Anything that makes our life easier.

landscaping 12.10.2019

In preparing the store for the holidays, a special place is given to increasing sales of confectionery products. It is safe to say that chocolates and sets are among the most emotionally charged products: they are closely associated with experiences and significant events in the life of consumers, with a festive atmosphere. Unlike piece confectionery - a classic checkout product - and flour confectionery, selling more expensive chocolate requires sellers to create a mood. In the long run, this has a positive effect on the attitude of customers towards the store.

confectionery before the holidays

Pirates, warriors and business women.

Task 1. Increasing sales through
expanding the range and competent display

Obviously, the number of scheduled visits to confectionery shops and purchases in the confectionery departments before the holidays increases significantly. But it is worth remembering that in the pre-holiday bustle, buyers have much less time to make an informed choice, so the first task of the store is to make them make a purchase right here and for this, adequately present an assortment of gift sets and create comfortable conditions for their choice. Despite the constant improvement of the range of products offered by manufacturers, as well as their packaging, it would be a mistake to assume that the confectionery department will be attractive in itself, without competent display and application of methods to increase sales. Desire of the merchant to expose a large number of confectionery sets limited area often results in boxes upside down and packages partially closed. The face of the product is not always visible on the chocolates in the confectionery display case. Especially if special equipment is not used, the packaging is closed with price tags comparable in size to the product itself. At the same time, a negligent seller can easily slap the price tag on Alenka's face or the nose of "Unknown" Kramskoy. Expensive chocolate gifts and figurines small size can be completely lost in the window without creating a "visual frame" for them. Their sales may be adversely affected by the placement of cheap piece goods side by side on the principle of “one size in one place”. Then the buyer will have an impression, as in the story of a famous satirist: “And these, well, they are so small - but three each!”.

Task 2. Increasing sales through
expanding the circle of gift buyers.

It should also be remembered that when planning gifts, the buyer does not always consider chocolate as a permanent application. The festive budget is often limited, and alcohol, cosmetics and perfumes and other typical gifts become "competitors" of chocolate sets and elite chocolate as independent gifts.

Increasing sales with the presentation of chocolate for men.

Candy for men and boys is a promising topic, and today its potential is far from being fully realized. It first appeared in the chocolate bar and candy bar segment, and supermen, spiders, horror stories and skeletons were called in to create the candy look for real guys. Chocolate boutiques responded with chocolate for serious men: bitter and "super-bitter", with 98 percent cocoa beans. The Aztecs believed that a product made from the fruit of the tree of the gods (according to legend, the cocoa tree was brought to earth by the deity Quetzal-Coatl) excites masculinity. According to the testimony of the great conquistador Hernan Cortes, at the court of the Aztec emperor Montezuma, two types of liquid chocolate were consumed: sweet with cream and spicy with pepper. Cortes wrote that "one cup of this valuable drink is able to keep a person perfectly alert on a campaign from sunrise to sunset." The style of maritime romance can also be associated with chocolate - ships delivering cocoa beans to the royal courts of Europe were often made the object of attention of pirates. This style can be used both in creating brands and laying out a scattering of chocolate medals, like coins from a treasure chest. In the years patriotic war large confectionery factories produced chocolate specifically for pilots, paratroopers, scouts and sailors who needed energy to survive in conditions of physical, intellectual and emotional stress. The military victorious theme (for example, the brands of Krasny Oktyabr, Guards Glory, Glory, Peter the Great) and the theme of real men (Bogatyrsky, Presidential) are now present in the design of chocolate. And before the holidays, it makes sense to single out and group such brands and pay attention to bitter varieties so that women, having chosen sweets for children, guests and themselves, make another purchase - as a gift to a man.

Increasing sales by presenting chocolate to office workers.

Another promising group of buyers and recipients of sweet gifts are office workers, bosses and work colleagues. In business districts, to attract attention, you can group on one rack sets of candies with coat of arms, state and Moscow themes in the design of the package. After all, it is not convenient for everyone to give a box that depicts a bouquet of flowers or a frivolous dancer. Grouped by themes, the packages themselves contribute to the pre-holiday decoration of the hall. Producers and merchants can bring success to a topic that has not yet been worked out in a chocolate version - office gifts and jokes of the middle price category. Perhaps in the future a chocolate laptop, briefcase or mobile phone will compete with more traditional figures.

Let's take a look at a few more ways to increase sales.
confectionery before the holidays:

  • INCREASE IN SALES contributes to the equalization of prices for weight chocolates (more often used in the range of 10 rubles per kilogram). Most housewives like to bet on festive table a vase filled with different varieties of sweets, even low-income shoppers are tempted to decorate a pile of soy bars with a couple of Golden Soufflés. An interesting detail: sweets in a candy wrapper with a “fluffy tail” are often chosen for the table, because there seem to be more of them on the table. At the same price level, the seller's labor costs at the counter and the time for service are reduced, which is important in the pre-holiday period, when there are queues of buyers in a hurry and wanting attention. The number of impulse purchases is increasing among the buyers themselves - a bag of sweets is already on the scales, and you really want to add both of them! When leveling prices, you can use a well-known brand as a sales engine. It is worth noting that this technique requires a preliminary study of buyers in order to choose the right varieties for the price range. For buyers of different groups, the price barriers may be different, while the general boundaries due to the perception of numbers are 100, 200 rubles per kilogram.
  • INCREASING SALES is facilitated by packaging chocolates in self-service stores. Candies packed in a plastic tray at a price of, for example, 38 rubles (a price comparable to the cost of a waffle cake) look attractive. Some buyers are scared away by the price of 150-200 rubles per kilogram, and a smaller amount turns the purchase of chocolates into an impulse category. Another part of consumers believe that when buying packaged sweets, they do not overpay for gift wrapping, extra paper and air in it (“Such a big box, but there are only ten pieces inside!”). In stores where the majority of buyers are middle and lower income, it is possible to display packaging (special bags, boxes) in a conspicuous place so that buyers can put together a gift from weight and piece sweets - to their taste and afford.
  • INCREASING SALES is facilitated by the presence in the department of materials for artistic gift wrapping and the provision of this service in the store.
    In general, paper bows, ribbons and roses decorating counters and racks have a positive effect on candy sales, but in Russian stores such decor is used less frequently and weaker than, for example, in American middle-class confectionery stores. Individual caramel flowers are also very rare, although there are caramel baskets - for example, they are produced by Krasny Oktyabr. A separate caramel flower would make a nice gift.
  • INCREASING SALES contributes to the joint display of alcohol and confectionery sets, using decorative composition, advertising display. A bottle of champagne next to a box of chocolates, several sets under the poster "Congratulate your loved ones!" - all this serves as a reminder, a hint to the buyer and also increases the number of impulse purchases (see Fig. 1). Successful may be non-standard solutions, for example, side by side chocolate bottles and real small bottles. Festive goods may already be packaged in the store in a flower-decorated basket and offered as a set.
  • INCREASING SALES by grouping and highlighting well-known Soviet confectionery brands. First, it is in line with the principle the best goods– the best resources”, because behind the old brands is the reputation of large manufacturers. There is another aspect. In our research on various food products, it was found that among consumers over 30 years of age, an increase in the number of nostalgic for Soviet times. At the same time, old brands are associated with the wonderful years of childhood and youth, and the same varieties are bought to create a festive mood. No wonder the theme of nostalgia, the time, “when everything was small, but everything seemed very tasty”, is now used by manufacturers. Part of the buyers seeks to take revenge in consumption: “Earlier, they only gave orders, but now I eat caviar with spoons on New Year’s, and kilograms of all kinds of “Bears” with “Squirrels!”
  • INCREASING SALES is facilitated by the optimization of the display of gift sets of sweets. Sets on racks can be grouped according to the principle color combinations and the contrast of packages, the theme of packaging design, as is done, for example, in Krasny Oktyabr's branded stores. To facilitate the choice of budget-conscious buyers, you can arrange sets by box size and price. Nearby it is not recommended to place packages that are close in color, and it is always necessary to check if there are any effects of reflected light when viewed from the hall. Obviously, the number of small sets of sweets in the checkout area before the holidays can be increased. The allocated display area can be limited by bright stripes of sets arranged vertically in several units on the rack (see Fig. 2).
  • INCREASING SALES is facilitated by the use of posters with information about the composition and properties of sweets in the set. Sectioned Chocolate is being actively introduced through Rittersport advertising and POS materials from Korkunov and Derzhava. It is known that most buyers have more confidence in the packaging, which depicts the product itself, because the seller can not always give reliable information. Sellers of confectionery departments say that customers, when they see a bottle of champagne on the package, quite often joke: “Does it come with it?” No one comes up with the idea of ​​a champagne filling, but if a bottle of cognac or liquor is depicted, many buyers already expect that there is an alcoholic filler inside. We repeat once again that before the holidays the buyer is in a hurry, and he has a thousand different problems in his head. Visual information will help avoid disappointment and reduce the burden on sellers.
  • INCREASING SALES is facilitated by the use of dummies of gift chocolate figures. Figured chocolate in plastic packaging is difficult to adequately exhibit. The chocolate melts from the light, and the polyethylene shines, and these reflections destroy the integrity of the volume of the figure. Skillfully made dummies can stand in any place and draw attention to elite products. Painted plaster sculptures can also be used to decorate the showcase. So, figures made of various materials, and figured chocolate in the Konfael boutique in Moscow are among the most significant and memorable details of the interior and showcases.

Holidays and weekdays.

Shops and departments of confectionery always carry an element of festivity, so their design should create a general warm impression, evoke pleasant emotions among visitors. It is desirable to use natural materials or their skillful imitation in interior decoration and equipment. There may be elements of the colonial style - various shades mahogany, bronze or brass details, large glazed surfaces, mirrors - as, for example, in the design of "Petrossian boutique/cafe" in New York. The designers of the Mozart boutique in Toronto used a palette of colors based on the range of the product itself – shades of chocolate from white to brown, against a mauve background. In "Candy Cauldron" the theme of the Disney cartoon "Snow White" was used in the design - natural materials in conjunction with wall paintings and sculptures create an unforgettable atmosphere.

In the display of sweets and slab chocolate decorative compositions(columns, spirals, screws, pyramids) on the counter still impress the buyer. Let us recall the Eiffel Tower of chocolates described by Bulgakov in the novel The Master and Margarita, shamelessly destroyed by the cat Behemoth. For many other products, such techniques no longer apply or look old-fashioned. But chocolate compositions incite the buyer to festive consumption, and this can positively influence the growth of sales in other groups. Composition tools can also be used in filling transparent containers with weight goods (see Fig. 3). Laying out weight sweets, marshmallows, marmalade, etc. in plastic bags instead of containers gives the impression of untidiness.

A successful combination of confectionery with products such as tea and coffee, flour confectionery - also with milk, because at the sight a large number sweets in a person in the subconscious mind, the thought of drinks arises (see Fig. 5). Psychologists have an opinion that only people with disabilities can eat a lot of sweets without tea or other liquids. Aromas of coffee and tea favorably affect sales. An example is the Krasny Oktyabr branded stores on Shabolovka and Tverskaya in Moscow. Hot chocolate is gradually becoming popular, and it has good prospects in our climate (by the way, in classic recipe cognac can be added to hot chocolate). To emphasize the character of this drink, its density, significance, the choice of glassware plays an important role: cups made of thick-walled porcelain are preferred over plastic cups and light cups. Those who have visited both Sever cafes in St. Petersburg on Nevsky Prospekt could feel this difference.

If the confectionery is adjacent to groceries, it is better to “approach” it with fruit preserves, jams, etc. Despite the fact that diabetics are among the most loyal customers, diabetic products are recommended to be placed in less visible places so as not to embarrass other customers (imagine hangover cures in the center of the display in the wine and spirits department!). If diabetic products are located on a common confectionery showcase, it is more efficient to give information about ingredients large (xylitol, isomalt) or use special symbols that are understandable to diabetics and will always be found. A security confirmation is also required, but can be written in smaller sizes.

In specialized confectionery shops and departments, it is sometimes difficult to lay out weight sweets and caramels on a glassed-in counter, as well as on shelves. Layout by type and price can be used: the product is divided into groups with a certain price range per kilogram, then they look at how many types can fit in one row. Examples of layouts for counters and racks are shown in Figure 6. There are times when the view of goods in the corner of a confectionery display case located near the cashier is limited. This must be checked by looking from the hall. Then put there interesting impulsive and significant profitable goods unjustifiably.

Undoubtedly, you, like many people in our country, love sweets, and when you plan to do your own business, the question arises which one. We have an answer for those with a sweet tooth, we propose organizing a candy store. And if you don’t know what to sell in the future candy store, then you don’t need to worry. After all, we will tell you how to open a candy store from scratch and give some features of this business.

In the sweet shop, it is recommended to sell, of course, the sweets themselves and various confectionery products. Working in such a coveted sweet business can bring a good income, although you still have to face some difficulties. However, if you approach this matter wisely, then this will bring good profits. But everything is worth talking about in more detail.

Pay attention to reading the article:

What is a candy store

I think we can start by saying that a candy store is a store that specializes in selling sweets, cookies, cakes, pastries, ice cream, marmalade, caramel, cocktails and other sweet products. I must say that the number of such stores is growing at a tremendous speed. This is due to the fact that the demand for such products is increasing, and special knowledge is not required to open this store. In addition, this business does not require serious financial expenses.

How much does it cost to open a candy store: Candy store income

Having your own candy store is profitable. Therefore, many people are interested in the question how to open a candy store. So, businessmen who are already quite long time build their own sweet business report that if you initially invest about 500,000 rubles in such a store, then after 7-12 months you can get good money. In addition, such a store will become successful if, on average, about 200 customers enter it per day, who will buy sweets for about 100-150 rubles. However, big profits can be made, of course, on holidays and before holidays, but also remember that you will have less profitable days. Unprofitable days include, for example, days on which people want to buy something cold. Therefore, to attract additional customers in your candy store, you should sell cool drinks and ice cream.

Approximate costs of opening a candy store

If you want to know how much it costs to open a candy store, then in our time to open a similar store, perhaps even with about 200,000 rubles available. Most of From this money will be used to pay for the rent of the premises for the store. Be prepared for the fact that the landlord may ask for an advance payment for several months in advance. On average, the room is about 50 sq. m. it will cost you 20-30 thousand rubles. per month.

It is necessary to prepare money for other expenses. So, you need to spend on:

  • payment for electricity - about 3000 rubles;
  • salary to the seller and accountant - 25,000 rubles;
  • advertising and signboard - 2000 rubles;
  • equipment - 100,000 rubles;
  • taxes - about 4000 r.
  • detergents, napkins and other trifles - 1000 rubles;
  • containers for garbage - 2000 rubles.
  • cosmetic repairs and decoration of the premises - 30,000 rubles.

How to open a candy store from scratch: Designing a store

The candy store is a profitable business. However, to open such an activity, you need to do the paperwork.

  1. So, in order to open a store and start your own business, you will need to register as an entrepreneur, as an individual or as entity. This process is quite easy to handle by anyone. In order to register, you will need to come to the city administration, go to the department of the state registration service, or submit documents in a single window. There you will be given an invoice, according to which you will need to pay a fee in the amount of about 800 rubles. Then you go to the bank and pay. You bring the receipt of payment of the fee back to the registry.
  2. After you have submitted all the documents, you will be told when an extract from the Unified State Register will be ready. On the issue of registration, you can only apply at the place of residence, even if you plan to open a store in another city, otherwise you will be denied registration.
  3. After receiving an extract, you will still need to obtain a work permit from the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service and the Fire Service.

It's easier said than done. All this will not be as simple as it seemed at first glance and may drag on for a long time, so it is best to have free funds to resolve their claims more quickly.

How to choose a shop space

In order to choose the location of the future store, you need to listen to the following recommendations.

  1. So, let's start with the fact that it is best not to open a store near supermarkets, and even more so near hypermarkets, since your assortment will be almost the same, but they will have it cheaper.
  2. Decide for which category of citizens you will sell sweets, if it is the middle class, then it is best to place the store near densely populated areas or not far from major bus stops. If the store is located on the way to the stop and a large number of people pass by, then it is more likely that many customers will visit your store. Also good location store may be on the road to kindergarten or school and than more people will come across your store, the more profitable your business will be. Also a good option for the location of the store in large shopping and entertainment centers.
  3. The store must also be chosen by area, it should accommodate: showcases, shelving, refrigerators and a counter. The area, which will be quite enough for a sweet shop, will be approximately 50 square meters. You also need to take into account the area for buyers, if the room is less than 40 square meters, then buyers will simply have nowhere to stand during rush hour. Well, if you plan to make a mini-cafe-shop where you can buy a cup of aromatic tea or coffee and have a snack with a cake on the spot at the table, then you need to take a room with an area of ​​more than 55-60 square meters.
  4. It is not necessary to make some complex and expensive interior in the room, it will not increase sales.
  5. The store must be clean, light and smell delicious. Delicious smells can be achieved not only with fresh pastries or sweets, but also with special room fragrance sprays.

How to open a candy store without investment: Equipment for a candy store

Equipment for a confectionery shop:

  • For sweets, you will need racks for about 6-9 sections. They are corner and wall, and also come in different designs. There are metal confectioneries, they are distinguished by a good stable design; there is also the possibility of installing a mirror on such racks, and they also have several sections on each shelf. approximate cost such a section (without mirror elements) - 4500r.
  • To such racks, you can add two shelves at an angle and barriers. You can place sweets and chocolate in boxes in them, but you will have to add another 800 rubles to the cost of the rack. You will also need showcases and counters for cookies and chocolate.
  • You need to buy a counter for the seller. Typically, such counters are made of chipboard and cost in the region of 2500-3 thousand rubles. a piece.
  • You will also need a confectionery refrigerated display case with a temperature of 0 to + 10 degrees. They will need 1-2 pieces. To store cakes and pastries in such refrigerators, you need to set the temperature from +1 to +8 degrees. Such showcases are suitable not only for storing products, but also for displaying them. Such a display case costs about 35 thousand rubles. When choosing this display case, it is worth considering its capacity in order to put as much goods as possible there, due to this, fewer refrigerated display cases will be required and, of course, there will be less energy consumption. Pay attention to the glass of the showcase, it should be curved, then the overview of the goods will be better.
  • Of course, it is impossible to do without a refrigerator for food storage. They are two-door and one-door. average cost such cabinets from 15 thousand rubles. up to 30 thousand rubles
  • Do not forget about the scales, because there will be a lot of weight goods. Scales are ordinary and with check printing. Such scales will cost you 3500 rubles. (regular), and 25 thousand rubles. with check printing.
  • You will also need tables and chairs. The main requirements for them are practicality and stability. They will cost around 2 thousand rubles.

Candy store business idea: Staff for the store

In order to understand the whole essence and structure of this business, it is best to start working as a seller yourself. And the point here is not to save money, you just need to clearly know and understand how it all works. While working in a candy store, you will need to decide on the assortment (what they take the most, etc.), find out when the rush hour is, and so on.

When you are going to take a seller, you can place an ad in the newspaper or go online and find a job seeker there. The hardest thing for you will be to teach him how to work with clients, yes, so that satisfied customers will return again, so look for a seller with experience in sales so that you spend less time training him.
Be sure to choose a clean, friendly person.

Pastry shop assortment

The choice of assortment should be made based on the location of the store. If it is located in a prestigious area with many boutique banks and so on, then you should focus on unusual and exclusive products. If your store is in a residential area, where in addition to your store there are many others, then you should expand your assortment and periodically hold promotions and make discounts so that people buy and come to you.
In order to form an assortment, you need to observe the preferences of customers and, based on their desires, already compose and maintain an assortment. But sometimes you should add new products to your assortment, because. everything gets boring sometimes, and everyone likes to try something new.

Here is an approximate assortment of a typical candy store. So, the store is worth blowing up:

  • 75 types of chocolates,
  • about 25 types of caramels,
  • chocolate candies in boxes of about 30 types,
  • marshmallows and marmalade - 30-40 types of cookies and the same amount of chocolate,
  • oriental sweets,
  • bakery products,
  • all kinds of drinks, both hot and cold,
  • ice cream (especially good for summer),
  • cakes and all kinds of pastries.

The margin on the goods is approximately 20-35%, but you need to take into account the prices of competitors. If you make a couple of rubles lower for 1 kg of cookies, then customers from competitors will come to you. If the expiration date of cakes and pastries is coming to an end, then they can be discounted by 50%. To always have fresh products, it is best to order cakes and pastries from local confectionery manufacturers.

Sweets and candies are a popular commodity. They are loved not only by children, but also by adults, especially for tea. This line of business is profitable if you approach its implementation wisely. From an entrepreneur, selling candy as a business requires knowing the needs of the buyer. The direction is scalable like a network.

Starting investments: 340 000 rub. The number of employees: 2 people
Planned income per month: 250 000 rub. Market competition: Medium
Estimated monthly expenses: RUB 190,000 Payback: half a year

Primary activity

The essence of the candy business is the sale of sweets. Suppliers on the market offer big choice sweets and cakes. In the store you can sell what people love. Do not forget that the business has a certain seasonality, in the summer there are much fewer sales. Therefore, it is better to start activity at the end of the year, under New Year and holidays.

What to sell:

  • candies;
  • cakes;
  • cakes;
  • cookie.

Instructions on how to open, and what is needed for this

Before you open, analyze the market of the city. If there are competitors on it, you need to study them and the patency of stores. Find acceptable purchase prices among suppliers. Find a place, buy equipment and start working. For this activity in without fail you need to obtain permission from the regulatory authorities.

  1. Market analysis.
  2. Drawing up a business plan.
  3. Registration of documents.
  4. Room rental.
  5. Purchase of equipment.
  6. Recruitment (the author of the video is the My Asiya channel).

Stage 1 - registration and preparation of documents

First, register as a sole trader. The form of taxation, if you are not going to open several points at once, you can choose a simplified one. Get all sanitary documents from SES. The rented premises must comply with all cleanliness standards. It will be necessary to conclude contracts for the supply of products from wholesale suppliers.

The documents:

  • certificate from SES;
  • permission from the fire department;
  • lease contract;
  • Delivery contract.

Stage 2 - finding a room

You need to look for a room in a passable place, preferably on the main street of the city or near a shopping center. You can watch the traffic on the street or ask sellers from other stores. You can also open in the current mall. Need cleanliness and coolness in the room. It is desirable to make a beautiful, themed decoration of the room.

Photo gallery "Variants of the premises"

1. Overseas store

2. Shop in Russia

Stage 3 - purchase and installation of the necessary equipment

Basically, you don't need much equipment to start from scratch. The main thing is shelves, racks and a computer for accounting for expenses and balances. If there are pastries or cakes on sale, purchase refrigerators for storage. If you rent a room without air conditioning, you will have to spend money on it. Since the maintenance desired temperature should be mandatory.

Stage 4 - recruitment

With a small scale, you need several sellers who will work in shifts. They will also play the role of merchandisers. Accounting can be done by yourself or outsourced, since if you have one store, hiring an accountant in the state does not make sense. Often the unloading of goods from the car is performed by the supplier's driver, so a loader is also not needed. The motivation of sellers should be based on the rate and percentage of sales.

Stage 5 - promotion and advertising

Since the product is quite popular all year round, except for summer, various sales channels can be used. Delivery under contracts of sweets to children's centers, educational establishments. You can organize matinees in a local recreation center and sell volumes of sweets. Flyers distributed locally near the store will work. To attract people, you can decorate the store brightly and colorfully.

Financial plan

The main items of expenditure that cost a lot of money are the purchase of wholesale lots and rent. If in the first case, the goods can be taken for sale, that is, on credit. In the second case, you will have to pay rent for several months in advance. Otherwise, by business standards, the equipment is inexpensive. Be sure to leave a budget for decoration and contingencies.

Investments in rubles:

  • equipment (150,000);
  • staff (40,000 for two, monthly);
  • rent (100,000);
  • expendable materials (50 000).

Total: 340,000 rubles.

Possible risks

Since these are food products, there is a risk of spoilage and delay. If the store is in a bad location, then there will be no customers. In this sense, it is better not to save on rent. Perform strict control over the work of sellers for underweight.

You will need

  • - Charter;
  • - memorandum of association;
  • - protocol, regulation, decision on the establishment of the organization, on the appointment of the director;
  • - certificate of state registration as a legal entity;
  • - certificate of registration with the tax authority;
  • - Goskomstat codes;
  • - extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • - documents certifying the assortment list and volume of goods sold, transportation conditions, place of sale food products;
  • - shipping document;
  • - an invoice indicating the time, date of manufacture, the period of sale of perishable products;
  • - a document certifying the right to use the premises;
  • - personal medical book, warning card about sanitary violations.


The first thing you should do is go to the candy shop m of competitors under the guise of an ordinary buyer. Pay attention to how the stores are decorated, what kind of sweets and at what prices the shelves are filled. Ask sellers for the names of products that are most in demand. In this way, you will identify up to 10-20 types of sweets that are worth buying into your store at the very beginning. And, by finding out the pricing policy of competitors, you can make the prices of your sweets lower, which will immediately attract buyers to you.

Choose the right space for you. It should be comfortable, but at the same time spacious. Do not forget that a lot of space is required to store sweets and other sweets, and over time the range will increase. Therefore, rent a room "for growth." It can be located both in a noisy shopping center and in a separate building.

Convenient for both you and customers will be the format shop like a supermarket. People will be able to freely walk between the candy racks, look at the variety of assortment and collect their favorite goodies in the basket. And you, in turn, save on sellers.

As for the sellers themselves, it’s not bad if they understand the products at a high level. It is desirable to know all the names, to be able to build a scale of popularity of certain types of sweets. It would also be useful if the seller gets acquainted with his product, because having tried it personally, he will be able to describe the taste and composition more competently and more colorfully, and advise exactly what the buyer needs.

Buy about 30 types to start with and up to 15 types. You can also add to the range shop and other sweets: cookies, ice cream, halva, marmalade. Next, you will understand which species are worth buying more, which ones to add to the list, and which ones to get rid of. At right approach and attention to customers, your store should expand and prosper.

Thanks to colorful wraps, the interior shop you just need to add it so that it emphasizes and draws all the eyes of buyers precisely to sweets. Therefore, you should prefer a monochromatic design in bright pastel colors with small interesting accents: photographs, pictures, paintings.

Gather the entire list of documents to open shop get a trading license. Buy and register cash register machine, hire sellers and find suppliers. After all the procedures, feel free to start selling products that will delight both children and adults.

Many people cannot live even one day without sweets. Despite the fact that on modern market delicacies are presented for every taste and budget, a candy store as a business will bring good profits, since there is always a high demand for such products.

Where to begin?

First of all, you should go to the shops of competitors in the role of a simple buyer. Pay attention to the design of different outlets, as well as prices and assortment. Ask sellers what products sell best. Thanks to this, you will be able to determine a couple of dozen items of goods that you need to purchase first. In addition, lower prices can be set to attract early buyers. How to open a candy and cookie store from scratch is of interest to many aspiring entrepreneurs, so you should understand this matter in more detail.

Business registration

You can register for the first time individual entrepreneur. In addition, it is necessary to fulfill all the requirements that the SES and the fire inspection impose. Since you are going to trade food, there will be a lot of them.

You don't need any licenses or special permissions. After you complete all the documents, you can safely open a candy store and get to work.

Shop space

A small pastry shop can be placed near the market in a residential area. It is desirable that there are children's institutions nearby - schools, kindergartens,. Choose a room away from large supermarkets. Such a neighborhood may adversely affect your profits.

A confectionery with expensive products should be opened in the city center, where there are many shopping centers and office buildings, that is, where there are more wealthy customers. You can also open a chocolate boutique here, since such products are not cheap, but in certain circles they are in great demand. The rent of premises in such a place is quite high, especially for beginner businessmen.

You can also rent a place in a shopping center or open a department in a grocery store. This will save you from processing a lot of documents and permits. And, by expanding the range. This is beneficial to both parties.


At first glance, it may seem that the formation of the assortment will not take much time. It is enough to conclude contracts with large manufacturers and you can work calmly. But this approach is used by almost all entrepreneurs. To be different from them and compete with dignity in this market, you need to come up with a new fresh idea. Candy stores are very popular self made, which attract buyers with an unusual and original assortment, fresh desserts from the bakery, etc. Alternatively, you can also shop from it for the sale of its own products.

The best option is your own cooking. You can also collaborate with private craftsmen who sell homemade cookies. In this case, you will be provided positive reviews grateful customers, because only experienced chefs can make such delicious products with their own hands. Therefore, before opening a candy store from scratch, first think carefully about everything, and only then get down to business.

Workers staff

To organize the candy trade, you need to hire the following staff:

  • Sellers;
  • Manager;
  • Accountant;
  • Loader.

For a small store, hiring an accountant makes no sense. You can ask for help from a private specialist who will do all the bookkeeping and only show up at your establishment a couple of times a week. You can manage all the affairs yourself, but as sellers you should hire pleasant, friendly women who are well versed in sweets.


In the confectionery store you need to purchase all the necessary commercial equipment:

  • Stands for products;
  • Counter;
  • Equipment for making cocktails;
  • Refrigerators;
  • Scales;
  • Cash machine.
  • The equipment will have to spend 4.6-7.5 thousand dollars.


Confectionery stores require a good advertising campaign, because it is very difficult to promote such an outlet. Usually advertising on television and in newspapers does not work, because no one will go to your particular store to buy a cake or some sweets. Potential customers are people who live in your area. You should bet on them. Set up signs pointing to your point of sale and distribute flyers around mailboxes. In addition, you should make a bright sign and decorate the facade in an original way. People should be able to see from afar that the shop sells sweets.

As a rule, the trade in cookies and sweets brings a good profit, so this product does not need expensive advertising.

How to attract buyers?

Goods in the store should be beautifully laid out on the shelves. At the sight of sweets, visitors should have a desire to buy them.

Put certain product names according to the most low prices. This will help attract new customers. Do not forget to constantly replenish the assortment. It must contain at least 30 types of chocolates and about 20 types of caramel. Offer novelties and unusual desserts. You can make a small department in which oriental sweets will be sold.

Costs and profits

The total costs consist of the following items:

  • Premises rental;
  • Purchase of equipment;
  • Employee salaries;
  • Purchase of goods;
  • Business registration.

On average, you need to invest about 15 thousand dollars in a business. In addition, advertising costs should be included in the candy store business plan.

In terms of profits, the average candy store makes about $1,500-$3,000. This is not a very large amount, but such a business is highly stable. You can work in this direction for a long time, since sweets are very popular at all times. Decide for yourself whether it is profitable or not to open a candy store, because everyone has their own personal opinion on this matter.

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If you have firmly decided that I want to open a candy store, you need to put your whole soul into this business. Don't stand in one place. Business needs to be constantly improved. Only in this case it will provide you with a stable income.

Sales of confectionery products profitable business. Especially brisk trade is observed on holidays. But there are times when there are practically no buyers. Worst of all confectionery products are sold in summer. During this season, you can make a profit from the sale of soft drinks and ice cream.

The store will be successful if it is visited by 200-300 people in one day. Wherein average check should be 35-45 hryvnia. Therefore, before opening a candy store from scratch, you need to carefully analyze the purchasing power in a particular area, and only after that rent a room there.

Summing up

Retail and wholesale sweets as a business brings a lot of trouble and requires large financial costs. To start, you will need more than 500 thousand rubles.

The initial investment usually pays off in 9-10 months if you choose the right location and offer customers quality products at affordable prices. In this case, you are provided with a constant stable income.

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