Spathiphyllum when the stalk gives roots. Reproduction of spathiphyllum (cuttings, seeds, dividing the bush)

landscaping 16.06.2019

Spathiphyllum is a beautiful indoor plant that attracts the eye with unusually juicy green leaves and a beautiful inflorescence: a cream cob with a white veil - a sail at the base. The plant does not require abundant sunlight, prefers partial shade, does not like abundant dressings. The ease of care, cultivation and reproduction allows the spathiphyllum to take its rightful place among other indoor flowers.

There are some features of the propagation of spathiphyllum at home. This article gives useful advice on how plants reproduce. The most accessible and common are: propagation of spathiphyllum by dividing the bush and cuttings. Seed propagation is possible. The method of propagation by a spathiphyllum leaf is not found in the literature.

Reproduction of spathiphyllum seeds

Immediately make a reservation, propagation by seeds is a very laborious process. At home, it is difficult to artificially pollinate a flower, get seeds, and create conditions for their ripening. The germination of spathiphyllum seeds is very low and quickly lost. If you still managed to get spathiphyllum seeds, you can try this breeding method.

Seeds are sown in a greenhouse in moist soil, consisting of sand and peat. Care should be taken to keep the soil constantly moist, but not wet. When seedlings appear, they need to be periodically aired by slightly opening the greenhouse. This method of reproduction is possible, but not recommended for reproducing spathiphyllum at home, as it is complicated and not always effective.

Spathiphyllum propagation by cuttings

The vegetative method of propagation of spathiphyllum is the most acceptable at home. Cuttings are a small collection of young leaves at the base of the mother plant with the rudiments of the root system.

It is best to root cuttings in spring and summer time. Rosettes of cuttings are carefully separated from the mother plant. For rooting use containers with wet sand. Cuttings root well in moistened perlite. In order for the roots to grow well, the cuttings are placed in a mini greenhouse.

When well-developed roots appear, the cuttings are planted in the prepared earthen mixture. Peat, sand, leaf, humus and garden soil are mixed in equal proportions. Young plants are watered.

Reproduction of spathiphyllum by dividing the bush

The most convenient and common way to propagate spathiphyllum is to divide the bush. The plant grows, forms many young rosettes with leaves and requires an annual transplant. At this time, you can divide the mother plant into separate parts. This must be done very carefully, without damaging root system. Otherwise, young plants will not take root. If there are no roots on the delenki, they should be put in water until the roots appear and only then planted in the ground.

Each division must have at least 3 leaves and its own core. Plants should not be planted in flower pots large diameters. The root system will "fatten" until it occupies the entire space of the pot. In this case, the flowering of spathiphyllum will have to wait a very long time.

Plants are planted in a special ready-made soil for aroid plants. Can cook soil mix independently, as described above. A layer of expanded clay is necessarily laid at the bottom of the pot. He serves well drainage system when watering. Expanded clay retains moisture well and does not allow the roots to dry out quickly.

When planting delenok, the root neck of the plant should not be buried. With a large depth, you can not wait for the flowering of the spathiphyllum. The process of reproduction by dividing the bush should occur at a temperature not lower than 20 degrees.

The ease of caring for the plant and the fabulous beauty raise the spathiphyllum to the podium among your favorite pets. Using simple ways plant reproduction, you can please yourself, your friends and relatives with new specimens of this indoor flower, unsurpassed in beauty.

Some features of planting this plant can be distinguished:

  • You need a special substrate, light and loose, similar to the natural one in which the plant lives in nature.
  • You need a small pot, because the plant will not bloom until the roots "capture" all the soil in the pot.
  • Ready-made seedlings are almost always available when the mother plant is transplanted in the spring, at which time they are easy to separate.

Seedlings or seeds - what to choose?

There is no single answer here, because each option has its pros and cons.

Step by step instructions on how to plant in a pot

When planting young seedlings, some problems may sometimes arise., they usually occur due to the presence of these problems in the mother plant.

  1. When the adult plant was pulled out of the pot, it turned out that some of the roots had rotted, which means that Spathiphyllum received too much water and it did not have time to be absorbed. In this case, all spoiled roots must be cut with a sharp knife and sprinkled with charcoal, and only after these manipulations can the bush be divided into separate sockets.
  2. When dividing a bush, it can also be found a large number of leaves with dry brown tips (or yellowing), with such leaves it is definitely not worth planting a new plant. Therefore, first we cut off all the leaves with signs of the disease, we also process it with coal, and only then we divide the bush.

Plant care at home

It is very important in the first two weeks after planting a new plant to provide it with increased humidity for better adaptation.

To do this, you can build a special polyethylene cap over a pot with a plant, you get a small greenhouse. The flower will need to be sprayed (several times a day) and watered as needed (when dry upper layer). It is also important not to forget to periodically ventilate the "greenhouse".

It must be assumed that Spathiphyllum needs warmth and diffused light.

Therefore, he will feel great, for example, in the summer on the north window (if there is one), well, or on the east and west, you just have to organize shading from bright sunlight.

If all the windows in the apartment face south, then it is better to put the flower not on the windowsill, but at some distance from it (about 1 meter) - on a stand or hang it in a beautiful planter.

A flower can also grow in partial shade, for example, if it stands on coffee table, but he will not be able to bloom so magnificently if there is not enough light. It is also important to remember that the plant does not tolerate drafts, if you need to open a window for ventilation, then Spathiphyllum must be protected from drafts.


During its surprisingly attractive flowering, Spathiphyllum is gaining more and more fans. Of course, I want to have such beauty at home, especially since the flower does not require anything special for itself and does not require care. You just need to love him. And how much joy and delight can be experienced when new young bushes start to grow, which they managed to propagate on their own. This flower definitely brings joy to the house.

Reproduction of spathiphyllum is a topic of interest to those who have this wonderful southern flower growing at home, popularly called " woman's happiness". It fits into the atmosphere of any room - be it an office or a home microclimate, moreover, it has the ability to purify the air from such harmful substances like phenol and formaldehyde.

How the “female happiness” flower propagates is very simple and easy, the main thing is to understand the principle by which it should be handled if there is a desire to get healthy and strong shoots.

What kind of soil does a spathiphyllum need

Regardless of how the spathiphyllum reproduces (by cuttings or seeds), it is necessary to prepare high-quality and nutritious soil for “female happiness”. For this, turf, leafy ground, bark are taken in equal proportions. coniferous trees(small pieces) and fine charcoal. Sand and peat are also added. It is allowed to replant and propagate the plant at an air temperature in the room not lower than +21 ° C.

The transplant container should not be too large, otherwise the roots will not fill the space of the pot, and the plant will not bloom for a long time. When filling the container with soil, you need to leave a certain place on top so that watering is as convenient as possible, and water does not pour out of the pot onto the windowsill.

When preparing the soil, it is important not to forget about the drainage layer, which should be laid on the bottom. The drainage consists of expanded clay or small pebbles, and is covered with a small layer of sand on top.

How to plant a spathiphyllum, which is cramped in a container

Reproduction at home is much easier for spathiphyllums than for other domestic crops, so novice growers will be able to propagate the flower. First, you need to water the plant abundantly so that it can be easily removed from the pot, without traumatizing the root system.

Because in this case propagation by cuttings is used, the main task is to have as many of them as possible. After the flower is taken out of the pot, it should be placed in a large basin. Thus, spontaneous release of the root system from the ground will occur, without damaging it. Next, the plant is laid out on a free horizontal surface in order to clearly see those places in which the bush needs to be cut into pieces.

Each process is freed from dead roots (usually, they are Brown color), and light roots are left. The places where the cuts were made are sprinkled with crushed coal. A drainage layer 2 cm thick is placed in the pot, then the shoot is carefully lowered onto it and the roots are straightened. Next, you need to hold it on weight, gently pouring the earth, and when it becomes stable, slightly compact the earth around it and water it.

After transplantation, the process is kept under an impromptu polyethylene "cap" so that ventilation is minimal. Periodically it needs to be ventilated, not leaving it open for a long time. When the first young leaf appears, the flower is gradually released from under the greenhouse, and after another three months, the young shoot is recommended to be supported with top dressing, which is half the dose from adult plants.

Reproduction by delenki without roots and pieces of rhizome

Reproduction of the spathiphyllum can also be carried out in divisions - both without roots, and with the help of their pieces. Spathiphyllum delenka at home is easily germinated in water, and then planted in the manner described above.

As for the germination of the root obtained by dividing the rhizome, the material is previously laid out on a moist environment in the form of a peat bog or sand. Next, root germination is expected. All this time, constantly monitor the moisture content of the litter. The material is also covered with a film and periodically ventilated, and when the roots appear, it can be planted in a permanent container with fertile soil.

How spathiphyllum propagates by seeds

Since we are talking about a self-pollinating plant, it has flower stalks of both sexes. The male blooms a few days earlier than the female, so its pollen disappears before the female matures. Therefore, seeds do not grow at home, they are grown in greenhouses.

How to grow spathiphyllum from seeds - only in a special microclimate, in which there is the possibility of full self-pollination. If it is successful under the conditions of a greenhouse or a botanical garden, the female flower will please with the gradual ripening of seeds. Their aging lasts up to six months, and the level of viability is very low, so the sowing is carried out as quickly as possible.

Seedlings are grown in a container covered with a film, airing and watering from time to time. Spathiphyllum seeds are characterized by uneven germination, since one pea produces several sprouts at the same time. When the first shoots appear, they should be carefully opened, in order to gradually adapt to their natural habitat.

Spathiphyllum flowers, obtained in this way, grow much more slowly than others, but they tolerate dry indoor air much better. winter time when the steam heating batteries start working. If you wish and have the time, you can grow a whole container of spathiphyllums and decorate your office with them.

Thus, the reproduction of spathiphyllum is not such a difficult task as it might seem at first glance, especially when it comes to cuttings. Gradually gaining experience, flower growers successfully propagate it in other ways, getting strong and resistant plants that bring joy and always improve mood.

We also offer a video about the reproduction of spathiphyllum:

For a family such as spathiphyllum, reproduction can be carried out by several methods. Spathiphyllum root is a large creeping underground plant organ. He is directly involved in the divorce. At the time of transplantation, which is carried out in the spring, the rhizome is divided into several small parts, while observing optimal temperature 20 - 21°С.
For lovers of neat compact bushes and the exclusion of extensive branching, which is activated due to numerous growth points per tuber, the plant should be divided into fragments. Each such site will be a part of the rhizome, with a growing point and 2-3 leaves located on it. Such fragments are placed in pots with a ready-made substrate, the size of which does not exceed 12-15 cm.

Spathiphyllum reproduction: root division

When dividing a tuber, it is necessary to monitor the presence of a growth point and at least two leaves in each separated area. Pots at the same time pick up small sizes with low walls. A room with a warm climate and wet sand the necessary conditions for a good rooting of the pet. Planting in pots is carried out only after several roots appear on the cuttings of the plant.
The acidity of the soil for breeding this species must be kept within slightly acidic values ​​( pH - from 5 to 6.5).

The composition of the soil should include turf, peat, leaf soil and sand in proportions of 0.5: 1: 1: 0.5.

In addition, it is useful to mix the soil mixture with brick chips in combination with charcoal. Having good drainage is very important for the comfortable growth of the plant.

Spathiphyllum seed propagation

Reproduction by rhizome fragments is a very simple method. It is much more difficult to try to grow a new shoot from a seed. To obtain seeds, the mother plant is artificially pollinated, and green berries are formed. These are fruits with numerous seeds. Ready seeds should not be stored for a long time, because germination rates quickly decline. They must be immediately placed in sandy-peat soil, and a film or other covering material will help maintain the required temperature. Close attention must be paid to soil moisture.

how to root spathiphyllum picasso

Double-sided flower garden
When planning such a flower garden, it is necessary to be guided by the dimensions of the plants, the characteristics of their development and the requirements for the conditions.


Tropical America, but 1 species (Spathiphyllum commutatum) - Philippines and Indonesia


I tore off a leaf with a stalk without roots female happiness, how can it be rooted in water or directly into the ground?

Immediately pour water into the soil.

wanted the best. Enlightened (34252) 6 years ago

Are you talking about spathiphyllum? apical stalk cut off, what did I misunderstand the question? in general, he seems to only sit down with bushes, he has never heard of apical ones. Or if cut off, the children will go from the root. Maybe you have some other female happiness, they would call it normal, there would be no confusion.
Spathiphyllum is propagated in spring by cuttings and division of the rhizome.
Rooting of cuttings is carried out in wet sand in a warm room (it is advisable to use a mini-greenhouse). After the formation of roots on the cuttings, they are planted in a substrate of the following composition: 1 part leaf ground, 1 part peat, 0.5 parts sod, 0.5 parts sand.

It is convenient to propagate spathiphyllum by dividing its powerful creeping underground rhizome into several parts. Reproduction by dividing the rhizome is best done in the spring when transplanting. The shortened stem of the spathiphyllum begins to branch: new growth points are formed, young leaves unfold in several places

BERGENIA Enlightened (40952) 6 years ago

It is unlikely that you will succeed with a cutting. To propagate the spathiphyllum, you need to divide the rhizome.


Spathiphyllum is a tropical plant very popular among flower growers. The genus Spathiphyllum combines about 45 species, some of which are very decorative and can be a great addition to a collection of flowers and a greenhouse. Most often in room conditions profusely flowering spathiphyllum, cannoleaf, lovely, spoon-shaped and Wallis spathiphyllum are grown.

Spathiphyllum- the plant is quite unpretentious, and the conditions that can be provided in a room are perfect for it.

Reproduction of spathiphyllum

The plant reproduces vegetatively - in the spring by dividing the bush or by cuttings. There are also other methods, such as seed or tissue culture, but the first is used for the most part in breeding work, since the seeds are tied very reluctantly, while the second is generally impossible at home.

Rooting of cuttings is carried out in warm room in wet sand perfect option- a pre-prepared mini-greenhouse, which, however, should not be forgotten to ventilate. After the formation of roots on the cuttings, they are planted in a special substrate having the following composition: 1 part of peat land, 1 part of leaf, 0.5 parts of sand, 0.5 parts of sod land. When propagating by dividing the bush, the resulting material usually comes with roots, so it does not need to be rooted.

Reproduction of spathiphyllum and care of young plants

Over the years, the spathiphyllum bush grows, becomes unbearable, it cannot be painlessly replaced by the earth. At this time, loosen and remove only the top layer. Meanwhile, the spathiphyllum flower is aging and losing its decorative effect. Therefore, no matter how memorable a plant is for you, it needs to prepare a replacement. The procedure will not seem difficult for those who annually transplant a flower into a larger container.

Spathiphyllum breeding principles

The biology of the flower is such that it does not have stems, and the lanceolate leaves emerge directly from the ground, from the root of dormant buds. The resulting rosette of two or three leaves creates a vagina, from which a flower stem appears, wrapped in a snow-white blanket, like in a diaper. This is how the curtain grows, which allows you to disassemble the rhizomes into pieces, each of which contains either a finished plant with roots, or a dormant bud.

How does spathiphyllum reproduce in other known ways? It happens:

  • obtaining a plant from dormant buds of a piece of rhizome;
  • obtaining a young plant from layering or cuttings;
  • sowing seeds.
  • When propagating spathiphyllum by any vegetative method with good care it can bloom in 8-10 months. The seed method does not imply the transfer of signs of the uterine bush, flowering occurs in 3-4 years. In this case, it is possible to get a completely new variety of female flower.

    For vegetative propagation it is important to carry out the planned work in the spring, when the plant is just starting to grow after winter holiday. However, in case of illness or for another reason, the plant can be carefully transplanted even during flowering.

    Soil requirements or how to prepare soil for spathiphyllum. The flower loves soil with low acidity, composed of equal parts:

    • garden or sod land;
    • leaf humus;
    • peat;
    • sand.
    • Additionally, to give a resemblance to the natural composition, a total of 1 part of the fine bark is added conifers, charcoal, ground into a fine fraction and brick or ceramic chips. After disinfection by known methods, the soil is moistened with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

      Regardless of whether to sow seeds or root cuttings, spathiphyllum propagation work is carried out at a room temperature of at least 21 degrees.

      After planting or sowing seeds, do everything possible for rooting. To do this, they create a mini-greenhouse, moisten the leaves and the surface of the soil, and create conditions for the rapid restoration of the roots.

      Important for the vegetative propagation of spathiphyllum is the choice of dishes. The containers should not be spacious, or several divisions should be planted in them at once. Until the container is filled with roots, the plant will not bloom.

      It is important when planting to leave enough space on top for watering, to have a good drainage layer of pebbles or expanded clay below, and not to deepen the root neck of the plant.

      How to plant a spathiphyllum, which is cramped in a container

      To do this, you need to water the plant so that it easily slips out of the old pot. Since the goal is to get maximum amount delenok, then the bush should be soaked in warm water in a large basin, so that the roots are freed from the ground. Put the plant on the table. In this case, the parts into which the bush must be cut when dividing will be clearly visible.

      Free each part from old brown dead roots. Leave young light. Sprinkle the cuts with crushed coal and prepare containers. Pour 2 cm of earth over the drainage, and arrange the roots of the division, slightly straightening them. Holding the plant in the air, carefully add a little prepared soil for the spathiphyllum. Shake the glass lightly and compact the earth with your fingers. After filling up the roots, water the soil for compaction, after the earth settles, fill it up to the neck and shake the plant to see if it sits tightly.

      The first week you need to moisten the leaves from the spray gun, keep the plant under a cap with little ventilation. If the clod of earth dries up, moisten it a little so as not to provoke the decay of diseased roots. A sign that the plant is rooted will be the appearance of a young leaf. After that, the plant is gradually released from the shelter, start feeding after 3 months at a half dose.

      Reproduction by divisions without roots and pieces of rhizome

      In this case, the division should be germinated in water and then planted as described above. Rhizomes are laid out on wet sand or peat. At the same time, until the moment of germination of the roots, the wet litter should be constantly. From above cover with a film, but ventilate. As a result, the fragment will release roots, and then it can be planted in the ground.

      How does spathiphyllum reproduce by seeds?

      The plant is cross-pollinated, has male and female flower stalks. They differ in terms of flowering and flower height. The male blooms earlier by 2-3 days, the pollen disappears until the female flower ripens. Therefore, seeds are obtained in greenhouses, where there are many flowers and they bloom in different time. The pollinated female flower turns green over time, becomes puffy from cones that turn into peas. Seeds ripen up to six months. Their vitality is low, and it is necessary to sow from them immediately after harvesting.

      When purchasing seeds, make sure they are fresh. If the mother plant was a hybrid, then the splitting of properties would be inevitable. Seedlings are grown in a closed bowl, sometimes opening it for ventilation. Seedlings appear unevenly, several seedlings will appear from one pea. After germination, the plant must be accustomed to air gradually, opening the transparent film for a while.

      Such flowers develop much more slowly, but subsequently they are more resistant to the dry air of the apartment in winter. Can sow a large container for decoration office space and young flowers will create original composition blooming at the same time.

      Another way would be to grow the seedlings up to 5-6 cm and plant them in separate cups, from which you can also make up any composition, but later they are easier to transplant.

      Spathiphyllum transplant video

      how to root spathiphyllum in water

      Anthurium, how to root?

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      How to root a violet leaf in water

      Take a leaf and cut the cutting at a 45 degree angle so that the cut is on the front side of the leaf. The length of the remaining cutting should be no more than 2.5 cm, but not less than 1.5.
      A fresh cut of a leaf should be dipped in a mixture of Kornevin and crushed coal. After that, let the leaf dry for 15 minutes.
      Fill the prepared container with water at room temperature and place the leaf in it. Place the leaf in a bright place where there is no direct sunlight.
      That's all! After a while, on average, after two weeks, you will see that small white roots appear on the cut. You need to wait until they grow to a length of 1 cm and then transplant the cutting into the ground.

      How to root a violet leaf in water


      The method is simple and interesting, I have a couple of questions - is it possible to do without a rooting agent, is it possible to use this method - for similar plants?

      To be honest, I don't know if this method can be used. I personally haven't tried it.
      And as for the rooting agent, I think it’s possible, just rooting will accelerate the appearance of roots.


      yes, I read it too. that the pot should be small for him, and only then does he begin to bloom, i.e. if transplanted, then when the roots stick out completely and into the pot quite a bit more in volume than the previous one.
      My old one died completely, I bought a new one. flowering. while blooming like (ttt). when I finish I want to transplant, but I think to do it in the fall probably. to bloom by next summer. but he is so capricious that I don’t even know if it will work))

      girls, help. found in a pot with Spathiphyllum great amount sooo small white worms, they crawl on the surface on the ground, they are not easy to notice, very small. I transplanted it, completely changed the whole earth, the roots to the maximum also freed from the old earth and in new land planted in a clean pot. now they reappeared, a few things, just removed with a napkin. what to do. maybe there is some kind of medicine, something to pobraggat? and it also blooms very rarely for me, only 1 flower once a year.

      pour, for starters, potassium permanganate, I have it for all occasions

      Girls, tell me please: 091. I want to get myself Spathiphyllum.
      Today at work I cut off a delenka, but the only thing that happened was that there were no roots on the delenka, or rather, while trying to pull it out of the pot (with a knife), it formed roots + cut off the lower part (not completely) from where the root grows.
      Sorry for the confusion in the question
      Do you think it will give roots or there is no point in fighting it. 008:

      Here is what I found about the flower: There are no big problems with it. Shade from the bright sun, tolerates even insufficient lighting. Avoid drafts and temperature fluctuations. Spray with distilled water. He does not like abundant watering, but it is impossible to allow a dry earthen ball. The pot must have good drainage, otherwise the roots will rot from the accumulation of water. When transplanting, you need to take into account that the pot should be low and slightly cramped, otherwise you will not wait for flowering. During flowering, try to water the flower in a pan. Propagated by dividing the bush. And yet - a single bush rarely blooms, but when more bushes appear - children, then abundant flowering occurs.

      She started recently - she is standing in the water for now, waiting for the roots.

      How to make 2 or 3 out of it. 008:


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      rooting in water

      If you decide to start growing violets, then one of the first processes that you need to master is leaf rooting.
      The easiest way, which is suitable for all beginners, is rooting in water.
      At exhibitions, breeders of varietal violets often sell cuttings of their beauties. They all sell babies (small rooted plants), but babies are more expensive, and in the case of a baby, you have only one chance in one to grow a plant.
      A rooted leaf gives offspring over time - most often these are several children. After the leaf has brought the first generation of children, it can be cut and re-rooted.
      For rooting, you will need a small dark glass container (best of all, a bottle from medical preparations, previously boiled in water) or with dark walls, a little charcoal or activated charcoal, a means to accelerate the appearance and growth of roots, for example, Kornevin, as well as purified or settled water.

      Reproduction of Spathiphyllum at home

      Spathiphyllum is a beautiful indoor plant that attracts the eye with unusually juicy green leaves and a beautiful inflorescence: a cream cob with a white veil - a sail at the base. The plant does not require abundant sunlight, prefers partial shade, does not like abundant feeding. The ease of care, cultivation and reproduction allows the spathiphyllum to take its rightful place among other indoor flowers.

      Reproduction by seeds

      Seeds are sown in a greenhouse in moist soil, consisting of sand and peat. Care should be taken to keep the soil constantly moist, but not wet. When seedlings appear, they need to be periodically aired by slightly opening the greenhouse. This method of reproduction is possible, but not recommended for reproducing spathiphyllum at home, as it is complicated and not always effective.

      The vegetative method of propagation of spathiphyllum is the most acceptable at home. Cuttings are a small collection of young leaves at the base of the mother plant with the rudiments of the root system.

      It is best to root cuttings in spring and summer. Rosettes of cuttings are carefully separated from the mother plant. For rooting use containers with wet sand. Cuttings root well in moistened perlite. In order for the roots to grow well, the cuttings are placed in a mini greenhouse.

      When well-developed roots appear, the cuttings are planted in the prepared earthen mixture. Peat, sand, leaf, humus and garden soil are mixed in equal proportions. Young plants are watered.

      By dividing the bush

      The most convenient and common way to propagate spathiphyllum is to divide the bush. The plant grows, forms many young rosettes with leaves and requires an annual transplant. At this time, you can divide the mother plant into separate parts. This must be done very carefully, without damaging the root system. Otherwise, young plants will not take root. If there are no roots on the delenki, they should be put in water until the roots appear and only then planted in the ground.

      Plants are planted in a special ready-made soil for aroid plants. You can prepare the soil mixture yourself, as described above. A layer of expanded clay is necessarily laid at the bottom of the pot. It serves as a good drainage system when watering. Expanded clay retains moisture well and does not allow the roots to dry out quickly.

      When planting delenok, the root neck of the plant should not be buried. With a large depth, you can not wait for the flowering of the spathiphyllum. The process of reproduction by dividing the bush should occur at a temperature not lower than 20 degrees.

      The ease of caring for the plant and the fabulous beauty raise the spathiphyllum to the podium among your favorite pets. Using simple methods of plant propagation, you can please yourself, your friends and relatives with new specimens of this indoor flower, unsurpassed in beauty.

      How to care for spathiphyllum at home

      How to care for spathiphyllum at home, the main problems and nuances of growing are described in the information of our article.

      The history of the origin and features of the plant

      the birthplace of this exotic flower several countries count South America and Asia. In the wild, this plant is very diverse, so the color of cultivars also varies in the widest range. Spathiphyllum does not have a stem, and it belongs to the aroid family.

      The main value is the original flowers with a corn-shaped protruding part and a frame - a sail.

      The color of the "sail" is usually snow-white. Less common varieties with pink, cream or green colors. Regardless of color, this plant is characterized by unpretentious care, and beautiful oval leaves in themselves perfectly decorate the home.

      Spathiphyllum flower - female happiness

      When buying any houseplant, it is now customary to pay attention to the beliefs associated with a new pet. In this regard, everything is in order: the spathiphyllum flower symbolizes female happiness, family harmony and a good relationship. Due to the long flowering and spectacular leaves, it will decorate any interior, and unpretentiousness in care will be an ideal reason to buy this plant for newlyweds.

      By the way, there is another one associated with this flower. interesting sign. It is believed that the flowering period is closely related to the ability of a woman to become pregnant and bear a healthy baby. That is why it is recommended to start such plants in young families. female flower spathiphyllum also has attractive properties for the stronger sex, so be sure to give this beauty to an unmarried friend or relative.

      Popular home types of spathiphyllum

      At home, small plants are usually grown that are not demanding on the conditions of "residence". There are about forty species of this plant in total, but much less are suitable for growing at home. You will find options with photos later in our review.

      Spathiphyllum home varieties:

      • Spathiphyllum Wallis is considered a kind of standard, it is from it that most modern varieties. The plant can reach up to 45 cm in height, and the length of the inflorescence is 4-10 cm. The most unpretentious for breeding in room conditions.
      • Spathiphyllum profusely flowering- the second most popular indoor plant of this group. For a long flowering period, it is in well-deserved demand, although the inflorescences themselves do not differ. large sizes. The oval leaves darken slightly with age. The stem of the peduncle rises above the foliage by about 15-20 cm. The dimensions of the flower itself do not exceed the length of 4-8 cm, and its thickness is about 3 cm.
      • Spathiphyllum Chopin- compact bush about 30-40 cm tall. In addition to neat oblong leaves with pronounced veins, it has an unobtrusive aroma, which is considered a rarity for artificially bred varieties.
      • Spathiphyllum Cupido got its name not at all by the name of the discoverer. This is the name of the Dutch nursery, so the compact Wallis spathiphyllums grown in this area were often called that way.
      • Spathiphyllum Picasso Pretty big for a house plant. The leaves are 25-30 cm long, but their colors attract more attention. Along with green tones, there are also completely white sectors. Even without a spectacular peduncle, this plant looks interesting and original.
      • Spathiphyllum Alana slightly larger in size. The plant reaches a height of 50, and a longitudinal vein is clearly visible on the back of the perianth. Leaves pointed, deep green. Their location is usually strictly perpendicular, even at a young age.
      • Spathiphyllum Mauna Loa is impressive in size. This hybrid feels great at home, the flowering period, like other species, is quite long. even when cut, the flower remains fresh for up to a month, so this plant can also be grown for decoration.
      • Spathiphyllum Domino be remembered for a long time, because not only small pointed perianths, but also the leaves themselves cause absolute delight. They have a small shape with an oblong pointed tip, and the coloring resembles an abstraction: white strokes and stripes are randomly scattered on a dark green background.
      • Spathiphyllum Sensation- a hybrid variety, perhaps the most spectacular among indoor plants. With proper care, it can reach a height of one and a half meters. The inflorescences are also impressive in size and, like other varieties of this plant, boast a long flowering period.
      • Another interesting variety can be called C Patiphyllum Red, but according to the classification, it will most likely turn out to be an anthurium or a flower similar to it. Some sellers specially pour colored water into the soil so that the perianth gets a more interesting color.
      • There are relatively few varieties of this beautiful plant on sale. Many of the proposed options are generally called impersonal "spathiphyllum" without further instructions. You can choose just by visual inspection, because the differences between the varieties are insignificant.

        How to grow and care for Spathiphyllum

        The unpretentiousness of this plant has long been known among beginner flower growers. Despite the fact that in the wild, spathiphyllum grows in the tropics, it is not picky about lighting and humidity, and regular care comes down to watering and annual transplanting. Basic moments proper cultivation described below.

        Earth and ready-made soil for spathiphyllum

        Preference is given to special mixtures that are sold in stores. After transplanting into the finished soil, you can not feed the plant for a month, because all the necessary fertilizers have been applied.

        A flower pot is a must with good drainage to prevent root rot. Spathiphyllum soil must be regularly loosened so that the root system receives enough air.

        Proportions for self cooking soil:

        • peat - 1 part;
        • leaf ground - 1 part;
        • humus - 1 part;
        • sand - 0.5 parts.

        It is imperative to finish off the crushed bark of trees, brick chips and charcoal. mature plant needs a regular change of the topsoil, which can be carried out without a transplant.

        Choosing a place: light, temperature, drafts

        Direct Sun rays extremely destructive to the plant. Be sure to darken in the summer, and for the rest of the seasons, a window sill in the southeast window is perfect. In the winter months, the plant does not need additional lighting, because then a dormant period begins.

        The optimum air temperature at rest is not higher than 17 degrees Celsius. In the summer, he feels good at around 22-25? C, but is able to withstand the heat, subject to abundant watering. The plant does not tolerate drafts and frequent rearrangement, so it is better to choose a permanent place in advance, taking into account these requirements.

        How to water the spathiphyllum and spray the leaves

        For the productive development of the flower, it is desirable to create optimal conditions by regularly watering the plant in spring - summer period. The leaves also need frequent spraying, and it is best to do a weekly "shower".

        In addition, it is necessary to ensure that dust does not accumulate on the leaves, because the aesthetic appearance of the plant will also suffer from this. Watering is carried out with warm settled water, if necessary, you can use filtered or rainwater.

        Top dressing and fertilizers for spathiphyllum

        The best fertilizers for spathiphyllum are mineral complexes. They can be purchased in specialized stores.

        It is imperative to feed the flower during the period of active growth - from April to September. The optimal frequency is about once every two weeks.

        Spathiphyllum transplant: how and where to transplant

        An important part of caring for this plant lies precisely in the regular “change of residence”. For a young spathiphyllum, a pot of small diameter with a margin of 3-4 centimeters is quite enough. Every year, around the end of winter, the plant must be transplanted. To do this, a container is selected 2-3 centimeters larger in diameter, ready-made soil and a lot of water.

        How to transplant spathiphyllum at home? A drainage layer is laid at the bottom of the new pot, then a lump with the rhizomes of the plant is sprinkled with earth and well compacted. Abundant watering guarantees good health in a new place, it is advisable to move the next top dressing for about a month, because the soil already has everything you need.

        Spathiphyllum propagation by young shoots

        Together with the transplantation of the plant, it is possible to simultaneously separate the young shoots. It is desirable to capture not only the root tuber, but also the upper shoots. If your plans do not include excessive growth of the bush, you can leave only one bud of shoots with an annual transplant.

        In order for the plant to take root better, you can leave upper part in water for about 2-3 weeks. After the appearance of root sprouts, it is transplanted into prepared soil.

        Common maintenance issues

        Despite the unpretentiousness and capriciousness of this plant, one can often find complaints about the lack of flowering, yellowing of the leaves and other problems. The information below will help you understand the main reasons for the occurrence of a particular situation in more detail.

        Why do spathiphyllum leaves turn yellow

        This symptom is a signal of a lack of moisture. Using too hard water for irrigation can also lead to such conditions. It is advisable to normalize the irrigation schedule, as well as allocate a special container for sludge tap water. If the color of the damage is darker, up to brown, the cause may be over-active top dressing and an overabundance of nutrients.

        Why do spathiphyllum leaves turn black

        Another distress signal is the blackening of the leaves of the plant. This indicates insufficient or excessive watering, as well as a lack of nitrogen in the soil. By eliminating these shortcomings, one can hope for a gradual renewal of deciduous cover.

        Why do the tips of the leaves dry on the spathiphyllum

        Paying attention to this sign, you need to take care of additional moistening of the leaves. This indicates excessively dry air, and after all, spathiphyllum is a tropical plant. Regular spraying and wiping with a damp sponge will help solve this problem, it is best to alternate such activities with a weekly shower.

        Why spathiphyllum does not bloom, only leaves leaves

        A characteristic feature of this plant is that flowering can occur only after the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe pot is filled with the root system. To do this, you need to wait some time, it is important to accurately calculate the dimensions of the selected container, otherwise this period will be very long.

        What to do if the spathiphyllum does not bloom, even reaching an adult state? Perhaps the problem lies in insufficient watering or flower feeding. A lack of minerals can slow down development, but it is necessary to eliminate the deficiency very carefully. The temperature regime also matters, because for a cool room it will be very difficult to achieve flowering.

        How to make spathiphyllum bloom for a long time? It is best to use a combination of moderate feeding and creating optimal conditions for plant development. Dried inflorescences must be removed, the stem is cut off at the very roots.

        Various growing problems, as well as the answer to the question: why the spathiphyllum does not bloom at home, can be caused by characteristic diseases and pests.

        The main pests and diseases of spathiphyllum

      • spider mite often affects young shoots. Revealing it is easy enough thanks to the produced web. Ambulance will consist in the immediate treatment of leaves and flowers with soapy water. For especially severe cases do not do without insecticides.
      • Shchitovka- an extremely insidious disease that can destroy the plant. Having found characteristic convex spots on the back of the leaves, you should immediately isolate the pet from other plants, treat it with soapy water and tobacco crumbs. The most affected leaves are removed, if necessary, chemical agents are used.
      • Aphid also often hit houseplants, especially during the summer "rest" in the fresh air. To destroy these little pests, you will need to treat the leaves with special solutions, and more than once.
      • Mealybug also a frequent "guest" and the culprit of problems with the plant. It hides between the leaves, so it can often be detected when examining the plant. Single individuals are removed with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol. Total infection should be treated with special preparations.
      • Various varieties of this plant will allow you to grow a real exotic at home. Flowering can last almost all year round, so this plant will decorate your home extremely. Spathiphyllum care at home, cultivation and treatment of the main problems are discussed in detail in the information of our article.

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