Fortune telling along the lines on the hand. The difference between right and left hands

reservoirs 29.09.2019

The ability to read fate from hand to hand is a very practical talent, which, unfortunately, not many people possess. Although learning the basics of hand reading is quite simple, our hands are not only lines. Reading fate from hands consists of three parts: Chirognomy (the study of the shape of the hands, including fingers and pads), Palmistry (the study of the lines of the palms) and Dermatoglyphics (the study of patterns on the skin and fingerprints). Continue reading this article to learn some of the highest class techniques that can be applied to reading the fate of a person's hands.



  1. Examine the shape of your fingers. The normal shape of the fingers usually matches the shape of the hand. However, most hands are a mixture of several finger shapes, reflecting the diversity of talents and characteristics that each individual possesses. The shape of the nails is also used to determine the shape of the fingers.

    • square fingers possess square nails and indicate a mundane trait in relation to the attributes of a particular finger.
    • pointed fingers often have almond-shaped nails and indicate the artistic nature of a person.
    • Spatulate the fingers have square nails that widen at the ends and indicate the ingenuity of the person.
    • Tapered fingers possess oval nails and indicate a well-developed imagination.
    • In case of mixed finger shapes if, for example, a person’s ring finger is square, then this person has a predisposition to art. But if the same person has a pointed index finger, then his profession, as a rule, will not relate to art.
    • When it comes to nails as a rule, long nails indicate a soft nature; short nails are a sign of an unlucky, paranoid and difficult character; wide nails indicate grumpy qualities; narrow nails are inherent in conservative and sophisticated personalities.
  2. Examine your fingers for smoothness. The smoothness of the fingers and knuckles is a good indicator of what areas of life a person will be most active in. This indicator also affects the instinctive, practical and intellectual achievements in the areas of life, which are symbolized by each individual finger. The middle finger symbolizes services (goals, restrictions). The index finger symbolizes authority (position, wealth, happiness). The ring finger symbolizes the implementation of the plan (glory, success). Finally, the little finger symbolizes activity (health, intelligence, commercial projects).

    • If your knuckles are generally smooth, then you may tend to be passive, you can let other people control you, but at the same time, you can be quite impulsive at times, which can lead to carelessness and frivolous actions.
    • If your upper knuckles are smooth but your middle knuckles have deep wrinkles or skin folds, then your intelligence and practicality go well together. A strong instinctive attraction is a sign of well-developed bones.
    • The fleshiness of the fingertips, as well as their level of flatness points to good development(or lack thereof) in relation to the attributes of each finger.
    • Well developed round fingertips indicate strong intelligence and curiosity. Flat pads indicate a lack of intellectual insight into the attributes of each finger.
  3. Examine the distance between the fingers. It is also important to note how far the fingers are from each other. With your hand relaxed, examine your fingers and note how some fingers are at a distance from other fingers, and some are close to neighboring fingers.

    • Independent mind indicated by if your little finger is located separately from the ring finger, at a fairly large distance.
    • Art life, shown when the ring finger is close to the middle finger. Your destiny will also help your success.
    • If your middle and index fingers are close together, then this indicates that you will achieve authority and a high official position through your own goals and dreams. If these fingers are far apart, then other factors will affect your position.
  4. Study the structure of the fingers. The structure and thickness of the fingers can indicate the character traits of a person.

    • heavy fingers usually indicate a physical nature, which may have a heavy view of the world.
    • Long and thin fingers indicate a more emotional and aggressive person, so this person may be very sensitive to insults and may take sarcasm literally.
    • Short and fat fingers indicate an emotionally comfortable character.
    • If your index finger longer than the usual length, then you may have a tendency to lead and control other people. If it is shorter than the normal length, then you prefer to stay behind and allow other people to control you.
  5. Study the length of the fingers. Finger length is measured relative to the length of your palm. On average, the longest finger should be about seven to eighths the length of the palm, and if it is as long as the palm, then your fingers are considered long. Short fingers - shorter than seven or eighths from the length of the palm. The index finger, however, should reach up to a third of the nail of the middle finger. The ring finger, as a rule, reaches just above the nail of the middle finger, and the little finger should reach the top knuckle of the ring finger.

    • If your ring finger longer than the usual length, then you may have a talent in the field of arts, but at the same time, it indicates a reckless and wild character.
    • If your little finger shorter than the usual length, then you cannot influence other people. If it is longer, then you are eloquent and good at writing and selling.


    1. Read the Health Line. The Health Line describes the material and physical well-being of a person, especially if the Life Line appears on the hand very faded and difficult to see. If a person has weak lines of Glory, Fate and Success, then the Health Line also plays a big role in the formation of material well-being. The line of health stretches from the base of the little finger, down through the palm to the base. thumb. Sometimes it can coincide with the Life Line.

      • Missing- most likely, you will have practically no health problems.
      • deep and continuous- good ones business qualities and the ability to work hard and earn money.
      • Wavy– potential health problems due to nervousness and anxiety.
      • Interrupted Poor health will lead to problems in business.
      • Small lines cross the Health Line- Predisposition to accidents.
      • Additional lines go to the Life Line- a sign of a life-threatening situation in old age.
      • Square around the line- a symbol of protection, whether it is good medical care or help in resolving business problems.
      • Donut shaped line break- the need for hospitalization.
      • Triangle formed by the lines of Life, Head and Health- known as the Happy Triangle, in which the width of the corner is directly proportional to the level of luck of the person.
    2. Read the Line of Glory. The Line of Glory supports the Line of Destiny. The Glory Line influences the social rewards of success. This line, if visible, starts at the base of the hand and runs up to the base of the ring finger parallel to the Fate Line.

      • Missing- the future glory of a person is hidden in other areas of the hand; this person may be successful, but prefer not to shine his success in front of the public.
      • deep and clear– difference and job satisfaction in your life.
      • Periodically broken- indicates the ups and downs in public recognition.
      • Reaches straight to the ring finger- glory in art is very possible.
      • Begins at the Head Line and runs through the Heart Line- hard work and late success in life.
      • Separation at the end of the Line of Glory (turning into two small lines)– success can be questionable in meaning.
      • Ends under ring fingers in the shape of a star or triangle- brilliant success in the field of arts (acting, singing, dancing).
      • Ends under the ring finger in the shape of a square- benevolent patron.
    3. Read the Marriage Line. Relationships are described by a small line (or lines) located just below the base of the little finger. The closer these lines are to the base of the little finger, the later in a person's life these relationships will occur.

      • Several light lines- novels.
      • deep and sharp lines - marriage.
      • Lots of intersecting lines- love affairs on the side.
      • Lines that meet but do not intersect- children born from connections on the side.
      • Branching at the beginning to the back of the hand- a long engagement.
      • Fork at the end towards the palm separation (with or without divorce).
      • A line at the end that abruptly cuts off the Marriage Line End of relationship due to death or divorce.
      • Breaks that rejoin with the intersection- parting with subsequent reunion.
    4. Read the Money Line. These lines do not indicate material wealth, but the skill of acquiring such wealth and how it can be achieved.

      • Missing- you will have so much money that you will use $100 bills as a handkerchief.
      • A line from the base of the thumb to the base of the index finger, ending in a star shape, is a natural talent for making money.
      • Line from the base of the thumb to the little finger Wealth from inheritance or family income.
      • Line from the base of the thumb to the middle finger- money earned through business.
      • Line extending to the ring finger, cutting through the Line of Glory- money will come through luck and unexpected circumstances.
    5. Small (or insignificant) lines can be found on most hands. They include the lines of Opposition, Intuition, Escape and Influence.
      • Opposition Lines: These lines can be found on the outside of the palm, between the Heart and Head Lines. These lines indicate the forces of opposition that you will have to face in life.
      • Line of Intuition: This line is on the outside of the palm (at the base of the palm under the little finger). It indicates strong intuition. If you have this line, then you are an extremely sensitive and intuitive person and may even have extrasensory perception. The line can bend into the palm or to its edge, but this does not change its value.
      • Escape Line: This line is near the base of the palm. She often crosses the Life Line, and this crossing symbolizes the time in your life when you will face the predicted event. The Escape Line indicates a person who avoids the problem in his life by indulging his imagination. If it connects with the Line of Glory, then this person will surrender to art in order to find peace. If she crosses the Health Line, then that person will develop an alcohol or drug addiction. It can also portend suicide.
      • Lines of Influence: These lines start at the base of the thumb and extend into the palm. The intersections of these lines with other lines symbolize important events. The much coveted lines of influence are those lines that indicate how and where a person will get rich if they cross the lines of money.

Palmistry is the science of patterns in the palm of a person. It takes into account the length, clarity of lines and additional figures: in the aggregate, the value of the marks gives an individual prediction. This is fortune telling for the future. Each person has his own unique destiny, displayed on the left and right palms.

Fortune telling by the pattern of the palm

Fortune telling for the future allows you to see important events. These are the starting points for new achievements and fundamental changes. Hand prediction takes into account the individual pattern: there are no two identical patterns on the palms of people. A person is born with the main lines, and over the years only additional elements appear.

To know the future, use:

  • general fortune-telling - it helps to see the main aspects of life (duration, state of the personal sphere, professional success);
  • special divination - used in cases where a person wants to get answers to exact questions (about personal or professional life).

Divination for the future covers the whole life of a person. From birth to death, the main features remain unchanged, therefore they do not change their meaning.

What aspects of life does

Palmistry is used to determine the life path of a person, her inclinations and abilities. Even hidden features are displayed in the patterns of the palm. You can see the following in the ornate drawing:

  • the state of human health (illness, accidents and serious injuries);
  • problems and successes in personal life (fortune-telling is carried out on the number of marriages and children, on success with the opposite sex);
  • talents and abilities (according to divination, a person can discover and develop his own talents);
  • success of the individual;
  • luck (the hand shows how lucky a person is in life);
  • personal development in the spiritual sphere;
  • inclinations of the individual to extrasensory perception;
  • glory (if a person can become famous, there is a characteristic mark on his hand).

Important aspects of life are displayed on smooth or winding lines. Their combination, intersection, unification - details that help form a general prediction, cover all aspects of a person's life.

On which hand to read the lines

The patterns of the left and right hands are different. The first shows the fate of a person, destined events, inclinations, abilities - everything that is given from birth. The right hand displays accomplishments, the consequences of his actions and decisions taken. If the left palm demonstrates the possibilities, then the right one speaks of how the person will use them.

To get an accurate prediction, the patterns on both hands are interpreted. They are compared: a person notes those features that can be developed, used for good. To find the cause of hidden childhood traumas, the pattern of the left hand is studied (the person can see weak sides own character). The right palm shows the state of health and success in professional life.

Lines and their meaning

A person can guess to himself. This can be done at any time of the year and day. For complex prediction, 4 main lines are used:

  • life;
  • fate;
  • Hearts (Love);

They make up general forecast(novice palmists are repelled from such dashes during the first fortune-telling). Their location is clearly limited by the phalanges of the finger, so finding them is easy.

The meaning of each describes one area of ​​human life: the line of Life represents human health, general state his mind and body; the line of Fate has a different purpose, it describes the chosen life path. The line of the Heart is responsible for the entire sensual part of the life of a man or woman, and the line of the Mind describes success in the professional field.

Line of Life

Any fortune-telling begins with this dash. The Life Line is the brightest arc. If you consider the palm, it will be the first to catch your eye. It starts from the rib between the thumb and forefinger.

There are lines of Life starting from the phalanx of the finger - this feature speaks of the extraordinary fate of the individual. She will not obey anyone and will be able to independently build her life. A dash runs along the palm and ends at the wrist.

Its length determines its lifespan. Conventionally, the entire arc is divided into 5 parts:

  • infancy - age from one year to 12 years;
  • adolescence and youth - up to 18 years;
  • conscious life - from 20 to 35 years;
  • maturity - from 40 to 60 years;
  • old age.

If a person guesses for himself, in these 5 segments he will see what difficulties await him. Any branches and breaks in the life stage are an indicator of difficulties or traumas. The arc speaks about the health of the individual: the more often a person gets sick, the more small marks on the main line.

General characteristics

The location of the arc along the Mount of Venus determines its value. She personifies the state of the human body. It reads information about health and predispositions. She also talks about events that will affect health - injuries, accidents, everything that harms the human body. Foreshadows the trait of a protracted illness and even death.

During fortune telling, the following are taken into account:

  • arc length;
  • the clarity of its boundaries;
  • the presence of additional dashes (depart from the arc, cross it).

A good clear line speaks of luck and good luck. It belongs to strong personalities, healthy physically and mentally. Line breaks are signs of rock. They talk about health problems that will take time and effort. It will be possible to overcome the difficulty if the line continues: it is even and long.

Fate Line

There is an arc on the hand, which belongs to 4 main lines, but it is not always pronounced. The absence of a line is the same sign as a clear stripe. To see it, you need to consider that part of the palm that is located above the line of Life.

The Arc of Fate runs vertically: it is placed under the index or middle finger. If there is no such feature on the hand, the person is driven. He loves to obey and live in someone else's mind. Such a person listens a lot and rarely offers his ideas: she is an ideal subordinate, an average worker.

To determine the value of an arc, its main characteristics are taken into account:

  • length;
  • definition;
  • interaction with other traits.

long line on the left hand speaks of the special life of the individual. She is gifted with a difficult but interesting fate. If she is on the right hand, her owners have strong, strong-willed personalities. They do not expect help, indulgences of fate. These are leaders, people who find their place under the sun.

Main characteristics

To determine the value of a vertical bar, find its beginning and end. If this is an independent line, it speaks of the strength of the spirit of its owner. These are principled individuals who do not know how to make concessions.

If the line is short, its owner is creative person. She knows how to look for extraordinary solutions. challenging tasks. These are people gifted with creative thinking, they fantasize a lot and give a lot to the world around them. If the dash is long and crosses the upper arcs, its owner goes ahead.

He knows how to achieve his goals and does not back down in the face of difficulties. The dashed line indicates conduction that the person is resisting. He knows where his fate can turn, but it does not always follow. The disadvantage of such people is their susceptibility to fears and doubts: a person often delves into himself, looks for difficulties where they do not exist.

Mind Line

The line of the Head, she is Uma, runs along the palm, as if cutting it into two parts. In most cases, the arc departs from the line of Life. It arches over the strip of Fate and passes under the arc of Love.

It symbolizes mental abilities and the makings of a person. The clearer it is, the easier it is for a person to analyze current events. Analysts are gifted with a long arc that is not crossed out by adjacent lines. It is connected with features that show the state of family life (the lines of Marriage and Children). For this reason, it affects the private life of a man or woman.

To find out the value of an arc, you need to:

  • track the location of the arc;
  • evaluate its interaction with the main features;
  • consider the figures that are formed when it intersects.

The arc describes not only the thinking of the individual, but also her professional success. The intersection with the line of Fate indicates the success of a person in the chosen field of activity.

Leading Features

In palmistry, the line of the Mind personifies the light that shows the way, helping to understand what a person needs. The arc represents mental abilities: the smarter the person, the clearer the line.

The owners have wisdom and cold calculation. A person with a deep line of Mind knows how to win without a break, he feeds on superiority over other people. In people with mental illness, the trait is ornate or too curvy. The arc shows the will, the strength of the spirit: the stronger the personality, the longer the line.

Heart Line

The line of the Heart shows how lucky a person is in his personal life. She personifies sensuality: the owners of a long arc are guided by feelings, instincts and desires. They do not know how to keep themselves under control - these are people with vivid emotional reactions.

An arc is located under the 4 phalanges of the fingers. It passes above the Mind line and ends at the level of the ring finger or little finger. The longer the dash, the less tolerance and prudence a person has. If the line reaches the edge of the palm, it indicates a good opportunity for a person to feel the world They are empaths guided by instinct.

They have developed intuition. The short line describes a person who has difficulty expressing emotions. They are guided logical arguments and don't care about feelings.

Accepted characteristics

A line runs along the palm and seems to cover 2 important marks - the line of Children and Marriage. These are dashes located on the edge of the hand. The success of a person in his personal life depends on their severity. If the main arc is curved, it promises a lot of difficulties. Any intersecting lines speak of betrayal or disappointment in love.

People gifted with a clear and long arc often suffer from unrequited feelings - they are endowed with frankness, which does not always help to improve their personal lives. If the line intersects with the line of the Mind, a person knows how to balance two areas of life: feelings and reason.

Arch markings

Predictions are read along the lines: for basic fortune-telling, the clarity of the lines is enough, and special predictions need to be analyzed for additional details.

Of particular importance are the figures on the lines:

  • the star denotes danger, but only when it is located far from the line of the Heart (if the star is near the hill, it symbolizes creative luck);
  • a dot indicates a forced stop (if the line continues, problems can be overcome);
  • the cross portends a protracted crisis (more often it means financial losses);
  • the lattice symbolizes the cardinal changes that everyone needs (whatever they are, they need to be experienced and a valuable life lesson learned);
  • the triangle is a symbol of money luck.

If figures (a triangle or an island) are formed with 2 or more lines, a person’s life goes according to a given plan. During this period, he will not be able to make decisions on his own.

Hills on hand

On the human hand, 7 hills are expressed to varying degrees: Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Apollo, Mercury, Mars and the Moon. Under the index finger is the hillock of Jupiter, it symbolizes a strong personality, and weak-willed people have a poorly pronounced hillock.

Under the middle finger is the hillock of Saturn, he speaks of the harmony of the individual (she is not afraid to be alone with her own thoughts). Under the ring finger you can find the hill of the Sun, personifying the thirst for fame and pleasure. Under the little finger is the tubercle of Mercury - such a bulge in the palm of your hand speaks of a person’s success in public affairs.

Under thumb the hill of Venus is located: it is responsible for the benevolence and openness of the individual. Above the wrist is the tubercle of the moon. It indicates the emotionality and susceptibility of a person.

Popular divination

Divination by the hand is a simple divination. From it you can find out how quickly young people get married and find their place in life. Children need to predict on the left palm if the baby is often sick.

Useful divination before acceptance important decision(the lines of Life and Fate are being studied). It will be useful to study the pattern on the palm before entering into an official marriage - possible betrayals and betrayals are determined along the arc of the Heart.


Palmistry is an ancient science that is used for general or specific divination. A divination is compiled along 4 main lines: Life, Fate, Head and Love. You need to guess on both palms. On the left hand, the predestined fate of the individual is displayed, and on the right hand, the choice of the person. Divination helps to prevent dangers in personal and professional life.

One of the most exciting activities and entertainment. The first mention of palmistry dates back to 2000 BC. e. Palmistry is a Greek word, translated as divination or prediction by hand. In the Middle Ages, palmistry was considered a science, and today interest in palmistry has not faded either. Each person has his own destiny, which is encrypted in the palm of your hand in the form of lines.

Richard Webster believes that the ability to read human destiny in the palm of your hand is just knowledge, experience and logical thinking, and not some otherworldly phenomena.

It is a developing science, accessible to those who can think and analyze. Fortune telling by hand does not require knowledge in medicine and any other sciences, so anyone can do it.


The longer the line of life, pronounced in the palm of your hand, the more enduring and energetic a person is. life line - main line, an indicator of our vital activity. It is good when she is strong and healthy, brightly outlined. When the line of life begins at the edge of the palm - this indicates the decisiveness of the character, if it begins in the form of a chain - too dependent on others.

When at the very beginning the line of life connects with the line of the head, the longer the combined segment, the more cautious, sensitive and insecure the person is. Such people achieve little in life.

If people have a short lifeline, they may well live to old age, they just do not have physical endurance.

If a thin parallel line passes with the line of life, this sister line is an auspicious sign.

She is considered a guardian angel line. In especially lucky people, it goes along the entire length of the life line. Breaks in the line of life often speak of changes in life. Lines running from the base of the thumb to the life line and crossing it are the lines of anxiety and stress.

There can be serious trouble if the line of life is connected to the line of the head and heart, in which case a fatal outcome is possible. The line of life, not connected with the line of the head, speaks of early development and determination, they are often very gifted people.


The line of the heart governs our emotions. The line of the heart shows how a person sympathizes with loved ones and people in general. Character and temperament, condition of cardio-vascular system. The more sinuous the line of the heart, the more emotional the person. A weak line of the heart indicates a sensitive nature.

If the line of the heart is low, then the person is capable of deep feelings. The shorter the line of the heart and the higher it is located, the less a person has the ability to express his feelings physically.

People differ with the spiritual and physical line of the heart. The physical line of the heart ends between the middle and index fingers, or at the base of one of them. The spiritual line of the heart runs parallel to the base of the fingers. People with a physical heart line know how to love and express their feelings, easily endure the blows of fate and do not fall into depression. Hypersensitivity possessed by people with a spiritual line of the heart. Such people always strive for communication and always try to maintain inner freedom. People whose heart line ends at the base of the index finger are very demanding in their personal lives. The higher the line of the heart rises to the hill of Jupiter, the more branches, the better for a person, this means wealth, success, recognition.

If the line of the heart connects with the line of the head and the line of life, a fatal outcome is possible, a murder out of jealousy. The line of the heart, passing high, indicates an impulsive, jealous person.

The line of the heart is clear, red - nobility, generosity. Deep red - passionate love, sensuality. Without branches - dryness of the heart. Intersection of secondary lines is a deception in love. If the line is double, then this indicates that this person in marriage will be very devoted.


The head line is the most important line on the arm. The line of the head indicates the strength of our thinking, the degree of development of the intellect. It starts between the bases of the thumb and forefinger, then crosses the palm and ends approximately under the ring finger. The longer the line of the mind, the wider and more complex the person thinks, the more developed the intellect. The line of the head, crossing the palm completely to the edge of the palm, speaks of the ability to foresee events and insight. With a short line of mind, a person is little inclined to analysis.

The branched end of the line of the mind speaks of the creativity of a person and his ability to original ideas. Often the branching of the mind line is called the writer's fork. An independent way of thinking in a person who has a line of mind far from the line of life. If the line of mind and the line of life merge, this person is not able to make decisions on his own.

The contact of the head line with the life line indicates caution. The line of the mind and the line of life, which are close, speak of the independence of a person's thinking. If the line of the mind begins at the index finger, then such a person is very dependent in his thoughts and actions. A weak and unstable line means nervousness and slowness.

The dashed line of the head indicates poor memory and poor attention, as a rule, weak intellectual abilities. A thin long line - infidelity, frivolity. A wide colorless line - imprudence, irascibility, anger. The line of the head, consisting of small lines, means bad memory, headache. Deep line - intelligence, power, concentration. Deep red line - obsession, the ability to cruelty. Pink line - the person is intelligent


The line of fate is one of the main lines on the hand. She gives information about labor activity and career growth of a person, speaks of future success.

In general, the presence of the line of fate allows you to make the right decisions.

The line, above the line of the wrist, rising up to the middle finger is the line of fate. The line of fate is pronounced and weakly expressed. May be on small area palms, and may be absent altogether. A long line of fate, stretching to the middle finger, speaks of the independence and determination of a person.

If the line of fate has breaks, then this indicates that a person will often change professions. For independent people, the line of fate often begins in the middle of the palm. If the line of fate ends at the hill of Jupiter, then a person will have material success, wealth, and honors. If the line of fate ends at the ring finger, the hill of Apollo, then the person will achieve his goal in everything, it is worth doing creativity. If the line of fate ends at the little finger, the hill of Mercury, it is a bad sign. Ruin, failure, but these people are sociable, they need to have a profession with these inclinations.

If the end of the line of fate bifurcates or has a triple fork - this is good sign.

A person will get joy and pleasure from life.

The presence of a long line of fate indicates the longevity of a person.

If the line goes from the edge of the palm to the line of fate, then its presence speaks of parapsychological abilities and an increased interest in everything mystical.

If the line of intuition is directed towards the line of fate, this person has the ability to clairvoyance and prophecy. If the line of intuition is directed to the line of the mind - the ability to heal.


They are located on the edge of the palm. Sometimes these lines determine the number of marriages or heart affections in life.

The line of children is located under the little finger, they often indicate the possible number of children,

since with modern medicine their number can be controlled.


Travel lines are possessed by people striving for changes in their lives. These are several horizontal lines originating at the edge of the palm, the owners of these lines love to travel.


The money line goes from the life line to the base of a hill. If the life line goes to the hill of Jupiter, then the person earns money as a result of career growth. If a line of money comes out on the hill of Saturn, then there will be hard labour. In the event that the line of money turns to the hill of Apollo, the person will receive money easily, even possibly win it. If the line of money is directed to the hill of Mercury, then such a person earns money with his head. With help creativity and in business.

Ring of Venus

The line begins between the fingers of Jupiter - Saturn, ends between the fingers of the Sun and Mercury. The ring of Venus means the ring of love. People are sensitive, elevated. If the line breaks - hysterical. If the line is double, they are prone to intimate joys and vicious pleasures.


The line of health starts from the line of life, goes to the little finger and ends at its base. If the health line is long, then this indicates that the long-liver

If there is no health line on the hand, then the person is interested in material values ​​and such a person is not subject to stress.


The cross, which is located between the line of the heart and the line of the head, that is, in a large quadrangle, is called mystical. The holders of such a cross have the ability to mystical sciences.


Often, various signs can be seen on the palm and lines of the hand. Somewhere we see crosses, somewhere islands, sometimes squares, stars, lattices. Each of these signs, as has been observed, carries a semantic meaning.

Lattice is an unfavorable sign. Indicates that the circumstances are not clear, and things are confused

Crosses on the main lines are unfavorable. They talk about upcoming problems, and a cross in a quadrangle speaks of a person's superpowers.

Squares are a sign of protection. Someone cares about you and helps in difficult moments of life.

A star, three lines intersecting is a good sign. A joyful event will appear in your life. The star lights the way.

The islands are a bifurcating line, and then again connecting into one, thus forming an island. The sign is not good, it speaks of loneliness, problems, nervous breakdowns, depression. Small lines crossing the line of the mind indicate frequent headaches. Islands on the line of life, speak of depression and health problems.

Divination by the hand is considered one of the most popular methods used to find out the future of a person. Each individual line has its own meaning and can tell what lies ahead and how life will turn out. Any lines on the hand are usually recommended to be viewed on the right hand. This is explained by the fact that it is on it that all the data have more exact value. For example, the marriage line will tell about personal life, emotions and experiences that not each of us can admit to himself.

The marriage line on the hand is a small strip, located at a short distance from each other. The dashes begin, as a rule, under the little finger and go to the hill of Mercury. Fuzzy and unfinished - relationships that will not lead to marriage. special attention deserves a clear and pronounced line.

With the help of such a science as palmistry and having studied the strip of marriage, many things can be determined. For example, the number of serious relationships, the number of marriages, age and much more. The absence of such data in the palm of your hand may be evidence that a person is rather cold and there is no love in his life. The possibility of marriage can only be with the receipt of benefits.

Divination by hand for a date

If you want to know the exact date when you get married, then palmistry will help answer this question.

The exact answer will turn out if you are not yet 30 years old.

  • for 0 years, the line of the heart is taken
  • for 44 years, the bend of the little finger is taken

To find out not only age, but also other details regarding love relationship, it is enough to study the lines on the hand. Remember, divination involves the study of data on the right palm.

  • when the bar responsible for marriage rises, this means that the union will be unsuccessful or impossible. Often seen in widowed people.
  • when the dash goes down - either you live longer than your spouse, or betrayal or betrayal is possible, which will bring severe pain.
  • when the line ends with a fork - you can part through your fault, but if the dashes again converge into one, then reconciliation is possible.
  • when the strip is clear and goes to the hill of Mercury, then this promises a strong relationship throughout long period time.
  • branches from the strip are a sign of problems and disagreements.
  • a large number of dashes means you treat relationships thoroughly, choosing the right partner.
  • when the strip fades and goes out in the palm of your hand, then, most likely, the feelings will fade away, and you can leave.
  • the cross on the line denotes problems and obstacles in marriage.
  • an asterisk is a sign of insincere relationships built on the calculation.
  • the dot speaks of widowhood.

As you can see, fortune telling by hand is a tool that will show not only the age of marriage, but also other important data. And help in this video and photos on the Internet. Various photos will make it quick to search for a marriage line in the palm of your hand, and divination simple and enjoyable.

Palmistry is engaged in determining human destiny with the help of dashes on the hand. A detailed study of the location and bends will help you find out what fate will bring in the near future and in the distant future.

It is very important to carefully consider the entire event, devoting enough time to the rite itself.

For love, marriage and the future, we guess by the hand. Photo from

Palmists always say that they do not guess, but read on the hand, because there is enough knowledge about lines and signs to predict a person's life. To do this, you do not need to have special abilities, it is important to know the rules.

How to read a hand: basic rules

Many novice magicians who do not yet fully know how to read the hand, immediately begin to study the lines on the right. This is wrong, first of all, look at the left one, compare its lines with the right one, study the shape of the hands, fingers, nails - their features can tell a lot about their owner.

The palmist must perform divination by running hand, that is, a person needs to know in advance whether he is right-handed or left-handed. If right-handed, then we look at the right hand, left-handed - left. First, we pay attention to 3 main lines, they are called the lines of the Heart, Life and Head. Any interpretation always starts with them, just like acquaintance with palmistry. If you still have little knowledge, then stop for now only on these three lines.

  • The Life Line originates from the wrist and goes into the space between the thumb and forefinger. Many people think that the longer it is, the longer a person will live. But this is not so, the most important thing here is the signs that tell about difficulties in life, problems in the family, with children, etc. The clearer these signs, the stronger they affect the line of life.
  • Another large line is located perpendicular to the fingers and is called the line of the Heart. It defines the relationship of a person with the opposite sex, love and mutual understanding.
  • The Head Line is the third important designation on the hand. It helps to determine how developed the intellectual abilities of a person, like him humanitarian sciences or precise, etc.

Predicting the future by hand

With the help of palmistry, you can tell a lot about the future of a person. To find out how successful a career will be, pay attention to the Mind line. Before you guess the hand for the future, decide what exactly you want to know. For example, you are interested in whether you will get married and have children, how it will develop professional activity what difficulties you will face, etc. Different lines, signs and zones are responsible for all this.

To identify problems that may appear throughout life, look at the line of Destiny. If it is interrupted, then serious illnesses or troubles are possible, crossed out in several places - also expect something bad, but circles and semicircles - to isolation or ring development, that is, life will move as if in a spiral. Remember that the length of this line has nothing to do with the number of years a person lives. The longer it is, the more meticulous its owner. If he trusts logic more and relies on it in everything, then the line will be short.

Love and palmistry

Many guess at love on the cards, but they do not always end up with them, but palmistry assumes only the presence of knowledge. Most of those who guess by hand, or ask someone to do it, are interested in love affairs, that is, personal life. Many palmists know how to read the hand for love, taking into account all the signs, but for now we will focus on the main lines and their characteristics.

Here, the Heart line is considered to be the main one, which can tell about successes and failures in personal life. If it is long, clear, there are no branches on it or they are almost invisible, then in the future a person will meet the love of his life and be able to create a strong marriage.

Be sure to pay attention to the hill of Venus, if it is small, then the person is cold and calm, he will never succumb to his passions, he will act prudently and prudently. The higher the hill, the more passion there is in life. Of great importance is the line of Attachment, which originates on the edge of the palm and goes to its surface. It means that in a person's life has already appeared close person with whom a strong relationship has been established.

Will the lines tell about marriage and children?

This question haunts many, but there is only one answer - you must first look at the line of Marriage, which is also called the line of Relationships or Marriage. Here it is important to pay attention to its duration, clarity and the presence or absence of signs. If it is clear and without breaks, then the marriage will be strong and long-lasting, but the presence of signs can not only predict obstacles and problems, but even the death of a spouse, therefore, before you guess by the hand for marriage, get ready to find out the whole truth.

With this line, you can determine the approximate time of marriage. To do this, it is divided into several parts: from the base of the little finger to the line of the Heart - up to 22 years, and then to Mercury - 44 years, then time begins to flow in the opposite direction.

  • With the help of additional signs, you can trace the features of the relationship. Usually it contains a star, an island, a cross and a dot.
  • But remember that if there are several marriages, then the sign only affects the one on whose line it is located, it has nothing to do with the rest! If there is a point, then the person is destined to be a widower or widow, and the death of a husband or wife will happen unexpectedly.
  • The appearance of the sign "island" will tell about difficult relationships, which will be accompanied by painful breaks, scandals and sick affection.
  • And the star will tell about marriage without love, the cross - about the difficulties that will stand in the way of a husband and wife. It is extremely difficult to overcome them, but if this can be done, then the marriage will only strengthen.

Fortune telling by the hand is an interesting activity, anyone can become a palmist, but for this you need to learn how to find and interpret all the lines and signs, remember that a person is the blacksmith of his own happiness, he is able to change his life and destiny, it is interesting that the lines on the hand this is also changing.

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