How to make an induction heater with your own hands from the welding inverter. How to make an induction heater with your own hands the induction heater with your own hands scheme

Gardening 26.06.2020

The popularity of use in the heating of heating devices running from the mains is caused by the convenience of operation. Electrical appliances are safer than gas, environmentally friendly solid fuel systems. Their disadvantage is the high cost of resources consumed. The problem will solve the installation of a vortex induction heater. The device is highly productive with minimal electricity consumption. Make an induction heater maybe everyone who is "friendly" with a soldering iron.

The vortex induction heater is an electromagnetic device for heating the pipe of the pipe

Principle of operation of equipment Wine 7, 10, 30, 40

The inductor is an electromagnetic device that uses vortex currents excited by a variable magnetic field to heat the currently heating materials. The device looks like a winding from several turns of copper winding. Induction heating occurs according to the following scheme. The generator brings into the current currents of different frequencies, as a result of which the magnetic field is formed inside, inside of which the heated object is located. The magnetic field suggests vortex currents in the body transforming electrical energy into thermal. As a result of the action of thermal energy, the body is heated.

The induction oven is one of the first devices in which the described type of energy has found an application. The principle of operation of the induction furnace is identical to induction heating. The device is used for processing metals (soldering, smelting, forging, etc.) Even a homemade induction furnace is capable of melting solid materials. The last few decades of the electromagnetic field energy is used to heat the rooms (in air and water heating systems). Industrial vortex heat generators are able to provide heat at objects with a volume of up to 10,000 cubic meters.

Advantages and disadvantages of vortex induction heaters

  • Fast warming of conductive materials.
  • Environmental Safety. The device is used in closed spaces, devoid of ventilation equipment.
  • The size of the inductor does not have mandatory standards.
  • Simple automation, convenient control of heating and cooling cycles.

Important! The induction heater must be performed in a clear coordination with the heated body. Otherwise, there will be unnecessarily high power for heating.

Induction generator in the heating system

For autonomous heating in a private house, a transformer consists of two short-circuited windings. Inside the device there are vortex currents, and the electromagnetic field is sent to the secondary winding. The secondary circuit performs the role of the base and heaters of the circulation substance. A conductive substance (oil, water, antifreeze) is used as a heating fluid.

Mounted vortex in a convenient location. Similar to traditional heating heating, two nozzles are connected to the inductor heater. One serves to supply water to the boiler, the other provides the output of the coolant into the pipeline and the further distribution of batteries. In the highway, the substance comes in a natural way. As a result of various densities of cold and hot water, a hydrostatic pressure is formed, which provokes a circulation.

Tip! Despite the creation of natural circulation in the process of induction heating, experts recommend the mandatory installation of the circulation pump.

In heating as air heater. Make a vortex heat generator with your own hands at home harder than an electromagnetic boiler. In addition, the inverter air heater justifies itself in cases of the need for mobile heating of large rooms. Five advantages of induction heat generation in a private house:

  1. Energy savings
  2. Silent job
  3. No harmful substances
  4. The working vibration of the device prevents precipitation on the walls of the pipeline
  5. Long service life

Create a primitive inducer with your own hands at home is not difficult. This does not require a large set of tools and equipment. The circuit of the induction heater is simple.

How to make an induction heater with your own hands according to the scheme: the price of materials is not great

In order to manufacture the induction heater, the AC transformer (preferably with voltage adjustment) is needed. The induction heater from the welding inverter is an excellent solution to the issue. The manufacture of the device will require the use of primary means, such as:

  • Thick-walled (45-50 mm) plastic pipe
  • Steel wire, diameter 6-8 mm
  • Metal grid
  • Copper wire (1.5 - 2 mm)
  • Heater connectors with a highway

One edge of the plastic blank is tightly blocked by a metal grid. The cylinder is filled with particles of steel wire, which is cut in advance by sections of a length of 4-5 cm. The plastic tube is filled with wire completely, after which the top is closed by a grid. Any metal is suitable for filling the cylinder. The manufacturer is the inductor housing.

The manufactured instrument with adapters is mounted in heating so that the coolant passes inside the coil. Welding equipment is connected to the inductor. In order to save money, you can create. It is important to ensure reliable sealing of compounds with pipeline and isolation of the device terminals. Outside the inductor is covered with a heat insulation screen. Heating is ready to operate.

Attention! The use of the device is allowed in the presence of water in heating. Otherwise, the plastic base is melted.

In order to create a heat generator with their own hands, in addition to the transformer, you will need an electric motor.

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Security measures

  1. Open sections of current conductors are isolated in mandatory.
  2. Induction heating devices are placed at a distance of 80 cm to the ceiling or floor, 30 cm to walls and furniture.
  3. Safe operation The device will provide a pressure gauge, automatic control panel and air discharge.

And most importantly! Whether it is an induction furnace from the welding inverter or an electromagnetic boiler - responsibility for possible consequences is imposed on the manufacturer of the self-made device.

Vortex induction heaters will be able to collect each if all the nuances take into account!


Today, electricity costs consumers completely expensive, but working on such a resource heating devices enjoy the population of a certain popularity. Of great interest are devices functioning on the principle of electromagnetic induction. The article describes how this device works, where it is used, and how to make an induction heater with your own hands. But before - a little story.

Vortex induction heater

At the beginning of the nineteenth century, a scientist from England Faraday conducted experiments, pursuing the goal to transform magnetism into electricity. It came out to obtain a stream of energy in the primary winding consisting of a wire spawned on a core made of iron. Thus, electromagnetic induction was opened. It happened in 1831.

The first melting using a powerful water heater working on the principle of induction was opened in England, in the thirties of the last century. In the eighties of the last century, the principle of induction was applied more actively. Experts have developed vortex heaters. They heated factory workshops and various production facilities. After some time, household devices began to produce.

Principle of operation of the inductor

Vortex heaters are commonly used for heating boilers. They are in great demand among the population due to their power and simple design. Functioning them is based on the transmission of the magnetic field energy coolant. Water supplied to the apparatus is heated by supplying energy. Next, it is fed to the heating system. To give pressure, the pump is applied. Water circulates and protects elements from overheating. The coolant vibrates, which prevents the appearance of scale on the walls of the equipment.

If you explore from the inside the induction heater, there you can detect a metal case, insulation and core. The main difference of such a heater from industrial - winding with copper conductors. The latter is between the 2 cooked steel pipes.

The principle of electromagnetic induction

The homemade induction heater weighs little, has good efficiency and compact sizes. As a core, there is a pipe with winding. The second pipe is needed for heating. The current generated by the magnetic field warms the water. By this principle, self-made devices and part of modern heaters are functioning.

Device of heating device

The device consists of such elements:

  1. Plastic tube.
  2. Stainless steel grid.
  3. Wire made of steel.
  4. Copper wire.
  5. Welding inverter.

One of the main advantages of this device is a simple design. The circuit of the induction heater is approximately as follows. In the round case there is a coil - inductor. Inside the latter there is a segment of a steel tube with 2 nozzles at the ends. They are needed to attach the device to the heating system. After connecting through the pipe will be water. Pipe will be heated. The coolant is heated from contact with it.

Diagram of the induction heater device

In other types of the device, the coil is attached to the electrical network, but there is another connection scheme. It is characterized by a converter that increases the frequency of the fluctuations of the current supplied to the coil. This converter is called an inverter and consists of 3 modules:

  1. Rectifier.
  2. Inverter with 2 transistors.
  3. Transistor control circuit.

The processes occurring in the device are similar to the operation of the transformer. The difference in the secondary winding, which is short-lived here and is located inside the primary one. Another difference is that in the case of a transformer, heating is a side effect, they are trying to avoid it.

An interesting fact: the maintenance of the induction will cost much cheaper than if using a gas boiler or boiler. The apparatus consists of a minimum of parts practically without fail. There is nothing to break in the heater. The water warms the ordinary tube, which, unlike the same Tan, cannot overcome or spoil.

Scope of application

Today, the use of induction heating is used very often. Main applications:

  • metal melting, receiving new alloys;
  • metal wire production;
  • jewelry;
  • production of heating boilers;
  • thermal processing of spare parts for vehicles;
  • medical industry (disinfection of tools, medical equipment);
  • mechanical engineering, heating car service;
  • industrial furnaces.

Disadvantages and dignity

Consider the positive characteristics and advantages of induction equipment:

  1. Heating is made in any environment.
  2. The possibility of manufacturing ultrapure alloys.
  3. Fast heating and melting of any material that conducts current.
  4. The elements of the device are mounted outside, the inserts are absent. This guarantees the exception of leaks.
  5. Induction water heater does not pollute the environment.
  6. It is convenient if you need to heat a specific surface area.
  7. The contact area of \u200b\u200bthe coolant with the surface of the heater has many times more than in the devices with tubular electric heaters. Due to this environment he is heated very quickly.
  8. Compact size of the device.
  9. The equipment is easily configured to the desired mode of operation and is easily adjustable.
  10. It is possible to manufacture an instrument of any form (including independently). This warns local heating and contributes to the uniform distribution of heat.

Simple induction heater

The flowing heater of this type is practically no minuses, if compared with the instruments working on other principles. The only complexity of operation is that it is necessary to compare the inductor with the workpiece. Otherwise, heating will be insufficient and low.

Process manufacturing with your own hands

The following tools will be used to work:

  • welding inverter;
  • welding generating current by force from 15 amps.

It will also need copper wire that is wound on the core body. The device will perform the role of the inductor. Contacts Wires are connected to the terminals of the inverter so that the scrubs are not formed. The segment of the material necessary to build the core must be the desired length. On average, the number of turns is 50, the wire diameter is 3rd millimeters.

Copper wire of different diameter for winding

We now turn to the core. In his role there will be a polymer pipe made of polyethylene. Such a type of plastic withstands a fairly high temperature. The diameter of the core is 50 millimeters, the thickness of the walls is at least 3 mm. This part is used as a caliber, which is hung out copper wire, forming an inductor. Collect the simplest induction water heater can almost anyone.

On the video you will see a way - how to independently organize induction heating of water for heating:

First option

The wire rolls on the 50-millimeter segments, the plastic tube is filled. So that it does not fall out of the pipe, should be clogged with a wire mesh. At the ends, adapters are put on the pipe, in the place where the heater is connected.

The winding is wound on the body of the last copper wire. For this purpose, approximately 17 meters of wire are needed: you need to make 90 turns, the pipe diameter is 60 millimeters. 3.14 × 60 × 90 \u003d 17 m.

It's important to know! In the course of checking the functioning of the device, it is necessary to carefully make sure that it has water (heat carrier). Otherwise, the device housing is quickly melted.

The pipe is cut into the pipeline. The heater is connected to the inverter. It remains to fill the device with water and turn on. All is ready!

Second option

This option is much easier. The direct plot of meter size is selected on the vertical part of the pipe. It should be carefully cleaned from the paint using the sandpaper. Next, this section of the pipe is covered with three layers of electrical tissue. The induction coil is wound with copper wire. The entire connection system is prettier is isolated. You can now connect the welding inverter, and the assembly process is fully completed.

Induction coil wrapped with copper wire

Before starting the manufacture of a water heater with your own hands, it is advisable to get acquainted with the characteristics of the factory products and explore their drawings. This will help to deal with the source data of homemade equipment and avoid possible errors.

Third option

To make the heater with this more complex way, you need to use welding. To work, you will need a three-phase transformer. In each other you need to boil two pipes that will perform the role of the heater and the core. A winding is screwed on the induction housing. This increases the productivity of the device, which has a compact size, which is very convenient when operating it at home.

Winding on the housing of the induction

For the supply and removal of water, 2 nozzles are boiled into the induction housing. In order not to lose heat and prevent possible current leaks, you need to make isolation. It will save from the problems described above, and completely eliminate the appearance of noise when the boiler is running.

Safety must always be respected. Especially when something is mastered alone. Here, heaters are used for systems that have forced circulation. The heat efficient is produced very quickly and the heat carrier may occur.

We must not forget about the safety valve. It is attached to the heater. In the case when the circular pump ceases to work, the coolant overheating will be 100%. If the valve is not installed in advance, then the system rupture will occur. The latter should be equipped with a thermostat from the precaution. If the heater is enclosed in a metal case, then it is necessarily grounded.

Heater in the metal case

Since the homemade design does not have normal shielding, the induction is set at least in 80 and centimeters from horizontal surfaces. The distance to the wall is from 30 centimeters.

Tip: The power of homemade heaters can contribute to the spread of electromagnetic radiation. The device is desirable to shield galvanized steel and not installed in a residential room! The electromagnetic variable field is inside and outside the coil. It will heat all metal surfaces located nearby.

So, without global financial spending, it is not difficult to own this simple device. The assembly scheme is simple, and practically everyone can cope with the work on the assembly of the heater. It does not require specialized technical knowledge. You can complete the work in literally in a few hours.

When in front of a person, it becomes necessary to heat the metallic object, fire itself comes to mind. Fire is an old-fashioned, ineffective and slow way to heat the metal. He spends the lion's share of energy on heat, and from the fire always goes smoke. It would be nice if all these problems could be avoided.

Today I will show you how to assemble the induction heater with your own hands with the ZVS driver. This device heats the majority of metals using the ZVS driver and power of electromagnetism. Such a heater is highly efficient, does not produce smoke, and the heating of such small metal products, how, let's allow, the clip is a question of several seconds. The video demonstrates the heater in action, but the instruction there is represented another.

Step 1: Work Principle

Many of you are now wondering - what is this zvs driver? This is a highly efficient transformer capable of creating a powerful electromagnetic field, heating metal, the basis of our heater.

To make it clear how our device works, I will tell about the key points. The first important point is 24 V. power supply voltage must be 24V at maximum current 10a. I will have two lead-acid batteries connected in series. They are powered by the ZVS drive card. The transformer gives the established current to the spiral, the inside of which the object is placed, which must be heated. A constant change in the current direction creates a variable magnetic field. It creates inside the metal of vortex currents, mostly high frequency. Because of these currents and low metal resistance, heat is highlighted. According to the Ohm's law, the current is transformed into heat in the circuit with active resistance, will be p \u003d i ^ 2 * R.

Metal is very important from which the object that you want to heat is very important. Iron-based alloys have higher magnetic permeability, they can use more magnetic field energy. Because of this, they heat up faster. Aluminum has low magnetic permeability and heats up, respectively, longer. And objects with high resistance and low magnetic permeability, such as a finger, do not warm at all. The material resistance is very important. The higher the resistance, the weaker the current will pass through the material, and that, accordingly, heat is less separated. The lower resistance, the stronger there will be a current, and according to the law of Oma, less voltage loss. It is a bit difficult, but due to the connection between resistance and power issuing, the maximum output of power is achieved when the resistance is 0.

ZVS transformer is the most complex part of the device, I will explain how it works. When the current is included, it goes through two induction chokes to both ends of the spiral. These chokes are needed to make sure that the device will not exceed too much current. Further, the current goes through 2 470 ohm resistors for MDP transistor shutters.

Due to the fact that there are no ideal components, one transistor will be turned on earlier than the other. When this happens, it assumes the entire incoming current from the second transistor. He will also shove the second to earth. Because of this, not only the current flows through the coil into the ground, but also through the fast diode will be discharged by the second transistor, thereby blocking it. Due to the fact that the condenser is connected parallel to the coil, the oscillating circuit is created. Because of the resulting resonance, the current will change its direction, the voltage will fall to 0B. At this moment, the valve of the first transistor is discharged through a diode on the shutter of the second transistor, blocking it. This cycle is repeated thousands of times per second.

The 10K resistor is designed to reduce the excess charge of the shutter of the transistor, acting as a condenser, and the zener diode must maintain the voltage on the shutters of the transistors of 12V or lower so that they do not explode. This transformer high-frequency voltage converter allows you to heat up with metal objects.
It's time to assemble the heater.

Step 2: Materials

To assemble the heater of materials, you need a little, and most of them, fortunately, can be found for free. If you saw somewhere lying just so the electronmother's tube, go and take it. It has a large part of the parts fit for the heater. If you want better details, buy them in the store of electrical parts.

You will need:

Step 3: Tools

For this project you will need:

Step 4: Cooling field transistors

In this device, the transistors are turned off at a voltage of 0 V, and it is not very hot. But if you want the heater to work for longer than one minute, you need to remove heat from transistors. I made both transistors one common heat absorber. Make sure the metal valves do not concern the absorber, otherwise the TIR transistors are short and they will explode. I used a computer heat sink, and there was already a strip of silicone sealant. To check insulation, tap the multimeter of the middle leg of each TIR-transistor (shutter) if the multimeter was packed, then the transistors are not insulated.

Step 5: Condenser Battery

Capacitors are very hot due to the current constantly passing through them. Our heater needs a capacitance of a 0.47 Igf capacitor. Therefore, we need to combine all capacitors in the block, so we get the required container, and the heat dissipation area will increase. The rated voltage of the capacitors should be above 400 V to take into account the peaks of the inductive voltage in the resonant circuit. I made two copper wire rings to which 10 capacitors were 0.047 μF parallel to each other. Thus, I received a condenser battery with a cumulative capacity of 0.47 μF with excellent air-cooled. I will install it parallel to the working spiral.

Step 6: Working Spiral

This is the part of the device in which the magnetic field is created. The spiral is made of copper wire - it is very important that copper is used. At first I used the steel spiral for heating, and the device was not very good. Without workload, he consumed 14 A! For comparison, after replacing the spiral on the copper, the device began to consume only 3 A. I think that in the steel spirals there were vortex currents due to the content of iron, and it also exposed to induction heating. Not sure that the reason is exactly the case, but this explanation seems to me the most logical.

For spirals, take the copper wire of a large cross section and take 9 turns on the segment of the PVC pipe.

Step 7: Chain assembly

I did a lot of samples and made a lot of mistakes while the chain gathered correctly. Most of all the difficulties were with a power source and a spiral. I took the 55A 12V pulse power supply. I think this power supply has given too high initial current on the ZVS driver, which was exploded by TIR transistors. Perhaps it would be corrected by additional inductors, but I decided to simply replace the power supply for lead-acid batteries.
Then I suffered with a coil. As I said, the steel coil did not fit. Because of the high current consumption of the steel spiral, several more transistors exploded. In total, I exploded 6 transistors. Well, on errors learn.

I reworked the heater many times, but here I will tell you how I collected him the most successful version.

Step 8: Collect the device

To assemble the ZVS driver, you need to follow the attached scheme. At first I took the zener diode and connected with a 10K resistor. This couple of items can be immediately soldered between the drain and the source of the TIR transistor. Make sure the zener diode looks at the stock. Then solder TIR transistors to the cabinet with contact holes. On the underside of the dummy board, you solder two fast diodes between the shutter and the flow of each of the transistors.

Make sure the white line looks at the shutter (Fig. 2). Then connect the plus from your power supply with the drains of both transistors after 2,220 ohms of the resistor. Ground both sources. Space the working helix and the condenser battery parallel to each other, then solder each one of the ends to different shutters. Finally, move the current to the shutters of transistors through 2 50 μg of choke. They may have a toroidal core with 10 wire turns. Now your scheme is ready to use.

Step 9: Installation on the base

To keep all parts of your induction heater together, they need a base. I took for this wooden bar 5 * 10 cm. Board with an electrical circuit, the condenser battery and the working helix were glued on the thermocons. It seems to me that the unit looks cool.

Step 10: Performance Check

So that your heater is turned on, simply connect it to the power source. Then place the subject you need to heat, in the middle of the working spiral. He must start warm. My heater rolled the clip to the red glow in 10 seconds. The items are larger as nails, heated in about 30 seconds. In the process of heating, current consumption has increased by approximately 2 A. This heater can be used not only for entertainment.

After using the device, soot or smoke is not formed, it also affects insulated metal objects, for example, gas supplies in vacuum tubes. Also, the device is safe for a person - nothing will happen to the finger if you put it in the center of the working spiral. However, you can burn about the subject that was heated.

Thanks for reading!

Electric heating devices are extremely convenient to use. They are much safer than any gas equipment, no soot and soot are produced, unlike units operating on liquid or solid fuel, finally, it is not necessary to harvest firewood for them, etc. The main disadvantage of electric heaters is the high cost of electricity. In search of savings, some craftsmen decided to make an induction heater with their own hands. They received excellent equipment, which requires much less expenses.

Principle of operation of induction heating

In the operation of the induction heater, the energy of an electromagnetic field is used, which the heated object absorbs and converts to thermal. To generate a magnetic field, an inductor is used, i.e. a multi-cylindrical coil. Passing through this inductor, an alternating electric current creates an alternating magnetic field around the coil.

A homemade inverter heater allows you to heat up quickly and up to very high temperatures. With the help of such devices, you can not only heat the water, but even melting various metals

If the heated object is inside the inductor or near it, it will penetrate the flow of the magnetic induction vector, which is constantly changing over time. In this case, an electric field occurs, the lines of which are perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic flux and move along a closed circle. Thanks to these vortex streams, electrical energy is transformed into thermal and the object is heated.

Thus, the electrical energy of the inductor is transmitted to the object without the use of contacts, as it happens in resistance furnaces. As a result, thermal energy is consumed more efficiently, and the heating rate is noticeably rising. This principle is widely applied in the field of metal processing: its smelting, forging, soldering of the surfacing, etc. With no less success, the vortex induction heater can be used to heal water.

Induction heat generator in the heating system

To organize the heating of a private house using an induction heater, the easiest way to use a transformer, which consists of a primary and secondary short-circuited winding. The vortex currents in such a device occur in the inner component and direct the resulting electromagnetic field to the secondary circuit, which simultaneously performs the role of the housing and the heating element for the coolant.

Please note that not only water can act as a heat carrier with induction heating, but also antifreeze, oil and any other conductive media. At the same time, the degree of purification of the coolant of great importance does not have.

The inverter heater has a compact dimensions, works silently and can be installed in almost any suitable place corresponding to the safety requirements

Equipped with two nozzles. The lower nozzle on which the cold coolant will flow must be installed on the introductory portion of the highway, and at the top it is set to the nozzle transmitting a hot heat carrier to the feeding portion of the pipeline. When the heat carrier located in the boiler is heated, the hydrostatic pressure occurs, and enters the heating network.

In the work of the induction heater there are a number of advantages that should be mentioned:

  • the coolant in the system is constantly circulating, which prevents the likelihood of its overheating;
  • the induction system vibrates, as a result, scale and other precipitates are not postponed on the walls of the equipment;
  • the absence of traditional heating elements allows to operate a boiler with high intensity, without fear of frequent breakdowns;
  • the lack of detachable compounds excludes leaks;
  • the operation of the induction boiler is not accompanied by noise, so it can be installed in almost any suitable room;
  • in case of induction heating, any dangerous fuel decomposition products are not highlighted.

Safety, silent work, the ability to use a suitable coolant and equipment durability attracted many homeowners. Some of them are thinking about the possibility to manufacture a homemade induction heater.

How to make an induction heater yourself?

An independent manufacture of such a heater is not too complex task with which even a novice master can cope. To begin with, you should stock:

  • a piece of plastic pipe with thick walls, which will become the heater housing;
  • steel wire with a diameter of no more than 7 mm;
  • adapters for attaching the heater housing to the heating system of the house;
  • a metal mesh that will hold pieces of steel wire inside the case;
  • copper wire for creating an induction coil;
  • high frequency inverter.

First you should prepare steel wire. To do this, it is simply cut by pieces about 5 cm long. The bottom of the segment of the plastic pipe is closed with a metal mesh, covered pieces of wire, the housing is also closed with a metal grid. The case must be filled with wire pieces completely. In this case, the wire can be acceptable not only from the "stainless steel", but also from other metals.

Then make an induction coil. As the basis, a prepared plastic case is used, on which 90 turns of copper wire neatly wrap.

After the coil is ready, the housing with the help of adapters is attached to the heating system at home. After that, the coil is connected to the network through a high-frequency inverter. It is considered quite appropriate to make an induction heater from the welding inverter, since this is the easiest and budget option.

Most often, in the manufacture of homemade vortex induction heaters, low-cost models of welding inverters are used, since they are convenient and fully comply with the requirements.

It should be noted that it is not necessary to test the device if the coolant is not served in it, otherwise the plastic case can melt very quickly.

An interesting version of the induction heater made from the cooking panel is presented in the video material:

To improve the safety of the design, it is advised to insulate the open sections of the copper coil.

The system of induction heating should be placed at a distance of at least 30 cm from walls and furniture and at least 80 cm - from the ceiling or floor.

To make the job of the device more secure, it is recommended to equip it with a pressure gauge, as well as a system of automatic control and devices for removing the air system.

The induction heater can be installed in the apartment, for this you do not need any coordination and related costs and hassle. Quite want the owner. The connection project is required only theoretically. This has become one of the reasons for the popularity of induction heaters, even despite the decent cost of electricity.

Induction method of heating

Induction heating is heating by the variable electromagnetic field of the conductor placed in this field. In the conductor there are vortex currents (Foucault currents), which heated it. In fact, this is a transformer, the primary winding is a coil called inducer, and the secondary winding is the tab or short-circuit winding. Heat is not summarized to the tab, but is generated in it the most wandering currents. All surrounding it remains cold, which is a certain advantage of such devices.

The heat in the tab is unevenly distributed, and only in its surface layers and then it is distributed by volume due to the thermal conductivity of the tab of the tab. Moreover, with an increase in the frequency of the alternating magnetic field, the penetration depth is reduced, and the intensity increases.

For the operation of the inductor with a frequency greater than in the network (50Hz), transistor or thyristor frequency converters are used. Thyristor converters allow to obtain frequencies up to 8 kHz, transistor - up to 25 kHz. The circuits of their connection can be found easily.

When planning the installation of heating systems in its own home or in the country, in addition to other options on a liquid or solid fuel, it is necessary to consider the option using the induction heating of the boiler. With such heating save on electricity will not be able to saveBut there are no dangerous substances.

The main purpose of the inductor is the production of thermal energy due to electrical without the use of thermal electrical heaters In a fundamentally different way.

The typical inductor consists of the following main parts and devices:

Device of heating device

The main elements of the induction heater for the heating system.

  1. Steel wire with a diameter of 5-7 mm.
  2. Plastic tube with thick wall. The inner diameter of at least 50 mm and the length is selected at the installation site.
  3. Copper enameled wire for coil. Dimensions are selected depending on the power of the device.
  4. Stainless steel grid.
  5. Welding inverter.

Procedure for manufacturing an induction boiler

Option first

Rubage steel wire on a length of no more than 50 mm. Chopped wire fill the plastic tube. Tales slide the wire mesh To prevent the rash of the wire.

At the ends of the pipe, set the adapters from the plastic pipe to the size of the pipe at the heater connection site.

Copper enameled wire winding on the heater housing (plastic tube). For this, it will take about 17 meters of wire: the number of turns is 90, the outer diameter of the pipe is about 60 mm: 3.14 x 60 x90 \u003d 17 (meters). Specify the length additionally when the outer diameter of the pipe will be accurately known.

Plastic tube, and now the induction boiler is already inserted into the pipeline in a vertical position.

When checking the performance of the induction heater, make sure that the coolant is present in the boiler. Otherwise, the housing (plastic tube) is melted very quickly.

Connect the boiler to the inverter, you need fill the system coolant And you can turn on.

Option second

The design of the induction heater from the welding inverter for this option is more complex, requires certain skills and skills Work with your own hands, however, it is more effective. The principle is the same - induction heating of the coolant.

First you need to make the induction heater itself - the boiler. To do this, you will need two tubes of different diameters, which are inserted one to another with a gap between them about 20 mm. The length of the tubes is from 150 to 500 mm, depending on the intended power of the induction heater. It is necessary to cut two rings according to the gap between the tubes and welcome them hermetically over the ends. It turned out the tank of toroidal shape.

It remains to be screwed into the outer wall input (lower) tube tangent to the housing and the top (output) tube parallel to the inlet on the opposite side of the toroid. The size of the tubes is the size of the pipes of the heating system. The location of the input and outlet nozzles by tangent provide coolant circulation throughout the volume of the boiler without the formation of congestion zones.

The second step is to create a winding. Enameled copper wire should be wolted vertically, passing it inside and raising up the external contour of the case. And so 30-40 turns, forming a toroidal coil. In this embodiment, the entire surface of the boiler will be heated, thus significantly increasing its performance and efficiency.

Make an outer body of heater from non-conductive materials using, for example, a large diameter plastic tube or a banal plastic bucket, if its height is enough. The diameter of the outer case must provide the outlet of the boiler on the side. Ensure compliance with the rules of electrical safety throughout the connection scheme.

The housing of the boiler is separated from the outer hull to the heat insulator, you can use both bulk thermal insulation material (clay) and tiled (escape, and the like). This prevents the loss of heat into the atmosphere from convection.

It remains to fill the system with its coolant and connect the induction heater from the welding inverter.

Such a boiler absolutely does not require intervention And it can work 25 or more years without repair, since there are no moving parts in the design, and the use of automatic control is provided in the connection scheme.

Option Third

This is the opposite, the easiest option of heating Housing performed by their own hands. On the vertical part of the pipe of the heating system, you need to select a straight plot of a length of at least a meter and clean it from the paint sandpaper. Then this pipe of the pipe isolate 2-3 layers of electrical tissue or dense fiberglass. After that, the enamelled copper wire is covered with an induction coil. Carefully isolate the entire connection scheme.

It remains only to connect the welding inverter and enjoy warm in your home.

Pay attention to several points.

  1. It is unwanted to install such a heater in residential rooms, where people are most often. The fact is that the electromagnetic field is distributed not only inside the coil, but also in the surrounding space. To make sure it is enough to use an ordinary magnet. You need to take it in your hand and approach the coil (boiler). Magnet will begin to vibrate and the stronger than the closer the coil. therefore it is better to use a boiler in a non-residential part of the house or apartments.
  2. By installing the coil on the pipe, make sure that on this section of the heating system, the coolant naturally flows up so as not to create counterpart, otherwise the system will not work at all.

You can offer many options for the use of induction heating into the dwelling. For example, in the hot water system you can generally refuse hot waterHeated it at the outputs from each crane. However, this is a topic for separate consideration.

A few words about safety when using induction heaters with a welding inverter:

  • to provide electrical safety it is necessary to carefully insulate conductive elements constructions throughout the connection scheme;
  • the induction heater is recommended only for closed heating systems, in which the circulation is provided by the water pump;
  • it is recommended to place an induction system at a distance of at least 30 cm from walls and furniture and 80 centimeters from the floor or ceiling;
  • to secure the system, you need to equip the system with a pressure gauge, an emergency valve and an automatic control device.
  • set device for airbaging from the heating system In order to avoid the formation of air traffic jams.

The efficiency of induction boilers and heaters is close to 100%, and it should be borne in mind that electricity losses in welding inverters and wiring, one way or another, return to the consumer in the form of heat.

Before entering the manufacture of an induction system, see the technical data of industrial designs. This will help determine the source data of the self-made system.

We wish you success in creativity and work on yourself!

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