How to open an intercom poly bow. Allowance for those who have bad memory: how to open an intercom without a key

Engineering systems 25.06.2019
Engineering systems

Quite often is the problem when the keys to the intercom are lost or forgotten, nevertheless there is an output, it is inputing a special code that was installed by the manufacturer of this intercom device. All the details below.

The intercomder kit is necessary in order to ensure safety in the entrance of an apartment building, as the criminals usually expect a victim in open non-protected entrances to get into the apartment. Also, the intercom provides order and purity in the entrance, as it scares the lumpen and marginals.

It is necessary to know that the input of a special PIN-code with his own intentions is prosecuted by law.

Modern intercoms have not only the opportunity to communicate, write a conversation, but also video surveillance, which give 100% security. Many intercoms are equipped with a special code so that you can open (if you forgot or lost the key) in emergency situations (unlocking), as well as a loud emergency alert system when evacuating people from a building in a fire, earthquake and other situations.

During the operation of the intercom, you should follow the following instructions:

  1. When you exit the entrance, you must press the button under the screen and wait for the sound signal, only after that go out.
  2. When entering the entrance, you need to view the key-chip to the reading panel of the intercom device, when the beep (pulse) sounds, you can unlock the front door.
  3. After the exit or in the course of the entrance, it is impossible to help the doors to close, it closes with the help of a hydraulic closer.
  4. If you push and help the doors close, it can lead to a breakdown of the closer.

The main components of the intercom are: a company name sign, a challenge block, a primary power supply, an independent switching unit, an independent electromagnetic lock that multiplies the magnet to the door of the doors, door closer, Call button, Apartment blocks, keyboard.

Intercoms are divided into multi-scale and little subscriber, technical device, on a lot of wired and two-wire. In the age of new technologies, there are intercoms that receive and give a signal using Wi-Fi, based on optical fiber.

You should not panic if there are no keys from the intercom, or it is demaging, filmed encoding (Recoding and programming are required). You can deceive any intercom using a universal key-chip, which is available at the ambulance doctors, police, employees of post offices (postmen), employees of house management, Internet communication (Rostelecom). These keys are made in the form of a special tablet, radio key chains, a two-contact key and are issued to legally employees of special services.

Description of the method: how to open the intercom from metal

Intercom Metaka domestic production is used for apartment houses To protect against not the desired guests. What to do to open the intercom, is it possible at all?

The main thing is not to break the screen, but to do (restore) lock, by entering the combination.

To open the Metacom intercom without screen, you need to type a special combination consisting of several digits and letters. First, click the button responsible for the apartment number - V. Secondly, to score code 5702.

If the intercom has not opened, you can try to enter codes:

  • 64434;
  • 1256;
  • 1256;
  • 4978.

If the intercom is MK-20M / T, forward or Pro series, then it is necessary to introduce similar combinations or PIN (B + 27, B + 5702). Catching all the code for a very long time and can either wait when someone will go or get out of the entrance, or call the next apartment and say that you are a neighbor and forgotten the keys. And remember that the use of all frauds with mercenary or robbery is prosecuted by law.

Example: how to open an intercom visit

The intercom visit is one of the most reliable devices and is adapted to such harsh conditions as low and high temperatures, wind, rain. The housing of the intercom has an anti-corrosion coating, which ensures reliability.

The intercom of such a model works in a humid climate. The average life is about 10 years.

Domocophone Visit in case of emergency can be opened by a special code, you should log in to its menu and dial # 999. After you work 2 signals, enter 1234. It is necessary to wait a bit and after a short signal to dial 2 # 3535.

If, after the combination of 1234 was entered, a short signal was not followed, and a signal similar to two-tone or others was heard, then you can enter different combinations:

  • 6767;
  • 3535;
  • 12345;
  • 11639.

After a dialed combination, you must enter 2 # 3535. Actual for the following models: Vizit N-100, Vizit SM-100, VIZIT BVD-341, VIZIT BVD -313 and others.

How to open a Cyfral intercom

The digital has many models: digital Intel, the SSD-20,40 digital, digitically digitized SSD-2087.2TV, digitized SSD-2087.2T, digital SSD-2087.2T R, digitized M-10MR, digitally digitized M-10MT, digitally M-20MTV, Digital M-20MZV.

The Cyfral intercom has a regular model, to opened without a key, you must enter the following numbering:

  • Call + 100 + 2323;
  • Call + 200 + 2323;
  • Call + 300 + 2323;
  • Call + 400 + 2323;
  • Call + 500 + 2323;
  • Call + 600 + 2323;
  • Call + 700 + 2323;
  • Call + 800 + 2323;
  • Call + 900 + 2323;
  • Or pick up the following challenge combination + number + 2323 or 7272, 7273.

To pick up the code, you need time, it is better to call a neighbor in the apartment. For the CYFRAL MM intercom is easy to operate with a combination of + 37 or call + 3792. The CyFral Domocor CCD-2094.1M Series opens through the Call Code + 0000, after this appears on the display, you must enter 2.

If these operations do not work, the factory access code has been changed by housing and utilities officers.

If you are with the tenant of this house, you can find out the access code if the key was lost. The intercom of the CYFRAL CCD-2094M model can be opened by typing a combination of 0000 + call, after the COD inscription will appear. 123456 + call, if not triggered, enter 456999 + call, or 123400 + call, after that the intercom display appears f0, then enter 601.

Ruckings of the Rainmann intercom template (Rainmann) 2000 is possible by entering the combination - key + 987654, after a double signal of the intercom, we enter 123456, after which R. Letter P appears on the display monitor indicates that they came to the service menu in which you can exercise Control with numbers and do it yourself program code.

The only number is introduced:

  • 4 - Block and disable the intercom Rainmann;
  • 6 - turn off rainmann;
  • 8 - open (the door is demagging).

The intercom of any Domoguard model can be opened by entering a combination with + 669900 + call + enter the number more per 1 unit than the figure of the last apartment in the entrance. After a set of combinations, F displays appears on the intercom display, which will mean the output to the service menu. After that, type the code 080 to enter a new key 2, 2 in the intercom memory, 2. To disable the door lock - 071.

Instructions: how to open an ELTIS intercom

All ELTIS intercom models are open after entering a special combination, however, if the entered combination does not open the door, the factory settings have been changed. Eltis Intercom (ELTIS) can be opened by introducing universal code that you can deceive the protective device.

  • Call + 973;
  • Call + 7456;
  • Call + 2323.

The same combinations in which the call button is pressed, you can open the following types (drive intercoms) - Techno, Stroymaster, Marshal, Blesplat (BelSplat), Kamsan, Condor, Lock, Poly, Filman, Polylock, Smartel, Laskomex, Modeus, Polis and others.

Code from intercom.

Mark's intercom factorial different models can be opened without a key, introducing a special access code to software - 000000 + 123456, 5 + 3453475 + call + 7 + call.

The KeyMan intercom can be opened using input - to + 100 + 789, after the signal sounded, enter 123456. After displaying the Caiman P, which allows you to enter the menu, enter 8. If the intercom has a touch screen, then in winter you can open in the winter Snow lump applications to the screen, hypothermia can spoil the intercom.

It is still possible to open the device using a piezoelement lighter, which is applied to the place for the key, but it does not always work and weakly.

Intercom Barrier II, 2M and 4 can be opened if you press 2 + 4 or 2 + 7. It is also possible to magnetize the place where you apply and enjoy the key. In the same way, you can open the intercadess intercourse, an empty plastic key.

The Intercom Raikmann and Rainmann and Smartel can be opened like this:

  • Key + 321654;
  • After the audio signal, enter the numbers 123456;
  • When the display appears on the display, enter 8 or recode the shocker or electrosker, which the intercom device can turn off its pulse.

Blink's intercom is the only audio intercom installed in Belarus, in Ukraine, Kazakhstan and it is possible to open it with the help of a d9-0.1, 6F22 battery which we apply turnkey. And the intercom crown, pyrrory and safe can be opened with the factory combination 951. Intercom Pier 1000 micro can be opened with the factory access code - 12345678 + K + 1234 or 8310649 + the entrance number.

You should know: how to find out the code from the intercom

Intercom is the most reliable device for protection multi-storey houses, garages and private houses. The residents of the building or the master of the garage should know the password and secret codes for the emergency discovery of the intercom. This password is used if the key from the intercom was lost or forgotten.

If the key from the intercom is lost and the password was forgotten, open the door can not be able to call using the phone in housing and communal services, service or company, one service centerwhich installed this intercom device so that the wizard can unlock code locks. Remember that unauthorized penetration and hacking of the intercom in the entrance of the house on someone else's territory is responsible for its actions.

Why don't you enter codes and physically try to open the intercom without a key? There is an instruction where it is written that it is strictly prohibited during the operation of the intercom to apply any mechanical damage to the call block, tube, block of electronics, electromagnetic lock, opening buttons and intercom housing various subjectswhich can lead to a breakdown of the device or its individual items.

Mechanical damage also refers to snow wiping, water dumping, heating with fire, dumping with paint and other solutions, use the magnetic key using an electromagnet, pull out the buttons, independently fix the device or encode it.

It is forbidden to independently perform recoding, unlocking or other actions by a person who is not an employee of the intercom service. You can not pull the door behind you, which can lead to a breakdown of the hydraulic closer. The speed closing the access door is installed by the master, depending on the design features of the door and adjusting screws.

How to open an intercom without key (video)

In conclusion, it is worth noting that it is forbidden to put out the door from the inside and outside the foreign objects that interfere with independent closure of the door and leading to unauthorized penetration of other people in the territory.

Currently, more than 95 percent of the entrances are equipped with such a security system as a intercom. This device exists in various variations, but all of them can be culturally "hacking". So how can you open the intercom without a key?

It turns out that intercom systems installed in our cities are simple as the multiplication table. And if you say more precisely, they are absolutely logical from the technical side. This can be judged, just typing the cherished phrase in any search engine system: "How to open an intercom without a key." We see that we are kindly invited hardly a million answers to this question, due to what the feeling is that at least half of the population of our country or hackers, or some "engineers" in the shower.

As you know, in order to configure the intercom, you need access to its programming mode. This is usually implemented by dialing a specific password on the keyboard of the device. After the installer entered the mode, he gets the opportunity not only to open the door of the entrance with the intercom, but also change all the system settings to its taste without opening the doors. It is this part of the intercom system that producers paid at one time special attention, lame, as they say, on both legs. Similarly, whether the error of the manufacturer, or too lazy and the inattention of the installer. But the fact remains a fact - secret codes, allowing to enter the entrance without a key from the intercom, have long ceased to be secret.

Let us consider how you can open the most famous species Intercom systems without key. So, after practical application Method of samples and errors, you can safely say: "Sesame, Open!"

Vizit: how to open an intercom without a key

These intercoms are considered the most difficult to open without a key, since the codes on them are distinguished by enviable diversity. If the installer has not changed the standard device settings, the door must open after entering "12 # 345" or "* # 4230". The newly installed VIZIT can be opened by the code "67 # 890" or "* # 423". By the way, on many models of such intercoms, there are often no "asterisks" and "lattices" symbols - their functions are replaced, respectively, the "K" and "C" keys.

If the configuration setup is set to change its standard settings, you will first go to the service menu ("# 999"), wait for two short beeps, and then enter the default code ("1234"). Now you must hear a short single squeak. Now we will do several of the following more complex operations. We score "2", pause, "grille", pause, "3535" (the last code is a command for opening the intercom without the use of the key).

Cyfral: how to open an intercom without a key

If there are numbering apartments in the desired entrance, which is multiple 100 (i.e. 100, 200, etc.), a combination is entered: "Call, code 1, call, code 2". Code 1 is an apartment number that is multiple 100, and code 2 is "7272", "2323" or "7273".

For Cyfral models with a beak "M" try a combination: "Call, 41" or "Call, 1410". Another door can be opened with a simple introduction of "07054".

How to open without a key

Eltis open much easier. For a "neat" hacking, type a combination: "Call, 100, Call, 7273" or "Call, 100, Challenge, 2323". Everything should work out.

Open the intercom Metak

We recruit the combination: "Call, first apartment number in this entrance, challenge." When you see the "COD" inscription, enter "5702". If nothing happens, you can go on another way by typing a combination: "65535, challenge, 1234, challenge, 8, challenge, 6, challenge, 4568".

Rainmann: how to open an intercom without a key

On the numeric keypad, click "Key" and enter "987654". If the reaction to your action served a double squeak, then enter further "123456". The display should appear "P" beep, which means that you are in the service menu. To open the door, just press "8".

Taking the opening of the door with a keeper's intercom, it is necessary to distinguish between the need for a banal and criminal burglary of hacking with mercenary goals. Therefore, be prudent and use the knowledge gained with the mind.

If you forgot or lost the key to the entry knowledge of the service intercom code will help keyless open the door. But the number of companies producing access devices is great. We will dwell only on those popular in our country.

What is an intercom?

Intercom (intercom system or negotiation-locking device) is a complex of devices that restrict access to the room. As a rule, consists of the following components:

  • Lock. The prevailing type is electronic, however, on some models, electromechanical can be installed;
  • Communication unit. Allows you to install audio (in some modifications - video) Communication between a certain apartment and the visitor, which is in the external entrance door.

In modern devices have additional features, such as the:

  • installation of fireman or security alarm, connecting it to the remote control of the respective structures;
  • emergency call from the rescue service device;
  • face recognition feature (in certain models equipped with video surveillance).

The degree of functionality and additional possibilities of the system depend on the wishes of the customer, strongly affect the final cost of the installed equipment.

A bit of history

Since a long time, mankind has tried to protect his personal property from external encroachments. Inventing various devices and devices that prevent the penetration of "strangers" in the dwelling.

The ancient Chinese and inventors of complex shut-off devices are primary and inventors (where without them), the Egyptians and residents of the interfluve. Approximately one period independently of each other developed the first locks.

First of all, the access limiting devices were needed by the rulers of states who wanted to ensure the safety of their treasury. Stored wealth pushed others to unlawful actions - it was completely impossible to trust anyone, even close relatives.

The first copies were made of wood. Over the course of several centuries, wood was the main material for the manufacture of locks. Lifting, in the future, the championship of metals and alloys.

The most ancient is found on the territory of modern Iraq in late XIX. in. exhibit. His age archaeologists are assessed in 2700 years. Represents wooden box, inside which there is a movable boss, locking the door.

With the development of metalworking, combined locking devices appear - wooden-metal. In such locks, the key and junk were made of metal (or alloys) and the body remained from the tree. These copies were used in Ancient Greece and Rome.

The so-called "Roman Castle" was distinguished by a massive key made of bronze. In it, the principle of "rotation" of the key was first applied, the device contained spring components.

IN Medieval Europe In the manufacture of iron was used. The most common were hinged locks 2 types. Their name had a geographical binding:

  • "German" Type of lock. A distinctive feature It is a beveled ending ending grass and spring, fixing it in "closed" condition. To close such a lock, it was enough just to slam the door. When unlocking the key turn (just over 90 degrees) moved the lock plate, squeezing the spring.
  • "French" . He had a spring, which prevented the random move of the basement. When opening, the key turned into several revolutions.

Technical revolution XIX-XX V.V. introduced innovations in the design of the locks. Their new types and types appear. In addition to mechanical, the distribution is obtained by electronic, code devices. Open which is possible by entering an alphanumeric sequence, a magnetic card, fingerprint, etc.

Intercom systems have been developed to restrict access in the entrances of apartment buildings.


All devices are classified depending on:

  • The number of connected users.
  • Video signal transmission capabilities.

By the number of connected users, the Intercoms are conventionally divided into 2 large groups:

  • With a small number of subscribers are individual devices. Installed at the entrance doors in private houses, small firms.
  • With a large number of subscribers. Used on the entrances of high-altitude apartment houses.

If possible, transmission Video signal Allocate:

  • Audio components. With an incoming call, the user of such a system has only sound contact. The advantages of this type can be attributed to the low cost and ease of installation of equipment. The disadvantages are lack of visual contact and insufficient safety (by calling any apartment and introducing himself to a physician, police, etc. can be penetrated into the entrance).
  • Video intercoms. Give the possibility of visual contact with the resulting. Equipment such an intercom contains a camcorder with an IR illumination. Mounting multiple cameras allowing a picture from different positions, which is a plus system. Another bonus is the ability to connect recording devices, which will allow you to conduct round-the-clock video spix of what is happening. The disadvantages include only the cost of the equipment.

What does the intercom "consist"?

The intercom system is a complex of equipment, the constituent elements of which are:

1 Main block (panel) for call. Located on the entrance door or next to it. Allows you to enter the room or call the user living in the house. It has protection against vandals. Comprises:

  • - Buttons with digital characters for dialing, call buttons and reset. All buttons have a backlight function;
  • - dynamics and microphones that provide audio contact between the subscriber and the visitor;
  • - a device for reading a key (card);
  • - In models with video link - surveillance camera.

2 Switching device. Represents internal organizationwhich connects the input block with a negotiation device inside the apartment when dialing the number. Externally, it is not allocated, it is an electronic intercom filling.

3 Subscriber device. Located in the apartment, is a negotiation device that allows you to communicate with visitors. It has a type of tube (if video link is supported - the LCD screen is present). Includes the button of the remote opening of the entrance doors.

4 Lock. It is associated with the main unit and switching device, it receives them commands to open. The equipment depends on the model of the intercom and can be represented as an electromagnetic and electromechanical device. The disadvantage of the first is a complete dependence on electricity on the network. In cases of its shutdown, the door is automatically unlocked. Also, this type of lock relative to easy can be outlined. The advantages will take the simplicity of manufacture and durability due to the lack of moving parts, low price.

How to open the door with the intercom?

Open the door of the entrance, equipped with intercom, may be in several ways:

  • Introduction of a digital sequence. These codes can be individual for the tenants of each apartment, or common - one combination is used by all living in the entrance. The last option reduces the safety of the device device, because "Owners" password very quickly becomes a large number of citizens (friends, relatives, colleagues, etc.). Individual passwords are more reliable and protected from extensive use (the number of "devoted to the mystery" depends only on the tenant). At the same time, in certain models, the subscriber comes a beep to an internal device warning that someone used the code of the apartment for penetration into the entrance. In addition to the above, "service codes" exist. Their use is limited to a specific contingent. Such passwords are used by district, doctors, employees of utilities.
  • Magnetic card. It is applied to a special reading device on the call panel.
  • With the device of the subscriber, which is located in the apartment. With an incoming call, the subscriber presses the button on the device, giving a signal to the opening.

If everything is clear with the latest opening option, then the first 2 will consider in more detail.

Codes for opening

A universal sequence that could open any door does not exist - this is an axiom. But different manufacturers have certain "factory" codes inherent in a specific brand.

We have prepared an overview of such codes that will help open doors into the house entrance, in case of loss or lack of key.

When installing the equipment, the installer can change the factory settings. If the above combinations are invalid to contact your intercom from your intercom and ask the access code.

Useful table

ManufacturerPossible combinations
Factorial 1. 000000 2. 123456 3. Hold the number "5" a few seconds, after the message "180180" click "Call" 4 "Call"
Kron. Combination "951"
Technology The algorithm is as follows: - We recruit a 3-point code (any combination). When you press the number of each subsequent digit, the previous one is not released. - Hold a few seconds, then alternately release on one button in the reverse sequence ("123" pause "321"). - We enter the sequence 4321V3B
Laskomex. 1. "Call" + apartment + password out of 4 characters (issued when installing the system, unique for each apartment). 2. "The key with the key" "" "0" "" key "" 0 "" "" key "" 0 "" "" key "" 0 "(only 4 combinations Key + 0) 6666. Post the appearance of the symbol "P" press "8". After 30-40 seconds the door will open.
Stroy master 1. 1234 2. 6767 3. 3535 4. 9999 5. 12345 6. 0000 7. 11639 After entering the numeric sequence (from 1 to 7) at the same time, click "Call" + "Cancel" 8. "Call" 1234
Marshal You must enter the number of the last apartment in the stairwell, enlarged to "1" and dial one of the codes: - "K5555" - "K1958"
Forward 1.k557798k 2.2427101 3.123 * 2427101 4.Q1234 5. Enter the sequence 77395201 * 0 * (or 5755660 * 0 *). Attach an existing key, click "#" + "#". Your key is entered in the database. 6. If there is a hole below the reader - insert a long wire there. The door will be open.
Eltis 1. "Call" 100 "Call" 7273 2. "Call" 100 "Call" 2323 3. "Call" 41 "Call" 1410 4. 07054
Cyfral CCD. 1. "Call" 0000. The inscription "ON" will appear. On some models, you must additionally press "2". 2. 0000 "Call" - the value "CD" appears. We recruit 123456 "Call" or 456999 "Call" (one more option 123400 "Call"). The inscription should be changed to "fo". We continue to enter the code 601.
Vizit. 1. # 999 2. # 4230 3.12 # 345 4. * # 432 5.67 # 890 Icons "*" and "#" on some models are replaced with symbols "C" and "K".
Metacom 1. "Call" number of the first apartment in the entrance "Call". After displaying the "CD" lettering, press 5702. 2.65535 "Call" 1234 "Call" 8. 3.1234 "Call" 6 "Call" 4568. 4. "Call" 27 "Call" 5702. 5. "Call" 1 "Call" 4526

Keys and duplicates

The biggest error of most people is the opinion on the demagnetization of the locking device in the process of "applying" the key to the reader.

In fact, everything is much more complicated. The key is a small chip, devoid of energy feeding. The chip contains a specific code, the data of which is written in the memory of the intercom itself. When applied, the code is reconciled on a carrier with data available in the database. When coincided, the doors are unlocked. The reading process takes 1-2 seconds. Change codes are possible only by software. Such a principle of work is the most "popular".

There are also other types of keys that are used in intercoms.

  • Contact - make it possible to remotely open locks. This type Less distributed, but has a higher degree of protection. It has the type of keychain.
  • Resistor-based keys - Access code in such models is the capacity of the installed resistor. The degree of protection is low, easy to make duplicates.
  • Herkes - Present a couple of magnets. One part of the Herron Detail is contained in the key, the second in the main block of the intercom. The degree of protection is also low.
  • Optical - It is a plate with deposited microcers. A rather high degree of protection against fake. The disadvantage can be called rapid pollution of such a key, which negatively affects its performance, a frequent replacement is necessary.

6 secrets that are important to know

For a complete understanding of the problems associated with the keys of intercom systems, we picked up for you answers to the most exciting questions.

Secret number 1

Key, "Double", clone - basic concepts. The key contains a specific digital sequence required to open the intercom lock. This unique combination is prescribed at the factory. Clear is considered a copy of the key that is made in the workshop at your order. Double - blank, does not contain data and is used in the production of duplicates (clones). Billets are of different types - With the ability to overwrite and without it. Sometimes, erroneously, called a billet duplicate, not recorded in the device's memory, which is not true in the root.

If multiple copies have been made from one key - they will all have the same access rights on a par with the original. Additional action on data loading to the DomoFon system is not required.

Secret number 2.

One key can be used to open multiple systems. Factory keys, as already noted earlier, contain certain codes. When reading them, the intercom system is checked by code from its database. Therefore, to obtain the use of the key on multiple devices, it is enough to make your key in the memory of the intercom. At the same time, the "Tablet" itself does not need to reprogram.

At the same time, consider one "but". All devices must be one manufacturer, otherwise the entry in the memory of the intercom will be impossible.

The same applies to the so-called "boobs" - blanks for the formation of keys. The empty key must be initially "rolled" by the code using special software, and then the entered sequence is made to the intercom. Which independently program "Dwarf" is unable.

Nobody thought, why do we lose or forget home apartment keys? It does not happen because of the forgetfulness, but "thanks" the constantly accelerating rhythm of life. We are late for work, after for lunch, then home ... And right-to-come to the entrance that there is no key, the relatives will be back soon, and this is again the loss of precious time. A neighbor-old woman remained a spare kit, but it does not use, and in the entrance, as nobody came out. What to do? Today we will tell you how to open the intercom without a key depending on the model and manufacturer's company.

Read in the article

What is the intercom and what is it needed for what

The intercom is a castle on the door of the entrance, combined with an electronic negotiation device associated with apartments. Opened by an electronic key or special code, which is known only to residents. A stranger is gaining the number of the apartment of interest, clicking on the numbers of the panel when he is answered, explains the purpose of the visit. If the owner of the apartment will find it necessary, then a button on the home apparatus, the entrance lock is unlocked.

Residents of houses say that after installing the intercom in the entrance, it became cleaner. However, the loss of the intercom key becomes a problem. Not everyone remembers the code - why in the head is unnecessary information. But knowing some secrets, such a problem is quickly solved.

The principle of operation and the device of the intercom

Regardless of the type of intercom connection (coordinate or digital), the principle of its work lies in the possibility of visitor and the owner of the apartment to hear each other. In essence, this is the phone through which the called subscriber can give the team to open an entrance without leaving the apartment. If you figure it out, the system is simple.

In memory of the device, data about apartments, codes for the need for emergency opening are prescribed. It is necessary to access staff of serving companies, special services ( ambulance or police). Codes can use postmen serving the house. Each of the devices is programmed by an individual code, but remember everything is unable to any person. And therefore should be simple ways opening. About them today will we are talking.

Intercom "Cyfral": how to open it without a key

Here are two options, depending on the model. To begin with, we will understand how to open a CYFRAL intercom "CYFRAL" CCD 2094.1m. We recruit the b - 0000 command. If the door has not opened, we look at the scoreboard. "ON" was highlighted - press 2, go. If "OFF" burns - nothing will happen, the codes are flashing.

Now how to open the intercom "Cyfral" CCD 2094m. Sequence of dialing: 0000V, "COD" appears on the screen. Now 123456V, or 456999. "F0" appeared on the screen? Click 601, come in.

As you can see the question, how to open the intercom "Digitle" without a key is not as complicated.

How to open without a key intercom "eltis": 4 simple code

If there is a question, how to open an intercom "Eltis" without a key, act as follows. B - 100 - in - 7273. If it did not work out, we change the last numbers on 2323. The third code: in - 41 - in - 1410. Fourth: 07054.

Open without key Intercom "Factorial"

The problem of the device of this company in the mandatory change of factory settings by installers. But trying to. We type 000000 or 123456. If this does not help, press the key 5. The service message appears on the screen - 180180. We click the call - 4 - call.

If these actions are unsuccessful, it means that the codes are changed. How to open an intercom without a key knows only the master who has established a device or utility workers serving this house.

"Keyman": high-tech and complex devices

These devices are distinguished by the reliability of protection against foreign intervention. If the firm that has established such equipment does not scatter, which is extremely rare, then the factory codes are changed, it will not work out to open. According to statistical data, 10% opens without magnetic keys. But it's worth trying. Perhaps you will fall in this percentage.

We recruit the call - 100 - 789. We are waiting for the sound signal, type 123456 - 8.

Another option. Call - 170862 - Beep - 0. If it did not work out the door, then nothing can be done. There are no codes to change the firmware. It remains to call the masters from the company who installed the intercom and wait.

Features of the device "blink": an interesting system

There are no keyboard and display on devices of this brand. Use such equipment in the entrances where there is a concierge. But you can open it. To do this, we will need the Krona battery (9B). We find the bottom of the device 2 false bolts, to which we apply the contacts of the battery. The passage is free, welcome! This is the easiest intercom from our listed today.

How to open a keeper "Domogard" intercom: another fortress fell

Such devices open in 99% of cases. Press the "C" key. We wait for the beep and enter the combination of 669900 and the call key. Last action Before entering the menu - type the number of the latter in the entrance of the apartment, adding the unit to the number. "F" lights up on the display. We are in the menu. Two options. If you want to add a key, score 080, open the door - 080.

Simple steps to open the devices "T-Guard"

Here you need an excellent reaction and motility of the fingers. We do everything quickly. Pressing the call button (Call) - immediately 00000 - immediately call. If the actions are slow, then nothing will come. In this way, 100% of such devices opens.

Open Rainmann: careful mind

If there is time, the touch panel can be freezed. We apply a lump of snow for 15-20 minutes. The door opens. But it is too long, which means again "favorite" codes. Press the key image and enter a combination of 987654. A beep sounds, after which you score 123456. The letter "P" appears on the screen. Now press 8 and the way is free.

Important information! When you press instead of 8, 4 doors will be blocked - you will have to call the wizard. If the number 6 is entered, the device is turned off. Do not experiment, good Words From the neighbors for this you will not hear.

Everything is easy here. We recruit the call - 1234567, or 65535 - Call - 7418378. Another option: Call - the number of the first apartment of the entrance - the call is 5702.

"Metak" - only 2 options and you are in the entrance

Let's summarize

Not all intercoms are freely open after the introduction of a certain combination on the panel, but most of them can not resist. Do not break the device. This is fraught with a police and a decent finiety. In this case, the door will not appear. It is worth thinking - "Do you need it"? It is better to work your head (you should not perceive literally). Almost none of such devices will be against knowing man more than 5-7 minutes. But you should not open the first facing door. Today's information is provided for those who have lost or forgotten keys. Be law-abiding.

We hope that the information set out today will be useful to our readers. Questions, if they arose in the process of reading, can be left in discussions. Our team will answer them. We are waiting for your posts with a description of personal experience.

By tradition, at the end of the article, a small video

Today, the call panels can be seen on private houses, entrance groups Office institutions, apartment buildings.

Subscribers of the system are awarded or contactless radio.

But when they are lost, the user inevitably arises the question of how to open the intercom without a key, if on the street night or option to wait for another visitor and go along with him will have to wait for a very long time.

Open the intercom without a key

To be guaranteed to get into the entrance - it is not necessary to know how to hack the intercom.

Enough to have the so-called universal key. Making such an access tool offers many workshops.

Some people consider exactly such a universal launder most conveniently, especially in cases where they need the opening of the intercom of one brand of the house, at work, in the entrance of the parents.

It should be remembered that the universal key intended for the definite brand devices will not work on other access control systems.

Any intercom system one way or another provides that as a result of problems or loss of all elements of access authorization, there must be an emergency or sufficiently regular scheme of the service engineer or subscriber.

It may be:

  1. castle's release in case of troubleshooting;
  2. access to the engineering menu of programming and maintenance that allows you to activate the base functionality, for example, in the form of unlocking the lock;
  3. a certain order of reaction to malfunction failures and much more.

Although manufacturers do not enter into public access information, how to open an intercom without key - based on the analysis of documentation, many users have identified the recommended procedure.

Some mechanics are practically guaranteed to get into the entrance. Others - help discover the intercom only subject to the coincidence of several factors.


This brand of access control systems does not provide mechanics how to open the intercom at all without a key without code.

To get into the entrance, you will have to use the calling keyboard and one of the digital combinations that is prescribed in electronic system Devices factory manufacturer.

Opening of the Intercom "Visit" without a key

It is worth noting: the instruction prescribes service engineers to change the main code words. Therefore, the chance that getting into the entrance will not work - not zero.

  • press four times in a row, without pauses, a combination of a key-zero;
  • log in to the service menu, pressing 6666 (standard factory set), after appearing on the displays of the USSS, and then p - enter 8 for a single unlocking of the lock.

If these actions do not help - it means that the device settings have been changed by service engineers when installing and learn new codes combinations only in the service company.


U - a sufficiently large number of standard code words for different firmware recorded in the electronics memory by the manufacturer.

Opening of the Impulse Intercom by programming

Therefore, a combination can be opened to open the door:

  1. 123400 call;
  2. call-1234-C;
  3. call-99911 call;
  4. 123456 call;
  5. call-8080.

If the above combinations have not led to the desired result - alas, the installers conducted programming and changed standard codes.


The surest way is not to fall into unpleasant situations - to act preventively.

It is worth learn from the company serving the company if they can provide an opportunity to access the apartment on a personal code, in addition to using the key.

It is reasonable to make one of the copies - leave at work or elsewhere, access to which you can get around the clock.

And also to check whether the access door opens one of the standard combinations, try to find out the current code from the serving company.

But even if nothing of this is done - with a certain coincidence, you can get home without unnecessary effort using factory intercom codes.

Video: How to open an intercom without a key? Hacking intercom.

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