Games for the company for the anniversary. Game "Who am I?"

reservoirs 29.09.2019

In our hearts, we all believe that there are never too many holidays, but funny and cool contests birthday for cheerful company help make this event even more memorable. You need to spend your birthday in such a way that you don’t regret the wasted efforts later, so that the guests speak of it gratefully for a long time after the celebration. Of course, not everyone can afford to call the toastmaster, and the host from the outside knows the team, its talents and features less well. Therefore, it is worth putting in a notebook in advance different, funny and simple contests, with which you can guarantee to cheer up the guests without offending anyone at the same time. In advance, you also need to take care of the necessary props, gifts for the winners.

Creative contests

Almost all creative family funny contests for a birthday are suitable for any venue for the celebration - both for home, and for nature, and for a restaurant or cafe, and for a sauna.

Like a chicken paw

Almost anyone can write by hand in any condition. But this epistolary lesson can be approached creatively, as in this competition. The host calls a volunteer among the guests, who whispers in his ear any word that is rather difficult to write or invites the player himself to pull out a card with this word from the bag.

Next, he needs to write this word on paper, but only with his foot, inserting a felt-tip pen between his fingers. Spectators must guess from his scribbles what was guessed. The first person to guess what is written wins.

Understand me

This will require small tangerines that can fit entirely in a person’s mouth, as well as cards on which hard-to-pronounce words are written. The contestant puts a tangerine in his mouth, after which he tries to read aloud the words written on the cards, and the guests try to make out his sounds. Whoever guesses the most words will be the winner. Such contests may well be suitable for the birthday of grandparents.

Why did you come to the party?

The host prepares notes in advance with various frivolous answers written to the question “Why did you come to the holiday?”.

For example,

  • Cry into your vest.
  • Eat for free.
  • Borrow money from the owners.
  • There was simply nowhere to sleep tonight.
  • I don't know why, but I have a date with a birthday boy.

He puts all the notes in a bag, and then goes around the guests, who should pull out a note and read its contents to his question about the purpose of his arrival.

Top secret

Each player receives a paper strip on which he must write something that he has not told anyone before. Everyone can remember some not very nice story about themselves, for example, stealing sweets in childhood. It is better to write in a distorted handwriting so that no one can guess from it who this confession belongs to. When everyone has written their confessions, the facilitator gathers them together and reads them out one by one. After each story, everyone tries to guess who it belongs to. If the guess is correct, then the author drinks a "penalty" and says "It could happen to anyone."

Let's congratulate everyone together (competition with inventing adjectives)

To conduct this fun, not vulgar contest, the host needs to write a small congratulatory text, in which all adjectives would be absent, leaving sufficient spaces in their places.

The presenter complains to those present at the table that he cannot find suitable adjectives in any way, and asks them to help him so that the holiday does not overshadow. In response to this, the guests begin to remember any adjectives, and the host writes them down. The task can be complicated to make the competition even more fun.

For example, a workpiece might look like this:

"________________ guests! Today we have gathered at this ________________, ________________ and ________________ holiday in order to congratulate our ________________, ________________ and ________________ birthday. The guests heartily congratulate and wish: ________________ health, ________________ mood, ________________ success! Today everyone is happy for you: your ________________ daughter, and ________________ relatives and friends, and ________________ friends, and your (your) ________________ wife (husband) does not take his ________________ eyes off you! Guests are delighted with your ________________ table, ________________ hospitality. Let's raise a glass to your ________________ well-being. And ________________ the guests will now shout in your honor ________________ “Hurrah!”.

Or this (you can change the birthday girl to the birthday boy):

“Before us sits (Name of the birthday girl)! She has only ________________ advantages, no ________________ disadvantages. It boasts ________________, ________________, ________________ views. She has ________________ hair, ________________ eyes, ________________ figure, ________________ mind, ________________ intelligence, ________________ talent and ________________ survival in extreme situations. And we ________________ and ________________ love her for it! Today, on this ________________ autumn (winter / spring / summer) day, we are your ________________, ________________ friends and ________________ relatives came to congratulate you on this ________________ holiday, your birthday. Today you celebrate a rather serious ________________ date. We wish you ________________ health, ________________ happiness, ________________ good luck, a large number ________________ money and all the best ________________. Your ________________, ________________, ________________ relatives and, of course, ________________, ________________, ________________ friends!”

Guests can be invited to select adjectives on a specific topic - legal, medical, erotic, etc.

Finishing touches

To conduct this competition, you need to multiply some unfinished drawing on the printer. Players are required to finish it, while using their unloved hand (usually the left). The winner is the one who correctly guesses which object was conceived in the drawing, and also brings his copy to the end better than others.

face dance

The funniest birthday music contests can also take place right at the festive table. The presenter needs to pick up fragments of cheerful melodies, and ask the guests to dance a dance to a certain melody, but not the usual one - with their feet, but only with facial expressions. Participants in the fun can arbitrarily move their facial muscles, the best mimes can start with one part of the face, for example, eyebrows, then gradually connect other parts of the face to the “dance” until everything that can move on this part of the body dances. The participant with the most hilarious pantomime is declared the winner.


The host gives the first participant in the competition a sheet of paper, on which he must continue the poetic congratulations to the birthday man and sets the initial phrase, for example, “Our Peter Ivanovich is well done.” Having written his line in rhyme, the first player wraps the paper, hiding what is written from everyone except the neighbor, and passes it around. The following members also come up with lines to rhyme with the opening phrase. It turns out that the versifier sees only the previous phrase, but not what was written before.

After all the “poets” have been marked on paper, the presenter takes it away and reads an ode dedicated to the birthday man with an expression.

paint a portrait

Creative fun competitions can leave a gallery of unforgettable portraits drawn by the guests of the holiday for the birthday man. Each person is given a sheet of paper and a felt-tip pen, while their hands are tied behind their backs. Artists must write a portrait of the hero of the occasion, holding a felt-tip pen in their teeth. The birthday boy himself chooses the one he likes from all the "canvases" and awards his author with a prize.

Answer faster than your neighbor

The participants of the competition must stand in a circle, and in its center is the host, who randomly turns to any of the players and asks the most unexpected question staring intently at the person sitting opposite. But he should not answer, but his neighbor, sitting on the right. If the person whom the host is looking at answers, then he is eliminated from the competition. Also, if the right neighbor does not figure out in time that it is he who should answer, he also leaves.

The competition continues until, in addition to the host, there is only one player left who has the right to claim a small prize.

writing competition

Players sit in a circle and each receive a piece of blank paper and a pen. After that, the host asks “Who?”, And everyone together writes someone’s name at the top of their sheet, after which they fold a strip of sheet with a written fragment of text inward so that what is written is not visible, and pass the sheet to their right neighbor. Should new question from the host "Where did you go" and the actions of the players are repeated. So, gradually the host asks all the prepared questions, and the players write their stories on different pieces of paper.

This competition is very popular, because when you read each leaflet together at the end, you get very funny stories that cause a storm of laughter.


This competition requires headphones for each participant, so small companies usually participate in it, and most often this very fun competition is interesting for teenagers. So each participant puts on headphones that play loud music so they can't really hear what's going on around them. Only the host, who speaks the first phrase, does not have headphones. Usually it hides some secret concerning the birthday man. The first player needs to pronounce the phrase loudly, however, the participant deafened by the music will be able to hear only parts of it. Then he also loudly conveys what he heard to his neighbor, who - to the next, and so on.

Players who have already broadcast the “gossip” about the birthday boy can take off their headphones and, together with the rest of the guests, listen to how this gossip changes before their eyes. In the end, the last player pronounces the final version of the gossip, and the host reminds everyone of her original.


All players participating in the competition are given a couple of sheets of paper and informed that there was a fire in their house. Players must decide which item they would rescue first and draw or write that item on the first sheet. On the second sheet, they must indicate the reason for this preference. Then the papers are folded into two boxes: in one - objects / people, and in the other - motives. It is desirable that the guests write not trivial things, but treat the task with humor.

After that, the facilitator randomly pulls out a piece of paper from the boxes, first shows the image / name of the item, and then an explanation of why it should be saved. Funny phrases are obtained, for example, "I will save my mother-in-law, because it is pleasant to walk on it."

mobile contests


This entertainment requires one player, and the leader will need a long rope, from which he will lay out a labyrinth on the floor. The player is blindfolded and offered to go through this maze, while the guests will tell him the direction in which to move. But as soon as the player's eyes are blindfolded, the rope is immediately removed, and the audience makes fun of the intricate trajectory of the player, which they themselves set.

dress me up

Funny contests for young people often involve dressing and undressing. AT this case female and men's clothing both top and bottom. Items for ladies are put in one bag, and for gentlemen - in another. A boy and a girl participate in the competition, as well as two assistants for each. The host gives each team a bag of clothes (it will be more fun if a woman gets men's items, and a man - women's). Then both teams are given a minute, during which the assistants must remove the clothes from the bag and put them on their “mannequin”. The winner is the one who coped faster or did it more accurately.

Quack quack

All guests sit on chairs set in a circle (the more, the better). The leader becomes the center of the circle, who is blindfolded, handed him a pillow and spun around its axis. At this time, those present randomly change places. A disoriented blind driver begins to look for the knees of the players, but he must do this with a pillow, without touching people with his hands. Having found someone's knees, the driver calmly sits down on them, and the player on whom he sat down must say “quack-quack” in a modified voice. By the sound of the voice, the driver must guess on whose knees he landed. If he guesses correctly, he concedes to him the position of the driver, and if not, then he returns to the center of the circle and the game is repeated.


The "victim" of this fun competition can be both men and women. The participant needs to put on fins and overcome the distance in them, looking forward through the binoculars, turned upside down.

Believe me, it is not so easy to do this, and the laughter will stand for a long time! So this birthday contest can be considered one of the most hilarious.

Find a birthday boy

The host blindfolds the participants of the competition and seats them in the order he needs so that no one knows where he is sitting himself and who his neighbors are. All guests have warm mittens on their hands, and with such hands you need to identify your left neighbor by touch, feeling only his face and head. Wool tickles and already causes laughter, by which you can guess who is sitting next door.

Everyone has only one chance to name a person, and common task for everyone - to find a birthday boy among them. As soon as the hero of the occasion is discovered, the game ends, but he may also be the last one. Those who incorrectly guessed their left neighbor are punished with a phantom, which they pull out of a box or bag and perform in public.

Balloon blowing

The host puts an inflatable ball in the center of the table and blindfolds the eyes of two participants in the competition, after which he seats them on opposite sides table. He explains to them that they should try to blow the ball to the opponent's side. At the same time, he quietly replaces the ball with a plate with a slide filled with flour. On command, the blinded players begin to blow on the alleged ball with all their might, raise a cloud of flour suspension, and when they untie their eyes, they stare dumbfounded at their powdered faces. Agree, this will be one of the most fun and unforgettable birthday contests. For a long time you will have something to remember!

Compliments for the birthday

You need to find a deep hat in which to put a lot of folded pieces of paper on which laudatory epithets for the birthday man are written: handsome, smart, economic, talented, slender, etc. All participants in the competition need to be divided into pairs: one will pull out a piece of paper, read the word to himself , and he must explain to his partner with gestures what the word is. If the partner does not guess, then you can use suggestive hints that do not name the word itself.

Each correct answer is awarded one point. The couple with the most points wins, meaning they can guess the most words.

Did you like our contests? Which of them would fit perfectly in your company? Share your opinion and possibly other contests in the comments.

A friend's birthday is next week. Today he called me to invite me to the celebration and asked me to help with the organization of the holiday, namely, to prepare contests and games so that the guests would not be bored.

Naturally, I agreed, but how to refuse to the best friend? Moreover, the organization of fun is my forte!

So, I bring to your attention a small list of games and contests for the birthday:

  1. Game "Crocodile"

    This is probably the most popular and at the same time the easiest game to organize. There are many variations of the Crocodile game, but the main point is that you need to guess the word made by one of the guests (it is called “Crocodile”). This word, with the help of gestures and facial expressions, should be portrayed by one of the guests, who was the first to show it.

    Initially, the first guessing and showing participants are determined by lottery. The next one to show is the one who first guesses the hidden word, and the one who showed the last time guesses.

  2. Fanta

    Number of players: unlimited.

    Before the start of the competition, you need to prepare forfeits (small leaves on which you need to write wishes). Wishes should be original and funny, at the same time you need to take into account the nature of your guests, so that it doesn’t turn out that someone doesn’t want to perform the phantom he has come across. Although you can simply not give fanta to such persons)). Variations of desires for phantoms can be very diverse, for example, depict a kangaroo or annoying fly, beatbox or just dance.

    Before the start of the celebration, fantas are distributed to guests. Each phantom indicates the time when it must be performed. Specifying the execution time makes the competition even more fun. Imagine you are drinking another glass of wine or a glass of cognac, and then, unexpectedly for everyone, your table neighbor on the left suddenly gets up and starts dancing the macarena. Quite funny ... The main thing is that the guests do not forget and look at the clock from time to time or the host of the evening quietly reminds them of this.

  3. Quest "Find a gift"

    Number of players: one.

    Additionally you will need: pen, paper.

    This contest is for the birthday boy. You will need 8-12 notes for it (if less is not so interesting, if more is too long). All notes are hidden in different places at home or with guests, and the first is given to the birthday man. In each note, you need to write where the next one is located, and not in plain text, but in the form of puzzles, riddles, images, etc. Thus, the birthday boy must find all the notes. The last one will say where the gift is located.

  4. Mini competition "Hare"

    Number of players: unlimited.

    Extras needed: nothing.

    For all guests participating in the competition, the host thinks of different animals. Participants stand in a circle and put their hands on each other's shoulders. The facilitator informs everyone that now he will call the animal species one by one, and as soon as one of the participants hears the name of the animal that was thought of for him, he should immediately sit down. The task of the rest is to prevent him from doing this.

    The whole joke is that the same animal was thought of for everyone, for example, a hare.

    When the host says: "Hare" - everyone will sit down sharply. Good mood guaranteed!

  5. Competition "Noah's Ark"

    Number of players: even.

    Additionally you will need: pen, paper.

    The names of animals are written on the leaves in advance (each creature has a pair: two tigers, two kangaroos, two pandas, etc.), after which they are folded, put in a hat and mixed.

    Each participant in the competition is invited to pull out one of the prepared leaflets, after which it is announced that they need to find their partner without using speech and sounds, that is, with the help of facial expressions and gestures.

    The first pair to reunite wins.

    In order for the competition to last longer, it is better to think of less recognizable animals, such as a gopher or a panther.

  6. Associations

    Number of players: any.

    Extras needed: nothing.

    The guests sit in a circle, and someone, with the first whisper in the ear of his neighbor on the left, says any word. He, in turn, also in the ear of a neighbor should immediately say his association with this word, the third - to the fourth, etc. until the word returns to the first player. If from a harmless "bulb" you got an "orgy" - we can assume that the game was a success.

  7. Competition "An old fairy tale in a new way"

    Number of players: any.

    Additionally you will need: paper, pen.

    Participants are offered several plots of old Russian fairy tales that need to be rewritten in a new, modern way. In the genre of fantasy, detective, action, erotic, etc. Both one person and a group of people can work on the plot, depending on how much big company gathered.

    The winner will be determined by the guests with applause.

  8. Competition "Poems"

    Number of players: any.

    Additionally you will need: a pen, paper, a collection of poems.

    One of the participants in the competition is invited to read quatrains, previously written out on a piece of paper or at random from a collection of poems. At the same time, he should read out only the first two lines. The task of the rest is to guess, or, observing the rhyme, come up with an ending for the quatrain (two more lines).

    The resulting quatrains are compared with the original and participants who have the talent of a poet are identified.

  9. Competition "Portrait of a birthday boy"

    Number of players: any.

    Additionally you will need: two sheets of drawing paper, colored pencils, felt-tip pens or paints, a blindfold.

    Participants are divided into two teams, each line up opposite its sheet. The birthday boy is put on a chair, so that everyone can see him clearly. The participants of both teams are blindfolded in turn and offered to go to the easel to draw some part of the portrait of the birthday man. When both portraits are completed, the birthday person evaluates the similarity and accepts congratulations.

  10. Competition "Where am I"

    Number of players: 4 people.

    Additionally you will need: pen, paper.

    Participants stand with their backs to the guests, and pre-prepared plates (sheets of paper) with inscriptions are fixed on their backs. The inscriptions should indicate some place, for example, "Nudist beach", "Sauna", "Toilet", "Borthel", etc.

    The facilitator asks the participants in turn various compromising questions: “How often do you go there?”, “What do you do there?”, “Whom do you take with you there?”, “Did you like it there?”, “What did you see there?” etc.

    Participants, not knowing what is written on the plates that are attached to their backs, must answer the questions asked.

If you have already decided on the question: "", then the above list of contests and games will help make it more fun and unforgettable.

When a company of adults gathers around a table to celebrate someone's birthday, then, as a rule, the feast turns into nostalgic memories of the past. There is nothing wrong with this, but turning such a happy day into empty chatter and stuffing your stomachs with delicious food is not at all the format of the holiday that the birthday person wants. How to revive such a company? Of course, use the most funny contests! Their choice is so large and varied that it is suitable for both liberated young people and more mature birthday people.

Alcohol contests


Contests for a company of adults on a birthday are often not complete without alcohol, for example, this one. Before each participant, a glass of alcohol (you can use water) and an empty glass, as well as a straw for a cocktail, are placed on the table. Their task is to quickly pour liquid from one glass to another using a straw.

Funny toast tasks for guests

Not all people love and know how to make toasts, and many simply get off with the banal “I wish you health and happiness!”. Therefore, very funny alcohol contests for the birthday of adults are especially popular. To avoid these difficulties, and at the same time to amuse the audience, you can invite guests to say congratulations in unusual style. Each guest needs to be given a piece of paper on which instructions are given on how he should pronounce his toast. Here are some fun options here:

  • Compose a congratulatory phrase, all the words of which would begin with one letter, for example, “We wish you hot wishes, a cheerful life, burning women!”.
  • Use some animal in the greeting, for example, “Stay slim like a doe!”.
  • Associate a congratulatory speech with food, for example, "May your life be sweet as honey!".
  • Make a toast in a foreign language.
  • Give a list of words from which the speaker himself must make his own toast.
  • Sing your congratulations.

Vulgar contests

Scrambled eggs

Someone who is looking for funny mobile contests, can choose one that will become the apogee of a party for a well-heated company. The most “torn off” men will agree to participate in it. A transparent plastic bag with a pair of raw chicken eggs with the expectation that they dangle at the level of the knees. The first pair is called to the “ring”. The "fighters", legs wide apart and slightly crouching, begin to swing their egg bags with the help of swaying their hips, trying to hit them on the opponent's balls. The one whose eggs will not stand and break, leaves the battlefield in disgrace, to which the next pair is invited.

The winners who have kept both or at least one egg then meet among themselves, revealing the final winner, who after the end of the competition can be safely called "The Man with the Strongest Eggs" and awarded with a special prize. Although traditionally this game is played among men, it can also be played by women (after all, it is the hen that lays the eggs, not the rooster).

Women things

This is not the end of vulgar birthday contests for adults. The next one is only for men who are going to feel a bit like women for a while. At the same time, the task before them is not at all difficult, every woman does it with ease every day - you need to put on a bra, and as quickly as possible. Such a trick is not easy for all men, so it will be fun for the assembled guests to watch the attempts of men.

When all the participants of the competition can finally put on the “cups”, having identified the winner, the next task will be to remove them, again, competing for a while. Surely among the participants there is one who, puffing and blushing, will say that he is used to taking bras off girls, and not putting them on himself.

fun replacement

To conduct this competition, you need to choose a girl and two guys. The girl is laid on the sofa, and small edible objects (nuts, pieces of cookies, etc.) are laid out on her body. After that, one of the guys is blindfolded and offered to eat everything that lies on the girl, without hands and blindfolded. At the command of the host, the guy starts sophisticated attempts, but the thing is that before, instead of the girl, another guy quietly appears on the couch. More and more, the guy who comes into lust only then begins to feel something was wrong when wild laughter begins around him.

But remember - such obscene birthday contests are only allowed for adults with a good sense of humor. Therefore, include this competition in your list only if you are sure that the company will adequately respond to it.

Funny intimate contests

Red girl

Among the guests of the party, the host needs to choose several ladies who came in skirts. Finding them, he lays a rug on the floor, and blindfolds the ladies. Their task is to pass over the mat with legs wide apart so as not to touch it. After all the girls have completed this task, the leader quickly lays himself face up over the rug and asks the ladies to remove their blindfolds. The winner of the competition is the lady who, at the sight of the opened picture, blushes more than others. How do you like this funny intimate birthday contest?


Dial 3-4 couples to participate in the competition. Girls under an incendiary melody should “make deposits” - hide small denomination banknotes in the clothes of their young people. When all the “contributions” are made, the young people are switched, and the host suddenly shouts “Default! Get your deposits!" To a different tune girl over certain time must have time to find and withdraw "deposits". It will be even more interesting to offer to take other people's "deposits".

Rzhachnye contests and entertainment

For some reason, more respectable people believe that entertainment competitions more to the face of the kids, however, this is not so. Even respectable adult uncles and aunts can get involved in funny birthday contests. You just need to relax, trust the host, and get not only pleasure, but also a good mood!

Compromising evidence

In such contests and entertainment for a birthday, adults should involve couples. Men, secretly from their wives, write on a piece of paper under the numbers the names of 10 any animals. The women in their circle do the same. When the game starts, the host begins the phrase and asks the wives to continue it with the word that is under the first number in the list, and words are added strictly according to the list for the next questions. It turns out that the husband

  • Handsome as...
  • Affectionate like...
  • Protective like...
  • Independent as...
  • Authoritative as...
  • Strong like...
  • Fast like...
  • Similar in character to...
  • It looks like…
  • etc.

Then the turn to characterize the wives goes to the husbands. And then it turns out that the wife:

  • With relatives like...
  • In transportation, like...
  • In a shop like...
  • With colleagues like...
  • With friends like...
  • In a cafe or restaurant, like…
  • On vacation like…
  • With kids like...
  • At the spa, like…
  • etc.

draw an elephant

Guests are divided into two teams, which are given a sheet of paper. Then the team members take turns and blindfolded to draw the elements of an elephant: the first is the body, the second is the head, the third is the trunk, the fourth is the legs, etc. The team whose drawing is a little more like this animal is declared the winner.


Holiday birthday contests do not have to be crowded, for example, 3 people participate in this. The host sits them at the table and puts a plate in front of each: one with a slice of banana, the other with an apple, the third with a slice of cake. After that, he blindfolds them and explains that they must, on command, as quickly as possible, without using their hands, eat their treat. But after all the participants are blindfolded, their desserts are replaced with something else, for example, instead of a banana, a cucumber, instead of an apple, a lemon, and instead of a cake, a piece of sausage with mustard. The participant who, despite the unexpected taste of his treat, will be the first to eat it will win.

milk the cow

Do you want balloon contests? They can be extremely fun, especially if they are not ordinary balloons, but medical gloves. Participants need to be divided into pairs and each pair should be given rubber glove, with pinholes on each finger. Water is poured into the gloves. One player holds a glove, and the second tries to "milk" it. Whoever milks more is the winner. This competition looks all the more fun the less people who know what the milking process looks like participate in it.


Cool mobile contests are very diverse. In this case, pairs of players can compete, to the belt of which a potato is tied on a long cord, which should almost touch the floor. Two empty packs of cigarettes are placed on the floor at the start line. The task of the rivals is to push the pack of potatoes swinging between the legs to the finish line faster than the opponent.

Cool harmless contests for everyone

25 compliments

All guests of the holiday must be divided into 2 teams and given to each Blank sheet paper. In 2.5 minutes, each team must write 25 compliments on their sheet. After that, the host selects the sheets and compares the inscriptions on them, crossing out the same compliments. The team that wrote more original congratulations is declared the winner.


There are also contests for the birthday boy, in which he takes part on an equal basis with the invited guests, and here he gets the main role. The birthday boy is seated in the center of the room on a chair or at the head of the table so that from there he can see all those gathered. Only the host stands behind him and from there shows the guests cards with some facts (“wears a suit”, “has given birth to twins”, “traveled abroad”, “rides a bicycle”, etc.) relating to someone from those present. The one to whom this fact applies must rise from his seat, and there may be several such people. The task of the birthday man is to understand what fact connects these people.

find me

To all those present at the birthday party, the host should distribute pieces of paper on which they should describe their appearance. After that, all the leaves are collected in a box or bag. The host takes the first sheet out of the box, reads it out, and everyone tries to guess who this description fits. Each contestant has only one attempt per description. The winner of the competition is the one who was able to identify the most guests from the descriptions.

magic ball

This modern birthday contest is a bit like the American habit of wrapping small gifts in lots of big boxes. Well, we can transfer this tradition in the form of a joke to our holiday. To do this, we blind the "magic" ball.

First you need to prepare: find short riddles and write them on scraps of paper. Then you need to take a small souvenir and wrap it in foil. Attach a piece of paper with a riddle to the foil with tape. Then wrap the gift again with the next layer of foil and attach another puzzle to it again. As a result of such layers, at least 6-7 should be obtained. At the same time, the most difficult riddle should be in the depths, and the simplest one on the outside.

Next, you need to throw lots, who will be the first to begin to unfold the resulting magic ball. After removing the first layer of foil, the first participant gets to the first riddle, which he must solve in 5 seconds. If he fails, then everyone else comes to his aid, and the one who does it first gets the right to remove the next layer of foil and guess the second riddle. In the end, the one who solves last riddle and get this prize.


Such competitions for adults are quite acceptable on children's day birth. Guests need to be divided into two teams, which are planted according to different sides table. Determine a leader for each team. The first team must guess a word on a topic related to the celebration of the birthday, and its leader must secretly say this word to the leader of the opposing team. He should try to portray this word to his team with facial expressions and gestures. The players can ask him questions, but the facilitator can only nod "yes" or "no".

You can guess the word for 3 minutes, and if it remains unguessed, then the team is punished by a phantom, for example, to sing a song in honor of the birthday man.

How to use?

An item is placed on the table in front of the contestants. Next, they take turns to come up with a real action that can be performed with this object. The player who could not come up with another application is eliminated from the competition. In the end, there is only one winner.


To all players, the leading "conductor" distributes cards with the names of cities - "tickets" with destinations. It then starts asking if the player knows what country their city is in. If he answers correctly, then the conductor punches his ticket. The winner is the "traveler" who scored the most validated tickets.

Music competitions

Ditties competition

Always have fun unusual contests to the music. For this song competition, you need to prepare prizes and a list of interesting words that should be inserted into the composed ditties. From the guests present, you need to put together several teams of 3-5 people. Then the facilitator pronounces a word that each team must insert into their ditty. About 3-5 minutes are allocated for creativity. The team that did not have time to compose something is eliminated from the competition, and the rest perform their ditties to the music. Then comes the turn of a new word and new ditties.

The team that manages to compose the most ditties wins. If several teams coped with the task equally well, then the winner is determined by the volume of applause.

Who is thinking about what

If you decide not only to dance, but also to make a funny musical break, then you should first ask the host to prepare cool music contests. He will pre-select fragments from songs that can somehow characterize appearance or the thoughts of the guests, and also find a spectacular hat. When all the guests are sitting at the table, the host announces that he has got a magic hat that can read minds. After that, he puts it on the head of the guest and at the same time a fragment of the song is turned on.

What competitions did you like the most? What else interesting entertainment Can you suggest for an adult's birthday? Write about it in the comments.

Greetings, dear readers of the blog! All fathers and mothers want to organize a real holiday for their "child". What can you think of to entertain the kids? After all, the gameplay for children is the most interesting and brings a "sea" of pleasure. And so that this day is not only solemn, but also unusually joyful, so that the house is filled with children's voices, laughter, songs, music, fun, and their “treasure” will be remembered for a long time.

For this wonderful holiday, parents need to prepare not only goodies for the table, but also entertainment program at least 2 hours. It must be alive and vibrant. Children should not be bored for a single minute. Not only the birthday person, but every guest should feel like the “center of the universe”.

Therefore, the parents of the birthday boy need to develop a plan for organizing and holding the birthday of a child of any age at home:

  • determine the number of guests and give them colorful invitation cards
  • make room decor (balloons, posters, garlands, etc.)
  • buy a new outfit for the hero of the occasion
  • buy a desired birthday present for a birthday boy
  • buy small gifts for all guests and gifts for prizes
  • record popular and funny children's songs
  • determine the holiday menu
  • bake fresh home cake and don't forget about beautiful candles
  • write a script for the celebration, including giving gifts to the birthday man, an invitation to festive table, consideration of gifts. Then entertainment activities, songs, games, dances, contests, riddles, etc.

One year old's birthday

Birthday of a child 2-3 years old

Popular birthday games

Not a single birthday can do without funny children's games, contests, riddles.


"Wolf and goats". This is a mobile game.

Circle the houses with a rope and put all the children in them, except for one. They will play the role of kids. The kids live together and often run to visit each other. And a gray wolf roams around - one and the players. He tries to catch the goat outside the house. The captured kid becomes a wolf. The game continues until everyone is a wolf.

"Cold-hot." This game at 5 years old seems very mysterious.

The host discreetly hides a toy (dinosaur). According to the presenter, "cold - warmer - hot" children guess where to look for a toy. The game continues until everyone is in the role of a seeker. The found toy is a prize to the player who found it.

"Guess the animal" is a fun game.

Children are blindfolded and given a soft toy in their hands. You have to guess who it is. An adult must start the game, who will deliberately think for a long time, twist, twirl and call the hare a bear incorrectly. The children will laugh and the game will take comic character. The game continues until each child is in the role of a guesser.

Mouse Concert is an entertaining game.

Print by clicking on the pictures with mice, finger mice. You can glue the head of the mouse out of paper in the form of a bag on your finger, glue the ears, draw eyes and a nose with a black felt-tip pen. Put a mouse mask on each child's finger. The adult will be the first to start the game with a thin, squeaky mouse voice, sing a song or recite a poem. And then the children take turns demonstrating their talents on behalf of the mouse.

"Don't Crush the Egg" is a funny game. It promotes the development of memory, attention and caution.

A piece of any fabric that depicts the road is placed on the floor. On this road lay out raw eggs. The player is offered to carefully look at the road along which he must pass and not crush a single egg. While the player is being blindfolded, the eggs are quietly removed. Here he goes very carefully to the end of the road, and when the bandage is removed, the player and all the children laugh.

"Horned". The game requires focus and attention.

All children stand in a circle and shake their fists. The host says: “He walks, wanders ... and when the horned goat says,” everyone sticks out their fingers. If the leader says “hornless goat”, then the fists do not open. Whoever makes a mistake is out of the game and helps the host to look for violators.

"The Case in the Hat" is a musical game.

A beautiful hat is put on any of the children who have become in a circle. Turn on music. The child in the hat turns around and puts the hat on to the neighbor on the left (clockwise). When the music stops, the one wearing the hat leaves the game, sits down at the sweet table and waits for the others.

For the birthday of a child 5-6 years old

Pro Answer “yes” to everything, nesmeyana, mummy, mirror and. And today I have prepared some more fun activities.

Basketball is a game for a group of children.

Attach a wire ring to the wall at a height convenient for this age. The ball will serve balloon. The facilitator explains to the children two rules of the game: the ball must not fall to the floor and it must not be held in hands. The ball can be tossed and hit on it towards the ring. Whoever makes the most hits in the ring will receive a prize - a chocolate candy, the rest of the players will receive caramel each.


Lay out cards with birds and animals depicted on them. The player approaches the table, takes a card and tries to depict the one who is drawn on it with various movements and facial expressions. The player who guesses the image first becomes the leader and the game continues.

“We are bored of sitting” is a simple game for physical development.

Chairs for all children are placed against the wall of the room. At the opposite wall put one chair less. Everyone sits down and reads a poem:

Oh, how boring it is for us to sit and look at the wall. Isn't it time to run and change places?

At the leader's command "start", all players rush to opposite wall and try to take a seat. The one who is left without a chair is out of the game. Then another chair is removed. The game continues until the winner takes the last remaining chair. He is given a big ball (or something else), the rest of the players are given small balls.

Jenga is a board game that develops dexterity, fine motor skills and coordination.

This game is sold in the toy store. A tower of 18 levels is built from 54 multi-colored wooden blocks. To do this, the bars are folded in three pieces and, the resulting layers, are stacked on top of each other, one across the other. A cardboard guide will help level the tower.

This game is best suited for 4 kids. You can play with two or more players. They take turns rolling a die, each side of which has a color. Now the player needs only one hand to pull out a block of this color from the tower and put it on top so as to continue construction. You can not take blocks from the unfinished top layer and the layer below it. The player who destroyed the tower is considered the loser and the game continues.

"Nonsense" is a fun game.

We take a double (from the middle) notebook sheet of paper and two pens or two pencils. Two players sit at opposite ends of the table and draw, covering the drawing with their hand, someone's head (human, dog, hare, cat, goat). Then they bend the leaf so that the pattern is not visible, but only the neck would look out and pass it to the second player. He draws the body (hare, hedgehog, man, bear, dog). He also folds the piece of paper to close the drawing and passes it to the first player who draws someone's legs. Then he closes the drawing and passes it back to the second player, who draws someone's feet. Now let's expand the drawing and see what happened? Funny and fun.
room decoration idea

For children 7,8,9 years old

For entertainment at the birthday party of children 7,8,9 years old, games of a slightly different nature are needed. These children are already elementary school students. They can read and write and play sports. At this age, children begin to feel part of the adult world. I suggest you play the following games with them:

"Bear" is an outdoor game.

One of the players is chosen as the "bear". He lays down on the floor. The rest pretend to pick mushrooms, pick raspberries around the "bear" and sing:

In the bear's forest Mushrooms, I pick berries, But the bear does not sleep, looks into both eyes. The basket overturned. The bear rushed after us.

And then the bear rises and catches the fleeing players. Whomever he catches becomes a bear. The game continues.

"Third Extra" is a musical game.

For the game you will need chairs one less than the guests. Both adults and children play. Chairs are placed with their backs to each other, with the seats facing out. The players stand around the seats of the chairs. The host turns on fun music, and the players start running around the chairs. Once the music is turned off, the player must sit in any chair. Whoever does not get a chair is out of the game. Another chair is removed, etc. The winner is the remaining one participant.

Sparrow-Crow is a game of attention and speed of reaction.

Two players sit down at the table opposite each other and extend one hand to each other, but the hands should not touch. The host gives names to the players: one - "sparrow", the other - "crow". The host calls the names of the players. The one whose name is called must grab the opponent's hand. For fun, the presenter slowly and in syllables says the names of vo-rooo-na, vooo-rooo-bay, or maybe say vo-ro-ta. A caught sparrow becomes a crow, and a crow becomes a sparrow. The game continues.

Chamomile is a fun game.

A chamomile is made from white paper with as many petals as there will be guests. Write funny tasks on the back of each petal. Children take turns tearing off one petal and begin to complete the task: they dance, crow, sing songs, recite poems, tongue twisters, etc.

Znayka is an educational game.

All children sit on chairs in one row. The host announces the theme of the game, for example, the city. Then he comes up to the player sitting on the edge, calls any city and gives him a ball in his hands. The player must quickly name any city and give the ball to a neighbor. Who could not name the city is out of the game. Then the theme changes: fruits, flowers, countries, rivers, names. The game continues.

For children 10-12 years old, such games are suitable

If you have a private house and it’s summer in the yard or you are celebrating a birthday in nature, then they are ideal

"Smart and funny train" is an intellectual game.

The host (adult) asks each player one question. For example, which scientist had an apple fall on his head? (to Newton). Which of the heroes fought with the Serpent Gorynych? (Nikitich). In which hemisphere globe do penguins live? (in the South), etc. If the player answers the question correctly, then he becomes a trailer of a smart steam locomotive. If the player cannot answer, he can take a hint for a certain service: sing, recite a poem, dance, portray an animal.

A merry train must gather all the players and the wagon children will sing a merry song.

"Fishermen and fishes" is an active game.

Of all the players, two fishermen are chosen, and the rest of the players are fish. They dance and sing:

Fish live in the water, No beak, but peck. There are wings - they do not fly, There are no legs, but they walk. Nests are not made, but children are brought out.

After that, the fish scatter, and the fishermen join hands and catch them. Caught fish join the fishermen, which makes the net longer, and catch the rest of the fish. The last fish that the fishermen didn't catch is the winner.

"Pick up the key" - this game contributes to the manifestation of skill.

Two players are each given three closed padlocks and a bunch of keys. The task is to open each lock. The one who opens the locks first wins. The game continues until everyone is a "discoverer".

"Will you go to the ball?" Girls love this game.

The facilitator starts the game by saying:

Yes and no, don't say

Black and white - do not take

Are you going to the ball?

- Probably the player answers.

- What will you ride? Who will you go with? What will you wear? What colour? With such questions, the host tries to catch the player and use forbidden words. If by chance the word is said, then the players change roles.

Treasure Hunt is an interesting game that develops ingenuity.

The host reads the first riddle-hint:

Everyone who came to visit us

Let them sit down at our ... .. Guessing table - a place where to look for a clue. There is again a riddle-hint in the table - which horse does not drink water? The answer is chess. Chess is again a mystery - in a colorful wrapper dressed in a vase lies ... .. The answer is candy. There is a riddle-hint in the candy again - everyone goes, goes, goes, only they don’t get up from their place. The answer is hours. Per table clock there is a treasure - a box with small chocolates for each player.

Funny win-win lottery game

An adult presenter will lay out bright lottery tickets with numbers on the table, there are as many of them as there are guests. The player walks up to the table, pulls out one lottery ticket and says the ticket number out loud.

The presenter reads out the text corresponding to this ticket and presents the prize to the player. Prizes can be very different, and the texts for them are comic and better in poetic form:


You won't lose your keys

And you won't forget about them.


If anything happens

You will need this here.


The prize is beautiful, don't be shy

I give you cool glue.


So that the wind does not blow off the caps,

Here's a paper clip for you.


A very necessary thing

Useful in the dark.


May your life be brighter

From the flame of Prometheus.


To always have a haircut

You are given a hairbrush.

Chewing elastic.

If your teeth are bothering you

Chew Orbit, it helps!

Children's machine.

There is no better remedy for stress

Than buying a Mercedes.

Birthday games for parents

Children are very happy when parents participate in their games. My Grandmother Revealed How She Played the Musical Chairs Game at Her Seven-Year-Old Daughter's Kindergarten Prom and Won music competition. How all the children rejoiced, shouted "Hurrah!" and applauded. And her daughter's eyes just shone with happiness. Since then, 50 years have passed, and my daughter happily recalls this interesting episode in her life.

I suggest that adult guests at the “child’s birthday” party play the following games with the children:

"Potato Soup"

Put two tables at a distance of three meters. On one table, put two plates with small potatoes, seven each. On the other table are two empty pots. Two players are given one tablespoon each. The task is for each player to transfer one potato with a spoon into a pot of seven soup potatoes. Whoever completes the task the fastest is the winner. The game continues until all players have cooked the soup. A prize for all guests for a chocolate candy.


Prepare four identical cardboard boxes. All players in pairs at the command of the host "Start!" Compete to see who gets to the finish line the fastest. Then they hold the second round of those who won the victory, etc. In this way, the fastest runner is chosen. He is awarded a flashlight prize.

"Kindergarten for kangaroos".

Enclosed with a rope " Kindergarten for kangaroos "for 2 - 3 meters from the starting line-rope. Children of 2 pick up one at a time soft toy(can plastic bottles) and only by jumping get to the garden. They come back, leaving the kangaroos in the garden, also jumping. The one who returns the fastest wins.

They are replaced by two parents at the start and jump into the kindergarten to pick up the kangaroos from the kindergarten. And, also jumping, they return to the start. Whoever jumps the fastest is the winner.

"Magic Pencils"

Two plastic boxes with inscriptions are placed on the start line: a walnut is a prize for the winner, a hazelnut is a prize for the loser.

Now they take two identical pencils and tie them to them along a thick woolen thread of the same length (about 3 m each).

Two players compete to see who can wind the thread around the pencil the fastest. Prizes are awarded based on the results of the competition.

"Merry Orchestra"

Everything that is playing in the house (guitar, balalaika, tambourine, pipe) and even creaking, rustling, rattling (spoons, saucepans, metal lids, metal cans with pennies, etc.), we distribute to children and adults.

We put on a fun children's song. Everyone begins to play, sing and dance together. Under this amazing cacophony (chaotic heap) of sounds, it turns out to be "outrageous" fun.

Birthday comes from childhood - birthday contests

All children love their birthday very much. Each baby closes his eyes and imagines the familiar faces of mom and dad, bending over his bed in the morning, sweet cake, a sea of ​​gifts, many guests and funny contests. Years pass, the child grows up, becomes an adult and ceases to love this holiday….

Perhaps someone will argue with this statement, but many will still sadly agree and remember the pre-holiday fuss, shopping, cooking ... And then the birthday itself - a couple of hours pass and the first guest starts to yawn. Philosophical conversations start about politics and gas prices, about the academic performance of Kostya's son and a new recipe for stuffed cucumbers. Someone reaches for a glass to somehow cheer up. And after all, everything is like in childhood - gifts, guests, cake. And there is no fun! What's the matter? You just forgot that every hospitable host is obliged to take care of entertainment for his guests. You can invite a famous pop singer or hire a magician, but this may not be to everyone's liking and will cost you too much. Remember your childhood and your funny birthday contests!

It is they who will rally the whole team, amuse the pensioner Aunt Klava and the student Vanya, and there will definitely not be time for “choral yawning”. You can choose a host who will organize contests, come up with prizes for the winners. How nice it will be for your friend to receive a cardboard Miss People's Choice medal or the most popular incentive prize - a washcloth for the shower! And how many friends she will tell about this fun holiday! Your imagination and resourcefulness will cheer up the most dull and sad guest, and be sure to give him the prize "For a sense of humor" as a keepsake. And then next time he will be the most active participant in any event.

Birthday is a wonderful holiday, you just need to be able to spend it, as in childhood - fun and carefree! And then you will love this day, you will wait for it for a whole year, in a word, you will again become that little kid who knew how to laugh so sincerely and enjoy life!

Bear - birthday contest

Desirable long corridor or a room and a moderate state of drunkenness among the guests. The main thing is that at least one person in the company plays this game for the first time, the rest may already know everything, but they will still have fun.

Everyone lines up in one line, shoulder to shoulder (the newcomer is the last), the leader is the first. Then everyone takes turns, stretching their hand forward with the words: “I see a bear !!!” - squat down, i.e. the leader sat down, then the person next to him, etc. When the last one sat down, the leader pushes this entire unstable structure with all his strength (you need to push not with your hands, but with your shoulder, as if falling on your side, but strong enough). It's a domino effect.
The main thing is not to kill the last one, because with the appropriate skill of the leader, the last 2-3 people fly off very far. Delight indescribable!
A few tips for the leader. It is necessary to explain to everyone what and when to do so that people do not sit down all at the same time, only in turn (with simultaneous seating, failures are frequent - participants fall ahead of time). You need to put people tightly, and yourself a little (20-30 cm) move away from the one standing next to you so that there is room for maneuver. Ideal Quantity players - from 7 to 10.

Living sculpture - birthday contest

A great competition for a fun company.
All guests leave the room, only the organizer of the game and two volunteers remain. Guests are called into the room one at a time. The first person to enter sees a sculpture made by a leader of two volunteers. The host invites him to change the position of one (only one!) Of the characters. After the "sculptor" makes enough fun, he is offered to take the place of the victim.

The same is repeated with each person who enters (it is necessary to ensure that no participant is idle for more than one round). Those who left the game stay in the room and, of course, laugh at the new "sculptors", as well as at cool poses.

Dexterous hand - minute contest

The host invites everyone and offers the following task: right hand take a newspaper, then, on command, quickly gather the entire newspaper into a fist. Whoever did it faster is the winner.

Small choir - birthday contest

Perfect for a children's birthday, and the choir will be performed by parents.

Participants sit on stools. Funny faces are drawn on the bare knees of the participants, some clothes are put on the shins, the knees are decorated with scarves and bows, the feet remain bare. A sheet is pulled in front of the participants. The host announces: “Because of the forest, because of the mountains, a small choir came to us.”
The assistants raise the sheet to their knees so that only the legs of the speakers can be seen. The artists sing children's songs or ditties, moving their legs, feet, etc. The performances of such a choir usually take place as an encore, so the concert participants need to take care of the repertoire.

Clothespins - bdsm birthday contest

Clothespins - BDSM contest!!!
This is a competition for the courageous, and the winner must be awarded a good prize. The task for two players is to fasten the maximum possible number of ordinary clothespins on their faces in a minute. It is only better to choose less rigid ones, otherwise you can go crazy.

Cabbage - birthday contest

There are two teams of 5 people.

1 player is selected from each team, and the team must, for a certain period of time, say 1-2 minutes, put on him maximum amount clothing worn by team members.

Rhinos - birthday contest

Interesting birthday party.
The more participants in this competition, the better. The competition can be both team and single. For the game you will need: balloons (1 per player), ordinary thread, adhesive plaster, pushpin (1 per player). The balloon is inflated and tied with a thread around the waist at the level of the buttocks. A piece of adhesive plaster is pierced with a button and glued to the player's forehead.

This procedure is done with each participant. Then each participant must fold his hands on his chest or behind his back - during the game he cannot use them. After all these preparations, a start is given: time is set for team game; at the end of time, those who survived are counted; and for the game every man for himself - played to the last. After that, the player's task is to pierce the opponent's ball with the button on the forehead.

Gifts - birthday contest

Before sitting down at the table, each guest cuts out of paper what he would like to give or wish to the hero of the occasion. For example, a car, a key to new apartment, baby, banknote, new dress. All "gifts" are attached with thread to a rope or fishing line, which is stretched approximately at chest level.

The birthday boy is blindfolded and handed scissors. To the approving cries of those present, he must approach the rope and cut off the “souvenir”. What was in the hands will definitely appear at the birthday man before the end of the year.
To involve guests, you can invite the hero of the occasion to guess whose wish it is. If he succeeds, the guest performs some kind of phantom: he sings a song, tells a joke.

Contest-Joke General

Pure board game. Depending on what is poured, it can be called "general vodka", "general whiskey", general "amaretto" and so on.

Competitors must pronounce the text without error, accompanying it with certain actions.

"The moonshine general drinks moonshine once." Take one sip, wipe once with your finger (gesture of a hussar!) an imaginary or existing mustache, once tap a glass on the table, once stamp your foot.
“The general drinks moonshine, drinks - 2 times to say! - Moonshine for the second time. Take two sips, wipe your mustache twice with your finger, tap the glass twice on the table, stamp your foot twice.
"The general of moonshine drinks-drinks-drinks moonshine for the third time." Take three sips, wipe your mustache with your finger three times, tap your glass on the table three times, stamp your foot three times! Phew! All!
Whoever makes a mistake gives way to the next. Few people manage to fulfill all the conditions the first time. Let us also take into account that the one who was closest to success got more drunk. And, therefore, next time it will be more difficult for him to concentrate.

Height - birthday contest

This competition requires a couple of stronger guys and a few not very overweight volunteers (preferably female).

Volunteers are driven out the door and run one at a time. The person who enters is put on a chair, blindfolded and informed that now the chair will be raised, but there is no need to be afraid. In order not to be scared, a person stands in front of the person standing on a chair and allows you to put your hands on your head - to maintain balance.

The point of the game is that on command we “raise”, muscular guys very slowly and carefully raise the chair literally by 10–20 cm, and the person on whose head the hands of the person standing on the chair lie slowly and evenly squats. This creates the effect of raising the chair a few meters up. When the chair is raised by 20 cm, and the assistant sits down so that the hands of the person standing on the chair no longer reach his head, the leader shouts in a wild voice: “Jump!”.

It is desirable that there are no sharp, hard and brittle objects near the chair, and you can also insure someone jumping from a chair (after all, he believes that he is at a height of several meters).

Labyrinth - birthday contest

It is necessary that the majority of those who have gathered before this did not participate in this competition.

labyrinth birthday contest In an empty room, a long rope is taken, and the labyrinth is stretched so that a person, passing, crouched somewhere, stepped over somewhere. Having invited another player from the next room, they explain to him that he must go through this labyrinth blindfolded, before that remembering the location of the rope. The audience will tell him. When the player is blindfolded, the rope is removed. The player sets out on a journey by stepping over and crawling under a non-existent rope. Spectators are asked in advance not to give out the secret of the game.

Broken phone - birthday contest

This birthday contest is a modification of the well-known game "broken phone".

The principle of the competition is as follows:

Participants of the competition of each team (preferably at least 4 people in each) are built in the back of the head to each other. A clean piece of paper and a pen are placed in front of the first in the columns. Then, the host approaches the last players in the columns one by one and shows them a simple picture prepared in advance. The goal of each player is to draw what he saw on the back of the person in front of him. Then the one who was painted on his back frantically tries to realize what he was so clumsily painted there and, having realized, tries to depict a similar picture on the back of the next one.

For two hares - a birthday contest

This is a pretty wicked birthday contest...if you and your guests have a sense of humor full order, then you can try this contest, otherwise we advise you to look at other contests from our collection.

A victim (guy) is voluntarily-compulsorily selected from the players. He is taken to a prearranged room, where he sees two girls sitting on the edges of a makeshift bench, assembled from chairs or stools, completely covered with a blanket. The presenter informs the guy that he must choose one of these two girls that he likes the most and sit on the bench so as to show that he likes his chosen one, but, like a true gentleman, do not offend the second girl. The host says that you need to use body language, remember etiquette, etc.

The guy is given 20 seconds to think about how to do it. 90% out of 100% that the guy will sit between the girls. The joke is that the girls are sitting on chairs, and there is no chair between them. A tightly stretched blanket creates the illusion of a chair in the middle. As a result, the victim flops relish on the floor. If you really dislike this person, then in advance, under the blanket between the chairs, you can place a basin of water.

Gypsy girl - birthday contest

A great birthday contest, where only close friends will be present, because. some may not understand this kind of humor.

For 5-6 participants, arrange the same number of chairs in a circle. The first music is put on, the participants walk around the chairs until the music stops, the music stops - the participants take off one thing from themselves. So several times. After a certain time, different music is played and the participants begin to dress up. The trick is that the players' belongings are on different chairs. And here comes the final run. Where the participant stopped, he dresses there.

Prize - the most extravagant.

Unusual relay race - birthday contest

The unusual thing about this relay is that the tasks are designed in such a way that the participants themselves have to determine how to complete them. To do this, you need to use imagination, ingenuity and not forget about a sense of humor.

The participants are divided into two teams. At the command of the host of the birthday, the players perform the following tasks:

1) run the indicated distance with a square; no, not in a square, but exactly in a square (it is necessary to imagine how squares run);
2) run like hungry ants;
3) run like soft-boiled eggs.

Tasks for this competition can be drawn up a few days before the birthday, or you can involve all those present directly during the relay race in this process. The winners in this competition are also determined by the audience.

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