecting an outlet to an underground cable. In this case, you need to break the wall so that the left wire can hide. Otherwise, an illegal outlet can be quickly detected.

  1. First you need to gain access to the input cable. To do this, part of the wall is broken where the line in front of the electric meter is laid.
  2. A piece of wire is exposed and a new cable is screwed on.
  3. The connection must be completely insulated.
  4. After this, the hole in the wall is sealed.
  5. The left wire is laid into a pre-drilled recess for the cable route.
  6. All recesses are sealed, and the wire is connected to the desired outlet.

If all repair work is carried out efficiently, such a left socket will not be noticeable. Reliable insulation of connections is quite important.

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