Installing the door closer with your own hands. Installation of the door closer how to install the closer wooden door

The buildings 30.08.2019
The buildings

Traditionally used to ensure the "automatic" closure of the doors of the spring, gum, counterweight and other devices - is already in the past. Now there are inexpensive mechanisms on sale, which in the complex decide all these tasks. If you know how to competently install the closer on the door, you do not have to pay someone's services. Especially since the method of its attachment and adjustment is simple.

general information

Door closers are available in different versions. The technology of their fastening and the regulation method have some features. How do products differ?

By the specifics of mounting

  • Hidden devices. The case of the mechanism is placed in a box or door sash. Installation of closers of this type requires a professional approach (practical experience, special tool). Mounted only on the doors whose canvases have a thickness of at least 40 mm.
  • Outdoor models. Their installation is carried out in the process of floating floors, since the "body" of the device is placed under the flooring. In the private sector, the products of this group are extremely rare.
  • Overhead. The most common options in everyday life. Install such a door closer with your own hands simple enough. Even in the absence of experience, it will take no more than half an hour.

By type of mechanism

  • Rank transmission + hydraulics. "Working" element in the closers of this group - spring.
  • Cam models. Such products are installed in housing much less often.

According to the strength of the traction

This characteristic is called differently - a closing force, the closer size, the EN class. When choosing a mechanism, the parameters of the door canvase are determining: its weight (kg) and width (mm). This is taken into account when determining the installation of the device.

Mounting order

In residential buildings (apartments) are mainly mounted by rubber closers, with hydraulics. On the example of the instrument of this group and the recommended procedure for the Master's Action will be considered. Speaking the specifics of work, it is easy to deal with the nuances of the fastening of products of other types.

Installation of the closer on plastic door Absolutely identical to the order of its installation on wooden and metal counterparts.

Selected scheme

If the door swallows out, the lever is fixed on the canvase; Accordingly, the hull is on the joy. When opened inward, everything is exactly the opposite. But in any case, the closer is put so that the adjusting screws are from the side door loops. This will facilitate the process of "settings" of the position of the web and its further adjustment. And it will have to do this, since it will gradually appear "Sailing". It is easy to understand, especially since the product is always attached to the product, in which there is typical schemes Installations of the door closer.

The installation of the closer should be done so that its "body" is always inside the structure. Outdoor placement is inappropriate for a number of reasons - metal corrosion; Low temperatures, as a result, oil thickens (and at high becomes more liquid), and the hydraulic part of the mechanism begins to work incorrectly; Possible glaciation, which violates the free course of the lever.

Marking is performed

And here the Master's task is greatly simplified. Products are completed with special installation templates. They are performed on a scale of 1: 1 and universal, as they take into account various ways of opening doors and canopy cavities. It remains only to apply the stencil of the closer at the place and outline the drilling points of the channels for the installation of fasteners.

Fixation of composite parts of the device

After marking, fasten the lever and the mechanism body based on a hardware (comes with a product), and then combine the half of the thrust can be able to connect.

  • Installation of the closer on metal door It has one feature. It is necessary to use in the process of drilling thin canvases the so-called "bonds". These devices represent a thread bushing. The fact is that work regular drill May cause metal deformation, and fix this defect (straighten dent) will not work independently.
  • When determining the position of the lever, it is necessary to navigate its base shoulder. It should be placed perpendicular to the door of the door. If the angle is less than 90º, then the "Dchophop" of the sash enhances.

Installing the door closer with their own hands requires marginal attention and accuracy. The slightest blunders often turn into a loose fit of the canvas to the jamb and drafts indoors. Or vice versa, slow closure of the sash and the increase in heat loss. Hopefully that everything will be eliminated only by adjusting the door closer, it is not always possible.

It is for this reason that the edge of the installation of the device is the most responsible part of the work. Especially since this depends on the life of the canopies. If the mechanism is installed incorrectly, then in the near future, the intercourse is inevitable, with all the resulting.

Determine how correctly the installation is made door closer, it is possible by the following features:

  • smoothness of opening / closing the sash, without jerks and additional efforts from the user;
  • lack of outsided sounds (noise, screenshot, grincping and so on).

Order of adjustment of the closer mechanism

For this there are two "tuning" screws. Each of them sets the speed of the canvas in a specific mode. To understand the principle of regulation, it is necessary to understand the following:

  • the closer serves only to close the door;
  • this is done in 2 stages. On the first canvas moves with increased speed, it is significantly reduced on the second to eliminate the sharp knock at the time of the fitting of the shoal.

How to regulate:

Screw 1 - sets the speed in the range from the angle of 180º (the web fully opened) to 150.

Screw 2 - adjusts the movement of the sash on the last segment of the path from 15 to 0 (its finishes, that is, until the cloth is completely fitted to the door block).

What to take into account:

  • If you completely unscrew any of the screws, the oil will be pulled out of the closer body. Therefore, in the process of configuring the device, make more than one rotation of the screw around the axis is not recommended. The mechanism is initially configured to work on the averaged parameters, and during the adjustment it is necessary only to make a small adjustment of the position of the screws. As a rule, they rotate no more than ¾ to any of the parties.
  • Sometimes the adjustment of the second screw is not obtained to achieve a soft fit of the sash. Here will help the lever, on which there is a thread. Screwing / twisting the "shoulder", it is easy to determine its optimal position at which it will only be left to twist the adjusting screw.

Installing the closer on the door is not only the convenience of using it. Smooth, neat closing significantly reduces the load on the loop, thereby preventing their elevated wear and skewers of the web. Such a device is desirable to mount not only at the entrance to the dwelling, but also in the utility buildings on the site, as well as in the house if interroom door Pretty massive. Well, how to make installation and adjustment of the mechanism, the reader already knows.

Nowadays, the installation of the closer on the door, first of all the entrance, becomes a necessity, because it saves heat in the house, reduces the noise level, protects people and walls from shocks. It is easier to contact the services of a specialist, but if there is required tools and small experience mounting work, Establish such a device is not difficult and with your own hands. It is important to carefully prepare, explore the instructions, deal with constructive features And accurately install and adjust the mechanism.

There is available on sale big number Models differing from the installation site, mechanism, power and other parameters. The most popular inexpensive robes, which are attached to the top of the door and return it to its original position using levers. In addition to traditional levers sticking out of the wall, there are aesthetic, less susceptible to vandalism, but also more expensive systems with a parallel or sliding tag.

The power of the device must match the weight and size of the door leaf. Closers are divided into 7 classes. The 1-class mechanisms are installed on the door with a width of 750 mm and weighing up to 20 kg. The most powerful devices of the 7th grade are calculated on the web with a width of up to 1600 mm and weighing up to 160 kg. Two closers are put on a wider or more severe canvas.

It is necessary to pay attention to the conditions of operation. All conversion mechanisms are based on combinations of tanks filled with oil and springs, which accumulates the opening energy. The device closes the door when the spring straightens, gradually pushing the oil through small holes.

If the device is installed in the unheated room, at low temperatures, oil thickens and closing slows down. The closer, not designed for operation in such conditions, may in this case fail. At the same time, there are devices that, at low temperatures, openings are automatically expanded, restoring the normal closing speed.

Many closers have additional options, such as discovery braking, fixation in the "open" position, a delay for a while before closing and others.

More complex and perfect cam mechanisms can be attached in different places. Sometimes they are already embedded in the canvas. It is also possible to install under the threshold or inside door box. But such works are more complex and carried out by experts.

How to install

For proper Installation The closer at the door to the device is attached by templates, which marked the places of fastening the mechanism itself and lever. Depending on the door attachment (right or left) and other features, if they are provided in the model, select the appropriate template. It should be attached to the canvas, deploying in accordance with the selected method of installation, and fasten with scotch. Note that the adjustment screws located in the end of the mechanism should always be turned towards the loops.

Screwing places (4 for the bridge itself and 2 for the lever bracket) are marked by the template. Then the drill, the diameter of which is indicated in the instructions, drill holes for the closer and bracket. After that, the mechanism and levers are installed. The rigid knee of the lever is attached to the mechanism on the slot and is delayed with a nut. So that it is not spinning during operation, apply a 12-circuit liquid. At home use oil paint.

The adjustable knee bracket is set separately. The length of this knee changes the wrapping of the helical part. After pre-adjustment, both knees are connected.

Options for proper mounting

Sometimes install the closer on the door can different ways. For example, a triangle formed by the web and two knees lever system, affects the power of pressed to the box. So that the door closing occurs smoothly, the adjustable part is shortened so that it makes up a straight angle with the web. To increase the closing force, the adjustable lever is lengthened, in this case the straight angle is formed with a rigid knee.

When installing the mechanism on wooden door It may be necessary to use mounting planks or corners that are not included in the kit, but manufactured for all models. If the box is deep, and the opening takes out, the device is attached to the mounting area mounted on a jam in such a way that both parts of the mechanism are located at one level relative to the door canvase.

If there is no flat plot on the box to fix the bracket or the closer, they are installed on a pre-attached mounting bar. When installing the mechanism on the Planck door, it will also allow it to be taken over the edge of the web in the case when a different fastening is not possible, uncomfortable or nonethetically.

On a plastic door

Installing the door closer on plastic is made in the same way. The difference consists in a smaller web of the canvas. Perhaps you will have to search for a compromise between the closer power classes corresponding to the size and mass. It is believed that it is necessary to choose the largest of two classes, however, an unnecessary powerful closer is able to destroy plastic.

If the selection of the closer on the plastic door is performed correctly and gently, it will contribute to the extension of its operation.

On metal

When installing the closer on the metal door, the power class is chosen according to its mass. So that when preparing holes, the drill did not leave from the required place, it is pre-stamped by Kerner. Depending on the thickness of the metal for the attachment, screws for metal or screws are used. In the second case, before putting the device, you will have to cut the thread by the toll.


Last and not less an important stage Installations - adjustment. With the help of two adjusting screws, the speed of the door movement is set:

  • at the beginning of the closing;
  • in the last stage.

Another screw allows you to increase the closing force. It is important to do if the device is installed at the front door.

In addition, the models can have different options for which appropriate adjustments are also provided.

Install the closer on the door quite easily and simply, with what even a beginner will cope withTo make the door smoothly closed, and not frightened the surrounding knock, quite often the closer is used. Previously, his role was performed by the usual spring, in fact, it is present in the design of the closer and now, only more modernized. Install the mechanical closer with your own hands is simple enough, in time such work will not take over an hour. The main thing is to choose the correct model and stock the necessary tools.

How to set the closer on the door: choices

Before you decide to establish the closer, it is necessary to determine its main types and models. The high-quality device must be silently and very smoothly close the door, while a person should not apply heroic efforts to do this.

Before starting to install, first should be declared what the closer is best to choose

Closers are distinguished primarily by the place of its location and the specifics of the installation. Each of the types of this device has its advantages and requires compliance with certain nuances when it is configured.

There are the following types of closers:

  • Top - differ simplicity of installation and rather low price. It is usually put on the ceiling and differ from each other with a type of thrust: it can be moving (more expensive) and lever.
  • Outdoor - expensive and complex closers. But they have one good advantage: You can use them where it is impossible to do holes, for example, when fastening the mechanism on the glass door.
  • Hidden - the most expensive and high-quality models. Their installation occurs inside the door, so they are not visible. You can use in door canvases having a thickness of 40 mm.

If there is a closer on the door, it slows down the process of its wear and, accordingly, lengthens the service life. This is due to the fact that the device partially takes itself a load on door hinges and accessories.

Buying a device, you should also consider the load from the door and its width. If the convection capacity is not enough for its normal functioning, two such mechanisms should be installed.

Standard closer installation diagram

To properly install the closer, you can focus on the installation scheme, which is included in the standard device kit. In addition to such an instruction, everything is located there required mount and levers.

In order to competently install the closer on the door with your own hands, you need to additionally get acquainted with the detailed instruction.

So, options for installing the door closer involve the following devices of the device:

  • Standard - lies in fixing the device on the door leaf, the door can be used for fastening the lever;
  • Upper - in this case, the closers are put on the top of the box, and the cloth itself is used for fixing;
  • Parallel - the lever can be located in a parallel position, a special mounting corner is used during installation.

Solving this installation scheme, you should navigate, first of all, on the location of the door loops.

Using the applied installation pattern of the mechanism, you can perform work quickly and efficiently, because it has already noted all the places of fastening elements. They can only be outlined, and then drill.

To facilitate the operation, the installation scheme is applied to the right place and gently samples at its perimeter.

By setting the closer to the front door, it should be fixed inside the room so that the mechanism is damaged under the influence of the temperature and falling precipitation.

When using a sliding type levers, you can install on either side of the door leaf, even with the outer.

Independent installation of the closer on the metal door

Put the closer on the metal door is quite simple, if you use the template that is attached to the set of this device.

Setting the closer on the door, you can additionally use a special template

Instructions for installing the closer looks like this:

  1. The existing template is attached to the door in close proximity to the hinges, as well as at the top of the box (this can be done using a tape);
  2. Next, the drill or other tool is drilled by all the necessary holes marked in the diagram;
  3. Then the device housing is fixed so that its valves are responsible for the speed, "watched" on the loop;
  4. The lever is divided into two parts, after which the paw of the side element is screwed to the box;
  5. The main lever is put on the mechanism shaft, and then fixed with screw and nut;
  6. Side lever is perpendicular door box and fastens with the main lever;
  7. An angle of opening and door speed is adjusted;
  8. A cap is put on the bottom of the closet.

During the installation process, the closer should be placed strictly perpendicular to the canvas closed door, and speed adjustment screws must "look" in the direction of canopies.

At the end of the work, it is necessary to check the operation of the installed mechanism. To do this, just open and close the door. If there are difficulties in its operation, you should again adjust the closer.

Adjustment and installation of the closer on the plastic door

Install the closer on the plastic door is also easy. In fact, the process is very much reminded of work with a metal door.

First, the lever is attached to the door box, then the closer is put on and connects with a screw with a screw. After that, lever thrust is adjusted. It should be done so that the holes on the doors are clearly coincided with the bores of the closer. After that, you can check the door to the door.

After installing the closer on the door it follows it must be adjusted

  • If the door beats too sharply about the Lutka, the first screw should be slightly twisted in the direction of the clockwise movement;
  • To speed up the door closure speed, you need to twist the same screw, but counterclockwise;
  • The adjustment density is adjustable by the same scheme.

Working with screws, you need to abide care. Do not scroll through the screws immediately for several revolutions. It is better to turn a little and look at the result, if something does not suit, then twist.

Installing the closer on the door with your own hands (video)

Installing the closer case is quite simple. The main thing is to clearly comply with all the recommendations prescribed in the instructions. When operating the device, you do not need to additionally "help" the doors to close or faster open: it can damage the mechanism. For good work the door, just once every two or three years change the lubrication of the supervisors, and for entrance door It needs to be done every year, and do not forget to change the adjustment when changing the season. In such a case, high-quality closer will work for many years without any problems.

Many of us are memorable simple devices that were previously used to ensure independent and tight closing of the entrance, wickets, inputs into the entrance, and the like. For this purpose, conventional springs were used, counterweight with cables and block systems, and often folk craftsmen adapted even rubber harnesses or pieces of old tires as much as possible purposes. Today, such problems are solved much easier and more efficiently, since it is always possible to buy a door closer - their range, presented on sale, is very wide.

Purchase such a mechanism is just half an end, since it is necessary to mount it correctly. You can, of course, contact the services of the masters, however, if you carefully figure out how to install the closer on the door, it turns out that this work can be performed independently.

General information about device door closers

The closer is a mechanical device accumulating potential energy when opening the door, which is then spent on its dense closure. "Battery" most often is a powerful spring.

Transferring force on the spring and back, on the door leaf, can be carried out by one of two schemes:

1. Closers with internal hydraulic contour and rack transmission effort.

  • When opening the door, the gear, installed on the axis of the lever, turning, transfers forward movement through the rack of the piston ( top part Figure), and one, in turn, compresses the spring.
  • When the external effort discovered, the spring strives to return to its original position (in the figure - bottom). She pushes the piston, causing the rotation of the gear, which transmits an effort to the lever system of the closer.

The smoothness of the work is provided by the system of cavities and channels, which flows oil to which the entire closer body is filled. By changing the inner lumen of the channels, you can accurately adjust the smoothness of the entire mechanism.

Similar scheme is the most common, especially on closers with lever transmission effort.

Video: Device and closer installation schemes with a rush mechanism

2. Closers with cam mechanism

On the lever axis - the cam is a complex eccentric form ("heart-shaped"), from two sides under-pass rollers. When opening the door, the protruding part of the cam compresses the spring, which on its reverse turn causes the cam tank in opposite sidewhich leads to a smooth closure of the door. Rotary adjustment is carried out by changing the geometry of the Eccentric profile.

Such a scheme is more likely to apply in closers with a channel location or in the mechanisms of hidden accommodation.

The following parameter of the closer collateral is the place of their installation. The overwhelming majority of the devices are unnamed to the overhead installation above. However, sometimes for reasons of not aesthetic or the impossibility of installing the mechanism from above (for example, glass doors, or in cases where the closer will break the designed room design with its own type), other schemes can be applied - hidden installation in the floor, in the frame or in the door canvase .

In turn, overhead closers with upper arrangements are divided into two types:

  • Mechanisms with a hinge (lever) traction consisting of two knees. Advantages - simplicity and reliability of the design, good transmission of effort, big laid possible potential Adjustments and additional functions. The disadvantage - the protruding lever system may not even come to taste from aesthetic considerations. In addition, it is more exposed to the manifestations of vandalism.

Closer with guide channel - slider system

  • Closers of the slider system - with a sliding canal. The free end of the lever is equipped with a roller and moves in a closed box channel. Advantages - aesthetics, less exposure to vandal actions, the possibility of placing the door opening limiter in the channel. The lack of protruding parts allows you to install such closers on the doors, closely located To the walls. Disadvantages - need more significant efforts to open doors (springs compression), limited in adjustments and additional functionality.

What to take into account when choosing a closer

If you have a desire to equip the door in your apartment or the house by the closer, before purchasing this mechanism, you need to decide on its "size". Under this concept, classification on the European standard EN 1154 lies. So, the seven gradations of the closers in the magnitude of the closing effort, which are selected on the basis of the size and mass of the door canvase are:

Standard graduation of "sizes" of the closer

  • When selecting the desired model, you must focus on the maximum indicator of your doors. For example, if a cloth in width has 900 mm, but, at the same time, 70 kg weighs, then you will need to purchase a closer with the size of EN -4.
  • For maximum convenience of consumers, developers of such mechanisms often provide for a certain range of their capabilities. For example, in technical documentation The limits "EN -2 ÷ EN -4" can be installed. The specific amount of effort in this case will be determined only by the features of the edge of the closer.
  • In those rare situations where the efforts of one closer may not be enough, resort to pair installation.
  • Purchase is the model that is most suitable for the existing doors. The understatement of the characteristics will result in the rapid exit of the closer. Too large size is unnecessary difficulties with normal door opening.
  • If you plan to install a closer on the street or in an unheated room, it is necessary to clarify whether such an opportunity is provided on a specific model. The problem is to significantly change the viscosity of the oil in the hydraulic system with thermal differences. Usually, the product passport indicates the allowable working temperature range.
  • Immediately you can evaluate functionality selected model. The basic adjustments of most of the closers include the change in the power of the spring, the velocity and the door closing force in the sector from 180 to 15º and on the final portion (finishing) - from 15 to 0º. In addition, other parameters may be provided:

- Prevent a sharp opening of the door with an excessive force or a special adjustable hydraulic damper will help on a draft or impeller wind. He will save the door from breakdown, from hitting By adjacent walls, it will not allow random injuries.

- Often the conditions of operation of the premises require the remaining doors open for a long time. For this, the closer will be required with the fixation mechanism in the open position.

- There are situations when after each doorbelling and before the start of their closure requires a certain pause, the order is half minute (for example, warehouses, storage rooms, utility premises). This feature can also be implemented in closers with closing delay function.

- If an elastic seal is installed on the doors, or they are equipped with latches, the function of precise speed control and effort of Dullop will be useful.

- If the doors are bivalve, then an additional mechanism for coordinating the uniform closing of both sash can be needed.

- For the "cold" doors, it is better to buy a closer with the "Termassend" system, which, reacting to the outer temperature drops, is expanding or narrows, compensating for changes in the viscosity of the oil in the hydraulic system.

Approximate procedure for installing a closer on the door

Since the most common in the conditions of apartments are closers with hydraulic rack system and the lever mechanism, the installation process will be considered precisely on their example. By and large. Installation of closers with a slider system is not particularly different, and in some cases it is even a simpler task.

  • First of all, you should decide on the installation scheme, which depends on the direction of opening the doors:

- If the door opens towards the placement of the closer, then its body will be attached to the doorway, and the lever system is to the door frame.

- When opening the door outside, from ourselves, the scheme changes to the opposite - the housing on the jamble, and the bracket of the lever system or the sliding canal - on the door.

In both cases, the adjustment screws on the closer body must be addressed towards the loops.

  • Actively any modern conveyor must be included in the template, made in a natural value, which extremely simplifies the process of the PR of an indentative markup of the K cr of Epression and the case, and the lever bracket.

Typically, templates are available on all the stipulated installation methods - on the left and right doors opening out or inward.

In addition, if the closer has the ability to work in several standard classes on EN, then on the template it will also be specified. There are various lines of its application to the corner of the door (as on the example presented), or it shows different colors of the centers of the mounting holes for each level (size).

So, if the wizard was determined with the required size and location of the parts, you can move to the installation.

  • The template with maximum accuracy is attached using a tape strip to the doorway along the specified lines. Kerner outlines centers of drilled holes.

  • The electric drill holes of the required diameter installation instructions are drilled.

  • Included fasteners (self-timing) fasteners fasten the closer housing. It follows once again Check the correctness of the orientation of the adjusting screws.

  • The next step is to install the bracket (paws) with adjustable knee of the lever system.

If the details of the lever mechanism in the delivery kit are connected to each other, then this hinge must temporarily disassemble - its final assembly will be carried out when adjusting the closer.

Another nuance. The bracket can be in the asymmetrical version, so it should be referred to its location with the desired door closing force. In the case under consideration (in Figure), two positions are shown - for EN -2 and for EN -3 and 4.

- In the case when the priority is smooth closing the door without a knock, and she herself is not equipped with a latch or seal, the adjustable knee of the lever is placed perpendicular to the surface of the door, and the hard lever at an angle to it. The connection is carried out with a fully closed door. The length of the adjustable lever is easy to change, wrapping or turning into a few revolutions a screw part.

Requires the closure of the door "with the Obillop"

If an accented finish force is needed to close the door (the lock withlatch Or the seal), then the scheme changes somewhat. The hard lever in this case should be perpendicular to the doorway, and the length of the adjustable knee is adjusted for this location. Thus, the spider of the closer initially becomes a bit loaded, which will increase the effort with full closing the door.

  • After adjusting this "triangle", a hinge between both knees is collected.

In fact, on this standard procedure for mounting the closer ends and can be moved to adjustment. However, as practice shows, the door design can prevent certain "surprises", which will require the use of special mounting planks (plates) or corners:

  • Too deep doorway does not allow to place the lever bracket directly on the door frame. In this case, it is installed on the mounting corner.

Reverse situation - on the mounting corner installed a closer case

  • "Mirror" situation when the installation on the mounting corner requires already the bridge housing itself .

  • The design of the door leaf does not make it possible to install the closer body on its surface (for example, highly located glass). In this case, the mounting plate is attached first, and then, to it, the case itself.

  • The door leaf is somewhat over the frame, or the place above it does not allow to fix the bracket to it. To align the body and fasten the levers to one level, create conditions for reliable mount, you will need to install the mounting plate.

Mounting corners or plates, as a rule, are not included in the delivery of the closer, but are usually available on sale in a large enough assortment for most models.

Find out an interesting interior solution, from our new article -

Adjusting the installed closer

After mounting the closer, you need to carry out the necessary adjustments so that its work is most comfortable for the hosts.

The door closing speed is adjusted in two bands. The location and marking of the installation screws from different models can vary significantly - this should be clarified in the instructions attached to the product. The principle of adjustment is about the same.

  • Initially, the rotation of the appropriate screw regulates the adjustment of the door to the closed state. Power and speed installable "Dullop" directly depend on the mass and design of the door, its equipment with a lock with a latch (for example, on the entrances with code locks, the latch can be sufficiently tight), installed around the perimeter of the sealing circuit. In any case, the door speed at the finish site should not be too different from movement in the initial sector.

  • Then set the most acceptable speed from the fully open position and to an angle of about 15º (prior to the start). The door should move smoothly, without jerks and stops.

  • Adjusting screws rotate very smoothly, in a small sector - this is quite enough. Excessive twisting or screwing screws can cause either a breakdown of the mechanism, or to depressurize the housing with the leakage of oil from it.
  • If there is a need to increase the closing force, you can increase the special screw pre-loading of the closer working spring.

As already mentioned, some models have a closer and additional functions. The instructions for installing and operating a particular product will indicate the rules of adjustment that should be strictly followed.

Prices for popular types of door closers


Video: Example of adjusting the door closer

  • In no case cannot consider the closer as a limiter of the maximum door opening - the lever mechanism of the PR and this approach will not last long. To this end, it is better to apply shock-absorbing door stops mounted on the floor or on the wall. The exceptions are some models with a slider arrangement of the lever - in the guide groove sometimes you can sometimes install the limit opening limiter.
  • It is forbidden to block the door with the closer in the open position using the heavy items installed on the path or tie the handle. If necessary long term Keep open open, you need to disconnect the lever system at this time.
  • It is impossible to try to force the door closing speed manually - it will cause a rapid wear of the mechanism.
  • It is forbidden to hang on the doors, allow children to ride on them, hang a considerable cargo on the handles.
  • The closer will function correctly if the door design itself does not have defects. Even before installing, check the absence of breaking or sagging in loops, connecting the canvas, the correct fit of the locks and the latches, constantly monitor this during operation.
  • If the closer has to be installed on the street, it is necessary to provide protection against falling on it and direct sun ray. Installed in similar "cold" conditions, mechanisms will require seasonal adjustment twice a year.
  • It is necessary to carry out regular (no less than once a year) Lubrication of hinged knots of the lever mechanism by consistent lubricant.

Find out both the installation instructions from our new article.

Under the owners of the rules of operation, the closer must be conscientiously to work the term guaranteed by the manufacturer.

The metal door is one of the necessary realities of modern urban life. Most apartments in high-rise buildings, not to mention office buildings And housekeeping houses, equipped with such doors. This influx of fans of the doors from the metal is explained by the rising level of crime, and the need for people to secure their home. In addition, it looks like a metal door much more representative and solidly wooden, which gives the status and a certain respectable room outside.

But for a metal door, especially going into the entrance, or leading to public seats, did not whip, scaring all around, special closers are invented for her soft stroke. These elements give the smoothness of the door, and also protect it from premature failure. In the article, consider the issue of installing the closer to the metal door, and learn the rates for these products.


Closer - the invention is modern. This device appeared after the metal doors in high-speed rushed to establish in all the entrances of our country. Due to the fact that with an inack-powered opening, the door produced a deafening roar for the entire entrance, there was a need for a device that would mitigate the speed of opening / closing a metal door.

Outer closer

So the closer appeared, who solved the existing problem. And now no office, the entrance, the store does not do without it incredible comfortable device. The device works on the principle of hydraulics: due to the power external pressure on the spring located in the closer.

Interestingly, only some solid companies and entrances of rich residential buildings could afford at the dawn of their appearance of closers due to their exclusivity and lack of mass production. But with the establishment of conveyor production, the problem of the high-cost closers disappeared, and now these products are quite accessible to everyone. In addition, the design of the device is extremely simplified.

And if earlier for the installation of the closer was required to call a specialist, now any man "with hands" will fully cope with the installation of the device independently, guided by common sense and detailed instructions. In addition, no special tools and expensive fasteners need.

On the video installation Closen on a metal door:

Functions of the closer

We learn why this is needed.

  • The closer allows you to eliminate the loud flap of the door, which will save the rumor around, many of them nerve cells, and, in addition, will save the door leaf at the best.
  • The mechanism will allow not to worry about whether you closed the door. This device is gently and smoothly "will bring" the metal door to the desired closed position.
  • The presence of this mechanism significantly extends "Life" door Block and castles.


We learn which varieties of these devices exist in the modern market.

All closers are divided into three types, depending on the place of their attachment to the door. Based on this feature, the device is divided into the following types.


The most popular and frequently used conclusion model. IN this case The device is located in the upper corner of the door, without completely interfering with the movement of people. Installation of such a closer is possible on any metal door.

Top Closer for Metal Door


This type of device is used much less frequently due to the frequent impossibility of its attachment. As it is clear from the title, in this case the device is attached at the bottom of the door.

Nizhny fastening


Many experts consider this type the optimal choice. It is also called "frame", because in this case the main design of the closer is located inside the door frame. Installation of a hidden closer at installed door It will be quite time consuming, as it takes to handle a metal canvas with special tools that are far from every home.

Therefore, a specialist is usually invited to install this device. Due to the laboriousness of the installation in some metal doors, the hidden closer is embedded in production, selling the entire design in finished video. This option is most preferred.

Installation process

We find out which stages of the work will need to make a closer for a metal door. Will disassemble the installation of the upper closer, as the most simple and popular look.


At this stage, you must read the instructions attached to the device, carefully read it. It will relieve from probable "jambs" when working. In addition, you must make sure that the necessary fasteners and tools are available in full. An appropriate template is attached to each device with which it is easy and without much effort to carry out installation.


This stage is necessary in order to accurately install - where exactly the device will be attached. The exact designation of the attachment site will significantly simplify the subsequent work. Marking includes fastening the template attached to the device to the door to the door. Then, by this template, the kerns are placed on all the holes that will need to be done in the door. The template must be fixed closer to the door hinges at the top of the door block. Keep in mind that the device is located on the door canvase itself, and the lever on the frame.

On video, how the closer is installed and operating:

Drilling check

To accurately make sure that the selected drill diameter fits the fasteners of the closer, take a unnecessary sheet metal, and do several holes on it for sample, then overrivers the device fasteners. This measure will not make a mistake with the choice, especially if great experience There are no such works.


If the check has passed successfully, and you are sure that the holes are fitted by the fasteners of the closer, you can start drilling on the marking of the template. After the holes are ready, the closer is attached, and its turn is checked. The bridge housing is in such a way that the speed adjustment valves are directed towards the door loops.

The lever must be divided into two parts, and then fasten the side lever paw to the door box. For this we need. On the tetrahedral shaft, which is available from each closer, put on the main lever, then fasten it with a screw and washer. The side lever is transferred to the perpendicular position, and connect it with the main lever. Make sure the device is exactly smoothly, without distortion: securely and firmly.


After the device is fixed in its place, it must be adjusted to ensure the flawless smoothness of the stroke. Adjustment is carried out by rotating certain screws. How to rotate, and in what direction, indicated in the instructions. This work is carried out using a hex key.

Adjusting the bridge

It is necessary to clarify that the typical convection model has only two adjusting screws. At the same time, the first is responsible for the speed of opening-closing the door, and the second for closing at the last stage - the full fee (finishing) of the door canvase to the destination. Some, more functional devices, Equipped with additional adjustment options. Thus, it is possible to establish a compulsory slowdown, which will not allow dramatically, swing open the sash. But how to adjust the door closer Apecs, you can see

After adjustment to the bottom of the closer, put the protective cap.

On video adjustment of the closer:

Decoration door


We find out what is today average cost Closers for metal doors.

Prices are shown economy segment. If you choose the closer more high level and the famous manufacturer, the cost of the product will be significantly more expensive: at least 1300 rubles for the simplest model.

Several tips on the operation and care of the closer

In the process of using the device, it may be needed additional adjustment. In this case, you can simply twist the screws by achieving the desired result.

Product itself special care It does not require: neither washing, no lubrication, nor cleaning. However, especially responsible hosts still periodically lubricate the mechanism, and remove pollution if they appear. Those closers that are installed on the street side of the doors require seasonal adjustment.

When operating the door equipped with useful mechanism, Remember that it is impossible to speed up its power methods. Trying to close the sash faster, you can disrupt the adjustment of the device screws.

Insert wedges or other items so that the door stays for some time in the open position, too. This sometimes leads to the severity of the entire mechanism, in particular - to the leakage of oil from it. Sometimes such an oversight leads to the fact that the device has to change.

We looked at the features of the installation of closers on the metal door. As you see, these devices are indeed indispensable, and the installation does not represent anything complicated. Thanks to our advice, you can easily equip your door with a convenient and practical mechanism.

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